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File: 1ad83f178d061d9⋯.jpg (2.81 MB,1920x1920,1:1,InShot_20210308_214940712.jpg)


Proud to announce the former Misanthropic Nexion of the ONA is now operating online again. Agios o Baphomet


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>report OP for shillposting

>says i've been banned for CP

>clearly a post I never made as I wasn't here until today

Does anyone else have this issue on this broken-ass site? Don't even fucking accuse me of being a pedo.

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Pedos get the rope.

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Every few days my IP is banned because of some CP spammer. I really hate this retarded website. No wonder it's so fucking dead when its userbase gets constantly rangebanned.

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File: 60decbfd6d33fe4⋯.jpg (642.33 KB,1540x900,77:45,neotony.jpg)


Back to reddit, SIMP. Your 38 year "young" "girl" friend isn't going to give you any offspring. The future doesn't belong to you.

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I don't understand why anyone would not understand innocence and youth in women as the peak of attractiveness. Kind of striking that modern women look and try to act like men (domineering and hyper-sexual, hollowed out cheeks with small eyes) and that people still want to stick a dick in them.

For most I'd assume fourteen is the level of peak attractiveness, not going just by facial features but body development as well.

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>males favor the female who is most probable to have the most offspring

I love how delusional pedos will decry the state of degenerate mundanes in one post and defend basically being an animal in order to justify your wanting to fuck children.

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Such is life when pictures of fetuses gives you mind-bending hard-ons. Cause, you know, youthfulness hasn't been defined at all in the little excerpt the faggot retard posted.

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>needing soyence to justify your desires

why are you even here

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Desperate hags and their orbiters are spreading everywhere, thinking what they say has any sense to it. Even the most basic science says otherwise.

It's all "pedo this" "pedo that" and they're using all kinds of stupid definitions like someone being under 18, or someone being more than 7 years younger than you, with no regard for their actual age.

It's become a nonsense accusation against something politically incorrect you personally don't like. Pedophilia doesn't need justification because there is nothing "wrong" with it, it's just a scientific term. A very misused one.

Wanting to kill people over a victimless crime makes you a horrible person, that's all there is to it. It can't be justified and you all know it, that's why you're so desperate about it. You took up an indefensible stance, and now history is getting rid of you.

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File: c7c1983507b7a49⋯.gif (936.65 KB,490x278,245:139,dr_lol.gif)

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Actual pedophilia, going by the actual definition of pedophilia, has massive and obvious developmental detriments for the victims. Pedophilia has no justification in the same vein fucking a dog has no justification, you're pointlessly pleasuring yourself at the cost of another being's physical and mental well being.

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As with incompetent website hosts who cavort with FBI agents.


I'm unsure, that post I got banned over while having as curt and retarded a reply as mine couldn't have been made by me at the time it was. Are "permanent" rangebans really a thing?

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It happened a lot to me. The posts I was banned for were obviously not mine, like retarded "Is this CP, I can't tell the difference" bait posts with a deleted image attached.

>Are "permanent" rangebans really a thing?

I don't know.

Why does CP spam even exist? I just don't get it. What do they gain from it? It's some shit to justify disposing of websites for CP; isn't it?

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File: 228c76f82ad1c21⋯.jpg (78.19 KB,1000x1000,1:1,fafb979a5202ed573edadaa959….jpg)


>victimless crime

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>The posts I was banned for were obviously not mine, like retarded "Is this CP, I can't tell the difference" bait posts with a deleted image attached.

So this happened with you too? Shit, and I thought I was gaslit into being a pedo with specifically targeted shit like this after reading about Pizzagate. Like Jim would specifically disbelieve me after I emailed him and would try to get the FBI on my ass.

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>Are "permanent" rangebans really a thing?


BOs can't rangeban on 8kun, this is admin only.

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I never go here without a vpn but it's unlikely that many pedos use the same servers as me so yeah. Also my appeals would almost always be affirmed back when this was 8ch but always denied on 8kun

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