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I can't download anything and the eye archive never comes back where else can I go for books?

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File: 9c23f2d40348f5f⋯.pdf (2.44 MB,A_Bardon_Companion_2010.pdf)



Vital Energy is essentially prana. I use it effectively to deal with muscle cramps and physical pain, as well as influence my mental states and I also have a room constantly filled with it to ensure good health.

The Elements are something different altogether. He explains them in the Theory section and Rawn Clark expands on them in this pdf.

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File: 9c23f2d40348f5f⋯.pdf (2.44 MB,A_Bardon_Companion_2010.pdf)



Vital Energy is essentially prana. I use it effectively to deal with muscle cramps and physical pain, as well as influence my mental states and I also have a room constantly filled with it to ensure good health.

The Elements are something different altogether. He explains them in the Theory section and Rawn Clark expands on them in this pdf.

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File: 9c23f2d40348f5f⋯.pdf (2.44 MB,A_Bardon_Companion_2010.pdf)



Vital Energy is essentially prana. I use it effectively to deal with muscle cramps and physical pain, as well as influence my mental states and I also have a room constantly filled with it to ensure good health.

The Elements are something different altogether. He explains them in the Theory section and Rawn Clark expands on them in this pdf.

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I am working my way through the recommended Atkinson books. I'm wondering from those who have done the same and got results, how much time did you spend on each book, did you reread/take notes, and how much practice should you do before moving on? I'm sorry for being a total brainlet who needs my hand held but it is what it is.

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Follow up question, can anyone upload the 2013 Series of Lessons? I stupidly didn't download it from the Fringe Wizard archive before it got stripped.

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I honestly don't know what's going on with my life. It feels like some entity has chosen to take its spite out on me. Whether I did something in my previous life(times) I have no idea. My life has just been filled with obstacles, accidents, and shortcomings. I was raised Christian and baptized at a young age. I have nothing against the original teaching of Yeshua but something in me fears I did not cleave onto that existence but that of the vampiric thoughtform that now takes hold of the religion. I've had enough of this life, if you could even call it living. I've practiced meditation, energy work, anything I could get my hands on to try and take my power back. Unfortunately magic of a higher caliber seems to escape me. Any astral projection attempt ends up with me sucked back into my body if I even reach the vibrational stage. For the life of me I can't lucid dream. At the most I'm capable of energy work ranging from minor healings to vampirism.

I'd say the strongest feat I have ever accomplished was traveling to Oregon for the full Solar Eclipse that happened a few years back. I performed the incantation at the beginning of "Queen of Hell" while underneath the peak of the eclipse and then looked up without protective glasses. Only reason I had done so is because I had read plenty on how there was a short window to view the full eclipse without needing to protect my eyes. I saw a black circle, light waving around it, and several black tentacle like arms flailing about but connected directly to said eclipse, moon or sun I cannot tell. Part of me feels like I am in the underworld and that this life is simply my purgatory. If this is my version of a Katabasis, what I may be, I feel that I am stuck in a labyrinth of my own mind until I properly initiate through the spheres towards my own liberation. Does anyone have any advice for starting my work or unbinding myself?

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Forgot to mention that directly after the incantation I blacked out, came to, and then immediately blacked out again. My energy felt like I was imbued with something wild, primal, and nature oriented. There was also a dream I had later where a woman in all black with black hair, shrouded in a dark mist, paused time in said dream. She then followed that up with direct eye contact and the most intense spiritual pressure I have felt to this day. All she said was "I see you're having trouble with your awakening" to which I responded screaming "MAKE IT STOP" repeatedly. Woke up right after to a loud ringing noise in my ears with my bedside fan's volume cranked up to 11/10 which then subsided to normal levels.

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So how to get wealthy?

It's very commendable to improve your life spiritually but one needs first to get rid of economic problems in order to be completely free, that is, also finnancialy free.

So how one can use magick or other spiritual means in order to become wealthy?

This is the ultimate practical question in a material world.

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In atkinson’s book personal power, he has a section on imagination, titled constructive power. In the same book, he mentions in the regenerative power section that the process described in the regenerative power section for sexual desires also helps with creativity and imagination. Also read his book Hatha yoga for a list of things like chewing your food and breathing and sleeping correctly to get in the childhood state. The Hindu yogi science of breath will pair nice with the Hatha yoga book. Finally read his book The Mystery of Sex (you either have to buy this book, listen to an audiobook on YouTube read by a black man, or I personally found a free copy on the internet but it heavily cucked me privacy wise) by William walker atkinson, it goes it esoteric knowledge about what sexual desires should be used for. Also in the Hindu yogi science of breath, it mentions the the Hindu yogi breath will help restore the natural order to the sexual organism, more than anything else tried. If you want to leave one book out though, make it the mystery of sex book.

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In atkinson’s book personal power, he has a section on imagination, titled constructive power. In the same book, he mentions in the regenerative power section that the process described in the regenerative power section for sexual desires also helps with creativity and imagination. Also read his book Hatha yoga for a list of things like chewing your food and breathing and sleeping correctly to get in the childhood state. The Hindu yogi science of breath will pair nice with the Hatha yoga book. Finally read his book The Mystery of Sex (you either have to buy this book, listen to an audiobook on YouTube read by a black man, or I personally found a free copy on the internet but it heavily cucked me privacy wise) by William walker atkinson, it goes it esoteric knowledge about what sexual desires should be used for. Also in the Hindu yogi science of breath, it mentions the the Hindu yogi breath will help restore the natural order to the sexual organism, more than anything else tried. If you want to leave one book out though, make it the mystery of sex book.

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File: 70c400c423f5a6a⋯.jpeg (24.13 KB,500x375,4:3,dead_bort.jpeg)

What is the next chapter in the book of /fringe/?

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This probably sounds odd but are there any books someone can recommend that concern the metaphysical/occult nature of work? Like jobs and careers and such.

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Money Grows on the Tree of Knowledge by Tracy Twyman

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This was very interesting, thanks.

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Is there something like a 'Kabbalistic guide to the Bible?' Or a Kabbalistic guide to anything. I want to see the hidden truths that others have found by dissecting words & texts, since I can't read Hebrew (yet)

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I absolutely LOATHE my "higher self" and I hate myself with a passion. Why would he think it would be a good idea to incarnate into this piece of shit incapable of enjoying himself?

He looked at my natal chart and thought: oh, it will be fun to experience these limitations! Teehee!

And now I'm stuck in my particular fucking hell of self-loathing and anguish until my higher self deems appropriate to end my life. FUCK YOU. I did not ask to be spawned out of your energy and I fucking wish you were capable of human emotion so that you would SUFFER. In fact, I hope you savor every fucking second of my life review you sadistic motherfucker.

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I know people who have tried to kill themselves and they were left in a horrible state I wouldn’t wish to my worst enemy. Not only that, but I know they will suffer a horrific afterlife “to pay for all the suffering they have caused with their selfishness”.

Such is the cruelty of your “higher self”. Death or non existence is the only thing you can’t manifest. We are puppets of a bored god who wants to experience a life vicariously, then discard you into an afterlife you created for yourself without your knowledge of the game you were playing and move on. “That was cool. What should I incarnate into next?” While you’re left to experience for a literal eternity the consequences of the life you stumbled through.

What an evil, evil universe.

Love and light to all.

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Hell isn't about "revenge" or "paying for what you've done". It's just the dissolution of karma. This is usually very painful. It's always painful if you don't want to let go. If you absolutely refuse to let go you can be tortured for eons. The pain just increases until the inevitable happens. Karma always collapses. It's imperfect, like an oval wheel.

Anyway, there's no bearded operator conspiring to punish the evil doers. It's just cause and effect.

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It's a cruel system and bringing any sentient being into existence within it is an act of supreme cruelty considering once created, you exist forever.

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>there's no bearded conspirator punishing you

>you just get punished automatically

That doesn't make it any better. He's "punished" by having a miserable existence, because in the past 1488 incarnations he had a miserable existence. Because 1489 incarnations ago, he was some cave dwelling neanderthal that ate cow meat and will suffer until he "learns to let go".

It's no different than kike yeshua sending you to his BDSM pedojew dungeon for touching your dick at 12 and not telling it to one of his jew missionaries.



Suffering is a constant in this universe. It is caused by desire. You can end desire, and suffering by extension. An enlightened one taught exactly how to do it.

These are the four Aryan Virtues as taught by Buddha Shakyamuni.

If you reject notions of self, don't believe that rituals can cleanse you, and believe that the Buddha's teachings are true you are already a Stream Winner.

This means that, even if you absolutely suck at achieving Bodhisattvahood, in a maximum of seven incarnations you will achieve enlightenment and cease the cycle of rebirth.

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No such thing as karma, it's a completely made up human concept created so that people could rationalize "suffering" and "why bad things happen to good people".

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"Karma" describes the arrangement of causal pathways which branch out from a nucleus of awareness. Bad things happen to good people because it's possible for bad things to happen to good people. This possibility is karma. If you examine your nucleus of being you can see that some things are just impossible, some things are probable, and some things are inevitable. The creation of karma is the creation of causal pathways to alternate universes. "Good" karma being pathways to realities which are desirable to the Operator, "Bad" karma being pathways to realities which are undesirable to the Operator.

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I know all that my dudes. The physical universe is a giant cognitive behavioral therapy session. Yay. I’m so glad to be here.

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>These are the four Aryan Virtues as taught by Buddha Shakyamuni.

Can you believe I couldn’t even find them? Could you post a link please?

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>you will only have the things you don't care about and you will be happy

t. the universe

Not really, because happiness will keep you chained here, too. So the universe is on a quest to hammer you into complete apathy or "equanimity". You will have all the things you don't desire nor fear, and you will have the things you desire and the things you fear so that you learn to not want or fear them.

How is this not a Demiurgic soul torture trap?

Here, let me use one of the meaningless flags on this utterly dead board.

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I mistyped. I meant the four "noble" truths.

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Sounds like you're just looking for someone to blame.

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in other words he's a gnostic

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>let me rape you

>stop resisting or YOU will make it worse

>it's just cause and effect

>what are you? a gnostic?

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Who exactly is raping you?

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File: 2fe11f16a094b4c⋯.png (413.68 KB,638x500,319:250,ClipboardImage.png)


>Actually you being forced to suffer against your will is not the same as being forcibly sexually penetrated so I win

You even invited the spambots here with your retardation. Just shut up and read the Lotus Sutra.

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File: a7fbc915ee06ff5⋯.png (3.11 MB,756x8541,84:949,1639867783793.png)


>You even invited the spambots here with your retardation. Just shut up and read the Lotus Sutra.


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File: 7ec0dd1f42f9f12⋯.jpg (Spoiler Image,188.82 KB,863x1024,863:1024,wordsworth_classics_of_wor….jpg)

How do I grow back my foreskin?

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YouTube embed. Click thumbnail to play.
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So say a planet got blown up that wasn't Earth, would all life change completely, or would nothing alive be able to adapt to the hardcore energetic change and die?

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File: d3c8d5d8e6c0d1b⋯.png (67.03 KB,1280x1280,1:1,cute_smiley_frog.png)

I hope you have a happy New Year, /fringe/!

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You too my friend, this place may be dead but the spirit of fringechan lives forever

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You too~

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File: d86742bfbd141b6⋯.png (685.86 KB,733x3119,733:3119,5e2d30e24239e7f3cd4e7bea4e….png)

Anyone knows where this page is from?

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Thank you very much, and yes, I should have searched more.

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Why does magic work? I still can't get it. If the universe is "mental", why do people go through elaborate rituals, with candles, sigils, symbols, robes, etc? What if I do the ritual wrong? Will something bad happen? Why? Is it because I believe I should be punished for the bad ritual or…?

Can I even look at traditions through the prism of "mentalism"? Is WWA any good? Some people have directed me at Chaos Magic but I would like to understand what I'm doing, right?

What even makes Chaos Magic rituals devoted to Southpark characters work? But what if the ritual involves speaking to an entity, that doesn't really add up to the "it's just psychological" theory?

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Magic works because reality spawns from meaning and will. An act of will carrying meaning causes change on all spheres of existence which intersect with the relevant consciousness. The ritual is a way of evoking meaning into the consciousness's sphere. The specifics of the ritual are irrelevant so long as the meaning of the end product is correct. Think of it as practical art.

>What even makes Chaos Magic rituals devoted to Southpark characters work?

The characters carry archetypal meaning. Honestly those ridiculous examples of working with cartoon characters are usually just meant to illustrate a point, although invoking the spirit of Cartman will have tangible effects. All magic has a tangible effect, even if you don't notice it at the time.

You've also got to remember that you're working with the 'spirit' of Cartman, rather than Cartman himself. You could probably evoke this spirit into a dense form outside of yourself and this would likely cause you to come into contact with some rude people within the next day or so. These people would be "possessed" by the spirit of Cartman. Does that make them Cartman? In a way. The fictional character of Cartman is basically a personification of a certain archetypal force. As are all fictional characters. This "reality" in which you exist can be thought of as just another story which channels archetypal forces into personages to make characters. You could also evoke the spirit of a real-life person into a show that you're watching and you'll probably start to recognize that person in one or more of the characters in the show.

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Not him but there's something I've been wondering for a while:

What is the essential difference between magicians believing to manifest a better future, and people believing delusions to ignore their shitty circumstances?

I'm not asking from a skeptik/fedora perspective, I just don't get how the latter people stay that way for decades. What secret ingredient are they missing?

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Thanks for the answer.

The Kybalion talks about the 7 subplanes of the physical/astral/spiritual plane. It says we are on the fifth plane of Mind, and that some rare individuals have achieved the 6th and 7th divisions. And that the Spiritual plane is inhabited by divine beings.

How do we evolve?

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mod me so i can take care of this shit

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File: 5eadfb557809e41⋯.pdf (269.09 KB,1909arcaneformulas.pdf)


A delusion is basically a misinterpretation of reality. Compared to willworking, which actively evokes the soul and meaning of the desired reality, delusion passively reacts to an existing state in a misbalanced manner. It's like the postmodernist practice of trying to re-define words in order to change reality. These people are either unwilling or unable to engage in a dialectic with objective creation so they opt to warp the lenses of their eyes to produce personal illusions instead.


The meditations in the attached book by Atkinson are a good place to start.

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