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Anons Fringe Archive

File: 248e754c18dac74⋯.png (66.99 KB,409x445,409:445,something_something_snakes.png)


Astrology is something I really don't see discussed that often on /fringe/, yet people still use it the same way other people use Tarot, I Ching, or other divination methods.

But lately when I've been searching astrology-related stuff to get a gauge on how 2020 has been predicted across various websites, I saw a blogpost on how apparently july revealed there is now a 13th Zodiac: Ophiucus. Now, I admit, neither astrology, nor astronomy are my strong points, but this had me curious: had everything that people have been predicting for 2020 was either misinformed or straight-up wrong??

So, I searched for information on this ophiucus as a zodiac sign. Searching "Nasa Ophiucus", reveals nothing but clickbait trash saying "no it's not a real zodiac" or "it's a real zodiac, we should treat it as such!" Searching "Ophiucus Zodiac" doesn't reveal anything less or more significant, just astrology websites that have either embraced the '13th zodiac', or are calling it out as a hoax.

What I've learned about the constellation itself and it's relation to astrology, is that in ancient times, it- and along with eight other constellations were known about, but discarded in favor of the famous twelve, to keep it a geometrically pleasing shape.

Ultimately, I'm curious about what real astrofags think on this, and what it means in the /fringe/ game of things. Because if this shit is real, and the clickbait blogosphere is trying to suppress it, then in means that predictions all across the board are at best, inaccurate, and at worst completely false.

Worst case scenario, it's another nothingburger. But the fact that it's a serpent-wrestling heroic figure, whose main quality is healing, feels like a positive synchronicity to me.

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This is a duplicate thread, ignore it please.

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This one is better because it has that silver bar flag

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Mod here. Deleted the other duplicate.

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The Zodiac as it is is a finely tuned and shaped instrument. It would throw everything out of wack and ruin all the geometry to add a 13th thing. It has to be 12.

Tesla's 3,6,9. The 360 degrees in a circle, 30 degree divisions. Precession of the equinoxes, 27,000 year cycle. This sort of geometry.

The constellations chosen are actually kind of arbitrary - they were just chosen to fit the 12 divisions, the 12 divisions of 30 degrees are what is important. Not the constellations.

There just happens to be another historical constellation in the path - they took 12 and left one out. The constellations themselves are not magical. Different cultures had different constellations - Orion was a spider in the mayan constellation system for example. But the 360 degree circle and the precession of the equinoxes etc are universal and what are important.


>The path of the Sun passes through 13 constellations recognized by ancient Babylonian, Greek, and Roman astronomers (including in Ptolemy's Almagest)[41][42] and the modern International Astronomical Union. Because the Babylonians had a 12-month lunar calendar, they chose and divided up the year evenly. The 13th was left out: Ophiuchus, the bottom part of which interjects between Scorpio and Sagittarius.

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the 13th sign is all bullshit OP. anything added to astrology after the middle ages is total horseshit. all modernist nonsense with no basis in traditional symbolism.

Ignore everything written in modern times, its all designed to hide the true power and purpose of astrology.

if you want to read a book on it and learn it, Guido Bonatti Liber Astronomiae is the best one, it contains a huge amount of info. Although for predictions you need to learn Zodiacal Releasing too (look into Vettius Valens, and ignore everything you read online because nobody online knows what they are doing with it)

also all modern planets symbolise evil forces at work in this world, not coming from the Seven Heavens like the trad planets. be very careful dealing with new planets.

Astrology works for prediction, believe me. But it has a higher purpose too (read Ficino and also Evolas alchemy book) It can also help understand difficult metaphysical concepts (traditional ones not modern nonsense) It helps make talismans too, to protect from evil forces

Stay safe dealing with astrology /fringe/. there are some bad actors out there today (especially the American astrologers)

trust nothing only the ancient sources.

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You are a dumbass and a moron. Vedic astrology, possibly the oldest uninterrupted astrological tradition, divides the wheel in 27. Everything you wrote in your post is horseshit you pulled out of your ignorant ass.

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Can someone in-the-know recommend an informative atrology book, that teaches the type actual occult groups, like golden dawn and thelema use?

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Thank you for your information hermetic-anon. I'll take a look a those but I have a few questions in regards to your post:

1. Are the "modern planets" mercury, venus, mars and such- the actual planets of the solar system as we know it? Or is this something I'm missing because I don't have context?

2. Why exactly do the "modern planets" symbolize evil forces?

3. Are the "new planets" the ones discovered existing beyond the solar system, and thus, outside of it?

I admit, I don't quite understand the things you're warning me about, I don't understand much of astrology in general, but if what you say is true, a lot of people don't understand astrology either, which should be a reason for me to learn more about it.

Either way, thank you very much.

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earth being flat makes astrology more relevant actually

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schism206 made some point about houses and another type of divisions each corresponding to a flat or spherical earth. Seemed very interesting but I didn't know enough about astrology for it to fully register. It really seems like the flat/sphere question is actually metaphysical and doesn't have a straight answer in terms of physical science. That's what my intuition tells me.

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>>137220schism206 is what happens when some mundane tries to make sense of esotericism without actually experiencing any of it. The ultimate armchair train wreck.

He’s also an actual example of the Dunning-Kruger effect.

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Not an argument.

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Isn’t it? Schism is someone who’s not very bright and simultaneously thinks he’s not only intelligent, but thorough and extensive in his research. That’s a recipe for being almost 100% certain any point he makes will be biased and flawed.

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I agree. He's especially cringe since he became a cuckolic. However, his 'Occult Science' series introduced me to many thought-provoking things.


Pepe is right. You're not helping if you don't at least share your thoughts on the concept itself. I want to learn more about this subject but there's so many different flavors of garbage polluting it, even worse than most other branches of occultism.

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Dont ask too many questions or you may learn about the alter zodiac with orion and ophiuchus

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Go on…

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27 lunar houses, according to others 28. Regardless, there are even smaller divisions in Vedic astrology

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I kind of wish the Ophiucus thing was true because I would be an Ophiucus. I wanna be special

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YouTube embed. Click thumbnail to play.


How do Ptolemy's geocentric model, Electric Universe and (dare I say it) flat earth fit together? And what does it mean for astrology?

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>Liber Astronomiae

>Vettius Valens


>Evola's alchemy book

Please drop some links or PDFs. I'm having trouble finding the first one alone.

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File: 0581d4cd17ff899⋯.pdf (2.56 MB,Vettius_Valens_Anthologies.pdf)


This is what I found. So far I can't find Liber Astronomiae anywhere. Archive has a supplemental "part 4" translation, but the main text is nowhere to be found.

>Vettius Valens

See PDF related.

>Zodiacal Releasing




>Julius Evola


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>Liber Astronomiae

Only (paid) source seems to be this one:


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Going by those sources alone one gets a very different idea of what the "age of Aquarius" represents. Certainly not a hippie love and light utopia, but an age of deception, isolation, individualism, technocracy… An age in which those who lack the intellectual foundation will be deluded and led astray by shallow or misinformed spirituality.

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File: 69561293e28ca89⋯.png (418.81 KB,806x737,806:737,Ibn_Arabi.png)


Pretty much what this guy >>137052 said. The zodiac is based around numerology & sacred geometry. The sphere is symbolic of the first emanation of the world from divinity. 3x4 = 12. 3 is the number of divinity, 4 is the number of the 4 elements & material world. Each part of triune divinity manifesting in each element = 12. The zodiac signs themselves emanate from the 12 celestial towers that were said to be above the stars, near the "footstool" of God. You can read more about the traditional cosmology that astrology is based on in Tiitus Burkhardt's "Mystical Astrology According to Ibn Arabi", which you can find on Scribd. Astrology comes from the Persian empire before the islamic conquests. All pre-modern Indian and European astrologers are copying or trying to improve on the Arabs.

The idea that the constellations themselves cause things to happen on earth is obviously wrong. Many of these constellations aren't even inside of the zodiac signs they are supposed to represent. Professional astrologers who peddle this idea ought to be ashamed of themselves.


I've never been able to find any .pdfs Bonatti's major works. You might have to order it off the internet. Also, William Lilly is a good source on traditional astrology as well. He's good if you want to get into horary astrology. His major works are free on the internet, a google search should turn them up.

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>An age in which those who lack the intellectual foundation will be deluded and led astray by shallow or misinformed spirituality.

sounds like they get what they deserve

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>27,000 years

The archaeology says 24-26K year catastrophe cycles. 13 certainly divides 26.


>anything added to astrology after the middle ages is total horseshit

Anything added in the dark ages is total horseshit.

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What's wrong with the dark ages? They had cool grimoires and shit

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File: b0fbbb42e15f452⋯.jpg (Spoiler Image,292.83 KB,900x1200,3:4,based_affirmation_merchant.jpg)


Get the Hermetic Tarot of the Golden Dawn (ideally, color it yourself) and do a daily draw, read the energy of the day by living it and associate it with the card, eventually you'll know the whole astrological wheel and all its correspondences.


I'm not him.

Modern planets means everything discovered from Ouranos onward.

Classical/classic planets means sun/moon, Mercury, Venus, Mars, Jupiter and Saturn. No asteroids, no later discoveries. Everything from Ouranos onward was discovered after 1850, it's very recent as far as astrological correspondencies and patterns are concerned.

>modern planets and evil forces

I recently read an article on Ceres' connection to epigenetics research, it's a bit of a stretch to say the least.

The classical planets were historically called "wandering/roaming stars". As opposed to the "fixed stars" of the heavens. The fixed stars rotate, the wandering stars move across their backdrop.

>a lot of people don't understand astrology

Anyone who can't tell you their moon sign is at most an observer. Someone who knows their moon/sun/rising by heart is a hobbyist. When I meet people, I ask them their mercury sign. It's a good way to quickly gauge their level of knowledge, and as the communication planet, it gives me the most relevant immediate insight into a new person.

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File: 482e3be90a07285⋯.pdf (4.99 MB,Titus_Burkhardt_Mystical_A….pdf)


>Tiitus Burkhardt's "Mystical Astrology According to Ibn Arabi"

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What a fucking chad. I love this little book.

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Where can I find horoscope analyses of historical figures/celebrities to learn from? I can only find cringe wine aunt shit and (even worse) fedora shit because search engines are cucked beyond belief.

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forgot to mention, I am interested specifically in traditional astrology

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