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 No.329174 [Last50 Posts]

Super simple flat forehead directions:

Step 1: Install this version of CK2 Holy Fury


Step 2: Unzip this premade pack directly into

C:\Users\xxxxx\Documents\Paradox Interactive\Crusader Kings II


Step 3: Enable mods in launcher. You're finished.

Note: I got rid of the Varangian Guard events because they were breaking absolutely everything, I've not had a single bug or issue since with anything else. YMMV. If you have any issues, let me know.

Note2: I'm a dipshit and put the subject in name on accident so I recreated the post . _ .

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What kinds of lewdity are in?

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first, I forgot to mention that the ACM mod is a cheat mod that lets you change race and portraits and shit, you may or may not want to disable it. Also, if you have problems with the Varangian Guard events, you might need to totally remove them from your game files. If you have any issues, I'll upload the text file with them removed.

Quite substantial lewdity, to be honest I've only only played as a futa succubus so far, but you can also be a werewolf, elf, kitsune, vampire, orc, angel. All sorts of stuff. Honestly it feels quite a lot like if Free Cities were a grand strategy game, so if you like that, give it a try.

tbh I've nutted so many times I feel a bit ill at this point, so I'll give it that. Also it's CK2, so even after you nut, you still want to keep playing because it's just a dope-ass game regardless. It's a bit dangerous.

Only issue is there's really no loli content outside of the Christianity mod, and I had to disable that because it's completely breaks any sort of random/shattered world generation.

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Do i need that specific version of holy fury or will the one I own legally work I just hate overwriting things if I don't have too

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It should probably work, the one in the torrent just contains all the DLC and expansions.

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File: e8dba5396239bd4⋯.jpg (69.52 KB,362x610,181:305,Blank+_43c1ce7a1d694852482….jpg)

Thank you so much for posting this my dude. I can't properly convey my gratitude.

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What exactly did you fap to? Lewd portraits?

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There's a lot of events, short erotica stories, embedded images, etc. I also get off hard on just the sheer concept of keeping a harem of daughters perpetually knocked up, so I might have a bias for this sort of thing. It feels very similar to Free Cities.

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>Extreme Inbreeding

But Anon, that's how you get Habsburg level of fucking ugly.

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File: bebbc5d2e2f94dc⋯.jpg (50.7 KB,650x408,325:204,grabbul.jpg)

I want to install mods like this, but CK2's telemetry shit makes me too paranoid to. Remember when games didn't sell your fucking data constantly?

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pepperidge farms remembers…

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>extreme inbreeding

That's a lot of jews, niggers, and mudshits.

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Wow, I didn't expect to find a CK2 lewd mods thread.

Good job OP

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taken from cuckchan gsg

>Don't Track me Paradox

>A simple hosts file fix that will stop you from sharing any data with Paradox. If it opens on notepad or has a .txt extension, make sure it will have a .cmd extension instead.


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What kinda content is in this modpack? Is it fairly vanilla with futa and fantasy races etc, or is there more DEGENERATE stuff too?

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Appreciated. But the fact we need it is insane.

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This is what I'm wondering too, I'm also a pervert, but even a game like CK2?

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Too much fantasy for my tastes. I'll pass.

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I've always had problems using copypasta links with torrents. I open the torrent and get a search bar paste the maglink and it takes me to google??? WTH???

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Never mind, fingered it out…

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>fingered it out

I bet you did, you dirty slut.

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You can't get off to the abstract idea of being a 9 dicked horse dicked futa elf loli werewolf succubus? wtf is wrong with you?

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I actually smiled at this it was so funny, and I'm usually a stone faced titan, so yeah…

Later, just got it installed

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It's a smattering, it's more vanilla than not but with some deeper degeneracy here and there.

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Thank you for posting this. Will you post some other mods in the future?

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CK2 is selling your data on top of the ridiculous prices?

The fuck is wrong with Swedes? Even Americans would get upset at this shit.

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Are there any good total conversion mods with possibilities for lewdness? Lux Invicta let you play as slaver republics, shame it was such a bloated mod otherwise. Not sure if it's even still around/updated for HF.

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How difficult is this game compared to stellaris?

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Nothing officially confirmed on the "sells your data" front but when the new launcher updates came out a while ago to comply with the EU's new rules about privacy they were forced to disclose that they pretty much full-scan your PC (games you play, how long for, your OS, what mods you use etc, not quite as bad as what eb*k gaym store does but that's just what they've admitted to doing).

They're something like 5-10% owned by tencent, every DLC you buy directly funds the future social credit system.

NEVER give your money to parakikes, maybe buy the base game if it's on sale or something so you can get access the mod forum but don't bother with it if it released after 2016 because that's when the growing cancer really metasized.

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I just put together the most interesting and compatible shit and zipped it all up to make it easy, there's still probably some other things that would go nicely in it, so if I add more stuff in the future I'll update you. I also might make a Stellaris thread.


It has a lot of deep shit buried, I'm still finding new features and stuff buried in the UI even after like, hundreds of hours of playing CK2. Stellaris is a lot more straight-forward and simplified.


Not really, I think I got all the good, big compatible ones together already. There is already slaving in this setup, however.

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I thought about checking AllTheFallen. My problem was that the new Shattered and Random world generator things in CK2 are completely incompatible with anything that changes the Defines of the game, meaning you can't change the marriage age or anything or it will crash. Not a problem if you just want to play on the vanilla standard CK2 map, but if you want any sort of randomized or custom map you need the default defines.

There IS a slightly older mod you can get off loverslab for CK2 that is totally censor free and lets you impregnate newborns and shit, but it's very crude and buggy and not worth it.

I would love to have loli content as well, but I would much rather have full access to the randomized world generator, because it's very cool.

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Imagine what people masturbated to before porn existed and channel their energy

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They went out and had sex with women, animals, anything that they could fit it in and didn't care about consent. Subsequently, they also didn't usually live very long.

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> monkey rape coliseums

> also rape in general

The past was wild, modern day deranged people would look like chaste nerds in the past.

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File: 3b0102a1553751e⋯.jpg (58.12 KB,736x397,736:397,Diogenes.jpg)


They masturbated to the thought of pissing people off.

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Can I be an immortal futanari empress yet?

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File: 0ea843bead189ad⋯.jpg (32.69 KB,645x773,645:773,0ea843bead189ad1353c460f2f….jpg)


No, the degenerates of the past are making a comeback in modern times.

Men cutting off their penises and sticking dildos into the bleeding hole while claiming to be 69 genders at the same time.

Forcefully implementing the idea of consent, then eagerly extending the concept further so that children can give sexual consent.

Dressing in animal-suits that collects your feces and engaging in homosexual orgies in a mist of shit, smegma and cum in dirty convention hotels.

Women waging war on motherhood, men standing in line to sterilize themselves "for the good of the enviroment."

Letting foreign invaders into your countries to spread their barbarism and rape-pump your white women full of moslem monster batter.

There has never been a better time to fully understand the decadance of ancient past.

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Yes. Yes you can.

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File: 2a2c1923d776d01⋯.jpg (12.01 KB,256x256,1:1,2a2c1923d776d017f5e3ab6265….jpg)


Unironically this. Civilizations usually get 1-1.5k years to live. Decadence is always the sign of the end and it seems it is time for the western one to die. Just as the ones before and after it.

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Can I be an immortal empress with a harem of futanari?

Because that's my jam.

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that too!

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You're the exact left-wing equivalent of the Christians inventing Roman degeneracy in order to justify their own existence. Roman circus, the orgies - none of it ever existed. It was completely made up; and if I bothered to dig I could tell you which "scholars" did it.

(((Modern))) demagogues do the same thing by acting like people from before the era of TV and the Internet did nothing but huff paint and fuck barnyard animals. It's fucking pathetic that you have to lie about the past like that to sleep at night.

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File: cdce2dfe7e81a90⋯.jpg (495.69 KB,2560x1440,16:9,tKIJ02f.jpg)


It's pretty much a standard practice now. Lot of games got caught with that redshell shit. First it was DLC, then season passes, cosmetics, lootboxes…and now, just selling your fucking data because EULAs are supralegal. At what point do they stop squeezing the customer? When do we get the first case of in-game data mining tipping off that someone has 'Loli Slut Bang Fuck my chingchong' in their registry?

I just want to play vidya games, but it's absurd how overlooked telemetry bullshit is, despite it being built-in to unity shit.

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File: 74b0fa2533ea5f1⋯.png (212.28 KB,338x353,338:353,Original goat eyes donutst….png)


>first time playing CK2, so get some of the cheat attributes

>finding my way through it, join the Lilith society and start sucking my way up the ranks

>marry twice, both times my husbands die on the battlefield as I try to unify my country

>already have a menagerie of bastards from sleeping around

>only way I've found to get futanari NPCs is either from a merchant RNG or purchasing NPCs for 75 gold, of which I have absolutely nothing because I'm leading dumb pagans and I can't figure out how to raid

>finally ascend as an immortal succubus, managed to scrounge up the money for my own living demonic dildo, the merchant event futanari is pretty much an idiot, so she's just my court jester, probably spinning hoops on her dick in the court for my amusement

>the bastards keep piling up

>and up

>and up

Maybe this isn't the best fantasy to explore in a reality without birth control. What am I even going to do with all of them?

And as a pagan, how do you generate any kind of wealth?

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raid rich feudal counties as you get both prestige and wealth from it.

It's quite easy to do, what you do is raise your army that you want to raid with, consolidate them into one territory and then one army, when you click on your newly formed army there will be a blue button with a shield in the top right of the little info pane that popped up so you click that and it will turn red and display a torch, you now have a raiding party which will raid automatically when in placed in someone else's territory. You can raid territories that are touching yours, but if you want to raid any farther you need to some boats in the bay so that the raiders can load up their loot. You will only get some money every few ticks till it runs out while you are on a county, but if you have a bigger army than their levy then you can fully raid the place which will give you a large sum of cash. Generally you want to fully raid all parts of a county before you move on. When you have a full boat sail it back to your port and you will gain the money that was looted and prestige that's equal to how much you looted.

If you have bastards that are just piling up train them as generals and send them into battle or give them away to unmarried female rulers.

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>as a pagan, how do you generate any kind of wealth?

Raids and business focus, mostly.

Raids allows you to pillage holdings in a counties, gaining gold and prestige. Tribal holding and castles don't give a lot, unlike towns and temples, but realm rulers usually reside in former.

If, while pillaging, you manage to capture an important person, e.g. ruler himself, his kids or wife, you can ransom them for money, provided that someone can pay for them.

Also, watch for councilors, some of them may start from your people, then you can imprison and banish them, confiscating their gold.

Business focus allows events that will let you gain more gold and increase Stewardship.

Also, if you are new to this game, there a humongous wiki for CKII.


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Neat. Thanks, guys.

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Pictures, sculptures, imagination.

There's been findings of female figurines with abbrasions on tits, ass and genital region in old roman camps, dildos in the toilets of covenants, stuff like that.

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i just started, set my race to halfdemon, how do you join the chosen of lilith?

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whenever i start the game, i get less than 3 days in, before 6 blank events popup, thus preventing me from doing anything. anyone know a way to help?

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>at what point do they stop?

they don't. that should be obvious.

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That's weird. Are you using the linked version of CK2? What religion and government are you?


there's a societies tab on the far right side of the menu where you control all your shit


You can legitimize the bastards, you can still marry bastards off in alliances, you can have them be commanders in your army, or if you're a monastic religion you can send them off to be celibate monks.

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File: 1091952ed13c458⋯.png (307.03 KB,491x652,491:652,That webm.png)


>my living dildo succubus dickslave got depressed and just walked into the woods

I didn't realize I had to treat my demons nicely.

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>Can't take female consorts as giant dick futa

I forgot CK2 is hardcoded antilesbos. Any fix in the mods included?

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Fuck, My games crashes after I select the rules.

I was using my legit copy with the DLCs. I guess I must download the game from the OP to make it work (?)

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I'm actually baffled as to why. I thought paradox loved sucking that progressive dick, so why hardcode game in such rigid way?

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Yeah, you all probably want to just use the linked version. I don't know what DLC you all do and don't have and the one I linked is the exact one I use.


There is a mod that is not included, but you have to drop the Christianity mod for it to work, if incest content is important to you, you probably want to keep the Christianity mod.


However, the easiest workaround is to simply become a chosen of lilith and use the Kiss of Seduction to take every giant dicked futa you want as a lover instead. If you're a nomad, you won't be able to legitimize the resulting children, but if you're tribal or feudal you can legitimize them and it will be essentially the same as having consorts.

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Addedum: Eugenics mod also does not work with lesbocracy apparently.

I would just go with the take them as lovers approach, dropping Christianity and Eugenics would fuck a lot of shit up methinks.

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There's incest in here? I haven't found any sort of options to do anything with my family, and I have a big-ass family by now.

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File: fdd5ad0e26c0e6c⋯.png (476.21 KB,650x465,130:93,CK2game_2019-03-26_18-19-2….png)


Standard campaign or a random/shattered world?

What is your religion?

When you hover over your religion, does it mention close kin marriage?

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>Are you using the linked version of CK2?

that would do it, im a brainlet. i just nabbed the latest version off of the usual site for paradox games

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Shattered, germanic paganism. And I'll have to check next time I putz around with it.

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Can you at least explain what those mods are for? I'm not asking you to spoonfeed, but you've basically dropped a modpack without saying anything about it beyond that inbreeding is a main draw.

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Its like buying a pack of condoms and having to make sure that you don't get assraped by the pharmacist on the way home

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File: 31a72d348b2f43c⋯.png (14.83 KB,1234x172,617:86,explorer_2019-03-26_18-55-….png)

File: 65cc0015042ec4c⋯.png (48.69 KB,1223x801,1223:801,2019-03-26_18-54-20.png)

File: 41f559e71f90338⋯.png (63.61 KB,1569x802,1569:802,2019-03-26_18-59-27.png)


You're right, I should have explained, I miss major details a lot, so I apologize.

Christianity mod changes Lust to a virtue in christianity and allows incest within christianity. In a shattered or random world, if you pick " all random " for religions, you can add those traits to any religion you want.

Dark World fantasy and its component mods add fantasy races, orcs, elves, faeries, nekos, kitsunes, orcs, werewolves, and vampire. Some of those races have more events than others. I believe the Kitsune, succubi/incubi, and the Elves have the most fleshed out events, and the succubi/Incubi should be able to found their own religions eventually, as well.

The Pureblood mod removes the crippling inbred trait and replaces it with a Pureblood trait instead.

Eugenics mod *should* fix certain religions to allow incest marriage and allow for specific events seducing your direct relatives, but I'm not 100% sure it's needed or even working anymore.

>>329951 And speaking of eugenics mod, I got so wrapped up in the full random religions and religion customization in shattered worlds I never actually checked if most of the religions in the standard campaign had incest stuff enabled. All Christian sects as well as Zoroastrianism should have incest stuff, but Eugenics mod might just not be working totally right and the pagan religions and whatnot might not be able to do incest marriage or anything.

It's fixable though, just follow the pictures.

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Where should I place this? The mod folder?

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Anyone else having issues trying to get the DLC to be activated for the game? I'm more than likely fucking something up here.

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>Zoroastrianism should have incest stuff

Tangential, since I know it's in the base game but I find it kind of hilarious that a bunch of retarded camel jockeys' literal inability to understand anything but patrilineal succession of surnames has been memed into incest-promotion in the state religion of what was at one time over 40% of the world's population centuries later. Makes me wonder what future citizens of the Caliphate will think of the British Empire.

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When I installed it, all the DLC was pre-enabled and I didn't have to fuck around with anything. So I'm not sure what's going on.

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All of the DLC is linked to steam on the launcher and whenever I go into the game none of the DLC is working.

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Oh, you need the crack, Reinstall it but check the codex crack option in the installer.

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just download the cracked dlc if it aint showing up by default

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That would explain what I needed to make it work. Thanks.

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Thanks, I noticed an option that said copy Codex files to install directory. checking that solved it

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So fair warning, I've noticed the Continue option having some strange effects and loading your game as a randomly picked different faction. It works fine if you actually select Load and manually load the save.

No idea why that's happening.

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Do I have to find and download all of the DLC to play this? Just seems like a lot of effort for just a text based fap…

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I'm a fucking idiot, ignore this post please.

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get the mystics building and buy a drink of fortune and snowball from there

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It's been a long time since I played CK2 (and not much when I did), but is it normal for everyone to get great pox and leprosy?

Considering the content of the mod, great pox makes sense, but absolutely everyone gets it regardless of how much of a slut they are.

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Not to be rude but that modpack is pretty garbo. Loads of incompatible and outdated stuff in there mixed with each other makes for an unstable and buggy game..

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got any better ones? I'm open to suggestions

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>There is already slaving in this setup, however.

what mod does the slaving come from, is it included in Dark World by default?

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I might be a fucking monkey. I can't figure out how to play as a demon/a futa. Under ethnicity I can pick fantasy and play as an elf, but I don't see any glowing neon sign that says "demon". Same with traits I can see some stuff like pureblood and virgin, but no spoon to feed me the futa.

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Literally the only thing that is outdated is the Eugenics mod. Everything else is listed as compatible on the fucking dark world fantasy page itself. I've played two long campaigns so far and the only issues I've had are the Varangian Guard events misfiring ( Which I fixed ) and the Continue button loading saves strangely, which can be bypassed by simply loading the game manually.

Either you're a retard and you installed it wrong, or you're trying to stir shit to be a prick.


It is a base DWF thing. You can cozy up to the dragon lord to buy a slaving contract to do slave raids, or alternatively you can enslave prisoners as well.


You should have an option to change to a DWF race under your Intrigue menu when you start. For becoming a futa you can enable an option under game rules to become a futa at the start, or there's an option to go shopping in your intrigue menu and I believe you can buy a futa potion.

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Any loli mod content in CK2?

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Sadly, not really. The Nox Bestia's Darkest Perversions mod had some loli stuff, but it's very outdated, broken, and unfinished.

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I modified my dark world mod to seduce and fuck without age limit.

No change of the event images though, but that was enough for my dick.

By the way, what's in the mod of the OP ?

Some compilation of mods from loverslab or something original ?

It's a bother to install the game, so i want to know if it's worth it.

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It's just a compilation of things, mostly from loverslab. I've since added a couple of extra things to my own personal mod setup.

I just wanted to post a decent, easy to set up pack for the folks here, honestly.

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any way to disable the cg from rance quest i'd rather play that not having seen all the cg through some ck2 mod

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File: 7450c1f8e7c6a20⋯.png (519.11 KB,498x487,498:487,Cuck Kings.png)

I want my women to be my exclusive sexual property, why is that such a difficult concept to grasp for so many people who make porn?

All in all this is worse than the base game. The extra buildings add clutter and it's annoying to click through the rape event after every siege.

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File: 10263091c00b0e3⋯.jpg (312.16 KB,900x900,1:1,Am I awoo.jpg)

>one of my warrior-concubines are imprisoned in England after the raiders got jumped by an army while I was looking elsewhere and got strugglesnuggled

>the boy-king refuses to pay the ransom for her

>see I have an option to plan an invasion

>time to establish the new Danelaw, I suppose

>get about 4.000 free troops from the event, the date of attack draws near

>declare war, call all my vassals

>have an established army of 19.000

>start loading into the ships

>wait I can't transport my allies

>what the hell

>set sail with 11.000 AI soldiers just jerking off at the docks

>land my 8.000 in Wessex

>13.000 Englishmen march out of the fog of war

So, is there definitely no way to get the AI across the seas? This seems like a pretty grievous fucking oversight and kinda throws the whole viking-thing right out of the window past petty raiding.

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And as a bug report from OP's mod collection, I appear to have lost my ability to use Kiss of Seduction for some reason, along with my succubus powers save body-morphing or inviting to the Chosen of Lilith.

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CK2 is known to have a pretty fucked up mechanics regarding boats and troops, i would suggest finding the value of maximum number of troops per boat and increase it by at least a factor of 5, that fixed the game for me

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Perhaps my brow is simply the utter lowest of low, but how is that first link something installable? All I see is a massive line of text without any indication as to what to do with it.

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LoversLab are cucked to the limit. They don't comprehend that idea.


It looks like there was some content like that originally and someone failed to remove it entirely.

I'd be very interested to see older versions of some of these modules.

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It's a magnet link for a torrent client. Google how to use it with your torrent client of choice.

It's kinda like a mega link, but for the client to know what to download.

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File: 6cf6e61aa1ba3e5⋯.jpg (185.44 KB,555x739,555:739,Bye fuckers.jpg)

>want to play as a God-Empress of the Succubi with a harem of futanari consorts

>can only take futanari as special lesbian consorts, which just make them your lovers

>get depressed in an event, which makes me fat

I want the reality-ensues of this game to go away and let me enjoy my fantasy.

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I removed Christianity and Eugenics and added ABM (ala's body mod), bigger events, dark world beyond heresy, dw vanilla recruitment overrides, house irae, lesbocracy, bigger interface, no interreligious defensive pacts (modifies defines so not sure about this one), and portrait compilation mod (last 4 are from steam workshop). no obvious glitches so far. are you using anything else?

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mod that allows you to put your lovers and concubines into a harem. Compatible with the OP's modpack

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are you sure it's compatible? says DWR, not DWF

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it seems to still be under development and It worked when I loaded it up.

Useful for getting rid of excess claimants/lovers by dumping in your fuckpit

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I should point out that just because it works on my machine doesn't mean it will work on yours. back up your mod folder and saves before testing.

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checking versions in OP, found that the version of DWF included is not the most up to date (2.0.1 in OP, 2.0.2 is latest) and same for the modules (1.0 in OP, 1.0.1 is latest - fixes some portrait stuff). DWF downloads are at https://www.loverslab.com/files/file/7030-ck2-dark-world-fantasy/ but you need a login

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you can make an account with a disposable email like 10 minute mail

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How the hell does this work? I swear I tried everything I could think of but I can find no option or event proc.

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thanks anon

been wanting to get into CK2 for a while now

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have at least 2 concubines, then open the events menu and select the harem option. your wife your concubines all of your lovers and your children if you selected that option in the worldbuild will be added to the harem. after that you can ask people to join your harem.

I think there is a little delay before the option appears, it can take a few years, not sure why.

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Kiss of Seduction is really fucking buggy. I'm rarely able to use it more than 8-10 times before I just lose the ability to use it, or even cancel any sort of seduction I'm performing.

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You can't use it more than once

You can't use it on chaste/celibate/eunuch characters

If it's "hanging" aside from that then I can't help further

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How do I marry women as a futanari empress?

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File: 443738a13aebca6⋯.jpg (289.03 KB,850x550,17:11,LESBOMANCY.jpg)


I too, would like to know this.

[spoiler]Except marrying my futanari waifu as a female emperor.[/spoiler}

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All right guys, I have some experience modding CKII (it's almost braindead easy), tell me what feature would you like added into the game and I will see if I can do it.

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I'm assuming the steam version of the game wont work with this. Because the thing keeps crashing as soon as it opens.

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all these fantasy races with CK2 map generator could be kino

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Is there anyway to use the Ruler Designer on the modded version?

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Just as you normally would? Not sure what you mean.

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age regression

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I'm a newfag with this game, so some of the posts are confusing me. A lot of people asking "what do you even fap to in this game?". What's the deal with those questions? Does this game not contain any actual hentai scenes or something? Or is it just that the scenes are mainly like a text lewd game with a picture supporting it and these anons are morons that don't have the capacity to jerk it to a text based lewd game? Someone explain the porn in this game please, because I don't like using torrents unless I know it's for a game that's absolutely worth it.

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Not sure if there are already mods for this, but is there a way to toggle hijab/niqab for characters? Apply them to other religions?

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I can do it if i launch the game through steam, but cant if i use the modded one

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>Or is it just that the scenes are mainly like a text lewd game with a picture supporting it

Your guess about the sexual content is correct.

The trick is that the scene might be only a few sentences long, and you might need to endure 5+ minutes of normal non-lewd gameplay before the next sexual thing happens. And the sexual content isn't native to the game, so there's no real signposting or tutorials for most of it. It's possible to miss out on lewd scenes simply because you didn't recognize an opportunity. Is there a special scene for cucking the pope and abducting his favorite concubine? Perhaps there is … but you won't know until you try (and the attempt might require hours of play) (and the event might fail to trigger because of an obscure bug) (and the attempt might end in disappointment because the special event doesn't exist).

The core game includes some very long timers, and the mod content tends to use the same mechanics. Unlocking the full set of demon powers, for example, will require waiting for several in-game *years*. It will be tough to fill all of that time with unique sex scenes, so you'll probably end up either repeating content (e.g. seducing and impregnating several characters via the same text+CG scenes) or partaking in core CK2 gameplay (e.g. raise an army and subjugate the Welsh).

The mods *do* give you access to absurdly-overpowered NPCs. So you can make significant mistakes (or just never really learn the CK2 game) but still overcome any relevant challenges (e.g. befriend emperors, defeat rivals, kidnap princesses, win elections).

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The base game does not depict, through either text or image, sexual activities. It does however imply quite a lot of fucked up shit, even before you start adding mods.

And why don't you like torrents? Are you one of those idiots that doesn't know how to avoid virus uploads, or block IP sniffers?

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the ability to organize people into grouped folders for easy reference

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Preg focused content. Hyper preg, preg addiction etc.

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Is there any mod that allows you to reduce the age at which your kids can do anything?

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Define… "Anything"?

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yes but they invariably add a bunch of other crap, 90% of which is bugged

I find editing the base game defines to lower marriage age and remove age/incest blockers in the seduction events (which actually have events reacting to large age difference and close family relation present already) to work way better than adding some furry inbreeding ultracuck religion or whatever

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seriously though, if you start mass breeding an organization mod is going to come in handy

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I tried to breed every female in my court once. By the 14th year I had over 50 kids, half of them bastards and the UI was unberable and impossible to handle

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How do you do it?

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What is the age i have to change that i can lower the spend time with age?

Is there a pregnancy age?

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You can download ck2 from anywhere don't need to use this torrent.

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>DWFantasy Modules

The fuck is that?

Is it just DWFantasy with some bonus shit or smth?

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Thanks for the detailed response, much appreciated.

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I miss nox bestia… sure it was filled with furries (ewwwww) but there were so many more random events. Too bad it broke with the 3.0 update.

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since (I think?) 2.0, DWF just split its packaging into modules. same content/features, multiple folders. dev's idea is to be able to update parts independently. more complicated for users, and harder to support, but "better" because smaller file size

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File: 9b2155e8175a1ac⋯.png (213.14 KB,296x380,74:95,k8NaMd.png)

>start as a random island north of ireland

>go into battle agaisnt a smaller island

>get a blow to the head


>game over


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Love that memory

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Same here. A fix or workaround would be nice

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I wish there was more documentation to this, I feel like I'm stumbling around more than I do with stock CK2.

Like playing as normal England I had an option for a court title called neko maid, I had at least one as a slave but no option to assign them to it. Then I played a game where I changed to a fantasy race from the start and now that title is gone, and the Chosen of Lith society is also completely absent.

Then there's slaves. I thought I'd had a genius idea by just enslaving people and them making them my vassals/spouses as necessary to gain claims and ensure loyalty, but landing your slaves seems to make them not slaves anymore or some such? Which seems to defeat the whole purpose of having slaves tbh?

On top of all that I'm not even sure CK2 is the best fit for something like this. Like you'll be playing trying to do some weird kinky sex shit and then suddenly a vassal gets uppity and if you're lucky it'll take less than 10 hours before you realize you've just started playing normal CK2 again except some of the portraits are a bit off.

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It's easy, but tedious. I hate the file formats and logic, but I have to admit it's flexible and pretty powerful.

Some requests, some of which might be too complicated.

>improved UI

the hover button icon shit is garbage. too many modifiers (which is easy to have if you become immortal) and you can't see shit anymore.

same thing goes with large numbers of lovers or offspring.

>prune some of the really inane shit

lots and lots of events are just stupid or pointless. turning off absurd helps, but I only want to see events that actually have an effect, except see below

>flesh out lewd vanilla game events

there's a ton of really perverted shit in the vanilla game already. a lot of it could be expanded and made more interactive. I suspect there's ways to do this with variables and hooks, but that would be a lot of work. if you did it right, though, you could make a "pluggable" system that allowed mods to improve vanilla events in a cross compatible way I think - I've only modded the game a little bit, but it looks feasible to me

If you actually did that if so, god bless your kinky soul then we could start a mod project here to expand the game with our own shit

>flesh out the satanist cult more

same as above, that's a top tier goldmine of corruption/demonic/impregnation fetishism that is bare bones in the vanilla game

>unfuck hardcoded ages

I'm pretty sure you can do like practical_age >= some_variable instead of having hardcoded values everywhere - i dunno for sure, and there may be initialization issues. if that's possible, having a single variable set somewhere would be a million times better than having like 500 instances of checking if a character is above 16 that you have to individually change instead of altering one config value.

Through the magic of git and branching, we could easily take all these mods and turn them into something cohesive that isn't a buggy mess.

Hell, I might even contribute to some extent if this gets some traction. I'm a fairly experienced programmer and I'm good at mechanical code modification so I help with filter scripts and such to bulk change stuff if someone else does the framework and R&D - not that I couldn't do that too, but I'm too busy to act as a primary dev for something like this.

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>go to CK2 folder


>find defines.lua


>edit adulthood and marriage age to whatever you want

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>flesh out lewd vanilla game events

I would also love a mod that just did this, without any fantasy elements

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I quite like the fantasy ones… but yeah, more randon lewd events are what the game needs the most.

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random lewds plus having sex with your wife/lover/concubine pulls a random scene from a applicable pool of events. The one in the modpack with the 'spend time with' command has only 1-2 scenes per. I'm getting tired of horseback riding

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File: 9fa55def0964112⋯.swf (257.89 KB,100x100,1:1,1328618775_Marriage__.swf)

I've posted a marriage mod that lets you marry an unlimited number of women.

change extension to .zip

extract to mod folder, then extract the zip inside the folder named 1328618775

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Does this mod allows a relative "normal" ck2 playthrough ie just normal ck2 with vanilla or at least realistic sex stuff, with no magic futa succubus or shit like that?

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I believe there's an option in the gamerules to disable all mention of magic stuff.

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You can, but be warned that any editing of the defines will completely break random and shattered worlds.

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It sucks that dark world can't be used with overhaul mods.

The old ones could, since they were limited to events and decisions without using the dlc mechanics and other bloated shit.

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Just change them after generating.

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You use Notepad++ and read the CK2 wiki.

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My slave whores aren't generating any money. Whores that I catch in the wild do have large sums on them, so I suspect they'd need to have a landed title for the income boost from whoring to apply.

Even if it did work the system is pretty awful in that you need to gather income from slave whores manually, especially considering there's no way of keeping track of slaves or whores.

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File: 78fbc344ec66455⋯.png (86.5 KB,922x988,461:494,1542661510941.png)

What are some mods with good Viking-like cultures/religions where you can raid and abduct concubines as you please? Something like Molag Bal Cultists or the Iron Islands.

Bonus if there's an monster/orc race who can impregnate females of other races.

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Finish man capturing slavic woman.jpeg

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Since it seems to be Ghenghis Khan's face in the sun, I'm going to go with Mongolian.

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I don't see the difference.

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>finally get my modlist working and am able to have unlimited wives and concubines with sibling incest and blood purity

>try a female/futa character

>can only have partner


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care to share the mods you're using?

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Yeah, unfortunately playing as a female is always a little fucked because paradox love their hard coded bullshit.

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Alas cheat mod

Abos lover of harems

Bigger events

Bigger Interface


DWF modules classic monsters DWSE dicks & tits Fae Fairy tales Far east Heaven and Hell

DW beyond heresy

DW Fantasy

DW vanilla recruitment

DW Extras

Elven expansion


Marriage +


Sketchy Cheat menu

Tale of nine tails

Trap and futa genes

Lesbocracy seems like a pain in the ass to get working. I might try changing it for the christian mod or a simpler lesbian marriage mod. There are some graphical issues when I save but its minor.

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Okay now marriage + isn't working completely. PC and BS marriages are functioning but only one marriage at a time is being accepted.

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File: 30589afaf9bc6a3⋯.jpg (287.77 KB,2172x3862,1086:1931,20181210_215143.jpg)

Now, I might legitimately be retarded, or it might be a combination of being tired and sick last night, but aside from the physical deity futa goddess thing I'm not alone in, it seems, is there no way to manually decide what your endowments are? If I can't be a big dick futa goddess, I at least want my tits entering the room a solid minute

before the rest of me.

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File: a30af535f45c824⋯.png (17.7 KB,132x132,1:1,leaning_Master_of_Masters_….png)


>I might be retarded

When I format like that, yeah. Shouldn't be posting this early I guess.

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Based stroke anon, either be a kitsune or go into the traits, dwfantasy or dwfantasy modules/dicktits if after 2.0, read the traits file and then use console to remove what you don't want and add what you do want.

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Now to have seven more strokes getting that done after work.

>Going to bed at 4:45 when you have to be at work by 8

<Holy fuck I want to die

Even as I stroke out on like 3 hours of sleep, I think I know how to do what you mean aside from accessing the console because like >>329810 this thread is my first experience with CK2.

One fun note from my first attempt was having an >immortal vampire/succubus die in battle and it went downhill from there.

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File: b3ed5470e61714a⋯.jpeg (12.29 KB,720x404,180:101,received_2301603963404147.jpeg)

Stroking Out At Work Anon here, it just had a thought:

>I don't think OP's modpack includes anything affecting the chance of multiples or things like that.

As super fertile as I've made a PC they still only had one at a time. Plus I just want to either bear or sire armies of bastards to keep my "allies" unable to think for themselves as I become not only the government, but I become the church.

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It's the key to the left of 1 to access the console, you should probably look up commands while you're at it. If you want to prevent dying in combat, start out as a pagan in a warrior lodge, make a bloodline before converting and make sure your heirs are inducted. There are still some events that could kill or cripple you badly enough to wish you weren't immortal.

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When you are making your character you can give them a skill that i believe is called genius or gifted (It's all the way at the bottom of the skill list) that gives you 999 points to put into your character. Just use those points to give your character every beneficial skill there is and you'll find that you'll have become a god in every respect with a fertility rate of like 200%

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Fuckup anon here. I managed to figure out that the Christianity mod was interfering with the marriage plus mod. fixed that, except now my saves have different portraits and everyone's either a rapist or a rape victim. also I'm now a dickless male orc with a female neko portrait and my primary wife is a female human with a male fairy portrait.

Discovered a new trait though. "horse lover"

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>start game as a warrior-princess

>the moment I declare war on my neighbor and march with the army, I get raped in a pond

>the very first battle with the neighbors, I get the event where I'm too tired to fight, and get game-over'd

This realism is a bit much sometimes.

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File: d97107124ba7255⋯.png (413.75 KB,554x854,277:427,71bd0a8bd607e1f75ad3f9a8d5….png)


By our powers combined, we can be "Fuck Up and Have a Stroke" Anon. I'm done with work and am going to dive in again and see if I can either unfuck my problem(s) or make new ones that are at least funny.

At the very least I want to be a big titty demoness/physical god who rules forever, to hell with the consequences.


Already did that, and it's called Prodigy I think. Thank though.

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Well you said it yourself, pretty sure GoT mod has this. I think the warhammer mod has plenty of concubine raiding as well, been a while since I played it

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File: 5aedc480823720f⋯.jpg (120.2 KB,510x539,510:539,what why raccoon.jpg)

>Get as far as making my rules 'n shit

>Consider saving them if things go tits up

>"They didn't last time so everything should be fine

>Game hard crashes while building the world

Well fuck me, then. Also, did I fuck something up, cause all of a sudden I can't pick a demon or any fantasy shit to start as, I have to basically cheat my ass into whatever I want to be post-worldgen?

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File: 7a5e8d43dbcbb58⋯.png (287.27 KB,639x729,71:81,2B's Darkest Dungeon 2.png)


Well, I guess I'm just retarded cause I found one nestled away under a different tab than the–

And the game crashed mid world-gen again. Huzzah.

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9/10 times it's either mods that are out of date or mods that are incompatible with each other.

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I've literally never crashed with OP's modpack, and I'm currently playing fine with Eugenics disabled and Lesbocracy enabled.

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File: 1725c5fc1532664⋯.jpg (17 KB,300x300,1:1,Takemi 1.jpg)



My laptop might just be a pos. But I don't know what the fuck I might have done wrong. I'm gonna take a break and come back to it later. I don't need to fight this hard for a fap right now.

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We have the power!

I started a new historical campaign to try and recreate my past success with marriage + No dice but I discovered that ALAs body mod is somehow giving me a series of increasingly larger dicks as I have sex. and now random people have blank portraits with numbers.

>started checking readmes

>Most mods require 3.0.1 and

>OP posted

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File: 4f11efdb3f0ad2f⋯.png (151.13 KB,1000x1176,125:147,When you save the princ(es….png)


>check my private tracker of choice

>most recent collection is like four years old and doesn't even mention its version

>"i've had fun with the game, maybe i'll buy it"

>the game + DLC is $230

So yeah, fuck Sweden, can someone be fucked with posting

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Installed it. Looks like old saves will CTD but a new game is fine

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>check my private tracker of choice

Stop being a fag and check literally any open tracker to find least est version

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I've made fun of open trackers for so long, I just can't

it'd be like being a race traitor

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Fuckup anon here new saves are loading fine

DWF is running fine as well

But I still cant fucking get Marriage plus to work again.


I posted the latest version here, the problem is since it predates 3.0 I honestly have no idea how I managed to get it working before . If anyone can tweak it into a usable state that would be awesome. original author vanished after a steamban.

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What's wrong with public trackers? You get daily uploads, small filesizes, and plenty of seeds. What's not to like?

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File: b2a9d491a042eaa⋯.png (5.88 KB,907x71,907:71,absolutely legitimate.png)


and here's the image I was supposed to attach

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Any way to increase the chances of getting specific traits? For example twins?

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Edit the traits file

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I'm browsing, but the one i found only edit the opinion of the twin, not the chances of a pregnant woman having a twin.

I found a work around it, but it feels clunky

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File: 5595dfa743dbbdc⋯.jpg (53.02 KB,597x757,597:757,Aw geez.jpg)

>start as a queen

>amass an impressive collection of futanari bed-warmers

>actually don't go for immortality; instead focus on and groom my dynasty

>start in the early middle ages, so patriarchal heritage is in effect

>my son's face when he inevitably inherits my funhouse

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Are you really gonna make me go through all those fucking files to find and replace hardcoded minimum ages?

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>play as woman

>become immortal

>die in childbirth one day later

Fuck it, guess i have to play as a man.

If you don't lead armies and don't do duels, you should be truly immortal then, no ?

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File: ea2ee5d087d9bd0⋯.jpg (76.35 KB,1280x720,16:9,how about a nice game of c….jpg)

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Man, dying would be a nightmare. I have so many kids they're impossible to keep track of and my inheritance is some form of gavelkind. I'm not even sure which one of them I'd continue as.

As an aside, one of my slaves has an artifact. How do I make it mine? It's ok if the slave has to die. The game feels sorely lacking in ways to locate and take possession of items of power.

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Editing the defines breaks the game anyways. Starts randomly crashing when you click on your portrait

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Then you edited them wrong.

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You can still die due to infection, curse or diseases, but i am not sure if the ai can actually use the magic cult to ability infect the player, it's also still possible to be assassinated

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Immortal seems to be mostly a not die to old age thing then anything else.

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No, I've seen the same problem.


It's supposed to "freeze" you at the age at which you became immortal, but your age still increments.

There's a practical_age variable that shows how old you appear to be, but a ton of stuff both in the game and in mods don't use it so it ends up really weird.

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>Gavelkind with dozens of kids

That sounds so horrific it might actually be fun to watch

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First time I reformed a pagan religion my concubine slots expanded to 12, but also they and my wife began to proudly claim they cucked me each time they got preggers. The second reformation had my concubine slots stay at 3.

Is there some combination of religion traits I could take to have a larger harem while keeping them all to myself?

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do you have the christian mod activated? That creates the cuck dialogue

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I have the mods as OP posted them. I only deactivated "Trap and Futa genes" but sadly that didn't disable futas. I don't know what needs what to work and am not eager to spend two or more hours sorting shit out, much less delve into LoverSlab.

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Christian mod is in OPs modpack it makes Christianity the religion of cucks. just disable it in the launcher

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That's interesting considering that during the short stint as a Christian that I did between those pagan runs I don't think I got the "Haha I cucked you" dialogue from my wife.

Short because I quickly relearned the base game reasons not to play as a Christian or Republic.

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If you play a christian religion proper its a fun game. waging holy war on dunecoons purging the heretics. you can go catholic and murder your way into having your own pope or go byzantine and reclaim the roman empire and reform the christian church

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File: 78e85917867d85a⋯.jpg (103.34 KB,1014x720,169:120,Am i retarded (2).jpg)


Will you update the modpack? I am reluctant to sign up in loverslab.

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here's a profile to use if you don't want to sign up.

Username: sumdumkant

Password: sumdumkant

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File: c2a409f2f4fc358⋯.jpg (232.02 KB,570x889,570:889,Manly tears.jpg)


Can't say how grateful i am. Thank you.

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There's an artifact acquisition overhaul mod that drastically improves basically everything to do with artifacts other than imposing a limit on how many books are active at once.

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is christianity the only religions that allows incest? I tried to play as a ching chong but couldnt marry my own granddaughter

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When you reform a pagan faith you can choose incest as one of the traits for the reformed religion to have.

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I've been playing a lot and changing and tweaking things as I go, so I'll get to it soon.

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File: 9940d56f8cfe7da⋯.swf (14.01 KB,100x100,1:1,1566995501_Religion_Manage….swf)

Fuckup anon here. Managed to find a mod that lets you tweak your religion on the fly. Enjoy having multiple wives and concubines or being able to declare crusades with an orthodox pope. This mod might make your game unstable if you keep changing shit so be careful.

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>Self checked

Its a zip file btw

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>0xc000007b meme error

Fuck no, not again.

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Ok solved, put the x86 version of xinput1_3.dll into CK2 folder.

What the fuck is wrong with this 32/64 bit sodomy, why the fuck can't it automatically pick the right folder instead of using System32 fucking HELL

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impregnate her first

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It is my child, charinfo confirms. I'm not even sure if they actually slut around in terms of game mechanics, but seeing that flavor every time you impregnate them is grating.

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So is there any actual content in this mods or are they just to put in pretty pictures once in a while.

It's been years since there was a decent rape and torture mod

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This mod collection has some bugs. I was playing a male elf residing in Bengal jungle, trying to play out Vitamin Quest, but with a male character sleeping around to populate the world with his kids (becoming a mage helps tremendously with that). One: if you load a saved game, all elven flavor buildings will disappear from your castle holdings, but not from your city holdings. If you want their benefits, you have to rebuild them again each time you reload.

Another: try picking an intrigue mission "(DWF) Work in a brothel" as a manwhore fucking women for money, then pick another mission "Visit [your capital]'s Whorehouse". You'll have a chance of fucking your mirror image or yourself, depending on how you want to see it.

Also Inbred and Pureblood aren't perfect mirror images of each other. Inbred gives -20 to personal combat skill, but Pureblood only gives +2.

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Pureblood also gives you points instead of costing them. Entire modpack is garbage and reliant on the furry cuck religion for any degree of lewd content.

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WTF is the minor title Weyrleader? Does it have something with the Dragonriders of Pern fluff content? Is there anything more to it?

Why there are two minor titles for elves:

title_dwtw_eagles_eye (bonuses to martial skill and archer units' performance)

title_dwtw_foxs_cunning (bonuses to intrigue skill and defense against secret plots)

Why don't they have any proper flavor name, and only the internal codename?

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Edit mod/pureblood/common/traits/pureblood_traits.txt to your liking then.

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Is there a mod that sets ruler focus cooldown as one year, instead of five? What is it, a five year plan from communism?


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And why aren't there any elven flavor special units to raise? Like treants or driders?

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I know only of one that changes the default truce duration to one year. Good to have too.

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NCharacter = {



CHANGE_SUCC_LAW_YEARS = 10, – Rulers must have reigned this long before they can change succession laws

CHANGE_AMBITION_YEARS = 3, – Delay between being able to pick a new ambition

>CHANGE_FOCUS_YEARS = 5, – Delay between being able to change focus

PRESTIGE_FROM_DYNASTY_ON_BIRTH_DIV = 5, – Newly born characters get the dynasty prestige of their mother and father divided by this as their starting prestige

File under common/defines.lua

easily edited with notepad++

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If I change it in defines.lua, would that crash the game like for example the age of marriage?

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I've never had any problems changing any of the files, the whole game is basically a bunch of text files

But if you want to be super duper safe, you need to make a mod file with those changes.

Gonna have to consult the wiki for advice on how to do that though

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>I've never had any problems changing any of the files

Try lowering the age of marriage of females to 12 like for her:


>Three days later, 35-year-old Władysław-Jogaila married 12-year-old Jadwiga.

then try to generate a new random or shattered world.

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All I usually change is focus years, assignment length, and tax modifiers but I've done it on older versions, the problems I had ended up being profile picture related.

I stopped wanting to lower the age when I realized the placeholder pic for children didn't correspond at all to the adult image.

Really, it's not difficult to keep a backup file of the default defines.lua and make changes to a copy to see if it's safe

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No responses on if these mods have any content besides changing profile pictures?

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YouTube embed. Click thumbnail to play.
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File: b8af0785ca9ad25⋯.gif (192.81 KB,225x236,225:236,1553955581474.gif)


I read the text files for DWF 3 months ago, not interested in doing it again

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arglwydd was the best lewd ck2 mod i played

shame it hasn't been updated for the last two major releases

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And all of that stands for?

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It's just pictures added to profiles and events nothing new here boss.

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Is it possible to insert all the sex stuff from DW into AGOT or any other mod for that matter?

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File: 5fe500457ffa1ef⋯.png (5.39 KB,349x158,349:158,ClipboardImage.png)


Main DWF, yes. Just add agot as a dependency in the .mod. Pic related

DWSE and extras is harder. DWSE's offmap can break some mods, like EK024, works with AGOT tho.

Extras and DZ are poorly made so the break a lot of stuff.

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At least you can force an underage character to become a lover of another character (including the MC) with a console command. That will allow you to impregnate them too.

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Although you need to use charinfo command first to find the character IDs before calling add_lover with them.

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Thanks I'll try it out

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Yeah it was a really good one. I was hopeful the fan version would stay updated


It's welsh for master or some such shit



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jadwiga a cute

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Thank you for subscribing to Incest Facts!

If you have to marry off a female family member to someone else, make sure the man has the trusting trait and low intrigue. This will make him never question his wife's pregnancies. Also make sure the woman never has the honest or craven trait or she will confess to him about the baby every time. There is still a low base chance that she will tell, but if she has the deceitful trait that will never happen.

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Does it retain your attractiveness to opposite sex beyond the usual age range? Does it make a woman remain fertile beyond age of 45? That's important. Otherwise I would have to use the console command for setting the age anew every few decades.


Never forget to restrict marriage for your offspring (the checkbox next to the wedding rings icon), otherwise your eugenics program would lose any effectiveness, leaking valuable traits to your potential enemies and contaminating your bloodline with potentially shitty traits. It's a fucking joke that an unwanted son you have ordered to lead a mercenary company (and experience a glorious death on the battlefield, hopefully) can get a wife (and maybe a kid) despite of that restriction. Something about not being your subordinate any longer.


Another funny bug. Assuming two virgin unmarried characters become lovers, it's possible for both to have a kid together but still retain their virginity. A miracle, a feat of magic or a feature of shitty modding?

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>despite of

>not despite


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Better use the 'real_fathers' console command too. Otherwise you can never be sure against getting cucked yourself.

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What about concubines/consorts? Is a consort ever in a position to complain that someone else fucks his mistress? Are nobles particular about other nobles fucking their concubines to the point of initiating an assassination plot?

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That I do not know. Since it's a core game feature, I'd like to think they got it right, but I'm way too old and cynical to actually believe that without proof.

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File: cc0bf8962cfa33f⋯.jpg (75.1 KB,511x768,511:768,PostHerOnPolThenTellThemSh….jpg)

Welcome to Incest Facts!

Did you know you can still marry your daughter even if your religion doesn't support it? Simply impregnate your nearest whore and wait for her to give birth to a girl. When this happens, denounce the child as not being yours but make sure to set her as "character of special interest". This way you can keep track of her.

Wait until she grows up, you can seduce and/or marry her freely since she legally not your daughter.

Also remember to invite the whore to your court so she gives birth where you live and your not-daughter isn't raised by forrign retards and doesn't switch to some retarded culture/religion like Chinese Jew.

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Is it possible to play as one of the new races with correct character portrait? I have been only able to buy one of them but even if the child is listed as a vampire, demon or similar their portrait icon shows still a human.

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Could anyone host the files in the torrent in Mega? I can't torrent my ISP blocks P2P

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The portraits don't change until they reach an age of adulthood though some of the extra races do have a few child portraits.

if you wanna cheese certain portraits or NPCs you can use the cheat mod to add and remove the race over and over on pause until the pictures get swapped to what you desire. However, there doesn't seem to be any vamprie portraits outside of Desmona? and Vlad the Impaler. While Werewolves do have some but, don't always trigger. Angels don't have child portraits but, do eventually get adult ones, same with Demons and Half Demons. Kitsunes and Nekos I believe have child Portraits as do Orcs. Elves might have child variations but, I can't remember. If you download the Dark Elf mod there is a set of Child portraits both for Dark and Half Elves I believe. Half Dragons have both as well.

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Ok so DWF sort of works

Yet certain features like rape seem to be missing, are these part of a DWF module?

Also what is EK024?

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Elder Kings

The Elder Scrolls mod

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Would that work with the op mod list?

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Ok thank you that helps a lot. Will have to switch my breeding plans to races with child portraits for the best results.

About how difficult would it be to add additional portrait images to one of those mods?

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So with the mods from Op what can i exactly do? also is there any way to change my portrait after becoming a werewolf for example?

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Which traits and modifiers on a girl are required for a neko maid minor title?

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Any way to add portraits to different races?

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can't seem to get the modpack to work, what version was it made for?

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I got them to work on 3.0.1

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So, how do some of the other races stack up against Demon? It seems that the eventual grind to succubushood isn't too hard, and the ability to have my enemies conveniently contract leprosy and the plague at once whenever I want is quiet useful in getting what I want.

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Isn't that more a function of society than race? I've been playing a human in a warrior lodge society and I can duel (read: kill) any adult within diplo range, instantly refill holding levies, spawn martial 20+ commanders and such.

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Damn, how is it even possible to impregnate a futa lover? For an ordinary man MC it's only giving >her a bj, for a trap MC is getting some in the ass, but where is good old piv supposed to be? Even raping >her repeatedly doesn't make >her pregnant, and my character has sky-high "fertility" (should be virility for men).

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File: 0c71328e9662ddb⋯.jpg (33 KB,375x342,125:114,0c71328e9662ddb2f8a2679efa….jpg)

Really hard to avoid being cucked with these mods. Without constantly editing and using console that is.

Playing a typical 'fantasy' dominant "lesbian futanari PC is dooming yourself to an eternal life of sucking oldman penis for Lilith society and no access to wives, straight up getting cucked by your peasant "lovers", wonky successions from wonky futa impregnations, PLUS you can get randomly raped and impregnated yourself and the rapist can ass-pull his way into the court with AI bullshit.

Kinda gay tbh. Was hoping to sit down and wank to my Succubuss giantess amazon horsecock futa fucking and warring her way across every wet hole in the old word.

Instead I'm deflated and floppy. While my Amazon Futa Demon self-insert is surrounded by a sausage fest of the old men my female lovers are cheating on me with… Trying desperatly to 'score' with used up old hags that have popped out 6 kids already.

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Well, I think that probability of getting cucked depends on your personal attractiveness to people wanting to cuck you versus of those they want to cuck you with (like the motivation for moving from one court to another). As my elven Casanova ruler I haven't been cucked even once by dozens of his lovers and concubines for over 30 years I have been playing him yet. His opinion among the ladies at home and abroad was consistently doubling the 100 internal limit though (due to his admittedly cheated stats thanks to the "prodigy" trait in character creator). Yes, I was monitoring my kids' ancestry with "real_fathers" and "charinfo" combo. And the most importantly, if they are constantly pregnant with your seed, they can't be pregnant with anyone else's.

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Try playing as a Mystic/Necromancer/Mage combo (no, it's not about the Hermeneutic Society). You have quite wide variety of spells to mess with your neighbors and subordinates, the only downsides being:

1) the need to discover new spells by having your apprentice scout for unidentified tomes,

2) the rather low rate of recovering your mana.

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Is it me or is getting into a war harder with the mods?

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Is it possible to somehow remove the "Too many held duchies" opinion modifier? I always end up with all my vassals hating me because of it.

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So how exactly are futas supposed to work?

Because if I make a female character and turn her into a futa, I don't get any of the options to seduce or take a concubines.

I have to wait for the lover events to get something.

Also, rape never seems to result in pregnancy, ever.

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Also, can't marry another woman…

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I've had the most success from enslaving captive noble women.


I haven't even been bothering with war lately, I've been usurping with strong claim duel challenges after motivating a good female chancellor

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Where are people getting all these options from?

I installed everything from the OP and all options are on.


>I've had the most success from enslaving captive noble women.

If I do that, all I can do is rape, which never results in pregnancy. I can't make them my concubines.

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well, there is the marry_anyone global command, but it feels like the mod is incomplete, given how many interaction options are missing for a futa.

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Destroy them.

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Yes, edit the common/defines.lua file.

you can change values, like the number of territory you can hold before they start hating on you.

And yes, aaht mods to get besides this?

There seems to be a lot of compabiltiy issues. Lesbovracy seem incompatible with seduce everyone, more concubines and similar.

I just want more freedom in who I can marry/seduce/take as concubine/consort.

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You have to actually invest into the presto molesto shit. Build a mages tower in your capital and shit like that.

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After I train them as a pleasure slave, I can visit them whenever I want.

My modlist might be completely different from the modpack at this point though

I went back to LL to check for more stuff

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File: d0ba2609ba80612⋯.png (211.66 KB,329x702,329:702,ck2 modlist.png)


Lesbocracy is working pretty well in my modlist, but I've been playing as a male, so I don't know exactly how well the lesbian marriages work though

I just edit my religion files instead, I have like 60 wives as the norse fylkir. Doing that limits me to just multiple wives or multiple consorts though.

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You can set the % rate at which futas and traps spawn at the bottom of the rules page when you start a new game, as well as the likelihood of it being passed on.

Start practicing those eugenics, yo.

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Can't take rulers as concubines, only heirs and the spouses of rulers.

If you click on their land and their profile, not their husband/wife's comes up, you can't concubine them.

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Pick two adjacent, powerful duchies for yourself and hand the rest out to trustworthy vassals.

Or just don't form more than two duchies within land you want to keep for yourself. Eventually it'll de jure drift.

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>Leading troops with low martial/personal combat and no heir of your dynasty

Have some kids first boi

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The game changes evryone else on the second day based on your settings.

You yourself have to go into the intrigue menu and use the decision there to change your race.

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It has to do with the dragon empire.

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File: e5b238a60dc6389⋯.jpg (349.49 KB,1280x1846,640:923,1.jpg)


>Impregnating your bastard daughter

Reminds me of this, minus the consensual part: https://nhentai.net/g/226589/

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i once tried a full craster run by modding my own religion that allowed pc marriage & concubines, and only ever marrying daughters

the first two generations passed without much incident, but by the time i fathered my own daughter-granddaughter-greatgranddaughter-greatgreatgranddaughter-wife she was so inbred that she was a barely sentient amorphous blob

but, most importantly, she was a barely sentient amorphous blob with a working womb

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Nothing I try works.

marry_anyone console command does nothing (despite telling me I can now marry anyone. Other commands works perfectly)

How do you make futas work? HOW?

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best post in this thread

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Well, my own attempts at getting futas to work properly are all failures. I tried several mods, but nothing seems to really work.

Legalize Gay Marriage mod only allows the PC to marry his lover. You cannot marry others or arrange marriages.

The AI seems to ignore preferences, as homosexual women end up marrying and getting pregnant all the time.

The only mod that seems like it might work - lesbocracy - is centered on lesbianism, not futas and is incompatible with many others mods, like eugenics, polyarmory and Seduce Anyone.

I still can't find a mod or mod combo that will do the following:

- woking futa/gay marriages (AI actually know what to do)

- selecting women/woman when arranging marriages/marrying your vassals

- working concubines and consorts


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>it's working well

>but I haven't tried any of the features


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The mods are all cuck trash.

Even if you don't mind that, they're buggy as fuck and there's all kinds of internal conflict.

Worst of all is that nobody on here will do anything about it myself included

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File: f3e9c9f233502ed⋯.png (1.19 MB,1001x765,1001:765,random pagan ruler.png)


The tribal matriarchy system appears to be working in my new game.

The earlier game I was playing with a feudal countess allowed all the starter events to fire and properly added the new greek style clothing for society members, I just didn't get the 20 or more years in to change the laws to allow lesbian marriage

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File: d74e96233efac80⋯.png (7.89 KB,300x250,6:5,think.png)


>attempts at getting futas to work properly are all failures

It's funny, I've noticed lots of complaints about this in many games. Seems to be an IRL problem as well.

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>a script to edit the hosts file

Just add these manually you lazy cunts; opstm.paradoxplaza.com api.paradoxplaza.com services.paradoxplaza.com

To anyone that doesn't know how to edit their hosts file, learn how.

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I love that second picture

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Do yesmen and send the marriage proposal.

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Do angels get events? How do you progress from half-blood demon to full?

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And what does it do?

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It is really a cuckold simulator. Unless you edit chastity and lesbian on all your wives and daugther, you'll end up with tons of horny old ugly males banging them… then the nagging children of this unholy CUCK union will spend endless "EVENTS" nagging at you for not helping them with their upbringing, or worse try to kill you if you brand them as bastards


Angels gets no events yet

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Lolicon Cheating Guide:

1) open the game console (the tilde key [~]);

2) type "charinfo" without the quotation marks;

3) find the character ID you want to molest by hovering the cursor over their portrait. It's a seven digit number starting with 10;

4) type "add_trait lustful 10XXXXX" (substitute the part with Xs with the number from point 3, and no quotation marks either);

5) type "add_modifier dw_slave_pleasure_complete 10XXXXX -1" (same as in the point 4);

6) just in case they have the whore traits (cheap/experienced/exclusive whore), remove them with the "remove_trait" command, otherwise it wouldn't work;

7) you can now use the "Visit Slave" pick from their personal menu once a week. Impregnation chances are as usual, regardless of age, so toddlercon fags beware. WARNING: you have to be their direct or indirect liege though, so cucking your neighbors that way won't work.

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It's once a month, not once a week.

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>having sexually active daughters is the same as being a cuckold

Whoa, the cuck fag strikes again.

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>Every NPC gets a fantasy portrait

>I get stuck with a standard one

How the fuck do you fix this? I've tried everything I can think of

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It's pretty random, too random in fact. One of my daughters got pregnant with a guy from across a continent. She was in Ganges delta, and her one-night-stand (I assume) was in Egypt at the time. Something doesn't add.

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Have you tried right-clicking on your character, then picking "Change custom portrait"?

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Lesbocracy is making the majority of all matriarchal women lesbians

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Needs a way to chastity belt my wives/lovers and to fucking cleanse the lovers pox from the world!

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File: 97ee419d29f647a⋯.png (66.17 KB,226x508,113:254,gfhjfj.png)


>installer even comes with sickass keygen music

Thanks my dude.

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File: 631a460aab553df⋯.png (441.06 KB,800x800,1:1,ClipboardImage.png)

>opens game and goes into the starting scenario

>have no idea what the fuck I'm doing

>Start reading rando's backstories for an hour

How the hell am I suppose to get into this? Should I just mess around with stuff until I get it?

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read the fucking pop ups that literally teach you how to play the game?

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Essentially yes. There's no wrong way to play ck2 even failing can be fun in it's own way and if going through lineages and backstories is what gets you off then we won't stop you.

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Okay after reading the tutorial I have successfully gained a basic understanding of the game. So how do I actually interact with the mods? When does the Futa and sexy shit happen exactly?

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The intrigue tab is where you can access a good portion of the content. Personally I've only seen futa in that one caravan event but I also haven't really been looking.

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There is about a million ways. Build an alchemy shop in you city and go buy a certain mysterious potion, do some presto molesto devil deals, build a wizard tower - and so on. Just fuck around with the game for a while (and cheat too so you can get a good idea of what the fuck to do.)

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You know, if only YOU can gay marry then it doesn't really do shit.

Until everyone can marry and until you can can arrange 'gay' marriages than it's all pointless.


I cannot select a female in the marriage proposal if I am female or whomever I want to arrange a marriage is female.


>Unless you edit chastity and lesbian on all your wives and daugther

Lesbian courtiers in my playtrough end up with men anyway. It's like the AI seduction is ignoring it.

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Lesboracy is no proven to work AND it requires 100 years in game to get anywhere for some stupid reason.

"I'm not getting the option to marry my lover" - It does not unlock immediately upon the creation of the society - you have to wait about 60 - 70 years;

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You can also buy them from Elder Forest Empire (the furry dragons).

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Why do virgin homosexual male characters get a positive opinion modifier from other, non-homosexual male characters for being a virgin in this game? Do they broadcast that they haven't taken it in the ass yet or something?

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File: 7d70100106cd10b⋯.png (7.29 MB,1920x3240,16:27,Yay I'm a granddad.png)

File: f8d4f5b0e6e34f5⋯.png (2.75 MB,1920x1080,16:9,hapsburged.png)


This case is a little more believable, but still a surprise.

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Not to mention how it's possible to disown a kid when she is my descendant from both parents' sides. She should be still a member of house Apion, only after her mother (the inheritance is absolute cognatic, so daughters have equal rights).

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Did I just get my 12 years old child pregnant with the "I'll fuck her myself" Childhood event option?

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Can captives even get pregnant from rape

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Stale pasta.

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Cucks like you deserve to have your eyes and balls ripped off your body then swapped positions. You are a garbage can for garbage cans.

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I mean, it IS a stale pasta.

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>generate world

>crazy moon shit happens

>not all the races are dark world

Am I the retard here? Are there some kind of conditions for getting all the NPCs to have fantasy races/custom portraits?

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When you are (finished) generating the world, in the options you get before you actually start.

You select how many are going to be DFW races and how are they going to be generated. It's a long list of options, scroll down

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My sister is pregnant, but I was away, wasn't I?

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Yeah moste likely a very stupid question… but how does the CK download on Pastbin works?

You only get a Textfile there but not a torrent… how do i get a torrent or what do i do with the text file? Text… raw… download… i dont get it what´s to do o:-/ (sorry)

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File: aca21387cbe81c2⋯.png (316.4 KB,683x623,683:623,smug loli werewolf.png)

Goddamn, some of these werewolf pictures are furfaggy as fuck. Isn't that they get the snout out only during the full moon?

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Either a bait, or you haven't torrented anything in your life yet. If you have a torrent client installed that's integrated with your browser, all you have to do is to put that text in the pastebin as a link in your browser address box and follow the prompts.

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File: 774c63d2e0992a6⋯.jpg (339.08 KB,850x1189,850:1189,sample_824f0eeea8f2f31cfac….jpg)

All this talk about incest ITT reminded me of something.

A year ago I was babysitting my niece. She's 12. 5'0, and has the lightest, most insanely beautiful beach-blonde hair, 100% natural. Her skin is a gorgeous milky white, not pasty but porcelain. Her cheeks are always flushed and her lips are naturally thick and reddish-pink. Anyway she's like a doll, she's real perfect and thin, with a cute slightly upturned ski slope nose.. This story isn't copypasta, it's 100% truth. We were watching a movie in her bedroom together and sitting on my lap. I began to think less about the movie and more about her. I was getting a boner from the pressure of her sitting down on my cock and it was just about to make its way through my jeans. She shifted in my lap, which made a shitload of precum seep out. I couldn't take it anymore. I NEEDED to go into the bathroom and FAP. VIGOROUSLY. I wasn't wearing a belt this day, by the way, which was just fucking perfect.

"Hey I'm going to the bathroom for a sec, OK?" "Mm hm" and as I stood up my jeans fell down, exposing my boner, which stuck out through the opening in my boxers. I switched immediately to for-fuck's-sake-God-make-me-invisible mode because I knew she was going to see my big stupid cock. She stared, mouth open at my erection for a moment that seemed like forever. Her eyes on me made me even more pre-jizz leak out onto the fluffy white carpet.

"Anon, did you want to fuck me?"

"What, did you?" I asked, pulling up my jeans.

"You got me very wet," she sighed, staring down at her lilac knee socks.

"I do want you," I admitted.

Turned out she had a cock and raped me in the ass. I got in one little fight and my mom got scared She said 'You're movin' with your auntie and uncle in Bel Air'.I whistled for a cab and when it came near The license plate said 'FRESH' and it had dice in the mirror If anything I can say this cab is rare But I thought 'Now forget it' - 'Yo homes to Bel Air'.I pulled up to the house about 7 or 8 And I yelled to the cabbie 'Yo homes smell ya later' I looked at my kingdom I was finally there To settle my throne as the Prince of Bel Air.

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Supposedly only when in house arrest for some reason, as found somewhere on the net once. Not as if I checked anything personally though.

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They "take care of" the dragons roosting in your castle.


You have to choose your starting race in the decisions menu, dummy.


If you remove Christianity Mod, or reform paganism and choose Monasticism, you can order them to become nuns and monks who are bound to be celibate.


Play an Irish King or Count and conquer everyone else on the island. You get almost entirely left alone, succession is a breeze due to tanistry, and everyone around you is just as or slightly weaker and fragmented with AI that generally doesn't rapidly expand.


Whoever made it fucked up, yeah.

>70% of the male portraits are dogshit

>One (1) kemonomimi male picture

>Female pictures have really good ones, some passable furry pictures

>And then THAT picture

I'm still sad that my genius, strong, attractive, bombshell, pureblooded daughter with brilliant strategist ended up looking like Bigfoot due to bad luck when her portrait was generated.

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But I don't have any dragons in my castle that I know of.

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I mean that werewolves should look completely humanlike most of the time.

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So any confirmation that Lesbocarcy actually works as advertised?

Also, why the FUCK is the wiki all wrong.

It clearly states that marry_anyone command allows one to marry regardless or religion or gender or any other consideration, yet it never worked.

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It's the Dragon Weyr. It's a building.

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File: a90e86ab3d47ad1⋯.png (305.28 KB,704x396,16:9,fsn_gilgamesh0006.png)

Note to the retarded modder with a hardon for Gilgamesh from Fate/Stay Night who has added his custom bloodline to the game: the city of Uruk wasn't a part of "Bablyonia" nor Babylonia, but only a part of Mesopotamia, or more specifically Sumer.

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>Become Necromancer to be big evil of the realm

>Gain spell "Summon Homunculus Hord"

>'Spawn unit: Invalid Province'

Well. That was a waste.

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>I'm still sad that my genius, strong, attractive, bombshell, pureblooded daughter with brilliant strategist ended up looking like Bigfoot due to bad luck when her portrait was generated.

You could just cheat by removing her species then making her that species again

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That eats like 2 or 3 health to summon 3-5k light infantry.

If you REALLY want to be the big bad, become a follower of Lilith, turn into a demon, become immortal, and start blobbing.

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I just want to add rape to HIP. That would be pretty cool.

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Stop giving me only daughters, 1 WIFE AND 5 CONCUBINES, AND NOT A SINGLE FUCKING SON


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You say that, but then your son is going to end up mentally retarded and crippled for no reason.

You only want one, anyway. Gavelkind is a special kind of hell.

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But I like to spread my seed all around the world! God knows I'd go even further with the rapes and bastards, but the UI gets clunky after the first 20 or so.

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Then you'd better not be Catholic, because the Pope will almost always demand you swap to Gavelkind if you ask him for anything.

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I wish there was a way to turn only them off.

I'm just using the kill command to kill the lead furries and ruin their kingdoms

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Am I the only one who actually like keeping a lot of the normal portraits around?

At least that way the family resemblance is perserved and it has more varriance.

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What does it take to trigger that even anyway.

Is is part of eugenics? Because I turned that off for Lesbocracy compability.

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>Okay now marriage + isn't working completely. PC and BS marriages are functioning but only one marriage at a time is being accepted.

WTF is BC marriage?

On a semi-related note - apparently with the new updates the female stuff is no longer hardcoded and a proper mod that makes futa fully functional is possible.

It's just that no one on loverslab is commited to it yet.

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I jsut downaloaded everythig adn checked. doesn't add anything imporant, but 0.3.1 does add a few things. Including:

Added set_gender = male/female/opposite effect

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I think so, it triggers if you have lustful trait and she/he is your ward.

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BS marriage is Brother Sister marriage

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Which health can be easily restored by making a walk to a forest and draining it of its vitality.

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File: c5569b66d4fa6ab⋯.jpg (83.85 KB,338x428,169:214,103.jpg)

Which kind of relationship leads to larger genetic damage

Father/mother & daughter/son or sister/brother

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Which of the starting DW races has the most content? I usually play Dark Elf but I'm thinking it's time for a new dynasty but i don't want to be stuck on a race without extra content.

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148 posts

Notify Moderator / Report Content #3

Posted Saturday at 04:15 PM

Recent updates have actually made it possible to un-hardcode these. The only thing that's kept me from trying it out is coming up with a list of third_party_score conditions to sort the marriage candidates by suitability.

If someone experienced with disassembly could get that list of conditions from the game executable, I think the un-hardcoded version could be 100% identical. Someone actually did that for the acceptance conditions and posted it to ck2wiki, but I doubt that will happen again for the suitability conditions…

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People whining about bugs in the mod while their Waifus ingame are getting railed by Mohamed.

Art imitates life. If someone can "play" (ENDURE) having their wives and other property (concubines, courtesans, betrothal etc ) passed around like a bloated impregnated cumrag then I don't know what to say to you.


LOL oh my god this fucking cuck game! Hope you guys shake yourself from this curse. Your minds are getting warped.

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File: 6b095d69ba5c02a⋯.jpg (37.85 KB,432x468,12:13,D2OPCaaXcAEA7io.jpg)

My eternally young King, with 300+ experience in duels and 500+ combat rating just got beaten by a fat, old woman with a -60 combat rating.

What the fuck.

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File: f06d424f3c5f941⋯.jpg (46.53 KB,480x480,1:1,etsuko.jpg)


…Didn't that happen as a side story in Yakuza 0?

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Well, I fiddled a bit and made a working genderchange command. Now you can create homosex marriages betwen anyone (not just player) by switching, marrying and switching back!

I just added this in core decisons: (of DFW)

## Genderswap

test_genderswap = {

filter = all

ai_target_filter = self

from_potential = { # From is the person targeting the person to evoke the decision

ai = no # Player only


potential = { # This is where we check the target to ensure they're valid

NOT = { trait = dwf_ghost }


allow = {


effect = {

set_gender = opposite


ai_will_do = {

factor = 0 # ai shouldn't be doing this



And the in the localisation:


test_genderswap_desc;The character swaps gender.

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Paradox is what the fuck.

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Then her fat old husband comes along and steals your perfectly daughter that you were getting ready to spawn your reincarnation host.


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How are you supposed to get money?

I cheat ad build every single tax/income/economy building, have a 60+ steward and still am barely in the positive.

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Oh I don't know, having your levies raised 24/7 and a zillion mercenaries?

PS. Castle Towns is the only building that gives you income for the most part.

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How do I change my portrait in game? I saw the option once but then I did a new play through and it was gone.

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I'm getting absolutely swamped with people trying to seduce me, like almost one per in-game day, I usually play at max speed and this is really slowing things down, what can I do?

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Practically no difference.


Well developed cities that lie on the Silk Road routes with taxes geared most extremely toward currency acquisition as opposed to levy size also help. Notice that severe opinion drops of their mayors toward their liege, namely you, also cut the effective taxation by corresponding percentage. It's advised to keep on their good side if possible.


Maybe try cheating to add the modifier "refuses seduction attempts" with duration set to -1 to your character?

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>Well developed cities that lie on the Silk Road routes with taxes geared most extremely toward currency acquisition as opposed to levy size also help. Notice that severe opinion drops of their mayors toward their liege, namely you, also cut the effective taxation by corresponding percentage. It's advised to keep on their good side if possible.

Everything is fully upgraded.

Balance in this game is terrible.

Even the cheapest upgrade is 100, some are 800, other 1800 and there are TONS of upgrades, while 10 gold is considered a princly ransom and the monthly income OF YOUR ENTIRE KINGDOM is maybe 30, if you're lucky.

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>everything is fully upgraded

Allow me to call you a liar, because most upgrades are gated by high level economical research being spread there. That requires centuries, and even cheating only advances your capital county.

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Well, as upgraded as it can be on my tech level.

All holdings have everything built that can be built.

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Anyone have an unedited define.lua?

I didn't backup and any change prevents random worlds

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File: 2418dfb64a47b37⋯.jpg (546.49 KB,1920x1080,16:9,ck2_2.jpg)

File: c889be078297a3a⋯.jpg (526.72 KB,1920x1080,16:9,ck2_3.jpg)

File: f8abbc062f0fdd9⋯.jpg (522.76 KB,1920x1080,16:9,ck2_4.jpg)

Well, my half-sister wants to go to war with my wife over a single holding. Had to step in and stop it.

Then my mother threatens to expose my dalliances unless I pay up (despite her participating in orgies herself)

Lastly, the current state of the small empire I managed to carve out of a crumbling France. I'm pagan atm. Fun times.

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Has the modpack been updated yet

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some mods are already being updated to 3.1 so here it is i guess



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I tweaked some of the mods - for example, adjusting a few values (mostly fertility values for AlOHa) and adding a few more buildings for some exotic races (catnip workshop for Nekos, shrine for angels, etc..).

I might put it up

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OP Here

Doing two things right now. I'm going to release an updated modpack soon most likely. I also saw that After The End mod literally just updated for current version, so I'm seeing how compatible that is.

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Disregard After The End mod, it forcefully overwrites every single Common file, lol.

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did they fix the random world crash, when editing the definition files?

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How exactly do you download this?

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File: 430584792ad9a24⋯.png (2.8 MB,1920x1080,16:9,ghost_selfcest.png)

Some of bugs in the game are truly bizarre, like in pic related.

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What about changing defines.lua prevents random worlds? Is there a workaround?

I ask this, but I imagine people are trying to figure it out right now.

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I'm getting hash sum mismatches while I try to update. Do I need the dlc or something?

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What are you editing?

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Why would you not have the DLC?

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It looks like I do, but the updater is saying:

dlc\dlc002.zip Hash sum is valid.

dlc\dlc013.zip Hash sum is valid.

dlc\dlc016.zip Hash sum is valid.

dlc\dlc017.zip Hash sum is valid.

dlc\dlc018.zip Hash sum is valid.

dlc\dlc020.zip Hash sum is valid.

dlc\dlc028.zip Hash sum is valid.

dlc\dlc039.zip Hash sum is valid.

dlc\dlc041.zip Hash sum is valid.

dlc\dlc044.zip Hash sum is valid.

dlc\dlc047.zip Hash sum is valid.

dlc\dlc052.zip Hash sum mismatch! Required MD5: 726736231

dlc\dlc057.zip Hash sum is valid.

dlc\dlc063.zip Hash sum mismatch! Required MD5: -1742325844

dlc\dlc067.zip Hash sum is valid.

dlc\dlc070.zip Hash sum is valid.

dlc\dlc073.zip Hash sum is valid.

dlc\dlc074.zip Hash sum mismatch! Required MD5: 605763097

localisation\HolyFury.csv Hash sum mismatch! Required MD5: 1465978540

localisation\JadeDragon.csv Hash sum mismatch! Required MD5: -848986358

localisation\MonksAndMystics.csv Hash sum mismatch! Required MD5: -1859941417

localisation\ReapersDue.csv Hash sum mismatch! Required MD5: -124482898

localisation\text1.csv Hash sum mismatch! Required MD5: 819393161

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Wait. Fuck me, I'm trying to apply the 3.0.1 update to 3.1.0.

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Can the modpack not depend on furry cuckshit?

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Not me personally, I’ve just heard it to be the case. Others have mentioned it in the thread.

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Are pagans/northern countries more suceptible to diseases? I swear to god, everytime I play as a fucking pagan half the tribes up north end up being disfigured from leper, dying from pneumonia or going insane/getting possessed.

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I wouldn't put it past paracux to do that despite the fact that diseases spread faster in denser populations and warmer climates.

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apparently the christianity mod author mentions it, that the custom defines crash the game when you start shattered world.


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Why is everyone in my fucking court Lunatic/Possessed or has leper? The fuck is happening here

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Someone post an unedited defines.lua please.

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Sounds like someone has a bad case of Satanism in their court.

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Change the Court Chaplain to somebody more trustworthy and start the purge.

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Does paganism causes that?

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how do i get rid of all the herpes

everyone in the world has herpes

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Just investigate your wife, then execute her, the lover, and the unborn baby

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>I also saw that After The End mod literally just updated for current version

wow, amazed that mod is still going even after the fan fork

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File: 5f01e762f23a1fd⋯.jpg (260.21 KB,791x978,791:978,5f0.jpg)

Well fuck me, I guess i wont play pagans and stick to boring-ass christianity, since the game obviously doesnt want me to even attempt to do it without throwing dozens upon dozens of different randoms ailments at my court and children.

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File: a7f21a66174f275⋯.jpg (115.65 KB,1280x720,16:9,f241d2d7f17c6020190c283444….jpg)




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ok now play in the canaries where everything is cheap and raiding money makes you filthy rich.


Anybody have problems reforming religions? been getting the "uncertain" placeholder reformation and everytime i hover over it crashes the game.

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After trying most mods for years, I found out I prefer playing vanilla and just try to spread my seed far and wide but, dammit, wish there was a way of only have male heirs.

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Play any feudal, not tribal, society. Pagan, buddhist, jew or muslim, none of it really matters.

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Cheat some traits in that give you additional health, like Brawny (tagged robust internally), which would help with keeping your net health above zero despite being ill. And Chinese physicians are supposed to be the best. If you don't want to be bothered with succession any longer, gain the trait Immortal (through the quest, or become an Ancient Vampire for example). Illnesses and plagues won't touch you anymore.

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If you don't want cheating, switch your rulership focus to Theology, Family or Hunting. Each grants you a little health more as long as you have them.

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>Someone post an unedited defines.lua please.


I'm not having those issues.

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File: 2ac196ac34c1e53⋯.jpg (49.45 KB,699x350,699:350,Charles II of Spain.jpg)

Lol. My son is chaste and somehow stayed a virgin for four years after marriage despite having a lustful wife. I had to step in and impregnate her myself in order to make sure my heir had an heir. Poor idiot thinks it's his child despite still being a virgin.

I'm going to become immortal now just so I can cuck all of descendants.

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god speed anon

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Game compares the number of common ancestors two people have and assigns a chance of the Inbred trait accordingly. It has a large chance of being passed on, if present.


Less susceptible, actually. Diseases are just that fucking horrifying.

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I didnt have this issue before though. Leper wasnt this fucking common, and even with cults disabled half my court and kids keep going insane.

The fucking game pushed me to cheat and use sketchy traits cheat menu to heal them everytime they started to develop leper

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I thought I was gonna play lewd CK2 but before long I was just playing CK2 again.

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will Imperator be shit?

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The things I'm hearing about it aren't pretty. It's got EU4's point system, for one.

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Is there any point on keeping the christianity mod for pagan runs? Since I cant play shattered or random worlds with it.

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There is also some lesser chance to have lunatic kids besides them being inbred because of incest. And lunatic stays, unlike inbred being switched with pureblood.

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God fucking damn it. I've got more daughters than I can count and they keep buying tight dresses and silk stocking only to destroy them, buy new ones, destroy those, and repeat this cycle endlessly.

It's clogging up my messages. Anyone else having this problem?

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Bad dice roll for luck.

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Building cities everywhere and get a large demesne with lots of holdings, yo can also create new holding slots. Shift the law to tax focused burgers and even the portion you don't get they will spend on improving the city, keep an eye on their relation.

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File: 65119a37ed58953⋯.jpg (83.62 KB,1280x720,16:9,embarassed1.jpg)

Every time I load a save, all of my futanari become regular women. It's as if it doesn't save the attribute at all. Worse, I can't find anyone else who's had this issue or any instructions I might've missed in my infinite blindness. Please tell me this is a known problem. please tell me there's a solution

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Those items have internal timers, meaning they tear up after an amount of time passes so it is not they they are destroying the dresses and stockings but rather that they keep buying them back once they wear out.

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The game tries to fix your disgusting fetish. You should be grateful.

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File: 08c71bcbdac6367⋯.jpg (180.48 KB,600x600,1:1,Futa is gay.jpg)


Absolutely based.

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File: b05d3cf7f63f8a5⋯.jpg (19.99 KB,480x360,4:3,sm.jpg)



Okay, fine, it's a problem and I need to stop. As soon as I get the bugfix. I wish it were that easy to fix

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I'm just gonna assume that CK2+ doesn't work with these mods. Anyone else tried?

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Imperator is actually shit. Is anyone surprised?

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just turn off AI seduction in the game rules

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Fuck no.

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I play as a man, and I have two futa in my court. One is my royal assassin, another is my bodyguard slave, for LARPing reasons. No problems so far (the savegame loaded three times with futa). As a side note, why can't I have a dedicated interrogator/torture master?

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You can customize which notifications would stop the game and so on. Look in the main menu submenus.

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But they buy and destroy them in the same turn, usually.

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That's new for me.

I have looked through mod files and there are only two traits for nonstandard cocks. Barbed for neko and knotted for werewolf cocks, I guess.

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Not counting castrated, hue hue.

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File: a6e5e300eba6e96⋯.jpg (33.72 KB,307x316,307:316,PERFECTLY CALM.jpg)



Well, to be fair few Paradox games are stellar at the beginning. However, again, to be fair devs rarely fix game's bs mechanics in later DLCs, so not much hopes here as well. Speaking of - what you didn't like about the game? Personally i am… a bit sad, that it doesn't even run on my system no matter what i do.

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>what you didn't like about the game?

<Women in army or as local lords, unless you disable that in options

<Another goddamn Mana system to do anything, this time there are 4 of these

<100+ literally who tribes over all the map

<Citizen castes system which makes any back-water shithole far from Empire capital full of Patricians(highest caste in ancient Rome)

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Is Europa Universalis IV as good as CK2? I've got a friend who loves the game but he's never played CK and can't really compare the two.

And does EU have good lewd mods?

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I very much doubt that there's a lewd mod for EUIV, let alone a good one. EUIV is more about managing your country on a macro level compared to CK2's slightly more micro-management heavy gameplay. You basically play a ruler with a name and a few stats and nothing else. No traits, portrait, etc.

You might grow attached to your rulers or characters in court in CK2 thanks to the various events and exploits but that's nearly impossible in EUIV.

EUIV is the better game but it has no unique potential for lewds. The only mods that I can think of that could happen are maybe some conquest enslaving stuff or a simple mod that just adds events like "A foreign diplomat arrives at your court: Rape? Yes/No". At that point you might as well play a pornographic text adventure since the game doesn't add anything.

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Well, fuck me, then. Time to backtrack over everything ad look for problems.

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A bit of experimentation has led me to believe that the reason for my futanari spontaneously becoming ordinary women was either caused by Ruler Designer Unlocked, My Personal Castle, or one of the trap/futa game rules. I'm not sure which one, but if anyone else has this issue in the future, try fiddling around with those.

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If you're tired of the lag and want to weed out the crap, plop that down in your decision folder and all barons will destroy their holding automatically :

settlement_decisions = {

destroy_holding_auto = {

filter = owned

ai_target_filter = owned

is_high_prio = yes

ai_check_interval = 1

from_potential = {

NOT = { higher_tier_than = baron }


potential = {

holder_scope = {

character = FROM



effect = {

destroy_settlement = THIS


revoke_allowed = {

always = no


ai_will_do = {

factor = 10000




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File: 02dcc6e14c70076⋯.jpg (65.01 KB,548x554,274:277,disdain for populares.jpg)

File: 38fac0fd7f73742⋯.jpg (8.41 KB,214x236,107:118,Ancient greek women rights.jpg)


Sounds genuinely horrible. Especially the women stuff. Personally, female generals in Ancient Greece/world in general are much less believable to me than Sunset Invasion. Sure, Paradox was always on the kind of left/sjw side of the things, but as of late they unfortunately begin to add more and more of a complete bs into their historical games.

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1.25 best patch

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>much less believable to me than Sunset Invasion

Stop spreading misinformation on a site boys visit they might believe you.

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File: f2ac3e15e1a81ff⋯.jpg (61.28 KB,720x811,720:811,jojo_kill_yourself.jpg)


>Using and trusting whatever on Wikipedo in CY+4

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File: 376083dfd694e86⋯.jpg (108.78 KB,1200x1200,1:1,Kizuna_f04588_6512067.jpg)


Adding to what >>340776 said, most of the women listed in the very same link you provided weren't fighting shoulder to shoulder against the enemies, but performed a supportive role. Not to mention that Wikipedia counts a slavegirl's escape as a warrior's/soldier's deed. But since you like this garbage site so much, here are a few links for you: https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Women_in_Classical_Athens , https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Women%27s_rights#Ancient_history , https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Women_in_ancient_Rome . Is there many female generals? Or appointed governors?

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>Hey guys, i got the best idea ever

>Let's use our wombs to fight, not only losing combat effectiveness due to their low performance and our men's instinct to protect them at the cost of their lives, but destroying our capacity to produce more of our kin

>What could go wrong ?

t : extinct tribes

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Ancient Spartans still trained their wombs to be able to defend themselves due to their men being often away from home fighting abroad. I guess Vikings did the same.

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You nigs need to remember that the only women who actually do anything are noblewomen or courtiers. Peasant women 100% do not get the same treatment and the peasantry would revolt if you tried.

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Having not checked out the link: Most female warriors in history were garrison/homefront forces for that very reason. They existed, they just weren't winning fame and glory on the battlefield for the most part.

Exceptional specimens still exist, of course: The most successful pirate in history was a small Chinese woman.

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Man, my biggest issue with this game could be solved by adding a fucking scroll bar to the children tab.

I want to spread my seed around and keep track of where all my sprouts are doing at all times, but if the shit gets impossible to manage after your 12th kid or so, how am I supposed to fuck the Byzantine Emperor's wife,. sister, kids, aunts and mother when the UI punishes me for sharing my love around

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yes it is, wait for the 200$ plus DLCs and it might be better.

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File: c0209908d8a385c⋯.png (1.4 MB,1252x872,313:218,God-level feels.png)


I feel you brother. All CK2 players do.

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Mark your kids as persons of interest by right clicking their portrait, then the grey star at the top of the box. Turn on the outliner on the right side of the screen and add that dropdown if it isn't enabled.

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that's going to get old real quick when your baby mamas start shooting them out around the same time

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You can get children easily enough through character search or family tree view. I'd recommend saving the persons of interest list for things you can't otherwise get a list of, like slaves.

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>Press ~

>type real_fathers

>Click your dynasty emblem on your character page


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I’m playing a kitsune high chief in weeaboo England. Slowly we are converting the Welsh from Tengri to Shinto. My beloved werewolf wife Liru has born me six children, all of whom are furries, except the one who died to pox.

I bought a pleasure slave from the dragons, then entered the console, gave her Lustful, and reduced her age to 10 to fulfill my sick desires. Her skills remained the same, however, and improved rapidly because she’s a child in education. I’ve repeated this every time she threatens to reach 16. Currently this 10 year old has 14 martial and 20 intrigue.

I hope you enjoyed my blog.

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>Not intentionally staying human, sending ambassadors to the dragons until you manage to hatch a female dragon, then producing tons of children with her until you have a harem of cute half-dragon daughter-wives

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>My beloved werewolf wife Liru has born me six children, all of whom are furries

>all of whom are furries

This is why I either turn off werewolvs or get a better portrait pack

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As an avid ck2 player, I'll share a few things that makes life easier.

For religion autists, event 900 will convert province your ruler is currently on. When he's not leading armies or doing someshit for your liege it'll just convert the capital.

If you need government changes for laws or just hate having a council, type allow_laws in the console and change what you need at the start, but don't forget if you have a council ask for a favor from two or three of them and you can instachange laws.

The command techpoints gives you 1000 tech of each category, if you spam if about 30 times you'll be able to completely max out your tech and when you don't want to wait a year for a building to finish use quickbuild.

Don't be afraid to just use the command kill on every tard that you don't want in your court unless you want opposition or them to cuck you, also I recommend to purge your starting court then buy a dozen soldiers, maidens, merchants and religious people, select the useful ones and kill the others. The reason for that is most often if you create a new character you'll probably have a religion or culture that won't be similar to the people in your starting court and they'll hate you for that, thus making it hard to do anything since they'll go against you and you don't want to waste your gold on gifts.

If there are any mods that interest you on the steam workshop then there are plenty of websites that helps you download mods from there just type "steam workshop download" in google and you'll see them.

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There is a need for a mod that adds more fantasy portraits and removes furry

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You don't need the event 900 when sending your chaplain to convert a province and then encouraging her one way or another a few times also works wonders.

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I am very happy that there are lewd mods for the autism-fest that is CK2

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Say, do I not see a decision to turn from Tribal to Merchant Replublic because I’m a vassal right now? I only see a greyed-out option to convert to Feudal. Would I see the Merchant Republic option once I win my independence?

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Yes, or if you're the vassal of a merchant republic

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Why play a pleb babby game like cuck kings 2 when you can play an alpha male simulator such as HoI3? I once did a marathon session where I started as Germany in 1944 then proceeded to win the war and conquer the world by 1948. At least 30ml of semen was dispensed during those 32 hours.

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>using women peripherally involved in warfare to support the idea of women in direct combat

fuck off and die

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File: 79a4d990cc1faab⋯.jpg (131.04 KB,611x370,611:370,15.jpg)

Eeeeh… The Christianity mod kinda waters down my fetish. Seducing your sister/daughter and fucking her isnt as exciting if the mod gives you the A-OK.

Wheres the taboo in that? Not to mention all the cuckery the shit has. Which brings me to the next question.

Is the christianity mod needed if you play pagans or any other mod for that matter? I wish the author gave us a list of what events to expect.

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or any other religion for that matter*

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from peeking at the localisation files, the events in the Christianity mod is mostly for turning females into raging sluts. The latest version includes reforming pagans to be raging sluts as well…

So, if you enjoy women fucking every man they get near it's the mod for you, otherwise stick to other sex mods like dark world and such…

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File: 45e6e9fff1e43b9⋯.jpg (266 KB,1242x1299,414:433,482363e79a67ddb70acdad2418….jpg)

>disable christianity mod

>i cant play hellenic for some reaosn

>enable it

>torture myself with cuck events while I try to reform the religion





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is it possible to use other mods with all these other ones? i wanted to use the touhou one to fuck some 2hus


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>steam workshop download

absolutely based. I'm not wasting my shekels on a Paradox game.

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That often takes years to convert one province unless you cheat stats for your caplain. On this topic the way to add stats to a character are the commands:

add_diplomacy <char id> <X>

add_intrigue <char id> <X>

add_learning <char id> <X>

add_martial <char id> <X>

add_stewardship <char id> <X>

Replace X with whatever number you want, it'll add that much to their existing stats. So now >>340961 can improve his dragon pleasure slave's stats without doing the age command every 10 years.

Typing "help" in the console will also bring up all the commands you can use, most do nothing.

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File: 62b318262955e72⋯.png (385.2 KB,680x378,340:189,Men of culture.png)

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You dumb niggers do understand that you can turn off AI seduction, right?

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File: f0047e1f575ab78⋯.png (2.39 KB,232x216,29:27,1495946631247.png)

>Start training daughter to be a steward since the current one sucks

>After years I can finally appoint her

>Nothing happens for a while

>Then the pope decides to burn her at the stake even though we're best buds

The revenge wasn't even satisfying since he went down like a bitch

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Instead of help, it's better to use helplog, which saves the usage of all console commands into a file named "game.log". Open it in Notepad for handy reference.

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The threat level/infamy mechanic keeps your military advance at snail pace anyway. Even converting a single province every few years is enough to keep up with it.

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File: f53465de5a4fc23⋯.jpg (16.33 KB,340x71,340:71,20190505145558_1.jpg)

What the fuck.

I'm not getting any stewardship bonus from my own or my wife's stats. I left everything working before i went to bed

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Found the mod messing with my game. It was the Performance and Authenticity mod. Which is weird, because it wasnt doing any of that before.

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As long as it exists they will deem the entire game a cuck simulator. There's no point in telling these niggers shit.

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doesn't seem to do anything

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Works for me. There's a mod now on Lvoerslab if you can't get it to work.

Also, someone post an unedited defines.lua please.

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still nothing. is there an update over the version in the OP or something?

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>You know, most of the era games have cuck content that can be toggled off and no one complains about that

You haven't been here long, have you? Cuck content in era games causes the thread to explode like once a month.

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Any possible way to play this multiplayer?

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I'm using the OP version.

Did you activate the mod?

The option should appear when you click on someones portrait

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File: 43b18f1ef871823⋯.jpg (23.61 KB,665x574,95:82,retarded1.jpg)

Downloaded this and it worked for a while, now whenever I launch the game it shows a white screen saying "This game is not suitable for Heretics or Infidels." then crashes. wat do?

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yea the options there, just nothing happens when I click it

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Backup your saves, reinstall, copy your saves back and try to play.

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hey does anyone know if the last CKplus beta version works with dark work fantasy+ submods?

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>dark work fantasy

FUCK I meant dark WORLD fantasy

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What are you expecting to happen?

If the character is using a custom portrait, nothing will visibly change.

If it's using a core game generated one, then you have to click refresh by clicking on someone else (like a child or spouse) before it will change.

In both cases the game should now treat that person as the opposite gender.

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I know what its supposed to do and for the 3rd time telling you it doesn't. but you clearly dont have any help so nevermind.

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Pretty specific chain of events that leads to a crash to desktop:

>Die to a character that is underage with all underage limiters off.

>Reach the age at which portraits change (I think I have it at 13 or so?).

>Event pops up from one of the sex mods talking about how horny the PC is, male or female.

>Clicking on your portrait at any point after this crashes the game, but it works otherwise.

Anyone know the fix?

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my guess would be no

I'm pretty sure they say that on the loverslab forum too but not 100% right now

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>Braindead son starts a holy war against England while I'm trying to get Shinto Kitsune Ireland set up

I was going to marry him, too. Oh well.

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so uh

what download link are we using now?

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This looks awesome but I've never played vanilla CK because I am an assfaggot I somehow missed it when it was new and never got into it, should I play a few games of vanilla first to get a feel or wade straight into the mod?

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That depends on your motivation for playing. Do you prefer wanking to imagined lewds, or do you rather prefer to dive headfirst into autismus maximus of game rules without any distraction?

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>I guess Vikings did the same.

Well you guess wrong. First off "viking" is a profession not a people, its like if you referred to the entirety of 17th century England as "pirates". Second while Nordic people do have myths of shieldmaidens and valkyries these are just that myths, there is zero evidence of any kind of force of female warriors just the odd noblewoman buried with weapons that probably weren't even hers.

As for the spartans well it might be true that they were at least somewhat trained but just because you take your wife to the range once a month doesn't make her a soldier.


>small Chinese woman

She wasn't a warrior she married a pirate leader then used manipulation and her literal cunt to amass power and retain control. I'm not saying she was a shrewd leader but putting her up as an example of an exemplary female warrior is laughable.

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autismus maximus is probably what they'll engrave on my headstone so I think I'll do that thanks.

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>its like if you referred to the entirety of 17th century England as "pirates"

You could probably say that about the seventeenth century Welsh.

>Second while Nordic people do have myths of shieldmaidens and valkyries these are just that myths

The valkyrie were not warriors, but Freya was.

>just because you take your wife to the range once a month doesn't make her a soldier.

Shooting at a range is a hobby, not military training.

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Turn off Christianity Mod and don't play Vampires, Kitsune, or Demons and it's more like Vanilla+. Christianity mod changes too much about religion and traits, and those races are blatantly and hilariously overpowered.

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If you dislike the idea of female leaders, just reform your religion into a male-dominated clan system. You get free casus bellis to depose female rulers and install a friendly male ruler.

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Every woman in the realm keeps self-impregnating everytime I turn off the christianity mod.

No idea why, the only other H ones I have are the DW ones, not even furry modules.

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Are you starting a new game? Turning it off mid-game will cause traits to be messed up if it adds/removes any, since traits are stored in the save by ordered ID

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Yeah, right from the get go, every female in the game gets impregnated with their own IDone time as soon as they hit 16.

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that's weid as hell and sounds like some onaction may be firing for pregnancy instead of some proper event on adulthood being reached.

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How can I rape my underage children in satanic gangbang orgys??? What use is this mod if the funny stuff isn´t possible!?

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Be the change you want to see.

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The difference this time is that the decadence is being artificially stimulated to create a Western world comprised of 2nd world countries. Some people have learned very well from history.

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>2nd world countries

Seen from a former 2nd world country, it doesn't look that way. At least we had ethnostates, if you don't count SSSR.

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Oh, it's translated USSR, my bad.

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New Christianity Mod update, looks like it's mostly for if you've updated to CK2 3.1.1.


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Currently downloading, would this lewd version of CK2 on par with the Dark World mods from loverslab? I'm currently running Monks & Mystics with Dark World

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nvm, it got most of the stuff from loverslab that I'm currently running, would upgrade to this one and ditch the christianity mod inside.

That thing should never be merged in a modpack since it stands on its own, it should be a mutually exclusive choice between Christianity mod and DW+other mods

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I wonder how many lusty hentai gamers have downloaded only to be disappointed by how cucked it is. Literally the largest and deepest cuckolding simulator there is. Enjoy having your wife, daughters and other female subjects lusting after other men, hope you like raising bastards.

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File: 3612067f9f9886a⋯.jpg (123.94 KB,620x417,620:417,wonk.jpg)


>not playing as a seducer

>not cucking the neighboring duke and conspires with his wife to kill him

>not marrying the female landed character after killing her relatives, only to enslave her afterwards to auto claim the title

>not capturing the enemy kingdom's women after sieging their castles, making them pregnant, and returning them to your enemy while retaining the children yourself to keep the gene pool diverse and title claims manageable

I don't know anon, I don't play like a cuck, but you do sound like you kept on getting cucked yourself, how does it feel to be a cuck at ck2?

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I have been playing for a while now, haven't been cucked yet. Maybe the problem is you?

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>haven't been cucked yet

Does "charinfo 1" console command confirms it?

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If the woman you're married with is your lover she will not cuck you, you can get her to fall in love with you if you seduce her before marrying her or through the family focus once you're already married.

you can also disable AI seduction in the game rules before starting a new game.

if there are males with the master seducer lifestyle trait in your court, kick them out.

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This mod would've cool if the fucking retard who develops it didn't deactivate holy wars for catholics, expanding through intrigue and subterfuge is boring as fuck.

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anyone else having an issue with Kiss of Seduction, where it continuously fails with the pop-up asking if you want to be patient or give up? I've spent 5+ months on multiple girls without the conditions that make it fail, and it still hasn't succeeded yet even once.

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File: 0c71328e9662ddb⋯.jpg (33 KB,375x342,125:114,0c71328e9662ddb2f8a2679efa….jpg)


>Playing as a gigolo

>Marrying other mens sloppy seconds

>Using a womans position to gain leverage

>Taking care of another mans family in hopes to become the ruler one day

>Letting foreign people in your domain enrich your own people to ensure a diverse gene pool

Yeah nothing cucked about that.

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File: ac0b0e494cd258b⋯.png (721.31 KB,744x768,31:32,ac0.png)


>not playing as a norse pagan

>not playing as an immortal norse pagan

>not playing as an immortal norse pagan smithing the catholic heathens

>not playing as an immortal norse pagan smithing catholic heathens as you kidnap, rape and breed their cute little daughters

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My guess is that the chances of success are influenced by your attractiveness to the opposite sex in general and to the girl in question in particular. Cheat in some traits that raise your attractiveness and check if it changes anything.

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File: db17f1202b8a020⋯.png (272.93 KB,399x312,133:104,Smug Orang.png)


>Playing a Norseman

>Not Selling out your people to Christianity

>Not living in straw huts

>Not Killing pig farmers

>Not giving your daughters to the Sultan

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How do I cheat in some traits? There doesn't seem to be an option for that in the Intrigues.

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Anyone knows where pirates get the CK2Plus mod?

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> ~

> addtrait __

>Use charinfo and hover over a trait to get its actual name if it is somehow different

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The russian counterstrike site or skymods

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File: 513d5fdbfbec483⋯.png (188.23 KB,707x865,707:865,deleted posts.png)




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I can't for the life of me get the DLC to showup with the torrent download, am I missing something?

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Did you try reading the torrent's comments?

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Being able to fap to shit that lazy must be nice. From my point of view the fag with no imagination is you, though, if you're satisfied with shit that lame

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does it?

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> but CK2's telemetry shit makes me too paranoid to

>play proprietary games


>Appreciated. But the fact we need it is insane.

Nothing new, abusive developers are known since the 80s. See https://www.gnu.org/proprietary/

Never give money to bullies, otherwise you're bullied.

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Playing this for the first time and everything seems to be working properly, but the lewd events are so rare. I can make my character rape a few others or seduce them and into the lovers state with no problems, but that got boring fast

I got an event about making my female soldiers live off their horses' cum but that was it, nothing else popped up

Is this how it flows? Or am I just unlucky and there's a bunch of events hidden somewhere?

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I wish I had autism too so I can fap to the unmodded grand strategy game.

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Can I be an immortal loli who never ages up past 14?

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My character has a bunch of traits but it still won't work, the message appears every other week and nothing else shows up, even characters that have 100 opinion won't fall for it

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Yeah, you can be an immortal loli in game, without mods even.

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Now that i think about, i don't think the event triggers if you are a child.

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Apparently there is an interactive slave breaking mod that's getting an update this weekend, per this: https://www.loverslab.com/topic/82240-ck2-beta-release-immersive-slave-training-updated-6619/page/2/?tab=comments#comment-2660390

It claims to have a lot of player-initiated actions, so it might make the game a little less nothinghappensy.

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Seems like the OP's pre-made pack has DZ, which eliminates the rape list you get after a successful siege, which may be partly why some people are saying there's not much sex conent. You should get the rape list if you disable DZ.

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Quick question. How long is lifespan of DWF mod

races and where I can learn about traits they give?

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is the link in op kept up to date or nah?

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If you are of the demon race or are a certified rapist (rapist trait) already, the siege rape content is still there. But the amount of rape injuries you can inflict is rather excessive. Honestly, 3 possible afflictions from one act? You can rape her to death if you have bad luck.

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Someone post an unedited defines.lua please.

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Anons, I'm having an issue

After playing for a few decades the game gives me a ctd and won't load again, no matter what I do. If I start a new game it works properly though, until I play for a few decades and it happens again

I'm using this modpack with the Futa Commander and Tentacle mods. I also updated DWF yesterday, since it was updated

Any clues on what it might be?

Also, is there a way to become younger after getting immortality? Being old for eternity isn't so appealing

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Futa Commander requires Dark World Reborn so is probably not compatible with this modpack.

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Being in a dungeon cell lowers fertility but it's a hidden stat so usually you never notice. House arrest still allows them to have children with their partners or if they get violated by their host.

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Depending on the traits they can also fight back including your own courtiers.

The worst part about the non-con elements of DWE is the lady liege bedroom rape event, it's unavoidable and it happens virtually every year so it gets very annoying. I've tried to disabling it by removing it from the mod events file but it hasn't worked.

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Cuck simulator 2

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What porn mods are there that does NOT use dark world?

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>Generational Inbreeding

Where can I find it?

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File: d0b2354a0abc6f2⋯.png (150.26 KB,1382x1080,691:540,pmod_GIS_300.png)


Paradox plaza

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File: 8419b3c837c7af1⋯.png (918.19 KB,983x892,983:892,Nameofthelordamen.png)


Mah nigga

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Someone know if Stellaris porn is better than CK2 porn?

Also seriously, no porn mods without dark world?

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If you don't get cucked 3 times per character you're playing the wrong game.

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File: 229ec5787871337⋯.jpg (141.57 KB,509x829,509:829,playing ck2.jpg)

>me while I'm playing ck2

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It's not, at least last I checked. Le Guin update killed a bunch of mods and most others stopped being developed.

It mostly boils down to events with vague lewd descriptions and such. Since there's no characterization, that's about as much as you'll get.

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I'm mostly just interested in the succubus stuff. Which specific mod is that?

Or rather, I'm completely repulsed by futa. How do I take it off?

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You can disable trap and futa genes to get rid of the traits but the futa content like the merchant visit will still be in.

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kitsune are functionally immortal but only the PC character once you get tails. Actually they are overpowered. Ordinary NPC kitsune will still die of old age even your children.

Dragons also seem to be very long lived, I have a couple of hundred years old dragons in my playthrough.

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There are two tenko kitsune sisters in the game that are about a thousand year old each.

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yikes, is the futa content part of Extras or some other submod, or is it part of base DWF?

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Why are you even here if you're going to act like such a fag?

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For the fags wanting a legit copy (Insert laugh track) it's on Humble Bundle for cheap instead of the 100+ you would normally shell out for the game and dlc hell.

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Just pirate it, it's not even hard to find with all the DLC. There are also ways to download mods without owning the game. Don't give paradox any money.

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Do you think Dark world would work for the latest Elder Kings SVN?

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We're back. Has anyone updated the OP mod pack?

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Dark world fantasy and a majority of CK2 mods no longer allow any lewding to characters under 18+, or any lewding modification of adults if your character is under 18+.

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But can we just mod the mods to put that back in?

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It'd require a large amount of work. Unlikely anyone will do so until the modders stop their work.

At leas they're all on one discord group.


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its pretty easy to go into the decisions and erase the "is_adult" line from the requirements. Anything specifically you're trying to do?

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I thought it was more complicated than that. Basically, yeah, removing all age restrictions.

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deleted every "is_adult". I tested it out and was able to rape someone just born in prison. Have fun.


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can I make traps or shemales?

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In a way. I know your kids can be into crossdressing, like your son getting into feminine stuff as well as your daughter liking masculine items. Toss on a homosexual trait and there you go for traps. I think the traveling merchant guy also has a trap. As for shemales, I'm not sure; maybe the same merchant? Can't remember. But there are futa's. All on the Dark World mod.

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good to know

Never thought this way the way I'd get back into grand strategy, but here I am.

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When I installed it, none of the DLC worked.

pls help i'm retarded

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never mind i fixed it

i'm retarded

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File: 176b15ededb14e9⋯.jpg (19.83 KB,640x638,320:319,1530355336120.jpg)

says I can't mount the CK2 holy fury iso, any ideas?

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Anyone got a new updated modpack?

Also are there any little known mods that are adult or go well with adult mods which arent on loverslab?

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>Anyone got a new updated modpack?

I'm also interested in this, or at least a list with which mods have been updated(since I noticed that a few even changed names and split into others) and any possible conflicts in between them

Also, partially related, would you guys recommend modded Stellaris? It seems to be quite developed as well and I'd like to try a new setting if it isn't a chaotic mess with little good content

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I think 90% of submods haven't been updated to new versions of DW:R and LF yet. Just check lover slab.

I tried these mods and noticed a huge drought of content. It feels like just the three random events cycling. For a 100MB mod that feels like very little. Am I doing something wrong or is all the content just for femPC or hidden somewhere?

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>Decide to play in India since I've never done it before

>Kill my starting guy as soon as he has a son so I can be him for that /ss/

>A couple decades go by, have conquered most of India and have many children with my mom, sisters, courtiers, and rivals' wives

>Legitimize every single kid that it asks me about

>Popup tells me my mother-wife is pregnant, but it's not my kid

>Turns out one of my brother/sons seduced her and became her lover

>Let it go since that's kinda hot

>Check on him a while later

>He's seduced a couple of my other lovers by now too

>Challenge him to a duel since he's clearly getting too full of himself

>Accidentally cut his head off

I'd feel bad, but he was asking for it

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If it makes you feel better, what transpired is virtually indistinguishable from Indian mythology and history.

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Stellaris porn, you say? As much as I've always wanted to visit a world of sexy aliens and create a dynasty of daughterwives… I don't know where I'm going with this.

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Stellaris isn't very good for porn. Not a lot of character interactions can happen, most events would have to be text boxes and at that point you might as well play something else. It's galactic scaled for a reason. I guess you could mod the game to have lewd traits like planetwide orgies to increase population growth and maybe setting it so you can bone your scientists to make new ones but honestly, just why?

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Well, that's why I was confused.

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That's disappointing

I was hoping to play a game where you're able to modify and create laws that force one race/gender into becoming sexually submissive to the other(s) or develop traits that make one race/character ideal to get bred by all the others

Of course, that's useless without the events to show it off

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I just got a sexbot image pack for my rogue servitors. Sexual gratification is mandatory.

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Well you can have mods that alter your governing eithics and traits. You could make a completely new one that has certain stat modifications that are in line with breeding. You could have a population gain a trait where they are fertile and can only breed with other races so increased pop growth, increased happiness with certain ratio of different species around. But most of this will have to be imagined unless you write specific events that tell a story. The management of enemy species after conquering them can be tweaked so that they become sex slaves, increasing pop growth speed. Maybe you could have a galactic black market for sex slaves that you can sell them to for credits/minerals. Maybe modify a species so they can only produce females. But the underlying code for a lot of this has problems, where Gender isn't typically used other than for leaders. Pop growth is also limited per planet for one species only and the game is more focused conquering other empires than internal management.

I haven't seen any mods out there that do these things. At most you'll get >>373858 with imagepacks for species. Stellaris is a lot different from CK2.

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Everything's working just fine, but there are three or four empty provinces with 'no character' in Spain for some reason. Does anybody know why?

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Any word on an improved UI mod?

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Made an updated modpack using the original and what updates I could find. Also ignore the flatpack, that's for performance on decade-old devices (like mine)


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Any way to make it so I can focus only on dinastic/internal affairs while playing?

I really don't care for the intrigue and map coloring element of the game. I just want to make Ptolemaic Egypt look like a gene diversity project but if I ignore my neighbours I get fucked from every direction.

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you need a better download site

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this thread isn't autistic enough for me, so I had to do my R&D to get this shit working. Everything is from loverslab or Steam. Here is my list:

A Bigger Interface (Steam)

ABM (Ala's Body Mod, for tit/penis/etc traits)

Anime Portraits (if you're playing with LF+normal races, you'll see why, from Steam)

Bigger Event (Steam)

Cheri - Everyone is Female (as you wish)

Cheri - Extended Marriage (for f/f marriage and more)

Cheri - Free Love (QOL for my harem)

Cheri Portraits

Cheri Scripting Library (a requirement)

Community Patch (from Steam)

Dark World Reborn (>>>>disable Body Traits in game rules otherwise duplicate body traits with ABM)

Luxuria Fantasia

No More Inbred (could be redundant)

Tale of Nine Tails

Your Personal Castle (Steam)

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In case you missed, I (OP) posted an updated version of this modpack a while back on Julay.world. https://julay.world/hgg/res/2985.html#q3212

Note that this version is rather out of date still, as I've not gotten around to updating everything again. I'm probably gonna go through and maybe start from scratch making a fresh pack at some point, it just takes a lot of fucking work bugtesting shit to make sure it isn't egregiously broken.

I'd really like an update to Christianity mod, because I'm not sure how compatible it is anymore with the current version.

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Probably a dumb question but how does the slave raid mechanic work? I've bought the contract from the Elder Forest for 1000 favor but it doesn't appear to be a CB I can use or a decision. Am I missing something obvious here?

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File: 5077882fff3a102⋯.jpg (164.99 KB,757x765,757:765,1443969046288.jpg)


Gonna give this a try out.

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File: 1db97a07e8377e3⋯.jpg (140.24 KB,850x1422,425:711,_iris_heart_neptune_and_1_….jpg)


>Let me tell you about my year and a half in game.

>Small empire in Valencia.

>Roll a Succubus with male husband, both have gay trait. Have 1 yo daughter.

>Pray for child, 9 months later have son for some reason.

>Want to invade small island chain off the way, raise levis twice to try but DON'T HAVE A REASON TO INVADE BRO, YOU CAN'T JUST MOVE ARMIES THERE.

Fucking hate this I swear to god, Stellaris at least has is Casus belli system. My neighboring empires are moving armies around and gaining territory but I'm not able to do that, even when I fabricate a fucking claim on the place

>Can't take concubines for some fucking reason, maybe because I'm married? Even though the mods should allow me.

>Disease kills 4/6 female courtiers I brought in.

>Constantly failing seduce checks even though I'm a succubus, and the ruler and why oh why does it happen.

So yeah… bluest of balls here. God, Stellaris has alot better menus and lay outs, here entire menus are hidden behind a single small button on a fucking character page. I hate it.

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The solution is to stop being a braindead retard. I've never played a similar game before this and even I managed to work everything out.

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While I agree that the CB system is a major pain in the ass you know there are options to allow you to always have a CB. The Jade Dragon DLC gives you one that lets you always conquer bordering provinces. If you generate a shattered world you can turn on the consolidation CB permanently. There are also a lot of religions and cultures in the game that allow you to raid indiscriminately and give CBs that allow you to conquer at random. Tribal government gives you the tribal conquest CB. Nomads get a similar version called invasion. If you take the become king amibition you get a free CB on every ruler with a county in that de jure kingdom.

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If you know what valid casus bellis are, it really isn't hard to have an excuse to invade. The only time you may have trouble is hopping across large stretches of water or trying to invade someplace you have no borders with.

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>He doesn't cuck the enemy rulers and then calls it a causus belli..


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Anybody alive in here? I've made a loli nudity fix for CK3 - in other words it makes it so that kids can be nude as well.

Uh, I'll upload it tomorrow if I remember to look back here. But it was a really simple one to make actually

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Oh cool, I just came back to this thread wondering if there were any good mods for CK3

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I thought that was a clever dig at the Paradox Plaza retards at first.

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Get the free game for 3.3.3 and break open DLC using your choice of steamfix & DLC package (codex is up to date).

I wound up with

>Cheri - Sexual Favors

>Cheri - Tentacled Dreams

>Cheri - Tentacled Dreams Images

>Cheri - Tentacled Dreams Sounds

>Cheri Portraits

>Cheri Scripting Library

>Crusader Milk

>DWF Loading Screens

>DWF Loading Screens - Tentacles

>Dark World Reborn

>Faheelee - Tentacled Dreams AIO

>House Irae


>Luxuria Fantasia

>Luxuria Fantasia: Extras

>Tale of Nine Tails

>ToNT Kitsune Portraits

If you're a realismfag, age = 16 and min_age = 16 are safe to replace wholesale from all mods (with something like 8 or 12), meticulously remove is_adult because it makes sense in some places and not others, and merge on_adulthood with on_adolescence. Reducing marriage age and such still works but

>Conclave breaks if Ruler Age/Adolescence are reduced (hardcoded education triggers) which means you will end up with all children being retarded- can be corrected by inviting/promoting courtiers

>Alternative Starts break if anyone in the entire map is granted a marriage below standard age (dev oversight divide by zero) which can be avoided by setting marriage % to zero. The generated map is preserved even if you crash, but I have not tested to see if it works/is seeded correctly for HI or LF.


I figured it wouldn't be too difficult, since they render the entire mesh either way. Hopefully and rigging/mesh mods LL makes will be compatible.

CKII is already a nearly completely untapped goldmine due to the way the setting and lewd elements can intersect. It's the only game like this where the rulers is an actualized, fleshed out character. I wish more fantasy writers found their way over, even a few twine game creators contributing 5k words would get so much more bang for their buck wrapping their ero in CKII rather than reinventing the wheel and making a "new fantasy game". CKIII providing better mod tools, not retarded event screens, and 3D models with injectable animations? Holy Hell.

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Any good mods for CK3 yet?

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>they think stellaris has a good CB system

stellaris has good menus because its for simpletons and has 0 depth

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File: 70028e4eac972da⋯.jpg (105.34 KB,605x717,605:717,mina_tepes.jpg)


You can be an immortal loli vampire ancestor instead.

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Aren't shemales just traps with tits? Cheat tits trait in to trap characters with the console command and presto, you have shemales.

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Is the one in OP the newest version?

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Стильные заметки по подбору модных луков на любой день.

Обзоры стилистов, новости, все показы и мероприятия.


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