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df7599  No.43532[Last 50 Posts]

Questions That Don't Deserve Their Own Threads - 002

Questions that don't deserve their own thread go here. If your thread gets deleted and it followed one of these formats, it belonged here:

• "Redpill me on [x]"

• "Is [x] redpilled?"

• Single sentence questions about a given topic

Some older QTDDOT Archives from 8/pol/










Previous QTDDTOT Threads from this Board


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000000  No.43935


Why is there never a straight, anti-Jew board without all the other baggage?

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589988  No.44045

Is this a duplicate thread?

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65179b  No.45234

File: 5224a8025abda90⋯.png (469.75 KB, 750x391, 750:391, uncle-sam.png)

Uncle Sam admits monitoring you for these 377 words:

May 31, 2012

New York City

> One of breakout standup routines from the late, great George Carlin was his 1972 monologue “Seven Words You Can Never Say on Television.” In the presence of polite company, I shall not repeat them… but rest assured, the routine is still hilarious to this day.

> I wish I could say the same about the Department of Homeland Security… I wish I could say this is all a big joke… that the government’s “377 words you can never use online” is just some stupid comedy routine.

> But it’s not. And you just can’t make this stuff.

> After vigorous resistance, the Department of Homeland Security was finally forced into releasing it’s 2011 Analyst’s Desktop Binder. It’s a manual of sorts, teaching all the storm troopers who monitor our Internet activity all day which key words to look for.

> Facebook, a.k.a. the US government’s domestic intelligence center, is the primary target for this monitoring… though it’s become clear so many times before that various departments, including the NSA and FBI, are monitoring online activity ranging from search terms to emails.

> Domestic spying is typically denied in public and swept under the rug. After all, it’s legality has always been questionable… if not entirely Unconstitutional.

> Yet month after month it seems, there is new legislation introduced to deprive Internet users of their privacy and make the open collection of data a natural part of the online landscape.

> Homeland Security’s key word ‘hotlist’ is really no surprise… they’re just the ones to get caught.

> So now we know, at least, what these goons are looking for. Sort of.

> According to the manual, DHS breaks down its monitoring into a whopping 14 categories ranging from Health to Fire to Terrorism. It’s a testament to how bloated the department’s scope has become.

> Afterwards there is a list of 377 of key terms to monitor, most of which are completely innocuous. Exercise. Cloud. Leak. Sick. Organization. Pork. Bridge. Smart. Tucson. Target. China. Social media.

> Curiously, in its ‘Critical Information Requirements’, the manual decrees that analysts should also catalog items which may “reflect adversely on DHS and response activities.”

> Absolutely unreal. Big Brother is not just watching. He’s digging, searching, reading, monitoring, archiving, and judging too.

> Have you hit your breaking point yet?

Complete list of DHS monitoring keywords

Department of Homeland Security (DHS)

Federal Emergency Management Agency (FEMA)

Coast Guard (USCG)

Customs and Border Protection (CBP)

Border Patrol

Secret Service (USSS)

National Operations Center (NOC)

Homeland Defense

Immigration Customs Enforcement (ICE)


Task Force

Central Intelligence Agency (CIA)

Fusion Center

Drug Enforcement Agency (DEA)

Secure Border Initiative (SBI)

Federal Bureau of Investigation (FBI)

Alcohol Tobacco and Firearms (ATF)

U.S. Citizenship and Immigration Services (CIS)

Federal Air Marshal Service (FAMS)

Transportation Security Administration (TSA)

Air Marshal

Federal Aviation Administration (FAA)

National Guard

Red Cross

United Nations (UN)



Domestic security




Law enforcement


Disaster assistance

Disaster management

DNDO (Domestic Nuclear Detection Office)

National preparedness





Dirty bomb

Domestic nuclear detection

Emergency management

Emergency response

First responder

Homeland security

Maritime domain awareness (MDA)

National preparedness initiative

Militia Shooting

Shots fired




Explosion (explosive)


Disaster medical assistance team (DMAT)

Organized crime


National security

State of emergency








Bomb (squad or threat)






Pipe bomb





Chemical spill

Suspicious package/device


National laboratory

Nuclear facility

Nuclear threat






Biological infection (or event)


Chemical burn




Hazardous material incident

Industrial spill


Powder (white)




Blister agent

Chemical agent



Nerve agent



North Korea









Food Poisoning

Foot and Mouth (FMD)





Small Pox


Human to human

Human to Animal


Center for Disease Control (CDC)

Drug Administration (FDA)

Public Health

Toxic Agro

Terror Tuberculosis (TB)










Water/air borne









> more…

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65179b  No.45235


> continued…

Norvo Virus


World Health Organization (WHO) (and components)

Viral Hemorrhagic Fever

E. Coli

Infrastructure security


CIKR (Critical Infrastructure & Key Resources)



Computer infrastructure

Communications infrastructure


Critical infrastructure

National infrastructure



Airplane (and derivatives)

Chemical fire




Port Authority

NBIC (National Biosurveillance Integration Center)

Transportation security




Body scanner


Failure or outage

Black out

Brown out






Service disruption

Power lines

Drug cartel



















U.S. Consulate


El Paso

Fort Hancock

San Diego

Ciudad Juarez




Mara salvatrucha

MS13 or MS-13

Drug war

Mexican army


Cartel de Golfo

Gulf Cartel

La Familia


Nuevo Leon


Narco banners (Spanish equivalents)

Los Zetas










Meth Lab

Drug trade

Illegal immigrants

Smuggling (smugglers)






Barrio Azteca

Artistic Assassins


New Federation


Al Qaeda (all spellings)








Environmental terrorist

Eco terrorism

Conventional weapon


Weapons grade

Dirty bomb



Chemical weapon

Biological weapon

Ammonium nitrate

Improvised explosive device

IED (Improvised Explosive Device)

Abu Sayyaf


FARC (Armed Revolutionary Forces Colombia)

IRA (Irish Republican Army)

ETA (Euskadi ta Askatasuna)

Basque Separatists


Tamil Tigers

PLF (Palestine Liberation Front)

PLO (Palestine Liberation Organization

Car bomb



Weapons cache

Suicide bomber

Suicide attack

Suspicious substance

AQAP (AL Qaeda Arabian Peninsula)

AQIM (Al Qaeda in the Islamic Maghreb)

TTP (Tehrik-i-Taliban Pakistan)








Home grown

















Extreme weather

Forest fire

Brush fire






Tsunami Warning Center









Mud slide or Mudslide


Power outage

Brown out









Emergency Broadcast System

Cyber security


DDOS (dedicated denial of service)

Denial of service





Cyber Command






Cain and abel

Brute forcing

Mysql injection

Cyber attack

Cyber terror






Social media

Source: https://www.sovereignman.com/lifestyle-design/uncle-sam-admits-monitoring-you-for-these-377-words-6832/

Archive: https://archive.ph/Y9Xl3

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65179b  No.45236



Look for the jewpill thread


You don't belong here

go away

kill yourself

don't come back to this site

die motherfucker

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7093e8  No.45254


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340b34  No.45327

Anyone know of a guide to handling possible Wuhan Flu? What measures to take etc.?

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e6da2d  No.45333


Gee, if only there were a thread dedicated to it. Someone should really consider making a generl or something and perhaps sticky it.

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e4ee43  No.45366


>not cyclical

Come on, really.

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e6da2d  No.45378


Cyclicals can't be fully archived.

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7347c0  No.45445

Redpill me on death penalty in USA. Why do they keep people in solitary confinement for 20 years before they get executed? Why do they execute them in absolutely retarded ways such as electrocution or injections that can take hours to work? What happened to good old hanging and firing squads? At least kill them off in a quick and dignified way and be done with it instead of dragging it off.

I'm generally pro death penalty but the way they do it in america is just retarded.

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e6da2d  No.45453


>Why do they keep people in solitary confinement for 20 years

Death Row is not solitary confinement.

>What happened to good old hanging and firing squads?

Eighth Amendment

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e2a31c  No.45587


>Death Row is not solitary confinement.

How so? I thought inmates on death row were not allowed to interact with each other.

>Eighth Amendment

>The Eighth Amendment (Amendment VIII) of the United States Constitution prohibits the federal government from imposing excessive bail, excessive fines, or cruel and unusual punishments.

Electrocution or a slow death by injection is not a cruel or unusual punishment as opposed to hanging or firing? Doesn't make much sense tbh.

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c5dd45  No.45635


They need to do that to pretend America is not an evil tyrannical dictatorship.

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65179b  No.45728


ah - thanks for reminding me…

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57033d  No.45807


So? This is QTDDTOT. It’s not a happening thread, where a series would be useful. This is explicitly for the one and done questions we see repeated thousands of times. Why would we want to save all of those?

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e6da2d  No.45824


There comes a point where when you've seen the same question asked for the millionth time, you simply point to the archive and say, "ctrl-f".

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4713fe  No.46004

Reminder to check out and contribute to


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e17c9c  No.46052

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e17c9c  No.46071


Fake and gay.

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c249dc  No.46156

File: a0b5c2a00bb69a4⋯.jpg (57.79 KB, 728x410, 364:205, troll-face-life-white-meme….jpg)

Would u do this

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7db92f  No.46209

Healthy white male, USA, resident of a state with corona-chan's coughy woughies.

Should I stay home?

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0b5b35  No.46245


Well it's apparently a cold proven to be engineered by wuhan chemists. Also it could be a weapon based off a coronavirus from a canadian but who knows…

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0b5b35  No.46256

File: 68786dc757d3e96⋯.jpg (409.29 KB, 1613x1598, 1613:1598, nancy.jpg)


Ok comrade, listen to what comrade pooh tells you. Chinese don't set up fema camps over a cold.

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0b5b35  No.46260


No, but you get the idea: containment camps for "infected" and "sick".

Also look for the videos of bodies littered in the "hospitals".

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0b5b35  No.46265


>is this your first viral outbreak?

>Are you literally 12?

>They do this every damn time.



Try reading the point before you start shitslinging over lingo used wrong.

Chinese can't set up camps properly, and similar shit was observed back in december. They're locking people in homes and turning it into a full lockdown. Also, think about what I'm saying first. People are fucking dying while in line at hospitals.

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0b5b35  No.46266


By the way, 1000 cases here is a lot worse than ebola ever got in the usa

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242fd8  No.46625

Anyone noticed how there have been more right-wing attacks recently? I wonder how many of them are false flags.

>Anders Behring Breivik kills 77, injures 319 others in a mass murder rampage in Norway, including the government ofice building of former prime minister Jens Stoltenberg and a labor party youth camp.

>Raymond Palomino and 6 others jump an Asian student at Curie High School in Southside Chicago. The video is posted to the internet, showing the attackers using racial slurs.

>George Zimmerman fatally shoots Trayvon Martin. He is acquitted under Florida’s “Stand Your Ground” laws.

>Luka Magnotta kills Chinese exchange student Jun Lin on video before posting it to the internet. It later turned out that he used Stormfront, had a website decrying immigration, had a Twitter account where he followed “the ku klux klan” and a user called “white sentinel”

>Michael Dunn opens fire into a van full of black youths, killing Jordan Davis over loud music.

>Walton Henry Butler shoots and kills Everrett Gant over an argument over him using racial slurs. He later remarked “I only shot a nigger”.

>John Spooner kills black teen Darius Simmons with a gunshot to the chest over stolen guns.

>Wade Michael Page opens fire at Milwaukee Sikh temple, killing 6, wounding 4.

>Jake England and Alvin Watts go on a shooting rampage through a black Tulsa neighborhood, killing 3, wounding 2.

>Theodore Wafer shoots and kills Renisha McBride after she banged on his door at night.

>Eric Deiter, Tyler Carswell and Cody Roon brutally beat a white US marine after harassing a black child with racial epithets.

>Frazier Glenn Miller, Jr. goes on a shooting rampage at a Jewish retirement center in Overland Park, Kansas, killing 3.

>Elliot Rodger goes on a knife, shooting and car ramming spree killing in Isla Vista, California, killing 6, wounding 14. Online, he wrote that being of mixed race made him "different from the normal fully white kids". On one online forum, he said that he opposed interracial dating and made several racist posts regarding African-American, Hispanic, South Asian and East Asian people, stating that seeing men of these ethnic groups socializing with white women "makes you want to quit life." In one online post, Rodger wrote: “Full Asian men are disgustingly ugly and white girls would never go for you. You're just butthurt that you were born as an Asian piece of shit, so you lash out by linking these fake pictures. You even admit that you wish you were half white. You'll never be half-white and you'll never fulfill your dream of marrying a white woman. I suggest you jump off a bridge.” In his manifesto, Rodger made a racist comment regarding another boy, outlining some of his plans: “How could an inferior, ugly black boy be able to get a white girl and not me? I am beautiful, and I am half white myself. I am descended from British aristocracy. He is descended from slaves.”

>Dylann Roof walks into the Emmanuel African Methodist Episcopal Church in Charleston, South Carolina, killing 9, wounding 1.

>John Russell Houser kills 2, injures 9 at an Amy Schumer flick in a movie theater in Lafayette, Louisiana.

>Robert Lewis Dear Jr. kills 3, injures 9 at a Planned Parenthood climic in Colorado Springs, Colorado.

>Chris Harper-Mercer opens fire at the Umpqua Community College in Oregon. Mercer held white supremacist and anti-theistic leanings and was a self-described “incel”. In his writings, he revealed how he studied mass killings, including the 2014 killing spree at Isla Vista, California, expressed his sexual frustration as a virgin, animosity toward black men, and a lack of fulfillment in his isolated life.

>Kenneth Morgan Stancil III kills a homosexual college professor at a university in Goldsboro, North Carolina.

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01203f  No.46642

What place does cheap labor have in an economy? Over the years I have become vehemently anti Chinese. So much to the point I avoid buying anything manufactured in China. But there seems to be a "need" for cheap labor just to drive down costs because your average citizen is probably unwilling to pay for native made goods. This sort of forces new businesses to look elsewhere for the production of their products just to be able to compete. I have read that for cost of one prospect native employee in wealthier countries, a company can employ 43 low wage workers elsewhere. I can see how this is attractive in a purely business sense, but it does screw over the native population, even if it were the equivalent of a minimum wage job. Is there anything to be done? While I'm on the subject, do Americans have a responsibility to employ south of the border if it is necessary to outsource? I was watching a news story the other day and it was discussing how due to the shift to China for cheap goods, it has dried up decent paying jobs in places like Guatemala. This in turn "forces" them to illegally immigrate to the United States. Sorry if I'm a bit all over the place.

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dc6fc9  No.46654


In an ideal scenario, cheap labor would allow companies to lower the price of their goods so that the average joe is able to buy more for less and live a comfortable life even on minimum wage. But since we live in a kiked world, lowering prices to reflect production costs eats into potential profits. Why sell cheaper products for less when you can sell them for the same as they were before and pocket the extra cash? So all the main providers of consumer goods either work together or are owned by the same parent corporation to ensure they all charge the maximum prices they can to gouge consumers for everything theyve got. And since they run the government they got laws passed so that any bad goy who attempts to lower their prices gets accused of "predatory pricing" and "attempting to create a monopoly"

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c457ee  No.46918

I'll pose a question:

why was my chemtrail thread from yesterday deleted?

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43e92f  No.46940


Prolly because this is a forum for politics and happenings not kosher conspiracy maniacs. Why don't you try /x/

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c457ee  No.46952


its not a conspiracy. Also, I have my doubts that you are even a real anon, because you would know this is not a fucking conspiracy if you were.

As for it being "a forum for politics and happenings", perhaps you could take a look at the fucking catalog and pass your benign judgement there, and then report back on how well the contents fit your impotent metric.

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aa5180  No.46978

Invidious embed. Click thumbnail to play.


>I have my doubts that you are even a real anon

You really need to stop being a paranoid maniac before it's too late, or you'll end like video related.



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c457ee  No.46989


>youtube link



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c457ee  No.46996


>Not politics

>Not a happening

I got about 1/3rd of the way through the catalog before I stopped making note of threads that proves you are a moron newfaggot.









































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c457ee  No.47000


as you can see from the LONG list of threads that currently exist, that are mostly garbage low effort shit, not even trying to tie into politics or "happenings" as you fucking redditors love to say…

my thread on the "totally nonsense chemtrail "conspiracy" was obviously verboten here.

I honestly have no problem with threads not meeting the reddit sidebar ruleset like you do, but I do find problems in selective censorship that has no real fucking standard.

you fucking faggot

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c457ee  No.47005

i guess the mods here are trying out the cuckchan playbook..

>set rules

>discard them

>never ever fucking respond to the anons who ask why their threads were singled out and deleted

all it takes is for you to put on your big boy capcode and fucking give a damn about this place enough to answer one of the fucking people actually willing to contribute in a meaningful way.

maybe thats why no one fucking posts here, might as well post on cuckchan or reddit. same fucking story, fucking mods who are simply apparitions whom are glorified censors.

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164cca  No.47009


Most of the stuff you linked is politics, you fucking maniac.

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c457ee  No.47017


you are clearly staff here. just a slew of 1's spouting bullshit non-arguments.

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c457ee  No.47019




> you fucking maniac

yep, staff.

why not grow a pair and back yourself up with a capcode if you are so righteous. well.. i suppose you would have to leave the comfort of your silent censorship. doesnt matter. i will be another anon who simply see this place as it is.

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b8ddee  No.47026


You like getting some attention for once in your life, dontcha, ya crazy dude.

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c457ee  No.47029

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c457ee  No.47034

i can see that there will be no real answer at all for my "question that didnt deserve its own thread"

I guess if someone asks me where they can go online to ask questions, I will have to omit this place - at least that much I have learned.


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79d603  No.47035


These posts are not real, they only exist in your head. That's why our ids are unique. They are not actually part of the server.

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bcfeac  No.47039

File: 92c3e616a5348d6⋯.jpg (33.21 KB, 600x600, 1:1, Suit pepe.jpg)


Another customer satisfied.

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774081  No.47069

Was looking for a screenshot I found here earlier.

It goes into detail about how the societal collapse wouldn't be a big happening, but instead prices going up, apartments and houses getting smaller, etc.

Just found it interesting, anyone have it saved?

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c92e75  No.47163

File: dacccd9668a93c9⋯.jpg (81.88 KB, 768x432, 16:9, free prostitutes.jpg)

"Just Free Prostitutes:" Controversial Russian priest equates "common-law wives" to unpaid sex workers

> A senior Russian clergyman has come under fire after he publicly compared unmarried women cohabiting with partners to ‘ladies of the night.’ Despite predictable outrage, Dmitry Smirnov is in no mood to back down.

> “Our women do not understand what marriage is. They are reluctant to say, ‘I am a free prostitute’ so they say: ‘I have a common-law marriage,’” he said, at an event with members of the Orthodox community OrthodoxBRO.

> “Hello! No, you just provide services for free – and that’s all, and no one counts you as their wife.”

> The Archpriest continued by explaining that, in Russia, there are millions more married women than married men. “How can this be?” he questioned; “it’s very simple. Those men whose women say that they are in a common-law marriage, do not consider their partner to be a wife – just a moment of temporary joy. Because if he treated her like a wife – well, is it difficult to register [the marriage officially], or what?”

> he comments caused many strong reactions around Russia, with various politicians and other well-known personalities making public statements.

> The Chairperson of the Russian Women’s Union Ekaterina Lakhova told news agency RIA Novosti that Smirnov's "stupid insult" was "ugly" and "wrong," and said that the focus should not be on marriage, but creating a "family."

> Oksana Pushkina, deputy chairman of the State Duma Committee on Family, Women, and Children, wrote on her Telegram channel that it is "especially unpleasant" to listen to Smirnov's words, calling him the Orthodox Church's "most odious representative."

> The reaction from some people within the church itself has also been negative. Episcope [Bishop] Savva, Vicar of the Patriarch of Moscow and All Russia, called the Archpriest's words "insulting" and "unacceptable." Vladimir Legoyda, who works for the Orthodox Church as a spokesman, wrote that the Archpriest's comments were merely "unsuccessful trolling.”

> It’s not the first time that Smirnov, known for his brash and insulting comments, has sparked mass ire. Most famously, in February 2019, he called abortions “mass murder” and “worse than the Holocaust.”

Source: https://www.rt.com/russia/481021-russian-priest-wives-unpaid-prostitutes/

Archive: https://archive.ph/gaIuV

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1590ad  No.47168


Absolutely based.

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6a8e5a  No.47201



By who, ZionHedge and some neo-cohens like Tom Cotton? If it is indeed synthetic, there's no chance it isn't a ZOG creation after the Hong Kong "uprising" fizzled out.


>Chinese can't set up camps properly

Yet they're competent enough to secretly control Hollywood and the Federal Reserve, now that they replaced the Saudis as the approved villains of the Trumpnigger mythology?

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cd2888  No.47348

Eugenics doesn’t work; if Eugenics works than we should expect to see Cambodia have particularly low glasses wearers as Pol Pot had everyone who wears glasses killed assuming they must be intelectuales.

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fe2910  No.47405


Your post is nonsense.

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dfe9c9  No.47501


Because kill yourself. You’re a jewish shill.

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b67545  No.47519

File: 7194ced9eb4187c⋯.jpg (77.23 KB, 640x960, 2:3, feelsgoodman.jpg)


>nigger isn't on the list

Also some of the words are pretty normal, why are pork, smart, and help on there?

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b808a2  No.47692


Because it’s hilarious. Why wouldn’t we keep them alive? We da U.S. A

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c92e75  No.47765


> why are pork, smart, and help on there?

who fucking knows

I'm just reporting this shit

maybe pork is a reference to pigs

maybe smart and help are used in combination with other words

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c4b8b1  No.47824

File: 95c20481a409a79⋯.mp4 (3.08 MB, 1280x720, 16:9, shitpost harder.mp4)


>why was my chemtrail thread from yesterday deleted?

Did it have shitty formatting and no sources?

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242fd8  No.49113

File: 1a91b565b544d42⋯.jpeg (119.58 KB, 780x826, 390:413, EDA8356D-4575-4B2B-BA21-4….jpeg)

George Zimmerman has done more for the white race than any of these phony mass shooters have. This guy was the unsung hero of the last decade. I’ve noticed that we didn’t really start to see this anti-white hysteria until after the Trayvon Martin shooting. It lead to so many revenge attacks against whites, and it became the turning point where many white Americans started having a distrust for their mainstream media and started to see very clearly that they’re being lied to. It redpilled not only me but countless other whites from across the board. In fact, if you were to ask most people what event redpilled them, 99% will say the Trayvon Martin shooting. After the verdict was reached, negroes rioted and created the Black Lives Matter movement, which is funny considering how blacks were celebrating over the OJ Simpson verdict. Funny how we didn’t see whites rioting or forming a “White Lives Matter” movement after the OJ verdict. I think the reason this event redpilled so many people is because Zimmerman forced the blacks to reveal their true colors. Not only were niggers ganging up and beating people and rioting in the streets over it, but he also made the pro-blacks, like the New Black Panthers Party (notable for one of their leaders Samir Shabazz who once called for the murder of children) actually place a bounty on him as well as blacks in popular media reference him in their violently anti-white rap lyrics. So by extension, George Zimmerman effectively trolled the blacks into chimping out just so he could remind the whites of their true nature. And if you can remember, the BLM movement and all the Social Justice bullshit of the 2010s can easily be traced back to Zimmerman. And it was this anti-white stuff that gave rise to the alt-right. So Zimmerman was trolling the mainstream media before Trump. He was truly a man ahead of his time. So, for all of the whites who are redpilled today and our growing numbers, you can thank this guy for all of it.

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242fd8  No.49116


And btw, this is obviously not an endorsement of Trump or the alt-right. But then again, you can say that it was Zimmerman who started the current wave of white nationalism in the US. Roof got our Confederate monuments torn down and Tarrant got New Zealand’s guns taken away. Zimmerman was the one and only real accelerationist who actually got shit done. Prove me wrong.

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eb172d  No.49155


Zim wasn't an accelerationist, he is just some poor spic that got attacked by a violent nig and defended himself. He got crucified in the media in what was a massive psy-op for the beginning of the racial divide and conquer that we are seeing now. He was just an unlucky stooge who got used and now his life is ruined. I do agree though that the whole Zimmerman event was a massive redpill to most of white America, but it also was that by design in that the whole event was orchestrated to get everybody ass blasted at each other.

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242fd8  No.49231


Yeah. I do agree on that. You also had the street violence between 2015 - 17 when CivNats, Antifa and Nazis were all battling each other in the streets as part of this ideological division. But here’s the reality: Nazis are just as violent as antifa (if not, even moreso) with the only difference being that their numbers are much smaller at rallies. That, and they lack any kind of organization. Those are the two factors that usually get them, but even despite this, they still fare pretty decently against antifa. See Sacramento, Anaheim, Charlottesville, MSU, etc. Hell, I can’t count how many times we’ve put the law of the white man down on their asses. There was this one time awhile back when antifa tried to demonstrate in Harrison, Arkansas but cancelled it because they were afraid of what the Nazis might do there. How many times has that happened at Trump rallies or other civnat circlejerks? Hell, even Noam Chomsky warned their asses that violence against the fringe right was a bad idea to begin with. And yet they didn’t listen. Nazis killed one antifa at Charlottesville while on the other hand, an antifa nearly killed an elderly man with a suckerpunch against a curb at a Mike Cernovich event in New York. Nazis - 1, CivNats - 0. Also, I doubt there are many of those same Oathkeeper types left that we had back in 2017, especially considering how an Aryan Circle member actually showed his tattoos at a Patriot Prayer rally and got applause from the crowd of mostly boomer normies. People are waking up.

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9af2ed  No.49268




k boomer

Well, that came out of nowhere. Did you feel the need to write a wall of text on the internet and realized you were already banned from every site where you could get an ass pat for your insipid opinions?

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11580d  No.49278


>I think the reason this event redpilled so many people is because Zimmerman forced the blacks to reveal their true colors

>the dumb boomer can't see that nigger is a nigger before he acts like nigger.

There is a reason why niggers are black, it's so you could shoot them before they kill you.

However you can only redpill small amount of population and boomers like you have only dead braincells left so you are unable to learn anything new. YOU CANNOT "REDPILL" YOURSELF OUT OF THIS MESS. YOU CAN PROVOKE A CONFLICT AND LET PEOPLE CROWN YOU AS THEIR LEADER AND TELL THE NPCS TO GAS KIKES

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6a5673  No.49387

Does anyone know where I can find some good Hitler or Mussolini speeches? Or any other great leader in general.

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242fd8  No.49389



No, I don’t get what you’re saying. The point is that people are waking up regardless. And it’s nice to see it. That’s all.

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cd2888  No.49430

YouTube embed. Click thumbnail to play.

Why are white countries disgusting shitholes with slums, poverty, disease and no regulations on the disgusting shit they put in your food?

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0d3e5a  No.49536

how do i post on 8kun

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6f88fb  No.49547


Open up your file browser, click This PC > Local Disk (C:) > Windows

Then right click System32 and click delete and type in the password when prompted

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3532dc  No.49566

File: c63e31cb968854b⋯.pdf (8.46 MB, Dylan Roof Jail Journal.pdf)

File: 46a3fe15781af0a⋯.jpg (242.25 KB, 1100x1600, 11:16, Saint Roof.jpg)

File: 84903949ea9ecbc⋯.jpg (53.56 KB, 534x401, 534:401, Car.jpg)

File: 0fa22d5b630fc5f⋯.jpg (8.48 KB, 144x164, 36:41, Odal.jpg)

File: 7c3c1243c980a21⋯.pdf (50.18 KB, Dylan Roof manifesto.pdf)


If you weren't a newfag dumb boomer and took the time to read Dylan Roof's manifesto you'd know that the main cause that lead Dylan Roof to make the ultimate sacrifice in defense of his people was Zimmerman's trial. Every one of these heroes is part of the same story.

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a296f7  No.49599


Because European countries are 'mankind' and 'humanity'. The rest is dark savagery.

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da8ad8  No.49624


No. They’re not. Fuck off.

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b808a2  No.49806


Do I click on Finder?

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65179b  No.49832

File: 5655a29c711126a⋯.webm (11.66 MB, 1080x1080, 1:1, Marty Robbins - The Straw….webm)

Just thought I'd share this music because - well, because it just touches me in my heart.

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911be0  No.49989

is anyone else having a problem with the catalog not being frozen thread-wise?

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ef50b0  No.50146



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c0f18e  No.50170


Same problem, it fixed itself once yesterday for me but its stuck back where it was again

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06e4c0  No.50258

Is there any real reason for the wars in the Middle East? The United States has been at it for almost 20 years with no real plan for an exit. It has cost billions of dollars and thousands of lives and I can't think of a reason for it all. I guess I can bring up normalfag arguments.

>for our freedom!

This argument I see most from boomers. As though I am supposed to fear for my freedom from a bunch of savages over 8000 miles away. I mean, you can consider the events of 9/11 as an attack on our sovereignty, but there has to be a goal. Which leads to another argument.

>to end terrorism!

This is the most bizarre argument for me because it seems like attacking an ideology is the same as attacking phantoms. It's like saying we're declaring war on communism (which we had spent decades doing now that I think about it) but we already know there are plenty of dumbshits out there trying to push for Marx and Mao. What's even worse is that the people in the Middle East have been fighting over the tiniest ideological differences for centuries.

>for oil!

This one I can sort of believe yet I would think it is only a small portion of the story. I mean, transport is a huge part of any country's infrastructure so any sort of sanction would be an act of war.

>for liberty!

There are definitely people grateful for the Americans fighting in their countries, but what responsibilities does a foreign country have to a country not their own? I figure trade should be the only quid pro quo so I'm not sure if "deals" are struck with other nations.

I will admit I am not a smart man so excuse my ignorance. I also kinda feel like a dick considering there are probably vets on this site. Fighting is a noble thing, I'd just want to fight for the right reasons. Thanks in advance.

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25c641  No.50274

File: 907195602ae46d4⋯.jpg (115.23 KB, 650x1024, 325:512, Iraq war.jpg)


America is a colony of Israel, newfag. All middle eastern wars are wars for Israeli supremacy.

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0e2d6d  No.50329

Any good website for scientific ebooks?

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6c1849  No.50452

File: f25909ca443309b⋯.gif (2.67 MB, 414x322, 9:7, this is why I come here.gif)


>now that they replaced the Saudis as the approved villains of the Trumpnigger mythology

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6c1849  No.50460

File: e83fc1b2b6ba8e6⋯.jpg (4.55 KB, 102x105, 34:35, psyop this is.jpg)


That's pretty funny his handlers had him pose in front of a car for his publicity shots, since he died in a car crash in the UK

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774081  No.50489

Does anyone have this image saved?


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e4ee43  No.50509


Was it a series of real images (charts, etc.) or was it a block of text? If the latter, I have the text.

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2b50bd  No.51196

Any flemish/dutch on this board?

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7d19f8  No.51281

fix your site

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774081  No.51547


It was just a text post.

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f36b05  No.51572

I can't find a thread I commented on recently. It has to do with Skinhead Culture and creating a new subculture with music. Not sure if I'm blind but idk if we have an archive or not. What happens to deleted threads?

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7d19f8  No.51579


the site is broken

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540881  No.51812

What is a BAR?

And what is the Crown Temple?

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242fd8  No.51863

File: 04f07c527f66d4b⋯.jpeg (48.91 KB, 670x447, 670:447, 221167FD-9AF3-496D-AD23-1….jpeg)

File: 358a13275ddc445⋯.jpeg (35.82 KB, 720x445, 144:89, 00CE4972-3A49-4CF0-B5EB-C….jpeg)

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f8a46f  No.51897


Getting rid of people with an condition is not always the same as getting rid of the condition itself. Some "undesirable" conditions can be genetic, environmental, or both. Just because someone applied the wrong method for one problem, doesn't mean the overall concept doesn't work in any way.

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6aec16  No.52262

Where do you buy your clothing from? I want to start dressing better and would prefer to get clothes from somewhere that isn't a shitty company.

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c475e2  No.52454

hi is this now 8chan

is this now pol?

i checked out some alternatives though until this month there havent been any, i even went to see 4chan and reddit, fml

I am so alone, is this my cherished place where i am reminded never to rest, never to slacken, never to grow tired?

Is this my place where I can speak freely and get back more responses with genuine discussion rather than more responses of antiwhite propaganda?

When I find the few moments of peaceful rest I get I feel an empty place in my heart where I could find some truth and connection, is it here?

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e4ee43  No.52467


No, jim destroyed us for good. There’s nothing of quality here anymore. It’s not that we don’t want good white nationalists; it’s that this isn’t a place for us. Go find another board (not cuckchan). Jim’s a piece of shit who has been against us from the start.

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9e6eb8  No.52492


If there is nothing of quality, hasbarafag, then why do you post so much here you filthy kike?

Surely you have 'le epic bunker' (aside from your JIDFnigger one) to go and hang out in, you know, the ones with 2ppd?

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c9084e  No.52535


Welcome home

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7d19f8  No.52891


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e4ee43  No.53219


lol, his e-mail bounces back. He doesn’t give a flying fuck about this place. He’s too busy running Q-LARP and milking boomers.

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e4ee43  No.53222


>you’re a jew because you literally just denounced the jews and their works

>also I didn’t read the post, so I asked a question that was answered by the post

>more buzzwords

>more lol u jew i say so i win

Congratulations on defending jews and their works. Notice how you couldn’t prove me wrong; that’s because you know you’re a liar.

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a97d09  No.53233

why are whites not alarmed by the fact that they're slowing becoming a minority?

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49e084  No.53574

File: 8f3814fc07b43bc⋯.png (161.17 KB, 1214x622, 607:311, 0000001.png)

deleted this thread

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49e084  No.53575

File: 03fdacb057d55a0⋯.png (136.61 KB, 1883x208, 1883:208, 0000002.png)

deleted this nonsense too.

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49e084  No.53576

File: 87b01a3502ee89d⋯.png (41.47 KB, 578x205, 578:205, 0000003.png)

these shitty threads……

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49e084  No.53579

…….and another…….first of all, we knew this shit already. Second, this should have been posted in the /cvg/ thread. Third, the picture of the two retards aren't even chinese and have never eaten bat soup from the wuhan market. fuck OP.

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49e084  No.53581

I should be posting these in the meta


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629aa3  No.53643


Why is sadness so high among everyone right now, even among elites?

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3c17fc  No.53712


Worthless anecdote

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23d390  No.54052

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cd2888  No.54165

File: b27ca7cd7f92dbf⋯.png (278.05 KB, 368x552, 2:3, aus.png)

Why do white Australians sleep on the road and sniff petrol?

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0025f7  No.54283

File: 5c8b84120efb762⋯.jpg (82.01 KB, 412x412, 1:1, 1568354353120.jpg)


They hoggin me petrol and vital boong warmth space now?

That does it.

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93f28f  No.54507

File: c1e6eb645d2b739⋯.mp4 (1.18 MB, 320x240, 4:3, Strait Outta Centerlink - ….mp4)


coz we can ya white dog.

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7d19f8  No.54982

When do we settle on a migration board because of this catalog issue?

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7d19f8  No.55135


It freezes at a previous point in time. Clear the cache, it still does it.

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c7a956  No.55481

What changed from chan to kun?

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339c94  No.55574


Any presence whatsoever that pro-white speech is desired by the ownership.

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938283  No.56556



No hes not the only one

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c475e2  No.56960

File: 79a2e35cb8ccc26⋯.jpg (70.69 KB, 1024x603, 1024:603, flag of america.jpg)


Thanks, I need to go get my infographics datapile to liven this place up.

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25ac62  No.58598


Where can I find Propaganda by Jacques Ellul?

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4e9d5d  No.58682

The IQ maps you keep throwing at me can’t be true because they claim that some equatorial peoples have average IQs below mentally retarded levels thus making them incapable of sustaining a functional society.

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6af93e  No.58807


IQ doesn't tell a complete story

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3d76df  No.58824

File: 8a0978f248571de⋯.jpg (43.12 KB, 640x361, 640:361, Naomi Seibt.jpg)

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2e1060  No.59463


Are you looking for another e-celebrity to idolize?

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000000  No.59521

Why is it that only whites have unique hair and eye color? What is the scientific explanation for it?

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43dc17  No.59552

File: 7ed6f8287117814⋯.jpg (305.26 KB, 1180x927, 1180:927, Ancient aryans.jpg)


You should ask more profound questions, anon. Pic related.

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540881  No.59693

What is susuchain, and why is it connected to a thread post?

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d9cd69  No.59705


How do I post on TOR without a ‘500 internal server error’?

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441b05  No.59916

Can anyone tell me why we don't have a /b/ or general random board anymore? I remember us having one a few months back–after we came back on 8kun–but it disappeared one day. I think it was /rand/ or something, possibly some numbers in it, and it was in third place

So what gives?

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dffd48  No.59944


Because the senile website owner runs this place exclusively as a way to grift tens of thousands of boomers out of cash, since they worship a jewish cult.

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441b05  No.59948

File: 69b0028b7f570fd⋯.jpg (34.63 KB, 599x453, 599:453, 69b0028b7f570fd2d27de02da3….jpg)


No seriously why don't we have a /b/?

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6f88fb  No.59962


We have a /b/ sort of it's called /rand21/ but the BO started making jokes and hinting that he might be a pedophile so codemonkey put it in restricted mode which makes posting hellish

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e4ee43  No.59968



I literally just told you, subhuman faggot. Get the fuck out of here.

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4e9d5d  No.60027

I’m sorta agnostic on the existence of race/human subspecies, the racial categories we invented I find to be rather arbitrary and do not necessarily map onto geographically isolated populations. The existence or non-existence of race does not necessarily imply all human populations being equal at the cognitions level.

Do any of you feel the same way as I?

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d9cd69  No.60165


Serious question

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b70110  No.60648

Where can I find a detailed dataset of coronavirus patients? I need age, ethnicity, location etc?

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c92e75  No.60777

File: d01350ca032a2f9⋯.png (158.07 KB, 976x272, 61:17, malaysian.png)

OP should have put this here

Malaysian song with a line "calling for the death of LGBT" can we form an Islamaphobic claim on the backlash against this? Either way, it's pretty funny to see all these


people get upset over it






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c92e75  No.60781

File: 3957b0d47178580⋯.png (486.4 KB, 983x960, 983:960, Screenshot_2020-03-03 Wher….png)

Another QTDDTOT post that someone had to make a new thread out of.

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ea8837  No.60784


Ayo g!

do you have a throwaway to contact with?

serious CCP derailing action going on today, many bans..

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c92e75  No.60825

File: bba2b23a3aae49e⋯.png (710.3 KB, 1843x1037, 1843:1037, Bloomberg_poster_wars_for_….png)

File: 1e3ef42e3d16ab5⋯.png (709.48 KB, 1843x1037, 1843:1037, Bloomberg_poster_sayme_bar….png)

File: 4cf521bc737a43c⋯.png (711.75 KB, 1843x1037, 1843:1037, Bloomberg_poster_big_tyme_….png)

File: 7a169f139dd4553⋯.png (722.26 KB, 1843x1037, 1843:1037, Bloomberg_poster_daugter.png)

File: ba09e1331f13f54⋯.png (715.99 KB, 1843x1037, 1843:1037, Bloomberg_poster_pade.png)

just fucking around

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d9cd69  No.60850

File: 132022f498f1b54⋯.png (939.18 KB, 853x733, 853:733, 9D3BF43B-C0FE-4088-8F87-B5….png)

Again, how do I post on TOR without a 500 error?

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4bea07  No.60876


You should be able to figure out as long as you aren't a drooling nigger seeking to spam.

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4bea07  No.60883

File: 1d648506f29150a⋯.jpg (53.09 KB, 700x525, 4:3, anne.jpg)


>dat mummified plastic jewish look in his face

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4bea07  No.60893

File: a8302387f510861⋯.png (354.82 KB, 1440x470, 144:47, geneticreality.png)


No, race is a scientific reality.

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609fea  No.60954

File: 9062d122c2fb25b⋯.jpg (680.12 KB, 1169x1654, 1169:1654, 2.jpg)

File: 0fdbe14b1388caa⋯.jpg (604.47 KB, 1169x1654, 1169:1654, 2a.jpg)

File: a8fcf00bdbb68cd⋯.jpg (694.91 KB, 1169x1654, 1169:1654, 3.jpg)

File: 857faf792777bf5⋯.jpg (547.31 KB, 1169x1654, 1169:1654, 1.jpg)

I wanted to make a PERFECT digitisation of The Last Appeal to Reason but I only found this which has words and letters cut of at the borders and some places simply ripped out for no reason at all.

Where do I find a better one?

I already OCRed it and fixed up a good portion.

If I got better scans I could finish it and put it online.

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73a6c6  No.60976


>’m sorta agnostic on the existence of race/human subspecies

Irrelevant. Your feelings don't matter to fact. There are five scientifically differentiated species (not subspecies) of what we call humanity. They are further removed from each of each other than other species within other kingdoms (and within animalia) are from one another. There's no discussion to be had here.

>the racial categories we invented I find to be rather arbitrary

You've done no studies of this, so you don't get to say that.

>and do not necessarily map onto geographically isolated populations

They do, though.

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65179b  No.61018

File: 607c21c569a4ca3⋯.png (224.52 KB, 773x522, 773:522, ukraine.png)

hey, /pnd/ what do you think of x?

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79f57b  No.61026


>There's no discussion to be had here.

don't you want to show your scientific facts and prove that it isn't a long debunked anthropological pseudoscience.

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73a6c6  No.61040



>oy vey goyim race doesn't exist

>don't you want to do something you've done thousands of times, every single day, for years

Sure. But you're paid to post here, so

1. you don't care

2. you'll spam lies claiming you refuted scientific fact

3. the rules say lurk more, so it's your fault for not knowing this

4. It's literally linked here already.

Now run along, kike.

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d9cd69  No.61128


If a google search could fix this, I wouldn’t have to painstakingly deal with spastic retards (a grammatical redundancy harkening back again to your mental redundancy) like yourself.

Do you even know Morse Code?

I bet you don’t, you fucking pleb!

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4e9d5d  No.61255

YouTube embed. Click thumbnail to play.

Is Россия white?

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448e35  No.61362

File: 38c0ebe0685cd72⋯.jpg (4.3 MB, 4676x6616, 1169:1654, Page1 - 4x GigaPixel AI.jpg)


Maybe there's a better one but I couldn't find one. In the meantime try GigaPixel AI for upscaling (see a 4x result here, re-saved with Photoshop quality setting 7 to lower file size).


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441b05  No.61363


>it's caled /rand21/

I knew I remembered there being a /b/-type board when we first came back online. I was beginning to think it was all part of a fever dream, thanks anon.


Maybe next time give an answer that isn't cryptic bullshit you cock sucking retard. Fuck yourself.

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609fea  No.61442


That's not the issue. It's the missing words and borders.

And the ripped out parts showing words from another page.

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0e71a3  No.61526


I know, I just shared some software

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609fea  No.61596


I can install and do that myself if I wanted too, thank you anyway, but what I really need is an undamaged scan of the whole four pages.

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2089d9  No.61804

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fcb08c  No.61874

File: f3752d1811a1763⋯.png (93.95 KB, 213x315, 71:105, chad.png)

File: 4e90a9067709785⋯.png (970.19 KB, 1195x1181, 1195:1181, OyVey.png)

File: 30be8713e8d6981⋯.png (3.24 MB, 2028x4139, 2028:4139, Noo.png)

Hello !

I've translated a video of EMJ, but I need the help of native english speaker to tell me what the video says in a few specific and short places, because I can't make.

The video: https://www.bitchute.com/video/DqNvC1pAOX31/

1) So, what does he say between 7:25 - 7:30 ?

What my non-native english ears hear:

> "and the black tides started flowing up broadstreet"

..But it must be wrong, because it makes no sense…Can you tell me what he says word by word? thanks.

2) Here, it's just one word I can't understand, between 12:08-12:11

What I hear is

> Germany, whose "prostate" was defeated

Somehow, it sounds wrong…What is the word he uses there? I can't find it, and it can't be prostate, I mean…

3) What thesis is Jones talking here? He mentions the thesis by name but I just can't pick it up or find a result on the internet.

at 33:35-33:50

What I hear is

> "It's the ""Minkeders"" thesis"

I can't find anything , what thesis is he referencing about? I just name the name of it.

A lot of thanks in advance.

Just those three points, many thanks.

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ff3274  No.61884


#1 is correct, which is I guess just a poetic way of describing negroes moving into White neighborhoods. #2 is "Germany was prostrate, was defeated". And #3 seems to be the Mackinder thesis.


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fcb08c  No.61891

File: 6b2aee1a0f6ad8d⋯.jpg (725.37 KB, 851x623, 851:623, 1535431470995.jpg)

File: b0e2e3d8f7bd04b⋯.png (4.77 MB, 3995x2511, 3995:2511, Happy.png)


Awesome, thank you a lot anon.

You have been a great help.

I'll post the translated video here when I'm done…if anyone cares, i'ts a french translation.

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503063  No.62011

Yet again, how would I post here on TOR without the 500?


1) is a metaphor

2) Prostrate means either for one to bow with the body flat on the ground and with limbs splayed and his head faced down towards the toes of a more powerful man (like an emperor, official or a victorious enemy) as an act of submission or to be prostrate as an adjective to to show great weakness as if one has done the verb thereof. The modern, albeit not so submissive, equivalent is bowing as one does on a stage or to royalty, and the Chinese variety of prostration is the ‘Kowtow’.

A helpful insight after you type up ‘example def(inition)’, look up the etymology. It will give you the Latin phrase in basic wording often enough.

3) Already solved

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000000  No.62063

dumb question that I probably already know the answer to

I'm fairly /fit/, not exactly buff but I am lean. If I were to date a girl that is not in shape, would that want to make her improve her image or would that only validate her self-image and not want to change herself at all, and possibly get even worse? experience and intuition tells me the latter.

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9d5e2e  No.62418

YouTube embed. Click thumbnail to play.



Here is the video on youtube that I finished translated.

And the word "prostrate" is also a word in frnch, I've never heard it, that's all.

Thank you for the tip.

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9d5e2e  No.62419

YouTube embed. Click thumbnail to play.


I also made this translation one year ago, when E.Michael Jones was accused of causing the Synagogue Pittsburgh Shooting.

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9d5e2e  No.62463


Lmao, already removed by youtuber for "hate speech"

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ca6474  No.62480

Does anyone know where Deutsch/pol/ went after the shutdown?

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9d5e2e  No.62536

File: 0813ff1b42dc18f⋯.jpg (389.27 KB, 2560x1440, 16:9, censored.jpg)



I uploaded it on BitChute.


Anyway, thank you a lot english anons! God bless you.


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000000  No.62928

If you could only pick one, which group of people would you eliminate entirely overnight if you could?





>Anyone to the left of the political spectrum

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60f891  No.62949


Jews, (((you))).

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98a88d  No.63022

File: ec2bfc235b5e139⋯.jpeg (47.55 KB, 600x446, 300:223, DFDE7FF7-2FE6-49D0-9CF0-2….jpeg)

Ad infinitum, I implore TORfags ITT — ad nauseum — to illuminate me as to how i would pass the 500 error, perchance, perforce.


Très bien!

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000000  No.63071


I haven't used Tor browser/Firecucks in over a decade, try using Chromium with this addon instead


you still need to have the tor proxy installed and running, it's linked on the page

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ed5e8a  No.63094

File: 3edc2d6e8c2893e⋯.png (445.73 KB, 1598x1245, 1598:1245, Screenshot_2020-03-06 ==JE….png)

reposting this here

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ed5e8a  No.63096



Non-Whites include Kikes for me.

So I'm going with Non-Whites

then Q-Tards

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ed5e8a  No.63097


try krautchan

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4e9d5d  No.63103

YouTube embed. Click thumbnail to play.

Why are all pedophiles creepy, older, white men?

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93f28f  No.63164

File: d4283549a6dd712⋯.jpg (103.17 KB, 938x714, 67:51, pakis.jpg)


Except they're not, pedophilia is rampant in the middle east/asia as well as indigenous and black communities.

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ca1c49  No.63230


About 63 mil in UK, 19% of which is 15 or younger meaning out of 12 million, 8.25% or 1 million were molested by these fucking foreigners. 1 in fucking 12 just from the foreigners. How many more were molested by the natives? The UK is known to have their pedophilia running about. Fucking disgusting. A study has said that 1/4 girls and 1/8 boys are molested or sexually assaulted in some regard by the age of 16.

There is no righteousness in this day and age. The righteous have always been in stark minority. When will we get control of these parasites? When will we decide to evolve and murder pedophiles, protect our young and see clearly every other evil around us?

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a722b8  No.63248






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11580d  No.63298

Holy fuck. How did cuckchan got so obsessed with nigger cocks?

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3669ee  No.63556


Extreme shilling. It works; especially on the weak and weaker minded. You might be seeing the daily shill threads really.

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000000  No.63672

are there any legit deepweb sites where I can buy stuff without getting scammed?

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2dc446  No.63683


Yes, but I havent kept up with the scene since Dream Market went down. They way it works is you ask your drug savvy friend to give you the link the the current deepweb hub, and then you check their newsletter periodically to find links to bunker sites, then when the current hub goes down you'll have a bunker

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000000  No.63688


what if you don't have any drug savvy friends

or know anyone who does anything with drugs

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3a3e67  No.63918

Why does Trump replace members of his staff so often? Is he legitimately unsatisfied with their performance or is there is there a case to be made for refreshing these positions?

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033504  No.64213

Do you have solid evidence to prove the parents are actually neglecting their children to get the Centrelink disability benefits?

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242fd8  No.64424

File: 3e0118bd9b81d30⋯.jpg (65.67 KB, 644x361, 644:361, pri_419552862.jpg)

File: fe423bae17eaf18⋯.png (334.68 KB, 501x335, 501:335, _7875af5fdf8c191290c56609….png)

Okay, so I just got finished watching one of Johnny Gat's videos on Russia (Will Putin Save The World Part 2) and at some point in the video, he mentions this Finnish antifascist who spreads cultural Marxism in the west while organizing protests to incarcerate members of Pussy Riot in Russia. The cultural marxists want Marxism in the West while not even swallowing their own Kool-Aid when it comes to cultural marxism in their own countries. They do it to destabilize countries and so far, it's worked (see the Perestroika Deception for more details on modern "Post-Soviet" Russia). I got the idea that maybe somebody wealthy within the white nationalist scene could fund feminist movements in Israel to destabilize Zion. That would be a good idea. Maybe have them protest naked while pissing on a picture of Netanyahu in public with a Star of David with a red line circled around it on their torsos while decrying Zionism as racist and begging for our based Palestinians to impregnate their Israeli wombs.

That would actually be a decent investment. Because you've got people like Pax Dickinson who have a lot of money while at the same time, are focusing on other issues, like hosting for white nationalist websites. I would think that out of the millions of white nationalists in the US, at least one would have the money to do something like this (ie destabilize Israel). Russia and Soros already do this with antifa, Black Lives Matter, pipeline protest groups, etc. I think WNs should exploit the left's position on these things and partner up with the feminists to destroy Zion from within.

Also, I think funding pipeline protest groups to sabotage their economy would be even better. I wonder why there is no white George Soros yet?

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c92e75  No.64878

File: f83f74772f2682f⋯.png (100.95 KB, 974x353, 974:353, thatmuslimthing.png)

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6b3fd0  No.65001

YouTube embed. Click thumbnail to play.

Did Charles Manson know to much and that's why he was made a patsy?

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6b3fd0  No.65003

YouTube embed. Click thumbnail to play.

The above is about corporations and this one is the Jews. Everyone's seen his take on the Jews but the one above really opened my eyes.

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e08bba  No.65008

Why is captcha not working for certain browsers? The pop up window is too long and any button to click is below the browser border and no way to scroll down, so no way to "enter" the captcha

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763f5a  No.65049


Just zoom out, boomer.

Ctrl- should work on most browsers.

You can also go to https://sys.8kun.top/dnsbls_bypass.php to fill the captcha instead of using the pop up window.

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ed5e8a  No.65252



would be nice to have a thread like,

"Have You Been Manson-Pilled Yet?"

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4e9d5d  No.65523

The “National Socialist Putsch” will never happen; I am in the United States Army and we will kill and capture you Nazi terrorists if you ever try to overthrow the government. I will continue the tradition of fighting Nazis in my family and my grandfather will be proud of me.

You do not and will never have the resources and power in an increasingly diverse United States. If you lay a finger on my fellow American Jews and people of color you will regret it.

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6b25af  No.65643


My hero. Wanna suck dicks sometime?

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2263bf  No.65650

File: 01d76240575d6af⋯.jpg (133.74 KB, 576x468, 16:13, alexjoneskosherham8wide72d….jpg)

Does anyone have the clip of Alex Jones showing off the jacket that Charlie Sheen gave him, or at least remember which year's money bomb it was during?

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25c641  No.66076


Actually, Deutsch/pol/ had intentionally segregated itself from Krautchan now Kohlchan. I seriously doubt they would have gone there.

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1ce021  No.66198

File: 7c0c03552f79560⋯.jpg (763.52 KB, 2586x1728, 431:288, powerrangers.jpg)



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7b5be0  No.66267

File: 44b0c9338d9f60c⋯.jpg (25.25 KB, 640x360, 16:9, Operator_Are_You_Online_Le….jpg)


What the fuck did you just fucking say about me, you little bitch? I'll have you know I graduated top of my class in the Navy Seals, and I've been involved in numerous secret raids on Al-Qaeda, and I have over 300 confirmed kills. I am trained in gorilla warfare and I'm the top sniper in the entire US armed forces. You are nothing to me but just another target. I will wipe you the fuck out with precision the likes of which has never been seen before on this Earth, mark my fucking words. You think you can get away with saying that shit to me over the Internet? Think again, fucker. As we speak I am contacting my secret network of spies across the USA and your IP is being traced right now so you better prepare for the storm, maggot. The storm that wipes out the pathetic little thing you call your life. You're fucking dead, kid. I can be anywhere, anytime, and I can kill you in over seven hundred ways, and that's just with my bare hands. Not only am I extensively trained in unarmed combat, but I have access to the entire arsenal of the United States Marine Corps and I will use it to its full extent to wipe your miserable ass off the face of the continent, you little shit. If only you could have known what unholy retribution your little "clever" comment was about to bring down upon you, maybe you would have held your fucking tongue. But you couldn't, you didn't, and now you're paying the price, you goddamn idiot. I will shit fury all over you and you will drown in it. You're fucking dead, kiddo.

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25b8f5  No.66590


Kek. ^.^

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213399  No.66776

File: 1900c57333f0694⋯.jpg (281.59 KB, 1024x784, 64:49, Horse_fly_Tabanus_2.jpg)

how much would you guys pay for a usb charged 1.5 cm long lookalike remote controlled fly with 30 seconds flying time?

Serious market research..

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0fc603  No.66851


I would pay ¥68,292.23 to ¥341,447.07.

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ed8f29  No.67051


Will there be a signal emanating from wi-fi including phones from software implanted in every piece of hardware known to man perhaps under common propriety software due to corporation-intelligence agency connections and the requirement of pretty much every piece of hardware to be using this software in order to function of which will pick up and locate where these things are in order to keep track of their usage?

Is it impossible to prevent this?

Can I charge them wirelessly as Tesla powered all those lights in a field wirelessly? With a very long fucking range such as what Tesla achieved?

This is some shit man what are you trying to pull doing market research here? Even if there's no current connection to intelligence agencies, I'm sure building a software that emits and picks up a signal from wi-fi devices to locate physical objects such as this isn't TOO difficult.

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60f891  No.67200


I wouldn't want one, unless it was free and then I'd just resell it.

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60f891  No.67203


Also ich bin immer noch da. Verschiedene Anons sind hier, aber auch auf https://smuglo.li/a/catalog.html und https://julay.world/fascist/ usw.

Es hat sich kein neuer Deutsch/pol/ gebildet, aber wenn du solche Sehnsucht hast kannst du jederzeit einen aufmachen.

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213399  No.67638



>I wouldn't want one, unless it was free and then I'd just resell it.

For how much?

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000000  No.67928

How do i get out of this confusion? I've been struggling with belief and optimism, thinking we're better off if we just have asians in our nations too to create a union. The waters get even more muddied when I see people like Mark Collett giving a guy who lives in Vietnam and is married to a Vietnamese woman a spot at the Patriotic Alternative conference.

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6453a4  No.68036


Whites and asians aren’t the same species. Miscegenation is child abuse. You’re fucking brain damaged. No wonder you’re confused. Ethnostates or you don’t have states.

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cd2888  No.68297

File: 31eaaa2ff5c02fd⋯.jpg (341.87 KB, 1540x2148, 385:537, bastards.jpg)

File: 4c2efeedadc1ab0⋯.jpg (71.99 KB, 618x412, 3:2, weinstein.jpg)

File: b395386c18b24b7⋯.jpg (111.11 KB, 600x953, 600:953, rothschild.jpg)

Why is Hollywood anti-Deutsche? Why do they make anti-Deutsche propaganda despite many producers and directors being Deutsche and having Deutsche Familiennamen?

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1f3b3a  No.68712


It's an easy narrative to sell. It could be anyone, definetely they are just creepy guy and there's no story behind, they are everywhere. It's a massive psychology campaign to condition the public either into being distrustful or just taking it as normal when it happens.

New question by the way. I used to have some far right friends (typeloser, I know you're reading this), and kinda miss just having someone I could constantly disagree with. Is there anyone here that just wants to try to sell me on donald trump for this election?

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97f388  No.68847

Does corona sterilize males?

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213399  No.68992


>Does corona sterilize males?

Hey everybody, lets just shit up everything with random thoughts and see if anyone copies us!


>Why is Hollywood anti-Deutsche? Why do they make anti-Deutsche propaganda despite many producers and directors being Deutsche and having Deutsche Familiennamen?

Jews and people from Nazi effected Europe hold a grudge due to ww1&2. Also current day Europeans hate the leadership position modern Day Germany has taken in the EU. Angela Merkel hates whites and hates every European country.

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72dfc5  No.69234

Why can't I breed with anyone I like?

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72dfc5  No.69247


You must stop sinning.

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72dfc5  No.69251


Stop sinning. For the sake of your white brothers.

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943077  No.69305

File: d4b9010515ee181⋯.webm (134.28 KB, 244x160, 61:40, No.webm)

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110fed  No.69318


Vietnamese are based.

They defeated America, The Great Satan.

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af5aa6  No.69568


I'd take people with gook wives over jew wives any day. If you're going to race-mix, make little Elliot Rodgers instead of soap and lampshades.

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000000  No.69826


Strange how this assumption is made when I said this. How does tolerating a small asian % make me seem like that? I've just been changing my mind on all this within the strange inconsistencies the "dissident right" has. Again people like Mark Collett platforming Greg Johnson and other strange people. Why waste my time and energy for these people?

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35f5af  No.69942

Back when 8chan was 8chan there was an esoteric board dedicated to kek, and on that board there was a link to a text of an anon who had 88 dreams involving Pepe/Kek and decided to write them down. So my QTDDTOT is can anyone link me to this text?

>inb4 CUcKiSTaN NEWFIG!!!!1!!ONE!!

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dd5d42  No.70293

Any smart person here has a working torrent for a big ebook library in one file?

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5256b4  No.70309

File: 35ca64d59eb58b2⋯.jpg (150.93 KB, 503x800, 503:800, A_History_of_Central_Banki….jpg)

A History of Central Banking and the Enslavement of Mankind by Stephen Mitford Goodson (2014, 3rd Edition 2017)


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11580d  No.70414

File: ed80de86a6affcc⋯.png (1.02 MB, 1218x1272, 203:212, 1584103234473.png)

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2a8a48  No.70700

File: bd0acb68a42ef06⋯.png (340.63 KB, 752x669, 752:669, knowinghillary.png)

GOP Lawmaker Isn’t Scared of Coronavirus, Says ‘More People Have Died From Knowing Hillary’

> I think Jeffrey Epstein might agree

> This is a zinger for the record books, folks!

> GOP lawmaker Gae Magnafici made an epic jab at Hillary while discussing the overblown fears surrounding coronavirus.

A Republican state legislator in Wisconsin shared a “joke” about former Secretary of State Hillary Clinton and the rapidly spreading novel coronavirus that angered local citizens.
Gae Magnafici, who spent 35 years as a nurse before winning office in Wisconsin’s 28th Congressional District, responded to a tweet admonishing President Trump’s lack of response to the coronavirus by suggesting that “more people have died from knowing Hillary.” [Washington Examiner]

> Obviously Magnafici made this joke in jest, but liberal news site Politifact has actually fact-checked her claim.

Good grief these people are dense.

If you can believe it, Magnafici’s clowning on the failed two-time presidential candidate landed the state representative in hot water with the media fact-checking group PolitiFact, which awarded her tweet a “Pants on Fire” rating.
“As America’s coronavirus death toll hit 19 and the number of cases topped 400 on March 7, one Wisconsin branch of Twitter wasn’t exactly taking the matter seriously,” reads the nearly 500-word fact-check. [Washington Examiner]

> This was an obvious joke, who in their right mind would actually fact-check it?

> Clearly, liberals have ZERO sense of humor.



Sorry that the writer writes like a faggot though

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7b5be0  No.70845

>Dear Mr. President, how do you respond to China claiming this virus is America's fault?

Well, I am glad to say they will be buying our goods.

>Mr. President, why did you fire all the pandemic people in the White House?

Lol, niggers.

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7b5be0  No.70856

File: 9a8a7a0c176825e⋯.png (1.08 MB, 879x879, 1:1, Chinese_Orphan.png)


>Ghengis dick

Fucking kek'd as hard as possible.

>5% Neanderthal

Yeah. The really smart people who evolved in Europe? I'll take that, Denisovan scum.


Excellent barb. I might get confused and start thinking I'm Reza Aslan by mistake.


Pic related.

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000000  No.71602


I think its a cult.

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51768e  No.72049

hmmmm - this series called, "Containment," looks promising…………..

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cafbe7  No.72136

Invidious embed. Click thumbnail to play.

How is it that no one has posted about this yet? Surely I can't be the only leafanon who posts here anymore. I hope.


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102cb9  No.72339


I hope the tagline to that vid is 'for innumerable incredibly good reasons'

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b986c2  No.72515

I want to be smothered by her butt until I die! Hot women can snuff me any day!

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be8312  No.73211

https://archive.org/details/@classical_kosmos share it if you appreciate it

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897a04  No.73220

is this board worse than /pol/ in any measurable way or are spergs just mad over a name change?

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a789bc  No.73518

What is the orange logo with white dollar on it next to my ID?

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f61563  No.73551


no sarcasm, but why would I want one? what would I do with it? 'bug' people by flying around them? view what they're doing? before cost, who are your customers?

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60f891  No.74063


Gotta get your ass up and do something yourselves instead of crying but le leafs are shit, amerimutts.

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897a04  No.74261


>so there is no comparison

Because it has a different name?

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773aa0  No.74473

YouTube embed. Click thumbnail to play.

where does QANON post?

I have heard that he began posting on 8kun but which board, which thread?

Also where can I find original raw quotes attributed to him (dates too) instead of MSM paraphrasing? In particular I want to know what he supposedly said about there being a basement in Comet Ping Pong or if what he said is being misrepresented.

It seems like since the basement of (((Buck's Fishing and Camping))) also owned by James Alefantis is only 10 feet away from the back door of CPP that it could be a very simple miscommunication or simply grouping together both locations as if it were considered to be a single estate.

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b788d7  No.74490

My friend is turning into a ancom and is starting to hate money and government.

What are some of the best sources to help him back into a sane mind?

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acea4a  No.74772

Sometimes when I click on jpg link (on top) to download a meme, it downloads to my downloads folder with no stupid dialogue… other times it comes up with the dialogue and I have to click "save"(despite that I have it set to always save in the preferences)… how do I make it always download? Using Firefox.

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0a1b67  No.74779



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48b37d  No.75028


I would just search the letter "Q" on the landing for threads and see what comes up.

Also (not shilling) but why did you say "Q" is a "He". Is that determined yet?

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e4ee43  No.75111


Q-LARPers believe that Trump himself is their god, so they worship everything he does. I make a point of always calling Q-LARP an it, purposely to dehumanize the subhuman kikes that worship the think tank of jews who came up with it.

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e2ad4e  No.75152

File: e94e1041c5dfa9f⋯.jpg (675.52 KB, 693x994, 99:142, partei.jpg)

Has true National Socialism™ ever been tried?

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60f891  No.75227


Of course it has. Furthermore your comic is post-war printing by communists. (the proletariat is something only they believe to exist).

Furthermore it says "The company sign" where the company comparison is supposed to attract bakas.

So do I shill my blog post "Who are the Nazis?" to get most attention?


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cafbe7  No.75390


Yes, in a sense. They're trying to sue the CBC for hate speech, essentially trying to use the country's own retarded laws against (((them)))


If you're saying what I think you're saying, then I agree. All of us have to do more, which is why I was happy to see a student group emerge here. Hopefully, they'll end up as the leaf version of TradWorker (but not imploding in on itself).

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cafbe7  No.75403

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702c56  No.75511

File: 063881317bedfa7⋯.jpeg (276.21 KB, 938x1484, 67:106, kill_niggers.jpeg)

Rie kaneko from ladybaby's mother is a filthy filipina. No wonder she promotes degeneracy in Japan with a cross dressing fag and gives the camera the finger (cringe worthy edge) in her music videos. She even had a nigger in one of her MVs. Keep sub-human pinoy animals out of Japan now! The Japanese that went to the Philippines in the past went there to become genetic dead ends.

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0a3e97  No.75531


>Politicians don't pander to their audiences

All politicians pander, because they have to please everyone to keep their job. Listen to Trump when he's talking to his kike financiers and when he's talking to the Trumpenproletariat. It's like night & day.

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60f891  No.75646


Nigger. Capitalism is opposed to nationalism. The second panel makes absolutely no sense unless you apply some really strange communist logic.

Some things have been nationalised, some privatised.

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60f891  No.75648



Trump isn't nationalist or trying to create a state for one people. He's a zionist jewpuppet. What do you expect?

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60f891  No.75649


Also one doesn't need to be nationalist or patriotic to be populist. Popmusic usually isn't either.

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60f891  No.75652


Furthermore the author left out the hyphen which is always present when the word isn't written together like "nationalsozialistisch" fully knowing the national to be applied to socialism.

Because contrary to Marxist socialism, national-socialism is fucking national. No world conquest demands or slavery system for the entire world.

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f19626  No.75784


Once /pol/ is completely destroyed (it almost is)

will /pnd/ be the next target of non stop shilling, spamming and shit tier threads?

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969b8f  No.75993

File: ea76b5b7ac86a26⋯.jpg (14.55 KB, 506x267, 506:267, trolley.jpg)


Let's say there is a nursery containing 5 black babies and three white babies; the nursery is on fire and you can only carry 4 babies, what do you do?

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60f891  No.76023


Why do you even post this rhetorical question?

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cd62e8  No.76056

File: d5ae7b6ba99f2b7⋯.jpg (299.54 KB, 924x695, 924:695, 862865.jpg)

File: 83ce0bdcce51fee⋯.jpg (276.53 KB, 792x1127, 792:1127, 1553904362399.jpg)

File: b852a516ca97c3e⋯.jpg (145.38 KB, 900x1157, 900:1157, 249580763568.jpg)

File: 05a818f3649bfca⋯.jpg (253.05 KB, 1200x630, 40:21, 7094872890_4765869.jpg)

Is the blue eyed meme real?

Blue eyes have always be associated with European people, especially northern Europeans, and it seem like most artistic depiction of European people show they have blue eyes (sometimes green) and fair hair.

So are blue eyes and fair hair predominantly Euopeans traits? Would that also make Europeans with brown eyes "less" Euopean than those with blue or green?

There are jews and arabs who have blue eyes, I've even seen African with blue and grey eyes and we can all agree that they are not European.

I can trace my family back in Northern Europe for at least 4-5 generations, the wast majority of my family members had or has green and blue eyes, my sister got blue eyes, my brother got green but I have brown. Even thought we have the same parents would this make me less European than them?

I don't want to sound like some unrecure faggot but this is something I'm just really curious about and can't seem to find a proper answer to and I'd like some good eye color redpills

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cafbe7  No.76258


Carry three babies.

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48e955  No.76752

File: 33f67b8c9849c2b⋯.jpg (117.42 KB, 1200x1200, 1:1, james_earl_ray_9452756_1_4….jpg)

File: 3cc75fe83ad8419⋯.jpeg (7.72 KB, 191x265, 191:265, images_4_.jpeg)

Did this guy do anything wrong? He killed a Communist and a Rothschild-Rockefeller puppet and supported the George Wallace campaign and planned on moving to Rhodesia. His brother Jerry Ray supported Jesse Stoner's campaign and defended his brother to the very end.

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fbb267  No.76808

File: 79a840c1ca651d4⋯.jpg (65.07 KB, 654x371, 654:371, nothingofvalue.jpg)

File: cdb32384c108ce5⋯.jpg (83.87 KB, 833x577, 833:577, soldier.jpg)


Both nazis and jews will laugh in unison as you jewish slaves are sent to die for Israel in the war against Iran next year.

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bd5fde  No.76821




Guess that explains the rest of your posts.

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4e9d5d  No.76847

File: 749abc29fb81a59⋯.jpg (36.37 KB, 400x279, 400:279, mummie.jpg)

File: 0493003dc389ac2⋯.jpg (155.64 KB, 960x1440, 2:3, dna_reviels.jpg)

Is 中国 white?

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eae030  No.76910


Zog is getting weaker and weaker. The army itself is a joke soon

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d32dd0  No.76922

File: 3ed8053c7d4a5fc⋯.png (392.47 KB, 1544x1926, 772:963, 1582223913545.png)

polite request,

links to original court documents and archives of attached image

88 swastikas will be deposited into your natsoc account

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480026  No.77008


(You) back for more Yuri?

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a4c841  No.77032

Does anyone have a torrent with all of the mel gibson movies. I want something to watch when the internet goes out but none of the torrent sites seem to have a good torrent.

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8ecfad  No.77088


>instead of taking advantage of the chaos of total societal collapse to slaughter nonwhites and/or rally my white brethren around a new nationalist order, i want to watch jewish propaganda films and continue to be a materialist individual like jews want me to be

Commit suicide.

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f73786  No.77150

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ffa9dd  No.77472


>>>Gorilla. Gets me every time

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2187fb  No.77842

Some faggots making multiple threads with (((1)))

Please delete these bait threads



Probably those rationalwiki faggots

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7c457b  No.77938

YouTube embed. Click thumbnail to play.

Is Liberia basically the United States if it were ran entirely by niggers?

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e6eb88  No.78213

File: eececd2daaba625⋯.jpeg (44.67 KB, 680x453, 680:453, imrs.jpeg)

How long does it take to get board approval??

I tried to create /covid19/ over 24 hours ago, jeez louise

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135ba8  No.78222



liberia is in fact where a number of US nogs moved to after the US civil war.

this is what the US would be if it were just them.

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2bc6b1  No.78276

File: 445f76830dd69f9⋯.png (371.32 KB, 639x805, 639:805, germany_4_in_10.png)


>Why is Hollywood anti-Deutsche? Why do they make anti-Deutsche propaganda despite many producers and directors being Deutsche and having Deutsche Familiennamen?

Stop being a Deutschebag and say "German," you shveinhund.

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49f0ea  No.78334

File: 35df692b902ff3d⋯.jpg (150.27 KB, 775x478, 775:478, bQxk9kuTURBXy81ZTZjYTNiZi1….jpg)


Is this not obvious? Jews are strong in the media, so they find it convenient, but they have no real power in the USA. In 2010, the world allocated 1.62 trillion dollars to reinforcements. American spending is as much as 43 percent of this sum, nearly 700 billion, the USA is a war country and real power is there.

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3bbb6c  No.78345


>Jews are strong in the media, so they find it convenient, but they have no real power in the USA

soo why US is fighting all their wars, and giving them billions every year?

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d5c949  No.78391


Lakewood Police Arrest Homeowner For Hosting Pop-up Wedding With More Than 50 People

Police in Ocean County have arrested a homeowner for hosting a pop-up wedding with more than 50 people in attendance during the COVID-19 pandemic. Earlier in the week, New Jersey Gov. Phil Murphy banned gatherings of 50 or more people in an effort to stop the spread of coronavirus.

Lakewood police have charged 49-year-old Eliyohu Zaks with maintaining a nuisance for hosting the wedding at a home on Spruce Street.

“The Lakewood Police is asking that its citizens be responsible and obey the directives set forth by the State of New Jersey for the safety and health of all. Those that choose not to will be subject to criminal prosecution,” police said in a statement.

Lakewood police say they have responded to approximately 17 calls for violations of the social distancing restrictions laid out by the state.

On Friday, Murphy said he expects to issue more restrictions on social distancing, probably Saturday, but didn’t indicate what that might be.

Looks like average American lifestyles is just about dead around the commie cities and suburbs. When will these restrictions ever be lifted? Is (((the virus))) ever going away?


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798d62  No.78394


Try p2p for movies (scroll down the alternatives list to find p2p clients to share files with):


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f1c31d  No.78400

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78bc98  No.78401


If you want to fight fascists and communists you would have to start purging some politicians, bankers and officials in our own government who want to disarm and subjugate the citizens of the US. Oh and by the way, they are using you anons as pawns for cannon fodder, wake up.

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d7b292  No.78403


I can easily see much of the US being turned into Liberia today with all the kvetching and total lockdown stunts, we are not far off from being total third world while run by monopolistic oligarchies.

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f03bfe  No.78408

Staffer in US Vice President's Office Tests Positive For Bioweapon

A staffer in the office of US Vice President Mike Pence, the pointman for Washington's response to the coronavirus outbreak, has tested positive for the illness, a spokeswoman said Friday.

"Neither President Trump nor Vice President Pence had close contact with the individual. Further contact tracing is being conducted," Pence's press secretary Katie Miller said.

Pence has appeared at Trump's side at the daily White House press conferences to announce developments in the US fight against the outbreak.

It was the latest case of COVID-19 to brush the inner circle of US leadership.

An attendee at a political conference last month featuring Trump and Pence tested positive for the illness, and multiple political figures who regularly meet with the president and vice president have gone into preventive self-quarantine.

Trump tested negative for the novel coronavirus last week. He agreed to the test after coming in contact with several members of a Brazilian presidential delegation visiting his Florida resort who have since been found to have the virus.

The news came as COVID-19-linked deaths in the US rose to 216 – more than doubling in three days – with more than 16,600 confirmed infections, according to a tally by Johns Hopkins University.

On Friday, New York and Illinois followed California in locking down to stem the coronavirus pandemic, effectively sealing off America's largest cities of New York, Los Angeles and Chicago.


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021be9  No.78412

USSA's Economy Deteriorating Faster Than Anticipated As 80 Million Americans Forced To Stay At Home

The U.S. economy is deteriorating more quickly than was expected just days ago, as extraordinary measures designed to curb the coronavirus keep 84 million Americans penned in their homes and cause the near-total shutdown of most businesses.

In a single 24-hour period, the governors of three of the largest states - California, New York and Illinois - ordered residents to stay home, except to buy food and medicine, while the governor of Pennsylvania ordered the closure of nonessential businesses. Across the globe, health officials are struggling to cope with the growing number of patients, with the World Health Organization noting that while it required three months to reach 100,000 cases, it took only 12 days to hit another 100,000.

The resulting economic meltdown, which is sending several million workers streaming into the unemployment line, is outpacing the federal government's efforts to respond. As the Senate on Friday raced to complete work on a financial rescue package, the White House and key lawmakers were dramatically expanding its scope, pushing the legislation far beyond the original $1 trillion price tag.

With each day, an unprecedented stoppage gathers force, as restaurants, movie theaters, sports arenas, and offices close to shield themselves from the disease. Already, it's clear that the initial economic decline will be sharper and more painful than during the 2008 financial crisis.

Next week, roughly 3 million Americans will file first-time claims for unemployment assistance, more than four times the record high set in the depths of the 1982 recession, according to Bank of America Merrill Lynch. That's just the start of a surge that could send the jobless rate spiking to 20 percent from today's 3.5 percent, a JPMorgan Chase economist told clients on a conference call Friday.

Estimates of the pandemic's overall cost are staggering. Bridgewater Associates, a prominent hedge fund manager, says the economy will shrink over the next three months at an annual rate of 30 percent. Goldman Sachs pegs the drop at 24 percent. JPMorgan Chase says 14 percent.


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6f47c6  No.78415

Lou Dobbs In Self-quarantine After Staffer Tests Positive For Coronavirus

Television host Lou Dobbs is in self-quarantine after a staffer on his Fox Business show tested positive for the coronavirus.

"[Dobbs] is in self-quarantine tonight. We just learned that one of his team members has tested positive for COVID-19," said Fox Business host David Asman. "We fully support that employee 100 percent, who we all wish a speedy recovery.

“Lou feels well, he has no symptoms, but out of an abundance of caution, he and his team are taking the necessary precautions," Asman added.

The news came after the network announced plans to remove two additional hours from its daily programming schedule. The move will temporarily cease production of Fox Business’s 5 a.m. program, "FBN am" and its 5 p.m. offering, "Bulls & Bears."

“While FBN will remain committed to delivering up-to-the-minute breaking business news and analysis, our first priority is the health and safety of our employees,” Fox Business Network President Lauren Petterson said in a Friday statement. “This scaled back schedule will ensure we continue to deliver critical information to our audience amidst this global pandemic and time of market volatility while helping to fight the further escalation of the coronavirus.”


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f033ca  No.78416

Fuck I'm in the wrong thread!!!!

Sorry BO. God damn it!

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5113f3  No.78487

Why is the king chink called Winnie the Pooh again?

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112630  No.78608

File: 798edc3cfba5b50⋯.png (12.87 KB, 1100x800, 11:8, Nordischeflagge.png)

Am I the only one who thinks the flag of Norway looks better when you replace the blue with black and it should be the flag of any potential National Socialist state carved out of the United States?

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000000  No.78670


He just kinda looks like him. It only took off as a meme because the ChiComs pushed back against it.

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255c18  No.78929

How do I get my boyfriend to take the leap from being an edgy libertarian to alt-right? Would it be stupid just to ask what he thinks seriously (((them))). He makes plenty of edgy jokes and stuff but it seems to be more shitposting than serious. Like, he is disgusted by a lot of the things gays do and the way 'the elites' as he calls them shill stuff in media, but, I dont know how to show him whos really behind it all. I know Im not really the person whos supposed to do that, but, with todays society, no one else is going to try to fully redpill him. Should I just forget about it and wait for him to figure it out himself or try to bring it up with him?

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d9a008  No.78933


Depends. If you're a woman, just bring up the JQ and start with some of those memes about baking 6 million cookies/not having enough ovens. Once he starts to question the holohoax, the rest will fall into place.

If you're a man and you're both faggots, then it's simpler: kill yourselves.

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255c18  No.78935


Dont worry, Im not a faggot, Im a woman.Thank you for the advice though, thats a really good starting place!

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c92e75  No.79020

File: 6717fc8a90d2ff9⋯.jpg (126.62 KB, 1600x960, 5:3, New_US_Flag.jpg)



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c92e75  No.79030

File: 516a80b9d1bad6f⋯.png (102.67 KB, 700x368, 175:92, american_flagmaybe.png)

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c92e75  No.79044

File: 56b48683c35afab⋯.png (35.96 KB, 1175x143, 1175:143, 46952.png)

File: a913aae470937e7⋯.png (218.34 KB, 1147x887, 1147:887, nslf.png)

File: d75b5fe18c09843⋯.pdf (2.56 MB, Siege_the_collected_writin….pdf)


(pic related is the post I am addressing)

If two people are getting together and discussing a plan to do something about something, that is called a conspiracy.


"They have been conspiring for weeks to throw a surprise party for their Uncle Robert."

Being a conspiracy theorist could mean that one has a theory that people are getting together and collectively discussing something that they plan to do together.

The beginning of the stigmatization of the phrase, "Conspiracy Theorist," started with Lyndon B. Johnson, when there were theories going on about the assassination of President Kennedy, regardless of whether they were true or not. "Those Crazy Conspiracy Theorists!"

There's a lot of good information in Siege.

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65179b  No.79103

Interesting, but this "Thread" belongs here

here are anon's links:



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65179b  No.79104

File: fd706835a56af1f⋯.png (162.45 KB, 980x608, 245:152, gate_program_qtddtot.png)


forgot poast

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2f4bbf  No.79117



you seriously deleted a GATE thread and expect it to be contained to QTDDTOT? wtf man. If only I could find the old /pol/ gate thread archives. there were like 13 threads

funny how the first reply of that thread is a shill. the old GATE threads drew tons of shills and bots who wanted to shut it down

please allow GATE threads

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0364d2  No.79119


You should have known better than to have tried discussing something of interest here.

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e4ee43  No.79269


Q-LARP was proven to be a hoax two and a half years ago. Commit suicide, paid jewish shill. Never post here again.


Reported for spam. Commit suicide, paid jewish shill. Never post here again.


It’s /x/ spam. Just post it there.

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6cdd74  No.79803

File: 70871b7084cb21e⋯.jpg (3.08 MB, 4624x3429, 4624:3429, Jerzy_Kossak_Grand_Duchy_o….jpg)

File: 080ddc1de099241⋯.jpg (3.38 MB, 5504x4043, 5504:4043, Jean_Antoine_Th_odore_Gudi….jpg)

File: a2e49b39a0ba4a9⋯.jpg (2.02 MB, 2000x1261, 2000:1261, Nikolay_Petrovich_Bogdanov….jpg)

File: 49f87b664b96dac⋯.jpg (349.72 KB, 1595x2000, 319:400, Filippos_Margaritis_1810_1….jpg)

File: fec663663ef6d01⋯.jpg (2.18 MB, 1245x1564, 1245:1564, Dorothea_Hauer_20th_Centur….jpg)

I'm thinking of bringing back the art thread but this place messes up my meticulously detailed filenames, it doesn't render non-alphabetic or non-English characters properly. Is there any plan to fix this?

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ed5e8a  No.80019

File: 63a886d76f9bfcb⋯.webm (2.27 MB, 640x360, 16:9, 2020_03_22_20_22_59.webm)

omg we're being attacked

no we're not


freak out family members by sharing that link and tell them that the U.S. is being cyber attacked by our "allies."

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ed5e8a  No.80021


just bring it back

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ed5e8a  No.80024


then poast it again

1.) without reference to cuckchan

2.) without retarded /x/-tier bullshit

3.) posting an actual article from a reliable source

4.) give the thread some meat to chew on

5.) It looks pretty low effort to me - a couple of sentences of 'stuff' and then links.

6.) give it some substance

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be0dd5  No.80026

File: 1edde22ccc8df33⋯.gif (7.33 KB, 359x216, 359:216, us_14swn.gif)


A WN US flag already exists.

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455fb8  No.80048


But that's total shit.

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6d5161  No.80107

8kun newfag, how do you remove the disclaimer from every post?

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455fb8  No.80150


By leaving and never coming back.

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6d5161  No.80169


Have a (you)

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97d0e5  No.80251







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000000  No.80323


Nobody cares what you suspect, retard.

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45b59d  No.80609

File: 04364b493c5c12f⋯.jpg (6.5 KB, 200x200, 1:1, _aliens_.jpg)

I just went through the entire catalog and couldn't find a single thread exposing Q for the hope-porn it is. Can someone help me? Some retard on facebook linked this video https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=bmA8rreTvm8&feature=youtu.be

And now he wants our thoughts and I told him Q is a faggot only good for hope porn but I don't have any links to it.

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e4ee43  No.80610


>totally a newfag, goyim

>ha ha i know about the (you) meme though

Leave and never come back. You don’t deserve an answer.


Why would we give a shit? It just doesn’t matter to us. Anyone with any brains whatsoever knows it’s a hoax. It was proven to be a hoax literally 6 days after it first posted. Anyone who believes it needs to be cut out of your life. Let them fucking die. It’s a cult.

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8aff44  No.80623

File: bdea71cfd30a96f⋯.jpg (131.77 KB, 900x477, 100:53, pederasty.jpg)

Are the terms "Roma" and "Latino" intentional cultural appropriations from the Romans?

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4cf56b  No.81072

Why does the board now disallow tor posting?

This place is smelling more and more like a honeypot.

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b86ac3  No.81093


>It’s a cult

Just like the /pol/ paradigm.

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3d99f0  No.81247


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3d99f0  No.81251

File: 0bcb45ef90c63b4⋯.gif (5.68 MB, 359x202, 359:202, 7439febafac2639938f0fce31a….gif)

I just posted through tor, what gives?

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517b4e  No.81413


>tor posting banned

>asks why tor posting is banned

>not on tor

We got some real geniuses in here anons.


I didn't see that in /cvg/ bread at least. The rest of this place is a wasteland. I miss 8/pol/

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da8461  No.81539

Have all the meme threads died out?

Or did they move someplace else I can follow?

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bc6251  No.81837

Any fellow wizards here? Does anyone know where /fringe/ scattered off to?

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b86ac3  No.81845


Holy shit synchronicity much? I was literally just reading archived threads and reminiscing, wondering the same thing.

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bc6251  No.81871


Weeeew, glad to see there is a lost wizard here. Are you a big practitioner? I have several threads saved and I DL'd the entire /fringe/ mega library I think…

Real shame, a lot of proper material has been lost.

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b74565  No.82402

File: 893cfbbcb7b9306⋯.jpg (144.17 KB, 449x732, 449:732, 9e3e166dfbc7606c007f84b624….jpg)


>Are you a big practitioner?

Can't say I am currently, due to some medical problems (not trying to evoke sympathy, just the way it is)

However, back in the day I did and experienced things that cemented my belief in magick forever.

If only /fringe/ were to rise from the ashes, someone there might know how I could circumvent this condition…

The threads I was lookin' at were early QTDDTOT threads, as I happened to have bookmarked an archive, and they're all linked. iirc every thread there was archived automatically, but I'm not sure how or where to access that.

There's also this archive of the offshoot /fringe/ sites. Some good stuff here:


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4e9d5d  No.82600

File: c1986c3ed70bd93⋯.jpg (109.81 KB, 839x1024, 839:1024, nazi1.jpg)

File: 8c5657f5bbbd0cc⋯.png (4.31 KB, 574x73, 574:73, nazi2.PNG)

File: 0ad6106b20695c5⋯.jpg (189.36 KB, 831x1080, 277:360, nazi3.jpg)

Are people who use "Nazi" unironically to describe "Nationalsozialismus" either Jewish or under a kike mind control spell?

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4e9d5d  No.82634

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bc6251  No.82648


I found this forum, I've only skimmed through it, it is interesting, though nothing can replace /fringe/


There are also a few subreddits, (I know, I know, just didn't know where else to look) I found, /r/magick on the side bar there are more subreddits.

What are you suffering from? I'm sorry to hear, and I mean when I say I wish you all the best.

if you have tox, here is my id


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411818  No.82710

File: 4611bea6204ca7b⋯.png (555.86 KB, 680x779, 680:779, Hitler_mussolini.png)

If you name your twin boys "Adolf" and "Rudolf" would that not look suspicious?

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829562  No.82793

File: bfd19be896992ac⋯.png (49.95 KB, 649x568, 649:568, CNN.png)

File: 2e79c93383e5785⋯.png (11.2 KB, 649x302, 649:302, MarketScreener.png)

Can any stockfags explain this to me? It's the same ticker, updated on the same day. They're both SUPPOSED to be listing shareholders, CNN's verbiage of "Owners" leads me to believe that's where the discrepancy is but I feel that's giving them too much credit.

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829562  No.82802


Nevermind, CNN is listing the US listing, and MarketScreener is showing the HK listing. Fucking NoScript… what's the rationale for buying HK shares over their US shares? Do the shears only reflect gains in their respective countries? Shouldn't they both go up if the company itself makes gains?

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65c8b7  No.82953

Check >>>/pdfs/

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765b32  No.83242

Questions about how shill campaigns (especially Chinese) work with a quick backstory. Lately on halfchan there are at least two (maybe more) highly motivated posters spamming threads as fast as they can solve captchas and change VPNs. The posters are either Chinese or trying very hard to appear Chinese, given that the thread content is mostly related to China's response to COVID-19 and the fact that, when challenged directly, it is clear that the posters' English and knowledge of halfchan culture is limited, but improving in real time. And for what it's worth, the writing style and pattern of posts indicates that the Jew/Blacked shit is posted by the same organization. They have been successful in completely flooding the board aside from a handful of well established threads. I had hoped that 4chan would pick up with some genuine content, but it is completely unusable now, and now I am wondering how much I missed before. Has the shilling always been subject to current events to such and obvious extent? Aside from nation states, feds, and political campaigns, does anyone here have an idea of other organizations that would attempt to jam a board like this? With regard to the Chinese shills in particular, has this board been subject to a similar campaign in the last few weeks? How does China structure its global propaganda campaign?

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042126  No.83250


>Actually believing this fairytale.

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df1361  No.83576

File: 139d43d22a71144⋯.jpg (196.01 KB, 1600x1159, 1600:1159, pansy_ap4202a.JPG)

hey niggers i'm not a ww2 sperg but my limey friend's opening up to the idea that jews are evil,

can i get a quick rundown on churchill/britain's agitation of germany at the beginning of WW2

and also one of those links that has all the choice talmud citations? thanks.

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95428d  No.83644

somebody please explain rothschilds, I hear about them everyday and yet haven't seen any real proof

how do we know rothschilds control central banks?

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4e9d5d  No.83646

File: 8e50b093f230fdb⋯.jpg (215.44 KB, 800x800, 1:1, trump_cyrus_coin.jpg)


Why is the only recent campaign missing in that retarded Bilderberg image Trump's?

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98687c  No.83796

I once saw an image explaining how shills controlled all the media. I can't find it anywhere, could someone help me?

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4e9d5d  No.84325

File: 983665fb83a8961⋯.png (325.65 KB, 512x512, 1:1, hol_up.png)


Hold on just one gosh darn second, so you're telling me these shills control all the media?

Like that's not even withing the realm of possibility; you're clearly a conspiraboomer who believes chemtrails make frog gay.

"Shills controlling the media"

I laugh at your conspiratorial ass; there is not a single shill in the media and there never has been and there never will be. The chance of shills being in the media is approximately 0.0000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000%.

You're a ridiculous schizo and you need your meds; reality contradicts your insane and contradictory ravings, you deny the whole of reality you are a crazy whackjob and you're ideas are so ridiculous and the whole of society has moved passed them.

You are on the same level as flat earthers and creationists, pure insanity drives your demented thoughts and the whole of reality contradicts every testable claim you make.

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4d9d7d  No.84337

File: 3fc5cd921afdf0c⋯.jpg (416.41 KB, 1024x784, 64:49, Pass_it_along_if_you_are_s….jpg)

Do you know for sure that you are going to Heaven if you were to die today anon?

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84c096  No.84412


Take your meds cross cuck.

Don’t attempt to pervert the rest of us with your Jewish created mental illness and anti white death cult.

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10b8c9  No.84420


>things only jewish shills have ever said

Sup, yid. Kill yourself.

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b38543  No.84468

Way I see it, it seems it's inevitable that everybody will get the coronavirus. Nobody specifies until when we'll be quarantine, the illness is way too easy to contract (actually it seems impossible to avoid it), and we don't have any solid talks on vaccines yet.

So, is it inevitable that everybody gets corona? When will the quarantine stop, as in, what's the benchmark, what are we waiting for?

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4eb786  No.84480


Smart ones will avoid it. Many anons have proper PPE and decon procedures.

A more than a few countries are likely to close borders until this mess is cleaned up.

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b38543  No.84483


But how do you avoid it? It can stay hours in the air alone. An open window would already be a way to catch it. Also, what if you need to go out and buy something? You can't just pretend you can plan for absolutely everything and you have everything you ever need in hand.

And I'm all for closed borders, but what about in-country quarantine? Again, when will this mess be cleaned up, and with what? Are we quarantine until we wait for a vaccine? Are people even building some immunity to the virus? Nothing seems certain on the horizon for me, I can't plan at all.

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c8c420  No.84767

File: e829961afdf3ef2⋯.jpg (77.47 KB, 632x599, 632:599, DEUS_VULT.jpg)

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2f4bbf  No.84870


except those who get it an pass it don't become immune and are able to get it again/are still carriers

vaccine will take years if it's even possible due to the extreme mutation rate. hell making a vaccine for the flu is hard enough, they literally have to guess

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ffb061  No.84973


Whatever happened to the whole Boer thing?

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48e955  No.85233

File: 9f0b4f4990d4771⋯.jpg (46 KB, 900x597, 300:199, human_barbie_with_doll.jpg)

File: 8d474253b5f6e28⋯.jpg (18.72 KB, 480x360, 4:3, tumblr_n3qkpmlDha1qczbido1….jpg)

File: 56cd15b1943bedb⋯.mp4 (518.25 KB, 540x360, 3:2, videoplayback.mp4)


>She may be a living doll, but she doesn’t have a pretty mouth.

>Valeria Lukyanova, the Ukranian woman dubbed “Human Barbie” because of her multiple plastic surgeries, shared her thoughts on race and beauty in a new interview with GQ Magazine — implying that the push for plastic surgery procedures in the Western world is “because of the race-mixing.”

>“Ethnicities are mixing now, so there’s degeneration, and it didn’t used to be like that,” said Lukyanova, according to GQ.

>“Remember how many beautiful women there were in the 1950s and 1960s, without any surgery? And now, thanks to degeneration, we have this.”

>“I love the Nordic image myself,” continued Lukyanova, whose age has been reported as 38. “I have white skin; I am a Nordic type - perhaps a little Eastern Baltic, but closer to Nordic.”

>The conversation shocked her interviewer, GQ Russia editor Michael Idov, who dubbed his subject “a racist space alien.”

>The doll lookalike has claimed in past interviews that she is becoming a “breatharian,” subsisting on light and air instead of solid food.

>Lukyanova - who rose to notoriety after posting videos of herself on YouTube - also said in the GQ interview that she is “against feminism,” and that she finds the prospect of marriage and children “unacceptable.”

>“The very idea of having children brings out this deep revulsion in me,” she said. “Most people have children to fulfill their own ambitions, not to give anything.”

>“I’d rather die from torture,” she also said, “because the worst thing in the world is to have a family lifestyle.”

>That news shouldn’t disappoint “Human Ken” Justin Jedlica, a 33-year-old American man with a similar plastic surgery obsession.

>“We met at a photo shoot. She’s a cute girl,” Jedlica told GQ.

>But, he added, “I don’t really get her.”

>“I don’t get why people think she’s so interesting,” Jedlica said. “She has extensions. She wears stage makeup. She’s an illusionist.”


She's anti-feminist but also anti-family and race-mixing and thinks she's a pleiadian? Why are all racist chicks crazy like this? And btw, no, I'm not talking about those women who are racist only because their boyfriends are.

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27e541  No.85255


What makes someone be anti-family? Seems kinda autistic.

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d01206  No.85302

Straight up deleting threads about National Socialist economics. Must be scared.

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110fed  No.85303

File: b2e4aa15cdce70a⋯.jpg (37.43 KB, 600x293, 600:293, coffee.jpg)

Would you put this in your coffee?

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95428d  No.85748



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aa1a64  No.85820

File: d5a98dd204be950⋯.jpg (153.08 KB, 1537x1001, 1537:1001, Nathan_Rothschild_Money_co….jpg)

File: 3ee6b106f2794a3⋯.jpg (568.07 KB, 1089x4677, 363:1559, Rothschild_wealth.jpg)

Anyone have experience and tips with creating a blog and maintaining it for months/years down the line? Any would be appreciated.



There is plenty of even mainstream info about how Rothschilds acquired power. Key points in history are the dispersal of Mayer Amschel Rothschild's (the patriarch essentially) 5 sons in different European capitals, their involvement during the Napoleonic wars and especially Great Britain and the establishment of the FED. Some documentaries that can shed more light on the topic are The American Dream, Der Ewige Jude and TGSNT. Also take a look at pics related. Wish there was more info but that's all I got, not having researched enough into it.

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e68cfb  No.85873

File: 303519aedc346b5⋯.jpg (52.98 KB, 499x670, 499:670, 303519aedc346b53e1a35951fd….jpg)


>Rothchild place of origin


>Juden gasse

Gas the juden!

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95428d  No.85902


thanks, I'll look up those documentaries

I had no problem finding info on them acquiring their wealth but didn't find anything proving they still hold any power not only in us or uk but in all of the central banks around the world, that's a pretty bold statement

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bb0992  No.86076




TGSNT is there ^

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bb0992  No.86078


Its not a "bold" statement, you're just unaware.

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4e9d5d  No.87248

File: 46cdcacce9b977e⋯.png (242.7 KB, 989x699, 989:699, Egypt.png)

Why did brain4breakfast choose to represent Egypt with the 8ball? What could've he meant by this?

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83e14d  No.87539

Why did Nazi Germany attack Poland?

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83e14d  No.87555


>„Nazi“ Using for Nationalsozialist

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5d85d1  No.87604

File: 7d34427d07db76f⋯.png (38.51 KB, 256x241, 256:241, Oh_no_.png)

I've been burping a lot lately. It usually starts a couple hours after dinner, though sometimes it happens for shorter intervals during the day. Right now I've been burping for 5 fucking hours, occasionally farting. What the fuck is happening? Trying to look this shit up is bogged now by results for people who are burping "excessively" as in "slightly more than usual".

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5d85d1  No.87607


>bogged now

Bogged down*

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db7b9f  No.87731


Need more redpills like this. Got any hydrus servers?

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9dbd37  No.87889

File: 85493429e0872ec⋯.jpg (98.55 KB, 720x714, 120:119, 20200331_135725.jpg)

Jesus Christ, one of these damn things costs $5. I could've bought a whole 12-pack of soda for that much. Who the fuck drinks these?

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7db97e  No.87916


they're only $5 if you're fucking retarded

they're like $5 for a pack of 4. Sure that's more expensive than soder but soda is dumb

carbonation is gay and you know it

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1d236a  No.87946

File: 2a53a8e2aaadd2c⋯.jpg (329.8 KB, 1078x1135, 1078:1135, Screenshot_20200331_140558….jpg)

Did anyone decipher Deborah birx blinking in morse code behind POTUS during his speech when he mentions hidden scourge?

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e4ee43  No.87977


Get back to your containment board, you useless fucking race traitor. Your hoax doesn’t belong here.

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5963de  No.87986


lol . also, .,samefag:


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4e9d5d  No.88076

File: 489db31b13db3d9⋯.jpg (82.41 KB, 800x738, 400:369, asperger.jpg)

Should we rename Autism(ie the disease you all have) to honour the deutsche Kinderarzt und Heilpädagoge Hans Asperger; and also sterilize/euthanize every last one of you?

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e4ee43  No.88098


Learn how the site works or fuck off.

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47a363  No.88567


How do you plan for retirement without using a 401k? That is all my boomer parents preached to me about in my younger days. With Corona destroying markets even worse than 1920s depression, I'm just not sure what to do with my money.

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2cb4f9  No.89010




Plan for this (it's too late since you haven't) or you'll starve.

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68aa35  No.89207


Invest in bullets and guns

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104073  No.89373


Like the other anon let you know: you won't retire, idiot.

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6462e2  No.89491


Pull it if you still can, you'll take a fine or loss for doing so, maybe they'll make you quite your job too. If you have a lot of money in the 401K, well worth doing so before you lose it all. I myself retired early and pulled mine a decade ago and took a 15% cut.

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85fe75  No.89653

File: b5acd4ccd396179⋯.jpg (66.17 KB, 1190x560, 17:8, German_nazis.jpg)

Do European migrant studies skew the statistics by considering someone from the Netherlands in Germany to be "migrant" while a Turkish person born and raised in Germany isn't considered a migrant?

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65179b  No.89729

File: f66fef596601ece⋯.png (102.25 KB, 1606x222, 803:111, jews_again.png)

There's a HUGE conspiracy led by Jaime Rogozinski, notorious Jew. He is trying to scam a ton of people out of money by running a competition to launder money, and get people to sign up for his $4000 yearly "True Trading Group" scam.

Jaime is MANIPULATING people into buying stocks HE OWNS. THIS IS HUGE.


VIDEO RELATED: https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=caoF3jH7yG4


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50d1d7  No.89907

Why are the 4chan mods so fucking erratic with their bans? I just banned for saying Israel shouldn't exist but every post before mine are still up and they are all as racist as what I said. I don't undertand 4chan anymore. I've been banned for saying nigger and shit like that but similar posts stay up all the time and no one bans them. I'm confused honestly.

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86fc84  No.90008


Didn't they just get some new mods over there? I've seen it happen many times: the new mods get in with bright eyes and the hope of the youth, they're gonna clean it all up, and they'll do it for free. Then they get submerged and drown in the ocean of piss. Sooner or later they realize that not matter how much they ban and delete, it changes nothing. Their bans circumvented, their spirits broken. Eventually, they just go do something that actually matters with their life.

Also, 4chan is just various international governmental agencies and private gayops companies shilling to each other.

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fe2910  No.90332

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c678df  No.90748


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5d85d1  No.90967



Seems a little harsh. Is he a known faggot around here or something?


I've been belching for over 10 hours now with no sign of stopping.

Send help.

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6b0ae1  No.91523

What percentage of /pnd/ posters do you think have mental health problems?

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02c979  No.91561


Having some 'mental health problems' is not a bad thing, the govt kikes just want you to be obedient and for you to be concerned what everyone else thinks about you, so you are kept in line. As a matter of fact those that are truly free and unchained from fiscal/societal bondage are always those who have potential to go 'psycho' on your ass and shoot or stab you for getting too close or for barking orders at them. The (((establishment))) don't want us to be "unstable" because that means we really do have the fucking nerve and are disgruntled enough to put up a fight, a brutal one with no mercy involved. And that is why they are so scared of the percentage of us who have said 'mental disorders'.

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1adb9b  No.92074

YouTube embed. Click thumbnail to play.

Opinions on wignats?

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65179b  No.92208

File: 0139eeea96d84d0⋯.jpg (66.12 KB, 990x540, 11:6, nice_shoes.jpg)


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d57036  No.92243


>mental health problems

According to whose standards?

>The Marketing of Madness: Are We All Insane?


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27c075  No.92349

File: f76e083c36f91ca⋯.jpg (154.33 KB, 572x800, 143:200, SPD.jpg)

Would Capitalists and Leftists(fake leftists as Nationalsozialisten are the real leftists) happily work together to defeat fascism?

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36c879  No.92443

Ex 8pol fag here. Admittedly in UTTER hibernation for almost a year, I have no fucking idea what is going on, what is this kun website and this pnd no fuckin clue. Do I stay, go? Is this the good old place? Everyone stayed? Do we go elsewhere? The fuck is going on.

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9c64d0  No.92464


When in doubt, kill yourself.

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36c879  No.92467


any actual advice would be much appreciated you mongolic dipshit

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60f891  No.92475


The site was down since the last shooting. For months. Than came back up as "8kun".

That completely eradicated most communities that didn't have a bunker.

/tech/ and /pol/ for example. v went to vchan owned by the cake kike Mark, a went to smuglo.li and druid/pol/ went to 16chan.

All the faggots that didn't have bunkers completely vanished. They never returned.


Are National Socialists fascist or do they just claim them to be to avoid saying socialists and evil in the same sentence?

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60f891  No.92476


We also lost cloudflare and so on. Now the site is barely usable.

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36c879  No.92487


cheers mate

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c1ed27  No.92559



the only place to find the url is wikipedia

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76f060  No.92731

File: 3704524e77f2e93⋯.jpg (13.39 KB, 263x263, 1:1, smXiOX9dF9QnByBy5ygg76qg_s….jpg)

Coronavirus agenda

A new video by HistoryReviewed.com


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607438  No.92750

why does 8kun load so slow? any thread like this takes at least a minute and my question on another board was deleted because fednigger mods got mad

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e4ee43  No.93093


Because this leprous shell of a honeypot exists solely to grift ad revenue from Q-LARPers. There is absolutely no other reason whatsoever that this website is still being hosted. How is that confusing? The website owner actively hates us and wants us all to die.

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e4ee43  No.93095


Because this leprous shell of a honeypot exists solely to grift ad revenue from Q-LARPers. There is absolutely no other reason whatsoever that this website is still being hosted. How is that confusing? The website owner actively hates us and wants us all to die.


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e4ee43  No.93098

Ah, never mind. It just takes EIGHT MINUTES for the post to show up. Ignore the duplicate.

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6a39c8  No.93140

YouTube embed. Click thumbnail to play.

What are your thoughts on Crash Course?

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cd3ff8  No.94261


This site also exists to butthurt you profusely which amuses me greatly.

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7c9642  No.94450


>history eceleb

They are easily offended if you attempt to talk criticisms against anything involving Islam/Middle East in general. I forgot what video had to be redone due to "flame wars."

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03413b  No.94554

Has anyone encountered this site before? It seems like the most autistic chan-tier mash-up of random information, but Something kept me reading, and now I'm starting to comprehend the concept of Zen, the Flow State


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03413b  No.94557


I remember it. It ended with something like

>the world ends, not with a bang, but with a whimper

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468625  No.94749

I don't think this question really deserve it's own thread so obviously I'd ask it here.

I was recently watching a few videos by Asha Logos on the true history of the world, how the ancient Egyptians had red hair and fair skin, and contained traces of cannabis and tobacco - products of the new world, as well as aryan-esque I'm presuming Nephalim giants throughout the Americas. Basically how the world's cultures weren't in some bubble but in fact very connected and how the Jewish NWO is has nearly succeeded in pulling the wool over the majority's eyes to push their globalist agenda.

What I would love some help with is this: Where can I find the sources to the "true" history of the world? I have trouble with these things on my own and would greatly appreciate an anon's assistance in guiding me to the truth and light.

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0f9eed  No.94834

Is there any 8chan archive on the internet? Something like 4plebs? I don't like the layout of archive.is

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c92d18  No.95411

Is Gex okay?


A massive archive of good and interesting 8ch threads from 2015-2016 exists out there. Don't ask how I know or how to obtain it.

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c5d548  No.95442


Gex took the bluepill ages ago when he tried to whiteknight a camwhore who turned out to be a Stalin-worshipping marxist.

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3029aa  No.95450


Read the Emerald Tablets of Thoth and see



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ab1fc0  No.95543


This is a very generalizing take, you need to look at individual studies to see how they treat their data. Practically every study has a methodology section or something similar that explains that. That's not the end-all however because they use tricky language sometimes that makes you feel like it says one thing but means something else.


/pol/ has been dealing with those types for years, the fact of the matter is they're wignats too but not half as retarded as TRS tards and Spencer fags. Not that this is an improvement BTW.

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518681  No.95603



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85d903  No.95606


Did he? Wow

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1b9b47  No.95833

YouTube embed. Click thumbnail to play.







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ed5e8a  No.95929


> Why I believe that Ancient Greek beliefs, Ancient Roman beliefs, Ancient Nordic beliefs and Hinduism are all the same - just reworded a bit for each region.

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529b50  No.96068

Does anyone have the star trek clip where talk about two different fictional races on a planet where one has a much much higher prison population which really paralleled the whole 10% of the population does 50% of the violent crime. I'm pretty sure it was actual footage from the show, but, couldn't find it. I believe it was a conversation between Kirk and Spock.

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00433f  No.96264

File: 76877a92bbfae35⋯.webm (4.59 MB, 854x480, 427:240, What_did_he_mean_by_this.webm)

What exactly did he mean by this?

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5c32b3  No.96288

File: 82fb7823b345d41⋯.jpg (380.74 KB, 1200x2933, 1200:2933, No_knock_murdered_in_sleep….jpg)

File: 81325b9b928e376⋯.jpg (399.57 KB, 1200x2876, 300:719, No_knock_murdered_in_sleep….jpg)

File: d156f143180c4fc⋯.jpg (344.11 KB, 1200x2405, 240:481, No_knock_murdered_in_sleep….jpg)

File: 5f7ddcc78d82a33⋯.jpg (311.94 KB, 1200x2117, 1200:2117, No_knock_murdered_in_sleep….jpg)

File: 1fb68bb671ad921⋯.jpg (424.65 KB, 1200x3062, 600:1531, No_knock_murdered_in_sleep….jpg)

dream market is poof where does one get lysergic?

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000000  No.96462

What is wrong with TRS/TDS and that bunch? Ive watched some of their podcasts and they actually seem pretty entertaining, but, this board seems to quite dislike them. Can I get the background on that?

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b9b14d  No.96693


Nothing. A bunch of purity-spiraling 1488ers want you to think it's bad that Mike is jewish, and that there's something wrong with his wife (who appeared on TDS) being a faghag jewess who was president of her B'nai B'rith Youth Organization chapter. There's literally nothing wrong with jews, B'nai B'rith, sodomy, or libertarianism.

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0f9eed  No.96839

I was lisitneing to an audio of Message to Right Wing Youth by Evola. In it, he criticizes Darwinism? Can any Evolafags explain what his problem was with it?

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afd64c  No.96895

File: 0429bcdc032a4d4⋯.jpg (2.8 MB, 2500x1700, 25:17, 1403858302606.jpg)

Who is your favorite 2hu and why do you hate the kikes?

My favorite 2hu is Utsuho Reiuji and I hate the kikes because they seek to destroy my race through degeneracy and miscegenation.

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441b05  No.97716

File: e4fbfdb6b2c35c8⋯.webm (1.71 MB, 576x360, 8:5, antifa_knocked_the_fuck_o….webm)


Cute pic, here's what reality looks like.

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441b05  No.97722

File: 4506f1077b8251f⋯.webm (2.81 MB, 1280x720, 16:9, nigger_beatdown.webm)


My vid

>faggot antifa tries to fight--using a weapon no less--and gets beaten down severely

Your vid

>nigger gets in a lucky sucker punch like the punk nigger he is

Here's another bitch. I can do this all night.

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441b05  No.97728

File: 423d79fa96f0d35⋯.webm (1.99 MB, 288x640, 9:20, nigger_stomped_out.webm)


Wrong pic or something dipshit? Like I give a fuck about corona virus deaths.

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5963de  No.98481


that is a crackhead getting k'o'ed by a jew

such great material anon

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d98bf1  No.98494

How is 8kun? Seems comfy. I haven’t really been back since 8ch went down and 4chan is still unusable.

I remember the nonstop bot spam on here after Tarrant but I’m not seeing it quite as bad. Did they implement heavier sunshine like spying here? Is there a guide to disable it with umatrix?

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d98bf1  No.98495


He’s referring to cheese toothed Evalion if you remember her being spammed. Yeah gex basically threw all his clout behind her and people mocked him for it so he left.

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4e9d5d  No.98686

Should we take an Anita Sarkeesian esque approach to media that we enjoy but find problematic anti-white, anti-German etc. themes in?

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55b82c  No.99158

Years ago there was either a webm or youtube video or something about the use of pornography as a weapon and the video opens with a monologue of someone explaining the use of pornography by the israeli military during the arab-israeli war to demoralize the Palestinian civilian population who were unable to leave their homes during the hostilities - that audio was overlayed a video of girls twerking while also explaining how pornography and sexual imagery could be used to brainwash and train peoples minds by way of a pavlovian imprinting (which was super neat-o since it's like the person who put that video together was trying to use sexual imagery to imprint redpilled truths on a persons mind by associating it with the sexual imagery in the video).

I can't find it for the life of me and I no long posess the harddrive that had all my old webm's.

If anyone has a link or copy to that video please let me know.

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cb8615  No.99248

Can I post my beautiful insights on this board?

Fine and thank u.

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cb8615  No.99263


nvm i wont.

maybe someday lole.

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83e14d  No.99678

File: 2a3837bb3778bc0⋯.jpg (185.2 KB, 800x602, 400:301, NicholasAllenSolargraph.JPG)

File: a4003df28f0d7aa⋯.jpg (126.3 KB, 744x868, 6:7, Mechanical_engineering_gla….jpg)

If the European race never wasted their ingenuity on religion would have there never been a "dark ages"?

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395cc6  No.99687

File: 0f43b4ec092caff⋯.png (124.1 KB, 430x290, 43:29, literal_krisjanity.png)


>If the white race never wasted their ingenuity on religion would have there never been a "dark ages"?

No, but there's no indication there was a choice. It wasn't like the 1960s with free love and hippies. It was a forced state religion at first. Then a few generations passes and people forget the "forced" part, and social power takes over. Just like wars now. We say "fuck your wars for oil/Israel", but once the fucking bell curve starts moving, they start to dictate things. You don't want to be an "Iran lover" or whatever shit phrases they come up with, and the TV blares out their lies about what the "evil iranian mullah" did, and so even most of the fags on here get on board. It's a /process/. There's evidence these rulers really know what they're doing. Like they knew about Jungian psychology before Jung did. Like we've done all this many times before or something.

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bcbc55  No.99690

Trump Suggests Injecting Disinfectant, Shining UV Light Inside Patients to Kill Coronavirus in Bizarre, Rambling Tangent

Is Trump Sane? Who Is Feeding Him This Disinfo?

MY COMMENT: Either Trump has no idea what he is talking about or is being fed deliberate disinfo from his staff. Maybe both? He needs to learn to shut his mouth on stuff he knows nothing about.



Grocers Hunt Meat as Coronavirus Hobbles Beef and Pork Plants



^ Eight Meatpacking Plants Close In Weeks Across America Stoking Food Shortage Fears



CNN Commie Lunatics Suggest Closing Grocery Stores

MY COMMENT: For some strange reason, despots often like to starve populations into submission!



Americans Are Paying a Tragic Price for Allowing Five Banks to Control the US Economy



UN Calls For Trillion Dollar Debt Jubilee For Poorest Countries

MY COMMENT: What about first world nations that plunder into the third world?



Greatest Depression: Another 4.4 Million Americans Have Lost Jobs Last Week Alone!



Credit Card Companies Are Cutting Limits For Riskier Customers As Millions Of Jobs Evaporate



Houses Passes New $484 Billion Coronavirus Bailout Bill



Wuhan Laboratory Scientists 'Did Absolutely Crazy Things' To Alter The Coronavirus





Over 800 Crew Infected On USS Teddy Roosevelt



Veterans Groups Demand 'Not A Dime More' For Pentagon's "Wasteful War Machine" Amid CV Pandemic



Amazon Confirms Largest Outbreak Of CV At Warehouse Outside NYC



Gov. Jim Justice: Coronavirus May Drive Urban Exodus, Return to Rural Life



Expert Warns US On Brink Of Mass Civil Unrest



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2f1f5d  No.99704


Sorry about this. I posted this in the wrong thread. Mods can/should delete it now.

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c9e766  No.100965

File: b502f4fc69f3ecd⋯.png (208.23 KB, 250x352, 125:176, vp.PNG)

anyone know who this girl is?

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4e9d5d  No.101107

File: a0a6fdeaf5250df⋯.jpeg (53.81 KB, 400x400, 1:1, ainu.jpeg)

File: 32d8f7ae26d2394⋯.jpg (2.89 MB, 2773x1728, 2773:1728, Samurai_and_Ainu_Fuzoku_Em….jpg)

Are the Ainu of European descent or are they just melanin-deficient petrol sniffers?

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928870  No.101138

Invidious embed. Click thumbnail to play.
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ae8f85  No.101160


They are the missing link between mongoloids and caucasoids. They are phylogenetically closer to East Asians but that's from before they mutated into crooked teethed slants.

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068100  No.101181

Hi BO and mods, if you see me bumping bait, shill, slide threads please let me do my thang. I want to try some antishill stuff. Thanks.

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6a47bf  No.101221

So I guess 8kun is a fraud after all


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6f88fb  No.101260


Doesnt that cripple have a bone disease to be dying from? And he's spending every waking minute seething in his high chair instead of having a life or some shit?

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e5afa8  No.101448


Can I have stuff proving the Qlarp is fake? My mom unfortunately buys into that crap and it’s gotten too the point where I want to bang my head against the wall

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bc6ae1  No.101479


She’s just shit testing. A real man teaches his woman to want babies.

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a44340  No.101729

File: 6f04c91fbc6851d⋯.png (89.83 KB, 1920x1080, 16:9, How_To_Format_Text.png)

How to format text posts. dump of this I saw in the folders

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af2749  No.101759

File: 360542148fb2269⋯.jpg (72.81 KB, 650x614, 325:307, Small_rootless.jpg)

If the Weimarer Republik was controlled be Jews how was Hitler able to rise to power?

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dd7284  No.101786

File: 74d7eb02da0ca22⋯.jpg (56 KB, 659x662, 659:662, DNm1XAFVQAAmn18.jpg)


Probably because they weren't in control of the German government at the time but rather simply too far enmeshed in Germany's "entertainment sector" for lack of a better term ie Jews were the pimps and hustlers and promoters that promoted the degenerate culture that can be seen in the movie "Cabaret" about that time period in Germany that we are seeing an even worse version of today for ourselves in Clown World USA/Britain.

Basically Jews controlled all the centers of vice and corruption.

The shabbos goyim government of gentiles at the time likely didn't interfere because they didn't see Jews as a threat to their control but Hitler and the National Socialists realized the spiritual and moral degeneration of the world the Jews were building as well the increasing and encroaching communist movement (created by Jews) that was growing and that could eventually sweep over the entire European continent if not confronted and stopped and so for that reason as well the Jews betraying Germany ie the "November Criminals" thing Hitler/NS were able to get into power by popular vote/demand.

Also many Germans were starving and broke after WWI and Hitler/NS basically restored the economy and got them back to work putting food in their bellies so how could they not love and support the guy?

If Jew traitors brought the ruination of your nation and near (or actual starvation) of your own family wouldn't you praise the guy/guys that brought you and your family and nation out of that mess???

Of course you would.

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09a128  No.101787


Paper ballots.

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09a128  No.101791


How about the first post it ever made, where it claimed Hillary would be arrested in 3 days and then nothing happened?

How about the 15th post it ever made, where it claimed Podesta and Huma would be arrested in a week and then nothing happened?

How about where it now claims that anyone who posts a date for something to happen is a disinformation agent?

How about where nothing it has EVER said has come true, no matter how much time has passed?

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1e8fe5  No.101792


[tex]never tried this format before (latex) [/tex]

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1e8fe5  No.101794



because it doesn't work

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1e8fe5  No.101796

File: 3fc00bf64a8a491⋯.png (318.37 KB, 1920x1080, 16:9, no_ads.png)


Just cut off her internet.

I started using a PiHole and blocked *facebook.com links completely.

The only way for me to look at something on facebook now is to get the link and then paste it into archive.is, and then look at it.

You can block certain websites without the ip address, to include ad sites like vanwatech

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25c641  No.101857

File: 8aa0354557deec3⋯.png (1.01 MB, 830x608, 415:304, prison.png)

What are your thoughts on National Socialist prison gangs? Are they just larpy faggots or do they sincerely believe in National Socialism; what should I know just in case as I'm not planning on going to prison because the one major crime I'm planning on committing is participation in the Putsch and if it fails I will probably be dead and if not I will most likely be spending the rest of my life in maximum security federal prison with no room for gang activity.

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01527d  No.101939

Hello? Is this Slim Jim's pig farm? I'd like to order and Alphabet soup and a Jew pizza - no Anchovis, but double the jew.

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021c7d  No.102087

Anyone know any uk working kickass or pirate bay sites?

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6f88fb  No.102138


Just get a vpn. Theyre cheaper than paying for your shit and you need one to safely torrent anyways

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79fcac  No.102681


Why is it standard to number apartments counter-clockwise? Is there some cryptic planning reason, or are city architects/planners just pretentious dipshits?

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85b87b  No.102692

File: e9dd81225ec8284⋯.jpg (37.19 KB, 450x200, 9:4, lol_nigger.jpg)


Because Jews. Everything you don't understand is Jews. Everything that makes you furrow your brow and scratch your head is because Jews. This is because you are a nigger. When niggers don't understand something, they assign nefarious conspiracies to it. You have seen something unusual and you have assigned something nefarious to it because you can't wrap your smooth brain around it.

You are a nigger.

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0f45eb  No.102699


Since your so big brained tell me the reason, double nigger.

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829562  No.102701

>>102699 (Check'd)


Seriously though, I've noticed this too. Not just apartments but house numbers also. Does it have something to do with mail delivery probability or something?

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c33b4c  No.103470

there was a youtube video about the jews where the dude was ironically pointing out how they're a great people, about 20 mins in length, listing their accomplishments throughout history and expulsions. i'm sure some of you fags know about it, i have no idea what it's called and i cant find it.

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8c23e2  No.103505


Right-hand rule. If you make your right hand into a fist and point your thumb straight up, your fingers curl around counter-clockwise. The right-hand rule (right -> counter-clockwise, left -> clockwise) is easy to remember, and so is used as a basis for conventions in mathematics, engineering, and architecture where chirality is involved. Clocks use left-hand chirality for some reason.

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6b0ae1  No.103678

File: 151fa6416424303⋯.mp4 (6.45 MB, 720x404, 180:101, out.mp4)

Rick and Morty telling people to CONSOOM

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94fe54  No.104061


>edits clip to ensure no semblance of its true sarcasm

Aspie fake news spreader detected.

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c1f206  No.104353

File: 7ecbaf9cdbf5129⋯.jpg (290.72 KB, 1024x768, 4:3, Daily_stormer_1.jpg)

File: fe5f8675f01d798⋯.jpg (96.13 KB, 831x1080, 277:360, Daily_stormer_2.jpg)

File: 60ff5c41f7fcd83⋯.jpg (74.08 KB, 384x512, 3:4, Daily_stormer_3.jpg)

According to Real-Life Villains Wiki A. Wyatt Mann/Nick Bogus seems to have disappeared off the face of the earth and is presumed diseased yet we still have art like this from the Daily Stormer I assume so is A. Wyatt Mann or they have somebody copying/tracing the works of A. Wyatt Mann. Can someone please explain this to me?

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ba5779  No.104358


Just looking at that wiki page, they have a cartoon that isn't even by AWM (the "Japs and Gooks…" one), so I'd hardly consider them an authority. He posts on the Daily Stormer, and at least was on 8chan /pol/. Based on some file names, I think I've seen him post here a few times too.

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e8adbd  No.104365


>somebody copying/tracing the works


It's extremely common practice. Just look at the -chan every time a new disease comes up. Ebola-chan, Corona-chan, etc? Just recolors of Touhou characters. Originality isn't these people's strong suit.

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242fd8  No.104434

I've got a question for oldfags on here: did racism on 4chan always exist or is it only recent phenomena? Because most sources I've tried finding said that the racism on 4chan in 2004 - 8 was 99% ironic and only for the sake of trolling, while the 1% always got marginalized or otherwise ignored. Hence the Hal Turner and Habbo Hotel raids that was done upon the perceived racism on the part of a mod. Is this true? Because even if this were wrong, I'm pretty sure that the 4chan of old wasn't as redpilled as it is now. 4chan from my observations didn't start to lean right until the Stormfront raids of '09 which lead Moot to create /new/ a year later. Although even then they were mostly small in number and didn't start to become the way it is now until maybe 2015 or so. In fact, the first person to really introduce actual racism to imageboards from what I know was Kimmo, and he didn't get along with Moot so well at the time.

>inb4 cuckchan

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5bff58  No.104436


>did racism on 4chan always exist or is it only recent phenomena?

In the beginning it was mostly ironic and only on /b/. Generally just in the form of people shouting "nigger" at each other. Over the years it has Flanderized and permutated every board on every "chan" and, thus, has lost all meaning.

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8f9901  No.104609


There was still always that thread of seriousness to it all though. I was first redpilled on the Holohoax by /b/ in 2008.

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1aa28d  No.104780

What's Q and Trump's stance on RFKjr and vaccines

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973fcf  No.104813


Why would a single person here give a flying fuck about that.

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a9fab4  No.105030

Why is there so much alex jones tier conspiracy shit on here and cuckchan? I just want to live around white people, I don't give a fuck about your enlightened and deep explanations about Bill Gates and vaccines and coronavirus and 5G and all that shit. It feels deliberately confusing and paranoid. Hitler talked about 3 kinds of people in the general population. The most common are the sheep, NPCs, take everything at face value. The second are the people compulsively posting all their enlightened theories about the workings of the inner party, the globalists, the elite, whatever. You don't trust anything and you're unstable. You need to understand that not everything is a lie, not every mass shooting is a conspiracy, and dare I say not everything the MSM says is outright lies. There are lies and twisting of truths but not everything is just some lie that the elite are skillfully using to mind control the sheep. Think critically, like the third group Hitler talked about.

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85b87b  No.105036


>wants to live around white people

>doesn't realize that all Karens are white people

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a9fab4  No.105044


White people are cheering for their own destruction and women are considered intellectually equal to men in all the same ways. I know. When I say I want to live with white people it entails that other whites are on the same page, otherwise how could it be reality in the first place?

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85b87b  No.105047


Ah, so you don't want to live around white people, you want to live around a certain class of white people. You're not interested in the white race, only your classist ideology. Care to move those goalposts some more?

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022efe  No.105049


>Why is there so much alex jones tier conspiracy shit

It's a problem. I'd even throw the whole crying "shill/jidf/ctr/sb/intl/shlomo/glownigger/whatever else in there too.

I think the proliferation of retards may be because anyplace that allows discussion of things outside the overton window is going to have its share of fringe elements (and some influences that'll give those nuts a nudge in the nutty direction.) The only answer is to destroy their arguments any chance you get… over and over and over again before they can spread further. It gets old but this is what happens when we get lazy.

There's also a sort of permanent newfag phenomenon. Most people think the way a board was when they found it to be they way it ought to always be… so, if you found /b/ in 2009, you probably enjoyed efg and fbf and other shit that the myspace crowd enjoyed, but tuesdays were probably too much for you… and if you found a board similar to this one any time after 2012, you will probably always suck.>>105047

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bc275c  No.105055


So much for not pushing establishment narratives…. why would we desire to see the same shit here as Facebook or Youtube anyway? Isn't that why anons flocked to image boards? You know, to get away from the controlled narratives and censorship and all?

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a9fab4  No.105059


Like I only want to live around upper class white people? Or a particular group of whites that fall under a specific socioeconomic status? Not at all. White people of all classes need to understand that if one class suffers, we all suffer. It seems a bit ridiculous to have to list every single possible world view that any given white person may hold every time you want to use the term white people just to not be accused of special pleading.

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a9fab4  No.105063


True, but I would say that even though something or someone getting banned off the mainstream outlets does leave behind a lot of exclamation points, it doesn't mean that anyone that gets banned is automatically the holy grail of secret truths. Fuck a lot of these people like getting banned, they make an identity out of it and brag about it.

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a19fc5  No.105099


Not even Christians know where they will be going after they die, they just believe they do. Most Christians will be going to Hell because they serve the Synagogue of Satan.

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a19fc5  No.105107


probably close to 100%

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a79f30  No.105111

In your opinion which is worse in terms of the quality of posts: 8pol on its worst days or the average day of pnd?

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a19fc5  No.105115


that's just a basic approach, and yes

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6d850b  No.105171

Interest rate futures went negative. Can i get a shill free rundown of wtf negative interest rates mean ? Also how in the hell can the fed keep printing like it printed last months without the dollar being worthless ? (Yes i know they printing out of thin air but even still doesn't that mean hyperinflation if too much money is into circulation ?) Someone explain please.

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7a2f58  No.105273


average day at /pnd/

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7a2f58  No.105274


there is no hell

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3ec76a  No.105516

Dugan Ashley JQ redpill stream (the CarniK Con guy)


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f33eae  No.105696

Is Christianity bad? Can you try to use arguments and not just say "christcuck"

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f33eae  No.105706


I am a newfag and have no idea of what is going on, I was red pilled but now I am confused, can I send you a discord invite so you can explain please

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75ac60  No.105727

I heard that Common Filth came back: https://t.me/whynotallofthatthough/312 links to an mp3 from him,

and the next post in that telegram has

>Much respect for Common Filth. Another thinker like us who recently came back after a year of leaving, after YouTube terminated his channel full of his work, despite the videos being private podcasts. This clip from his latest show speaks to how many of us feel about the state of the internet.

so uh, where is he?

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75ac60  No.105729


ah https://www.bitchute.com/channel/kvLLaHfqAGuW/

has a May 2 post. a bit late but I guess that's it.

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3c2f13  No.105745

File: 145aa248414dbe7⋯.jpg (16.25 KB, 436x259, 436:259, Juden_bitte_duschen_Schwei….jpg)

What is it with Jews and not taking showers?

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75ac60  No.105759


more likely it's a sign in an area intended only for Jewish people, and a little ways down the hall there's a

>To our Goyim Guests

>Please toss your unwanted child into this receptacle and leave.


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387b2a  No.105829

Where the fuck is the book thread????

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e73c0b  No.105887


It died thanks to several bouts of spam and the lack of more than 50 people posting here ever.

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ccd39d  No.105890


I only want to live around middle upper class White people. I don’t see anything wrong with that at all. I have lived around all different races and all different classes and honestly, because I just want to mind my own business, I find the upper middle class to be the most conducive to my own lifestyle and desires. Zero crime, people friendly, everyone likes and owns guns. No trash. No drama. No screaming. No dogs barking. People are polite. No niggers (or other subhuman ‘partners’). NO FAGGOTS (extra bonus since they love niggers). It is nice.

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e076d7  No.105915


This seems fanfic-y, but I think it's actually an error in perception. This line

>I just want to mind my own business,

screams "quiet boy, doesn't talk to his neighbours beyond a polite hello." Nothing wrong with that, I'm pretty asocial myself. But it also means that you don't get to know people well enough to learn about their drama and crime, and the neighbourhood is probably single-family houses spaced largely enough that you wouldn't HEAR the loud drama unless it was one of your three immediate neighbours. High-density housing means you know if anyone in your building has screaming-level drama.

I guarantee you, the upper middle class has crime and drama. And if you actually find an all-white neighbourhood, in some areas that's a red flag on its own - you do NOT want to live in a neighbourhood that actively runs black people out, because that means fashy neighbours. And fashy neighbours means amphetamines.

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09d98d  No.105924

File: 0452027fc2f2de6⋯.jpg (88.26 KB, 720x960, 3:4, _fashy_.jpg)

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947472  No.106008

Is it possible to be a Cuck and a Simp at the same time?

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c0a58d  No.106296

File: 2349a7eea3a6650⋯.jpeg (196.76 KB, 519x580, 519:580, originally_posted_when_he….jpeg)

I need help, anons.

My life is at least half-over and it’s a mess.

In my youth and up until my mid-30s, I was a total degenerate. I got sloppy drunk at least five nights a week, smoked weed every day, routinely had raw sex with women I had just met (even while I had a girlfriend), had the old /b/ apathy and twisted sense of humor about things I should have cared about, and I was a libertarian (which was, in no small part, a rationalization of my self-indulgence.)

I do realize that I caused all of my own problems and I’m not asking for pity; I’m asking for advice from the only people I can halfway trust to understand what I’m talking about.

In my late 30s I tried to go all /sig/ and while I did make some real improvements it wasn’t and still isn’t anything close to a perfect transformation.

But, I do now have a two and a half year old son that I would never have had if not for /pol/… and he’s beautiful… blond, blue-eyed, bigger than average, shows masculine tendencies, and learns things quickly.

His mother, who I have known for 15 years, decided to break our engagement when, in one of many moments of frustration while we were trying to plan a future together, I said I wanted white neighbors.

Even though I couldn’t be in the house with my son, I did everything I could to see him as often as I could. Even took a low-paying crappy job with night hours so I could spend my days with him. I spent every day with him for the first two years of his life. And, as it turns out, I’m a pretty good dad. His first steps led him to my arms. I taught him to recognize letters and the sounds they represent by the time he was 18 months old. I narrated everything that happened in regular non-babytalk English and now he’s at least a year ahead of the average speech milestones. We always worked on motor skills and cause and effect and he seems more coordinated and falls less than the average toddler, I think as a result of that. I held an umbrella over him when we played in the yard because he’s genetically engineered to live in a Northern European forest and we live in a subtropical climate. He took his naps on my chest every day.

I wouldn’t hesitate to sacrifice my own life for his. He loves me and I love him. I’ve been good for him and he’s been good for me.

But, I fucked up again recently and revealed my power level to his mother. She hasn’t let me see him for two months. I’m in the process of jumping through her hoops to get him back, but I will still never have the family I wanted… at least not with her. Which almost brings me to my actual question:

I have managed to attract an ok-looking (not great-looking) 25 year old who is completely into me and seems feminine enough to be a decent wife and let me be a decent husband. She doesn’t care that the job I have now pays crap and that any job I might have in the future won’t pay much more. I think she would love me and be loyal and I know she would have my children because she said so… but she’s not without big flaws.

She’s had more sexual partners than I’d normally accept. She is not racially aware and never will be due to the fact that she has a mongrel nephew that she likes (which would also give any kids I had with her a nigger cousin with probably more to come.) She has almost certainly also fucked niggers. Her intelligence is average at best. And her dad is a short Irish guy with a protruding lower lip (kind of like Webb Hubbel) and I’d feel sorry for any child I had that looked like him.

So finally, the question is:

Considering that I’m only 15 years shy of 60 and also that I now know what I’ve been missing out on by being too self-centered to have kids when I was an appropriate age to do so, do I reject this girl that I’d normally reject and hope to find another woman young enough to have multiple children who can be closer to me in terms of worldview or do I accept that this is what things are now and just go with it and settle down with the less-than-ideal one that’s already into me?

inb4 nice blog, fgt

also… the spacing isn’t because reddit. I am anon and have been for a long time. It’s to break up a wall of text in hopes that someone will actually read it and respond.

And none of this means that I’ve given up on my son. I will continue to be around as much as I am allowed… which will be much more than it is at present but almost certainly not as much as before. The hope is that one day when he’s old enough he’ll realize his castrating, emotion-driven, slave to feminist consensus mother and her love of living in shitholes do nothing but harm him and his chances at a happy life (not that I’d ever be the one to tell him that because that backfires) and decide to spend most or all of his time living with me, his half-siblings, and step-mother (whoever she turns out to be.)

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5d85ed  No.106325

File: b19b89bc72d0e20⋯.png (413.13 KB, 415x478, 415:478, priest.png)

Why is this blonde nordic man dressed as a shitskin orthodox priest?

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dfce80  No.106347


He dresses as a Jew too. I think he is some sort of albino model.

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e076d7  No.106381


>Her intelligence is average at best.

If you're an antifeminist or a NatSoc, that's the best you can realistically hope for. Why would an intelligent woman put up with somone who believes society SHOULD subjugate her or that her social status SHOULD be less than that of the average man?

Now, what you should do is continue your self-improvement. You embraced some fash-adjacent ideology at a time when your life was dominated by an unsatisfying attempt at hedonism - I say 'attempt' because the hedonism obviously wasn't rewarding to you. You improved yourself a bit. But your ideology was a crutch, and even as it drove you to improve yourself on one level it also drove you to alienate others in your life. To the NatSoc leaders, the fact that you are separated from your son and bitter towards your ex is a good thing - it means they can more easily mold you into a weapon to use against their enemies. Bannon's crew wants cannon fodder for the culture war, not family men.

It's time to throw away the crutch and work on growing past the bullshit. Learn to love your race without hating others. Learn to accept that women are roughly equal to men. Learn to deal with life without falling back on programmed memes ("castrating, emotion-driven, slave to feminist consensus"… that's pretty emotion-driven language there.).

Fix yourself, and THEN you can consider your relationship issues with clearer eyes.. Your girlfriend's a pretty kid, but she's not that bright. That's not necessarily a dealbreaker - plenty of genuinely stupid people are nonetheless *good*. You need to decide whether or not to continue this relationship based on whether you two love each other, are good fits, and can make a good future together, not based on whether Andrew Anglin approves of her sister's husband.

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c0a58d  No.106394


>her social status SHOULD be less than that of the average man

Not less, but not identical. You have to frame less/more and success/failure in male terms to even think a woman's traditional role to be less than that of a man.

>Bannon, Anglin

lol no

not even close

>love your race without hating others

I already do that. Hate is a trap. While I do use racial and ethnic epithets (because they're generally better words than whatever the current correct terms are), I don't say anyone is inferior to anyone else, just different. So different that we shouldn't be neighbors… but that doesn't mean I want any group harmed or that I think they aren't perfectly suited to live where and with whom they evolved since we all separated from our most recent common ancestors tens (if not hundreds) of thousands of years ago.

But, the inferiority/superiority dichotomy doesn't come from me. It is implied in the idea that every group must be equal to every other in terms of capacity for performance in any given area. That is what assigns value to different abilities exhibited by different groups; if it didn't imply that one group was inferior in terms of things valued by the adherents of postmodern religion, they wouldn't need to scramble to make claims like hand-eye coordination is a type of intelligence. To say something like that is to subconsciously adhere to the idea that some races are intellectually superior and others physically superior while consciously convincing oneself that the opposite is true.

As for me, all I say is that evolution is real and, in our time apart, races of humans have become too different to live as happily and harmoniously in a heterogeneous society as they would in a homogeneous one… and that is borne out by evidence from Babylon to Brazil.

>women are roughly equal to men

If by equal you mean interchangeable, you're wrong.

If you mean of equal value, you’re wrong again. Men have always been the expendable ones. Women have always been protected. The failure to recognize that stems, again, from defining success in male terms.

>that's pretty emotion-driven language there

How's that? What I said is exactly what she seems to be to me. She was just a typical, largely benign liberal type when I first met her… but then she moved to Brooklyn for a few years and came back spouting all kinds of nonsense that jibes with my assessment.

Do you know her?

>her sister's husband

>implying the nigra was ever seen again after she got pregnant

I appreciate the effort but I don't think you can help me. Thanks though.

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6aa809  No.106601

File: a2c251d6ba54f25⋯.jpg (1.02 MB, 1274x1904, 91:136, Herausragende_Deutsche_nac….jpg)

File: eddf3aeebc88685⋯.jpg (1.01 MB, 1280x1770, 128:177, Herausragende_Deutsche_nac….jpg)

File: 4e567cb753d2b5c⋯.jpg (5.86 MB, 2590x3570, 37:51, Herausragende_Deutsche_nac….jpg)

If a Swede, Dane or Norwegian considered himself to be "Deutsche" and he spoke perfect German and he was a Nationalsozialist would you consider him to be German?

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340b34  No.106765

Hello, red… /pnd/!

I've been reading about the deregulatory measures taken by the Trump-admin, and Im interested in reading more about it. I've read some of the White House Gov. published material. But Im looking for a more thorough analysis how it is implemented. Google shows mostly commie-gobbledygook and kvetching regarding the environmentally releated measures taken.

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743c52  No.106884


Bronze Age Pervert

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e242f2  No.106975



IDK if they sincerely believed in National Socialism they would realize the detrimental effect they have on it's image.

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dfce80  No.106978


You really don't understand National Socialism or real rightwing thinking if you think a woman should be less than that of a average man.

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e4ee43  No.106990


Women aren’t men. Women are less than men. This is literally the most basic biology that anyone can imagine. You’re insane if you state otherwise.

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b691a6  No.106995


Is the door frame worth less than the door?

Get out of here with your jewish Graden of Eden concept of what women are.

In European religions, there were goddesses who were as revered and sometimes even more powerful than gods. The idea of the woman as temptress and fool comes from jews. If you actually advocate the subjugation of your sisters, then you are not helping to do anything but spread judaism.

Which is not to say that women should go to work, or war, hold public office, sit on a jury, or even vote, but they should be afforded a great deal of respect and all the protection we can muster when operating in their natural roles.

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a8e87f  No.106996


>Boats are made for water, cars are made for roads. This is the most basic mechanical function. You are literally insane if you think cars are better than boats.

A perfect woman is better than a mediocre man. A woman functioning in her proper function is equal to the man she serves, if that man is better than other men the woman is better than other mediocre men.

I don't understand how some people on /pol/ think that because a woman cannot be equal to the greatest of men she is worth less than average men. I think this is because of the "everybody is a leader" you are fed in school. Follow the best, the best will always be a man that doesn't mean a woman is worst. You have no concept of dualism. Woman got medals for their service of getting children in Nazi Germany.

So according to your logic. A woman who fully dedicates herself to a great husband, gets children, focuses every fiber of her being into raising moral, well educated children with the help of her husband is less than someone like Greg Lansky who makes blacked porn?

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e4ee43  No.107001


>is the door frame

The door frame is not a door and can never be. It cannot do what doors do. That you don’t comprehend what we’re discussing is extremely unsettling, since you claim to be a national socialist. No one is questioning the complimentary nature of men and women. MEN. AREN’T. WOMEN. By BIOLOGICAL DEFINITION, they are less than men, in that they are not as fast, not as strong, not as intelligent, etc. I want you to claim, right now, that women and men are equal in neurological maturity. If you can’t do that, there’s absolutely no discussion here whatsoever and you shouldn’t have bothered replying. And you know it.

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74218b  No.107003


>assuming men are the default humans

>assuming because complementary things are different that one is better or more necessary than the other

yep. it's a jew

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e4ee43  No.107007


>strawman because he can’t refute what was said

>refuses to defend his own position when called out on it

>denies objective biological reality

>calls others jews

There are ~200 posts per day on this entire board and you subhuman pieces of shit are STILL spamming here? Really?

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6369cd  No.107010



Answer me too.

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74218b  No.107011


>everyone i don't like is a shill

You're flat fucking wrong, faggot… about everything. And you've been satisfactorily refuted, you're just to dense to see it.

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e4ee43  No.107021



>still doesn’t do it

You’re all over the place today.

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cd1c83  No.107023


Saying that you assume men to be the default humans is not a strawman. It's accurate since your examples of how women are supposedly less than men only measure men and women in terms of male strengths.

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e4ee43  No.107142


>strawman again

>still doesn’t fucking do it

You’re not even white, much less natsoc.

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3c3efd  No.107201


It may not be a strawman, but it's wrong. Humans are all female in the womb until a hormone kicks in to make us male. Female is the default. Sorry, kid.

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bb8d36  No.107220

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1e8311  No.107233


>rawposting on this honeypot

you're not even anon

you're nothing but a mgtow

get married, incel


reading comprehension level 0

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ff440a  No.107268

Does anyone remember the jewtube channel where an audio clip (usually someone fairly notable, at least in certain circles) would present a 5-10 minute argument while the video always only showed a hand drawing cartoonish illustrations that were related to the speech?

I'm looking specifically for one in which a woman (can't remember who) laid out her case for repealing the 19th Amendment to the US Constitution (women's voting rights.)

The only part of her argument I really remember was that "women will never have to pay the blood price of their decisions"… meaning women wouldn't ever be made to suffer the consequences of voting for bad policies by being drafted into any wars caused by things they supported politically.

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1fad2e  No.107311

File: bdb49e370722618⋯.webm (12 MB, 960x540, 16:9, The_Lion.webm)

song name?

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84b497  No.107313

how do I search images? I found an image in a document that I'm sure I saw on one of these threads!

how will I know if someone answers my question?

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dad7d0  No.107315


>how do I search images?

you open threads and look or you describe the pic and maybe someone will help.

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0ba564  No.107408

RFRP (Request for red pills)

I have a friend who is on the edge of becoming enlightened, but my cache of red pills is a bit too extreme for him at this moment.

Does anyone have red pills regarding white genocide/miscegenation that do not explicitly name the jew?

All of mine emphasize jewish influence, and I doubt he would take that well yet

Also, I remember reading somewhere that during the centuries leading to Roman collapse, researchers found increasingly high numbers of names with Syrian and foreign origin on the tombstones, etc. I can't remember where I read this, and jewgling doesn't find anything. Does anyone have the source for this?

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923038  No.107422

File: c2345c785759654⋯.png (542.42 KB, 1056x680, 132:85, 68758ce5ed9761c4b0b681c4f3….png)

Anyone have the J.DAR pic that shows 0% jewish for Dune? Didn't have it saved on my computer before 8ch was taken down. Trading this rare American Psycho j.dar

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ec13d5  No.107509

>third position EU bookshop

>be European (Slovenia)

>looking to buy Julius Evola - Revolt Against the Modern World

>don't want to buy from amazon or barnes&noble etc

>don't want to buy from USA because shipping + border customs fees

any ideas?

additional + hardmode:

>also looking for French dissident sites to buy originals of Alain de Benoist and Guillaume Faye.

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936c9f  No.107657


Can't you just download it from somewhere?

Print it yourself if you must have a physical copy?

Why would you want to buy it?

It's not like you're supporting him by buying the book.

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4b4867  No.107692

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0c7748  No.107709



I've already printed and boud a copy of Siege and "America's Decline" by Revilo P. Oliver

I have a few other ones printed out but I haven't bound them yet. I have "White Power" by GLR ready to be bound.

I'm doing them in soft cover though

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0c7748  No.107711

File: 326850fe20132bf⋯.png (615.49 KB, 1690x720, 169:72, morerepeal23.png)

File: 640ec529a13cdf0⋯.png (88.36 KB, 816x1056, 17:22, Repeal_The_19th.png)

File: b5b3fbcd57a5463⋯.png (128.21 KB, 816x1056, 17:22, Repeal_The_19th_2.png)

File: 0ba33a914111196⋯.png (208.49 KB, 816x1056, 17:22, Repeal_The_19th_3.png)

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c82cb0  No.107731


>"women will never have to pay the blood price of their decisions"

As of 2016, that's no longer true.

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a64e0a  No.107742

File: 4e3e1175a3d8b25⋯.png (48.28 KB, 800x522, 400:261, Reichsadler_Hoheitszeichen….png)

File: 5215533ad77c846⋯.png (588.5 KB, 799x471, 799:471, raptor1.png)

File: 1a0ce7513f9dc64⋯.png (1.13 MB, 960x674, 480:337, raptor2.png)

File: 4871e56e8d91a78⋯.png (748.5 KB, 960x640, 3:2, raptor3.png)

Are vultures just Jew-eagles?

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e50831  No.107744


Try to draft them.

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c82cb0  No.107760


The US doesn't have a draft.

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597528  No.107769


It does it just hasn't been used since the 70's; despite the lack of a draft in the United States we still manage to have the largest, most bloated military in the world comprised mostly of mercenary poor fags who would probably all nope the fuck out of there if the United States actually declares war against a country which they haven't done since World War 2.

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36f92a  No.107837

File: 1e5dc791700fe4f⋯.png (718.32 KB, 789x444, 263:148, temp24.png)

File: 882176b63aa0d49⋯.png (12.23 MB, 3488x2608, 218:163, paris.png)

It is quite a shame that the most iconic piece of architecture in Paris is a radio tower. Why couldn't it have been a building that has stonemasonry that is awe-inspiring?

Is the Eiffel-tower degenerate modern art or is it simply an overrated tower?

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1e37ac  No.107898

File: e7e07751b86f9d4⋯.jpg (105.74 KB, 932x960, 233:240, mexicanmerchant3.jpg)

Does Mexico has a racial soul/spirit?

Why the entire miscegenation and destruction of both native and foreign traditions, there's no clear connection to ANY racial root.

What do you think?

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77b42a  No.107899

File: 67d9e6a0010113f⋯.jpg (430.15 KB, 1419x2000, 1419:2000, Casta_painting_all.jpg)


Almost everybody in Central/South America is a mix of European, Siberian and Negro.

As evidence by this chart a mutt can be bleached and become "pure"/introduce oil into the blood of a Spanish woman so whatever they are mostly is their racial/cultural identity.

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77b42a  No.107917

File: dfb2900a3b378a3⋯.jpg (41.27 KB, 1024x576, 16:9, Trump_US_Israel_Horo_1.jpg)

File: 72c559e731102f5⋯.jpg (389.18 KB, 2500x1667, 2500:1667, trump_nood.jpg)

If Trump right now went on an "antisemetic" rant on Twitter or brought up the Jewish question would he be immediately assassinated or would he be "assassinated" and sent to live with Jeffery Epstein for the rest of his days?

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6a5369  No.107920


Neither. People would just say, "Oh, that crazy old man is at it again." and life would go on. When you have no power, nobody cares about your racist/antisemitic rants. Just look at David Duke. Nobody but Qultists and inbred rednecks listen to Trump or take him seriously.

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5d95cb  No.107941


Oh, it's that crazy old shill is at it again.

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e4ee43  No.107952


Irrelevant. Trump has been owned by jews his entire life. He will never go against them, at any time, for any reason.

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579bf1  No.107994

I'm pretty new here lads but i wanted to know something, do you consider French people to be white ?

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594527  No.108020

File: 7e543b33add6f8b⋯.jpg (48.77 KB, 450x531, 50:59, Hakenkreuz_flag.jpg)

File: 28d28e960038266⋯.jpg (107.96 KB, 600x600, 1:1, nsdap1_1_600x600.JPG)

File: 4f28d580b2d2e4e⋯.jpg (54.49 KB, 820x515, 164:103, swedish_flag.jpg)

Does the Hakenkreuz represent peace?

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b7825d  No.108024

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9d9b04  No.108028


shut up, faggot

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791a30  No.108031


I take this like a yes

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5d7813  No.108034


Caring about voting rights is no different than cheering for nigger ball. The whole system is a sham.

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bc3911  No.108054

File: 6c469ad07b5d419⋯.jpg (69.65 KB, 1280x720, 16:9, self_indulgence_and_apathy.jpg)


>thing sucks

>ignore it

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36f92a  No.108062

File: d209864e6b8696e⋯.jpg (247.45 KB, 1200x1200, 1:1, France.jpg)


No. The French are of African descent.

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cf2288  No.108073

File: f9a2ee95cd87e17⋯.png (215.1 KB, 640x360, 16:9, yuri.png)

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90a955  No.108125

where'd everybody go. this site is dead

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347020  No.108127


Good. The faster things move, the more they become basically /b/.

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f3d473  No.108136

hey can someone post memes related with italy's inability to cremate all the people and comparisons with Nazi Germany, I mean the big brain one

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791a30  No.108156


And the Finnish people are Chinese.

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e2b990  No.108163

File: 91f0d93d46f40fa⋯.jpg (159.04 KB, 768x1024, 3:4, 2.jpg)

File: 5050dbb4c3dcd92⋯.jpg (92.42 KB, 611x527, 611:527, 1.jpg)

File: 3085c110cd2e8cd⋯.png (211.8 KB, 1215x977, 1215:977, 3.png)

File: 0dad3fcc4b6889e⋯.png (252.23 KB, 1193x965, 1193:965, 4.png)

File: 66b1dae81295559⋯.jpg (317.63 KB, 1117x957, 1117:957, 5.jpg)

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d52f94  No.108647

Any other websites other than bestgore where they show gore and staged isis videos made by mossad and CIA?

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411818  No.108665

File: 8e4c22da3aa40b5⋯.png (1.3 MB, 883x588, 883:588, blood_libel.png)

File: afc88cd656cca3a⋯.png (2.33 MB, 1130x754, 565:377, libel_blood.png)

Can any of you show me statistics that show that more children go missing around the time of Passover?

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a561f2  No.108876


Jewish ritual murder is very, very real, but I don't think it's widespread enough for it to cause a significant spike in missing child cases. It's really just one manifestation of the evil, blood thirsty nature of the jew.

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d3ac6b  No.108918


Difficult to do since Passover isn't at the same time/date every year. The Jewish calendar widely diverges from the normal one.

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8a4d22  No.109065

File: 1922f397058c70e⋯.jpg (133.86 KB, 849x427, 849:427, IMG_2755.JPG)





Well, we have websites like this one. Shouldn’t this be a good starting place? Match up the lunar calendar with the dates that these kids went missing (it’s interesting just how MANY kids are ALWAYS missing) and shouldn’t that send us in the right direction?

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6564e7  No.109078

File: 7f4610342ae32f8⋯.png (64.92 KB, 387x332, 387:332, Screen_Shot_2020_05_20_at_….png)

How do people become this brainwashed?

Ah yes, the revolution where Israel throws off the yoke…

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fff13d  No.109086


>800,000 children go missing every year in the US

>that is a legit statistic, seriously legit

How the fuck are there any Americans left?

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0910dc  No.109107


They go missing for an hour.

Helicopter mom calls the cops.

Turns out kid was at friend's house.

Missing child statistic+1.

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3ef5c0  No.109417

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96e118  No.109530

Is anyone else having a prob with mp4 playback here? They arent working For me

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7f4fb4  No.109668


If you're using Chromium you need to download the version with mp4 support (marmaduke?)

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05659f  No.109696


Im using firefox. Even if i turn off all the ad tracker/Fingerprinting settings i get nothing. Also on a vpn. Mp4 playback worked great on here about a month ago. Not sure what changed.

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5454c6  No.109754


It's definitely on your end

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836754  No.109781

Sounds about right. I have to change locations on my vpn regularly because it wont let me post under certain ip’s. Says ive been banned for shit i didnt do. Ill figure it out. Thanks for the help anon

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0f9eed  No.109931

What are your thoughts on this Keith Woods guy? I like what he says. Some of /ourguys/ like Cultured Thug like him as well.

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576e1b  No.110009

File: c8326622fd2afaa⋯.png (3.27 MB, 1695x1313, 1695:1313, ClipboardImage.png)

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a35aba  No.110029

Can we trust the discord links or are they all bait?

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e4ee43  No.110039


All ✡discord✡ links are DEFINITIONALLY spam and should be reported. Never visit any of them. Never use the service. Do we really have newfags left here that don’t know about discord?

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d79f26  No.110055


>Do we really have newfags left here that don’t know about discord?

Q are boomers. Boomers don't understand the interwebs and its series of tubes. Just put a shawl on them and gently guide them over to >>>/qresearch/, which is why they're here because they saw it on Twitter.

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e1e207  No.110334


You've already fucked up by having a kid with a marxist brainwashed whore, the last thing we need is another brainwashed child with a marxist whore mother. My advice for you is to just make a plan to run away with your kid to Northern Canada and to get new identifies and to live your lives there, however looking at the choices you made in life I highly doubt you'll even be able to get time alone with your child again nevermind making a plan and running away and succeeding. Your realistic paths are drinking your life away in sorrow or some other reprobate hedonist way of living your last days on this earth. Pulling off a bovvers or either learning russian and becoming an orthodox Christian monk somewhere in the far east of Russia is your best options imo

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b86ac3  No.110411

Archive.is down for anyone else?

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69e5eb  No.110416


McAfee, annoyingly, doesn't like that website very much and I am too paranoid to visit it with my Windows 7.

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973fcf  No.110576

hi. i dont know how it works here, hope the qanon people see this, because it really bugs me. the mandela effect things are for many people very real, as for me (jfk was in an 4 seater!) and now, not too long ago something happened that i really dont get. my question: does anyone remember "Evelyn de Rothschild"? not the british guy, but the frensh woman.. qanon even once postet something about her and the helicopter crash but the post is gone and the crash happened differently. the woman is gone. she was, i swear to god, the most or well known rothschild in europe, maybe next to jacob. i am german and here she was many times in the news, had many shootings with merkel, lagarde, every woman in power. she just disapeared and only one friend i know can remember her. anyone knows her? blond, tall, thin in her late 40s or mid 50s.

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53df2b  No.110661

where are the /pol/ and /b/ boards on this site?

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440b50  No.110665


They don't exist here. If you want legacy boards, gb2 4chan.

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53df2b  No.110666


why not create them? the site owner has a personal dislike for them?

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440b50  No.110690


If a board's culture can't outlive its name, then it had no reason to exist in the first place.

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53df2b  No.110739


I'm beginning to think u are fucked in the head. Why should anyone take a vague philosophic opinion of random anon when what they need is a statement from a site admin? have u got power issues? are u still a teenager?

((( someone ))) is blocking the existence of /pol/ and /b/ on this site, And not only does nobody here have gumption or suspicion to question this, u're also are eager to fall straight on your knees and suck his dick by cooking up bulshit excuses for him when anyone pertinently asks what has happened.

Either you don't want anyone finding the real reason why /b/ and /pol/ have been blocked. are you've been duped into playing monkey see monkey do wrt disdain and fob'ing anons off when they ask.

we need a reference to the site admin's statement on /pol/ and /b/ why he has blocked them

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cf97a2  No.110745


>what they need is a statement from a site admin

If you don't want the opinion of a "random anon", then you should not have posed your query in public on a random board. If you want a statement from the site admin, you need to contact the site admin. What you're doing is the equivalent of making a post on Facebook and expecting Zuckerberg himself to answer you.

>nobody here have gumption or suspicion to question this

We already did question this. Months ago. You're late to the party, kid.

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53df2b  No.110767

>If you don't want the opinion of a "random anon", then you should not have posed your query in public on a random board.

>implying that referencing / linking doesn't exist

stfu and get off the board

>If you want a statement from the site admin, you need to contact the site admin.

If i could stand over the site admin and ask him wtf he's doing banning certain board names, I would. But I can't, and there is no conspicuous 'contact the site admin' function on this site.

>What you're doing is the equivalent of making a post on Facebook and expecting Zuckerberg himself to answer you.

I'm not expecting the site admin to answer me. I'm expecting anons here to reference any prior investigation they've made. I'm not going to spend 10 months hunting down an admin without 1st asking if someone else has already done it. pretty fucking obvious.

>We already did question this. Months ago. You're late to the party

> but doesn't reference it

>implying history should be invisible. Only those who experienced it should know about it

either you're a retard, or a liar ( you weren't savy to any such /pol/b/ name block investigation ) , or a shill - u are part of a paid to block /pol/ and /b/ and act against anyone who asks about it.


>accusing others of your own shame

given that todays kids won't know much about 4chan/pol/, they aren't likely to be looking for alternative freedom of speech boards. so if you are still a child, there's a good chance u are an agent working for some anti free speech organization. Are u a paki? jew? woman?

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cf97a2  No.111123


You have never spent any time on an image board - a "chan", as it were - have you. You're so pathetic and whiny, that my guess is you found this place by seeing a twitter post. Here, I will spoon-feed you:


The rest is up to you.

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e4ee43  No.111169


>why not create them

Not allowed to.

>the site owner has a personal dislike for them



That’s a bit of an overreaction (and lateral discussion) to a statement that isn’t in any way false, anon.


>if you don’t want the opinion of a random anon, you should not have posted your query in public

He’s not wrong when he says this. Your concerns with what the ownership have done specifically and purposely toward pro-white boards are valid. But… you have to lurk more. As others have said, he has a twitter (on which he probably won’t reply to you) linked at the bottom of every page. And there’s an FAQ. https://8kun.top/faq.html#what-is-the-best-way-to-contact-the-8kun-administration

Gotta do your due diligence.

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72fd57  No.111181


/pol/ and /b/ have proven that they can't behave themselves. /pol/ does nothing but encourage mass murder and /b/ posts child pornography. 8chan was already shut down because of /pol/, so it ain't comin' back. /pnd/ is a pseudo-/pol/, but calls to illegal activity are shut down quickly. /b/ tried to come back as /rand21/, but they simply couldn't help themselves when it comes to loli porn, so into the oven it went.

Act like a child, get treated like one.

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914015  No.111183


>You have never spent any time on an image board - a "chan", as it were - have you

bzzt wrong. i found /pol/ a few weeks b4 the 2014 exodus. have been on the chans ever since. Check your deductive reasoning.

> You're so pathetic and whiny

accuse others of own shame. i sense you've got something to show me that you are ashamed of that makes u feel pathetic…

> that my guess is you found this place by seeing a twitter post.

no it was a bit random really, i was browsing endchan and it recently mentioned 8chan, which i thought was dead. so i searched and found this place.

>Here, I will spoon-feed you: https://twitter.com/CodeMonkeyZ

lol ok this is what you are ashamed of. I asked for a reference to an investigation. u've given me link at the bottom of the page which links to the admin twitter page. Searching his twitter back to 2018 gives zero content about /pol/ or politically incorrect. Given that he gets on the order of 500 comments per tweet, its not a good way to reach him.

Looks like nobody here has contacted him and maybe nobody has bothered to.

>the rest is up to you

at least u admit it out of context. The community has collectively failed to get hold of the admin so now u want me to bail u out. Pity you've got so much self pride u can't admit it straight : you've got to frame it as an exercise for new comers to show their worth, sssslike u could do it effortlessly, but u don't give shit away for free.

yes i agree with your words that betray your own guilt, this is an anon board , its pathetic you still have the urge to propound a proud self image even though you are anonymous.


what makes you the godly authority? nothing. we are all equal here. post your evidence of the admin talking about his banning of pol an b

you haven't added anything to what other anon said

to get hold of admin we should study which if any people he responds to, and contact them see if one of them is receptive.

> Your concerns with what the ownership have done specifically and purposely toward pro-white boards are valid

actually i'm fed up with the pro-white boards meme. Every alternate pol board is explicitly stated as as pro-white or politics board. In fact pol was neither. it was politically incorrect, i.e. talk about taboos board, pro white was a favourite of the community but it wasn't the specified purpose of /pol/ For that 8chan.co had initially had /white/ and /natsoc/ and /politics/ . Only with successive waves of retards did the original purpose of pol become lost to these 3 pretenders. I loved the variety of red pills and edge posting. Don't find that combo anymore, now that board owners with agendas have contol. I'm looking for a pol that has the original pol madate : freedom of speech , taboos, edge posting. I get banned instantly from endchan pol for stating i think hitler was an kike puppet controlled opposition. i was hoping to find one here, but no luck. i would make one though

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72fd57  No.111185


>we are all equal here

No, no we are not.

>you haven't added anything

There's nothing to add. This is a conversation we have had on this very board. If you would lurk before posting, you'd know that.

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914015  No.111191


> /pol/ does nothing but encourage mass murder

false. it never encouraged mass murder. never caused a murder, nor caused mass murder. it was certainly targeted by government glowniggers that were trying to radicalize kids on /pol/, but as a group we were immune to them. Also the crisis actor circus would sometimes point the finger at us for one of their staged performances.

Also the kikes and their wars cause millions of murders each year, so any outside authority doesn't have a fucking leg to stand on trying to accuse a minor community of possibly inciting pontential but not yet actual murders. They shoul go deal with the forces that'are actually dealing mass murder right now

>can't behave themselves

>implying it was the orginal crowd and not the hoards of shills, defilers and glowniggers that swarm the board to this day

no pol anon can be this naive about pol. i think u are a recent bluepill university sjw given the job of monitoring this board for signs of politically incorrect discussion.

> /b/ loli porn

so any shill or dfiler can go to any board and post loli porn and get the board shut down huh. Its not the boards fault. each and every loli poster doxs themselves by their ip address when they post loli so can go to prison. the board can't police thousands of shills all posting loli for the explicit intent of getting the board shut down. By that logic fb , twitter , reddit should all be gone for the same reason. and btw 4chan b is still up so your argument is invalid

>Act like a child, get treated like one.

you mean get shilled and defiled by infiltrators and they can kill the board. the ultimate reason for 8chan demise wasn't anything unlawful like that : it was simply a place outside of complete kike control, so it had to go.

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914015  No.111195


>No, no we are not.

> implying u are more VIP than someone else

go suck your own dick

>There's nothing to add

… cos your previous conversation amounted to nothing. well stop posting then. Leave the work to me.

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72fd57  No.111252


Nigger, you're acting like you're so VIP than everyone else right now because you missed out on a conversation we had 5 months ago. Go suck your own dick. You are impotent and will change nothing. /pol/ and /b/ are gone. You will not change that.

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b574e8  No.111275


>conversation we had 5 months ago

i couldn't give a fuck about a bunch of VIPs sucking each other off. absolutely nothing came of the shittest convo to ever happen so u rightfully didn't keep any record of it. it was an embarassment. maybe one day it will appear in a pol humour thread and we will all laugh at it

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e4ee43  No.111329




Hey there, shill.


>what makes you the godly authority

Fact is a matter of objectivity and I posted fact. You’re a fucking lunatic.

>post your evidence of the admin

That was already done.

>it was politically incorrect

Yes, pro-white. That’s what I said.

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67aa84  No.111412



post the evidence, not your word. u are not god.

Its sad we've got 2 retards here who lose it, squirm, and who can't comprehend whats wrong, when there's a lack of evidence, and they honestly think their word of authority is sufficient.

If thats the case what are u doing wasting your time here when u can be setting yourself as the authority on business, industry and science matters?

>Is this $10M physics set up correct?

>yes , no need to test it , just take my godly word

make a blog called 'my word of god', and post your progress in life u delusional twit.

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e4ee43  No.111426


>post the evidence

There is no /pol/. There is no /b/.

>retarded, autistic battle about absolutely nothing because the truth hurt his feelings

The site owner has explicitly said /pol/ isn’t coming back. He gave it to the board owner of /d/, who said that if it DOES come back he won’t allow any politics on it. Only you seem incapable of comprehending this. Fuck off already.

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72fd57  No.111530


>He gave it to the board owner of /d/

There's no evidence of that except the BO of /d/ claiming it.

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e4ee43  No.111649


Is that so? I wish I had an archive of that /v/ thread where it was stated. I can’t remember the context…

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26c456  No.111681


>The site owner has explicitly said /pol/ isn’t coming back.

yet there's no recorded statement on this by him. what did he do? whisper it into your vagina? and u can still feel its echoing off your walls, is that how u know?

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72fd57  No.111691


You can keep begging and crying and gnashing your teeth all you want, kike; but you missed it and we're not repeating it. Seek life elsewhere.

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e4ee43  No.111709


>I have no evidence for my claim

Thank you. You’ve admitted that you lied. Everything I said is correct.

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72fd57  No.111733


You forgot to switch back to this >>111681 IP.

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e4ee43  No.111796


>it’s impossible for multiple people to have proved me wrong

>it’s all the same person oy vey I found you out I win now because you’re the same person because I said you were

Everything you have said here is a lie. Every single word. Nothing you have posted is legitimate. Just get out. You’re useless to us.

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26c456  No.112031


i switch IPs because i rent a room and the landlord doesn't give admin access to the router. the router settings are on child-safe from 5:30am till 9am. During that time i have to use a proxy to access the internet, unless i'm happy just to use fb youtube and jewgle

i'm not switching IPs to try confuse u. u aren't worth confusing. maybe that hurts your pride, but truth hurts

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26c456  No.112033


you can keep imaging that i'm doing those things, and u deserve to : it will inflate your ego, in a time when u've got nothing going for u in life so u have to pretend u are the gatekeeper of a priceless treasure that some anon wants with all his heart.

truth is i couldn't give a shit.

but its amusing watching u grasp at anything that allows u to imagine yourself as a god

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206321  No.112044



>he just can't help himself


>I couldn't give a shit

>keep hopping IPs to create false consensus

top kek m8

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e4ee43  No.112108






Everything you have said here is a lie. Every single word. Nothing you have posted is legitimate. Just get out. You’re useless to us.

I like how you’re switching IPs while claiming others are doing it, by the way.

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206321  No.112120


>I said you were wrong, therefore you were proven wrong

top kek m8

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e4ee43  No.112132




>oy vey pole cause murder

>oy vey bee is child porn

>oy vey site shut down because pole

>oy vey you all children


>oy vey I am god nothing more needs to be said you are wrong I say so


>oy vey I am the arbiter of all discussion it’s concluded because I say it is

>oy vey you are powerless


>oy vey did I mention you’re powerless

>and also a jew because you want all Jews dead

>because you are lol


>everyone who hates me is the same person

Apotheosis kek.

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206321  No.112135


>only quotes me once

top kek m8

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e4ee43  No.112141


>I changed my IP, therefore my old posts aren’t me anymore

The absolute hubris of this kike.

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206321  No.112144


>my paranoid delusions are reality

top kek m8

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e4ee43  No.112159


>accuses others of what he did

>claims everyone is insane but him

Absolute hubris. At least you’ve ended the discussion. Nothing either of your IPs has said is legitimate and it’s all now totally irrelevant. Now we can move on with a different topic of discussion and everyone can ignore you.

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206321  No.112168


>thinks I've said anything ITT except "top kek m8"

top kek m8

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411818  No.112200

File: 6c7fbdfdf69c5a0⋯.jpg (97 KB, 900x750, 6:5, jzef_pisudski_1.jpg)

File: 08273971e0181c2⋯.jpg (36.82 KB, 600x884, 150:221, Rudolf_Hess_Photo.jpg)

File: 0a3cb67d1420318⋯.jpg (164.36 KB, 562x1515, 562:1515, Rudolf_Hess_V_lkischer_Beo….jpg)

When did the unibrow start to be seen as "unattractive"? I have a unibrow and it is kinda hard to tell if people in black and white photographs had unibrows or just thick brow ridges so I can't tell how much I would've stood out a hundred years ago.

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1636ef  No.112232


nice triple dubs checked but seriously when was an unibrow ever attractive? You look like a fucking caveman anon so for all what's holy use a razor or move to southwestern Germany where this atrocity seems to be quite common.

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495075  No.113164

>Your biology is racist and it's dangerous to hold those beliefs

How do i counter that ? Trying to redpill my family is really fucking hard

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e4ee43  No.113245


>replies to someone as though he’s someone else

>acts surprised when he’s treated like the other person

You’ve destroyed any “argument” you pretended to have. Everything you’ve said is invalidated now. More likely than not you’re just doing damage control for being instantly found out doing things you claimed others were doing.


>your biology is racist

You tell them of course it is. Babies come out of the womb preferring their own species to other species. Literally every animal does this. Demand they explain the danger in the beliefs. They won’t be able to do it. What danger is there in no social unrest? What danger is there in no violence between races? What danger is there in environmentalism?

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495075  No.113268


The environment itself is hard whenever i come visit and whenever the convo shifts to politics i get dogpiled. It's much easier to argue online you know but irl debate has being a vexing weakness of mine that i need to improve. The thing with real life is most of the time people don't even hear what you have to say but they try to impose over you, it's less about being right and saying the truth and more about saying what people want to hear, which is why me with the unpopular oppinion and the truth they don't want to hear gets shafted. It's so much harder to drive points home like this especially on a hostile crowd ( and one of em having a sociology degree trying to play the "i understand why you believe what you believe and here is why i have a sociology degree and my job is to understand what people say before they even say it" ( i am an IT guy with an IT degree so my oppinion is being invalidated by a bullshit appeal to authority)). Do you have any material i could study on this to improve? I know many would call em lost causes and so would i but they are still my family. I have a sense of duty towards em that i would do for noone else.

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b9daa3  No.113293


That's not how arguing irl actually works for the most part. In general people argue irl just like they do online: "What I believe is truth and if you disagree, it's because you're brainwashed by a cult. Also, since I am louder and get the last word, that proves I'm right." That's how most people argue online and in real life. Adults, however, tend to just shrug and say, "You do you, man."

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495075  No.113299


Fair enough.

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023014  No.113822

Anyone have the anarchists' cookbook?

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8e83b7  No.114169

Can anyone tell me what the deal with archive.[fo,is,li,today] using that loading.gif from Henley Putnam is? That place is a school for literal glowniggers and archive has been doing this sporadically for years and, to my gut feeling, every time some serious shit was going on in the USA.

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ae335d  No.114502

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36e2cc  No.114853


Hello. My name is anon. I shall assist you. The Greeks had to argue with eachother in real life all the fucking time and some of them actually figured it the fuck out. This is what you will need:

Prior and Posterior Analytics by Aristotle

Anything by fucking Plato (Socrates by extension) and Aristotle.

Everything by fucking Plato and Aristotle.

The Complete fucking Works of Plato and Aristotle.

After reading these all you'll need is the backbone and face skin (hide), perhaps the glass or cataract eyes to boldface contradict everything someone is putting out while looking straight at them and break them down. Perhaps read the Little Black Book of Violence for the mindset, because you will be in fact killing what they are putting their life and will into, and that can have quite an impact on both them and yourself.

Being less dramatic: If you argue at a certain pace, you might feel the need to keep up with said pace. In general, you will try and 'keep up' instead of defining the game. You should set the parameters, rules and win condition of any argument, aka the parameters, rules and win condition of logic, and then where logic is out of reach for both parties, pathos and ethos (your character).

Wear the toga.


This is some basic shit anon. When you put some years into game and political theory you'll have something 10x better.

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b9daa3  No.115367


Fuck off, pedo.

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9aa58a  No.116059

With Trump's executive orders targeting social media is all that would happen is kosher Conservatives are able to make Jew gold ad-revenue off JewTube while National Socialists aren't considered to be part of legitimate political discussion so nothing changes for us?

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930abe  No.116193

File: 04a9a886a8485e8⋯.png (25.85 KB, 457x366, 457:366, 04a9a886a8485e8eea4cc3586c….png)

Hi just wanted to know if there's any smoking gun or proof that george soros is funding or involved with antifa. I hear it all the time but haven't really looked into it.

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0f0276  No.116518


>any smoking gun or proof

Nope. That's why it's called a "conspiracy theory".

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dad7d0  No.116644

who knows how I can get to the US to fight niggas

I'm from Ukraine

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43f6a3  No.116852


No one in the US is fighting niggers. Don’t waste your time.

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0ec8af  No.116893

any based tattoo artist you all could recommend ?

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d9f924  No.116979


Based on what, you fucking cuckchan transplant?

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930abe  No.117003

File: 16217c558b7ecf3⋯.jpg (29.01 KB, 753x707, 753:707, 1540719229547.jpg)

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6d8aba  No.117068


It's safe to assume that the money funding Antifa is coming straight from the Federal Reserve when directing your rage. If you are trying to redpill people by showing them financial documents… good luck.

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9ac330  No.117102

does the george floyd original video truly exist and if so can i get a link?

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abde90  No.117154

About to have our second daughter. Thinking of naming her Edelweiss Hildegarde. First daughter was named Erika. Are these names too obvious, or just right?

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a41a47  No.117189


All those names sound perfect if you want your illegitimate bastard daughters to grow up to be strippers or coalburners or both.

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90a955  No.117205


don't even consider this unless you're German

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347020  No.117249


So as an American I can't name any of my potential children Leopold, Greta, Jürgen, Adolf, Adelheid, Wilhelm, Heinz, Luitgard, Friedrich, Wolfgang, Franz, Heinrich or Reinhard?

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b91390  No.117483

Does anyone have the infograph / screenshots of aome anon explaining how he worked for some kind of think tank,

He explained how they descovered how we are all easily manipulated into beleiving movies and tv are our actual lived experiences and this is how we can be controlled through makeing false memories based on movies and tv. I think he said its because we evolved without this kind of entertainment and our mind puts it in the same memory area as lived experiences.

This would be very helpful,


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d5dea8  No.117498

Does anybody have those images of the real guy who was driving the car at Charlottesville? I remember back in the day it was a chiseled faced man instead of that kid James Fields. I know I have the pics somewhere.

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571a64  No.117695

File: 041fa238a620c9c⋯.jpg (7.21 KB, 318x159, 2:1, the_real_driver.jpg)


Here ya go, anon.

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d5dea8  No.117837



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571a64  No.117912


Welcome to 8kun, crybaby.

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c3626d  No.117980

Hello guys, I've been trying to find out a Right Wing person who I believe had a personal site where he narrated books and talked about them. He seemed very intelligent and taught critical thinking, I remember that he read line by line of the narrated book and analyzed and tried to explained the meaning. I think the website was in some sort of archive or something and I remember but I'm quite sure that the website sounded like Vanguard News Network or something like that.

Second, can someone recommend me a book explaining the history of the Balkans and what happened without much biased in the early '90s war?

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d5dea8  No.118055


Fuck off newfag, on 8ch we were all over that incident. Yeah yeah Sam Hyde, I'm a no fun jerk who doesn't get it.

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2b4869  No.118125

File: 764cfacdda12daa⋯.jpg (52.82 KB, 700x525, 4:3, deg.jpg)

anyone got any info on the frazzle drazzle 4chan incident?

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7d4e72  No.118249


Has anyone notice "post blocking" tacitic recently on here?

I starting getting that on /pol/ my messages just not posting/being sent

not banned, not comment removed or anything

sent my first message to feedback

but wondering if this place is getting raided as hard as /pol/ right now

which i think it is, but if anti-fa fuck have any control in the Jannie section of things?

since this is the adult table compared to /pol i think you guys control your shit better

but specifically wonder if you are hearing from other anons on either board about noticing "post blocking" as a new censorship tactic from the lefty raiders?

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43f6a3  No.118375


The website owner is hopelessly incompetent. Posts fail to go through because the site’s coding is utter shit.

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a5bd2b  No.118532

Why are people in real world America so much more conservative than the internet would suggest? There's very few places online where conservative discussion happens and a bunch of places for leftist discussion. However IRL the split is much more even. If anything people IRL tend to skew conservative. If I'm on the computer for more than an hour it just gives me the feeling that everybody out there is a leftist except me. When I talk to friends, acquaintances, and strangers however it seems as if they are mostly conservatives. It's fucked!

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0a1035  No.118543


Depends on where you are. If you go to the niggerlovingliberals.com forums, then you'll assume everyone is a leftist. If you hang out at rural Texas truck stops, you'll assume everyone is a rightist. It's called an "echo chamber" and it's best to avoid them. Remember: your anecdotes != data

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a5bd2b  No.118600


I understand the effect of an echo chamber. If that was the only thing at play here shouldn't my online echo chamber reflect my irl echo chamber? Instead they're completely at odds with each other. One is completely leftist and the other is conservative. Does not make sense.

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262e38  No.118675

Copied from deleted thread:

>Anybody remember the major red pill video that has this stunt guy explaining all the fucked up shit in Hollywood? I wanted to watch it but I cant remember its name (youtubes obviously no help).

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afdf39  No.118907


out of shadows

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afdf39  No.118912




I remember this. It basically said,

games and music were ok. Books were ok. But movies lulled you into a state of suggestibility. Your subconscious can't tell the difference between the social interaction in the movie scene and one from your day to day.

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34eaea  No.118936


WTF, a christcuck is actually managing to be based for once?

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34eaea  No.118953


This post is bait. Basically everyone in combat arms is a rayciss and just hides it. The hooahs are pretty fucking gay though and might have some BLACKED daughters, I could be wrong.

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34eaea  No.118956


They're all kikes you fucking retard.

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0a1035  No.119110


>fell for the meme

Mmmm … summer is tasty

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826c47  No.119137

File: 6c04b026b7ad1a2⋯.jpg (189.88 KB, 1488x1756, 372:439, 61798196.jpg)

I'm not sure how stupid this question is but I'm gonna ask anyway.

I recently found that that my girlfriend isn't completely European. The majority of her ancestry is European and she look European too with her light red hair and blue eyes, but apparently her grandfather was from the philippines and she also has some Chinese in her, the rest is western European.

I myself can trace back my heritage to Western Europe for at least 5 generations, there is no indication of mixing in my family expect maybe some Southern Euopean.

I love her, and I want children with her but now I'm worried that I'll taint my bloodline even if it's miniscule. I don't have anything against Asians, I think Asian phenotypes especially northern ones look very beautiful and noble, but I don't want to mix with them. I'm sure the overwhelming European genes will overide any trace of Asian genes but what if some of the genes show up and my child end up like some Elliot Rodger look alike?

Obviously I'm not perfect myself and I realize I sound like a heartless asshole here, but I want my children and my descendant to be as good and healthy as possible, and the less genetic defects and mixture of ancestry there is, the better.

Maybe I'm letting /pol/ get to me but I have to be sure.

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231b70  No.119144

File: 13541fddbedc993⋯.jpeg (332.27 KB, 1000x667, 1000:667, philipines.jpeg)


>her grandfather was from the philippines and she also has some Chinese in her

Flips despite being of darker skin are actually superior to Chinese genetically. Get a grip on reality, even the relationship you have right now can be unstable. But if she looks European that means her European genes are dominant, and you're worrying over nothing.

You don't have to listen to /pol/ memes in guidance for your personal life.

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028743  No.119230


Flips are lazy incompetent pieces of shit that can't get their act together. Why else are they still a 3rd world nation?

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e9f4f8  No.119671



Yeah, thats what i remember. I hope someone has the image saved. I had it but its gone now. I'll keep searching for it and if i find it ill post it here

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8a435d  No.119704

Does anyone have the image of the "performance art" where two people are having sex and a bunch of children (clothed) are sitting on the floor around them watching? I need it to prove to some IRL people that we truly are in Weimar already.

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c48517  No.119709


What unholy abomination. We definitely need to be keeping a list of people involved in things like this. Exile them and their family.

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0b4206  No.119841

new to the site…whatever

Does anyone know what's up OIA VPN dealio? …hardly anything on the enterwebs about it. It seems fast af (i briefly connected to test). the owner, Vanwatech, seems legit I guess. overall, seems shady like VPNBook or something. and I know,…., if it's free, then blah blah….. I'm just asking if someone else uses it and if Watkins is involved.

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01fb38  No.119933

File: b539cb27aa4f66b⋯.jpg (412.35 KB, 1023x640, 1023:640, d_2_.jpg)

Is western pornography to blame for immigration from third world shitholes to white countries?

I think youth who grew up watching pornography end up being fascinated by white women and dream of immigrating one day so they can fulfill their fantasies just like how they saw it in western pornography.

Several Asian rapists in UK has spoken out directly expressing this idea and confessing they wanted to fulfill their fantasies from they saw from pornos

I think the issue is far more widespread and I am betting majority of black/arab/hispanic/asian who grew up watching porn have this fantasy on back of their minds and it is kind of unspoken motivations behind their immigration.

Does anyone here have a statistic or a study to confirm this?

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3bbb6c  No.119951


>Is western pornography to blame for immigration

no, porn makes you passive, it doesn't ecourage to do anything

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43f6a3  No.119985


No, he makes a good point. I hadn’t ever thought of it from the subhumans’ perspective. They ARE told that they get to have white women when they come here, after all.

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58124e  No.120194

File: a8dda666bd1d43a⋯.jpg (64.9 KB, 1280x720, 16:9, 28_20150128212318_1_.jpg)


Middle eastern/muslim countries are guilty of this because of "conservative" traditions and "family values" that forbid any sort of pre-martial relationships and males typically marry in their late twenties. Thirst for white women is rampant.

It is kind of an unspoken general knowledge/touchy subject/too controversial to discuss. It always gets subtly mentioned or waved in culture but never really discussed in depth.

It's party of why I lost all respect I had for my people/country. They are insanely hypocritical and have gigantic societal problems they choose to fix by burying their heads into the dirt.

I remember when I was in university, and a couple of students got to spend a week in Germany. Anyway, these two guys apparently went into some German brothel and slept with prostitutes then returned to brag about it and it instantly became the number 1 exchanged gossip story for like a week or two.

These people would rather bury their daughter alive than even think about her of having sex before marriage. Then they came up with a weird convoluted marriage process so only truly "worthy" males would go through it for honor of "fucking their daughter".

The result is their male country men who can not afford marriage, drown in inflatable boats in Mediterranean along with their dreams of financial prosperity and access to "sex".

There was an article on online British newspaper on how "Facebook jealousy" is driving immigration and it basically talked on how some of youth felt jealous when they saw their peers on Facebook who immigrated posting pictures on Facebook with white women and how that drived them to want to immigrate too. It got taken down.

Also see,


It is an old popular Egyptian film that revolves around of how everyone was fascinated/aroused by a female blonde danish student visiting egypt.

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2b71a6  No.120500



Turk here. You're absolutely right. I hate my country men for lusting over Russians as a target practice when they can marry our women.

While Islam's stance on women is okay (from an oppresive perspective) the Muslims are fucking hypocrite pieces of shit, for both seeing your people as lower human beings to have fun with (and not marry) and going against what their religion taught them for years.

If you can clean up your countries first, please pay a visit to us.

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af2648  No.120905

What info do we have on Frazzledrip?

There's a site if you type in frazzled.rip into the search bar, and it's mainly a picture of Hillary Clinton, in black and white.

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55b82c  No.120934

In the current climate of rewriting or erasing facts to suit the subversion of everything true and good I've been trying to fill out my library. Can anyone recommend books essential to preserving historical and cultural information? I already have most if not all of the red-pill staples (evola, spengler, etc) and the really big name literary classics (Shakespeare, greco-roman classics, the matter of france, even the Chinese classics just in case etc). My collection isn't complete but it's solid.

What I'm most concerned about is getting really solid single or multi-volume history texts,especially primary source texts (or secondary sources that draw heavily on primary sources) that I might just not know exist because that's not what I personally have collected in the past.

I'd like to get what I can before the powers that be start making it impossible to get ahold of them easilly.

Any help would be greatly appreciated.

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89cdec  No.121164

I'm looking for a video on "The Grand Design". It's from the 50's or 60's shot in black and white. Has a man speaking to a room of people. Only thing I can find is motorhome videos and a book on another subject by Stephen Hawking.

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81a81e  No.121291


Human Accomplishments by Charles Murray

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18de19  No.122124

Would anyone happen to have any books or resources analyzing the National Socialist or Italian economy in the 1930s

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1d69bf  No.122171


There is a single resource there concerning economy which links to a Cambridge article I have read along with some others I found on my own, I was more looking for a more in depth book that concerns more than private property. I'm also not particularly interested in unsourced speculation based on poor historical knowledge portrayed through a slant.


I wouldn't say there's little to say about it since economy is such a large topic in general. Anyway I just need some actual practical examples and an in depth perspective on it, coincidentally I was actually looking for similarities between it and China I just need to base my claims on sources.

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3be050  No.122713

File: ef183a8de8962ff⋯.png (125.21 KB, 2300x940, 115:47, Living_in_Hitler_s_Germany.png)


Have you watched this video >>111242 ?

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d98e38  No.122802


I found what I was looking for. It's called More Deadly Than War. The Communist Revolution In America.

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8a7449  No.123424

https://PLEASE REPORT THIS POST/bestpol/

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e9f4f8  No.123445

File: 01dfb6b17ca0f1f⋯.png (1.47 MB, 2632x2948, 658:737, 1591962687584.png)

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5865db  No.123801



Thanks for the image, it was useful to find the archived thread, now I can use the search function all over the thread and read other anon's responses.

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21c101  No.125425

File: 51c558df189a3d4⋯.png (1.48 MB, 1280x720, 16:9, ClipboardImage.png)

Why is nobody talking about The Great Reset on here?


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d7c8d2  No.125430


Why are you asking why we aren't doing something instead of doing it yourself?

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bb20e0  No.126501

I got shadowbanned from cuckchan XD.

Each time I click submit post it just eats up reply which i write for 30 minutes and then does not post this.

I already wasted a hour trying to write a single reply.

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9d9b04  No.126531

File: 9e2fc33bc642bf3⋯.png (15.76 KB, 398x496, 199:248, 1569161970058.png)


cool story bro


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43f6a3  No.126564


>continued going to 4chan after 2014

Leave and never come back. We don’t want you here.

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d8d5e8  No.127375

I'm looking for a list of /pol/ books for children. Please help.

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90a955  No.127380

File: c92723ef7ce0caf⋯.png (1.75 MB, 1824x867, 608:289, 031ce59367ab2c1600d3d36098….png)


here you are friend. for older kids give em something like Moby Dick or Captains Courageous

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d86438  No.127440


Hey anon. My son is 6 and basically most of his entertainment is from the 1950s or earlier. You just have to be careful to get early editions (published before 1990) because they started censoring them from around that year. There are a lot of great adventure books for kids from that era and before, a lot are based around nature, animals, and good old boy's adventures. I recommend hitting up your local thrift store.

Also I really recommend that you teach your kids another language. Russian kids books are so unpalatable to a western audience that they are mostly untranslated into English (some slip through and some are pozzed but mostly pretty good). Idk what the common second language is in your area but being able to avoid English gives some better options.

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755057  No.127534

File: 5e02d9691e4470c⋯.jpg (10.07 KB, 255x136, 15:8, dec00d62c91d3bd58967029ba9….jpg)

Reposting from deleted thread:


A site of disinformation? Something from China or Russia? They are updating it right now as time is ticking … what the hell is this

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d8d5e8  No.127607


Thanks, bro.


It's funny you say that because we are raising our 3 boys as bilingual Russian/English. Russian books are great, but I've noticed some jewish stuff creeping in so you still have to be careful. I'll see if I can find some older English books. Thanks.

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faf4d6  No.127664


Russia will inherit the Earth.

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5f1a50  No.127667

Can the president of US legalize slavery again? In other words reverse Abraham Lincoln's anti-slavery executive order. I was just wondering because it could make said president the most influential and the greatest president in US history.

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faf4d6  No.127674


The president of the US can't even write short messages on twitter without being censored.

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43f6a3  No.127822


>oy vey goyim keep niggers alive

>can thing do funny thing because i say so ha i don’t know law

Just fuck off.


Good. Fuck him.

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1c41f4  No.127825


And I don't give a fuck about Roswell, let's talk about Holloman AFB, and treatings, underground bases, tech, meetings, lunar bases, comunication w/ other worlds, stuff like this, not a blury past. PRESENT!!!!

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1c41f4  No.127857


Why I'm in such a hurry, you may ask.

Well….I don't want to smash my knee, head, and fists to the walls anymore.

I don't want to live in stress, cos I have bills to pay and no money, shower in a broken plastic "basin" sleep in a "baldachin" broken from anxiety, w/o teeth b/c of periodontitis, and so on….

Myabe some day I'll show you my shower cabin and baldachin/bed….. and this is only 10%.

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0006e9  No.128076


What (((side))) was he on?

< muh racist left!

< muh based curry wife.

< I love tar monkeys

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b6a72e  No.128394

are there any resources on how many people are dying in the race riots? or any place where I can download all the videos for showing people?

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55152a  No.128495


What race riots? In the US? No one. They're not race riots. Niggers, spics, slants, and dune coons kill whites one by one, little by little, day by day, and have for decades. It's not in riots.


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88ac6e  No.129691

What is the consensus on blueleaks? I'm really curious if the courageous they/thems bothered to screen out potentially incriminating documentation related to some of the more heinous cloak and dagger activity of some police departments. It's supposed to be 10 years of data, so I would think it's possible that documents related to things like Seth Rich, UTR, the massacre in LV might be in there.


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92f2ac  No.129948

can somebody post inspirational video of hitler with song waiting between worlds

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42ef3e  No.129953

Pls help no bully

Some anon posted a bunch of ecofashwave shit including a video in one of the threads and I can’t find it anymore. I know it’s gay, but it makes me happy so just let me have this one. Does anyone have vid related made up of whitepill pics that lists core eco tenants etc?

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b37384  No.130127

If toxic masculinity exists, so does toxic blackness.

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94581f  No.130255

Simon Baron-Cohen - is he a good jew, is his work legit? I need to know, anons. His theories make sense to me, as far as my ignorance goes.

Yes, Sasha is his cousin. inb Baron, inb4 Cohen, inb4 psychology - obviously. Sasha looks more pure though.

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94581f  No.130256

File: a5b36ebddaa7e4d⋯.mp4 (12.15 MB, 640x360, 16:9, SS_Marschiert_in_Feindesla….mp4)


Criminally underchecked.

Trying to post videos, from 16MB down ..

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54300c  No.130293

Question: Can some one name one valid reason, why niggers should not be exterminated immediately, please? My research did not yield any arguments yet.

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195cb0  No.130484

Invidious embed. Click thumbnail to play.

Is all this early 20th century footage filmed with the intention of being in colour; as if they had three separate camera lenses capturing the red green and blue values of each frame, if so, why not include a microphone among this complicated set-up so the unbelievably technologically advanced future could have the footage in colour and with audio?

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