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Anons Fringe Archive

File: e994c5b8c8df6d4⋯.jpg (173.07 KB,850x622,425:311,kali_yuga.jpg)

 No.134592 [View All]

Are we nearing the end of Kali Yuga?

If so, what does that mean for us? How should we prepare ourselves spiritually for the things to come? With the current state of the world, it's hard to imagine that the chaos and insanity could get much worse, but I believe that dark times await.

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Invidious embed. Click thumbnail to play.



Look at gutenberg.org: Only a handful of books have a significant number of downloads, and it's all shit that people download for normie training camp (school), as opposed to satiating their nonexistant curiosity.


Now look at vid related, found by searching 'tik tok'. More than half a billion views

Here's your great awakening bro


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>I can't* understand…

I'm such a faggot for missing such a crucial article.

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I'm with you. The world will keep spiraling until we all die.

Astrology-wise we're supposed to improve starting next year though.

Also, what climate crisis?

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>what climate crisis?

The discussion climate online as well as in society as a whole is at a bottom low. The new generation of anyone below 20 is growing up with youtube and twitter as their main sources of media and culture, the elite has never had this firm a grasp on the young before. They're the most shallow and least independent thinking of all for a long time. If the mainstream media tells them to fear something, they fear it, if it tells them to support something, they support it. There will never be a rebellion once they gain any positions in the world, they'll all obediently walk to the slaughter like cattle.

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File: 10f3e2a04738731⋯.jpg (39.57 KB,570x570,1:1,elephant_rope.jpg)


I fear this about the newer generations as well. I notice it increasing even more, as young as toddlers. Parents have been replaced by day care workers and mainstream media.

It reminds me of the story about the elephant and the rope. How can such a mighty giant be bound with a mere rope? The elephant is taught from infancy that it cannot defeat the rope, never realizing as an adult that the rope is nothing and could be snapped with the slightest flinch. Today's children will be indoctrinated the same way and be enslaved by their globalist corporate masters, from cradle to grave.

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File: 04913f41fd94386⋯.png (47.18 KB,279x320,279:320,world_pop.png)


I've been listening to the Bhagavad Gita audiobook while working during the day. I'm very impressed with it and learning a great deal. I feel a great deal of love and understanding from Lord Krishna. There is much wisdom to learn from his conversation with Arjuna. It's given me a better insight, or comprehension, of God.

All of the points you make; suicide, mental illness, opulence, materialism, sense pleasures, meaningless work, abandoning traditions and God, exaltation of evil and the destruction of good, climate crisis, all of these things (be you Christian or Hindu or Muslim) are conditions that would hasten Lord Krishna / Jesus / God's return or a death and rebirth of our world in some manner. I think the world's best days are behind us and the planet is deteriorating.


Once upon a time, I thought "global warming" was a hoax. I still think those who sperg about cow farts are idiots. I have come to realize though that our planet (or society) was never built or designed to maintain our current population. Resources are finite. I think we've reached a tipping point, more obvious in some nations more than others, that we have too many people and not enough resources. Well, not enough resources to sustain our current way of life. We have 8 billion people living on Earth. Not everyone can have a Ford F350, PS5, iPhone X, and a two story house with central heating and air. It's unsustainable and unobtainable. Pic related shows estimates doubling in 100 years. Could you imagine if the population of India or China doubled?

Overpopulation is the real threat to our planet right now. Our present economic engine demands more consumers for more products and more profit. It can't continue for much longer. Humanity must reduce population, stop more growth, and return to the old ways. During COVID, the clouds of smog have lifted from cities like LA, NYC, and Beijing. The pollution has dissipated for now, but only briefly. What do you think the skies will look like 100 years from now if the population of NYC were to double? To use Al Gore's catchphrase, this is an Inconvenient Truth, but overpopulation and consumerism is the true culprit.

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File: 84980ac92766823⋯.png (48.93 KB,320x240,4:3,foxdie.png)

Thinking of COVID, reading my post, and looking at the UN's graph, gave me an idea or a conspiracy. Perhaps our rulers have come to realize the same thing. Earth's population is at it's limit and needs to be reduced. The upcoming mandatory COVID vaccine that will be forced upon every single person on this planet could very well be the soft kill they've been looking for. An "unknown" side effect may be the sterilization of a generation or targeted at specific populations or even regions. It has been done before and it was done by none other than the WHO and the UN. Foxdie is real? Maybe. For those of us here on /fringe/, I'd suggest avoiding the vaccine if possible. I'm not scared of Corona-chan's 99.5% survival rate. I'll roll the dice. Unfortunately, I don't think it will be as easy as just saying no, like a flu vaccine. They'll find ways to force us into taking it, especially our children. I suppose we shall all soon find out.


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Utopia TV series

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Why is Kali Yuga so lame? I was hoping for more „degeneracy“ as simps would call it

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>was hoping for more „degeneracy“

Puritans are the worst degenerates, they turn into a blabbering mess if they see any small hint of human beauty. An american tv show blurred a woman's exposed knees in a talk show last year.

The ancient greeks weren't degenerates, they were all for the beauty of the human body, real degenerates wants to hide it and turn everyone fat and ugly with mohawk haircuts and burkas.

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Started with Christians and their holier than thou let‘s not have fun attitude. Damn shame Nero didn’t get them all.

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YouTube embed. Click thumbnail to play.



OMG! I've never seen this tv show before and it was nearly spot on with my post.

>worldwide Russian Flu pandemic

>vaccine meant to sterilize the population

>"When our resources run out in 20 years, did you think we were just going to share them?"

And the icing on the cake, Amazon is rebooting the series in fall of 2020.


Some scenes look eerily familiar to our current reality. How many clips have we seen of the triumphant patient who's been cured being wheeled out to the cheering masses by teams of doctors in hazmat suits?

Wew. This entire COVID thing may just be the beginning of something way bigger than any of us had anticipated.

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>I was hoping for more „degeneracy“

If the Tytler Cycle is true, we're nearing the dependence and bondage phases. As traditions and morality wains, degeneracy will reach levels that would make even /b/ cringe. Buckle up, buckaroos. We've got a long way to go, some dark times ahead, till humanity returns to spirituality if the cycle continues.

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The original UK series was much better by the looks of this reboot. The music was amazing, and the actors too. Plus they didn’t reveal what was going on right away. It was magical. But they cancelled it.

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Where do you guys get the patience and time to sit through tons of TV/anime series/movies just to decipher some obscure but "significant" details?

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Don't look at it as requiring patience. Do it if you feel like it. Don't if not. Let yourself be guided.

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The greeks had different sense of beauty deriving from a different set of values. To be consistent you're going to have to also accept that pederasty and naked men wrestling are both beautiful and for the former, at the very minimum a worthy competition against marriage.


Be human garbage who doesn't have any obligation to do anything else. And for the patience, it's acquired.

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File: 7359379431581be⋯.png (662.01 KB,1280x720,16:9,_DarkLegends_Nichijou_02v2….png)

File: 0e19bd6310d8921⋯.png (2.65 MB,1920x1080,16:9,Peter_Grill_to_Kenja_no_Ji….png)


If the hints are meant for you, you will want to watch that show anyway.


Plato described the ancient greek child grooming procedure in detail, it was something which was also meant to end when they reached puberty (12 or so), it didn't compete with marriage.

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>it was something which was also meant to end when they reached puberty

Pederasty was something mean to to be consensual with the choice falling on the young man. From what I read it wasn't really meant to be necessarily pedophilic, it could last up to the age of 18.

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>it didn't compete with marriage

Also I should say that "compete in niche" and "compete in beauty" are two different things, the topic was about beauty so "competition" would consist within the realm of beauty in this specific case.

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What about people who have never been "tied down" in the first place? Are you some ridiculous blackpillfag? The mainstream media is a joke now, even normalfags are fully awake about this, and just want some whitepills in their life.



>overpopulation is the problem

Lots of people think overpopulation is the problem, A bunch of those faggots want to kill humanity. In fact, much of the elite find a population that is nice and small, far easier to control than 6 billion people.

Furthermore, overpopulation was explored in the 60s-70s with Make Room! Make Room! and Soylent green- 2022, with 40 million people in New York City, alone.

we're two years off that projected mark, and both those have shown their age, twenty years ago.


>Buckle up, buckaroos. We've got a long way to go, some dark times ahead, till humanity returns to spirituality if the cycle continues.

I refuse your world, and your worldview.

2000 happened? No doomsday.

2012 happened? No doomsday.

Nobody fucking predicts 2020, and holy shit everything is going insane, and now people like you act they totally said this would happen.

I've seem how much the world has gotten better, even with the social unrest and the overblown pandemic. The riots aren't the actions of a strong group that is maintaining control, they are the panicky, bitchfits of madmen who are desperate to retain what little control they were losing.

Nothing has gone to anyone's plan this year. Not yours, not mine, and especially not the elite's.

I'm going to hope and pray for basic human decency to win over this bullshit, because quite frankly, that's all that's actually helped me this whirlwind of shit not going to plan.

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>Buckle up, buckaroos. We've got a long way to go, some dark times ahead, till humanity returns to spirituality if the cycle continues.

Let‘s hope it’s not only dark but kinky

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You'll get this in the form of bloat, gas, and people with their flesh rotting and melting off while they're still living. Like walmart, but everywhere.

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Are you saying Kali Yuga is not the age of hot kinky?

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Have you ever seen a mexican? Ever seen a 5'4" little fat goblin of a man with children with a cart filled with coke?

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No. Why?

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If it gets worse then it's going in that direction. It can be pretty kinky if you're into that sort of thing. So the answer is maybe.

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>be le elites

>force industrialization on the entire world, killing billions and causing unfathomable suffering

>"noooooooooo you can't just carve out a decent life for yourself in the dystopian hell we created! what about the polluterinos?"

well memed

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>8 billion people can’t have this and that and blah blah I think like a mundane

I you had ever done any real magic you would know ANYTHING can happen as a result of your and it will happen in ways you wouldn’t have imagined.

We could be a year away from the popularization of free energy and Star Trek’s fabricators (it’s just an example). There are infinite ways in which not 8, but 80 billion people could have a ford whatever, and iphone xx and five houses with central heating and central cock sucking 24/7.

Stop thinking like a low energy mundane.

>the vaccine

Again. That applies to or concerns us magicians how?

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File: d61bfdb65ea45d7⋯.jpeg (162.99 KB,1600x896,25:14,AFBE22A7_EDA5_4042_BE47_C….jpeg)


Fuck yeah. 2021 is the year humanity goes officially interplanetary

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>there's enough land mass for 80 billion people to have 5 houses and 10 cars each and enough farmland to feed them too

Well, I suppose we could use the Large Hadron Collider to start creating unpopulated parallel universes and use worm holes to travel back and forth between them. We could each have our own planet that way and step through portals anytime we wanted to visit other people. There'd be plenty of room for all 800 billion of us. I'm still waiting for CERN to get back to me though. :(


This is truly the only way there will ever be 80 billion humans. I believe we need to start making it a global effort to begin colonizing other nearby planets as soon as possible. Elon Musk sure has his work cut out for him. Godspeed, lad.

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File: 16f70dbaf25eabb⋯.jpg (57.79 KB,800x400,2:1,MGS1_Snake_Cheating_.jpg)

"A strong man doesn't need to read the future. He makes his own.” - Solid Snake

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>all these tards who say we need more people

but can you exaplain why?

the colonization of space is at least 1000 times harder and 1000 times less natural than anything on earth

if ur so utilitarian theres alot of cold rock with snow and endless desert with sand or underwater, nobody need space colonies with walmart shops this will simple never work from technical or economical standpoint

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colonization of "space" is ∞ times harder because it's not real

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Humanity's greatest achievements were only possible because we invested our best resources into our best and brightest people, but as long as we are distracted by identity politics and giving top positions to those of inferior ability and intelligence to fulfill diversity quotas, we will never penetrate the asteroid belt, let alone send a man to Mars.

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All of civilization has been a larp, dude. It's being #canceled because the elites are just about done with mundies.

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File: 1a5e92ad40e1eb0⋯.gif (137.38 KB,500x488,125:122,moon_fight.gif)


>believing in NASA desert movies and tin foil space suits

Start by actually making it to the moon. Trump said he's going to send a woman to the moon if he gets re-elected. He knows.

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It's fucking bizarre feminist worship. Isn't it better to virtue signal in a place like twitter instead? At least there pretending to be retarded would give you more of a dopamine rush

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Or is it that you can't send a woman to the moon, so it's just virtue signaling nonsense?

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lol the elites are mundies

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File: 579c69288969f51⋯.jpg (178.56 KB,1817x894,1817:894,sailorsenshi_moon.jpg)

We should demand NASA makes the new moon landing movies with the astronauts cosplaying as the sailor soldiers. They won't go to the moon and it's all going to be fake anyway so why not at least take the chance at making anime real?

Imagine this as the poster for the new moon landing.

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Prep the moon by first sending dilation stations before you send the earth-to-space trannies to space.

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File: fe4c46125b5dd4a⋯.png (160.22 KB,927x777,309:259,Zombies.PNG)

File: 437bb35adab720c⋯.jpg (132.09 KB,900x576,25:16,Inanna_slaves_900x576.jpg)

>mfw when found this

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>bumping the midwit thread

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No, we are soon to enter age of aquarius, its age that is ruled by saturn

So in other words it will get thousands times worse, it will be literal nightmare that became reality.

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Ever heard of tale about boy who cried wolf?

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Think metaforically for those predictions. The quarentine is "living in caves".

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YouTube embed. Click thumbnail to play.


Awww. At least I'm not a total mundane. :(


Don't the jews worship Saturn? I know that Christianity and Judaism says that mankind would be ruled over for 1000 years, so they too are predicting an "age of" whatever coming.

Something else tied to Saturn is this.

The coming Great Conjunction of Jupiter and Saturn will be on the day of the solstice: December 21, 2020.

I don't want to be one of those "the end of the world on this day" kind of guys, but I'm betting that this day will have some significance and potential for a HAPPENING of epic proportions. It's the "Christmas Star" that ushered in Jesus (allegedly), so it is something of great importance. I think most normies aren't aware of it though because who pays attention to astronomy these days, other than nerds like us? What do you all think? December 21. Get ready for it. Aliens are coming back! :^)


Well said, anon. That's a good way to look at it.

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Wrong. 2025 will be the end of Kali-yuga and start of Satya-yuga. Unlimited energy will be disclosed and humanity will start rapidly change.

>age of aquarius

New age crap.

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