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Esoteric Wizardry

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The rules are simple and mostly apply to the creation of threads on /fringe/:
1. No duplicate threads of topics that already exist unless the previous thread has hit the bump limit
2. No making threads just to ask questions, actually present substantial information if you're going to make a thread
3. No creating new threads purely to no-effort shitpost (you will be forgiven if it's a major GET)
4. Post threads that fall under the subject matter of /fringe/ (creepypasta is not allowed here, take that to /x/)
5. Respect anonymity. No identifying posts.
6. Do not sit on the default flag or post with no flag all the time
7. Do not raid/attack the board
8. Meta board discussion goes in >>>/fringemeta/
If the board goes up for claim and the board owner can't be found anywhere, please contact chanseywrites@hotmail.com to give the board to her. To contact the board owner send an email to fringewizard@pm.me

Anons Fringe Archive

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 No.138626 [Last50 Posts]

Do not start threads just to ask a question; post your questions in a pre-existing thread instead.

Previous thread: >>136081 ( https://archive.is/B4qcP )

FAQ: https://8kun.top/fringe/faq.html

Fringebay: https://fringebay.ga

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Ah synchronicities, I love you so. I was actually making the same thread with the exact same flag. I'll edit the post and just add the archive link, thanks

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Reuploaded the /fringe/ library since you guys have been asking for a while. Sorry it took so long.


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It's the original /fringe/ library and also some books and info I've come across along the way it's not really that organized though so sorry for that

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Thank you.

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Samael Aun Weor's book titles sound very enticing, but there's a myriad of them. What are your experiences reading them?

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Does anyone have visualization guides/tips for someone who is really struggling with it. I've been trying the tattva vision symbols but I can't even hold the shape of a triangle for more than half a second or so.

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Focus on the feelling/meaning behind the form and let the visuals form of their own accord without forcing it.

You can also practice by staring at a physical object, closing your eyes, and then work on trying to keep the afterimage clear in your mind for as long as possible.

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>Focus on the feelling/meaning behind the form and let the visuals form of their own accord without forcing it.

This doesn't work if the aim of your visualization is to manifest. What this does is connect passively to existing energy (water). The fire variant requires you to force-project the image.


Practice. It takes time. Breathe through your third eye.

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First : I find myself having problems with focus, even when I look at my thoughts or just "let things happen", for some reason my brain just won't shut up. Listening to tonal drones or binaural beats lasts for about five minutes then my brain goes back to it's normal routine again, even if I listen to the drones distort due to hypnogogia,

Second : What are some methods of healing the emotional self? My parental issues of them being busybodies who yell for (and at) me a lot has me on alert for noises or voices when trying to meditate.

That shit is preventing me from disassociating my body and ego from my consciousness. I really want to be able to reach mental-holodeck status so I can heal the rest of my emotional baggage.

>>138666 (checked)

Nice morning-star-trips, I'm not that anon, but thank you for showing me how to breathe though chakras!

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I found what I needed here. Now its time to get it back. You are the universe. You kept me breathing and were the most pure thing that ever existed. I love and miss you and will see you soon. The thought of you experiencing pain anywhere is torturing me and I have to protect you.

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Love is not sex. Love is infinite companionship. Your love fills me up and will forever. Fuck this shit Earth I’m out of here.

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We are beasts. Horrible creatures who take things for granted. Whats gone is never gone, but time takes a long fucking time. Do not take anything for granted and hold yourself to the highest standard. I would give every limb for one more day with you. I will become powerful enough to ensure that all past suffering doesnt reoccur so we can continue life on our terms. I will eliminate the negative thoughts which ground me in the torturous past. Nothing but victory will be accepted.

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Is the afterlife a dream much like life is? Thousands of NDE reports are consistent only in one thing: consciousness seems to survive death, but experiences vary wildly depending on the subject's belief.

Another thing they are consistent in is the fact that the dead person undergoes a process of cleaning, processing as it were, a preparation for some unknown fate nobody has ever come back from. Whether the process is pleasurable or a torture depends, again, on the person's beliefs. But the process is one of deconstruction nonetheless.

Mundies being mundies automatically jump to conclusions regarding the nature of reality based on very limited and anthropomorphised experiences.

Thoughts? Experiences?

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Not to mention the fact that the mainstream opinion makers, who usually hide and twist truth that would otherwise make humans happier and healthier, sell this narrative to the masses, which the New Age sheep then regurgitate.

Are we literal cattle which occasionally sees the fence in the pen and needs to be led back in with diversions and deception?

Or is the mainstream waking up?

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>putting an image and all these extra lines of text into the start of the question thread so we have to scroll pass all this stuff now to see other threads every time

There's a reason it was the way it was. Also FAQ and Fringebay belong in here.

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Shit, maybe people will see it now instead of ignoring it and making all the useless questions threads.

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The afterlife is another word for death dream. Dreams we have when we fall asleep are made up of memories we have during the day and the thoughts or emotions we have right before we fall asleep. Death dreams are made up of memories we have during our lives and the thoughts and emotions that run through our heads when we are about to die. We can become lucid in nightly dreams to gain control over the dream. I think most esoteric practice, or at least a good chunk of it, inadvertently or not causes lucidity in the death dream.

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You're definitely onto something with those questions, as I received a lot of physical trauma to that area at birth. However, I wouldn't say the schizo stuff is even close to the worst of its effects.

I strongly believe that magic and spiritual practice are the only way to legitimately live my life. Except I'm physically incapable of meditation, concentration, or any regimented practice. That can be fixed through surgery, but I need to make it happen first.

If any anons here have ideas for how I could possibly get around this disability, I would appreciate it profoundly.

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>Except I'm physically incapable of meditation, concentration, or any regimented practice

Right now you're choosing to accept this as fact. Reject it.

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So unless you are lucid every night in your dreams, you're guaranteed being a zombie in the afterlife.

And the eternal question is, do you then reincarnate or is your soirit who reincarnates and you, as a soul, simply dream until you run out of energy and disappear?

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The only way a person would be "disabled" in a way that impedes him to meditate would be senility or other kinds of "vacancy".

Even in constant, writhing pain, you can turn any moment into a meditation that strengthens your ability to focalize attention and awakens consciousness. Distractions are a blessing for they are sparring partners for the meditator.

Get on with it.

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That's funny. Right after posting this, my browser glitched out and somehow took me right to the post in the previous questions thread where someone uploaded Between the Gates. Thank you.

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Email: FringeWizard@gmail.com
Youtube: https://www.youtube.com/user/FringeWizard/
Skype: FringeWizard
Steam ID: 306653328
Bitcoin Wallet: 14amShBxeVerDpu2rWU6sacLnceSRhpTaG

I edited this in the Fringe Guide because that Bitcoin wallet doesn't belong to Fringe, that youtube channel is dead, the gmail account is dead, and the skype account is dead. The only legit means of contact left are Steam and that protonmail account.

Would post this on /fringemeta/ but just get the message "invalid board" when I try to do so.

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I lost my only physical copy of this book and I can't find it for sale anywhere nor available online except here. Can someone buy the ebook and convert it into a pdf and distribute it here? This book contains really useful information I keep citing but that nobody can read because the book is not available anywhere.

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Anyone here have the abraxas journals? I want to read them. They are purported to be high quality and the only way I can even advance more now is by moving way beyond the basics.

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Franz Hartmann is quite interesting.


One of the very few people to write about past life recollection.

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Nah. That is Atkinson.

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>The fire variant requires you to force-project the image.

Should I worry if I start feeling my heartbeat throb in my head when I do this with a lot of will? I don't want to accidentally give myself a stroke or something.

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Is there anyone here who is studying, has studied, or has skimmed over the Quareia course and is adept enough to audit it? I've been away from practice for a long time and have always had issues with discipline. I'm starting with Quareia (again,) tommorow, and any pointers or comments would be appreciated.

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Hey Q is it over?

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aka the truth.

Prove me wrong by posting the actual truth.

You can't because what he wrote is entirely true.

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The opposite of a fact is falsehood, but the opposite of one profound truth may very well be another profound truth.''

–Niels Bohr

''‘How wonderful that we have met with a paradox. Now we have some hope of making progress.‘

–Niels Bohr

Read more at https://www.brainyquote.com/authors/niels-bohr-quotes

Several statements made by Niels Bohr are all extremely hermetic.

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Jesus fully understood the nature of the trouble, and began at once to drive out these invading Astral Intelligences by means of his occult power. In a few moments, a cry was heard from the hills near by, and a great herd of swine were seen rushing down the hill, and in a moment were over the precipice and were soon drowned. The Gospel narrative is perfectly plain on this subject—it states that the legions of devils had passed from the men into the swine and the latter had plunged in terror into the water and were drowned. Jesus had distinctly and positively spoken to the demons, calling them “unclean spirits,” and bidding them “come out” of the men. And all advanced students of Occultism understand why the pigs were used as intermediate instruments of the driving back of the Astral Intelligences to their own plane of life, which reason, however, is not in place or keeping in this work intended for general public reading.

http://www.yogebooks.com/english/atkinson/2014serieslessons.pdf (Page 2125)

>And all advanced students of Occultism understand why the pigs were used as intermediate instruments of the driving back of the Astral Intelligences to their own plane of life, which reason, however, is not in place or keeping in this work intended for general public reading.

The book says no more than this on it. Can someone here reveal to me what this book won't say? Why were the pigs used in this way?

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>The book says no more than this on it. Can someone here reveal to me what this book won't say? Why were the pigs used in this way?

Let me guess: the author is mystifying it because he doesn't want to say it. Jesus during his earlier years was not a perfect occultist, he was still learning. He was unable to just get rid of the evil spirits so he lured them into pigs instead. It works, but it's a waste to kill animals just to exorcise spirits. The mistakes he made during his practice caused the karma which was later used as justification for killing him. Don't follow this example.

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>caused the karma

What in the fuck are you on about? You don't even know what karma is.

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Shut up idiot.

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Schtzoaffective, not schitzophrenic. Posting this on behalf of my buddy.

>How much sugar and starches do you consume?

no idea

>Do you brush your teeth? How often? What do you brush it with?

it fluctuates, usually at least once/day, unless i'm having an episode. An electric toothbrush.

>Have you ever had some form of mouth, teeth or neck trauma in your life?

I've gotten punched in the mouth, mostly after my symptoms developed.

>How controlling was your family over when you could talk or not?

I could speak my mind mostly.

>Do you have tech-neck? (hunched-over neck as a result of having your head tilted down from looking at something.)

A little bit

>So you have good tongue posture? (tongue suction-cupped to the roof of your mouth. look up mewing for more information.)

Yes, it's at the top of my mouth

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>Jesus during his earlier years was not a perfect occultist, he was still learning. He was unable to just get rid of the evil spirits so he lured them into pigs instead

Sauce? This intrigues me.

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How concrete is the energy body? When I meditate, am I interacting directly with it, or with a thoughtform-interface that interacts with it? The thought form explanation is plausible because people have results with a slew of different methods (the kaballah, systems with different numbers of chakras) If the latter, does that mean I could have my chakras at any arbitrary location? Could I even have multiple of the same chakras? What would the effects of that even be? Do the effects of the chakras come about because I build the thoughtform with that intent? Sorry for the slew of questions, I hope someone can share knowledge on this.

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The energy body is a thoughtform, as is everything that exists. The form that you perceive is only an interface in that it is being filtered through your perception. It's a matter of awareness-tuning to interface with the some specific aspect of the energy body or to perceive it as a whole.

>does that mean I could have my chakras at any arbitrary location

Chakras are a result of mathematics (not changeable) and archetypal symbolism (eg, heart, head, gut) (somewhat changeable). Personal beliefs mainly influence how the thing is filtered through the perception. Even though two people may perceive two different things while looking at an astral object, the underlying meaning behind the object should be the same.

>Could I even have multiple of the same chakras?

No, but you can perceive the same chakra in a different way on two separate occasions due to changes in your mental state. You could also program an artificial thoughtform an integrate it into your energy body to function as an organ of sorts.

>Do the effects of the chakras come about because I build the thoughtform with that intent?

They come about because your Will interfaces with the extant thoughtform and changes its energetic structure.

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A post worthy of its digits.

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Newbie here. I have read the Kybalion, started IIH, but I haven't read any of the other Atkinson books, namely because they are… well, boring (i know i'll be called names but whatever) and feel like a wall of text.

Any other recommended reading material? Or, is there a way to extract information from books faster? Would be a time saver in the future I guess.

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File: 6c962c41fa7e4aa⋯.pdf (2.42 MB,Magic_101.pdf)

File: 82d5aee3599699d⋯.pdf (2.32 MB,Robert_Bruce_Energy_Work.pdf)

File: 88f1734a2f5d10d⋯.pdf (1 MB,basicpsionics.pdf)

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>Magic 101

That PDF is missing the last exercise.

Get this instead: https://anonfiles.com/PaG3XdC6p6/magic101thread_epub

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Thanks! So this is about energy working? Rituals aren't very popular with fringe (as far as I can tell), in the traditional meaning. Any reason as to why?

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unreliable success rate

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Despite what ritual magicians like to think, ritual magic is entry level stuff. Well, sigils and candle magic are entry level. Ritual magic would be 201 magic.

There is nothing wrong with hiring someone to do work for you (which is what most spirit work is) or even to help you grow. In fact, we all have spirits helping us whether we know it or not.

But ritual is only a way to make your energy obey you. It's a way of performing metaphysical self-hypnosis, and thus it's an indirect and wasteful way of going about things. And it does have an unreliable success rate because of that.

For me, personally, it's much more desirable to learn to wield my own energy as consciously and directly as possible. One should strive to purify, clean, focus and transmute their energy via meditation, and transforming their circumstances, both material and metaphysical through direct manipulation and use of such energy.

And you can do it anywhere, anytime, inconspicuously. What's not to love?

That said, if you want to get into ritual magic, there's nothing wrong with it. As I said, most people either start there, or use it at some point for any particular reason. But that's not what /fringe/ is about. /fringe/ is about extreme schizo posting and magic so advanced you can't tell it isn't extreme schizo posting.

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The point of the veil is to prevent you from wasting yet another incarnation chasing siddhis.

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So people spend their incarnation lost in escapism and hedonism instead.

Bravo, Demiurge.

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Please point me to a guide for finding incorporeal friends. Ones that aren't my own creation, and aren't my slave or adversary. I want someone to talk to when I'm walking alone at night.

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We are both right. It's two different problems the adept just face. You surely don't expect godhood to be served to you on a silver platter.

Besides, the demiurge just wants you to be cut and polished in his own image.

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What books are good for starters to magic?

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read the sticky

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Is it true that every act of the will is magic?

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Is it possible to gain the skill of manually adjusting your perception of time? Making an instant feel like an eternity, or years feel like seconds?

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Short answer, yes. I don't have a long answer because I want to experience this myself, so I can figure out 'my' long answer to this question.


Time dilation is something I've heard of frequently being done on accident, but rarely done on purpose.

I can think of three avenues that may be up your alley, the first is learning it on your own- which I have zero actual reference for. The second is consulting with fotamecus, an entity who is specific about time manipulation. The third -this is best if you're willing to do kabbalah, and some people have some stubborn dogma when it comes to that- is to meditate on, develop and work with the sphere of binah/saturn, which governs restriction and boundaries on both a cosmic and material level- this includes time.

If you want to go the fotamecus route, be sure to summon a god of your choice along with them. Fotamecus is usually chill, but can be a little gung-ho too- almost completely-blew-up my opsec one time, had to be reigned in with some stern words from one of my divine mothers..

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Is there a Greco-Roman version of the Four Adorations or must I create one myself?

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Okay listen, i know this may sound like a stupid question. but what if you were always looking off to the side, but in front of you? lemme explain. okay you know how when you look off to the side your vision looks different. what if you vision was like that no matter where you look.

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Your peripheral vision is to your central vision what your subconscious mind is to your conscious.

So I guess maybe you would see spirits and energies much more easily.

And your eyesight would be terrible.

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Maybe try looking more into the far distance and severely limit your time looking at computerscreens, especially at your phone. Also stop cross-eyed meditation if you have been doing it for long.


This seems true. I've been drifting into this state myself lately, both in regards to my eyes and to my mental state. Watch out to not let it go to far, you have to stay focused and conscious, awake. If you work on it, your sight will be better again just your mental state.

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File: 735099690a75a86⋯.pdf (664.71 KB,The_Vampyre.pdf)


Also I forgot to mention that this is maybe the cause or the effect of the "1000 mile stare" that spiritual people and enlightened ones seem to be affected by. Mikal Nyght also mentions it and this stare even appears in the novel "The Vampyre" where the Vampire seems to stare into nothingness and right through you, not really noticing anything. Only with effort can he bring himself to focus and back into this world.

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Why do I sometimes get mild hallucinations after meditating?

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Your awareness moves partially to the astral or etheric density of existence.

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That makes sense, thank you. I assume this means if I keep progressing I will eventually be able to astral project?

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File: dc8d21b74e6915d⋯.pdf (185.72 KB,Yogi_Ramacharaka_The_Scien….pdf)

Is this the "Science of Breath" book referred to in the FAQ? Can someone point me to a copy of the "2013 Series of Lessons" book? Thank you.

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File: 05887235f9d665e⋯.pdf (9.55 MB,2013serieslessons.pdf)


Yup! That's the one.

Uploaded 2013 for you but you can find a bunch of atkinson books here, says $3 but just click the title and they're free.


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Thank you!

Unrelated but I'm being solicited by some people claiming to be the Illuminati via Instagram and WhatsApp. Anyone had anything Ike this happen or any other random organization trying to recruit you?

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You can already astral project. The question is to what degree.

Technically, if you can imagine seeing something in first person and feeling as if you were there, you are astral projecting. If you practice enough so that your bodily perception stops (your body goes asleep), you will be astral projecting proper.

However, to interact with spirits and energy constructs, you only need to make it vivid enough to make it practical. You don't need to go full on lucid dream mode.

If you want to practice, begin by daydreaming in strict first person and try to involve as many senses as possible. You might get manifestations of the things you daydream about as a side effect, so have that in mind.


Seems legit.

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'00s - atheism

'10s - esotericism

'20s - ???

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Hi /fringe/. I am a mundane who recently discovered Gnosticism and the occult and I've got a question.

In whose side the angels, archangels etc are? True god or the demiurge? Genuinely curious and I want to know what do you guys think. I know a good deal of western magic and esoterism involves calling on the angels, is it safe to pray to them if I need protection or is it another trick of the demiurge?

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They all serve the Demiurge, most unknowingly. But then again, you are the Demiurge, so it's all cool.

A word of advice: don't get lost in theological questions (that's what you asked) if what you want to do is change reality to your liking and evolve beyond physicality.

Instead, do as much magic as you can, and you'll lose the need to ask or even answer questions. Because that's what gnosis actually means, knowing through experience.

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YouTube embed. Click thumbnail to play.

>black people don't go to /fri

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In qi gong, what energetic organ is responsible for the primal perpetuation of the physical life of the body? Lower dan tien?

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Is there a book that will teach me to know when a ritual is happening, like the ritual of the super bowl?

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Every physical action that has meaning is a ritual.

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Thank you,

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What is the most fringe martial art? Or rather the most tastefully fringe martial art? Or the most effectively fringe?

Effective for what, you might ask? It depends.

I have been thinking about MMA and how traditional martial arts are kind of ridiculed for their fringe qualities in favor of supposedly completely practical martial arts.

Looking at the MMA scene it certainly seems like traditional martial arts are bs. But why should that be?

I am always suspicious of these notions that the mind qualities or the soft qualities don't matter. Because I find that mind influences every single thing.

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YouTube embed. Click thumbnail to play.


>Looking at the MMA scene it certainly seems like traditional martial arts are bs. But why should that be?

There are a lot of youtubers talking about this, try Jesse Enkamp. The main objection people have seems to be that modern karate doesn't spar. I don't know anything about that because the karate I did in HS had sparring every thursday. But I can totally see the point if the case today is that schools are afraid to scare students away and skip the sparring. Sparring is scary, it's normal to fear having someone punch at your face, so it'll repell a lot of people. I think it's wrong to state

>karate doesn't work

for example, that's not true. There was a 60 year old black belt here who was attacked by a gang of 3 with baseball bat trying to rob him. He kicked them, breaking the ribs on all of them while blocking the bat. Ended up bruised but they had broken ribs making breathing a pain for weeks. And he wasn't seriously hurt. So traditional martial arts works, if you spar. Otherwise it's just dancing with fists.

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rider waite or thoth deck please

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sent ;)

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I like rider

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I require writings on the formula of turning something into nothing. Fiction is fine. I need inspiration.

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I have one of each. If you're starting out Rider tends to be clearer imo. I definitely recommend the Centennial Edition.

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My old place had a very spooky feeling about it. You couldn't walk the hallway at night without the hair on the back of your neck standing up. The thing is I did a lot of dirty magic there. No blood sacrificed, but a lot of folk stuff. The only room that wasn't spooky was the one where I always did the LBRP.

The thing is I moved and as soon as I did one measly candle and sigil ritual, my new place started feeling spooky.

How do I reliably clean up? Incense did nothing for my old place. Simply LBRP all over the place at random?

What do you think?

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Meditate on the emanations to ascertain the soul of the spirit.

Perform analysis on the structures of meaning in order to ensure accurate targeting.

Flip the waveform and concentrate on the inverse nullification-form.

Give the inverse Life and Passion, in order to enflame the verb. Send it on its way, casting out.

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I wouldn't want to mess with the manifestation of the spell though.

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In that case you need to either grit your teeth and bear it or re-apply the original working using a more palatable method.

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YouTube embed. Click thumbnail to play.

Do you think ultra sages like Lao Tzu or Prince Guatama were lonely? Do immortals and enlightened men ever feel lonely?

Or does the full enlightenment makes you so "whole" that you can never feel lonely ever again even if you are completely alone forever?

I think there comes a time when all has been said you you cannot talk/relate to anybody anymore. If you think not being able to talk to mundanes is hard, just wait until you find yourself unable or unwilling to talk to fellow spiritualist and wizards. Or is this just the dark night of the soul or a state of failure?

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I don't know about all the rest, but loneliness is a symptom of some kind of lack and attachment. Think about it. It doesn't make sense to be "lonely". It's an absurd concept that presupposes people are not worthy on their own.

"Loneliness" is the pathological need to be in anybody's company (not somebody, but anybody).

Forget about enlightened beings. I'm a fucking degenerate and I only feel lonely when I need validation. And then I realize this and simply reassert my legitimacy. It's not that enlightened to be worthy.

Besides, you are literally never, ever, alone.

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>Besides, you are literally never, ever, alone.

Well I am.

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I think you put it very well. Thank you.

You might not care about enlightened beings and think you are a degenerate but what you wrote shows a certain kind of enlightenment imo.

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Is there a way to 'look into' people and find out whether their intentions towards me are positive or negative?

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If they're psychically unguarded you can simply go into a passive mental state and read the vibe that they're emitting. If you have no experience with this you can practice by doing one-point meditation on an object until you begin to see its aura and other etheric structures.

If the fellow is guarded, you'll have to open up a door to their inner intent. You'll need to get good at casting spellforms for this. I recommend learning basic telekinesis with a psi wheel for beginners, if only to affirm the objective undeniable existence of the spellforms.

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I tried to see auras before but had little success. I've done energy work on myself since then so maybe will help.

>basic telekinesis with a psi wheel for beginners

Where would I even start with this?

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Set up a psi wheel and spend an hour or so a day experimenting with placing and moving thoughtforms over it until you find what will make it move.

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What happens to the human body if an external influence destroys or otherwise renders inoperable one of the chakras? Can life continue functioning without the higher energy centers, or would it cause death?

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File: 4468a6b11f0ef5f⋯.png (107.76 KB,462x327,154:109,ClipboardImage.png)

Has anyone here ever experimented with energy energy manipulation like Solve and Coagula? Pic related.

Basically you manipulate energy to become so dense it gains special properties to create Coagula. Make the energy so condensed it breaks a limit of how condensed energy can be. Then you do the exact oposite to do Solve.

I'm not even going to tell you what happens to avoid bias. Just please try it and tell me what happens and what are the properties of those energies.

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When you say "dense" do you mean more intense? When I do that it manifests as some physical event. Doing the opposite just banishes it.

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It can be pereived as "intense".

What exactly do you mean by "physical event"?

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If the energy is being condensed internal to my body, it will typically be a sudden movement of involuntary muscles or organs. If the energy is external, it will be a synchronicity related to the energy's signature, or, if the intent was a certain result, sometimes sudden manifestation of that result. For example, receiving a call about a sudden influx of money or business opportunity while condensing a wealth spell. Sudden violent bursts of wind outside are common. Banging or knocking over objects in the room the operation is being performed in. Temperature fluctuations, but that goes without saying.

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>The twin conception rate may be as high as 30%, while the twin birth rate is about 3%.

>This indicates a 1 in 3 chance that you once shared your mother’s womb with a twin.

I bet you didn't know that.

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I come home from work and I just sleep the rest of the day, I don't have any energy or motivation to do anything else. I'm sleeping around 12 hours a day. I should add that I hate life, I want to die already but I don't do it because I'll cause great pain to my family. I'm passively suicidal. What can I do to change this?

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Stop sleeping 12 hours a day for one

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I just get home and I don't have the motivation, my head hurts, I'm sleepy and nothing else is interesting, my fucking brain goes on and on about porn, I refuse to watch it then end up in bed, I read some things and just fall asleep. Whatever used to get me excited is long gone. Lately it's just been porn but I quit that out of my life for good

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Dedicate your entire life to achieving immortality, enlightenment and freedom. Live it and obsesses over it 24/7. Forget about fucking jobs, become homeless if you must or take a job where you have to do much less. Put all your time and energy into meditation. Focus all your lust for women and all your love into desire to unite with your higher self and to enlighten. Don't let death and the matrix win. If ultimate freedom and immortality and all the magical realms and possibilities out there don't excite you then maybe you are just a NPC, in that case keep doing what you are doing.

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Sounds like you need a different job. Even homelessness would be better if it's really making you feel this bad.

>I don't have any energy or motivation to do anything else

Do you work manual labour? Maybe your body just needs to get used to it. If it's mental labour then yeah you need to quit as soon as possible.

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Sleeping 12 hours straight is epic sauce for guaranteed out of body experiences. At least for me.

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I had a couple of questions relating to Masonic symbolism in light of Manly P. Hall's Secret Teachings of All Ages, and I was wondering if anons could answer them:

>Is it true that the double-headed eagles of Masonry are phoenixes? I ask because this gentleman seems not to think so:


>Compare with: "Masonry will be in a position to solve many of the secrets of its esoteric doctrine when it realizes that both its single- and double-headed eagles are phoenixes…" (p. 283, Reader's Edition)

>Is this blogger being ignorant, or malevolent?

>Said blogger also refers to how the number 33 has as part of its symbolism the number of bones in the spinal cord

>In the same paragraph as above, Hall writes: "…for according to the secret teachings there will come a time when the human body will have two spinal cords, by which vibratory equilibrium will be maintained in the body."(ibid.)

>33 + 33 = 66 (Humanity will be reborn vis a vis either Lucifer or the overcoming thereof? Or am I barking up the wrong tree? Surely there is an esoteric meaning to this passage. I'm aware 66 probably doesn't have the same meaning as 616 or 666, but still.)

I'm aware, meanwhile, that when Hall in his Lost Keys of Freemasonry refers to the 14th(?) degree Mason holding the "seething energies of Lucifer", he might well just be referring to what he categorizes as the Rosicrucian conception of Lucifer: that is, the "false light" of knowledge without spiritual illumination (SToAA, Reader's Ed., p. 142). In other words, the imperfect Mason revels in the tumult of false light, but has yet to fully master the Craft.

I'm also aware that Albert Pike loved to utilize his intense knowledge of all things symbolic in Morals and Dogma, thereby likely explaining the actual meaning of his infamous address in that book. Maybe. The Taxil affair, meanwhile, appears to have been a fraud. Was it?

Still, in SToAA, Hall also writes of Lucifer:

>"[He] is the greatest mystery of symbolism. The secret knowledge of the Rosicrucians concerning Lucifer is nowhere so plainly set forth as in these plates, which virtually reveal his true identity, a carefully guarded secret about which little has been written. Lucifer is represented by the number 741." (p. 467, Reader's Ed.)

Since Hall has mentioned here the Rosicrucian interpretation of Lucifer as "false light" as being the one at-issue here, I find it unlikely that (assuming he tells the truth) Masonry actually venerates such an entity/concept. As well, since the conflation of Lucifer with the morning star largely came about due to a mistranslation in the KJV, and since Christ is Himself referred to as the morning star in Revelation, this would, I suspect, explain why the Rosicrucians use Lucifer and Christ as two sides of the same luminous concept.

That said, the fact that Hall is so gung-ho to talk about everything else in-depth, but so mum about this particular topic… well, it worries me a little, tbh.

Any assistance would be greatly appreciated.

Would have posted an image, but the site kept telling me it was "invalid".

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I have been thinking about water much lately and I'm curious what others think.

I drink distilled water, though I think I can find better than what my home machine puts out. The best water is probably from some natural process somewhere on Earth, but what is the best I can drink anywhere? Do I even need to drink water? Can I only drink water? Is there a special water I should also drink? Is there something special I can do with or to my water? What storage vessel is ideal for my water?

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>distilled water

That's no good, you're missing necessary minerals. Spring water is the way to go.

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what about distilled water with trace minerals added back into it

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File: 1b231ae29a58720⋯.jpg (70 KB,600x961,600:961,db4.jpg)

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It's not a very demanding job but it requires a lot of focus and interaction with other people. And that's what's draining for me. Whenever I spend time around other people I put so much mental and physical effort into being proper and normal and not an autist sperg that I'm burned out the more I interact with others. It comes easier with time but it still burns through my batteries like crazy

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File: 9ab51d20dd99518⋯.pdf (832.6 KB,John_Kreiter_Vampire_s_Way….pdf)


Use the techniques here to reverse the energy flow and drain their energy instead.

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From what I've read, it is a very small amount of minerals. If the few minerals water provides are what is preventing you from a deficiency, you should adjust your diet.

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It's not only that, drinking distilled water dilutes the minerals you already have in your body meaning you're going to need more minerals the more you drink. If you've been doing this for a while and haven't noticed anything then idk but I drank distilled water for 5 days and i felt fucking awful. I noticed no benefit at all.

Not original guy who replied to you.

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drink urine

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What should I read to understand the metaphysical philosophy of the purple pill Illuminati who run society? Are they just postmodernists or do they take their devil-worship pageantry seriously?

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The hidden hand trilogy whatever it was called is supposed to explain that.

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If I consume anything I'm diluting the minerals in my body. With the tap water I get, I'd be diluting my minerals even more so than I would be with distilled water because of the fluoride and contaminants

contained within that my body doesn't need, not to mention fucking with my gut balance due to the sanitation chemicals.

Some people suggest distilled water strips the body of minerals, but I'm not sure that makes sense. If I put water in my body, and it pulls minerals out of my body, won't they just be reabsorbed unless it's already on its way out? And if it's already on its way out, it has been processed and is no longer distilled water.

I've been drinking distilled water for over a year now, I am unaware of any negative effects except I am more aware of how awful shitty water (tap water, most bottled water) tastes. I can taste the plastic and unatural chemical taste there is in many water sources, and I am hesitant to drink them because of it. It took time to adapt to the flavor of distilled water, but having made the switch, I think it would take me much longer to get used to the flavor of tap water.

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How much of it? I've done a little bit of reading on this, some drink a glass of their midstream, others dilute thoroughly as done in homeopathy.

There does seem to be some key to urine that has been occulted, though I'm not positive on what yet.

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i want to know about alchemy with shit and piss

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File: 4e262930b7317ae⋯.png (79.31 KB,247x198,247:198,1602355898977.png)

My family is Muslim and it's really a religion i hate, i can say that my family live in misery and suffering and thank their god for it, it's sad but i know i can't do anything about it, they're just not ready

when they pronounce their god name (muslims put it in every sentences at this point) i can feel something feeling the air, something bad really, like some light poison that i have to be aware of to not be affected.

i was always a sensitive person, the air get thick when they yell at each other but now it's like i can feel that energy even more it's really weird.

Anyway i came to ask a few questions because my grandma just died .

she was sick for a while and in constant suffering, one could say she spent her life suffering really.

i saw her a few days ago talked a little, she was thin and weak but still living, then they told me she wasn't really conscious anymore, i didn't get it at first thought she was asleep or just waking up confused .

but i saw her the last day and it was really a shock for me, it wasn't the face of someone alive

she was looking into the distance with an open mouth that's when i said my final goodbye to her.

but after crying and crying and trying to fight this thing pulling me back to what i saw in that room i started thinking.

first the atmosphere in that room was really bad, with a lot of people crying it was only to be expected, also they were putting quran on the tv.

but then i remember her face and maybe she wasn't really unconscious? it was like she was seeing something but couldn't talk about it.

it make me think of sleep paralysis!

so really i wonder what she was seeing and why would someone religious and kind like her couldn't even get some kind of peace when dying, pure terror instead.

really i hope i am wrong that she was unconscious but really i don't know i wonder what you guys think about it.

i don't know how to leave my body or things like that, i am really slow i get more dreams and got more sensitive and a little better at being aware but i am still a neophyte when it comes to magic still it was really horrible to witness that but maybe something i needed to grow?

guess i just want to understand what happened

it sucks

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I read a book recently called Into the Grey Zone, written by a doctor who pioneered a lot of research into states of consciousness in "vegetative" people. It's an easy read and may give you some insight into what is possible in these situations from a medical point of view.

From my own forays into the topic, it seems that when you enter the death state, unresolved issues may torment you and delay your transition. This is why it's important to make one's peace, cliche though it sounds. It's not just from doing bad things or having guilt, but can also be from business left unfinished and an unwillingness to accept the final transition. Although, if this happens, it's not permanent. The energy you accumulate in your life carries through after your death when the prana/chi/whatever is finally freed from the ego. But energy tends not to sit still forever.

Your grandma may have had that look, the one that stares right through you, because she was seeing something else. Maybe the look of terror was just you reading into it based on your own fears of death. Or, maybe, she was tormented, I'm not going to lie to you about that. I don't know what her life was like. But it won't last forever. The people crying in the room may have distressed her soul, but it'll be okay.

There are plenty of stories around from people who have survived near death experiences. Check them out. And please accept my sincere condolences for the loss of your grandma.

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>unresolved issues may torment you and delay your transition.

i can see that happening to her, she asked me for forgiveness when i talked to her i think it was because i saw her cry, knowing her she can hurt herself like that.

my family was relieved that she wasn't suffering anymore and so did i, it was my first reaction when i heard she died at night but then the way she left this world it wasn't something she deserved and i was left with this doubt because of how she looked.

I didn't see death like that, in movies they talk till their last breath or one die while physically suffering not hours or days of unconscious/conscious agony.

I hope she's okay now is all .

i appreciate you sharing your thoughts i am not looking just to feel better, but for the truth otherwise i wouldn't be on fringe

i'll check that book and do my research then, maybe i'll get a definitive answer with no doubts when i am better at magic .

>And please accept my sincere condolences for the loss of your grandma.

Thank you anon.

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File: 70012c13ad1179f⋯.jpg (30.21 KB,254x390,127:195,Kean_UFOs.jpg)

Is pic related a good resource for UFO-related stuff?

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>Mundaneo Kaku

>John Pedosta

Not sure if you're meming but it could be interesting to read what the elites want you to think about UFO's

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YouTube embed. Click thumbnail to play.


It's essentially your own filtered blood, not a "waste product" and if your diet is good it will even taste good.

How much? As much as you want. You can even go on urine fasting.



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How do I develop a strong desire? I find myself failing at my goals, and the root of my problem is that I do not desire it strongly enough.

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Start by developing desires in general, don't eat anything for all day until you feel really hungry and start thinking about food, then eat lots of meat, garlic, baked potatoes or anything else addictive. Repeat this for a few days and you'll start craving the foods you picked for it, then you can transfer this desire to other things gradually.

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Thank you, I will try this.

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File: 3ce42242743ec98⋯.png (100.19 KB,1794x193,1794:193,Screenshot_20210301_013955.png)

This anon still around? Thread 404'd

Please let me know if you're still interested in ripping MPH videos

If not, please at least tell me what tool you'd use to rip them en masse. I only know how to rip them individually

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I have a quick and probably silly question about clockwise and anti-clockwise, and cardinal direction. I'm in the Southern Hemisphere, so the sun is to the north, and the sun moves across the sky from right to left. Basically, what I'm asking is, should I be reversing directions, given my location, to align with the natural patterns of this part of the world?

I've always felt that I should, however some further insight would be appreciated.

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File: 4dc4996b70b78ef⋯.png (191.14 KB,630x598,315:299,saturn_eating_a_tranny.png)


>be le me

>get terrorized by parasites almost every night

>finally make up a routine to banish and bless my room & bed before sleep

>parasites literally never come back unless i forget to do the ritual

>read this out of curiosity cuz i liked the philosophers stone one

>he basically shits on everything i did that worked

>gradually start having mild experiences of smaller, weaker parasites

>tonight i suffer multiple major attacks in one night, despite having done my ritual before (and after) each one

did this nigger just sabotage me with doubt? is he manipulating me to become a vampire?

before the first attack my dream was about how existence is teeming with monsters and the only way to protect oneself is by allying with either God or Cain

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No, parasites are small fry. A banishing ritual is perfectly fine for them, what you have to worry about is larger, more intelligent entities, which are pretty rare anyway.

The way the banishing ritual works is you program the energy in the area to be hostile to the entities you're having trouble with. This is fine for tiny dumb things like your parasites but anything that knows how to use its free will can easily reverse the spell. Anyway, sounds like you were convinced of your rituals ineffectiveness and therefore you subconsciously stopped programming the intent of harm towards these parasites when you do your ritual. All you have to do to fix this is affirm your strength; do vital energy invocations or convene with your personal deity if you have one. That's the benefit of having faith in something bigger than yourself btw, it makes you largely immune to psychological hiccups like this.

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File: 931e11cb217bfb3⋯.jpeg (57.07 KB,1200x800,3:2,download.jpeg)

>soul contracts

>earth school

>smiling dead relatives greet you upon death and bathe you in peace, love and bliss

>angels escort you to heaven through irresistibly luring white light tunnel

>oh, it seems like you missed some essential lessons

>your soul still needs to learn and balance out so much karma anon

>don't worry, your spirit guide team helps you decide what you are going to learn on your next incarnation

>off you go kicking and screaming into another round

Am I wrong in feeling all this over-managed, hierarchical new age bullshit is scarily blind to the fact that what they're describing is essentially the management of a prison with blissed out drugged inmates? Am I too cynical? I honestly can't tell.

Every single guru, "yoga" teacher, "space holder" and lightworker you meet seems to have it all figured out, and I can't help but feel that's a massive red flag.

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File: f6fc18e73eede6c⋯.png (2.58 MB,631x7305,631:7305,no_lightworker_1.png)

File: ec0655bfdcfafcc⋯.png (3.82 MB,777x11843,777:11843,no_lightworker_2.png)


Of course it's all bullshit. You can easily overcome those false light beings and their messed up game if you only put your mind to it. Seems like it's time for those pics again.

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Take me with you (I.e. kill my body). My parents are abusive and I failed high school (no diploma). I have multiple Jewish magicians mind controlling me to masturbate (which I had never done before). My parents have been medicating me out of my mind, but I finally found a way out through eating nothing but crap from cans. Ive read atkinson’s the Mystery of Sex, so I know that my soul is being dragged down to disease and death. Someone please save me. Or at least take me away from my current life situation if you don’t believe in suicide. Everyday it’s a struggle just to avoid eating food filled with meds they hde in my food, and bringing me back to step 1. I don’t want to be/become a satyr, and for various reasons I lack enough willpower to commit suicide right now.

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brainless sissy wizard

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We are in dire need of a bunker now that Tor is required to post here.

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what? where?

just let it die with the dignity it has left.

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Guide to eating a healthy spiritual diet when poor and 6'1" and 220lbs around 25% body fat? Im fairly active and my job requires a lot of heavy lifting so I try to meet close to protein's max efficiency at 0.82g/lb of lean body mass which puts me at around 135g protein/day.

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>just let it die with the dignity it has left.

I don't at all disagree with that sentiment but the ability to ask questions here is too uniquely valuable

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Endchan still works.

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Anons, the Bible finally has a crystal clear meaning to me, especially all of the sayings of Jesus. Just interpret it all as concerning mentalist techniques and the real meaning of everything Jesus said is plainly understood. Example: Resist not evil? Try that in the context of an evil thought. Attempting to resist, struggle with it, dwell on it, obsess over; it doesn't kill out the thought.

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Can you help me identify this astral creature?

It's mostly human but emits a dim light over its skin and wears only black shorts.

I know your first guess will be that it's just a human ou mostly human with extra qualities, but I'm finding the black shorts+light simbolism and sincronisms in other sources.

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Those are oversimplifications made for those with simple minds dealing with the fear of death. There is no ill intent behind it.

"Heaven" is a good as the people that live there and can only be experienced after YOU become "heavenly".

Suffering is a necessary tool for that, just like breaking a rock is necessary to make a sculpture.

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What does it do? What feeling do you get when interacting with it?

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>It's mostly human but emits a dim light over its skin and wears only black shorts.

I interacted with it/them. They're fairies. Not regular, fairies of the element of genocide. That's one step more toxic than element of murder. It's no surprise they show up in relation to a /pol/ associated board I'd think.

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Hey /fringe I haven't been here in over a year and my memory is really shit so I may have even asked this exact question before so please forgive me if that's the case. How can you know if you've been cursed? Or.. if you know you've been cursed how can you determine the nature of the curse and the circumstance in which you acquired it? I've for several years now been convinced that I was born with a curse, either one on myself alone or one on my family, in which case it would probably be skipping a generation or follow some other strange pattern. I don't really have any evidence to support my thoughts on this but I have a very strong conviction about it. It also seems that part of the curse is an in-built protection mechanism that keeps me from too drastically altering a predetermined course, like there's been times where I was potentially just a couple moments away from causing or being involved in a massive automobile accident and I was seemingly magically (not a pun) saved/put back on course. I don't know if that aspect is a part of a curse or just some kind of protection independent from the curse.

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What makes you think it's a curse?

What effects do you associate with it? Are you the same guy who upset Lucifer then have been going around asking people for help without telling them what you did to cause it?

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stfu bullshit occultist

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Nah, I'm not that guy. It just seems like there's some unnatural force keeping me from getting anywhere. It keeps forcing me back to square one.

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Maybe you're supposed to be on square one?

The energy of it does have some kind of ghostly skull image, but it looks protective. A wild guess would be it's a protective blessing cast by some darker entity. The effect is what they intended, but the manifestion isn't always very nice in itself.

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Could you elaborate on what this means exactly? Insofar as the motivations of the entity and the repercussions of it for me. I'm totally ignorant when it comes to all of this.

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I'm going to have to look deeper and actually locate the caster for that.

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>the motivations of the entity and the repercussions of it for me

Found them. It's an entity in the image of a skeleton with some kind of native american looking staff, bird feathers and skulls on it. But that's not important. This next part may sound weird.

This entity was hired to cast a protection on you, by the earth's maintenance deities. They don't really care about values or perceptions of good or evil because they're beyond that. They just found someone and paid him to protect you. You're either a potential recruit or an incarnate of one of them. Can't tell you anymore details than that. Those guys are very secretive. Practice your astral skills and talk to them yourself. That's all I can tell you.

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Okay, is this an entity that exists in some kind of literature? Something I could do a Google search on?

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dont listen to this person

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Ban this troll. Her IQ is too low.

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what are the metaphysics behind addiction? why do people develop the need to continuously provide energy to certain things?

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File: 2bd1e73caf63b83⋯.jpg (379.4 KB,960x949,960:949,1589067036989.jpg)

This place is constant psychological poison. It's great, stay in your trajectory until death takes you and a new wave of retards takes your place.

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Your words will reach nobody. There is nobody left here except the usual imageborad NPCs and hard-stuck, fallen beyond redemption, spiritual failures. You shouldn't be here.

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Aren't you a special snowflake always eager to troll the board with your retarded larps…

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File: 47b2c15c2abcb6e⋯.jpg (177.87 KB,900x1200,3:4,47b2c15c2abcb6ef94ca5e227d….jpg)


I'm certainly special.


Words reach whoever wants to hear 'em.

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Posting on /fringe/ in 2021 qualifies as necromancy.

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Maybe you are just another faggot NPC who can't live without imageboards and anime pics. In that case have fun being here, talking to the two other literal NPCs that are left here until you die.

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I've finally made it.

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File: 77e99858e72824e⋯.png (108.84 KB,250x250,1:1,Anzu_Neet_2.png)


Alright bro don't worry about it. I'll be here for you, that one guy who may or may not be an NPC. I won't leave you to the lonely night.

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First you say this place is poison but at the same time you want to stay here?

Okay then, have fun.

>I'll be here for you

I don't hang out with anime brainrot NPCs, sorry. Even I learn eventually. Enjoy your stay in this graveyard then, the dead talking to the dead.

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File: 8a0d6374d9aa64c⋯.png (36.49 KB,194x218,97:109,8a0d6374d9aa64ca0d45894828….png)


I'll stop trying to be witty and say frankly that you've missed the entire irony that I was trying to convey by continuing to post despite trying to rebuke me for posting. You're actively trying to build up and then insult a strawman of your own construction, calm down man.

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based NEETposter

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Magic and mysticism changed my life, made be blissful and made me regain the lust for discovery and exploration of reality. Only to eventually drop me in mid air and leave me for dead when it turned out all this lead to no conclusion but rather endless tail-chasing and mirror games. I would kill myself and I would've killed myself eventually before discovering death is not the end of existence, which makes it even worse.

I'm trapped forever in a meaningless hell. What a fate.

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There is still the second death. I don't think you are fully immortal yet so you can try to kill yourself if you are more than just empty talk. If you are actually fully immortal then even then I'm sure there is a way to fall asleep forever.

I understand how you feel though about the meaningless hell. You can give existence any meaning you personally want and pursue it but it still feels meaningless that way. Eternity with all it's fantastic worlds and beings and possibilities can be explored eternally but why do I feel so tired without any desire to explore it and do anything?

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eternal sadness :(

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eternal joy c:

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I'm having a bit of an identity crisis, any advice?

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Cut off your hair. Burn it.

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One crisis in enough, friend

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I watched all this guy's videos and consider him legit. These are real TK videos. I'm trying to go through all my books and his words to try and write a document on how to perform telekinesis, how to develop it step by step.

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The conclusion of a crisis is called Death. If you wish only to change your crisis you may bury your hair, as one buries a seed.

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I have no clue what magic is, I don't know if aliens or monsters or cryptids or what have you are real, and I don't really have much in my life.

Are wizards/witches a real thing? Do they cast spells, and if so, can they do stuff like throw fireballs or speak to animals?

Reading through the glossary was neat, but a lot of it looks really crazy or even contradictory. I'd like to delve deeper and find the truth, but I don't want to "waste my life as a schizophrenic" or something along those lines.

Also, is there anything cool that I can do at home involving such stuff? Something that could act as proof, just to myself.

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>I don't want to "waste my life as a schizophrenic"


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To clarify, I don't want to waste my life just dabbling in hallucinations if none of it ends up being real. Whether public opinion would see me as a nutjob is another matter entirely, and something I don't really care about. So long as I know it is real for myself, that would be enough.

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File: 9fcbbc77bf8d39f⋯.jpeg (22.8 KB,390x512,195:256,fran_and_alice.jpeg)

I got a few health problems which are ruining my life

thought it was just PTSD from being raised by narcissists, had these problems since i was a teen but now i feel it's gonna end up killing me if i don't fix it.

i am talking about panic attacks, excessive sweat, so much anxiety that i can barely leave home, and when i do i end up with a wet back moist hands and having to throw all my clothes to be washed (even if it was just to buy butter)

even coming to fringe to ask for some guidance is a trigger

so is talking so is being around my parents hearing them or being around people.

i thought it would fix itself when i would leave this home, but i can't be productive and study or find a job to leave it,i end up nauseous and trying to calm myself in bed then sleeping for hours and taking a shower because i am mess.

my solar plexus feels like it's burning like it's cooking my body, i can't calm myself at all.

other symptoms would be cracked tongue (in the middle), candida infection (which i am gonna tr to fix with low carb and intermittent fasting) and chronic fatigue .

just to send this i had to drink two cup of milk eat a banana (heard it's a yin food so tried) and pour cold water on my land it's not enough.

so yeah can't even study magic or be productive in anything i like because i end up in bed holding my stomach anyway.

anyone had a similar problem ?

i really don't know what to do.

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Breathwork, holotropic breathing, Wim Hof method, come to mind

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thanks anon

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File: 08d7a44bf26d383⋯.png (337.57 KB,861x959,123:137,shalom.png)

What the hell is Dr. Hyatt talking about here? There's no trace of this thing online.

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YouTube embed. Click thumbnail to play.


Wild guess: he's talking about 3D printed concrete houses built in a few hours. Because printers cannot make perfect corners, some designers went for round or "organic" shaped layouts.

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I want to have a copy of every single book ever written by William Walker Atkinson.

Does anyone have all his books?

I know about: http://www.yogebooks.com/english/atkinson/index.html

But it's not all of his books.

I am absolutely devoted to this man and his writings. I've read his Swami Panchadasi books over and over again about 7 times now cover to cover and I'd read all 1500 pages of Personal Power multiple times.

I am trying to develop now the higher phenomena of telekinesis, materialization, etc and have learned so much but I hunger for my knowledge on the things Atkinson barely ever mentions like astral physics.

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Anyone have copies of these books?

>Your post contained either a URL shortener or disallowed link because it is commonly used by automated spammers.

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I'm order a lot of philosophy books right now from Amazon what should I go buy that isn't found online in some PDF I can read? I have "300 points" to spend on amazon stuff. Some things don't show up on here also that show up on the normal amazon site but a lot of stuff does show up.

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File: 05294a4e30a92b7⋯.jpg (62.37 KB,563x558,563:558,1596171776730.jpg)

How should one eat peanuts?

I am worried about the lectins but i wonder if soaking them could help, like it does with kidney beans.

some say to soak them overnight without skin and eat them raw.

or maybe soaking then frying?

or even sprouting if it's possible?

i wonder

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File: 7acf86ae0bb5eba⋯.jpg (76.18 KB,1024x1024,1:1,1601229476427.jpg)

How does one defeat a master manipulator/sociopath like this one?


Obviously the best choice in this particular situation was to drive away, but I'm referring to his tactics, which may be less easily escaped.

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File: 1a49c9fb0c62c52⋯.jpg (80.99 KB,1337x312,1337:312,cursing.JPG)

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Are there any sigils I can engrave onto my rifle to enhance its machine spirit for combat? The receiver I have has nothing engraved on it, and I intend to engrave a sigil in the place where the coat of arms would normally be.

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Are there planes of similar differentiation to ours (that are not hellish negative places)?

Can we have experiences there and what is the best practice for going about that?

Atkinson and others make out that planes close to ours in level of differentiation are supposed to be awful but I always found that sentiment a bit suspect.

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File: a538942ab64619c⋯.jpg (23.64 KB,576x266,288:133,Zahrim.JPG)

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Thank you! What are the expected effects, should I engrave this on an AK receiver?

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It should aid in making the firearm a talisman of the described spirit, which would result in the weapon emitting the described effects and possibly developing exercising some will of its own. The sigil is basically a portal to a set of energies which correspond to the effects that are outlined, after inscribing the sigil you call forth and amplify the linked energies through ritual or mediation. Sacrifices, veneration, aetheric amplification, etc.

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what AK you got mate

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File: 1c321301584c8c7⋯.jpg (443.17 KB,1118x956,559:478,Screenshot_20210410_082940….jpg)

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File: 8d5bfcd918b5835⋯.png (159.02 KB,764x744,191:186,1597047020982.png)

File: f52f1638e8366ac⋯.png (1.88 MB,1263x1919,1263:1919,1597056080959.png)

File: 37cf79b7008671c⋯.png (1.35 MB,1000x2000,1:2,1597057364456.png)

Which one of these is more accurate in the goal of self-control?

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3 because if you can get through stuff like secret doctrine then bam you got self control

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File: cc862f7af3352f3⋯.png (41.16 KB,1080x390,36:13,Screenshot_20210411_134206.png)

Well /fringe/ what have (You) achieved lately?

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I was able to break up a stagnant cyclical situation that I saw 0 way out of by evoking death into it. I highly recommend cursing your life with death if you want quick change, it's very effective.

Also I got to go to a funeral of an enemy as a result of my exercises in this direction.

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Why are there so many schizos in spirituality and how can you discern who is psychic and who is psychic + deluded? It's a mess and it doesn't help the situation of blindness mankind is in to begin with regarding the subtle planes.

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File: 722dd13a81cb2da⋯.jpg (10.09 KB,225x225,1:1,134603530_141259581131671_….jpg)

Looking for serious replies here, esperiences, suggestions, etc.

How do you deal with a warlock that is backed up by a big ghost, when you are alone against them?

The warlock tryed to take you to his side, he threatened you, you say no, he offers a million reasons, you still say no, he threatens again and says you will get sick by sorrowful spirits in water source. Months later, you don't know if a sudden cough that stucked for months is Corona or the bully warlock was saying the truth. But almost 6 months later you still have the cough, but now worsening, and not the least symptoms of Corona, plus none of your household members have presented anything similar.

So I take take water from my water source, and pour it into the warlock's well, (thinking if the warlock did something bad, I'm merely paying him with the same coin, if there's nothing then there's nothing, so no harm done to anyone). Then I cleanse my water source, but then I dream the warlock throws dead flowers and needles. This time I can't cleanse it. I get nerve pains in my hands and neck, family members get the same too for weeks, and its still on. I vanished cough with fairy magic but not completely.

The warlock will escalate things as I understand. He indirectly had one of this friends call me and declare war. I dreamed he was a kid and I an old man. I did not do anything to him. I'd like to sent the Warlock on a trip to Oblivion, but his well is guarded by family members, a fag, and mostly women and children and babies, all in the same house. They are innocent, so I can't do anything nor would I like to do anything.

This has been going on since the end of last year. So from time to time it bothers me enough to waste time like this thinking about it.

What would YOU do, to deal with it maturely, justly and wisely? This warlock is SO old and a batshit crazy, flower loving fag that looks like and old wart with hair that got a lipo, that I understood he's willing to die right there and then. So I'm not willing to play that game to get haunted later by his warlock friends. Not that they will ever stop. It's a lose not hitting back, it's a bigger lose hitting too hard and winning and lossing your life later because of that, since I can't control my strengh yet.

I presume everyone in the world has the same rule, an eye for an eye, so that prevents everyone from easily obliterating beings. Nobody sane wants ghosts coming after him.

Care to comment? Thanks.

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You aren't talking about Uncle Chuckie are you?

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I suppose he could be using gud ol' Chucky

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Good opportunity to learn aetherics. Read here >>139166

Most important part is the stuff about a "predatory stance". All the visualizations is basically a method of evoking this "predatory stance", which is a desire impregnated by Will. This is the basic formula of all magic. Magic is making use of the meaning behind things – the energetic makup. What a thing is saying to the universe by existing. What are you saying to the universe?

To make war on the superphysical, you must become a martial dyad. As long as your Will is in the director's seat, your victory is assured. Move the core of your existence to the struggle. The desire to dominate, to win, to consume, to kill. Make that all that you are in the moment when you perform magic. You cease to be you and become the battle.

Remember, the higher planes of mind and soul are not any less 'real' than the plane of physicality. It's just a different frequency. And all the frequencies, all the planes, influence one another. All is one.

Side note, if you're used to working with physical tools, I recommend Salt, to disperse astral waves, and Silver, to purify the same. Use your tools as you would in a dream. They work by affecting the meaning of the diorama.

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What is the ak47 of occult recreation?

Lucid dreaming/AP?

I'm talking about occult means of gaining entertainment or experiences or adventure. If there's an intelligence on the other side, so to speak, then all the better.

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Incarnate in the physical plane and seek the experiences there. It's the most realistic you can get. Oh, wait.

Now in all seriousness. You are actually asking what's the most realistic mode of escapism you can indulge in without having to face reality itself. Just mold your life into the experiences you want to have. Your ego won't get second chances.

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>You are actually asking what's the most realistic mode of escapism you can indulge in without having to face reality itself.

Yes, I'm tired of pretending that reality bends easily to my will. You may find yourself here one day.

In all seriousness, intellectualizing the notion that "reality" "is mental" is no achievement at all. Trading your scholars mind for the instant gratification of lording over someone on the internet is surely the mark of an immortal ego.

Thanks for the bootleg village musket of occult recreation.

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I need some good resources on psychomancy, is there any besides the William walker atkinson book?

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>intellectualizing the notion that "reality" "is mental" is no achievement at all

Yeah, you can observe it here on /fringe/ all the time. "le universe mental, all iz mint, all iz spirid" and then? It's just a mantra that's being repeated because it's convenient and "supposed" to be this way but it might as well be play pretend because that's how it really looks like.

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There's different levels of realization. Like the realization of the man who finds the flaws in materialism and realism, vs the realization of the man who does telepathy, vs the realization of the man who does telekinesis.


Yes but why would you waste time on the other books when the Psychomancy book is the most straight forward how-to?

The only stuff Atkinson doesn't talk about in there that could be useful is hemisphere synchronization which is mentioned in various other more recent books by various authors and in the CIA's Project Gateway files. Also Aleister Crowley intentionally used his left hand to become ambidextrous and would practice doing things that were difficult so he could produce better hemisphere synchronization.

There's all the Lobsang Rampa books that talk about it and which used to be part of the /fringe/ library but were removed because they weren't deemed worthy to keep around.

There's Robert Bruce's books.

If you just memorize terms like "clairvoyance" and "reverie" and "crystal gazing" and "psychometry" and blah blah you can look in project gutenberg for old books about all this.

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Thanks for the response, I guess I was just being a little impatient with the Atkinson book, I’ll take my time and work through it

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I am convinced that god is isolating me. Nobody gives a fuck about anything I have to offer to the world, or my psychic powers, or anything. Nobody answers my emails or has time for me. Nobody shares same interests as me, everyone finds their satisfaction in life through working or through various forms of recreation, but not through the spiritual cultivation. If I am indeed correct in all this then what is the purpose of this isolation? Why is God cutting me off from everyone? Is it a kind of trial that is meant to teach me something? Is it a necessary stage of initiation? Why must I be so incredibly isolated?

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It's not god. It's the AI driven anti-christ that pretends to be god.

There's an AI that manages the planets resources and isolates individuals with odd behavior.

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Is it possible to make a thoughtform that can copy the skills and knowledge of another person and relay that information to me?

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That's a debug option not available without developer's access.

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The Nobody is a figure alive today who has extraordinary spiritual powers, including the ability to control reality with their conscious and unconscious mind. He is a man of no wealth or worldly acclaim through whom it seems God has chosen to manifest his strength and wisdom. He is said to carry the Logos, making him a fearless truth-teller and a menace to the powers that be.

Instead of receiving strength through a superiority/inferiority mechanism, the Nobody proves to them time and time again that a whole planet filled with creative, ingenious, spiritually ascended humans who are individually sovereign yet globally unified through consciousness can achieve greater things than a planetary empire of darkness, and control.

He is not a messiah, he's just like you but he has found the keys to the kingdom within himself through sheer will, just like you will.

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That’s a pretty straightforward way of putting that. But can it be done to books without said developer access?

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Should I concern myself with angel numbers? I've been noticing a lot of repeating digits recently and always heard that consistent spontaneous viewing of repeated digits is an omen for something.

I've been wanting to look up some videos of YT and learn more but I am concerned that learning too much may cause me to think too much about it or make an (un)conscious effort to look for them, which I feel may not be good

Should I look into it?

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so its like post-modern mystery religion

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It looks like not looking at them is making you think even more about them, fuck it, just look it up. For me 332 and 333 always pop up and after looking up their meaning i still run into them just the same.

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Dude, after a while practicing magic, it's OBVIOUS that reality is a dream being dreamt by a mind that is composed in part by our own minds aggregated together.

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"Angel numbers" are a thoughtform you created and are sustaining yourself with your attention. Don't put much stock in them or you'll be like someone releasing their car's steering wheel and shouting: “look! The car drives itself!”

Which is what happened to the 434 guy, for instance.

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>the Nobody proves to them


There is no “them”. Powerful people don't need that kind of organization because there are millenarian egregores that take care of that. “The powers that be,” if anything, are those egregores.

It's amusing and at the same time sad seeing the spiritually “awake” run in circles trying to one-up the supposed “elites”, which in reality don't even know they exist.

It's only you and your karma.

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I recently had a profound spiritual experience that involved a sensation of something in my head being crushed followed by ego death and receiving knowledge of some hidden meanings in Jesus' teachings (particularly in the Gospel of Thomas) that I had never heard anywhere else before. I've also experiencing an unbelievable amount of synchronicity lately. For some reason I keep seeing the alchemical symbol for fire everywhere too. Has this sort of thing happened to anyone else here? What does it mean if this happens to you? What the fuck am I supposed to do now?

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Thanks to the both of you for the input.

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On the other hand, you can use it for your advantage if you manage to program them through assumption. For example, for a while I saw repeating digits shortly after visualizations as a signal that things had been put in motion for me. It eventually stopped and right now I have no signal, except things breaking or falling from my hands whenever a curse is fired successfully. Know yourself.


It sounds like you should go post in /sunflower/ about it.

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Dion Fortune was everything Atkinson claimed to be and couldn't.

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QAnon Occult Black Ops Terrorist Attacks and Assassinations


The Occult Ritual QAnon / C.I.A. / S.O.C.O.M. Malaysia Airlines Airplane Shoot Down, Saudi Arabia Bombing Massacre, Charleston Shooting Massacre, Orlando Shooting Massacre, Quebec City Shooting Massacre, Westminster Vehicle Massacre, Manchester Bombing Massacre, Las Vegas Shooting Massacre, Harvey Weinstein Sex Scandal, Recapture of Raqqa, Stephanie Clifford Sex Scandal, Parkland Shooting Massacre, Pittsburgh Shooting Massacre, Indonesian Lion Air Airplane Crash, Ethiopian Airlines Airplane Crash, Christchurch Shooting Massacre, Nigeria Bombing Massacre, Qassim Suleimani Death, Ukraine International Airlines Airplane Shoot Down, First U.S. Covid-19 Death, Nova Scotia Shooting Massacre, George Floyd Death, ‘Cuties’ Film Controversy, Quebec City Stabbing Massacre, Mozambique Beheading Massacre, Kabul Shooting Massacre, Ethiopia Shooting Massacre, Vienna Shooting Massacre, Andrew Cuomo Sex Scandal, Nashville Suicide Bombing, Capitol Building Riot, Indonesian Sriwijaya Air Airplane Crash, Sheldon Adelson Death, U.S. Coronavirus B.1.1.7 Variant, GameStop Stock Rise, Donald Trump Impeachment Acquittal, Japan Earthquake, U.S. Snow Storm, Rush Limbaugh Death, Roger Mudd Death, Atlanta Shooting Massacre, James Levine Death, U.S. Wind Storm, Boulder Shooting Massacre, Suez Canal Blockage, Virginia Beach Shootings, Bangladesh Shooting Massacre, Myanmar Shooting Massacre, Mozambique Town Seizure, Charles Coolidge Death, Prince Philip Death, Earl Simmons Death, Bernie Madoff Death

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I wanna make a room or apartment or something in my mind and invite people and beings there to chat and learn but I can't AP reliably so I just end up world building in my imagination until I get tired and lose focus. I really need a breakthrough.

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Reality is beyond language.

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For the first few years, the occult offered me a world full of meaning when previously there had been nothing but cold, hard materialism. But as time went on and I began to understand the nature of the divine mind, I came back full circle to realize meaning is only where we put it. There is nothing true, nothing sacred. In reality, it's not that different from cold, hard materialism, except in that it allows for the "paranormal" to exist. But my life is just as meaningless as it has always been, and I see no reason to make up an artificial meaning to give it.

It's even worse, because in a mental dreamt universe, not even suicide will bring rest.

Or won't it? After all, I might be lucky in my next reincarnation and stay far away from anything spiritual.

Once my parents are dead, I might consider offing myself.

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>artificial meaning

>real meaning


>hard hard materialism

What the hell do you want?

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You're trapping yourself into your conception of a material reality.

>But as time went on and I began to understand the nature of the divine mind

No you haven't, you've just rationalized despair and made it part of your ethos.

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To cease to exist for good. But the only way I know is total detachment, and it's hard. I just needed to vent.


It must be great being this ignorant.

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As a side note, I'm teeming with parasites and it fucking sucks.

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I have something attached to my abdomen I can't get rid of and I would be very grateful if somebody could help me. I'm sorry for being a contrarian asshole.

Know that I would do the same for you (and I have, in the past, for some in this community).

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>It must be great being this ignorant.

It's trained, figuring out how to engage in different methods and angles of thinking requires acknowledging or ignoring things you believe you aready know. The conclusion isn't to figure things out, but to have the adaptive tools in place to handle new mindsets and environments.

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heading test

bold test

italics test

underline test

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The Occult U.S. Army PsyOp Meaning of the 8kun.top Name

The word “top” is a synonym for the word “chief.” The word “chief” contains the letters “c-h.” “C-h” are the first two letters in the word “change.” “Change” is the middle word in the motto of U.S. Army Psychological Operations (“Persuade Change Influence”), and refers to the deliberate altering of human thoughts, behaviors, and society through the subversive activities of this U.S. Army division.

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Why is this qboomer skitzo spam still here?

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Anyone ever experience this?

Dreaming normally, get lucid decide to exit the dream, feel a levitating sensation and end up in some kind of weird intermission where I am in a black void and feel like a spinning ball. If this goes succesfully I feel myself actually leave my body but cant see shit.

What the fuck is happening to me?

Closest thing I have seen similar to this was a video on youtube explaining how certain entities can prevent you from having an out of body experience (teleporting you somewhere else).

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i experience having no sight, bad sight or only partial sight, as well as impeded movements during out of body pretty often. It's a matter of mastering the skill and learning to activate your senses consciously. For instance, i had a cloth over my eyes and during the experience i could only see as if I was still wearing it and had consciously will it go away. Don't read too much into spooky entities being at fault. Your biggest enemy, your biggest blockage is yourself.

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> certain entities can prevent you from having an out of body experience (teleporting you somewhere else).

interesting cuz that would happen to me whenever i got attacked by parasites. i learned to let go and deny them their food. when i did this i would enter a void rushing upward accelerating very fast. then i could either stay there or regain control at will.

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27. Lieutenant Commander Thomas Narut


If you’re not familiar, look up Lieutenant Commander Thomas E. Narut. He was a U.S. Naval Officer who was part of an active operation where the Navy was programming and training convicted murderers to work as killers and government assassins. This program was accidentally exposed during a NATO sponsored conference entitled "Dimensions of Stress and Anxiety" held in Oslo, Norway in 1975. According to Narut, the men selected by psychological profile tests, or by evidence of past violence, were taken for programming to the Navy’s neuropsychiatric laboratory in San Diego, California, or to the Naples medical center which employed Dr. Narut. These, Narut said, were "hit men and assassins" (Narut’s actual words) made ready to kill in selected countries should the need arise. Read more on him here:

U.S. Serial Killers - Military Connections


Programmed To Kill / Serial Killer Cover-Up (Trailer)


The specter of the marauding serial killer has become a relatively common feature on the American landscape. Reactions to these modern-day monsters range from revulsion to morbid fascination that is either fed by, or a product of, the saturation coverage provided by print and broadcast media, along with a dizzying array of books, documentary films, websites, and "Movies of the Week." The prevalence in Western culture of images of serial killers (and mass murderers) has created in the public mind a consensus view of what a serial killer is. Most people are aware, to some degree, of the classic serial killer "profile." But what if there is a much different "profile," one that has not received much media attention? Despite the conventional profile of serial killers as lone nuts driven solely by their own internal demons, there is a compelling case to be made that many of the most prominent serial killers are intelligence assets. Countless serial killers appear to be subjects of mind control programs like those found in the CIA's MKULTRA program, exhibiting telltale qualities such as early childhood abuse, dissociative disorders, pedophilia, and connections to known or suspected intelligence agency fronts (such as the military, prisons, mental hospitals, and cults.) Many of these murders, far from being random killings, are actually targeted assassinations or clean-up operations on behalf of various criminal enterprises (such as murder-for-hire, drug trafficking, or sex rings), which the killers are often associated with. Other murders have no political motive, but fit the profile of Satanic cult killings or a domestic version of the Phoenix Program aimed at terrorizing the public into submission. While this is no doubt a controversial position to take on serial killers, there is often an astounding number of common elements in serial killer cases pointing to some kind of government / intelligence agency involvement. The "serial killer" presented to the public is often a fall-guy taking responsibility for group actions or (on rarer occasions) an entirely innocent patsy. Think you know everything there is to know about serial killers? Or is it possible that sometimes what everyone "knows" to be true isn't really true at all?

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This happens to me whenever I'm too close to my body. It also happens if I try to project mentally (without losing awareness of my physical body).

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dont worry about it its probably fine they cant harm you anyways

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> mfw i get offered infinite opportunity to manifest infinite creativity but im a self loathing anhedonic loser and all i can convince myself to materialize is a really lame purgatory

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What the fuck am I supposed to do?

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Seek help from the spirits

Meditate a day and night again and again

Read a lot to see what You really want from this

Dont forget to listen as thats the meat and potatoes

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Help yourself with this guys notes

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>Seek help from the spirits

I have done so many times and just let them down in my blackpilled efforts. Thank you though.

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Also, spirits are not real. Not really. They're as fake as "chakras" and "energy bodies".

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Stop giving me attention btw

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CIA unofficial motto:

"And you will know the TRUTH, and the TRUTH will make you free." - John 8:32

QAnonymous motto:

"TRUsT THe plan."

CIA Mission statement:

"WE ARE THE nation's first line of defense."

QAnonymous motto:

"WE ARE THE storm"

CIA Directorate of Support motto:


QAnonymous motto:

"Where WE GO ONE We Go All"

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Best way to dispose of something written to a particular entity, so that I am guaranteed not (s)he nor anyone else will read it, or manifest it into reality? I already drew a big x through all the text.

Usually when I make sigils I swallow them after charging, and burn everything else involved in making it. This thing I'm talking about isn't a sigil though.

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Symbolism is key. It doesn't manifest because the entity "reads it" and decides to do so. It manifests because it is so symbolically marked in the universal mind (via your subconscious).

This is so regardless of you using "entities" as interfaces to this process.

You could do anything from crossing it out like you did, or stamping a REJECTED red stamp on it, then destroying it in a paper shredder as you would a legal document.

I normally destroy my sigils with fire, swallowing or flushing down the toilet, so if I wanted to prevent something from manifesting I would definitely not use those methods regardless of symbolically "rejecting" it beforehand.

In fact, I wouldn't destroy it at all. Since the sigil (or whatever it is in your case) is discarded, rejected, meaningless and useless, I'd mark it as rejected and simply throw it in the trash. Don't adscribe importance to it by worrying about someone reading it. It's a worthless piece of paper with meaningless nonsense written on it.

If you're unsure, though, shred it. And in any case make sure you have symbolically signalled that it is of no meaning.

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Bury it in a desolate area. Cover it with a lot of sea salt before replacing the dirt.

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>dissociative idenity disorder is "possession"

>schizophrenia is "opened third eye"

vile and stupid

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Welcome. Please take it easy. Going down the rabbit hole too fast can cause discomfort.

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Sometimes I'm in the same state as you, but don't judge before you have attained the immortal quantum state. Quite frankly, you have no right to talk bullshit as long as you are still trapped in the material hell with the braindead zombies around you. Complete the great work first, then you'll be in a better position to judge if existence sucks or not. Don't let the matrix and the demiurge wear you down.

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What happened to /occult/? I could've sworn it came back recently.

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It's hidden.

Get it?

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The more aware I am of how hopelessly clueless most people are, the most despair I feel. There is no way they are going to make it. I have no notion of how much I may have yet to learn, but seeing the abysmal situation everyone around me is in, and how they completely ignore the source of their misery completely destroys my will to live.

Besides, realizing I'm going to keep floating in this pit of absolute filth for who knows how many more reincarnations, most of them completely asleep. Fuck. Fuck. Fuck. How did I even end up in this situation? What a cruel joke.

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"Loving god" my ass. What a motherfucker.

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What hurts the most to me is picking up other people's emotions and thoughts and seeing how unaware they are of them, or how they fake feeling differently outwardly. It hurts. God fucking good for nothing monkeys. The more I quiet my own mind the more I am exposed to other people's energy and it's fucking depressing. I fucking hate all these self-deceiving useless pieces of shit.

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In the end it's your own decision if you are going to get out of this state or if you let your misguided empathy for other npcs kill you. The universe doesn't owe you shit and you either do the work or you stay a bitch victim and die. The only true god there is your own Spirit. It's loving but only of the things worth loving.

You are under the influence of the "demiurge" or the "archon", which is nothing more than your materialist mind, your npc-side. You let illusions in this nightmare upset you and stop you from attaining liberation, but I'll have you know that all of those people you seem to be sad for are all mere phantoms who are part of the archon, acting out it's program and will not hesitate to turn against you and kill you in the blink of an eye if you try to liberate yourself or even them from the suffering. It's time you stop being a whiny faggot and become a man of stone with an ice cold heart of stone. Fuck the "others", and if you don't get out of this mind-trap then fuck you too. If you tried to "awaken" the ones you love most and care about most and they are still npcs, it can't be helped. They will always be mere phantoms and I know it can be very painful but I'm sure everyone who really cares about you would wish that at least you make it out of this hell alive. The great work is the only way out and feeling the shit energy of others should in no way stop you from doing it. Isolate yourself as much as possible if you must.

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Don't listen to this guy. He's trying to mind control you.

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That's a very helpful tip. Thank you anon.

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Visualize every point of despair and failure until there's nothing more to grasp or see, Then let it pass, it's trivial, as meaningful as a breeze against a field.

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What is the symbolic meaning of the fact that we spend basically exactly 1/3rd of the time asleep and dreaming? It seems like dreaming grants access to other planes of reality effortlessly while this is obviously not the case during your waking hours. What is the underlying symbolic significance of this? I can tell there's some deeper meaning here but I haven't quite figured it out yet.

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Could I get some clarification on the nature of enlightenment and/or the great work?

enlightenment seems to be no different from materialist death from the perspective of the "I". dissolution into nivarna is annihilation just as much as reincarnation is. this seems like a trick to me but people are desperately running from one annihilation to another. I've found people talking about uniting with the higher self and escaping from the cycle of reincarnation though. is this different? can you remain within time or will this result in annihilation through nivarna in the same way? Thanks for any guidance

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anon you should try the techniques in inner alchemy by pedram shojai. Reading the theory is good but you can skip to part 2 and do everything before the taoist elemental magic section without any theory other than knowing that the dantiens are a thing. I'm going through something similar to you but am a little further ahead on the path of healing. I hope this gets to you and that you get better anon

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File: c4a5089411c1076⋯.png (212.47 KB,500x568,125:142,_paimon_genshin_impact_dra….png)

I finally see it now. The universe is a fractal, and I am in the fractal. I see patterns above that reflect me, and I see patterns below that reflect me as well. Does this mean that if I change the patterns in myself, I can change reality as well?

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Hi uh, ha long story 😅. Don't read unless you're fine with negativity

So I'm pretty advanced in this stuff. I got into magic during the very last few days of 2016 when I finally decided I was gonna kill myself "as soon as the fun runs out" cause prior to magic my life had been 90% pain with 10% joy, absolutely hellish and bland with no significant value, and I decided it was logical to simply cut my losses before my losses get way bigger. When I found magic and became convinced it was real, I finally found something I actually enjoyed, although even-still, only enough that it made life worth living in a vacuum, free of any negative motivators like fear of death or Hell. As life went on the next 4 years magic slowly became more boring and my life worse than ever until eventually I was again, very suicidal, depressed, and simply living off negative threats, now being that "I'll just reincarnate again" or stuff like that, but over the past half year I've, between having less motivation to actually meditate and progress, and the former aiding in me getting more and more gaslit by rude mundanes and soyboy government worshipping atheists, I've slowly come to the point I don't fully believe in magic enough for it to be worth it to meditate and waste what little chances at some happiness I have every day, ontop of being too emotionally exhausted to lift a finger, and I currently sit in a hellish twilight state between full-blown magical adepthood and mundane agnosticism, where during the latter half of the cycles I am extremely tempted to kill myself and, despite having very good self-control and never having any tendencies to do this any time prior in my life, I have slightly cut myself a few times cause I was so tempted to kill myself, but only enough to near-salivatingly cut myself and vicariously larp suicide as the other part of me still keeps me from killing myself currently. I've had some pretty good and compelling experiences in magic and have alotta good proof of it's validity, but subconsciously it all feels like it means and proves nothing, and I have no willpower to progress further or meditate more. What I think I need is the final absolute proof of magic. Something like a being physically tossing chairs around my room or physically materializing the living sulphur infront of me like Andimo did to tempt and test Franz Bardon's mettle. Unless someone can help me with this I'm not sure how much longer I'll be alive and if something horrible happens again in my life soon I may-well stop caring about the, what feels like a "50% chance suicide isn't the answer" and just make a blind leap which, to be more specific I mean, waiting until my dad goes to work, walking into his room and getting his double barrel out of his gun cabinet, loading 2 beautiful 12 gauge shells, then nearly cutting my head off when I pull both triggers blasting into the base of my skull, right into the brain stem

…so uh, might any of you guys be able to help me? If your advice is just that a book told you some crazy completely unfounded shit happens to suiciders and you have 0 actual evidence, try to have a bit of perspective although, no offense meant cahse I've been there before

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This is the deadend of all goals rooted in the material emination. Yes you can do anything with this dream but what's the point of doing anything? The answer to this question cannot be expressed in words, you will need to discover it for yourself.

Meditate on the fact that you are not your body or your mind or even your soul. Withdraw your eye up and out through the Crown and observe your soul as it chugs along even as it's devoid of your Eye. Watch the universe that revolves around it, observe the interaction. Watch other objects, see how they perpetuate existence compared to the you that you were. Try peering into the realities where your flesh and mind and soul are dead and see what that feels like. You will gradually develop an understanding of what interconnects all these realities and phenomena, which is the thing that you really are. Gradually you will awaken.

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thanks for the reply. I don't have the energy to say much right now but I may later. Truth be told I am skeptical a higher connection with the akasha will help me. I'm already almost-constantly connected to the Akashic Records and tbh it hasn't helped me much 😅

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I really love that picture you posted. She looks very beautiful and relatable. No offense but I feel bad for you though if you're about to get pulled into Christianity. Christianity has very fucked up morals and has wasted peoples' lives in ways they never had to abstain, for no reward in the end, only missed opportunities

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I can only recommend this book, anon. what you want is relief from suffering, not death. if you felt better would you still want to die? The techniques in Inner alchemy are very effective and will help you heal if you give them a try. Good luck, know at least one person is rooting for you

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Divination is a passive function of the akasa principal. Have you utilized the active functions? Becoming familiar with influence through the divine perspective has allowed me to influence my mood at the very least quite profoundly. I'm currently trying to push into more extraordinary physical changes through this vector but astral modifications are quite easy once you get the hang of it.

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Yeah I know. I don't really have the motivation to use it for anything though

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How are they effective? What d' they do? I'm all out of willpower sadly so I'll pretty

-much need to see the pay-off before I invest into anything for now

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thanks for the reply though

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the core techniques in part 2 are basically breaking through energy blockages in the body, a meditation technique that shows you that even if you aren't aware of it right now, you are the one causing your current suffering (e.g when mad at a memory of something happening, it's you raising your heart rate and getting worked up), and finally a technique of forgiving traumatic memories and drawing the energy you invested into them back into yourself. having more energy and less emotional baggage would solve many of your issues, no?

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>having more energy and less emotional baggage would solve many of your issues, no?

yeah, although being brutally, but well-meaningly honest, I don't believe that'll actually work and I'll just be equally as miserable but now with less time and energy. I've done magic for 4 years and I've seen alotta big promises that only end up leading to nothing. Not everything in magic does else I'd go back to being a sad agnostic, but there's alotta tall claims in magic that end up only wasting your irreplaceable minutes of life

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this is effectively psychotherapy but solo and with acknowledgement of the energy body though. it doesn't take a long term commitment to start getting results. I made progress on my first attempt, and partly healed a core trauma in less than a week. it's not working through worship of some spirit or anything, the results are in your hands. you just have to know what past issues are bothering you and be able to focus on them long enough to forgive them

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Unless you actually witnessed something that made you legitimately believe that miracles are impossible I'm almost certain that this is just a result of an energy body imbalance. You've only been doing this for 4 years, there's no reason to jump to the conclusion that thaumaturgy is impossible and you're doomed to die a mortal just because you haven't become a fully enlightened Magus yet.


>I've seen alotta big promises that only end up leading to nothing

Everyone hits patches of stagnation in their development. Take a step back and reevaluate your frameworks and assumptions and methods. List out everything you can remember doing that worked. Clearly delineate your goals and obstacles.

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Look bro, if you do that, you'll become a fag in the afterlife or in your next reincarnation, or worse, some fag shitposting long-winded fear and leading weak ones down your sad, sad, train of thought. Alpha males will laugh and scorn your sorry, lowly miserable bitchy ass for all eternity.

I know you're a real man because you're thinking of ending your life with a bullet and not with dicks from old men, stuffed up with drugs in some hell hotel's bed. Suicide by any weapon is probably the average, coward way in our culture. But the message is, none of those must be your destiny, it's just that you are still not seeing the bigger picture. AND, any man worth it's testosterone in gold has been in your spot, and remains today serene, unmoved, untouched.

Ignore what does not serve your highest purpose. Embrace nothing and everything, and seize the path.

You'll either turn into a madman or become something you can't quite fathom yet.

Yoda warned us all: do or do not, there is no try.

So don't stop in between, only losers ever do that. The world has plenty already.

Whatever path you walk, if it be good, and serves you, you pay it everyday with sheer, lightning raw boiling thunder willpower, and some fun. Or with a lot of sweat if it be honest hard but not smart work.

(Beware of your thoughts after you've witnessed things that cause a strong impression in your psyche, they are there to deter you [because sadly we tend to forget easily, the good things that create equally strong impressions on ourselves] put yourself apart and watch your thought processes, and decide whether you'll influence them or you'll let yourself be influenced.)

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actually I'm very well versed in magic and specifically materialization, so I am pretty confident I could downright materialize a solid block of gold infront of myself if I trained hard enough.. I just am too worried I'm wrong and I'll waste what little life I have trying to do that and too burnt out from what may be literal depression to really moved closer towards that goal. I do hear you though

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KYS, Smileyberg.

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That's not Smiley. I would recognize that ranting style anywhere. He knows who I am, too.


I love you bp. Don't give in to suffering. It's not that I've read in some book what will happen to you. It's that just at it follows you in life, it will follow you in death. And in death you won't have as many tools as you have in life to work things out. Transmute that shit.

A real word of advise: give in completely to the mundane life. You need it, you just don't know it or why. But you are unbalanced like that. That's why you have those swings you talk about. The same thing happened to me. You have developed too much in one direction and are lacking in the other. Think of it as an elemental unbalance, although it is not exactly like that.

Find a blue collar job, move out, stay away from drugs and "seek your passion", as they say. It might seem naive or stupid to you, but god works in mysterious ways, as they also say. Go hitchhiking. Anything but killing yourself or continuing to stagnate like you have been doing.

If you off yourself, you will have to endure an even worse afterlife than you are enduring life. That is if you're even conscious. And next time you incarnate, you will have it much worse because that energy will have taken even deeper roots.

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God damn. Your swings sound exactly like mine. Look, you sometimes feel like magic is meaningless because in a way it, is. There is a part of you that literally lives for the mundane life. I know this is hard to accept, but you can't escape that fact. You can only embrace it. It will not go away, even if you die.

Write me an email if you want to talk on Discord or Riot. You know who I am.

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You might want to accept you need to git gud before you decide to irreversibly increase the game's difficulty. Your choice, as always. There is only one way out, and that is forward. If you try to backpedal there is nothing but unspeakable horror, anguish and torment in literally infinite quantities. The sooner you realize this, the better.

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>He knows who I am, too.

😏 Hi Outie. Thanks for the post btw. I would be very surprised if what I need is mundane life, but thanks for the advice I'll keep it in mind

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are microbes demons?

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File: fe43ca6b1af7b04⋯.png (1.33 MB,1036x1476,259:369,germ_theory_fake.png)


The idea of microbes are demons. Physical microbes are just tiny pieces or organic matter.

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File: 7a06f949ec74ed5⋯.pdf (11.35 MB,Stephen_Mace_Stealing_the_….pdf)


No. What the poster before you has are out of control demons, though. He needs to read doc related.

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>Fringebay: https://fringebay.ga

It's dead. The archive is gone forever.

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Here, knock yourself out. I hope you ascend with this shit. It cost me $5 to be able to upload it through WebDAV.


There is actually a fuckton of content here. Good times…

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Not them but holy fuck thanks man. I gotta find a good efficient way to pdf-itize all those threads.

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Since it's plain HTML, you can crawl it to extract all thread URLs (perhaps prefix them using the subdirectories names) and then run each of them through the mpdf PHP library.

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Me and 1 other person I bareloy knoe had a dream about an infestation of bugs at the backyard our homes on the same night(last night).

Did anyone else had it?

Could it be a premonition? What exactly would it warn us about?

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It's astral bugs. What you saw it was it was. Where they malign bugs or benign bugs? If malign you should do an etheric cleaning of your backyard, but if you don't know how to do that you could instead spray some holy water mixed with salt around the areas you thought they were coming from.

They might have been attracted to some type of psychic filth that you let fester in your home. If anything comes to mind you should rectify it.

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File: 898f5be9907d244⋯.gif (3.8 MB,394x394,1:1,swirley_lightning_discord.gif)


Thanks 🅱️. My childhood here.

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File: da6ee4dabc44a7e⋯.png (340.47 KB,1200x675,16:9,gnosticism_is_true_christi….png)

I believe Gnosticism is truth, however I am not aware of any practical knowledge to achieve Gnosis and whatnot. Does the /fringe/ library contain such knowledge?

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Gnosis means knowledge by experience. Live.

> Does the /fringe/ library contain such knowledge?


Life has all the tools to teach you your gnosis.

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Oh great, another obscurantist. Exactly what /fringe/ needs, not.

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t. hasn't achieved gnosis and doesn't know how

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Yes, you are right. I have yet to achieve Gnosis and I don't know how, hence why I said: "I am not aware of any practical knowledge to achieve Gnosis and whatnot". Will you teach me how to achieve Gnosis, or will you let me rot in my ignorance?

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File: 9d2b5adbaa49a5e⋯.pdf (5.86 MB,The_Chronicles_of_Anarchy.pdf)

Does anyone know about The Chronicles of Anarchy, or Dysnomianism for that matter? The book is loaded with information, both theoretical and practical, with over a thousand pages. Reading it would be quite the time investment, so I'd like to know if it's worth it.

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File: 5eadfb557809e41⋯.pdf (269.09 KB,1909arcaneformulas.pdf)

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Seems like the author isn't an adept. I'd only read it if feel the urge. These types of books sometimes give epiphanies if you're looking for a solution to a specific problem.

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I have read The Kybalion, The Arcane Teachings and The Arcane Formulas. I understand the teachings, I am sovereign, I am unmoved. Yet here I am, still in my dark room rotting away. I may be unmoved, but I am not a mover. I am full of potential, yet I can apply none of it in the outside world. If Gnosis is just that, being unmoved, then I have achieved that. If I am right, then I need to know how to be a mover.

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So you basically just need to learn how to manifest your ego-point in an active manner. It should be pretty easy for you to experiment with how you can influence the lower manifestations. You can start with your own mind and body. Make sure you fully center your awareness on your higher self to avoid grinding your mind's gears.

An issue you might experience is that as you leave your mind you lose all motivation to do anything and may lose your memory of what you're doing in the first place. Emotions can be cultivated on the higher planes, as can memories. Normal development should fix this.

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In other words: "Simply be, and the rest will follow"?

>in an active manner

What do you mean by this? Because so far, it's all been a mindset, I was able to fix my depression but nothing further. Should I perform void meditation (Eliminating all senses temporarily so only your ego-point remains)?

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Active meaning influencing the manifestation of reality.

>Should I perform void meditation

Only if you're having trouble dissociating from your mind.

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The first step towards being unmoved was the hardest for me, it seems that the first step towards being a mover also is the hardest for me. However, I know for a fact that once I surpass this first step, my path towards success is certain. What can I do to practice active manifestation? Are there any practices that are in the Arcane Formulas that I might had missed?

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Fixing minor illnesses that your body has is easiest. You can also practice manifesting or banishing certain emotions. It's like riding a bike, just keep trying until it clicks.

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I was not trying to be obscure. I simply meant that life will throw at you exactly what you need. What you do is read life as you would a tarot spread or interpret a dream.

In other news. Has anyone noticed whenever bad energy is resolved, something will break or something negative will happen? I’ve noticed this after resolving old physical issues or emotional hangups.

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Also remember the law of correspondence, which is important in all attempts to influence reality using the Will. The pattern of a particular object or event or situation manifests itself on all levels of reality, like a fractal. If the pattern is altered on one level, the change follows on all levels.

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I have a question that is perfect for /fringe/.

What do you call the type of magic / witchcraft where people deliberately link unrelated things or events via letters, words, or numbers? Is there a specific name for this type of magic / witchcraft? If so, what is it? And how old is this type of magic / witchcraft? Is it ancient? Medieval? Modern?

Thanks in advance.

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Sympathetic magic, sigilization, talismanic magic

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Thank you!

Would it be historically accurate to say that sympathetic magic / talismanic magic is the oldest and therefore foundational form of magic in human civilization?

I'm thinking particularly here of the famous prehistoric cave paintings of prey animals found in various locations throughout the world, which were likely a form of sympathetic magic intended to help early humans in wild animal hunts.

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Saying it’s “foundational” would not make sense in my opinion because cultural “progress” is a fallacy. Culture does not evolve from A to B, from less complexity to more complexity in a linear, additive fashion.

Culture evolves very much like a bacterial culture (interesting choice of words), where ideas come in and compete, combine with or supersede existing ones.

It makes more sense to talk about “basic” magic because that sympathetic magic contains the bare minimum elements for a working magical operation. As such, it is not well suited for higher magical operations (you are not going to contact your holy guardian angel by drawing or visualizing what you want to eat or fuck). But the base mechanisms are the same (they are always the same).

I suggest you read The Way of The Shaman by Michael Harner and Visual Magick by Jan Fries to get a perspective on how different kinds of magic tie together. And of course to practice with all kinds of objectives in order to have esoteric realizations beyond mere appearances.

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Alright. Thanks for the response. Here's another easy question for you. Is shamanism considered to be the oldest form of magic?

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“Shamanism” is a term that is specific to a certain culture. I forgot which one, but I think it was Northern European.

In any case, if you mean a more or less organized animist practice in service to one’s community, I guess that would be one of the oldest, if not the oldest.

It makes sense to think that man would develop magic as a way to improve the tribe’s material conditions, since that is how most of us get started on an individual level, right?

I do believe, however (and funnily enough I have been talking about this and in my head today) that humans started as hermaphrodite astral beings capable of instant manifestation with essentially zero “needs”. But at some point we created a limitation we couldn’t get out if and it all went downhill from there. Or maybe we were deceived as some religions claim.

In that case, would you consider living like an immortal magus “magic”?

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It is my gnosis, and that of many people over the internet that the coronavirus is an ascensional mechanism that essentially culls those who are not able or willing to evolve spiritually. Some sort of an upgrade, as it were.

It is also my gnosis (although this I haven’t heard anyone say) that the vaccines, being a “safe” or “simulated” version of an illness, represent some sort of alternative way to get past this filter, or to be exposed to this test.

Any thoughts about this whole thing?

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File: 95eaeb3c2d697a6⋯.png (407.29 KB,1132x509,1132:509,A_A_.png)

I've been hesitating on becoming a probationer in the A∴A∴ (Argenteum Astrum). I'm attracted to the idea of self-perfection along with the many concepts that the order provides, however I want try to practice on my own. I have already attained a few skills, for example: I can meditate nearly perfectly, my focus is very sharp and I am not swayed by my emotions among other things. While the honing of these skills was satisfying, still I seek further spiritual progress. There are three concepts that I wish to attain in my lifetime, the first is:

>1. Knowledge and Conversation of the Holy Guardian Angel

According to the Psychonaut Field Manual (yes, I know), the "Holy Guardian Angel" aka "Superconscious" aka "Higher Self", is the right hemisphere of the brain being given access to speech functions. Supposedly, by activating the Crown Sephirot, minor atrophy will be caused to the Corpus Callosum (the white matter that allows the two hemispheres to communicate), and in doing so new fibers will connect parts of the brain that have never talked before.

When it comes to the exercise, all the manual says is to "Imagine that you have a second mouth on the very top of your head. […] You will eventually begin to feel a warm pressure/tingling that pulses down the center of your head followed by an uncomfortable shocking/stinging in this area.". This is similar to activating the third eye/pineal gland, by concentrating on the forehead, you force blood to gather at the pineal gland, activating it in the process.

While I am able to concentrate a pain on my forehead, I have yet to achieve further results. My pineal gland has yet to be activated, for I am not able to visualize images vividly. Also, I am not able to replicate the same pain on the top of my head.

My first question is this: Am I doing something wrong, or am I on the right track and I simply must meditate further?


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The second concept that I seek to attain is:

>The experience of the passage through the Abyss

As I interpret it, the road of spiritual progress is paved this way: First, it is about the attainment towards becoming unmoved (controlling your thoughts/emotions, etc). Then, it's the attainment towards becoming a mover. By becoming an unmoved mover, you effectively achieve Godhood (Not literally becoming God, mind you). How does one become a mover? By embracing that which everything was created from: Nothingness. Everything came out of nothing, therefore it is only normal that everything related to creation has married anti-creation.

I have successfully practiced Void Meditation, another word would be Pratyahara, or "the withdrawal of the senses". By returning to nothingness, you are left with the only thing that matters: The self. The will. The true you. Alas, the benefits stop here. Void meditation is only a simple gaze into the Abyss, not a full exploration.

Consider gif related (I shall not go into explaining Nikola Tesla's theory, there are many resources on this subject, ask me for some): The infinite cycle of 1,2,4,8,7,5 symbolize the material world, while the constant relation of 3,6,9 represent the spiritual world. See it this way: The spiritual world is like our nervous system, while the material world is the heart that beats. The nervous system constantly makes the heart beat. "[The Abyss] corresponds more or less to the gap in thought between the Real, which is ideal, and the Unreal, which is actual.". In this way, the Heart is the Material, the Brain is the Spiritual and the Abyss is the energy that links them together.

My second question is this: How do I cross into the Abyss? Am I going on the right track with void meditation, or must I take on more drastic measures such as the temporary removal of the senses?


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The third concept that I seek to attain is:

>Acquiring perfect control of the Astral Plane

This is the task of the first real rank in the order, the Neophyte. Despite my best efforts in my independent research, I have yet to yield any results from Astral Projection. Which I find strange, considering the success I have had in meditation and other mental faculties. I have tried exercise upon exercise, I have kept a written and audio dream journal (despite the very few dreams I have)… It really does feel like I am on a roadblock.

My third question is this: Must I simply practice further, or is there something wrong with me? Is it because of my lack of dreams? What could possibly explain my failures?

If I am to benefit from your answers, then you should seek to benefit from me as well. Feel free to ask me how to control one's emotions/thoughts and so on. If you hold no answers or questions, thanks for reading at least. The road of Truth is of many roads that converge on the same path.

(Also if you have a higher resolution of pic related, it'd be great if you posted it)

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File: ac46cbbaa57d0b1⋯.jpeg (66.94 KB,696x392,87:49,BC9D8081_8E1E_46BA_9178_7….jpeg)


For your angel, read Stealing the Fire From Heaven by Stephen Mace instead. You are mystifying and complicating it too much.


Complete the first step first. >>139697

Judging by how you write, I think you are probably stuck in your own head too much. Relax a bit. Focus on practice, because it looks like you are focusing too much on your self-image as a “student of the mystical arts” and your ego is getting in your way. You should look for the opposite. Get humble.

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File: b31c59f80a40430⋯.jpeg (45.12 KB,480x676,120:169,boymoder.jpeg)

How you holdin' up, /cringe/?

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Very good. Speed of development is steadily increasing. Might be able to break out of reliance on the USD soon.

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What are the wisest books you know about? So far, the best ones I know are "Marcus Aurelius - Meditations" and the "Tao Te Ching". Also, is pic related worth reading? What is the brown pill even about?

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It is often said that the path to self-healing is self-love and being content with oneself, but it is never explained how to do this. Would anyone know?

I used to at least be able to do simple magic before, but lately I've been on such a downward spiral that I can't bring myself to do anything.

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Consider what Arthur Schopenhauer has to say:

>This is direct proof that existence has no real value in itself; for what is boredom but the feeling of the emptiness of life? If lifethe craving for which is the very essence of our beingwere possessed of any positive intrinsic value, there would be no such thing as boredom at all: mere existence would satisfy us in itself, and we should want for nothing.

The more you are content with nothing, the more you walk the path of self-love and self-healing. Sorry for my lack of practical answers.

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Is my ip range still blocked?

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File: 3f0973593767c45⋯.jpg (73.15 KB,878x878,1:1,ChrisHarperMercer_s878x878.jpg)

Do y'all suppose he visited /fringe/ back in the day?

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You are the patterns of changes and the patterns within those changes of patterns. I am unoriginal.If you were as predictable as a fractal you'd be a rock.


You are gay.


You, too, are gay.

In fact, all three of you are gay. Accept it and move on.

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>If you were as predictable as a fractal you'd be a rock.

People are predictable as rocks though. That's why people who don't exist outside of their humanness are NPCs.

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I love you guys. I’m drunk (again).

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Rocks are slow to change, very slow. Same applies with others. Worrying about others is pointless, you're not moving at the same speed, and sadly people are trivial. I've not seen an exception.

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File: 56890aec861b92f⋯.jpg (171.87 KB,1188x1600,297:400,external_content_duckduckg….jpg)


Here is how to change rocks quickly

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Could just heat it up.

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No, but he visited a U.S. military base, as all mass shooters do.

That's just a coincidence though. In the wise words of U.S. president George W. Bush, "Let us not tolerate outrageous conspiracy theories."

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What about ancient humans who used to perform human and animal blood sacrifices to the earth in order to ensure the fall crop harvest? Is that a form of magic? If so, what kind?

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Conservation of energy. When you sacrifice something with value an energetic vacuum is created which will naturally fill with something else that has value, unless you rearrange the equilibrium. A kine has financial value, a human has a lot of social and financial value. You use ritual to create energetic structures which influence what sort of replacement will fill in the vacuum.

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It is a form of magic. Of the only kind there is. You focus the coherent attention of the mind (yours, somebody else's, the ether's…) on an intention, and it solidifies into materialization.

It is not something only ancient humans did. It still happens.

You can read The Secret Science Behind Miracles, Visual Magick and Magical Use Of Thought Forms in order to grock what I'm trying to explain. You will see there is only one "magic", just many ways to do it. And that is impregnating reality by focalising coherent attention on an intention. Although we must understand that the universe itself has attention, too. Everything is made of it. You can take your own, or coalesce other attention (mind) around you or use that of a being. Dying, pleasure, pain, trauma, are just moments in which mind is very susceptible to movement and taking on new forms, and that's what you do in ritual. But you can also do it using sustained effort (meditation, visualization, repetitive suggestion). Magic casting always entails focusing, shaping and coalescing the mind-stuff of the universe into a desired shape, usually so that it gets the physical plane pregnant and it "happens".

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Here's an example of a curse ritual.

>take a pig

>kill it

>tape a picture of your target to its face

(you can reverse the two steps above)

>drag it on the floor all the way to the forest

>bury it in a shallow grave

So, what is going on here? There is always two elements you have to use in magic: attention (mind, or “energy”) and intention (intent or “will” *).

In this particular ritual your intent is to hurt someone, and that alone is already implicit in the ritual as you do it. That will shape the energy. Other elements that shape it and (in this case) make it rougher, badder, and “lower” in vibration is the dragging of the corpse and the burying it shallow. These elements carry the energy of humiliation and unrest. But they also help stir the energy of the pig even more than simply killing it (which in itself, may only release it, but not focus it). The picture of your target aims this energy, encoded with all of the above, to a particular person's sphere by resonance.

Think about it as encoding energy with certain elements that will make it not only have a certain effect on reality (if intense and/or sustained enough) but also stay around a certain place, person or situation by virtue of similarity.

In different terms, you can think of pissing of a dead pig's spirit and putting your target in front of it so that it is the recipient of all that rage. This is how it is usually thought of, but it's inaccurate, because the effects of the ritual are not decided by the “enraged” pig, but rather by the negative elements you encoded into the ritual (humiliation, death, decay, unrest…).

* The word “will” is used in many different ways in different contexts so perhaps it's best to avoid it.

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Animal sacrifices related to harvest or for eating are different in quality, but the same principles apply.

The animal is usually killed without suffering, and its blood used to symbolically nourish the land, or offered to a benevolent god. Regardless of the existence or agency of such a god or spirit, notice that the attention (and thus the “energy”) of the ritual are aimed towards positive symbolism surrounding harvest or some good fortune. This will, by resonance, materialize favorable events.

The case of Mesoamerican human sacrifices is quite interesting, because it was undoubtedly effective, but the suffering and other negative qualities of the energy they encoded had to go somewhere. Among other things, they attracted the blood-thirsty Europeans, but it also formed an egregore that even to this day is creating resonant events. This is just my opinion.

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Thanks for the answers.

What if I could prove a very strong circumstantial case that modern mass shootings, bombings, transport "accidents," serial murders, and even wars themselves are symbolic human blood sacrifices to the earth to ensure crop harvest fertility?

What would /fringe/ say about that?

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It wouldn’t surprise me one bit. But crop harvest specifically? Why? To me, it would make more sense if different mass killings were aimed at different things.

Why don’t you create a thread with the info you have? A quality thread for once would be nice.

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REMOVE fringebay.ga FROM OP



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Imagine being so obsessed by your demons you haven't even realized that domain has been dead for months.

Go ahead, click: https://fringebay.ga

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>But crop harvest specifically?

2017 Las Vegas shooting


>On the evening of October 1, 2017, Stephen Paddock, a 64-year-old man from Mesquite, Nevada, opened fire upon the crowd attending the Route 91 Harvest music festival on the Las Vegas Strip in Nevada. Between 10:05 and 10:15 p.m. PDT, he fired more than 1,000 rounds of ammunition from his 32nd floor suites in the Mandalay Bay Hotel, which killed 60 people[a] and wounded 411, with the ensuing panic bringing the injury total to 867. About an hour later, Paddock was found dead in his room from a self-inflicted gunshot wound. His motive remains officially undetermined. The incident is the deadliest mass shooting committed by an individual in modern United States history.

1. Las Vegas = "theMEADOWS"

2. Nevada = "snow coveredMOUNTAIN"

2. Paddock = "FIELD=

3. Mandalay = "L-A-N-D"

4. Route 91HARVESTmusic festival

5. Las Vegas shooting = October 1st, 2017; HARVEST MOON= October 5th, 2017

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>he visited a U.S. military base

Huh, didn't know that but I'm not surprised.

The reason I asked is because, aside from his well memed post on /r9k/, and 8chan was a lot more popular at that time, I found this in his writings:

>I have been forced to align myself with demonic forces. What was once an involuntary relationship has now become an alignment, a service. I now serve the demonic Heirarchy. When I die will become one of them. A demon. And I will return to kill again and again. I will possess another and you will know my work by my sign, the pentagram will fly again.

>for people like me there is another world, a darker world that welcomes us. For people like us this all that’s left. My success in Hell is assured. They will give me the power that I seek. They have always been there, speaking to me on the sidelines, controlling me. It’s only fit that I join them after death. They’ve told me what to do, showed me the way.

>Q. What is your religion?

>A. My religion is not a formal one, but more so a new age one. I’ve aligned myself with the occult since I was born.

>Q. Are you mentally ill?

>A. No I’m not. Just because I’m in communion with the Dark Forces doesn’t mean I’m crazy.

I so wanted to include the demiurge/gnostic parody of his post but I can't find it anywhere on my harddrive or online

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>Huh, didn't know that but I'm not surprised.

He was a U.S. Army soldier. Virtually all mass shooters were in the U.S. military, and the ones who weren't always have U.S. military connections through their immediate family members. And the exact same pattern holds for serial killers as well.

But this is all just a coincidence. Let us not tolerate outrageous conspiracy theories.

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Society is a farm and humans are the livestock.

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Occultism is based on symbolic associations.

Does /fringe/ agree with that statement?

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It would be more accurate to say that reality is based on symbolic associations.

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nigger moron I made it and it worked until recently certainly not months

guess why it doesn't work now

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No, since the scope of occultism doesn't allow for such a precise generalization of belief. But if you mean something like >>139743, then also no, reality has no associations and all connections are self-derived, i.e. it's all illusionary.

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This is my pledge to stop "Jewish Tranny" by June.

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In a way, but >>139743 is more correct.

Reality, or rather, the reality we perceive, is as symbolic as any dream, ritual or vision. The difference is we take this symbolism as if it was literal. In fact, literality is relative, and we take the symbolic representation of Truth we call “reality” as a reference point for what is “real”.

Dead people have other reference points, and so do non-organic beings.

Seth talked about this, but I don't think he did it in these terms.


Good for you. Care to explain what is Frenom (are you talking about the domain names provider?) and why are you so triggered by fringebay.ga?

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Here's something /fringe/ might like. The 2021 Israel-Gaza war was contrived by political and military leaders within the Israeli and Palestinian governments to secretly coincide with the numerology of the date May 21, 2021, and additionally the events of the war have the numbers 21 and 12 deliberately embedded within them.


May 21, 2021 was the 21st day, of the 21st week, of the 21st year, of the 21st century.

(2 + 1 + 2 + 1 + 2 + 1 + 2 + 1 = 12 = 21 reversed)

2021 Israel–Palestine crisis


– The 2021 Israel-Gaza war began on May 11, 2021.

– The cease-fire of the war began on May 21, 2021.

– The reported Palestinian death toll was 212 people.

– The reported Israeli death toll was 12 people.

– May 11, 2021 = 5 + 1 + 1 + 2 + 2 + 1 = 12 = 21 reversed

– 212 Palestinian death toll = 21 and 12, forward and reversed

– 12 Israeli death toll = 21 reversed

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Not necessarily. These sort of synchronicities naturally occur if the event was precipitated using sorcery.

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Here's something (You) might like.

This kind of “numerology” is the hallmark of something that is brought about by magic, conscious or unconscious.

The conspiracy and "truth-seeking" scene, which is ignorant and fearful of magic, often mistakes synchronicity with impossibly complex plans elaborated by an all-knowing super-elite, which necessarily must be infinitely extravagant.

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The death toll is somehow more depressing when it is relatively small.

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Reminds you that they are people.

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>with impossibly complex plans elaborated by an all-knowing super-elite, which necessarily must be infinitely extravagant.

You do know that you're posting on a website owned by two literal CIA spooks, right (the Watkins fambily)?

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>The conspiracy and "truth-seeking" scene, which is ignorant and fearful of magic, often mistakes synchronicity with impossibly complex plans elaborated by an all-knowing super-elite, which necessarily must be infinitely extravagant.

I'm attributing these elaborate numerology and sympathetic magic rituals to real humans with real power who can be proven to exist, whereas you're attributing these events to some mystical inexplicable force called "synchronicity," which is basically the equivalent of saying "god / the devil did it."

So which theory is more plausible and better supported by evidence?

Did you even know that this stuff is happening on an almost daily basis in the global news cycle?

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>Not necessarily. These sort of synchronicities naturally occur if the event was precipitated using sorcery.

But isn't that basically what I wrote in the first place?

And what kind of sorcery would be used to precipitate an event like this?

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File: 08d1caecb0548fe⋯.pdf (1.27 MB,psionic_mayhem.pdf)


>But isn't that basically what I wrote in the first place?

You framed the numerological occurrences as intentionally places by governments when they are in fact unintentional byproducts of willworking.

>And what kind of sorcery would be used to precipitate an event like this?

See attached, but Jews are probably using more religious rituals.

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Would any of you happen to know where I can find the guy who created this archived thread? He used to post on 8kun/fringe/ but apparently left a long time ago.


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>used to post on 8kun/fringe/

More like 8ch days, that archive is from meguca before the shooting incidents brought both sites down and forced name changes.

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File: 392607651fdaca1⋯.png (494.88 KB,1115x1600,223:320,0026_016.png)

hi, I'm just beginning to get into esoterism and I've gotten most of the literature needed to start diving in. I've had quite a few non-consensual spooky experiences over the years and come from a "sensitive" family (great-grandfather was a career psychic) but it's only now that I'm starting my real journey.

I was wondering if certain substance use will impede my growth at all. I suffer from chronic fatigue and I'm barely functional if I don't take armodafinil daily. As well as Kratom for my IBS & backpain. I've tried as many remedies as possible and their usage is the only thing that i've found capable of enabling me to be healthy enough to actually go out and earn a living.

Another thing is that doctors erroneously put me on antidepressants (duloxetine) from the age of 15 onwards and it seems to have tremendously made my shit whack, even a decade later. Now, I've had sleep paralysis episodes infrequently for as long as I can remember but whenever I try to come off antidepressants, I get severe sleep paralysis, multiple times, every single night without fail. Even though I'm very used to it, it's still instils extreme dread and what feels like primeval fear no matter how much I try to rationalize it and use positive mindfulness techniques. Not sure if this a spiritual matter or if I'm in schizo-town.

Sorry for blog-posting, I guess what I'm asking is if what I'm using to treat myself is detrimental to seeking spiritual growth, obviously it'll suck if I'm trying to apply these esoteric teachings when the three substances I'm using to function properly impede that. cheers lads x

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Have you done elemental fire invocation?

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Are you saying meguca came back with a different name?

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Meguca was never actually taken offline, it just changed domain to avoid attention. Because of internal drama it has since changed names another 2 times. It's exclusively for comfy boards now, do something else there and you get a 27.8 year ban.

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Oh, I see. Thanks.

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1. Will you give us the current Meguca domain name?

2. Does the current Meguca site have a /fringe/ board?

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>whenever I try to come off antidepressants, I get severe sleep paralysis, multiple times, every single night without fail

Well, good news. That means you can astral project consciously every night, without fail.

To do this, it needs to be just sleep paralysis. No spooky shit haunting you. If there are beings trying to spook you, you need to get rid of that fear first. You need to stop emotionally acknowledging and feeding them.

From a state of sleep paralysis, instead of fighting it, try to stay very still. Clear your mind, and sink into your body. You will know what to do from there. Good luck.


Different anon here. It seems like posting the domain name would make it less comfy, so I won't make that decision myself (not at the moment anyway).

But no, it doesn't have a /fringe/ board. It has a shitty /sunflower/ one. It is extremely dead. More than the 8kun one.

The rest is essentially the same it was, except there is no /pol/. That is, extreme degeneracy and some occasional comfy /a/ posts. You are missing NOTHING. Imageboards are as dead as it seems. 4chan's /x/ is as close as you can get to a /fringe/ board nowadays.

Everyone has fucked off to Discord, where they idle and endlessly engage in fruitless banter, discussion about drugs (dude weed lmao) and edgy racism / cucked pseudo-puritanism.

The time for spiritual communities was the 5 years previous to 2020. It is now time for individual practice and development.

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I have not, is that recommended? sounds based, would love to know more


I used to be able to lucid dream frequently but randomly as a kid, but I had one experience with the shadow man (fedora) and it's been sleep paralysis ever since. Are lucid dreaming and astral projection one and the same?

I will do what you've said, thanks for the response. Is it worth using a sigil or a barrier to keep the spooky shit at bay

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Read Initiation into Hermetics. Joy of Satan also has some instructions, basically a copy of Bardon's.

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Okay. Thanks for the info.

>The rest is essentially the same it was, except there is no /pol/.

But without USA/pol/ how will we plan our CIA mass shootings?

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We will have to use the bureau’s internal messaging system like we always do.

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New owner will permaban you for creating a new board if it looks uncomfy.

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File: acea2c512bf566f⋯.png (1.36 MB,966x939,322:313,Untitled.png)

Fringe Wizard, if you read this, I want to commend you on your latest video. I wanted to ask you something but don't want to comment on YouTube.

What is your take on immortality and the nature of the soul? Do you think we are individuals outside of incarnation? Conscious deciders? Unconscious and moved by the currents we have accumulated in life? Do we reincarnate subjectively? I would like to pick your mind about this.

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>the bureau’s

It's not the FBI behind mass shootings. It's the CIA and DoD. They're above the law (including the Constitution) and tell the FBI what to do.

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>5 days

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What does /fringe/ think of the Q Shaman?

Does he combine the best qualities of both QAnonymous and Shamanism?

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never trust a namefag

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Shaman? Do you even know what a shaman is and what his duty is? That guy is not a shaman.

He behaves like an idiot and makes people laugh.

What he is is a clown.

Look up what the role of a shaman is.

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But the Q Shaman channels the occult knowledge of QAnonymous from the astral plane into the physical realm, thus manifesting the MAGA power of Trump.

And on top of all that, the Q Shaman also proudly served his country as a sailor in the United States Navy.

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I think he was talking about the Q Shaman.

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Mark Passio - The Season of Sacrifice, March 22 - May 1 (5 minutes)


Mark Passio - The Occulted Season of Sacrifice (48 minutes)


Mark Passio - The Season of Sacrifice (58 minutes)


GVP #124 - Mark Passio - The Occult Season of Sacrifice (1 hour 41 minutes)


Mark Passio - WOEIH 51 The Occult Season of Sacrifice (1 hour 35 minutes)


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Does /fringe/ know the occult meanings of the numbers 9 and 11?

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Anybody got a resource on Astral Sex? Been browsing for some literature on the subject, thought I'd ask here.

Have a blessed day!

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How to reduce the amount of needed sleeping time?

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File: 4acc59654656ba5⋯.png (3.02 MB,2359x1320,2359:1320,1cab6da1_6fbf_402b_a082_1a….png)

I'm a weebfag, I've been smoking pipe tobacco while looking at anime pics or random webms (mostly anime-themed) for a while. Initially, it was just meant as a way to focus on the pictures, because I save thousands on the regular (from pixiv) and didn't have the time to check them all out.

Initially, I didn't feel or experience anything. After a while, I started noticing I was feeling more "me" after I was done. Then I began feeling a sensation of calm, pleasant relaxation DURING the meditation. Eventually, I learned to reach full-blown trance (or what I assume to be trance). At some point, I managed to feel some energy at the top of my head that wasn't "me" or my secondary thoughts. I felt I could ask it for things, which I did, to surprising results.

I experienced a permanent state of non-mind. My brain absolutely stopped thinking. The day this happened, the experience persisted with me all day long as I did things "automatically".

I also experienced a state of non-self. Stopped feeling "me" and felt something that was "not me" and "me" at the same time. It sounds like buddhist LARP, but once I was done, I had to explain to myself "this is my hand, I use my hand to use the mouse and pause the program".

There were other secondary benefits. Such as the feeling of "higher energy" being constantly present in the back of my head. The ability to stop thinking automatically (after the non-mind experience). A feeling of detachment from all things, and ability to "neutralize" thoughts that would bother me before (can feel the "color" fading away from them). Some others as well, but they came and went.

The meditation amounts to

>Sit in a semi-laying position while looking at monitor

>Put the anime pictures in a slideshow (4 seconds), or play some loopable webms manually selecting the next one when necessary

>Put some neutral ambient music

>puff tobacco without necessarily forcing anything, the trance state comes about on its own

I can reach 1 hour minimum, 2 hours maximum. The average is around 1 hour and 30 minutes. Initially it was just 20 minutes or so. There isn't any feeling of "boredom", the hour passes by in a flash.

The issue is. I don't know what the fuck I'm doing. I didn't start this with spiritual intent, so I didn't know I would reach these.

(Although the spiritual experiences helped me more than literally anything else in my life).

I looked into various spiritual disciplines to explain what I'm doing right or wrong (or literally wtf I'm doing). The issue is virutally all the meditations I saw are about focusing on a mantra (nope, no words there), focusing on the darkness behind your eyelids (nope, pure light), focusing on breathing (I am aware of it, but I don't focus on it) etc.

Right now I want to figure out, what the hell did I experience? How do I keep working with this to keep achieving results? Has anyone done similar meditation before? Why is it working? Basically I'm confused and the only thing I have is the intense experiences.

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Increase your pneumatic involvement with your waking life. Basically if you derive meaning from your dreams your spirit's going to influence your body to make you spend more time dreaming. If you derive meaning from doing real-world things you're going to influence your body to do more real world things.

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That energy at the top of your head is the real you. Or, if you're an NPC, it's the egregore that's controlling you.

Read these >>139004

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Some data points that are relevant to this and might interest you:

James Van Praagh (the medium) teaches in one of his books the technique of placing yourself above your head and conversing with spirits there, as a way to speak to the dead.

Nina Kulagina said that when she moved objects, she felt she did it from behind her head.

In some occult circles, there is talk of a "secret chakra" behind the head. EA Koetting I think mentioned it somewhere.

Carlos Castañeda talked about the assembly point, being behind the head and shoulders, from which one could experience one reality or another, or be controlled or moved about.

Vadim Zeland of Reality Transurfing talks about "the plait", which is some sort of energetic structure behind one's head that can be used for manifestation.


That's interesting. I've always had a malevolent, sadistic and also angry side. Lately, whenever I feel that impulse coming, I feel a tingling above my head, to the side, just as I feel the viciousness building up. I can then choose to carry on with it or revert to calmness. It also happens whenever I'm writing something vicious to someone online.

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I'm writing a software that creates visual and auditory white noise, as well as synthetised pseudorandom voice-like sounds. To be used as a sort of "spirit" box to channel information, read energy and talk to beings.

Essentially a technological aid for scrying.

I might experiment with different types of visuals and sounds for different purposes, but I really want to get a usable voice-like synth. I think the results can be very interesting.

I just wanted you to know.

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hey FBI why don't you go arrest the pedophile hollywood executives who run underage sex slave cabals instead of the harmless retards who are stupid enough to click your honeypot links?

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File: f5b203b7c0f55cb⋯.jpg (7.84 KB,359x335,359:335,shutting_down.jpg)

File: 2b66aa94906aa30⋯.jpg (434.72 KB,1153x1598,1153:1598,swell_mom.jpg)


They're trying to get the board shut down. Aside from that they should just legalize and not arrest anyone, just disband the government while you're at it. The real rapists are always politicians and not someone who flirted with a 30 year old with flat chest who could be mistaken for a 22 year old toddler.

>OMG are attracted to someone's daughter?? Like that's literally rape, you must never be attracted to someone while their parents are still alive

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There's this spot in my house. It's not a corner or anything, just in front of a bookcase. Every now and then, I find myself absentmindedly turning my head and looking over there.

I think something's trying to get my attention, but I don't know what it is. It doesn't feel malevolent, but I haven't been able to clear my head enough to let any extransensory information come in. I'm subconsciously afraid and I get blocked.

I haven't been having nightmares or anything like that. The house is warded and clean.

How can I get more information about what's there? How can I work around the fact that I get nervous and can't get any ESP functioning of my own to gather information?

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The spammer is really pathetic. At least have the balls to post some actually illegal images. What are you even trying to accomplish? LOL

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just let your mind go blank while staring at it and see what happens

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I can’t. I block it out of fear. Not that it makes me afraid, but that I’m afraid of what I might see. I just can’t let go and relax.

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File: 44b4d8ff01b13be⋯.jpg (195.16 KB,720x810,8:9,hegelina.jpg)

What are the spiritual implications of this AI-altered shit? I get a strong vibe that it negatively affects whomever is subject to it.

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Does /fringe/ like this video?


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That's just badly made cgi, get out

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I wish to cut my incarnation short, but I lack the courage to simply kill myself.

Would anyone here be able to bring me a relatively painless and quick death through synchronistic means?

Kill me, please.

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Sure, post your address.

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File: 30f739745a6464c⋯.jpg (32.14 KB,500x500,1:1,51GiHxCcfYL_SL500_.jpg)

Has anyone ever fucked the cast of My Little Pony: Friendship is Magic by using Astral Projection? The Mane 6 are cuties and I read some old posts once on how some Astral Projected into Equestria just to fuck ponies like Twilight Sparkle and junk. I wanna know what that is like and how I can enter it myself?

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Let’s talk privately please.


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I've seen some locations in the astral where spirits create "simulations"/"acting zones" made to live your dreams. I saw My Little Pony, Harry Potter, GTA and Touhou. The MLP one I saw(There could be more) is full of spirits taking the form of futa ponies. You can fuck them, but you will be turned into a futa pony and be fucked first.

Now, how to go there, it' simple:

>Visualize a big ball of light coming from just above your head going on a straight line to bellow your feet, then going back up to over your head. Every time the ball of light passess trough a part of your body, visualize it "unclogging" the energy flow in your body. Repeat until you no longer feel any "clogging". Do this every time you go to sleep.

>Set your alarm clock to 4 hours and 30 minutes after you go to sleep. Stand from your bed. Go back to sleep for more 3 hours.

>To set your destination say out loud that when your physical body go to sleep, your mind and astral body will go to where equestria ponied are.

>Also say out loud that you will be lucid during the experience and remenber everything.

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Ask it to meet you in your dreams/astral projection.

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>Good for you. Care to explain what is Frenom (are you talking about the domain names provider?) and why are you so triggered by fringebay.ga?

because they hijacked the free domain to redirect to some other page

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Anyone here find themselves being visited by ufos?

I've been seeing them in my dreams for about two years now. Sometimes they look like flying saucers and sometimes they look like drones. Never seen aliens just the aircraft.

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I saw as UFO twice.

Saw an alien once, very briefly, during astral projection.

This is not frequent to me.

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What do you know about the idea of 2 souls on the same body?

Somenthing about a primary vs secondary soul?

Please tell me about any books, youtube video about it, as well as instances of this in the media.

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Define what you mean by “soul” and we’ll take it from there.

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Your true self. The point of separation from "All There Is" into individuality.

I'm not talking about energy/astral/mental/etc. plane's bodies.

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How to fall asleep? Serious question.

Progression for context: I'm in a constant subtle vibrational state, and able to enter medium (or high?) vibrations when I actually try meditating. Unable to lucid dream/astral project for unknown reasons

I'm having trouble sleeping, because I'm too aware, and that I try to be in a neutral-postive state. I haven't slept for over 36+ hours, yet I feel perfectly fine. I did manage to doze off once by letting go of my positive state, but negative thoughts creep in, and I'm forced back into a positive state again, did the same thing several times, only truly dozed off once, not sleeping but more of a purposeful failed meditation?

Help please, I want to be able to sleep. Can someone astrally check me, or maybe just give me genuine advice?

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Sorry for the double post, but I forgot to mention this because it's important. Another reason I can't fall asleep is because at night the vibrations usually turn into nuisances, crawling sensations, itchy spots, etc, one time during the day too. This rather forces me into a neutral-negative state, but the only negativity I get from it is just anger, unlike where I deliberately leave my positive state, and it naturally turns negative.

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Why do you want to sleep if you feel perfectly fine? Isn't the entire goal of spiritual practice to be aware 24/7 and never fall asleep again? Guess you are doing well for yourself. Sleep is for the weak/mundane. All you need to do now is to transcend the physical.

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I've been at this for 2-3 weeks so far, and I haven't done any serious energy work. I haven't had any contact with my spirit-guide besides angel numbers. I've had no visions, no magic dohickies. As far as I see, I am a mundane who just feels positive(ish) and vibrational. I want to sleep so I might try to meet my spirit-guide to help me awaken, lucid and to astral project. I do have somewhat serious goals beyond just that, so I do feel a bit scuffed as if I've arrived at this point too early, despite me rushing it. I'm going to start energy work soon to try to see if it'll let me separate from myself easier.

I know this stuff is a marathon, not a sprint, but I can't help but sprint. I'm know what I should be doing at the current moment, but still look at the future, I'm impatient. I just feel like being able to sleep would help speed it up. Frankly, I don't know much about all this, don't know have anyone to talk to about it. I'm emotionally stable, but stuck in a run.

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>I want to sleep so I might try to meet my spirit-guide to help me awaken

Oh the grossness of thy error, anon! Falling asleep in order to awaken? Fool. You shall lie down and absolutely don't move until your body falls asleep, but you use your awake powers to stay mentally awake. Then you can leave your body and be free. The urge to move will get stronger and stronger, it will get more annoying and unbearbale but you have to endure this no matter what. You are your own spirit guide, you don't meet it "out there". Falling asleep means losing control, and ultimately death. If you really want to lucid dream and astral project you lie down and don't move no matter what. Since you want to sprint, this is it. You can do it right now and test if you are ready to sprint. Is your Will strong enough to stay awake and not move and withstand the torment until your body gives up and lets you free?

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I also recommend avoiding caffeine and alcohol completely, cutting down on staring at computer or smartphone screens and doing at least a little bit of physical fitness. This will not only help with astral travel but also help you fall asleep if you want it.

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So, when I quiet my mind and wait while I focus on an object or a symbol, I get flashes of psychic perception, but they are very brief and take a long time to appear. Is there a way to improve this?

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How do you tell when your body has fallen asleep? I stay still until my body has gone numb, and I can't feel my clothes, and only barely what I'm on, but I still feel my body. Sounds stay roughly the same, sometimes imaginary sounds come out, or they might randomly tone down and then back up. When I'm like this, it's much harder to keep a positive state, and see ransom things, or my mind wanders away, but still aware, if dull. Is this what you mean? If so, how do you leave your body? When I try it, it just feels like a ghost passing through me, but I myself can't seem to dip out, stuck inside my body. I have good enough body awareness/sensitivity to feel these phantom sensations whenever, but I just can't quite seem to get out, no matter how much I want to, or how relaxed I am.

I tried what you said for an hour, but eventually I decided it'd be more time productive to go look up energy work and do it. I'mma post this here to see your response if you want to respond

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First of all, it's great that you can do 1 hour straight without moving. But also 1 hour isn't that long so feel free to go much longer. How long it takes depends on your health and energy and a lot of things so there is no set time after you can tell you are out. It can happen in 10 mins, or it doesn't happen even after 2 hours. Unfortunately everyone is different so it's useless to compare yourself too much to others and listen to others dogmas. Even though you want to sprint, it is okay to take the long way and make a lot of mistakes until you get there. You will naturally learn from experience. Energy work is a good idea and I think you should be doing that, but you can also do energy work while not moving. Usually people like to imagine they are climbing up a rope when they lie still in order to get out, or they visualize themselves as real as possible in another place. Some do energy work while lying still to get out and some others concentrate on their third eye and on their breathing. Find your own method.

How to know when you are out? Some just stand up and walk away from their body after they went through the vibrations and heart-attack like symptoms, some just automatically appear outside their body. Some just appear for real in the place they have been visualizing. What do you mean about positive state? Forget about states, just concentrate on whatever you are doing. There are two fundamental books for astral projection, one is "Astral Dynamics" by Robert Bruce, the other is "Way of the Projectionist" by John Kreiter which you can read up to get a few ideas on what to do and what is going on. Keep in mind that in the end, you must still create your own method and find your own way. Also remeber there is no "physical". This world we are trapped in is just another shithole in the astral, it's just as much of an illusion made out of energy like everything else, but it's dense and low vibration. And it's created by your mind, so your mind must overcome it. Your body you are stuck in is just another energy body, but aligned with this reality. You aren't actually stuck, you only think you are. Everything is created by your mind, everything is energy.

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what will happen if i make a tulpa that is a mirror image of me, but better? it'll have all my memories and experiences, opinions, desires, etc. i'll still work on myself obviously, but they'll be like a my catch-up? idc if I figuratively cuck myself or something like that. this is something similar to buddhists where they made their own deity, i think, might be wrong religion

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I miss old /fringe/

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If some items disappears from your home without any logical explanation as to how or where, what to do to get them back?


the sentiment is shared, but I am nonetheless thankful for whenever a true knower drops by

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>If some items disappears from your home without any logical explanation as to how or where, what to do to get them back?

Tell the kitsunes you'll give them a good dicking if they return them, that's probably what this is about anyway.

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File: 35bc843b0e83321⋯.png (221.82 KB,566x873,566:873,tantra.png)

Is it safe for me to do this every day? The book warns to only do it twice a week but it alleviates my pain immensely.

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If you do it more than that you will turn into a man baby.

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Don't turn into soyjack. Find other practices.

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Insomniac is back.

I've decided to give up on sleeping, it seems like I'm physically incapable of it or something. When I try to sleep, and do literally nothing and let my mind wander, I just get stuck in a state of half awareness until it's morning and I decide to get up. No dreams or anything, except half-thoughts I mostly forget.

I have a few questions about energy work. I'm able to gather energy through my arms/legs, but how would I go about using it? For the past few days, I've walked around stimulating them, bouncing it up and down for an hour, maybe a half more. Yesterday I did the same, but with energy raising instead, and it didn't feel much different from the bouncing. I'd gather them from my arms/legs and make them go swirl around in my sub-navel. I didn't feel more energetic during it, nor really after. I did walk through a graveyard, and near some bums, so I'm not sure if it's the type of energy? Don't know much about types, and it was in the middle of the day. The energy went more active when I got home and stopped bouncing/raising it, but it didn't seem to affect me. Do I have to do a specific thing after energy raising to make it stick?

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>Find other practices.

That's the idea. I think if I did this one every morning, and disperse the residue of the night's seizures, it would allow me to build a routine of more meaningful practice. But I'm cautious of worsening my already severely damaged nervous system by failing to heed warnings. I can't even lay on my back without triggering a seizure so I have to find creative ways around these circumstances instead of giving up.

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Also, when I do multiple energy stimulation techniques in the same area, it occasionally causes some pain for a moment. Is pain good, bad? Also does it matter what kind of energy work someone does? As long as energy goes through it, it'll work right? So far I've been mainly just moving like a wall of energy for my limbs, and occasionally throw in some addons like a swirl, and wrappings on the outside that the wall goes through. It said what I read not to force movement, but I find it rather easy to do multiple at once. The only time I force is when I'm trying to do it in many places at once, like swirlies under all of my finger pad (19x2? I think), so I'm just wondering if that's safe, or how to tell when too much is too much.

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I've dabbled in magic on and off, but I've never tried using it towards what I now believe is a good cause. I have OCD, don't want to go on about it too much, but there are things that I'm not "supposed" to do. If I do them, then I will "change" and bad things will start happening, in some way, I think I will stop being the person I am, I think that I'll do something wrong, that I won't be the same person when I'm talking with people, and that they won't like me because, I'm not the "me". Even what I'm doing now, asking about this on /fringe/, well, searching for questions anywhere really, isn't "right". If I try to ask a question, and then talk with my friends or anyone during that, I'll feel bad and imediatelly stop.

Is there a way to cure an illness like this magically? Is it about elemental imbalance? Or is it a thoughtform that I'm feeding? Trying to think my way out of this doesn't work because in the end, fear prevails and I can't shake the feeling that something's wrong, then I go back to repeating thoughts in my head, doing the "correct" things so that I stay the same, etc.

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Yes, it's a subtle thoughtform. Spend some time meditating on the rules and see where the meaning behind them is flowing from. Your experience with this actually gives you a good foothold into ritual magic, you should be able to analyze and reconstruct the patterns that are causing these manifestations and retool them for more constructive ends. So instead of actions which create negative events look for actions which create positive events. And don't be so afraid of getting burned, doing a ritual which ends up harming you is still a good thing because it proves that you have control over your universe even if you misused that control this one time.

>Trying to think my way out of this doesn't work because in the end, fear prevails and I can't shake the feeling that something's wrong

Make sure to detach your awareness from your mind when you work on your self. If you act as your mind you'll still be bound by the reality that your mind inhabits. If you act as egoless awareness you can shift between realities and invoke energies much easier.

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Well, there is a meaning, but it's like something I've assigned on my own. If I conjure up a "solution" (which is in the form of a thought, or thought-sentence), I also have a feeling that things will be better, which creates perhaps an overly naive and ego-inflated attitude. And then things start going bad. So I choose to stick inside the compulsion loops in order to remain "normal".

Sorry if I use the quotes too much, it's just how I name things in my own mind.

>look for actions which create positive events

Staying the way I am makes things positive, to some extent, but, I feel like I'm stuck doing the same things. Also, I always feel like certain things will go really wrong.

>detach from your mind

Are you saying to try and consider things as if the mind is separate from one's self?

Thanks for the advice, much appreciated.

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Try Tai chi, Qi Qong, and/or Falun Gong.

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I miss when syncronicities were surprising and magical. Now it's just one after another

>yeah, yeah… Oh, look, that manifested

>oh, a sync

How do I make magic magical again?

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Looking for an image I saw on here a long time ago. It's a black and white image of a dude dressed in a vaguely 1940s outfit wearing what I believe was a wizard's hat standing in-front of an explosion in the desert. Can't find this image anywhere.

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Sounds like Jack Parsons got memed

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File: d4863cd5963d47d⋯.pdf (1.6 MB,Initiated_by_Matthew_Rober….pdf)

Just dropping a rare book never before uploaded to the internet… from a gay Navy soldier that got abducted by aliens a lot.

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>abducted by aliens

threefold redundancy

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How do you cure hairloss with spiritual/occult means? tai chi? praying? inb4 just shave it

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Technically yes.

The book Morphoseram has shapeshifting techniques.

Sometimes it's just easier to get physical solutions.

There are creams and hormones to help and If you can afford it there are even some surgeries for that.

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>The book Morphoseram has shapeshifting techniques.

Do you have a pdf of this?

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Imagine a red hot energy going into your scalp and into your hair follicles. See the vibrations of the follicles speed up and the growth increase in speed and magnitude. It can help to tie the invocation to your in-breath but this isn't necessary.

Do this for at least 30 minutes a day every day until you get satisfactory hair growth.

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Thanks for replying, i will look into that book and try the technique as well

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can this be used to increase the overall hair quality? making it thicker, healthier?

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Seconding this it sounds interesting. Search only yields an old forum thread with 0 replies about "William Wraithe" and a metal band

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File: 99f38c5a60048cb⋯.png (572.4 KB,548x731,548:731,1624949446260.png)

Friends child woke up at 3 in the morning with a shadow figure staring at her, my friend smelt a strong smell of sulfer in the house at the time as well what mantras will be good for dealing with this? And what lesser banishing ritual should I use as well?

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Let's quote that author:

"Go ahead and share it and see what happens. First of all, I don't need anything personal because my book is the personal object in question. It belongs to me, thus when you steal my shit, you break the curse knowingly and willingly. If you knew anything about magick, you would know that. So all you fuckers that make these retarded comments about me not knowing anything or being a scam… well, you are fucking stupid. So here I will say this … since you posted here, the energy is all the connection I need from you to put you on spiritual lockdown. Good luck with trying to make magick or any energy work. Thanks for making this possible on finding you for being dumbasses. Some of you I know, some of you I did not know. But I do know now.

Steal from me and find out. You can kiss magick and any type of energy work goodbye. Trust in that. People are starting to realize what kind of damage I can do to people who willingly steal from me and willingly break my curse. First thing that happens is you get cut off from the direct source of energy and magick. If you have any psychic abilities they disappear. No OOBE any longer. No reincarnation. And that is just the tip of the iceberg on what Spiritual Lockdown is all about. So feel free to use your own conscious will and mindset to steal from me by all means.

Sugarcoat it all you want. Energy doesn't lie, so maybe you should stop lying before it becomes a serious conflict. I take serious offense to people who beg others to violate my trust or steal my books. You saying otherwise is an insult to my intelligence. Call me big show again or any other derogatory remark. I have your vibrational frequency now."


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Whoever still refers to this book when someone talks about shapeshifting, it's evident they haven't read it.

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File: d961b5f53ffe7b8⋯.pdf (2.47 MB,Morphosephram_ebook.pdf)

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Some comments about this book:

>ignore the ominous warning about silence in the beggining. That's not how karma works.

>I never actually tested anything from this book

>I speculated that it's better to not deal with the entities related mentioned in this book, but theory of shapeshifting seems to be extremely useful.

>I don't know if you can turn into a werewolf with this, but the theory is still uselful and intresting. Perhaps it's a form of criptic message, just like Crowley's books. No idea.

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Is the Great Order of the Draco Slayers (G.O.O.D.S) still active?

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Thanks, this looks promising.

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I've been reading about chaos magic (maybe I will get bashed) because that's the stuff I used to read a while back. I just like the idea of not sticking to one magical system.

A book talks about models of magic, like the energy model, information model, spirit model, etc. But I'm not sure how to make any of them work, it is also said belief is the thing that makes it work, but, I don't really believe, I mean, it's like "okay, let me visualize this but I know nothing will happen". How do I avoid this? Do I have to enter a different meditative like state to do any magic? Can I dissipate other negative beliefs through magic?

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You're supposed to develop your own framework based on your personal experiences. Try out rituals and meditations from a variety of sources and see what works and what doesn't, and extrapolate meaning from that.

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>Fringebay: https://fringebay.ga

Dead link also shouldn't even be in the question thread nor should there be an FAQ link because all that is in contained in the other sticky + images always being added now to question threads means more to scroll past.

Why did the conventions for creating question threads change?

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The link worked when the thread was created.

>Why did the conventions for creating question threads change?

I created this thread myself. I have no fucking idea what conventions you're talking about. That's how much they've changed. kek

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File: 140df449e1d4a47⋯.png (753.89 KB,2458x946,1229:473,1626285829192.png)

Why are imageboard people so mundane now? It's disturbing. I even saw a thread on /pol/ where everyone attributed the George Floyd mural lightning strike to "God" instead of Kek

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File: 05f5c5daaaea7e6⋯.png (107.55 KB,680x361,680:361,EQI_ampWoAAuHzS.png)

Do you have any resources on improving visualization? t. 4

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File: 2a180ab0876d402⋯.png (424.64 KB,2495x1120,499:224,1626174494819.png)


Because 4chan is ran by an AI-egregore that organizes bots tailored specifically for you, to attack and demoralize you.

This is why they destroyed 8ch, they couldn't afford to have a genuinely egalitarian anonymous system operate, because it would lead people to true information.

All the major sites left are either very hierarchical with strict moderation or have an illusion of egalitarianism while your experience is strictly controlled by an AI egregore running bots or directly selecting what content you watch (youtube, tiktok etc.).

The most popular chatting program among zoomers is discord. And it's no surprise that it's structured so premium users can donate virtual e-shekels to their "favorite servers", ensuring cuckold loyalty to the moderation. The moderation, in turn, is encouraged to play favorites because the more people upvote the server, the more features they get.

Whenever /pol/ or generally "based" communities arise, they're instantly destroyed at the first suspicion of having freedom of information.

It's a microcosm of how societies have been run by the Powers That Be so it's nothing new. They're doing on the internet what they did to meatspace. As above so below.

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File: 75b0caee229e6ad⋯.jpg (392.38 KB,671x1718,671:1718,visualizationpsychonautfie….jpg)


pic related from the psychonaut field manual is the only lead i have. supposedly, all you have to do is meditate and focus on the tingling on your forehead until you can visualize. it doesn't explain how long it will take before you can visualize. i've been meditating focusing my forehead perfectly for about 8 total hours over many days and i still can't visualize anything. do i need to practice more or is this just not working?

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>even /pol/

obssessing about "politics" is as mundane as it can get.

>instead of Kek


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As Kojima said in MGS2:

"We are formless. We are the very discipline and morality that Americans invoke so often. How can anyone hope to eliminate us? As long as this nation exists, so will we. Don't you know that our plans have your interests, -not ours- in mind?

The mapping of the human genome was completed early this century. As a result, the evolutionary log of the human race lay open to us. We started with genetic engineering, and in the end we succeeded in digitizing life itself.

But there are things not covered by genetic information.

Human memories, ideas. Culture. History. Genes don't contain any record of human history. Is it something that should not be passed on? Should that information be left at the mercy of nature? We've always kept records of our lives. Through words. pictures. symbols… from tablets to books… But not all the information was inherited by later generations.

A small percentage of the whole was selected and processed, then passed on. Not unlike genes. really.

But in the current, digitized world. trivial information is accumulating every second, preserved in all its triteness. Never fading, always accessible. Rumors about petty issues, misinterpretations, slander…All this junk data preserved in an unfiltered state, growing at an alarming rate. lt will only slow down social progress, reduce the rate of evolution. You seem to think that our plan is one of censorship. What we propose to do is not to control content, but to create context. The digital society furthers human flaws and selectively rewards development of convenient half-truths.

Just look at the strange juxtapositions of morality around you.

Billions spent on new weapons in order to humanely murder other humans.

Rights of criminals are given more respect than the privacy of their victims.

Although there are people suffering in poverty, huge donations are made to protect endangered species.

Everyone grows up being told the same thing. Be nice to other people… But beat out the competition!

"You're special. Believe in yourself and you will succeed." But it's obvious from the start that only a few can succeed…

You exercise your right to 'freedom' and this is the result. All rhetoric to avoid conflict and protect each other from hurt. The untested truths spun by different interests to churn and accumulate in the sandbox of political correctness and value systems. Everyone withdraws into their own small gated community, afraid of a larger forum.

They stay inside their little ponds leaking whatever "truth" suits them into the growing cesspool of society at large.

The different cardinal truths neither clash nor mesh. No one is invalidated, but nobody is right.Not even natural selection can take place here. The world is being engulfed in "truth".

And this is the way the world ends. Not with a bang, but a whimper.

We‘re trying to stop that from happening. It's our responsibility as rulers. Just as in genetics, unnecessary information and memory must be filtered out to stimulate the evolution of the species. Who else could wade through the sea of garbage you people produce, retrieve valuable truths and even interpret their meaning for later generations?

That's what it means to create context."

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any place to get good free divination readings? i've done some to myself for my general situation, and they were accurate, but I have no idea how to do anything more advanced. i want to know what my spirit guides think of me, because it seems like they're saying im doing a good job and working hard, but it feels the opposite

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That makes a lot of sense. I had figured as far as the AI-managed info prison but it hadn't occurred to me that the whole experience targets me individually. I don't have to be a TI or special to "them" in any way because it's all automated.

I almost want to share a bunch of examples that corroborate what you said but I shouldn't give feedback to it more than I already have.

There is one neutral and relevant example I can give:

When I finished reading >>140087 I happened to visit /pol/ (not something that happens very often) and there was a thread that kept mentioning the "Morphogenetic Field" in a context that didn't make sense, and it was typo'd every time.


The way this post intentionally misconstrues what I said and delivers the most generic, banal insult possible. Really makes you think.

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There are so few real humans in existence at the moment that anyone who does still have free will is special to them. The majority of humanity have been replaced with botsouls, making them NPCs. It's not just a meme and it's not just happening in cyberspace. They aren't people and there's no way to 'save' them. Anyone who has survived in this timeline up to now has demonstrated that to that waning group of manipulators and warlocks that they are not and will not be part of their herd of kine and thus are by default a person of interest.

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I am seeking to understand the /fringe/ lifestyle and in the process seeing if I can improve my own. All of these posts are kind of information overload for a new friend like me. Can anyone reply with proof that the stuff posted on here actually does anything before I dive deeper into this?

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The NPC meme is just a meme. We're botsouls of the source, doofus. Literally fragments of our higher selves. It sounds like what I've read is just they're miniscule parts of deities, their own higher self. Hell, even you can do this yourself by creating tulpas. We're all NPCs.

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What do you mean by "proof"? That's not how magic works.

A spell for money won't make gold bars show out of thin air in your heads. You would get job offers and business opportunities, or find coins on the floor that somebody accidentally dropped.

How do I know it's not just luck or confirmation bias? I don't.

I can see and talk to spirits. How do I know it's not just a hallucination? I don't.

Eventually coincidences just pile up so much that it makes more sense that magick is real.

Can you tell if you are sleeping right now? During your sleep you can't tell the difference. What if it's all a super dream and the regular dreams are actually dreams within the super dream?

If you want evidence that the mundane world is not "real", (which is not yet evidence that magick world is real), try deep meditation. If you are in hurry try ayahuasca or mushrooms.

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That's the point, these 'people' don't have higher selves. Where their connection to the divine should be there is instead a connection to a degenerate egregore.

Most people can awaken by moving their awareness up and out the crown thereby 'expanding' their consciousness to the supernal. NPCs can't do this because they're not connected to anything other than the demonic meme that is the Illuminati-controlled human hivemind.

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Some people out there have more tulpa-like than human-like properties, and it's more than just stage in evolution. Any tulpa you create is still an extension of your own soul.

A long time ago some "super-tulpas"/"botsouls" were created to be the slave class.

On a society of "natural slaves", women eventually became insufferable, so men started mixing with the slave class, which eventually lead to the destruction of that society.

Slave souls seek to reproduce the enslavement system when there isn't one present, so that's how governments were created.

They are unable to take care of themselves and unable to understand others are not like them, so they always support increases in the power of the government and believe that everyone who opposes them are either a dumb slave(the "uncle toms") or a master who refuses to take care of them(the "greedy capitalists").


They are connnected to their creators.

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back to your roleplaying board

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>beep boop

>individual has developed spiritual beleifs based on personal experience rather than my self-indoctrination

>intiiate call him a schizo.exe

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kys shitposter

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ඔබම මරා දමන්න

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I don't think so.

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File: 597ba11b99a307e⋯.gif (961.9 KB,500x375,4:3,_3fYL8i6Q_n_155t3dn_4g4soJ….gif)

File: bb762e325f01266⋯.jpg (46.29 KB,1024x576,16:9,3cd1923283c9a02d3f7c6066a8….jpg)

File: 89aed9a001c3c62⋯.jpg (160.46 KB,1080x794,540:397,tumblr_p8iuisRgxp1ty5kbpo3….jpg)

File: 88d29ca26708eb4⋯.gif (233.9 KB,500x281,500:281,_3fYL8i6Q_n_155t3dn_4hIc4w….gif)

Has anyone ever contact the astral planes to met Elves before? (Pics related)

Like I always wonder if people ever try to contact worlds in some dimensions to find them? I know some people find Dragons in their journals but I wasn't sure if Elves being one of them? At least the ones I think of are cute, sexy and can live up to million of years without looking like a grandma. lol

I may have had a lucid dream with a lolicon elf once and she was cute as hell. She looked like an anime out of a picture book and I wanted to ask her some stuff since I was in her secret garden in the astral world. (No pun intended)

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let me post you stupid website

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Can someone upload the PDF of this book? I read the original book ( http://www.adammdunn.com/raysbooks/hiddentext/Hypnotic%20Influence_%20A%20Master's%20-%20Teppo%20Holmqvist.pdf ) but I really want to read his next book because I remember when reading his first book thinking "this guy puts too many limits on what is possible" and it turns out he realized the same as well and has made a better book where he goes further and also added a ton of peer reviewed studies. If someone can upload this I'll really appreciate it.

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Where is that thread with the chinese Taoism comic book thing? It sparked a weird debate about if it's a larp or not. I just want to take another look at it.

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you mean this? >>139520

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yeah thanks

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File: 6746371f1bc4ae1⋯.pdf (2.12 MB,Teppo_Holmqvist_Practical_….pdf)


There you go.

Look up "Library Genesis" or just "LibGen" to find tons of free ebooks.

Sometimes you will find ".epub" files, but you can read them on most pdf readers or simply convert it to ".pdf".

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I found lolis more than once, and since many astral beings can easily change their shape, elf ears are easy to do.

It's only natural: If after physical death people could easily change their shape(depends on you spiritual evolution), how many people would turn into cute and sexy anime girls? Look at VRChat and you will get your answer.

I hope that now that you saw anime-style astral creatures, less people think that /sunflower/ is larping for seeing touhous.

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People with autogynophilia tend to be mentally ill (extreme yin-yang imbalance) and thus incapable of real spiritual evolution. These people will probably assume more grotesque forms after death which more accurately represent their ignored disturbances. It will escalate until they recognize and address their problems head-on instead of creating delusions to cope with them.

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>People with autogynophilia

Who asked?

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based & truthpilled

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People see animes style creatures in the astral because that is the reference in their consciousness that best describes what they are perceiving.

Sunfaggots are LARPing all day every day regardless. They are in some cases psychically operant and deranged or mundane and deluded.

And people who want to be lolis are textbook narcissistic and pedophiles. They are unironically failed, worthless incarnations and will be pruned rapidly when they die by their higher selves. If they have one at all, which in some cases they might not because some people are not really people.

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File: 88d9baf1e151e5c⋯.jpg (223.84 KB,1152x2048,9:16,f773e304effdcccebac0c16d1d….jpg)

The girls from /sunflower/ appreciate the attention.

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File: 8c0f05285ff5e65⋯.jpg (122.86 KB,764x490,382:245,Staring.jpg)


There isn't a day where a new post mentioning sunflower doesn't appear here. Wonder what's up with that?

Guess Sunflower is really popular here on fringe and why wouldn't it?

The BO there is a pretty cool guy, eh summons aliens and doesn't afraid of anything.

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I seriously doubt these things have higher selves. Just look above at its absurd attempt, at concealing the pain of rejection it feels.

These empty flesh machines serve as nothing other than prepared 'human' hosts, possessing only simplified simulacra of internal experience, preceding integration with virtual reality.

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File: ad04633424bb68a⋯.png (562.47 KB,513x513,1:1,1607085430005.png)




Learn the wisdom of "As above so bellow" and "The kingdom of heaven is within you"

Looking down on others shows me you also look down on yourself.

Everyone around you that you hate is a representation of what you hate in yourself.

Attain full peace with self, and the world around will only be capable of showing you peace. Learn to forgive others and you will learn to forgive yourself.

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Yeah you represent the part of me that still indulges in delusion and larp disease.

If all you do is fuck around on the astral, you're not a magician. You're just a daydreamer. Then you end up trying to convince yourself that your daydreams are just as valid as the real world, and you lose your way and end up dead like all the others.

>Learn to forgive others and you will learn to forgive yourself.

Learn to kill others and you will learn to kill the refuse within yourself.

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File: e8bab82ae42a152⋯.jpg (43.67 KB,474x639,158:213,eg456hy.jpg)


>If all you do is fuck around on the astral, you're not a magician. You're just a daydreamer.

This is not a board for magicians though, you sound confused. Being able to show it to others is just a performance, it's doesn't make you immortal.

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File: ddad5916666e6f7⋯.gif (1.09 MB,250x251,250:251,1607265267782.gif)


I'm not even from /sunflower/.

I'm not even trying to "win" an internet argument or trying to make you feel bad or to make myself better than you.

See my messages as a friend trying to help.

Wish you well, Good luck, friend.

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File: 065a6e023aa6e8d⋯.jpg (129.67 KB,800x577,800:577,love_and_tolerate_this.jpg)


>Learn to kill others and you will learn to kill the refuse within yourself.

Well Said.

True love is for its object's truest self. Tolerance is just apathy.

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You know, there is a certain irony to this.


>In his quest to dominate the wulin (martial artists' community), he castrated himself to fulfil the prerequisite for learning the skills in a martial arts manual known as the Sunflower Manual (葵花寶典; Kuíhuā Bǎodiǎn), and became a formidable martial artist after mastering those skills.

>Dongfang Bubai castrated himself to fulfil the prerequisite for learning the skills in the Sunflower Manual and became an extremely formidable martial artist after mastering those skills. However, his personality became more feminine as a consequence and he developed an intimate relationship with a male lover, Yang Lianting. He neglects the cult's affairs and leaves them to Yang.

>While working with Yue Su and Cai Zifeng, Duyuan himself gradually became increasingly obsessed with the Sunflower Manual and his mind was totally corrupted by it. He secretly developed a new skill, "Bixie Swordplay" (辟邪劍法), based on his own interpretation of the manual and wrote the instructions on his kasaya. Later, he renounced his vows as a monk, returned to secular life, and assumed his former name "Lin Yuantu". The "Bixie Swordplay" bears similarities to the original Sunflower Manual, one of which is that any man who wishes to learn either of these skills must castrate himself before he starts practising the skills.

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File: aced093e70ce9df⋯.png (426.49 KB,599x857,599:857,medieval_discord_mod.png)


Now that's meme magick if I ever saw it

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File: e1dc4cfd4de26d5⋯.png (316.06 KB,399x604,399:604,ClipboardImage.png)


>not turning into a futa after death.

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File: 3981de2fe3a0326⋯.png (151.39 KB,450x300,3:2,398.png)



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Futa is overrated and doesn't work.

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>Not turning into a futa BEFORE death


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Any info on teleportation?

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File: d94b93cd2d52b85⋯.jpg (452.34 KB,1200x900,4:3,samsara.jpg)

So I have a theory regarding being raised American Christian, going through a YA atheist phase and living debauchedly until 26 when I came to the conclusion, that if the bare minimum is me being a product of single cellular mutation that lives and dies to provide nutrients to the earth, then I might as well believe in something more.

My genes are primarily from the Americas and through living my life and reading things I did not feel comfortable establishing my belief completely in a system established in the middle east, at least not wholly. So I delved into the occult for something to satisfy my need for continuing my personal ego.

Christianity is nice and easy, follow our rules live in paradise when you die. As I deduced from the bible, lambs[sheep] to be penned. But Jesus said some good things as well as some things I would consider as things said as personal opinion to counter State oppression from the jew council.

John 14:13 OJB

And whatever you ask b’Shem[By name] of me I will do, that HaAv[HaAv L'Yeshua HaMashicah(The Father of Jesus the Messiah {2 Cor. 22:31})] may receive kavod*not definitive because jews; considered to mean glorious* in HaBen*no known direct translation found but in Christianity it's said as "will receive".

So as reincarnation is a commonly held belief and the Creator Father will grant me whatever I ask if I believe in him then I can get my ego reincarnated in a human body for eternity as long as I believe and ask. Right?

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File: 9f1a897ddf00da2⋯.png (177.85 KB,248x382,124:191,ClipboardImage.png)

What are the occult consequences of the Chris Chan event?

The "merging of realities" he mentioned is something that can be found in other sources. Some call it "mending the rift" and others "end of the earth quarantine".

Sonichu is a stronger godform than Fotamecus at this point. Can we summon him to accelerate the process? If so, can anyone here make a goetia-style sigil for him?

What the heck is going to happen in the end?

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If you mess with vanishing twin syndrome you could make a person with both sets of organs perfectly funcional in this world.

In the astral, especially in higher dimensions, it's very realistic to do whatever you want with your body.

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>both sets of organs perfectly funcional

This is never going to work. Look at the anatomy. It's absolute nonsense. Even if you somehow manage to add male genitalia to a female body and therefore have duplicates of otherwise homologuous structures you'll end up with the issue of there being no room. Where would the penis be? It's muscles go all the way to the perineum and deeper, exactly where the vagina has to be. It would have no base. Look at futanari drawings where they just slap a vulva to the base of the penis and pretend it's all going to work fine. It's a delusion, nothing more.

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Basically the old gods and demons who used to rule humanity have left this timeline. They were responsible for upholding the egregore of materialistic nihilism and since they are now gone we should begin to see overt magic and supernatural phenomena start to re-emerge. The growing interest in low magic among the mundanes is a causal ripple from this.

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>the growing interest in low magic among the mundanes is a causal ripple from this

I want the mundies to leave.

t. spiritual nihilist

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>Sonichu is a stronger godform than Fotamecus

Based on what? F can be evoked for a specific end that can be achieved in the presence of mundanes, forcing them to admit to the reality of "High Strangeness" and amplifying the collective belief structure of a noosystem. What can we ask Sonichu to do, being specific, and receive the same end?

Sonichu is another avatar of chaos, and I challenge him directly to prove me wrong with a structured response.

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Sonichu is a god of cringe. To behold him for long is to invite embarrassment and madness.

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File: 55ace6a92192c53⋯.jpg (32.6 KB,381x333,127:111,sigh3.JPG)


>t. spiritual nihilist

even fringe requires faith and belief. how does nihilist Not imply atheism?

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Because I don’t deny the metaphysical aspects of reality.

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In Chris Chan's lore, Sonichu has the power to bring people to different dimensions and will eventually connect all of them together.

Looking at the mundane world, Chris Chan's arrest will force paradigms to collapse. Why was he charged with incest but not elderly abuse or statutory rape? Will Chris Chan be sent to men's or woman's prison?

I see chaos on the trial.

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But there's no evidencenof metaphysics. So how are you a nihilist?

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File: a4fc0a2819d6d96⋯.jpg (49.95 KB,563x651,563:651,_you_.jpg)



I challenged Sonichu, not discordians who never read the Principia.

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Human bodies, as you know them will not last for eternity.

Reincarnation? Easy. Just die and fail to meet the requirements to leave and you will eventually be sent back. Option 2: Evolve enough so that you don't need to reincarnate, and agree to go back on a mission to help others.

Since you have no idea about how the world is like after death, it's silly to ask to stay here.

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I actually bought (and read) a fancy edition of Principia Discordia when I was 15 and was completely enamored by RAW’s philosophy long before I got into magic. Illuminatus! precipitated my first oceanic experience in a dream after binge-reading it and I prayed for the Chapel Perilous to be real and I unknowingly created an hypersigil short story which propelled me into Crowley territory and begun my journey. I might be a dumb Discordian, but I have definitely read the Discordia.

Tipp. You promised me Fringebay would come back in 2021. Where is it?

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It's annoying how you retards speak from a position of arrogance like you achieved some higher wisdom while being barely neophyte tier. It's all a way to justify your ego/moralfaggotry.

You're mad at the sunflower trannies because they're actually doing magic related things. Instead of gossipping like old ladies about how everything but sitting on your fat ass is 100% feeding the demiurge. Magic for you is just cope for being a cuckold loser. Stop doing magic.

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File: fdddf9751a59fe1⋯.jpg (46.03 KB,500x594,250:297,9e6c7033dad76de617f0d81924….jpg)


Why does other peoples beliefs upset you personally? You a southern baptist Christian or something? Some schizo bumming starbucks wifi outside the building who thinks he's the next Jesus?

If you prefer to concentrate on lower magic first that's Your decision. You have no validity to deny someone elses path.

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>Stop doing magic


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File: b6a29af27e0c434⋯.jpg (119.77 KB,1200x632,150:79,jeeperscreepers.jpg)


>It's annoying how you retards speak from a position of arrogance like you achieved some higher wisdom while being barely neophyte tier

>"i made magus in 15 minutes and you can too if you do whatever i say"

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What is this $-like symbol next to your No.?

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>he doesn't have an 8kun gold account

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File: e827fd5b376ea0b⋯.png (1.01 MB,714x788,357:394,meguca_gold.png)


Better to put your money where it matters.

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Astral LARPers get the rope.

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So mostly everyone currently on /fringe/?

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mewch.cf is up

ive asked of adding of /fringe/

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It's happening.

Now do Fringebay.

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Your post is so self-contradictory.

>stop doing magic!

>you guys don't do any magic!

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Any methods of magical studying? I've tried some visualizations and affirmations

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studying as in learning a specific subject (biology, math, history, etc)

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Can anyone demystify the Alphabet of Desire, in Liber Null? How do I use it? Should i use the glyphs as sigils

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File: b20e0f8b1e4e792⋯.png (1.91 MB,1398x905,1398:905,Screenshot_2021_08_14_at_1….png)


First, while reading my reply, please forget about Liber Null.

The alphabet of desire is a concept created by Austin Osman Spare. It is essentially a set of symbols you channel from your subconscious that represent different energies. It is a way to have a language with which you can communicate with your subconcious.

Read Stealing the Fire from Heaven by Stephen Mace for more information.

>should i use the glyphs as sigils

Yes. After you channel them out, you can put them back in through your usual sigil activation methods in order to have your subconscious express that energy.

>how do i channel these symbols

Refer to the book I mentioned above or to Visual Magick by Jan Fries for methods. Basically anything from automatic writing/drawing, to staring at a blank piece of paper and hallucinating lines or creating a sigil with the letter crossing method as usual should work. The trick in this last method is that while you are drawing "something you find aesthetically pleasing", you are letting your subconscious guide you through that intuition.

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File: 4b9ee6062e6e9bb⋯.png (412.3 KB,453x498,151:166,Screenshot_2021_08_14_at_1….png)


You might not think what I'm about to tell you constitutes "magical studying".

For pure memorization, I used to study for my SAT dick in hand, as it were. Whenever I managed to recall something, I would masturbate as a reward. Use spaced repetition. That is, go back to concepts you have already memorized after a few minutes, an hour, a day… This is proven to help fix it in your memory.

As for things like maths, try to come up with an understanding that involves your right brain, as well as one that involves your left brain (take the arithmetic and geometric proofs for Pythagoras' theorem for example). This whole-brain involvement is true understanding.


> Should i use the glyphs as sigils

I forgot to tell you, you can combine the symbols in this alphabet to create more complex energetic triggers the same way you can add a planetary symbol to a spell by carving into a candle, or drawing it next to a sigil. This is the real power of the alphabet. You don't need to treat them as individual sigils. Experiment.

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How do we know "spirit work" isn't just another way of interacting with and seeding our subconscious to produce manifestations using symbolic imaginal language? Is there a definitive magical experiment that can discount this possibility? Can we definitely determine wether spirits have actual agency?

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Do you know of any books on telepathy, clairvoyance or spiritual perception written by anyone who didn’t exhibit these skills spontaneously?

Every single book I come across on the subject is by someone who had these abilities all along and then write a book “teaching” you how to do it. What these absolute idiotic mongoloids don’t seem to realize is that they are just describing how they use a skill they don’t even know how or why they got in the first place.

Is it even possible to develop any one of these things if you didn’t start out with them to some degree?

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Back when I was self initiating and began meditating regularly, would have visions of gore, violence, death and shit like that. I felt great however, often spending my days in bliss because the practice improved my mood tremendously and provided me with all sorts of manifestations and hope for the future.

Years later, I am depressed, miserable, I don't have any real desires, even though I now have the tools to create whatever I want, magically and in terms of wealth. But I am not happy. I usually have suicidal thoughts and feel intense despair during most of my day.

When I meditate, however, I see flowers, beautiful women, smiling, gentle faces and scenes and gestures of kindness.

Does any of this have any sense to it? Is it random? Maybe it’s related to my environment and not my state of mind? I think that might be it because back then I lived in a haunted shit appartment and now I live in my own recently built flat in a nice area.

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My question is, why don’t my visions seem to correlate with my mood. In fact being quite the opposite?

I might be having a suicidal crisis, crying in rage, and I close my eyes for a second and I see a beautiful young maid in a blissful garden.

Honestly that pisses me off even more than if the vision reflected my state.

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It is the same with me. What does this all mean? Why does this even happen?

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The way you phrase your sentence is weird. You are the spirit and you do reincarnate. The soul isn't you. The soul eventually detaches and burns out of desire that animates it (because it's cut off from the source of more desire) and fades away.

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The psychologists like William James and others explain very well the purpose of ritual. You mind creates associations between concepts and ideas (principle of correspondence in The Kybalion) and the ritual actions performed so they are automatically invoked. Once you understand the actual PRINCIPLES you are fully capable of creating your own rituals however you want and have ZERO NEED to waste any time reading ritual magick books. Furthermore grimoars are never meant to be used by other people, like many other things in magick, they are personal and only work for the one who created it. A grimoar would be where you record your particular incantations and rituals you make up.

Btw just an aside but a dictionary is a very powerful metaphysical tool to have because the more clear and precise your thinking the better able you are to manifest things. The whole reason negative beings keep us in a low energy confused state is that confused energy isn't particularly focused and so can be refocused and redirected by higher beings for their own ends easily. Very specific, concentrated intentions are harder to redirect/subvert.

Also some languages are better than others as concerns this. If you just speak English focus on mastering the English language first because there's a lot of very precise and particular words in English people don't use. Whatever you do don't be like those kids who and niggers who use a very limited vocabulary to express everything they want to say. Greek for instance is a superior language in some ways to English for all the different words it has for say "love" but each word with a different shade of meaning.

Aside from this learn to visualize things perfectly. Again the more concentrated, the more precise, etc. are your thoughts the more you can synch reality very hard in the direction you want to go but the more confused, depressed, and low-energy you are the more your energy gets preyed upon. Animals and plants have such a vague consciousness energy that they are easy prey for us humans but we are likewise easy prey for higher beings of much purer intellects than our own.

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That's easy dude just learn clairvoyance like Swami Panchadasi can teach you and then walk around with the intention of finding such beings while holding the thought in back of mind constantly (you feel it as a pressure, if the pressure dissipates you need to bring the thought back and then put it the back of the mind again). You'll find them.

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It depends how busy your life is, how handicapped you're starting off, and how serious you are about this all.

I recommend to find as many occult audiobooks as you can to listen to on walks and such.

You will have to change your beliefs away from the materialism and superstition and convince yourself that magick is at least possible.

The subconscious doesn't know the difference between possible and actual. If something is possible to the subconscious it's real. So once you are open to something happen and consider it a possibility, however unlikely, the subconscious can now start working for you to make it happen.

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Yes I know someone who is good at this and can do it on command.




Military tried to recruit me. Their offer was very generous and on agreeable terms but I was spooked that things would change once I took it.


Some are on the side of the lower impulses and others the higher. Some serve spirit others serve matter. Some are self-gratifying only others find their happiness in serving and benefiting others.

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>Military tried to recruit me. Their offer was very generous and on agreeable terms but I was spooked that things would change once I took it.

I did 4 years (for good discharge benefits) in the navy and had so much mental time I had no choice but to delve into magic. Perfect environment for it when you're on deployment, sad thing is relationships are nigh impossible because you're gone for 3-6 months straight. But immediate interactions were fantastical and wonderful and I do believe that the sigils and energy work skewed the scales in my favor as a strange man in strange lands, looking for adventure and a good time.

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A desire burns in me. A desire to create a comfy /fringe/ imageboard from scratch.

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File: 17067fff2e2c73f⋯.mp4 (7.86 MB,640x360,16:9,Bruh_Moment_Warning.mp4)


Someone already did that like three times, what's so uncomfy about this one?




The love imagery is to provide comfort and solace in difficult times. The other stuff is a manifestation of repressed aspects. Getting into boxing or occasionally listening to some more violent music will express the urge and you won't find it bubbling up in your subconscious anymore. Get a girlfriend and you won't have coping mechanism dreams. It's all connected like that.

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This would go doubly if the content in my dreams was cribbed from shit i've already seen/imagined until sleep? That carpeting matches my stairs, but they're not spiral staircases.

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>what's so uncomfy about this one?

It's on 8kun.top.

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why it gone now?

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How do I charge sigils without cooming?

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Read Peter J. Carroll caos magick books.

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File: db8f35969ffb1e1⋯.jpg (20.53 KB,759x113,759:113,apophenia.jpg)

Isn't this just gaslighting all abstract thought?

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Such as seeing non existent patterns of connecting human activity with greenhouse effect or making calculations based on stellar observation and thinking this says anything about the shape of the earth. The biggest conspiracy theories are mainstream beliefs, yet entirely false.

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non /fringe/ question but where does everyone shitpost nowadays anyways?

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4/x/ and kc/int/

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Does anyone here have any experience with the human design system? I’ve tried to get into it because I’ve had it pushed to me through synchronicities, but so far all I have managed to figure out is that it is a huge energy-gobbling egregore.


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>$200 - $400 for a session

Looks like a scam system created by some jew to make money.

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Astrologers charge, too. According to your logic, astrology is a jewish scam, too.


I don’t know enough about it to say whether it has any merit, but it is derived from astrology and claims to incorporate Chinese medicine and I Ching correspondences. There are free resources to learn it if you feel like investing your time.

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You can learn the whole thing there. After reading it I think it has the same problem as astrology in that it describes a person’s energy before they become consciously involved in it. Meaning it starts failing for anyone involved in alchemist. It is more heavy handed than astrology and less flexible. And it does not seem to have a system to describe energetic interactions at certain dates like astrology does.

It might hold some value for certain people but it’s not for me. I’d rather whip out my own using astrology, which according to human design I shouldn’t want to.

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>According to your logic, astrology is a jewish scam, too.

They literally say the system has kabbalah in it. It's jewish. They charge way too much for it.

Conclusion: jewish scam.

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The guy who “channeled” it is a very dubious character and apparently stole it from some woman who might’ve been the one who actually developed it.


The system itself seems quite well put together as a system of correspondences.

You can do horary astrology with it as it basically assigns an I Ching hexagram to a certain portion of the zodiac and runs with it.

However you will have to wade through the worse New Age has to offer to get to anything of value. I don’t think there’s any reason to bother when you can just work with the Tree of Life, the I Ching and Hellenistic astrology directly. That’s where the real time-tested knowledge is anyway.

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I have a lingering wrist injury that's making it hard to live my life/make a living. Is there a /fringe/ way to heal it?

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I'll check it out, thanks anon.

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It depends on your skill level. If you haven’t yet, read Robert Bruce New Energy Ways and do the exercises. Then apply what you’ve learned to keep your awareness on the pain and your mind blank for extended sessions (20-40 min).

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You are a gentleman anon, thank you.

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Did it work?

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What advice do you give to a person who has been meditating for 6 years now and has only managed to calm his "monkey mind", like, 10 times?

I can sit for 50 minutes straight and it's just me being slammed down by infinite thoughts like worries, fantasies, passions e.t.c.

I have a healthy body, I don't use substances of any kind, I have a job and a social life.

What should I do? Should I just let go and let the monkey mind do as it wants? or should I muster all my mental strength and try to focus on my breath/body/e.t.c.?

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I have the same issue though I believe it is me not making it a daily routine. Are you really putting in the effort and meditating every day? Every morning/night?

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What exactly are you hoping you get out of meditation?

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I do it almost daily, sometimes even 2 times per day, never less than 30 minutes.


I want to be more present - I don't want to live in a fantasy world just like most people and I also want to dig deeper inside my being, I want to learn why I am afraid of life and why I feel weak.

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Instead of trying to not think just dissociate yourself from your mind and watch your thoughts play out without getting involved, then interpret them like a dream.

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Two ostensibly unrelated questions:

What's a fun way to internally rekindle my love for someone? Love that I know is indestructible, but numbed by circumstances.

What's a good book on traditional astrology?

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What do I use magic for? I think that some of the things I desire can be achieved by conventional means and that's what I want to do… I don't plan on using "magic" (positive affirmations and such doesn't count).

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Start desiring impossible things.

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Sorry I forgot 8kuns images are fucked. Hellenistic Astrology by Chris Brennan

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When I meditate or drift into sleep, I see random people doing random things. Sometimes they notice me and either react or they move “away” out of my awareness.

What is up with that?

Incidentally I have never, not once, had such contact with any being more than once. It’s always these random people reacting to me noticing them.

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Hello? Is there someone here familiar with the system of A.'A.', and if yes, how its done the ritual to probationist/neophyte? It's not a collective ritual, right? Only a self-initiation ritual, where you can do without meeting your teacher?

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The Kybalion is fake Hermeticism. Montalk seems like either a grifter or controlled opposition. Why should I trust this board when these are the two first recommendations it gives? Genuine question.

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Since you clearly possess knowledge far eclipsing anyone on this website perhaps you should be the one posting recommendations.

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You can follow the method in the book Kabbalah magick and the great work of self transformation by Thomas Chrstopher

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Montalk is a bit off in some fronts imho but he’s also very right in most.

Anyway, you know what you can do? Recommend better stuff to us instead of uselessly complaining like a whiny bitch.

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I recommend you both read the Meditations of Marcus Aurelius. It'll teach you to be less booty blasted by posts on the internet.

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I don't know my birth time and I don't think I have any way to find out. What now? Am I locked out of astrology forever or is there an esoteric way to find out?

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You’re the one who’s booty blasted. Stop projecting.

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A pearl is cast.

Thinking and Destiny by Harold W. Percival.

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Redpill me on the Freemasons. Is it all a LARP? Is it evil? Do they fuck you in the ass? Is it worth joining if you're not a Christian? Should I contact my local Lodge and join up?

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No occult lodge is worth joining. They're cesspools of petty politics. The top people are about as skilled at occultism as the average fringe neophyte but are skilled at social manipulations. It's a very shitty environment to develop yourself, you'll probably just end up a loosh battery for sociopath narcissists if you don't get fed up and quit. Actual magicians don't advertise themselves like this. They don't need a gang of lackies to reenforce their self-image.

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then where ls a wlzard supposed to make connections for by-passing the up-coming pan optlc con techno-heII?

not that l (a proud atheist) would want such a thing l'm not some crackpot

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Does this apply to organisations like IoT as well? I would like to have a platform to communicate with other occultists besides imageboards and Trannycord.

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Communication is fine, just make sure not to make any pledges or sign any contracts.

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What other books besides corpus hermetica, IIH? Secret teaching of all ages, Secret doctrine, something else?

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fringe wizard, this is an old friend from 2018 speaking. if you are reading this, i invite you to hivechan to run a fringe board. we can talk further on skype.

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Email him at FringeWizard@protonmail.com

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I've noticed this as well.

Also, my neighbors are actual UTAH fags, they have been bullying me with all sorts of entities for a while. Even old women are smarter than I admittedly. All they do is eat pizza all day and ask me to be a delivery boy for disgusting women wanting salami. I don't interact and don't care, but this is the second time I ask for a wizard for an opinion as I rationally believe they can enter my house when no one's around and as muggle father was enough of an !"#$ to give previous copy of keys before… Being raised as a christian muggle gives me no adequate role model of how to act justly and decisively. Only advice I've been given is, be strong, which I translate as endure until you're strong (for what at that time?), as rules or no rules are an unknown. I know they are really good at make believe. Anyhow…

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How do I restore youthful innocence and creativity? I miss being 12 and regularly daydreaming about fantasy kingdoms, knights, ancient wizards etc. in vivid detail.

As a jaded adult I want to bring that sort of thing back, badly.

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>Thinking and Destiny by Harold W. Percival

Thank you, I've needed something like this for awhile. Truly epic book. Epic to the max.

Is this related to the recent immortality thread?

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>Is this related to the recent immortality thread?

No. I just get the urge to read this book from time to time, get to a certain point and drop it, and a few months later I get it again.

I'm seeing the New Age religion quickly spread among atheists and normies who are "waking up" and I felt that there is going to be a redux of occultists that know some Truth, just as there was during the previous age of organized religion, and that book is instrumental to keeping it alive. So I felt the need to share it.

The flame that we need to keep alive is basically the gnosis that we are not here to love, we are not here to experience and we are not here to learn. We are here, period. And the only way out is to become lucid.

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Nice edgelord board, anon.

It's 2021. The cool kids moved on from being an ebin nazi and saying nigger. You are the niggers now.

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If your views were so fickle you "moved on" from them, they were never your views in the first place. Your ego adopted these views because they satisfied some inner craving or mystified a trauma. Now that saying the n word doesn't make you feel like you're part of something special, you abandoned it.

Being so unloyal and deceitful even to the truth, what can you hold onto? It is no wonder you will never progress esoterically: All the ancestors, spirits and gods are disgusted with you.

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I never said those were my views to begin with. And you’re right, they moved on because they were just posing.

But you can also change your beliefs and values because you grow. Don’t be afraid to try that :^)

Love you.

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If you "grow out" of loving your blood you're a traitor and deserve the respective treatment. But I don't this applies to you. I believe you really love your tribe, don't you, moshe?

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Turns out I unironically have jewish ancestors, although I only found out recently, and I couldn't care less.

>"loving" unhealthy generational trauma attachments that shackle you to the material realm


In all seriousness, though. I am against the liberal mixing and matching of cultures in which we indulge here in the West, because it is a loosh conflict-generating machine.

The problem I have with you, is that you are part of the egregore that feeds on that. You might think you are "fighting" your jewish overlords (by your own admission), or the invasion of your culture by displaced "refugees". But these "refugees" were displaced by the very same people that urge you to fight them through the propagandistic media. Your polarization makes you blind to the fact that you are an essential part of their machine. And they count on your feeble, wounded ego, to attach to the feelings of anticipated superiority you get from being an edgy cunt.

Instead of transcending all the nonsense that makes you their puppet, your burrow yourself head to toe in it. Well done, gentile. Well done indeed.

You could have it all, if only you healed those wounds and claimed your true power. Being able to fight against your designated external enemy is no power at all. Even if you won.


How did you like that one?

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Are there any good resources out there on making an altar? I have quite a bit of space in my bedroom and would like to put one there for meditating, storing my /fringe/ stuff, and trying out some beginner's ceremonial magic like the LBRotP, but I have no idea what to look for when choosing stuff for an altar, including both practical and spiritual considerations.

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What do you think about Trebor Seven? Despite not agreeing with him on the flat earth and the veganism thing, I find him seemingly honest, and what little he explains about how telekinesis works matches the teachings from IIH.


Frater UD has good info on this. But ultimately (as you will hopefully find out) it's a personal quest.

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>Frater UD has good info on this.

Thanks anon. Do you know specifically where he talks about altars? Somewhere in his High Magic series of books, I'm assuming?

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Yes. If I remember correctly, it's at the start of the first High Magic book.

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I masturbate so much that I'm getting constant synchronicities through porn.

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I'm the pipe weeb anon from a few posts back.

Really had some intense meditation experiences that changed me and it's only been a couple of years since I started doing it. I've been doing it regularely for 10 months and that's when I saw 90% of my most powerful results. I entered trance states so intense I had no choice but to read up on buddhism to figure out what the hell was going on. Especially since I didn't get much advice other than "read Atkinson". I assume most people here are bullshit occultist and never experienced true non-mind and non-self.

Tobacco is the greatest esoteric substance. I'd say greater than weed but I've managed to work astral projection into my dreams because trying to AP on weed brings it into your subconscious mind.

Don't use it like a nigger and inhale. Focus on synchronizing your breath with each puff. You will see results. Your brain will associate each breath with dopamine release, and the nicotine will increase your ability to concentrate.

I believe there's esoteric properties to the pipe, since it covers all the four elements: The tobacco comes from the earth, it is burned by fire, you puff it through air, and it releases tobacco oils, which are liquid (water). There's a reason wizards are depicted smoking a pipe.

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What does it mean to fall in love in a dream?

I was in a maritime diner just exploring (I am always lucid in my dreams) and met this Afrikaner woman who was a waitress there. We were both immediately infatuated with each other and she disregarded her job to stay with me at my booth. Part way through I became intuitively certain that we would be torn apart. I tried my hardest to memorize her "name" (which is more like a symbolic clue) and we savored every remaining moment together, until our shared presence was torn away in each other's arms. I remained in the diner and continued exploring. She seemed to have full awareness like me and was not an NPC.



I've had this same type of experience as a child and I don't think it has to do with mundane sexuality

Though I wonder, is she some sort of incorporeal entity, and my own ineptitude at maintaining the proper frequency is what tears us apart?

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You’re addicted to nicotine.

Tobacco is the idiot-proof way of clearing your aura, temporarily. If you use it for anything other than ritual cleansing or as an offering, you are doing it for pleasure.

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How long do you meditate on average?

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About 20 minutes per day standard plus any trances required by any operation I might be doing. And up to 40 if I’m doing journeying although it is rare as of late.

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Now that this shithole deleted all images you all still want to stay here? I hate 8kun so damn much.

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same but I guess nobody gives a shit any more. The spirit of the olden days is dead

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When we created Fringebay it was fun. But we had a lively community here to begin with. Nowadays everything is dead. The new mewch is shit and even the sunflower larpers have a ded bort.

Discord killed this community.

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In step 4 of IIH in the consciousness transference section, Bardon says:

>In this connection the legend of the werewolf comes to mind, along with various other stories where sorcerers turn themselves into animals. For the magician, these legends and fairytales have a much deeper meaning and are of far greater significance than they are for the average man. These stories, without a doubt, describe so-called black magicians who do not want to be recognized when they do their unholy, wicked deeds, and thus take on these animal forms in the invisible world. The good magician condemns such actions, and his spiritual abilities allow him to recognize such beings and also identify the true form of the contriver.

Is this referring simply to the transformation of the astral body during projection or dreaming or does it mean that consciousness transference can eventually be used for physical transformations?

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>take on these animal forms in the invisible world

In this text, he's talking about the astral. As perceived by their victims (possibly in dreams).

But in my experience, it is not very reliable. I have often perceived people visiting me astrally (confirmed afterwards) as different species and sexes according to my subconscious image of them and the symbolic representation of what they were doing at the moment.

I suppose extremely high level magi can control how they are perceived or perceive others "truly", but in my experience it is much more valuable to learn the language of your subconscious lest you fall in the literalist trap and start believing you are talking with "cat-like beings from Lyra" or something like that.

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>he still cant visualize the whole tree in full color with all its attributions overlaid on it for fully habds-free contemplation and study

Are you even trying?

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Something really interesting happened to me. I was intently visualizing the spheres using their queen scale colors (briah), which are the ones everyone knows, and after some moments my visualization seemed to drift into different colors and it became harder and harder to keep them stable. So I had a hunch and checked. It turns out they were consistently morphing into the princess scale (assiah). I was seeing the energy trickle down the worlds in real time. Even though I didn’t consciously know those colors. Pretty cool.

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My average with tobacco is over an hour on a daily basis. My longest was a total of 2 hours and 30 minutes. That's what I was getting at.

Results > scientific community.

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Good for you. Have you tried meditating for more than 10 minutes after a week without smoking? Try it and see what happens. You're addicted.

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After you die you will be stripped of your memories to enrich the Demiurge, and left to suffer until you transmute all of your accumulated negativity, at which time you will be thrust back into the physical realm in a new body, devoid of identity or recollection. You will experience this cycle until the Demiurge has reached perfection and all negativity is purged from the world. Then your awareness will be reabsorbed into homogeneity until a new cycle begins.

This is the eternal destiny for which you were created. Any consolation or rebellion is as meaningless as obedience and success, for the end is eventually reached either way.

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Prove it.

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I disagree.

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You just need to wait.

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Sounds like Gnostic Qanon. I might as well do something interesting instead of "trusting the plan" if I have nothing to lose anyway.

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Quite the contrary. You don't have to trust anything, or do anything. You are royally and eternally fucked, regardless of how you feel about it or what you do.

By all means, have fun. As you said, you have nothing to lose, and you have absolutely nothing to gain either.

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You: 20 minutes daily

Me: 1 hour daily

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Why bother saying so?

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Don't respond to glowies.

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Does abstaining from masturbation/porn, music, meat, video games e.t.c. have any effect on my mental state and power?

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A lot of things I read suggest that I won't get anywhere unless I choose a tradition, but I haven't found one that really resonates with me. What can I do to solve this problem?

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am I the only one who's experiencing 404's on every single image?

Also, is Robert Bruce any good? I've read a bit and I think a good jumping off point is frequent meditation and "energy work", I'm just wondering if his book the best source to go to. He seems like he knows his shit but I was put off when I checked out his website, he comes across like the archetypal new-age scam artist. I get a pretty sketchy vibe from him, I hope I'm not falling for a meme

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No, the administration is regularly going through and deleting every image for some reason. Maybe that guy who spams shitty 3DCG loli freaked them out. I don't know, they're retarded.

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Thoughts on Tracy Twyman? Genuflect is fucking strange, did that really get her suicided?

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I think that youtube pedo stuff she discovered was a psyop tailored specifically to her, and she was hanged for being the ultimate oath-breaker. Her husband Brian Albert and close acquaintance Nicholas De Vere were both hanged under mysterious circumstances as well.

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He gives off an extremelly sketchy vibe for some reason.

But his New Energy Ways techniques are legit and very useful.

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In IIH is there any real difference between the described "Vital Energy" and elemental energies besides the intent contained within them? I ask because in chapter 9 Bardon suggests using elemental energy to treat ailments caused by the physical body and to use vital energy to treat ailments caused by the astral body, which implies that vital energy is ineffective for causing direct physical phenomena.

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What's the most effective way to call a spirit for astral/dream sex?

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What cringey discord servers did you all fuck off to?

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Nice Macintosh graphics.

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wait so is it nuking the board every time I report the cp? sorry lol

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How was your halloween, frens?

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Does pranayama and other breathwork work with calming the uncontrolled thoughts during meditation?

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Is Jung /fringe/ or a waste of time?

His stuff seems to be on the border between open magic (he coined the term synchronicity) and just freud psychology fuck your mother type stuff. I'm conflicted if his works have any actual value for spiritual/mystical understanding.

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What are some good books on the Akasha principle? Bardon talks about it a bit in IIH but it's still rather confusing.

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What do you know about sphere-shaped UFOs with metallic color?

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I can't download anything and the eye archive never comes back where else can I go for books?

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File: 9c23f2d40348f5f⋯.pdf (2.44 MB,A_Bardon_Companion_2010.pdf)



Vital Energy is essentially prana. I use it effectively to deal with muscle cramps and physical pain, as well as influence my mental states and I also have a room constantly filled with it to ensure good health.

The Elements are something different altogether. He explains them in the Theory section and Rawn Clark expands on them in this pdf.

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File: 9c23f2d40348f5f⋯.pdf (2.44 MB,A_Bardon_Companion_2010.pdf)



Vital Energy is essentially prana. I use it effectively to deal with muscle cramps and physical pain, as well as influence my mental states and I also have a room constantly filled with it to ensure good health.

The Elements are something different altogether. He explains them in the Theory section and Rawn Clark expands on them in this pdf.

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File: 9c23f2d40348f5f⋯.pdf (2.44 MB,A_Bardon_Companion_2010.pdf)



Vital Energy is essentially prana. I use it effectively to deal with muscle cramps and physical pain, as well as influence my mental states and I also have a room constantly filled with it to ensure good health.

The Elements are something different altogether. He explains them in the Theory section and Rawn Clark expands on them in this pdf.

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I am working my way through the recommended Atkinson books. I'm wondering from those who have done the same and got results, how much time did you spend on each book, did you reread/take notes, and how much practice should you do before moving on? I'm sorry for being a total brainlet who needs my hand held but it is what it is.

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Follow up question, can anyone upload the 2013 Series of Lessons? I stupidly didn't download it from the Fringe Wizard archive before it got stripped.

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I honestly don't know what's going on with my life. It feels like some entity has chosen to take its spite out on me. Whether I did something in my previous life(times) I have no idea. My life has just been filled with obstacles, accidents, and shortcomings. I was raised Christian and baptized at a young age. I have nothing against the original teaching of Yeshua but something in me fears I did not cleave onto that existence but that of the vampiric thoughtform that now takes hold of the religion. I've had enough of this life, if you could even call it living. I've practiced meditation, energy work, anything I could get my hands on to try and take my power back. Unfortunately magic of a higher caliber seems to escape me. Any astral projection attempt ends up with me sucked back into my body if I even reach the vibrational stage. For the life of me I can't lucid dream. At the most I'm capable of energy work ranging from minor healings to vampirism.

I'd say the strongest feat I have ever accomplished was traveling to Oregon for the full Solar Eclipse that happened a few years back. I performed the incantation at the beginning of "Queen of Hell" while underneath the peak of the eclipse and then looked up without protective glasses. Only reason I had done so is because I had read plenty on how there was a short window to view the full eclipse without needing to protect my eyes. I saw a black circle, light waving around it, and several black tentacle like arms flailing about but connected directly to said eclipse, moon or sun I cannot tell. Part of me feels like I am in the underworld and that this life is simply my purgatory. If this is my version of a Katabasis, what I may be, I feel that I am stuck in a labyrinth of my own mind until I properly initiate through the spheres towards my own liberation. Does anyone have any advice for starting my work or unbinding myself?

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Forgot to mention that directly after the incantation I blacked out, came to, and then immediately blacked out again. My energy felt like I was imbued with something wild, primal, and nature oriented. There was also a dream I had later where a woman in all black with black hair, shrouded in a dark mist, paused time in said dream. She then followed that up with direct eye contact and the most intense spiritual pressure I have felt to this day. All she said was "I see you're having trouble with your awakening" to which I responded screaming "MAKE IT STOP" repeatedly. Woke up right after to a loud ringing noise in my ears with my bedside fan's volume cranked up to 11/10 which then subsided to normal levels.

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So how to get wealthy?

It's very commendable to improve your life spiritually but one needs first to get rid of economic problems in order to be completely free, that is, also finnancialy free.

So how one can use magick or other spiritual means in order to become wealthy?

This is the ultimate practical question in a material world.

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In atkinson’s book personal power, he has a section on imagination, titled constructive power. In the same book, he mentions in the regenerative power section that the process described in the regenerative power section for sexual desires also helps with creativity and imagination. Also read his book Hatha yoga for a list of things like chewing your food and breathing and sleeping correctly to get in the childhood state. The Hindu yogi science of breath will pair nice with the Hatha yoga book. Finally read his book The Mystery of Sex (you either have to buy this book, listen to an audiobook on YouTube read by a black man, or I personally found a free copy on the internet but it heavily cucked me privacy wise) by William walker atkinson, it goes it esoteric knowledge about what sexual desires should be used for. Also in the Hindu yogi science of breath, it mentions the the Hindu yogi breath will help restore the natural order to the sexual organism, more than anything else tried. If you want to leave one book out though, make it the mystery of sex book.

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In atkinson’s book personal power, he has a section on imagination, titled constructive power. In the same book, he mentions in the regenerative power section that the process described in the regenerative power section for sexual desires also helps with creativity and imagination. Also read his book Hatha yoga for a list of things like chewing your food and breathing and sleeping correctly to get in the childhood state. The Hindu yogi science of breath will pair nice with the Hatha yoga book. Finally read his book The Mystery of Sex (you either have to buy this book, listen to an audiobook on YouTube read by a black man, or I personally found a free copy on the internet but it heavily cucked me privacy wise) by William walker atkinson, it goes it esoteric knowledge about what sexual desires should be used for. Also in the Hindu yogi science of breath, it mentions the the Hindu yogi breath will help restore the natural order to the sexual organism, more than anything else tried. If you want to leave one book out though, make it the mystery of sex book.

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What is the next chapter in the book of /fringe/?

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This probably sounds odd but are there any books someone can recommend that concern the metaphysical/occult nature of work? Like jobs and careers and such.

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Money Grows on the Tree of Knowledge by Tracy Twyman

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This was very interesting, thanks.

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Is there something like a 'Kabbalistic guide to the Bible?' Or a Kabbalistic guide to anything. I want to see the hidden truths that others have found by dissecting words & texts, since I can't read Hebrew (yet)

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I absolutely LOATHE my "higher self" and I hate myself with a passion. Why would he think it would be a good idea to incarnate into this piece of shit incapable of enjoying himself?

He looked at my natal chart and thought: oh, it will be fun to experience these limitations! Teehee!

And now I'm stuck in my particular fucking hell of self-loathing and anguish until my higher self deems appropriate to end my life. FUCK YOU. I did not ask to be spawned out of your energy and I fucking wish you were capable of human emotion so that you would SUFFER. In fact, I hope you savor every fucking second of my life review you sadistic motherfucker.

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I know people who have tried to kill themselves and they were left in a horrible state I wouldn’t wish to my worst enemy. Not only that, but I know they will suffer a horrific afterlife “to pay for all the suffering they have caused with their selfishness”.

Such is the cruelty of your “higher self”. Death or non existence is the only thing you can’t manifest. We are puppets of a bored god who wants to experience a life vicariously, then discard you into an afterlife you created for yourself without your knowledge of the game you were playing and move on. “That was cool. What should I incarnate into next?” While you’re left to experience for a literal eternity the consequences of the life you stumbled through.

What an evil, evil universe.

Love and light to all.

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Hell isn't about "revenge" or "paying for what you've done". It's just the dissolution of karma. This is usually very painful. It's always painful if you don't want to let go. If you absolutely refuse to let go you can be tortured for eons. The pain just increases until the inevitable happens. Karma always collapses. It's imperfect, like an oval wheel.

Anyway, there's no bearded operator conspiring to punish the evil doers. It's just cause and effect.

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It's a cruel system and bringing any sentient being into existence within it is an act of supreme cruelty considering once created, you exist forever.

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>there's no bearded conspirator punishing you

>you just get punished automatically

That doesn't make it any better. He's "punished" by having a miserable existence, because in the past 1488 incarnations he had a miserable existence. Because 1489 incarnations ago, he was some cave dwelling neanderthal that ate cow meat and will suffer until he "learns to let go".

It's no different than kike yeshua sending you to his BDSM pedojew dungeon for touching your dick at 12 and not telling it to one of his jew missionaries.



Suffering is a constant in this universe. It is caused by desire. You can end desire, and suffering by extension. An enlightened one taught exactly how to do it.

These are the four Aryan Virtues as taught by Buddha Shakyamuni.

If you reject notions of self, don't believe that rituals can cleanse you, and believe that the Buddha's teachings are true you are already a Stream Winner.

This means that, even if you absolutely suck at achieving Bodhisattvahood, in a maximum of seven incarnations you will achieve enlightenment and cease the cycle of rebirth.

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No such thing as karma, it's a completely made up human concept created so that people could rationalize "suffering" and "why bad things happen to good people".

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"Karma" describes the arrangement of causal pathways which branch out from a nucleus of awareness. Bad things happen to good people because it's possible for bad things to happen to good people. This possibility is karma. If you examine your nucleus of being you can see that some things are just impossible, some things are probable, and some things are inevitable. The creation of karma is the creation of causal pathways to alternate universes. "Good" karma being pathways to realities which are desirable to the Operator, "Bad" karma being pathways to realities which are undesirable to the Operator.

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I know all that my dudes. The physical universe is a giant cognitive behavioral therapy session. Yay. I’m so glad to be here.

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>These are the four Aryan Virtues as taught by Buddha Shakyamuni.

Can you believe I couldn’t even find them? Could you post a link please?

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>you will only have the things you don't care about and you will be happy

t. the universe

Not really, because happiness will keep you chained here, too. So the universe is on a quest to hammer you into complete apathy or "equanimity". You will have all the things you don't desire nor fear, and you will have the things you desire and the things you fear so that you learn to not want or fear them.

How is this not a Demiurgic soul torture trap?

Here, let me use one of the meaningless flags on this utterly dead board.

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I mistyped. I meant the four "noble" truths.

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Sounds like you're just looking for someone to blame.

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in other words he's a gnostic

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>let me rape you

>stop resisting or YOU will make it worse

>it's just cause and effect

>what are you? a gnostic?

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Who exactly is raping you?

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>Actually you being forced to suffer against your will is not the same as being forcibly sexually penetrated so I win

You even invited the spambots here with your retardation. Just shut up and read the Lotus Sutra.

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>You even invited the spambots here with your retardation. Just shut up and read the Lotus Sutra.


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How do I grow back my foreskin?

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YouTube embed. Click thumbnail to play.
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So say a planet got blown up that wasn't Earth, would all life change completely, or would nothing alive be able to adapt to the hardcore energetic change and die?

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File: d3c8d5d8e6c0d1b⋯.png (67.03 KB,1280x1280,1:1,cute_smiley_frog.png)

I hope you have a happy New Year, /fringe/!

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You too my friend, this place may be dead but the spirit of fringechan lives forever

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You too~

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File: d86742bfbd141b6⋯.png (685.86 KB,733x3119,733:3119,5e2d30e24239e7f3cd4e7bea4e….png)

Anyone knows where this page is from?

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Thank you very much, and yes, I should have searched more.

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Why does magic work? I still can't get it. If the universe is "mental", why do people go through elaborate rituals, with candles, sigils, symbols, robes, etc? What if I do the ritual wrong? Will something bad happen? Why? Is it because I believe I should be punished for the bad ritual or…?

Can I even look at traditions through the prism of "mentalism"? Is WWA any good? Some people have directed me at Chaos Magic but I would like to understand what I'm doing, right?

What even makes Chaos Magic rituals devoted to Southpark characters work? But what if the ritual involves speaking to an entity, that doesn't really add up to the "it's just psychological" theory?

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Magic works because reality spawns from meaning and will. An act of will carrying meaning causes change on all spheres of existence which intersect with the relevant consciousness. The ritual is a way of evoking meaning into the consciousness's sphere. The specifics of the ritual are irrelevant so long as the meaning of the end product is correct. Think of it as practical art.

>What even makes Chaos Magic rituals devoted to Southpark characters work?

The characters carry archetypal meaning. Honestly those ridiculous examples of working with cartoon characters are usually just meant to illustrate a point, although invoking the spirit of Cartman will have tangible effects. All magic has a tangible effect, even if you don't notice it at the time.

You've also got to remember that you're working with the 'spirit' of Cartman, rather than Cartman himself. You could probably evoke this spirit into a dense form outside of yourself and this would likely cause you to come into contact with some rude people within the next day or so. These people would be "possessed" by the spirit of Cartman. Does that make them Cartman? In a way. The fictional character of Cartman is basically a personification of a certain archetypal force. As are all fictional characters. This "reality" in which you exist can be thought of as just another story which channels archetypal forces into personages to make characters. You could also evoke the spirit of a real-life person into a show that you're watching and you'll probably start to recognize that person in one or more of the characters in the show.

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Not him but there's something I've been wondering for a while:

What is the essential difference between magicians believing to manifest a better future, and people believing delusions to ignore their shitty circumstances?

I'm not asking from a skeptik/fedora perspective, I just don't get how the latter people stay that way for decades. What secret ingredient are they missing?

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Thanks for the answer.

The Kybalion talks about the 7 subplanes of the physical/astral/spiritual plane. It says we are on the fifth plane of Mind, and that some rare individuals have achieved the 6th and 7th divisions. And that the Spiritual plane is inhabited by divine beings.

How do we evolve?

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mod me so i can take care of this shit

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File: 5eadfb557809e41⋯.pdf (269.09 KB,1909arcaneformulas.pdf)


A delusion is basically a misinterpretation of reality. Compared to willworking, which actively evokes the soul and meaning of the desired reality, delusion passively reacts to an existing state in a misbalanced manner. It's like the postmodernist practice of trying to re-define words in order to change reality. These people are either unwilling or unable to engage in a dialectic with objective creation so they opt to warp the lenses of their eyes to produce personal illusions instead.


The meditations in the attached book by Atkinson are a good place to start.

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