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This video from hooktube is so retarded I don't even know where to begin of. If it had actually hit a dome it would obviously CRASH into pieces. Only a absolutely retarded would trust this

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>flag: wizard: hermeticist

>actually defending NASA

>"This video from hooktube is so retarded I don't even know where to begin of. If it had actually hit a dome it would obviously CRASH into pieces. Only a absolutely retarded would trust this"

Don't you get it? NASA curves all their rockets as they go up so they don't go too high and just collect the rockets that fall back down later out of view. In the video where the rocket (non-NASA of course) goes up too high it splashes into water in the sky.

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File: abdf245b7fb713b⋯.jpg (865.51 KB,2480x2444,620:611,gNydJjh.jpg)

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politely bumping this thread because a bunch of /x/'ers were interested in it and it had gone down very far. this way it can be linked to /x/ but actually exist by the time someone comes along to click on it, which may take a week because of /x/ being slow.

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NASA is deceiving us. This should be completely undisputed on /fringe/. However, while the Earth may not be spherical, assuming that it is therefore flat is unscientific and unwizardly. "Flat Earth" as a thought exercise and a display of skepticism is healthy and good, but disregarding genuine counterarguments puts you in the same category as muh NASA goyim. The objective should be the overthrow and capture of the deceivers; that way, we can torture these rodents until the Truth is revealed.

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It depends on the frame of reference. The earth is flat from the perspective of one on the ground surface.

That's undeniable.

But from the frame of reference of being either larger than the earth or well away from Earth, it's definitely spherical. Go start gazing and see Saturn or the retrograde motion of planets.

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This is accurate to both the Earth and the Universe.

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OP is fucking retarded.

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File: 6e7ba836c15554c⋯.jpg (17.8 KB,600x600,1:1,1512878106547.jpg)



nobody who actually believes the earth is flat thinks air travel isn't possible

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Maybe he doesn't have good reading comprehension

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are other planets flat as well? :^)

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File: 808708aef3aa91d⋯.jpg (1.46 MB,1029x830,1029:830,universe.jpg)


No such thing as other planets, round earther.

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File: c04ff8b7a799f25⋯.png (345.45 KB,785x412,785:412,ClipboardImage.png)


Flat earthers are round earthers.

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File: 20f35a09e15d4ac⋯.jpeg (200.85 KB,1600x900,16:9,17dbe1d7c420335f0beb5b026….jpeg)


Eggzactly, if the earth were a globe, a sphere, it would be continuous. For a /fringe/, an edge, to even eggzist there must be an edge. Quid pro quo the earth is a flat. Probably a concave disk, though this has yet to be conclusivley proven.

Check mate globalists.

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>Quid pro quo the earth is flat

Lost it.

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The earth is hollow, faggot shill.

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This is ancient metaphysical art. Displaying the vast internal worlds that are available for exploration. Nothing to do w flat earth.

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It shows that other planets are simply illusions created by the metaphysical forces behind all of reality, which is why the placement of stars is so important for magical practice. They do not actually exist.

Not that this planet isn't an illusion too

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Just asking, how does the sun rise and set for a flat earth?

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Thank you for opening my eyes i was this anon sorry for insulting you, the lies never ends. >>120507. >>120527 you were way ahead of me, sorry for being a filthy monkey. also we live in a reptilian prison harvesting ourselves lol.

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i dont understand it but it works as shown in the video.

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if you dont understand how can you believe it dumbass

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because i can see it

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Yes, I can see the sun go down too. Does that mean I understand how? Obviously not, otherwise you we would all have the same understanding of why the sun goes down.

I can see lightning strike. Does that mean I understand how it works? No, could be just Zeus firing some shit on earth.

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not seeing the sun go down, seeing the laser moved across the table, which demonstrates how the sun would set on a surface that we know to be flat. did you even watch the video? the reason i said i dont understand it is because it is counterintuitive to see something go down "below the horizon" on a 6 foot long table, you would think that it would just get smaller.

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YouTube embed. Click thumbnail to play.


There's no a single photo of the entire flat earth, there's no a single photo of the dome, the moon does not show parallax variation from different parts of the world and the midnight sun in Antártida debunks this shit. Get the fuck out of here, you retarded.

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There is. A while ago someone posted a random MEGA link with a ton of flat earth info and other stuff.

At first I dismissed it because I frankly don't believe in flat earth. But I must admit this info was way more sensible than the stuff you usually find floating around.

Anyway, there was a scan of an old magazine, by a guy who had gone above 35k miles.

Sadly I ended up deleting the link because the rabbit hole proved to be too much for me at the time. It almost got me to believe.

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There were also explanations for the midnight Antartic sun, sun and moon phenomena, constellations… Everything. Honestly, I didn't know what to believe anymore, but I don't need to. And I certainly don't need that level of cognitive dissonance in my already too pilled life. So I let it go.

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>this pic

>this distortion

Are you serious, OP? I can't stop laughing right now. Since when is Australia almost twice the size of North America? Since when is Brazil bigger than Russia? You are so stupid that you cannot see how distorted is the flat earth map from the equator to the "ice wall". A projection on a flat surface will never faithfully represent the surface of a globe, even if someone reduces the size of countries in the southern hemisphere, the distance between them will be changed. Just accept, the earth is not flat.

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ah yes, orbital velocity gets in the way of my invisible sky water theory

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not an argument

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as opposed to your "people & organizations who just happened to be occultists and intelligence agents flew on a giant flaming penis to a goddess who's actually a giant lifeless white rock to plant a freemason flag and then conveniently tape over the original footage while touting it as the pinnacle of human achievement" theory?

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This is the faggiest board ever holy fuck

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/x/'s 'Occult & Magick' general literally defends trannies

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Theater for the npc masses

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“I’m jewish”

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The only thing worse than fags is the people who project all their problems onto trannies

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There is literally nothing wrong with trannies, my dude. And it is on topic as well; the practice of seiðr was considered feminine and involved genderbending and sexual rituals.

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The only thing worse than people who hate trannies are people who like trannies , and im not “your dude” and will never be, fag

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File: 3255699fd50bcd7⋯.jpg (229.16 KB,1125x1500,3:4,Wilhelm_M_ller_J_dische_un….jpg)

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>But anon, I've literally traveled around the earth.

Me too. Are you one of those mouthbreathers who confound roundness with sphericity?

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>why does it matter what the shape of the earth is

Because the firmament sheweth His handywork, negro.

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You are so obviously homosexual lol

It's OK man.

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Enlightened beings who are free from the "human" matrix can do and be whatever the fuck they want, the problem with most trannies however is that they just want to become female, without becoming complete and liberating themselves into a state where they have the freedom to actually be anything they want. They reject being the superior gender and want to become the inferior one without attaining any form of enlightenment or liberation from samsara, they are mentally ill.

And yet for the enlightened being it doesn't matter if he is gay or hetero or if he likes trannies or not. On the physical level being "normal" and hetero is the programming of the matrix which serves procreation only. It's the NPC bluepill state.

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heading test

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title test

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bold test

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Why doesn't the light from the sun reach all the way to the opposite side?

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