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File: 05d407d6a094745⋯.jpg (197.25 KB,1024x774,512:387,4d24c6f6cee94e57d14de7631d….jpg)

e33da7 No.150577

Is this body achievable through bodyweight exercises and calisthenics ?

Im considering going to the gym, but Im still a bit too greedy to pay for a body, also, is this dyel mode ? I dont want to have this "too easily"

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914dd5 No.150584


Well, no.

First, you need to read Grappler Baki.

And then, die trying.>>150577

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e33da7 No.150586

File: 70554b7e258a5dd⋯.jpg (397.76 KB,1078x1696,539:848,q7ugjsbrt8921.jpg)


Sorry I dont want to roid

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