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The existence of black people is inexcusable

File: 7c42930adcd4a4a⋯.png (8.51 KB, 312x162, 52:27, you.png)

17228e  No.27206[Last 50 Posts]

Accuse yellow fever degenerates of being closet pedos. This makes sense because asian women tend to look like children: flat chests, boyish narrow waists, weirdly young looking faces, etc. Being attracted to such traits = pedophilia.

It makes race mixers seethe, see for yourself:



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b539e2  No.27269


Any action that doesn't involve violence is useless. You win by killing your enemies. Not by just mocking them.

Also, young-looking women are always preferable than older-looking ones. Youth is beauty. Old or old-looking women deserve nothing.

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667ef8  No.27308


People who are attracted to asians are not worth saving anyway, it's Natural Selection.

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105f6b  No.27327

Only Asians get mad about this stuff tbh

What does that say about you OP?

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febcdf  No.27330

If they fuck a chink they'll get the new coronavirus and die

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a9a3ea  No.27386


Sure people who fall for the yellow fever meme are weak-minded, but at the same time its worthing dragging them away from racemixing even if they kick and scream the entire time. Every Happa spawned is another racial enemy to contend with.

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53877a  No.27397


I don't care if they're attracted to asians, it's whether they move on those thoughts and dilute the two races.

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a4b53d  No.27437

File: 0efb72e3533c0a8⋯.gif (123.9 KB, 720x480, 3:2, 0efb72e3533c0a8c408b559c97….gif)

File: 6c8882b19d3b82d⋯.jpg (337.14 KB, 630x943, 630:943, op_book_of_faggotry.jpg)

How is something actually beneficial to the white race a psyop?

Yellow fever is just as much of race treason as oil drilling is.

OP is a fag as per usual and should go suck dicks somewhere else.

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d52a36  No.27439


Normally, people mate within their own race. Yet "yellow fever" has emerged as a great threat despite it being hugely politically incorrect and constantly propagandized against. Could this possibly have anything to do with the worthlessness of white women? Yet if men choose neither option and instead drop out of society to bing bing wahoo and masturbate, they get attacked for that as well.

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307b3a  No.27443


>yellow fever is propagandized against

No it isn't, if anything it is the racemixing that is encouraged the most by the media, second only to white women and monkey.

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d52a36  No.27445


White women + black men is actively encouraged, white men + Asian women is constantly demonized.

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307b3a  No.27448


Lol, no it isn't, look at the amount of faggots in any J-pop or K-pop, if you think any of that shit is natural then you are a retard from that hapa board.

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d52a36  No.27449


Why are we suddenly talking about how many homosexuals you believe there to be in Jpop and Kpop?

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307b3a  No.27454


>thinking i meant it literally

Fine, weebs and rice lovers.

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d52a36  No.27457


Weebs and rice lovers in Jpop and Kpop? What?

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6c4acc  No.27458


>if you like asian stuff you are pedo

this place isn't tumblr, twatter nor reddit

besides, most people who fall for yellow fever aren't even nip worshipping weebs who fetishise having an animu waifu

most people dating asian women date them becos they still have feminity, unlike the average western stronk independant womyn

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307b3a  No.27459


In the comment sections…

It was my fault for the poor writing, but holy shit dude read between the lines.

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307b3a  No.27460


>Asian women



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d52a36  No.27461


I thought you were talking about Jpop and Kpop groups. How was I supposed to "read between the lines" that you're talking about some comments sections somewhere? And how is this even relevant to the thread?

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307b3a  No.27462


Because J-pop and K-pop are pushed by the media to encourage asian worship,kinda of like how niggerball encouraged black worship.

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d52a36  No.27463


Jpop is very niche in the West and I've never seen it being pushed anywhere. I'm not sure if even Kpop is pushed by the media, it's (relatively) popular for different reasons. Much of the Kpop fandom is women.

If the left was so keen on white men getting it on with Asian women, then they would not be constantly crying that anyone with "yellow fever" is a small dicked pedophile incel who is afraid of strong mature independent white women, and that Asian women all have extensive plastic surgery and 10 kg of makeup and look like 12 year old boys and are actually all heartless gold diggers unlike the good white girls who are prime wife material.

OP's post is what they spam on 4chan every day.

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307b3a  No.27467


It isn't niche at all, it's popular among teenagers so it would make sense it would seem niche to you.

>the left

Oh ffs, you sound like the "based kekistani" crowd, and they will complain more against white couples and white kids, while in contrast hapas are worshiped alongside mulattos as being "beautiful" "smarter" etc..

And it is true that asian women are horrendous and shit ton of makeup.

And btw technically speaking if you are against the "muh left" then you would know that asian-american women voted mainly democrat opposite to white women.

And ironic that you are complaining about op's post as spam, as ricemixing thread are also often spammed in cuckchan with arguments that have been heard ad nauseum.

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d52a36  No.27468


I've never seen any indication that Jpop is anything more than a niche. Kpop is more popular because it sounds like American music and has sexy women, Jpop doesn't have either of those. Most people hate the cute girl aesthetic.

>Oh ffs, you sound like the "based kekistani" crowd

I don't know what crowd you are talking about, but are you trying to imply that the left doesn't exist? Or what?

>And it is true that asian women are horrendous and shit ton of makeup.

So are you a leftist or were you just dumb enough to fall for their propaganda?

>And btw technically speaking if you are against the "muh left" then you would know that asian-american women voted mainly democrat opposite to white women.

I am not talking about the voting patterns of Asian-American women, I am talking about the left being very much against white men having "yellow fever."

>And ironic that you are complaining about op's post as spam

They make these posts every day all over 4chan. Always the same images, always the same talking points. There is no irony in me stating this fact.

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307b3a  No.27471


>I don't know what crowd you are talking about, but are you trying to imply that the left doesn't exist?

Retarded argument,how can you be so dull as not to understand that the left is only half the problem?

>So are you a leftist or were you just dumb enough to fall for their propaganda?

Nigger you can easily see this online even the koreans admit they have a problem,fuck's sake just go to jewtube and type "asian make up videos"

>I am not talking about the voting patterns of Asian-American women

So you go from "i'm gainst the left" to "it doesn't matter",fuck off rice lover.

>They make these posts every day all over 4chan. Always the same images, always the same talking points. There is no irony in me stating this fact.

Nigger that spam came to be because kikes were constantly spamming threads of "why aren't you with an asain wife,anon",same reason nigger hate threads become more common when faggots started posting "BBC" threads.

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722d38  No.27474

File: 5ebce3a94ad515b⋯.jpg (923.58 KB, 3024x4032, 3:4, 1579653185164.jpg)


Men would not look to Asians if white women acted like women.

It's fine OP, a problem that will naturally work itself out.

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d52a36  No.27475


I wasn't making an argument, I was asking you if you're trying to imply that the left doesn't exist.

>Nigger you can easily see this online even the koreans admit they have a problem,fuck's sake just go to jewtube and type "asian make up videos"

Videos where someone goes out of their way to demonstrate a very dramatic difference between heavy makeup vs. no makeup, which leftists then exploit for propaganda. Asia consists of more than just South Korea.

>So you go from "i'm gainst the left" to "it doesn't matter",fuck off rice lover.

Show me where I said that the left doesn't matter. What are you trying to imply with "rice lover"?

>Nigger that spam came to be because kikes were constantly spamming threads of "why aren't you with an asain wife,anon",same reason nigger hate threads become more common when faggots started posting "BBC" threads.

I was a member on the Something Awful forums many, many years ago. When I mentioned in a thread (regarding dating preferences) that I like Asian women, I had my account almost instantly permabanned (permabans were reserved for only the worst offenses, like credit card fraud and child porn). SA had at the time already converted to leftism. And on reddit it's not unusual to find leftists attacking white men as pathetic incel losers for liking Asian women.

The left doesn't want white men to go out and reproduce with Asian women, they want black men to come in and reproduce with white women. It's the difference between conquering and being conquered. Asians, or East Asians at any rate, are also high IQ and low on dysfunctional aggression and impulsiveness, and look relatively similar to whites. With blacks it's the opposite. The left wants dysgenic reproduction.

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d52a36  No.27479

I just actually looked at the links OP posted and yep they're full-on leftist propaganda. Also note that OP is still (1).

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12bba5  No.27482


>my reddit spam thread didn’t work

>how about a cuckchan spam thread

Go back to cuckchan.

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12bba5  No.27483


>spam threads take over the board

>mods do nothing

>ban whites for “rule 1” instead

What did you expect, exactly?

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d52a36  No.27484


I was expecting the threads to be leftist propaganda, which they were.

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307b3a  No.27485


>I wasn't making an argument, I was asking you if you're trying to imply that the left doesn't exist.

That is a retarded thing to imply.

>Videos where someone goes out of their way to demonstrate a very dramatic difference between heavy makeup vs. no makeup, which leftists then exploit for propaganda. Asia consists of more than just South Korea.

Oh yes because the Thai or Chinks are better aesthetically,m8 don't be stupid only the Nips are somewhat average.

>Show me where I said that the left doesn't matter. What are you trying to imply with "rice lover"?

>I am not talking about the voting patterns of Asian-American women

If the voting patterns don't matter then you don't care if they are left which is ironic considering this

>I am talking about the left being very much against white men having "yellow fever."

So what you are saying that asian-americans who are majority leftists are against "yellow fever",congratulations you are retarded.

>I was a member on the Something Awful forums many, many years ago. When I mentioned in a thread (regarding dating preferences) that I like Asian women, I had my account almost instantly permabanned (permabans were reserved for only the worst offenses, like credit card fraud and child porn)

I don't give a fuck about anecdotes,on the otherhand if you want to see proof of ricemixing threads you can easily find them on 4plebs.

>And on reddit it's not unusual to find leftists attacking white men as pathetic incel losers for liking Asian women.

You can also find nigger women complaining about blacks dating whites what does that have to do with anything,most of the rice mixers post will probably be upvoted to oblivion while the ones who complain will be demonized.

>The left doesn't want white men to go out and reproduce with Asian women

They do tho,they worship hapas.

>It's the difference between conquering and being conquered.

Ah yes,like Canada and Australia.

>Asians, or East Asians at any rate, are also high IQ

The asian IQ meme,can you be any more generic in terms of arguments?Because this shit has been discussed time and time again.

> low on dysfunctional aggression and impulsiveness,

The chinks would disagree.

>and look relatively similar to whites




Just admit you guys are from /ezn/

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d52a36  No.27486


>That is a retarded thing to imply.

Well it's what you seemed to be implying.

>Oh yes because the Thai or Chinks are better aesthetically,m8 don't be stupid only the Nips are somewhat average.

Just because something may be true in South Korea or is thought to be true by South Koreans doesn't mean that it's true everywhere.

>If the voting patterns don't matter then you don't care if they are left which is ironic considering this

So the entirety of the left-wing movement in America comes down to which party Asian-American women vote for? Is that what you are trying to say?

>So what you are saying that asian-americans who are majority leftists are against "yellow fever",congratulations you are retarded.

Asian-American women are irrelevant for leftist policies.

>I don't give a fuck about anecdotes,on the otherhand if you want to see proof of ricemixing threads you can easily find them on 4plebs.

You don't care about my anecdotes, but I should care about yours? Why?

>You can also find nigger women complaining about blacks dating whites what does that have to do with anything

How are you not understanding the relevance? I am talking about the fact that the left is against white men going for Asian women, and I used reddit as an example.

>They do tho,they worship hapas.

I have never seen any indication that the left worships hapas, and once again if they were so gung-ho about white men going for Asian women then they would not be constantly demonizing it.

>The asian IQ meme,can you be any more generic in terms of arguments?Because this shit has been discussed time and time again.

What does it matter how many times it has been brought up? How is this at all relevant?

>The chinks would disagree.

They wouldn't. China isn't Africa.


Yes? Do you have something to say?

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cf4a34  No.27488


>Going ro 4um at all

Don't you have some place to be? Last I remember it was Leddit that was the mainstream forum for mouthbreathers. Have things changed? In regards to asian pop music, JPop was always a niche, it mainly kept itself within the anime community, KPop I only know of recently and it's popularity seems oddly high considering that I never heard of it a couple years back. Is KPop really popular on twitter?

I just can't see it being a tool to create Hapas when white men are being made the ultimate pariah. If you have something to show, then show it, don't sit on your fucking laurels.

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a4b53d  No.27489

File: b12c6ae6a99bdbc⋯.gif (2.67 MB, 435x250, 87:50, WatchfulPaltryDouglasfirba….gif)


Ok, can we have a mod ban this self-admitted goon please?

Whatcha slidin', shlomo?

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d52a36  No.27491


Where did I admit to being a goon? I never said anything like that.

>Whatcha slidin', shlomo?

Sliding is not a real thing, and I noticed on the old /pol/ that (1)s would just constantly post this in any thread in the hopes that it would cause an argument and derail the thread, thus preventing actual discussion of the topic. If anyone here is admitting to things, it's you.

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a4b53d  No.27495

File: 04b88d3f6230630⋯.png (474.57 KB, 685x474, 685:474, OP (2).png)

File: 556820b66439889⋯.jpg (102.02 KB, 600x1323, 200:441, OP (3).jpg)

File: be61eb246e6ba8d⋯.jpg (48.52 KB, 497x427, 71:61, op (4).jpg)

File: 15dbd1890735fd5⋯.jpg (37.03 KB, 500x375, 4:3, op (5).jpg)


>I was a member on the Something Awful forums many, many years ago.

Are you seriously so retarded you don't know that SA-fags are called goons?

You admitted to being a goon which is as bad as admitting to being a redditor. But then again, you browse 4cuck, so you might as well be one.

Go back to whatever cucked up hellhole you call your home and shut your race-betraying dickhole, you absolute ultrafaggot.

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307b3a  No.27496


>Well it's what you seemed to be implying.

No you just made it up to try to justify your position.

>Just because something may be true in South Korea or is thought to be true by South Koreans doesn't mean that it's true everywhere.

You missed the point.

>So the entirety of the left-wing movement in America comes down to which party Asian-American women vote for? Is that what you are trying to say?

So you are saying that being leftist doens't matter because they weren't leftist enough,stop trying to deflect nigger.

>Asian-American women are irrelevant for leftist policies.


>"ASPIRE PAC Chair Grace Meng, a member of Congress from Queens, N.Y., and a vice chair of the Democratic National Committee, said she noticed Republican outreach in her heavily Asian district ahead of the 2016 election, but she didn’t pay it much attention because she thought Democrat Hillary Clinton would win the White House."

>You don't care about my anecdotes, but I should care about yours? Why?

Nigger,how did i make an anecdote?I told you to go there verify it yourself.

>How are you not understanding the relevance?

Because everyone complains on Ieddit retard.

> I am talking about the fact that the left is against white men going for Asian women

They aren't you nigger.

>and I used reddit as an example.

You used a bullshit anecdote as an example.

>I have never seen any indication that the left worships hapas, and once again if they were so gung-ho about white men going for Asian women then they would not be constantly demonizing it.

Literally go to r/hapa if you like reddit so much and you will see it,or just:

>"The face of the future: Why Eurasians are changing the rules of attraction"

>"Sorry, pale blonds. People with mixed-race faces appear healthier and more appealing, so have evolutionary advantages, research reveals. By Steve Bloomfield"-t.independent

>What does it matter how many times it has been brought up? How is this at all relevant?

Because it is as legitimate as Ahkenazis having an IQ of 130,it's methodology is suspect and they have an history of cheating,so their IQ is either around the same average as whites or lower.

>They wouldn't. China isn't Africa.

Considering they under report crime so the cops can control their salaries i would disagree.

>Yes? Do you have something to say?

lol you must have cum in your eyes if you think asians look like us.

And good for you to ignore Australia and Canada.


>Don't you have some place to be? Last I remember it was Leddit that was the mainstream forum for mouthbreathers. Have things changed?

Considering you are siding with a guy that admitted he came from reddit,this is amusing,tell me why are you such a faggot?

>JPop was always a niche, it mainly kept itself within the anime community

Yes,among weebs who have an Asian fetish.

>KPop I only know of recently and it's popularity seems oddly high considering that I never heard of it a couple years back. Is KPop really popular on twitter?

It was artificially propped up by the media,that is why it "blew up",kikes also exist in korea afterall.

>I just can't see it being a tool to create Hapas when white men are being made the ultimate pariah.

By that logic the kikes aren't using basket or rap to make whites worship nigger "culture".

>If you have something to show, then show it, don't sit on your fucking laurels.

Do you want me to show Kalegi again with the quote of the man of the future?Everything i posted can be researched easily if you aren't a lazynigger.

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d52a36  No.27498


>Are you seriously so retarded you don't know that SA-fags are called goons?

Where did I say that I don't know that?

>You admitted to being a goon


>But then again, you browse 4cuck, so you might as well be one.

Practically every person here originally came from 4chan. /pnd/ is just /pol/, and /pol/ originally came from 4chan. I'm tired of people pretending as if they have nothing to do with 4chan and that this makes them cool.

>Go back to whatever cucked up hellhole you call your home and shut your race-betraying dickhole, you absolute ultrafaggot.

What the fuck are you even talking about? Did I accidentally fuck your mother? Why are you having a meltdown?

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d52a36  No.27499


>No you just made it up to try to justify your position.

I didn't make up anything, I inferred from your post that you were suggesting that the left doesn't exist.

>You missed the point.

Which was…?

>So you are saying that being leftist doens't matter because they weren't leftist enough,stop trying to deflect nigger.

What are you talking about?


The left is first and foremost a jewish-white movement.

>Nigger,how did i make an anecdote?I told you to go there verify it yourself.

You said "well I went on 4chan and saw all these threads." How is that different from what I said?

>They aren't you nigger.

If they aren't, then what is the purpose of constantly shaming white men for liking Asian women?

>You used a bullshit anecdote as an example.

How is it that your anecdotes must be considered valid, but mine are to be dismissed automatically?

>Literally go to r/hapa

That's a sub for hapas. How does it prove that the left worships them?

>Because it is as legitimate as Ahkenazis having an IQ of 130,it's methodology is suspect and they have an history of cheating,so their IQ is either around the same average as whites or lower.

All the tests I've ever heard of have said the same thing, and even if their IQ is "only" the same as ours it doesn't change my point at all.

>Considering they under report crime so the cops can control their salaries i would disagree.

Underreporting crime != Africa.

>lol you must have cum in your eyes if you think asians look like us.

Did I say they look like us? No, I didn't.

>And good for you to ignore Australia and Canada.

How am I ignoring them? Was I supposed to say something about them?

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307b3a  No.27503


>I didn't make up anything, I inferred from your post that you were suggesting that the left doesn't exist.

But i didn't suggest anything of the sort,you only interpreted it as such because you have no ground to stand on.

>Which was…?

That they are only attractive with makeup and plastic surgery,am i going to have to spoonfeed everything?

>What are you talking about?

Oh ffs the point was obvious,stop being retarded.

>The left is first and foremost a jewish-white movement.

The left is nigger-kike-rice-mixed-and white cucks,i already provided evidence that asians are important for leftists.

>You said "well I went on 4chan and saw all these threads." How is that different from what I said?

Because you can go there see in the archive you nigger,if i tell you to check a quote in a book it doesn't make the quote an anecdote because you can see at anytime that it is there.

>If they aren't, then what is the purpose of constantly shaming white men for liking Asian women?

Provide proof,other than twatter.

>How is it that your anecdotes must be considered valid, but mine are to be dismissed automatically?

You don't even know what an anecdote is,and you provided 0 proof of what you stated.

>That's a sub for hapas. How does it prove that the left worships them?

Go there and read it,and nigger seriously i just posted the independent quote.

>All the tests I've ever heard of have said the same thing,

Lol,how many tests did you heard?The ones that are posted only come from 2 "large" scale research,goes to show how much of a liar you are,if there are others then tell me where.

>and even if their IQ is "only" the same as ours it doesn't change my point at all.

It does because IQ doesn't measure everything retard,and if we go by the muh IQ mixing the Jews would be better.

>Underreporting crime != Africa.

Shows nigger like behaviour.

>Did I say they look like us? No, I didn't.


>and look relatively similar to whites

>How am I ignoring them? Was I supposed to say something about them?

>It's the difference between conquering and being conquered.

I guess you don't care if whites get conquered.

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a4b53d  No.27506


I don't think that d52a36-faggot is here of his own volition.

I believe he's a shill self-bumping his sad excuse of a thread.

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d52a36  No.27508


I mentioned the left, and you respond with "Oh ffs, you sound like the "based kekistani" crowd" as if I'm some kind of conspiracy theorist. What else was I supposed to infer?

>That they are only attractive with makeup and plastic surgery

This is leftist propangada. So are you a leftist or are you just really gullible?

>Oh ffs the point was obvious,stop being retarded.

You can't explain what you're talking about, therefore I'm retarded? Huh?

>The left is nigger-kike-rice-mixed-and white cucks,i already provided evidence that asians are important for leftists.

They aren't important, they're a sideshow. They're even treated as if they were white if it happens to be convinient at the time. Also, the left hates Japan and wants to destroy it along with white countries.

>Because you can go there see in the archive you nigger,if i tell you to check a quote in a book it doesn't make the quote an anecdote because you can see at anytime that it is there.

I referred to a thread on SA, you're referring to threads on 4chan. What is the difference? There isn't any.

>Provide proof,other than twatter.

I see it happen constantly and it's been going for as long as I can remember. This very thread we are in right now was posted by a leftist and contains the usual leftist propaganda. The left is always going on about how white men are incels, losers, virgins, pedophiles etc. for preferring Asian women over white women. It's a cliche by now.

>You don't even know what an anecdote is,and you provided 0 proof of what you stated.

So you think it's completely implausible that a leftist forum would ban someone for saying something that goes against leftist doctrine?

>Go there and read it,and nigger seriously i just posted the independent quote.

You can find a quote for anything, doesn't mean that the left worships hapas. I've never even heard anyone particularly talk about them outside of 4chan, who are obsessed with them for some reason.

>Lol,how many tests did you heard?The ones that are posted only come from 2 "large" scale research,goes to show how much of a liar you are,if there are others then tell me where.

I never specified any number nor do I claim to know any number, it's just that every time the topic of IQ results has come up Asians have been at the top. Why are you accusing me of lying?

>It does because IQ doesn't measure everything retard

This is beside the point, retard.

>Shows nigger like behaviour.

China is not Africa no matter how much you want it to be.


Kike. What point are you trying to make?

>It's the difference between conquering and being conquered.

>I guess you don't care if whites get conquered.

What the fuck are you talking about?

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d52a36  No.27509


We have different IDs and our positions are polar opposites, so what exactly made you think that we are the same person?

And why is it that so often I am accused of being the OP of a thread that I didn't make? I could probably count on one hand the number of threads I've ever made on imageboards in my life, yet I am constantly told that I must be the OP of whatever thread I'm in. Why?

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a4b53d  No.27514

File: bf7e2e14e349521⋯.jpg (40.15 KB, 480x480, 1:1, 1557680233.jpg)



Isn't it weird how he recoils and denies his obvious selfbumping, even going so far as to double-post without saging his second post as is customary?

You do not belong here.

If we didn't have lazy faggots as mods, they would have banned your ass for constantly double-posting like the fairy-princess you obviously are.

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d52a36  No.27515


Yes, isn't it weird how people deny baseless accusations made against them? What proof do you have that I'm OP? We're arguing the opposite sides and don't have the same ID.

>even going so far as to double-post without saging his second post as is customary?

What does this have to do with anything, and what is the use of saging on a board as glacially slow as this?

>You do not belong here.

Based on what?

>If we didn't have lazy faggots as mods, they would have banned your ass for constantly double-posting like the fairy-princess you obviously are.

I only double posted to separate my responses to two different people. You're just grasping at straws because you have no arguments yet for some reason still feel like you have to try to "debate" me.

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307b3a  No.27516


Very likely,it's a weird thread though,the mods should've just deleted it.


>I mentioned the left, and you respond with "Oh ffs, you sound like the "based kekistani" crowd" as if I'm some kind of conspiracy theorist

Well I infer quite easily that you are not from here.

>This is leftist propangada. So are you a leftist or are you just really gullible?

>Doesn't know what is an opinion

Though tbf i do consider them objectively ugly.

>You can't explain what you're talking about, therefore I'm retarded? Huh?

Go back and read,at this point you are just being stupid for the sake of it.

>They aren't important, they're a sideshow.

>Source:my ass

>They're even treated as if they were white if it happens to be convinient at the time

Literally never.

>Also, the left hates Japan and wants to destroy it along with white countries.

LMAO,go back to plebbit you weeb.

>I referred to a thread on SA,

Tell me which thread and where to find it.

>you're referring to threads on 4chan. What is the difference? There isn't any.

There is,but you have no argument so you have to make a weak comparison.

>I see it happen constantly and it's been going for as long as I can remember

So no proof?ok.

>This very thread we are in right now was posted by a leftist and contains the usual leftist propaganda.

Poor example,considering that natsocs supports racial purity so it makes sense we wouldn't want ricemixers.

>he left is always going on about how white men are incels, losers, virgins, pedophiles etc. for preferring Asian women over white women. It's a cliche by now.

Once again no proof,ok.

>So you think it's completely implausible that a leftist forum would ban someone for saying something that goes against leftist doctrine?

No,but you provided no proof,i can also say i was banned for saying that whites shouldn't breed with other races,but unlike you mine would be true,because it has happened to anyone at one point,and once again you could check the archives to see that it has happened multiple times.

>You can find a quote for anything, doesn't mean that the left worships hapas.


>You can give me proof,but i won't believe it.

>I've never even heard anyone particularly talk about them outside of 4chan, who are obsessed with them for some reason.

SURE,because Kalergi didn't exist.

>I never specified any number nor do I claim to know any number, it's just that every time the topic of IQ results has come up Asians have been at the top. Why are you accusing me of lying?

>All the tests I've ever heard of have said the same thing,

Nigger you have only seen one test,and now you are saying "all" as though you have seen more than one.

>t's just that every time the topic of IQ results has come up Asians have been at the top

Technically it would be jews,germans,dutch and italians.

>Why are you accusing me of lying?

Because you are.

>This is beside the point, retard.

>East Asians at any rate, are also high IQ

Your main justification for race-mixing,but keep moving the goalposts.

>China is not Africa no matter how much you want it to be.

Go into the other thread about the Corona Virus and tell me the difference.

>Kike. What point are you trying to make?

You know that people can see what you said,what is the point of trying to pretend you didn't say it?

>What the fuck are you talking about?

That you care about niggers breeding whites out,but when it comes to asians it suddenly doesn't matter.

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a4b53d  No.27518

File: 43703d2262c058e⋯.jpg (52.01 KB, 500x512, 125:128, big_think_thot.jpg)


Indeed, such obvious shilling is pretty fun to see, however. Tel Aviv truly isn't sending their best to this place anymore.

>You know that people can see what you said,what is the point of trying to pretend you didn't say it?

This is the weirdest part about our little customer, that he so blatantly denies anything and everything, like water running off a rain coat. Wonder who else would argue like that?

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d52a36  No.27519


>Very likely

Again, based on what?

>Well I infer quite easily that you are not from here.

Why are you trying to change the subject? And on what basis am I not from here? Even if I weren't from here, how would that affect my arguments?

>Doesn't know what is an opinion

It's not an opinion. You are either a leftist or gullible enough to repeat their propaganda. I'm thinking it's the former, because your behavior is very leftist. Leftists like to deny positions that they hold when they can't defend them, and just in general confuse their opponents and keep them guessing by denying things and claiming the opposite of what they actually think. You're hell-bent on arguing that actually the left LOVES white men dating Asian women, even though that's not true.

>Though tbf i do consider them objectively ugly.

They aren't.

>Go back and read,at this point you are just being stupid for the sake of it.

You can't explain what you're talking about, therefore I'm being stupid? Huh?

>Source:my ass

Source: my years of experience dealing with leftists. Asians factor very little into what they're doing.

>Literally never.

The Japanese are often treated interchangeably with whites.

>LMAO,go back to plebbit you weeb.

Yeah, I'm thinking you're a lefist shill. Why else would you deny the fact that the left is against Japan? It's also a typical leftist trait that instead of addressing the issue they'll make some quip like "go back to plebbit weeb."

>Tell me which thread and where to find it.

Are you being serious right now? You expect me to remember as well as find a thread from 10+ years ago that I participated in for maybe an hour? IIRC SA doesn't even keep archived threads public, only members can see them.

>There is,but you have no argument so you have to make a weak comparison.

There is no difference. They're just different threads on different sites. Another leftist trait: rules for thee but not for me. You can use threads to argue something and it's fine, but when I do it they're "anecdotal" and don't count.

>So no proof?ok.

One of the things I hate about the modern web is this wikipedia-created idea that there must always exist a convinient proof or citation or reference for anything a person could ever possibly claim, when in fact that's very unrealistic.

>Poor example,considering that natsocs supports racial purity so it makes sense we wouldn't want ricemixers.

He used a leftist image and a leftist talking point.

>No,but you provided no proof,i can also say i was banned for saying that whites shouldn't breed with other races,but unlike you mine would be true,because it has happened to anyone at one point,and once again you could check the archives to see that it has happened multiple times.

Who else but a leftist would start demanding proof when someone makes the far-fetched claim that they were banned from a lefist site for breaking leftist doctrine?

>You can give me proof,but i won't believe it.

I never said that the article isn't real.

>SURE,because Kalergi didn't exist.

What does Kalergi have to do with this?

>Nigger you have only seen one test,and now you are saying "all" as though you have seen more than one.

Where did I say or imply that I have seen only one test?

>Technically it would be jews,germans,dutch and italians.

Technically it would be Asians because that's the result that I've kept seeing.

>Because you are.

Where did I lie and how?

>This is beside the point, retard.

>East Asians at any rate, are also high IQ

>Your main justification for race-mixing,but keep moving the goalposts.

This is beside the point again. You're just bouncing between different unrelated matters.

>Go into the other thread about the Corona Virus and tell me the difference.

So because there's a virus going around in China, the country is therefore equivalent to Africa? What are you smoking?

>What you care about niggers breeding whites out,but when it comes to asians it suddenly doesn't matter.

Where is this coming from?

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d52a36  No.27520


Where is the "obvious" shilling? You've yet to provide any proof whatsoever that I'm OP.

>Tel Aviv truly isn't sending their best to this place anymore.

In what way am I related to Tel Aviv?

>This is the weirdest part about our little customer, that he so blatantly denies anything and everything, like water running off a rain coat. Wonder who else would argue like that?

This is projection.

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cf4a34  No.27522


You admit going to 4um so you're just as big as a faggot as he is since you're going back to a goon-infested shithole.

I already know about the kalergi plan in regards to wanting turn everyone to a mystery meat race, but I'm asking if you have any evidence aside from what I have pointed out with twitter. You made the claims, you must provide the evidence, don't be a faggot and tell people to "Just research" what you said; they will block you and your message out. Doing that makes you a massive schlomo homo.

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044c29  No.27524


isn't this one slightly agitated?

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d52a36  No.27525


>his post contains too many lines, therefore he must be wrong!


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a4c661  No.27526


>In what way am I related to Tel Aviv?

Are you an international criminal?

Do you find ways to fuck over every friend you ever had?

Do you like babby penis?

when was the last time you drank human blood?

Answer the above and I will let you know if you have relation to israel

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307b3a  No.27530


>Again, based on what?

You keep bumping a thread you stand against.

>Why are you trying to change the subject?

I'm not,i'm pointing out your retardation.

>And on what basis am I not from here?

It is quite easy to tell,but i won't tell.

>Even if I weren't from here, how would that affect my arguments?

It affects whether they are legitimate or not,and they are not.

>Blah blah blah

Keep showing everyone what a shill is and how behaves.

>They aren't.

They are,even if we don't use the golden ratio formula,after all they have an obsession with looking as white as possible.

>You can't explain what you're talking about, therefore I'm being stupid? Huh?

Go read it,retard i'm done spoonfeeding you.

>Source: my years of experience dealing with leftists. Asians factor very little into what they're doing.


>Source:my ass

>The Japanese are often treated interchangeably with whites.

No they aren't,people don't even hold them accountable for their "war crimes" only the chinks do.

>Yeah, I'm thinking you're a lefist shill. Why else would you deny the fact that the left is against Japan? It's also a typical leftist trait that instead of addressing the issue they'll make some quip like "go back to plebbit weeb."

>Missing the point this hard

Go back to plebbit you nigger.

>Are you being serious right now?

Yes,otherwise it is nothing but bullshit,consequences of making claim to a specific line of evidence which you don't hold.

>There is no difference.

Keep being retarded,anyone can check my evidence at anytime if they google it.

>One of the things I hate about the modern web is this wikipedia-created idea that there must always exist a convinient proof or citation or reference for anything a person could ever possibly claim, when in fact that's very unrealistic.

So now you are complaining that you have to provide proof for your claims?Well the i guess the Ukrainians are the ones really in charge for asian genocide.

>He used a leftist image and a leftist talking point.

So are you.

Who else but a leftist would start demanding proof when someone makes the far-fetched claim that they were banned from a lefist site for breaking leftist doctrine?

All i know is that you don't have enough IQ to breed,you disingenus jew.

>I never said that the article isn't real.

I never said you did,but you ignored it.

>What does Kalergi have to do with this?

Do you know what the European man of the future looks like?

>Where did I say or imply that I have seen only one test?

So that know you just keep deflecting?Tell me then how many IQ tests have you seen?I already asked you tell me the others that aren't the usual 2.

>Technically it would be Asians because that's the result that I've kept seeing.

No it wouldn't considering that most tests suposedly give them above 110.

>Where did I lie and how?

The entire thread,and constantly deflecting arguments with purposeful stupidity.

>This is beside the point again. You're just bouncing between different unrelated matters.

My bad quoted the wrong line.

>So because there's a virus going around in China, the country is therefore equivalent to Africa? What are you smoking?

So you haven't seen it?Well i guess it is odd that someone who supossedly came from 4cuck hasn't seen a chink hate thread.

>Where is this coming from?

The fact you whites to racemix with asians.


>You admit going to 4um so you're just as big as a faggot as he is since you're going back to a goon-infested shithole.

Nice save bro,people will surely think you are not from cuckchan now,faggot.

>I already know about the kalergi plan in regards to wanting turn everyone to a mystery meat race, but I'm asking if you have any evidence aside from what I have pointed out with twitter

The independent article,there are also buzzfeed articles about the typical "i'm so special because im hapa",you can also find it on youtube,not to mention anime.

>You made the claims, you must provide the evidence

Didn't knew that being a lazynigger and doing 0 research was encouraged,nigger you are not from here stop trying to blend in,there is a difference between pointing someone at a direction and telling them to research and to sit on your ass waiting to be spoonfed.

>Doing that makes you a massive schlomo homo.

Sure newnigger.

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cf4a34  No.27533


>Never heard of 4um before

You're just as new as I am.

>Articles, etc.

I will give credit with that independent article, Buzzfeed has been writing trash since it's inception, and while I could argue that they write stuff to anger people purposefully, they could have changed their tune because of the mass media's extreme anti-white sentiment.

>lazynigger doing 0 research

When you make the claim, you provide the evidence. Is it so hard to keep that standard? I made no claims so I don't need to provide evidence.

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d52a36  No.27535


>You keep bumping a thread you stand against.

It's normal to bump threads on an imageboard, and /pnd/ is so slow that it makes no difference either way. You're grasping at straws.

>I'm not,i'm pointing out your retardation.

How is your assertion that I'm not from here related to the topic? Even if I weren't from here, how would that make me retarded?

>It is quite easy to tell,but i won't tell.

You cannot back up your claim.

>It affects whether they are legitimate or not,and they are not.

How does it do that, and how are they not legitimate?

>Keep showing everyone what a shill is and how behaves.

I showed that by using you as an example. I'm now convinced that you are a leftist shill.

>They are

They aren't, but of course a leftist like you would claim that they are.

>after all they have an obsession with looking as white as possible.

This is also leftist propaganda.

>Go read it,retard i'm done spoonfeeding you.

You can't explain what you're talking about, therefore I'm a retard? Huh?


>Source:my ass

So you are saying that a person's personal experiences do not count for anything at all? I hope you are prepared to apply this principle universally.

>No they aren't,people don't even hold them accountable for their "war crimes" only the chinks do.

Leftists are constantly whining about Japan's war crimes. Almost every time there's anything Japan-related on reddit, they'll bring it up.

>Missing the point this hard

>Go back to plebbit you nigger.

I didn't miss any point. You're a leftist shill for sure.

>Yes,otherwise it is nothing but bullshit,consequences of making claim to a specific line of evidence which you don't hold.

Of course a leftist would claim it's bullshit that a leftist forum would ban someone for saying something un-leftist.

>Keep being retarded,anyone can check my evidence at anytime if they google it.

Anyone who is a legit /pnd/ user knows how in love leftists are with censorship and how intolerant they are of anything that contradicts their ideas.

>So now you are complaining that you have to provide proof for your claims?Well the i guess the Ukrainians are the ones really in charge for asian genocide.

I am complaining about the thing I just said I'm complaining about.

>So are you.

I have not done any such thing.

>All i know is that you don't have enough IQ to breed,you disingenus jew.

Nice dodge and projection. You have no explanation. You cannot explain why you're so hell-bent on defending leftists, yet are supposedly not a leftist yourself.

>I never said you did,but you ignored it.

You said:

>You can give me proof,but i won't believe it.

Implying that I wasn't believing the article, which was not the case.

>Do you know what the European man of the future looks like?

I've heard of the Kalergi Plan but I don't remember it in detail. Are you going somewhere with this?

>So that know you just keep deflecting?Tell me then how many IQ tests have you seen?I already asked you tell me the others that aren't the usual 2.

How could I possibly know the number of IQ tests I've seen referred to during my life? This is completely absurd. Nobody other than a savant would be able to answer something like that. You're just trying to score cheap points by holding me accountable to impossible standards of memorization. And how is the precise number of tests I've seen in my life even relevant in the first place? Where are you trying to go with this?

>No it wouldn't considering that most tests suposedly give them above 110.

It would be, because that's what I've seen. You cannot tell me what I have and have not seen.

>The entire thread,and constantly deflecting arguments with purposeful stupidity.

Ok, show me all the instances where this happened.

>So you haven't seen it?

Haven't seen what?

>Well i guess it is odd that someone who supossedly came from 4cuck hasn't seen a chink hate thread.

Practically everyone here came from 4chan. What do chink hate threads have to do with this?

>The fact you whites to racemix with asians.

All I've said that is that it's no wonder that white men will want to choose Asian women when white women have become so worthless.

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12bba5  No.27536


Go back to cuckchan.

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307b3a  No.27540


>You're just as new as I am.

Now that confused me.

>When you make the claim, you provide the evidence.

I like to provide the evidence indirectly to encourage people on this board to do some research once in awhile,seriously the amount of lazy faggots who keep posting shit that is outright wrong because they refuse to research has only been increasing.

>I made no claims so I don't need to provide evidence.

I know that is why i didn't demand anything from you.


>It's normal to bump threads on an imageboard, and /pnd/ is so slow that it makes no difference either way. You're grasping at straws.

>Bumping a thread you see as propaganda.

Ok i guess we all should bump nigger porn threads now.

>How is your assertion that I'm not from here related to the topic? Even if I weren't from here, how would that make me retarded?

I already told you i won't spoonfeed you anymore.

>You cannot back up your claim.

You just did it for me,multiple times if I were to point it out,i would be teaching you.

>How does it do that, and how are they not legitimate?

Because of the way one will argue and how honest he will be,in your case you haven't been honest at all.

>They aren't, but of course a leftist like you would claim that they are.

They are,you are so butthurt.

>This is also leftist propaganda.

I guess everything is propaganda like South Korean having the largest(or among the largets) amounts of plastic surgery per capita.

>You can't explain what you're talking about, therefore I'm a retard? Huh?

Lmao,keep going idiot.

>So you are saying that a person's personal experiences do not count for anything at all?

You are constantly saying that if i find them ugly the i am lying,so you are jsut agreeing with me that personal experiences are shit evidence.

>Leftists are constantly whining about Japan's war crimes

Only chinks,weebs actually make jokes aboust it.

> Almost every time there's anything Japan-related on reddit, they'll bring it up.

Give an example,or just tell me where to see that.

>I didn't miss any point

Hahahaha,keep going retard.

>Of course a leftist would claim it's bullshit that a leftist forum would ban someone for saying something un-leftist.

Just give me the evidence.

>Anyone who is a legit /pnd/ user knows how in love leftists are with censorship and how intolerant they are of anything that contradicts their ideas.

So why not screensave it,that is 101 on what to do when you get banned,but you are lying so you have no proof.

>I am complaining about the thing I just said I'm complaining about.

And so am I,Why should i present evidence that Ukrainians are evil overlords plotting the death of all asians?I have experienced it when i time traveled to 1942 to shake the Fuhrer hand.

>I have not done any such thing.

You are shilling for race-mixing.

>Nice dodge and projection

Good job reddit,upboat!

>You have no explanation. You cannot explain why you're so hell-bent on defending leftists, yet are supposedly not a leftist yourself.

The fact that you think leftists defend racial purity makes this amusing.

>Implying that I wasn't believing the article, which was not the case.

So you believe that the left media worships hapas then?Otherwise you don't believe it.

>I've heard of the Kalergi Plan but I don't remember it in detail. Are you going somewhere with this?

Go read it,because you are supporting it.

>How could I possibly know the number of IQ tests I've seen referred to during my life?

I meant large scale testing results…that is what i am arguing.

>It would be, because that's what I've seen.You cannot tell me what I have and have not seen.

What is the score asians consistently score then?

>Ok, show me all the instances where this happened.

Just above.

>Haven't seen what?

The contents of the thread you retard.

>Practically everyone here came from 4chan


>What do chink hate threads have to do with this?

Because anyone who has been to cuckchan enough has seen one of them.

>All I've said that is that it's no wonder that white men will want to choose Asian women when white women have become so worthless.

Ironic that you would post leftist propaganda,you want racemixing afterall

>The left doesn't want white men to go out and reproduce with Asian women, they want black men to come in and reproduce with white women. It's the difference between conquering and being conquered.


Good post newnigger.

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d52a36  No.27543


>Bumping a thread you see as propaganda.

As I just said, it's normal to bump threads and /pnd/ is too slow for it to make any difference either way. You are grasping at straws.

>I already told you i won't spoonfeed you anymore.

You are unable to answer my questions.

>You just did it for me,multiple times if I were to point it out,i would be teaching you.

You cannot back up your claim.

>Because of the way one will argue and how honest he will be,in your case you haven't been honest at all.

How have I not been honest, and how are you being honest by being a leftist and coming here pretending to not be one?

>They are,you are so butthurt.

You are the ones who are butthurt by white men choosing Asian women over white women due to white women being ruined and not being able to compete, and because your grasp on white men loosens when they marry Asian women. Especially if they move abroad.

>I guess everything is propaganda like South Korean having the largest(or among the largets) amounts of plastic surgery per capita.

South Korean plastic surgery is a typical propaganda talking point that you always try to present as being central to the lives of all Asian women everywhere in the world, even though you are really just talking about one country. And of course there is never, ever any talk about plastic surgery use in Western countries.

>Lmao,keep going idiot.

You can't explain what you're talking about, therefore I'm an idiot? Huh?

>You are constantly saying that if i find them ugly the i am lying,so you are jsut agreeing with me that personal experiences are shit evidence.

You have a dishonest political agenda against Asian women and you are most definitely lying when you claim they are "objectively" ugly.

>Only chinks,weebs actually make jokes aboust it.

Again, reddit is full of whining about it. Almost every time there's a big Japan thread it'll come up, even if it's entirely unrelated to the topic.

>Give an example,or just tell me where to see that.


reddit lost its shit over a fake news story about the Japanse government banning women from wearing glasses at work:

>Nation that is proud of itself in WWII and never learned about it's own war crimes slides into the far right. Who could have forseen this?

>Their government is the primary problem really. Japanese people have been accepting of gay people for decades but the state has been trying to propagate a lot of stupid shit for the longest time because I suspect a lot of those upper tier politicians are straight up bought by Yakuza. It's why politicians get death threats when they try to apologize for Japans war crimes and why the country denied accountability in Unit 731 until like late 2000s. That would be like Germany finally admitting the holocaust was real while teaching their people the Nazis were war heroes, not war criminals. Their gov has always been shit. They dont want to distribute Fukushima based food products to their own people and then gets pissed when other countries refuse them and then start a trade war because their feelings are hurt which only hurts more Japanese young adults

>What?! the country with some of the worst war crimes ever commited that they have yet to apologize or recognize is racist and sexist…..SHOCKER………….

>Hahahaha,keep going retard.

I did not miss any point. If you claim I did then prove it.

>Just give me the evidence.

Only a leftist shill would go to such lengths to contest someone's story about getting banned from a leftist forum for saying something that went against leftist doctrine. And I already told you that it's impossible for me to find the thread.

>So why not screensave it,that is 101 on what to do when you get banned,but you are lying so you have no proof.

More absurdities. Now you expect that I should have screencapped the event when it happened a decare or more ago, and that I should also still have the screencap, just in case I ever need to show it to someone.

>And so am I,Why should i present evidence that Ukrainians are evil overlords plotting the death of all asians?I have experienced it when i time traveled to 1942 to shake the Fuhrer hand.

Why should there conviniently exist some "citation" for every possible thing anyone could ever say (assuming that what they are saying is true)? This is a fantasy brought on by wikipedia. It's not real.

>You are shilling for race-mixing.

Should a leftist shill really be accusing others of shilling?

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d52a36  No.27544


>Good job reddit,upboat!

You're just proving my point. You have no comeback to what I said.

>The fact that you think leftists defend racial purity makes this amusing.

I never said that, I said the opposite. I said leftists are pushing for white female + black male race mixing. But leftists will defend racial purity if they think it'll be advantageous to do so at any given time. They'll say anything.

>So you believe that the left media worships hapas then?Otherwise you don't believe it.

I never said that I believe any such thing, nor do I have any reason to believe such a thing. This does not mean that I don't believe the article is real.

>Go read it,because you are supporting it.

So you can't tell me where you are going with this? Alright then.

>I meant large scale testing results…that is what i am arguing.

How am I supposed to remember how many large scale testing results I've seen in my life?

>What is the score asians consistently score then?

I don't remember, and it doesn't matter.

>Just above.


>The contents of the thread you retard.

What thread? What contents?


Yes. Who do you think you're fooling here? You can't try to claim some moral high ground by accusing people of having come from 4chan when that applies to practically everyone, and since there's no way to prove whether one has or hasn't come from 4chan, we can just assume that's where everyone came from. That includes you.

>Because anyone who has been to cuckchan enough has seen one of them.


>Ironic that you would post leftist propaganda,you want racemixing afterall

Where did I post any leftist propaganda?

>The left doesn't want white men to go out and reproduce with Asian women, they want black men to come in and reproduce with white women. It's the difference between conquering and being conquered.

Yes, I wrote that. What about it?

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da39f8  No.27545

OP's post has the shills jumping and screaming ITT.

Good idea then: accuse race mixers who want asian women of being pedos since asian women look like flat children.

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d52a36  No.27547


Leftists are pro-pedophila themselves, and it's absurd to claim that being attracted to Asian women is pedophilia. It has no basis in reality. It also isn't true that Asian women cannot have large breasts, despite leftist claims to the contrary.

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d654f1  No.27548


>it's absurd to claim that being attracted to Asian women is pedophilia

But the grain of truth from so many asian women looking flat and child-like is enough to drive race mixers insane (clearly proven by this thread).

It's funny and it works. Shame race mixers with accusations of pedophilia attached to their degenerate attraction to other races. Do it because it adds extra pain to the insult and it clearly upsets them. Why not?

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d654f1  No.27549


>despite leftist claims to the contrary

leftists aren't the ones making fun of asian appearances, they're the ones flooding the west with non-white immigrants from every other part of the world and screaming NAZIII!!!! at anyone opposed to their white genocide program

do you understand what's going on?

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d52a36  No.27550


There is no grain of truth, only leftist lies.

>clearly proven by this thread

Really? Where?

>It's funny and it works.

How is it working? I am flat-out calling you out on your lies, and you cannot defend yourself.

>degenerate attraction to other races

Also known as normal male heterosexuality. Not that a leftist would know a lot about that…

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d52a36  No.27551


Yes, it's leftists who are behind this.

>they're the ones flooding the west with non-white immigrants

From Africa, the Middle East and South America.

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d654f1  No.27552


>There is no grain of truth, only leftist lies.

Retard, leftists are anti-racist. Accusing non-white women of looking unattractive and child like would trigger their anti-racist programming and make leftists melt down.

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d52a36  No.27553


Leftists are extremely racist, likely the most racist people in the world (well, racism isn't actually a real thing, but we'll pretend it is). Leftists have no problems attacking Asians, they do it all the time.

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ef5bcd  No.27554


What the fuck are you trying to argue, that leftists are anti - race mixing and pro-white but only when it comes to asians? They are NEVER anti - race mixing or pro-white on anything

You make no fucking sense

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5e3d5d  No.27555


>Leftists have no problems attacking Asians, they do it all the time.

are you trying to justify whites race mixing with asians?

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d52a36  No.27556


They are against race mixing when the mixing occurs between white men and Asian women.

>You make no fucking sense

You are assuming incorrectly that leftism is about constructing a rational, internally consistent system of thought. Leftists will claim the earth is flat if they think it will help them. They don't give a fuck.


Are you trying to change the subject? Yes you are.

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5e3d5d  No.27557

whites + non whites = MUTT GARBAGE

that means:

whites + blacks = MUTT GARBAGE

whites + arabs = MUTT GARBAGE

whites + jews = MUTT GARBAGE

whites + native americans = MUTT GARBAGE

whites + asians = MUTT GARBAGE


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caf991  No.27559

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d52a36  No.27560



If that's how you feel then why don't you fix white women so white men will be interested in them?

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caf991  No.27561


What's your solution in the meantime? To commit miscegenation and destroy your race?

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d52a36  No.27563


You're the ones who created this mess, so why don't you solve it? You do want the white man to come back home, right? If you aren't interested in fixing white women then you also can't whine when white men take their business elsewhere.

>To commit miscegenation and destroy your race?

Oh wow, a leftist lecturing about miscenegation and racial destruction.

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8fb045  No.27567

File: 6bf8d62ed6f82db⋯.png (21.21 KB, 985x1150, 197:230, shalom.png)



>give up on white women goy, they're shit!

>OY VEY race mix with these non white women goy!

i can see your kippah from 100 miles away

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d52a36  No.27568


I can see your projection from the next galaxy. You have intentionally worked to ruin women (and men) and poison the relationship between the sexes. Now you're crying and pissing yourself because white men are leaving for greener pastures.

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9c6063  No.27569


d52a36 is a confirmed leftist shilling for race mixing

get the fuck off /pol/

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d52a36  No.27570



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9c6063  No.27571


You're literally saying it's okay for white men to commit miscegenation. Get the fuck off /pol/ you don't belong here

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d52a36  No.27572


You are working around the clock to promote WF+BM mixing and flooding white countries with black and brown migrants. Don't even think about trying to pull a fast one by trying to paint me as the villain for pointing out the fact that white men will go for Asian women if white women are no good.

Do you seriously think this shit is going to work on me?

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307b3a  No.27574


>As I just said, it's normal to bump threads and /pnd/ is too slow for it to make any difference either way. You are grasping at straws.

Sure nigger

>You are unable to answer my questions.

The answer was simple for anyone that can read.

>You cannot back up your claim.

Keep proving me right.

>You cannot back up your claim.

Pretending to not understand the question,and then avoiding to answer it by pretending not to understand.

> and how are you being honest by being a leftist and coming here pretending to not be one?

Leftists are now racial purists?Nice

>You are the ones who are butthurt by white men choosing Asian women over white women due to white women being ruined and not being able to compete, and because your grasp on white men loosens when they marry Asian women. Especially if they move abroad.

>No u

Sure ricemixer,but please do keep moving to asian countries,i don't want to see your abominations roaming around.

>South Korean plastic surgery is a typical propaganda talking point that you always try to present as being central to the lives of all Asian women everywhere in the world, even though you are really just talking about one country. And of course there is never, ever any talk about plastic surgery use in Western countries.

Plastic surgery is also popular in Japan,and there hints that the Chinese might follow suit,but sure keep deflecting you nigger.

>You can't explain what you're talking about, therefore I'm an idiot? Huh?

Lmao keep going retard.

>You have a dishonest political agenda against Asian women and you are most definitely lying when you claim they are "objectively" ugly.

Lol,the mental gymnastics are incredible,you must be a chink.

>Again, reddit is full of whining about it. Almost every time there's a big Japan thread it'll come up, even if it's entirely unrelated to the topic.

At least you have finally provided proof,but newnigger you shouldn't have linked reddit,next time just provide the quote.

>I did not miss any point. If you claim I did then prove it.

Why would i spoonfeed a nigger,that is purposefuly trying to annoy me by acting stupid?

>Only a leftist shill would go to such lengths to contest someone's story about getting banned from a leftist forum for saying something that went against leftist doctrine. And I already told you that it's impossible for me to find the thread

You easily provided evidence for what lies above,but not for any of your other claims,really makes one think.

>More absurdities. Now you expect that I should have screencapped the event when it happened a decare or more ago, and that I should also still have the screencap, just in case I ever need to show it to someone.

Most people do it,why wouldn't you?

>Why should there conviniently exist some "citation" for every possible thing anyone could ever say (assuming that what they are saying is true)?

Because that is what makes the difference between anecdotal and objective evidence.

>Should a leftist shill really be accusing others of shilling?

Considering you have no proof i'm shilling for leftists ideals and this entire thread has been you justifying race-mixing,i would say i a can call you a shill fairly confidently.

>You're just proving my point. You have no comeback to what I said.

You stated a non-argument tho,why would i give you a counter for something that isn't there?

>I never said that, I said the opposite. I said leftists are pushing for white female + black male race mixing

>I said the opposite

No you haven't.

>But leftists will defend racial purity if they think it'll be advantageous to do so at any given time. They'll say anything.

But they haven't lmao,you are making shit up as you go.

>I never said that I believe any such thing, nor do I have any reason to believe such a thing

You are full of contradictions

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307b3a  No.27575


>This does not mean that I don't believe the article is real.

So you are wrong,and that leftists have also been pushing for hapas.

>So you can't tell me where you are going with this? Alright then.

Because you can figure it out with a couple seconds of research you lazynigger.

>How am I supposed to remember how many large scale testing results I've seen in my life?

You are so fucking dumb.

>I don't remember, and it doesn't matter.

It matters if you said Asians have the highest,you are deflecting so hard.


Just now.

>What thread? What contents?

Lmao you can't be this stupid.

>Yes. Who do you think you're fooling here? You can't try to claim some moral high ground by accusing people of having come from 4chan when that applies to practically everyone, and since there's no way to prove whether one has or hasn't come from 4chan, we can just assume that's where everyone came from. That includes you.

Well considering you come from reddit instead of cuckchan you help my case in proving that not everyone comes from cuckchan,and no not everyone comes from cuckchan you newnigger,this place had an influx from faggots who also come from the r/The_Donald and stormfront.


If you seen those threads you have seen the niggerlike behaviour.

>Where did I post any leftist propaganda?

Stop acting like a retard.

>Yes, I wrote that. What about it?

You support active racemixing,as simple as that.






Stop trying,this guy is an obvious shill,who can't even argue properly and has to pretend to be a retard half the fucking thread.

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4acd88  No.27576


>Not the jews

>Not the niggers-sandniggers

This is some bait

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65b070  No.27577


should we go ahead with this plan to start labeling yellow feverists as pedos?

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307b3a  No.27578


Yes,they deserve it for acting like retards.

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d52a36  No.27586


>The answer was simple for anyone that can read.

You are unable to answer.

>Keep proving me right.

I haven't done so. You can't back up your claim.

>Pretending to not understand the question,and then avoiding to answer it by pretending not to understand.

I did not pretend to not understand anything. You cannot back up your claim.

>Leftists are now racial purists?Nice

They temporarily become racial purists when white men are interested in Asian women.

>Sure ricemixer,but please do keep moving to asian countries,i don't want to see your abominations roaming around.

Once again you are unable to counter what I said and instead try to deflect with irrelevant babble.

>Plastic surgery is also popular in Japan,and there hints that the Chinese might follow suit,but sure keep deflecting you nigger.

Plastic surgery isn't popular in Japan. And don't tell someone to stop deflecting when you just blatantly deflected yourself.

>Lmao keep going retard.

The fact is that you just cannot explain yourself.

>Lol,the mental gymnastics are incredible,you must be a chink.

Again you are deflecting.

>At least you have finally provided proof,but newnigger you shouldn't have linked reddit,next time just provide the quote.

We both know that if I hadn't provided the link you would have said that I'm making up the quotes. But since I did provide the link, you complain about that too.

>Why would i spoonfeed a nigger,that is purposefuly trying to annoy me by acting stupid?

If you claim I missed a point then prove it. Can you do it or not?

>You easily provided evidence for what lies above,but not for any of your other claims,really makes one think.

Once again: this happened ten or more years ago. SA, as far as I remember, does not even keep archives of threads available to the public. It's practically speaking impossible for me to find the thread. You are trying to make jump through impossible hoops just to score cheap point, because you are a disingenuous. Like all leftists.

>Most people do it,why wouldn't you?

No, most people don't do it. Stop lying.

>Because that is what makes the difference between anecdotal and objective evidence.

Which doesn't address the stupid trend of expecting every possible claim to have a convinient citation to neatly "legitimize" it.

>Considering you have no proof i'm shilling for leftists ideals

I've given the proof. You are vigorously defending the left, and your behavior is very consistent with that of a leftist.

>this entire thread has been you justifying race-mixing

No it hasn't.

>You stated a non-argument tho,why would i give you a counter for something that isn't there?

I stated that you were dodging and projecting when you said:

>All i know is that you don't have enough IQ to breed,you disingenus jew.

You had no response to that. Now you're whining about non-arguments.

>No you haven't.

Right here, for example: >>27445

>But they haven't lmao,you are making shit up as you go.

But they have lmao. That's the whole point here.

>You are full of contradictions

There's no contradiction there, and I'll tell you right now that you won't be able to explain why there would be one.

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d52a36  No.27591


>So you are wrong,and that leftists have also been pushing for hapas.

I am not wrong. The left does not worship hapas.

>Because you can figure it out with a couple seconds of research you lazynigger.

You brought up Kalergi, it's your job to explain what you're talking about.

>You are so fucking dumb.

No, I'm just an ordinary non-savant human who does not possess perfect recall.

>It matters if you said Asians have the highest,you are deflecting so hard.

The specific number does not matter. I did not deflect anything.

>Just now.


>Lmao you can't be this stupid.

Just why is it that every time you fail to explain what you are talking about, it somehow means that I'm stupid? How do your failures mean that someone else is stupid?

>Well considering you come from reddit instead of cuckchan

A claim that you absolutely cannot do anything to prove.

>not everyone comes from cuckchan you newnigger,this place had an influx from faggots who also come from the r/The_Donald and stormfront.

I never said every single person came from 4chan.

>If you seen those threads you have seen the niggerlike behaviour.

China is not Africa no matter how much you wish it were.

>Stop acting like a retard.

Once again your failure to answer a question somehow implicates me as retarded.

>You support active racemixing,as simple as that.

I said that white men will go for Asian women since white women are ruined. And you are the one who ruined them. You also promote highly dysgenic race mixing to a genocidal extent.

>Stop trying,this guy is an obvious shill

No I am not, but you are.

>who can't even argue properly

Says the guy whose most frequent "argument" is claiming that I'm retarded because you failed to answer a question.

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d52a36  No.27592


You've already been doing that for years, it's standard operating procedure. Here we again see the lefist trait of denying things they're doing.

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634c40  No.27595

File: 080e3bebd900127⋯.webm (1.88 MB, 720x720, 1:1, bb2c123c3c27c76da6b6cccd2….webm)

Could just warn cuckchan of your gay psyop tbh fam

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0a6280  No.27596

now, i don't wanna seem like a jackass but here's the thing. Children of BMWF and WMAF couples are way dumber, weaker, and generally worse off than the inverse.

That doesn't mean that mutts are better than purebreds, just saying.

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307b3a  No.27600


>You are unable to answer.

You are unable to think.

>I haven't done so. You can't back up your claim.

I'm not going to tell your mistakes,actually bother to learn board culture next time you nigger.

>I did not pretend to not understand anything. You cannot back up your claim.

Sure retard.

>They temporarily become racial purists when white men are interested in Asian women.

They don't.

>Once again you are unable to counter what I said and instead try to deflect with irrelevant babble.

Says the nigger who has to say " i don't understand can you give me an essay explaining simple context" every three sentences.

>Plastic surgery isn't popular in Japan.

Objectively false.

>And don't tell someone to stop deflecting when you just blatantly deflected yourself.

>no u

Keep going retard.

>The fact is that you just cannot explain yourself.

You should do an IQ test yourself ,it's probably below 60

>Again you are deflecting.

He learned a new word congratulations retard.

>We both know that if I hadn't provided the link you would have said that I'm making up the quotes.

I wouldn't because i can track the quotes,but i can't track lies.

>But since I did provide the link, you complain about that too.

You don't even know basic board rules you nigger you just keep doubling down.

>If you claim I missed a point then prove it. Can you do it or not?

It's funny to see act like a retard,so i won't,the point was obvious.

>Once again: this happened ten or more years ago. SA, as far as I remember, does not even keep archives of threads available to the public. It's practically speaking impossible for me to find the thread. You are trying to make jump through impossible hoops just to score cheap point, because you are a disingenuous. Like all leftists.

>blah blah

Go fuck yourself liar.

>No, most people don't do it. Stop lying.

They do,so they can defend themselves,but you didn't because you are a liar.

>Which doesn't address the stupid trend of expecting every possible claim to have a convinient citation to neatly "legitimize" it.

Nigger,you are complaining about defending evidence,that is how anyone can tell you are lying through your ass.

>I've given the proof.

No you haven't.

>You are vigorously defending the left, and your behavior is very consistent with that of a leftist.

>ur the leftist


>No it hasn't

You are defending it right now.

>I stated that you were dodging and projecting when you said:

So a non-argument?

>>All i know is that you don't have enough IQ to breed,you disingenus jew.

covenient you didn't post to what i was replying which was:

>Who else but a leftist would start demanding proof when someone makes the far-fetched claim that they were banned from a lefist site for breaking leftist doctrine?

A literal non-argument

Did you expect a serious reply to something that wasn't an argument?

>Right here, for example:

Yes you support race-mixing we get it,you are one step away from supporting niggermixing.

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307b3a  No.27601


>But they have lmao. That's the whole point here.

But they haven't lamo,otherwise you would've already given proof.

>There's no contradiction there, and I'll tell you right now that you won't be able to explain why there would be one.


>I am not wrong. The left does not worship hapas.

You are though,lmao

>You brought up Kalergi, it's your job to explain what you're talking about.

Keep it up lazynigger.

>No, I'm just an ordinary non-savant human who does not possess perfect recall.

Keep proving to me that you are retarded.

>The specific number does not matter. I did not deflect anything.

It does,but keep dancing little nigger.


about not recalling the Asian score.

>Just why is it that every time you fail to explain what you are talking about, it somehow means that I'm stupid? How do your failures mean that someone else is stupid?

So fucking stupid lmao.

>A claim that you absolutely cannot do anything to prove.

The entire way you post and behave.

>I never said every single person came from 4chan.

No,but you are trying to hide how much of a newfag you are by pretending to be from cuckchan.

>China is not Africa no matter how much you wish it were

Lmao,you are so stupid.

>Once again your failure to answer a question somehow implicates me as retarded.

You are so stupid holy shit,it's almost sad at this point,go back and read every post slowly,to try to understand the conversation.

>I said that white men will go for Asian women since white women are ruined

Lol,like asian women are any better lmao.

>And you are the one who ruined them. You also promote highly dysgenic race mixing to a genocidal extent.

HAHAHAHAHAHAHA,you are such a kike.

>No I am not, but you are.

no u

>Says the guy whose most frequent "argument" is claiming that I'm retarded because you failed to answer a question.

The idiot who can't rub two braincells together to think abstractly and wants to be spoonfed every single fucking sentence is complaining,nigger come back when you have learned to read.

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12bba5  No.27602

Entire thread is nothing but massive spam posts from an admitted race traitor. Ban and delete.


Go back to cuckchan, race traitor.

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126ad5  No.27607


Asian "women" are flat narrow waisted children and the race traitor white men who chase them are closet pedos. Spread the word.>>27602

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d52a36  No.27616


>You are unable to think.

No, it's just that you are unable to answer questions.

>I'm not going to tell your mistakes,actually bother to learn board culture next time you nigger.

You can't tell me my mistakes because I didn't make any.

>Sure retard.

Your inability to back up your claims does not make me a retard.

>They don't.

But they do. That's what I've been explaining all along.

>Says the nigger who has to say " i don't understand can you give me an essay explaining simple context" every three sentences.

I am asking you simply to explain yourself, and you are consistently not capable of doing so.

>Objectively false.

You keep pushing this plastic surgery meme on Japan because you have to find any and all ways possible to disparage Japanese women and make them look bad to try to trick white men into losing interest in them. You can't accept them being naturally beautiful, that's not part of the narrative you want to build. You go on and on and on about plastic surgery and makeup, yet never do we hear anything about plastic surgery and makeup outside Asian countries. That's all on purpose.

>Keep going retard.

I showed how you are deflecting.

>You should do an IQ test yourself ,it's probably below 60

See, you're deflecting again.

>He learned a new word congratulations retard.

I wonder why so many people on imageboards get agitated when they see a word repeated a few times. It's the strangest thing.

>I wouldn't because i can track the quotes,but i can't track lies.

You would have, because that's the sort of thing you'd do. You are dishonest to the very core.

>You don't even know basic board rules you nigger you just keep doubling down.

What board rules did I break?

>It's funny to see act like a retard,so i won't,the point was obvious.

So you can't demonstrate that I missed a point anywhere? Alright.

>Go fuck yourself liar.

Go fuck yourself shill. You actually keep arguing that there is no way a leftist site would ever ban someone for un-leftist thoughts, and you're still keeping up the pretense that you aren't a leftist.

>They do,so they can defend themselves,but you didn't because you are a liar.

Stop lying. People do not typically keep archives of screenshots of times when they were banned. You arew grasping at straws once again.

>Nigger,you are complaining about defending evidence,that is how anyone can tell you are lying through your ass.

I am complaining what I just said I'm complaining about.

>No you haven't.

You are aggressively defending the left, presenting leftist views, and keep engaging in classically leftist behavior. Yet you pretend you aren't one.

>ur the leftist


>You are defending it right now.


>So a non-argument?

No, it wasn't.

>A literal non-argument

How is it a non-argument?

>Yes you support race-mixing we get it,you are one step away from supporting niggermixing.


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d52a36  No.27619


>But they haven't lamo,otherwise you would've already given proof.

The thread we're in is proof. The two other threads OP links to are also proof.

>You are though,lmao

No I am not. I have a lot of experience with the left. They do not worship hapas. Outside of 4chan and r/hapas, hardly anyone talks about it.

>Keep it up lazynigger.

You brought him up, so it is your job to explain his relevance. It's as simple as that. But you are obviously incapable of explaining his relevance, so why did you even bother in the first place?

>Keep proving to me that you are retarded.

So your position now is that people can normally be expected to possess perfect recall, and anyone who doesn't is mentally challenged?

>It does,but keep dancing little nigger.

It plainly does not. What I said is that I have seen Asians at the top of the charts. It makes no difference what the specific numbers were.

>about not recalling the Asian score.

How does that make me retarded?

>So fucking stupid lmao.

Ok, prove it. Explain why your failures make me stupid.

>The entire way you post and behave.

Meaning that you have no proof.

>No,but you are trying to hide how much of a newfag you are by pretending to be from cuckchan.

I'm not new, and almost everyone here is from 4chan. Also notice how you switched from claiming I'm from 4chan to claiming I'm not.

>Lmao,you are so stupid.

This is almost all you can say now. Most of your replies are just "lmao u so dumb," because you're at the end of your rope. You can't come up with real responses to almost anything anymore.

>You are so stupid holy shit


>Lol,like asian women are any better lmao.

They are. Your feminist movement hasn't done nearly as much damage in Asian countries as it has in the West.

>HAHAHAHAHAHAHA,you are such a kike.

Wait, what? I'm a kike for not supporting race mixing with blacks for the purpose of destroying the white race? Huh?

>The idiot who can't rub two braincells together to think abstractly and wants to be spoonfed every single fucking sentence is complaining,nigger come back when you have learned to read.

The truth is that you keep saying things like this because you have no arguments and can't explain yourself.

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d52a36  No.27622


Go work in a cinema, at least then your projectionist skills could earn you money. Do you seriously think this shit is working on me? Have you not been paying any attention in this thread? Why do you think this will work? What is wrong with you?


Women by definition are not children, and there are many Japanese women with large breasts. There's no basis for claiming that an attraction to Asian women is pedophilia, and this could be seen as yet another smoke screen to conceal the left's own pedophilia.

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12bba5  No.27625


>buzzwords because he has no argument

>doesn’t even know what the buzzwords mean

Entire thread is nothing but massive spam posts from an admitted race traitor. Ban and delete.

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d52a36  No.27627


What buzzwords did I use, how did I not know what they mean, and on what basis are you claiming that I had no arguments?

>Entire thread is nothing but massive spam posts from an admitted race traitor. Ban and delete.

Seriously, why? Why do you think this will work? Do you truly not recognize that I am impervious to these projection attacks?

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12bba5  No.27642


>help me shill better, goyim!

Entire thread is nothing but massive spam posts from an admitted race traitor. Ban and delete.

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d52a36  No.27646


I'm not jewish or a shill, unlike you.

>Entire thread is nothing but massive spam posts from an admitted race traitor. Ban and delete.

Yes, you've said this already. Why do you think this will have an effect on anything?

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a4b53d  No.27648

File: 4f48824f8144041⋯.jpg (69.2 KB, 750x768, 125:128, 1554416331.jpg)

This entire thread is nothing but massive spam posts from an admitted race traitor and probable shill. Ban and delete.

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634c40  No.27649

File: 21334e23de104e6⋯.mp4 (914.97 KB, 854x480, 427:240, sanny.mp4)


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d52a36  No.27650


Do you not realize the irony of accusing me of spamming by constantly repeating this same message?

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a4b53d  No.27651

File: f155b9557e5b9e4⋯.gif (2.04 MB, 206x223, 206:223, holocaust machine.gif)


If you looked closely, you'd see that I have a different ID than the guy who wrote the original message. I'm just done engaging with you.

Can you do this: type the word God, you satanic oven-dodging shill.

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d52a36  No.27653


It doesn't matter that you're a different user, you still repeated the same message.

>I'm just done engaging with you.

Because you lost the argument.

>Can you do this: type the word God, you satanic oven-dodging shill.

I'm not jewish, unlike you. I'm not a shill, unlike you. The holocaust never happened.

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a4b53d  No.27672

File: f8d6cc94deaf609⋯.jpg (145.41 KB, 612x792, 17:22, hitler-debating-jews8.jpg)


>can't type God

Of course you can't. No jew can.

And we're done here.

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d52a36  No.27678


I'm not a jew. You are.

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12bba5  No.27681


No one cares what you have to say. You are a paid shill. Your entire platform is a hoax. You failed. Commit suicide immediately.

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d52a36  No.27686


This is projection. You are a shill. Why do you think constantly repeating this same baseless assertion is going to work?

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dfffac  No.27703


>says go back to reddit but has reddit spacing on all his post. anon i…..

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e71cc4  No.27706

File: 86dd9eb3f43035d⋯.jpg (68.42 KB, 500x726, 250:363, angelboi-9bxxl-a36f7b.jpg)

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a4c661  No.27717

File: 2f5ecaf7cfbdc33⋯.png (238.66 KB, 416x407, 416:407, noslantplox.png)


Get back to your mud hut Lopsue.

I may have straightened out a couple hundred slants in my time, but when push comes to shove, give me Nord wife only.

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872b34  No.27728


That is true but it might not be natural selection in the way you think of it. Whites make up only 10% of the global population and as much as i'd like to see that number increase i question if we can.

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12bba5  No.27732


No one will ever do anything you say. You are a race traitor. Sage. Report.

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ba6ba2  No.27734




living in accordance with nature

soon. events unfolding as I type.


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12bba5  No.27740


Back to the Q-LARP board, Georgia guidestones spam.

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d52a36  No.27745


It doesn't matter how many times you try your jew mind tricks on me, they won't ever work. I know you're used to people easily bending to your will, but you sure are slow-witted as shit to still not figure out what's going on here.


Not a downvote, my dear redditor.


You have nothing to report me for.

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12bba5  No.27748


Sage. Report.

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d52a36  No.27750


Sage is not a downvote and you have nothing to report me for. I just told you this. Do you have brain damage or something?

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ba6ba2  No.27753











look at this thing, Anon.

Let's play make-believe for a moment and pretend this isn't a shill-bot just put here to demoralize the culture of the board (good job BO banning well-thought out posts that I spent 6 FUCKING HOURS putting together because of some bullshit 'muh-Q-terror" and leaving this thing that does absolutely no fuckng good and is counter-productive from start to finish)

Lets assume it were a real boy.

This would be the single most pathetically vile human being on the planet to come to the furthest reagions of the internet where a group of people who share a nation and a culture or at last a culture just desire to be among our own and "this person" sees it as "his" duty to discourage us at all costs.

Picking on someone like that would be akin to kicking a retarded ferret.

Feel sorry for this person, don't feel anger. It deserves our pity, not our rage.


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41fdb9  No.27759

Anyone who wants to mix race with Asians are either Jewish or some low iq moron who watches too much porn thinking that white women fuck black men.

Mixing with an Asian woman = mutt

All poltards should be aware of the consequences that comes to mix racing and know it's only kalergi 2.0

Bitching and moaning about the huwhite race going on extinct while also shitting on white women is an anti white contradiction. If you retards really feel that white women are incredibly degenerate then learn to be an alpha male and prove to them that fucking black only leads to HIV+ instead of whinning and crying about the white rave dying out and the leftoids ruining tradition and culture.

Not to mention that white men are more likely to mix race than white women, so this whole white women fuck dogs and love black men is pure cuck cope said by retards who watch porn and never been in an relationship (((white))) women are the only ones who love black dudes.

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41fdb9  No.27764

File: f4b4f6eab108919⋯.jpg (122.3 KB, 960x960, 1:1, 1579563857304.jpg)

Aryan > chink

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d52a36  No.27765


Nice try, jew.

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41fdb9  No.27769

File: 07c14183f00f5b8⋯.jpg (31.04 KB, 640x360, 16:9, ELLIOT-ROGERS.jpg)


>Everything I don't like is Jewish

Jews want whites to mix race you fucking retard, mixing with chinks is cuck and cope

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d52a36  No.27771


The first thing your post does is claim that anyone into Asian women must be a jew or an idiot. That's something a jew would say.

>Jews want whites to mix race you fucking retard, mixing with chinks is cuck and cope

Read the thread.

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41fdb9  No.27778


>Jews would say whites shouldn't mix race

Actually retarded

>Read the thread

I know you what the thread is about dimshit, I'm referring to the fuck retarded in this thread defending fucking chinks

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d52a36  No.27779


Read the thread. We went over this.

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a4c661  No.27781

File: 840acb75d772b48⋯.webm (5.24 MB, 854x480, 427:240, Дабл вокал-lFTw_m_5w3s.webm)


absolutely nothing even comes close

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12bba5  No.27874


Why hasn’t this paid shill been banned yet.


>you’re a shill because you don’t like white genocide

Why hasn’t thIs paid shill been banned yet.

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793e88  No.27912


try and make a post without


paid shill



jewish shill


white genocide

kill jews


good luck chat bot

you will never



be a real boy


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3882ba  No.27915

File: 8362ca818d79e93⋯.jpg (259.65 KB, 720x686, 360:343, hasbarafag.jpg)


It's hasbarafag a neurotic kike that poorly tries to blend in and hates anons doing any ops anywhere.

The only thing he hates more than that is anything to do with orange man, kek.

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c260e7  No.27921


>still being a Trumpnigger


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309be0  No.27924



you're a piss poor chatbot

whoever paid for this "AI" got ripped off

not at all a learning platform, regurgitates cancellations and gets stuck in a loop recycling /our/ terms.

I can build better. I have bult better and you don't even know they are out there.

Think about that.

I can be bought.>>27915

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c260e7  No.27925


>the Georgia Guidestones are evil, I know, I saw it on Alex Jones and in Q drop!

Daily reminder that "R.C. Christian" was Dr. Herbert Hinie Kersten, a race realist who was friends with Dr. Shockley, and supported David Duke and Pat Buchanan.

>A recently released documentary reveals that R.C. Christian, a pseudonym for the man who provided the designs and funding for the controversial Georgia Guidestones monument, was Herbert Hinie Kersten, a doctor from Fort Dodge, Iowa. Kersten appears to have expressed support for David Duke, former Grand Wizard of the Knights of the Ku Klux Klan, in a letter written to the South Florida Sun Sentinel. William Sayles Doan, an author and Fort Dodge historian, claims on camera that Kersten was an outspoken racist who voiced plans to create a measurement to definitively prove that whites – and in particular Northern Europeans – were the world’s superior race.


The part about "guiding" reproduction to "improve diversity" is about preventing race-mixing, not encouraging it.

The Georgia Guidestones are WHITE and REDPILLED.

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9f7755  No.27928


I like what you're doing by sage'ing a post you agree with, anon. Bold move. I only hope it catches on.

Yes, I only hope the guiders are still in control and juden didn't stick his wretched nose into things too far.>>27925

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3882ba  No.27940

File: 0878e457fba39a0⋯.jpg (49 KB, 599x162, 599:162, jew MK race mixing quote.jpg)

File: 1a4a2b26784f228⋯.jpg (87.86 KB, 850x400, 17:8, quote-when-people-attempt-….jpg)


>Knowingly wanting to work for the kikes

<hurr durr muh AI

You are a fucking traitor to your race if you are white but you are probably a kike. Hasbarafaggots hate being outed.

Nothing worse for a kike being called a kike, eh?


Kikes hate their race mixing agenda being called out.

This is two birds with one stone; Pedos (usually kikes) and race mixers.

No doubt i'll be called a bot for quoting Hitler.

>Flak over target says this op is good.

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d52a36  No.27951


Why do you keep making these posts, shill? What is still giving you the idea that they will have any effect on me?

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398d80  No.27968


Please repeat after me:

God abandoned the Jews back in 160AD.

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d52a36  No.28010


What point are you trying to make?

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178fcb  No.28015

File: 516198a160116b2⋯.jpg (17.89 KB, 480x472, 60:59, 261391_975293479229154_403….jpg)


Absolutely nothing comes close and it is our duty to claim each one of our beautiful girls and make those Aryan babies <3

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178fcb  No.28021

File: 4d59890a6bc2342⋯.jpg (47.11 KB, 497x604, 497:604, 13680543_1626663810978936_….jpg)


lol good work Anon, that shit is actually superb. I wonder if we could make a good pathology for the BMWF mix as well.

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d52a36  No.28029


Why are you pretending like OP came up with that image and that talking point (which I have completely debunked in the thread already)?

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b3d0a0  No.28039


what's that about?

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398d80  No.28055


I know hebrew is your mother language but that english sentence wasn't that hard to comprehend.

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12bba5  No.28057


>word salad spam allowed to remain up


>you’re a jew if you don’t want white genocide propaganda on the board

>you’re a jew if you don’t want cuckchan spam on the board

>you’re a jew if you don’t support the ZOG emperor

You need to kill yourself. Now.


>you are a shill not me

Reported for supporting white genocide.

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398d80  No.28060


>talking against yellow fever is somehow in favor of White genocide


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a27e99  No.28068


>OY VEY goyim i have "debunked" all arguments against race mixing, now go and race mix! fuck chinks and pollute your bloodline goy!

fuck off schlomo

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ba6ba2  No.28069


apologies m8, that >>27924

was meant for >>27874

non-java posting got me downz>>27874

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adc4c6  No.28070

File: ab23d1eedfdb28c⋯.jpg (25.43 KB, 608x402, 304:201, 0c7ef99dc1fabec6da87de3f98….jpg)

File: 8c35531a6a50c9e⋯.jpg (30.37 KB, 447x306, 149:102, 030bf4bc2ed3f7c22abf842799….jpg)


get a load of this faggot

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a27e99  No.28071

Why are kikes so assblasted about comparing yellow fever to pedophilia? This thread is evidence that it hit a nerve, but why?

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ba6ba2  No.28072


>what's that about?

well, it was posted a bit toungue-in-cheek but there are two considerations to make about the topic.

1. when breeding dogs, anything further than 3rd cousin will not produce a pure-breed pup. It simply cannot since your quite literally not dealing with the same breed anymore after that point.

2. Royals forbid breeding with anything beyond your 3rd cousin and mainly stick to 1st cousins for breeding purposes.

and there's the thing to always look out for the 'taboo' label that is mysteriously placed upon a thing that nobody knows where or why it has been placed there other than "ewww, that's grosss'uh!"

We are "told" by "authoritive sources" that breeding your 1st cousin "may result in birth defects" but if that's the case, then why is that the ideal breeding point for pure-breed dogs?

Royalty is the only class of people, that I know of, who breed for gene-superiority and they quite often breed their 1st cousin.

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3882ba  No.28075

File: bcb6ed8f61f5172⋯.jpg (71.55 KB, 646x789, 646:789, e96.jpg)


>Why are kikes so assblasted about comparing yellow fever to pedophilia?

It attacks two of their favourite strategies with one meme.

It attacks pedos (many kikes are pedos or like to kill children around passover - always spikes in abductions then).

It attacks kid fucking in asian countries which they love

It attacks race mixing kike agenda (Kalergi etc)

It steers people away from degeneracy.

>I wonder why chaim likes to shit these threads up so much.


Cousin breeding in reality has as good or lower chances of birth defects than non-cousins and many beneficial side effects


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a2dd8a  No.28077


But then you attack male sexuality as a whole , trying to deconstruct it and that is very jewish

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a4c661  No.28078


>ower chances of birth defects

The research done in dogs both proves and disproves this, which is interesting.

We all know jews are genetically feeble and prone to mental illness as well as many genetic diseases (tay-sachs, sickle cell, etc) so it would make sense that a "bulldog" who is a shit breed would want to push a race-mixing agenda and only seek out the German Shepards for himself.

However, what we witness is the bulldog intentionally destroying the German Shephard line while breeding more and more retarded bulldogs.

I have a lot of assumptive directions to go here, but will put more thought into the topic before choosing one.

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a2dd8a  No.28080


Because there are attractive asians, you're being untruthful the whole point of this "movement" is truth and the natural way and by attacking male sexuality you attack nature you lying kike scum. We stick with white gals because they are our own and we're not insecure in our self

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a2dd8a  No.28081


Only whites produce whites

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2e31e9  No.28082



define white>>28081

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a2dd8a  No.28083


The closest genetic relatives to indo European and

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318f43  No.28087


Incest is considered taboo because people who have incestuous kids are statistically more likely to pass on recessive and X-linked birth defects. Think about it, if one parent has a recessive gene for retardation or something and passes it to two of her kids, if those kids interbreed with random members of the population, there's a 99% chance that their partner wont also carry that recessive gene and thus produce retarded offspring. Meanwhile, if those two siblings fuck each other, there's a 100% that their partner will carry a copy of that fucked up gene and thus a 25% chance that their kid will be born retarded.

The royal families of England, Spain, Russia, Germany, and other parts of Europe interbred like rabbits and kept passing around the hemophilia gene through their daughters that they traded, so much that it got nicknamed the Royal Disease.

And also, royal families didnt interbreed to keep their bloodlines pure or preserve good genes. They didnt even know about genes for most of history. They just didnt want to divide up their countries, because every person that you add to the family is a new person that you have to give land to.

I'm not saying that incest doesnt have it benefits, because it can as you say, be used to concentrate and purify good genes, but it also concentrates and purifies bad genes such as hemophilia, colorblindness, lactose intolerance, and others. In order to properly get away with incest you have to first verify that your initial stock doesnt have any recessive genes that could become activated through your breeding program.

Also, it's not societal conditioning that causes people to frown upon incest. It's an evolutionary adaptation to prevent aforementioned defects https://www.ncbi.nlm.nih.gov/m/pubmed/12737660/ though clearly it can be overridden

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a2dd8a  No.28090

>pussy says retarded shit to try and pretend whites aren't real when they are probably the only race with a strong racial story that can't be easily deconstructed

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872b34  No.28092

All these asain dudes here being jealous because asian girls prefer white guys.

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0a6280  No.28093

File: 288bc227241ea37⋯.png (49.17 KB, 301x286, 301:286, are you kidding me.png)

>itt retards will bitch about if gooks or whites are better to stick their dick in

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c91b2d  No.28098


Asian women do not have a high IQ like Asian men (supposedly) do…White women have the highest IQ of all the women of the planet. Since even White women’s IQ is lower than White males, you are relying on HER IQ to determine the IQ of your children (she is the weak link of the two of you)…but fucking bug women? Their IQ is like 80 and your children will all be mentally handicapped if you start fucking bugs. You are dooming your children (and destroying your own recessive DNA) when you start fucking outside your race….Only WHITE WOMEN can raise White children.

Who the fuck would want a disgusting low IQ mutt as their offspring? They will never relate to you or be like you or think like you because you are effective murdered your ancestors in low IQ bug pussy…not only that but DNA IS DATA…they are never going to share your values or the values of civilization…see the corona virus…that was the bugs who through niggery incompetence released that on their own people. They can’t build anything correctly and will never be capable of civilization. Whites are the pinnacle of humanity. There is nothing higher. There is no other race/species that is capable of civilization. You want to fuck bugs and end up with children with only a slightly higher IQ than a nigger…be my guest you rice burning trash and eliminate your lineage FOREVER from our civilization. We don’t NEED OR WANT your traitor DNA in out future. And you won’t be a part of our future either because you OPTED OUT for ‘muh dick’.

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ba6ba2  No.28099


>because it can as you say, be used to concentrate and purify good genes,

this would really be the focal point if someoene was going to colonize and start a breeding program.

I would think hubris would most often be the detrimental crux to any breeding programs, such as what Epstein had going on in New Mexico, unless they were allowing the girls to get pregnant by the patrons to his rape-fests and using the offspring for the next round of stock. However, I'd have to imagine that if you were in that business and had the resources, you would breed some offspring of your own for expansive purpose.

I know my family is prone to cancer and if I were concerned with genetic superiority, that would be a mark against using my genetic line for production.

I suppose one would have to get a list of available breeding candidates, make a list of their attributes and detriments, produce as many offspring as possible and select the best stock from that branch before going into the next branch of breeding. Maybe you could use the inferior stock for a labor force.

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0a6280  No.28137


yeah. then you have retards on 4changs that go "LOL OK HAPA" when they tell people not to fuck Asian women. If the fucking children of these couples are telling you that miscegenation is a bad idea, then you should really fucking listen.

the amount of people who are wanting to stick their dong in gook poon are either boomers coping with the fact that their lack of foresight has caused their depressed half-Asian son to commit suicide, or weebs. fucking niggers would be better because 1. WMBF mutts are way fucking better than chink mutts for some reason (We're talking if it has a white Y chromosome.) and 2. It'd set some kind of racial superiority. (Sexual dominance is the quickest way to demoralize and enslave someone.)

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d52a36  No.28197


No, hebrew is your language. You are a jew. You are projecting.


Projection. I never supported white genocide anywhere, which means you must be supporting white genocide.


I never said that I debunked arguments against race mixing. Why are you lying, schlomo?


You mean, why are intellectually honest people "assblasted" about false claims? It's a mystery.

>haha people are disagreeing with me, looks like I'm right and hit a nerve

No, that's not how this works.


Yellow fever is not a jewish/leftist strategy. If it were, it would be aggressively promoted like WF+BM mixing, instead of being constantly met with shrieking.

>It attacks pedos

There's nothing pedophilic about being sexually attracted to adult women. That's normal. You don't seem to have a very good grasp of what normality is.

>It attacks kid fucking in asian countries which they love

This is projection, and there's kid fucking going on everywhere in the world. Ever hear of a place called Britain for example?

>It attacks race mixing kike agenda (Kalergi etc)

AF+WM is race mixing, but the left nevertheless opposes it.

>It steers people away from degeneracy.

Do explain to me how it's degenerate to marry an Asian woman, but not degenerate to marry a black man.


Asian women include Japanese women, who are in general more well-adjusted and talented than white women.

>They can’t build anything correctly and will never be capable of civilization.

Civilization like having enough education to know that Asia is a large area comprised of many different countries, not just China?


>the amount of people who are wanting to stick their dong in gook poon are either boomers coping with the fact that their lack of foresight has caused their depressed half-Asian son to commit suicide, or weebs.

This is just more leftist propaganda.

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b2850e  No.28222


>Could this possibly have anything to do with the worthlessness of white women?

Legit can not stand white american women because they are usually spoiled to shit by beta orbies and get told they can do whatever and there won't be real consquences.

The other half problem I've seen with them for years is other white women in their social circles manipulating and guilting them into those dumb actions. I will say; the white woman's worst enemy is other white women's peer pressure and schemes to ruin their "friends" through hushed whispers that plant seeds of doubt, lies and betrayal. It happens with races of all women but in whites it's the worst since wht wmn will not regulate and kick these backstabbers to the curb.


>thinking that white women fuck black men.

They fuck them all the time, tinder, google and snap know it's true but refuse to release that data. Whtwmn fuck 13-17 guys on average one of them will be a black or mixed. Asian and some latin girls that have their culture actually have values and standards.

I don't promote racemixing but having mixed children even with the drawbacks is better than getting chained to a coal burner, cryptojew or wokewitch. Disagree with me all you want but I'll take a mixed kids with a proper upright mother that came in the mail and functioning family unit over some sleazy pale cunt met on bumble who is going to passively make everyone in the fam miserable then fuck off with half of everything when she can't take married life anymore. I've seen this happen to many families while growing up, guess what, the hapas' parents are still together after 3 decades or so.

Don't marry a whore,

Don't marry a slut

Don't marry a cunt.

Don't marry a woman over 27.

Don't marry a single mom.

Marry a nigger or poo before you marry any of those

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be1717  No.28225


Reported for supporting white genocide.

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d52a36  No.28227


Ok, show me where I supported white genocide. If your reply doesn't seriously try to prove your claim, you are admitting that you are a jewish shill. Go.

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b2a635  No.28228


>incest is taboo because genetic diseases

No. There are other reason. You are retarded.

Get the fuck out you degenerate kike piece of shit.


>"Why not fuck your cousin?"

"Why not" has been asked about everything under the sun, and many things have been answered in due time (after many many generations of "why not?" and "why?"). But "muh dick" needs an answer this fucking moment because "muh dick" is the one in fucking control in your case. You turn it into some social conformity anti-authority rebel-complex bullshit, when you should be considering the fucking morality of it. There's no repercussions for being a kiddy diddling fucking kike, and there's no repercussions for becoming warlords and committing atrocities (if you succeed) – but it's immoral.

You're all LARPing as fucking Nat Soc when you're really here for the outrage porn. You're here literally to fucking vent and be aggressive. That's it. You're indulgent degenerate pieces of shit. All of you are acting in complete and utter self fucking interest – this shit about an ethnostate isn't about the people around you, it's fucking about YOU. You fucks elevate your self-interest to some holy fucking crusade and moral high ground when it never meant any of that to you fucks.

You fucking degenerates are the cancer of every movement. The twist, corruption, perversion of any and every cause.

Fucking Parasites

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be1717  No.28229


Do you support miscegenation. Yes or no.

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b2a635  No.28230

None of these sick fucks even believe in a fucking life after death. They're literally soulless fucking NPCS. Absolute dead weight fucking parasites.

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a4c661  No.28234


>in order to discuss something, I must only discuss things I fully understand and support.

t. brainlet

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d52a36  No.28330


You admit that you are a jewish shill, then.

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9d8309  No.28357


White women won't act like women until White men act like men.

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718b4c  No.28439

File: fcfa9241f5040ba⋯.mp4 (1.35 MB, 288x360, 4:5, PX2ayyFHjk1SaevA.mp4)

Forget about retarded chinks and gooks. And if Western bitches aren't your thing, I highly recommend Arab bitches. Very feminine, very gender-role oriented, absolutely wife material, loyal to the death, and they love to fuck and are very good at it, even if they have zero experience (most of them don't have any experience). They're just naturals.

The cons are that they expect you to behave like a man at all times (they'll nag you to death if you slip up), be possessive (because they are), and pay for everything. They're princesses, but unlike many women in the West, they will repay you with love and sex.

Plus they're Caucasoids unlike chinks, so you're not race mixing.

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6f1d57  No.28893


You are racemixing, Arabs are not white they are a Caucasoid negroid mix and always fucking have been.

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6f1d57  No.28895


That won't happen so long as white men are not allowed to act like men and end up going to jail when white women claim RAPE!

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05e832  No.28896

File: eb25f7e8c89b3bf⋯.mp4 (2.2 MB, 640x360, 16:9, The_nigger_stole_my_bike_b….mp4)


Arabs are the remnants of the 2nd Babylonized empire. The word arab literally means mongrel. It's been systematically scrubbed from dictionaries.

They are currently constructing the 3rd babylonized empire.

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718b4c  No.28950


You sound disabled. Arabs rarely if ever race mix. They believe sleeping with niggers and chinks is beneath them, unlike some faggots here and many Ameriburger coal burners.

>always have been

Well if they always have been, and a large chunk of the European gene pool comes Neolithic Near East and Middle East farmers, then I guess that makes you a mongrel nigger mix too, right?

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6f1d57  No.28964


No because those "middle east farmers" you refer to were not yet Arabs, history and their mixing with niggers happened, or have you forgotten that they regularly take Negresses as sex slaves and do not sterilize them like they do the males, you are a fool and you are a race traitor just like the yellow fever idiots, the rope will come for you accept it when it does.

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000000  No.28975


cuck chan plebbit fag

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718b4c  No.28984


You really are special needs, aren’t you

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6f1d57  No.29016


You lost the argument when you called me disabled, insult number one, I gave you one chance to actually make an argument and you failed by insulting me once again, Arabs are racemixed abominations even if they have Caucasoid skull shape so do many half niggers that doesn't make them whites, and you're further an idiot for attempting to push any white to go after Arab whores knowing full well they despise breeding with non-Muslims and could very easily be murdered by an angry muslim male who would get off for the murder because leftist control the institutions.

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93685b  No.29146


Shouting Ad Hominem only works if there are no other points made, at this point you're guilty of a Red Herring Fallacy. By your own admission Arabs are mutts, which while always tainted, means they can be bred to nigh-Caucasoid genetics.

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6f1d57  No.29190


I didn't make that fallacy, I added points to my argument none of which he actually refuted, and to further bolster the point not only is every point I made correct it is also correct to say that if you are fucking an Arab and intend to breed it, you are an idiot for exposing your child to the most incestuous and genetic disease ridden genome of any race on the face of the earth but you are also exposing your child to Islam through its mongrel mother who will not convert under penalty of death for her and your child no matter where in the world you are. Arabs are not White nor can they be made to be quit arguing for the further destruction of our race and more damage to our collective genome.

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d52a36  No.29222


You have no arguments. Why do you people still keep coming to this thread to make these posts? Can you really not see how thoroughly you have been defeated and discredited?

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5cf8ed  No.29230


You allowed kike (((liberated))) single mothers to raise your men, and now you wonder why half of them are effeminate trannies. You reap what you sow. Enjoy trying to create an ethnostate where women vote and attempt to compete with men rather than complement them.

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718b4c  No.29284


You presented no evidence for your claim that Arabs are mixed mongrels. You repeating your claim doesn’t make it true. That’s argument by assertion.

You also claimed that Arabs are different from the Neolithic Near Eastern and Middle Eastern peoples that contributed a huge chunk of the modern European gene pool. You did not provide any evidence for this claim, or went on an emotional tantrum about mongrels and race mixing. There is no evidence the Arabs are much different from those ancient Neolithic people.

So until you come up with a valid argument or some valid evidence, you can go get fucked KIKE.

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718b4c  No.29318


>but you are also exposing your child to Islam through its mongrel mother who will not convert under penalty of death for her and your child no matter where in the world you are

You do realize that there is a sizable chunk of Arabs who are Christian, right? Roughly half of Lebanon and all of Malta are Christian Arabs. Then you have the more secular Arabs throughout the Middle East like in Syria, Jordan, and the Emirates who don’t give a shit about primitive religious rules. And these places, especially the Emirates, are full of Arab-Euro mixes who look far more white than the increasingly Goblinized Amerikike population.

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c91b2d  No.29341


I have never seen one that ‘looked White’.

Also, ‘looking white’ is meaningless unless you have the DNA to back it up. Some jews ‘look white’ but they will never be anything more than mongrel trash either.

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718b4c  No.29359

File: e14dd68885547f3⋯.jpeg (558.52 KB, 2048x2983, 2048:2983, 4794BAF4-C196-4606-906C-1….jpeg)


Not a valid argument. Argument from ignorance in fact. That’s because all you ever see in the news are Pakis, Turks, and Bedouins. Europe and America are literally getting the goat-fucking dregs of the Islamic world. Their society is very hierarchical, with racial castes. The upper echelons of their societies are almost entirely fair skinned. Even the middle class is fair skinned, easily passing for Italians, Spaniards, or Greeks.

In Dubai, you will see lots of natural blondes, red heads, blue eyes, green eyes, almost entirely fair skin.

Here’s a Ginger Arab for you.

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76718f  No.29422

I fuck mostly Asian women.

Pref korean, japanese, filo, thai.

i have no intention of breeding

Worry about your own dick you fucking faggots.

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be1717  No.29426


I wasn’t talking to you.


>jews totally don’t want you to racemix, goyim

Kill yourself.


Kill yourself.


Reported for supporting white genocide.


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000000  No.29457


My GF is s Thai girl. How triggered are you?

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11c421  No.29474


pedophile detected

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11c421  No.29475


You've really brought the shills out of their hiding spots OP. Good job. From now on, yellow fever = pedophilia. Repeat it often

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d52a36  No.29493


I support white genocide by calling you out for being a jewish shill? Huh?


It's not pedophilia regardless of how many times you claim it is.

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b31db0  No.29504


But how many asian girls did you fertilize before settling down ?

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be1717  No.29508


Just kill yourself. You’re not fooling anyone. We won’t be racemixing.

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d52a36  No.29512


You mean you're not fooling anyone, shill. Why are you even still here? I flat-out asked you to prove that I'm for white genocide, and you could not come up with any answer.

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204bcf  No.29915


>Ad hom

>Ad hom

>Are you fucking kidding me?

>Ad hom

>Le dank ad hom meme spam

>If we had real moderation you would be banned

Julay wasn't kidding about this place

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6f1d57  No.29921


I don't care if they're christian, that matters not at all to me they are all mongrels, Christianity changes nothing about them they remain mongrels they continue to have nigger ancestry in far greater amounts than roughly 99% of all actual whites on the face of the earth and continue to be inbred pieces of shit, i'm getting really fucking sick of seeing comparisons of Arab pieces of shit to Americans, real Americans are and always have been White people and that subset of the population of this country somehow remains nearly 100% purely white but you fucking shills call everyone here goblins because the invasion is so far along here and "Amerikikes" forgetting that none of this happened with our will or consent behind it proving only that you are a D&C shill who doesn't give a fuck about anything but his dick.




Is that enough fucking evidence to prove to you that the literal mongrels of the fucking world the perfect jewish and jew slave races ARE the fucking Arabs, I don't care if they sometimes have white heritage and sometimes have a white-like phenotype, they are Mongrels and should be removed from the face of the earth just like their nigger cousins.

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be1717  No.29923


Do you support miscegenation. Yes or no. Why are you incapable of answering this question. It seems extremely suspicious that you refuse to answer.


>literally the only person in the thread defending the psychopath

You're not fooling anyone.

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d52a36  No.29947


Why are you incapable of answering where I supported white genocide? Why are you still here? What do you hope to accomplish with these repetitive posts that go nowhere?

>literally the only person in the thread defending the psychopath

How am I a psychopath?

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35d458  No.29963

Honestly I can't blame them too much. Seeing people walk by in an Amerimutt mall scarred me for life

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56c45d  No.30051


>refuses to denounce miscegenation

>60 posts supporting white genocide



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fa571e  No.30091


asking myself the exact same thing. They should have permabanned him three days ago. Guess the faggots in charge of this failure of a board cannot be arsed to actually enforce any kind of standard.

What a suprise /pnd/ is less populated than any bunker.

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a77ac9  No.30179


You cannot provide a single piece of evidence showing that I support white genocide, shill.


Here comes another (1) to say the same things over and over again. That's not suspicious at all, certainly nothing like an organized group of people shilling on board.

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478804  No.30186


Because the site is fucked and BOs can't login right now.

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fe8d55  No.30197


You refuse to denounce miscegenation. You’ve made 60 fucking posts in favor of fucking slants. Kill yourself. Now.

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788dec  No.30215


You refuse to tell me where I supported white genocide. What exactly is your end game supposed to be, shill?

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9f6ec9  No.30218



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b25dec  No.30222


That's right shill, you are incapable of proving that I have supported white genocide. So why are you still here?

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134fc6  No.30242

File: f3eb6c1d9051a56⋯.jpg (37.38 KB, 750x704, 375:352, apfgwj0if7i11.jpg)


Gay and bluepilled post tbh fam

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be1717  No.30254


I think this might be an advanced Markov bot. It’s incapable of deviating from its script and it replies every time it’s quoted. Let’s try something. You refuse to denounce miscegenation. You’ve made 60 fucking posts in favor of fucking slants. Kill yourself. Now.

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d52a36  No.30257


More projection. I wouldn't have to be constantly repeating myself if you weren't constantly making this baseless accusation against me.

Why. Are. You. Still. Here?

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be1717  No.30275

>keeps doing it

You refuse to denounce miscegenation. You’ve made 60 fucking posts in favor of fucking slants. Kill yourself. Now.

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d52a36  No.30276


>keep doing it

You refuse to do anything to back up your accusation, yet you also refuse to exit the thread. Why are you still here, shill? Are you just going to keep doing this forever? What do you hope to accomplish?

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be1717  No.30282


>you have to back up your claim that I said what I said in all of my posts in the thread that literally anyone can read by clicking my ID

You refuse to denounce miscegenation. You’ve made 60 fucking posts in favor of fucking slants. Kill yourself. Now.

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d52a36  No.30284


Still no proof, and obviously you're never going to deliver any. All you're doing now is just repeating the same few things over and over again, while having the gall to accuse me of being a bot.

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be1717  No.30289


>"yellow fever" has emerged as a great threat despite it being hugely politically incorrect and constantly propagandized against

Jewish lie.


>white men + Asian women is constantly demonized.

Jewish lie.


>If the left was so keen on white men getting it on with Asian women, then they would not be constantly crying that anyone with "yellow fever" is a small dicked pedophile

Jewish lie.


>the left being very much against white men having "yellow fever.”

Jewish lie.


>The left doesn't want white men to go out and reproduce with Asian women

Jewish lie.


>the left is against white men going for Asian women

Jewish lie.


>Sliding is not a real thing

Jewish lie.


>If they aren't, then what is the purpose of constantly shaming white men for liking Asian women?

Jewish lie.


>The left is always going on about how white men are incels, losers, virgins, pedophiles etc. for preferring Asian women over white women.

Jewish lie.


>the left LOVES white men dating Asian women, even though that's not true.

>The Japanese are often treated interchangeably with whites.

>the left is against Japan

Jewish lie.


>it's no wonder that white men will want to choose Asian women when white women have become so worthless.

Jewish lie.


> white men choosing Asian women over white women due to white women being ruined and not being able to compete

>you are most definitely lying when you claim they are "objectively" ugly.

Jewish lie.


>From Africa, the Middle East and South America.

And Asia.


>You're the ones who created this mess

Jewish lie.


>You have intentionally worked to ruin women (and men) and poison the relationship between the sexes.

Jewish lie.


>You are working around the clock to promote WF+BM mixing and flooding white countries with black and brown migrants.

>white men will go for Asian women if white women are no good.


>white men are interested in Asian women.

Jewish lie.


>The left does not worship hapas.

> white men will go for Asian women since white women are ruined

>you are the one who ruined them.

Jewish lie.

>You also promote highly dysgenic race mixing to a genocidal extent.



>you have to find any and all ways possible to disparage Japanese women and make them look bad to try to trick white men into losing interest in them.


>I never supported white genocide anywhere

>Yellow fever is not a jewish/leftist strategy

>Asian women include Japanese women, who are in general more well-adjusted and talented than white women.

Jewish lie.

Oh, and this one is my favorite.

> there must [not] always exist a convinient proof or citation or reference for anything a person could ever possibly claim

This is, distilled, your entire “argument.” You refuse to denounce miscegenation. You refuse to answer any questions about miscegenation that you have ever been asked. You refuse to so much as STATE your own beliefs. You are personally advocating for white genocide. Kill yourself.

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d52a36  No.30293


You have literally not a single counter-argument to any of those. You spent all that time going over my posts and copying what I said and then could not produce even one argument against them.

>You are personally advocating for white genocide.

A claim that you have no proof for. Why are you still here?

The jews are sending shills, but as evidenced by your laughably dismal performance, they are not sending their best.>>30289

>You are personally advocating for white genocide.

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d52a36  No.30295


Why was that that greentext submitted twice? The board software is even more fucked than I thought.

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be1717  No.30298


>You have literally not a single counter-argument to any of those.

Every word you said is a proven lie. You personally support miscegenation, and therefore white genocide. Nowhere have you ever denied this.

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d52a36  No.30300


Ok, prove that everything I said is a lie. Argue in detail what makes them lies. Surely this will be easy for you. Just like it's been so easy for you to prove that I support white genocide. Oh wait, no it hasn't.

Why are you still here?

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dadb2f  No.30301


>Any action that doesn't involve violence is useless.

nonviolence > violence when you are politically weak (as we are now)

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be1717  No.30303


>Ok, prove that everything I said is a lie.

You’ve already been provided the information in this thread. Your lack of acceptance of it does not mean it does not exist.

>Argue in detail what makes them lies.

Done already.

>I support white genocide.

Denounce white genocide. Denounce miscegenation. In 60 posts of you calling for white genocide and being in favor of miscegenation, you’ve yet to do either thing.

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d52a36  No.30305


>You’ve already been provided the information in this thread.

This is code for "no, I can't prove what I just said."

>Done already.

Really? Where?

>Denounce white genocide. Denounce miscegenation. In 60 posts of you calling for white genocide and being in favor of miscegenation, you’ve yet to do either thing.

It is not my job to denounce anything, it is your job to prove that I support white genocide. Yet no matter how many hours of your life you dedicate to this thread, you will never be able to do it. Dumb shill.

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be1717  No.30311


>not my job

Yes, we know you do not get paid by your shill farm for violating the jewish party line.

Denounce white genocide. Denounce miscegenation.

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d52a36  No.30315


You made the accusation, dumb little jewish shill. Now you have to prove it. Well?

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be1717  No.30317


Denounce white genocide. Denounce miscegenation. If I was wrong, you would have proven it days ago by doing this. You refuse to do it. You support white genocide. You support miscegenation.

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d52a36  No.30319


I don't have to denounce anything. You made the accusation based on information available at the time. That information should be sufficient for you to prove your case. I have no obligation to cooperate with you in any way. It is your responsibility to prove the allegation.

>If I was wrong, you would have proven it days ago by doing this.

The burden of proof is on you.

Why are you still here?

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be1717  No.30321


>I don't have to denounce anything.

You have admitted you support white genocide. The thread’s over. You failed in your job. Reply one more time, because your contract says you have to get the last word.

>The burden of proof is on you.

All of your statements are without source.

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d52a36  No.30327


I have not admitted any such thing and you cannot do anything to prove otherwise, shill. Looks like you failed…

>All of your statements are without source.

Where is your source on your claim that I support white genocide? The burden of proof is on you to prove this accusation.

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fa37c3  No.30415



fuck off infiltrator shill

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fa37c3  No.30428


If this were true then every single generatoin would be more stupider

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fa37c3  No.30429


I dunno man, getting a legal age adult female asian waifu seems to piss leftists off HARDCORE. So maybe they fear the unification of two very high IQ peoples.

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be1717  No.30437


>never do anything

>YOU are the shill

Kill yourself.


Oh, it’s you. You just changed IPs again.

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dadb2f  No.30554

Mixing white and asian genes will be the only way whites survive at this rate.

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96e911  No.30559


>miscegenation pisses off leftist goy! do it!

You fucking retard. Leftists SUPPORT race mixing with whites as much as possible. It doesn't piss of leftists, it gives them soy smiles because it means the death of the white race.

You also support whites committing miscegenation. Hmm sounds like you and the left have a huge amount in common.

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96e911  No.30565


Whites cannot survive unless white men and white women make white babies together. You can't make white babies by race mixing you fucking retard / kike. I can't believe I even need to explain something this simple.

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35d458  No.30594


If anyone's going to do anything that's not doorcuck-tier it's not going to be because an anon told him to on an imageboard. Ergo the only people advocating it are morons and feds. Fuck off.

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dadb2f  No.30633

File: 09a98e360a51b73⋯.jpg (157.01 KB, 1142x445, 1142:445, 29-extenaltrigrams.jpg)


The DNA will survive, but not the race.

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d52a36  No.30636


Meanwhile in the real world, leftists start literally shaking if you tell them you like Asian women.

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773de2  No.30640


Race = DNA you brainlet.

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c2c7af  No.30650


That's only because they know Asians have bigger IQs than them. Leftists prefer third world arabs and nogs because they have much lower IQ thus easier to manipulate or control. Its not so much race they are worried about, they want dumber people breeding, not smarter races breeding. The goal of all despots in human history is to dumb down societies, they are much more easy to control. Its all about IQ reduction.

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e67266  No.30668

Yes, please, more "pedo" hysteria. There's no way that could possibly backfire like every single other time you faggots went after everything that didn't follow amerilard puritan standards, which ironically were created by feminist kikes. Fucking retards.

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be1717  No.30670


No one will ever believe you, paid jewish shill.

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d52a36  No.30675


Why are you still here, jewish shill?

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be1717  No.30692


No one will ever believe you.

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f00ed5  No.30901

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4dbdf7  No.30918

They call themselves HAPAS? fucking kek… Let me make it simple;

If you racemix NO MATTER the race you are DESTROYING your own racial heritage and DESERVE DEATH

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35d458  No.30932

How many fucking bots are in this thread?

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bebfc2  No.30966

Man this thread is a total shitshow, this is why /pol/ needs to be a hugbox.

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d52a36  No.31025


Is this what you're going to start spamming next, shill?

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50fca6  No.31079


looks like many of them support this thread because they don't want asians to mix with other races either


the only one who wants mixing is the fucking kike screaming ITT

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d52a36  No.31093


What made you think that be1717 wants whites to marry Asian women?

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718b4c  No.31107


>National Jewgraphic

>the same magazine that says European Hunter-Gatherers were niggers


Try here. While Bedouins have a minute amount of nigger in them, Gulf and Near East Arabs do not.


It also says this population has remained unchanged for the past 60,000+ years. So they WERE the same as the Neolithic migration to Europe.

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be1717  No.31176


Why do we care what some paid shills do?

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f00ed5  No.31241


don't get me wrong, i'm against racemixing too, it was just to make everyone aware that chinks are monitoring the thread

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ae214a  No.31295


Kill yourself for supporting white genocide.


Kill yourself for supporting the ZOG.

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57ce4f  No.31319




fuck off race traitor

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57ce4f  No.31332


>I'm a race traitor who will not do my part in continuing the white race

Fuck off there now, why wait? Don't let the door hit you on the way out

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ae214a  No.31349


>oy vey we’re exterminating you just calm down

Kill yourself.

>never fight back never do anything

Kill yourself.

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9269ee  No.31401



I think Japanese women are rather cute, I'll admit I never slipped into one but wouldn't mind to give one a try sometime. There are not any in my immediate area as of now so blah.....

As far as procreation I think we should procreate with our own kind considering Whites are on the demographic decline in many Western nations. Ironic so many younger Whites decry boomers claiming we are the source of all their problems. I say they are in for a very rude awakening because once we die off there will be a whole lot less Whites in the world today. I'd advise the younger generation to choose their perceived 'enemies' more wisely.

As far as moving to Asia be careful, laws and culture is a lot different over there. Some of the freedoms you may take for granted in the States don't exist in those places. I've heard stories of people saying 'fuck the US' and moving out.... only to become victims of mass contracting fraud & ponzi schemes, theft, personal harassment, etc. And in many cases the authorities in those countries don't give a shit about it. If you ever purchase property in a foreign country, or ever have contracting work done, get several different lawyers involved first, each looking the contracts over for you and making sure your not about to get ripped off.

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d5091c  No.31545


thats not very feminist of you, even these nazis are feminist friendly so you're literally worse than hitler you fucking shitlord.

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6f1d57  No.31705


You didn't even read the damn thing did you? It specifically says these motherfuckers migrated out of Africa, it reinforces the lie that our origin is from there and not elsewhere as several studies and recent archaeology has proven as per 2017 at least, regardless, they are not white and they are not our people mixing with them is no different than doing so with Jews, which a great many of them are, and discarding national geographic regardless of other things they have done when their work in this case is purely on genetics and DNA taken from those in the countries, in question today seems to me to be retarded as well because lets be honest many articles and studies on the NIH website are no less compromised or Jewish. You are a race traitor if you fuck and/or breed any other race including Arabs, you are contributing to the further destruction of not only our race but also our civilization and not just in its corrupted state at all because it dies with us.

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48afa5  No.31716


This is not an argument of any relevance. Try again or actually back up what you fucking said. It's even ironic considering the people I'm responding to go with the one measure or one emperically valid line of reasoning they understand: genetic consequences.

Being called brainlet by brainlets is a fucking daily grind, and it's never followed by an actual fucking argument – the conversation always degrades because they can never hold up their side of things.

Fucking amazing how the least competent use retarded ad hominum misrepresentation 'tricks' to get by, whilst everyone with a fucking brain puts time and effort into their posts besides or along with solid fucking facts.

You try to engage someone's singular attempt at being rational and their overwhelming idiocy is exposed. All they had they already showed, and the rest is a fucking mental swamp of literally inbred double digit IQ chimpouts.


>it's not my job to denounce miscegenation

If you won't denounce it, you clearly support it. Otherwise you are so weak and decrepit that you can' t bother to hold a strong opinion either way.



Of course you don't have to. We haven't put a gun up to your fucking head, and maybe you'd just accept the bullet by that point. Denounce it or be proven for it, juvenile little cuck. The information is plenty: you won't denounce it. You REFUSE to denounce it. You have a responsibility to state your view or slink away like some fucking rat. We are not responsible for proving to you that you hold your own opinion, only responsible for blowing your fucking brains out when the day comes.


well done, kike operative.

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c50f38  No.31739

File: 5b9db3fe7606b66⋯.jpg (30.77 KB, 455x528, 455:528, bxxwdeoke7921.jpg)

Genghis should have finished the white race off

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54a49b  No.31774

File: de522e5f8978ece⋯.png (1.02 MB, 1218x1272, 203:212, hapa eurasian tiger.png)


I didn't know you were still around.

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54a49b  No.31775

File: 8bb607a5bd5b3cc⋯.jpg (512.9 KB, 1600x1200, 4:3, japanese women.jpg)

File: aeae832fd38d11e⋯.jpg (226.95 KB, 1280x960, 4:3, japanesegirls.jpg)


Most jap women look like this.

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97f2e4  No.31802


Homo Normies hate Neanderneets

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9b495c  No.31873


All women soccer teams are dykes. Japs are pretty wholesome people. No need to bully.

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90b305  No.31985

In case you didn't know, this thread is being watched by hapas.


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d52a36  No.32003


>If you won't denounce it, you clearly support it.

You co-worker couldn't prove this absurd claim and neither can you.

>Denounce it or be proven for it, juvenile little cuck.

Provide evidence for your claim, juvenile little cuck.

>We are not responsible for proving to you that you hold your own opinion

You are responsible for proving the accuracy of the accusation that you made against me. You will never be able to do so, so why do you keep making these posts?

>only responsible for blowing your fucking brains out when the day comes.

Please. Everyone knows the left is going to be useless in a civil war. You go out of your way to avoid anything masculine or anything that would help you win a war.


This is feminist propaganda.

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b0ba64  No.32066


Nu/pol/ loves to suck feminist tranny cock because they're retarded neopuritans that don't realize they support jewish feminist ideals because they align so strongly with their anti-sex agenda. Just watch: They're so retarded, they'll think my reply is supporting racemixing instead of just explaining factual truths.


High AOC, like you see in Jewmerica, and the concept of calling attraction to traditionally accepted and biologically supported age groups "pedophilia" are entirely jewish feminist ideals. These supposed anti-jew groups actually think biologically ready and capable 14-17 year olds are exactly the same as 6 year olds because jews say so.

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6f1d57  No.32096


If you were actually paying attention you would note that their objection was not, in most cases, against fucking 14-17 year old girls, it was purely against race-mixing.

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ae214a  No.32099

>mods leave up racemixing spam for a week

I keep being proven right.


Why would he pay attention? He just wants to shill for fucking children.

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5ef999  No.32115


In the end of WWII, Hitler sent a special SS commando group behind enemy lines in the Ardennes. Groups of 3-4 men, dressed as Americans, with fluency in English, would misdirect traffic, redirect armor columns, and sabotage shit.

The psychological effect was so massive that when Gen. Montgomery went to visit the front lines, his own men detained him and nearly beat him (until someone actually recognized him).

You can accomplish A LOT MORE by fucking with people's perception of reality than by killing them.

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b0ba64  No.32170


If you were capable of comprehension and thought, you'd understand what a general statement about /pol/tard mindsets were. Look at this nigger >>32099, he's only proving my point.

>durrrrrrr biologically capable beings that were for thousands of years perfectly fine for consensual reproduction are BAD and PEDO because jewish feminism says so!!!!!!!

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b0ba64  No.32172



I can't wait for the sucker of jewish cock to try and use a type as a counter-argument.

<man, I hate jews, but rabbi yeshua and feminism are so great!

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19afcb  No.33066


be glad you're even allowed to debate the assertions they make in their own threads, /pol/ was never like that before.

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9dd12e  No.33093


imagine thinking false equivalency will work on anyone

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90b305  No.33137


From the reddit thread:

This is literally everything the 2016 r/Hapas ever wanted… to make Eurasian babies unpalatable to white nationalists…

For the last couple years now, I’ve seen r/Hapas mentioned more and more by 4chan neo Nazis as proof of the dysgenics of any race mixing, and I won’t lie, it does make me feel a little warm inside knowing we could ruin that fantasy for even just a few people.

POC today, POC yesterday, POC solidarity for as long as white supremacy is lorded over us. Now it’s back to just being mongrels against the nation… love it.

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6f1d57  No.33153


It was already unpalatable to any real white nationalists, their "goal" had been accomplished long before they were born acting like they ever had a chance at actually convincing us of anything is retarded.

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0e8d31  No.33627

I just want to make my own team of eliot rodgers, is that too much to ask for?

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f8e1ab  No.33634


You want a team of people who will get angry when nobody wants to touch their pee-pee, go stab a couple of people, then die?

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8ecb0d  No.42504


>non-political sexual fetish thread

>"why was it removed??"

fucking dumbass

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f74b82  No.44348


>please force my MIGA nigger memes


>Being attracted to young looking women bad

Ok Shlomo

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86f117  No.45660

File: 348aa3a743d5121⋯.png (224.2 KB, 542x180, 271:90, openmouth.PNG)


They won't care about being called paedophiles. if we didnt delete them, they would be storming us for the CP threads. they are content enough with lolis for now.

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86f117  No.45664

File: f339e42d27110fb⋯.png (648.22 KB, 524x611, 524:611, cursedchn.png)


No more "closely related" than 3rd cousin, right, Anon?

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46dfb8  No.45757


Tenda Spencer is the artist known as "highlyerotic" who draws cuck porn. Check on /tenda/.

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49fdb4  No.45843

File: 79a9b1265201701⋯.jpg (872.3 KB, 1063x1241, 1063:1241, CuckQuean.jpg)

File: fac8bbeadaccc3e⋯.jpg (765.67 KB, 1280x1280, 1:1, IdealAsian.jpg)

I don't see why some are taking the route of viewing yellow fever as some kind of universal enemy to the purity of the white race. I think there is a way we can harness it for the betterment of the white race.

Like for example, what if the role of asian women was to be the sexual servants of a white couple, and she facilitated their reproduction without actually reproducing herself?

It seems like some of them are willing to meet us halfway… in 2nd pic for example even when they talk about wanting to bear half-breeds with a white guy

1) they admit it's Eurasian GIRLS who are cute, they know hapas are Elliot Rodger rejects who need to be euthanized in the womb

2) they admit it's important for a white male love interest to reproduce pure whites with a white mate as well

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cdc5e3  No.45866


Yeah… so I'm hard as diamonds right now. Tfw no cuckquean white gf or asian mistress…

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160f22  No.46073


>hapas are Elliot Rodger rejects who need to be euthanized in the womb

One issue you may face is that Tenda Spencer tier statements like that are almost always an automatic disqualification by the women you are interested in, both white and asian. No different from those who call all white women roasties etc.

Glad you like my captions but it's a shame someone removed text and essential whitespace/padding from the first one.

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79cd0c  No.46093


That pic related is uncannily similar to couple I know in real life.

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869764  No.46094


Kill yourself, race traitor.

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715700  No.46095


Then get interested in better women, nigger.

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347b9a  No.46201


I think you've missed the point.

Spouting insane narratives from Tenda Spencer aka EurasianTiger aka highlyerotic is not going to attract a cuckquean, which is what the poster was talking about. Tenda wants you to believe all hapas are like him / Elliot Rodger because he is a severely mentally ill narcissist who utterly failed at life. Bear in mind too that it's extremely likely Tenda is posting in this thread as he linked to it on his board /r/hapas.

An opinion like this >>46094 is far more consistent and sensible versus your apparent belief that pro-abortion women are "better". Obviously if you are white you probably don't want hapa sons, but claiming they are like Elliot Rodger as that anon does is insane.

Being insane to that degree is highly off-putting to the majority of woman.

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266e8a  No.46255

File: cfd1f06d61829c6⋯.jpg (19.68 KB, 640x360, 16:9, l6ljvtE_d.jpg)

This thread is too funny.

You've got obvious mongrels arguing with obvious JIDF about who is the bigger kike here. This is a classic video game/eastern entertainment based culture environment. Nobody whose been around a while uses weeb as an insult unironically, nor should they fall for the provocations of those who do.

Wanna bang a slant as a white man? Go do it. Wanna have hapa kids? Go for it. Just remember to do your duty and take a white wife and have white children. These cuck faggots pushing muh monogamy in the face of an invading brown horde are retarded. Be a man and take what you want.

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f2fa5d  No.50870

File: e7cf608ca13dd64⋯.jpg (9.28 KB, 170x255, 2:3, 9afdec72b39a4fae429ce67093….jpg)


a sensible person on cuckchan? my god the world is ending.

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869764  No.50876


1. This isn’t cuckchan.

2. “Be a race traitor” is not a sensible position, dipshit.

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57ff86  No.50886



KYS IP hopping shill

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f2fa5d  No.50887


you're living in the past my friend look around you does this seem like a "based" board the threads speak for themselves, this board is starting to drop below cuckchan levels of degeneracy.

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869764  No.50963


It’s the official position of the website owner that anyone may change his IP at any time for any reason, including every post made in a single thread.


>does this seem like [niggerspeak]

I don’t care to that effect. Don’t let niggers live in your brain.

>this board is starting

The only reason any of us should be here is to warn any remaining actual /pol/acks away from it. We’ve known that Jim was poison since the moment he took over (particularly since the potato released the documentation of it as soon as he was ousted); it’s just that most refused to believe it. And then imkikey happened. And then the post-kikey mod bannings happened. Then he took the site down (himself). Then he brought it back without /pol/. Then he gave /pol/ ownership to the owner of /d/, who has said that it won’t be for real politics and only for shitposting.

We’re the guys in hazmat suits standing at the crossroads and waving people away from the spill.

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21d21d  No.51013

File: 4ce3958cb42a955⋯.jpg (98.4 KB, 822x537, 274:179, 215679.jpg)


>white males shouldn't use asian females as sex slaves

>white males should take no action against nonwhitemales having sex with white females

>white males should be enslaved to the white female option

>white males should be cucks

nice try schloming

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b539e2  No.52361

Roastie jealous man-jawed hairy high testosterone White womyn are just jealous that they can't compete with this.


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6a079d  No.52481

Incel-losers like Anglin's followers are considerably more detrimental to the right than "sheilaposting":

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7c7bf3  No.57697

File: aa98c5086243e22⋯.png (797.79 KB, 1080x897, 360:299, yes.png)

Why are LARPers so afraid of Asian qts?

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7c7bf3  No.57699

File: 6d360f12f87dcb6⋯.jpg (2.39 MB, 5000x5000, 1:1, -lamentations of a roastie….jpg)


8cuck is full of LARPers that worship roasties and hate white men.

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7c7bf3  No.57719

File: 477653dd275cda5⋯.jpg (147.28 KB, 602x546, 43:39, painting of ghengis.jpg)


Ghengis was white.

>The red hair and blue eyes were the two grand features of the Scythians, or Goths; of whom descended the Germans and Scandinavians, so noted for those features in ancient and modern authors.

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6aaf4c  No.57789


There'd be a lot more women looking like this if the Jews and other top entrenched powers weren't trying to destroy and control the western world by turning white women into bitches and whores and men and whatever else. I recall being told by my father how "in my day even if the face was bleh, their body was good" – and he was referring to a 'butter face', not a masculine bulldog or bird-like harpy face.


Interesting. Could change between asian and white from one 'clan' to another.


I see a lot of 'California' in there. I think more masculine women would choose to leave the country anywho, so all that shit about women complaining that there's no one to date in the East are likely masculine, and or crazy unattractive ultra-liberals considering that they're blogging about it and saying all this lib shit. Women in business willing to travel and live on the other side of the world are definitely not going to be very feminine, likely butch or something.

Looks like a lot of disinfo.

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aff8ee  No.57805


At most you should fuck chink bitches to get it out of your system but under no circumstances should you breed children with asians. The overwhelming majority of Happas are enemies of the white race and hate our guts. Why on earth would you want to breed more enemies?

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3702bf  No.57852



You have no power here JIDF

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3702bf  No.57857


>Wanna bang a slant as a white man

Not my cup of tea but I can understand why some guys do

>Wanna have hapa kids

Adding more genetic filth to the human population? No thanks. Seems counterproductive to have white children if you have even more mutt kids.

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7c7bf3  No.58341

File: 276a7036c1704d5⋯.jpg (1.3 MB, 3100x2104, 775:526, 9ba05982f0c05e4de3b32ffabe….jpg)

File: 66c26238658d5d8⋯.jpg (1.39 MB, 1811x3999, 1811:3999, 352a2382d7c9f2516b24b9008b….jpg)

File: 0a980645ed1ef47⋯.png (44.32 KB, 618x603, 206:201, stats1.png)

File: 85e962da6df3792⋯.jpg (240.12 KB, 801x1064, 801:1064, 1477072589943.jpg)



White women are more nigger like, as the stats show. The best women are asian women, they are superior to any other type of women.

Statistics say that Asian Tiger Women are the superior women, and that black, white and latina women are inferior.

Lowest rate of STDs AW-WW-LW-BW

Highest marriage rate AW-WW-LW-BW

Lowest divorce rate AW-LW-WW-BW

Lowest rate of single motherhood AW-WW-LW-BW

Lowest rate of obesity AW-WW-LW-BW

Highest level of income AW-WW-LW-BW

Highest IQ AW-WW-LW-BW

Highest SAT scores AW-WW-LW-BW

Highest level of education AW-WW-LW-BW

Lowest teen pregnancy rate AW-WW-LW-BW

Submissiveness AW-LW-WW-BW (anecdotal)










The data is amazing and as you can see, the higher the IQ, the better the stats, with asian women leading the pack. Higher IQ in women leads to:

Lower rate of STDs,

Higher marriage rate

Lower divorce rate

Lower rate of single motherhood

Lower rate of obesity

Higher level of income

Higher level of education

Higher SAT scores

Lower teen pregnancy rate

Less rebellious (nigger like) behavior, more pro-family values.

>links from collage of roastie lamentation




























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7c7bf3  No.58348

File: 581b82f9e2d7943⋯.jpg (827 KB, 1472x1811, 1472:1811, iq and civilization.jpg)

File: 5d53e0207b5b22b⋯.jpg (146.2 KB, 960x1804, 240:451, std.jpg)

File: a9f9287b6883e81⋯.png (94.16 KB, 1765x774, 1765:774, stats2.png)

File: a75d3db5cb0fc8b⋯.jpg (626.75 KB, 1852x1666, 926:833, muh white womyn.jpg)

File: 152e7ad2bd6ae4f⋯.jpg (1.36 MB, 1760x2732, 440:683, 625aa1f100ada821af14bc4643….jpg)

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9bc740  No.58441


>please racemix goy!

fuck off schlomo

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6a079d  No.58453

Sad thing is, these folks are still doing more for the white race than the pathetic incel losers, like Anglin or Fuentes, and their followers.

Incels are literally a genetic dead end, and not even spawning Elliot-Rodger-halfbreeds…

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8053a9  No.58460

File: f847021b53d54ff⋯.png (306.34 KB, 628x457, 628:457, ClipboardImage.png)


>white women are more nigger like

We have had more attack on our culture to make then behave in those ways. Wait until your culture has been attacked a similar amount. It will happen.

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37b164  No.58480


>Asians have higher IQ than Whites.

>Breeding with Asians is comparable to breeding with niggers.

This topic is where /pol/ ideology completely breaks down. Do you believe in evolution anon? What exactly is your argument? That Asians are like niggers? I don't think I've ever seen a study where Asians were closer to niggers than Whites in some psychological trait.

And then look at their civilizations, their religions, their culture: It is all just as old if not older, and what's more they aren't committing cultural suicide. If there is an Asian equivalent of Jews, then Asians apparently had the good sense to wipe them out long ago.

t. 1/2 French, 1/4 German, 1/4 Italian with Thai wife.

(inb4 Thai gold-digger whore; we're both PhD students)

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57de48  No.58485

File: 2d5c73664c47abc⋯.mp4 (7.84 MB, 1280x720, 16:9, Is that wojak.mp4)

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594cc0  No.58723


So what is the redpill on fucking attractive black women (yes they exist) I can tell you from experience they are thirsty for white dick. Creating 1/2 breeds should be better than letting mud peoples breed? Our great ancestors did this too, so why should we not be smashing black/brown/yellow pussy all the time?

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14c23c  No.58964



No. Any more questions?

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84e062  No.59243

Whites women have been terribly brainwashed by msm programming. The best we can do is mate with the best and smartest available women while disseminating propaganda. 20-30 y.os are irreparably damages, you cannot change dispositions and behavior in a few years. They have a bias and support base to fall back on. We need to consolidate a conscious majority inclined to rebel their degenerate culture despots.

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0a9c26  No.59278


>If you looked closely, you'd see that I have a different ID than the guy who wrote the original message.

Nobody needs to look any closer than to see that you are a sagefag. Your opinion is automatically disregarded. Most anons filter sagefags for a reason. You are leddit-tier trolls, shills, and attention whores. You don't belong here. You don't fit in. You are a destructive force because you misuse the tools that we users have to control the threads. Sage does not function as it is supposed to because of (You) fuckers, and you should be b& for it. Realistically the sage feature should be disabled, as it is doing more harm than good anymore.

Now fuck off.

All of (You).

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d4591e  No.59901


So you don't have an actual reason? Why not race mix, it works out in at least 50% of the cases, and beta white males will need something or will go incel or NEET and drag on the system

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ff0f4d  No.60631

File: 45454271c108b26⋯.png (461.96 KB, 675x675, 1:1, 1582709471543.png)


It's eugenic for white males and asian females to marry and procreate. White males are the height of masculinity. Asian females are the height of femininity.

White women are both dysgenic as the last 100 years will attest. No amount of kike blaming can change the fact that white women always vote against the interests of white men.

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6f1d57  No.62402


Eugenic? No, in fact, it isn't. Did the glaringly obvious flaw in your assertion escape your notice? it is a fact that any asian woman breeding with white men are doing exactly what some white women are doing do as well? They are literally betraying the interests of their own men when they do so. It's also fact that when asian women do vote, they also vote against the interests of their men, regardless, whether their men are white or not. This perceived advantage of asian women over white women does not exist. In fact, it is the opposite, they are exactly the same they just have not been sufficiently "liberated" to the extent white women have, and regardless of their "liberation, white women still remain the most loyal of any racial subset, when it comes to breeding or partner choice, among all women.


Yes his reasons are obvious, as you well know, the first and foremost being that in cases of racial purity it works out genetically well for the child somewhere to the effect of 95% or so vs your baseless assertion of 50%. Which means you're doing a coin flip every time you drop a load in some asian whore, whereas with your average white woman your chances of genetic fuck-ups is astronomically lower and the chances of it happening become minuscule.

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7c7bf3  No.62537

File: a7592fb9c8c4ed6⋯.jpg (475.76 KB, 1520x1518, 760:759, 4ee6764607245ff83b2f0e8e48….jpg)

File: 88fb04ed5947488⋯.png (397.17 KB, 712x693, 712:693, 1577152993287.png)

File: f64f1918d1b85df⋯.png (365.5 KB, 576x511, 576:511, 1577102030561.png)

File: 782a8a262d97fed⋯.jpg (269.69 KB, 600x1720, 15:43, yellowpill.jpg)

File: 22d828fbe1c3342⋯.jpg (823.13 KB, 2306x1364, 1153:682, 8885a1c2658d88bbe3c649f897….jpg)


No, Asian women want a good husband. White women are fornicating with niggers with no regard for the future. White women are synonymous with niggers in this age. They use "muh pussy" the way niggers use "muh dick" and act completely without sense.

It is eugenic for white men to marry and procreate with Asian women.

>white women are loyal

Hilarious. Good joke, anon.

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f94408  No.62570


Maybe the haters are psychological projecting pedo's instead.

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fefe90  No.62584

Don't respond to any "yellow fever" babble in this thread, they're all clearly the same person IP hopping.

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ed25fd  No.62600



>expects anyone to believe any of this


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0ce7a8  No.63676


Looks easy to look up. 8/pol/ has really dropped in IQ since 2014.

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869764  No.63698


Almost as though anyone who looks it up finds that every word you said is a lie, huh. Gee. Commit suicide, rice cooker. We’re not fucking slants. It isn’t happening.

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65cfd3  No.63982



Speak for yourself, faggot. Asian women are 100x better than white women.

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81e122  No.64013

File: 3c1339654da7c94⋯.jpg (109.27 KB, 397x413, 397:413, 20200306_232940.jpg)


Asian women do not have tits for one or hips for two. And yes, those qualities do have actual objective value as far as having children is concerned. Also, their faces can sometimes be creepy like the alien in pic related

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d52a36  No.64293


Japan is full of women with big tits.

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869764  No.64300


>oy vey goy I am all of you

>but you are only you

>ha ha fuck chinks

This isn’t happening. You failed. We will never do it. Kill yourself.

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17228e  No.64334

According to shill documents, pushing this asian race mixing shit is par for the course of creating divisive distractions that lower the quality of the entire board. We have better shit to put on the front page, better shit to talk about. I'm against race mixing as having children with other races is fucking dumb from every standpoint; genetically unviable, a profound cultural mistake, spiritually empty… you name it. Also… just got a fucking banner for 'potassium' at the top of the page. Is this some banana asian/white hapa joke? Fuck you. There is some serious subliminal bullshit going on.

Anchor this fucking thread.

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869764  No.64343


>not blocking all ads

>after Jim took over

>any time, any reason


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7802bd  No.64438

File: 1d3dc009a62a15f⋯.jpg (327.37 KB, 1400x820, 70:41, Incest_is_best.jpg)


Pure-blooded europeans instinctively know that race-mixing is the problem and incest the solution. Only the Mutt has an interest in suppressing this lesson of nature, because it threatens his very existence.

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a57949  No.64731


I really dont get that. I've seen at least a dozen videos now that show the whole process from fugly yellow ape to pretty loli from beginning to end. And that's the norm not the exception. Strip the makeup and all the other crap away and all you have left is one FUGLY yellow woman with a HUGE disgusting pubic bush. Well unless shes in porn that is. Then you get to see some of the ugliest vaginas the planet has to offer.

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634ddf  No.64953





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d52a36  No.65015


What you have seen is propaganda. There are videos where women specifically go out of their way to apply a lot of makeup to completely transform themselves, and feminists then parade these videos around (really just a couple of the same ones posted over and over again) as proof that Asian women are all like that, and naturally no mention is ever made about the makeup and plastic surgery habits of white women.

This thread must be the most popular on the board, and it really goes to show how much kikes and feminists are triggered by white men preferring Asian women.

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47129b  No.65051

File: cc11cc991f12a42⋯.jpg (64.88 KB, 1000x1294, 500:647, jewish_internet_shilling_m….jpg)

File: ce0a7481b457b87⋯.jpg (78.33 KB, 1000x1294, 500:647, jewish_internet_shilling_m….jpg)

File: 8e6070d8f077ee1⋯.jpg (110.95 KB, 1000x1294, 500:647, jewish_internet_shilling.jpg)


Promoting incest is just a way for shills to repel newbies from frequenting the site.

+1 shekel for you, shlomo. Congratulations. This site is HEAVILY fucking shilled.


Quality post. Reductio ad absurdum. The screeching is top notch.

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d46bc4  No.65117


just because an opinion you disagree with is repelling to your delicate sensibilities that doesn't mean they're being paid to have that opinion, fucking hell you people are delusional.

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869764  No.65136


>I am actually pretending I belong here

No one will ever support white genocide. You are a rice cooking subhuman race traitor.

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869764  No.65138


>posting a fake document as proof of anything

If you support Trump, you need to get the fuck out.


>oy vey truth is a matter of opinion

>oy vey facts don’t exist

>oy vey fuck slants

>just fucking do it, you filthy cattle

>destroy the white race


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c54781  No.65668

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d14289  No.67084


It's delusional to think someone paid wouldn't post such a thing with their agenda in mind. If you hurt a cause you are loyal or sympathetic to willingly with such repulsive shit, gas yourself.


How is it fake? Might be, true. It's not too ridiculous to shut down every random branch on the tree of discussion and keep things with the end in mind though; straighten the crooked trunk and branches, think more mindfully.

Don't promote incest you disgusting freaks.

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79cd0c  No.67127


Not really a psyop, it's just the truth.

They also go for Asians because Asian women have lower expectations of men, because their culture contains no chads.

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79cd0c  No.67128


Weeb is still viable. How else are we supposed to describe weebs if we don't use the word weeb?

Your obvious attempt at destroying a useful meme that describes yourself is obvious.


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4e145f  No.67170




>how is it fake

Because it says "turn people away from Trump" as though he's somehow not a jew shill, not supporting white genocide, or doing anything whatsoever to help whites or traditionalism. He's controlled opposition. This is literally a fake gatekeeping document.

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52db90  No.67790


You are weak minded. It literally says "push trump", "push anti-trump", and then on /r the donald says to do both. They are just trying to brew dissent and/or occupy people's attention spans by maintaining the status quo of the conversation/discussion.

Double digit IQ reasoning. Take an IQ test.

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3a45da  No.68182

File: 3f039dde5124973⋯.png (2.66 MB, 750x1334, 375:667, 9822DA4B_3E17_41B3_B2C9_66….png)

>mfw qt3.14 pagan natsoc wife that cooks cleans and wants kids instead of a career

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869764  No.68208


>oy vey you’re dumb

Continue worshipping Trump, I guess. When slants, niggers, dune coons, and spics break into your house and rape your family to death, at least you had the best nonwhite employment numbers of all time, right?

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0829d0  No.68213


wow ur cool and edgy, can I suck your dick

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6e1268  No.68218


>oy vey never fight back oy vey do nothing oy vey I say word ‘edge’ you lose now oy vey



You’re twelve years old.

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7c7bf3  No.68764

File: cfb98772906d11c⋯.png (909.2 KB, 1091x693, 1091:693, challenge.png)



lol no

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8b3501  No.68788


>worshiping a jew


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7c7bf3  No.68801

File: 20f7a57ab7bea55⋯.png (346.11 KB, 1200x900, 4:3, 1547791448905.png)

File: 3fbfe6490f9d8a1⋯.png (355.65 KB, 1084x656, 271:164, 1535557321877.png)

File: a59d01cdc8cd234⋯.png (1.53 MB, 1697x1623, 1697:1623, 1549920703426.png)


Jesus Christ is Lord. You are a kike.

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6f1d57  No.68815


Jesus Christ and the religion that follows him is an invention of Jews to control people with a slave morality, keep believing in it and its false promises and you will always be a slave liberate yourself and recognize that our ancestors the tens of thousands of years of our "pagan" ancestors were right and make of yourself your own man, or keep worshiping your false god, whatever you do you.

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7c7bf3  No.68820

File: c9a3f2dd15e2f90⋯.jpg (98.32 KB, 519x690, 173:230, 1571880585279.jpg)


>an invention of Jews to control people

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6f1d57  No.68822


Can't even address the argument just mocking me personally, go back to /qresearch/ you fucking boomer.

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7c7bf3  No.68828

File: 97c28a3c69efe72⋯.jpg (840.11 KB, 1396x2879, 1396:2879, 1540265834403.jpg)

File: a6706a43528fd2d⋯.jpg (300.74 KB, 850x1480, 85:148, 1533509555356.jpg)

File: 0d3523af21a28be⋯.png (188.72 KB, 632x724, 158:181, kicking_out_kikes.png)



If being a nigger is an argument, I'm not interested.

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7c7bf3  No.68831

File: 6ea158524664df4⋯.jpg (112.96 KB, 913x694, 913:694, 1569705339834.jpg)

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6f1d57  No.68841



You're far more likely to be a nigger than I, sheer numbers there are more niggers who follow that slave doctrine than whites you have no argument that refutes mine whatsoever, again go back to your containment board this is no place for kiketianity.

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a10a20  No.70343


all snowniggers are tradcuck simps

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d22880  No.70353


>Accuse yellow fever degenerates of being closet pedos



Talk about kicking in open doors. and enjoy your infertile grannies

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ea4724  No.70418


>It says to push both pro and anti trump you're a retard

<oh so you support trump?

Reading comprehension son. Just cause I call you a retard for your lack of reading comprehension doesn't mean I support trump dipshit.

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c7da99  No.70456


reminder that tenda is an half-jew/half-asian faggot.

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d52a36  No.70641


You're still repeating this? Why do you think it will work?

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7a8360  No.70647


My wife is from Taiwan and is hot as hell. Tight pussy too, plus big boobs.

Fight me IRL bitch.

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b458b4  No.70659

the first step is to earn your freedom. work hard and build a portfolio

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13aad3  No.70660


why didn't you just marry a pet dog? At least dogs are loyal beasts.

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b458b4  No.70661

File: c3159476cd5e70a⋯.jpg (234.1 KB, 2048x1365, 2048:1365, 1581987762217.jpg)

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4b7ecc  No.70663


Toasty roastie

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91ca90  No.70672


I'm glad you're banned from saying that jewish spam here.

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b1842b  No.70733


people still actually believe in that kike fantasy?

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6f1d57  No.71284


Which ones are snowniggers again?

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6f1d57  No.71288


Not even close to banned kike follower, still here and what I said is still true.

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7bc211  No.71450

just checking in–

white american male, married 8 years to asian qt

we have a four year old daughter who is a total qt

my wife is 10x the mom/wife my mom ever was.

no regrets, stay jealous

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c698db  No.74637

File: 4809e83d15e112b⋯.webm (2.9 MB, 478x482, 239:241, 1584400200714.webm)

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4879ec  No.74649

File: 950eda0d764007f⋯.jpg (10.23 KB, 220x282, 110:141, 1382399627521.jpg)


>what is context

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824ed0  No.74673


the wojak here thinks that the woman is a thot because she's in the city, but then you put the same woman in the field and he suddenly thinks she's traditional and loyal, blissfully unaware of female nature, the wojak walks into the maw of the beast.

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c698db  No.74719


The tradcuck/simp in a webm. That meme typifies all the roastie worshipers in this thread. Post a blonde whore in a wheat field and they all go bananas.

Stats don't matter to them unless it's in their favor. They disbelieve their own eyes when they see all the roasties slutting it up and coalburning. The white woman can do no wrong to them, as they think they are mere children. All the fault goes to white men or kikes.

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b7c9a1  No.74734


>Stats don't matter to them unless it's in their favor. They disbelieve their own eyes when they see all the roasties slutting it up and coalburning

White women are the least likely racial-gender group to interbreed, Schlomo.

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62edbe  No.74839


>source: my ass

Marriage and dating is not fornication. Irrelevant if you try to use them.

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7c7bf3  No.75009

File: 3ca80d8e1abe3a0⋯.png (663.88 KB, 1267x1635, 1267:1635, 1453218579900.png)


>LARPagans will become as dumb and inbred as mudslimes

Can't wait.

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824ed0  No.75212


this isn't even a funny troll, its the inevitable conclusion of empowering your women. if empowering your women causes low birthrates, then dis empowering them would increase the birthrates, but what do they do instead? they start screeching about jewish influence and they give MORE rights and MORE welfare to women (see hungary case)

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ca2b51  No.76182


What's this statistical data you have on interracial fucking?

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961524  No.76193


For to win one hundred victories in one hundred battles is not the acme of skill. To subdue the enemy without fighting is the acme of skill.

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ca2b51  No.76884



I should also add that less and less people are having sex, thus the likelihood of people having interracial relations is even lower. You could say that those that are fucking are more likely to be the bottom of the barrel whores that whore for attention, whore for sex, whore for money, whore for everything. The degenerate walk the streets more often than hide in their homes, and the upright stay behind closed doors and avoid others – a reversal.

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db2148  No.76908


Less men are having sex. Women are having more sex with less men, so being passed around by the same few men, in other words. Someone posted the virgin number, less than 3% of all women in the U.S. Most white women will fuck a nigger once just to experience it, just like most will have a lesbian experience.

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c516f7  No.76927


Shut the fuck up roastie apologist. Faggot white knight pieces of shit like you are what RUINED everything.

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e7149f  No.77142

File: 230b16313f84187⋯.jpg (36.32 KB, 220x220, 1:1, tenor.jpg)


>10x the wife my mom ever was

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a440e1  No.77895


>Women are having more sex

They are having the same amount (somewhat high) up to the age of 18 or so. Then it drops off.

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a440e1  No.77899



The same amount as they used to I mean. Thus the few adolescent males that are doing it, are doing it with more women.

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168ed9  No.77922


>Jpop is very niche in the West and I've never seen it being pushed anywhere. I'm not sure if even Kpop is pushed by the media, it's (relatively) popular for different reasons. Much of the Kpop fandom is women.

Jpop was quite niche ten years ago. It's perhaps more popular now because of the push into mainstreamdom of anime and related Japanese singers, but anime itself isn't so entrenched either despite the distorted vision given by staying too much online where there's a higher concentration of NEETs.

However, Kpop is another thing entirely. It's much more propagand'd and in fact it's boys bands that are extremely popular.

Girls are made to lust over young Korean males.

As for Korean women in the Kpop, ALL of them, absolutely ALL OF THEM go under massive surgery to have hapa-like high quality facial features.

They even joke about it themselves!

It's entirely fake. But I think they're less popular than Kpop boys even if they're meant to make (white) boys drool. They're just cheap whores.

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168ed9  No.77928

Asians have such beady eyes and round noses.

You don't need to think much to guess whom the Jews gained those facial features from.

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168ed9  No.77930


Absolutely worth killing niggers and kikes for.

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168ed9  No.77941


Only the top of Iran and Syria to a much lesser degree retains a large percentage of white admixture.

Then you look at the Yezidi but they're closer to the regions once inhabited by Whites.

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168ed9  No.77947


>Comparing a 3/10 white landwhale living in a dysgenic Jewish society (because Jews, as parasites, simply go for what is best), against a remote and almost racially unmixed society relatively preserved from all of this multi-millenial attack and poisonous food.

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168ed9  No.77948


>Picture of young roastie with hair dyed in a typical White-race color this bug she could never hope to attain naturally.

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168ed9  No.77950


>Genghis should have finished the white race off

Good thing he got defeated. He also was a hapa since he's given some racially White phenotypical features.

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168ed9  No.77953


Varg is pagan, changed his name because it sounded too Christian (…), killed a faggot for being a moronic faggot, married a white girl and had her produce white babies.

Oh look, being racially-aware white pagan with values and not being cucked to the suffering pinned kike actually works.

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dcb1ec  No.77959



Everything I'm reading is showing about 13% virginity both male and female up to age 24, and apparently a stigma around being a virgin for even women that may reverse at some point into the inverse.

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168ed9  No.77964


>Kike: our god is Lucifer


Lucifer would have you exterminated by throwing your entire race into a Star for being such ugly and insufferable motherfuckers.

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1b3d6d  No.78297


>mass reply


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1e2709  No.78315

File: b7c44e3a64b6256⋯.jpg (184.27 KB, 1000x765, 200:153, asian_53090159.jpg)

35 years old white American guy here. Been here on 8chan, mostly /b/ and /v/ since the start after gamergate.

I've banged around 40 women these past 3 years, all were brown or asian women.

How many women have you incel loser nazis banged? My guess is 0.

Kill yourselves

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63c592  No.78341

File: fcbb336689edd03⋯.jpg (51.44 KB, 543x543, 1:1, 1234.jpg)


>fat bald jew from ny claiming to be white american

>admitting he can only fuck bottom shelf desperate women that take zero skill to acquire

so, whats it like having 8 different diseases turning your dick into something as infected as the heroin needle its the same size as?

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08d40c  No.78485


You fell for his bait

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7c7bf3  No.78540

File: f99a97750135689⋯.png (1.42 MB, 1500x1047, 500:349, 1548573586659.png)

File: 84cbe21da9ee2c2⋯.jpg (59.62 KB, 500x752, 125:188, 1538089035725.jpg)

File: 55d2bd2c8cf072b⋯.png (250.74 KB, 678x678, 1:1, fornication.png)

File: 9563cfbef1fb477⋯.jpg (2.15 MB, 4920x4161, 1640:1387, roasties.jpg)


Go be a degenerate somewhere else. Fornication is a sin.

>Asian females have on average 120% fewer sexual partners than white females


<page 17

>Over 70% of Asian females are virgins by the time they turn 18 compared to less than 40% for white females


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d52a36  No.78542

This thread goes to show that the most reliable way of triggering jews and feminists and soyboys is Asian women.

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834e7f  No.78547


>white genocide thread still up

>paid shills still posting

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7c7bf3  No.78552

File: bb1c473d5b6402f⋯.jpg (522.16 KB, 1565x2349, 1565:2349, 1516843551425.jpg)

File: 17ddbe1da7ff732⋯.jpg (1.07 MB, 2996x1353, 2996:1353, 1549632685502.jpg)

File: cac8579250034c4⋯.jpg (264.93 KB, 1655x1449, 1655:1449, tradcuck_homosexual.jpg)


>everyone i dont like is a shill/kike



Bringing the big brain bants today, anon.

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6eb822  No.78555


<copied and pasted "argument" out of the same playbook that all the shills get

<not even remotely related to the topic, but it was in the list so I may as well copy it in

<ha ha truth isn't objective, goyim

<that'll show them

<strawman strawman strawman strawman strawman strawman strawman strawman

>white genocide thread still up

>paid shills still posting

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7c7bf3  No.78557

File: c0f5fe980972487⋯.jpg (21.06 KB, 320x239, 320:239, yayoi_jomon.jpg)


>racially unmixed society


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7c7bf3  No.78560


>fornication statistics is not related to posts by degenerates bragging about being a degenerate

Another big brain post. Stop changing your IP, faggot. Everyone knows it's the same person.

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e9b5ad  No.78565

File: 311ca53e4aeb14d⋯.webm (1.2 MB, 640x360, 16:9, GET_OUT.webm)


>that third pic

wow so this kind of lazy photoshop hack job passes review these days huh

guess im be getting old

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6eb822  No.78568


>just more white genocide propaganda

>bumping the spam thread

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408c78  No.78575

File: 27febf8f324d4ac⋯.jpg (90.42 KB, 683x1024, 683:1024, biancakmiec_1548550590183.jpg)

I couldn't care less about statistics and memes, I'll take a Southern, Eastern, or Western European woman over some flat-ass, yella bitch anyday of the week; or better yet, an exotic blend of all 3 (pic related).

Y'all can keep your little anime ho's, this vanilla guerilla is all about the ivory.

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d52a36  No.78599


Put down the soy bottle.

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408c78  No.78660

File: bedc44d6a29f502⋯.jpg (102.59 KB, 1080x1349, 1080:1349, 5df7c6b1a87ee.jpg)


Soy bottle? Heh, if you said that to my face, I would beat you into a fucking coma. Since it looks like the rice pickers are going to keep bumping this 4cuck shit, I will be protesting by spamming images of White women with large butts until this pathetic thread is deleted.

Rice pickers ==fear== the White ass, as they are too inferior to properly handle them. That is why the cuck sushi roller goes for Asians, the females with the least ass in the world. A woman's ass is a test of your manhood, and the sushi roller has none. All the rice picker wants is a fuck doll, a kitchen appliance, and a personal maid. Yellow fever dorks don't have an ounce of masculinity and this shows in their choice of a lifetime spent with a slant-eyed slave.

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edf488  No.78747



n-not that i like girls or anything-


shes not even white.

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dfbfff  No.78764

Asians have higher IQs than whites so marrying cute aging chicks is marrying up.

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408c78  No.78787

File: 41196cec2293326⋯.jpg (61.07 KB, 740x925, 4:5, 5d95e1bd12874.jpg)

File: 27fdb2d4c6d5785⋯.jpg (159.21 KB, 1080x1350, 4:5, asseatit.jpg)


German, Slavic, and Spanish, yet not White; what a bold faced lie.



Do you see? The effeminate ricepicker is TRIGGERED by big White ass; it is antithetical to their childlike nature. Sushirollers are obsessed with Asian "cuteness" over raw European sensuality because they are stuck in an adolescent state and want a partner to play their mommy. Ricepickers will always be tit bois over ass men, because it is their desire to be forever infantilized, sucking at their mother's teet. If you are a REAL White man, the woman's butt comes first, because it is the strong foundation that is needed to carry our people on the march towards ever greater heights. White is the only race that is possible of having high testosterone AND high intelligence. So, sorry ricepickers, you'll always have to play 2nd fiddle to us, and if you don't like it, you can kiss my fucking White ass.

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dfbfff  No.78806

File: a6a248ab81992ef⋯.jpg (2.22 MB, 1620x2158, 810:1079, girlslaughing.jpg)


>TRIGGERED by big White ass

408c78's fixation on this is proof he is a nigger.

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47129b  No.78819


>a difference of 1.135% rice in racial composition between barely distinguishable Asians is the same as White Europe being invaded by all the mud races of the world so your argument is INVALID!!!!!1!!

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408c78  No.78917


If you're going to talk shit, you could've at least saged this shit thread.

>haha, you're a nigger, haha

Hey, niggers love oxygen, I guess you better stop breathing before people get the wrong idea about you. Let me know if you need some help : )

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7c7bf3  No.79037

File: 37440f0c7848332⋯.png (881.95 KB, 800x918, 400:459, 285103c7314ca7a2ed002b0de3….png)

File: 2d77db509843fcd⋯.jpg (199.94 KB, 803x1574, 803:1574, 1547785724342.jpg)

File: c9373271bdd08a2⋯.jpg (75.23 KB, 750x750, 1:1, 1572919239657.jpg)

File: 02fde4a56a10c26⋯.jpg (423.56 KB, 1600x1064, 200:133, 1550111415016.jpg)

File: df7f4c154978b66⋯.png (421.39 KB, 702x865, 702:865, 1561895994536.png)

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0a87a6  No.79056


>this is what happens when you let jews rule you.

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d52a36  No.79071


>Heh, if you said that to my face, I would–

Uh huh.

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15df45  No.79123

File: 466e57e945e5a2d⋯.jpeg (184.61 KB, 1000x1427, 1000:1427, Ingrid.jpeg)


How is telling the truth a psyop?


Truly beautiful women are mature. Neoteny is for weak men.

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d6a5dc  No.79170


>you didn't sage wah wah

>and muh asian society is mixed too, look at that grorious sun tan difference, see? so white genocide is fake news


>mix yourself with copypaste bugs, trust me goy, this will save your broken race

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d6a5dc  No.79172



>Sheboon ass made for twerking


>German, Slavic, and Spanish, yet not White; what a bold faced lie.

KEK, this bug is jaylooss

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408c78  No.79194

File: 949ab8dc76a75f0⋯.jpg (204.67 KB, 1080x1350, 4:5, hFc1azt.jpg)


Heh, this guy posts memes when I explicitly state they have no affect on me. 90% of Whites of both genders are trash, what's your point? Asians still have nothing to offer and you can always find a White woman with potential if you put in the work.


Common sense should dictate that not all imageboard users are harmless.


>and muh asian society is mixed too, look at that grorious sun tan difference, see? so white genocide is fake news

No idea what this is about, maybe you aren't reading ID's.



99 IQ bottomfeeder thinks his conception of "Aryan" actually matters.

Don't know what a "jayloos" (jealous?) is, and I'm sorry if she doesn't resemble the woman who took your virginity, I don't have a picture of your mother on hand.

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e2858c  No.79247


hey wouldn't it be funny if we ran a psy-op to get cuckchanners to contract & spread corona-chan? like by telling them that it's all a big hoax? haha im a geinus

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869764  No.79275


Sage the paid jewish shilling thread, please.




Reminder that only jews call for miscegenation and that the owner of the website allows this thread to remain up.

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cf711d  No.79308



Noted sir, please forgive me.

Fukkin Saged

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dfbfff  No.79453


Nigger, fetishizing fat asses is a product of niggers. If you didn't want to be outed as a nigger you shouldn't have shown off your power levels like an autist.

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f3f95a  No.79541

File: c1c986e026f045f⋯.jpg (143.72 KB, 618x1234, 309:617, aaaaaa.jpg)


>Wigger likes nigger-tier booty

lool. That's not even what normal white women look like what am I reading.

>So, sorry ricepickers, you'll always have to play 2nd fiddle to us



I don't care how you see asians. Hapa are superior to wiggoids, asians, negroids, mongloids, and ALL RACES.



>This is what happens when white people are left to their own devices.

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408c78  No.79557

File: 5c22caf3ade1bec⋯.jpg (183.93 KB, 1175x1191, 1175:1191, tumblr_oe8gry8UTX1qlsl97o1….jpg)


>blah, blah, blah, I can type, I can say nigger

>I think I'm important enough to tell a White man what he should and shouldn't like.

>Hey, this White man likes White women, but he better do it in the way I approve of!

Are you listening to yourself? You are an uptight bitch. I don't know who the fuck you think you are, but your opinion doesn't mean a goddamn thing to me, boy.


>your post

*snoring intensifies*

What's wrong hapa, afraid of a big butt cus your little chopstick can't reach the pussy?

Saged! Mod won't delete obvious 4cuck thread, I wonder why………

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dfbfff  No.79568


Jamal, it's time to stop LARPing as a white nationalists and go back to PornHub.

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408c78  No.79613


Gee whiz! With this level of camraderie and loyalty, I just can't figure out why we're not making any progress!

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cdea3e  No.79845


>asian women superior

that's the problem with masturbating at images on a screen. You don't get to experience the in-the-flesh sound of them eating. Literally hell as they slurp and chew and suck down whatever it is they call food.

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dfbfff  No.79870


>I just can't figure out why we're not making any progress!


Jamal, there is no 'we' here.

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408c78  No.79897


Ah, very clever, I see you're sticking with this. So, since you priortize homogeneous taste over racial loyalty and cooperation, let me ask you this: What is actually disagreeable with a White man liking White women with large butts? Can you really give me reason without trying to associate it with niggers? Let's be honest, that's not a real argument. If you have more than 2 braincells in your head, you should be able to give me an answer independent of "muh niggers". Well?

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408c78  No.80552


No answer, huh? You call me a nigger but don't even have enough grey matter to defend a point. I hope you at least have enough neurons to understand the concept of irony.


Hey, bitch ass mod, out of a thread filled with sexual images why'd you only delete mine? You really should get your fucking teeth kicked in, you rice plowing manlet.

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dfbfff  No.80736

File: d06d37bb0dc287d⋯.gif (1.94 MB, 450x259, 450:259, donlaugh.gif)



Imagine being a nigger having a nigger moment over being called out for nigger behavior like fetishizing gross fat butts of white women.

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869764  No.80759

Spam thread still up.

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7c7bf3  No.81047

File: f5c548f1193593d⋯.png (188.17 KB, 846x569, 846:569, asian_women_virgin.png)

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9f65e1  No.85054


>white men + Asian women is constantly demonized.

Encouraged. Constantly. FTFY.

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9f65e1  No.85056


>Because J-pop and K-pop are pushed by the media to encourage asian worship

They aren't popular in the west. People my age don't even know it exists and still listen to niggerspeak music.

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7c7bf3  No.85151

File: 9bb6cd01a7304a5⋯.jpg (403.84 KB, 1600x958, 800:479, 1549470501999.jpg)

File: c468507d90c715a⋯.jpg (1.64 MB, 5000x5000, 1:1, smol_asian_qt_makes_roasti….jpg)

File: fdac246b3095820⋯.jpg (869.9 KB, 2697x1579, 2697:1579, 9b6f8b38690e56792474809456….jpg)

File: 501575848ed2454⋯.jpg (1.39 MB, 3640x1774, 1820:887, baste_nord_womyn.jpg)

File: f96cf81535a007d⋯.png (712.45 KB, 1216x1356, 304:339, 1496094011012.png)


Roastie is in tears.

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869764  No.85157



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23245e  No.85240

File: 74375eee7de9fe8⋯.png (530.18 KB, 444x911, 444:911, bugmen.png)


<Buy white sex slaves from kikes

<Try to pass your desert mongrel rape-offspring as muh white peepo

Your subrace of half-kike sand niggers will never be white

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521d54  No.88451


based af. I've always said this aswell.

Go for the arabs, they're already here anyway.

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842f44  No.110475


yes and white women look like men, therefore you are a faggot

see, i can play too

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18bd68  No.111293

File: 41827678c77d103⋯.png (479.56 KB, 960x641, 960:641, demis_h.png)

File: e6318e204963fd0⋯.png (41.32 KB, 1247x285, 1247:285, beta_males_in_bugland.png)

File: 889445f1feab9c8⋯.png (60.47 KB, 702x774, 39:43, pol_on_yellow_fever.png)

File: e54d7421cf36d0c⋯.png (95 KB, 708x1632, 59:136, yellow_fever2.png)

File: 1974dd80a5a5f1e⋯.png (1.71 MB, 1578x988, 789:494, yellow_expectations.png)


>demis hassabis

your argument is invalid

the fact is insectoids beat whites in a few intellectual ways. e.g. they have got into the highest ranks of chess - white mans game, but no white man can make a scratch on the high ranks of go. u can argue that whites have a better mind, but why not do mix with them and see if we can make humans with the best of both brain types ? This argument doesn't exist for white nigger mixes.

As for desert shitskin mixing , it wouldn't be too bad if it was kept to the high tier persians and white indians, but there is so much degenerate inbred blood that has been imported by the kikes ( i.e. the most horribly inbred pakis were selected to be imported ) that there is a rightful stigma against it.

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f68f87  No.111332


neoteny is the term you are looking for dumbass

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5bddf4  No.111424


>In Dubai, you will see lots of natural blondes

Oil Shitskins import white women en-mass to improve their horribly degenerate inbred genepool. There may be some white castes in india, pakistan, iran, syria, but there were none in arabia.

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869764  No.111429

This fucking kike thread is still here. Are you fucking joking.

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6589c3  No.111482

File: 35b1c1d8f4836f5⋯.jpg (533.31 KB, 1301x1597, 1301:1597, commodification_of_beauty_….jpg)

File: e6d18ef55164f8f⋯.jpg (1.96 MB, 1536x4744, 192:593, commodification_of_beauty_….jpg)

File: 6faf04b0c8376e9⋯.png (277.92 KB, 1862x1861, 1862:1861, commodificatin_of_beauty_3….png)

File: 0571e3927041de7⋯.jpg (508.61 KB, 1340x1492, 335:373, 1489435336780.jpg)

>skim through thread

>borderline porn

>anti-white women posts

>'miscegenation is good for you goyim'

>unironic yellow fever

>brazen and unashamed kike with almost 100 posts all by himself

Friendly reminder that /pnd/ is run by the enemy, along with 8kun in general

Research the Reece Committee

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5bddf4  No.111502


>Friendly reminder that /pnd/ is run by the enemy

no its just incel beta white IT tech anons that browse fringe anon boards tend to include a few yellow fever fags.

we will try to have kids with white women. but in our decades of white celebacy, allow us the pleasure of unloading inside insectoids

ask me anything

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d9060b  No.111504

File: e93ccebc04c6947⋯.jpg (6.79 KB, 297x170, 297:170, mong_asian_babies_your_chi….jpg)


>allow us the pleasure of unloading inside insectoids

>ask me anything

How many diseases including AIDS will you bring to your White family when you are done being a man whore?

Also, you like fucking retards?

Asian women look like mongoloid retards.

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d9060b  No.111505

File: 857f7cf7c2f20e8⋯.jpg (3.78 KB, 176x166, 88:83, asian_waifu_5.jpg)

File: df0a7201a58c531⋯.jpg (39.9 KB, 300x194, 150:97, asian_waifu_4.jpg)

File: 9c6b2a1c23c5984⋯.jpg (38.11 KB, 475x549, 475:549, asian_waifu_3.jpg)

File: 015ce0a21869e3d⋯.jpg (18.52 KB, 421x436, 421:436, asian_waifu_2.jpg)

File: 0f652b1dcd13f62⋯.jpg (38.48 KB, 492x612, 41:51, asian_waifu_1.jpg)

fire when ready.

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d9060b  No.111508

File: 5b8e112708c5597⋯.png (173.23 KB, 800x1672, 100:209, 8chan_comment_chinese_mong….png)

I guess it is not 'yellow fever' but retard fever.

>got to fuck you a retard, right?

Maybe if you donkey punch her while fucking her her eyes will finally point the same direction. She will be disappointed to see that it wasn't a gang bang because she thought there was two of you white boys putting it in her slave pussy.

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5bddf4  No.111509


>How many diseases including AIDS will you bring to your White family

AIDS isn't a contagious disease. why haven't u taken your red-pill on it yet? Are u one of those fags that thinks kikes don't defile and lie about medicine or disease?

nearly all STDs are pretty much curable these days. Anal sex is a massive transmitter of disease since the ass is on the order of 10,000 times more dirty than a vagoo, and i don't go for anal. So i doubt i'll pass any on.

also is isn't an inter race specific problem. nor is it a problem that particularly affects insectoids.

>Also, you like fucking retards?


>Asian women look like mongoloid retards.

both have neotonic features compared to normal caucasians. but i wouldn't say they all look like retards. i pick the hot ones.

u posting ugly ones or lady boys on a minor site like 8kun isn't going to stop anyone from exploring their yellow fever. vids of hot insectoids are widespread over the whole internet

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d9060b  No.111510

File: 581f7716244d194⋯.jpg (8.41 KB, 225x225, 1:1, asian_waifu_white_4.jpg)

File: 08c071b3a36c5e1⋯.jpg (69.35 KB, 283x193, 283:193, asian_waifu_white_3.jpg)

File: 2893fdc7787ed39⋯.jpg (7.25 KB, 308x164, 77:41, asian_waifu_white_2.jpg)

File: 3a32d7633f0713b⋯.jpg (9.85 KB, 198x300, 33:50, asian_waifu_white.jpg)


you got the "retard fever" bad anon.

>vids of hot insectoids are widespread over the whole internet

I wouldn't know because I don't have 'retard fever'

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d9060b  No.111511


If you are fucking bug women you must like fucking retards because they are lower IQ than white women and since they have been bred to be slave pussy for the last 1000 years they have no morals, ethics, or ability for higher reasoning. Admit it anon…you have "retard fever".

In all seriousness, if you want to fuck a retard, and ejaculate into a bug (though your tube sock would be just as productive unless you want to have male offspring who look so much like retards that they can never breed with any woman), why don't you pick a WHITE retard to ejaculate into?

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5bddf4  No.111512


i see big differences between down syndrome retards and bug women.

Equally there are diseases that cause people to look older than they actually are. Since cacasians look older than insectoids, your logic suggests a fever for white women equates to a fever for banging retards with pro-aging disorders.

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d9060b  No.111513

File: 833211f0a2db914⋯.jpg (33.59 KB, 840x473, 840:473, asian_male_retard.jpg)

File: 0697db0794d6c9e⋯.png (118.9 KB, 300x300, 1:1, Working_with_People_with_D….png)

File: bc64fbac2cc2758⋯.jpg (38.71 KB, 500x350, 10:7, asian_male_retard_2.jpg)

File: 6fa7074308c01a2⋯.jpg (91.19 KB, 1280x720, 16:9, can_you_select_the_retard_….jpg)

File: 9fa4f253bcd3eba⋯.png (17.19 KB, 495x391, 495:391, ranking_attractiveness_by_….png)

See how much your male offspring will resemble Corky?

No woman could take your "retard fever sons" seriously because he looks like he has down syndrome and no woman wants to fuck a retarded downy (since they are a genetic dead end). This is why hapas are the masturbation race. Because normal women of all races do not want to fuck retards…unlike White men who have a 'hot retard fetish'.

Group photo…select the retard in the group.

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5bddf4  No.111514


btw human neotony is a critical quality that has elevated us above the animal kingdom. animals tend to learn much faster when they are children. adult animals don't learn as well. Human's are effective apes stuck in a permanant state of ape neotony.

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d9060b  No.111515

File: 1134aea9a3e851c⋯.png (15.81 KB, 483x291, 161:97, IQ_by_race_and_gender.png)

File: 8ffb49e6cb91b18⋯.png (830.66 KB, 3332x1352, 833:338, human_accomplishment_scien….png)


>banging retards with pro-aging disorders.

White women are the highest IQ women in the world. Only asian bugs and mongoloids look like retards.

As a matter of fact, we named down syndrome AFTER ASIANS because they look asian. So IDK where you are getting the White = retards thing.

Once you no longer breed White genetics your offspring are no longer human and are irrelevant to history forever.

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d9060b  No.111516


No anon…pedophilia and retard fetish is not what raised us above the animals. If that was true the bug people would be RELEVANT instead of pathetic slaves. Rather they are as close to a retards as the nigger is…all they do is devour, destroy and fuck. All nigger behavior. You are an ape because you have kike genetics in you…but Whites are not part of the chimpanzee family.

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d9060b  No.111518

File: 6dd5529ec633101⋯.jpg (38.33 KB, 590x350, 59:35, pollution_china_4.jpg)

File: 59b1a6d9b52e754⋯.jpg (53.8 KB, 612x407, 612:407, water_pollution_china_2.jpg)

File: 84c61d1ca6ed512⋯.jpg (194.69 KB, 880x495, 16:9, water_pollution_china.jpg)

File: d5399e9cfad0a41⋯.jpg (98.56 KB, 800x424, 100:53, china_pollution_1.jpg)

File: 836dc2bad597e97⋯.jpg (5.44 KB, 348x145, 12:5, pollution_china_2.jpg)

bug intellect on display

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5bddf4  No.111520


i'm working so i can't tussle with u properly right now. just point out that those factorio pollution images : thats what the west looked like for centuries until the kikes moved heavy industry out of europe and to china. its not cos whites are better.

i agree white is the best race. but if you'd red my beta poster u would understand that deleting the lower 60% of white male linages is a critical part of keeping whites awesome. until we can directly manpulate humans at the genetic level, we have to rely on sexual reproduction and evolution to maintain the white genome. You should be glad the lower 60% of white males don't get to plunge white females.



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d9060b  No.111522


>its not cos whites are better.

You are such a kike, and you have no idea how you are giving yourself away, do you?

This is your work, faggot. Lel

Tussle properly.

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b9a2af  No.112304


Wait what was the first

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7c7bf3  No.112726

File: b9068c38dfb28f2⋯.png (440.13 KB, 1080x897, 360:299, yespill.png)


Anyone that defends white women is a simp

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d9060b  No.112729


We got another retard fucker, boys!

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d9060b  No.112864

File: 820c14077ade49d⋯.jpg (162.74 KB, 1808x331, 1808:331, asian_sociopathy_insane_ha….jpg)

File: c14e007f28cf0c9⋯.jpg (938.79 KB, 1885x3587, 1885:3587, why_fuck_retards_2.jpg)

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7c7bf3  No.112866

File: 267e17449420869⋯.png (199.09 KB, 480x474, 80:79, 1537374613528.png)

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75b8ae  No.112894

File: c55483ba7be6727⋯.png (2.63 KB, 225x225, 1:1, Theywerefriendsofhitler.png)

File: 6ba74e463cc53ee⋯.jpeg (7.68 KB, 224x225, 224:225, hothalfasian.jpeg)



I'm sure we can meet in the middle guys.

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7c7bf3  No.112920

File: d208d7325310691⋯.jpg (335.87 KB, 1600x1200, 4:3, 1572982443577.jpg)


That's the future. The future roastoids and simping betacucks are trying to prevent.

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442ce8  No.112946


>Are race traitors welcome here?

To the person who reported this post, the answer is no, but unfortunately nor are we allowed to ban/delete their posts. Take it up with the BO. Please.

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d9060b  No.112949


K…I hear you. They won't last long when the shit gets heavy. Those rape babies have never won a war in the history of their nation.

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d9060b  No.112950


Barely smarter than a nigger but you got one of the labels correct.

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486ea4  No.112987

File: 11b1f184d0efdad⋯.jpg (32.38 KB, 679x374, 679:374, Danger.jpg)


That dog:

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d9060b  No.113010

File: b371b66a2ab3caf⋯.webm (1.65 MB, 720x480, 3:2, bug_woman_butchers_dog_al….webm)


Yep dogs are not safe around the dog butcher harpies. Did you know that they torture them so that 'they taste better'. How would you like to come home to that at dinner time…

>Honey, where is the dog?

<Your harpy parasites comes out of the kitchen cover head to toe in blood.

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ca0473  No.113282


i wouldn't consider going to china, and part of the reason is their bizzare cruelty to animals, which is rare outside of negroland. i've only nailed thai females, but i'd do most Asian women.

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d9060b  No.113333

File: 51587821585aac2⋯.png (18.04 KB, 244x255, 244:255, bug_women_marry_millionare.png)



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9ea51b  No.113623

File: ff6e6bb8aed598d⋯.png (168.46 KB, 600x329, 600:329, 7a5f63fbae61a41a7560286103….png)


I hate those bastards. wish you would have spoilered that shit


checked. we should remember though, race-mixing aside, that the Japanese are honorary aryans and didn't like the chinks either. this whole "Asians" business stinks of the jews. they did the same in bongland, worse actually, they labelled Indians and pakis "Asians" to confuse and mislead

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8f12b9  No.113629

File: 4ed3fd2079c234e⋯.jpg (437.36 KB, 1600x1067, 1600:1067, white_americans_gooks_gook….jpg)


>>And it is true that asian women are horrendous and shit ton of makeup.


>So are you a leftist or were you just dumb enough to fall for their propaganda?

What a cuck. It's true. Most Asian women are fucking ugly. They cover up their ugliness with makeup and plastic surgeries. It's very rare that Asian women are good looking.

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8f12b9  No.113632

File: 9487e8f571372b9⋯.jpg (116.93 KB, 1080x810, 4:3, 1565041966307.jpg)


What a cherrypick.

Picrelated is Eurasian MasterRace with a groid.

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50a60c  No.113634



"Sex before marriage"

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4c869e  No.113650

File: d178f56cf033ed6⋯.jpg (26.07 KB, 513x364, 513:364, Ka_vs_Ar.jpg)


This is true actually. In-breeding preserves good recessive traits. All traits which we value in humans were essentially created by people mating who had those traits (a.k.a. in-breeding). Obviously the bad traits they share gets preserved too, but with a white population of only a few thousand, there is enough genetic diversity to suppress those the bad traits. However, this is why you get gross incest offspring among the mountain people, because often they lived near no more than 100 people, and after many generations everyone is closely related to everyone else.

That being said, I can remark on the some relevant Runology, since I have been studying this topic deeply these days:

The Ka rune suggests that ancient Germanics used outbreeding as a weapon, knowing that creating half-white mutts in an otherwise brown [enemy] society creates division amonst them. It applies the other way around too, but the Ar rune suggests that ancient Germanics had no qualms pruning the mixed-raced elements of their own genetic tree (presumably through exile or murder). The fact is, a white baby in an ancient brown society was like gold to them, but the converse was not true. The most valuable possession of the ancient whites truly was their blood. This is a wealth that was refined for them by their ancestors over thousands of years.

Since all peoples' inevitably strive for this same wealth, anti-white movements are destined to fail. The fact is, when you leave brown people alone for 10k years, they carry out the same refinement process all on their own, until they end up bleaching themselves or with a racial caste system with the more refined whites at the top. People just naturally find rare (recessive) traits attractive. Go figure.

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8f12b9  No.113669



Jews have been doing this for almost 2k years which is why I guess they have higher IQ and are more ethnocentric. They have bred with very close relatives in Eastern European shtetls, though they have many genetic diseases because of that.

But preferably it is to breed with someone who is at 30-150 distance of yourself in genetic tree.

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9ea51b  No.113713

File: 4ffba68b8c0d4f9⋯.png (136.82 KB, 431x316, 431:316, 35ab9e86f75ae2428aefa69d7f….png)


they don't have "higher IQ's" and the reason they are so ethnocentric is because their minds are tied up in Talmudic hatred of non-jews. raised as little kikelings, taught that they are different from others, its no wonder that with faces lacking any beauty or grace and pubic hair on their heads that they would come to embrace their identity thoroughly.

pretty obvious why kikes are all inbred and insane viewed in that light. who else would fuck them?

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4c869e  No.113718


Also, given their history of repeated exile and nomadism, we can only assume that their bloodline descends from the rejects of every other other culture. So every time a traitor or beta male rapist fled his host nation, he would meet up with the "Jews" on the outskirts of civilization. They cannot have been a very pleasant bunch in terms of looks or personality.

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4c869e  No.113793


It would seem highly unlikely that primates developed independently and simulataneously in both Europe and Africa. All you're proposing is a different sort of out-of-Africa theory where the thing that migrated out of Africa was pre-human. Why are you splitting that hair? What does it matter if niggers migrated out of Africa or if an even more brutish pre-nigger migrated out of Africa?

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6ca3df  No.113868


This website is botted by the Rothschilds and has been since before the big bust. No one should post here.

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fcd771  No.113883


Of all the things to delete, why did they delete THAT post. It doesn't make sense.

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fcd771  No.113897

OMG they are deleting posts in this thread as well.

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cdd062  No.114078

File: a65d6ecb1198e04⋯.png (1.29 MB, 858x820, 429:410, kazah_women.png)


There's also Kazakhstan, a mix of white & bug. /pol/ doesn't complain about them, so they must be ok.

here's some of the latest offerings of kazah meat on badoo

note the old kazah milkers meme was fiction. kikes look nothing like kazahs, otherwise we wouldn't be calling half white half bug = happas, we'd call them kikes

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fcd771  No.114324


/ /pol/ doesn't complain about them?

I shit you not you dumb fucking faggot, we literally spend ALL OUR FUCKING TIME complaining about the jews but tyou think we are 'ok' with them?

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008012  No.114352


>closet pedos

Tendencies towards young people of either sex is normal. But we enforce a social construct, i.e. laws, because we need to control our own nature.

You really need to be careful with the pedo meme. Your body literally cannot differentiate between young and old without social constructs. The law is an intended tether on human nature, as was intended when these laws emerged in the 1800s.

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008012  No.114353


Fuck, forgot sage.

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fcd771  No.114436


It is not really about pedophilia to me, although I don't think that we advanced to our current position as the master race via fucking retards or children. Asians and asian crosses look retarded. Then when you find out about things like empathy and brain volume the idea of fucking a retard is appalling, not attractive. Not only that, but the obvious deformities like the rape babies eyes never pointing the same direction…IDK why would a man want to breed with someone who has an obvious deformity. See, this is why I say men are not selective and should not be responsible for genetic future of our race. They would voluntarily chose to breed a HOLE just because it is a HOLE, without regard to the future, the future health and well being of their offspring or its obvious genetic deformities.

Their eyes never point the same direction. That is a deformity. Not a 'genetic bonus' for offspring.

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bed712  No.114446

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fcd771  No.114454

File: 2ac4d01b5fd01af⋯.jpg (123.73 KB, 622x882, 311:441, darwin_quote_elvolution_of….jpg)


You aren't going to 'save your skin' that way nigger. Darwin was correct about subhumans and their offspring.

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3b4366  No.114503


>There's also Kazakhstan, a mix of white & bug. /pol/ doesn't complain about them

Do you think anyone will believe you?

>note the old kazah milkers meme

Khazar, you stupid faggot. Kazakhs and Khazars aren't the same thing, and we don't accept any nonwhites.

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6a04f0  No.115012

File: 68df80627a725cf⋯.jpg (145.86 KB, 750x939, 250:313, 1590683884909.jpg)

That 9kunt roastie is mad as hell


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74185f  No.115023

I'm permabanned from there and all proxies seem to be auto-banned just for being proxies. Don't know how to post on there.

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74185f  No.115025


Sabotage though is violence.

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796f82  No.115040

File: 99147cc4dbe7d31⋯.jpg (2.98 KB, 220x103, 220:103, bug_person_what_the_fuck_i….jpg)


What the fuck is she looking at anyway? The wall AND her phone? Fuck that rape baby is SUPER DEFORMED.

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86154c  No.115043


>that fucking thing in the background

she's clearly doing it for attention tard

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c817fc  No.115592

Mad non-white females in this thread. -D

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7c7bf3  No.116855

File: 45db8b5bc9e4826⋯.jpg (2.44 MB, 3841x4033, 3841:4033, 1590189330551.jpg)

File: 632289818f0a7c2⋯.jpg (363.51 KB, 1024x1226, 512:613, cuck_friend.jpg)

File: 7efdd09a0f83c7d⋯.jpg (458.46 KB, 1006x1514, 503:757, 1565278657300.jpg)

File: 0c1c22162a90ab2⋯.jpg (484.47 KB, 1228x1362, 614:681, le_baste_aryan_womyn.jpg)

File: 1712a2b69fa41b2⋯.png (2.14 MB, 1724x1325, 1724:1325, 1590258029875.png)


Simps and roasties coping hard

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7c7bf3  No.116862

File: 80536249a804633⋯.jpg (212.67 KB, 1115x664, 1115:664, 1590356039373.jpg)


Pic related is kikes mad at Asian women for hating niggers.

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d93e74  No.116951

Spam thread still up, huh.

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4db13c  No.117507

if its an undesirable trait for a white man to have yellow fever, then its better to remove that trait from the genepool. What better way of removing it than by letting yellowfever fags remove themselves from the white genepool by pairing with bug women?

The alternative is to pass yellow fever to the next generation of whites, allowing it to spread and taint linages that don't have yellow fever.

Evolution has always been the natural selector of the fittest. Let's use it to cleanse the white race of yellow fags.

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220391  No.118390

File: 99f5c9775de508c⋯.jpg (930.28 KB, 2160x2232, 30:31, 1548645409878.jpg)

File: e6846e248d504e9⋯.jpg (785.38 KB, 2066x2228, 1033:1114, 1549923459759.jpg)

File: 3486d39d69c2100⋯.jpg (307.55 KB, 1080x1440, 3:4, 1576031231393.jpg)

File: 72dc157ffd47a30⋯.jpg (46.49 KB, 450x281, 450:281, 1587502218695.jpg)


>survival of the fittest

>muh precious huwite roasties

Yellow fever anons actually breed. Roastie orbiters just cope and simp and never have children.

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77e9af  No.118424


It would be faster to shoot all faggots who fuck subhumans in the head. That way we don’t have to deal with generations of mongrel trash in our nations.

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77e9af  No.118425


>have sex with something deformed

This is DYSGENIC anon.

Besides anything that is asian or part asian is 50 times more likely to fuck a nigger than White offspring. These yellow fever cucks are just churning out nigger fucking machines as offspring.

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77e9af  No.118426

Everyone knows that ASIANS have ZERO RACIAL LOYALTY which is why you are here pushing your harpie pussy on white men.

If you breed with a deformed harpie you will never have White children because only a White women can raise White children. You will only have race traitor deformed nigger fucking children…the end of your genetic lineage FOREVER…might as well fuck a nigger if you start fucking bug women.

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30be89  No.118729


Hmmm. So if white men breed with Asians, and white sluts breed with whatever they can pick up, then who will be the masters and who will be the slaves?

My money is not on the larvae of the single slut who has so many donors she is kind of surprise when the kids pop out.

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1ab998  No.118835


Nigger fucking is far more common with the harpie trash deformities than it is with Whites. Asians will, literally fuck anything and most of the time that is while #MyWhitePaycheck is off making money…but they will fuck niggers for a chicken wing or a found penny in Thailand and other places as well. Blasians are one of the fastest growing mongrel racial group there is on the planet.

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4c869e  No.118981

File: 6f3149c77a57aa5⋯.webm (2.61 MB, 720x1280, 9:16, i_don_t_want_a_lot_for_ch….webm)

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d14f30  No.118991


another hole

think of the possibilities

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1ab998  No.119011

File: 78a80ef6456e60f⋯.jpg (13.12 KB, 255x170, 3:2, bug_people_forced_to_fuck_….jpg)


used bug holes?


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b2c4a0  No.119032



clearly still hasn't had its cherry popped

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100b26  No.119044


I don't even know where to start with this post

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d5eeda  No.119055


>pierced nose


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d5eeda  No.119057


this is unironically my fetish, the halfu is what I'm after

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d5eeda  No.119058

File: 68ca9305c904c28⋯.png (258.42 KB, 300x449, 300:449, ClipboardImage.png)


forgot pic

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1ab998  No.119163

File: 1148481a3a099c7⋯.jpg (76.38 KB, 1200x630, 40:21, hunchback_sparta.jpg)


You want to fuck the deformed? That one is totally deformed as well.

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d93e74  No.119164

Spam thread still up.

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1ab998  No.119186

File: 5b285ca48800f5b⋯.jpg (125.78 KB, 769x527, 769:527, my_white_paycheck_4.jpg)

File: 6e3100ece6c85c6⋯.jpg (109.36 KB, 733x490, 733:490, my_white_paycheck_3.jpg)

File: 9114c17bfe6cc45⋯.jpg (37.65 KB, 387x259, 387:259, my_white_paycheck_2.jpg)

File: 038ac0c17b829b2⋯.jpg (102.12 KB, 704x466, 352:233, my_white_paycheck.jpg)


I keep hoping the mods will anchor it but I think they are hoping some #MyWhitePaychecks will rush in to defend fucking subhumans. We should really pester them about anchoring it so the bugs FUCK OFF!

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7c7bf3  No.119300

File: 3b4cc0aa2287e07⋯.jpg (141.59 KB, 586x946, 293:473, 44f779a8200fa3549ac141d57a….jpg)

File: 571ab01dffcb86a⋯.webm (3.38 MB, 324x640, 81:160, roastie_burn1.webm)

File: c10c0e2c072c8c9⋯.png (904.3 KB, 1024x634, 512:317, 1590456976283.png)

File: 5170893ae034f77⋯.gif (1016.11 KB, 500x260, 25:13, 1591249404498.gif)

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3ec56d  No.119322

File: babf8fc36bbad56⋯.jpg (369.51 KB, 681x1024, 681:1024, kekestien.jpg)

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77e9af  No.119328


-24 dollar to become genetically irrelevant and breed something that will fuck niggers?!?! Holy shit, what a deal to become totally irrelevant and completely destroy your DNA forever. Bonus, you get to fuck something deformed!! Fucking sign this #MyWhitePaycheck up.

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77e9af  No.119351

It so FUCKING FUNNY that you went with this as a ‘business transaction’…OMG I have been laughing about it since it occurred to me.

Look, #MyWhitePaycheck for -24 dolla’ you could destroy 10,000 years of recessive DNA (something more important than all the money on the planet) and shit on your ancestors so that I can use you for a Green Card.



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4d36a9  No.119392


Yeah just marry a white woman because they never ever fuck niggers and so your white daughter will also never fuck niggers either, right?

Also quit bitching about genetics like we're pure bred dogs or something, no human left on the planet is pure bred anything we're all mixed to shit so we've already "completely destroyed our DNA" as you put it.

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4395d0  No.119468


I am. Sucks to be a mongrel like you.

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9c2495  No.119548

File: a989ddc27f3b807⋯.png (242.38 KB, 800x533, 800:533, 1546809529012.png)




lmao that roastie is booty blasted to the extreme

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d6955e  No.119561


No you're not, you aren't even pure homo sapien as you contain neanderthal DNA because our history of being filthy race mixers goes back farther than you can imagine.

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db19a2  No.119567


White are least likely to race mix bug trash.

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db19a2  No.119568


Speak for yourself roastie.

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db19a2  No.119569



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d6955e  No.119571


The only people who don't contain neanderthal DNA are africans because neanderthals didn't exist there, so are you saying you're a nigger and thats what makes you more of a pure bred human than me?


Whats the D in PND mean?

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db19a2  No.119573


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7c7bf3  No.119863

File: 36ca2c79f37a413⋯.webm (922.15 KB, 640x800, 4:5, roastie_birthday.webm)

File: 7c5b89a09175317⋯.jpg (186.92 KB, 540x945, 4:7, 1525391311168.jpg)

File: fb70c08d30bf95b⋯.jpg (88.06 KB, 1024x591, 1024:591, 1578027032655.jpg)

File: 619aa5cca108c89⋯.jpg (99.74 KB, 960x810, 32:27, 1590184534278.jpg)


Fornication is mixing. Dating and marriage is irrelevant. Close your legs, you whore.






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f1317f  No.120008



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f1317f  No.120017

File: e25cc6389a1e716⋯.jpg (686.84 KB, 1120x1707, 1120:1707, abo_woman.jpg)

File: 10d53e893a76867⋯.jpg (237 KB, 800x535, 160:107, p9_aboriginal_women.jpg)

File: 64aaf2ae046cf09⋯.jpg (43.53 KB, 577x542, 577:542, chimps_bugs_humans_DNA_cha….jpg)


At least half of you want to be #MyWhitePaycheck for the insectiziod people…the farthest thing from our DNA as you can get; absolutely soulless insect people.


These pics are CLOSER to HUMAN (us) than the soulless bug people are. But a lot of you can't wait to put your dick into something that isn't even this related to you.

Polynesian women are closer relations than insects.

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f9d932  No.120049

I am currently living in China.. um. Yes I do have some Chinese girlfriends.

I'm not going to lie they don't taste as good as a white girl but the girl smell is good (sometimes). Yes you can get a girl that is really short and petite but you can't go to town on them. It is still good but not as good as a girl that is closer to your own height (or taller).

I'm not a piece of shit okay. I'm not a bad guy I'm working on myself eating good food and doing a 4 days split and gaining some money and life experience, I will breed a white.

I'm not going to betray my race. I'm just becoming more worldly

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77e9af  No.120058


Eating bugs is not good food.

You also think I mistakenly care about the total end of your genetic heritage. 10,000+ years of specialized DNA gained from the destruction and life experience of all your ancestors flushed down the bug cunt hole…I don’t care about you at all anon. Become one with the subhuman horde. We don’t need you or your defective DNA…JUST DON’T COME BACK OR THINK THAT YOU SHOULD FUCK WHITE WOMEN NOW THAT YOU ARE BASICALLY A COALBURNER/RICEBURNING MANWHORE.

Your post is jewish genocide at its finest btw.

This is a globalist >>120049 pro-European genocide manwhore.


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01d140  No.120065

File: 09a47edafe7fb3f⋯.jpg (17.69 KB, 221x208, 17:16, 1363742010994.jpg)


All of my food I eat is imported it is worth paying for it. Meat from Mongolia Aus/NZ business is owned by a foreigner all cooked by me in REAL olive oil from Spain (not as good as the Italian shit).

You really hurt me with your cruel words. I'm still going to come back to the winning team, virtue is important for women not men (as much unless you are super hedonist) I can still pair bond.

I was just lured by the good quality of life, easy money and easy women. Maybe I am a piece of shit but I'm not irredeemable.

Men and women are different I can still go home and be the supreme patriarch to a family I make.

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77e9af  No.120067


>easy women






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01d140  No.120072

File: 4f7754e71e14e7f⋯.jpg (162.91 KB, 1024x753, 1024:753, d2z09371.jpg)


We are already at 8% of the global population all whites including amerimutts, Russians and south american "whites" 8%.

Just let me be Marco Polo for a few years in ongo bongo land and then I can go back to Niggerkneelistan okay.

I'm a big boy, I won't get upset about it but you really shouldn't turn your back on a wayward brother.

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4395d0  No.120088

Fuck that jewish psyop Nuremberg shit. That was the primary way the jews destroyed Germany, through ‘integration’. >>120072

Fuck off beastfucker. Once you burn rice you pay the price. We don’t want your defective disloyal DNA back. Any loyal White man who doesn’t have the desire to fuck animals is a better selection than you. Remember, WE DON’T NEED YOU. One loyal White man without beastfucker DNA can service MANY White women and produce White offspring. We, White women, do not want beast fuckers or faggots mingling with our DNA. You are no longer relevant. Anyone who fucks you is low quality trash and has no standards.

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d93e74  No.120134


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d93e74  No.120195


>still repeating the jewish anti-white D&C spam

Great job.

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d93e74  No.120196



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61b5e3  No.120198

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d93e74  No.120213

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131d7c  No.120765


reminder that pol is pro freedom of speech

this is a debate, common to pol, so it come under the purpose of this board

if u don't like this thread, don't come in it, or better use your filters

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d93e74  No.120957


Reminder that proven jewish hoaxes are spam, have always been spam, will only ever be spam, and there’s no obligation for anyone here to have to entertain your spam threads.

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f1317f  No.121135


reminder that this is not /pol/

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9735d0  No.128480


Asian societies are inferior to white society because they can not produce as many genius due to lack of genetic variation. And variation in IQ. Also Asian only have a slightly higher IQ than American white by about 2 points. And Europe and America use to have higher IQ buy went into dysgenics.

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e246be  No.129437



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e246be  No.129438



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