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R:274 / I:98 / P:1 [R] [G] [-]

Lolicon Market.

While the game is still in progress, The goal is to make a text based dating sim with tons of alt routes and multiple play styles. I just started on making Day03, so let me know what you think and how to improve. I'm aware of most of the typos and inconsistencies but I'm not the best at grammar so any help is appreciated.

Game Link: https://allthefallen.ninja/forum/index.php?attachments/lolicon_market_0-2_final_revised-twine1-4-2-html.185837/

(direct link)

(trying not to fuck up the thread like I did last time.)

R:2 / I:0 / P:1 [R] [G] [-]

The Elder Scrolls Modding: Why You Still Play Skyrim Edition

Foreword: TES series possesses an uncanny quality. It manages to draw so many adult modders to it and it’s no doubt that Bethesda has benefited immensely from this franchise quite possibly being the greatest unintentional adult gaming franchise. Although Daggerfall foreshadowed this. Because of this, /hgg/ deservedly needs a recurring thread with helpful information that encompasses TES games. The uncanny nature of TES Adult Modding in turn means that TES mod threads can easily be the cornerstone of this board without even trying.

For now, this Edition will begin by focusing on Skyrim. Feel free to talk about lewd modding other TES games and share advice. Note:' If you want SSE, check the second from bottom link and decide based on your fetishes and what’s available. Then start from here but go to associated SSE links. Most mods for LE have SSE equivalents. Note 2: If you absolutely need loli and shota, skip to the bottom of this and start there first.

Getting Started

Go to: https://www.tesgeneral.com/

< But I don’t want to install a gorillion mods! I just want to fap!

You don’t have to install every recommended mod on there per category. The section you should pay the most attention to is, Essentials. You should want to crashproof your game as best as possible. Many mods listed there are prerequisites that most other mods use. This especially applies to lewd mods.



>buying skyrim

Ignore all advice insisting that neglecting those causes issues.

> I got the essentials setup, now what?

Go to: http://loverslab.com/

< But the site is not loading at all!

You better hope it’s not down for good. Give it a minute. It has been having problems lately. Loverslab has nearly every lewd mod for Oblivion, Skyrim, and SSE. This is your new home.

1. Go to: http://www.loverslab.com/topic/19588-sexlab-index/

1.A. Doublecheck Required Files For All Plugins to make sure you didn’t skip any listed in Essentials

1.B. Install Sexlab Framework

2. Go to: https://www.loverslab.com/files/file/2476-all-in-one-hdt-animated-pussy/ - this gets you not just the bare minimum but quite possibly everything you will need aside from Sexlab.

Note: AIO HDT AP gets you started, but it is its own style and setup, so to speak. Once you get your footing, you might find some things you wish it didn’t use due to compatibility or personal preference. It is however an amazing all-in-one pack. You might end up not changing a thing.

3. Go back to Sexlab Index in #1, start shopping for plugins that fit your kinks.

4. Start browsing the forums. Not everything is listed in Sexlab Index, from mods to animation packs. Consider the Skyrim Adult Mods sub-forum or Sexlab Downloads sub-forum your next stop.

Protip: Test out a handful of mods at a time, especially ones you’re unsure are working or depend on others. If you use an Alternate Start type mod (bypasses the long intro), this will help speed you along.

> I got my mods setup, is there anything else I should add?

If you're just lewd modding, you're done. If you plan on playing + lewd modding, figure out what you need to compliment your lewd mods. If your PC can handle it, view the recommended ENBs.

> gib modpack pls

Maybe someone down the line will make one, but keep in mind that the gargantuan size of modded skyrim can easily be 100GB. You might find that a modpack will center around a fetish that’s not yours. All general issues with modpacks apply.

> but SSE?

SSE modding either has everything you want from LE, or almost everything. For Lewd modding, check here. If your fetish is still stuck in LE, don’t give up. Follow conversion tips or instructions:


> gimme loli/shota

Visit our friends at the ATF. Choose LE and SSE based on what’s available and your preferences. This is your new home.




Why the extra work? Loverslab explicitly blocked child interactions in the Sexlab framework. Any questions related to loli or shota is a question for the ATF. The ATF chose version 1.59c as its base version. This means that some Loverslab mods meant for 1.62b will not work with it.

Potentially useful historical note: https://archive.fo/Ucvyj [lolicon.legacywaste.org snapshot]

Personally untested, but the owner of legacywaste has a still live link to an unblocked Sexlab version 1.61b

R:449 / I:284 / P:1 [R] [G] [-]

Illusion Play Home Thread

Illusion's latest game is finally out! Play Home is the latest in Illusion's "unofficial" Rapelay series of games. If you like Honey Select, then you'll like this game as well.





MEGA Folder with mods, translations, & utilities


R:2 / I:0 / P:1 [R] [G] [-]


Hey anons, we have moved over at https://prolikewoah.com/hgg/ for quite some time now. Please come join us!

R:302 / I:87 / P:1 [R] [G] [-]

"Welcome, to the Forest of Lewd Elves!" Thread 2

Because it's so rare to get a decent vanilla game these days I am not letting interest in this game die until we find a way to get it translated

VNDB link:


This torrent comes with the game's crack:


R:131 / I:35 / P:1 [R] [G] [-]

Meta Thread 6: We're Fucked



>Contact Info:


>Board Logs:


>Public Bans:


>Board Settings:


>Banners: (Feel free to submit more!)


>File size must be lower than 500 KB and dimensions are 300x100 exactly.

>You may upload up to 300 custom banners per board.

>Allowed file formats are .jpg, .png, and .gif.

Only CodeMonkey (CM) can change these.

Due to the recent daily site wide spam the BO has set the 'Maximum number of threads per hour boardwide' to 0 (Edit: 29/05, Ron recently updated the option to make a lot more sense).

This has now been reverted back to five (the previous value).

Yes that might mean the spammer has won however on the flip side if his spam is ignored and allow to sit (e.g. >>>/co/) one can also suggest that he has won as well.

Feel free to discuss Meta stuff ITT.

If you have to privately contact the current BO: hggbo@airmail.cc

Or look at the contact us page for the emails of the vols.This thread may be periodically edited/updated.

Previous meta threads:

V: https://archive.is/wip/O3ORm

IV: https://archive.is/oaZ57

III: https://archive.fo/tms0p

II: https://archive.is/PYHXH

I: https://archive.is/eqWQU


>Why isn't this thread stickied?

Because we assume you can use ctrl+f and locate it. Stickying would clutter the front page.

>Why was I banned? I didn't break any rules?

Please refer to the rules, or posts in the thread around the same time you were banned. Most of the vols will archive why they banned someone, sometimes they won't post the ban so as not to clutter the thread, sometimes they don't archive. They usually have a good reason for banning you and will respond if asked though.

>I shouldn't have been banned!

Report it to one of the vols. All of our emails are in the contact section. If the ban is less than 8 hours, you might not get a response. If you legit shouldn't have been banned, the issue will typically be quickly resolved.

>Why are some bans visible in the thread while some only appear in the logs?

Personal preference of the vol. Sometimes a public statement makes it clear that we're super serious or are just fucking around, but sometimes a quiet ban is preferable if it's irrelevant to the current discussion/thread.

>Some vols only give short five minute bans while others give 8+ hour bans!

Each vol has their own way of dealing with bannable offenses. Some of us take a laxer approach than others, such as editing posts and giving warning bans for first-time offenders, but that's not guaranteed and is a personal preference, not a requirement. Don't take it for granted. We all take a hardline stance on repeat offenders more or less. Just consider it the luck of the draw and a risk you're going to have to take if you violate the rules. It's not our fault if you didn't read the rules page linked on the front page.

Edit: To make it more clear, 8 hours is what the bans are generally supposed to be for first offenses.

>I'm not receiving a reply! My report is going unnoticed!

If you don't immediately receive a reply, its because we usually will let a few posts stack up before replying. We also work or go to school, so while some of us check the thread during the day, we might not be able to respond to something in a ten or thirty minute break unless it requires an immediate and brief response.

>Can I make a thread about X?

You can make a thread about anything really so long as it follows the OP quality rule. Threads that are completely unrelated to porn or are furry/NTR are likely to get the B&D treatment though.

>I'm an X, so why can't I namefag?

Read the rules.

>Why aren't old threads just left up?

Because it would clutter the board and kick dead but reviveable threads off the board entirely. An exception has been made to keep the previous thread up for a little while, but not forever.

>Why are some threads purged while other threads left up?


<Dev interactivity and non-shitposting activity for the threads will be considered when deciding to delete it or not after the time period for 0.0001 alpha games (currently set to two weeks since the last post).

Some vols take a more liberal stance than others on this rule's application, but basically pump-and-dump threads will be deleted after two weeks while threads that had lots of activity or quality OPs will generally be left up after two weeks so as to allow further discussion down the line.

On 3/29: Furfags and Cuckshit have been given a soft ban. Please read: >>330674 Please use another board for such content. Options include but are not limited to…



1/31/2020 EDIT: Fixed the links and archived the most recent previous meta thread.

R:12 / I:0 / P:1 [R] [G] [-]

Programmer here. At some point, I want to make a lewd game with you perverts.

I want to start off with a simple text based game - got a story? Is it complete? I can help make it.

Got an artist? Let's go.

Can we get an open source movement for lewd interactive games? Is there one already?

Please answer my barrage of questions.

R:0 / I:0 / P:1 [R] [G] [-]

Das perfekte Ziel für Casino-Fans

Wenn du auf der Suche nach einer unterhaltsamen und seriösen Online-Casino-Plattform bist, dann schau dir https://lordlucky.org/ an. Die Seite bietet eine große Auswahl an Spielen, von klassischen Slots bis hin zu modernen Casino-Titeln, und ist für Spieler aller Erfahrungsstufen geeignet. Mit einer intuitiven Benutzeroberfläche und vielen spannenden Features sorgt Lordlucky für ein aufregendes Spielerlebnis. Egal ob du neu dabei bist oder ein erfahrener Casino-Fan – auf dieser Plattform wirst du definitiv fündig!

R:6 / I:4 / P:1 [R] [G] [-]

TripleBunny games

Any game that TripleBunny artist either made or had a hand in making.

On a related note, Mermaid Nutrition is finally updated to 2.00 edition!


>new point of view

looks promising, wondering if it's worth getting, if anyone has any info on the update

R:66 / I:9 / P:1 [R] [G] [-]

No Haven

Rags Game based around rolling dice.

Slavery and other sexy elements may also occur.

Old thread filled up before I could post it, so here ya all go.

Link to Loaded Dice: https://mega.nz/#!aMhmyYqK!lg3101nQ_Ejgu8hcUVuNnzthGVJHiROrCC3n5fvpn8c



-General Update and misc. bug fixes.

-Redundant code removed.

-Fixed base game bugs.

-Gold, Supplies, and Slave/Slaver Total are now all contained under Quality of Life.

-Started work on smoothing the menus and making it more user friendly.

-Biomancy and Corruption got streamlined a little. Just assume this always happens.

-Clothing Generator should be a bit more reliable now that I've nerfed its RNG. However, still expect to not get what you want.

-New Feature: PC Slave Training. Extra beta and buggy. It works, but in a way that it shouldn't.

Next Update should be so soon that it might not be worth it to download.

R:144 / I:8 / P:1 [R] [G] [-]

Planning on translating a complets game.

I have already made tools to encrypt and decrypt the scripts, from the little information I could get about the C4 engine. I need some help with modifying the scripts. Anyone with some tips on this?

R:14 / I:3 / P:1 [R] [G] [-]

Anyone Got Any Good Run or Rape Games?

Love shit like Ayuri Crisis, Anthophobia, really anything as long as there's some gameplay. It could even be something like Goblin Walker. Visual Novels have become pretty boring for me.

Anyway here's my list of the best RUN OR RAPE games

Alien Quest Eve

Ayuri Crisis

Dungeon Maid

Goblin Walker

And here are some more meh ones

Fighting Girl Sakura R


Ghost Hunter Vena


Unholy Disaster

Wolf's Dungeon:


Shota Fight

R:40 / I:7 / P:1 [R] [G] [-]

Is there any good mobile hentai games? I find it hard to have time alone in the family pc.

>inb4 underage

I'm just poor

R:725 / I:120 / P:1 [R] [G] [-]


>What is Stationmaster?

Stationmaster is a slave management game (heavily inspired by Free Cities) with base-building and 4X conquest. Set up a brothel, use the money to buy ships, and conquer the galaxy (keeping the princesses for your harem, of course).

-Sexual slavery

-Lots of rape, torture, and general sadism

-Breeding (with growth tanks to raise the babies to usable age in reasonable time)


-3D Graphics (with animation)

-A shitload of other stuff

>Latest public build:


For Mac and Linux, Wine is more reliable than Unity's dedicated builds. Just make sure to set it to 64-bit.

The extreme content mod unlocks all of the rape, torture, and incest that would get me banned from Patreon. Install it by placing the file in the directory with the EXE:


I posted this here back in April when it first released, and it's come a long way since then. Your feedback was well-taken, and a lot of it has made it in since then. It's got pregnancy/childbirth, a dairy, a complete graphical overhaul of the station view, faction leaders, and more other changes than I could possibly list here. The current patron build adds pathfinding to the station view, a spa, more furniture for the dairy, and a bunch of new assignments for obedient slaves (like madame, recruiter, and head girl).

Next patch is going to be the fighting pit, where slaves fight each-other, citizens, or monsters captured during events.

R:715 / I:371 / P:2 [R] [G] [-]

BISHOP General 7

(last one hit 751)

>Shihai no Kyoudan is out http://www.bishop.gr.jp/products/pod/index.html

>Sansha Mendan pristine excellent translation released: https://dekirutranslations.wordpress.com/2017/11/30/sansha-mendan-immoral-edition-full-translation-patch/

Links to Sofmap drama CD's

Anju Matsuura (KTJK): https://mega.nz/#!2y4A2TxI!RzEauBC2cP-GcjVexE8PQNn4Qw96OBxAaDLsXCJ8Hnw

Miria Matsubara (SnK): https://mega.nz/#!zjQznCZR!GRI_eQwlgHMkUgUekiJAISwEgZyRQ4S6v4mvjGgIdrs

So to get the party reinvigorated, let me start in with this: I am thoroughly satisfied with SnK but I think there are two things missing, the first being non-H scenes where the girls are shown off first ala previous Bishop titles. We haven't had that for the last two games and though it saves on time and budget not to have them it did lend a certain something to games which do have them. It's fun to see the girls in their native habitat or routine before the protag hard comes in.

The second thing is an explicit event where the protag explains the "breeding" motive like in KTJK (we just go from enslavement to ritual breeding sessions and it feels a bit like we skipped a scene, but maybe it's just me).

What do you think, anons?

R:12 / I:4 / P:2 [R] [G] [-]

Ugoku E.C.M + Zankuro (complete collection) v1.15

This is a repack compiled by me which includes all E.C.M games (1-to-5) + all works made by the artist Zankuro, including all his doujinshis and drawings. It took me a really long time to find some of these files, so please enjoy them.

Download here:





R:641 / I:86 / P:2 [R] [G] [-]

CK2: Extreme Inbreeding Edition

Super simple flat forehead directions:

Step 1: Install this version of CK2 Holy Fury


Step 2: Unzip this premade pack directly into

C:\Users\xxxxx\Documents\Paradox Interactive\Crusader Kings II


Step 3: Enable mods in launcher. You're finished.

Note: I got rid of the Varangian Guard events because they were breaking absolutely everything, I've not had a single bug or issue since with anything else. YMMV. If you have any issues, let me know.

Note2: I'm a dipshit and put the subject in name on accident so I recreated the post . _ .

R:0 / I:0 / P:2 [R] [G] [-]

Use this site https://hentaiz.org/. Just perfect thing i found at internet. Look at big tits and good penetrations

R:3 / I:1 / P:2 [R] [G] [-]

Lewd Cursed Trio



A super basic game, just dipping my toes in to start.

R:0 / I:0 / P:2 [R] [G] [-]

Grasping the Fundamental Parts in Pallet Racking Systems

Utilizing Pallet Racking to Enhance Stock Handling

No matter of the size or nature of a storage facility or perhaps satisfaction centre, racking rack units remain an crucial factor within procedures.

Storage storage solutions are usually incredibly adaptable storage space solutions that will can very easily modify in order to connect with the particular storage area needs associated with any enterprise.

Discerning racking systems operates about a new initial within, initial out and about (FIFO) theory to permit precise stock rotator within industrial environments ..

Choosing out there a good racking shelf method that may offers the actual perfect combo involving peak, width, and also depth will certainly enable the factory for you to improve straight storage room.

https://rgpalletracking.com - Researching racking racking price to ensure economical selections

http://galeki.is-programmer.com/guestbook - Optimizing Inventory Space Through Pallet Racking Techniques 7_ec2a9

R:734 / I:118 / P:2 [R] [G] [-]

Corruption of Champions: Jumping the Shark Edition

This is the Corruption of Champions mod being developed by OtherCoCAnon and the denizens of /hgg/.

Corruption of Champions is a text-based flash game overhauled with new dungeons, new mechanics, new characters, and a lot of lolis.

The mod is open to content submissions, anons can and are writing new content to be implemented all the time.


Latest Version (


Use a standalone flash player (projector), this shit is no longer supported by any web browser.

Remember to save to file to prevent save loss.



>Game Related

Source Code: https://gitgud.io/BelshazzarII/CoCAnon_mod

Changelog: https://pastebin.com/CDU8byhd

>Thread Related

Previous thread: >>364618

Thread Archives: https://gitgud.io/Blank/CoCAnon_mod/raw/OPT/Archives

OP Template: https://pastebin.com/raw/q38Ccy3n

>Writing Related

Content Submissions (Chronicles): https://docs.google.com/document/d/1iuDsLw3PxshvL8yYUkOeiJr6DSJ7zpjaeGvumF65l_I

Submission & Misc. Archive: https://drive.google.com/open?id=1LGK4sPuWH69iEZ9ZmX2fnfDRrhj7h4hQ

Writing Guide: https://docs.google.com/document/d/1PGysInt0S0VHYvPv0b__4xpHqrfbE-zikQiRonsnUsU

Bounty Board: https://docs.google.com/document/d/1ZUtah0gtbBQzB5kM7wElYlcNAwU8-QOgNkovO0_7WUI

R:0 / I:0 / P:2 [R] [G] [-]

The Elder Scrolls Modding: Why You Still Play Skyrim Edition

Foreword: TES series possesses an uncanny quality. It manages to draw so many adult modders to it and it’s no doubt that Bethesda has benefited immensely from this franchise quite possibly being the greatest unintentional adult gaming franchise. Although Daggerfall foreshadowed this. Because of this, /hgg/ deservedly needs a recurring thread with helpful information that encompasses TES games. The uncanny nature of TES Adult Modding in turn means that TES mod threads can easily be the cornerstone of this board without even trying.

For now, this Edition will begin by focusing on Skyrim. Feel free to talk about lewd modding other TES games and share advice. Note:' If you want SSE, check the second from bottom link and decide based on your fetishes and what’s available. Then start from here but go to associated SSE links. Most mods for LE have SSE equivalents. Note 2: If you absolutely need loli and shota, skip to the bottom of this and start there first.

Getting Started

Go to: https://www.tesgeneral.com/

< But I don’t want to install a gorillion mods! I just want to fap!

You don’t have to install every recommended mod on there per category. The section you should pay the most attention to is, Essentials. You should want to crashproof your game as best as possible. Many mods listed there are prerequisites that most other mods use. This especially applies to lewd mods.



>buying skyrim

Ignore all advice insisting that neglecting those causes issues.

> I got the essentials setup, now what?

Go to: http://loverslab.com/

< But the site is not loading at all!

You better hope it’s not down for good. Give it a minute. It has been having problems lately. Loverslab has nearly every lewd mod for Oblivion, Skyrim, and SSE. This is your new home.

1. Go to: http://www.loverslab.com/topic/19588-sexlab-index/

1.A. Doublecheck Required Files For All Plugins to make sure you didn’t skip any listed in Essentials

1.B. Install Sexlab Framework

2. Go to: https://www.loverslab.com/files/file/2476-all-in-one-hdt-animated-pussy/ - this gets you not just the bare minimum but quite possibly everything you will need aside from Sexlab.

Note: AIO HDT AP gets you started, but it is its own style and setup, so to speak. Once you get your footing, you might find some things you wish it didn’t use due to compatibility or personal preference. It is however an amazing all-in-one pack. You might end up not changing a thing.

3. Go back to Sexlab Index in #1, start shopping for plugins that fit your kinks.

4. Start browsing the forums. Not everything is listed in Sexlab Index, from mods to animation packs. Consider the Skyrim Adult Mods sub-forum or Sexlab Downloads sub-forum your next stop.

Protip: Test out a handful of mods at a time, especially ones you’re unsure are working or depend on others. If you use an Alternate Start type mod (bypasses the long intro), this will help speed you along.

> I got my mods setup, is there anything else I should add?

If you're just lewd modding, you're done. If you plan on playing + lewd modding, figure out what you need to compliment your lewd mods. If your PC can handle it, view the recommended ENBs.

> gib modpack pls

Maybe someone down the line will make one, but keep in mind that the gargantuan size of modded skyrim can easily be 100GB. You might find that a modpack will center around a fetish that’s not yours. All general issues with modpacks apply.

> but SSE?

SSE modding either has everything you want from LE, or almost everything. For Lewd modding, check here. If your fetish is still stuck in LE, don’t give up. Follow conversion tips or instructions:


> gimme loli/shota

Visit our friends at the ATF. Choose LE and SSE based on what’s available and your preferences. This is your new home.




Why the extra work? Loverslab explicitly blocked child interactions in the Sexlab framework. Any questions related to loli or shota is a question for the ATF. The ATF chose version 1.59c as its base version. This means that some Loverslab mods meant for 1.62b will not work with it.

Potentially useful historical note: https://archive.fo/Ucvyj [lolicon.legacywaste.org snapshot]

Personally untested, but the owner of legacywaste has a still live link to an unblocked Sexlab version 1.61b

R:0 / I:0 / P:2 [R] [G] [-]

The Elder Scrolls Modding: Why You Still Play Skyrim Edition

Foreword: TES series possesses an uncanny quality. It manages to draw so many adult modders to it and it’s no doubt that Bethesda has benefited immensely from this franchise quite possibly being the greatest unintentional adult gaming franchise. Although Daggerfall foreshadowed this. Because of this, /hgg/ deservedly needs a recurring thread with helpful information that encompasses TES games. The uncanny nature of TES Adult Modding in turn means that TES mod threads can easily be the cornerstone of this board without even trying.

For now, this Edition will begin by focusing on Skyrim. Feel free to talk about lewd modding other TES games and share advice. Note:' If you want SSE, check the second from bottom link and decide based on your fetishes and what’s available. Then start from here but go to associated SSE links. Most mods for LE have SSE equivalents. Note 2: If you absolutely need loli and shota, skip to the bottom of this and start there first.

Getting Started

Go to: https://www.tesgeneral.com/

< But I don’t want to install a gorillion mods! I just want to fap!

You don’t have to install every recommended mod on there per category. The section you should pay the most attention to is, Essentials. You should want to crashproof your game as best as possible. Many mods listed there are prerequisites that most other mods use. This especially applies to lewd mods.



>buying skyrim

Ignore all advice insisting that neglecting those causes issues.

> I got the essentials setup, now what?

Go to: http://loverslab.com/

< But the site is not loading at all!

You better hope it’s not down for good. Give it a minute. It has been having problems lately. Loverslab has nearly every lewd mod for Oblivion, Skyrim, and SSE. This is your new home.

1. Go to: http://www.loverslab.com/topic/19588-sexlab-index/

1.A. Doublecheck Required Files For All Plugins to make sure you didn’t skip any listed in Essentials

1.B. Install Sexlab Framework

2. Go to: https://www.loverslab.com/files/file/2476-all-in-one-hdt-animated-pussy/ - this gets you not just the bare minimum but quite possibly everything you will need aside from Sexlab.

Note: AIO HDT AP gets you started, but it is its own style and setup, so to speak. Once you get your footing, you might find some things you wish it didn’t use due to compatibility or personal preference. It is however an amazing all-in-one pack. You might end up not changing a thing.

3. Go back to Sexlab Index in #1, start shopping for plugins that fit your kinks.

4. Start browsing the forums. Not everything is listed in Sexlab Index, from mods to animation packs. Consider the Skyrim Adult Mods sub-forum or Sexlab Downloads sub-forum your next stop.

Protip: Test out a handful of mods at a time, especially ones you’re unsure are working or depend on others. If you use an Alternate Start type mod (bypasses the long intro), this will help speed you along.

> I got my mods setup, is there anything else I should add?

If you're just lewd modding, you're done. If you plan on playing + lewd modding, figure out what you need to compliment your lewd mods. If your PC can handle it, view the recommended ENBs.

> gib modpack pls

Maybe someone down the line will make one, but keep in mind that the gargantuan size of modded skyrim can easily be 100GB. You might find that a modpack will center around a fetish that’s not yours. All general issues with modpacks apply.

> but SSE?

SSE modding either has everything you want from LE, or almost everything. For Lewd modding, check here. If your fetish is still stuck in LE, don’t give up. Follow conversion tips or instructions:


> gimme loli/shota

Visit our friends at the ATF. Choose LE and SSE based on what’s available and your preferences. This is your new home.




Why the extra work? Loverslab explicitly blocked child interactions in the Sexlab framework. Any questions related to loli or shota is a question for the ATF. The ATF chose version 1.59c as its base version. This means that some Loverslab mods meant for 1.62b will not work with it.

Potentially useful historical note: https://archive.fo/Ucvyj [lolicon.legacywaste.org snapshot]

Personally untested, but the owner of legacywaste has a still live link to an unblocked Sexlab version 1.61b

R:0 / I:0 / P:2 [R] [G] [-]

The Elder Scrolls Modding: Why You Still Play Skyrim Edition

Foreword: TES series possesses an uncanny quality. It manages to draw so many adult modders to it and it’s no doubt that Bethesda has benefited immensely from this franchise quite possibly being the greatest unintentional adult gaming franchise. Although Daggerfall foreshadowed this. Because of this, /hgg/ deservedly needs a recurring thread with helpful information that encompasses TES games. The uncanny nature of TES Adult Modding in turn means that TES mod threads can easily be the cornerstone of this board without even trying.

For now, this Edition will begin by focusing on Skyrim. Feel free to talk about lewd modding other TES games and share advice. Note:' If you want SSE, check the second from bottom link and decide based on your fetishes and what’s available. Then start from here but go to associated SSE links. Most mods for LE have SSE equivalents. Note 2: If you absolutely need loli and shota, skip to the bottom of this and start there first.

Getting Started

Go to: https://www.tesgeneral.com/

< But I don’t want to install a gorillion mods! I just want to fap!

You don’t have to install every recommended mod on there per category. The section you should pay the most attention to is, Essentials. You should want to crashproof your game as best as possible. Many mods listed there are prerequisites that most other mods use. This especially applies to lewd mods.



>buying skyrim

Ignore all advice insisting that neglecting those causes issues.

> I got the essentials setup, now what?

Go to: http://loverslab.com/

< But the site is not loading at all!

You better hope it’s not down for good. Give it a minute. It has been having problems lately. Loverslab has nearly every lewd mod for Oblivion, Skyrim, and SSE. This is your new home.

1. Go to: http://www.loverslab.com/topic/19588-sexlab-index/

1.A. Doublecheck Required Files For All Plugins to make sure you didn’t skip any listed in Essentials

1.B. Install Sexlab Framework

2. Go to: https://www.loverslab.com/files/file/2476-all-in-one-hdt-animated-pussy/ - this gets you not just the bare minimum but quite possibly everything you will need aside from Sexlab.

Note: AIO HDT AP gets you started, but it is its own style and setup, so to speak. Once you get your footing, you might find some things you wish it didn’t use due to compatibility or personal preference. It is however an amazing all-in-one pack. You might end up not changing a thing.

3. Go back to Sexlab Index in #1, start shopping for plugins that fit your kinks.

4. Start browsing the forums. Not everything is listed in Sexlab Index, from mods to animation packs. Consider the Skyrim Adult Mods sub-forum or Sexlab Downloads sub-forum your next stop.

Protip: Test out a handful of mods at a time, especially ones you’re unsure are working or depend on others. If you use an Alternate Start type mod (bypasses the long intro), this will help speed you along.

> I got my mods setup, is there anything else I should add?

If you're just lewd modding, you're done. If you plan on playing + lewd modding, figure out what you need to compliment your lewd mods. If your PC can handle it, view the recommended ENBs.

> gib modpack pls

Maybe someone down the line will make one, but keep in mind that the gargantuan size of modded skyrim can easily be 100GB. You might find that a modpack will center around a fetish that’s not yours. All general issues with modpacks apply.

> but SSE?

SSE modding either has everything you want from LE, or almost everything. For Lewd modding, check here. If your fetish is still stuck in LE, don’t give up. Follow conversion tips or instructions:


> gimme loli/shota

Visit our friends at the ATF. Choose LE and SSE based on what’s available and your preferences. This is your new home.




Why the extra work? Loverslab explicitly blocked child interactions in the Sexlab framework. Any questions related to loli or shota is a question for the ATF. The ATF chose version 1.59c as its base version. This means that some Loverslab mods meant for 1.62b will not work with it.

Potentially useful historical note: https://archive.fo/Ucvyj [lolicon.legacywaste.org snapshot]

Personally untested, but the owner of legacywaste has a still live link to an unblocked Sexlab version 1.61b

R:0 / I:0 / P:2 [R] [G] [-]

The Elder Scrolls Modding: Why You Still Play Skyrim Edition

Foreword: TES series possesses an uncanny quality. It manages to draw so many adult modders to it and it’s no doubt that Bethesda has benefited immensely from this franchise quite possibly being the greatest unintentional adult gaming franchise. Although Daggerfall foreshadowed this. Because of this, /hgg/ deservedly needs a recurring thread with helpful information that encompasses TES games. The uncanny nature of TES Adult Modding in turn means that TES mod threads can easily be the cornerstone of this board without even trying.

For now, this Edition will begin by focusing on Skyrim. Feel free to talk about lewd modding other TES games and share advice. Note:' If you want SSE, check the second from bottom link and decide based on your fetishes and what’s available. Then start from here but go to associated SSE links. Most mods for LE have SSE equivalents. Note 2: If you absolutely need loli and shota, skip to the bottom of this and start there first.

Getting Started

Go to: https://www.tesgeneral.com/

< But I don’t want to install a gorillion mods! I just want to fap!

You don’t have to install every recommended mod on there per category. The section you should pay the most attention to is, Essentials. You should want to crashproof your game as best as possible. Many mods listed there are prerequisites that most other mods use. This especially applies to lewd mods.



>buying skyrim

Ignore all advice insisting that neglecting those causes issues.

> I got the essentials setup, now what?

Go to: http://loverslab.com/

< But the site is not loading at all!

You better hope it’s not down for good. Give it a minute. It has been having problems lately. Loverslab has nearly every lewd mod for Oblivion, Skyrim, and SSE. This is your new home.

1. Go to: http://www.loverslab.com/topic/19588-sexlab-index/

1.A. Doublecheck Required Files For All Plugins to make sure you didn’t skip any listed in Essentials

1.B. Install Sexlab Framework

2. Go to: https://www.loverslab.com/files/file/2476-all-in-one-hdt-animated-pussy/ - this gets you not just the bare minimum but quite possibly everything you will need aside from Sexlab.

Note: AIO HDT AP gets you started, but it is its own style and setup, so to speak. Once you get your footing, you might find some things you wish it didn’t use due to compatibility or personal preference. It is however an amazing all-in-one pack. You might end up not changing a thing.

3. Go back to Sexlab Index in #1, start shopping for plugins that fit your kinks.

4. Start browsing the forums. Not everything is listed in Sexlab Index, from mods to animation packs. Consider the Skyrim Adult Mods sub-forum or Sexlab Downloads sub-forum your next stop.

Protip: Test out a handful of mods at a time, especially ones you’re unsure are working or depend on others. If you use an Alternate Start type mod (bypasses the long intro), this will help speed you along.

> I got my mods setup, is there anything else I should add?

If you're just lewd modding, you're done. If you plan on playing + lewd modding, figure out what you need to compliment your lewd mods. If your PC can handle it, view the recommended ENBs.

> gib modpack pls

Maybe someone down the line will make one, but keep in mind that the gargantuan size of modded skyrim can easily be 100GB. You might find that a modpack will center around a fetish that’s not yours. All general issues with modpacks apply.

> but SSE?

SSE modding either has everything you want from LE, or almost everything. For Lewd modding, check here. If your fetish is still stuck in LE, don’t give up. Follow conversion tips or instructions:


> gimme loli/shota

Visit our friends at the ATF. Choose LE and SSE based on what’s available and your preferences. This is your new home.




Why the extra work? Loverslab explicitly blocked child interactions in the Sexlab framework. Any questions related to loli or shota is a question for the ATF. The ATF chose version 1.59c as its base version. This means that some Loverslab mods meant for 1.62b will not work with it.

Potentially useful historical note: https://archive.fo/Ucvyj [lolicon.legacywaste.org snapshot]

Personally untested, but the owner of legacywaste has a still live link to an unblocked Sexlab version 1.61b

R:0 / I:0 / P:2 [R] [G] [-]

The Elder Scrolls Modding: Why You Still Play Skyrim Edition

Foreword: TES series possesses an uncanny quality. It manages to draw so many adult modders to it and it’s no doubt that Bethesda has benefited immensely from this franchise quite possibly being the greatest unintentional adult gaming franchise. Although Daggerfall foreshadowed this. Because of this, /hgg/ deservedly needs a recurring thread with helpful information that encompasses TES games. The uncanny nature of TES Adult Modding in turn means that TES mod threads can easily be the cornerstone of this board without even trying.

For now, this Edition will begin by focusing on Skyrim. Feel free to talk about lewd modding other TES games and share advice. Note:' If you want SSE, check the second from bottom link and decide based on your fetishes and what’s available. Then start from here but go to associated SSE links. Most mods for LE have SSE equivalents. Note 2: If you absolutely need loli and shota, skip to the bottom of this and start there first.

Getting Started

Go to: https://www.tesgeneral.com/

< But I don’t want to install a gorillion mods! I just want to fap!

You don’t have to install every recommended mod on there per category. The section you should pay the most attention to is, Essentials. You should want to crashproof your game as best as possible. Many mods listed there are prerequisites that most other mods use. This especially applies to lewd mods.



>buying skyrim

Ignore all advice insisting that neglecting those causes issues.

> I got the essentials setup, now what?

Go to: http://loverslab.com/

< But the site is not loading at all!

You better hope it’s not down for good. Give it a minute. It has been having problems lately. Loverslab has nearly every lewd mod for Oblivion, Skyrim, and SSE. This is your new home.

1. Go to: http://www.loverslab.com/topic/19588-sexlab-index/

1.A. Doublecheck Required Files For All Plugins to make sure you didn’t skip any listed in Essentials

1.B. Install Sexlab Framework

2. Go to: https://www.loverslab.com/files/file/2476-all-in-one-hdt-animated-pussy/ - this gets you not just the bare minimum but quite possibly everything you will need aside from Sexlab.

Note: AIO HDT AP gets you started, but it is its own style and setup, so to speak. Once you get your footing, you might find some things you wish it didn’t use due to compatibility or personal preference. It is however an amazing all-in-one pack. You might end up not changing a thing.

3. Go back to Sexlab Index in #1, start shopping for plugins that fit your kinks.

4. Start browsing the forums. Not everything is listed in Sexlab Index, from mods to animation packs. Consider the Skyrim Adult Mods sub-forum or Sexlab Downloads sub-forum your next stop.

Protip: Test out a handful of mods at a time, especially ones you’re unsure are working or depend on others. If you use an Alternate Start type mod (bypasses the long intro), this will help speed you along.

> I got my mods setup, is there anything else I should add?

If you're just lewd modding, you're done. If you plan on playing + lewd modding, figure out what you need to compliment your lewd mods. If your PC can handle it, view the recommended ENBs.

> gib modpack pls

Maybe someone down the line will make one, but keep in mind that the gargantuan size of modded skyrim can easily be 100GB. You might find that a modpack will center around a fetish that’s not yours. All general issues with modpacks apply.

> but SSE?

SSE modding either has everything you want from LE, or almost everything. For Lewd modding, check here. If your fetish is still stuck in LE, don’t give up. Follow conversion tips or instructions:


> gimme loli/shota

Visit our friends at the ATF. Choose LE and SSE based on what’s available and your preferences. This is your new home.




Why the extra work? Loverslab explicitly blocked child interactions in the Sexlab framework. Any questions related to loli or shota is a question for the ATF. The ATF chose version 1.59c as its base version. This means that some Loverslab mods meant for 1.62b will not work with it.

Potentially useful historical note: https://archive.fo/Ucvyj [lolicon.legacywaste.org snapshot]

Personally untested, but the owner of legacywaste has a still live link to an unblocked Sexlab version 1.61b

R:0 / I:0 / P:2 [R] [G] [-]

The Elder Scrolls Modding: Why You Still Play Skyrim Edition

Foreword: TES series possesses an uncanny quality. It manages to draw so many adult modders to it and it’s no doubt that Bethesda has benefited immensely from this franchise quite possibly being the greatest unintentional adult gaming franchise. Although Daggerfall foreshadowed this. Because of this, /hgg/ deservedly needs a recurring thread with helpful information that encompasses TES games. The uncanny nature of TES Adult Modding in turn means that TES mod threads can easily be the cornerstone of this board without even trying.

For now, this Edition will begin by focusing on Skyrim. Feel free to talk about lewd modding other TES games and share advice. Note:' If you want SSE, check the second from bottom link and decide based on your fetishes and what’s available. Then start from here but go to associated SSE links. Most mods for LE have SSE equivalents. Note 2: If you absolutely need loli and shota, skip to the bottom of this and start there first.

Getting Started

Go to: https://www.tesgeneral.com/

< But I don’t want to install a gorillion mods! I just want to fap!

You don’t have to install every recommended mod on there per category. The section you should pay the most attention to is, Essentials. You should want to crashproof your game as best as possible. Many mods listed there are prerequisites that most other mods use. This especially applies to lewd mods.



>buying skyrim

Ignore all advice insisting that neglecting those causes issues.

> I got the essentials setup, now what?

Go to: http://loverslab.com/

< But the site is not loading at all!

You better hope it’s not down for good. Give it a minute. It has been having problems lately. Loverslab has nearly every lewd mod for Oblivion, Skyrim, and SSE. This is your new home.

1. Go to: http://www.loverslab.com/topic/19588-sexlab-index/

1.A. Doublecheck Required Files For All Plugins to make sure you didn’t skip any listed in Essentials

1.B. Install Sexlab Framework

2. Go to: https://www.loverslab.com/files/file/2476-all-in-one-hdt-animated-pussy/ - this gets you not just the bare minimum but quite possibly everything you will need aside from Sexlab.

Note: AIO HDT AP gets you started, but it is its own style and setup, so to speak. Once you get your footing, you might find some things you wish it didn’t use due to compatibility or personal preference. It is however an amazing all-in-one pack. You might end up not changing a thing.

3. Go back to Sexlab Index in #1, start shopping for plugins that fit your kinks.

4. Start browsing the forums. Not everything is listed in Sexlab Index, from mods to animation packs. Consider the Skyrim Adult Mods sub-forum or Sexlab Downloads sub-forum your next stop.

Protip: Test out a handful of mods at a time, especially ones you’re unsure are working or depend on others. If you use an Alternate Start type mod (bypasses the long intro), this will help speed you along.

> I got my mods setup, is there anything else I should add?

If you're just lewd modding, you're done. If you plan on playing + lewd modding, figure out what you need to compliment your lewd mods. If your PC can handle it, view the recommended ENBs.

> gib modpack pls

Maybe someone down the line will make one, but keep in mind that the gargantuan size of modded skyrim can easily be 100GB. You might find that a modpack will center around a fetish that’s not yours. All general issues with modpacks apply.

> but SSE?

SSE modding either has everything you want from LE, or almost everything. For Lewd modding, check here. If your fetish is still stuck in LE, don’t give up. Follow conversion tips or instructions:


> gimme loli/shota

Visit our friends at the ATF. Choose LE and SSE based on what’s available and your preferences. This is your new home.




Why the extra work? Loverslab explicitly blocked child interactions in the Sexlab framework. Any questions related to loli or shota is a question for the ATF. The ATF chose version 1.59c as its base version. This means that some Loverslab mods meant for 1.62b will not work with it.

Potentially useful historical note: https://archive.fo/Ucvyj [lolicon.legacywaste.org snapshot]

Personally untested, but the owner of legacywaste has a still live link to an unblocked Sexlab version 1.61b

R:0 / I:0 / P:2 [R] [G] [-]

The Elder Scrolls Modding: Why You Still Play Skyrim Edition

Foreword: TES series possesses an uncanny quality. It manages to draw so many adult modders to it and it’s no doubt that Bethesda has benefited immensely from this franchise quite possibly being the greatest unintentional adult gaming franchise. Although Daggerfall foreshadowed this. Because of this, /hgg/ deservedly needs a recurring thread with helpful information that encompasses TES games. The uncanny nature of TES Adult Modding in turn means that TES mod threads can easily be the cornerstone of this board without even trying.

For now, this Edition will begin by focusing on Skyrim. Feel free to talk about lewd modding other TES games and share advice. Note:' If you want SSE, check the second from bottom link and decide based on your fetishes and what’s available. Then start from here but go to associated SSE links. Most mods for LE have SSE equivalents. Note 2: If you absolutely need loli and shota, skip to the bottom of this and start there first.

Getting Started

Go to: https://www.tesgeneral.com/

< But I don’t want to install a gorillion mods! I just want to fap!

You don’t have to install every recommended mod on there per category. The section you should pay the most attention to is, Essentials. You should want to crashproof your game as best as possible. Many mods listed there are prerequisites that most other mods use. This especially applies to lewd mods.



>buying skyrim

Ignore all advice insisting that neglecting those causes issues.

> I got the essentials setup, now what?

Go to: http://loverslab.com/

< But the site is not loading at all!

You better hope it’s not down for good. Give it a minute. It has been having problems lately. Loverslab has nearly every lewd mod for Oblivion, Skyrim, and SSE. This is your new home.

1. Go to: http://www.loverslab.com/topic/19588-sexlab-index/

1.A. Doublecheck Required Files For All Plugins to make sure you didn’t skip any listed in Essentials

1.B. Install Sexlab Framework

2. Go to: https://www.loverslab.com/files/file/2476-all-in-one-hdt-animated-pussy/ - this gets you not just the bare minimum but quite possibly everything you will need aside from Sexlab.

Note: AIO HDT AP gets you started, but it is its own style and setup, so to speak. Once you get your footing, you might find some things you wish it didn’t use due to compatibility or personal preference. It is however an amazing all-in-one pack. You might end up not changing a thing.

3. Go back to Sexlab Index in #1, start shopping for plugins that fit your kinks.

4. Start browsing the forums. Not everything is listed in Sexlab Index, from mods to animation packs. Consider the Skyrim Adult Mods sub-forum or Sexlab Downloads sub-forum your next stop.

Protip: Test out a handful of mods at a time, especially ones you’re unsure are working or depend on others. If you use an Alternate Start type mod (bypasses the long intro), this will help speed you along.

> I got my mods setup, is there anything else I should add?

If you're just lewd modding, you're done. If you plan on playing + lewd modding, figure out what you need to compliment your lewd mods. If your PC can handle it, view the recommended ENBs.

> gib modpack pls

Maybe someone down the line will make one, but keep in mind that the gargantuan size of modded skyrim can easily be 100GB. You might find that a modpack will center around a fetish that’s not yours. All general issues with modpacks apply.

> but SSE?

SSE modding either has everything you want from LE, or almost everything. For Lewd modding, check here. If your fetish is still stuck in LE, don’t give up. Follow conversion tips or instructions:


> gimme loli/shota

Visit our friends at the ATF. Choose LE and SSE based on what’s available and your preferences. This is your new home.




Why the extra work? Loverslab explicitly blocked child interactions in the Sexlab framework. Any questions related to loli or shota is a question for the ATF. The ATF chose version 1.59c as its base version. This means that some Loverslab mods meant for 1.62b will not work with it.

Potentially useful historical note: https://archive.fo/Ucvyj [lolicon.legacywaste.org snapshot]

Personally untested, but the owner of legacywaste has a still live link to an unblocked Sexlab version 1.61b

R:0 / I:0 / P:2 [R] [G] [-]

The Elder Scrolls Modding: Why You Still Play Skyrim Edition

Foreword: TES series possesses an uncanny quality. It manages to draw so many adult modders to it and it’s no doubt that Bethesda has benefited immensely from this franchise quite possibly being the greatest unintentional adult gaming franchise. Although Daggerfall foreshadowed this. Because of this, /hgg/ deservedly needs a recurring thread with helpful information that encompasses TES games. The uncanny nature of TES Adult Modding in turn means that TES mod threads can easily be the cornerstone of this board without even trying.

For now, this Edition will begin by focusing on Skyrim. Feel free to talk about lewd modding other TES games and share advice. Note:' If you want SSE, check the second from bottom link and decide based on your fetishes and what’s available. Then start from here but go to associated SSE links. Most mods for LE have SSE equivalents. Note 2: If you absolutely need loli and shota, skip to the bottom of this and start there first.

Getting Started

Go to: https://www.tesgeneral.com/

< But I don’t want to install a gorillion mods! I just want to fap!

You don’t have to install every recommended mod on there per category. The section you should pay the most attention to is, Essentials. You should want to crashproof your game as best as possible. Many mods listed there are prerequisites that most other mods use. This especially applies to lewd mods.



>buying skyrim

Ignore all advice insisting that neglecting those causes issues.

> I got the essentials setup, now what?

Go to: http://loverslab.com/

< But the site is not loading at all!

You better hope it’s not down for good. Give it a minute. It has been having problems lately. Loverslab has nearly every lewd mod for Oblivion, Skyrim, and SSE. This is your new home.

1. Go to: http://www.loverslab.com/topic/19588-sexlab-index/

1.A. Doublecheck Required Files For All Plugins to make sure you didn’t skip any listed in Essentials

1.B. Install Sexlab Framework

2. Go to: https://www.loverslab.com/files/file/2476-all-in-one-hdt-animated-pussy/ - this gets you not just the bare minimum but quite possibly everything you will need aside from Sexlab.

Note: AIO HDT AP gets you started, but it is its own style and setup, so to speak. Once you get your footing, you might find some things you wish it didn’t use due to compatibility or personal preference. It is however an amazing all-in-one pack. You might end up not changing a thing.

3. Go back to Sexlab Index in #1, start shopping for plugins that fit your kinks.

4. Start browsing the forums. Not everything is listed in Sexlab Index, from mods to animation packs. Consider the Skyrim Adult Mods sub-forum or Sexlab Downloads sub-forum your next stop.

Protip: Test out a handful of mods at a time, especially ones you’re unsure are working or depend on others. If you use an Alternate Start type mod (bypasses the long intro), this will help speed you along.

> I got my mods setup, is there anything else I should add?

If you're just lewd modding, you're done. If you plan on playing + lewd modding, figure out what you need to compliment your lewd mods. If your PC can handle it, view the recommended ENBs.

> gib modpack pls

Maybe someone down the line will make one, but keep in mind that the gargantuan size of modded skyrim can easily be 100GB. You might find that a modpack will center around a fetish that’s not yours. All general issues with modpacks apply.

> but SSE?

SSE modding either has everything you want from LE, or almost everything. For Lewd modding, check here. If your fetish is still stuck in LE, don’t give up. Follow conversion tips or instructions:


> gimme loli/shota

Visit our friends at the ATF. Choose LE and SSE based on what’s available and your preferences. This is your new home.




Why the extra work? Loverslab explicitly blocked child interactions in the Sexlab framework. Any questions related to loli or shota is a question for the ATF. The ATF chose version 1.59c as its base version. This means that some Loverslab mods meant for 1.62b will not work with it.

Potentially useful historical note: https://archive.fo/Ucvyj [lolicon.legacywaste.org snapshot]

Personally untested, but the owner of legacywaste has a still live link to an unblocked Sexlab version 1.61b

R:0 / I:0 / P:3 [R] [G] [-]

The Elder Scrolls Modding: Why You Still Play Skyrim Edition

Foreword: TES series possesses an uncanny quality. It manages to draw so many adult modders to it and it’s no doubt that Bethesda has benefited immensely from this franchise quite possibly being the greatest unintentional adult gaming franchise. Although Daggerfall foreshadowed this. Because of this, /hgg/ deservedly needs a recurring thread with helpful information that encompasses TES games. The uncanny nature of TES Adult Modding in turn means that TES mod threads can easily be the cornerstone of this board without even trying.

For now, this Edition will begin by focusing on Skyrim. Feel free to talk about lewd modding other TES games and share advice. Note:' If you want SSE, check the second from bottom link and decide based on your fetishes and what’s available. Then start from here but go to associated SSE links. Most mods for LE have SSE equivalents. Note 2: If you absolutely need loli and shota, skip to the bottom of this and start there first.

Getting Started

Go to: https://www.tesgeneral.com/

< But I don’t want to install a gorillion mods! I just want to fap!

You don’t have to install every recommended mod on there per category. The section you should pay the most attention to is, Essentials. You should want to crashproof your game as best as possible. Many mods listed there are prerequisites that most other mods use. This especially applies to lewd mods.



>buying skyrim

Ignore all advice insisting that neglecting those causes issues.

> I got the essentials setup, now what?

Go to: http://loverslab.com/

< But the site is not loading at all!

You better hope it’s not down for good. Give it a minute. It has been having problems lately. Loverslab has nearly every lewd mod for Oblivion, Skyrim, and SSE. This is your new home.

1. Go to: http://www.loverslab.com/topic/19588-sexlab-index/

1.A. Doublecheck Required Files For All Plugins to make sure you didn’t skip any listed in Essentials

1.B. Install Sexlab Framework

2. Go to: https://www.loverslab.com/files/file/2476-all-in-one-hdt-animated-pussy/ - this gets you not just the bare minimum but quite possibly everything you will need aside from Sexlab.

Note: AIO HDT AP gets you started, but it is its own style and setup, so to speak. Once you get your footing, you might find some things you wish it didn’t use due to compatibility or personal preference. It is however an amazing all-in-one pack. You might end up not changing a thing.

3. Go back to Sexlab Index in #1, start shopping for plugins that fit your kinks.

4. Start browsing the forums. Not everything is listed in Sexlab Index, from mods to animation packs. Consider the Skyrim Adult Mods sub-forum or Sexlab Downloads sub-forum your next stop.

Protip: Test out a handful of mods at a time, especially ones you’re unsure are working or depend on others. If you use an Alternate Start type mod (bypasses the long intro), this will help speed you along.

> I got my mods setup, is there anything else I should add?

If you're just lewd modding, you're done. If you plan on playing + lewd modding, figure out what you need to compliment your lewd mods. If your PC can handle it, view the recommended ENBs.

> gib modpack pls

Maybe someone down the line will make one, but keep in mind that the gargantuan size of modded skyrim can easily be 100GB. You might find that a modpack will center around a fetish that’s not yours. All general issues with modpacks apply.

> but SSE?

SSE modding either has everything you want from LE, or almost everything. For Lewd modding, check here. If your fetish is still stuck in LE, don’t give up. Follow conversion tips or instructions:


> gimme loli/shota

Visit our friends at the ATF. Choose LE and SSE based on what’s available and your preferences. This is your new home.




Why the extra work? Loverslab explicitly blocked child interactions in the Sexlab framework. Any questions related to loli or shota is a question for the ATF. The ATF chose version 1.59c as its base version. This means that some Loverslab mods meant for 1.62b will not work with it.

Potentially useful historical note: https://archive.fo/Ucvyj [lolicon.legacywaste.org snapshot]

Personally untested, but the owner of legacywaste has a still live link to an unblocked Sexlab version 1.61b

R:0 / I:0 / P:3 [R] [G] [-]

The Elder Scrolls Modding: Why You Still Play Skyrim Edition

Foreword: TES series possesses an uncanny quality. It manages to draw so many adult modders to it and it’s no doubt that Bethesda has benefited immensely from this franchise quite possibly being the greatest unintentional adult gaming franchise. Although Daggerfall foreshadowed this. Because of this, /hgg/ deservedly needs a recurring thread with helpful information that encompasses TES games. The uncanny nature of TES Adult Modding in turn means that TES mod threads can easily be the cornerstone of this board without even trying.

For now, this Edition will begin by focusing on Skyrim. Feel free to talk about lewd modding other TES games and share advice. Note:' If you want SSE, check the second from bottom link and decide based on your fetishes and what’s available. Then start from here but go to associated SSE links. Most mods for LE have SSE equivalents. Note 2: If you absolutely need loli and shota, skip to the bottom of this and start there first.

Getting Started

Go to: https://www.tesgeneral.com/

< But I don’t want to install a gorillion mods! I just want to fap!

You don’t have to install every recommended mod on there per category. The section you should pay the most attention to is, Essentials. You should want to crashproof your game as best as possible. Many mods listed there are prerequisites that most other mods use. This especially applies to lewd mods.



>buying skyrim

Ignore all advice insisting that neglecting those causes issues.

> I got the essentials setup, now what?

Go to: http://loverslab.com/

< But the site is not loading at all!

You better hope it’s not down for good. Give it a minute. It has been having problems lately. Loverslab has nearly every lewd mod for Oblivion, Skyrim, and SSE. This is your new home.

1. Go to: http://www.loverslab.com/topic/19588-sexlab-index/

1.A. Doublecheck Required Files For All Plugins to make sure you didn’t skip any listed in Essentials

1.B. Install Sexlab Framework

2. Go to: https://www.loverslab.com/files/file/2476-all-in-one-hdt-animated-pussy/ - this gets you not just the bare minimum but quite possibly everything you will need aside from Sexlab.

Note: AIO HDT AP gets you started, but it is its own style and setup, so to speak. Once you get your footing, you might find some things you wish it didn’t use due to compatibility or personal preference. It is however an amazing all-in-one pack. You might end up not changing a thing.

3. Go back to Sexlab Index in #1, start shopping for plugins that fit your kinks.

4. Start browsing the forums. Not everything is listed in Sexlab Index, from mods to animation packs. Consider the Skyrim Adult Mods sub-forum or Sexlab Downloads sub-forum your next stop.

Protip: Test out a handful of mods at a time, especially ones you’re unsure are working or depend on others. If you use an Alternate Start type mod (bypasses the long intro), this will help speed you along.

> I got my mods setup, is there anything else I should add?

If you're just lewd modding, you're done. If you plan on playing + lewd modding, figure out what you need to compliment your lewd mods. If your PC can handle it, view the recommended ENBs.

> gib modpack pls

Maybe someone down the line will make one, but keep in mind that the gargantuan size of modded skyrim can easily be 100GB. You might find that a modpack will center around a fetish that’s not yours. All general issues with modpacks apply.

> but SSE?

SSE modding either has everything you want from LE, or almost everything. For Lewd modding, check here. If your fetish is still stuck in LE, don’t give up. Follow conversion tips or instructions:


> gimme loli/shota

Visit our friends at the ATF. Choose LE and SSE based on what’s available and your preferences. This is your new home.




Why the extra work? Loverslab explicitly blocked child interactions in the Sexlab framework. Any questions related to loli or shota is a question for the ATF. The ATF chose version 1.59c as its base version. This means that some Loverslab mods meant for 1.62b will not work with it.

Potentially useful historical note: https://archive.fo/Ucvyj [lolicon.legacywaste.org snapshot]

Personally untested, but the owner of legacywaste has a still live link to an unblocked Sexlab version 1.61b

R:0 / I:0 / P:3 [R] [G] [-]

The Elder Scrolls Modding: Why You Still Play Skyrim Edition

Foreword: TES series possesses an uncanny quality. It manages to draw so many adult modders to it and it’s no doubt that Bethesda has benefited immensely from this franchise quite possibly being the greatest unintentional adult gaming franchise. Although Daggerfall foreshadowed this. Because of this, /hgg/ deservedly needs a recurring thread with helpful information that encompasses TES games. The uncanny nature of TES Adult Modding in turn means that TES mod threads can easily be the cornerstone of this board without even trying.

For now, this Edition will begin by focusing on Skyrim. Feel free to talk about lewd modding other TES games and share advice. Note:' If you want SSE, check the second from bottom link and decide based on your fetishes and what’s available. Then start from here but go to associated SSE links. Most mods for LE have SSE equivalents. Note 2: If you absolutely need loli and shota, skip to the bottom of this and start there first.

Getting Started

Go to: https://www.tesgeneral.com/

< But I don’t want to install a gorillion mods! I just want to fap!

You don’t have to install every recommended mod on there per category. The section you should pay the most attention to is, Essentials. You should want to crashproof your game as best as possible. Many mods listed there are prerequisites that most other mods use. This especially applies to lewd mods.



>buying skyrim

Ignore all advice insisting that neglecting those causes issues.

> I got the essentials setup, now what?

Go to: http://loverslab.com/

< But the site is not loading at all!

You better hope it’s not down for good. Give it a minute. It has been having problems lately. Loverslab has nearly every lewd mod for Oblivion, Skyrim, and SSE. This is your new home.

1. Go to: http://www.loverslab.com/topic/19588-sexlab-index/

1.A. Doublecheck Required Files For All Plugins to make sure you didn’t skip any listed in Essentials

1.B. Install Sexlab Framework

2. Go to: https://www.loverslab.com/files/file/2476-all-in-one-hdt-animated-pussy/ - this gets you not just the bare minimum but quite possibly everything you will need aside from Sexlab.

Note: AIO HDT AP gets you started, but it is its own style and setup, so to speak. Once you get your footing, you might find some things you wish it didn’t use due to compatibility or personal preference. It is however an amazing all-in-one pack. You might end up not changing a thing.

3. Go back to Sexlab Index in #1, start shopping for plugins that fit your kinks.

4. Start browsing the forums. Not everything is listed in Sexlab Index, from mods to animation packs. Consider the Skyrim Adult Mods sub-forum or Sexlab Downloads sub-forum your next stop.

Protip: Test out a handful of mods at a time, especially ones you’re unsure are working or depend on others. If you use an Alternate Start type mod (bypasses the long intro), this will help speed you along.

> I got my mods setup, is there anything else I should add?

If you're just lewd modding, you're done. If you plan on playing + lewd modding, figure out what you need to compliment your lewd mods. If your PC can handle it, view the recommended ENBs.

> gib modpack pls

Maybe someone down the line will make one, but keep in mind that the gargantuan size of modded skyrim can easily be 100GB. You might find that a modpack will center around a fetish that’s not yours. All general issues with modpacks apply.

> but SSE?

SSE modding either has everything you want from LE, or almost everything. For Lewd modding, check here. If your fetish is still stuck in LE, don’t give up. Follow conversion tips or instructions:


> gimme loli/shota

Visit our friends at the ATF. Choose LE and SSE based on what’s available and your preferences. This is your new home.




Why the extra work? Loverslab explicitly blocked child interactions in the Sexlab framework. Any questions related to loli or shota is a question for the ATF. The ATF chose version 1.59c as its base version. This means that some Loverslab mods meant for 1.62b will not work with it.

Potentially useful historical note: https://archive.fo/Ucvyj [lolicon.legacywaste.org snapshot]

Personally untested, but the owner of legacywaste has a still live link to an unblocked Sexlab version 1.61b

R:0 / I:0 / P:3 [R] [G] [-]

The Elder Scrolls Modding: Why You Still Play Skyrim Edition

Foreword: TES series possesses an uncanny quality. It manages to draw so many adult modders to it and it’s no doubt that Bethesda has benefited immensely from this franchise quite possibly being the greatest unintentional adult gaming franchise. Although Daggerfall foreshadowed this. Because of this, /hgg/ deservedly needs a recurring thread with helpful information that encompasses TES games. The uncanny nature of TES Adult Modding in turn means that TES mod threads can easily be the cornerstone of this board without even trying.

For now, this Edition will begin by focusing on Skyrim. Feel free to talk about lewd modding other TES games and share advice. Note:' If you want SSE, check the second from bottom link and decide based on your fetishes and what’s available. Then start from here but go to associated SSE links. Most mods for LE have SSE equivalents. Note 2: If you absolutely need loli and shota, skip to the bottom of this and start there first.

Getting Started

Go to: https://www.tesgeneral.com/

< But I don’t want to install a gorillion mods! I just want to fap!

You don’t have to install every recommended mod on there per category. The section you should pay the most attention to is, Essentials. You should want to crashproof your game as best as possible. Many mods listed there are prerequisites that most other mods use. This especially applies to lewd mods.



>buying skyrim

Ignore all advice insisting that neglecting those causes issues.

> I got the essentials setup, now what?

Go to: http://loverslab.com/

< But the site is not loading at all!

You better hope it’s not down for good. Give it a minute. It has been having problems lately. Loverslab has nearly every lewd mod for Oblivion, Skyrim, and SSE. This is your new home.

1. Go to: http://www.loverslab.com/topic/19588-sexlab-index/

1.A. Doublecheck Required Files For All Plugins to make sure you didn’t skip any listed in Essentials

1.B. Install Sexlab Framework

2. Go to: https://www.loverslab.com/files/file/2476-all-in-one-hdt-animated-pussy/ - this gets you not just the bare minimum but quite possibly everything you will need aside from Sexlab.

Note: AIO HDT AP gets you started, but it is its own style and setup, so to speak. Once you get your footing, you might find some things you wish it didn’t use due to compatibility or personal preference. It is however an amazing all-in-one pack. You might end up not changing a thing.

3. Go back to Sexlab Index in #1, start shopping for plugins that fit your kinks.

4. Start browsing the forums. Not everything is listed in Sexlab Index, from mods to animation packs. Consider the Skyrim Adult Mods sub-forum or Sexlab Downloads sub-forum your next stop.

Protip: Test out a handful of mods at a time, especially ones you’re unsure are working or depend on others. If you use an Alternate Start type mod (bypasses the long intro), this will help speed you along.

> I got my mods setup, is there anything else I should add?

If you're just lewd modding, you're done. If you plan on playing + lewd modding, figure out what you need to compliment your lewd mods. If your PC can handle it, view the recommended ENBs.

> gib modpack pls

Maybe someone down the line will make one, but keep in mind that the gargantuan size of modded skyrim can easily be 100GB. You might find that a modpack will center around a fetish that’s not yours. All general issues with modpacks apply.

> but SSE?

SSE modding either has everything you want from LE, or almost everything. For Lewd modding, check here. If your fetish is still stuck in LE, don’t give up. Follow conversion tips or instructions:


> gimme loli/shota

Visit our friends at the ATF. Choose LE and SSE based on what’s available and your preferences. This is your new home.




Why the extra work? Loverslab explicitly blocked child interactions in the Sexlab framework. Any questions related to loli or shota is a question for the ATF. The ATF chose version 1.59c as its base version. This means that some Loverslab mods meant for 1.62b will not work with it.

Potentially useful historical note: https://archive.fo/Ucvyj [lolicon.legacywaste.org snapshot]

Personally untested, but the owner of legacywaste has a still live link to an unblocked Sexlab version 1.61b

R:0 / I:0 / P:3 [R] [G] [-]

The Elder Scrolls Modding: Why You Still Play Skyrim Edition

Foreword: TES series possesses an uncanny quality. It manages to draw so many adult modders to it and it’s no doubt that Bethesda has benefited immensely from this franchise quite possibly being the greatest unintentional adult gaming franchise. Although Daggerfall foreshadowed this. Because of this, /hgg/ deservedly needs a recurring thread with helpful information that encompasses TES games. The uncanny nature of TES Adult Modding in turn means that TES mod threads can easily be the cornerstone of this board without even trying.

For now, this Edition will begin by focusing on Skyrim. Feel free to talk about lewd modding other TES games and share advice. Note:' If you want SSE, check the second from bottom link and decide based on your fetishes and what’s available. Then start from here but go to associated SSE links. Most mods for LE have SSE equivalents. Note 2: If you absolutely need loli and shota, skip to the bottom of this and start there first.

Getting Started

Go to: https://www.tesgeneral.com/

< But I don’t want to install a gorillion mods! I just want to fap!

You don’t have to install every recommended mod on there per category. The section you should pay the most attention to is, Essentials. You should want to crashproof your game as best as possible. Many mods listed there are prerequisites that most other mods use. This especially applies to lewd mods.



>buying skyrim

Ignore all advice insisting that neglecting those causes issues.

> I got the essentials setup, now what?

Go to: http://loverslab.com/

< But the site is not loading at all!

You better hope it’s not down for good. Give it a minute. It has been having problems lately. Loverslab has nearly every lewd mod for Oblivion, Skyrim, and SSE. This is your new home.

1. Go to: http://www.loverslab.com/topic/19588-sexlab-index/

1.A. Doublecheck Required Files For All Plugins to make sure you didn’t skip any listed in Essentials

1.B. Install Sexlab Framework

2. Go to: https://www.loverslab.com/files/file/2476-all-in-one-hdt-animated-pussy/ - this gets you not just the bare minimum but quite possibly everything you will need aside from Sexlab.

Note: AIO HDT AP gets you started, but it is its own style and setup, so to speak. Once you get your footing, you might find some things you wish it didn’t use due to compatibility or personal preference. It is however an amazing all-in-one pack. You might end up not changing a thing.

3. Go back to Sexlab Index in #1, start shopping for plugins that fit your kinks.

4. Start browsing the forums. Not everything is listed in Sexlab Index, from mods to animation packs. Consider the Skyrim Adult Mods sub-forum or Sexlab Downloads sub-forum your next stop.

Protip: Test out a handful of mods at a time, especially ones you’re unsure are working or depend on others. If you use an Alternate Start type mod (bypasses the long intro), this will help speed you along.

> I got my mods setup, is there anything else I should add?

If you're just lewd modding, you're done. If you plan on playing + lewd modding, figure out what you need to compliment your lewd mods. If your PC can handle it, view the recommended ENBs.

> gib modpack pls

Maybe someone down the line will make one, but keep in mind that the gargantuan size of modded skyrim can easily be 100GB. You might find that a modpack will center around a fetish that’s not yours. All general issues with modpacks apply.

> but SSE?

SSE modding either has everything you want from LE, or almost everything. For Lewd modding, check here. If your fetish is still stuck in LE, don’t give up. Follow conversion tips or instructions:


> gimme loli/shota

Visit our friends at the ATF. Choose LE and SSE based on what’s available and your preferences. This is your new home.




Why the extra work? Loverslab explicitly blocked child interactions in the Sexlab framework. Any questions related to loli or shota is a question for the ATF. The ATF chose version 1.59c as its base version. This means that some Loverslab mods meant for 1.62b will not work with it.

Potentially useful historical note: https://archive.fo/Ucvyj [lolicon.legacywaste.org snapshot]

Personally untested, but the owner of legacywaste has a still live link to an unblocked Sexlab version 1.61b

R:0 / I:0 / P:3 [R] [G] [-]



R:0 / I:0 / P:3 [R] [G] [-]

Yr is jd


R:0 / I:0 / P:3 [R] [G] [-]


Dhehdhbdhehebxhjdhebxbshehrhshdhhsgrgehdgd he hehdhdhehehebxbxbsbwhhsbxhdhbrhdydhehe he hebdhdhdhhxxhxhbdgzhdhdhdysg sushi vhfgehshxhhdgxhdhshbxhxgdgdhdhdhdhxhhdndbdbxbdbdhdhdbhtd had hdn

R:378 / I:121 / P:3 [R] [G] [-]

Slave Matrix

Has Science Gone Too Far The Game

Slave Matrix is a monster girl slave/breeding focused game made by Auto Eden, where you get to mix and match different species of monsters to create mixed breeds. It gets surprisingly detailed when you throw in different traits, varying body sizes, magical mutations, blessings and so on.

At the start of the game, you're tasked to pay off a debt and are locked with just two species, lamias and harpies. They both have a few different subspecies peppered in them, but until you're debt free, those are your only options. You can also buy toys to use on your slaves, thus spicing up the training a little.

If the mating is too complicated for you, or if you feel like giving a more simpler approcach a try, you can turn on simple mating in the Config.ini.


DLsite: http://www.dlsite.com/maniax/work/=/product_id/RJ222368.html

Translated and modded version 8.4: https://mega.nz/#!ql83EagB!l9p9KtOC7alJPsTPXiRoIK8y_aGuzHQ0rE-AR_8-xXg


(they are also all in the game folder)

Slave Matrix Manual: https://pastebin.com/Q6v0LKyx

SM Mod Readme: https://pastebin.com/FSpUWtdR

AutoHotkey script for mouse scroll: https://pastebin.com/2LC6kVVY

Cheat Engine note:

Money is stored as 8 bytes variable, for everything else:

1. Set type to "double"

2. Use "rounded (default)"

3. Write the numbers after "." like if she has pride = "42.5%" search for "0.425" (100% and 0% is respectively 1 and 0)

(searching for 0s or 1s will most likely get you nowhere)

Also, cheat table won't work, .Net garbage collector makes sure it will fail

R:0 / I:0 / P:3 [R] [G] [-]

All Hentai PC Game Torrent

All Hentai PC Game Torrent:





R:611 / I:97 / P:3 [R] [G] [-]

The Elder Scrolls Modding: Why You Still Play Skyrim Edition

Foreword: TES series possesses an uncanny quality. It manages to draw so many adult modders to it and it’s no doubt that Bethesda has benefited immensely from this franchise quite possibly being the greatest unintentional adult gaming franchise. Although Daggerfall foreshadowed this. Because of this, /hgg/ deservedly needs a recurring thread with helpful information that encompasses TES games. The uncanny nature of TES Adult Modding in turn means that TES mod threads can easily be the cornerstone of this board without even trying.

For now, this Edition will begin by focusing on Skyrim. Feel free to talk about lewd modding other TES games and share advice. Note:' If you want SSE, check the second from bottom link and decide based on your fetishes and what’s available. Then start from here but go to associated SSE links. Most mods for LE have SSE equivalents. Note 2: If you absolutely need loli and shota, skip to the bottom of this and start there first.

Getting Started

Go to: https://www.tesgeneral.com/

< But I don’t want to install a gorillion mods! I just want to fap!

You don’t have to install every recommended mod on there per category. The section you should pay the most attention to is, Essentials. You should want to crashproof your game as best as possible. Many mods listed there are prerequisites that most other mods use. This especially applies to lewd mods.



>buying skyrim

Ignore all advice insisting that neglecting those causes issues.

> I got the essentials setup, now what?

Go to: http://loverslab.com/

< But the site is not loading at all!

You better hope it’s not down for good. Give it a minute. It has been having problems lately. Loverslab has nearly every lewd mod for Oblivion, Skyrim, and SSE. This is your new home.

1. Go to: http://www.loverslab.com/topic/19588-sexlab-index/

1.A. Doublecheck Required Files For All Plugins to make sure you didn’t skip any listed in Essentials

1.B. Install Sexlab Framework

2. Go to: https://www.loverslab.com/files/file/2476-all-in-one-hdt-animated-pussy/ - this gets you not just the bare minimum but quite possibly everything you will need aside from Sexlab.

Note: AIO HDT AP gets you started, but it is its own style and setup, so to speak. Once you get your footing, you might find some things you wish it didn’t use due to compatibility or personal preference. It is however an amazing all-in-one pack. You might end up not changing a thing.

3. Go back to Sexlab Index in #1, start shopping for plugins that fit your kinks.

4. Start browsing the forums. Not everything is listed in Sexlab Index, from mods to animation packs. Consider the Skyrim Adult Mods sub-forum or Sexlab Downloads sub-forum your next stop.

Protip: Test out a handful of mods at a time, especially ones you’re unsure are working or depend on others. If you use an Alternate Start type mod (bypasses the long intro), this will help speed you along.

> I got my mods setup, is there anything else I should add?

If you're just lewd modding, you're done. If you plan on playing + lewd modding, figure out what you need to compliment your lewd mods. If your PC can handle it, view the recommended ENBs.

> gib modpack pls

Maybe someone down the line will make one, but keep in mind that the gargantuan size of modded skyrim can easily be 100GB. You might find that a modpack will center around a fetish that’s not yours. All general issues with modpacks apply.

> but SSE?

SSE modding either has everything you want from LE, or almost everything. For Lewd modding, check here. If your fetish is still stuck in LE, don’t give up. Follow conversion tips or instructions:


> gimme loli/shota

Visit our friends at the ATF. Choose LE and SSE based on what’s available and your preferences. This is your new home.




Why the extra work? Loverslab explicitly blocked child interactions in the Sexlab framework. Any questions related to loli or shota is a question for the ATF. The ATF chose version 1.59c as its base version. This means that some Loverslab mods meant for 1.62b will not work with it.

Potentially useful historical note: https://archive.fo/Ucvyj [lolicon.legacywaste.org snapshot]

Personally untested, but the owner of legacywaste has a still live link to an unblocked Sexlab version 1.61b

R:254 / I:66 / P:3 [R] [G] [-]

Futanari game general

Hello /hgg/ it's been some time and i seek your wisdom to find a good futa game.

It does not need to be exclusively futa but at least have a few option around it.

Here is the list of the game i already know have it.

>Honey select

It have a futa mod but ti's buggy as hell and change completely the proportion of your charachters.

>Tales of androgyny

It's not bad but the artistic direction sucks

>Portal of phereons

The artwork is great but there is to liitle concrete content.


Artwork - gameplay - story are absolute garbage, the whole world idea is not bad but extremely poorly executed

Then there are a lot of text based game but i already played a lot of them.

edit:changed from recommendations thread to general on account of some effort put into OP

R:193 / I:29 / P:3 [R] [G] [-]

Ai dungeon

AI Dungeon Storyteller is an AI generated, text-based adventure game with almost unlimited possibilities. Be as creative as you want and make your own batshit insane stories.

Want to play the game?


the base game for cucks


cuckchan-led modded project of the game, use this version to do your lewd stories

>Don't know what the fuck to do about AI dungeon or why and don't know what X is/ X won't work?!? GO HERE


NOTE: For people thinking of using the online colab version use Colab VER. 1.00 over the VER 1.22.

1.22 is very much unstable and suffers from disconnection issues that are still being investigated, google kikery is a prime suspect but still unknown, so use 1.00 to have a stable experience

Protip: /alter, /revert and /remember are your friends so use them regularly

R:1 / I:0 / P:3 [R] [G] [-]

The Guardian - Blackheart Games

THE GUARDIAN: As a member of the Delucci Family, you are a made man… until one day, someone attempts to take the life of your ex-wife, and her children. You are appointed their Guardian, as per custom for any family members of the Delucci Family. The problem is, the children don't know who you truly are. While protecting them, will you be the loving Guardian? A controlling Protector, or will you use fear to make them respect you. What kind of Guardian will you turn out to be?​

PC: https://mega.nz/file/E4kgzQya#aQNBsdq79vKOdHOc8py3Cx1Q_pnqOy3jjKisvdZIJbs

MAC: https://mega.nz/file/t5kGlAID#ul-yzrrmTmbSC8FvZbyZUMJtOBt0XmqvVCRZWB1khHw

Android https://mega.nz/file/8hsQ2QKb#Qi52F3xdWxMMUMJFq7umpSCIU1WIn-hIISVjTC2ed_M

R:9 / I:2 / P:3 [R] [G] [-]

VR Porn

Anybody played anything decent recently? I can't really recommend much of the content I've tried out since it's kinda dogshit.

>VR Kanojo

Generic schoolgirl that you can fuck but you have to do some boring linear gameplay. Censored vagina.

>Fallen Doll

Money mill Patreon project where you can setup a girl to do a sex pose. Good graphics but it's a Tycoon game where you just choose scene and go wham bam thank you mam. No gameplay.

>Waifu Sex Simulator

Another money mill Patreon project with the WORST UI design ever but it has the largest most autistic roster of sex animations and character selection. Dicks clip everywhere.


Western money mill Patreon project where everything has good graphics and physics are simulated with animations so you can see your penis interact in a soft body system with boobs and stuff. But runs like ass.

I guess I imagined the future of VR games to be more interactive. Many of these games are just generic MMD like experiences where everything is predefined and every animation just plays. There's no player agency. It's a treat to find a game where controller to boob physics are present but it would be nice if characters reacted in a more believable way if say, you walked away in the middle of a fuck session.

R:447 / I:125 / P:4 [R] [G] [-]

Kobold Adventure

Thread #2, since the previous thread >>212636 hit the reply limit of 750 posts.

Hello. I am the creator of Kobold Adventure, a textual choose your own adventure game with illustrations and audio. Basically, you play as a kobold in a medieval fantasy world in which pretty much everyone hates kobolds. Depending on your choices, you may end up raping, killing, stealing, being raped, being killed, having consensual sex, getting enslaved, falling down a well or just struggling to get by while maintaining your purity and your sanity both.

The game is actively being developed with (at least) one update every two weeks. There is over 550 000 words of content already, although it is nowhere near completion. Full scene trees containing all options available can be found via the aMap feature in the game's menu. The development team consists of my artist and I, although fan contributions are always gratefully accepted, and I am slowly looking to expand the core development team. To learn more about contributing, check the contribution page of the game itself.

Kobold Adventure contains blatant furry content as well as humans and a variety fantasy races. The tone of most encounters is pretty dark. You probably shouldn't play it if you can't stand filth, blood, death, bestiality or oppressive sadness permeating from constantly being at the bottom of the food chain.

The game can be played online at http://koboldadventure.com/

The latest version for offline play (2.4.7) can be found at http://koboldadventure.com/download/packages/Kobold%20Adventure%202.4.7.zip (although this is bound to change as early as next week)

Older packages may also be downloaded http://koboldadventure.com/download/index.html

Note that offline versions are often one step behind the online version, and may lack the latest bugfixes or typo-corrections pushed to the live website.

This thread serves to discuss the game, to provide feedback to me, to rouse interest, to tell me what you want to see (more of), and to probe my tight lips for spoilers about the developing storyline.

R:14 / I:5 / P:4 [R] [G] [-]

Eluku games: Fairy Fighting &amp;amp;amp; Wolf's Dungeon

The games contain lots of sprites sex covering a wide array of fetishes, and lots of game over rape.

Fairy Fighting:

A 2D fighter where Tiki battles monsters to save her fairy friends from rape.


Wolf's Dungeon:

A side-scrolling action-RPG where Nona escapes capture and fights her way out of the dungeon.

Copy pasted from the last thread.

Wanted to get another thread going since Eluku is still updating Wolf's dungeon and figured someone was still playing it around here.

R:0 / I:0 / P:4 [R] [G] [-]

機械の少女 (Robot girl) series thread

Hello, I'm a fan of the Robot Girl Series created by P.D. Creations.

As of right now, the first game 機械の少女が夢見た世界 (The World a Robot Girl Dreamed of) and the two parts of the prequel game (機械の少女が紡いだ記憶). Part 3 of prequel still in development.

Series can be bought in DL site:


You can contact the game developer via, preferably Japanese:

Ci-en: https://ci-en.dlsite.com/creator/3847

Twitter: https://twitter.com/PDc_creators_co

R:0 / I:0 / P:4 [R] [G] [-]

機械の少女 (Robot girl) series thread

Hello, I'm a fan of the Robot Girl Series created by P.D. Creations.

As of right now, the first game 機械の少女が夢見た世界 (The World a Robot Girl Dreamed of) and the two parts of the prequel game (機械の少女が紡いだ記憶).

You can buy the games legally via DLsite:

機械の少女が夢見た世界 (The World A Robot Girl Dreamed of):


機械の少女が紡いだ記憶 (The Memory A Robot Girl Spinned):

part 1: https://www.dlsite.com/maniax/work/=/product_id/RJ220046.html

part 2: https://www.dlsite.com/maniax/work/=/product_id/RJ263914.html

part 3: https://www.dlsite.com/maniax/announce/=/product_id/RJ290213.html (Yet to be released)

You can contact the game developer via, preferably in Japanese:

Ci-en: https://ci-en.dlsite.com/creator/3847

Twitter: https://twitter.com/PDc_creators_co

R:0 / I:0 / P:4 [R] [G] [-]

機械の少女 (Robot girl) series thread

Hello, I'm a fan of the Robot Girl Series created by P.D. Creations.

As of right now, the first game 機械の少女が夢見た世界 (The World a Robot Girl Dreamed of) and the two parts of the prequel game (機械の少女が紡いだ記憶).

You can buy the games legally via DLsite:

機械の少女が夢見た世界 (The World A Robot Girl Dreamed of):


機械の少女が紡いだ記憶 (The Memory A Robot Girl Spinned):

part 1: https://www.dlsite.com/maniax/work/=/product_id/RJ220046.html

part 2: https://www.dlsite.com/maniax/work/=/product_id/RJ263914.html

part 3: https://www.dlsite.com/maniax/announce/=/product_id/RJ290213.html (Yet to be released)

You can contact the game developer via, preferably in Japanese:

Ci-en: https://ci-en.dlsite.com/creator/3847

Twitter: https://twitter.com/PDc_creators_co?ref_src=twsrc%5Etfw%7Ctwcamp%5Eembeddedtimeline%7Ctwterm%5Eprofile%3APDc_creators_co&ref_url=http%3A%2F%2Fwww.pdcreations.co.jp%2FTOP.html

R:0 / I:0 / P:4 [R] [G] [-]

機械の少女 (Robot Girl) Series by P.D. Creations

Hello, I'm a fan of the Robot Girl Series created by P.D. Creations.

As of right now, the first game 機械の少女が夢見た世界 (The World a Robot Girl Dreamed of) and the two parts of the prequel game (機械の少女が紡いだ記憶).

Plot (chronological) of about the game is about a male protagonist (Yule) who was brought to the lab. First seen as a test subject, his semen was extracted by a red haired lady named "Aria" (the one in the pic), a leading scientist who worked for the great eastern power of Hermes. She did this to collect DNA. Later the male was given a shock collar and put on a mission to collect samples around the world.

Aria had a plan to solve the glaring food crisis around the world, by mechanization. A process where a human limb gets replaced by a robot limb. Problem is that males have a rejection mechanism which is detrimental to their life.

With the relationship between Yule and Aria developing, as they became more kind to each other, Aria has become overprotective of Yule after he almost died. This might be the reason why Yule isn't mechanized in the first place.

In the prequel game, Aria and Fistel (Aria's big sister) worked together, but with narrow contact. In the first game that took place after the prequel, they became enemies of each other, but with similar intentions.

Not sure what would happen next to them after the "World a Robot Girl Dreamed of", but let's hope their relationship gets restored.

You can buy the games legally via DLsite:

機械の少女が夢見た世界 (The World A Robot Girl Dreamed of):


機械の少女が紡いだ記憶 (The Memory A Robot Girl Spinned):

part 1: https://www.dlsite.com/maniax/work/=/product_id/RJ220046.html

part 2: https://www.dlsite.com/maniax/work/=/product_id/RJ263914.html

part 3: https://www.dlsite.com/maniax/announce/=/product_id/RJ290213.html (Yet to be released)

You can contact the game developer via, preferably in Japanese:

Ci-en: https://ci-en.dlsite.com/creator/3847

Twitter: https://twitter.com/PDc_creators_co?ref_src=twsrc%5Etfw%7Ctwcamp%5Eembeddedtimeline%7Ctwterm%5Eprofile%3APDc_creators_co&ref_url=http%3A%2F%2Fwww.pdcreations.co.jp%2FTOP.html

R:0 / I:0 / P:4 [R] [G] [-]

機械の少女 (Robot Girl) Series by P.D. Creations

Hello, I'm a fan of the Robot Girl Series created by P.D. Creations.

As of right now, the first game 機械の少女が夢見た世界 (The World a Robot Girl Dreamed of) and the two parts of the prequel game (機械の少女が紡いだ記憶).

Plot (chronological) of about the game is about a male protagonist (Yule) who was brought to the lab. First seen as a test subject, his semen was extracted by a red haired lady named "Aria" (the one in the pic), a leading scientist who worked for the great eastern power of Hermes. She did this to collect DNA. Later the male was given a shock collar and put on a mission to collect samples around the world.

Aria had a plan to solve the glaring food crisis around the world, by mechanization. A process where a human limb gets replaced by a robot limb. Problem is that males have a rejection mechanism which is detrimental to their life.

With the relationship between Yule and Aria developing, as they became more kind to each other, Aria has become overprotective of Yule after he almost died. This might be the reason why Yule isn't mechanized in the first place.

In the prequel game, Aria and Fistel (Aria's big sister) worked together, but with narrow contact. In the first game that took place after the prequel, they became enemies of each other, but with similar intentions.

Not sure what would happen next to them after the "World a Robot Girl Dreamed of", but let's hope their relationship gets restored.

You can buy the games legally via DLsite:

機械の少女が夢見た世界 (The World A Robot Girl Dreamed of):


機械の少女が紡いだ記憶 (The Memory A Robot Girl Spinned):

part 1: https://www.dlsite.com/maniax/work/=/product_id/RJ220046.html

part 2: https://www.dlsite.com/maniax/work/=/product_id/RJ263914.html

part 3: https://www.dlsite.com/maniax/announce/=/product_id/RJ290213.html (Yet to be released)

You can contact the game developer via, preferably in Japanese:

Ci-en: https://ci-en.dlsite.com/creator/3847

Twitter: https://twitter.com/PDc_creators_co?ref_src=twsrc%5Etfw%7Ctwcamp%5Eembeddedtimeline%7Ctwterm%5Eprofile%3APDc_creators_co&ref_url=http%3A%2F%2Fwww.pdcreations.co.jp%2FTOP.html

R:0 / I:0 / P:4 [R] [G] [-]

機械の少女 (Robot Girl) Series by P.D. Creations

Hello, I'm a fan of the Robot Girl Series created by P.D. Creations.

As of right now, the first game 機械の少女が夢見た世界 (The World a Robot Girl Dreamed of) and the two parts of the prequel game (機械の少女が紡いだ記憶).

Plot (chronological) of about the game is about a male protagonist (Yule) who was brought to the lab. First seen as a test subject, his semen was extracted by a red haired lady named "Aria" (the one in the pic), a leading scientist who worked for the great eastern power of Hermes. She did this to collect DNA. Later the male was given a shock collar and put on a mission to collect samples around the world.

Aria had a plan to solve the glaring food crisis around the world, by mechanization. A process where a human limb gets replaced by a robot limb. Problem is that males have a rejection mechanism which is detrimental to their life.

With the relationship between Yule and Aria developing, as they became more kind to each other, Aria has become overprotective of Yule after he almost died. This might be the reason why Yule isn't mechanized in the first place.

In the prequel game, Aria and Fistel (Aria's big sister) worked together, but with narrow contact. In the first game that took place after the prequel, they became enemies of each other, but with similar intentions.

Not sure what would happen next to them after the "World a Robot Girl Dreamed of", but let's hope their relationship gets restored.

You can buy the games legally via DLsite:

機械の少女が夢見た世界 (The World A Robot Girl Dreamed of):


機械の少女が紡いだ記憶 (The Memory A Robot Girl Spinned):

part 1: https://www.dlsite.com/maniax/work/=/product_id/RJ220046.html

part 2: https://www.dlsite.com/maniax/work/=/product_id/RJ263914.html

part 3: https://www.dlsite.com/maniax/announce/=/product_id/RJ290213.html (Yet to be released)

You can contact the game developer via, preferably in Japanese:

Ci-en: https://ci-en.dlsite.com/creator/3847

Twitter: https://twitter.com/PDc_creators_co?ref_src=twsrc%5Etfw%7Ctwcamp%5Eembeddedtimeline%7Ctwterm%5Eprofile%3APDc_creators_co&ref_url=http%3A%2F%2Fwww.pdcreations.co.jp%2FTOP.html

R:746 / I:92 / P:4 [R] [G] [-]

Corruption of Champions: MS-DOS Edition

This is the Corruption of Champions mod being developed by OtherCoCAnon and the denizens of /hgg/.

Corruption of Champions is a text-based flash game overhauled with new dungeons, new mechanics, new characters, and a lot of lolis.

The mod is open to content submissions, anons can and are writing new content to be implemented all the time.


Latest Version (


Use a standalone flash player (projector), this shit is no longer supported by any web browser.

Remember to save to file to prevent save loss.



>Game Related

Source Code: https://gitgud.io/BelshazzarII/CoCAnon_mod

Changelog: https://pastebin.com/CDU8byhd

>Thread Related

Previous thread: >>373427

Thread Archives: https://gitgud.io/Blank/CoCAnon_mod/raw/OPT/Archives

OP Template: https://pastebin.com/raw/q38Ccy3n

>Writing Related

Content Submissions (Chronicles): https://docs.google.com/document/d/1iuDsLw3PxshvL8yYUkOeiJr6DSJ7zpjaeGvumF65l_I

Submission & Misc. Archive: https://drive.google.com/open?id=1LGK4sPuWH69iEZ9ZmX2fnfDRrhj7h4hQ

Writing Guide: https://docs.google.com/document/d/1PGysInt0S0VHYvPv0b__4xpHqrfbE-zikQiRonsnUsU

Bounty Board: https://docs.google.com/document/d/1ZUtah0gtbBQzB5kM7wElYlcNAwU8-QOgNkovO0_7WUI

R:687 / I:337 / P:4 [R] [G] [-]

Artificial Academy 2

Winter Fairy Edition

Artificial Academy 2 is an eroge high school social simulation, sequel of Artificial Academy and released by Illusion on June 13, 2014.

Create and play any of up to 25 students of varying gender, orientation and other interaction abilities and personal inclinations. Make friends and lovers as the class competes for achievement in academics, athletics, popularity, and romance.

Modern Installation Guide


AAUnlimited (Newest versions will usually be in the Mini already.): https://github.com/aa2g/AA2Unlimited/releases

Previous Thread


Archived Threads



Other useful links

AA2 Database Archives: https://archive.org/details/AA2DBArchive

AA2 Mega Database: https://docs.google.com/spreadsheets/d/1niC6g-Xd2a2yaY98NBFdAXnURi4ly2-lKty69rkQbJ0/edit#gid=2085826690

AA2 Modding Reference Guide: https://docs.google.com/spreadsheets/d/1gwmoVpKuSuF0PtEPLEB17eK_dexPaKU106ShZEpBLhg/edit#gid=1751233129

AAU Guide and Resources: https://docs.google.com/spreadsheets/d/17qb1X0oOdMKU4OIDp8AfFdLtl5y_4jeOOQfPQ2F-PKQ/edit#gid=0 (Archive Overrides page has several important AAU ready mods)

AA2 PP2 Mods Mega: https://mega.nz/#F!F9p0yToK!0chYH6M7J4LSRLzMlVWoYg

AAU Module Pastebin: https://pastebin.com/R4DW0dxw

AA2 Pastebin

(Legacy Sake, much information you may find isn't suggested to be used in most circumstances.)


R:682 / I:164 / P:4 [R] [G] [-]

Begging General 3

This thread is for begging for links to games. Although the old thread said that a new such thread would result in a deletion and ban, it is now full - I am thus making this thread anew.

Previous threads:

1) http://archive.is/bdqSO

2) http://archive.is/Cx0dH

Simple Suggestions To Help Anons Locate Files When No One Else Will

For New Uploaders: I suggest using a temporary storage service that doesn't require a login like filedropper or nofile.io in order to avoid having your filehosting accounts banned for hosting porn/hosting illegal content (if your content happens to be illegally obtained).

>Long-term storage runs the risk of hurting you or coming back to bite you in the ass later.

>Attach passwords (if applicable) to prevent bots and newfags from simply searching and locating your files to send DMCA requests.

>Name your folders something related to the game but not the game's name for the same reason as above

>If you know what you're doing, carry on and disregard the above advice.

For Beggars:

If you live in North/South America or China, try searching for a torrent before begging. Most of North/South America has pretty lax laws or doesn't care about going after people for torrenting porn games (especially H-games). A VPN or at least a proxy is always recommended, but I've never used a VPN before in my 5 years of torrenting, and never had a letter or fine from my ISP of course I only torrent shit from Asia and obscure porn games, not Game of Thrones episodes and obvious shit like that. If you live in Europe (especially Germany and UK), Korea, or Japan, a VPN is pretty much required, and I'd suggest begging first, with torrents as a last resort (unless you know what you're doing).

If you legit don't know where to look for torrents or start, use nyaa.pantsu.cat/nyaa.si first (safest one, almost a guarantee all files are clean), and then either torrentz.colorask.com or torrents.me if your results weren't on nyaa. Always use a magnet link instead of downloading .torrent files as it reduces your risk of catching a virus! Any good torrenting site will contain both. If they don't have a magnet link you can copy/paste into your torrent client, it's probably a virus site, but assume any download contains a virus unless you've confirmed its contents with an antivirus program or it has something like 50+ seeders.

Since you've resorted to begging anyways, a google search of popular porn sites fapforfun, f98, ulmf, hongfire may turn up the results you're looking for. For instance, most of the Rape of the Dead links were ripped from F98 users and rehosted on mega or nofile.io for anons. Incognito mode and deleting your browser data from the last 1-3 hours should be all you need to do to remove those pesky "XXX game" search results from your browser's memory. Stay safe out there!

R:34 / I:6 / P:4 [R] [G] [-]

Kemomimi Treasure Hunters! general /kth/

Kemomimi Treasure Hunters!, is a top-down H-game RPG. You play as two siblings and a quest to find treasure, encountering some interesting enemies along the way.

Summery from dev(s?):



One day, their mother picked up a strange mushroom in the forest.

Apparently, she intended to put it into a soup and eat it.

However, when she tasted a small piece of it, her condition suddenly changed!

Twins Rewi and Lefir headed to the apothecary in the nearby village to find a cure for her sickness.

But once there, the extremely suspicious doctor set an astounding price for the medicine.

With no other options, the two set out on a treasure hunting adventure to raise the money to buy it!

""Top view ACTSTG""

For the first time in our works, we've used a top-down view common in RPGs.

Fight enemies coming from all directions!

Your equipment includes guns, traps, scrolls, and rings, all equipable to your liking!

Support NPC equipment can be changed as well!

""Twin Battles!""

Battle as either the female twin Rewi or as the male twin Lefir.

The character you don't choose will support you as an NPC!

Work together to progress!

As you advance through the game, more characters might join you as well..?


A standard viewing gallery is included of course!

If you complete the game, you can also use the freestyle gallery!

""Male and female pixel H""

Our pixel H has been drawn 3 times bigger, so it's easier to see and enjoy.

Not only the female Rewi, but the male Lefir also has plenty of dirty things done to him!


No english translations are currently available yet. Although I found one guy who has been working on it: https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=geiyzWE0Cug[Embed]

Maybe some of you autists could get in contact and help him out if you take an interest to the game.

Here is the latest full version:


R:99 / I:13 / P:4 [R] [G] [-]

Your Sweet House ~Succubus Mama &amp;amp;amp; Eldritch Mansion~ translation request

Hey /hgg/, I've gotta game that I can't seem to translate, so I could use some help:

It's in Japanese, runs on the RPGM MV WOLF engine and needs an ENG translation. Nobody can seem to do it, not even those huge, fugly weenies at Fag95zone.

Your Sweet House ~Succubus Mama to Ikai no Yakata~ (Your Sweet House ~Succubus Mama & Eldritch Mansion~) by Dieselmine


While walking in a forest, the protagonist is brought by something into a strange mansion. Touching succubi living there causes his age to regress! An RPG of escaping from the mansion dodging through incoming succubi!

SIZE: 1.12 GB (35 folders with 4907 files)

Operational Requirements CPU: 3GHz Memory: 4GB HDD: 1.5GB+ remaining space


FILE 1 is a completed 100% save, containing all scenes, starting inside the all scenes room, so no need to worry about completing the game.

So… some halp pls?

R:0 / I:0 / P:4 [R] [G] [-]

What you guys think about melty quest? its good enough to buy it? I asking because i dont know its worth to buy it

R:662 / I:339 / P:4 [R] [G] [-]

Hentai Games General




R:298 / I:45 / P:5 [R] [G] [-]

The Sims 3 General: Wicked Woofy Woohoos on a Whim Edition

Last thread: >>243106

Sims 3 thread archives:

Note: Your question may have already been answered. Feel free to post a question. Share your kinky stories!

1. https://archive.fo/LifzN

2. https://archive.fo/lCrDw

3. https://archive.fo/F00lh

4. https://archive.is/rc4wA

5. https://archive.is/mIHDn

6. https://archive.fo/y3kLF

7. https://archive.fo/SsoeT

8. http://archive.is/O7cS4 (Last Thread)

ModPack:: drive.google.com/open?id=0BxNXVOIGxD9tTHRBZC12bDN3TXc [V1.0]

Additional ModPack stuff: drive.google.com/drive/folders/0B6g_NArb68F7cWxiZnpfVGo3MlU (packaged hairs, clothes, accesories & SIMS , HOUSES & HOUSEHOLDS)

Fetish Town: drive.google.com/open?id=0BxNXVOIGxD9tTE84VmdsaWVfM00 (Sunlit Tides where all of the residents are converted into naked slutty lesbians & shemales, plus a bit of loli. Requires the Sunlit Tides town installed in order to play, check the readme for links & instructions).

KinkyWorld & NRaas setting exports: drive.google.com/open?id=0BxNXVOIGxD9tTHRBZC12bDN3TXc

Extended ModPack: drive.google.com/open?id=0B6g_NArb68F7cnZIVVU1UXljSk0

/packs - same as the one inital one, however contains packed things for faster performance. The additional stuff generally contains most, if not everything.

/extra - contains some extra stuff that isn't packed.

/skins - several more naked skins. The packed folder already has some great naked skins. There seems to be a skin limit in CAS, so it is advised against using all of them. KW animations contains all the best & latest animations. Some will have to be registered manually. Includes some car animations, but only for some (Sloppy Jallopy confirmed). Even more great hairs, 5 good sims & entire SavedSims folder - you will need the hair,skin packs from /packs & the hairs in /extra for; Rin Toshaka, Medea Caster & Saber Arturia.

Improving game speed/stability:



Get all of the nraas mods e.g. ErrorTrap,MasterController,overwatch,story progression,traffic. Woohooer is good too if you wanna be a degenerate. Note: Doublecheck which require setting up for max compatibility with KinkyWorld.

Clear caches, backup folders,turn off interactive loading screens, disable shop mode & lower graphics quality .The various nraas settings is what you really wanna play with though. If these don't work for you, CCleaner & or Sims3 Dashboard Tool: modthesims.info/d/387006 is the next likely useful step.

A completely empty map that's the smallest possible size allowed: fuzzylogicdishwasher.blogspot.com.au/2010/03/world-for-sim-&-clothing.html

R:259 / I:77 / P:5 [R] [G] [-]

QTDDTOT - Questions that don't deserve their own thread

Last one hit the reply limit.

Previous thread: https://archive.fo/GrkEK

Currently playing Cornelica, Town of Succubi (v1.04) and I got stuck at finding the true ending.

I have tried several search engines but all I get is a thread on fagzone where the same question was only answered with "lol it's obvious dude :^)))". I have rushed maximum love with Lily in the early game, unlocked all scenes for the gallery barring the "give in" scene with Vanessa don't even know where that was supposed to be but I probably selected the other option on the fly and the scene for leaving with Lily which I can't figure out as I just get bad-ended for deciding to leave with her. Finally I have unlocked all Bad End entries barring several generic "Permanent Resident" ones. Does anyone know what I have missed?

Edit: Adding previous thread archive.

R:428 / I:117 / P:5 [R] [G] [-]

TowerGirls General: Campfire Edition

>What is Tower Girls?

See first pic related. It started as an old drawfag game on /tg/ that was collaborated on until Towerfag decided to make an actual vidya out of it (See archives). It's supposed to be about rescuing princesses from towers.

Towergirls: The Game

Note: This is not a porn game

Download: https://www.mediafire.com/?7diougjr3didp1u

Forums: http://towergirls.boards.net

Dev Blog: https://towergirlsthegame.tumblr.com/post/142955624651/for-the-towergirls-subtitle-pending-game-the

Towergirls, Kingdom Conquest (what started it)

Link to towerfag's 0.12.6c game: Will edit when we find one towerfag hasn't DMCA'd

NEWFAG WARNING: "Vanilla" Game is chock full of NTR

Alleged Mod removing NTR Content: https://mega.nz/#!sVRmBQ6D!cYHhq668CCQrp3OZYA-2mRB8ftEqmD5SYj83jgSx028

Dev Blog on New Site, Towercuck changed the name to avoid being sued again: https://towergirlskingdom.com/

Notice: /hgg/ is not for doxxing and doesn't wanted to be associated with it, doubly so during this whole legal fiasco. If you insist on doing it anyways, please take all doxxing over to /baphomet/ or the thread at >>>/cow/287179

Towergirls Crusader's Glory (Name Uncomfirmed)

Link to MV Anon's tutorial: (NOTE: Doesn't contain porn as of this time, MV Anon is experiencing hardware problems) https://nofile.io/f/YysxbJQ9S9o/Towergirls+_Crusaders.zip

pass: letmein

Link to MV Anon's Editable Version: https://nofile.io/f/rYxf0ZX9Jc1/Towergirls+_Crusaders.7z

Pass: letmeedit

(I'll add sections here for ModAnon and IsoAnon when they get something prepared)

Thread Archives: (Newest to Oldest)

Shut It Down Edition: http://archive.is/KAUoS

Eternal Silence Edition: https://archive.is/9dAd5

Extreme Modding Edition: https://archive.fo/YpTz1

Fugitive Edition: https://archive.is/9WYyu

Shame & Embarrassment Edition: https://archive.fo/kaHk7

NG+ Edition: https://archive.fo/g4Cnw (alternate link: https://web.archive.org/web/20170905024425/https://8ch.net/hgg/res/95656.html)

Original Thread: https://archive.fo/mcgBr (Alternate Link: https://web.archive.org/web/20170407120104/http://8ch.net/hgg/res/25135.html)

Currently Allowed Namefags and their tripcodes:

Towerfag (KC Dev): Towerfag!V.NTxylH8Y

Gats (Towergirls IP Holder): gats!InMdw2ujCc

Hetros (Towergirls game dev, not a porn game so he's been asked to not tripfag unless it's relevant): Hetros !!6RU4XS.r2E


Pending/Future Namefags when they can get a working release out (I will edit you into the above section when/if we get to that point)





Side Note: This post may be edited by vols at random to include or remove information relating to the game and its spinoffs.

R:0 / I:0 / P:5 [R] [G] [-]

/hgr/ - Hentai Game Recommendation Thread!

Hey, degenerate coombrain here looking for great hentai/porn games.

So far I've played and highly enjoyed (and yes it's ranked):

* Witch Trainer Silver

* Soldgirl Town

* Sealed Room Breed

* Degrees of Lewdity

* Earn your Freedom

* The Headmaster

* Hypnoslave by Brozek

* Trap Quest

* Training Space Station

* Insight of you by AdventAnyx

Please recommend me more games to try!

Some things I like in games that aren't a huge requirement though:

Slaves, Mindbreak/control, Chastity/Orgasm Denial, both sexes in same situation,

Enemas, Forced Orgasms, Toys, flat chest/small tits, machines sex, emotionless sex

Put links, descriptions or titles of games in the comments!

R:268 / I:123 / P:5 [R] [G] [-]


CLOCK UP is doing an big breast Oni heroine game



>おによめ 鬼娘を嫁にもらって中出し孕ませ子作り

>"Have a daughter brutally marry a demon girl, make a creampie inside and make a child"

R:694 / I:242 / P:5 [R] [G] [-]

FoBS: Finally a new fucking thread edition

Last Thread Archive: https://archive.is/1jFVZ

>What is it?

FoBS, or Forest of Blue Skin, is an HGame made by Zell999 where you control a shota in a world where you can beat and capture or get raped by monster girls. You can capture these monster girls by performing certain actions and attaining skills, and using them in interesting ways. Updates usually every couple of months, the builds of the game right now are free as it is still in development. The dev intends to sell the game once development on it reaches a certain point.

>How do I get it?

For the current version at the time of this posting, you can go to https://ux.getuploader.com/fobs2/download/13 for version 1.13a. You will need to paste the password in the password field under the URL, which is fobs113930. It is a good idea to check his blog listed below for newer updates. The passwords (if there are any) and other alternate download mirrors are usually listed on the same blog post. If there is a new version released, first thing you should do before posting about it is going to the blog and getting it yourself.

>Where is it normally so I can check up on it myself?


It helps to have a translation browser extension to translate specific highlighted text. I usually post images of the blogposts translated if it is something worth mentioning.

>Help! I want to know how to…

https://pastebin.com/SFfa6W00 is a pastebin written by a fellow anon as a general guide on how to play, as well as a majority of the monsters. However, this guide is outdated by a few versions.


R:456 / I:74 / P:5 [R] [G] [-]

Tales of Androgyny - Retouched Edition

Tales of Androgyny is an RPG by Majalis featuring an effeminate MC that has to deal with vermin that want to rape him on his quest. If you are angry about playing as a male that gets fucked by cocks, this game isn't for you. There is straight or dominant gay content, but is often disappointing and without art.

Niches: oral, anal, shemales, females, men, cross-dressers, beasts, gay, text, hyper proportions, toys, etc..

All of the game content is a prototype, nothing is final.

Public versions are always found at: https://majalis.itch.io/tales-of-androgyny

Artist's Page: https://www.hentai-foundry.com/user/Majalis/profile

Current Build as of June 4th 2019: Version "May I Have Another"

JRE is still required to run Java.

FAQ: https://pastebin.com/aXUh0tcU

Consult thread and FAQ before asking

Previous Threads: >>321004, https://archive.fo/3TCbb,






Downloads will expire:

Linux: https://mega.nz/#!7rgG0SoL!_61jONxgxx3BDGDH9yXk0vhud984MKH1ptgxSi6ftQw

Mac: https://mega.nz/#!7zgkyYbJ!Qe0UTd6UB0y--BRQTELhu-A2WH0oQXpPR59qHeNDwdQ

Win32: https://mega.nz/#!zmhQFKZZ!y5A1ECb7LCAEIBTCcZcFo4E3rOE1iERkFm2B8bihVzc

Win64: https://mega.nz/#!HvwGSAzD!xJ3HQ-cy3qDELremzqz6dEiItBXdQEgzfHVQFDLu1xA

Apk: https://mega.nz/#!r6owVQpB!mgmGCWYCQ5jBFh37tp1UqjrwQuEaeKxPjvkZ9ahFTnk

Jar: https://mega.nz/#!HqpSFYCC!T97RB5maaW3XmK0mce0DEh-Dc-PE_hU6_uUkLYcKagk

Delayed due to board limits.

R:41 / I:11 / P:5 [R] [G] [-]

New Project 2

Found this gem.

This is a russian renpy game, with good western art, namely the loli.

Getting the loli version was a bit of a chore honestly. I found this game on F-95, which has the english version; AKA version 0.3, AKA no loli edition.

Version 0.5 is the one with loli content.

Supposedly the dev may be taking out the loli content so he can continue development without issue. Which, well, will kind of change the whole game. Since the game is you playing as a teacher, and there are multiple lolis and I think shotas. Also the loli scenes equal or outnumber the MILF scenes.

Anyway here is version 0.5 (russian):


English 0.3


R:568 / I:449 / P:5 [R] [G] [-]

Miel / Norn General

This is a general thread for Miel / Norn games.



These two related companies specialize in light-hearted sex, with Miel focusing on corruption-based scenarios with rape instilling nyphomania and lust within the girls while Norn has more vanilla scenarios. If you like light mindbreak and cock-hungry women, go with Miel, if you like true love with lots of sex, go with Norn.

Miel is among my three favourite nukige companies, along with Lilith (+subsidaries) and Bishop, so I hope this thread raises some awareness for them. Only problem I guess is that the CGs, while nice, benefit greatly from the text and don't stand alone as well as Bishop and Lilith games do. Anyway, have a good thread and fap!

R:7 / I:3 / P:5 [R] [G] [-]


hey i have been playing 2dcg porn games and im kinda sick of it i need good 3dcg games i dont care if its honey select i just need a good one like depravity or waifu academy and here is farmer pepe 4 u guys

R:497 / I:104 / P:5 [R] [G] [-]

Loli RPG

Saw this on my pixiv feed, thought you folks might be interested. Haven't played it yet but I did download.
R:19 / I:7 / P:5 [R] [G] [-]


Can't find any generals already up for this game. So might as well start one.

Eroico is a colorful, lighthearted platformer with monster-girls and sexual content. Journey across the land, battling and escaping the grasp of monster-girl foes in your quest to defeat the demon lord!

Official site: www.kyrieru.com/p/eroico.html

Steam store: https://store.steampowered.com/app/947600/Eroico/

R:3 / I:0 / P:5 [R] [G] [-]

Surprise me

I'm not expecting to find some actual good porn games. but you know what? i'll give you the chance to surprise me

R:429 / I:53 / P:5 [R] [G] [-]

Degrees of Lewdity

It's a sandbox game where you play as a boy or a girl trying to survive a town full of perverts, keep your sanity and earn that bread. Legally required to describe it as chibi and survival horror.



Latest version of posting Version


(Last updated: 26th June 2019)

Previous thread(s):











R:298 / I:71 / P:5 [R] [G] [-]

Dorei to no Seikatsu - Teaching Feeling - Now me

Now it is my turn to keep it alive.

Game about everyone's favorite little scared girl who just wants headpats and pancakes.

>Buy it here


Mega for 2.5.0


Mega for Old version (1.9.2):


cuckchan mod+TL for Old Version (1.9.2): (DOES NOT WORK ON 2.0+)


(The Mod-patch gives you New Clothes, New H-Scenes, Extended Memories, Partial Uncensored Mosaics, Date Night, Yandere Mode …. and more.)

Some useful links

Dev's Pixiv


Some uncensored stuff by him


Torrent for 2.5.0:


Torrent for 1.9.2


Android Port


Google Drive with all my TransFix patches and Clean games:


Previous threads:





EDIT: Excess spacing.

P.S. \/ Translation for 2.5 bellow \/

R:306 / I:109 / P:6 [R] [G] [-]

Top Tier Porn Games Discussion

Aside from the obvious Porn games like Koikatsu or Honey Select by Illusion. What are some of the more lesser known porn games that are of high quality? Personally, House Party, takes the fucking cake for me.

R:0 / I:0 / P:6 [R] [G] [-]

Infinity Cup poll

Hey guys, /icup/ here with a question on how we're going to handle the next iteration of the Infinity Cup ( https://anon.cafe/icup/ ) We're trying to poll whether certain boards are interested in playing in the cup, or if there's some specific team that you'd like to see play. If you want to, please answer or add your own answer to the poll in https://poal.me/6x3j1u

R:400 / I:48 / P:6 [R] [G] [-]

The last sovereign

Latest version released yesterday,anyone here can share(pls)

R:128 / I:19 / P:6 [R] [G] [-]

Flexible Survival

Since we already have some furry games discussed here (Kobold Adventure, Paraphore, CoC, Lilith's Throne etc) I think we should have a thread about Flexible Survival as well.

What is Flexible Survival?

It's a text-based game with a 'sandbox' feel. On the surface, it is a timed survival game where players must keep their character fed, watered and sane until rescue by the military shortly after the infection of the city by the transformation nanites. There are an array of creatures, events, NPCs and quests (both mini-quests and majour undertakings) to explore and experience. Many of the creatures of the city will attempt to infect the player (often through sexual contact) resulting in body transformations. The game has numerous 'endings' based on how the player is infected at the end of the game, whether they survived or succumbed to the infection, and which NPCs have been encountered and saved.



Shit's confusing. How do I do anything?


How to disable time limit?

While staying near Trixie say "iwannacheat" to see cheat menu.

So yeah. Have you guys played it before? Whatcha think about it?

R:525 / I:81 / P:6 [R] [G] [-]

Violated Heroine General - /vhg/

> So Long, Assembla Edition

Previous thread: >>116772

> What is Violated Heroine?

Violated Heroine is a pretty decent erotic 2D action role-playing game made with RPG Maker 2K. Though originally being a Japanese game, it is being translated to English. Players assume the role of Nanako, a young country girl looking to become an adventurer. But it depends on the choices you make! (Although we all know you're going to make her get raped by Goblins, Minotaurs, dogs and gang-raped by horny old men.)

> VHゲーム01 latest prepatched


> FAQ:

> How do I install this game?


> What's the password?

See Step 4 on the previous link.

> Help, something broke!



> I have no idea what to do in this game.


> What's been newly translated?


> I want to join the translation team.


> How do I apply translation patches?


> I want to make my own content.


> Where can I download the selfish/katteban version?


> Where is the other wiki?


R:58 / I:11 / P:6 [R] [G] [-]



In 2 hours 8ch will be blasted by all fronts, Hotwheels has betrayed 8ch and gone full SOCJUS. Because of another sped linking his retarded shit here (thread was deleted imminently possible FED poster), the twitter mob are now attacking 8ch.



R:621 / I:153 / P:6 [R] [G] [-]


2.0 is finally out edition!

previous thread >>167809

dev website: teraurge.blogspot.com

2.0: https://mega.nz/#!4b5wXIYA!ebMIKB85Au7YkLGHdz1W9of1hZpE50sIjS9bIQQPDss

What is it about? You were having a comfy night, about to fall asleep when you've been accidentally summoned to an unnamed alien planet by a witch, whose done this many times. You're able to communicate with most species you meet, unless they cannot speak.

Forget the "can you fuck it test", this game throws it right out the window. If you don't like feral, gore, or rape, there are even filters for it in the character creation.

NOTE: Current build is very buggy and untested. There's plenty of missing art, if you find something, post it here or tell draco about it so he can attempt to fix it.

R:0 / I:0 / P:6 [R] [G] [-]

3d Games like rapelay

Is there any new 3d games rapelay with less system requirements?

Rapelay is my favourite game It has undressing with hand and. You can see upskirt in chikan mode which very interesting too.

R:571 / I:119 / P:6 [R] [G] [-]

Four Element Trainer 2.0

The old Thread is full for weeks! So i thought about starting a new one!

Are there any new updates?

Previous thread: https://archive.fo/7RG6s

R:463 / I:32 / P:6 [R] [G] [-]

TrapQuest Thread

>This thread has over 750 posts and can therefore no longer be replied to. Please start a new thread.

Since the old one has over 750 replies I decided to make a new one

archive to previous thread https://archive.is/INH9R

unlock file some anon posted https://mega.nz/#!g5oSCAiR!QHiPTGdXUSRHeA9LYSkjdrIJbMEuvUxz_KBxngmKIS4


There are 4 different versions each with a different character window. I honestly think that all 4 of them are bad Keriax is total cancer, Danaume is to "fake" for my taste and wonderfuller is to ugly. Porn version is inconsistent which kind of ruins it for me

R:551 / I:81 / P:6 [R] [G] [-]


Thread for the slowest developing patron game ever.

Newlife is an erotic text-based lifesim game where you play either as a woman starting a new life in hiding from evil gangsters or as a man who has his gender changed in an improbable lab accident and has to make a new life in a female body.

Dev blog: https://splendidostrich.blogspot.com/

The game is both awful and yet charming. Would be better if it actually updated.

R:750 / I:110 / P:6 [R] [G] [-]

Free Cities - Pregmod: Combat Ready Edition






Copypasta for turboquestianons: https://pastebin.com/GRB6cabX

Pregmod: https://gitgud.io/pregmodfan/fc-pregmod , is a mod for Free Cities: https://freecitiesblog.blogspot.com

Furrymod/monster girl conversations are to be held in a separate thread.

Previous thread: >>368606, https://archive.is/xJdHr

Changelog: https://gitgud.io/pregmodfan/fc-pregmod/raw/pregmod-master/Changelog.txt

Versions (Always run Backwards Compatibility when using old saves on a new release)

Git: https://gitgud.io/Blank/FCP-FAQ/raw/master/Stupid_Nigger_Guide_for_Stupid_Niggers_3.0.png Background source: https://gelbooru.com/index.php?page=post&s=view&id=3501272 / https://gitgud.io/Blank/FCP-FAQ/raw/master/source.png / https://www.pixiv.net/member_illust.php?mode=medium&illust_id=58724288

Pre-compiled: https://mega.nz/#F!vzxgwKwL!L4V4JEk1YfWcvC7EG76TMg (upstream's HEAD is checked every minute. Merging, compiling and uploading takes about 10 seconds. Previous build is kept. The generic version can be found at https://gitgud.io/pregmodfan/fc-pregmod/raw/pregmod-master/devTools/PreCompile.sh)

To upload a file, change the filetype to either .swf or .pdf.







Deepmurk (embeded vector art developer and maintainer)'s request/issue tracker: https://gitgud.io/deepmurk/fc-pregmod/issues/1

Male pronouns issue tracker: https://gitgud.io/pregmodfan/fc-pregmod/issues/389

Animal request thread: https://gitgud.io/DCoded/fc-pregmod/issues/6

R:1 / I:0 / P:6 [R] [G] [-]

Couples Trainer 1st demo release!

Hey there!

The very first build of Couples Trainer is finally ready for you to play!

The more content for Couples Trainer will be added very soon, so stay tuned!

Feel free to share your thoughts and opinions, I'll be glad to read them and communicate with you :)

R:462 / I:147 / P:6 [R] [G] [-]


> "where is my maido posting general" edition

Previous thread: https://archive.is/IZvQw

Comprehensive CM3D2 Pastebin


Brief Installation Guide for Custom Maid 3D 2 (Updated 7/31/2017)


How to Play/English Wiki


Technical Help


Full DLC List


Mega alternative download (use a downloader to bypass dl limits)


Custom Maid 3D 2 ver 1.51.1 + All DLC (updated, 07/17/17)


Sybaris AIO


TranslationPlus plugin


Sybaris Starter Pack (Sybaris AIO, Translations, English Plugins) game ver 1.52


English Vibe Your Maid plugin Guide


Mod pack torrent


Latest Mod releases on Twitter


International List of Mods


English Mod Tools Pack


MultipleMaids English Translation


MultipleMaids on Pixiv


Official Site


Latest game update


edit: added previous thread.

R:604 / I:328 / P:7 [R] [G] [-]


>Please read the OP before asking anything. Failure to do so will result in ridicule.

>Download Full Game





>Game Installation+

Extract to your location of choice, then install (in order) Patches, DLC, BepInEx and finally any Bepis Plugins & Translations.

Be sure to test your game after every change you make!

>All-in-One DLC, Mods & Translation Pack


>Mod & Translation Releases




Make sure to download BOTH of the latest releases as you will NEED the Plugins for the translation to work.

>BepInEx Installation


New users: please note that you want to extract the Plugins second and put them into your BepInEx folder.

Old users: Delete the Patcher.exe

Much thanks to Bepis for your hard work!

>Sideloader Mods





>DLC schedule

No new updates

>Latest Patch (12/21)


>Is there a Booru for Cards?


>Where do I put these?

Under "Koikatu\UserData\Chara\female or male" then start the game.

>Where do I upload to share?


>I want more card frames!


>Studio scene collection


Old Thread: >>192679

R:70 / I:54 / P:7 [R] [G] [-]

Motto! Haramase! Honoo no Oppai Chou Ero Appli Gakuen [Exodus edition]



>CG's & MPG's ONLY:


>100% save


>Tier List because why not:




>Squeez and Milk Factory thread

R:241 / I:54 / P:7 [R] [G] [-]


Can we have a thread about Fullflap's games?
I love his games, also Demon's Sperm update soonish
R:56 / I:20 / P:7 [R] [G] [-]

FoBS Remake

I've been developing a remake of a poorly made H-game originally made on an outdated sdk. (RPGMaker2000). It's name is "Forest of the Blue Skins" or FoBS. A good portion of you probably know of or have played the game; It's CGs are relatively popular which is the main reason I'm remaking it.

I'm using Godot for the game engine, and I got pretty far into the mechanics of the game when I encountered this bug (vid related). It isn't game breaking or anything, but it is annoying, and may cause future issues.

What should happen is the character should not attack a second time once they hit the floor.

Let it be known that I've never really made a game before, and that my syntax is shit.

Alright so from what I've gathered from trying to fix this is the following:

It seems to me that when the player attacks in the air a specified animation plays, as it should, but if the player hits the ground before the animation is finished; it tries to play the grounded version of the attack animation, and in doing so; resets back to the beginning of the animation thus causing the second attack. This would be all well and good, should be an easy fix right? Well maybe I'm just a brainlet but nothing I've tried worked.

These are the sections of code that I think may be the culprits:

if grounded:
if is_attacking and !cooldown:
elif move_dir == 0:
elif is_attacking and !cooldown:

func _on_animation_finished(anim_name):
if "ground_attack" in anim_name:
cooldown = true
attack_collide.disabled = true
is_attacking = false
if "air_attack" in anim_name:
cooldown = true
attack_collide.disabled = true
is_attacking = false

func _on_animation_started(anim_name):
if "ground_attack" in anim_name:
attack_collide.disabled = false
if "air_attack" in anim_name:
attack_collide.disabled = false

So, usually I don't ask for help on problems I have with my projects because I can usually figure it out. Although this shit is different, I haven't been able to continue development for the last 2 weeks, and it's starting to fuck me up. Honestly any help would be appreciated.

Link to the project repo:


Link to the script mentioned:


R:279 / I:118 / P:7 [R] [G] [-]

Purification: Share your ideas. - Inspired at /hgg/


After I read a thread here and someone suggested purification as game theme, I thought that was a pretty good idea.

I've spent three days and about 20 hours of coding and it seems worthwhile to throw a month of free time at this, maybe more, we'll see.


Setting Outline:

2038 - you're 19 and you're burying your father. You grew up with stories of what the world was like before you were born, how the internet used to nave useful information or how you could order furniture and food…imagine that! Sometimes you wonder if he didn't mix in a lot of fantastical elements, just to keep your attention. He loved telling stories. No more stories, then.

He never let you go into the city, but during his sickness, when you had still hope he might make it, you had to go sometimes to trade. This was one place where he hadn't exaggerated what it was like.

First you saw two girls together. They were performing for a crowd, right there in the street. Their bodies slithering over each other. Mouths agape, tongue hanging out. Yes, I think I know what you are thinking, but it wasn't like that. Perhaps if they didn't look like their ribs might put each other's eyes out, it could have been aroused in the slightest. Where the girls were emaciated, most of the crowd were quite plumb. People shouted at them what they should do next. A man tried to join them when he was pushed back by another, demanding pay for it. A fight ensued, knifes drawn. You left before you could see whether they got out alive or not.

And this was only the beginning of the depravity you saw there. Drugs, sluts, cruelty, whores, e-thots, the depressed and downcast and that only scratches the surface of what you've seen in the last two weeks.

Now that father is dead, it is time to build your own future. And perhaps you could rescue one rotten creature and find a pearl underneath? Your father said it couldn't be done, "you can not save a whore". He was right about most things. But not about this. You would prove him wrong. Maybe.


What is the scope?

I'm trying a couple of different gameplay ideas out until I find something that is mildly enjoyable. The first prototype will probably be a little bit of survival gameplay with a variety of temptations (if there's no danger, it's hard to create temptation for the player). Rather than a binary corruption system, I'm creating something along at least 4 different axis of corruption, so that it's possible to have multiple playthroughs where you don't have to be pure in every axis (though it's probably possible, we'll see).

There are a whole host of ways a girl can be corrupted and you have to learn and detrain them in her. She too will be tempted to relapse and you'll have to deal with the fallout. There are fail states where a girl might leave, die or just not want to have anything to do with you anymore, though there is an endless supply of wretches.


Help me answer these questions:

1. Are there any specific types of corruption that you would really like to see?

2. Are there any specific ways you'd like to be able to purify?

3. Anything I haven't thought of but that I should be asking?



Right now I'm building the game to be fun. I've contacted a few artists (Alexis was made for another game). I'll put some money into it, but it will probably not happen for the first or second build, I am going to have a barebones alpha ready by next weekend (16 feb)

If you are a decent or better artist and would like to work on this, let me know.

This could end up being paid work for years, as I plan to be making games for at least the next 3 years.



I'm a so-so writer (judge for yourself by the outline at the top), but I'll do it myself unless I find someone willing to help for free. I don't have sufficient money to pay for writing. Though I'll set up some type of donation jar or patreon and when we do well, the next project will be paid, so if you're passionate and you're easy to work with, hit me up and we'll be making games for years.


Anything you'd like to ask about the current plans? Feel free to shoot.

R:186 / I:18 / P:7 [R] [G] [-]

Pregnancy Games general/Pregnancy as a status effect

So, I'm an impregnation enthusiast that gets off to girls getting knocked up. Not exactly pregnant sex, just the risk, the corruption value and responsibility of pregnancy.

So much so that getting a girl pregnant a second time gets me off even harder.

I can get off to pregnancy as an ending or just the risk of impregnation, but they still can't measure to pregnancy as a status effect, which doesn't end the game and has the possibility of more pregnancy.

It's not exactly a easy task to do on a game as well considering you either abort and deliver and delivery and the children will either be offscreen or need a whole new system.

Recommend and talk about games with Impregnation/pregnancy, preferably as a status effect.

R:2 / I:0 / P:7 [R] [G] [-]

The Shimmering Horizon and Cursed Blacksmith (Free Trial Available!)



Hello everyone! We are Ason, a Taiwanese indie development team.

Some of you might saw us here last year, so yeah, it's been a while!

We hope we don't step on the rules this time lol

(also we tried to find the previous post but didn't find it so apologize in advance)

We wanted to share the free trial version of our developing title, The Shimmering Horizon and Cursed Blacksmith!

Here's our trailer on Youtube if you're curious:


Basically it's a roguelike RPG reminiscent of the Mystery Dungeons series and Souls-like games, with a unique crafting system in which you can create weapons where you stand.

It's also a reverse r*pe game where you'll be fucked dry in or out of the dungeon, as you'll see in the images!

All lines are voiced by Japanese VAs for your pleasure :D

The release date is still TBD, but we're working hard daily to deliver!

We just released our free trial on DLSite, Steam and other sites.

If you found the game interesting, please consider adding it to your wishlist or anything!

DLSite page:


Steam page:




R:16 / I:5 / P:7 [R] [G] [-]

Monster Girl Club Bifrost

mega: https://mega.nz/#!RYtAESiY!JfiQQsjChu8qH5qqAQhODlOInfY_rQcmEOJRHj8OV9Y

anonfile: https://anonfiles.com/19I4E4k2of

Buy monstergirls! Rape monstergirls! Turn them into good little slaves, then whore them out for cash! Keep your favorite all to yourself and marry her! There's even a generic trainer game plot point about a debt in there somewhere! Ignore it because you don't need a motivation to rape women to submission and then profit off them.

In case you didnt get the hint yet, Monster Girl Club Bifrost is a trainer game about you running a whorehouse of monstergirls. Train them during then day and then sell their bodies at night. There's even some strategy of reviewing your customer's taste and trying to choose the best monster girl to squeeze money out of him. And the more you interact with a monster girl, the more you will get to witness her gradual descent from being a prude virgin to become a slobbering slut as you put her in her place. The artwork even updates and you get new dialogue and stuff. It's a whole lot of fun.

R:101 / I:30 / P:7 [R] [G] [-]

Breeders Of The Nephelym: "Go play that instead Edition"

BotN is "Breeders of the Nephelym. Think Breeding season, but 3D and not made by a faggot." (Your milage may vary on that).Contains Futa, Monstergirls and Furries. Futa can be toggled, Furries can be ignored. You can play as a Dude, a Women or a Futa.

Someone plugged it in the LT thread so I played it and it was pretty decent so I wanted to get a general going.

Current Version as of this thread: v0.712

Mega Link: https://mega.nz/#!suZC3IjL!i4TUcAxoTMG7jc_PP0OJCRqf97b9AkwDiMEdQSrKIdo

R:22 / I:6 / P:7 [R] [G] [-]

Honey Select 2

I was surprised to find out they made a sequel, it released a few days ago. You know the drill, post cards, complain about performance, etc.

Repack download here (includes some essential mods, machine translation, females uncensored, male still censored):


Note: you can't import cards from HS, only AI Shoujo.

R:4 / I:7 / P:7 [R] [G] [-]

ToLLA General

Writer for the project here…

We're a small group of 3 developers, and we're making ToLLA, a lewd 2D party-based Western CRPG.

H-games have a poor track record as far as updates and production quality goes, so I can understand why some of you might be sceptical at first glance. We'll do our best to try and stand out, if only because we want to actually finish the game and have a completed project under our belts.

I'll use this thread to answer questions for those interested, and post development updates. You're all welcome to contribute suggestions, comments, and ideas you'd like to see in a game like ours (we have a solid vision for the project, but it never hurts to hear suggestions). ToLLA takes place in a high-fantasy setting, so pretty much anything goes as far as kinks and fetishes…

Launch is ~3 weeks away; both writing and scripting are done, and we're just waiting on the last of the art. The game itself is very ambitious with a ton of features, but we've got a detailed roadmap worked out, and have been in pre-production for the past 7 months. We'll be rolling out systems and mechanics with each new patch… alongside a ton of hand-painted smut.

The game's Patreon (and further info), for anyone interested:

https://www.LINK REMOVED/CrimsonDelightGames

You're free to post/ask anything you like, but please try to keep it civil!

R:386 / I:84 / P:7 [R] [G] [-]

/hgdg/ - Hentai Game Dev General 4

Old thread: >>213266


Earlier thread:


Show us what you're working on and ask questions and help, even non-devs are very much welcome.

>Learning and general "How do I maek game" stuff:



All threads on games early in development that lack a playable demo and asking about game development/ideas/etc are to be posted here.

R:30 / I:1 / P:7 [R] [G] [-]

Lilith throne : MLP anus licking edition

Lilith throne is a game about you getting transported into a world full of anthro (or not) lust filled characters you can transform and/or enslave


Current version : 0.3.8

Previous thread : >>364176

R:2 / I:0 / P:7 [R] [G] [-]

3four03 Tareco Drive LA cali 9006eight………………………………………………………………………………………..

R:1 / I:0 / P:7 [R] [G] [-]

Succubus Prison

Will we ever get a game in the same vein as this ever again? (As in survival horror hentai with succubi) The developer doesn't seem interested in creating a sequel, and I can't find any other games that scratches the itch that this one did.

R:46 / I:0 / P:8 [R] [G] [-]

Portals of Phareon

It's some sort of monstergirl breeding game with tactical battles.

- Lots of monstergirls + hybrids

- three different PC's to choose from with different power/skill sets

- Actual decent combat system

- exploration and team management

- complex mechanics for autists

It's on patreon, but all versions are free and available AFAIK

Latest version here(V0.9.7.0):


R:48 / I:11 / P:8 [R] [G] [-]

What is your all time favorite hentai game ?

Hey I'm searching the best of the best. What's your favorite Hentai/Porn games ?

I don't have any favorite, I try to find THE one. I only got some that prefer:

-Incestual Awakening

-Snow Daze

-Princess Trainer


R:751 / I:186 / P:8 [R] [G] [-]

Recommendations Thread

/hgg/, I have never touched a dating/hentai game in my life, and I need some recommendations. Preferably something with a bit of story/longevity that will make me feel; not just interactive porn.

ITT general recommendations for newfags.

Edit: made it more clear that it was a recommendations thread.

R:235 / I:30 / P:8 [R] [G] [-]


Alunia is a text based slave management game I made in unity.

Link: https://mega.nz/#!zgpACYBZ!fVS2gSCkNiA7nxNfEAHaSgF6a2cy6VmWJOGnt_Zb6Vc

Currently you can play as male, female or corrupted (dickgirl/futa). You can buy, capture, manage, punish, reward, modify, train, work, sell, rape, befriend and impregnate slaves in a fantasy setting. Sex is male on female or corrupted on female with text and stolen art. There is a relatively complex rpg combat system but it’s entirely optional.

Even though the game has some content for a demo of course it still needs a lot of work and I don’t find it too much fun to play at the moment. Didn’t plan to post it in this stage but I need feedback, it would be really helpful to know what people want so I can prioritize that.

You can add your own images by editing this example pack: (only download if you want to make your own) https://mega.nz/#!qs5CkIBY!pLYbVxzgpqwtm1dszTzLsuwVe-6gin8QlNsj-ArYJOw

Uncompressed link: https://mega.nz/#!qwoUyaKD!9F-UFWU-mOcgQRlsEAoib67nUF1BmJBJ1X6j3PWleV0

(Cheating gives 1000 gold and triggers a unique slave event.)

R:751 / I:111 / P:8 [R] [G] [-]

Free Cities: Pregmod - National Socialist Loli Edition






Copypasta for turboquestianons: https://pastebin.com/GRB6cabX

Pregmod: https://gitgud.io/pregmodfan/fc-pregmod, is a mod for Free Cities: https://freecitiesblog.blogspot.com

Furrymod/monster girl conversations are to be held in a separate thread.

Previous thread: >>362177, https://archive.is/YIhV6

Changelog: https://gitgud.io/pregmodfan/fc-pregmod/raw/pregmod-master/Changelog.txt

Versions (Always run Backwards Compatibility when using old saves on a new release)

Git: https://gitgud.io/Blank/FCP-FAQ/raw/master/Stupid_Nigger_Guide_for_Stupid_Niggers_3.0.png Background source: https://gelbooru.com/index.php?page=post&s=view&id=3501272 / https://gitgud.io/Blank/FCP-FAQ/raw/master/source.png / https://www.pixiv.net/member_illust.php?mode=medium&illust_id=58724288

Pre-compiled: https://mega.nz/#F!vzxgwKwL!L4V4JEk1YfWcvC7EG76TMg (upstream's HEAD is checked every minute. Merging, compiling and uploading takes about 10 seconds. Previous build is kept. The generic version can be found at https://gitgud.io/pregmodfan/fc-pregmod/raw/pregmod-master/devTools/PreCompile.sh)

To upload a file, change the filetype to either .swf or .pdf.







Deepmurk (embeded vector art developer and maintainer)'s request/issue tracker: https://gitgud.io/deepmurk/fc-pregmod/issues/1

Male pronouns issue tracker: https://gitgud.io/pregmodfan/fc-pregmod/issues/389

Animal request thread: https://gitgud.io/DCoded/fc-pregmod/issues/6

R:82 / I:13 / P:8 [R] [G] [-]

Hard Times in Hornstown


Hard Times in Hornstown. This is a text-based sandbox time managment game focusing on sexual situations including several fetishes. The game puts you in the shoes of a boring everyman down on their luck.Your goal is to manage time and money efficiently and to build a life for yourself that you always wanted. The game has both straight and gay sexual content and several opportunities for the transformation of the player character both physically and mentally.

Updated: 23-Sept-2018

download here https://mega.nz/#!6G5xXYoJ!2MFFhX5nyiRnuua_PcYfaYwkldOMvSLBg0lM_8SXjks



Browser version 2.33:


Download version 2.33:


In order to enable trainer app you need to do the following:

1. Save your game to a .txt file.

2. Decode it with any base64 decoder you want.

3. Open it and find the patron|i:0 line and change 0 to 2. You might also wanna change the patroncode|i:0 and patroncheck|i:0 lines just in case.

4. Save the file and encode it back to base64.

5. Load the game.

R:6 / I:3 / P:8 [R] [G] [-]

Hentai Labyrinth

Hentai Labyrinth is a new RPG by IMYUIC with art by Zankuro. There is NTR content in this game, and it is how the player goes about unlocking new abilities, which is a huge turnoff for some (myself included, but I found the art good enough to look past it).

Game can be found here (dlsite)


Will post my game files later if anyone wants to try it out.

R:8 / I:3 / P:8 [R] [G] [-]

evenicle 2

Good news /hgg/.

Alicesoft confirmed the english localization of evenicle 2.

English demo coming out on steam soon. The time is coming for epic fapping, and retards complaining about non-existant NTR.

Here we go again…

R:315 / I:62 / P:8 [R] [G] [-]

Tower of Trample

>What is Tower Of Trample?

A RPG maker ryona/femdom game where the erotic focus is more on humiliation and fetish stuff than intercourse. After all why would women that disrespect you want to fuck you in the first place?

>Where can I find the game?

You can find updates either in this thread or somewhere on Fag95.

>When does bowei update?

The previous OP said on the 15/16 every month but that turned out to be a big fucking lie, so now you'll get an update almost quarterly

>Can I transfer my old save file to an updated game?

Yes. Just copy your save files from the old folder into the new one and your progress will be carried over. But if you miss out on a few updates it doesn't hurt to look through the changelog to see whether there were changes to mechanics or variables as they usually get a clean-up option with their respective version which is then missing in the following release.

Previous Thread




R:459 / I:50 / P:8 [R] [G] [-]

TFGamesite General #2

This thread is for discussing TFG games, any other new TFG threads are liable to be deleted or bumplocked.

Previous thread


R:20 / I:2 / P:8 [R] [G] [-]

Magic &amp;amp;amp; Slash

Anyone played/playing 'Magic & Slash'? Wanted to make a thread because I've been enjoying it so much. If you can't stand diablo gameplay and/or weeb content this game is not for you.


>Diablo-like skill and lvl up system, similar RNG loot system but no manual stat distribution (stats increase when you lvl class like in TQ/GD), portals and checkpoints.

>A female PC with 2 class options (mage and magic swordsman-ish) which you can freely switch between in town, they have separate exp/lvl and gear loadout.

>Controls are just what you'd expect with mouse movement and skill hotkeys, runs on Unity but clearly some care has been put into it.

<Lewd content

>Diverse female main cast regarding tits, PC is medium sized but there's also a flat loli and cowtits supporting characters that get some scenes.

>Fully female VA'd uncensored hentai scenes with sound effects, they have a slideshow progression but are sadly not animated

>Scenes unlocked by story progression, side mission completion, loss scenarios and 'identifying' familiars (equipment drop that passively casts spells) which requires semen, new scenes as you progress with the semen collecting

>Both classes have a bunch of different costumes, can affect which scenes you'll get (mage or swordsman also affects it)

>Beating the game unlocks all loss scenes, when you die there's a 'bad end' with a h-scene, after that you start in the town again (time is rewound to before the fight since the scenes usually have permanent implications such as becoming the designated meat toilet of an orc tribe)


R:4 / I:11 / P:8 [R] [G] [-]

Bishop Thread Redux

Last one is full of dead links and pretty much dead. Time for the cum stained phoenix to return.

>Sansha Mendan [English Patched]


>Bishop Drama CDs


>Shihai no Kyoudan 2

R:597 / I:169 / P:8 [R] [G] [-]

Sprite Sex Games

Let's see if we can create an informative list of the best sprite sex games that includes a sample of the art work as well as a WORKING DOWNLOAD LINK. Try to include some tags like

tags: gallery, platformer, part vore

I'll start

1. Forest of Blue Skin

We have a thread here: >>34436, fucking fantastic game would recommend

tags: platformer, monsters, gallery

download: https://mega.nz/#!IwkgTQAK!GwVAGoxLPFjYmzW20SJJcyWaM_eH-WSqRa1lgBF1_H8

2. Tobihime (Flying Princess)

thread here: >>1784, Pic 2 related. Actually a fun game

tags: strategy, monsters, gallery

download: https://mega.nz/#!2A8E1YYa!xky2t6vVQFd2SyPZ9H0sjM4IM7rehus6Qi5pgWecfVI

3. Samurai Sacrament

great h-scenes,would recommend as it's fun to play as well, pic 3

tags: monster, platformer, gallery

Can't find download link, was a while ago.

4. Succubus

not as great of a game, not too fun but the sprites are okay, no pic

tags: platformer, gallery

download: http://www110.zippyshare.com/v/V1zneqBB/file.html

R:164 / I:63 / P:8 [R] [G] [-]

Make Love Not Waagh!


A fantasy VN focused around a cute orc girl who wants to be fucked and treated like a slave. It's pretty short but the creators said they might be making more for it.

Be warned they're spics, but if that doesn't turn you off of it the arts pretty solid and the story is super cute

R:19 / I:1 / P:9 [R] [G] [-]

Spring city paradise


Swiftly removed from Fag95, for exactly why you might think. But snagged a peek. It is a rough game, early, and bare bones, however after unpacking the game there are TONS of pics, just not sure how to activate them in game I randomly got a sexual scene when it feels like I shouldn't have so progress and content progression is probably just poorly implemented as of now. Either way, some pretty degenerate shit.

Gameplay is repetitive and feels like you are going nowhere but there is content, just not sure how to unlock it.