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File: e994c5b8c8df6d4⋯.jpg (173.07 KB,850x622,425:311,kali_yuga.jpg)

 No.134592 [Last50 Posts]

Are we nearing the end of Kali Yuga?

If so, what does that mean for us? How should we prepare ourselves spiritually for the things to come? With the current state of the world, it's hard to imagine that the chaos and insanity could get much worse, but I believe that dark times await.

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>it's hard to imagine that the chaos and insanity could get much worse

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my source says so

normalfags really got to some point of absolute insanity and its very reminds early 90s for some reason (when a major power collapsed)

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We are nearing the end as far as I can tell, yes. However, it's still a long way off. This is probably the best source I've seen explaining the matter:


According to this, the Kali Yuga will enter its final phase in 2025, as the cycle prepares to enter the next Age. However, it won't truly be "over" until 2325. So we will see change on a massive scale (like we are now, for example) in the coming years, but the Kali Yuga won't technically be over until a few centuries from now. In other words, don't hold your breath, and prepare for the coming storm.

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it depends on who you ask. and what scripture you are referring to. the more traditional timeline is that kali yuga began 5k yrs ago, and we have ~426k more yrs to go. a new theory is that the yugas are much shorter than previously thought, and that we have already passed through kali yuga and are entering dvapara yuga. despite anything the newer theory might say or pull out of their ass dont believe them at all, because the conditions as described for kali yuga have not yet fully manifested. what we are experienced now is not us leaving kali yuga and entering dvapara, but is the 10k year golden age that exists within every kali yuga, we are fortunate to be born in the beginning of this 10k year period which doesnt seem to be locked into appearing at any point in kali yuga, but we are fortunate it is starting to manifest now, some would say 500yrs of which have already passed

Older Model

- Satya Yuga 4800yrs

- Treta Yuga 3600yrs

- Dvapara Yuga 2400yrs

- Kali Yuga 1200yrs

The older model says that these are divine years and not human years. a divine year is 365 human years, so that would make kali yuga 432k human years long. the newer theory states that divine years is a corruption and that the lengths given are in human years, it also gives a different way the yugas cycle. instead of satya yuga being restablished at the end of kali yuga, another kali yuga appears but things get better every day instead of shittier, then an ascending dvapara and treta back to satya yug. this models the jain theory of time cycles.

looking at scriptures for the conditions of kali yuga and the activities of kalki given in bhagavata purana, and explicit descriptions naming the families and dynasties which will reestablish satya yuga, we can conclude that the newer model is bogus and doesnt fit with teh scriptural evidence. here are some traits of kali yuga that havent happened yet:

- anyone who is a devotee of god will be exiled and living in caves, being hunted by others

- religion will not be known or even remembered at all, only to the few devotees of god who will all be hiding in caves

- people will be very short, and their lifespans will only reach to about 20 years old

- vegetation will not grow sufficiently to feed, if at all. therefore cannibalism and meat eating will be the only way to get food, cannibalism will be accepted as a fact of life

- sex will be THE ONLY goal of life and the intended end of all activities. there will be no fine arts and sciences, only sex.

Descriptions of kalki and activities, we would know for sure if this figure appeared or not

- the place of kalkis birth is given in the purana, and the name of his mother.

- he will literally kill almost everysingle human on earth, as they are all beyond saving, except for a few devotees who might survive, these people arent intended to repopulate the earth though.

- after eradicating the old deformed and disgusting race of people certain individuals who have been alive since satya yuga and who belong to certain dynasties will emerge to restablish satya yuga and continue humanity again. this clearly means that there is no ascending kali yuga after the first one ends, if a kali yuga has already ended recently then we would be in the satya yuga now being ruled by super powerful ancient vedic kings.


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also there are two kalis in indian mythology, there is kali the goddess and kali the nigger. kali the goddess is pronounced with a long "a" sound and kali the nigger is pronounced with the short "a", almost like "kuh-lee". kali the nigger is a sudra, the laborer, the lowest class of hindu society, a black man, who dresses in the garb of the kshatriya caste (warrior, kings) he goes and fucks everything up everywhere he goes, and its his mission from god. there is a way to counter kali and be free from his presence by following 4 simple rules

1.)no meat eating

2.)no prostitution/fornication. only sex within marriage

3.)no intoxicants (this includes garlic and onion)

4.) no gambling

and a fifth one added on is no gold as well.

these are the only places kali is allowed to exist, if you keep these things out of your life you will be free from the influence of kali yuga and you can recreate the conditions of satya yuga

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chapter of srimad bhagavatam talking about the appearence of kali yuga, the description of the demon kali, and the rules to ward off its influence


the symptoms of kali as described in the last chapter of srimad bhagavatam

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current fetishizations of hitler as being kalki or the man who hitler said would come as being kalki, are the real corruptions of these ancient teachings and are infact not necessary to establish a more than human position for hitler. using descriptions from scriptures and information on various activities of god and the incarnations god takes on earth, it is not a stretch to say that hitler was instead a shaktyavesha avatar, instead of kalki. a shaktyavesha is not god himself, but is directly empowered by god and sent to certain planets at certain times to do amazing things, like stop communist russia from steam rolling across Europe and enforcing atheism on the whole western world.

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an interesting prediction of kali yuga is that beings called "rakshasas" will rule the earth. rakshasas are large powerful demon like humanoid creatures who eat people. this correlates to pizzagate

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Long overwaited reply from OP, but I want to thank contributing anons for their knowledge and help on this matter. I am not ungrateful. I've changed location and recently established comms again, but I want you to know I value your input.

I was raised as a by-the-book /christian/ in my youth, but as I got older, my knowledge expanded. A wise man once told me, "Listen to both sides of every story and you will find the truth buried somewhere in the middle." The Hagakure also teaches to learn all side to be more in tune to your own journey.

It wasn't my desire to find an explanation for the end times that brought me to hindu. In Christianity, we call this spirt to teach and learn, we say it is a "calling" for prophets.

I feel drawn and called to learn the "vedic" ways. As was Thomas the Apostle, I have things to learn. I seek those hidden truths in the middle. What's a good place to start with Hindu for someone like me? I want to learn the truth. I want to learn those things that were buried.

Give me a book as a place to start.

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The Bhagavad gita

hinduism is comprised of many denominations AND schools and lineages having different interpretations of reality. The amount of literature is mindboggling and even after reading it all(not really possible in one lifetime) you still might not know what to think. The Bhagavad Gita though is a fantastic short book you can read in a few hours that is described as a distillation of a distillation of all vedic literature and is accepted and revered by all sects, denominations, lineages, etc. I reccomend The Bhagavad Gita and the Upanishads by eknath easwaran, srila prabhupadas bhagavad gita is good too but he has a very lengthy commentary on it and a controversial fanatical sectarian approach that i find distracting from the original message, if you want to know a lot about vedic culture it would be a good translation. eknath easwarans commentary on bhagavad gita and the upanishads are easy to understand as a westerner and references christian ideas and seems to be non sectarian from the hindu standpoint as well. after that read the bhagavata purana, the ramayana, or the mahabharata(very long) if you want more.


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Interesting but isn't the golden age run by a guy who loves drinking the red milk?

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So, he's Raz isn't he?

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Where is that written? probably doesnt come from the vedic tradition.



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Srimad-Bhagavatam - 1.1.21 - Purport

This age of Kali is not at all suitable for self-realization as was Satya-yuga, the golden age, or Tretā- or Dvāpara-yugas, the silver and copper ages. For self-realization, the people in Satya-yuga, living a lifetime of a hundred thousand years, were able to perform prolonged meditation. And in Tretā-yuga, when the duration of life was ten thousand years, self-realization was attained by performance of great sacrifice. And in the Dvāpara-yuga, when the duration of life was one thousand years, self-realization was attained by worship of the Lord. But in the Kali-yuga, the maximum duration of life being one hundred years only and that combined with various difficulties, the recommended process of self-realization is that of hearing and chanting of the holy name, fame, and pastimes of the Lord.

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Srimad-Bhagavatam - 8.5.23, Purport: When Kṛṣṇa appeared, He gave His orders, and when Kṛṣṇa Himself appeared as a devotee, as Śrī Caitanya Mahāprabhu, He showed us the path by which to cross the ocean of Kali-yuga. That is the path of the Hare Kṛṣṇa movement. When Śrī Caitanya Mahāprabhu appeared, He ushered in the era for the saṅkīrtana movement. It is also said that for ten thousand years this era will continue. This means that simply by accepting the saṅkīrtana movement and chanting the Hare Kṛṣṇa mahā-mantra, the fallen souls of this Kali-yuga will be delivered. After the Battle of Kurukṣetra, at which Bhagavad-gītā was spoken, Kali-yuga continues for 432,000 years, of which only 5,000 years have passed. Thus there is still a balance of 427,000 years to come. Of these 427,000 years, the 10,000 years of the saṅkīrtana movement inaugurated by Śrī Caitanya Mahāprabhu 500 years ago provide the opportunity for the fallen souls of Kali-yuga to take to the Kṛṣṇa consciousness movement, chant the Hare Kṛṣṇa mahā-mantra and thus be delivered from the clutches of material existence and return home, back to Godhead.

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>current bs that nobody says

Seriously, where did you get that shit from? Adolf Hitler is an avatara of Vishnu, this is well known. He is a man against time, one who prepares the way for lord Kalki's return.

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Were are in the dwapara yuga ascending, we've only recently gotten out. The kids born right now will begin to have dwapara mindset.

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sources? blows my mind that there is actually somebody out there who thinks we are not in the kali yuga right now. I'm intrigued now.

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Kali Yuga actually ended in 1700 according to this.

I personally do not believe this.

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Actually makes sense in consideration of the 'Enlightenment' and industrial revolution.

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I don't think the transition would be clear-cut, and considering the time scales here, we might as well be transitioning out of it still.

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Not as clear-cut as a circumcision amirite

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>kali yuga ends then kali yuga begins

>satya yuga ends then satya yuga begins

Isn't this chart wrong? The legend of Kalki avatara states that he will put an end to the Kali Yuga and establish a new Golden Age, "resetting" the manvantara, so to speak.

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YouTube embed. Click thumbnail to play.


I might be wrong about this, but didn't the Dwapara end when Lord Krishna returned to Vaikuntha? I know there's a lot of debate which yuga we are in, but based on the descriptions of the Kali Yuga, most average humans live less than 100 years, average height between 5-6 feet, and rampant obesity. Video related sounds much like current year and according to Lord Krishna's predictions. Are we not waiting for the return of the 10th Kalki?

" It is said that towards the end of this yuga, Kalki will return riding on a white horse to battle with Kali and his dark forces. The world will suffer a fiery cataclysm that will destroy all evil, and Shiva will destroy the universe.[citation needed] Brahma will create the universe anew, and then a new age (the next Satya Yuga of the following Mahayuga), will begin.[citation needed]"

Sounds eerily similar to Christianity's Great Tribulation, the return of Christ, Armageddon, the binding of Satan, and Yahweh creating a new Heaven and new earth.


>the fallen souls of Kali-yuga to take to the Kṛṣṇa consciousness movement, chant the Hare Kṛṣṇa mahā-mantra and thus be delivered from the clutches of material existence and return home, back to Godhead.

I like this because it coincides with the same Christian perspective to praise and worship Jesus and rid ourselves of materialism. I believe consumerism is the final stage of the materialism disease, like HIV turns into AIDS. Mass consumerism is destroying humanity in mind, body, and spirit. Chanting to Lord Krishna and focusing on cleansing my spirit and a desire for oneness should get us through these times.

The last thing I've noticed about the Kali Yuga is it being said that the average human life span will get as low as 50 years. The CDC reports that the average American lifespan has started to decrease. I could realistically see this number getting into the 50s if modern humans were faced with a cataclysmic event.

Data Briefs Address Mortality, Drug Overdose, Suicide Rates

Data from the brief and that earlier report showed that average life expectancy decreased from 78.9 years in 2014 to 78.7 years in 2015, remained unchanged between 2015 and 2016, and then decreased again between 2016 and 2017 to the current 78.6 years.


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I just finished reading the story of Lord Krishna and the four arrows. The Pandavas ask what the Kaliyuga will be like. Quick rundown.

Arrow 1: Being torn apart and eaten alive by cucks.

Arrow 2: Disparity of wealth among elites versus the poor.

Arrow 3: Being babied to death. If the millennials aren't the perfect example of this type of behavior.

Arrow 4: The crushing avalanche that fells mighty trees. Stopped by a weak plant. Lord Sri Krishna said, "The people of Kaliyuga will rush to their doom like the boulder you saw. Large trees are symbolic of assets in life like relatives, family, friends and wealth. None of these will help them escape doom. The plant stands for the name of the God. A weak but faithful recalling of the God's name will help him escape his doom." We as humans are powerless to stop this, but our faith in God will be our only escape.

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YouTube embed. Click thumbnail to play.


>How should we prepare ourselves spiritually for the things to come?

Die to the world before the world dies.

“The world” is the general name for all the passions. When we wish to call the passions by a common name, we call them the world. But when we wish to distinguish them by their special names, we call them passions. The passions are the following: love of riches, desire for possessions, bodily pleasure from which comes sexual passion, love of honor which gives rise to envy, lust for power, arrogance and pride of position, the craving to adorn oneself with luxurious clothes and vain ornaments, the itch for human glory which is a source of rancor and resentment, and physical fear. Where these passions cease to be active, there the world is dead…. Someone has said of the Saints that while alive they were dead; for though living in the flesh, they did not live for the flesh. See for which of these passions you are alive. Then you will know how far you are alive to the world, and how far you are dead to it.” -St Isaac the Syrian (7th Century)

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So this guy is saying that it will end in 5 years and so I was thinking:

In the end of Kali Yuga we would be living on caves right? This is a wild analogy but do you know about the 12 monkeys movie where a guy comes from the future saying that because of a disease we were forced to live undreground? And the movie is based on real facts? And the guy disappeared after being arrested? And we are living a pandemy? And there is another disease with potential on China? And the guy saying that Kali yuga end will occur in 5 years? And also in the end of Kali yuga it says that most of humanity will die? And the guy from 12 monkeys also say that most of humanity will die because of the disease? Well, in 5 years we could well be living underground if only 10% of humanity survives…

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My "mom" told me yesterday that the sun was blocked out. That was in a dream, which makes better sense since she's been dead for more than a century. I equated it with Russia for some reason, and also took it with a grain of salt, telling her I'd check the internet.

Then, I heard about q telling people about 10 days of darkness, then some Catholic prophecy abut 3 days of darkness, all after the dream. so…

3 days something moving in front of the sun, 3 days of absolute sun blockage, 3 days something moving away.

Sure, I could see that. End of the Kali Yuga? Maybe. You realize abortion is human sacrifice right? So, anything ending that is pretty much ending the Kali Yuga.

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Oops, she hasn't been dead a century, my bad. I get time confused sometimes. Things tend to blend if you know what I mean.

Old faces, new places. Walking in the snow, you lose a few toes, kind of thing.

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I too think age of enlightenment ended real Kali Yuga. Its just we're too much of pussies and forgot inquisitory period of that time. But then again "Enlightenment" itself is not politically correct anymore.

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>I get time confused sometimes.

I know that feel, bro.


>we're too much of pussies

Well, the Kali Yuga is said to turn us all into a bunch of pussy ass faggots. Some of us may consider ourselves enlightened, but are we really? Furthermore, take a look at current year society. Do you think they're enlightened? Regarding the Kant quote, white western civilization is under heavy attack at the moment and new US census data shows that white children under the age of 16 are finally a minority. Too many "fur babies" and abortions. Potential wives and mothers led astray from their natural calling of motherhood because of desire for wealth and materialism. Congratulations, Karen. Now you can wagecuck for 40-60 per week for a modest middle class income till the day you die. Hooray for equality. You can take a beautiful symbol such as the yin-yang which represents natural balance in all things. Force equality onto it. No separate feminine and masculine. Blend the black and white. No light or dark. What you end up with is a gray dot. We are headed toward that gray dot world.


I've given it much thought regarding COVID19 and I believe it was intentionally overhyped by our rulers to test the reaction of commoners. We're all living in a worldwide beta test at the moment. I think that everyone of all religions are starting to talk about Kali Yuga, The Tribulation, Hadith, end of the kalpa, and other such Apocalypticism. Humanity was threatened with a global plague and many returned to their religious faiths. This may very well be the beta test for your 12 Monkeys scenario. The Georgia Guide Stones says to keep the population below 500 million. The US population is currently at 382 million "documented" citizens. We all know that India and China are overpopulated. Africa's population is doubling and expected to become 24% of the world's total population by 2050… that is… unless things change.

With "muh global warming" "much climate change" Greta Thunberg and friends, there is a good possibility that plans are being made to wipe out half the world's population for the sake of the planet. This was actually the plot of the movie "Kingsman: The Secret Service."

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I think that the whole COVID19 fiasco was a PsyOp that was less about the severity of the disease and more about our rulers to employ a way of tracking people, voluntarily instead of by force. As if spying on the citizenry and data-mining wasn't already bad enough.

Remember all of the initial stories on the news about needing ventilators and people drowning in their own mucus. Chris Cuomo with his cold sweats, muscle tremors, fever dreams and hallucinations? Where did all of that go? MASH style field hospitals in Central Park? It was all a hoax. It was never as bad as they made it out to be. They sent sick patients to nursing homes to infect the elderly who already had one foot in the grave. There are even funeral home directors, coroners, doctors, and state employees that have said that the Government is "cooking the books" to fluff the COVID numbers.

Since this thread has mainly been about the discussion of cycles, I'll throw one more into the mix for the non-religious of us. If you look at the Tytler Cycle, we're at risk or nearing the bondage phase in my opinion, as COVID has been a big test to see how much freedom can be taken from us and how much we can be forced to depend on our government.

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Yes, I thought about Georgia Stones too


>a way of tracking people

They already got one, if they did COVID was to in fact legalize tracking, afterall how the hell they are tracking the effectiveness of quarantine in the whole world? They can only do that if they already got a way to rack the population and that is trough the cellphones.

For example, this:


Is a lie, in my country there was no warning that they would "release" apps or updates to help track corona. They just started showing the graphics provided by Google and Apple showing the efficacy of Quarantine… Since the end of March and the news on the link is that they were "developing" a way to ïmprove" tracking on April…

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did someone say cycle?

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Time for another Monarchy!

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It has been broken.

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>Are we nearing the end of Kali Yuga?


>it's hard to imagine that the chaos and insanity could get much worse

lol This statement shows just how fucked we are. Most of our great grandparents had it way worse growing up.

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>Sri Yukteswar restored the ancient yuga system in 1894

More like revised. The only version of the Yuga cycle that should be taken seriously is the one established by Aryabhatta himself, not some two-bit swami.

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Are you unaware of the perpetual war for profit? Maybe check some gore vids and realize even the most sadistic people show at least some restraint. Being sheltered is fine but ignorance is not

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I'm not sure what your views on criminal psychology have to do with my post.

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Interestingly, my meditations with Mama Kali have implied to me that her yuga literally just ended in the beginning of this month… I know there will be debate on this, it'll be natural. I can't confirm anything, but I'll just say I trust Mama Kali's intent and will move on with improving myself.

There's also something to know about the yugas, and time in general: In the astral, Time exists as a tool, not a bondage, so anything that tells you how long the yugas will last and what actually constitutes for time in the heavens will be rather unreliable at best.


>Arrow 2: Disparity of wealth among elites versus the poor.

That's been a constant since biblical times.

>Arrow 3: Being babied to death. If the millennials aren't the perfect example of this type of behavior.

You clearly confuse the big-city rich kids, and narcissistic welfare leeches with people who actually live paycheck to paycheck. Those people outnumber the former two, ten to one.

>Arrow 4: The crushing avalanche that fells mighty trees. Stopped by a weak plant. …We as humans are powerless to stop this, but our faith in God will be our only escape.

Seems to me a call to hold steadfast to faith in the face of worldly emergency rather than impending doom.

Besides, I'm pretty sure that at the end of the Kali Yuga, the interperiod before the golden age is a rise of heroes and heroic actions against evil.

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There is no reason to describe someone with dark skin as a n-. This is offensive and anti-spiritual. People of all ethnicities are seeking spiritual enlightenment. Did it ever occur to you that black and brown people are on this thread? Please show some love and acceptance. Ty

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File: a3104e2cbf8368a⋯.jpg (110.11 KB,720x960,3:4,1560773936285.jpg)


This man is right. Anyone caught using the n-word will be scalped and raped in the manner the kikes ought to be dealt with, there is NO room for racism in /fringe/. Please look at the poor african child in pic related and develop some sympathy, thank you.

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Re: the picture of the ape…I'm going to pray for you and your soul. I feel sad that you would respond this way. Words are POWERFUL. Using terms like k & n- are hurtful and conjure up evil. Release the anger and pain. If you respond with evil I know your true intentions and that which lives inside of you. I am sorry for your pain. You deserve better than what you have been subjected to. You deserve to be loved and accepted. I can feel your overwhelming heartache. May love find you. PS - I am a woman. And on that note I am logging off this thread as I do not wish to entertain negativity. Much love and peace to those in search of your purpose. Know that you are already living it. The very fact that you are asking questions and seeking knowledge is proof. xoxo

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Thank you for your enlightened vagina-speak. I've truly seen the errors of my ways. these jungles apes need to be given shelter, not left sitting in bridges.

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>conjure up evil. Release the anger and pain

Spoken like a real church burning black metal vocalist.

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File: d7d871c627af012⋯.jpeg (26 KB,320x443,320:443,chin.jpeg)

>Thank you for your enlightened vagina-speak.

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Why, yes, I am a mouth breathing retard with no chin, how did you know?

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I understand how there can be people, even anons on /fringe/ who believe we are moving out of the Kali Yuga and into a Dvapara Yuga, especially when there are signs all around us that we are only progressing deeper into the Age, such as

>Despite first world countries having the highest material standards of living and comfort, the rate of suicide in the countries are much higher than their poorer counterparts

>Secular atheism has gained popularity in the world, while other people are becoming more nominally religious or forsake their own traditions

>the climate crisis

>Work has become more abstract and meaningless

>The masses have exalted a career criminal to the height of sainthood, given him 4 celebrity funerals and bury him in a gold plated casket, and they raid, pillage, and set fire to their own cities

But more importantly, there isn't any scriptural evidence that we are transitioning from an Iron Age to a Bronze Age and slowly to a Golden Age. In fact, the Hindu scriptures explain something quite different in clear cut terms, where once Dharma reaches its nadir, the world will be destroyed and created fresh with a new Satya Yuga, which other anons have already mentioned.

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>Are we nearing the end of Kali Yuga?


However this does not mean the world is going to become a horrible place and everyone dies - No. Those from the old ages of darkness would think that. What the caterpillar thinks the end of the world is, the butterfly knows is a beginning.

What is happening instead, is the world will evolve. You can see the signs yourself. We are living in an age of unparalleled information and enlightenment. Warfare is way down. Population is way way up. The inhabitants of the planet are becoming truly inter-connected for the first time in thousands of years. The common man has access to information and knowledge. Extrapolate for yourself what this means the new age is going to be.

>In the Aztec/Nahua Indian creation myths that there had been four worlds, or "Suns", before the present universe. The present world is the fifth sun.

>The precession of the equionxes, has moved us over to the end of the age of Pisces (the Jesus fish) - and we are now coming into the age of Aries, a new cycle, as Pisces is the end of the zodiac.

> Kali Yuga ('age of Kali') is the last of the four stages (or ages or yugas) the world goes through as part of a 'cycle of yugas'

described in the Sanskrit scriptures.

You can see the myths are cyclical - And we have already passed through the darkness. Literal dark ages. We are now coming into the light. The dark ages will come again, but not for a long, long time yet.

Give this guy a watch. He says he can remember all his previous lives and thus can explain the cycles.


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>What is happening instead, is the world will evolve. You can see the signs yourself. We are living in an age of unparalleled information and enlightenment. Warfare is way down. Population is way way up. The inhabitants of the planet are becoming truly inter-connected for the first time in thousands of years. The common man has access to information and knowledge. Extrapolate for yourself what this means the new age is going to be.

Okay, Steven Pinker.

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Invidious embed. Click thumbnail to play.



Look at gutenberg.org: Only a handful of books have a significant number of downloads, and it's all shit that people download for normie training camp (school), as opposed to satiating their nonexistant curiosity.


Now look at vid related, found by searching 'tik tok'. More than half a billion views

Here's your great awakening bro


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>I can't* understand…

I'm such a faggot for missing such a crucial article.

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I'm with you. The world will keep spiraling until we all die.

Astrology-wise we're supposed to improve starting next year though.

Also, what climate crisis?

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>what climate crisis?

The discussion climate online as well as in society as a whole is at a bottom low. The new generation of anyone below 20 is growing up with youtube and twitter as their main sources of media and culture, the elite has never had this firm a grasp on the young before. They're the most shallow and least independent thinking of all for a long time. If the mainstream media tells them to fear something, they fear it, if it tells them to support something, they support it. There will never be a rebellion once they gain any positions in the world, they'll all obediently walk to the slaughter like cattle.

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I fear this about the newer generations as well. I notice it increasing even more, as young as toddlers. Parents have been replaced by day care workers and mainstream media.

It reminds me of the story about the elephant and the rope. How can such a mighty giant be bound with a mere rope? The elephant is taught from infancy that it cannot defeat the rope, never realizing as an adult that the rope is nothing and could be snapped with the slightest flinch. Today's children will be indoctrinated the same way and be enslaved by their globalist corporate masters, from cradle to grave.

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File: 04913f41fd94386⋯.png (47.18 KB,279x320,279:320,world_pop.png)


I've been listening to the Bhagavad Gita audiobook while working during the day. I'm very impressed with it and learning a great deal. I feel a great deal of love and understanding from Lord Krishna. There is much wisdom to learn from his conversation with Arjuna. It's given me a better insight, or comprehension, of God.

All of the points you make; suicide, mental illness, opulence, materialism, sense pleasures, meaningless work, abandoning traditions and God, exaltation of evil and the destruction of good, climate crisis, all of these things (be you Christian or Hindu or Muslim) are conditions that would hasten Lord Krishna / Jesus / God's return or a death and rebirth of our world in some manner. I think the world's best days are behind us and the planet is deteriorating.


Once upon a time, I thought "global warming" was a hoax. I still think those who sperg about cow farts are idiots. I have come to realize though that our planet (or society) was never built or designed to maintain our current population. Resources are finite. I think we've reached a tipping point, more obvious in some nations more than others, that we have too many people and not enough resources. Well, not enough resources to sustain our current way of life. We have 8 billion people living on Earth. Not everyone can have a Ford F350, PS5, iPhone X, and a two story house with central heating and air. It's unsustainable and unobtainable. Pic related shows estimates doubling in 100 years. Could you imagine if the population of India or China doubled?

Overpopulation is the real threat to our planet right now. Our present economic engine demands more consumers for more products and more profit. It can't continue for much longer. Humanity must reduce population, stop more growth, and return to the old ways. During COVID, the clouds of smog have lifted from cities like LA, NYC, and Beijing. The pollution has dissipated for now, but only briefly. What do you think the skies will look like 100 years from now if the population of NYC were to double? To use Al Gore's catchphrase, this is an Inconvenient Truth, but overpopulation and consumerism is the true culprit.

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File: 84980ac92766823⋯.png (48.93 KB,320x240,4:3,foxdie.png)

Thinking of COVID, reading my post, and looking at the UN's graph, gave me an idea or a conspiracy. Perhaps our rulers have come to realize the same thing. Earth's population is at it's limit and needs to be reduced. The upcoming mandatory COVID vaccine that will be forced upon every single person on this planet could very well be the soft kill they've been looking for. An "unknown" side effect may be the sterilization of a generation or targeted at specific populations or even regions. It has been done before and it was done by none other than the WHO and the UN. Foxdie is real? Maybe. For those of us here on /fringe/, I'd suggest avoiding the vaccine if possible. I'm not scared of Corona-chan's 99.5% survival rate. I'll roll the dice. Unfortunately, I don't think it will be as easy as just saying no, like a flu vaccine. They'll find ways to force us into taking it, especially our children. I suppose we shall all soon find out.


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Utopia TV series

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Why is Kali Yuga so lame? I was hoping for more „degeneracy“ as simps would call it

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>was hoping for more „degeneracy“

Puritans are the worst degenerates, they turn into a blabbering mess if they see any small hint of human beauty. An american tv show blurred a woman's exposed knees in a talk show last year.

The ancient greeks weren't degenerates, they were all for the beauty of the human body, real degenerates wants to hide it and turn everyone fat and ugly with mohawk haircuts and burkas.

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Started with Christians and their holier than thou let‘s not have fun attitude. Damn shame Nero didn’t get them all.

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YouTube embed. Click thumbnail to play.



OMG! I've never seen this tv show before and it was nearly spot on with my post.

>worldwide Russian Flu pandemic

>vaccine meant to sterilize the population

>"When our resources run out in 20 years, did you think we were just going to share them?"

And the icing on the cake, Amazon is rebooting the series in fall of 2020.


Some scenes look eerily familiar to our current reality. How many clips have we seen of the triumphant patient who's been cured being wheeled out to the cheering masses by teams of doctors in hazmat suits?

Wew. This entire COVID thing may just be the beginning of something way bigger than any of us had anticipated.

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>I was hoping for more „degeneracy“

If the Tytler Cycle is true, we're nearing the dependence and bondage phases. As traditions and morality wains, degeneracy will reach levels that would make even /b/ cringe. Buckle up, buckaroos. We've got a long way to go, some dark times ahead, till humanity returns to spirituality if the cycle continues.

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The original UK series was much better by the looks of this reboot. The music was amazing, and the actors too. Plus they didn’t reveal what was going on right away. It was magical. But they cancelled it.

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Where do you guys get the patience and time to sit through tons of TV/anime series/movies just to decipher some obscure but "significant" details?

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Don't look at it as requiring patience. Do it if you feel like it. Don't if not. Let yourself be guided.

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The greeks had different sense of beauty deriving from a different set of values. To be consistent you're going to have to also accept that pederasty and naked men wrestling are both beautiful and for the former, at the very minimum a worthy competition against marriage.


Be human garbage who doesn't have any obligation to do anything else. And for the patience, it's acquired.

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If the hints are meant for you, you will want to watch that show anyway.


Plato described the ancient greek child grooming procedure in detail, it was something which was also meant to end when they reached puberty (12 or so), it didn't compete with marriage.

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>it was something which was also meant to end when they reached puberty

Pederasty was something mean to to be consensual with the choice falling on the young man. From what I read it wasn't really meant to be necessarily pedophilic, it could last up to the age of 18.

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>it didn't compete with marriage

Also I should say that "compete in niche" and "compete in beauty" are two different things, the topic was about beauty so "competition" would consist within the realm of beauty in this specific case.

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What about people who have never been "tied down" in the first place? Are you some ridiculous blackpillfag? The mainstream media is a joke now, even normalfags are fully awake about this, and just want some whitepills in their life.



>overpopulation is the problem

Lots of people think overpopulation is the problem, A bunch of those faggots want to kill humanity. In fact, much of the elite find a population that is nice and small, far easier to control than 6 billion people.

Furthermore, overpopulation was explored in the 60s-70s with Make Room! Make Room! and Soylent green- 2022, with 40 million people in New York City, alone.

we're two years off that projected mark, and both those have shown their age, twenty years ago.


>Buckle up, buckaroos. We've got a long way to go, some dark times ahead, till humanity returns to spirituality if the cycle continues.

I refuse your world, and your worldview.

2000 happened? No doomsday.

2012 happened? No doomsday.

Nobody fucking predicts 2020, and holy shit everything is going insane, and now people like you act they totally said this would happen.

I've seem how much the world has gotten better, even with the social unrest and the overblown pandemic. The riots aren't the actions of a strong group that is maintaining control, they are the panicky, bitchfits of madmen who are desperate to retain what little control they were losing.

Nothing has gone to anyone's plan this year. Not yours, not mine, and especially not the elite's.

I'm going to hope and pray for basic human decency to win over this bullshit, because quite frankly, that's all that's actually helped me this whirlwind of shit not going to plan.

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>Buckle up, buckaroos. We've got a long way to go, some dark times ahead, till humanity returns to spirituality if the cycle continues.

Let‘s hope it’s not only dark but kinky

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You'll get this in the form of bloat, gas, and people with their flesh rotting and melting off while they're still living. Like walmart, but everywhere.

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Are you saying Kali Yuga is not the age of hot kinky?

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Have you ever seen a mexican? Ever seen a 5'4" little fat goblin of a man with children with a cart filled with coke?

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No. Why?

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If it gets worse then it's going in that direction. It can be pretty kinky if you're into that sort of thing. So the answer is maybe.

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>be le elites

>force industrialization on the entire world, killing billions and causing unfathomable suffering

>"noooooooooo you can't just carve out a decent life for yourself in the dystopian hell we created! what about the polluterinos?"

well memed

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>8 billion people can’t have this and that and blah blah I think like a mundane

I you had ever done any real magic you would know ANYTHING can happen as a result of your and it will happen in ways you wouldn’t have imagined.

We could be a year away from the popularization of free energy and Star Trek’s fabricators (it’s just an example). There are infinite ways in which not 8, but 80 billion people could have a ford whatever, and iphone xx and five houses with central heating and central cock sucking 24/7.

Stop thinking like a low energy mundane.

>the vaccine

Again. That applies to or concerns us magicians how?

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File: d61bfdb65ea45d7⋯.jpeg (162.99 KB,1600x896,25:14,AFBE22A7_EDA5_4042_BE47_C….jpeg)


Fuck yeah. 2021 is the year humanity goes officially interplanetary

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>there's enough land mass for 80 billion people to have 5 houses and 10 cars each and enough farmland to feed them too

Well, I suppose we could use the Large Hadron Collider to start creating unpopulated parallel universes and use worm holes to travel back and forth between them. We could each have our own planet that way and step through portals anytime we wanted to visit other people. There'd be plenty of room for all 800 billion of us. I'm still waiting for CERN to get back to me though. :(


This is truly the only way there will ever be 80 billion humans. I believe we need to start making it a global effort to begin colonizing other nearby planets as soon as possible. Elon Musk sure has his work cut out for him. Godspeed, lad.

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File: 16f70dbaf25eabb⋯.jpg (57.79 KB,800x400,2:1,MGS1_Snake_Cheating_.jpg)

"A strong man doesn't need to read the future. He makes his own.” - Solid Snake

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>all these tards who say we need more people

but can you exaplain why?

the colonization of space is at least 1000 times harder and 1000 times less natural than anything on earth

if ur so utilitarian theres alot of cold rock with snow and endless desert with sand or underwater, nobody need space colonies with walmart shops this will simple never work from technical or economical standpoint

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colonization of "space" is ∞ times harder because it's not real

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Humanity's greatest achievements were only possible because we invested our best resources into our best and brightest people, but as long as we are distracted by identity politics and giving top positions to those of inferior ability and intelligence to fulfill diversity quotas, we will never penetrate the asteroid belt, let alone send a man to Mars.

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All of civilization has been a larp, dude. It's being #canceled because the elites are just about done with mundies.

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File: 1a5e92ad40e1eb0⋯.gif (137.38 KB,500x488,125:122,moon_fight.gif)


>believing in NASA desert movies and tin foil space suits

Start by actually making it to the moon. Trump said he's going to send a woman to the moon if he gets re-elected. He knows.

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It's fucking bizarre feminist worship. Isn't it better to virtue signal in a place like twitter instead? At least there pretending to be retarded would give you more of a dopamine rush

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Or is it that you can't send a woman to the moon, so it's just virtue signaling nonsense?

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lol the elites are mundies

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File: 579c69288969f51⋯.jpg (178.56 KB,1817x894,1817:894,sailorsenshi_moon.jpg)

We should demand NASA makes the new moon landing movies with the astronauts cosplaying as the sailor soldiers. They won't go to the moon and it's all going to be fake anyway so why not at least take the chance at making anime real?

Imagine this as the poster for the new moon landing.

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Prep the moon by first sending dilation stations before you send the earth-to-space trannies to space.

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File: fe4c46125b5dd4a⋯.png (160.22 KB,927x777,309:259,Zombies.PNG)

File: 437bb35adab720c⋯.jpg (132.09 KB,900x576,25:16,Inanna_slaves_900x576.jpg)

>mfw when found this

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>bumping the midwit thread

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No, we are soon to enter age of aquarius, its age that is ruled by saturn

So in other words it will get thousands times worse, it will be literal nightmare that became reality.

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Ever heard of tale about boy who cried wolf?

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Think metaforically for those predictions. The quarentine is "living in caves".

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YouTube embed. Click thumbnail to play.


Awww. At least I'm not a total mundane. :(


Don't the jews worship Saturn? I know that Christianity and Judaism says that mankind would be ruled over for 1000 years, so they too are predicting an "age of" whatever coming.

Something else tied to Saturn is this.

The coming Great Conjunction of Jupiter and Saturn will be on the day of the solstice: December 21, 2020.

I don't want to be one of those "the end of the world on this day" kind of guys, but I'm betting that this day will have some significance and potential for a HAPPENING of epic proportions. It's the "Christmas Star" that ushered in Jesus (allegedly), so it is something of great importance. I think most normies aren't aware of it though because who pays attention to astronomy these days, other than nerds like us? What do you all think? December 21. Get ready for it. Aliens are coming back! :^)


Well said, anon. That's a good way to look at it.

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Wrong. 2025 will be the end of Kali-yuga and start of Satya-yuga. Unlimited energy will be disclosed and humanity will start rapidly change.

>age of aquarius

New age crap.

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