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/pnd/ - Politics, News, Debate

and shitslinging
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File: f9165b5ff4f8a8b⋯.png (161.31 KB, 767x972, 767:972, jews.png)

301d52  No.1442[Last 50 Posts]

One more week until we get /pol/ back or find out it's canceled.

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301d52  No.1444

File: 24ba254fd8cebd5⋯.png (452.5 KB, 1264x1400, 158:175, 1574671786733.png)


Most likely the latter.

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c04d0b  No.1448

File: 6dcf45a41c025b8⋯.jpg (25.6 KB, 294x301, 42:43, 1570852319675.jpg)


>All the twitter boomers kissing ron's ass and hanging on his every update 24/7

>Qtard boards are a ghost town.

So do baby boomers just pretend to shit up imageboards to try and look cool or what?

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1f50dc  No.1453

They're probably gonna cuck on /pol/, telegram is our new meeting hub now

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779c70  No.1500


the real one isn't listed. it's /qresearch/. if you go there tell them about the jews

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0be16b  No.2113


The funny thing is, Jim said in his last stream that it'll be back and that everyone is waiting for the board owner. Did Ron even tell his dad he took it and made it global at some point?

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334a41  No.2218


I think he means the original BO before Kampfy, so he could give it back. Doorways or something like that.

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39299b  No.2220


They might not want to bring it back as global, since that might put their little disclaimer on jeopardy.

Much easier to say "whoa bro, this thing was made by some weirdo and does not represent us".

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ee1ec9  No.2221

File: d0da1d952b49a65⋯.gif (466.01 KB, 200x150, 4:3, what the fuck is this shit.gif)

>retarded boomer can't find a modereator for a board

>Decides to just (((shut it down)))

>Retarded Q boomers and /v/ fags claim "free speech" as they silence an entire board that was popular while they migrate /fur/ and /lgbt/

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984999  No.2237


People give Kampfy shit, but at least that turkroach would've baleeted those manifestos in an eyeblink and prevented the fallout from the media kvetching about 8chan and /pol/.

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3d8c94  No.2252


Those things deserve to be shared though. If we're going to start scrubbing information, what is even the point of this whole exercise?

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c04d0b  No.2254

File: da0b0b6125bd625⋯.png (128.36 KB, 713x674, 713:674, imkikey the cuck.png)


>but at least that turkroach would've baleeted those manifestos in an eyeblink

Only because he would have mistaken them for books.

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779c70  No.2262



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d3336f  No.2562

File: 59dfc548689c656⋯.jpg (36.97 KB, 500x263, 500:263, Ostrich_hole.jpg)


Agreed. If people go on a mass killing I and most everyone else in the public want to know why. Manifestos & social media posts are all pieces we can use to try and figure out what motivates these individuals.

You can't stop them if you don't understand them. I am sick of the ostrich game the main stream media plays. Facts don't go away by ignoring them.

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308036  No.2660


If /pol/ is cancelled but /pnd/ remains then not a lot of value was lost. A rebrand and an revival of first exodus tier posting is a godsend.

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bbef00  No.2758


be better to make /pol2/ like there was /b2/, /pnd/ is a stupid name

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6e7481  No.2759


Adding numbers to the end of things is stupid. It shows you dont have even the tiniest of imagination to come up with one original thing

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f9f271  No.2783


Maybe. Or maybe they're exploring options to keep /pol/ covered in case another glownigger decides to falseflag again. Legal protections are needed unfortunately.

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3dbffa  No.2789


>It shows you dont have even the tiniest of imagination to come up with one original thing

The point is to be as close to the original board as possible, not to be "original" by creating something inferior. /b2/ became the new /b/ because people were fed up with the /b/ mods and they refused to step down. If they won't allow a board named "/pol/", then the logical solution would be for somebody to create /pol2/ and for it to be the same damn thing but with a GET reset (which would suck).

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c04d0b  No.2795

File: 00a5b6f5567331d⋯.jpg (60.16 KB, 685x900, 137:180, 00a5b6f5567331d8a631d91636….jpg)

/pnd/ - /pol/ never dies

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f26404  No.2832

PoNiticorryDincorrect? did pol get lobotomised during the shutdown?

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c53121  No.2843

File: d58536ab3ba864e⋯.jpeg (254 KB, 1290x860, 3:2, d58.jpeg)


We still hate you, kikey. Fuck off.

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4ff384  No.2855

We're all /pnd/scum now

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2bafa0  No.2881


/pol2/ already exists, you'd have to make /pol3/. But /pnd/ isn't half as stupid as either one of them, it actually describes the content of the board instead of adding a number that doesn't really mean anything besides making it work with 8kuns database.


Hey, you're right.

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5ed183  No.2910


>The point is to be as close to the original board as possible


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5ed183  No.2911



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5ed183  No.2913



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037d65  No.2914



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5ed183  No.2916


back to halfchan with you!

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037d65  No.2917


Then have the media try to say it.

"On the Right Wing board 'poo' of 8 kun the shooter posted his manifesto"

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5ed183  No.2918


Gotta admit, there's some sense to be found there - not much, mind you, but trolling the media is a low-IQ endeavor.

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a06ad8  No.2923



I guess would somewhat work but using the Russian p would mean an rolled r sound and Γ is a g sound. I guess everone should prevent it's an English p since it's simlar.

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a06ad8  No.2924


>>I guess would somewhat work but using the Russian p would mean an rolled r sound and Γ is a g sound. I guess everyone should prevent it's an English p since it's similar.

>I guess would somewhat work but using the Russian p would mean an rolled r sound and Γ is a g sound. I guess everyone should pretend it's an English p since it's similar.

>typo fix

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c3b73f  No.2925


Imagine actually believing that the guy who let imkikey destroy /pol/ for 3 years and who personally banned all the natsoc moderators after that is going to let /pol/ actually exist again.

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5ed183  No.2926


/pnd/ exists

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437ce3  No.2928



requests phone number, requiring you to doxx yourself and realtime location just like facebook, twitter, jewtube, instagram etc. i'll pass

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a06ad8  No.2929


we /pnd/gians now?







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7c6eb8  No.2932



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3a43bc  No.2934



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3a43bc  No.2935


but I do like /pnd/scum better

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6e7481  No.2936



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c39527  No.2937


It's the people that make the place.

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28ff2f  No.2938

Is reddit 80% fucking Cyberarmies now? Anything talking about mass migration gets downvoted and you get the most bizarre and artificial replies. This is totally different to 9 months back where Nazi propaganda posters predicting France in 100 years and migrant crime statistics were reaching frontpage and getting 30k+++ upvotes. It feels social engineered

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2bafa0  No.2939


Yes. And this is precisely why they to shill against people using it.

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7487d0  No.2998


alright where is it?

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d64616  No.3179


only you can prevent forest fires!

and i mean the royal you.

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cc1234  No.3278

i think it's cancelled already. names are names, smoke & mirrors.

don't care if it's called pnd now or not, doubt more people will come shitposting if they change 2 letters, it seems most didn't even get the message of what 8kun is, they all think 8chan is dead.

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9842a1  No.3323


They're manipulating the frontage algorithm.

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e0be3b  No.3386


Care to prove it?

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7c6f51  No.3496


which telegram?

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1a22a7  No.3513



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a887f6  No.3523

yea, i visit /pnd/


i/n/ the


Fuck this shit, just bring /pol/ back and stop being pussies about it.

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a6c76a  No.3581

File: 01d9ff6392e9d8e⋯.png (385.52 KB, 883x488, 883:488, 6d7ed37d434ebc586e4e215f7b….png)


Holy shit it's good to be back I missed you faggots so much.

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7faa03  No.3603


I still cant figure out why /v/ is most popular board right now.

Ive been there and still dont understand it.

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4a2ee9  No.3608



You're forgetting 8kun's most popular board, the unlisted >>>/qresearch/

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1e0b1d  No.3611


/v/ had a unified bunker on vch.moe. Compare that to the millions of sekrit klubs /pol/ ran off to. It's easier to revive a board when the userbase wasn't dislocated and spread out.

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6c7132  No.3612


Briefly it looked like 08Chan was gonna be the place.

But the barrier to entry in terms of technical skills drove off anyone who wasn't at least competent with computers.

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b43765  No.3645

File: 552f4f40ff52bf5⋯.jpg (141.94 KB, 1050x741, 350:247, 1554879427773.jpg)


>Sekrit club

Get the fuck outta here reddit.

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d610ea  No.3670

File: d19d5e93a1569d4⋯.jpg (18.02 KB, 460x321, 460:321, 1570127921705.jpg)


<this is why we cant have nice things

Its faggots like you who fuck it all up for everybody, no that you've been found out get the fuck out back to reddit you kike pedo sKum and never return

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3e3043  No.4023


>durr refusing to name the bunker on the board isn't sekrit klubbing



Legit schizophrenia. Take your meds.

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8d34eb  No.5673


>Board migration phase one will be extended until December 31 due to ongoing demand by board owners. As a result of this extension, there will be no need for a phase two. With the New Year, please create new boards using create.php.

New Year, great fucking timing.

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b395fa  No.5675


That's nice and all, but /pol/ was a global board. It didn't have a BO. There's no reason it shouldn't be back by now.

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8d34eb  No.5678

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7da4e8  No.5681



Even if it doesn't come back in an official capacity, someone could just make a new /pol/ so it would be foolish not to restore /pol/ as it was. For now the current board /PolNeverDies/ seems more than sufficient

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502fd8  No.5804


That's the power of /mlpol/. I'd love to see the MSM try to explain a Nazi board full of heiling cartoon ponies.

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1aa315  No.5824

YouTube embed. Click thumbnail to play.


Nigger, I've adjusted to lurking in 50 bunkers since 8chan /pol went down. I'm fine with /pnd being the new board… if we can get some activity.

Present tense. Nothing more annoying than hearing boomer war stories about old /pol. I take that back, I like the screencaps but we need to move forward.

Embed related. Son of a bitch. The bitchute version of Ministry: Jesus Built My Hotrod wouldn't link. I guess I'll have give you the 8kuck YT version… here you go fags…

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2b838e  No.5834

/pnd/ seems to work fine.

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8d34eb  No.6124


Shame it didn't last, after /pol/ and /mlp/ were separated again /mlpol/ still went on as an unlisted board for a while.

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4b29f8  No.13134


>nothing of value was lost

Countless pdfs, /sig/ threads, jew redpills, NatSoc threads, countless discussion about improving whites and /our/ civilization.

>nothing of value was lost

Fuck off disgusting jew.

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4b29f8  No.13135

/pnd/ is Jim's attempt to Q-pacify /pol/. They are selling 8kun t-shirts for fucks sake. /pol/ will always be /pol/. Just not here apparently because jesus Q cucks.

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5a86c4  No.13137

File: 98262d92d3bc994⋯.png (731.01 KB, 1600x1000, 8:5, AB2CE125-9970-4F86-8BBE-C7….png)

In the United States of America we get to tax the King(s); equally right?! Flat tax now!!

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ef2989  No.13138

File: ebb774ba4f3b07f⋯.png (2.03 MB, 3004x3100, 751:775, 1447608971659.png)


We did have a pony mascot during the show's heyday.

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092d44  No.13162


Oh no, not those >>>/fit/ threads that had no reason to be on /pol/ instead of the correct board!!!!!!!!!


No it isn't you double nigger. /pnd/ was created and owned by an anon. It has nothing to do with Jim. Take your meds.

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c7bb4e  No.13220


Don't be such a defeatist. It's nothing that can't be rebuilt.

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f67592  No.13226


ministry is a confirmed antifa faggot band. reported

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4772f0  No.13328


You can already be tracked through IP. IPv6 especially is very detailed in giving out location data.

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b395fa  No.13329


Niggers have been using burner cells since the early 2000s. Are you dumber than a nigger?

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23339d  No.13347


It doesn't matter anyway telegram is end to end encrypted and it's servers are in russia, I highly doubt the real glowniggers getting any info out of that, the only risk posed in giving out your number to them is if you're stupid enough t

o display it publicly, and it can easily be turned off as soon as you create the account, outside of that i see no risks associated with the app.

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b395fa  No.13368


>in Russia

>the glowingest glow state since the origin of glow

Mmm … yeah, I trust that.

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b17ae5  No.13403



>The Russian Government has passed a new law that mandates that every provider must log all Russian internet traffic for up to a year.


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a12128  No.13443

File: 22dd1df887502fc⋯.png (22.52 KB, 724x471, 724:471, Clipboard02.png)

So on an 8kun related note, this just happened to me on /v/. Not only was I banned for a week, but all of my posts on the board, in all threads, were deleted. Just for implying that I don't like leftism.

I don't know what brought on this very sudden change, but /v/ is now pozzed and should be avoided. I also don't know what the fuck "Luciano" is supposed to mean.

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6d91fa  No.13614

File: e494d3e098eea0b⋯.gif (2.71 MB, 500x688, 125:172, do not waste.gif)


>playing video games

You deserve it tbh.

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a12128  No.13635


/v/ is the video games board. I was not banned because I play video games, but because I implied that I don't like leftism. It should concern you that this site's top board is now in leftist hands.

People who cry that video games are a waste of time nevertheless have no problems wasting their own time in numerous ways.

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6b74df  No.13642

File: 7534dc1e1f747fa⋯.jpg (89.1 KB, 611x725, 611:725, LUCKYI.JPG)



Looks like you got banned for associating cyberpunk with leftism

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52c6c2  No.13666


I hope every leftist spends 500 hours per week playing and talking about video games.

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a12128  No.13689


Because it is leftist. My statement implied that I don't like that. Hence the ban.

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ddb3fa  No.13696


Gas yourself roach, the thread didn't need to be deleted and anyone arguing otherwise is a cuck

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c3b73f  No.13706


>the fat gay autistic jew who is literally paid by the website owner to moderate /v/

>banned pro-white content on /v/

>you actually act surprised by this

What did you expect, dumbass?


Mark has literally always done this. Anything that goes against the jewish narrative is banned. Anything else is allowed to remain.

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b042e0  No.13712

File: abd51a9777aca8f⋯.png (119.6 KB, 1366x768, 683:384, Screenshot from 2020-01-01….png)


Shit, they link Qboomers directly to here? Are we being subverted into pro-Israel MIGA patriots?

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b042e0  No.13713

Can anyone tell how many posters post on /qresearch/?

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a12128  No.13715


>What did you expect, dumbass?

Feel free to stop projecting any time, dumbass.

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c3b73f  No.13719


>you posted fact so you’re projecting

At least you’re funny, dumbass.


Of course we fucking are. It’s why our board has no rules. It’s why anyone can post anything here at any time. It’s why there are no protections whatsoever against the posting of kike propaganda. “LOL GOY JUST PROVE IT WRONG, REPEATEDLY, EVERY DAY, FOREVER” is the official position.

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324ece  No.13720


feel free to argue any time

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d4f8d8  No.13724


I don't play games, but I have heard this BO is a massive faggot. Just create your own /v/, if he's as annoying as his reputation suggests, you'll grow quite quickly.

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000000  No.13776


>Shame it didn't last

Mlpol lives. mlpol.net

Prepare your angus, it's just like it was.

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ab7ae1  No.13785


>being a phonefag for any reason

I spit on you.

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334a41  No.13805

File: 50d9b8e41bfa936⋯.png (8.03 KB, 514x438, 257:219, 1451487622543.png)


>I also don't know what the fuck "Luciano" is supposed to mean.

/v/ here, I can explain. Luciano Mendez is a spic from the site One Angry Gamer who likes to make LARP posts on /v/ about "impotant leftists, consumers are gods, we always win" and shits up threads. As for why Mark mistook you for him, he's incompetent. Once on the /v/ bunker he banned me and several other anons after mistaking us for the Niggerpill spammer.

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b395fa  No.13810


Using a burner to provide a phone number isn't being a "phonefag", you illiterate nigger.

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4c5520  No.13850

File: ba0dff462af63cc⋯.jpg (211.76 KB, 960x954, 160:159, satanicjazz.jpg)

>you should always use Tor

>bans half the fucking exit nodes for cp/dost

but yes, ALWAYS use Tor. I won't even browse an imageboard without Tor these days, that's how the CIAniggers get you.

Also, on the subject of 16chan faggotry: BE VERY CAREFUL. Those 16chan niggers are part of alt chan alliance, which is in league with some faggot called "_space" who is the owner of the main leftypol site "bunkerchan"

The userbase of 16chan may be bro-tier, but the admins are leftypol.

8channel's /pol/ is nice, but their other boards are currently fully of CP.

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e76c70  No.13851

Any updates on /pol/ coming back?

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334a41  No.13862


Ron said the decision falls to Jim. >>2113 claims he said it'll be coming back and that everyone's waiting for a BO to claim it, but god knows what the situation is now.

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f0c574  No.13899


Alt-gags are a term used for image boards more obscure than 8chan which for a while was considered the 2nd largest board world wide and was a term before these were created. The alt-gag alliance is a group of retarded semi-old fag pro's who run their own boards however each of these acts as more of a giant bunker for smaller boards like /x/ or /int/ and thus also /leftypol/.

I know all the admins myself. Super shit and generally anti /pol/ as are most people since Tarrant broke the secret club rule. There is currently no good place to house a /pol/ bunker which is why there wasn't a major one during the time this was down. If you want one you'll need to do what all other boards did and create a new board site specifically to house it but no one here probably knows how to do so.

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a12128  No.13926


>you posted fact so you’re projecting

You were projecting by calling me a dumbass, dumbass.


Nothing suggested to me that /v/ was a leftist board, until suddenly I was banned for making a very minor anti-leftist remark. That's a big sudden change.


This is something that's happened to me a lot on imageboards over the years. I'm always being mistaken for someone else. I've had many conflicting names, identities and personal details attached to me, all for no apparent reason.

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334a41  No.13934


/v/ isn't leftist really. People just wanna go back to the older days where not every piece of entertainment was blatantly screeching political messages at you at the cost of actual quality, and you could say "nigger" online over mic without risking a witch mob or a permaban.

>This is something that's happened to me a lot on imageboards over the years. I'm always being mistaken for someone else

Then the solution is obvious! If being anonymous keeps getting you mixed up with obnoxious personalities, become an obnoxious personality/namefag so nobody mistakes you as someone else.

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a12128  No.13936


It is very lefist to ban someone for a week and delete all their posts just for saying that cyberpunk today is just leftism with neon lights.

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d60c39  No.14114


THERE WAS NO /POL/ BO. Jim is a fucking liar. It was a Global board, Ron said it’s all up to Jim and that it was Global and had no sole BO. There were about 5-6 vols acting as jannies at one time post-Imkampfy. Jim could have migrated it by now. He doesn’t need any make believe BO’s secret key. He’s full of shit and /pol/ is not coming back. /pnd/ is a containment, basically Qresearch and some NatSoc content. Newfags ITT obviously don’t know the other /pol/ bunkers.

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de3044  No.14142


Fake News.

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c3b73f  No.14151


You know nothing whatsoever.

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9842a1  No.14172


True, but sadly, most /pol/ bunkers are straight up garbage.

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e76c70  No.14195


I know multiple bunkers and posted on them during the hiatus, but they all carry the issue of being dead as fuck with pph in the single digits. That's what happens when everyone is too paranoid about feds to have a clearly definitive choice for the userbase to move to. People scatter everywhere, and activity spirals towards zero in a feedback loop.

Anyone who suggests we should simply spread out to half a dozen bunkers is either stupid or a plant trying to kill the board with bad ideas. It's good to have multiple options in case one gets nuked, but there needs to be a definitive choice for the majority to congregate.

Regarding /pol/ BO situation, why don't they just give it to one of the vols? They're the closest we had to a BO, and from there it can be given to someone new if none of the vols want it.

Hell, who is in charge of /pnd/? Might as well give it to them.

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334a41  No.14220



Hell if I know what's going on in the administration. /pol/ isn't the only board going through retardation right now, they're insistent on only BOs claiming even the boards with actual BOs aren't responding. A /clang/ anon expressing interest in claiming that board was only asked if he knew the former BO.


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4775b7  No.14225


>That's what happens when everyone is too paranoid about feds to have a clearly definitive choice for the userbase to move to.

No, it's what happens when you don't have a pre-determined bunker. /v/ has vch, weeb boards have smug, a bunch of smaller boards have julay, etc. Nobody had an emergency /pol/.

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72d846  No.14254


Cyberpunk has never been described as anything else but a dystopia.

So if it's leftist, then leftism is shit (with neons).

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334a41  No.14261

File: 34004bab6456e23⋯.png (509.45 KB, 800x5000, 4:25, 1571806374978-0.png)


Only /a/ (and /animu/) had designated bunkers made beforehand. Originally /v/ and the others tried to migrate to 08chan because it was the most actively shilled bunker (see pic related, though it's an updated version of the original). However, the tech wasn't anywhere near polished and activity dropped like a rock after the ZeroID thing basically enforced namefagging. We were lucky Mark made vch and the webring thing took off the way it did, otherwise several of the boards would probably have been fucked.

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ca0892  No.17695

Most of the threads on there were garbage last couple of weeks of 8ch being live anyway. Shills / feds / etc was not taken care of at all + too much negative attention.

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622544  No.17702


You had the bunker originally. You had a bunch of other bunkers I think one came up on chen2 which was quite shit. You had some people go over to neinchan which has very suspicious / stupid admins. I think you had 16chan as well which was similarly bad. Designs were also quite shit.


The bunkers were straight up shit. That one thread on /cow/ on julay exposed the fiesta quite well. Also the content just sucked since most of the userbase was too spread and many prob went to cuckchan again.


Why the bunkers sucked

1) Leadership was terrible from admin / mod side

2) Technology bunkers were on often straight up sucked. Many flaws with captchas, spam, and so on

3) moderation allowed shills, or straight up were too incompetent to deal with them

4) shilled their stuff in poor places so users stayed low, had no real plans on how to grow / expand a board with technological limitations

5) a lot of bunkers were led by a bunch of retards who came together to all make a bunker on shitty website design, resulting in all of them being equally shit

I contemplated making an alternative myself (which I could do better than the garbage attempts I saw). But it would be really hard since it would initially have low users, would probably get attempted to be shilled / ruined by a bunch of shitty bunkers, would require moderation (which I have too little time for), would need a long term plan to grow, would need many things set in place so free speech could be conducted and not turn into a honeypot and so forth. I also know 8kun is not really ideal for various reasons, fed involvement / monitoring is probably through the roof even compared to 8ch days. And I don't think admins of 8kun are very willing to provide transparency regarding this.

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000000  No.17719



<fed's honeypot board

>feds banned 8/pol/

<Nobody had an emergency 8/pol/

Really, very strange.

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000000  No.17860


chen/pol/ was actually great and really fun before the mods turned too paranoid and that stupid troll-admin nuked it.

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91892b  No.17980

Why doesn't Jim just resurrect 8ch.net and reinstate pol there instead of being all pissy about it and hiding out on 8kun.wtf and possibly selling the site?!

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91892b  No.17981


huh it filtered 8 ch dot net to 8kun.top

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b395fa  No.17991


It's called "re-branding" and it happens all the time. As for selling the site, I've seen no evidence to back up that rumor.

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786e8e  No.18028

Same shit while trying to create a board

>Board migration ongoing, legacy boards cant be re-created until board migration is finished.

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adaab4  No.18074



Yeah no evil conspiracy going on here, Ron just doesn't get shit done and is, as of now, taking 3 times longer for phase 1 than it was expected.

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6cf8de  No.18079


I need to fuck some granny right now.

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ae7576  No.18105

You know they are the enemy when they attack our children.

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dae442  No.19367


/pol/ was called /pol/ for a reason newfaggot. /pnd/ is a joke and watered down.

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dec4d7  No.19399

File: a735772dd8cc45a⋯.png (164.8 KB, 1695x162, 565:54, Screenshot_2019-05-15 Hey ….png)

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dec4d7  No.19408

File: b5bc02f4faca7ee⋯.png (55.94 KB, 1639x249, 1639:249, Screenshot_2019-05-15 Hey ….png)



I stand by what I said.

>/pol/'s the only one that could be considered a threat

to (((them))) and the rest of the liars

>No other board was hit as hard

Yeah, I fuckin wonder why that was?~

And what do I not see? No /pol/. Huh. Weird that…

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7da4e8  No.19453

bring pol back you jim, we all know youre actually q, give it up and bring back the only reason anyone actually comes here

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e43edc  No.20097


>/pnd/ - /pol/ never dies

I like this. Miles better than "Politics, News, Debate"

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7dddf3  No.20226


Unless you impose a heavily restrictive bot to censor speech, the only protection you are ever going to have is that anyone can post due to free speech. Saying that as a legal defence doesn't exactly require ten fucking years of downtime, in fact it requires no downtime whatsoever.


Personally I would say it is intentional in that they don't want you to know the actual reasons so that they could have a blank canvas to paint over. Knowing the actual cause is detrimental for any message they wish to force on you. As such they try to push all of the following onto you

>"we just can't know, it is just so hyper-complex that you can't know"

>"it's the guns, take the guns away"

>"it's not guns, it's mental illness"

Those three are the ones you are pushed and all of them are shill talking points. The second should be obvious but the third is pushing you into a false dichotomy. They try to push you into this false framework in the hopes that, if you change your mind about the mental illness part, you would default to the anti-gun aspect. And the first tries to get you to shut the fuck up if you accept neither the second nor the third. An adult that shoots up the school does so for the shock and terror by causing immense grief. But a lot of those shootings are done by either people that used to go to that school or children that still go there. That part isn't mentioned beyond some brief side-remark about about how it might have been a little bit unpleasant for the kid.


>he unironically gives a shit about labels

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7da4e8  No.20250

hey jim, this thread isnt dying like you want it to, open board creation and /pol/ again or your shit q clubhouse is going down the toilet

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4cd46f  No.20253

/pnd/ seems like a fine replacement. I don't need /pol/.

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0678e5  No.20285


>Disliking leftism

Cyberpunk has been a critique of capitalism since the beginning. Why the fuck is this controversial?

Jezus fucking christ is this what passes for "disliking leftism" these days?

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c3b73f  No.20291


>oy vey multiculturalism is great

>I don’t need a place where only whites and only traditionalists can be

Kill yourself.

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1218b8  No.20316


how the fuck do you prevent any group of people using a web site that is supposed to be anonymous and in clearnet?

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357c18  No.20379

/pol/ needs to be brought back, faggots

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c5d5fe  No.20384

Does it even fucking matter at this point? We're all here anyway. All we lost was the threads that were up at the time and I can see a few of them on the catalog anyway.

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7da4e8  No.20437


it matters because of brand recognition, nobody from outside 8 chan knows what pnd is supposed to be and they wont bother to look. once its really back, the media will shit itself that these evil national socialists are still allowed to talk and draw a bunch of attention to it, causing at least half the old userbase to come back

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affc11  No.20447


Very true. On the other hand, this way shills and low quality shitposting may be kept at a minimum.

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697caa  No.20461


you can also see it as pond, you know, where frogs live?

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114563  No.20468

File: ebdb6224a78e8d8⋯.png (210.04 KB, 630x345, 42:23, KYS - CONSIDER A ROPE.png)


>Countless pdfs, /sig/ threads, jew redpills, NatSoc threads, countless discussion about improving whites and /our/ civilization.

If you saved nothing, you're nothing. Consider

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114563  No.20469

File: 74ff9769e01fea6⋯.jpg (30.66 KB, 474x474, 1:1, 74ff9769e01fea6cbdd44f752c….jpg)


>/pnd/ is a stupid name

Good, fuck off to halfchan

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81861d  No.20470


Ha! You have actual convictions? And care about the future of your people??

What a LARP!!

>people who say "larp" or "wignat" are the majority of the time either cowards or lefty shills

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c3b73f  No.20471


>what is banning

>what is deletion of posts

0/10, shut the fuck up and get the fuck out.


>all we lost was

The userbase, the soul and direction, the name, the purpose…

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000000  No.20481


>always use TOR

>posts from a clearnet IP

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2dcb35  No.20499


Precisely. Q is just a large psyop that 1) allows plebs to feel they are part of something larger and are actually making a difference and 2) allows Trump's team to gain more political weight. Q never directed his nigger army's resources to something genuinely valuable that would not be part of the greater image or irrelevant bullshit in reality. Why was he not mentioning different elite groups involved in Iran but only the fact that the regime over there should/will be changed? Why is draining the swamp narrowed to exclusively hitting previous president's gains/team members from time to time without any serious repercussions towards either side? He mentioned Google's planetary surveillance but avoided talking about Five Eyes and US planetary surveillance. Most importantly, how did it happen that he — the all seeing eye from the government with top security clearance — allowed the dissolution of 8chan in the first place?

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e4157a  No.29135

File: 1c08f7178bf0954⋯.gif (6.67 MB, 600x345, 40:23, ezgif-5-ed2050821a07.gif)


no one goes on killing sprees. all of these stores are fake. wake up niggerfaggot

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e74556  No.31620

File: eda332a284b06cc⋯.mp4 (1.11 MB, 1920x1080, 16:9, puppy##88.mp4)

pol ist kaput - lol. by the chaotic light of kek pol will never die!!!!!!!! lol . EMBRACE INFAMY- duh lol

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15ef51  No.31625


>embrace infamy

no no no that would be controversial, speak legally, no hatespeech allowed you bigot.

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9ca9b3  No.31921

File: e675fef40911f9d⋯.jpg (32.53 KB, 240x317, 240:317, hail hortler.jpg)

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4298b7  No.45201


But pandas are qt.

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3f54f1  No.45208


>One more week


Guess what, Chickenbutt?

/pol/ is gone, along with the rest of 8chan.

There wil be no "migration".

There is only "the facade", which is 8kun public, and "the actual", which is Qanon private, aka "the trout pond".

Jim and Ron don't give a flying fuck what happens on or with the public boards. All they care about is the proven sheep, and the wool they produce.

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