Hello fit, Im trying to create a simple program and I thought I might get some opinions from you guys.
Ive been lifting for 5ish years now and I want to change to a new program that I made myself
My previous program looked like this
3x5 Flat bench
3x6-9 DB Incline bench press
3x5 military press
3x6-9 DB press
3x10 tricep push downs
3x5 squat
3x8 lat pull downs
3x6-7 pull ups, last set is to failure
3x6 heavy shrugs
4 sets of holding really heavy bar for forearm workout
I trained for ABxABxx. Ive done this for 4 years
Now I want to change it to →
Benchpress - 75%RMx5, 85%RMx5, 90%RMx3, 80%RMx5, 70%RMx5+
Military press - 75%RMx5, 85%RMx4-5, 95%RMx2, 80%RMx5+
Pull ups - 3xF
Dips - 3x15-20
Squats - same as with Bench press format
Deadlift - same as with bench press format(I alernate squate and DLs, basically i only do either once a week)
DB rows - 3x10(go heavy)
heavy shrugs 4x6-9
pull ups and dips
A B x A B x x
How doesmy new training program look? I really want an experienced lifter's opinion on this one, you might add or take and give some insights. Would Post too long. Click here to view the full text.