Sup 8kun. I got banned from 4chan like 3 times in a row, once because of these threads (which are on topic) and twice for "replying to off topic" mods can suck my dick. anyway, I'm moving my threads here because getting banned every couple days is bad for the posting schedule I set up
(1 thread a week, 4 months total)
This is my 6th week of test
the summary is that my max reps for jump squat more than doubled to 31 from 12, bench press went from 12 to 25, shrugs went from 30 to 85, ohp went from 10 to 22, skull crushers wnt from 18 to 22, I'm noticing beard hair, (which I hadn't been able to grow prior to starting study) and random boners that last a while and are very frequent
I'm on my 8th month of nofap, still haven't coomed. it's actually easier to deal with drive to coom after starting this
I expose my balls to UV light for 18 minutes a day 3 times a week, and my chest for 15 minutes 2 times. I'm trying to verify the results of the study "INFLUENCE OF ULTRAVIOLET IRRADIATION UPON EXCRETION OF SEX HORMONES IN THE MALE" performed my Abraham meyerson and Rudolph neustadt about 80 years ago,
which reported that regular exposure of the testes to UV light doubled salivary testosterone over a week, with gains kept with continuing treatment.
I'm not going near a hospital until this shit blows over, and my gym at college is closed for the foreseeable future. Therefore, I can't take my starting end ending levels of free test, and the workouts I can do are limited to the equipment I have at home, which is:
>One set of 30 pound dumbbells
>One set of 60 pound dumbbells
>A 3 position adjustable bench.
I'mPost too long. Click here to view the full text.