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Esoteric Wizardry

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File: d52f093b08750b0⋯.jpg (449.42 KB,800x541,800:541,d52f093b08750b05b20ea792d6….jpg)

 No.124683 [View All]

Why don't you accept Christ, /fringe/?

It's clear that the void which everyone has in their souls is only replaceable by God's love. Repent :) Come and see that the Lord is good.

29 posts and 5 image replies omitted. Click [Open thread] to view. ____________________________
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There are two types of thought, monism and stupidity.

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File: 75ac826d3e6e546⋯.jpg (184.28 KB,1199x718,1199:718,75ac826d3e6e5464e103cd02fe….jpg)

Daily reminder if you are a /fringe/ wizard and think Christianity is wrong/fake/bad you don't understand what is true and essential yet and are most likely a pleb.

You should understand the truth is multifaceted and can take more than one exterior shape.

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The demiurge comes from Plato

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Social Shaming

>Most likely a pleb

Conform to the identity I want!

>If you are a /fringe/ wizard

Jewing via Dualism

>wrong/fake/bad vs true and essential

Cogitative Dissonance

>The truth is multifaceted, but only mine matters!

This is why I stopped going to church, and started meditating on the mysteries without trying for good goy points.

<Daily reminder of what group 'think' looks like

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Could you post a source on that cause I'm pretty sure Plato only argued for a "unmovable mover"

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You're conflating Plato with Aristotle or St. Thomas Aquinas. The demiurge comes from Platonism or neo-Platonism.

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Yes, but Plato never said that the Demiurge was a evil and ignorant entity, that was made up by the gnostics.

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From what I've gathered, Gnostics don't really say that either. It's only sometimes evil and ignorant when out of its proper place. The strict dualism is a meme.

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Sethians did.

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Demiurge is the half-urge.. The urge that causes one to become half of what they are capable of being.

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Of all the stupid things I have heard, surely this is the stupidest.

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I called christ but it always went to voice mail.

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File: 5ac81da27c762e7⋯.jpg (533.59 KB,1391x1407,1391:1407,Cover.jpg)

Fugitive, witch-doctor, born in an impoverished stable

Could this flimsy child truly be an predicted scepter?

Balaam’s prophecy, Judah’s predictions

Artificial pages of an unearthly fetish

Interpreter of the Torah

Worshipped by the Magi of Arabia

Hobo of Aramaic Tongues

The outline of a dead fish on a wall of mud

Signs of the resistance

Hobo of Aramaic Tongues

Frauds, hoaxes, serpents of Earth

Surviving on quails and manna

Christmas star of a frozen Palestine

Saturn no longer protects thee

The outline of a dead fish on a wall of mud

Signs of the resistance

Hobo of Aramaic Tongues

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Huh, I thought of it as the inverse of a demigod. Instead of a human being half-divine, it's a god being half-temporal.

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You got it backwards, buddy. Christ is always calling you, but it always goes to voicemail.

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>greek-orthodox icon

>catholic song

>From posts probably a mischling between a muslim man an a catholic woman.

You should at least put some effort to understand what you're preaching about. Git good faggot.

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YouTube embed. Click thumbnail to play.
Dice rollRolled 81 (1d100)

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OP I have read the entire bible from start to finish and I have been going to every theology discussion group I can find and talking with many Christians.

Tell me what you mean by "accept Christ"?

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>It's clear that the void which everyone has in their souls is only replaceable by God's love.

Yes, but jesus isn't God. jesus is a false idol just like every other religion. it's all bullshit. religion is fake too. there is only God.

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notice how they always praise jesus but never explain why.

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<jesus: let me in!

>person: why should I let you in?

<jesus: because I need to save you

>person: from what?


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File: 34ca2b2ffb8b832⋯.jpg (359.02 KB,1073x680,1073:680,Medieval_Persian_manuscrip….jpg)

Then will Allah say: "O Jesus the son of Mary! Recount My favour to thee and to thy mother. Behold! I strengthened thee with the holy spirit, so that thou didst speak to the people in childhood and in maturity. Behold! I taught thee the Book and Wisdom, the Law and the Gospel and behold! thou makest out of clay, as it were, the figure of a bird, by My leave, and thou breathest into it and it becometh a bird by My leave, and thou healest those born blind, and the lepers, by My leave. And behold! thou bringest forth the dead by My leave. And behold! I did restrain the Children of Israel from (violence to) thee when thou didst show them the clear Signs, and the unbelievers among them said: 'This is nothing but evident magic.'

And behold! I inspired the disciples to have faith in Me and Mine Messenger: they said, 'We have faith, and do thou bear witness that we bow to Allah as Muslims'".

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Whats the main difference between soul and spirit?

Among the holy spirit, the son and the father, the first one gets more praises by the prohphets. (they are mentioned to be filled with the holy spirit, not with the son or with the father)

One thing of interest is that (to my knowledge) the term the spirit of god is mentioned in the first book of genesis, but a term such as the the soul of god is not and does not exist in the rest of the book either.

There are things that seem to indicate this, that god has a soul, while there are not strong statements of this such as the one previously mentioned.

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File: dadccaa57fc9e95⋯.jpg (345.12 KB,1300x871,100:67,greek-orthodox-christianit….jpg)

File: 39c0cf8dbaa5a8d⋯.jpg (97.43 KB,591x450,197:150,aparicioncenaculo.jpg)


>orthodox saints have halos

>muslims are possessed by demonic fire

Yep, seems about right.

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They super saiyans.

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File: 50818881c22daa0⋯.jpg (791.86 KB,950x1077,950:1077,GustaveDoreParadiseLostSat….jpg)

I love to struggle, fight and overcome. I'm willing to do it forever.

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This attitude really diminishes my empathy when you get muslimd

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Sounds more like you are caught in a eternal struggle because you are too weak to actually overcome anything and win. Now all you could do was to accept the fact that you will never make it and embrace your pointless eternal struggle.

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The beauty of the samsara is I have eternity to figure it out on my own

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Our custom is divinity.

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<jesus: let me in!

>person: why should I let you in?

<jesus: because I need to save you

>person: from what?


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If you truely believe this then I fear you are highly mistaken. Don't fall for those religious fairy-tale concepts. You should overcome and make it right now, in this lifetime. There might be no eternity, reincarnation or stuff like this for you.

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File: c16c0ccf9acf065⋯.jpg (84.16 KB,736x1011,736:1011,wizard.jpg)


That's the best thing about being a wizard. I'm right I reincarnate until I realize the spiritual secrets of existence, or I rot in the earth like everyone else says. Might as well give astral mastery a go if you ask me.

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Yes I accept Christ

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We're a bit more into the esoteric - "inside" - matters of religions. Christ explicitely says immigration and miscegenation is left-handed - "Satanic" - but most false believers don't care to actually read the books.

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soul does not exist

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Underrated post

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Mainstream Christianity/Islam are both memes.

Gnosticism is the true faith, the essential bridge between Christianity, Islam, and all other faiths.

Unfortunately most Muslims will never believe the Thomas Gospel is really the Injil. and Christians will never believe that Muhammad was Jesus

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>Christ explicitely says immigration and miscegenation is left-handed - "Satanic"

citation needed

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>I am also pro-Mohammed

nice to know you're a retard, disregard what this guy says.

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>thinking you're not above a worm

Wow, atheism somehow got even more self-loathsome since I last saw through it.

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Go drink Odin's cum somewhere else larp parasite



Fuck outta here coonhammed every one of you mudslimes sould get impaled just for existing

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Great job bumping a garbage thread for cuckchan-tier retorts that your equally retarded adversaries from 3 years ago will never read.

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Bump for Christ

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Let's keep this thread quiet, for God's sake.

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If you've truly assumed you're nothing more than another valueless chemical automaton among a millinillion Knuth's up-arrows of millinillions of equally meaningless reactions reacting to reactions, you may as well end your pointless existence.

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I have some older Christian friends that I go gold prospecting with, they try to get me to come to church but its just not for me, man made structures and man made words (bible) the only church I need to the mountains and we are God so Its just not for me

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Jesus is so fucking great, i love him so much, thank you for everything

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