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Libertarian Choice Awards winner for best neonazi forum of 2020!

File: 30d711c71967be3⋯.mp4 (1.85 MB, 480x480, 1:1, The Coon Hunters - We Dont….mp4)

File: 24d18b7e43fcc0e⋯.mp4 (1.73 MB, 854x480, 427:240, The Coon Hunters - Who Nee….mp4)

406df6  No.10496[Last 50 Posts]

Based music against niggers

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f4a3f8  No.10527




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c841b3  No.10729



> Nigger Gangsta Rap

> Nigger Beats and Technique

Are you two really nigger worshipping kikes or do you just WANT to be gassed for niggering up this board in even the slightest way?

You fucking degenerate nigger worshipping scum.

find real music that speaks to your inner soul, your race, and your mind.

Not this garbage nigger shit.

throw it in the bin.


save yourselves

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2253aa  No.10734

File: b11c3c0036675de⋯.mp4 (5.09 MB, 640x360, 16:9, Hail-the-Golden-Dawn.mp4)

File: 7ff8dc95c894596⋯.mp4 (5.63 MB, 640x360, 16:9, Golden-Dawn-Marching-Song-….mp4)


Agreed, here's some real music

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9c32f1  No.10736



>do you love your monkey or do you love me?

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006437  No.10756

File: f2060ac399a6f91⋯.jpg (52.14 KB, 400x300, 4:3, serveimage.jpg)


filthy jewtube took it down, they take everything down now. everybody needs to switch to bitchute

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3a2666  No.10761

File: 1d79aca47745258⋯.png (17.66 KB, 409x331, 409:331, youtube.png)

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432f86  No.10780

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e1ae32  No.10800


I always wondered how much would moonman's songs differ from the source material if you just removed any mention of being white and the memes?

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9420b6  No.10806


fuck off back to



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729b3b  No.10829

File: 25a4c803bc1eb7c⋯.mp4 (3.15 MB, 854x480, 427:240, alabama nigger.mp4)

niggers have still never recovered from this roasting

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f80dd4  No.10832

I hate niggers

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f80dd4  No.10833

File: 89065a0e42b58fe⋯.png (6.39 KB, 150x155, 30:31, ClipboardImage.png)


Lets stop meme about things

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480e11  No.10898

Blink 1488 (Blink 182 parody band)

Mr Bond


Baron De La Vandal


Carl Klang

Are all good right wing bands/singers

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37ef12  No.16553

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8c7809  No.16629

>duuuude let's listen to nigger bashing like some Ku Klux Kucks!

Completely idiotic.

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ffd6c7  No.16818

Skrewdriver - When The Boat Comes In

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fa7d2c  No.16854

The KKK are pretty gay, just reactionary liberals. I can understand their sentiments about the negro though.

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51841b  No.17948


KKK was pretty good at first, got fagged up with masonry though. Was originally just a response to losing political power and needing to use extrajudicial measures in the south when people were getting away with preying on us. Original kick off event was a kike raping and murdering a white girl and then using people being "antisemitic" to get out of being executed(this is the same case that formed the ADL). People that went on to form the KKK marched his ass out of the jail and hung him in the streets.

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c6c2dc  No.17959

YouTube embed. Click thumbnail to play.


>find real music that speaks to your inner soul, your race, and your mind.

Say no more.

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522ddb  No.17985

File: a60527142d0e9b0⋯.png (328.3 KB, 768x392, 96:49, MichaelAdams1.png)



>gangster rap kills niggers

indeed it does

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3f6087  No.18003


Great contribution, OP

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b34c4b  No.19045

File: 3062305155f768f⋯.jpg (173.16 KB, 1366x768, 683:384, moo0000000000000000n.jpg)

Seeding the good stuff


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d101d2  No.19262

Johnny Rebel, some David Allen Coe, 2nd South Carolina String Band, Wagner

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c2aaa7  No.20757

Any Germanons saved Afrika für Affen? JewTube deleted it a while ago.

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debe48  No.20770

File: 40d546ed1186793⋯.png (85.5 KB, 256x256, 1:1, mong.png)


Wow, this is such a great thread (((op))). There's no way that you could've used google to find music, no you needed to make a post on this imageboard. Of course, you had no ulterior motives, and this thread is not going to be screen-shotted and show up in a news article. No no, you just really enjoy based music against niggers, and really really needed more of it. It's not like the wording of this post is specifically crafted to be a perfect headline or anything, you just are a regular imageboard user.

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95f082  No.26493

File: f3406606d166e48⋯.png (5.49 MB, 2424x2740, 606:685, Greatest RAC Albums of All….png)

Having listened to a breadth of virtually every major RAC band's output from the scene's inception to the present, I bring to you the greatest RAC albums of all time.

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8046f2  No.29463

File: bab01408c728003⋯.jpg (17.52 KB, 500x331, 500:331, isd1.jpg)

>there's a nigger moving in next door

i'm surprised this is still up on jewtube


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379c7e  No.29550


>rock gegen oben

fucking based my friend. It's a shame they are barely recognized nowadays

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18c220  No.45665


What happened to Mr Bond?

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4b4292  No.45710

Is the white race capable of surviving communism?

Is the white race strong enough for the future? Can it resist the soros media? Or will the soros media kill the white race?

Will the white race exist in the future?

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438ac8  No.64444

File: 0bcf7a8ae32d99d⋯.webm (1.55 MB, 850x478, 425:239, We wuz kangz.webm)

File: f3bf0614071f8c2⋯.webm (2.93 MB, 446x564, 223:282, Wrongfully accused.webm)

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580c46  No.64771

File: 278febe1f8e757c⋯.mp4 (15.04 MB, 854x480, 427:240, SS Marschiert in Feindesla….mp4)

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8efe72  No.71303

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c4230b  No.78748

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2a76af  No.110498

File: 6c7311ec4d9087c⋯.gif (292.81 KB, 176x164, 44:41, Moonman.gif)


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7b2408  No.110509

File: c35e5edc5579b63⋯.gif (803.92 KB, 1307x734, 1307:734, what_is_joke.gif)

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bff6f5  No.136719


>Will the white race exist in the future?

Of course! Why wouldn't it?

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df184c  No.136730

File: 831fb930ee7a7af⋯.jpg (167.02 KB, 700x495, 140:99, nazi_iden.jpg)



Instead of listening to degenerate LARPers, why not listen to something which can actually be called a genuine achievement of the white race?


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e3d470  No.136965

File: 8b11481c907132a⋯.jpg (25.39 KB, 300x400, 3:4, 1589899221452.jpg)


full johnny rebel album plus some other songs about niggers by various artists. you're welcome

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a53146  No.137037


Get off your high horse, dumbass. Any white nationalist that is well educated in nazi literature and the goals of Hitler are, in fact, TRUE to the nazi spirit. You don't need to be dressed as a nazi soldier from the 40's for this to be true. And get with the times for Christ's sake. You don't need to watch a dude that's not even a self proclaimed nationalist play the piano for 40 minutes. The genre of fashwave is pretty fucking catchy and it has some spirit to it. You should try listening to it you condescending prick. https://www.bitchute.com/video/NLEZpoHE8vEw/

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7e6856  No.137045

YouTube embed. Click thumbnail to play.

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86a8ae  No.137068


Agreed but fashwave is boringly repetitive and slightly faggy.

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bbba47  No.137204

File: 4c1222c1ef84041⋯.webm (7.02 MB, 320x240, 4:3, Passion.webm)


>the political beliefs of the pianist are more important than the music he is playing

Then what is the point of this thread? To listen to some edgy lyrics? I'm sorry if real white European music is too complicated for you to comprehend. Do you think the Nazis listened to nothing but the Horst Wessel Lied?

The music being pushed in this thread is degenerate garbage which just happens to have fascist and racialist lyrics instead of politically acceptable lyrics. None of it helps you, the listener, deepens your understanding or helps you become a better propagator of white culture. It's the same kind of uninspired trash that leftists and blacks enjoy except with political lyrics. Believing that the Holocaust should have happened twenty times over and writing a song about it does not make you a valuable contributor to any worthwhile cause.

Instead of wasting your time with it, why not learn to appreciate the kinds of music which comprise our genuine and unique cultural heritage, the kinds that actually set us apart from other people and elevate us spiritually and intellectually, the kinds that blacks actually can't stand to listen to? That's the real 'based music against niggers.'

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686688  No.137232

File: be5bc530d659e79⋯.webm (9.2 MB, 640x360, 16:9, Le_Pennec.webm)

Have some more white culture.

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a53146  No.137262

File: 16da4fa576e19a4⋯.jpg (882.18 KB, 1200x1044, 100:87, 16d.jpg)


Well, Mr. Smarty, I think that music that does have nationalism in it is pretty valuable. Why keep your ideas in the closet when you can bring it out in the form of art? This strengthens the ties no nationalism. Even Joseph Goebbels said "Everything should include the theme of our great reconstructive work, or at least not stand in its way."

>The music being pushed in this thread is degenerate garbage

What is this degenerate garbage that you speak of? Surely you don't think that I believe a song that says "nigger bad, nigger bad, nigger die, nigger die" is a good song. Clearly that is shit. So do me a favor and point out where this music you claim is "garbage" uses such primitive lyrics. However, music that glorifies Nazi ideas does have its place amongst your music you claim to be superior. Goebbels said "Not all music suits everyone. Therefore that style of entertaining music that is found among the broad masses also has a right to exist". The Germans even played pop music as long as it supported the Nazi state. Ultimately, not everyone has to listen to classical music and sip sweet wine like you. I also don't see the connection of how deepening nationalism makes you a degenerate. I also like how you claim nationalist music isn't a part of "white culture." What hole did you climb out of you kike?

>This music compromises muh heritage

If anything, it invites new nationalists to want to learn about their white heritage as they begin to denounce the kikes and other degenerate cultures. It's better to expand the variety of nationalist music rather than keep it niche to your "complicated European music." Exceptions being any music genre of nigger, kike, and any anti-white origin.

>Instead of wasting your time with it

Let me stop you there. Music is very powerful in spreading nationalism and there's no such thing as wasting time by trying to spread it. Even Goebbels agrees saying that its "the most influential and important intermediary between a spiritual movement and the nation, between the idea and the people." Stop trying to divide nationalists, it will only result in you being called out for what you are; a kike.

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686688  No.137273

File: f49e5dd2071b02c⋯.mp4 (6.81 MB, 426x240, 71:40, Two_Irish_jigs.mp4)


>Music is very powerful in spreading nationalism

Exactly. So why not educate yourself about your nation's real cultural achievements rather than some basement-dwelling skinheads who just recycle the same tropes from rock music (a genre popularised by blacks in the 1950s) and throw some nationalist lyrics on top of it.

The fundamental reason, and the point I am trying to make but which you've conveniently sidestepped to call me a Jew, is that RAC, 'fashwave,' and related phenomena will never achieve anything of note because the nature of the music itself is in conflict with the political message the musicians are trying to blend it with. The entire trajectory of pop music in the post-war period has been to subvert morality, erode inhibitions, and encourage partying, sex, drugs, selfishness, and consumerism. And crucially, this message isn't communicated through the lyrics but through the rhythm, the instrumentation, the composition, and ancillary imagery including music videos, clothing, album covers, and so on. It doesn't much matter what the lyrics are, and the same effect can be achieved without lyrics at all (think of any degenerate rave facilitated by trance music). The mistake all your beloved nationalist pop musicians have made is believing that all they needed to do was rewrite the lyrics and they'd have a weapon just as potent as what the left have. They thought that it would be totally fine to adopt all the tropes of the music which has heralded the decline of Western culture, as long as they sang about Hitler and the ZOG instead of drugs and free love. Pop music was built from the ground up to subvert traditional, conservative ways of living. If you want music which does something else, you have to start with a completely different foundation.

You dismissed Rachmaninoff's Second Piano Concerto, one of the most powerful pieces of the entire European musical canon, as 'some dude playing the piano for forty minutes' and told me to 'get with the times.' Is there any hope for the white race if the very people championing it spit on its greatest achievements as you've done?

We don't need to restrict the conversation to the great works either. How about music in our folk traditions like >>137232 or webm related? This is music firmly grounded in distinctively white racial and cultural consciousnesses around the world, which you should care about if you want to preserve and defend them.

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771fa5  No.143234


Ax nai h xrisi avgi. Oi malakes pou psinoun mprizoles kai pansetes sto vouno kai flexaroun ta airsoft…




pare edw mousikares germanotsolia

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ee0c1a  No.143285

File: 927cad0b5b2595a⋯.png (134.91 KB, 768x597, 256:199, American_Phrenological_Jou….png)


>So why not educate yourself about your nation's real cultural achievements rather than some basement-dwelling skinheads who just recycle the same tropes

1000% this. In your case Americana, the older, the higher the chance of not being usurped by jews. Read lyrics. I know in Europe we have it easier, but you have it too.

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aafbd5  No.143359

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c457a6  No.160799


That's hillarious, I was just listening to the album earlier today!

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d01af7  No.161457

Joggers are repelled by classical music. Convenience stores and a few public bus arenas pipe it out 24/7 to keep nogs from loitering.

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f3db4e  No.161459

YouTube embed. Click thumbnail to play.

Monostatos is an evil lecherous nigger villain in Mozart's Magic Flute.

Best film version is Ingemar Bergman

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f3db4e  No.161460


Like this is such a fast moving board we need to shut down every possible new thread to preserve its precious content. Nobody comes here, nobody posts here, nobody is reading shit here. There's probably 20 people that come here regularly and maybe another 75 or 80 that drop in once in a while.

So definitely do your best to shut everyone up…can't have any interesting or fun threads nosiree.

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1914b3  No.161493

Here is good song called old zip coon


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1914b3  No.161496


Nice song

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1914b3  No.161498


Well that guy sure can sing

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6101b3  No.161720

File: 6b271a4d6672363⋯.webm (1.6 MB, 640x360, 16:9, niggerzbop.webm)

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7b3b27  No.161768

File: 1d3b579c47f4afc⋯.mp4 (13.97 MB, 640x360, 16:9, Goyim_Goddess_Mossad_Appla….mp4)

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7b3b27  No.161769

File: 4263e693e2b94d0⋯.mp4 (3.03 MB, 854x480, 427:240, Mr_Bond_Good_Old_Nationali….mp4)

File: 21b146dec320b39⋯.mp4 (11 MB, 854x480, 427:240, Mr_Bond_Holding_Out_For_A_….mp4)

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7b3b27  No.161770

File: 7cbabe71026b591⋯.mp4 (7.69 MB, 640x480, 4:3, Mr_Bond_White_America_ft_R….mp4)

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556ab1  No.164865

File: b58ebff1e446aec⋯.webm (3.82 MB, 604x340, 151:85, mmandbgrwds.webm)

File: 7e23e1cda8e80d6⋯.webm (3.41 MB, 1280x720, 16:9, mr_bond_gun_and_my_waifu.webm)

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cf98ff  No.164910

File: 197c1c2fa16cba7⋯.jpg (18.97 KB, 267x273, 89:91, 1429935020894.jpg)


>nigger music

<b-but the lyrics are baste

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95f082  No.166363


>rock music (a genre popularised by blacks in the 1950s)

Show me in traditional African music anything resembling Jazz, Ragtime or Blues: it does not exist. The rhythms of early Jazz can already be heard in Anglo-Saxon operettas of the 19th Century. It is true to say that there have been some magnificent and even revolutionary black performers of Jazz, though more rarely in Rock'n'Roll with the possible exception of Chuck Berry. What is undeniable is that whites have promoted all phases of its evolution.

Rock'n'Roll is rhythmically-augmented Scotch Irish folk. Rock was blacks doing an impression of hillbilly music rather than hillbillies doing an impression of "black music". Even the supposed "blues notes" and tonalities come straight out of Scotch Irish music.(there is no blue note in West African music, meanwhile it has been a norm in the folk music of Great Britain for centuries)

Musicologists tend to ascribe some unique quality to African rhythm when it isn't there. The difference between African and Western music isn't in the rhythm, but in the focus on percussion. African music is tribal and meant to be accompanied by dance. Primitive music in all areas of the world started as highly percussive because that's what comes readily to us as human beings. Western music had centuries of development and went astray from those percussive roots long ago.

While Western music was exploring dissonance after entering the modern period, blacks in America started using Western theory and instruments to return to basic human impulse: the rhythm. Turning the focus towards percussion exploded in black music's popularity because Western art music became inaccessibly experimental and dissonant to general audiences. Jazz and Blues's percussive focus caught on hard because rhythm comes to us instinctively. Without the 'We Waz Rawkers and shieet', the myth is as solid as a bowel after eating too much Taco Bell.

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