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/fit/ - Fitness, Health, and Feels

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File: c6877450cd6d6df⋯.jpeg (89.42 KB,599x902,599:902,47F2FA9A_BB7F_46D9_BD8B_E….jpeg)

dfd350 No.150722

I don’t excersise at the moment and I don’t lift weights, but do I have a small frame?

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1332fa No.150752

File: 6578faddbcc0837⋯.jpg (24.45 KB,720x363,240:121,1611047115280.jpg)

I do exercise and I think I'm skinnier looking than you. 5'6 manlet, 65kg, can't bench my own body weight. Weak.

pic unrelated

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ae9f26 No.150858

File: cda2a95682cc740⋯.mp4 (630.71 KB,626x360,313:180,french_vs_russian.mp4)

Does it matter where you're at in your journey right this second?

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659ea2 No.151409

Just do some shoulders workout at home

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e6e70e No.151410

if you don't want to go to the gym or don't have time, try calisthenics (you can read more here https://betterme.world/articles/benefits-of-calisthenics/) and eat more meat, it will help you build muscles

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