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File: 54613685794e35d⋯.png (181.2 KB,274x397,274:397,274px_Carmen_Acedo_1993_M_….png)

95cf57 No.150729 [Open thread]

What do you do in free time? share it with us

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ff7068 No.151406

Playing computer games

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ff7068 No.151407

oh and soccer

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ff7068 No.151408

I like to watch movies with my family. Home Alone is our favorite movie! This is probably the best movie of all time! In general, my family and I encourage watching movies, and recently I found https://www.firestickhow.com/best-torrent-sites.html and it was very useful for us. We usually do a movie night on Saturday and spend time together. My children help me bake something delicious while husband leaves for work, and it's very nice and family-friendly

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64355f No.151486


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d86b5e No.151499

Hey there! Count me in for decoding the mysteries of Parimatch Aviator https://parimatch-aviator.in/signals/ It's like unraveling a thrilling puzzle in the sky. I've been keeping a keen eye on the flight patterns and trying to spot any subtle cues that might hint at the next big multiplier. It's fascinating how every flight tells a unique story, and being able to read those signals adds an extra layer of excitement to the game. Let's join forces and share our insights to uncover more of the secrets hidden in the sky. Together, we can elevate our Aviator experience to new heights!

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027707 No.151498 [Open thread]

It's nearly spring, you're 20% - 30% bodyfat, hoping you can get to single digits and shave off 10-15lbs over the next 3 months with your RIP blend, before you eventually realize that maybe you're just destined to be a hamplanet for the rest of your life.

DNP: the ends justify the means.

Nothing beats burning 4+lbs of fat a week, doing practically nothing (if you so choose), but swallowing 1 or 2 capsules a day and sweating my nutsack off, whilst watching people celebrate their 1lb fat loss.

Stop being fat cunts. Lose weight and make gains.

tl;dr stop being pussies

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File: e55359eaeb108f2⋯.jpg (736.2 KB,2244x3200,561:800,1606318257051.jpg)

c3314d No.151496 [Open thread]

>"At World's Strongest Man, set in Gaborone, Botswana, a number of locals were in the area helping with the production and setup aspect of the event. Many of the spectators as well had come from all around Africa to view the titanic strongmen compete in feats of superhuman strength. During a routine setup of one of the loading events, a local worker was applying screws to a framework meant to hold a 275lb anvil. Four times World's Strongest Man winner, American Brian Shaw was standing by, watching closely. A number of times he stopped the worker to give him instruction, and stood by making sure the task was done to his standard."

>"Later, Shaw was reportedly overheard saying, 'You just can't trust them with tools,' to another strongman, who seemed to be listening uncomfortably."


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File: 18f9633d0e24902⋯.jpg (338.87 KB,1500x1500,1:1,A12nlaWyy1L._SL1500_.jpg)

4c1b59 No.148587 [Open thread]

Is rollarblading a meme? Should I take tge rollarbladingpill or the sprintingpill /fit/fags

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e32018 No.150801


Do both. Sprinting for HIIT, rollar for LISS

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f2fa58 No.150808

Hello skills


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fbe206 No.150847


Sprinting is good for BDNF and heart health, but everyone here knows the only way to lose weight is fasting.

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fb3f1f No.151494

i wanna also try it

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fb3f1f No.151495

Rollerblading for cardio is a fantastic way to stay fit and have fun. It provides a low-impact workout that targets key muscles while improving balance and coordination. Plus, it's a refreshing change from traditional exercises like walking. Check out https://betterme.world/articles/walking-2-miles-a-day/ for more fitness tips!

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File: b53f020c864d9e6⋯.png (1.37 MB,1500x1500,1:1,ClipboardImage.png)

09f762 No.149412 [Open thread]

Fasting, we've all heard about it, it supposedly works by naturally increasing ketone body production by limiting insulin, but apparently Coconut oil, because it's made of medium chain triglycerides, gets broken down into Ketones immediately, so I feel pretty confident recommending it as a replacement for any butter or oil you might still be ingesting, though I doubt it's total potency, so I made this thread to remind myself to post later on the long term effects of oil if there's any.

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d39228 No.150371


The purpose of cold pressing coconut oil is that when you process coconut oil it loses a lot of the triglycerides that make it a "healthy" oil.

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d39228 No.150397

File: 22b45fedaef2b39⋯.jpg (496.6 KB,1424x1284,356:321,22b45fedaef2b39bcff212fde3….jpg)

So I read up that coconut oil can help with hemorrhoids, and since my asshole has bled off and on for the last fifteen years I figure I'd give it a shot. I've had a particularly bad case the last few days so I've been putting about a tablespoon-sized suppository of coconut oil up my bum the last few days and… It's surprisingly worked pretty well. The biggest issue is obviously that it acts as an analgesic so I've gotta be extra careful when wiping if I have to shit within two or three hours of application. The other big issue is that if you don't get it pretty far up there with a medical glove, it tends to leak out a sort of "biofilm" of coconut oil and whatever stank is about ready to come out your ass a half hour after application. I recommend about a middle finger's worth of distance up your butt if you decide to use coconut oil to treat hemorrhoids, and to apply it after taking a shit.

I also read something about it being good for testosterone, so I've been slathering my dick/balls in oil the last few days as well. I've been feeling more energetic and capable of completing challenges with more willpower which is usually a sign of a test booster for me, but on the flip side I have basically no sex drive. I think it's that analgesic property of coconut oil I mentioned. Like, you get the urge to fap real bad when your dick is covered in coconut oil, but about two or three minutes into fapping, and suddenly you can't keep your dick hard to save your life. This might be a good application of coconut oil for those practicing nofap since you lose feeling in your dick relatively quickly after application and it keeps everything moisturized down there (plus coconut oil has antimicrobial properties so it's probably protecting your dick too).

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8701a9 No.150403


I hate the smell of coconut and the taste, just imagining the smell of an ass covered in coconut oil is giving me a headache and a bit nausea.

Good it works for you though.

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9e1720 No.151490

File: 2f4eac95f6b04c0⋯.jpg (111.25 KB,866x1024,433:512,058687ec0c2d3cb9abd3923a07….jpg)

good info, thanks

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9e1720 No.151491

Thanks so much for sharing this. It's really interesting to learn something new from people. For example, I recently read a lot about supplements on https://www.canadapharmacy.com/ . I want to start gaining muscle mass already and I hope I can do it!

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ebe92d No.150561 [Open thread]

Its very important to understand just how fewer calories the average body needs than what most people think. The body doesn't need anywhere near close as many calories as you probably consume. Really, its arguable that we even need 2000, let a lone 2500-3700 calories typical for most fast food meals. Food is a fuel for the body's metabolism. When we live to eat instead of eating to live, it becomes just as self-destructive as a any other substance abuse. Granted, if you're lifting and doing various other exercises, you will require more food to fuel yourself with; but know just how much you really need and don't over-do it.

>Over consume calories, gain weight

>Consume fewer calories than you metabolize, lose weight

>Eat proper meals with proteins while lifting, gain muscle mass

>Drinking water with salts (aka Snake Juice) will keep your body metabolizing fat for fuel during the absence of food

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4de7ba No.150564

File: 1598049bc9469df⋯.jpg (64.12 KB,700x797,700:797,8_tips_to_help_women_gain_….jpg)

You didn't join the Official Fitness Server on Dis cord (FitCord) yet??

Advice on routine and posture advice, motivate each other, awesome stories, feels, food pics recipes and diet checks, fasting, etc.

Self improvement, nofap, powerlifting, fraud (steroids), martial arts, current body thread, injury prevention, etc.

We also have some fun channels like memes.

For those who want more adventure, we have a contest: post a pic in begin of the month, and one at the end. Then users vote and the winner gets prize money!

We accept people from all fitness levels: fat, average or athletic. As long as you are encouraging and motivating you are most welcome!


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ebe92d No.150565


Stop spamming threads with this.

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a15c09 No.150568


>Showing a dehydrated, roided up meathead as contrast to drive home your point about muh calories

>Completely ignoring that processed sugar shifts your body into get fat mode

>Im-fucking-plying that a calory is a calory

>Shilling snake juice to fat people who risk going into protein deficiency and dying if they follow the autistic snake diet

You are the faggest.

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d5be05 No.151489

I fully support you. When I realized that I wasn't losing weight because of the high number of calories I ate during the day, I was disappointed that I didn't realize this sooner. I began to read a lot and learn new things for myself, for example, I learned a lot about vitamins on Canadian pharmacy https://www.canadapharmacy.com/ . It is very good to learn new things all the time and in my opinion it is never too late

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cd4019 No.151487 [Open thread]

What are your favorite series? Mine is "Berlin" :)

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cd4019 No.151488

My favorite series right now is avatar. This is a new series and it is very cool! Thanks to talkmobile customer service https://www.pissedconsumer.com/company/talkmobile/customer-service.html I have found great internet and soon I will be able to watch series every night. Am I the only one who likes watching series more than movies?

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File: 1ae3e62b8c8a845⋯.jpg (103.97 KB,750x750,1:1,IMG_20181018_172309_004.jpg)

4ec135 No.147906 [Open thread]

I'm underweight by 20 pounds, and I tend to be a picky-eater. Any advice?

Pic unrelated

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97d562 No.151312

>>If it's legal buy cannabis, use cash so it doesn't show up in your card history to fuck up with your ability to travel to other countries (not sure if that's entirely true though tbh). Go for the kind that makes you feel the best (not too anxious, not too paranoid, potentially not hyper focused in a bad way, just right). Cannabis makes you gain weight by encouraging you to eat more. My favorite is the drops under the tongue and the edibles. The smoking kind is good for wanting to try a strain (wikileaf dot com) since you buy a small quantity and smoke varying sizes and write down your experience.

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97d562 No.151313


I am the exact same, I feel bad that it takes me forever to eat a meal (up to an hour or more per large 10" plate) with exception being soups, salads, and fruits/greens. Eat more fruits and berries to gain weight in a healthy way, eat sugary cereals or flavored grains (Quakers instant flavored oatmeal as example) in a pinch to gain weight, take meals with you in a lunchbox/bag if you commute to eat on the go. Sugar will make you gain weight. If you have a taste for junk food eat what you'd like to eat instead of adhering to a planned diet - swap water with pop or flavored drinks, incorporate chips, fried foods, as an example.

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9468cd No.151455

What about vitamins or certain appetite suppressants? I found https://www.canadadrugsdirect.com/pharmacy-partner last year and started taking vitamins regularly. I also started exercising and drinking a lot of water. It helped me to improve my appetite and now I have no problem with it

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720c0e No.151484

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720c0e No.151485

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56f827 No.151482 [Open thread]

I don’t want to mod too much, but I wanna start with an exhaust. Any recommendations for an exhaust?

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56f827 No.151483

I also need similar information. I don't know much about cars, so usually my dad helps me, and I already contact toyota parts deal customer service ( https://www.pissedconsumer.com/toyota-parts-deal/RT-F.html ) to buy the necessary parts. It is very cool to have a person who will always help with the car, but now he is on vacation

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68980d No.151480 [Open thread]

New to the Toyota family and stoked I got the CHR. I don’t want to mod too much, but I wanna start with an exhaust. Any recommendations for an exhaust?

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68980d No.151481

File: 19349de93e5c325⋯.jpg (231.47 KB,1600x1600,1:1,_viber_2020_06_24_13_25_11.jpg)

I don’t want to mod too much, but I wanna start with an exhaust. Any recommendations for an exhaust

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c7df13 No.151473 [Open thread]

There a few fascinating points with time in the following paragraphs but I do not know if I see these center to heart. You can find some validity but I will take hold opinion until I investigate it further. Very good post , thanks and then we want much more! Included in FeedBurner also


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1165aa No.151378 [Open thread]


I'm dead inside, and I take some antidepressants, but I still feel nothing.

Today I decided to try Ritalin to see if I would feel something, and I took the whole box, 30 pills. It's been one and a half hour and I still feel nothing. I also took 240mg of Vyvanse.

Any advice of other medicine I can take?

Please, help me feel alive again.

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92a9d7 No.151464

I have depression since I was diagnosed with ED. It was so unexpected because I maintains a healthy lifestyle. Of course, I need to take some meds such as eroxon gel https://www.canadapharmacy.com/products/eroxon and maintain a healthy lifestyle. You should visit this site and there you will definitely find right meds for yourself.

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21180d No.151470

I don't know if this is right or wrong, but I don't think that sports and especially heavy physical activity are really good for your health. I see much more benefit in taking nutritional supplements like Gundry MD Bio Complete 3 https://www.gundrymdbiocomplete3.com/reviews or various vitamin complexes. I think this is a cool and quick way to take care of yourself.

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File: 6693f65b95820d1⋯.jpg (53.39 KB,525x480,35:32,Kechari_Mudra.jpg)

609987 No.151192 [Open thread]

Estimular Nervio vago para subir fluidos sexuales hasta la Oreja,creando halucinacion,y orgasmo en todo el cuerpo,para halucinar y ver auras y plano astral.Khechari Mudra.

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0d99c1 No.151467

Ohh it is interesting

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0d99c1 No.151468

I appreciate the enthusiasm for exploring mind-body connections, but it's crucial to approach such practices with caution. Scientific evidence may not fully support claims about stimulating the vagus nerve for hallucinations and heightened sexual experiences. Consider holistic wellness practices, like the BetterMe Pilates program mentioned at https://www.prevention.com/fitness/a45899989/my-experience-with-the-betterme-pilates-program-from-beginner-to-enthusiast-in-one-month/, for a balanced approach

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566646 No.151462 [Open thread]

Why are there now so many videos on YouTube and in general on the Internet mocking animals? That nothing can be done about it?

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566646 No.151463

This is exactly why I became a vegetarian. How can you insult animals so much. There are many people who even mistreat pets. Recently, my neighbor beat his dog and I took her home and, of course, informed the authorities about this whole situation. I discovered dermatitis in a dog and have already read about apoquel for dogs canada https://www.canadapharmacy.com/products/apoquel . I hope he gets better and learns to trust people again

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File: 40b3a5fc98660e3⋯.jpg (16.75 KB,320x320,1:1,squindward.jpg)

882dfb No.151460 [Open thread]

What is it like to live and pay attention to both?

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882dfb No.151461

I have 2 yo labrador. They are very friendly with each other and it's so cool. I recently noticed that one dog has dermatitis and I need to buy apoquel online canada ( https://www.canadapharmacy.com/products/apoquel ) for him. For now, I have separated them and they miss each other very much

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