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File: d4bfd99837bacf9⋯.jpg (124.12 KB,400x400,1:1,lean-mass-steroid-cycle-1-….jpg)

3610f0 No.149629 [Open thread]

What is a good intermediate routine that incorporates mainly compound lifts?

I want to commit to a double split (AxBxAxx BxAxBxx) for the next 6 months and wanted to keep it simple

Background: im 6ft 170lbs with 9 months of calisthenics progression and pretty clean dieting.

I also am pretty lazy which is why I don't want to do 6 days/week.

What is a good weekly cardio routine so I dont raise cortisol and estrogen?

pic is what i believe I can achieve over the next year given my genetics.

ps: no steroids or supplements for me. just clean dieting and lots of organic protein

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ae2b04 No.149650

File: 64047a8c15454a6⋯.jpg (16.55 KB,506x506,1:1,2019-07-14 13.45.26.jpg)


You sound like a crybaby. But considering you're from the most jewcucked nation on the planet I'm not surprised. Why don't you don your little red cap and keep waiting for that wall to get built you smelly mutt?

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b13da6 No.149685


fuck u faggot

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2de565 No.149712


Epic response.

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376b96 No.149717

File: 681066c8ab97d02⋯.jpg (68.92 KB,571x767,571:767,fresh cum.jpg)



Your order arrived, soymutt.

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6ed56d No.149777

there have been a lot of negative posters and unproductive threads but obviously just ignore them.

here's a good source for information especially for readers:


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File: 2b438b490ddb547⋯.jpg (44.83 KB,480x640,3:4,1904129_1505640236343135_9….jpg)

0008c7 No.141396 [Open thread][Last50 Posts]


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a7ec32 No.149500


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b0c091 No.149502


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7bd8fc No.149512


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174194 No.149548


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6919a0 No.149768


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File: ddb0b7710b5911c⋯.jpg (87.46 KB,618x900,103:150,0.jpg)

636fa1 No.149418 [Open thread]

Greetings to you, dear /fit/.

(1) At the beginning I apologize for this misplaced thread, my poor English skills and these inconveniences. It is not my intention to disturb you or waste your time. My main concern is to share information, not just to improve one's life, but to help the whole community.

I am just a young man with various facial deformities, who grew up in a family with alcoholism and has had mental difficulties since childhood. By this I mean mainly depression, anxiety and panic attacks, paranoid schizophrenia, obsessive-compulsive disorder and, in addition, an attention deficit / hyperactivity disorder. For my parents, I was a so-called problem child who is particularly difficult to raise or educate, especially due to disruptive. I was sent to various medical specialists at a young age to investigate my behavior and possibly help me in the form of medication. But none of them had a solution, except to say, "I can prescribe psychotropic drugs to your son." We refused because the side effects and risks deterred us.

Time passed, my father died of alcohol poisoning in his own bed and the psychological problems got worse every day. Add to that my terrible outward appearance (crooked, yellow teeth full of amalgam fillings, overbite, underweight, poor posture, pale, narrow face, bad breath), as I have largely been fed only on processed, sugary products.

In adolescence, sexuality became more and more interesting and I saw that all my friends spent time with their girlfriends. On the other hand, I was all alone and knew naked women only from pornographic films on the computer screen. That moment has shown me that I have to change something about myself / my appearance and behavior, otherwise this will be my end (suicide). Medication was not a solution for me, because these substances fight only the symptoms, but not the cause. I was aware that there are many misinformation on the Internet, but in the "real" life nobody could help. Thus I searched for all helpful tips on this topic (mental illness).

In most cases it was mentioned that one should eat healthy, drink plenty of water and move the body. We've all heard this sentenPost too long. Click here to view the full text.

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636fa1 No.149419

(2) After a while, I became aware of a dentist named Weston Andrew Valleau Price and his book "Nutrition and Physical Degeneration". This man visited different cultures and found that various diseases in our western world were almost non-existent in these people. According to his research, certain foods (flour, sugar, and modern processed vegetable fats) cause these health problems, dental caries and lack of essential nutrients.

Very few know that grains, nuts, seeds and legumes require a certain type of preparation (soaking, fermenting and sprouting) to reduce the "anti-nutrients" (phytic acid, gluten, tannins, oxalates, lectins, saponins, etc.) This knowledge has helped me to understand that my well-being and unattractive appearance (some would use the modern term "incel") are not necessarily related to "bad" genetics, but rather food intake at a young age.

It was extremely interesting, but unfortunately the illnesses (obsessive-compulsive disorder and panic attacks) have still not disappeared. Gradually, I became aware of an article from the Harvard University (https://www.health.harvard.edu/diseases-and-conditions/the-gut-brain-connection & https://www.health.harvard.edu/blog/gut-feelings-how-food-affects-your-mood-2018120715548), which reported that intestinal bacteria affect our brain and a disturbed flora can be the trigger for anxiety, depression and much more.

At first I thought of a bad joke, because I've never heard or read such a thing. Millions of people in the world suffer from these diseases, in many cases they are admitted to a psychiatric hospital and treated with antidepressants. It is clear to the doctors that these people have a lack of serotonin (in the brain). Unfortunately, these substances in most cases show no positive results. It was shocking but also fascinating to see how many websites address this topic ("The Brain-Gut Connection", "Your gut is directly connected to your brain", "Microbes Help Produce Serotonin in Gut", "Serotonin as a link between the gut-brain-mPost too long. Click here to view the full text.

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b0a598 No.149729



Neat; will look into. Thanks.

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File: 0b1ed9a20e53658⋯.jpg (147.95 KB,555x768,185:256,Nouvelle image (31).jpg)

4f7ad3 No.149687 [Open thread]

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File: 8fb56a959bee487⋯.jpg (161.88 KB,1060x760,53:38,shutterstock_126275183.jpg)

116011 No.149638 [Open thread]

Does anyone else here get severe gnashing in facial and cheek muscles after drinking tea?

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713c30 No.149640

No but it raises estrogen so don't bother with it.

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c2bee8 No.149645


>tea raises estrogen

Cite source.

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55fd44 No.149661


I've been to South Korea wicked place. Very friendly people. You ever been to Da Nang? Hear alot of Koreans like to vacation there. I've been there too nice spot.

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116011 No.149662


No it doesn't and stop derailing. Also, coffee and pops don't have this effect so it's not caffeine.

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File: fab6f51ee48b34b⋯.jpg (85.75 KB,938x628,469:314,woman-with-belly-fat-showi….jpg)

aa105c No.149574 [Open thread]

is it possible to lose belly fat without cuttin' ?

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3bd6ce No.149626


Just do sit-ups and crunches bro. Got to target the fat.

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e8c807 No.149634

File: 627c32b72ee048c⋯.jpg (87.77 KB,498x750,83:125,3eefada82e9fb2fe.jpg)

Read the sticky.

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dd0fc1 No.149642


it's our diet breh

cut on bread rice pasta etc.

eat real shit

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dfb024 No.149652


Like higher-quality carbs eg oats and beans.

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3fc957 No.149657



Strange she isnt there with a black cock in her mouth like most Nippon women

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File: 08dec94b19cb792⋯.jpg (78.45 KB,686x686,1:1,1.jpg)

03872f No.149397 [Open thread]

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8dbe46 No.149588


I think wet dreams is the natural's body response to excess semen retention

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8dbe46 No.149589

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b4eaab No.149590


Thats weird, there was no pay wall when i posted it.

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729e81 No.149603

File: 24616d6c9a6c16a⋯.jpg (117.77 KB,966x1029,46:49,mastodonpyupload_156389161….jpg)


That's because your cuntry isn't divided by a wall.

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6185af No.149748


based and breadpilled

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File: fd1ca3ced2b8989⋯.gif (16.58 KB,220x220,1:1,1553796049052.gif)

d8c65b No.149565 [Open thread]

I just do one arm push ups, pull ups, isometric deadlift, front wall push, sit ups, pull up L sit ups and 15 minutes of dancing to anime nightcore music.

I've made more progress doing it on my own basement than what I did before half assing it on a gym (went for 2 months before giving up).

Right now I feel good and I'm starting to have basic gains, who knows how much can I progress with just this workout routine.

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801f2a No.149585


I would recommend adding some kind of bodyweight squat variation. The isometric deadlifts by themselves probably isn't enough leg work.

I'd also consider switching out the front wall press for a different exercise. You're already strong enough for one armed push ups, so the wall press is probably going to be too easy. I'd say either regular push ups or handstand push ups would be a better alternative.

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fd4612 No.149592

File: 496b50545a78950⋯.gif (1.97 MB,450x300,3:2,stolen.gif)


Keep it up

Starting it is the way to making it

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46d5c7 No.149601

File: 602c78649d1ebc1⋯.jpg (46.96 KB,640x626,320:313,national capitalist.jpg)

>outside of its designated containment thread

>plebbit spacing

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a0ca6f No.149625

ive done calisthenics for about 9 months now and its getting so boring. I enjoy making progress but I am starting a new routine at alocal gym so I can actually make bigger gains.

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fe1c85 No.147577 [Open thread]

What kinda music gets you j00ced for your lifts?

Specific genres?



For me it’s metal (speed, power, DragonForce basically), some electronic and some trap music

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defc39 No.148560

File: f88b698454c80b9⋯.jpg (29.14 KB,630x330,21:11,main11.jpg)

File: 6a7967314605b39⋯.jpg (774.4 KB,1365x2048,1365:2048,19622142785_8301479fc9_k.jpg)

File: 00c90881ad87906⋯.jpg (49.86 KB,600x400,3:2,harms-way_photo03.jpg)

Harm's Way. Their band is /fit/ and straight edge. They're also from Chicago, and I'm in the midwest as well.

[Song] https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=ZnvJNfFNXcY

[Album] https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=D1JUf1jmJ84

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3cfad5 No.148571


>straight edge

That's almost as gay as the girly weeb pop I play for dat pump!

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6cab94 No.148602


>not shooting up with heroin is gay


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3cfad5 No.148617

YouTube embed. Click thumbnail to play.


Not what I said, shithead.

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db69d3 No.149616


thanks doc

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File: c5fd5b0db304e4c⋯.jpeg (109.06 KB,900x780,15:13,7C86617A-94E6-4BCB-8A02-C….jpeg)

309fe0 No.149481 [Open thread]

Let’s see which of us can jog/walk the furthest in a single day.

I’ve personally been jogging a lot more recently, and I plan to jog/walk at least 50K tomorrow. Place your bets on how many kilometres I’ll manage to rank up. Also give me suggestions on where I should go. (Make sure to do the same for other Anons)

I’ll take a picture of myself while on the jog and a screen shot that marks how far I’ve made it, and I’ll post them here later on tomorrow. All of you Anons should do the same.

Also fuck my 50K, I want to see which one of you crazy bastards can make it 75, or even 100K.

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9b849c No.149488

Stop killing your gains

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e8794a No.149491

I would jog but Im so overweight. 206 lbs right now. Fuck me


stfu jogging is best

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61fb9f No.149493

File: eb7c3d808010c72⋯.jpg (195.76 KB,432x444,36:37,my man.jpg)

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e5ff51 No.149498

Used to do 5k, then stopped due to IRL shittery, now am slowly getting back to previous level. I love how you can see improvement with every run.

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a1a704 No.149612

>Started back in april, couldn't go for more than 1k before running out of air

>After a month got to 2k max

>pause due to work

>but lose 7 kg in the meantime by fasting

>had my first run about 3 weeks ago, suprised how well i could go thanks to not being a fatass anymore

>now I do about 4-5k every other day, but probably could do about 6-7 if I really pushed myself

It's been a hot fucking week though, impossible to run without suffering a heat stroke between 7:00-23:00, so that kind of kills my determination.

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5b897f No.89103 [Open thread][Last50 Posts]

webms that make you think

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281f14 No.149568


Why did he die again?

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281f14 No.149569


That was incredibly impressive.

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281f14 No.149570


TFW same coloring

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875f08 No.149608


>be on an industrial quantity of steroids

>tell people not on steroids overtraining doesn't exist

This is why I hate these youtube fitness faggots. Except scooby, he admits he's on roids.

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80ebe3 No.149649

File: 68363eac987a30a⋯.gif (1.94 MB,189x189,1:1,U_WOT.gif)


>he admits he's on roids.

You best be trollin', nigger.

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File: d71fcaf4fa7e02e⋯.png (543.13 KB,517x673,517:673,ed71f102b5362e76a4a3d93448….png)

e4e526 No.149583 [Open thread]

I have fucked up. I have been overweight for THREE years now. Somehow I lost a fair bit of the fat I built up, but I have no excuses for being stagnant the past 2 years.

I NEED to be 160 lbs again. I am tired of being UNLOVED and LONELY like a FUCKING LOSER.




Pic related, some chinese warlord who ate so much ice cream after he immigrated to los angeles that he had a foot amputated. I got fat eating ice cream that my mom would buy everyday. I stopped eating ice cream a while ago but I finally took the oats meme and I think eating raw oats instead of processed shit will help me lose the final weight.

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c6d5ad No.149586

Eat less and exercise more…

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673c4d No.149605














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f202de No.149242 [Open thread]

Fellas.. be straight with me. Should I even try to look aesthetic with these birthing hips and tetons? No bully pls

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c1e614 No.149295


t. manlet

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c1e614 No.149296


>eat extra protein - especially fish, seafood and animal fats.

>animal fat is a type of protein

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b9c970 No.149299

File: ea4a9a31d15f666⋯.jpg (26.29 KB,507x360,169:120,whisky-graph-3.jpg)


Adding onto this. If you (OP) do drink hard liquor, limit yourself to one dram of whiskey a day. Whiskey is greater than vodka. Not only in terms of flavor but also in terms of the polyphenol content.


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2c3512 No.149304

you're fat.

stop eating.

you'll look fine when you're thin.

then start lifting while you eat AT "MAINTENANCE"

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e7f218 No.149551


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File: b4b3a2c92f53351⋯.mp4 (2.9 MB,512x384,4:3,Oklahomo Mixer-sm13580946.mp4)

a18e2c No.149495 [Open thread]

Billy commemoration thread

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4f57fa No.149497

♂️Fuck you♂️

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92d8f4 No.149541

File: 3e4806d43e1eb7e⋯.webm (7.49 MB,512x288,16:9,♂CEE♂LO_S♂DEEP♂.webm)


>When you watch gay porn for the wrestling choreography

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File: b13b42d941e4cd9⋯.jpg (43.38 KB,640x426,320:213,513437610_XS.jpg)

6fbfd8 No.145053 [Open thread]

Post what you do in the gym and let /fit/ tell you what you're doing wrong. Include diet/schedule if you feel like it

>low weight dumbbell warmup

>skullcrushers/hammer curls/ohp in rotation

>cable tricep extensions

>pec flies/bench press

>lat pulldowns

Complete this over the course of 2 hours. Essentially do this every time I go to the gym, switching out bench press for deadlift usually. Been working out for just over 2 months now.

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67168b No.149089

Even days

25x3 50 lb dumbbell chest press

12x3 50 lb over head dumbbell press

34x3 situps on a bench, feet weighted down

12x3 50 lb arm curl dumbell

12x3 toe raise 50 lb dumbbell

12x3 shoulder shrug 50 lb dumbbell

20x3 unweighted squat

Odd days

5k elliptical

I travel for a livin so I don't have access to anything beyond dumbbells. Can't help but feel like i'm missing something major in all this.

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0a1e79 No.149091

<only have dumbbells

>pushups (usually do shit), squats, and anything i can think on the spot that warms me up without lifting weights

>go heavy on a dumbbell deadlift

>farmers walk

>bicep curls (go a bit lighter)

>wrist work (go a bit lighter than bicep)

>go back into warmup just to see how i'm progressing or how much better i am and get a bigger ego

>do the whole dumbbell routine but lift as hard as possible without breaking form (if i break form, stop, rest and go a bit lighter)

i just want STRENGHT and anything that helps with my wrists and fingers.


I heard that a barbell & pull up bar is the most optimal way to building strength, but much like anything there's multiple ways to bulid strength from rolling a rock, gripping a keg of beer, handstands, lifting heavy books with only your fingers, etc.

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67168b No.149092


I have heard like wise, but i'm too fat to do one pull up despite lots of arm strength compared to where I was. I am on a 1.5k calorie diet while doing the above routine so I figger soon or later i'll drop enough weight to do it regular and buy one of those doorstop tools for hotels.

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0a6c25 No.149453

File: f300ad13dfa9949⋯.jpg (112.96 KB,972x615,324:205,cant stand it 3.jpg)

My routine right now, because I am fatter than I ought to be (like 18% bodyfat if I had to guess, which is 198 lbs for me at 6'1) is literally just as much walking and running everyday as I can handle. I do pushups and squats whenever I don't feel sore. If I feel sore, then I wait a few days.

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11f399 No.149534

A day:

>Squat 5x5

>Bench 5x5

>Bent Over Row 5x5

>Barbell Curl 3x8

>Close-Grip Bench 3x8

>Russian twists with landmine 5x8

B day:

>Squat 5x5

>Military Press 5x5

>Deadlift 5x5

>Calf Raise 3x8

>Barbell Shrug 3x8

>Russian twists with landmine 5x8

I swim for cardio because fuck running.

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