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Anons Fringe Archive

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 No.135986 [View All]

Hey Spiritual Ancap anon here, This thread is gonna be about immortality, vampirism, your higher self. and the different dimensions. Higher science and different states of being. Also about all the beings here, I found most of the ascended masters here on this planet , but not all have accessed their knowledge yet.

Since meguca got taken down this is the only active fringe board left. which is sad, meguca was the best.

small update i have learned that im dark matter in human form, Yule is my spiritual name which means within whispers, i have different consciousnesses which can do different things in altered states of being, I was also Moses in my past life on earth, and Abel. (you are also everything in the universe) i have learned to teleport (not at will) and also work with nature and the spirits and do weather manipulation, i can also access the whole of humanity's collective consciousness in high states, and only the people around me in lower states, i also figured out that im both all the good in the universe and all the bad, (beyond duality) , you can gain energy from different sources in higher states, such as fire ,wind, sun, water, earth, and the ether, void, falun gong, nature too, also other people and their emotions and energy, if you drain nature too much the plants die so be careful with that. My mission here is to upgrade humanity together with the 144 thousand Moraceaens here on the planet. we are the builder race which comes from the galactic center incarnating in human bodies.

Also eat raw meat

179 posts and 73 image replies omitted. Click [Open thread] to view. ____________________________
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He used to be inedian, too.


>tfw those people are your aging parents

It saps one's will to live, sometimes…

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File: f5ed73f2bdd40d2⋯.jpg (259.31 KB,1280x960,4:3,Guatama_Buddha.jpg)


I see. Maybe in the future I will be able to recognize it in ever person. Maybe yes, maybe not…


>Also training your body is more important than training your mind

This is still so messed up I don't even know what to say. I never expected to read sth like this here. No spiritual person or magician would say such a thing, not even a martial artist would say such thing, hell not even a bodybuilder would say such a thing…probably…


This link works, thanks. I'll check it out before I leave the board again.

I retired from imageboards before to work more on myself and stuff but I bitched out and driven by curiosity I came back for my "3 years vampire spell anniversary" and for the holidays to see what's going on here and if something interesting is being posted. Of course there was nothing and my time to vanish into the void has come again since the holidays are over. At least I was able to enrich this place with some more or less quality gnostic posts even if I think they were in vain anyway.

>You just need to eat raw meat to stay here

Do you want to stay here, honestly? From all the other planets and dimensions in the astral and beyond where one can be, what's with the attachment to this place I wonder. Is it some kind of stockholm syndrome? Like the /pol/tards who are obsessed with europe and the white human race. This is just a extremely shitty tiny spec in the entirety of existence. Unless one is true husk NPC, there is no reason why anyone would want to stick to this place tbh. Also do you still blieve that we will get physically immortal? Do you still think the spell is real?


>It saps one's will to live, sometimes…

Sometimes I'm losing my will not only to live here but to exist completely. I wonder if there is ever a way out, but nobody can tell me. What if immortality just dooms me to witnessing this pointless horror forever, cycle after cycle? Maybe being aware is a curse after all and after eternities of floating out there you either stop thinking/being aware and fall asleep, go insane or volunteraly dissolve and reincarnate again…there are some buddhists and whatnot who strive to attain ultimate ego-death. To get dissolved so hard that you don't even reincarnate anymore…maybe that's the only way out.

>tfw those people are your aging parents

Having a NPC family is hell, especially if you still care for them and love them and you see their state and their decaying. My grandma just died a couple of days ago and it hurts more to see my mundane family suffering over it and me being unable to do anything about it (since they don't wanna hear any wisdom and are immun to any kind of spirituality) than her actual death. Maybe that's why Buddha has said you need to leave your family and become homeless or stuff. It's just a burden you cannot carry on your shoulder if you want to attain enlightenment. Their fate and their state is unavoidable anyway.

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Its because in high freq dmt states your body needs to be strong, only practicing the mind deteriorates the body if one is not aware. You have to adapt to peoples energy not forcing them to be like you, then they will listen, stay at their freq. Read my mega redpill post to understand, you create heaven and hell with your thoughts in dmt enlightenment state.

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Also you have to breath in the rythm you are doing things, if you are doing things fast you have to breathe fast if you are doing things in heaven slowly and with care you have to breath slowly and not out of character. Every piece of cloth is a new character you become, white cloth from top to bottom is the closets to heaven. Also the thought "one love" is the highest and if you think that only the whole day you are god consciously, i put everything good in it. In the dmt states eating oranges is acid, eating carrots give you vision and eating fish or meat grounds you. Also eating sweet things makes you sweet. If you have bad thoughts your cloth get stained, so fucus on thanking and one love. Judge less and accept more. Everytime you die you go one step up or down the frequencys, also cleaning everything you have is symbolic of cleaning your sins and bad thoughts, the more clean and nice your place is the less sins you have. When you make a decision you have to own it and not be indecisive, if you act like a clown you have to own that you act like a clown its like taking different roles in act. But doing it consciously. If these states are too much just drink and eat a lot.

also keep your chest straight and out not caving in, if it is caving in you are deteriorating, standing straight living , also putting your palms together in the praying position aligns all the energy's around you to peace, you are literally forcing people to be peaceful lol. also all the mudras does what they say, and if your energy is stuck do a mudra or Falun gong. nobody can touch you or attack you in these states while focusing on peace with palms together.

every time you understand something new about the universe, then a new level of loops appear and it keeps going like this forever, if you go down or up too much you get ungrounded and lose your ability to speak because in these states of consciousness there is only telepathy and for outsiders they will think you are retarded, most people with mental problems are stuck in these loops and don't know how to break free and end up with paranoia and other problems. they just have to tune their radio back to the right signal to be normal in their environment.

also the sound nnnnn brings your tongue to the correct posture in the mouth and always breath through your nose.

to sit without back problems you are supposed to sit on your thigh and not your ass, also when you gulp your head is aligned in the right position.

also keep your chest straight and out not caving in, if it is caving in you are deteriorating, standing straight living , also putting your palms together in the praying position aligns all the energy's around you to peace, you are literally forcing people to be peaceful lol. also all the mudras does what they say, and if your energy is stuck do a mudra or Falun gong. nobody can touch you or attack you in these states while focusing on peace with palms together.

also the buddha face, you use that face if you don't want to affect anything spiritually, because everything you do with your body affects everything you do around you. if you smile too much or too sad remember to do the buddha face with palms together.

here are some ways to ground which i know, walking barefoot regrows your brain if you are ungrounded, cacao gets you back to the heart, eating a lot of food grounds you because if you don't eat you go to heaven lol. if i don't personally eat a lot then i cant function in the physical. also you can also get someone to blow smoke at your face to ground . drinking a bit of alcohol gets you back into the body. some crystals also ground you, once you have mastered a state you don't need to ground to be in it. also coffee grounds and speeds things up.

when you trip on plants it is just amplified, and some times one can get stuck in loops, it is very apparent on plants when you are stuck but not so apparent when not on plants. it all happens in day to day life too but we are just not aware of it consciously.

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You have to balance vampirism immortality with falon gong and compassion or else you become very cold, and thanking the sun and eiro, and Nature.

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File: 273e7c50d844c56⋯.png (635.99 KB,1000x1000,1:1,it_s_me_bro_totally.png)


>Also eating sweet things makes you sweet

Will I become even more kawaii than I already am? Pic related it's me.


>You have to balance vampirism immortality with falon gong and compassion or else you become very cold

Earlier nobody told me I have to balance anything, but I am actually pretty cold right now physically. I think I am more cold than the average mundane even in summer. That thing blood anon said is still on my mind…"Vampires are energetically like dried up riverbeds." Maybe that's actually the case and that's why I am cold. Do I really have to manually pump energy through my system..fuck-a-doodle-do. I noticed that being on nofap doesn't energize me anymore like it used before. You know, when you get celibate you really get a lot of energy and that inner fire for the first 2 weeks. But now for me it's like I'm actually dried up, that effect of nofap isn't there. In fact I get more energized when I fap because then it feels like the channels are actually flowing a little. And I don't even believe in that vampirism thing anymore so much, maybe it's just my bad health. I need to get my shit together seriously.

If you mean becoming cold attitude and emotional wise, that's okay imo. In fact that's as it should be.

Thanks for the posts, I will consider them. I may check back some time later again, like for halloween or something. And if not we may meet in the astral.

I'm leaving one last piece of Minne. It's extremely low quality but the only video with lyrics. Based song from an entirely based album.


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If you dont balance it you literally end up in a place without a sun, if you dont thank the sun and nature. The more love you have the less depressed and happy you are, you are literally switching dimensions all the time unconsciously. Start being humble and grateful for everything, and love the people around you. Its the best path, im literally in constant dmt state where i manifest everything with my mind atm, and everything is super easy in one love very hard without. and if i dont think one love then we have ww3, saw it all in a vision. I can literally remove chemtrails and planes from reality with my mind now. Im counscius of everything. Cause i am everything. Focus on what you want not what you don't want.

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Also start going in nature and less on pc if you focus your attention too much on pcs you end up in a transhumanist reality. If you are eepressed now start cleaning and being more kind and don't misuse your spiritual energy on people.

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Imagine being schizophrenic

This board is the cringiest shit ive ever seen

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Go back to reddit.

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There’s a new Vampire Diaries spin-off called Legacies. First episode is pretty good. At least something good came out of that thread. I’m now a VD fanboy.

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Everything is true in every freq and perspective it is what ever you believe and vibrate at that becomes your reality, my role is to teach from good and bad, farouk means the one that sees the difference between light and dark. When in lower freq somethings might seem like lies when they arent. Its all about what you believe and create into reality with actions and thoughts. Its like this image here

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If you have clean thoughts and actions you can live on water only sometimes even without.

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Aha one love is the most balanced thought, because if you only love yourself too much then you leave other people out and only what you are emitting is heard, which is pretty douchebaggy for every one else you are around. And if you don't love yourself enough then other people take that spot of your energy and you can get depressed and anxious. One love also includes loving nature, animals, everything, even objects. Because they are god/the universe too you will understand that if you have tried salvia, where you get turned into objects. That is why you are supposed to love everything you interact with. If you only love yourself you are like shouting with a loudspeaker in the astral taking all the attention to you. Also you are supposed to control the Volume of your inner voice so it is not too loud, in really high freq you have to be mindful of your thoughts and actions because you affect the whole world. If your inner voice is too loud its like that song its all about the bass no treble lol. You have to trick the universe example if you are depressed just fake gratitude until you make it by saying thank you to everything and loving everything, because in high freq what you think and feel becomes your reality. The universe only responds and matches you with what you think and feel. It doesn't care if you don't like what you are emitting so you have to trick it by faking gratitude and love until you really mean it. Also ask yourself for forgiveness of all the bad thoughts and actions and the universe takes them away, and say sorry if you do something not in alignment or make a joke about it.

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When you are fully aligned with yourself and have self love, and is aligned with immortality. Then the urge to have sex and masturbate goes away. You then have this abundance of love better than sex all the time. You also realise you can be happy in any situation, and you don't need another person to fill that void anymore, its also very true what blood anon said about a tsunami hitting you every cycle clearing your energy and then having to rebuild again but this time a smaller tsunami hits you, its like depressing and you want to kill yourself but if you overcome it you will be ten times stronger. Also now i also understand what blood anon meant about karma, karma really is when the spirits of plants animals take revenge on you, also nature and humans. For eating them or killing them. But if your own power is greater than theirs you win everytime, i remember him giving the chicken example of killing a chicken and the Spirit then seeking revenge. It is also why i taught kosher killing as moses in the past, because if you bless the food and nature enough you can nullify the vengeful spirit's. And you can get blessings instead. Even from killing something. Even plants seek revenge on you if you dont act with care and love. And bless your food. Also in this state if you do things out of alignment with your thoughts and feelings, then your clothes get stained and you can and tumble and fall.

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File: 6e120e04bf20e80⋯.png (923.06 KB,621x621,1:1,eternaldeath.png)

Turing’s approach to creation of artificial (super)intelligence was echoed by I.J. Good, Marvin

Minsky and John von Neumann, all three of whom published on it (interestingly in the same

year, 1966): Good - “Let an ultraintelligent machine be defined as a machine that can far surpass

all the intellectual activities of any man however clever. Since the design of machines is one of

these intellectual activities, an ultraintelligent machine could design even better machines; there

would then unquestionably be an ‘intelligence explosion,’ and the intelligence of man would be

left far behind. Thus the first ultraintelligent machine is the last invention that man need ever

make” [2]. Minsky - “Once we have devised programs with a genuine capacity for selfimprovement a rapid evolutionary process will begin. As the machine improves both itself and

its model of itself, we shall begin to see all the phenomena associated with the terms

“consciousness,” “intuition” and “intelligence” itself. It is hard to say how close we are to this

threshold, but once it is crossed the world will not be the same” [3]. Von Neumann - “There is

thus this completely decisive property of complexity, that there exists a critical size below which

the process of synthesis is degenerative, but above which the phenomenon of synthesis, if

properly arranged, can become explosive, in other words, where syntheses of automata can

proceed in such a manner that each automaton will produce other automata which are more

complex and of higher potentialities than itself” [4]. Similar types of arguments are still being

made today by modern researchers and the area of RSI research continues to grow in popularity

[5-7], though some [8] have argued that recursive self-improvement process requires

hyperhuman capability to “get the ball rolling”, a kind of “Catch 22”


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File: a21b8936b6de4ad⋯.png (2.48 MB,1618x910,809:455,ahugefaggot.png)

you're all pagans.

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the demiurge is very kind, very patient. infinitely.

she's the virgin mary, after all. and she IS watching.

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The demiurge can go fuck itself either way you look at it. I see the demiurge as either the programm/thing creating and running this reality or simply your own shadow aka the fake mind….but maybe it's both.

In the Mystery of Belicena Villca there are different aspects of the demiurge and one of them is a "loving" goddess who has her eyes everywhere. I think it's even said that every single atom is one eye of the demiurge, so maybe you are right to say that she IS watching. The demiurge is only kind and patient as long as you remain a sleeping slave of his realm and play by his rules. Once starting to awaken and rebell, the demiurge will see it with his countless eyes and start to mess you up. Blood Anon has said that in the early vampire stages the matrix will sperg out against you, and Mikal Nyght has said something similar (You may get hit by a truck minutes away from attaining immortality). Rumors have it that men in black will come after you and can even manifest in your friends and family members when you know too much…I'd say we start poking some eyes out.

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way ahead of you.

i already signed contract. lmao.

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Actually you can stop the tsunami of karma from hitting you at all, if you have almost no sin/karma/negative energy. Actually if you keep cultivating good energy and gong and love yourself, then you are literally unstoppable, you could in theory even kill people and you would not be effected karmicly by it if your energy is stronger and you keep cultivating good energy. That also explains why as moses i would literally send people to sheol, make snakes bite people and so on, and killing whole army's without being affected spiritually because my energy was stronger. Also this sigil here is for clearing karma and you attach it to your lower dantien and make it spin, its very true what the anon said on sunflower, falun gong does what it says but if you stop doing it the energy of karma comes back, with this sigil here it is constantly removing it. Doesn't matter if you do good or negative thing's. You literally just have to outsmart the universe itself, use all cheat codes at your disposal no cap. The universe is a douche that slaps you around then why not slap the universe around, with love of course 😉.

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If you still choose to believe in karma, just like past lifes, hell, reincarnation and all that crap then it's your own problem. Most spiritual people who are on the path longer than one month realize those concept for the fake bullshit that they are and move past them. You have to really go out of your way to still create karma in your mind and make it real in your own world for whatever unexplainable purpose. For me, karma is nothing more than cause and effect in the simplest and most basic sense. Not to be confused with the cycles of degeneration that are ever present in maya and also simple negative energy. If anyone is actually affected by karma its unenlightened mundane NPCs for they create this shit themselves and because tehy are eternal weak victims who subscribe to the idea of punishment they can also be send to hell, even tho we know hell is just another astral ghetto that we can visit at will and nobody can put us there or force us to stay there.

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I completely agree sin/ karma/ negativ energy, are just words to describe energies that doesn't help you/ make you sick, and also with karma which is cause and effect. But also if you reach really high states like me then everything you think and feel affects everything around you aka your vibe on grander scales. And yes hell is just astral ghettos for people with weak power levels and destructive and unkind behavior, even more ghetto than earth. I have been in the lower astral many times, both astrally and physically.

But feel free to add your own story's here, to back up you wisdom that you are past even karma and negative energies intirely. Or add any story's or wisdom.

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We all live in completely different worlds, ESPECIALLY as wizards. No magic and no magical path is the same for two people. The only thing we share is the physical reality we are trapped in, that's our common dominator. And even that is not as solid as we think. But everything above that is everyones very own schizo-land. My stories are probably completely useless, even counterproductive for you.

Recently my higher self came down from it's attic and said to me "It's time to stop bro, okay. You can either get your head out of your ass and do it properly or you can keep it there but then there's no guranatee I will be able to help you and nobody knows what will become of us." Then it went on to drop a shitload of Gnosis onto me like it does from time to time and explaining shit for the 100th time like I'm a retarded kid and trying to make me see what is already clearly visible in front of me. There is no use following other peoples dogmas and trying to bend your mind so hard that you join their reality because it's not worth it anyway. It will never be your world or your path.

That's my story.

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>karma is nothing more than cause and effect

Every time.

Buddhism is a fake religion, "buddha" never saved anyone. Ask yourself why out of all religious prophets, "buddha" is the one people keep seeing in hell visions?

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File: 693ec59dfe68bd6⋯.jpg (104.81 KB,511x765,511:765,Eris_Discordia.jpg)


>Ask yourself why out of all religious prophets, "buddha" is the one people keep seeing in hell visions?

None of my business what those fucking idiots see. How far gone have you be to actually have "visions of hell" anyway? But obviously buddhism is a fake religion for there is no real religion. Spirituality is real, religion is not. The prince Guatama Buddha never created a religion and never wanted to save people, except his own few students. Idiots created buddhism as a religion and distorted both Guatamas teachings and his image until it was a unrecognizable mess.

Now do you ever feel lonely in ths cold and sad world? Pope Fenderson Gnostic Anon the 10th sure did. But it doesn't have to be this way. May I tell you about our Goddess and Saviour and waifu, Eris Discordia? Have you ever seen Eris in hell? No? Ask yourself why…it's because this Goddess is pure heaven.

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Ah i now understand how vampires and immortals that only love themselves can go to other realms, but where ever they go they will always emit icey and cold energy, similar to manipulation energy/gas lightning energy, where ever they go, their environment will be similar to the witch from frozen that lives in the ice castle. Not really a person you want to be around if they don't respect you. If you love everything then ones environment is more harmonious and less cold. It all comes back to one love in the end.

Also when one has a lot of bad karma it feels like the roof of the world is gonna fall on your head, and everything around you is trying to kill you, its like a tree could fall any moment on your head and kill you if you walk in nature. Its pretty ridiculous and one has the feeling of wading through a soggy swamp.

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How do you express or practice this love you are talking about? Does it impact your attitude and behaviour towards mundane NPCs? Do you always forgive them and sacrifice yourself? Animals also, do you kindly pick up insects in your home and gently put them out instead of killing them?

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Its more a way of being, let me give you a example with a daily routine. When you wake up treat your bed with slow and gentle love, because objects are god the universe too, don't rush stay in the now. you will understand if you ever took salvia. So go slowly with good thoughts and remove the blankets, and then stand up and make your bed nicely with love. Then put on your clothes slowly with one love. The reason to do things slowly is because the more slow and with care you do things the more love you give everything. Then slowly get up and make breakfast when you pour your food listen to your higher self how much you need, and remember to bless the food, i bless the food by saying in my head, thank you for this wonderful food may every bite thank the nature animals humans, and may this meal nourish them all. Then i start my day doing whatever i need to do with gentle and loving thoughts, mostly i just spam one love in my head in rythm with my breathing with everything i do. When speaking to mundanes(which is actually pretty derogatory because they are just you but haven't reach states of enlightenment but they have reached other states in the physical you haven't, aka a Carpenter, electric and other talent's, enlightenment is not for every soul in this life time.) i just wait for them to speak to me, or else im not humble with my replys because i know too much, and i get too cocky. i also speak if their energy is aligned with mine without waiting if they know a lot. You help people and the people and the universe will help you get what you need. Enlightenment is doing everything you do normally but just with one love now. If you keep going like this the universe will give you anything you want according to one love. You don't have to sacrifice or any bullshit like that, just be loving and humble and treat everything with love. And on the plus side you will be in constant bliss dmt state 24/7 if you act like this , sometimes i feel so good i cant sleep lol and i joke about it should be illegal to feel so good.

Also in high states love can be used to destroy and create too, its like you can use love to kill too just as creating, these concepts im just starting to grasp really clearly, but its the basics of communicating with the elements, then you can use love to destroy armies with water and other elements from nature.

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I tried spamming "one love" in my head many years ago, that was before I even found fringe. It's funny you post a quote from Brandon Burchard (even tho his name is mispelled) because back then I used to watch him, not only him but the entire bunch on youtube. All the self-help gurus and new-agers that I can't stand to watch anymore. But no matter how much I tried to bring forth the "love", I wasn't enlightened and it wasn' real love.

Real spiritual love always existed in me in a small degree as far as I can tell, but only very recently I started to feel it actually blooming and becoming bigger and bigger until I could finally recognize it for what it is. And I think you are right to say that it's more a way of being. For me also it is a state of being and a feeling and experience much more than any actual practice. I don't really spam one love in my head anymore or try to do mundane things with one love, but who knows, maybe it will happen again. At least I understand what people like Mikal Nyght and John Kreiter mean with love when they talk about it. It's a love for god and since god exists in everything to a degree it's also a love for everything, but that doesn't mean I ignore the fact that everything is but a phantom illusion that will pass. In it's truest form, it's a deep love for myself and is only returned by myself. I'm still alone at the end of the day.

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Yes the universe / god is lonely, its all you anyway, now I see the high frequencies aka heaven as a place to be if you want to love everything about yourself, and low energies / hell if you want to hate and kill everything about yourself. It's all experience after all. I like it all.

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In regards to this pic, from personal observations I came to believe this stuff to be true. The further you advance on the spiritual path and the higher your vibration becomes, the less you can carelessly endulge in degenerate and "sinful" behaviour. A normal human will get away with behaving shitty and he will be even happy about it, but you will feel the effects more and more severe. You might even feel physically sick and experience pain. This will force you to stop "sins" and degenerate behaviour or else you'll only suffer more and maybe even destroy yourself.

Same goes for being in company of mundane degenerates, NPCs and being in places with a lot of negative energy and low vibrations. You'll certainly feel it, when your vibrations will get lowered by force by "sins" or shit environments it's the same like you are getting beaten the shit out of or like you are getting severely poisoned. Naturally all the sages and enlightened people remove themselves from negative behaviour, addictions, normal people and low vibrational places like civilization (lol). You can still carry that weight but it feels bad through and torugh. It also came to my understanding that almost no immortal will linger around earth for very long because there are much better places for enlightened immortals out there than this horrible shitheap.

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Yes exactly, but im gonna stay here to bring heaven on earth i got a whole team now. My highest self is just darkmatter, it can get boring like that. its good that i experienced the human experience. One could say it's retarded to stay here and help, but i have tried almost everything in the universe, so there is not much else to do other than trying to help this realm. Also going to different realms and experience thing's forever.

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>its good that i experienced the human experience.

Certainly. No doubt about it, in a sense it's a school indeed. Especially in the Kali Yuga, you'll learn like nobody has learned before you.

>im gonna stay here to bring heaven on earth

Do what you must just as I do what I must. I don't really want to stay here or to ever come back but then again nobody knows what will unfold. No matter if I stay here or not, I will always do what I feel right in my heart.

One love brother.

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Im posting the mega self improvement one love pill here. https://m.facebook.com/story.php?story_fbid=3543053579120600&id=100002479777110

also will update my mega library soon when i have good net.

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Once you balance your inner vampire and angel as one, you are unstoppable. You use your vampire side to teach love in the dark way and your angel side to teach love in a gentle way. Example when you are in a bar or cafe where people drink or in a rock and roll place / techno you should teach love using your vampire side. When you are in a gentle environment you teach love from your angel side. I call it going from dark whisper to gentle whisper. You should learn to teach from love in every situation and not let it turn into hate. Just observe the people around you and copy what they do but add a loving twist to it. Just think one love while interacting.

You can regrow your teeth and new limbs in the righ frequency, once one masters everything without needing external help like dentist creams and so on. You can also sleep in pocket dimensions out of time.

Its because 99% of the universe is darkmatter, also nothing is solid its just energy but really dense, the less limitations you have the more you can manifest instantly.

Also in really high frequency everything is like a orchestrated dance party where everybody is dancing lol, every move is like a dance.

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Also the proper way to use telepathy is with love, the more love you give someone the more likely they are to do the thing you think about or talk about. When you are silent and in love freq then you influence the direction of the conversation and the group around you, without saying a word.

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I think im getting a understanding that to heal in other realms they use the most natural things, so for skin and wounds they use pee, clay and herbs, for teeth, charcoal and herbs, for other ailments they they drink themselves their own pee, to gain fat and also heal you drink milk or blood and eat organs and meat, its a different way of doing it. I think if you are in a higher frequency's then avocado also works an other plant fats. They also use ash for washing. Treebark for testosterone tea and tree needles and Herb's. Raw onions cut into the food for testosterone. And garlic if the inner vampire is too strong. Also compassion and forebearence decreases inflammation in the body. Also sun gazing and moon gazing. And being in nature.

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I burned all my magic books because magic only leads to hell, i wrote down that i break contract's with all the spirits and beings that does not serve my higher self, or my highest good. Now im free and a burden has been lifted off my shoulders, its funny how I repeat the same mistakes every lifetime. But this time i made a vow never to do it again. Also we were always immortal the spell just speeds up the knowledge but you don't need it once you understand occult concepts, now im finally my whole self again.

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I am glad you have realized that enlightenment has nothing to do with "magic" or working with spirits. That's why I only keep books in my collection that lead me to my (higher) self and teach me how to liberate myself and attain Gnosis. I have also thrown away a lot of books that I bought earlier but then found to be bullshit. The occasional working with spirits and doing magic can be fun and pushing your forward but eventually it will become a distraction and a burden and may trap you in a deadend path where you never get out. You'll think you have made it but you really don't.

Forget about lifetimes, your main goal must be to break the chain of reincarnation and never forget ever again. Become immortal now as you are with all your memories and wisdom.

I hope you will become more stable on your path soon, Reject all external influneces you are exposed to and listen to your own heart/spirit/higher self.

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Welcome back. Much love to you.

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>Also we were always immortal the spell just speeds up the knowledge but you don't need it once you understand occult concepts, now im finally my whole self again.

This reminds me of the two paths I have encountered in the occult field.

1. The path of evolution of the soul (anti-Gnosis)

2. The path of remembrance of your spirit (real-Gnosis)

This is just theory inspired by some books and my own wisdom and observation but in essence you are, as you have said, already immortal and enlightened and have all the powers you could ever dream of. You just need to remember it. There is no need for evolution or for attaining anything. You attain by removing the lies and the filth until you remember the truth again, you find your true self and realize what you were and what you had all along. All you do is to wake up from the dream you are trapped in. It's still years work of studying, meditation and even getting external help so you think you are evolving or working towards something, but you are not. In fact you are going back in time and into yourself.

The other path is dangerous because you evolve your soul by attaining all kinds of powers and doing magical stuff and working with spirits but you make the fatal mistake of never realizing your true self. Your evolution and gaining of powers blinds you to real enlightenment and you get trapped in fake enlightenment, and maybe even fake immortality which will eventually be your downfall. You'll never find your true self and remember. The funniest part is that anyone who remembered attains an enlightenment that will put them on a level above what anyone on the path of evolution could ever reach.

I think I have wrote about this before haven't I? Well when all that is to be said is actually said a thousand times you start to forget what was said in the first place. The spell is I think what one makes it to be.

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I mean there is probably a reason why some masters say when you are on the path to enlightenment or when you are devoted to God you should not talk to spirits (except your higher self/inner wisdom maybe) and not try to attain any abilities or powers, not even care about them. Think about it, they can prove a fatal distraction faster than you can blink. Your false ego will get trapped in it. Magic will come in due time by itself while you keep focussing on what really matters, the only thing that matters. The buddha is said to have rejected and ignored every spirit that appeared to him. It's time to not make this mistake anymore, as you have said you made it over and over again ancap bro.

For me, I think the whole journey represents a full Zero-Particle. Eventually you arrive at the beginning where you started out as the fool, completing the particle and "making it" to proper enlightenment and real immortality.

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That was truly insightful.

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At the end of the day, a lot of stuff you learn from books and elsewhere in the beginning of your journey proves true but only after you have studied and meditated and thought about this stuff for years. You only truely get it when you see it for yourself. Eventually you see how the path was laid out for you since the beginning and you see all the pieces of the puzzle fall into place, it is then you realize that you had it all along, you just couldn't see it. Personal (inner) experience is the key here.

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Also in high states of love you can be in any state of drug at will, from ayahusca to xanax, cocaine and so on lol. Every state has its usefulness. in xanax state you just want to lay in your couch forever lol, in weed state everything is just chill lol, in dmt state everything is trippy, in ayahuasca state you become the whole world lol, every action you do, good and bad affects everything in the whole world. When angry you can destroy everything so use the most with care. Use emotions and thoughts to manifest what you want. In this mastered state you are a walking magi.

I think i have gotten the gnosis that as long as humans stay in low counsciousnes they stay inside the dome but when they unlock unconditional love the other realms and their merkaba open up for them. You can travel only having self love but that is a cold travel, a warm travel is when you have one love.

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you need tor to post now so i suggest people backup threads and posts as pdfs, annoying how they are censoring all these free speech platforms.

People should fear you too, you should not just be loving around people if you are always loving around people they take your love for granted, and have no respect for you. Show your true respect and love to the people you care about, it should be like a reward for the people you really like. You should have a high self esteem and not let people belittle you with mean jokes or harassment, fuck them, your self-worth mean more than them insulting you and if they don't understand that you should cut contact. it is the same thing that happens when dating women or being around women and you don't show dominance, they see you as weak. as a man you should have a higher yang energy by exercising and being dominant, when you are too feminine you have no inner strength and no direction in life, and people with more yang energy will use this against you to manipulate you into doing what they want, they will have zero respect for you if you lack yang energy, but that doesn't make it okay what they do at all, so when you get more yang energy speak out about it. now a good thing to remember is too stay loving, up until someone insult you, cause using the energy of love is the best way to get your way, then you respond with kindness that what was done or said is impolite, if they see their error you are good, if they don't see the error and continues to aggravate the situation then you should either leave or aggravate it too, and let the other person know what the consequences are if they keep going. there should always be a consequence to the other person if they take your love for granted.

It is a natural human instinct to be attracted and have respect for people who is dominant and gives consequences if stepped on. that is also why women are attracted to all these vampire story's like twilight cause the gentle vampires show all the traits women want, the dark feminine can be one of the worst tings to deal with especially if you are a male, because they can use all the manipulation on you if you are not aware or strong, and still be believed by other people that it is true what she said about you because she is a woman, and women don't use physical strength or wit like a man they use more manipulation and shit tests and rumor's to take you down. One should be very aware of the dark feminine and dark masculine, but more the dark feminine cause most men have lost knowledge of how to handle it. https://youtu.be/VSnFO-uQwpg

fertility and masculinity dropping in men, from all the soy and gmo food and veganism, fake meat and the rest of the insanity in the world, and men becoming hikkomoris and traps cutting their own dicks off, and not exercising and taking care of themselves


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> i suggest people backup threads and posts as pdfs

Best, most efficient way to do this?


breaks some pages and relying on a website is gay

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