Pretty consistently terrible ratings. The episode with data's "daughter" in particular, it was just boring and dull besides being seriously stupid, with her constantly "learning" things she should've already known as well as spontaneously generating opinions while feigning "neutrality" (though I guess this is just a general flaw in the concept of Data's character to begin with, to be fair).
Also it's moral is shit, in that it implies a complex machine spontaneously becomes a person (an idiotic and naive opinion), as well as having a big-league stupid and perverse ending. The only entertaining bit of the episode is when the admiral arrives and starts talking some damn sense. Of course Picard starts with some sense as well, but soon enough he's parroting the position of the slack-jawed fool mesmerized by the magical computer machine. And if we forgot for a moment that a computer being conscious because of it's great number of processors makes as much sense as a motor being conscious because of it's great number of gears, that just makes the ending worse; well my daughter died, but that's okay, because I absorbed her mind into my own! This is some really sick shit, who thought that that should be the parting moment of cold comfort?
But besides that, some of the most atrociously shit taste I've ever seen. Bad ratings across the board, great episodes rated low (the defector was brilliant), shit episodes rated high ("The Picard, the Picard wants me to do this arbitrary nonsense! This is an accurate depiction of how myths and religions developed, not just a gay fedora pop-psych meme!" episode was terrible; same story as lal: gay, boring, stupid, etc). Incredible that you could be so wrong so consistently, well done.
But overall unironically good thread, thanks for taking the time to put it together.