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 No.329174 [View All]

Super simple flat forehead directions:

Step 1: Install this version of CK2 Holy Fury


Step 2: Unzip this premade pack directly into

C:\Users\xxxxx\Documents\Paradox Interactive\Crusader Kings II


Step 3: Enable mods in launcher. You're finished.

Note: I got rid of the Varangian Guard events because they were breaking absolutely everything, I've not had a single bug or issue since with anything else. YMMV. If you have any issues, let me know.

Note2: I'm a dipshit and put the subject in name on accident so I recreated the post . _ .

591 posts and 81 image replies omitted. Click [Open thread] to view. ____________________________
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Do you think Dark world would work for the latest Elder Kings SVN?

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We're back. Has anyone updated the OP mod pack?

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Dark world fantasy and a majority of CK2 mods no longer allow any lewding to characters under 18+, or any lewding modification of adults if your character is under 18+.

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But can we just mod the mods to put that back in?

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It'd require a large amount of work. Unlikely anyone will do so until the modders stop their work.

At leas they're all on one discord group.


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its pretty easy to go into the decisions and erase the "is_adult" line from the requirements. Anything specifically you're trying to do?

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I thought it was more complicated than that. Basically, yeah, removing all age restrictions.

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deleted every "is_adult". I tested it out and was able to rape someone just born in prison. Have fun.


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can I make traps or shemales?

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In a way. I know your kids can be into crossdressing, like your son getting into feminine stuff as well as your daughter liking masculine items. Toss on a homosexual trait and there you go for traps. I think the traveling merchant guy also has a trap. As for shemales, I'm not sure; maybe the same merchant? Can't remember. But there are futa's. All on the Dark World mod.

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good to know

Never thought this way the way I'd get back into grand strategy, but here I am.

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When I installed it, none of the DLC worked.

pls help i'm retarded

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never mind i fixed it

i'm retarded

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says I can't mount the CK2 holy fury iso, any ideas?

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Anyone got a new updated modpack?

Also are there any little known mods that are adult or go well with adult mods which arent on loverslab?

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>Anyone got a new updated modpack?

I'm also interested in this, or at least a list with which mods have been updated(since I noticed that a few even changed names and split into others) and any possible conflicts in between them

Also, partially related, would you guys recommend modded Stellaris? It seems to be quite developed as well and I'd like to try a new setting if it isn't a chaotic mess with little good content

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I think 90% of submods haven't been updated to new versions of DW:R and LF yet. Just check lover slab.

I tried these mods and noticed a huge drought of content. It feels like just the three random events cycling. For a 100MB mod that feels like very little. Am I doing something wrong or is all the content just for femPC or hidden somewhere?

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>Decide to play in India since I've never done it before

>Kill my starting guy as soon as he has a son so I can be him for that /ss/

>A couple decades go by, have conquered most of India and have many children with my mom, sisters, courtiers, and rivals' wives

>Legitimize every single kid that it asks me about

>Popup tells me my mother-wife is pregnant, but it's not my kid

>Turns out one of my brother/sons seduced her and became her lover

>Let it go since that's kinda hot

>Check on him a while later

>He's seduced a couple of my other lovers by now too

>Challenge him to a duel since he's clearly getting too full of himself

>Accidentally cut his head off

I'd feel bad, but he was asking for it

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If it makes you feel better, what transpired is virtually indistinguishable from Indian mythology and history.

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Stellaris porn, you say? As much as I've always wanted to visit a world of sexy aliens and create a dynasty of daughterwives… I don't know where I'm going with this.

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Stellaris isn't very good for porn. Not a lot of character interactions can happen, most events would have to be text boxes and at that point you might as well play something else. It's galactic scaled for a reason. I guess you could mod the game to have lewd traits like planetwide orgies to increase population growth and maybe setting it so you can bone your scientists to make new ones but honestly, just why?

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Well, that's why I was confused.

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That's disappointing

I was hoping to play a game where you're able to modify and create laws that force one race/gender into becoming sexually submissive to the other(s) or develop traits that make one race/character ideal to get bred by all the others

Of course, that's useless without the events to show it off

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I just got a sexbot image pack for my rogue servitors. Sexual gratification is mandatory.

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Well you can have mods that alter your governing eithics and traits. You could make a completely new one that has certain stat modifications that are in line with breeding. You could have a population gain a trait where they are fertile and can only breed with other races so increased pop growth, increased happiness with certain ratio of different species around. But most of this will have to be imagined unless you write specific events that tell a story. The management of enemy species after conquering them can be tweaked so that they become sex slaves, increasing pop growth speed. Maybe you could have a galactic black market for sex slaves that you can sell them to for credits/minerals. Maybe modify a species so they can only produce females. But the underlying code for a lot of this has problems, where Gender isn't typically used other than for leaders. Pop growth is also limited per planet for one species only and the game is more focused conquering other empires than internal management.

I haven't seen any mods out there that do these things. At most you'll get >>373858 with imagepacks for species. Stellaris is a lot different from CK2.

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Everything's working just fine, but there are three or four empty provinces with 'no character' in Spain for some reason. Does anybody know why?

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Any word on an improved UI mod?

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Made an updated modpack using the original and what updates I could find. Also ignore the flatpack, that's for performance on decade-old devices (like mine)


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Any way to make it so I can focus only on dinastic/internal affairs while playing?

I really don't care for the intrigue and map coloring element of the game. I just want to make Ptolemaic Egypt look like a gene diversity project but if I ignore my neighbours I get fucked from every direction.

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you need a better download site

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this thread isn't autistic enough for me, so I had to do my R&D to get this shit working. Everything is from loverslab or Steam. Here is my list:

A Bigger Interface (Steam)

ABM (Ala's Body Mod, for tit/penis/etc traits)

Anime Portraits (if you're playing with LF+normal races, you'll see why, from Steam)

Bigger Event (Steam)

Cheri - Everyone is Female (as you wish)

Cheri - Extended Marriage (for f/f marriage and more)

Cheri - Free Love (QOL for my harem)

Cheri Portraits

Cheri Scripting Library (a requirement)

Community Patch (from Steam)

Dark World Reborn (>>>>disable Body Traits in game rules otherwise duplicate body traits with ABM)

Luxuria Fantasia

No More Inbred (could be redundant)

Tale of Nine Tails

Your Personal Castle (Steam)

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In case you missed, I (OP) posted an updated version of this modpack a while back on Julay.world. https://julay.world/hgg/res/2985.html#q3212

Note that this version is rather out of date still, as I've not gotten around to updating everything again. I'm probably gonna go through and maybe start from scratch making a fresh pack at some point, it just takes a lot of fucking work bugtesting shit to make sure it isn't egregiously broken.

I'd really like an update to Christianity mod, because I'm not sure how compatible it is anymore with the current version.

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Probably a dumb question but how does the slave raid mechanic work? I've bought the contract from the Elder Forest for 1000 favor but it doesn't appear to be a CB I can use or a decision. Am I missing something obvious here?

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Gonna give this a try out.

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>Let me tell you about my year and a half in game.

>Small empire in Valencia.

>Roll a Succubus with male husband, both have gay trait. Have 1 yo daughter.

>Pray for child, 9 months later have son for some reason.

>Want to invade small island chain off the way, raise levis twice to try but DON'T HAVE A REASON TO INVADE BRO, YOU CAN'T JUST MOVE ARMIES THERE.

Fucking hate this I swear to god, Stellaris at least has is Casus belli system. My neighboring empires are moving armies around and gaining territory but I'm not able to do that, even when I fabricate a fucking claim on the place

>Can't take concubines for some fucking reason, maybe because I'm married? Even though the mods should allow me.

>Disease kills 4/6 female courtiers I brought in.

>Constantly failing seduce checks even though I'm a succubus, and the ruler and why oh why does it happen.

So yeah… bluest of balls here. God, Stellaris has alot better menus and lay outs, here entire menus are hidden behind a single small button on a fucking character page. I hate it.

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The solution is to stop being a braindead retard. I've never played a similar game before this and even I managed to work everything out.

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While I agree that the CB system is a major pain in the ass you know there are options to allow you to always have a CB. The Jade Dragon DLC gives you one that lets you always conquer bordering provinces. If you generate a shattered world you can turn on the consolidation CB permanently. There are also a lot of religions and cultures in the game that allow you to raid indiscriminately and give CBs that allow you to conquer at random. Tribal government gives you the tribal conquest CB. Nomads get a similar version called invasion. If you take the become king amibition you get a free CB on every ruler with a county in that de jure kingdom.

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If you know what valid casus bellis are, it really isn't hard to have an excuse to invade. The only time you may have trouble is hopping across large stretches of water or trying to invade someplace you have no borders with.

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>He doesn't cuck the enemy rulers and then calls it a causus belli..


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Anybody alive in here? I've made a loli nudity fix for CK3 - in other words it makes it so that kids can be nude as well.

Uh, I'll upload it tomorrow if I remember to look back here. But it was a really simple one to make actually

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Oh cool, I just came back to this thread wondering if there were any good mods for CK3

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I thought that was a clever dig at the Paradox Plaza retards at first.

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Get the free game for 3.3.3 and break open DLC using your choice of steamfix & DLC package (codex is up to date).

I wound up with

>Cheri - Sexual Favors

>Cheri - Tentacled Dreams

>Cheri - Tentacled Dreams Images

>Cheri - Tentacled Dreams Sounds

>Cheri Portraits

>Cheri Scripting Library

>Crusader Milk

>DWF Loading Screens

>DWF Loading Screens - Tentacles

>Dark World Reborn

>Faheelee - Tentacled Dreams AIO

>House Irae


>Luxuria Fantasia

>Luxuria Fantasia: Extras

>Tale of Nine Tails

>ToNT Kitsune Portraits

If you're a realismfag, age = 16 and min_age = 16 are safe to replace wholesale from all mods (with something like 8 or 12), meticulously remove is_adult because it makes sense in some places and not others, and merge on_adulthood with on_adolescence. Reducing marriage age and such still works but

>Conclave breaks if Ruler Age/Adolescence are reduced (hardcoded education triggers) which means you will end up with all children being retarded- can be corrected by inviting/promoting courtiers

>Alternative Starts break if anyone in the entire map is granted a marriage below standard age (dev oversight divide by zero) which can be avoided by setting marriage % to zero. The generated map is preserved even if you crash, but I have not tested to see if it works/is seeded correctly for HI or LF.


I figured it wouldn't be too difficult, since they render the entire mesh either way. Hopefully and rigging/mesh mods LL makes will be compatible.

CKII is already a nearly completely untapped goldmine due to the way the setting and lewd elements can intersect. It's the only game like this where the rulers is an actualized, fleshed out character. I wish more fantasy writers found their way over, even a few twine game creators contributing 5k words would get so much more bang for their buck wrapping their ero in CKII rather than reinventing the wheel and making a "new fantasy game". CKIII providing better mod tools, not retarded event screens, and 3D models with injectable animations? Holy Hell.

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Any good mods for CK3 yet?

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>they think stellaris has a good CB system

stellaris has good menus because its for simpletons and has 0 depth

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You can be an immortal loli vampire ancestor instead.

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Aren't shemales just traps with tits? Cheat tits trait in to trap characters with the console command and presto, you have shemales.

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Is the one in OP the newest version?

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Стильные заметки по подбору модных луков на любой день.

Обзоры стилистов, новости, все показы и мероприятия.


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