We can not be dividied. We must learn to love one another dispite our different opinions.
The only "wrong" opinion is the one which requires other opinions to be oppressed.
Because that opinion has no existience on its own, so it has to feed upon the strong rejection of other opinions; it is defined by it.
Those opinions are mind parasites.
We cannot fall into the illision that our neighbor is our enemy.
He is not, because in both of your hearts your intentions are the same, even if the expression of your intention is not.
The only "wrong" intention is the one which requires the oppression of the intention of other living beings.
Because that intention is then not really your intention, but the rejection of the intention of others.
The Great Awakening has to be the kind of awakening in which we learn to see that there is really no difference between good and evil.
All of us have the capacity to do bad things, but also to do good things.
This means we need to accept the fact that every human being has the capacity to do those bad things the deep state is doing.
If you cannot accept this within yourself - that you are able to do those bad things - you are as dangerous as the deep state.
Why? Because if you believe that what you are doing, you do because you are good and because you are not able to do bad things, you act with wrong intention and opinion. You act in a good way because you reject those other "bad" opinions.
Your opinion and intention is defined by the "bad" intentions of others, so it is not really your intention and not really your opinion.
This means that the reason you act in a "good" way is not because you are good, but because you have no other choice than to act good.
Because your opinion is defined as the opposite of the opinions of others. You are a karmic slave, just as the modern computer.
The only way to act truly "good", is to do so despite knowing that you could very well have acted "bad", and the universe would not have judged you. The universe does not judge the deepstate for the things they are doing. You could do those things too, right now, if you wanted.
Nothing would stop you.
But, if you still choose the "good" path, despite being tempted to do those "bad" things, just as many rich men have been successfully tempted to them, you are truly "good". Because you had the choice, you had two doors and you had the freedom to choose which one to open. You made a truly conscious decision.
When you know that you have the choice, you cannot be tempted to do bad things unconsciously. A soldier does not have a choice, his intention is the negation of the intention of his enemy. He thinks he is good, because he is not his enemy. So a soldier thinks he cannot act bad, all that he does must be good. Thus he can be tempted to do bad things, because he thinks cannot do bad things.
But you see, his intention at heart is the same as yours: to be and to do "good".
Also when you know that you have the choice always, you can consciously protect yourself from those who consciously choose to do bad. Because when you accept the bad in yourself, you understand why people choose to act bad. By understanding yourself, you understand your enemy.
Only when we do not accept that it is possible for ANYONE to do such bad things, we cannot believe for example that our governments are involved in such things, thus we are powerless against them. When we cannot believe that our neighbor could be a serial killer, he can go on and be a serial killer without intervention.
When you know you have the choice, you cannot be deceived.
No one can tempt you into doing bad things, because you already decided consciously not to do them.
You will immediately see the true intention of others, because you know how it feels to lie and you know that you could lie like that too.
We need to free ourselves from the illusion of good and evil and regain our own responsibility for ourselves and our behavour. The universe does not care how we act. We have the freedom to decide every moment. Evil can only prevail if we stay unconscious of the evil in ourselves.