How stupid is the idea of the Prophets?
I mean its the perfect example of writers throwing in stupid ideas to make them look alien, in the end they(writers and the Prophets) only look retarded.
>pleasure what is this
>Time what is this
>Destroy him! Or he will destroy us!
>death what is this
>pleasure what is this
its really hard to imagine anything existing without the concept of pleasure and pain.
>Time what is this
If you don't understand the concept of time you are defective.
>Destroy him! Or he will destroy us!
>death what is this
The literal fuck?
1) if you understand the concept of stooping to to exist you understand death. do your retarded
>death what is this
Makes you look retarded
2) HOW? Are you implying you the Prophets can not die?
Rating 10/10 on the absurdity pure TV bullshit.