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d5d8e8  No.11228[Last 50 Posts]


>Quantum entanglement isn't a new term by any stretch of the imagination. In fact, it was once described by Albert Einstein as 'spooky action at a distance' because quantum entanglement appears to disobey one particular law of physics: the speed of light. It hasn't quite been sorted out to work for us in any tangible manner that can be implemented at a large scale, though, up until recently: Researchers from the University of Bristol and the Technical University of Denmark have achieved the world's first chip-to-chip quantum teleportation on silicon – a remarkable achievement that has been published in the journal Nature Physics.

>Quantum entanglement is the mating of two quantum particles, which will share a state regardless of their location respective to one another – in other words, when particle A is manipulated, the effects will be measurable on particle B instantaneously, whether they are near each other or at a great distance. The theory is that this distance can be infinitely long, but the effects will still be instantly measurable, which enables faster-than-light communications. Hence Einstein's remark.

>“We were able to demonstrate a high-quality entanglement link across two chips in the lab, where photons on either chip share a single quantum state." said co-author Dan Llewellyn. “Each chip was then fully programmed to perform a range of demonstrations which utilize the entanglement. The flagship demonstration was a two-chip teleportation experiment, whereby the individual quantum state of a particle is transmitted across the two chips after a quantum measurement is performed. This measurement utilises the strange behaviour of quantum physics, which simultaneously collapses the entanglement link and transfers the particle state to another particle already on the receiver chip.”

>Lead author, Dr Jianwei Wang, said: “In the future, a single silicon chip integration of quantum photonic devices and classical electronic controls will open the door for fully chip-based CMOS-compatible quantum communication and information processing networks.”

>The results from the lab are also impressive with 91 percent of teleported data arriving as intended. Of course, that's the raw data stream, and using data packaging and hashing methods as we do today on other data transfer methods can ensure that all the data will arrive successfully at the cost of some bandwidth.

>This isn't the step to full-fledged quantum computing though, but the ability for two pieces of silicon to communicate using quantum entanglement is a world's first, and an essential step in both quantum computing and the building of a quantum internet.

Kikes on Wall Street will fund this like crazy if it becomes viable. Imagine - zero lag for stock market quotes.

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aa30e4  No.11285

I forsee a huge problem for us.

As it stands networks are well suited to us as its difficult to pin anything down to a single user. Too distributed.

This however could easily be extremely centralised and single users disconnected from the network very easily

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2534b1  No.11309


Physicist here. Quantum entanglement does not allow faster-than-light communication. It is not "spooky". It is just a buzzword that has been massively pumped up to make normies "fucking love science".

There is nothing weird about quantum entanglement. If you flip a coin, the result is either heads or tails. If you can only see one side of the coin, you know what the other side is automatically. If I were to cleave a coin in half and send the halves to opposite sides of the universe, then someone finding the "heads" side will know

>hey there's a "tails" side out there somewhere

You would have to have your head pretty far up your ass to call that "faster-than-light" communication, but then most scientists do.

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8b9456  No.11356

YouTube embed. Click thumbnail to play.

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9c0583  No.11418


thanks for your insight brother. I didn't even read this shit article because I was already suspicious due to it being from the click-bait site tomshardware, and also due to the fact that the plagiarist known as (((einstein))) was mentioned in the 1st paragraph

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124541  No.11493


In quantum mechanics case of entanglement, the correlation is the only certainty the system has until part of it is measured. That means the parts would be in a superposition of all potential states it could be in until observed. However a probability distribution still applies (like 1/2 HT, 1/2 TH) and it's random on what you'll observe. There's no ability to control whenever it'll be heads or tails on your end, or know if its counterpart was already observed or not. Therefore no FTL communication can be achieved this way.

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e999ac  No.11522

Quantum Mechanics as a concept is blatantly bullshit and is proof that normalniggers will literally believe anything as long as it comes out of some college professor's mouth.

>it's unreasonable to believe in a god

<it's reasonable to believe in voodoo magic that will stop working if you look at it so that's why we don't need to show tangible evidence that it exists goy

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7d7e35  No.11524


The comments in the videos are more interesting than the videos.

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6d0f79  No.11532

everything is happening right now, all the time

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6d0f79  No.11533


….and everywhere, all at the same time.

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9c0583  No.11545


>There's no ability to control whenever it'll be heads or tails

yes, there is

>normalniggers will literally believe anything as long as it comes out of some college professor's mouth


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7d7e35  No.11549


>yes, there is

pill me.

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58d99c  No.11550


This. There is control and quantum communication or beyond is nothing new outside of public sphere. FTL is dependent on application and use.

Even normalfags have encountered it before.


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3adf39  No.11553


wouldn't it then stand to reason that 2 coins split (using your analogy) can "faster than light" relay to another position in the universe either a 1 or 0 depending on whether heads or tails was revealed?

from that can we not communicate with a position at faster than light speeds? I mean, we'd first have to get to (for instance) Mars, but once we were there we could communicate with earth in real-time. Right or wrong?

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7d7e35  No.11555


I think 'movement' might be a fallacy.

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1bb522  No.11606

File: 9265542f141671a⋯.gif (1.05 MB, 320x240, 4:3, 980f34c803673ef3d1ba4af502….gif)


>Quantum Computing

lmao goddamnit I hate these fucking thieves.

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7d7e35  No.11622


The bugs are hideous criminals, devourers and destroyers who reproduce out of control just like the niggers. The only good thing about the bug is that they will all be dead of starvation soon. Can you imagine being so delusional that you thought it would be a 'good idea' to put your penis in one? Fuck, White men are so delusional.

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5039f2  No.11642


>dead of starvation soon

You sure you won't be workslaving like always and zog gives them your cash?

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2534b1  No.11779


This is the idea that try to put in our heads, but ultimately it's wrong. In your particular scenario, you would still have to send half of an entangled pair to Mars, and that can't be done faster-than-light.

Alternatively, say you sent 1000 such pair halves to Mars, so that on each planet there was a collection of pairs entangled to a collection on the other planet. Then people on Earth could compose a message by revealing the bits in sequence, and throwing out the ones that don't match their message, until they have a list of which bits produced the message. Now they know that the people on Mars have the same message in their collection, but how do they tell them which bits were used in the message? They would still need to send a communication (at light speed) telling them which bits correspond to the intended message. This process could be used for quantum encryption, but it still doesn't get you FTL communication, because your final communication of the bit indices was no faster than light.

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2534b1  No.11782


Universities accept >30% Chinese students now. They learn, do research, and often go back to China, taking what they learned with them. Just as often though, they stay and take university positions that many Americans miss out on.

Why do we do this? Because universities get paid government subsidies per "head" that they take on. They found they can make more money by accepting anyone from anywhere. We should be taking those PhD candidates from America, but we aren't educating them that well and anyways diverse acceptees probably get universities better subsidies.

idk about quantum computing, but China is mass producing solar cells now at a rate that is essentially killing US solar cell companies. I got my PhD in solar cell research and can attest that we take over 30% Chinese students. No doubt this is related to Chinas ability to outcompete us in this arena.

America is giving herself away to everyone now, economically, demographically, academically, and in just about every other way you can imagine. She is the whore of the world, spreading her legs, opening herself to men of any country to come and go as they please. Meanwhile her children are pleading as they wither away. They beg her to be reasonable, but she is so ashamed that she has lost the will to live. She is begging for death at the horror of her children who still depend on her.

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9c0583  No.11822


lol, go back to the Q board faggot

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7d7e35  No.11825


No they are having a full failure in their food supplies right now. Their crops are being eaten by worms, swine flu is passing through all their pork, bird flue is killing all their fowl and there is massive speculation that one or both of those flues have also spread to the human population. They will reap what they have sewn for encouraging the nigger to rape and murder Whites in South Africa so that they could steal the land.

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7d7e35  No.11826



No they are having a full failure in their food supplies right now. Their crops are being eaten by worms, swine flu is passing through all their pork, bird flue is killing all their fowl and there is massive speculation that one or both of those flues have also spread to the human population. They will reap what they have sewn for encouraging the nigger to rape and murder Whites in South Africa so that they could steal the land.

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7d7e35  No.11828


Dip, nigger.

Nothing to say. No one is surprised.

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278618  No.11834

fake science fiction shit

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241056  No.12045

File: 6370e6cfe8d7728⋯.png (269.38 KB, 1047x170, 1047:170, Screen Shot 2019-12-29 at ….png)

File: e5c793b34ca9faf⋯.jpg (287.7 KB, 700x396, 175:99, Werner-Heisenberg-Indian-p….jpg)


>Physicist here. Quantum entanglement does not allow faster-than-light communication. It is not "spooky". It is just a buzzword

In other words, (((you))) are one of (((them))) and so you feel it's necessary to police how everything is interpreted.

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8c990c  No.12256


>getting your positions on quantum physics from gay quotes


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c21547  No.12397

File: 84a3b218ff5e078⋯.jpeg (19.9 KB, 299x169, 23:13, EBD39DDD-68BC-4D57-96D0-8….jpeg)


What the experts and authorities of quantum mechanics say is directly contrary to the deterministic world view that shills like to push on online forums.

It’s interesting how uncomfortable you are with the facts.

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15a41f  No.12438

The distance from the origin to the point 1+i is 0 That is 0^2=(1-0)^2=(i-0)^2 The distance from the point 2+0 to the point 1+i is also 0. That is (0)^2=(2-1)^2+(0-i)^2 So you see I just traveled from the origin to the point 2 but covered 0 distance by taking a short cut through complex space. Einstein objected to spooky action at a distance.There is no distance. I expect Einstein understood this but he spent his entire life waging war on quantum mechanics.

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41a234  No.12443


If one of the entangled particles were on Mars the communication would be instant.

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41a234  No.12444


>Einstein understood this but he spent his entire life waging war on quantum mechanics.

Because the plagiarist couldn't understand it.

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124541  No.12801


>There is no distance

It gets even weirder than that, assuming space-time itself is a byproduct of entanglement of systems and states. Locality and causality are then determined by how strongly correlated one point is relative to others, which defines position, moment, distance and motion. However the sum of all correlations are restricted to conserve an ultimate symmetry; no matter what configuration exists, be a singularity or any size/age of any universe/multiverse.

Though the implications of this implies that reality is an abstraction, and physicality only emerges due to conservation of information. If it turns out to be correct, the potential of quantum computing will be far greater than scientists could even comprehend. If not, well it was a fun conjecture to toy around with.

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8962fe  No.12803


>If it turns out to be correct, the potential of quantum computing will be far greater than scientists could even comprehend

Just to see if we're on the same page, are you under the assumption that quantum computing "might" offer an instant answer to any question?

That's what I made of what you said, but I'm a bit of a dunce at times, so….

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8962fe  No.12805



correction / instant ANSWERS restricted to degrees of probability, should you add the restrictions?

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124541  No.12809


I'm talking about something even more controversial: The ability to use quantum computing to manipulate vacuum states to arbitrarily entangle/disentangle portions of space-time itself (which would resemble similar characteristics of a wormhole). Quite literally use the vacuum to process information in order to influence space-time itself. Another application could be to do what you suggest as well.

But like I said, this is merely a conjecture and I'm pretty sure conservation would forbid this if this universe is truly isolated.

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8962fe  No.12821


>manipulate vacuum states

More of a displacement technology, then?

By what mechanism? A shitton of e-?

wouldn't that require stupid amounts of energy?

lot of questions, but I haven't delved deep into this topic. Figured it might be more of a pseudo-science meant to waste thought potential, but very interested in discussing with someone who has a fundamental understanding and ability to relay what I don't understand coherently. So, thanks.

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8962fe  No.12833

File: f95545e6ffb87e6⋯.png (21.97 KB, 792x519, 264:173, feasibility.png)

File: 5c25ea8b7d12656⋯.pdf (2.33 MB, Valone - FEASIBILITY STUDY….pdf)


I found this on the topic

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8962fe  No.12841


if anyone else happens to delve into this, the calculation used for determining quantum vacuum used expresses 3dimensional space as 2pi

wouldn't pipi be a better expression? or even piR2 if we're merely looking for volume, right?

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8962fe  No.12843





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8962fe  No.12845

File: 469f239630f8664⋯.png (35.09 KB, 745x722, 745:722, partons_fundamentally_diff….png)


pic related explains why total volume of quantum vacuum is calculated using 2pi

I'll hold off asking anymore stupid questions for now

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8962fe  No.12859


> if this universe is truly isolated.

I would have never thought this before, but it simply cannot be. I'm having an awakening moment right now as I completely understand why they build the LHC and what they're doing.

This is very overwhelming. I never heard of Zitterbewegung Motion or Zero-Point radiation, never even considered its existence.

I get it now. I totally get it.

There all sitting there with the jaws on the floor thinking "What the fuck is it!?" looking at ZPR emitting from a (seemingly) vacuum.

We're in a type of loop in which we're looking at ourselves trying to figure out what we are from a perspective of disassociation reflected on a mirror. So we just see ourselves looking at ourselves and by doing so, we see ourselves looking at ourselves.

I think I just had a brain aneurysm.

I knew I should have just left this topic alone. I get what you're inferring. At some point in that loop, disentangle it and retie it somewhere down the line or somewhere else. I'm still a long distance from "getting it" but I understand what you're implying. Wow, shit. wtf…

some humor, the first intergalactic ships will literally have a SHO emblem on them. kek

Ford did it again!

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77f5e4  No.12893


Are you the Patrick Ryan? The @emblem21ceo guy and butterfly warrior? If you are, I thoroughly enjoyed your /pol/ threads.

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77f5e4  No.12894


I'll add these for anyone who doesn't know who I'm talking about.



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124541  No.12904


Not him, but I found some of his ideas rather interesting and did occasionally post in his /pol/ threads. Used to also occasionally check on /gnosticwarfare/ as well prior to August. A real shame that wasn't migrated.

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4f81c7  No.12985


Isn't transfer of information supposed to not exceed the speed of light though?

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8962fe  No.12994


>Isn't transfer of information supposed to not exceed the speed of light though?

Schroedingers Cat

You only know what you see

although by seeing that you know what the party at the other end of the universe sees, you still don't know until you know. Until you know what they see, they see both heads and tails even if you see either on your end.

Honestly, if you can stomach it, read that feasibility study I posted up above. Once it clicks in your head, the whole field of study becomes clear as a blue sky in your mind. The math is very simple, it hardly contains a piece of calculus to work through a quantum vaccuum calculation. You're basically working wih a piston chamber in a single point in space.

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90e48a  No.13001


It would only make sense if you can manipulate the spin of said particles.

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90e48a  No.13004


I think of quatum computing as a female that eats soy, if you put soy into a female it grows bigger tits, and nothing more besides that.

Like a vessel you put water into.

I also hate google spastics.

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2534b1  No.13015



I already addressed that in >>11779

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90e48a  No.13021


Incomplete information it was also done with snippets of wave lengths as far as i recall.

Also if you would manipulate the particle it would probably evaporate the entanglement, even if you are smug and use of a cloud of said particles.

I dont believe in quantum computing it is jewish.

Seems too trivial. Unless it would tap into multi dimensions and would sap the power of that. Which is unlikely.

There is no higher computing power than brute force.

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90e48a  No.13022


Rat people.

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b006d2  No.13422


My understanding is when one entangled particle is manipulated the other particle reacts in the same way instantly. Is this wrong?

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124541  No.13447


There is a thought experiment I thought of but I'm not satisfied with it because it requires a lot of assumptions.

It involves two or more sets of vibrating "mirrors" undergoing the dynamical casimir effect. The idea is that virtual and "real" particles produced from vacuum would have correlation with the space-time they originate from, and for the former, the space-time they return to the vacuum. This behavior would be a consequence of conserving information about quantum fluctuations.

Now here's the extremely speculative part, if you annihilate "real" particles within the boundaries of the vacuum the experiment is focused on, then it'll allow for space-time to be entangled within those regions. Apply quantum computing to impose quantum logic onto these particular particles somehow prior to annihilation, and you'll effectively impose computations onto space-time itself.

But here's the part which makes me uncertain about it: It requires describing a state where "real" particles produced from vacuum, if annihilated in identical vacuum conditions, can transition back into the vacuum elsewhere, regardless how long they became "real". It's like a deliberately delayed, conditional version of virtual particle annihilation that would normally happen.

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8962fe  No.13463

File: e7610223a8d9d98⋯.png (315.57 KB, 653x769, 653:769, sumuganon.png)


>even if you are smug and use of a cloud of said particles.

kills my plans then!

guess I'll drink boozes

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9c0583  No.13464

File: a40559c38351de1⋯.jpg (72.38 KB, 694x530, 347:265, Q-Judge-q-star-trek-107594….jpg)


you'll find no evidence of Q here jew

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8962fe  No.13473


>But here's the part which makes me uncertain about it: It requires describing a state where "real" particles produced from vacuum, if annihilated in identical vacuum conditions, can transition back into the vacuum elsewhere, regardless how long they became "real". It's like a deliberately delayed, conditional version of virtual particle annihilation that would normally happen.

Go easy on me a bit, this is literally my 2nd day ever really paying attention to quantum theory.

When I read this particular portion of what you're proposing, I'm stuck a bit thinking about the idea that through the process of annihilation, that one dude with the long W last name recognized an increase in the positron output of the underlying particle. This being the case, wouldn't that cause a reflective augmentation in the reverberation ZPR frequency emitting from the vaccuum, which would then cause a type of loop?

What my feable brain is trying to come to is the idea that this might just go BOOM! and everyone around would be like "Aww sheit!"

It just seemed like the stability of the mirror of the quantum vaccum played a bit role in making the vaccum itself possible. No?

I can see how smartniggers spend years on a single problem now. This is kind of fun.

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3f343a  No.13502

>Clarified that faster than light communication would contradict established theorems.

Well let's hope the theorems are wrong.

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e49eee  No.13514

File: 3f87157cfc956c1⋯.jpg (9.77 KB, 188x293, 188:293, index.jpg)

You wanna know what is even more spooky? There is essentially a quantum field. Connected a lot of us together. And it always has been so. Apparently in some weird way. If you tune in to it (as in you comprehend what to pick out from the noise, like by seeing a person, or sharing emotions with that person, engraving memories with that person), you could actually have communication at a distance with that person. Tho of limited ability, since it requires genetic anomalies to function to non negligible levels.

It works best with twins who show similar brain responses to fear or whatever even if they are apart. But apparently this quantum field is most active in the dream time, as even normal people, in a schizophrenic kind of connected way actually bump into one another. Its very hard to know inside of a dream whether or not you are connecting with another human being, or just with yourself. And to what extent.

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8962fe  No.13527


> a quantum field. Connected a lot of us together

We know

It's called ZPR. An energy wave that exist in a total vaccuum.

I think it's the motherboard and we have only known the pixel-world.

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e49eee  No.13533

File: 71eaea45b2d8afb⋯.jpg (59.57 KB, 333x500, 333:500, 51Gva1mwbdL.jpg)


He, that is also what the book describes the quantum field as. And also what Hinduism even does. A collective consciousness the book describes at. The noosphere. Our individual self only houses a few select things of ourselves, but the larger whole houses the most of things. In Hinduism, we are a a soul, that is the same in quality, but much smaller in quantity. And that soul, or the quantum bits govern what regions of our brain activate, they affect ions.

And apparently, if you wish to connect with another person, or even another group. Knowledge of the concepts of that group works well for that. If you know another persons idea, or his face, sound and specifics. Then you can connect to him through the quantum field. Which is where memes comes in. And if many people do it too much, it can effect random number generators of all sorts, which is where the world consciousness project came in, lots of worldwide random number generators all tuned in to give you an idea of the noosphere.

But some others use the analogy of the radio receiver. Which is not entirely accurate but its better than nothing. Basically there are all sorts of signals you can receive. But it is as if you are trying to interpret a dream by another person who is an engineer. If that engineer dreams about fixing a car, you most likely wont comprehend that dream because you dont know shit about fixing cars.

Knowledge of that thing makes you able to connect to it through the quantum realm. But its also the reason why remote viewing cannot be easily done on other planets of sorts. But If you are not very skilled at remote viewing. In your dreams you can only connect to those things you know somewhat. All other things are just weird, mad ramblings of things you dont understand. That may include demonics or angelics or demi gods of sorts.

but yea, spooky shit indeed. Even spookier if perhaps more than one woman is stalking you through this field (call my schizo, I dont care) but I suspect that if you sleep during the time that other person sleeps, and thus if you have common knowledge, you do connect. Which is what I dont want, and the reason I went to study shit stupid shit quantum field. No idea how to stop it. Basically have to find a demi god of sorts to stop it lel.

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8962fe  No.13545

>>13533 (Masonic Check!)

So, I'm about as interested in esoteric topics as I am in a hot coffee enema, but I really like when people show an excitement for expanding their knowlege and I can see that you are excited about quantum theory from an esoteric perspective. This makes me comfy, even though I don't the interest in it myself.

That being said, your mind and mine have a much different way at looking at the world, so banging idealisms around could be fruitful for the two of us.

In my extremely elementary review of the math behind quantum-vaccuums and zero point radiation, I can see a path to attach our 3 dimensional, physical universe to the 2 dimensional fabric the universe is projected from. Appparently on a quantum level, the math to figure the volume of a cylinder is closer to that of a 2 dimensional plane, well actually about halfway between the mass world and the wave/photon world. Wrap your head around that a bit and let me know what you think?

In short, I think I can work to find the "projection coefficient" we can tie to the underlying 2 dimensional plane, which will adjust by way of the radioation field waves emmited by the particles we experience in our 3-dimensional realm. I just feel like there is going to be a common bond between a point in space 3 dimensional space and a point in 2 dimensional field (motherboard).

What does your mind say?

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e49eee  No.13549


I have really almost no idea what you are talking about, the surface stuff that you mention here feels like its resting on a basis of much science and math. So rest assured that if you are a spook, or somewhere far in your field, I am nowhere near you. I got a good grasp of some of the non math/non science diversity of this topic now I think. Or at least an esoteric old view. But if you are serious, for me to get to your level would require for me to get much study.

I just keep thinking, if you are a bit optimistic in whatever you chose to do (to expand remote viewing capabilities?), can you also do the opposite? As in to create a device that will make it much more difficult for human entities who possess such heightened sensitivity, be they government spooks, or really difficult women who want your D, to not to be able to bother you? I would pay like a 1000 bucks for that, for real.

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8962fe  No.13552


> can you also do the opposite?

from a physics standpoint, yes. All actions support an equal and opposite reaction. So far as I can tell, even on a quantum level (although quantum annihilation seems to evoke an opposite effect to what you would expect… weird) but yeh, if you can "remote view" you can also "remote project."

I'm just a NEET, anon with distrubing social habits. I like the way different minds come to see things. Two people can share the same exact day and experience it completely differently. Neither is wrong.

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e49eee  No.13556


>Two people can share the same exact day and experience it completely differently. Neither is wrong.

Yea, different theories, means you could have different perspectives. Think of the world as extremely complicated, it has many parts, trillions of parts. And you see those parts every day, if you were to think about all trillion parts life would be difficult. Therefore all men and women choose to look only for a few parts, relevant to their own theories. There are some job occupations that are kinda funny like this. Like a hostage situation. When a hostage taker calls up the cops on a phone, there are actually multiple guys there to interpret each part of his message, some look for slight variations in tonality as it could indicate emotional rigors, some listen to the message itself, some for background noise. All to get to an advantage for themselves.

That is just how the brain works. Its very hard to undo this kind of tunnel vision that captures us all in life. You can only easily make it narrower it seems, but very difficult to make it broader still.

But yea, this chan and how it returned allowed us to resume the intellectual stuff that we loved so much. Its slow, and far enough away from the retards at halfcuck to do this. But how do you plan to make a projector of sorts? That sounds incredibly awesome. Not personally what I wanted, but it could work, if I was able to shout down people I dislike from the quantum field lol. What would it look like? Somekind of contraption that manipulates the fields and/or computes your brain waves through this medium somehow?

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8962fe  No.13560


> far enough away from the retards at halfcuck

yeah half is literal garbage. cloudflare is so far up their ass I don't even bother scanning the site for current events like I used to. (cloudflare is the host that has their server and it's basically google2.0)

Up until yesterday I stayed away from anything "quantum" like the plague. I thought it was pseudo-science but a physicist came and posted above and I figured I would bang a couple questions off of him to see if I could quickly confirm my bias about quantum theory. I tried, but then spent several hours with my jaw hanging halfway open as I realized what quantum theory really is. It's not at all what I had in my head. I think the media-projected ideal surrounding it is so colleges can continue go get funding for it. So, the best I can explain it is picture a sheet that no matter what direction you reach, it tugs at you. Up, down, left, right, in, out, around, above, below…. Every direction, it gives resistance. That's the quantum blanket of us. We are literally it and it is us. By me saying "it" tugs, it's us tugging at us. There's a reflection, so to speak, which gets expressed (becomes acknowlegable) sub-atomically… between the mass but removing absolutely everything like gravity, light, heat, everything. Literallly nothing (a vaccuum) and there it is. The sheet. It's very cool. Very cool.

so now that I've laid that out, what I feel like I can see in my head wanting to come together is a calculation (algorithm is the popular term recently) which you can use to say "hey, at this point in space, where is it reflected on the sheet?"

If I can do that, then I can do that with another point in space and relate them to each other and come up with a "alternate route" of sorts between points in space.

Does that make sense at all?

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e49eee  No.13568


the book author of "entangled" thinks that all matter became entangled from the big bang on. Which is the reason for this quantum field, or sheet as you call it. We ourselves are made from its particles, and as such in some circumstances, (like in dreams), or ganzfeld experiments (you really should read that book entangled, pirate it on library genesis if you must, some genetic mutations could allow for a stable, non schizo person to be under its insane effects. Think of your inability to do esp more with the fact that your filter is also a protection, if you were to be opened up you would hear/see the strangest of things. You would probaly turn psycho from the chaotic crap flinging around you. As people are quite mad, angry, sad, happy, in varying and unpredictable degrees around you. Not to mention all the possible quantum concentrations of semi conscious entities that were created by people thinking about it as a collective (its described in the book I mention above, egregores, if you read that book with a skeptical mind from a scientific perspective, it will be quite reasonable). So yea, I probably shouldnt demand you to read the bhagavad gita or cutting through spiritual materialism, but if you wish to know more of the complexity of those things, read those two books.

Because these quantum concentrations of bullshit are like quantum suns, or quantum black holes in our nearby local field probably. If I were to rate the strength of them…the Christians would be quite huge. But old religions as well, not only religions, memes of all sorts would be like little stars in this field.

The old method to best these things…well its a bit low tech obviously. You use rituals to change the meaning, and to barter with these concentrations. Chanting and looking like a retard basically, but they do work, sometimes just because of your own local, flesh psychology, sometimes because they actually do affect these lager concentrations.

If you can make a tech solution, oh boy that would be the best thing ever. Tho I hope you dont need a quantum collider like the particle collider in europe lol

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8962fe  No.13581


>Tho I hope you dont need a quantum collider like the particle collider in europe

I think we have access to the results, which is pretty much the same as having a collider.

At least I hope we have access tothe results. It would be strange if the scientists using it

weren't publishing their findings as well as irresponsible since people would contribute to

their work for free/fun.

The super-collider concept is really funny. It's basically the worlds biggest cleaning utensil.

It's job is solely to get shit out of the way so we can see what's beneath it all.

I'll check out Entangled and see what its all about.

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e49eee  No.13586



ha, with stuff like this you wish to meta analyze what we can find? That is not a bad idea, tho I am not sure if I could be of any help. It sounds like a fantastic project to invest time and energy into. And I even have personal interest into it since I just want to be left alone from this quantum bullshit (srsly it is as if women are so arrogant because they are more in touch with it, and think that they can own you, in a way they can)(and going from anthropology, there seem to be indications that evolution has partly adapted to it, from entangled, the book, one sees a lot of data, and it seems that its on par with my own experience. The entanglement of emotions/events/souls between a heterosexual male and heterosexual female are strengthened by a factor of something like 300% compared to male bonding but also misc bonding as to other things in life.

Fleshy DNA bits trying to use any and all means possible to get laid, including quantum spooky, occult stuffs lol. Tho I am not sure what YOUR aim is here? Why do you wish to pursue?

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8962fe  No.13608


>Why do you wish to pursue?

because when I was 4yrs old, I got a Sega Genesis and after about 10 minutes of playing it alone in my room, I decided I had to take it apart.

I didn't expect to find Sonic inside anywhere, but I wasn't prepared to see plastic and metal, either. I don't really know what I was expecting, but I was really upset. I went and asked my mom for a microscope and once she realized I had taken my christmas present apart, I didn't get any further with it. I'd play it, but I'd stare at it and think about it for hours at a time with the game on pause. It really bothered me.

A couple years later I figured out how it worked and got into making mazes and shit on computers, but then I realized I had a bigger problem. I started to see the world around me and question it's authenticity.

Then yesterday I realized I might be able to figure this big fucking sega genesis we're living in out and that was really cool. I really want to know what the fuck is going on here? It bothers me to such a degree I can't sleep for days at a time, sometimes and I don't like seeing people IRL because I can also see how flawed our reality is.

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8962fe  No.13612


>wish to meta analyze what we can find?

I think its important you realize the task we're talking about. I don't expect you to just happen to be able to understand this, but these are a portion of my notes from yesterday digging into the math of quantum vacuums. What I want is to relay the amout of data we're talking about cataloging:

"""Zero-point radiation gives the oscillator an average energy equal to the frequency of

oscillation multiplied by one-half of Planck's constant.

The derivation of the parton mass gives us a theoretical idea of how small

the structure of the quantum vacuum may be and, utilizing E = mc 2 , how large11

ZPE density may be. For convenience, we substitute h = “h bar “ = h/2π for which

the average ZPE = 1⁄2 hf = 1⁄2 hω, since the angular frequency ω = 2πf.

(atmospheres divided by 2 times pi for which the average zero point energy

equals one half atmospheres times radiation frequency which is equal to

one half atomospheres times angular frequency since angular frequency

equals 2 times pi times radiation frequency.)

ZPF mass density estimate of 10 101 g/cc >> theres my ridiculous amounts of energy"""

>>you mentioned "trillions" prior. You'd me more accurate to express it as trillions of trillions but even then you'd fall short.

10 to the 100 g/cc is a 10 with 100 zeros behind it grams per cubic centimeter.

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e49eee  No.13619


that is a noble quest that you have, and "entangled" will kinda help you with that I believe. Perhaps many of us struggle with this fag reality as you do, to some extent, tho I have it for the feminine plague reasons. I just cant stand it that even with distance, there is some faggot force out there connecting me unwillingly to people I do not want to be connected to. But a simple desire of yours to comprehend reality just because it feels fake is perhaps even more legitimate than mine. A scientific quest of yours is quite pure I would say, not spoiled by the likes of religion and philosophy. If you truly wanted to find out what you wish to find out, then this fag reality will grant it to you. For such is its way.

It would be interesting to hear what your, but also my progress is on this topic? We used to have /lit/ threads as we do have /sig/ threads here when the board quality was still great. I wonder if the rumble of the false flag shootings will ever allow us to be that stable again. For every second we can exercise our thoughts here in this manner, a jew grows ever angrier. A "spooky stuff" long term general thread would be nice as well perhaps.


>I don't expect you to just happen to be able to understand this

I understand almost nothing of it, I dont even know many of the more generic terms it seems. I am interested but would other anons also be interested in this I wonder? This goal of ours doesnt directly interact with the goals of the many political groups here who could lend their ear and energy towards its solutions. The more and more I read, the more I deviate from the major groups it seems. I think that even you are quite lonely in your quest are you not?

>>>you mentioned "trillions" prior. You'd me more accurate to express it as trillions of trillions but even then you'd fall short.

Well if you are technical, which you are indeed, then that would be indeed more accurate, it was just a figure of speech. Our brain also has trillions upon trillions of sorts. And those trillions somehow combine with one another, with genetics and whatnot, to find the sensory data outside with all of their might, through a varying combination of flesh, chemicals and all sorts of matter stuff. To live. But they cannot partake in the whole tree that they see so to speak. The trillions of trillions that is a tree when you see it, in our brain are just a few simple scripts, the generic color. The texture, the strength of the wood. Maybe if you burn it, the flammability. But a tree is so much more, inside its juices are flowing, its absorbing light from the sun, it feels more things in relation to itself than we see of it. For our own perspective of it is just the thing that we can use to live. The genetics that are selfish.

But yea, not sure what the point is. But its a real shame that we dont have a science chan just for us, just reading some commentary as I read elsewhere would be nice.

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83f2e2  No.13628


I was thinking about centralization immediately half way through this.

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9bb7d6  No.13644


You don't know when the manipulation was someone trying to send a message, and when it was something else that was responsible.

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e49eee  No.13695

but a psychic/quantum field loudener, many that idea of yours intrigues me. To be able to shout at everyone mentally? Do you have an idea how to make such a device?

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124541  No.13801


I probably should have made it clear that by annihilation, I mean annihilation of any particle pairs that were produced from that vacuum. You manipulate them with quantum computing and then transfer both to another point of vacuum experiencing the exact same conditions, and annihilate them there. The more this happens, a "wormhole" will start to form between these points. However this will decay insanely fast in a form of hawking radiation if the "mirror" vibrations are switched off. At least that's what I think could happen. Problem is the frequency of vibration on all "mirrors" in the experiment must be exact for this to work. If one goes out of sync ever so slightly, then the particles annihilate normally and that entanglement with the vacuum is lost.

There's also an interesting situation I've noticed with virtual particle interactions if this is the case. Virtual particles would never annihilate themselves exactly at the space-time they emitted from. If what I predict is true, that would result in new correlations existing in space-time for that moment. But when they disentangle, it "expands" space-time. In a sense quantum scale wormholes are constantly forming and decaying in vacuum due to virtual particle interactions. I inadvertently described a possible explanation of cosmological inflation through certain vacuum entanglement/disentanglement behavior.

But like I said before, all this hinges on a lot of assumptions derived from a conjecture describing entanglement as an fundamental property of reality. The only conjecture I'm aware of which shares a similar view about entanglement and wormholes sharing a fundamental relationship is the ER=EPR conjecture. That's something worth looking into for anyone interested in more recent ideas about quantum mechanics.

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cb7b3d  No.14148


I'm all for a good explanation, once and for all.

It sounds like the church of modern science and Einstein Luvers keep maintaining an aura of whateverthefuckness so it's never easy to understand anything.

What's entanglement? How are two distant photons related to each other? Is one the mirror of the other (flavor?)????

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cb7b3d  No.14152


>Then people on Earth could compose a message by revealing the bits in sequence, and throwing out the ones that don't match their message


Compose by revealing bits? Sequence? Match what message? The one they are trying to compose? They need bits to reveal the message they compose with bits in sequence?

<BRB, gonna buy IQ points.

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cb7b3d  No.14154


Don't give me hope about China, don't break my heart. Give me facts instead.

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eac65c  No.14162


>What's entanglement? How are two distant photons related to each other? Is one the mirror of the other (flavor?)????

Entanglement is literally 2 sides of the same particle, existing at 2 different points in what we perceive to be space, simultaneously. The observation of entanglement at a distance has really fucked us up in the way we perceive the universe, as far as physics is concerned. Physicists are trying to explain it and can apply calculable mathematics to it, which holds true time and again, but as far as a logical explanation, nobody can offer something like that just yet.

The closest anyone can really offer some form of logic is that there is a sub-layer to our universe where reality exists and it's projected up into the reality that we perceive, you may have hear of the holographic universe theory? this ties in with String Theory in that everything is connected since its all on a subsurface. That would make us the parts of the universe that are tasked with figuring out what "we" (the universe) are.

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e49eee  No.14190


I dont think that there is a purpose to figure anything out. I think that its simply math of an order that we do not know exists (yet) of a previous event that happens, and we are just here perhaps for no reason.

Here are a few great examples (note, all of this does not collide with Gnosticism nor with hinduism and its multiverse approach)



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b81b6e  No.14251


ty it explained everything!

Can you explain what you wrote please?

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8962fe  No.14259


>Can you explain what you wrote please?

We be avatars, yo!

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124541  No.14292


What he's saying is that if you only decide to declare which measured particles in a sequence actually count as being part of a message, you have potential information that could be read by the other end. However since the person on the other end wouldn't know which particles are part of the actual message, you'd still have to send them a normal light-speed message in bits, to tell them how to read it. One way to imagine it is that it's like a quantum-classic version of a one-time pad.

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95fc1d  No.26109


>You would have to have your head pretty far up your ass to call that "faster-than-light" communication, but then most scientists do.

imagine all the Fourier transforms a binary computer still has to do to make any of the data useful…

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113887  No.41994


quantum entanglement can provide instant communication regardless of distance


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113887  No.41995


quantum entanglement, to the best of my knowledge is something like this: (Disclaimer - I am giving my layman's understanding of this and it is not the official definition of quantum entanglement)

you have two coins

but they really are the same coin

sort of

If I scratch a coin, the scratch appears simultaneously on the other coin

If I flip one coin and it lands on heads, the other will also land on heads (somehow - still wondering how they can both be flipped by only touching one of them)


their atoms are entangled so that if something happens to one coin, it happens to the other also.

they share the same exact properties.

so, this , in theory, can be applied to communications equipment, which would be really neat to have if one was engaged in interstellar space travel.

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113887  No.41997


one last thing

ka ka poo poo

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e3fff8  No.42012


A one-time pad doesn't require a separate interpretation tool. It requires an alphabet and grammar.


Multiple explanations for the same phenomena. The only thing you need to know is that information travels instantaneously, and reality of entanglement is more similar to information than the matter we're used to, somewhere between wave physics and information. Somehow the physical link is maintained though, the entanglement is not broken by one deviating from the behavior of the other. This is strange. This is why it's not pure information, it's a physical phenomenon. Thus somehow in perhaps the geometry of these particles and particle interactions and fields, the resonance entanglement 'smooths out' the deviations and easily and fluidly with near 0 resistance affects the internal structure of the other particle, particle interactions and fields such that the strength of resonance supercedes the physical energy from internal and external forces, that would usually rather deviate in similarity to the other particle breaking entanglement or resonance.

Happenstance partial 'entanglement' should occur spontaneously all the time. Whether physics has looked into this and developed analytic methods and instruments to assess this and do so accurately -- don't think so. Unless I'm wrong.

t.i noe nuthin

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6573f2  No.42031


this is the most based post I have seen in a long time.

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cb1858  No.42105


Somehow I always had a feeling this stuff was hyperbole much like the theories "muh AI is going to takeover everything, no humans will exist or work in the future" or "muh celeb billionaires will colonize Mars and leave the Earth behind." In other words clickbait to promote their industry and wasteful funding.

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e38446  No.42320


I doubt quantum entanglement has been adequately proven to transmit information faster than the speed of light. Instead, IMO, it's transmitting data at the speed of light.

Quantum entanglement is a cool beans kinda thing, yes, but I think we have a ways yet to go before we break into the realm of as-yet theoretical hyperspace.

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000000  No.42321

Kinda esoteric but It seems after reading this a little, feels like all and nothing exist at the same time, and since memories can be made, as so the future in reverse..

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c43161  No.42324


But how am I supposed to believe in magical bullshit if quantum mechanics doesn't mean I can thought-project across the cosmos? How am I supposed to feel smart if I don't have a bunch of esoteric pseudo-facts to share on Reddit?

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c43161  No.42327


So now images aren't loading? Jesus Christ, admin. Get your fucking shit together and stop paying for hosting in Africa.

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2a4c99  No.44405


>Apparently on a quantum level, the math to figure the volume of a cylinder is closer to that of a 2 dimensional plane

May you clarify this please?


>tugging analogy

I have totally failed to understand it.

Any other dumber metaphor?


>the book author of "entangled" thinks that all matter became entangled from the big bang on.

If I get this, then wouldn't there be a science all about picking up whatever is "entangled" (a duo, or side A side B of a disc) and trying to get an idea of where the other partner of that entangled duo is located (and does at the present time)?

What are the things that can be entangled? We know from real life experience how certain things react to stimuli, how this or that type of atom will behave if energized or else. We have a good sum of knowledge on such behaviours, from micro to macro scales. Receiving the info from the second partner in an entanglement duo when knowing the properties of the first partner might at least tell us what is happening to partner 2 in real time.

(I knows nothing about QP.)


> The entanglement of emotions/events/souls between a heterosexual male and heterosexual female are strengthened by a factor of something like 300% compared to male bonding but also misc bonding as to other things in life.

They briefly allude to that in Interstellar.


>I went and asked my mom for a microscope

You would have taken it apart too.


>I just cant stand it that even with distance, there is some faggot force out there connecting me unwillingly to people I do not want to be connected to.

Imagine being connected to homosexuals and Jews without your consent.



Was counting on facts too…


>Entanglement is literally 2 sides of the same particle, existing at 2 different points in what we perceive to be space, simultaneously.

Wait. One particle, has "sides"? We're not talking about anything like hemispheres here? (not, would be too easy).

What are those "sides" exactly?

>string, soobsuwfass, hologrammatic burger

Hold on.

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2a4c99  No.44407


>We be avatars, yo!

You have obtained: PhD in Chanics

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2a4c99  No.44418


Honestly, it's a nice attempt at explaining this, I'm interested. You seemed to advance the idea that it's far from acceptable though.


Is that the new meme here?

All our memes should come with a disclaimer now.

>entangled stuff

It seems to work like perfect twins.


> but as far as a logical explanation, nobody can offer something like that just yet.

Ah, a logical explanation for what exactly in that topic?

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9ebafd  No.63486


91%!!?? Thats failiure not success. Missing 10% of the data results in 90% gibberish. That's the thing with quantum computing, it's hardly more than best guess computing. Worthless In the real world.

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19f4d4  No.63490


>worthless in the real world

Quantum computers are used to solve entirely different kinds of problems than conventional computers. Plus, all you have to do is run the program 100 times and 90% becomes 99.99%. you just go with the average of the results.

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a2d9d6  No.65726


>Quantum entanglement does not allow faster-than-light communication

That's exactly what it does you fucking retarded kike

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13e0c5  No.65729


Isn't it, "like," instantaneous?

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4b3d61  No.65811


As far as we understand yes, i am open to being proven wrong

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4b3d61  No.65812


sage just to say my ISP changed my IP, the post you replied too is my previous ID

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04687d  No.98410


You're delusional if you think tracking down the origin of <most> internet traffic is difficult for DoD in any way.

The first gen devices will suck–but when you can add your own device to the quantum locked hive (from anywhere) the opposite problem is going to pop up: it becomes impossible to verify by just the device.

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554fb0  No.98412


You are not a physicist

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5a7e26  No.98633


Way to bump a four month old thread with zero content and a blatant lie, seeing as you have nothing even resembling an argument and he posted fact.

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