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The holocaust never happened

File: ce2c33318753a31⋯.png (140.54 KB, 419x299, 419:299, cashmore.png)

84e434  No.26764

Sup /pnd/, leaf here.

I ran into a friend of mine I haven't seen in a few years and we decided to catch up. We ended up talking about fag enablers in the media and he told me about how this aids guy would come in and hit on the straight workers all the time.

He got caught outside the store trying to lure teens in his van and never came back. Shortly after this happened.

> "On Aug. 6 of 2017, Cashmore was driving a van in the city’s South End when he stopped and talked to two young teen males. He showed the teens a photograph of a naked woman, told them she was coming to town and asked if they wanted to join him in having sex with her. Cashmore also asked the pair if they were circumcised and what kind of underwear they had on."



> stories of him being a predator

>still the victim


> bwaaah why don't people like pedofaggots more

Then today this happened



ZOG keeps trying to turn kids gay, but are they shamelessly scouting out pozfaggots to be their lieutenants? I can’t help but feel that they bring in druggees, convince them they’re gay, and use this to spread aids and worse, gayness.

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197576  No.26784


>Sudbury activist still battling his demons

IDK anon…I think his demons might be jewish demons. He will probably succumb.

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888776  No.26786

Basically homos are one of the sacred cows of the modern left who pretty much control many governments or at least the administrative elements.

But most homos are made as a consequence of psychological damage inflicted by other homosexuals. Cycle of abuse and all that.

You see similar shit with trannies though with them theres a more sinister financial side to it.

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197576  No.26802


Pretty sure you have that backwards:

Basically the left is one of the sacred cows of the modern homosexual who pretty much control [all] many governments or at least the administrative elements.

The homosexual semite has been around a lot longer than the modern left.

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6e4a91  No.26875


It has to do with their secret religion. Male homosexuality turns our most basic natural instinct bass-ackwards. Men who fall for this trope are truly lost to common-sense, and thus are the ones the secret religion wants to use. They can be twisted and molded into doing anything. So, yes, as it turns, homosexuals are the goyish 'lieutenants' of Judaism.

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7e3db4  No.26880

> weirdo jumps on you as teen and offers sex with a (presumably hot) girl with him along with it

> actually going along with the fag offering it and not suspecting or considering it might be a bad idea

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3a5e58  No.27291


> Judaism

Just say jews. There's no need to narrow it to the jews' primary religion.

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ffa037  No.27304


That is why Edith Starr Miller was murdered for exposing the Homosexual Occult Theocracy. She showed that this deviant and grotesque homosexual predation was a global agenda. Not limited to an particular religion’ but at the core of all of them. I am not at my computer, but I have a file on it that speaks about the very last step in Indian guru ceremonies. The steps up to the pinnacle are building up a mans strength and spiritual knowledge and the very last thing is that he is raped by his guru…the theory is that this takes him back to square one in terms of spiritual adept because it steals his kundalini strength…like deflowering a virgin it robs the man forever of his connection with God. So, from that point forward the new raped guru must prey on his own acolytes for their spiritual strength or be cast adrift from spirit forever. People don’t seem to grasp the real severity of the practice of homosexuality in terms of its spiritual damage. Anyway, she exposed it a a global religious homosexual/pedo ring that preys almost exclusively on men and young boys.


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7930b0  No.27385


Its not so much that ZOG truly values homosexuality in and of itself, but rather they value any group whos interests are at odds with healthy white society. A gay white man is considered a better shabbos goy than a straight one simply because a straight white male MIGHT wake up and realize the Jewish program is against his interests. A gay white on the other hand knows that a return to traditional values means his neck in a noose so even if he see's through Shlomo's bullshit, he'll be less likely to actually betray his kike masters.

What the average fag fails to grasp however, is that if the kike's ever realize their dream of effectively wiping out whites and replacing them with brown cultureless golems, then the faggots will be on the chopping block next. After all what good is a broken disruptive slave to a Jew with nothing left to subvert?

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0cd100  No.27389


Don't know about governments, but corporations definitely are. Rebecca Sugar and CN come to mind.

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831e08  No.27670

File: c84fc45ad4da788⋯.jpg (621.23 KB, 1296x1287, 144:143, 1920 struggle for Jewish s….jpg)


Yet another level of unlearning achieved. Thanks anon.


Not all Indian gurus do this, but a surprising number do.

In my experience, most gurus are genuine enough. They tend to be oriented to live-and-let-live side of things.

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fbe560  No.27682

File: aa239bf73e33d45⋯.pdf (11.22 MB, Occult Theocracy.pdf)


>Edith Starr Miller

For those who wish to know more, pdf related.

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2cdd3c  No.27824

File: c022cd5a3e8c7a9⋯.jpg (33.36 KB, 419x419, 1:1, balaclava.jpg)


this is something that the collective minds who are against the jewish agenda must find out. they're replacing our culture with browns, barbaric yet traditional browns. what is the end game? what do they have against us? is this some kind of satanic ritual? it's extremely fucky, and i don't fucking like it.

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5f7dbe  No.27908

> "On Aug. 6 of 2017, Cashmore was driving a van in the city’s South End when he stopped and talked to two young teen males. He showed the teens a photograph of a naked woman, told them she was coming to town and asked if they wanted to join him in having sex with her. Cashmore also asked the pair if they were circumcised and what kind of underwear they had on."

Does this shit actually work?

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b1e35e  No.27931

File: 5bbc9165eb5d15f⋯.png (2.3 MB, 1468x7317, 1468:7317, lemmings.png)



What I percieve as common sense is simply NPC-type of "thinking".

It is completely anti-intellectual, it is basically - don't think, just do as you are told and what is common viewpoint of the society. It is simply ignoring actual facts around you and just doing what they were told before.

Which is currently - "jews good, niggers good, liberalism good, whites bad, nazis bad."

If you have a viewpoint which is not mainstream they think you are stupid. Everyone must have the same fucking viewpoint over things. Racial theory = "stupid" because it is "racist therefore automatically wrong" in the eyes of NPCs

Generally people who use common sense above all are cuckservatives, who again can't see things in a longer perspective than "Vote for Trump, because he is the best thing we have", ignoring that he does everything what kikes want and everything what we do not want, while pretending to be on our side by insulting our enemies and doing NOTHING important. They simply do not think AT ALL. For some reason, thinking is a sort of a crime in Western society and has been among common people so for hundreds of years. They just say "just stick to the society, just stick to what everyone else is doing, do not think by your own head".


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3909a2  No.28017


> what do they have against us? is this some kind of satanic ritual?


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2cdd3c  No.28079


>it's a 40 minute video of a schizoboomer rambling.

i know that it's important, but is it that hard to paraphrase?

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2c4015  No.28177

File: 1ed7d9c8ddf2e73⋯.jpg (49.24 KB, 480x360, 4:3, 099j22oifs09.jpg)

> scouting out pozfaggots to be their lieutenants?

Homosex is a sin not because it's disgusting, but because faggotry separates you from your family and community. If you don't have children then you don't care about the future of your people. You only care about yourself and your cummies.

Fags are the perfect informer, infiltrator and turncoat. Large companies bring in fags to spy on and fire unwanted employees, its no surprise that traitorous government groups do the same. Fags should never be accepted or trusted just like jews.

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fb29f9  No.28256

I can tell you from personal experience there are a disproportionately high numbers of homos in government jobs, they hire each other, and have somewhat of a "gay mafia" protecting them and enforcing their will via bureaucracy. They are hired because homosexuals are inherently corrupt and seditious, so (((they))) want them in positions in government. And of course the media is blatantly child raping pedo fags

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6eacb9  No.29365

File: 8aba11aec7a3b81⋯.jpg (154.72 KB, 1024x768, 4:3, make me smile.jpg)


You confuse common-sense with the replacement thinking that is the goal of (((propoganda))).

'Common-sense' is what makes sense to everyone. The only thing that makes sense to everyone is some universal law of nature. An example of a universal law is that there are two genders, male and female, and they are attracted to each other. We can see this throughout the animal kingdom, and throughout pre-subverted human society.

Common-sense is NOT a subset of thought-processes which have been popularly advertised by the Jewish propoganda machine, "either you think our way, or you are alone". That attitude is itself propoganda. The obstinate zombies of tuned-in modern civiliation are incapable of common-sense, and can only think what's taught to them, contrary to their own common-sense. When they inculcate as their own the ideas of deviant sexuality, because the (((propoganda))) told them it was good, then they are outwardly showing the Jews that they have fully absorbed the propoganda, and can be trusted within the Jewish society-breaking machine.

If common-sense means something more limited to you, then congratulations are in order, since you argue for your own self-defined limitations.

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34ef6a  No.44741


Thomas Aquino stated it well when he said "lust darkens the mind".

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34ef6a  No.44742


I wonder sometimes how long this thing has been going on, how long this gay mafia exists

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178431  No.44745

File: 90686f9b2b6f057⋯.png (189.49 KB, 1112x2893, 1112:2893, HomosexualityRedpill.png)


It's been going on for a long time. Keep in mind that Whitaker Chambers was brought into homosexual rituals in the Communist Party during the 1930's.


According to Catholic theology Satan has several generals; two of these are demons of homosexuality in men (for example, Asmodeus is the "effeminate" side of homosexuality), and at least one is a demon of homosexuality in women. Hence it has been a spiritual battle for millennia and that's why you see faggots say "Oh, well they did it back in such and such a time so it's only natural!" and whatnot. It's a corruption of the soul like any other and as soon as society loses its vigilance or becomes "tolerant" then it comes back very quickly.

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34ef6a  No.44750

File: 6e4cb3d2fc5e89d⋯.png (13.86 KB, 1240x170, 124:17, globohomo.png)


The European race is the greatest threat to their plan for world conquest, and they are only about 10% of the global population. The Jews seek to wipe Europeans out by all means necessary, but preferably by making them sterilize themselves. They even have a prophecy that states that it will be a European race ("Amalek" by which they mean Germans) that would break their power. As they are preparing the world for the coming of their messiah (antichrist), this includes a world where nation states have dissolved and replaced by megacorporations and a central UN like entity , where they are the upper class, the darker races are naturally more carnally oriented and hence pose no real threat to their rule. They rejected Christ because they wanted a worldly ruler, who would give them absolute rule over the entire world.

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b38112  No.44755


Thank you, very interesting. I remember reading that even amongst the devils and demons, the ones associated with sodomy and perverted passions are shunned by the other (where rank and title allows), as even they are disgusted by them.

There's a quote from Scripture that describes it well, from Romans 1

>The wrath of God is being revealed from heaven against all the godlessness and wickedness of men who suppress the truth by their wickedness. 19For what may be known about God is plain to them, because God has made it plain to them. 20For since the creation of the world God’s invisible qualities, His eternal power and divine nature, have been clearly seen, being understood from His workmanship, so that men are without excuse.

>21For although they knew God, they neither glorified Him as God nor gave thanks to Him, but they became futile in their thinking and darkened in their foolish hearts. 22Although they claimed to be wise, they became fools, 23and exchanged the glory of the immortal God for images of mortal man and birds and animals and reptiles.

>24Therefore God gave them over in the desires of their hearts to impurity for the dishonoring of their bodies with one another. 25They exchanged the truth of God for a lie, and worshiped and served the creature rather than the Creator, who is forever worthy of praise! Amen.

>26For this reason God gave them over to dishonorable passions. Even their women exchanged natural relations for unnatural ones. 27Likewise, the men abandoned natural relations with women and burned with lust for one another. Men committed indecent acts with other men, and received in themselves the due penalty for their error.

>28Furthermore, since they did not see fit to acknowledge God, He gave them up to a depraved mind, to do what ought not to be done. 29They have become filled with every kind of wickedness, evil, greed, and depravity. They are full of envy, murder, strife, deceit, and malice. They are gossips, 30slanderers, God-haters, insolent, arrogant, and boastful. They invent new forms of evil; they disobey their parents. 31They are senseless, faithless, heartless, merciless.

>32Although they know God’s righteous decree that those who do such things are worthy of death, they not only continue to do these things, but also approve of those who practice them.

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ec0a77  No.44777

Just came across this, it is mind boggling, this guy was a 20th century French diplomat and open pedophile who at the age of 57 """fell in love""" with a 12 years old kid from a noble family. He adopted the kid and wrote 2 books shortly after about "their mutual lust for each other".

He virulently maligned anyone who opposed him and often slandered them with false accusations of secretly being homosexuals and pederasts in a classic Alinsky move. He has all character traits of a vitriolic faggot.

He died in 2000 and got praised in France and beyond, Stephen Fry in the UK lauding him as a great influence for his own homophilia. He got a remembrance plaque erected in Capri.

This guy is an outspoken proponent of (sic) """man-boy love""" and most "relationships" he had in life in his own words were with teenage boys. To quote him: "I love the lambs, not the sheep".


This is what the near future has in store for us. Old man openly lusting for 12 year old boys and people will applaud it. You will be a bigot for being disgusted.

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e334eb  No.44797


>You will be a bigot for being disgusted.

Happy to oblige.

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4415ba  No.44809


Governments typically recruit low-IQ brickheads to enforce their laws. If the lower level minions prove to be loyal and never question their superiors they'll be promoted. At the very top it is a bit different, first off only well-connected insiders join that club, they are extremely loyal to the cult of government and all accept an agenda for consolidation of power at all cost. The top lusts for power by all means necessary even if it is at the expense of lives and national stability resulting in the destruction of justice. Every government eventually functions this way when it gets too big and breaks the leash of necessary restrictions.

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178431  No.44813


Checked. Everyone advocating for violent revolution should go after the pedos first through covert and not-so-covert assassinations. That will really get people to wake up and it will receive increased underground support. Especially after Epstein everyone knows the legal system will not go after degeneracy.

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b66c83  No.44828



Same shekel different sides, Schlomo.

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c60f91  No.44845

File: 044ac3c9a739359⋯.jpg (Spoiler Image, 65.77 KB, 991x619, 991:619, Giant_faggots.jpg)


>Covertly kill pedos

Why make a secret out of it? "We kill chomos" is a decent goodwill gesture that's normie-friendly. It also brings the FQ into clearer relief and helps fight the decades of propaganda about faggots not being kidfuckers.

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6a1df8  No.44847

File: 76518686f1ed786⋯.jpg (9.22 KB, 190x240, 19:24, airport190.jpg)

The male police officers used to try and pick me up on a regular basis for sex. This stopped abruptly when senator Larry Craig was arrested in a police pickup. A few police women have tried the same thing but they are very adept in reading the size of my pupils. I don't have sex with the mentally retarded. This is the logical extension of that. The police never miss any opportunity to harass the innocent.

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df216f  No.45093


Jason Kenney, what are you doing in Sudbury?

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632195  No.45113

File: e3d4ceec469dd71⋯.pdf (1.81 MB, Curse Of Canaan [A Demonol….pdf)


Strongly recommend you read "The Curse of Canaan," Anon.

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1b3582  No.45192


>being this new

It's well known amongst my people that every intelligence agency recruits fags and switch hitters because they're versatile.

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74aaa5  No.45399

He looks like a Ukranian engineer from Winnipeg I used to buy weed from.

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e5eb0c  No.81631

I have a guess as to (((who))) is funding them.

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596660  No.81645

The ministry of health, in British Columbia, is stacked with homosexuals. An acquaintance of mine was offered a very high ranking position, from out of province, recently. His husband and him will have to move.

He will be extremely well paid. The young men that live with them will have to live elsewhere.

Hard to believe it's not nepotism of a kind - because it is.

Have faith though, the reason we shun these lifestyles is because they are poor long-term survival strategies, for quite a few reasons.

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