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Do you think it's possible to shift timelines / dimensions when on a strong psych trip?

The kind where you see pic related shenanigans

What are we tapping into when in this state of consciousness? Maybe just raising the "etheric antenna" or astral projecting? I was talking about information I didn't think I knew and I could perceive all of my other realities (inside each little fractal block of pic related) and after that there's a brief lapse in my memory before coming down to reality pretty quickly.

Has anyone else visited this kind of place? Or without the use of psychs?

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YouTube embed. Click thumbnail to play.


I absolutely believe it's possible because I've been there myself. (many moons ago as a wee lad) Can you slip a timeline? Yes. I did this while huffing ether starting fluid when I was 14ish. I tripped my balls off momentarily in some sort of OOBE. When I came to and woke up, I told my friends that time was on an upward spiral. Not spiraling down, but spiraling up. If that makes any sense. Looking back on it, I may have jumped the rails on a crazy train and shifted from my intended timeline at that point.

The other episode is when I decided to drop 3 hits of blotter acid at the beach. I remember telling my friends that my mind was racing at 1000 mph and my mouth wasn't able to keep up, so I decided to stop talking. I wanted nothing more than to stare at the night sky, so I kept going out on the balcony. My friends where afraid I would jump and stopped me. Eventually, I decided to remove the jump factor and go it on foot and walk onto the beach with a king size blunt and fifth of gin to try to slow down the roller coaster I was on. Bad idea. I was tripping balls, high, and drunk all at the same time. I either destroyed or unlocked parts of my mind that night that were never to be awaken or turned off. I woke up the next morning with the sounds of AM radio static playing in my head. I survived it and I never touched any drugs ever again because I was finally where I needed to be. I told my friends the next day, "I think my shit is permanently fucked up and I'll never be the same again." I was right about that. I've been operating on a different wavelength ever since. I don't recommend this to anyone though. I'm lucky that I'm not dead.

I used to love watching MTV's AMP show when I was tripping. I've never had visuals like OP, but AMP gave me something similar to trip out on. Tread lightly, OP. If you use drugs to re-wire your brain, you can't undo it. Be careful, wizbro. Don't fuck your shit up. Not everyone makes it back from that ride.

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>Has anyone else visited this kind of place? Or without the use of psychs?

All the time, during naps. I come to and find myself either outside my body or in some weird place.

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You are already shifting through parallel realities billions of times per second. That's not how the flow of time + free will works.

"Shifting realities" is not an effect of psychodelics. It may seem so as life-changing experience, but that's not how "reality shifting works".

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>Can you slip a timeline?

It's all you ever do. a billion times a second. That's the joke.

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I just realized a few minutes ago how idealism perpetuates my suffering.

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What do you think the nature of psychedelics is?

Last time I did them I just keep repeating "what am I tuning in to?" aloud, and I'm still not sure I have an answer.

I do know some people talk about DMT psychonauts who are "mapping the dimensions"

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woah dude it i dont get the things I need I will suffer woah 7 billion people dont have their needs met because they are slaves and they are evil for wanting the ideal life!

Kill yourself. Literally end your fucking life kike

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I took them myself.

I kept repeting "infinity" and "it doesn't make sense to be otherwise." in regards to the nature of God.

After that I was never the same.

If it wasn't a big meaningful experience for you, I think you didn't have proper preparation for it and/or didn't have a goal for your experience. It's ok. My preparation wasn't great either.

I wish you a happy new year.

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How satisfying is your life?

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Psychedlic cringing “do u think that does is magic?”

Shut the fuck up bot

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“Deflection, never addressing reality, cant even see own reflection in mirror.”

Every time. Its in your dna to be a cowardstein bitchboy

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I hope you have zero self esteem you ugly bitch you habe to put pajnt on your face like a clown before you go outside fucking loser

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well the last time i did psylocybin i decided to take T. Mckenna's advice and eat mushrooms then go to sleep immediately so that when you wake up you are still tripping. It worked but I wouldn't recommend it since i felt like it was a wasted trip. I was in the lucid dream frequency state but up awake and walking about 3d irl. I had come to the end of time. the final goal of elightnement and religon. literally completed the game of life. and the conclusion that I immediately came to was i need to have multiple children with multiple women. that's it.

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Case in point.

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“Im jewish”

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Wow I didnt know Edgar Allen Zoe-Skit posted here

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File: 252054e03ade7c3⋯.jpeg (174.08 KB,752x800,47:50,6B330AD5_D228_414D_851B_6….jpeg)


Level 360 lb mage (tank)

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Anyone who hath doenth any sort of thou hallucinogenetic hath must not thou even thus represent and of anything and only nothing, for if then you are on it and are all up in and sheit, then thou thus must not spray thou mist and thou must as such until eternity must remain as six feet and distance as it will be and as it will be and into thou must remain as such and smoking thou dope and thus eating thou kratom and as thou must take these sacrameento californias and eat them for religion is gay debunked retarded ass bullshit based on random ass dumb shit like star alignments stop ruining everything

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