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Anons Fringe Archive

File: 6c2cc9058f3bdf0⋯.png (11.27 KB,1200x806,600:403,30_day_fast.png)


I've done ten day fasts before, but never a full 30 days.

This fast will not exclude bone broth and coffee.

But it will include no fap.

Should be fun.

I gave myself the option of breaking it once every ten days, just because fear of death and stuff.

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>fear of death


Sounds pretty good but why coffee? Is it to surpress hunger? I figure fasting is a good time to cleanse your body of toxins, to meditate and even astral travel. Coffee seems to mess up all of this. Since you are doing nofap and storing up semen-fluids, there are like 3 different fluids that make up cum. By drinking coffe those fluids get filled with unhealthy toxins and if you don't expell them it may, even tho I'm not really sure, affect your health. Coffee pointlessly stresses out your body, enrages your mind and hinders proper meditation work. Also it burns up your natural energy reserves at an unhealthy fast pace so that you are depleted and burned out unnaturally, you'll be tired and restless at the same time. I thnk you'll be much better off without it, you really don't need all those drawbacks for a short fake hunger supression effect. But let me know what you think.

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Agreed. Maybe green tea, in moderation, would be a better alternative. Teas can be used in many ways, as a pick me up or a calm me down. Have some black tea in the morning and at night drink passion flower. The passion flower will block GABA reuptake and help with anxiety and maybe even improved meditation.


I'll join you, OP. A good cleansing is never a bad thing. I'm not going to fully fast, but I will go full OMAD/IF keto with you and no fap for the next 7 days. I've been feeling rather toxic as of late and my liver needs a break. I have this week off, so it'd be a great time for meditation and astral work.

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I'll join in but only for 7 days nofap and fasting for now. Might go longer with nofap after that tho. I'll take this opportunity especially for finally breaking my caffeine addiction and getting off coffee completely. However I will start from monday since I need to finish all the new-years food over the weekend, would be a shame to let it go to waste now.

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I'll join you.

I was planning the same.

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>why coffee

Not OP but coffee is rich in antioxidants its not as unhealthy as you’re making it out to be and yeah you’re right it does suppress appetite which is great for fasting, but id do a sugar free psyllium based fiber supplement for appetite suppression and also have a side benefit of cleaning out your intestines



Been keto for about 5 days now ill join you in the 30 day if we’re doing that 8)

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Good call on the psyllium husk fiber. I've got some to add to my tea. I've also got supplements to help me over the keto flu, so after a week, I'll try to go the full 30 on keto. The only real carbs I'm going to have this week are kimchi and kefir to fix my gut biome.

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Look at these pathetic fags. They think they are magic And they are getting nervous about going a week without jerking off. Losers

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I've been on keto for 4 weeks now and the only thing I noticed that could be described as the keto flu only lasted two days. Maybe because I went in with a 24h fast, idk.


Welcome. Are you interested in learning magic?

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I just remembered, I've been taking electrolyte supplements in order to avoid the keto flu (and busting my kidneys from lack of sodium and potassium).

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There's a new discord for people who want to transmute this sexual energy not just bottle it up until they lose their minds or get even more degenerate. It follows the teachings of rosicrucian gone rogue Samael Aun Weor. We are not associated with the glorian.org site, we just read his work. discord(dot)gg/bDSu6s29cF

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File: e1887871ebb5837⋯.jpg (175.23 KB,678x798,113:133,e1887871ebb583726080267216….jpg)

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File: 0c3812d0f82dd25⋯.jpg (170.89 KB,1138x983,1138:983,Wizard_051.jpg)


I don't know much about discord but I heard people talking a lot of shit about it like that it's spyware and all that noise but that isn't saying much because in our day and age pretty much everything is spyware. This however is the first discord invite I ever saw on fringe and related boards that looks interesting enough to consider joining. Should I download discord just for this? If the community is just the usual shitheads being toxic and spamming memes or having mundane conversations then I don't want it.


I start my fast tomorrow with the main goal of getting nofap going again and getting off of caffeine. I'll allow myself to have a couple of cups of black teas in the first two days to make it easier. The only experience I have with fasting is to just consume nothing at all for 24 hours except water because that's simple and easy and not dangerous. I don't know anything about keto n psyllium husk fiber and shit and I am too lazy to learn about this stuff and get out of my way to arrange it, so I just eat 1.less and 2.vegetarian or even vegan for 7 days. Also no sugar, fastfood and all the other types of trash. If the first 7 days go good I might consider doing more. Godspeed anons.

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I like coffee. And it's how I've fasted in the past.





Cool beans.

I've done keto for a couple of years. Zero sugar diet. Except for beer. But I've cut out everything for this fast. No alcohol.

The Great Reset.

Also I'm going to try and get all the way through Blavatsky's "Secret Doctrine".

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File: 7c5a316bcb48ec5⋯.jpg (Spoiler Image,68.48 KB,300x511,300:511,WR78_2.jpg)


I just like coffee. I used it the last ten day fast I did. Extra energy helps. A little bit goes a long way though on a fast.






The Great Reset.

And there's more than one Chaos wizard in the thread. I'm op. On day three.

I've been keto/low carb for a couple of years, with zero sugar for about a year now.

Just felt like I need to kick it up a notch, and things being crazy makes a good time to do it.

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Weird. I thought the first post never went through. kek

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I'm telling you I am afraid to post the invite link on /x for the same reason. I got into a similar discord that was promoted on /x but instead of doing or talking about the spiritual subjects advertised on the channels, 95% of the messages where made by two faggots on a /bant /random channel, literally calling each other faggits and inviting themselves into the other one's ass. So I'm telling you we're as serious as possible because we truly study and practice this things. I might not believe 100% the things the owner talks about, but I have an open mind and I try them on myself, I judge by my own experience in meditation. About discord, it's not more of a spyware than every goddamn #chan (browser) is or every messaging app. Moreover, this one doesn't force you to submit a phone number and you can use a temporary email to verify your account.

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>discord but I heard people talking a lot of shit about it like that it's spyware

If you talk about something in private chat, then go on youtube, you'll get recommended vids on that topic. Normal opsec goes there as anywhere.

>Should I download discord

It's just a browser that logs you into discord and saves the content of all your servers on your HDD to make sure you get all that cp saved without knowing it. Just use the webapp and clear your cache regularly instead.

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True, based and snowdenpilled. We are just a couple of guys now so no cp from us but I can't say trolls won't join even if I post the link on tame places. Trolls are everywhere and we'll kick them as soon as able, but the discord app I think downloads everything instantly so the web browser version is best

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Imagine being a roleplaying faggot retard posting cringy shit like this online ho ly fuck grow the fuck up

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You sound like a total pedo holy fuck who invites internet strangers to a discord what the fuck are you doing

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Where do you think you are?

>ou sound like a total pedo holy fuck who invites internet strangers to a discord

Anyone using the platform? Where are you from, really? You clearly haven't used discord before.


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If you give him attention he won't leave.

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I'm horny, I watch porn but as soon as I am near orgasm I remember how shit I feel after I cum and I just stop right there. And a few minutes later I'm back. I do this until I cum or I'm out of time. If I'm out of time, I restart this process the next day. The only pause is when I cum, I'll just stop searching for a few days. I want that post nut clarity now, not after I cum. I asked everywhere how could I get it. For five years

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>>138572 reporting back.

I'm losing arround 1 kg a day.

Body is weaker but mind is way clearer and sharper.

I plan to to keep this going for at least 40 days, but maybe will do more.

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I came looking at a video of a step mom replacing the boy's sex doll with herself

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File: f75ec79864149ba⋯.png (579.48 KB,666x987,222:329,aunty.png)


>step mom replacing the boy's sex doll with herself

Sounds interesting, unfortunately this is all I have.

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Seems like nothing but another tool for online groomers. Trannies were already organizing on there to try to groom underage people. “Dude the smash mouth community is safe, these people arent predators, you are blacklisted for saying they are”

You cast a big net and hope you get what you are looking for. You are sick epstein

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Dude read what you wrote you have fucking issues and yet you are on a magic roleplaying forum?

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>I remember how shit I feel after I cum

I don't understand this. I feel amazing after I cum. I do get sleepy afterwards sometimes, but I've never felt bad. Do you mean bad as in guilty or physically sick?

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>Seems like nothing but another tool for online groomers.

Discord is for gamers, dumbass. It has a fast functional interface which also makes it good for any kind of chat.

What you're saying can be applied to any major social media, you can groom on Facebook, Instagram, Twitter. People create their own content. May as well say public schools are like made for groomers, conveniently gathering all the kids in one location.

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Breaking it with keto/protein and fat and then continuing is what I'm doing.

But I'm also using bone broth daily.

The no fap is have more of an effect on my browser history than anything else.

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File: 47a4cd7c4ba8c24⋯.png (863.5 KB,541x960,541:960,9ea320cf8e7f156b47c9371b2c….png)


>1 kg a day

That's gotta be water weight (glycogen-attached water). Even if you were doing keto in caloric deficit (caloric deficit sheds more weight long term than straight-up fasting), your body can't metabolize 1 kg of fat in a day. You'd burst into flames and ascend in body and spirit. Expect to stabilize around 1 to 2 kg a week.

>Body is weaker

Sounds like you're not fat adapted yet. Once that happens, as long as your body has visceral or subcutaneous fat and you don't push it with exercise, you'll feel more energized than ever.

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I haven't fapped all year!

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You are underestimating how big I am.

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I broke my fast last night and tonight. My traditional feast of canned chicken, olive oil, and six eggs. Including cayenne and turmeric. And a lot of beer.

I feel, sort of bad, but not really. Because shit is happening. Though I still want to continue my fast.

And I still haven't broken no-fap, so there's that. No denying that the current political clime gave me an excuse to lose my shit.

And the fucking dreams, straight up crazy town. Uncomfortable to say the least. Definitely outside of my comfort zone, no homo, but still out of my league.

Just saying…

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YouTube embed. Click thumbnail to play.

Bourne: My Fucking Kees

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YouTube embed. Click thumbnail to play.


omfg, fucked that up


Bourne: My Fucking Knees!

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Civilized dependency.

Chronicles of acceptance.

Shadows of corruption, and those who operate outside, where the sun shines brightest.

Empty. Dark and alone, but ever bright. Solitude and soliloquy.

We ride a forgotten…[redacted]

Good Luck

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If it weren't for the beer, you'd have transitioned wonderfully into blessed ketosis, and it would've been extremely easy to go back to fasting.

But you drank the liquid bread, and you'll need to deplete those glycogen stores all over again.

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A wise sage once said…

"Hey, we're just fucking people. Some are better, some are worse. Some of the better ones are worse, some of the worst ones are better."

Then he farted and while my eyes clouded with tears from the horrific smell he vanished.

Eventually true story.

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I was going to post my previous comment regardless. I appreciate the information and will utilize it. ty.

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File: 7f47521b07e8079⋯.jpg (69.43 KB,1200x806,600:403,This_is.jpg)

Pulling a lot of hate.

What's coming is inevitable

Acceptance is something that must be done consciously, deliberately


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YouTube embed. Click thumbnail to play.


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I'll also fast with hydrolyzed collagen, caffeine pills, and powdered liver. I'll keep going with potassium/sodium salts and water until I lose 20lbs.

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Lasted about ten days.

I should of listened to the cards. It was a negative outcome predicted. But of course, "fuck that, I can do it!"…no, you can't. And there's good reasons why.

Life is complex. We carry generations of things that must be sorted out. Not including the things in our own lifetime, that are also intertwined.

We are preschoolers telling our higher selves how our lives should be.

Good Luck

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On a chaos magic related side note, and completely serious:

I did a sigil to drive away enemies and a week later one of my neighbors moved.

I laughed hard on that. But still fucked up my fast.

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Did you know he was an enemy beforehand?

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It's not fasting if you're consuming any calories. Only water and salt/electrolytes is acceptable.

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dryfasting>water fasting>juicing>"FaStInG"

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