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File: db17e3536543b52⋯.png (399 KB,412x600,103:150,ClipboardImage.png)

8d4232 No.150261

One of the faces of the carnivore diet is a doctor who lost his license, and so many nutritionists recommend against these diets. I'm pretty sure those who experienced "feeling great" from these diets are a result of placebo. From going into keto myself I always felt like shit and I always dryfasted for 3 days straight instead to lose weight. In addition, those diets are catching on a similar craze like vegetarianism in a cancerous way, a bunch of idiots jumping on a bandwagon without doing any research. I also have a strong feeling the carnivore diet isn't healthy either, as it's the other end of the fucking dumbass extremism to vegans.

Does the carnivore diet/keto diet actually benefit you and is it nutritionally and non-life threatening, and actually sustainable and viable? Discuss.

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de9f82 No.150266

File: cb1af817a2ccce9⋯.png (5.57 KB,259x194,259:194,download.png)

File: 4d5470225991f7f⋯.jpg (221.46 KB,800x1133,800:1133,steak-eggs-2-2.jpg)

For the record, OP, Dr. Shawn Baker got his license back after a protracted legal battle.


As for whether or not the carnivore diet has long-term effects like the vegan diet, it remains to be seen.

Personally my diet identifies as paleo with a carnivore focus. I've lost over 20 lbs in a month on this diet ( combined with calorie cutting and resistance training). So maybe Dr. Baker has a point and eating more meat is actually good for you.

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de9f82 No.150267

YouTube embed. Click thumbnail to play.

One thing I forgot to mention I do like the carnivore diet mostly because it pisses off Vegans to no end. Polite sage, have a meme.

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8792d5 No.150275


Its a meme, but they do good by being the final nail in the coffin for the vegan claim that they are a movement about healthy food. For years these skeleton freaks have advocated that they are the right path for human nutrition and that the opposite isn't possible. This is huge beyond just simple fashion, because entire political movements are founded on the veganism/vegetarian crap. These are now going to die.

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f5b22d No.150277




guys…the diets dont matter. what matters is getting the correct supplements on a weekly basis.

pure veganism cannot be healthy because it lacks fat soluble vitamins.

all ketosis is is a symptom caused by a lack of carbs that makes your body burn fat instead of the glycogen that is stored in muscles after consuming carbs.

complex carbs like oatmeal, brown rice, and sweet potato are great for extended workouts, and long distance runs, sports, but in my opinion…


experienced lifters know that you need to either cycle carbs or measure out specifically how much carbs you need on a daily basis.

in other words:

yes, if you eat just grass fed cow liver, you will likely be healthier and less inflamed than 99.9% of humans on earth.

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f5b22d No.150278


and it is NOT a meme.

through keto, one-meal-a-day (OMAD) intermittent fasting, and exercise (lifting/cardio) i managed to easily lose 20 lbs in 20 days from 203lbs to 183 lbs

i am 30 yrs old and 6 feet tall.

keto makes you feel incredibly focused and good. it makes life seem more enjoyable and less of a struggle and more of an experience.

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f5b22d No.150279



there's a reason, fat and protein are the most expensive products in the grocery, and why bacon tastes so good.

keto is one of the most expensive diets, and if I could afford it, i would do it for years on end.

oatmeal is also an EXCELLENT food, but only necessary for me because it is DIRT CHEAP

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453790 No.150299


If you were 6' 200lbs and fat, congrats on losing 20lbs of fat. But step 2 should be to gain back 20lbs of mostly muscle.

All these arguments about meme diets are asinine, because the premise is there's some secret Konami code that will fix you overnight.

Eat however much meat, eggs, and milk you can reasonably afford. Follow that with fruits and veggies. Then some bread/starch/carbs to keep it interesting. Lift heavy and do your cardio. This is a sustainable lifestyle that'll keep you healthy for life.

Veggies who replace all their meat with bread get soft and fat, or skinnyfat. Anti-carb types run out of energy or hate their life. So just have it be the third component of your diet, like a piece of garlic bread with your steak but not a pound of pasta.

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235d33 No.150333


I've found it to not be that expensive at all. Cutting out packaged goods and most produce slashes my bill.

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e2b758 No.150342


>is eating like your ancestors a meme?

You don't deserve to know

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abb21f No.150343


>Is getting gout a meme?

You deserve to find out.

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155661 No.150346

YouTube embed. Click thumbnail to play.


>implying our Swede is a fat alcoholic and not a fit water drinker

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f1978c No.150873

File: 6cfa9a4064e43dd⋯.webm (3.69 MB,640x360,16:9,Jon_Corzine.webm)


I also hear that porn abstinence causes CANCER.

be careful anons, no more protein or nofap for now

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f1978c No.150874

File: 6a7baf8b69b75b2⋯.png (169.61 KB,600x433,600:433,a_world_without.png)


The process of ketosis lets you have energy without needing carbs (you produce your own energy off of your fat), but for the most part you seem more experienced.

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dc28ad No.151454

I did not sit on such diets. My sister loved such diets. I often ordered vitamins for her from https://www.canadadrugsdirect.com/pharmacy-partner . I often also take vitamins to feel better. I think it is necessary for everyone, especially for people who are on different diets

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