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The holocaust never happened

File: c90e189fe7259c1⋯.jpg (552.75 KB, 2933x1955, 2933:1955, 106012127-1562782068149rts….jpg)

File: 8f6b2813cf9999b⋯.png (218.61 KB, 400x240, 5:3, Patrick_Crusius_Video_Surv….png)

73f474  No.1[Last 50 Posts]

The 2019 El Paso shooting was perpetrated intentionally by the US Government in order to draw media attention away from the murder of potential witness Jeffrey Epstein. The "manifesto" of the shooter was posted on old 8chan because anons on /pol/ predicting that a cover up shooting would occur. (((they))) wanted to shut down our voice in hopes that nobody would connect the dots

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ff2a79  No.38

More plausible than most theories. Goes along with the fact that 8chan got fucking killed over it, while the same shit happening from any other website doesn't kill twitter/facebook/etc.

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73f474  No.39


The jews at cuckflare were foaming at the mouth waiting for an opportunity to shut the site down. They just had to wait for the right time to do it otherwise they would oust themselves as corporate sellouts. So they waited until the next shooting they could exploit for their own personal gain and pulled the plug then

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73f474  No.47


So what you are saying is that this faggot runs a brainwashing farm where cia niggers can purchase the services of a reprogrammed individual for various purposes including perpetrating shootings?

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86dbe7  No.96

No fucking shit. After christchurch (((they))) went full red alert mode. /pol/ was calling for bloody murder and more saints of war and shills were getting btfo. (((They))) would do anything they can get away with in order to enforce their law, so it would make sense they use whatever excuse they can to SHUT IT DOWN

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77218e  No.106


ADL mentioned 8chan in their annual address since 2015. It was only a matter of time.

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6fd8e3  No.113


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c53f96  No.538

File: 1189136c22b6196⋯.jpg (107.02 KB, 1024x913, 1024:913, 1567648627218.jpg)

Was Eggdick really murdered in his prison cell or is he in a bunker in Tel Aviv fucking a twelve year old right now?

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68a89c  No.568


I vote he was murdered. There's no one kike who's irreplacable in the ZOG, and it's easier to just kill off a liability than it is to cover for him.

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18c99f  No.572


Epstein was in a position to take down a lot of powerful people if it meant saving his own ass. He was definitely murdered no doubt.

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9f54bb  No.577

File: c3f8140b759462f⋯.jpg (1.11 MB, 1920x1469, 1920:1469, 1570880996746.jpg)

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e19262  No.615


You type with such broken english that any point you were trying to make got lost in that mess of words.

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e19262  No.616


>don't talk about a shooting on a news, politics, and discussion board

Are you retarded?

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4618e3  No.627



Go back to cuckchan, deformed kike.

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a29b03  No.632


Porn, torture, videos of people getting killed. This is all perfectly ok on the internet. An imageboard when anonymous people can come together and discuss ideas without fear of sjw moderation? SHUT IT DOWN

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287196  No.633


The texas shooting and fake manifesto posted on 8ch was what was used to boot 8ch off the surface web you raging nigger faggot. That shooting is sketch as fuck and all details have of course been memory holed like everything else.

get prepared. The winds of shit are blowing more and more these days.

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73f474  No.649

File: 80f6f91f7bf48e9⋯.jpg (454.97 KB, 1192x1538, 596:769, mcowboys_Heston.jpg)


Just because the coverup failed doesnt mean the intention wasnt there. It all lines up too perfectly to be anything else. The shooting happened mere days after Epstein hit the news and for weeks after, the MSM was completely flooded by shooting related news with nothing about pedowood. Any time there's a shooting, unless it was done by a black, there's nonstop media coverage for weeks and sometimes months. The only reason they failed this time was because they chose the wrong location. The Texas legislature only meets once every two years, and this was an off year. That means that no matter how hard people bitch and whine, nothing was going to get done, and that killed momentum fast enough for the Epstein story to return.

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866571  No.762


Epstein Didn't Kill Himself is the new Jet Fuel Can't Melt Steel Beams, and that's not a good thing.

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8d52df  No.763


i think it was also the hillary/huma/face eating threads popping up.

I think if they wacked him aaaayt chan would have had to much credibility. It gets taken down and now we have this place???

Where is /pol?

more importantly the Book Threads were great.

I know most people shit on the Q links, but there is a site that has all of Q's posts. Is there a place on here that is visible. I leep reading you need TOR.

After Reality Winner i no want TOR!

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8d52df  No.765



Hashing thru the how of something from 2005 is a waste.

Michael Colin Piper explains not to focus on the how but the why. This is what he defines as a false flag…the spin put on the how.

I found alot of great sites thru here, and it seems like 75% of the posts on here are morans. It is quite an improvesment to 99.44% on halfchan.

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8d52df  No.766


the how…..not the why.

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55d6ea  No.4285

anyone got that file of his blackbook with names? or is it just all glowniggers rn on this thread? thx fags

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9a4a33  No.4336


I disagree. In a country this size events like these are often enough that there usually is one when the government/media needs one. Thus, this was merely at a fortuitous time and could then be signal boosted by the Jews to distract from whatever Judaism they happen to be committing at the time.

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2f5b35  No.4337

File: 0b62be74dad0f6b⋯.jpg (87.63 KB, 1024x561, 1024:561, 1570857045709.jpg)

the two biggest shootings of the year by far happened less then a week before epstein died

this song explains


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73f474  No.4361

File: 4f8e111d7bd2903⋯.pdf (4.46 MB, Jeffrey_Epstein39s_Little_….pdf)


Where do you think you are? Of course I have it. Unfortunately, no big names are in it. Likely these are just guys he invited to the island just so he could blackmail in the future, some of whom didnt even participate in rape orgies. No big names contained in the book. He probably kept those in his head.

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e2b3c2  No.6846


this. when greenblatt asked the crowd "who here has heard of 8chan?" it was all over. fuck kikes

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b6ddd3  No.6848


>Bryan Crusius, in the footage recently deleted, is sitting in front of a giant star of david and next to an owl

anyone have a copy of this? everywhere said that shooter looked like a jew.

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20eab6  No.6851


I tried to find that video but it was scubbed. I did see the star of David behind him in a screencap you can still find in an image search.

I would bet Crusius is a jew. He looks like one.

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e0a6ce  No.6868

This is another obvious false flag and I don't see any threads about it here


It should be obvious these attacks are being used to censor the internet and frame Whites for the attacks.

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5cc7fe  No.6871

File: 45983656d203413⋯.png (167.02 KB, 400x234, 200:117, crusius 3.png)

Oy vey!

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5cc7fe  No.6893


Thanks, anon. I see he uses the hidden star of david (hexagram) in his brand name also. Fucking jews.

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811427  No.6898


Looks like he listens to Stefan Molyneaux.

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32b3e3  No.6904


>He supports and promotes subversive jews just like every other jew


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a9659a  No.6921

It may have been a false flag but if so then it was the FBI and not the Jews. Jews don't benefit from shutting 8chan down. They love feeling like victims and 8/pol gives them exactly what they need. The FBI on the other hand has shown itself to be quite ruthless when dealing with white Christian nationalists. If one will plant CP on a site to get it shut down then why not a fake manifesto from a conveniently recruited loose cannon?

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a9659a  No.6924


Yet another finger pointing to the FBI. They are shameless in their actions. All must be destroyed.

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e6a067  No.6931


(((Who))) is behind the FBI terrorism I wonder?

Of course jews benefit from /pol/ getting shut down. Every thread was about jews. This was predicted on 8ch it was obvious.

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cc555b  No.6935

YouTube embed. Click thumbnail to play.

Glowniggers have a good sense of humor at least

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69a39d  No.7016




Oy fucking vey, goy!, looks like the video got shoah'd here too. Somebody pls mirror this fucking video 100 times this kikery is ridiculous..

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4ffa34  No.11515

I'd like to add that the manifesto and shooting also happened in Columbus at the same time and the El Paso one was around 48 hours after the drone footage of Epstein's empty island was uploaded on 8chan and you could see what looked like a stack of maybe 20 thin mattresses inside the temple windows.

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e8f15b  No.11518

How many different people are playing "patrick crusius' for the government? There are like 4 different people in the images…they can't all be 'patrick crusius'…also, is that what passes for 'white' in TX now? That boy looks like a spicnigger to me.

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e8f15b  No.11519

File: 1a598145bee69ef⋯.png (585.94 KB, 705x699, 235:233, patrick shooter father jew….png)

File: b8cc5951f8147b8⋯.jpg (72.66 KB, 761x396, 761:396, patrick walmart shooter.jpg)

File: 1fb0a51434959e4⋯.jpg (86.57 KB, 655x1200, 131:240, patrick shooter freinds wa….jpg)

File: 3a921f8ed6e5cae⋯.jpg (122.49 KB, 828x1290, 138:215, patrick shooter father men….jpg)


Riiighttt I remember that niggers father.

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5606bf  No.11566

there are many inconsistencies. biggest one, why drive the red eye mission to el paso? mexicans are plentiful in dfw. like mexican supermarkets and shit. mexican churches. like they arn’t hiding or something.

that is for normies. but i ask you this: what pol guy would fail to mention kikes or israel at all? tarrant, for his part, had a one liner or so.

the matter is not resolved to this day. i could point out more, like that i know it was a ch:nese operative who posted the thread, but i can’t prove it.

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aa6754  No.11607


Also there's like 3 photos of him and he looks completely different on each of them. The mugshot guy has a different facial structure and different hair than the profile photo guy.

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7d90c6  No.17678

Pelosi waiting for another False Flag to pass Impeachment to Senate

WhiteSettlement was attempt, but foiled by hero parishioner.

RINOs in Senate have an out saying 'this shooting needs to be the last blah blah so on'

ANTIFA are mostly white. So when a Globalist touches a gun, media says 'white nationalist' even though political persuasion is leftist.

No mass shooters NRA. Weird? You'd think all these gun nuts would be documented gun nuts.

LA Nighclub shooter was Gunsense Martyr. FB post: Wanted to buy guns and cause shooting so no one else could buy guns. Probably common amonst ANTIFA.

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810d31  No.17690

File: 103679e5403004d⋯.jpeg (134.38 KB, 541x705, 541:705, cesar sayoc false flag.jpeg)

File: b37004e789b8e2c⋯.jpg (252.91 KB, 1048x1662, 524:831, cesar sayoc patsy.jpg)

File: f40a82c33bebc7d⋯.png (974.92 KB, 1226x1574, 613:787, pipe bomb hoax cesar sayoc.png)

File: 334553317d14225⋯.jpg (45.06 KB, 1280x720, 16:9, cesar sayoc.jpg)

File: 91a6be5089d1ce4⋯.jpg (23.18 KB, 460x553, 460:553, robert bowers (2).jpg)


another coincidence i didnt see enough people notice was the cesar sayoc-robert bowers events.


Cesar, a flip from florida, who could barely speak english, supposedly sent pipe bombs to a bunch of celebrities/politicians like: soros, hillary, obama, john brennan etc etc etc

It was quickly proven (on reddit even) that the "pipe bombs" were props, and their is no way they real. EVERYONE noticed this, even reddit

so swiftly on the heels of this (5 days later) we have the bowers synagogue HOAX.


people didnt believe the sayoc event, so they covered it with a larger event that would generate more hysteria. this was also right around mid terms. DHS had literally done drills at this place 1 year before, and ON THE SAME DAY as the supposed shooting, did another drill a 1/2 mile away!!!!! no bodies, no actual proof, just media hysteria, and EbiL WhyTE NazEE propaganda going into midterms, literally 1 week later

we all know This is exactly what the CIA and FBI do. they find random patsys online or through local police departments, and then hold them while they commit their hoax/false flag, and then frame them

it's high time americans understand the true nature of the federal government. they are not, and never have been, on the side of the people. WAKE UP

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4f80b0  No.19613


>while the same shit happening from any other website doesn't kill twitter/facebook/etc.

but these websites make money and above all they have a chart of niceness which they can hide behind saying they condemn this like they condemn racism ect

look at his father, the man is shady as fuck, involved in hushed scandals and was close to the main man behind mk ultra--yeah no shit only that!! curious isnt it? see >>46

ovreall guys im happy to see you ex-8channers are really becoming much more aware to whats going on, very skeptical about those timely shooters

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94cb09  No.19624

take a look at the shooting that happened in the 90s and gave the aus gov all the reasons it needed to drop a massive weapon ban–if anyone can remember that event would be nice!!

>groomed manchurian candidates

went looking on the other chans and there was this old thread on nopechan, see this one /pol/res/374.html#q12563 and 12564

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94cb09  No.19629


>White Settlement was attempt, but foiled by hero parishioner

in a christian church, in tarrant county no less uh-huh

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b2b8b4  No.19912


>Epstein Didn't Kill Himself is the new Jet Fuel Can't Melt Steel Beams, and that's not a good thing.

You got it wrong pal. Lemme rephrase that so it actually makes sense:

>"Epstein Did Kill Himself" is the new "Jet Fuel Did Melt Steel Beams", and that's not a good thing.

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b2b8b4  No.19915


>tarrant, for his part, had a one liner or so

Actually a minor variation of a very fishy and similar sentence given by Anders "Let's kill Israel Boycotters Leftists" Breivik. Both suspiciously defended by (((anons))) to explain, with the most pants on head retarded arguments, why one must not expose the Jews at all when addressing the issue of the organized destruction of our cultures and race.

Ain't that weird!



What an ugly sister. She looks Jewish or something.


Oh look, a nigger friend. So too many tacos in the US of A… but niggers are fine? No black on white violence to notice, Mr. Crusius?

Makes sense.

>Susan Brown Zerger


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9ac250  No.19989

File: 781f252baf0a6e7⋯.jpg (409.93 KB, 1024x768, 4:3, Number-Six-the-prisoner-26….jpg)


What isn't a false flag these days? Just had to respond to the Number 1 post!

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bf7115  No.21475



Chilling in Israel right now (the true purpose of that country btw).

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28923a  No.21477


Nice to see post #1 is still alive and well.

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f0a29d  No.21481


>still alive and well.

indeed he is anon

indeed he is…………

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a8cf20  No.21483



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a8cf20  No.21486


Something like that. But they don't rely on farms only.

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e2db93  No.21519

File: 433fa99d5abbe2a⋯.png (380.36 KB, 629x709, 629:709, Epstein fake passport.png)

File: c5566d8e5a43c8b⋯.png (3.33 MB, 847x10538, 77:958, Epstein Israeli asset inte….png)

File: 7848305c5ea390a⋯.jpeg (96.05 KB, 1152x648, 16:9, Epstein never actually di….jpeg)

File: b2ad0cf03a8deb2⋯.png (410.61 KB, 934x1588, 467:794, Surveillance video of Epst….png)

File: f0e7cdc0c1d71fa⋯.png (262.88 KB, 1002x2496, 167:416, True Pundit - Jeffrey Epst….png)

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17fbfa  No.22082


I can't believe he would have been truly killed just because of being caught in a pedo scandal since a guy like him would certainly have a lot of dead man switch options plus smuggling cards too.

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83d275  No.22200


“Yeah isrAel gives a safe haven to all pedos but they wont give a safe haven to a high ranking pedo jew!”

disinfo kike spotted

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bbd887  No.22224


Jews don't kill their own, idiot.

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73f474  No.22282


But there are plenty of nonjews with the means and motive to do it. Rescuing that kike, even from a jew owned prison, is still a difficult and risky business. And he had dirt on hundreds of wealthy and powerful goyim. They all benefit from serving their ZOG masters but at the end of they day it's only an alliance of convenience. They're all selfish kikes on the inside. Hillary probably did it. It's not the first time she's had a witness killed.

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96e5dd  No.22385


Point being that goy or not, those who would supposedly have an interest in killing Eps would be the least capable and willing to do so precisely because of the fuckton of safety measures you can bet Eps had.

I vote smuggling, false corpse.

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665db9  No.22405

File: a664117bc1dbacd⋯.png (27.7 KB, 150x230, 15:23, 1521066812619.png)

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cad3eb  No.22442

The two biggest shootings of 2019 happened the weekend before Epstein died….

Assclowns were right


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e2db93  No.22526

File: 2cd2bb0e645c4ca⋯.mp4 (2.19 MB, 640x480, 4:3, Home Improvement.mp4)


The only explanation would be that they found his deadman switch but that would only work if he had only one or if he kept the location of all switches in a singular location. Which is highly doubtful considering how long he has been doing this, it would be naive to assume he put his eggs all in one basket.



It's not like Hollywood is stranger to making fake corpses for the cameras. He could have easily commissioned one in advance in case he needs to fake his own death to get out of a sticky situation. The corpse would stay in storage for however many years and then be ready for use when the time comes. If any changes to his own appearance would happen during this time, he could just ask for it to be edited to look more similar. Unless he were to get plastic surgery to add things to his face that weren't there to begin with, all that would be necessary would be to just remove pieces to create something like scar tissue and just paint blood on top. It doesn't even need to be an actual dead body.

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28923a  No.22809

File: 9c354d4edcd5082⋯.png (152.28 KB, 960x644, 240:161, Parnas.png)

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212cf5  No.30175


While I agree that this shooting (and all shootings) were perpetrated by the USG, I don't think it had anything to do with Epstein.

The entire Epstein episode was a psyop. Billionaire jews do not spend time in federal jail, especially when a zionist president is at the helm of the federal government. Epstein is either alive, or never existed in the first place. I knew something was up the instant that Jewish media started reporting on his arrest. They would usually never expose a tribe member for something as terrible as running a child sex slavery operation. The painfully forced boomer memes about "Epstein didnt kill himself" are more proof of tomfoolery. I'm not sure what their end goal was with Epstein, but be salty and don't believe ANYTHING.

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6328cc  No.33348

fun fact, we were not permitted, by the pnd moooooo0d, to say it was a false flag, when 8kun came online.

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73f474  No.33466


Really then why is this the first thread on the board?

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20eab6  No.34950

Have a bump. Kikes are trying to slide the good threads with worthless posts as usual.

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15be00  No.35081


I have to post and point to the first post on the board.

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567a0e  No.35602

So Jim knows this was a false flag and was used to take down 8ch but he still refuses to bring back pol? Is he a cuck or a fucking jew? And Brenton Tarrant couldn't have been more obviously anti white and was possible another tavistock victim like Bryant. This is ridiculous.

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a6d442  No.36856

Bump. >>11519

The evil jews won't stop the truth

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c53f96  No.36942

File: 1fe29aa4280a301⋯.jpg (773.6 KB, 1500x1500, 1:1, 1568134516687.jpg)

They probably released this chink plague as a distraction to the pedo cabal getting BTFO tbh famalam

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c53f96  No.36945

File: bd263509b3ee89b⋯.jpg (14.78 KB, 378x212, 189:106, Tracy Twyman.jpg)

Also, Tracy Twyman did not kill herself.

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d4c06c  No.37008

File: e774dbe9a108b89⋯.png (169 KB, 686x642, 343:321, poltroll.png)


>Is he a cuck or a fucking jew

>you don't agree with my fuck optics theories therefore you are a jew

le fuck optics fails every time it's tried

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9f8c4b  No.37027


le most reddit thing i've seen all day.

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8c563c  No.37067


Witnesses reported seeing 3-4 armed men in all black. The pics of their patsy didn't even have extra mags on him and we've yet to see any of the footage from the plethora of walmart cameras they have in the store. We saw the columbine school shooting, remember? The FBI showed up and issued a gag order.

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14fd87  No.38318


Christ church was completely fake, not a single person was killed.

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9a3651  No.38462


>oy vey I was exposed as a jewish shill for saying things only jews say

>I know! I’ll say MORE things only jews say!

Fuck your optics, yid.

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c53f96  No.39092

Why the fuck is this anchored

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a37cd5  No.39162

Faggot mod trying to hide the truth. We see you, Moshe.

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a37cd5  No.39163


Because the perfidious evil jew is everywhere my friend. Their days are numbered.

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a37cd5  No.39164


So he's a cuck them, well that's great.

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3cc413  No.41449

File: 2f078f05249321c⋯.png (1.16 MB, 1136x640, 71:40, ce61e5ae43b6150d47a33cf038….png)

This had nothing to do with Epstein except for the fact that any Epstein controversy will keep some people from investigating the false flags against 8chan. The jews wanted the site gone before Epstein. I know of at least a few of these attempts to take down 8chan. This Rabbi from the fake John Earnest fake shooting supposedly got his fingers shot off and yet there is no blood on his spotless clean shirt. Most of these shootings are obviously staged because they don't stand up to scrutiny.

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e6f66b  No.41573

The manifesto evidence collected by a intelligence agency I already forgot what agency is idc is a samefag evidence, clearly you can still see the (You) right next to the post number. It's evidence that the shooter allegedly posted shit that it itself is an evidence for us to prove the corrupt agency falsified evidence also later on changing the shooters' bio in social media from leftist to "lel 4chan hitler maymay right is right".

Go on tarrant worshippers, come and argue, I will send an egregore to say hi to you :)

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57c824  No.41616


You cant send an egregore to someone whose identity you do not know

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4e1648  No.43162

Have another bump.. You kikes nned to be exterminated.

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285897  No.44379


You are retarded.

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fb496d  No.44994

File: 3f5996358fc5903⋯.png (282.52 KB, 249x386, 249:386, 2A9C5025-2F6C-444E-B94D-EA….png)


El Paso was a false flag to stir up anti gun/kneed in fascism into the libertarians and moderate right to create work for some faggot to watch some “pathetic” teens wack off and learn politics.

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177ff6  No.45019

why d0 j3wz order so many murders on the darkn3t?

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5bb00b  No.45092

Peter Nygaard and "Lewis Bacon" (Blackcube) are the designated goy fall guys for Irv Weinstein and Epi-penstein.

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e8efce  No.76543


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b66ba9  No.102255

File: 99b618c631a823c⋯.jpg (61.84 KB, 1012x569, 1012:569, kathy_griffin.jpg)

There was no El Paso Walmart shooting. If there had been the store would have been razed ala Margarine Stonehenge school for tards in Flori-duh.

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505f78  No.102501



No body. No autopsy photos

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