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The existence of black people is inexcusable

File: 2d5fd845302e869⋯.jpeg (31.63 KB, 250x259, 250:259, A5643F33-9DE1-41A0-AE93-7….jpeg)

88753f  No.26206

In the 1800s/early 1900s he predicted everything from South Africa being ruled by blacks, Europe being invaded by Muslims, white racism increasing globally, both World Wars and a third World War which would end in a victory for the Boer people.

White racism has increased globally since 2006. That we know. Has anyone read “Voice of a prophet” or “Die Vierkleur Wapper Weer”?


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98e4b1  No.26222


pretty interesting

thank you for information

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dc91e3  No.26223

when you say Boer, do you mean specifically S African Dutch or are you speaking of people of Germanic descent?

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c4ac3a  No.26237

>Europe being invaded by Muslims

He predicted that something which has been taking place in Europe off and on might happen again??

Shocking! I doubt he predicted it would be the European countries inviting them.

>Boer people being betrayed again by the British

Yeah this isn't that shocking. The first and arguably only extermination camps were built by the British for the Boers.

>Both World Wars

Going to need some context. What did he predict in specific?

The Napelonic wars were a world war it envolved all the Major World Powers. The term "world war" is a modern concept.

I bet there was alot Goldstein got wrong as well. I'm not convinced.

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635acb  No.26251


Just goes to show that "/pol/" has been around for 120 years and not a damn thing has been done to stop anything.

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82fec9  No.26890

File: 8800f8035900893⋯.mp4 (1.72 MB, 592x1280, 37:80, black attacks white teen i….mp4)


Interesting Step 0 in a study, thanks.

Next time consider adding more than a Wikipedia article?

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360e76  No.27399


back during the 8chan days I used to have a bunch of screenshots of a book about him that would be really relevant to the predictions you mention… If anyone really gives a sht you can find a lot of what he says just on youtube, he said Germans will finally be vindicated in World War 3.

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360e76  No.27453

Here is the book written about his prophecies, Siener Van Rensburg himself was illiterate. The part you may be most interested in, is Chapter 23 ( page 66 ) onwards.


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e8ebbc  No.27527

File: ff6dfa4a7c75ad0⋯.jpg (157.51 KB, 1000x877, 1000:877, DotR.jpg)


Seriously neck yourself, kike.

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22a353  No.27541

File: 1eaa7443acf77da⋯.png (1005 KB, 2028x4126, 1014:2063, Van Rensburg Prophecies.png)

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0e4128  No.27598


Occult practitioner here. Not Jewish Kabbalah shit. I practice Gentile spiritual arts, where you develop your mind and soul, instead of doing jewish blood sacrificing of people and animals.

Anyways, I thought I might give some insight by chiming in. These are interesting predictions for a number of reasons:

1. He admits that the clairvoyance visions he has are not absolute. This is true and it's an occult 'law' of sorts. The future is always in 'flux' – since men have free will. Viewing the future can give us the opportunity to change it, for better or worse.

You might have a clairvoyant vision of a thief stealing from your safe. So you go to guard it, waiting with shotgun in hand. But you miss, he draws his pistol, and you get into a firefight. You kill him, but you end up with a leg and arm you can't use anymore. So that's how a vision of the future can be altered for worse. On the flipside, it can also end up better than you thought.

So there's certainly some predictions here that didn't come to fruition, perhaps because someone read about these predictions and did something to alter them.

2. He speaks of a 'secret German power'. Although I am not especially studied on this subject, a number of alt-historians have written books on the Thule Society and the Vril Society. They claim that these secret German groups made telepathic contact with extraterrestrials and were able to develop technologies (like disc-shaped UFO-like aircrafts) based on the information they got from them.

3. There's also been a number of theories regarding Hitler escaping the bunker at the end of the war, along with numerous NSDAP personnel.

4. He speaks of this 'Secret Germany' winning the war for humanity. He says 'The ecology becomes a priority'. That's interesting because NS Germany was by far the most ecologically conscious state in Europe at the time. If they did win WW2, then we wouldn't be facing the same problems of widespread pollution, mass destruction of ecosystems, etc. by Jewish internationalists. It stands to reason if this 'Secret Germany' faction *did* come back to claim victory over the Earth, then one of their top priorities would be the restoration of the Earth's environment into a state of balance and health.

5. Regarding the 'huge comet bringing Peace on Earth with her'. To me, this alludes to the alt-history theory of ExtraTerrestrial involvement in human evolution through genetic engineering. See: Chariots of the Gods by Erich von Daniken.

Many occultists believe this is why humans can possess occult abilities such as clairvoyance and astral projection - because ETs played a role in our evolution. (Although this is dormant in 99% of the population due to lack of practice, like an atrophied muscle.) So the comet bringing peace would signal the return of ETs who were once on Earth, the comet being a form of alien spacecraft.

Anyways - that's all I have to say about that. There's parts that are poorly translated. Is there anyone that can translate better?

I don't have a clue what he means by "The role of China is also presented", and the part about the 'Seven calamities involving england', and 'A great Asian Tsunami arrived'.

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36bbc9  No.27606


I trust him. He's been right about everything so far which the Bible said is the test of a true prophet.

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c7090f  No.27660

File: dee8b746211df04⋯.pdf (835.88 KB, Nikolaas van Rensburg - Vo….pdf)

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61ce41  No.43369


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93bd3f  No.43457

Can anyone actually post the relevant prophecies, including the ones of our future and the ones OP talked about such as WW1/WW2?

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7cdd4d  No.43560


Have you read Atlantis Edda & Bible? https://archive.org/details/aebhw25/page/n0

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7cdd4d  No.43567

File: ae08c16b12fc230⋯.jpg (191.87 KB, 593x950, 593:950, Atlantis Edda & Bible by H….jpg)

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b1e826  No.43691


Hey friend, this sounds interesting. Can you say more about gentile spiritual arts and how do you practice?

On the other note, I read stories of people who did remote viewing of our ancient past and saw Atlantis etc. They say that at the certain point our evolution was accelerated by higher beings and that's how humans got started.

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d10f1a  No.43719



Been recommending this book since I found it 2 years ago. If you fight in this world but your mind is always on another it's an incredible read that pre-dates all the UFOlogy modern spirituality understandings by 100 years.

Everything 55 Club puts out is hot fire and they shit out golden translations of materials you've never heard of.

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e321ff  No.44862

YouTube embed. Click thumbnail to play.


What's your take on Manly P. Hall?

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0991fc  No.45027

File: d2ab776c16e002e⋯.png (279.71 KB, 620x790, 62:79, brainwashing ufo 1.png)

File: 3a26b4d62e35c9f⋯.png (340.4 KB, 622x805, 622:805, brainwashing ufo 2.png)

File: 7b0ce05edf4f5c6⋯.png (140 KB, 500x522, 250:261, crowley_lam_quote.png)


I've been researching this "endgame" that is prophesied since forever and it seems it is inevitable.

First it's not that his words are inaccurate, instead they are scarily on point.

I have doubts though in his interpretations, because like many other prophets, he bases his visions on the bible, thinking that Jesus Christ will come down to us and will lead the war. Since he has no idea that modern Germany and modern USA has nothing to do with what the 19th- early 20th century situation was like, he thinks the war will be won by the good side. It won't. The elites have been planning this forever. YOU DON'T KNOW HOW BAD THINGS ARE.

Here are documents just as a taste for what is coming. When Tesla said people will live to see horrors beyond comprehension he meant it. The elites have been practicing kabbalistic witchcraft. Agenda 21 will take place and all the death will materialize dark entities, demons which they will claim are aliens helping us.

Religion is not a joke, we have been brainwashed by modern christianity which either was subverted a long time ago or was brainwashing since its birth. Just look at the ceremonies: We symbolicly claim to consume the body and blood of God on a sacrificial altar. If you are an atheist that hinks spiritualism and God is just fiction then I'm sorry I can't help you.

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0991fc  No.45045

YouTube embed. Click thumbnail to play.

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4acbfe  No.45066


When Tesla said people will live to see horrors beyond comprehension he meant more along the lines of nuclear weapons. nuclear weapons cause horror, and you probably can't comprehend how they work

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0991fc  No.45072

YouTube embed. Click thumbnail to play.



Video unrelated.

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0991fc  No.45075


You are probably right. About all the shit I said though… I really hope all this mess will end fast or never come true and we will live in peace.

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841e57  No.45163


Hall was a Masonfag. His book "The Secret Teachings of all Ages" is very informative if you want to know what they believe in, more truth than lies, but there are still plenty of lies.

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e321ff  No.45190

File: 9d718103ca8a684⋯.jpg (254.94 KB, 1228x1480, 307:370, 1470342802210.jpg)


Give me a quick rundown on what he's right about and what is disinformation, I got the book in my bookshelf but I've yet to read it and I was planning to do so soon.

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782945  No.45196


"boer" means "farmer".

Meaning that you can apply any it any way that fits your personal narrative, which is what OP is doing.

Move on, nothing new to see here.

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782945  No.45197


> I practice Gentile spiritual arts,

What a coincidence!

I practice genital spiritual arts!

We should compare notes…so to speak.

Not really, you should hang yourself.

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d10f1a  No.45221


I'm into the esoteric spiritual side of things but I'm by no means an authority on it, but from my objective opinion I think it's more in line with Serrano. He doesn't proclaim all these once great, honest, and forward moving organizations started off with good intentions, but recognizes that the majority have been subverted by the mid-1800's and only their name carries forward not their original deeper knowledge with the members. Serrano would acknowledges the true people within those organizations that understand deeper hidden truths would be hidden and recruit from these larger pools of like minded persons when they find one worthy and the majority off people like Freemasons are chumps using these fraternity's for business dealings of material concerns. Ultimately a material profit driven agenda.

I like his perspective as I tend to be against this black and white perspective on all matters finding it childish, but the other part of me says that even if secret powers opposite of what Masonry has become are still within Masonry it doesn't speak well for them. The old adage of you are what you eat or the people you hang around define you rings a bell. No good can really come from an organization thoroughly corrupt even if a few people inside are holding to original form. In the end you're forced to run an interference game at the most to limit their damage in the larger side of things.

Hall doesn't come off as bad as others but I wouldn't trust him over even a novice one of our guys. Serrano has 10x the authority than Hall in my book. He grew up and was nearly recruited by family members who were masons and he rejected them for National Socialism, Hitler, and the greater Aryan cause. To the very end along with Savitri Devi and others. Those alive in that time had to pick a side. That was the one definite time to do so and those on the other end are largely irrelevant in my eyes. They served the dark forces we stand against whether they knew it or not.

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17b89b  No.59833


Can't find a copy for the life of me, original Afrikaans or otherwise – anyone?

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17b89b  No.59843





Ajax = Aiser/Eiser (Norse Aesir)

Aivas, Eivas, Evas (Aryan, Devas)


Hall was only invited into Masonry later in life, and revised his take on it somewhat thereafter. He was almost certainly elder-abused to death by an asshole after his rarer Philosophical Research Society books, whom was associated with the Anton LaVey/Parsons crowds


Disregard, based anon delivered


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a4dc25  No.59958



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34d3cc  No.60225

File: 16421da20e171bf⋯.gif (317.11 KB, 407x405, 407:405, 1581126653437.gif)


>since men have free will

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360e76  No.74759


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9af375  No.74964


Freemasonry and everything deriving from it was designed as a spiritual cuck cage meant to keep potentially problematic people in check. Take anything written by that guy with a lot of salt.

t. other occultist

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f135b6  No.75032


What do you think of Adrenachrome harvesters? Is it worth investing in one?

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c5176e  No.75132


Nice digits.

>Not learning to use your own brain to produce it

Harvesting children is for casuals

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f7d2b9  No.109787


High quality topic.

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d5a027  No.110093

File: 0f8cd1ec862aecf⋯.png (1.82 MB, 1895x864, 1895:864, 1585336298081.png)


> He predicted that something which has been taking place in Europe off and on might happen again??

In the past it were attempts of invasion, not successful invasion. Back then, they managed to occupy a small part of Spain and South-East Europe, now they managed to occupy EVERY SINGLE EUROPEAN COUNTRY and >50% of the newborn are babies of invaders. In 20-30 years they will be the majority, thus being successful with their invasion, something they tried but didn't manage for more than 1000 years. Something like this DID NOT HAPPEN IN THE PAST!

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360e76  No.130153

bumping this thread

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ef063c  No.130202


During 1688–1689, the colony was greatly strengthened by the arrival of nearly two hundred French Huguenots. Political refugees from the religious wars in France, following the revocation of the Edict of Nantes, they were settled at Stellenbosch, Drakenstein, Franschhoek and Paarl.[10] The influence of this small body of immigrants on the character of the Dutch settlers was marked. The Company in 1701 directed that only Dutch should be taught in the schools. This resulted in the Huguenots assimilating by the middle of the 18th century, with a loss to the community in the use and knowledge of French. The little settlement gradually spread eastwards, and in 1754 the country as far as Algoa Bay was included in the colony.

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