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Rules Log Spot Those Who Glow Protect Yourself
Resign from your position at the FBI or your mother will die in her sleep tonight

File: c942620c99ed0c7⋯.png (686.2 KB, 1307x1371, 1307:1371, 1531429696301.png)

File: d421177aafa791e⋯.png (182.98 KB, 1797x847, 1797:847, truc2.png)

File: 9edc801ac958c32⋯.png (1.39 MB, 1222x975, 94:75, 1540467973973.png)

File: d56b19209dd7d47⋯.png (93.95 KB, 1487x711, 1487:711, truc 3.png)

File: fb25fdca09dbe9e⋯.png (56.41 KB, 1808x392, 226:49, trt.png)

a16b9a  No.1676[Last 50 Posts]

Post your redpill images or folders.

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a16b9a  No.1677

File: 62d60f0fd1321d4⋯.png (584.45 KB, 1859x1418, 1859:1418, The truth about pol.png)

File: b67f32d5e32ef78⋯.png (163.3 KB, 1780x410, 178:41, 4ef2720c812407a60e21e35e82….png)

File: 9d246a7ad49ce28⋯.png (52.36 KB, 1351x318, 1351:318, he tried to warn you.png)

File: 989cc2b76bf6437⋯.png (592.37 KB, 1358x587, 1358:587, 1543111577883.png)

File: af9ad99db414030⋯.png (65.77 KB, 1322x360, 661:180, 1492482324103.png)

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a16b9a  No.1678

File: c839feead5a6e9a⋯.jpg (769.64 KB, 1262x2094, 631:1047, 1493849755249.jpg)

File: 78ac87bf35b4cf5⋯.png (222.26 KB, 540x853, 540:853, africaaa.png)

File: 90d3c54a630ef3c⋯.png (93.03 KB, 1314x463, 1314:463, africaaaa.png)

File: d41de055500a74c⋯.jpg (2.09 MB, 2171x6420, 2171:6420, space.jpg)

File: 6e3352a9d6f59e8⋯.png (561.84 KB, 1663x5203, 1663:5203, africa.png)

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a16b9a  No.1679

File: ad4d86b2b231852⋯.png (47.02 KB, 1656x192, 69:8, haitian.png)

File: 55882e285536869⋯.jpg (362.08 KB, 1036x613, 1036:613, haitian2.jpg)

File: 74fa4a18bcde768⋯.png (967.1 KB, 1280x3687, 1280:3687, African PMC.png)

File: 5eb764271b811f4⋯.png (342.57 KB, 1560x1415, 312:283, African anon.png)

File: 39e86e8af01b911⋯.png (189.76 KB, 1894x1094, 947:547, History Of Africa.png)

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a16b9a  No.1681

File: 65217a1dce20fb5⋯.jpg (73.92 KB, 1201x341, 1201:341, black.jpg)

File: 10e799c9822f7be⋯.png (170.09 KB, 1432x1100, 358:275, rhodesia.png)

File: 999dcbec80b0e7c⋯.png (67.44 KB, 1623x606, 541:202, mother make bad life choic….png)

File: ba5ab297df61309⋯.png (131.27 KB, 1862x700, 133:50, Responsible for decoloniza….png)

File: 99a538af7cfd743⋯.png (1.54 MB, 1896x3504, 79:146, cbdfe1cd7fffc4464af0f4efe7….png)

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a16b9a  No.1682

File: 70bd547e7e70914⋯.png (168.31 KB, 1482x2369, 1482:2369, 038557e8362a4c1b2c64b6bcba….png)

File: 11428666851214c⋯.png (998.73 KB, 1475x3167, 1475:3167, 3607eae1a6b0d19a84e8e263db….png)

File: 8bee8c904715804⋯.png (102.21 KB, 1868x1324, 467:331, ff76511b978d7aedc80e72bfee….png)

File: 3436fd1d6ec8c15⋯.png (213.18 KB, 1200x569, 1200:569, 1540467876703.png)

File: 2b6375c28c20930⋯.jpg (2.14 MB, 1308x7045, 1308:7045, 99 facts and a lie.jpg)

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a16b9a  No.1683

File: 54e6fffcc349d44⋯.png (87.47 KB, 777x272, 777:272, 2015-07-30 08.23.22 pm.png)

File: 244ccddbdfed5a2⋯.png (45.45 KB, 798x150, 133:25, 2015-07-31 07.11.30 am.png)

File: 9da1d6a0e1cb926⋯.png (85.89 KB, 834x243, 278:81, 2015-03-01 11.58.38 am.png)

File: 74c96d9e0ca5e46⋯.png (109.62 KB, 780x271, 780:271, 2015-07-31 08.05.33 am.png)

File: 2dbd70b3f23b36a⋯.jpg (48.87 KB, 895x231, 895:231, 7blQIbC.jpg)

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a16b9a  No.1684

File: b98ba1328b62138⋯.jpg (326.52 KB, 1308x477, 436:159, 1424874419403.jpg)

File: 090c981112e484b⋯.png (234.22 KB, 1201x590, 1201:590, greatpost.png)

File: abd7c48d770f5ac⋯.png (336.64 KB, 1892x1560, 473:390, 5 redpill.png)

File: 78d6fd3a0306e34⋯.png (153.68 KB, 1898x308, 949:154, What they want.png)

File: 64424f532e646b5⋯.png (1.7 MB, 2040x1938, 20:19, pol was right.png)

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a16b9a  No.1686

File: d929bcffd44aca3⋯.png (231.67 KB, 1789x395, 1789:395, Art americanism.png)

File: d2e72cd1b503307⋯.png (64.85 KB, 1844x160, 461:40, redpill teacher.png)

File: e1c493cb1954707⋯.png (212.79 KB, 1862x1324, 931:662, Pol curse is real.png)

File: 59e29f9ec4707a4⋯.png (151.71 KB, 1265x519, 1265:519, pol was right...again.png)

File: 06045ebd3644531⋯.png (214.79 KB, 1920x1324, 480:331, Pol curse.png)

Here's a gigantic folder of Redpill for anyone who's interested in them.


Should have made it in the first post but heh……

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a16b9a  No.1688

File: 1acf08e17f7a43a⋯.png (357.56 KB, 1908x1464, 159:122, The power of the redpill.png)

File: af54831f17b8621⋯.png (94.36 KB, 1149x496, 1149:496, 1422241599925.png)

File: 79caea1e0378bed⋯.png (94.3 KB, 878x459, 878:459, heroes.png)

File: 6b14afad23f7599⋯.jpg (501.28 KB, 1026x1108, 513:554, pol4591464492.jpg)

File: e9c95f2d5197938⋯.jpg (662.41 KB, 1784x896, 223:112, 1430138981872.jpg)

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0059fe  No.1701

File: 2c4c53ffd43b10c⋯.jpg (542.6 KB, 555x1692, 185:564, 2c4c53ffd43b10c6b4468bab3f….jpg)

File: 2ea135e76c40a0b⋯.png (383.28 KB, 473x687, 473:687, 5d31a58d5b94af4560ca9869a1….png)

File: 846c079d12427aa⋯.jpg (202.49 KB, 1021x729, 1021:729, 846c079d12427aa38e63b53109….jpg)

File: 10095db4ed9e288⋯.jpeg (143.8 KB, 659x909, 659:909, 10095db4ed9e2881e95ccd1b6….jpeg)

File: 29761d55da6b046⋯.png (46.48 KB, 682x147, 682:147, 29761d55da6b04672c7a5f223e….png)

>it was real in my mind

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0059fe  No.1702

File: a8aa163c58b3970⋯.png (420.9 KB, 896x635, 896:635, a8aa163c58b3970b91d803cc7e….png)

File: ba5beeaa01f0a31⋯.jpg (294.28 KB, 801x939, 267:313, ab7b423e0a9187e1f78da1f819….jpg)

File: acd217dc18fc04a⋯.jpg (36.81 KB, 714x662, 357:331, acd217dc18fc04a89243f20c46….jpg)

File: c7424aa761cf9a8⋯.jpg (501.1 KB, 1678x1317, 1678:1317, c7424aa761cf9a8605002390c6….jpg)

File: d4d95910debd625⋯.jpg (290.57 KB, 1102x857, 1102:857, d5a07a489f6d8533489098265e….jpg)

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0059fe  No.1704

File: d389ebe3a154c22⋯.jpg (30.46 KB, 647x229, 647:229, d389ebe3a154c2219bd29e9d35….jpg)

File: e7696b754df0599⋯.jpg (255.88 KB, 899x653, 899:653, e7696b754df0599d2189ec0f61….jpg)

File: 8b6f4bc0f2f2c4f⋯.jpg (46.7 KB, 350x499, 350:499, fee40d3309be8719ec8a51160b….jpg)

File: 626452941b124e4⋯.jpg (212.88 KB, 1278x1012, 639:506, holocoaster.jpg)

File: ed705e8cf2a0adb⋯.jpg (75.63 KB, 640x479, 640:479, not even a joke.jpg)

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d1f72b  No.1730

File: a0480af315ad448⋯.webm (3.96 MB, 600x336, 25:14, guess the races.webm)

File: 64537cad61468d3⋯.jpg (75.46 KB, 911x623, 911:623, SAT score vs family income.jpg)

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9eea9b  No.1741

File: 507a7cc7c50e4cb⋯.gif (1.03 MB, 355x259, 355:259, ok.gif)




>geysers of blood spurted up out of the earth

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5b9632  No.1745

File: f99c03d914a3796⋯.mp4 (15.24 MB, 1280x720, 16:9, holohoax_redpill_Wagner.mp4)

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930311  No.1761

Not sure if it counts as a redpill, but it sure tells a lot.

First, start by running "pizza gate", "epstein", "qanon", "vindman" etc as well as variations through different search engines and compare results

then, open their Wikipedia pages and focus on the first lines anyone would read when opening the article and judge the neutrality

compare it to the neutrality of articles about other conspiracy theories, pay attention to the wording

the next step is reading the "Talk" pages about them; but more importantly, the parts of the "Talk" that have been archived (CTRL+F "archive"), making it harder to access

Read through some complains, how people react, etc

Compare it to Talk pages of other articles

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c0f9c8  No.2782

File: 6f10f1352bf0d41⋯.png (556.05 KB, 638x641, 638:641, 1574698720086.png)

Beautiful thread anons, beautiful thread.

>intense feelz

No joke, teared up a little at the screencap of 5 mental illness redpills.

I feel so at peace, so much closer to a sense of my personal struggles with ethical wanderlust and moral fatigue coming to an end.

I spent over an hour reading and saving the entirety of this thread. It was new, it was almost alien to see what was OC to me. For once…

For once in these last few years of informational purgatory, for once I wasnt dragging my body through MKultra quicksand and trying to ignore the sloughing of my soul into a muddy abyss.

Its so raw, its so ugly to read this all but its so fucking joyous to know that I'm not the only who sees it as it is. In all it's blatant, brutal blunt force trauma i am able to stop and digest just how bad things really are.

Let's not get overwhelmed anymore by it, no anon is an island and we dont have to shipwreck our lives onto the most deserted islands anymore.

Let's overwhelm (((them))) instead.

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a16b9a  No.2878

File: 6d2ca890c9e14fa⋯.png (70.81 KB, 549x769, 549:769, man's mission manchildren.png)

File: 92a1d6b27ed66ba⋯.jpg (1.44 MB, 1546x1222, 773:611, npc.jpg)

File: 2a899b486b5f15f⋯.png (307.55 KB, 1878x780, 313:130, Whitepill.png)

File: 1c880c780ab8fbb⋯.png (161.18 KB, 1786x728, 893:364, Jewish problem.png)

File: de753229b29ec78⋯.jpg (168.43 KB, 1042x752, 521:376, 1548610837663.jpg)


I understand you anon, it's why I've always love thread like these : it give so much informations, it's both ugly but , it's also beautiful for me as well to know and see the truth of things…

I don't know if you saw it anon but just in case , there's a huge as fuck folder with a fuckton of infos for you if you desire : that's where all my redpills are.



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375d06  No.3226

bump for truth

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c1aa6c  No.3234

File: e8a49ca3f2aa661⋯.jpg (1.12 MB, 1200x2203, 1200:2203, 1572737588605.jpg)

File: 453d8b4205073cb⋯.png (317.18 KB, 952x717, 952:717, 1562376300422.png)

File: ac10fb3615c1f43⋯.png (429.98 KB, 650x553, 650:553, 1572734446577.png)

File: 7305a048da1d8e0⋯.jpg (59.26 KB, 680x565, 136:113, 1575752957111.jpg)

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89f3da  No.3239

File: de37b42e66a823c⋯.jpg (399.32 KB, 1100x1388, 275:347, femin virus.jpg)

File: 2e8078f7a2831ee⋯.png (485.29 KB, 800x600, 4:3, feminist with hipster fash….png)

File: fd2d887bfe575b5⋯.jpg (151.33 KB, 1200x1144, 150:143, Male_Feminist_450.jpg)


>pic 4

>blonde dude sporting a hipster slickhair with sidecut and nu-beard

Whoever made that pic should have picked a better hair style instead of whatever crap that's coming out of the fashion industry these days.

And speaking of feminists, anyone managed to screencap the threads that mention the femin virus and how it caused the Bronze Age Collapse, as well as how it influences the infected into making and doing shit such as carving statues and symbols of some unidentified snake goddess and shit.

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e2d2df  No.3250


>imageboard brain

>alongside brain cancer images


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a16b9a  No.3357

File: d9138dd5caf3e2d⋯.png (490.78 KB, 2476x1004, 619:251, truc.png)

File: 1ea64aa5d867681⋯.png (659.7 KB, 1601x511, 1601:511, Pol_teach_for_america.png)

File: e9b798d48df7218⋯.png (250.08 KB, 793x725, 793:725, e9b798d48df7218a7897e4ba31….png)

File: 86d87f72aa72583⋯.png (36.24 KB, 768x361, 768:361, 2-742.png)

File: 8456f773b67f42d⋯.png (204.65 KB, 1202x285, 1202:285, non-whites don't care.png)

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630212  No.3450

File: 8b7e69d20a49128⋯.jpeg (357.18 KB, 2252x1283, 2252:1283, Grateful.jpeg)

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e3e597  No.3453


The vast majority of Jews were in the region the USSR "liberated."

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a16b9a  No.10896

File: b923a164afe40db⋯.png (958.79 KB, 3108x2652, 259:221, Race.png)

File: d374768fd398559⋯.png (265.38 KB, 1884x1720, 471:430, Make up of a nation.png)

File: 4776db63481d7b8⋯.png (573.99 KB, 1721x833, 1721:833, not as kind.png)

File: 4895b756f6b10ec⋯.png (70.11 KB, 1882x340, 941:170, Hitler's words.png)

File: 8b65bedc581618f⋯.png (394.98 KB, 1900x830, 190:83, Darkest days of Humanity.png)

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912fef  No.11042

File: 20bf8d166cb2895⋯.jpg (130.89 KB, 720x879, 240:293, IMG_3809.JPG)

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1ef36c  No.11602

File: 804f439113ca848⋯.jpg (94.87 KB, 800x460, 40:23, 05089b8857bf94c5118ab8aefb….jpg)

File: 6d9394bad7204a4⋯.jpg (177.65 KB, 1594x1068, 797:534, 1567765071704.jpg)

File: 49d0134f1a0b503⋯.png (511.9 KB, 1559x1115, 1559:1115, afr.png)

File: c16dd0bb6f42df1⋯.png (73.5 KB, 1562x590, 781:295, africa weather.png)

File: 91345774992e140⋯.png (2.17 MB, 1809x4531, 1809:4531, Africa.png)


These Africa caps are hilarious, and a pleasure to read. Suspension of disbelief needed, obviously, but if something like this is possible to happen, Africa is the most likely place.


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1ef36c  No.11604

File: 9212d46d660cd22⋯.jpg (257.95 KB, 1551x805, 1551:805, africa3.jpg)

File: 7d51dea771abd10⋯.jpg (763.41 KB, 1244x2880, 311:720, africaa.jpg)

File: c98844b56b4476a⋯.jpg (1.27 MB, 1280x4079, 1280:4079, african para.jpg)

File: 4eeaecca20c5db9⋯.png (473.26 KB, 1197x863, 1197:863, boer1.PNG)

File: 7d0e83f541f4168⋯.png (613.24 KB, 593x4000, 593:4000, Kill the Boer.png)

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1ef36c  No.11605

File: 4317ca1f54bd4ea⋯.png (39.08 KB, 1200x648, 50:27, school.png)

File: b33a26793f57862⋯.png (739.43 KB, 1786x930, 893:465, russia2.png)

File: 3e9918b8e360c50⋯.png (557.1 KB, 1786x929, 1786:929, russia3.png)

File: e4be03f6fbe70bb⋯.png (809.87 KB, 800x5132, 200:1283, ways that are dark.png)

File: 8f28bd5ec8b3d41⋯.png (2.5 MB, 1255x5323, 1255:5323, civilwar3.png)

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b767a4  No.12576

File: 29409398a9e9f05⋯.png (163.76 KB, 1562x229, 1562:229, IRA2.png)

File: 4f28077a044f2bb⋯.jpeg (525.78 KB, 987x853, 987:853, Neall Ellis.jpeg)

File: bc4c1ed388892ef⋯.png (2.09 MB, 1625x4593, 1625:4593, ETA.png)

File: 7c13e1e5af6fa2c⋯.jpg (1.1 MB, 1500x1753, 1500:1753, fake hate crimes.jpg)

File: b77787d66a43480⋯.png (2.62 MB, 1832x4692, 458:1173, IRA.png)

I hope the anon who wrote about the terror groups is still with us here.

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a16b9a  No.12589

File: 84348627cd3f7a9⋯.png (135.52 KB, 1178x985, 1178:985, Sierra leone.png)

File: 908464a4b5b0d6c⋯.png (2 MB, 1809x4531, 1809:4531, africa hell on earth.png)

File: bedaab9ed656c2a⋯.png (253.79 KB, 1884x1124, 471:281, Planned African genocide.png)

File: 8755b8c123b2051⋯.png (320.79 KB, 1550x827, 1550:827, Irredemeable subhuman.png)

File: 5a237446ee6d026⋯.png (464.94 KB, 1280x622, 640:311, A message to civic nationa….png)

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a16b9a  No.21040

File: 5a6a9c992017a0b⋯.png (703.92 KB, 1271x1357, 1271:1357, rothschild eyes.png)

File: 617ad0d651a1546⋯.png (719.9 KB, 3240x1244, 810:311, history repeat itself.png)

File: 82750e485fb4eb0⋯.png (45.9 KB, 1899x231, 633:77, Liberal.png)

File: 263b16e6405e541⋯.png (203.81 KB, 922x577, 922:577, leftists.png)

File: de1c635d1ce1d9b⋯.jpg (544.35 KB, 1920x967, 1920:967, Israel.jpg)

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a16b9a  No.21042

File: bc2192b900f90c2⋯.png (452.65 KB, 1908x1606, 954:803, New Nazi America.png)

File: f03aede95ce2440⋯.png (424.71 KB, 1912x1502, 956:751, country run by aristocracy.png)

File: 6a6411745e30d57⋯.png (635.89 KB, 1942x3504, 971:1752, helpful advice.png)

File: b2a68140c06f274⋯.png (117.28 KB, 1154x814, 577:407, counter race.png)

File: bacda6ca8fd9f2c⋯.gif (1.69 MB, 500x375, 4:3, american experiment is ove….gif)

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a16b9a  No.21043

File: 1ca889d08cc1285⋯.png (68.07 KB, 1900x262, 950:131, the good jews.png)

File: 601c8043c5dd59d⋯.png (560.95 KB, 3480x1598, 1740:799, blackpill.png)

File: 9b594138240c018⋯.png (1 MB, 1560x1030, 156:103, true blackpill.png)

File: 980ad5d8141570a⋯.png (154.97 KB, 2508x316, 627:79, jews problem.png)

File: ad221197fbf83d0⋯.jpg (81.67 KB, 1304x251, 1304:251, smart.jpg)

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a16b9a  No.21987

File: b5da0488501d5b0⋯.png (1.09 MB, 1776x2997, 16:27, Natsoc christianity.png)

File: d766bb84745fb4b⋯.png (46.83 KB, 1904x274, 952:137, Injustice create Hate.png)

File: d5522e2ef018d9d⋯.png (105.29 KB, 1850x591, 1850:591, Boomer punishment.png)

File: 24e153afa92032e⋯.png (1.56 MB, 3850x6628, 1925:3314, Toronto Protocol.png)

File: b57ee2152bfbe40⋯.png (213.54 KB, 1894x412, 947:206, You're the only one who ca….png)

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92cd77  No.22045


>last image

>morale boost thread

>“literally nobody cares, you’re all alone, it’s all over”

He’s not incorrect, but that title’s completely misleading and the post might be better not saved.

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a16b9a  No.22052


I may have titled that one incorrectly but you see the point.

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92cd77  No.22053


Oh, not your file name, I meant the in-image thread title. Everything the image says is correct, it’s just incongruous with the claim that it’s a morale BOOST thread…

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a16b9a  No.22055


Ah I see what you mean…. but no, while he is pretty realistic about… well everything that happened, he's still trying to be optimistic about it.

I remember having been in this thread : they were a good amount of feel-sharing post and a couple of whitepill given in it…


It was pretty nice really…

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a16b9a  No.22056


And yeah, it's the same thread that was there on 8pol before the clean up..

I've never had any idea how zigforum somehow "archived" thread on 8chan /pol/ and I still don't.

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8891ca  No.22057


This is the biggest most comprehensive one I have ever seen… Much of it is lost and it is still the biggest I have ever seen. TONS of good shit in it still though.

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a16b9a  No.22108

File: 1f015412a33cf01⋯.png (1.94 MB, 2400x3090, 80:103, Why the National Socialist….png)

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a16b9a  No.22110


And thanks, absolutely fucking huge holy shit.

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3c93e7  No.31168


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669c7e  No.31570

File: 24395a9236d45ab⋯.jpg (187.68 KB, 834x976, 417:488, 9cl3.jpg)

Hello fellas. I discovered this continuation of 8/pol yesterday and I feel like it’s Christmas morning. I missed you guys and now I will share with you what I have accumulated over the years from pol. You who is reading this may have been responsible for this collection by posting the right thing at the right time. It’s not much but it’s something to give you an edge on a lot of topics. Some folders are severely lacking I know.



Also, some VERY informative documentaries and good red pills for normies as well.

THE NAZI ECONOMY - https://www.bitchute.com/video/Ld8fxzEXZ2Qz/

JORDAN PETERSON AND THE JQ - https://www.bitchute.com/video/eR8OTk0ol1aj/ (This one speaks of jews and the power they wield and that basically Peterson is a hypocritical retarded tool.)

JEWISH TRIBALISM RESHAPING AMERICA - https://www.bitchute.com/video/AU6ELyRBqDri/ (jews behind Trans-Atlantic Slavery and Immigration changes in America)

We will make it anons.

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2dbbd6  No.32352

File: d7ed444286edbdd⋯.jpg (91.26 KB, 1500x500, 3:1, nyan_eleben_media_fakery.jpg)


-the JQ: this one is most major & fundamental. We cover this a lot here. Joke#1488 What's the difference between Hitler & The Holocaust™? Hitler Actually Happened.

-our lost culture(s): now's the best time i've seen to reclaim; more and more writings available, books and books in pdf form, of course.I guess I recommend David Irving and William Luther Pierce, both fuckin excellent dudes.

-drugs: learning tools; consumables which produce actual effects. Of course they're illegal in many cases, ZOG wouldn't want us common rabble to have access to healing tools and effects-get consumables. pretty sure LSD & Meth can make you psychic, worked for me tbh. Many people are just A Waste of Drugs - addicts, not adepts. Part of being good at drugs is being good at -not doing drugs-.

If you're addicted to something forgive yourself, finish the pattern and try again from a point of sobriety.

tbh I went out of my way to become -proficient- in the use of and experience with, various types. Many are just worth a try. (I have no idea how anyone is ever addicted to heroin, for example, or fentanyl - they're not even good. Waffen SS used methamphetamine to great effect, tbh, if you can use it to do self improvement so can you.

-Drugs 1999: in 1999 all year the MSM blew up the rave underground. Suddenly everything was djs glowsticks ecstacy and turntables. GlaxoSmithKline overproduced Fort Dodge Ketamine and it was a decent drug. Useful learning tool. Ecstacy and other (so-called) club drugs everywhere, weed, mushrooms, lsd, etc. There'd be a batch of great E pills one weekend then many times, the following weekend a clone batch - looks the same, doesn't work, low-grade headache pills. Turns out Israel and their US & other ZOG pharma were overproducing certain drugs and many fakes of these. Clearly centrally controlled phenomenon, media pushing the ruination of the underground festival and dj culture, suddenly mainstreamed, meaninglessnessed, a husk of itself by 2000, then 9/11 and shitty country music that persists to this day.

-Sexualing: do self improves, avoid sociopaths, if possible turn down the temporary. Sometimes temp relationships are "recommendable," worth the time and attention. Mostly not.

don't get STDs. Scent checks and Doin' it with the lights on = surprisingly effective ways to avoid STDs.

-music: tbh, civil disobedience, misfits, circle jerks, faith no more and lots of drumnbass keep working for me. and Tyrant Fashister. dnbradio.com is a mostly helpful stream, typically good drumnbass. don't like it? don't use it.

-mainstream music actors: these people are social management class perps, like crisis actors and NASA.

-NASA: they fake that shit. fucking all of it. hate to see blue-pilled anons or straight up perps on here or any /pol/ being 'proud' of the "moon landing." fucking herbs lol

-high altitude footage: nice. check some out.

-social management: biggest hurdle. These sociopaths need to be stopped, jewish and not.

-media fakery: I made a super nice threasd about this last month. got pruned real quick after my 2 saged replies didn't shake me. At least one of the pnd mods is a social management pedocult collaborator, sad to say, unless they can stop Shutting Down september clues, the real 9/11 truth.


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b3e895  No.37411

File: fc51cce5139a0f7⋯.png (173.4 KB, 553x562, 553:562, 6e82c17577bc3c5ea571a903d0….png)

File: 6cd72aec53caec2⋯.jpg (93.35 KB, 674x672, 337:336, 8be5a6fed6439323cc337401cd….jpg)

File: c5707499595c84e⋯.jpg (291.91 KB, 986x761, 986:761, 13a90603d6de6ae3f4d3082bb7….jpg)

File: 9f0019aaaec3c47⋯.png (919.34 KB, 1308x1353, 436:451, 45922d0bc4612e37f0c3f6280a….png)

File: f41dbe92a59a5ae⋯.gif (81.34 KB, 724x940, 181:235, 1568831934281.gif)

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b3e895  No.37412

File: c7a3211317b485b⋯.png (355.03 KB, 1158x1621, 1158:1621, 08b7460fbe2fa1b4de7571e9b7….png)

File: ad23fbfc709ae63⋯.jpg (134.15 KB, 602x430, 7:5, 94a5fa738a51fe004ed125d338….jpg)

File: cf4a1926e3c3f32⋯.jpg (121.92 KB, 557x576, 557:576, 66982108bf5ee05c7307053de2….jpg)

File: ed2303408d6fd88⋯.jpg (512.76 KB, 1524x1262, 762:631, b9730ea54b49c5f632f4bdeb5b….jpg)

File: 50d54080d7986a5⋯.jpg (67.59 KB, 548x512, 137:128, ce92218619418609fe45b2a288….jpg)

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b3e895  No.37414

File: 515cfc546504844⋯.jpg (52.14 KB, 448x394, 224:197, 9f3aa661f298d55f39da5aa26f….jpg)

File: 057b782a02ac6d7⋯.png (193.43 KB, 370x475, 74:95, 658e51ef2100905afcb67e09ce….png)

File: d5fe6a1488c529b⋯.jpg (214.25 KB, 719x641, 719:641, 1570668677343.jpg)

File: 40314ff591ec445⋯.jpg (44.43 KB, 444x296, 3:2, b2bf65147d0d3d226bf715896b….jpg)

File: 6ce772efd80f96d⋯.jpg (29.71 KB, 576x372, 48:31, f01609dca4f7ad28fcbb4b8e30….jpg)

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b3e895  No.37415

File: a66eb465d2cd4da⋯.jpg (3.72 MB, 3457x2990, 3457:2990, 1568379713757.jpg)

File: 76274af2c3c9889⋯.jpg (3.88 MB, 4500x4602, 750:767, 1568412283049.jpg)

File: 09ad8c3fe18792a⋯.gif (164.75 KB, 608x1080, 76:135, 1568424776871.gif)

File: 2ff111017e5b288⋯.jpg (131.57 KB, 841x673, 841:673, 1568740221789.jpg)

File: 030603fadd4e610⋯.png (2.55 MB, 1498x2459, 1498:2459, ADL.png)

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b3e895  No.37416

File: 901db448bf5225c⋯.png (92.36 KB, 523x265, 523:265, 4311bca7ad77dcc7c6e9c21aaf….png)

File: 6daf962d3ac1655⋯.jpg (1.63 MB, 3646x2111, 3646:2111, 3311073086bfec877c750d36ee….jpg)

File: b8f13ba6840c2f1⋯.jpg (1.19 MB, 2014x2752, 1007:1376, a9144aba8ad5a70707de2ed41c….jpg)

File: 99c5370776dceb7⋯.jpg (80.18 KB, 637x446, 637:446, f031dc0e0888d9a85ebaf66973….jpg)

File: 7ccba7228fa2e4c⋯.jpg (161.78 KB, 800x868, 200:217, f34b8dc5deed587a56b4c08ec4….jpg)

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b3e895  No.37417

File: 96460cf3c712f00⋯.png (2.41 MB, 1560x1830, 52:61, 5a28a4c98e00a46fe4f41a3e72….png)

File: 46ee0ee6b411c97⋯.png (8.69 MB, 3375x5175, 15:23, 61bfb2476893b2dd7f3e4549bc….png)

File: 1f3776fd3238c8f⋯.jpg (1.62 MB, 2832x3916, 708:979, 557f593fb91f020a3583811467….jpg)

File: d0e8c46fc2646d2⋯.jpg (117.8 KB, 600x800, 3:4, a041011fe4b626cf6367698206….jpg)

File: b59947311d92d2c⋯.jpg (1.12 MB, 2496x2590, 1248:1295, ce5ea7f45cd19487debc44e35d….jpg)

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b3e895  No.37419

File: 68f040ec8f37e6a⋯.jpg (140.12 KB, 542x1099, 542:1099, 7f8d057f3d702d7d89a902c0ca….jpg)

File: 0c562d2b051dbbd⋯.jpg (1.17 MB, 1280x2952, 160:369, 34aa7ddccd56743d545ac30087….jpg)

File: d40842b63195ba7⋯.jpg (116.16 KB, 650x572, 25:22, 37eb4b64efdc276191958c2708….jpg)

File: 3891fd84aa9ca76⋯.jpg (124.48 KB, 831x1080, 277:360, 83a9e7bef8d13f1cb10e18fb65….jpg)

File: 70d3e9bdf395577⋯.jpg (107.87 KB, 710x644, 355:322, 178faefde1e79771a5c25ff171….jpg)

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b3e895  No.37420

File: 03f944783ae6a74⋯.png (1010.36 KB, 952x1103, 952:1103, 8ecb0aefb7e45c06ff48992b8a….png)

File: aec106ad5a5c044⋯.png (2.37 MB, 1452x2546, 726:1273, 74ede5e46b5f01356bcd3b2762….png)

File: 4af1f45445b5cfe⋯.png (645 KB, 600x878, 300:439, 944a8344ef4cb1f45f5d12ec51….png)

File: 4df7ac94e553e50⋯.jpg (295.97 KB, 632x723, 632:723, a116e53457fea1b1f22955dd81….jpg)

File: 5b19bb0aad12d47⋯.jpg (986.25 KB, 2000x1709, 2000:1709, d027ee4f47d76a6dfb091e6b71….jpg)

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b3e895  No.37421

File: 549c7d7b6735fe9⋯.jpg (58.88 KB, 720x710, 72:71, 3b87963a1f8216af84290a3f00….jpg)

File: 94b12bce6c647f2⋯.jpg (280.74 KB, 974x928, 487:464, 9d4d1b0e7e26235ed672e8dafd….jpg)

File: 1a635bed00f88b0⋯.jpg (23 KB, 480x368, 30:23, b082e25947faa79b29a61a9408….jpg)

File: 2ac7a7b17cc2953⋯.jpg (129.84 KB, 1024x512, 2:1, c4ca73e57f06b78aba2cf8de3c….jpg)

File: 303ec14eb434229⋯.jpg (88.95 KB, 800x569, 800:569, cd75556ad3274c354ba6fb63e1….jpg)

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b3e895  No.37423

File: c50e5e196262cbb⋯.gif (417.76 KB, 1300x2777, 1300:2777, 73a297062b441f2e30ecb331c9….gif)

File: 9391ad36c3795bd⋯.jpg (244.21 KB, 720x722, 360:361, 9294507c1726761ea979feb840….jpg)

File: a2bb4e11e1ba972⋯.png (124.25 KB, 1200x900, 4:3, 1568740568772.png)

File: b0d9c4e8f88c78e⋯.jpg (155.46 KB, 480x480, 1:1, 1570559187560.jpg)

File: 44b121c65eaa3d7⋯.jpg (165.46 KB, 960x906, 160:151, a03d76a57bc513ee7e442189fb….jpg)

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b3e895  No.37425

File: 725e06d7f7d1d81⋯.jpg (258.66 KB, 1372x986, 686:493, 3a2b38e0ecd4590f7a649de049….jpg)

File: 30873fdfb431f51⋯.jpg (101.61 KB, 900x313, 900:313, 17fc1fc5bbabd60f437b330c0f….jpg)

File: 7e5f137b9e4bb6d⋯.jpg (3.87 MB, 8000x5583, 8000:5583, 644710ef68c817ec617245c548….jpg)

File: 53b26e66b7ef5b4⋯.jpg (560.49 KB, 1907x2250, 1907:2250, 1568334176679.jpg)

File: 1b9f5339ac9d7ba⋯.jpg (1023.89 KB, 3816x3464, 477:433, ee62e9f8f69461531043789bc7….jpg)

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b3e895  No.37428

File: 6c8b7066c69d54f⋯.jpg (1.34 MB, 1200x3166, 600:1583, 4ed44f88030c394a9e9c2cc69a….jpg)

File: 4872268f6dca6c3⋯.jpg (97.96 KB, 540x546, 90:91, 8559ba2999df7abb681d368edf….jpg)

File: 45a503f975b68bc⋯.png (107.51 KB, 1237x1017, 1237:1017, 1568481934764.png)

File: 390b452f0a98b0a⋯.gif (858.87 KB, 2970x2483, 2970:2483, 1579843438619.gif)

File: 4d8b667f5b7ffa9⋯.png (3.17 MB, 1990x1852, 995:926, 1579845071152.png)

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b3e895  No.37429

File: 899a2fb4f93300e⋯.jpg (1.28 MB, 1000x4500, 2:9, 163af126fbed091c8c6822b248….jpg)

File: b4ae6799a6aa2ed⋯.jpg (338.64 KB, 1536x2048, 3:4, a4e2ddb64da8a8d260d3ec39be….jpg)

File: dc66c05a66036e4⋯.jpg (474.63 KB, 1152x1008, 8:7, a50a57f058aba46959fe2c1b33….jpg)

File: 8ffb9c427c5a4c9⋯.jpg (121.67 KB, 683x743, 683:743, e0a327429b66be1ccc5f90ec13….jpg)

File: 42e33016ab82317⋯.png (442.6 KB, 1008x757, 1008:757, e3c703114f1bfa65c2aa2ff519….png)

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3d1160  No.37430

File: c71d9f4afeecb7f⋯.jpg (1.99 MB, 2273x4698, 2273:4698, Was it really worth it.jpg)

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b3e895  No.37432

File: 552674b5d56197b⋯.png (2.92 MB, 543x10000, 543:10000, 1fcca64817c67260b8234300aa….png)

File: 1698a9bc5119877⋯.jpg (57.06 KB, 574x379, 574:379, 3e9eeb196a0525df30d39570fd….jpg)

File: 613ee6693666dcc⋯.jpg (154.06 KB, 630x847, 90:121, 9e505c73f5633a1910f74fdb0f….jpg)

File: 08cb5ca5b91ba47⋯.jpg (399.82 KB, 1200x849, 400:283, 4658f412a647d01f8e464982bd….jpg)

File: 741a43b14dbd95b⋯.jpg (119.84 KB, 587x807, 587:807, ab5b16e3f3c89d65411fad6b7a….jpg)

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b3e895  No.37434

File: afe07f941f76b5c⋯.jpg (594.4 KB, 564x928, 141:232, 074c8239d45a9ff362096668f6….jpg)

File: 99afe43e447174a⋯.jpg (152.14 KB, 1200x1200, 1:1, 74afe8bf9de8148e5db1b2dbe7….jpg)

File: 379ad78900f32cf⋯.png (295.79 KB, 864x1536, 9:16, 075c7d16f237105b378aee13af….png)

File: 911cfb9152c40a9⋯.jpg (384.53 KB, 1984x1219, 1984:1219, 97563bfc9de867e135ebf5b013….jpg)

File: aa408c1247954e5⋯.jpg (134.44 KB, 640x928, 20:29, acda1702778e965134741b693a….jpg)

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b3e895  No.37436

File: dfb5849dcbaa2cf⋯.jpeg (190.93 KB, 938x714, 67:51, 4deb9b817b463a6b3f4fce970….jpeg)

File: 96e1a35d71f7ad6⋯.jpg (80.69 KB, 819x960, 273:320, 6f3c8a9514e1a2595b3e99a9fe….jpg)

File: c492b7371b305f2⋯.jpg (189.26 KB, 894x960, 149:160, 7a4f31e5651bcaec76b7d90623….jpg)

File: d8fc90af8a99cee⋯.jpg (138.2 KB, 926x694, 463:347, 9b02136890fb203c974bc1c9b1….jpg)

File: 812b0eafe68ad49⋯.jpg (217.44 KB, 624x810, 104:135, 9dceab787b8e6ab0dcb9c402c7….jpg)

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b3e895  No.37437

File: 620f9cdf3445465⋯.jpg (94.45 KB, 720x720, 1:1, 58a5b360984bef4194cc91a6b9….jpg)

File: 0e916c91a8a6519⋯.png (342.52 KB, 1024x1261, 1024:1261, 72af24c16ae456ea0be80c3193….png)

File: 03cd01586eb89d4⋯.png (454.36 KB, 700x1200, 7:12, 2740bfebd5897e2a470192a606….png)

File: 635154d0685bb61⋯.jpg (92.69 KB, 1024x721, 1024:721, cfc5fa21b243ba28c7c1a0d818….jpg)

File: e41a754fba7fcd6⋯.png (724.88 KB, 1000x2000, 1:2, eded666ebb198cb229557fd29a….png)

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b3e895  No.37439

File: 424275f25ddc9d6⋯.png (703.37 KB, 909x923, 909:923, 3fdae479e0c7053a758c175d58….png)

File: 2a5838a4de4f956⋯.webm (9.34 MB, 640x360, 16:9, jewish rabbi jews and mus….webm)

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b3e895  No.37443

File: 4d93384336bd6b0⋯.png (683.54 KB, 1123x769, 1123:769, 53aee7e22b8cb7b99e27acf700….png)

File: 7b61cdc515ec9c8⋯.png (286.81 KB, 1092x843, 364:281, 149d7f0c55dca9b839f717ac2b….png)

File: c82def545997b98⋯.jpg (373.76 KB, 722x655, 722:655, 243549352af00bbeffb63c8636….jpg)

File: 1ba88122196488d⋯.jpg (3.73 MB, 6656x3056, 416:191, 1568533091954.jpg)

File: 39c01ee6c97a455⋯.jpg (66.56 KB, 800x522, 400:261, 1568550808877.jpg)

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b3e895  No.37446

File: 983a7881a890f97⋯.jpg (603.41 KB, 1920x1080, 16:9, 1568518696367.jpg)

File: 31c71de3fce2f77⋯.jpg (156.04 KB, 688x960, 43:60, 1570475719004.jpg)

File: 7812c87db997749⋯.png (374.29 KB, 633x850, 633:850, a22d35c884e8438c50ecedf91e….png)

File: c2bdd207f5defed⋯.jpg (78.04 KB, 523x800, 523:800, db5169966d70bdce2eeb786764….jpg)

File: 4c0028d0b5d1ae6⋯.jpg (379.83 KB, 1624x1628, 406:407, df0291205322c25693d948df0e….jpg)

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b3e895  No.37449

File: c82312148849511⋯.png (138.48 KB, 511x2067, 511:2067, 97eed354d284bff239d4066222….png)

File: 3d02048c59157ea⋯.jpg (78.85 KB, 760x473, 760:473, 0549a21b92f95c1bbab8ff7976….jpg)

File: af1d837d10317a4⋯.jpg (642.23 KB, 2000x2000, 1:1, abaa3772275fac8947d3ef54c9….jpg)

File: 6766f2fd2fd0809⋯.jpg (124.07 KB, 639x457, 639:457, bb9a6eb33969d5ed1d327721b9….jpg)

File: d8713bea7eb0b06⋯.png (569.82 KB, 1173x1162, 1173:1162, f241a876b35b156eaff59e56b4….png)

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bb0c84  No.37459

File: 66501c13638b7ad⋯.png (7.32 MB, 6737x2125, 6737:2125, Spooky Religion.png)

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bb0c84  No.37461

File: 717d22d5590c1bb⋯.png (5.71 MB, 5220x3480, 3:2, Satanic Shills.png)

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bb0c84  No.37462

File: f593718e966c102⋯.png (1.36 MB, 1512x4472, 189:559, 733254372.png)

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bb0c84  No.37465

File: 4f1de63053335ad⋯.png (260.94 KB, 395x768, 395:768, 1309756424.png)

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bb0c84  No.37469

File: 3444c2653d22cee⋯.png (807.72 KB, 1092x862, 546:431, 7354632767.png)

File: 6b66c3d3614342f⋯.png (2.93 MB, 2598x1752, 433:292, 42134532523.png)

File: b831c69f5064d77⋯.png (5.05 MB, 1630x2721, 1630:2721, 87546536546.png)

File: b54779f07226bbf⋯.png (709.72 KB, 811x501, 811:501, YEA RIGHT.png)

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bb0c84  No.37470

The fact that vaccinated people and those who create vaccines and push them on all of us are afraid of unvaccinated people indicates to me that vaccines don't do anything at all.

Think about it, if vaccines actually work, all the vaccinated people will be totally fine and never get sick, and all the people who didn't get vaccinated will all simply get sick or die. If people who are vaccinated are afraid of those who did not vaccinate because they are afraid they will get sick even though they did vaccinate, then vaccines must not actually do anything.

Further more, those that talk about herd immunity don't seem to understand the fact that being vaccinated does not guarantee full immunity, and even a fully immunized person can still be a carrier of a disease even if they themselves are unaffected, which means that anyone can still catch and spread a disease to others even if they're totally unaffected, so what's the point of vaccines then anyways? Why give millions and billions of perfectly healthy people several vaccines that only have a trace dose of mercury (but OVER AND OVER AND OVER until it really adds up) to seemingly protect the one in twenty thousand people with weak immune systems that can be killed at any time by any random disease anyway? Why are we told that we need to get vaccinated for 17 different viruses or bacteria, when there are trillions of different viruses and bacteria out there that could kill us all at any moment anyway? So 17 vaccines should make me feel safe even though I'm swimming through an ocean of other countless dangerous things? That's like wearing a bullet proof vest that only covers my nipples or something ridiculous like that. Why do vaccine companies feel the need to tell us all that all the horrible things that happen to us are all "in our head" like we're crazy and the wheelchairs are just imaginary!? Why don't vaccine companies just focus on a treatment for the few rare individuals with a weak immune system instead of forcing countless perfectly healthy people to recieve a dangerous and risky treatment that could do terrible things to them and their children?

These are just my opinions. Is this good logic?

in the 80's there was actually a law made that made vaccine companies immune to being sued. Why do vaccine companies need to be "immunized" against being sued if they're so confident in their products?

WARNING: one of these videos is incredibly sad. This one guy even lost a piece of his spinal cord from a reaction to a vaccine and that gave him hearing loss and loss of bladder control, lost sensation in his PENIS, face spasms, and left him damaged for life.















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bb0c84  No.37472

–1. If vaccinated people are so confident that vaccines work, why are they so afraid of those who are not vaccinated? If they are afraid, then vaccines don't work. If they are not afraid, then vaccines do work and they can leave everyone alone who doesn't want to take them–

–2. You can't get in the army, navy, or air force without signing your name and agreeing to get vaccinated. They just wont let you in. If vaccines work, then why did CNN admit that a US NAVY WARSHIP full of vaccinated personnel was quarantined because they caught the mumps or something similar? If even the vaccines given to navy personnel don't offer much protection and a full blown outbreak can happen warranting a full on quarantine, then what hope or protection do standard vaccines offer to normal and ordinary civilians?–

–3. Do rich people get vaccinated? Are their vaccines the same as everyone else's? Honest question. Lack of honest answers..–

-"A US warship has essentially been quarantined at sea for over two months and has been unable to make a port call due to an outbreak of a viral infection similar to mumps."

-"All seven hundred and three military personnel aboard the ship have received measles, mumps and rubella (MMR) booster vaccinations, according to the US Navy's Fifth Fleet headquartered in Bahrain."



–4. What are all of the ingredients used in vaccines? Have these ingredients been individually tested for safety? How about side effects, let alone any effects on the human body?–

–5. Why has there never been any Double Blind Randomized Placebo Controlled Studies on Vaccines? Remember when Monsanto used to tell us glyphosate and roundup was safe? Now they were hit with a 2 billion dollar lawsuit. Could the same thing happen to the pharmaceutical companies that make and sell vaccines one day, if it ever turns out they were wrong about vaccine safety? Actually the answer is NO! Pharmaceutical companies making and selling vaccines can't be sued because they're immune to being sued. What a coincidence. If one multi-billion dollar corporation can lie to us and be proven wrong and sued for causing people harm, who is to say that it could never happen again? The question is- Are we being hurt? And why is it so difficult for pharmaceutical companies to give anyone a straight answer to that question, other than telling us that everything is fine with absolutely no proof?–








-"(1) No vaccine manufacturer shall be liable in a civil action for damages arising from a vaccine-related injury or death associated with the administration of a vaccine after October 1, 1988, if the injury or death resulted from side effects that were unavoidable even though the vaccine was properly prepared and was accompanied by proper directions and warnings."

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bb0c84  No.37473

-Youtube (owned by Google) demonetized anti-vaccine channels after Buzzfeef contacts advertisers https://archive.is/22Blt

-Congressman Adam Schiff (California) sent a letter to Jeff Bezos expressing concern over a CNN report showing amazon was showing anti-vaccination books and videos in the search results and also displaying them in sponsored posts. Schiff personally effectively asked Bezos to stop suggesting these titles out of duty to act responsibly. https://archive.is/ZoX4e

-Soon after, Amazon took down anti-vaccine documentaries from prime video streaming https://archive.is/MIMFb

-Wikipedia now has a page called vaccine hesitancy https://archive.is/WSraR

There is now a clear effort between both Corporate and Governmental groups to silence free speech they disagree with and do not want promoted.

-Soon after, Facebook (Mark Zuckerberg) also stated in an article that they too will also be cracking down on anti-vaccine content and that they will no longer allow these groups to promote their information through ads or recommendations and will make those topics less prominent in search results. https://archive.is/hqWkn

Doctor Peter Hotez (appeared very recently on the Joe Rogan show only days after these events) is attempting to mobilize against anyone who disagrees with the interests of the people who push the vaccine agenda and said "An American antivaccine movement is building and we need to take steps now to snuff it out." and has been parroting many of the same comments that Bill Gates has made on the topic of vaccinations. Doctor Peter Hotez has also accused Anti-Vaccine Families of being "a hate group that hate our family and hate our children" because he disagrees with their freedom to make their own choices. (interview here) https://invidio.us/watch?v=dodsGp37M50

Here have a tucker interview too. https://invidio.us/watch?v=YFDvkOaMgdc

If you can just label any group you want as a hate group, and then automatically label anything they say as hate speech, then you can shut down anyone you disagree with.

Sounds familar doesn't it?

If you can just label any group you want as mentally ill, and then automatically label anything they say as crazy talk, then you can shut down anyone you disagree with.

Just like Sluggish Schizophrenia in Communist Soviet Russia. The new "hate" twist is being used because they can't label everyone as mentally ill and it's much easier to just accuse large amounts of people of being full of "hate" whenever they disagree with the globalist agenda because if they look angry, they must have hate inside them right? Lets totally ignore that good people have good reasons to be angry about bad things and that wanting to protect your family has nothing to do with hate.

This is nothing but a disgusting elaborate attempt to shut down the first amendment right of an entire group of people who have the right to talk about these things and have a right to choose what they do or don't put in their body.

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bb0c84  No.37474

-Peter Hotez got his phd at Rockefeller University. (Rockefeller family has been a huge promoter of vaccines worldwide for the entire 20th century)

-Got his medical degree from Cornell (Right across the street from Rockefeller University)

-He Ran the Sabin Vaccine Institute in dc (named after Albert Sabin who developed the oral polio vaccine) (the oral vaccine was discontinued in the US because it caused vaccine associated paralytic polio)

-In 2000 he led a global effort to rename diseases

-He promoted "Preventative Chemotherapy". Wait.. Preventative Chemotherapy…??? What?

-Between 2000 and 2011 he served as proffessor at George Washington University and during that time in 2004 he co-wrote and op-ed with the vice president for home land security at George Washing University calling openly for a renewal of the industrial-academic-military complex to develope new vaccines.

-Doctor Peter Hotez also collaborated with MilliporeSigma, a Merck and company life sciences business.

-Doctor Peter Hotez is also a consultant to the Bill and Melinda Gates Foundation. He claims he doesn't get a penny but It was reported in may 2007 that the Bill and Melinda Gates Foundation gave Doctor Peter Hotez $52 million dollars to fund his labs.

-Since 2017 Doctor Peter Hotez has also been saying that Facebook, Twitter, Amazon, Yahoo, Google, Reddit, Pinterest, And instagram should each recruit their own Chief Scientific Officer to manage, filter, and regulate content.

-Doctor Peter Hotez is essentially calling for censorship of everything he disagrees with and the destruction of the first amendment, Freedom of Speech.

-He is also angry that he has a pro-vaccine book on amazon that's in 20th place behind many other Anti-Vaccine books.

Amazon stated that the list isn't curated and simply reflects the books that customers are purchasing. If his book is 20th it is because not as many people are buying it.

-Doctor Peter Hotez stated when asked why he wrote the book and started talking about vaccines and autism at that time (and not some other time) he replied "I felt I was losing the battle to the anti-vaccine lobby. I felt it was a public service or duty to do everything I can to slow down the anti-vaccine movement."

This was from a quote made in Nov 2018 on Matzav.com "The jewish world at your fingertips" I'm not even joking. https://archive.is/BVUxH

-Julia Belluz: Changing people’s minds is difficult — and part of the problem is the mistrust of experts and the medical establishment. You’re part of that establishment. Why do you think people will listen to and trust you?

-Peter Hotez: Well, I’m part of the establishment, and then again, I’m really not. Although I’m a vaccine scientist heading the Texas Children’s Hospital Center for Vaccine Development, we’re a nonprofit that does not take vaccine industry funding.

Here's Peter Hotez talking about "Crafting Your Scientist Brand"



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bb0c84  No.37475

The United Nations is pushing their vaccine agenda as "The Rights of Children" at the same time as they are restricting the rights of parents to choose what is put into their childrens bodies. They don't want a debate over anyone's natural God given rights. In other words, They want to force it on everyone. With Force.

"It is not a choice. It is a requirement as a parent." -Doctor Peter Hotez. https://invidio.us/watch?v=OIiz54ecS_4

-National Vaccine Injury Compensation Program https://archive.is/bFmwx https://archive.is/f8JDF

-How does the VICP work?

-The National Vaccine Injury Compensation Program is a no-fault alternative to the traditional legal system for resolving vaccine injury petitions.

-is a no-fault alternative to the traditional legal system


-In very rare cases, a vaccine can cause a serious problem, such as a severe allergic reaction.

-a vaccine can cause a serious problem


-These claims against vaccine manufacturers cannot normally be filed in state or federal civil courts, but instead must be heard in the U.S. Court of Federal Claims, sitting without a jury.

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bb0c84  No.37477

Problems with taking pharmaceutical drugs, illegal drugs, or drinking to "feel better"

>Focusing on false happiness gained by becoming intoxicated makes you even more depressed in the long run because you become sick with the dishonesty and artificiality of it all

>Using fake happiness as an opportunity to create true meaning to give you the strength to crawl out of a pit of depression is like taking illegal steroids to get big muscles.

If you need to be drugged to find some kind of meaning, That's evidence that you couldn't find any meaning in the first place. (Which is why you are depressed) You're not broken. You're being honest with yourself about the fact that the world around you is broken. Bad environment-Bad feelings. Naturally! If you are depressed, you are having a healthy reaction to an unhealthy world. It's not your fault. The world is just a bad place full of bad people. You probably feel bad, because you are a good person in a bad place. You are better than everyone else because you actually realized what was going on. You observed the world around you and came to the conclusion that it's a bad place faster than everyone else. You are a good seed that can't grow into a good tree because you are in bad soil. Pushing pills on depressed people is like throwing the night watchman in jail for spotting a burglar or yelling at the canary in the coal mine for getting poisoned by the gas. It's literal victim blaming. People are being treated as the main criminals in the cause of their own depression and thrown under the bus and ignored. Nobody seems to take all of these sad people as a warning flag for the state wellbeing of not just their country, but of the whole world. If all these people are so sad and miserable, there must be a very big reason. The world we live in is sick, and depressed people (among the many other people with other problems) are just a symptom. So yet again, the pharmaceutical companies are perpetually treating the symptom of the disease for endless profit, and nobody cares to find the root causes of the problems we all face. Nobody wants to make a cure.

What's the difference between a person on antidepressants and a meth addict?

The meth addict admits the world around them is bad

Tell me something- If taking drugs and antidepressants doesn't actually make the world around you become a better place, Is it actually making your own self a worse place so that you don't notice the difference anymore?

People don't take drugs or drink to make their problems go away, People take drugs or drink so that they can forget and lie to themselves about the problems they can't fix.

If most of these drugs have side effects including increased risk of suicidal thoughts, It's no wonder at all! Being dishonest with yourself makes you feel sick to your stomach.

It is Bad to feel Good about being in a Bad place.

The truth is that just like eating unhealthy junk makes the body fat or sick, experiencing a junky and unhealthy experience around us makes our soul feel sick.

You are not broken, WE are not broken, but rather the world around us is broken.

"It is no measure of good health to conform to an ill society."

>Life sucks

>Because the world sucks

>Have healthy reaction to unhealthy world by obviously feeling bad


>What does it do?

>It fucks with your brain chemistry to trick you into feeling like everything is really alright when it obviously isn't!


>No! there's more!

>Next you will slowly realise how dishonest with yourself the pill is forcing you to be by making you pretend to feel happy when really deep inside you feel REALLY bad because now you aren't even expressing yourself and are bottling up your depression inside!

>by the way, these pills increase the risk of suicidal thoughts!

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bb0c84  No.37478

If I need to take a drug or pay some the-rapist $100 an hour to help me cloud my judgement enough to get myself to do something I wouldn't normally do, It's probbaly something I wasn't doing for a very good reason.


>Millions and Billions of intelligent critically thinking kids with excellent observation and reasoning and THINKING skills depressed because the world around them is a very bad environment

>They are empathetic and so they FEEL bad

>They FEEL


>This is a problem for the swampy deep state because people who feel will eventually try to fix what was wrong that made them feel bad for it is only human nature to try to fix and improve things.

>The thing is that people don't understand or aren't taught by anyone that the feeling isn't a bad thing. The feeling is just a warning system to alert you to something that is wrong in the bigger picture. It's okay to feel feelings, and feelings help you better understand whats going on, but the source of those feelings must absolutely be acknowledged; but this becomes a problem when people are not allowed, and even punished for trying to solve the problems that made them feel bad.

>Just shut up, eyes forward, stay in line, don't question, don't ask, don't wonder, and don't you dare talk out of turn, and dare you not ever even hope to dream a single dream of something greater.

>Instead we are taught that an unjust world is just, and we are taught that our FEELINGS are BAD, and that people who have FEELINGS are WEAK. This is a great and terrible deception.

>FEELINGS and THOUGHTS are falsely defamed as DISEASES that must be cured with poison that is dressed as medicine as wolf is dressed in sheeps clothing.

>At best you are left with a person UNTHINKING and UNFEELING that cares not and loves not for anything. An APATHETIC ZOMBIE. a dead person walking with the mask of a fake smile.

>very sad.

>At worst, you get an apathetic killer (very sad and messed up) (Every school shooter ever) (Guess what most of them were taking internally with a glass of water every day)

>We are living in a world where people are being deceived into having their empathy disabled with drugs to fool them into believing that they are in a state of "healthy coping" or false recovery as their lies towards themselves become more and more profound until they just don't care anymore because they CAN'T. People who can't care about anything having absolutely nothing left, and people who have absolutely nothing left are not held within the bounds of any moral or ethical code, and are capable of doing anything.

>This is of course, a very bad thing.

>Imagine a world where everyone is this way.

>There is not a single person left that cares about anything.

>A complete and total lack of self awarenesss and awareness in general of anything and everything. Death and nothing beyond.

>This is the end goal of the satanic globalist communist socialist atheist democrat liberal left and their dirty rotten swampy deep state.

They will fail. God will win. God always wins.

I'm not a doctor or a mental health professional, or any kind of professional in any way. Ask your doctor and mental health professional before stopping or starting anything, or doing or not doing anything.

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bb0c84  No.37479

The Unspoken Truth behind school shooters


"beta uprising" and why the mainstream media is so focused on portraying school shooters as mindless non-humans who did it for absolutely no reason other than because they are crazy while simultaneously using this as anti-gun and 2nd amendment destroying propaganda.

I have noticed an ongoing theme to the school shootings in the usa; specifically the shootings that involve the shooter being a student who actually went to that school, how the mainstream media decides to report/USE it, and how the school systems seem to respond to it.

it always appears the same way.

>breaking news! serious bad happenings!

>shots fired at local school!




>come on news! release more information!

>we regret to say that X amount of people are dead

>suspect is believed to be (evil bad person who did this for no reason's name)

I'm not saying that what the person did was right, it was very wrong indeed but follow me for a moment with this.

>and then endless reporting for months on why guns are bad and how that "this school is a gun free zone" sticker on the schools door TOTALLY stopped the shooter

>then a bunch of talk about how the family was this or that and how the shooter had mental issues (but lets leave out that they were all high on prescription drugs that increase the risk of suicidal thoughts and destroy learning! thanks doc!) https://archive.is/L9opF

and then finally in late 2016 things coming out like

>"how to notice a potential beta uprising"


>"how to notice the early warning signs for some person completely freaking out and doing something horrible"

but then the hypocracy of the whole thing hit me like a train; "why the fuck are teachers and students being told that they should learn how to recognize the early warning signs of the very monster they all contributed in creating?"

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bb0c84  No.37480

I and many other people had a nightmarish experience in school being overwhelmed and overworked by multiple hateful, bitter, and careless teachers who competed to see who could give the students the least amount of teaching and learning and the most amount of testing and quizzing, or who could give out the most school work out of the multiple teachers you were supposed to attend classes with throughout the day. then they would all compete to see who could give out the most precious-relax-and-recover-opportunity destroying homework assignments, and who could give out the most on vacations so that those were ruined too, and finally who could give out the most on summer break so that you would really feel that feely kind of feel that feels very very bad.

it wasn't ever enough that school already looked like, sounded like, felt like, and clearly and obviously resembled a slave labor camp; but it never stopped at just that. I was bullied by students endlessly without mercy and was unable to recieve any help from a teacher because they didn't seem to care and never took any action to stop my suffering no matter what I told them. teachers had special preferences for the worst students either knowingly or because the bullies always had a perfected split personality for their victims and their teachers and somehow never got caught no matter what. a teacher could watch me get punched right in the face and wouldn't do a single thing about it. I could tell them and even if they saw it happen they would deny it or try to brush it off "oh just get over it, you're tough! don't let them get to you! just walk away" but after countless days of being physically assaulted if you even raised your arms to defend yourself or block a punch from a bully, the teacher would be the first to run over and give you all the blame and send you off for detention and in school suspension. there was always this strange lingering theme that I was the designated scape goat of the entire school. I could promise on a stack of bibles that they were a well organized cult and I was some sort of sick twisted sacrifice. but I rejected their game, and somehow I made it out alive. I didn't snap and go berserk like the shooters because I'm a very reasonable person and I would never even think to do something like that. I'm convinced that I have more patience than a saint.


after that experience I understood Why, and How these things happen.

I believe it in my heart and soul that there is a rampant vicious and rabid viral pandemic of highly organized scapegoating taking place in Americas schools. I believe that this is also highly likely to be occuring in Japan. look at their suicide rate and the ages that people commit suicide at. children and young adults are being overwhelmed, overworked, and gangstalk scapegoated literally to death all over our great country and these pieces of shit in the school system and the mainstream media have the gall to tell people to "learn how to watch out for the warning signs"

You want to know what the very best cure for breast cancer is you shitlover pink ribbin worshipping cucks? it's not early detection "our scan determined that we now know that you now ALREADY have cancer! congratulations!" it's prevention.

Stop doing the things that create monsters, and maby you wouldn't have to be constantly looking out for them, you damn fools.

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bb0c84  No.37481

do you know why normalfags give such horrible "bad situation advice"?

>Stop shivering, it's YOU who are cold, not the snow!

>Don't let that rain make you wet!

>You chose to slip and fall and get hurt!

>You chose to get fat! (meanwhile school lunch is worse than fast food and comes from a corporation that handles prison food)

>You chose to let that bully bully you!

>You choose to bleed your nose when punched in the face!

>Don't be burned, be the bigger man when set on fire!

Are they really that rock-dumb retarded? is it because they are stupid?

Is it because normalfag think has this fallacy going on that positive thoughts and "good" attitude will help them to overcome everything even when someone is ACTIVELY acting against them as a result of a sheltered "christian" way of thought style upbringing? Or are there some normalfags who are actually intelligent and use this for evil?

some of them really are that stupid but it always goes so much MUCH deeper.

many normalfags are that stupid, but the ones who give that advice that are smart enough to know it's shit give it on purpose because they enjoy how it makes the person they are giving the advice to feel, which is hopeless. it's actually a real life demoralization tactic called "hopeless advice demoralization" and in some cases they do actually know exactly what they are doing when they give this bad advice because they enjoy the results, be it deeper more painful soul crushing depression, or the bottling up of pain and suffering and emotions that result in an outburst that they watch with a bag of popcorn in their hands when it happens.

school therapists and behavior counselors do this ALL THE TIME because they get very very sick satisfaction out of doing this and often seek out and get trained for these jobs intentionally for the sole purpose of driving kids insane. this is very similar to the people who get jobs at mental hospitals to psychologically torture the patients, or people who become psychs or other mental health professionals to torture their patients and give them false diagnosis or misinterpret what they say so they can legally detain them in mental hospitals where they will be forcefully stripped, tied down, and injected with horrible drugs with unimaginable side effects for things they didn't say or were tricked and persuaded into saying, or bad cops who enter that field just to beat people up for fun.

I'm not saying that all cops and therapists and counselors are bad, because there are plenty of good ones but there are definitely bad people who go out of there way to get these jobs intentionally to torture people for their own sick and twisted fetishes. just look at politicians as a prime example, because it goes above and beyond personal gain. they actually truly and honestly enjoy the pain of others. (I'm not talking like language counselors, I mean specifically the therapist types that feed you motivational poster lines over and over until you hate getting pulled out of class to listen to their shit they try to feed you enough that you pretend that you're all better to avoid going back)

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bb0c84  No.37482

(in cases where they are actually a real good person the counselor will actually help you and stop the bullying)

(this is not one of those examples. this is much darker and is much more common than anyone would ever admit)


>anon comes in and says: behavior therapist counselor please help I'm being bullied

>if you are being bullied, just walk away


>NUP! shup! SHUSH! "just walk away"

>but that's horrible adv-


>next day: help I walked away but they hit me

>Huh, well it must have been your fault for some reason! you probably walked over to where they were! stop doing that!

>no I didn't they came to where I was and hit me for no reason!

>are you SUUUUUUUURE it was for no reason? you didn't do something to them first?

>what? are you kidding me? I'm being physically assaulted! aren't you going to do something about it?

>are you really REALLY sure it wasn't your fault? *shit eating facial expression of skepticism*

>oh sure I'll talk to the bully

>bully keeps on bullying

>they tell the bully "hey didn't counselor tell you to stop? leave me alone!"

>bully just grins this evil shit eating grin like they know they will get away with it no matter what

>bully hits them again

>tells on bully

>tells the teacher

>tells the counselor

>tells the vice principle

>tells the principle

>nobody does anything

>bully gets away with no consequences scott free for no reason

>bully hits person another day

>so this is it. no options left. nobody is coming to save them. nobody is going to do anything about it. this is literally hell. someone help. please. please. someone.

>bully goes to hit again

>person raises their arms to defend from being hit, not even hitting back just blocking to avoid injury

>only when the person blocks a hit, suddenly every teacher and counselor and employee of the school sticks their heads out of the woodwork like they were right there around the corner the whole time just waiting to see what would happen.

>bully just walks away like nothing is happening right in front of everyone

>everyone looks at the victim who defended themselves non-violently as if they just commited every crime in the world at the same time.

>victim sent to the office or dragged there by the arms like a prisoner. guilty until proven innocent. guilty even with proof to the contrary.

>bully gets no punishement and is functionally ignored and non-existant while the person being attacked gets victim blamed and sent to detention/suspension/expelled


>but why oh why do so many school shootings happen? we must ban all guns because people don't respect the sticker on the door that says there are no guns allowed!

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bb0c84  No.37483

quote from an anon:

>Why do they say shit like this? Because it makes normalfags feel good. It implies that they are powerful and in control of not only their own selves, but the world around them. It also makes them feel wise, as if they are passing on a profound insight onto someone dumber than them.

>How could you not know to just.. like.. y'know.. not be sad/angry/hurt/cold/on fire? Come on, brah! Just put yourself out there!

>And it should go without saying, that it makes them feel like they are helping someone without actually having to help them.

while this may be true in some cases it's very important to note that some people do this on purpose for evil and manipulative reasons



Public schooling is the NUMBER ONE scourge upon humanity!

This is what it's like in the US: you learn to read and write, do basic calculator math, and you get a very vague and hazy overview of 'history'. Just enough for politicians to use historical celebrities to push their personal agendas while leaving the bulk of the population clueless to what history actually looked like and why things are the way they are, and making them not want to know since they disliked their schooling so much.

All the while they're teaching children to fear, obey, and receive all 'truth' from constantly changing figures of authority to whom they are essentially helpless. A divide is put into the family since children are torn from them too young for too long when we've evolved to live side by side until old enough to fend for ourselves; it kills oral tradition and leads to children and parents not understanding or appreciating one another, since they both live in entirely different worlds during the day and when they're finally under the same roof, they're so exhausted and emotionally drained they just want to vegetate in front of a TV or a computer monitor. Little deep connection or conversation happens here than in families closer to one another

Don't you see? It destroys families and destroys their knowledge from being passed on, replacing it with bureaucratically preapproved information. It's a tool for control

Take the children, force them to WASTE their entire childhood doing absolutely nothing productive or useful, force them to associate "learning" with tedious and mediocre work, then they go home and associate "fun" with tv and the media.

The schools are not intended to teach children, one of their main goals is preventing them from learning too much that would make them less dependent on the system. Having just enough skills to be a useful cog in the machinery is the aim, and of course with the proper brainwash upbringing.

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bb0c84  No.37484

Teach the children to hate learning, to love being unproductive, and guess what?

You may as well have taken everything from them, and they don't even realize it.

It is the worst crime ever committed, the worst institution ever conceived of, yet no one talks about it. Ever. Those that do are ridiculed.

We should be ANGRY. They took away the one thing we can never experience again and never get back, our childhood.

We should be livid, we should be politically organizing against the people organizing it. Yet no one cares, they just let it go.

It confuses the students. It presents an incoherent ensemble of information that the child needs to memorize to stay in school. Apart from the tests and trials, this programming is similar to the television; it fills almost all the "free" time of children. One sees and hears something, only to forget it again.

It teaches them to accept their class affiliation.

It makes them indifferent.

It makes them emotionally dependent.

It makes them intellectually dependent.

It teaches them a kind of self-confidence that requires constant confirmation by experts (provisional self-esteem).

It makes it clear to them that they cannot hide, because they are always supervised.

Backpacks are a slaves weight

Homework to chain you down at home

No windows to "stop distraction"

Tests to grade your worth and stress you

And constant indoctrination by mediocrities and shit textbooks

The education system is not "broken", it is designed to ruin children. It creates imitators rather than innovators. It defines intelligence as the ability to remember and repeat things. It is also designed to make students weak and submissive as adults.

Instead of finding children with creative and analytical minds it punishes students who question the curriculum and rewards mindless parroting or solving per-determined tasked with per-determined solutions.

The thing about weak and submissive adults is absolutely the primary function of schools. Learned helplessness is truly the one things schools are ultimately about.

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bb0c84  No.37485

Lets also not forget about common core and how stupid it is and how much more stupid they are trying to make all the children become.

Think back to the beginning of gamergate. all of the gamergate shill sjw femminazi's kept on saying "gaming is dead" "videogames are dead" as if to make it a meme and convince people that videogames are really dead. /v/ almost agreed with this but they and everyone realized that there are still many good games out there and videogames were and are still not absolutely dead, just surrounded by cancer.

The real goal of these "videogames are dead" SJW gamergate shill femminazi's was

>1: convince everyone to abandon gaming and videogames with the help of their corrupt gaming news sites

>2: create a space where they could move in

>3: hijack video games all together and be the king of the hill

>4: (someone said this, but not sure if true) "give over to the usual obvious corporations and the government, microsoft, apple, google, facebook, and public education to be engineered for use as a videogame version of common core to more effectively screw up childrens minds."

quotes from different anons. this goes all the way down:

"The vast majority of people still send their kids to these places. It boggles my mind how such ignorance could be so copious. Today on the bus there was a girl with her mother. She was crying because she was scared to go to school. The mother started yelling at her and made her go anyway. I don't understand the kind of depravity that would allow a person to do such a thing. I went to school everyday with tears in my eyes and came back with tears in my eyes. It was hell. I wouldn't wish that nightmare on anyone. And yet almost everyone has to go through it.

"I legit was just thinking a little earlier today how furious i was that I was forced to waste the most developmental time of my life learning absolute garbage. 12 years of grade school and they legitimately teach you nothing practical. American schools, and i'm assuming most European, are not institutions of education, but rather behavior modification and social conditioning. Its really tragic

"Every time something bad happens in my life I just remember "At least I'm out of high school

Fired from my job? At least I'm out of high school.

Someone treats me like garbage? That ain't half as bad as when I was in high school.

"High schooler here, and there's also other points being missed here. Not only is it making the idea of education less fun, it is getting more intense all the time now. Now everything needs to be higher; you need higher test scores, you need higher SAT scores, you need to decide what you want to do at a younger age, yaddayaddayadda. The point is that most kids arent ready for this decision in their life and will either pick the easy way, and end up trying and failing for sports, or trying to be a high acheiver. the problem is that this level if education is too much. The stress and sheer amount of information being crammed into our heads is too much. I have considered suicide many times and cry myself to sleep often just because of the pressure. Its just stupid that people would do this to children just because its normal and if we dont like it too bad.

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bb0c84  No.37486

>Kid Drops a pencil while working

>Goes to pick it up

>Teacher screams at him to sit down

>sits down

>"Why aren't you drawing?"

>"I dropped my pencil"

>screams at the kid "Go to the principles office/pink slip/detention/referral/"

>go to principle

>Anon what happened

>tell them what happened

>they ask me another question even though I just told them everything that happened, conveniently ignoring all the details of what I said

>"Anon, why didn't you have a pencil?!"

>"I did, I dropped it."

>"Clowning around in the class then."

>"No, it was an accident."

>"Maybe you wouldn't have made that accident if you'd bothered to bring a pencil."

>"But I did! I just told you what happened"

>"Then why did Ms. Bitchface send you to me?"

>"Uh, because she entrapped me into a bad situation on purpose?!"

>"This sort of behavior will not be tolerated. Forgetting to bring a pencil to art class is lazy but disrespect of teachers is intolerable!"

very sad example of "kitty cat HANG IN THERE FRIEND" poster overload at school from an anon.

"That reminds me. Imagine taking a class that has no windows and all of the walls are plastered with posters. You can't put your eyes anywhere without seeing them. And if you try to look away, the nacrissist you are supposed to be worshiping has a meltdown. And they are designed to be as asinine and distracting as possible. They drove me into panic attacks. I completely lost my nerve so many times just over those posters. It's not something that bothers you at first. It's just an annoyance. But as the years go on and with all the other things happening, it turns into a blistering rage. One that has to break eventually. Like Chinese water torture except in the form of eyesight pollution. And then of course it's time for psychologists and forcefully voluntary medication."

"I'm not defending the texas shooter or promoting what shooters do because it's sick and very sad, but the news said (((the newwwws))) that he asked the girl out (first victim) and she humiliated him in front of the entire class or something harsh like that. I'm guessing that this was just the tip of the iceberg and many more things were going on to drive someone to madness like that. my reasoning here is that there are plenty of people who have no respect for human life and hate everybody, but just live rather normal lives aside from being assholes. someone had to have pushed this person very far to have snapped in such a crazy and horrible way that left them with the same line of thinking throughout the entire preparation of the act, the journey to their final destination before commiting the crime, and throughout the entire experience. something really serious must have happened and someone or a group of people must have really gone out of their way to have harmed this individual for them to have snapped this hard. what made them feel so bad that they didn't stop to think even once at any of these moments to think "hmm maybe this is a bad idea.." what made them feel so bad that they had no further capacity for any rational thinking at all? of course (((the neewwwwwwws))) will never talk about this because they rather rake in the advertisement money when horrible things like this happen rather than address the main problem and do something about it. remember "RADICAL ISLAMIC TERRORISM"

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bb0c84  No.37487

>"mfw I just found out that they're phasing out recess and pizza from public school

>year-round schooling is being pushed hard"

"I'm becoming a teacher, and you know what they tell us?

>Don't use big words, that confuses the children (they're 12-14).

>Don't give insight, give information.

>Don't let them question, let them learn.

>You can't discuss, you can't debate. You can only assess what's given to you. No multiple interpretations, no critical thinking.

>It's fucked up, and I'm quitting after this year. Fuck this educational system, fuck it all. Starting my own company instead of wasting 45k in 4 years to get a worthless piece of toilet paper."

>Is private school any better than public?

some may be, but a large amount of them are just like public schools with the name "private" slapped on top.

the sad part is that alot of these are not in the normal part of the system so abuse happens almost constantly. the people that work there get degrees in psychology and then use that knowledge to mentally torture kids and punish those who don't conform to force."

any kid that doesn't confrom/follow orders mindlessly in school is taken to a psychologist and diagnosed with ADD and ADHD and OCD so they can drug them up with prozac (mostly fluoride) and ritalin and every other fucked up drug that should never be given to a child with a developing brain. then the kid zones out and behaves like a zombie and feels sad all the time so they diagnose them with bipolar depression and give them even more drugs. kids are being treated like numbers and cattle at school to pass as many tests as possible without learning a single thing and making money for pharmaceutical companies

My parents insisted on me going to psychiatrists and every single one of them requested that I take some SSRI. They would talk to me for like 4 minutes before dispensing whatever evil concoction pfizer was pushing that month.

Its also funny how every single psychiatrist would push a different type of pill. One of them wanted me on Cypralex, the second one said wellbutrin, and lastly seroquil.

These idiots actually said I need seroquil, a fucking anti-psychotic. They even gave me some defacto diagnoses of having psychosis because I was strongly against taking SSRI's, because you know, not trusting big pharma must mean that I'm crazy.

>"this is exactly what happened to me I'm archiving this thread and showing my therapist tomorrow. Serious as fuck"

>"that's good. may the world be exposed to it's own shit it has taken on the carpet. may the worlds face be rubbed into it like a bad dog until it stops and realizes that shitting the carpet is for bad doggos only. everyone in the world needs to know that some seriously deep and fucked up emotional, psychological, and physical, and dare I even say spiritual abuse is taking place in school, college, and educational institutions and it is being carried out not only by other students, but by teachers and staff as well. It is time that we all accept the fact that we have been ignorant as a society to the truth that school and college is where the souls of our children are sent to die."

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bb0c84  No.37488

"Me in high school:

>none of this shit is remotely useful

>what is useful isn't remotely new to me

>my peers are stupid

>maybe college will be better

Me in college:

>Fuck, it's worse, and IM PAYING FOR IT


>Alright, time to "go through the motions" so I can at least get a decent job, but I'm not going any further with "education"

"It's very simple: those who can't do, teach

with few exceptions, full-time school teachers are the most egotistical and incompetent people to be part of society.

>They punish students for "being smart" – translated as using their critical thinking ability and creativity to expose the holes in said teacher's logical process.

>They punish students for defending themselves and being self reliant.

>They punish students for original thought.

It's better to learn from those who actually do, like your parents or your retired elders in a multi-generational household, than it is to learn from one of these parasites."

"I can say with confidence that Zero-Tolerance policies (specifically the ones regarding fighting, which discourage standing up against bullies) are one of the many things responsible for creating a generation of idiots and sociopaths.

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bb0c84  No.37489

I started getting bullied since before I was 8 years old. It only got worse as time passed. Every single day was a struggle not to lash out at the people who physically and verbally abused me. I was pretty big for my age (part of the reason they picked on me), and my parents told me that they would not be mad at me for defending myself against them (though they never actively pushed me to do so), but I knew that I would get suspended or worse if it came to blows. Ultimately, I was more scared of my teachers and principal than I was of my peers. I was unable to stand up for myself as a student, and the principle/teachers did absolutely fuckall. Very often a bully would start hitting me when they knew a teacher or employee of the school would be intentionally not giving any attention to anything in my general direction, not because they were tired or careless, rather they knew that trouble always followed me and they behaved like cowards and became intentionall lazy, unwanting to deal with the bullies that constantly harassed me. The pompous, pretentious, hypocrites would pretend they were being smart by "allowing the problem to resolve itself". When I would bring up my hands to cover my head and face from the attacks the teacher would only then decide to pretend to notice that I lifted my hands, not to strike, but to cover my own body in self defense without any offense in any way, and the teacher would immediately punish me and send me to detention.

How DARE I protect myself from people who had the unspoken ability to be completely invisible to teachers and other figures of authority that could never insult reality by wearing such a title. My parents would contact the school and say "Hey, why are you letting my child be psychologically tortured by his classmates?" and the school would feed them some horse shit like "We're doing everything we can to help him!" Either way, they'd sooner suspend one kid for beating the shit out of someone than suspend half of a class for mistreating that kid. There was nothing being done, nothing could have been done without me being punished, so I just took everything they threw at me, and they never held back." The amount of homework being given every single day, every weekend, every holiday break, was becoming hateful and abhorrent. The amount of books students were required to drag painfully around the school on their young undeveloped backs and shove into undersized and strategically meticulously systematically tiny undersized and inconveniently placed lockers far from each and every single classroom equally, was becoming too much for me. I had straight A's and they all dropped to F's in a very short period.

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bb0c84  No.37490

My parents, brainwashed by psychologists and therapists forced me to take several kinds of "medications" that I "needed" so that I could "do better" and "feel better" played games with my young developing brain's chemisty and my hormones and constantly simulated a physical emotional experience of feelings I can only describe as literally being in hell. The side effects where literally anything you could have imagined. I gained weight from it all, and the stress. I was 150 pounds overweight and malnourished and flushed all my pills one day and promised I would never take another pill from these shitty fake doctors ever again. I spend some time in a mental hospital as they tried to convince me I needed them, but I didn't give in and thank GOD there wasn't much more they could force upon me, so they let me go. I changed my life and lost a ton of weight and now I warn people about school and how fucked up this shitty terrible nightmare we live in a system designed to cultivate unrelenting suffering and psychological slavery. I warn people because I have hope. I want to change this fucked up world one word at a time.

"Public schools are corrupt. I used to live in a state where attendance was mandatory.

Was bullied every single day until I just got sick of it at quit going to school. A couple weeks later I was sitting in a court, fined about 700 dollars, put on probation for an entire year of my life, and forced to go to school. I ended up missing a week to grieve for my grandfather but they decided I took too long and threw me in a juvenile detention center for a whole month. I was finally able to get off probation after forcing myself to go classes and do 48 hours of community service, it was a huge load off my mind. One day at school, one of my "friends" was caught selling weed to other students and had his mom's pills in his locker. You know what he got? 2 days suspension. He had shit grades, but he attended school, and that's all that matters to them."

>"What you're really learning in school is to run from room to room through a maze of tunnels at the sound of a buzzer"

>"like mice in a maze."

>"go get the cheese!"

>I know people who are 70, 80, 90 years old still chasing the cheese. the cheese is a lie.

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bb0c84  No.37491

"The most infuriating part about bullies is the double standard where they never ever seem to get in trouble for their behavior, but anyone who dares stand up to them is slammed down with an iron fist, could it be part of the government agenda? are they doing this on purpose to force people to accept "their place in society" early on?"

A large part of the problem is that the school system ACTIVELY weeds out good teachers. The whole process is bogged down with so much bureaucracy that any teacher who actually tries gets swamped by the amount of useless paperwork that they have to do. It breaks people who just want to teach and leaves only teachers who don't even try.

Almost every teacher at any school does not fill out all the paperwork they're supposed to and the ones that are will likely quit soon. The whole thing has created a massively negative atmosphere around teaching. Parents, for good reasons, see a lot of teachers as dumb and unreasonable because of this weeding out of anyone half decent and that mindset weeds out even more teachers because the parents hate you. The whole thing is horrible and anyone who actually wants to teach should not become a teacher.

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bb0c84  No.37493

I had a teacher like this freshman year for honors english the whole year. He was the first adult to say "question everything I say", and would sprinkle lies into conversation to see if people would question the things he'd tell us. I learned about Ayn Rand and tons of other philosophy for the first time in this class. The only difference was he wasn't any of this hippy bullshit "do you think you're good enough" trash. He was a real ass dude, former veteran, I still talk to him on facebook sometime. All he asked of us was to contribute to discussion

someone else with a similar good teacher:

My history teacher in high school freshman&sophomore years. Always asked questions such as why would this happen or why did that happen. I found out about a year ago that he lost his job because students were complaining that he was asking too much from them.

School is supposed to prepare children for the future, but is in fact a grinder where children go through, eventually coming out tired, weak, apathetic, and often depressed, we're all a victim of such, but often they point out to "successful" children who made it far in life thanks to "education". And it often turns out these people are robots or simple workaholics, but the average child is bound to crack and lose that spark of life, I cracked fairly early on and I lost said spark, but I managed to recover it after I finished high school and spent a couple years on my own reflecting in more important things coming to the conclusion that all that time spent in school could have been used to grow and develop as a human being, physically, emotionally and psychologically, it's terrifying to think that school kept me from experiencing life at its fullest and grow alongside it. So the average male nowadays does not start to fully develop until their early to mid 20s. I often like to pretend I was born while in my 20s, in an attempt to forget my wasted childhood.

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bb0c84  No.37494

Imagine being away from your family, the people are who meant to love and care for you, only to spend your waking hours with surrogate mothers who couldnt care less for you and your well-being, pressed into doing menial tasks over, and over, in a hostile environment, and with no outlet for your energy. You can read more about this in the book "The War on Boys" by Christina Summers I know, I know, but pertaining purely to how boys are treated in public schooling, her information is solid. Boys are punished purely for being boys, for being energetic, for being talkative and full of ideas and life. Girls are treated as the gold standard, being quiet and submissive. Imagine being punished for just being yourself, having to carry around a 45lb backpack all day, dealing with bullies, shitty food, demeaning classroom routines, and then taking that home, only to do it tomorrow, and the next day, and the next.

It's horrible, it's maddening. It's disgusting that so much talent, so much wonder and purity is beaten out of our youth. They're turned into soulless automatons and for what? For jobs that are no longer there? For a society that doesn't care for them? I can't imagine a worse fate. I fully agree with OP, don't look for signs to prevent a future bad thing for happening, prevent it from happening to begin with. Such major reform is needed it's staggering.

If you act or think differently you are punished for being rebellious. If you conform and give them what you think they want from you, then you are punished for being obedient.

The problem isn't what you do, but what you are. your very soul at its base is different than theirs.

(((They))) are here to break the people who are naturally resistant to the programing, so that they either conform completely or become broken and too messed up to act on what they instinctively know is wrong with society because their mind isn't as much of a propaganda sponge. the entire education system is a giant brainwashing camp that acts like a filter of darkness that only lets the most plain and normal and stupid and obedient people through, while viciously destroying anyone who is smart and innocent and good and capable of critical thought.

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bb0c84  No.37496

people that work in both public and private education and even in psychology and therapy and in rehab and mental hospitals all choose those jobs on purpose because it places them in a position of power where they can gain pleasure from intentionally cucking others over and over again every single day. in their minds, it's loosh farming (even though that doesn't really exist) but that's what those sick fucks actually believe. it's a cult of psychological torture that most of them knowingly choose to be a part of and they actually believe their actions have no consequences. if they do not choose the job, they are chosen by the job. specific types of people like these are searched for intentionally and then hired. soulless mind dead pleb husks (normies) can sense when you are different and then decide if they consider you a threat and then act on it, even when you only want to be nice. they will compete with you rabidly for things they are insecure about, without you even understanding wtf their bullshit is coming from. these normies grow up to fill positions in these jobs. it's a field of poisonous weeds that are being grown to be trained by the previous generation of poisonous weeds to become their replacements in a repeating cycle of hate that breeds more and more hate. the (((globalists))) want this.

>They are here to break the people who are naturally resistant to the programing, so that they either conform completely or become broken and too messed up to act on what they instinctively know is wrong with society, because their mind isn't as much of a propaganda sponge

<It's called preparing them for the real world. Not everything is fair and it's best children learn this as soon as possible. You shouldn't expect to always be treated justly when you grow up, so by showing favoritism I'm actually teaching you valuable lesson.

<t. Teacher, actual response I once got, while not verbatim

>Both true and false. Common for "teacher logic".

<It's called preparing them for the real world

>It's prepares you for everything except what it is supposed to prepare you for.

>And only people like us actually understand and apply that lesson.

>The problem isn't that school and bullies prepare you in a microcosm that you can apply to a macrocosm. The problem is that it is supposed to make you more "adult" and employable. Not cynical, tired and demotivated.

>You now have less free years to live, and almost no practical skills to show for it.

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bb0c84  No.37498

Society has also been indoctrinated with the idea that people who dropped out of school or didn't get good grades must be bad people, which makes it even more difficult to get along with people or get a job. As if it wasn't difficult enough?

>go to school

>nobody teaches anyone anything

>no teaching, just constant testing. testing to make sure you are good enough to pass more tests

>fail tests because nobody taught me anything

>get bad grades

>don't graduate and get "amazing important piece of paper that says I'm good enough"

>look for job

>"oh haha anon HAHA so HAHA, sorry… hehe it says right HERE that you didn't pass school/dropped out/didn't go to college"

>"that's right"

>"okay we will call you back later"

>they never call back

>repeat a thousand more times even at fast food restaurants

>nobody calls back


>can't find job

>can't pay for food or water

>become homeless

>get arrested for being homeless because its illegal in usa

or alternatively:

>go to school

>take tests and only pass by slamming huge amounts of pointless waste information into my head

>get no sleep

>have no social life

>have no friends

>be miserable

>have no pleasure or happiness in life

>get good grades

>graduate and get "amazing important piece of paper that says I'm good enough"

>can't find job because don't have experience

>can't get experience because nobody will give me a job

>but I have "amazing important piece of paper that says I'm good enough"

>sorry anon the economy is bad


>suck it up for uncle sam! MURRICA!

>can't pay for food or water

>become homeless

>get arrested for being homeless because its illegal in usa

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bb0c84  No.37499

(reply to above)

>"Easiest solution is to drop out and get a GED. Then you can go to community college and/or tech school to learn a trade that will not be replaced by robots, such as in the medical field. There are ways you can make it without further subjugating yourself to this indoctrination bullshit."

>to learn a trade that will not be replaced by robots, such as in the medical field.

>will not be replaced by robots, such as in the medical field.

>such as in the medical field.

http:// spectrum.ieee.org/automaton/robotics/medical-robots/inside-an-mri-a-nonmetallic-robot-performs-prostate-surgery


http:// gizmodo.com/this-robot-performs-less-intrusive-brain-surgery-throug-1647090531


https:// en.m.wikipedia.org/wiki/Robot-assisted_surgery


https:// en.m.wikipedia.org/wiki/Robotic_surgery


http://w ww.dailymail.co.uk/sciencetech/article-2599715/Would-let-terrifying-snake-robot-slide-THROAT-perform-surgery-inside-body.html


>implying society will even need jobs in the near future or currency to run the system upon

>implying the GED is even worth it

>take what is basically a giant standardized state shit test

>nobody gives you a job anyway

the biggest waste you can make is running around trying to please the monsters that run the system by giving them any form of your effort and taking their quizzes, and looking for their approval. while you could have spent the time looking for food or water, or running away to some better place on earth to make a new life for yourself, they have you sitting in some little school room taking the GED.



>DEATH of your mind

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bb0c84  No.37500

>people who home school are on watch lists.

http://w ww.renewamerica.com/columns/zieve/111203


http://w ww.networkworld.com/article/2228920/microsoft-subnet/ridiculous-dhs-list–you-might-be-a-domestic-terrorist-if—.html


forget kids getting expelled for eating poptarts and being accused of "the poptart looking a similar shape as a gun", now kids are getting sued for looking at each other and smiling and getting along.

https:// reason.com/blog/2015/10/02/12-year-old-boy-suspended-for-looking-at



Federal Government Is Bullying Parents Who Homeschool Their Children

A 14-year-old girl was suspended from school for a month and faces possible assault and battery charges for playfully throwing a baby carrot at one of her former teachers.

https:// reason.com/blog/2015/10/25/school-wants-teen-charged-with-assault-f


A fourth-grader from Hillsborough, Florida, was warned not to pass any more love notes to his female classmates—and will be charged with sexual harassment if he persists.

http://w ww.wptv.com/news/state/love-note-lands-fourth-grade-student-in-principals-office


https:// reason.com/blog/2015/11/12/9-year-old-boy-who-passed-love-notes-to#comment


remember that (((they))) want to destroy learning and curiosity and kill everyone's childhoods. (((they))) want to keep all children always controlled and supervised so that they can be allowed to only get into (((specific types of trouble))) like all the different stories that were mentioned in the OP. they are playing the palpatine. both sides of the war. both angles. they want to abolish the best kinds of adult supervision that teach maturity and wisdom and skills and the freedom and innocence and ability to absorb new information of childhood but (((they))) simultaneously want to push the worst kinds of controlling dystopian adult supervision and baseless undeserved punishment and slavery and bring out the most immature and selfish and bratty qualities in all children so that they grow up to be just like their slave masters. the whole system is based on built in obsolescence and intentional incompetence. they set impossible goals and make up awful zero tolerance rules that are easy to interpret in any way that anyone pulls out of their ass at any random moment for any or no reason at all. the whole system is designed from the ground up to set up everyone who is a part of it, willingly or not, to fail very hard. it's made to weed out anyone who is good or has any good qualities and punish them for being a good human being while rewarding dishonesty, deception, and cult like practices. all the people who don't know what is happening get caught up and forcefully psychologically tortured and trained to depend on the system while simultaneously not trusting it. nobody is allowed to be independant (or even learn how to be) or practice free and critical thinking skills (nor are they taught this), nobody is allowed to question anything (if they do they are punished), and everyone is brainwashed to be okay with others doing every possible thing the wrong way (if you speak out of place you are punished) (((they))) are intentionally engineering a world where they sow the worst seeds that bare the worst tree's that bare the worst fruit.

the worst part of school is that your parents can't or rather wont save you because they choose to be ignorant or are just too damn stupid to realize what they're sending their kids into, even if those kids come home every single day crying and begging to not be sent back again the next day, or ever again. parents have too much faith in an obviously evil and corrupt system that sends their kids into what is essentially a jail every single day until their childhood is dead. the torture and the brainwashing is relentless and merciless and without care for the health or happiness of the child's soul.

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bb0c84  No.37501

school and college are driving students to such dark and painful places that they actually go completely mad.

>Insanely high workload.

>work is pure busy work and contains little to no material that the students care about.

>there is no fun allowed at school or at home.

>there is no rest allowed at school or at home.

>the few moments where socializing is allowed are ruined by the fact that everyone hates everyone and treats everyone like garbage.

>students are forced to work all day and night and then wake up early and exhausted to get back on the slave bus so that they can be forced to do it all over again.

>students are forced to never feel at peace even in their own homes. they are forced to go somewhere they hate every single day, do things they hate every single day, and be in the presence of other people they hate and who hate them- and be judged by them, and then forced to go home and be judged by their parents and experience the disapproval for their lack of success in a very bad environment.

>every day the students are exposed to these living nightmares full of countless terrors and then forced to think "all of these students, all of these teachers and school employees, all of these bullies, ALL OF THESE TERRORISTS are the people who will decide my future. If I can't succeed according to their parameters I will fail to get the magical peice of paper of approval. If I fail to get that piece of paper, nobody will give me a job when I get out of school, college, hell. even if I do get this piece of paper, nothing will ever change anyway. I have seen it. what it does to people. until their last breath at 100 years old their last words before going to sleep every night are "tomorrow I will be free because it was promised to me."

>students feel trapped. there is no way out. there are no other options. there is no freedom. there is no future win or lose. the only winning move is to not play, and the rules forbid people from refusing to play.

The hate isn't only one way and there isn't only one type of hate. no matter what anyone says, there is hate going in every direction and there is no way to fix this just by reassuring everyone that it's not really happening and telling people it's actually a happy place because it isn't. school and college is hell and the expectations and standards are extremely high considering and compared to the quality of the environment where the students are educated, the quality of the students that surround them, and the quality of the education they receive, not to excuse the quality of the education system itself and the quality of the people who work for said institution.

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bb0c84  No.37502

some further comments and opinions from other anons

>How come I have never saw that Kids in the Hall skit before? They were ahead of their time.

was probably suppressed as one of the lesser or "never" shown episodes

>To be honest, there are many things we can blame:

>1. The mainstream media is dying and they need everything they can use to get viewership back. This includes school shootings, which they always make it seem that the shooter was a sort of anti-hero; one who had troubles with bullies and the such. This in turn causes other kids to do copycat shootings, as they saw that the last shooter was basically a star.

>2. The education system is trash. You can't just expect kids to sit 6-7 hours a day loading them with information and then give them medication as they have "disabilities." Teachers are overworked and not paid enough, thus they don't really care what happens around the school.

>3. Have you ever seen parenting today? Most parents believe that their child is special and deserves to be pampered, even if they did something wrong. This leads to the kids you see today: whiny, pretentious kids who thinks the world revolves around them. (These kids more often than not end up becoming the bullies who seem to be able to get away with everything, or those rude girls who usually have a rude girl leader in charge, like a bitchy cheerleader team from one of those school movies) sometimes, instead of the parents being ignorant enough to believe that their children are perfect they simply believe the opposite and blame their child for everything without giving them a chance to tell their side of the story, and often don't even believe them if they do.

>You know what kind of school shootings you never hear about? Private school shootings. They dont fucking happen because faculty are paid to give a shit, and the school's reputation depends on no bullying. Privatize everything free market now

many private schools are just essentially "paid public" schools. It's usually an even more expensive and even more harsh and twisted and evil system than typical public school. You wouldn't expect it, but it's really bad. I'm sure in the grand whole view of things that there do exist good public and private schools but I don't know If I have ever heard of those. also remember that bad corporations do exist. ea, monsanto, ubisoft, bethesda, and so on. it's basically a mix between choosing a shitty corporation or trusting the shitty government. god help us.

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bb0c84  No.37504

Alright that's all I got for now.

hope you enjoy

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b3e895  No.37601

bump because fucking ultranewfags don't know what's even worthy of a thread

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09738b  No.37618

Just looked up Haiti on Jewtube and every video is in support of the nigger massacre of Whites.

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a16b9a  No.37984

File: f036454b0c96c6a⋯.png (174.78 KB, 1898x394, 949:197, Once upon the time.png)

File: 35fa67e77e39dad⋯.png (449.04 KB, 1900x1068, 475:267, Liberalism study.png)

File: 7c30db775433135⋯.jpg (1.51 MB, 4000x2700, 40:27, Aryan.jpg)

File: 8e2c98025802fb2⋯.png (33.11 KB, 1339x249, 1339:249, why depression.png)

File: eefb51ea27c137e⋯.jpg (175.81 KB, 1359x415, 1359:415, The Lost Generation.jpg)

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293fb7  No.38132


>art americanism.jpeg

this person is comnfusing emotion with the functuion of the left and right brain. it is possible to be high t and "right wing" and still appreciate art. having emotions, while dominant on the left, is not all it takes to appreciate art. this post is not a red pill

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d44e28  No.40087

File: 182acd51ef4ae68⋯.jpg (68.47 KB, 700x467, 700:467, a complex game.jpg)

Dice rollRolled 1 (1d10)

Here is a legitimate redpill, in that it is a bitter medicine but certainly medicine, a pill which has taken a few years for me to proper realize. No images or paragraphs yet but soon(TM).

Hover for pill: [spoiler]Bernie Sanders is chemotherapy. Chemotherapy is moreorless a poison taken only in desparate times where it is a final chance to destroy a cancer [the over-monetized state of contemporary american politics that caters to mega-rich jews].

Trump was an attempt at this but he was simply one who aimed to overturn the current state of things as opposed to replacing it with something that benefits the nation instead of benefiting the rich jews and some rich whites. While Trump is certainly a sweeter option [more compatable with white america values than typical democrats], its a placebo nonetheless.

Sanders for 4 years then an inevitable reactionary boot is the best chance we have to fix our corrupted shitstain of a jewish nepotist controlled nation. His extreme views will see him removed soon enough to make way for a proper republican candidate but only after he destroyes the cancers growing in the mess of US politics.

Chemotherapy is a necessary evil.[/spoiler]

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20b069  No.40107


[spoiler]Bernie Sanders is a rich Jew. A con artist just like Trump.[spoiler]

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953b55  No.40133

Can someone post some youtube videos/playlists with redpills that are 1+hour long and give a comprehensive discourse about a particular topic?

I'd prefer actual user created content and not professionally made documentaries

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e6013f  No.40154


Hi, cuckchan spammer. No one will ever support your Bolshevik jew. We’re not going to do it. Kill yourself.

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32c340  No.40735

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a16b9a  No.41664

File: ad72e82ca3d7b91⋯.png (191.2 KB, 1266x422, 3:1, Anonymity.png)

File: 5255034a6f82dc7⋯.png (284.29 KB, 1316x1224, 329:306, soycon valley.png)

File: 8af85835079ecac⋯.png (140.24 KB, 1165x334, 1165:334, Screencap tradition.png)

File: e339cf6c4fb6773⋯.png (167.08 KB, 732x834, 122:139, All leftism is bullshit.png)

File: 863b04c611f14b5⋯.png (92.85 KB, 718x397, 718:397, What comes after postmoder….png)

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a16b9a  No.41667

File: 9a6b4862e288806⋯.jpg (163.89 KB, 1024x564, 256:141, brazilifaction2.jpg)

File: 75a36f91f658a8d⋯.png (186.84 KB, 1896x934, 948:467, NPC2.png)

File: 83d9babcc6a3a46⋯.png (658.85 KB, 1895x1658, 1895:1658, Democracy.png)

File: db352bb11db8271⋯.png (501.58 KB, 1832x949, 1832:949, Bureaucracy.png)

File: 9d4272269b09308⋯.png (361.6 KB, 1274x778, 637:389, Free Speech.png)

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a16b9a  No.41673

File: bbe79e2881c1ba1⋯.jpg (448.52 KB, 1600x1118, 800:559, Echo chamber.jpg)

File: 68e11a3da83199f⋯.png (794.61 KB, 1800x1259, 1800:1259, Emasculation.png)

File: b12c0d2fcc2707f⋯.png (995.39 KB, 1896x1096, 237:137, Education.png)

File: 43997e9f7b8170f⋯.png (1.81 MB, 1912x2611, 1912:2611, Justice.png)

File: 89a0e0ab184871f⋯.png (752.67 KB, 1274x1184, 637:592, Language.png)

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a16b9a  No.41674

File: 38309ba04500f8c⋯.png (580.88 KB, 1518x839, 1518:839, Media.png)

File: 41aa30940f42ecc⋯.jpg (803.21 KB, 1903x1586, 1903:1586, Money.jpg)

File: 8e4835c00d17e92⋯.png (1.58 MB, 2218x1814, 1109:907, Morality.png)

File: cb762f475d866d6⋯.png (579.71 KB, 1088x790, 544:395, Multiculturalism.png)

File: 185cdd7e912f322⋯.png (1.02 MB, 947x2359, 947:2359, Nations.png)

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a16b9a  No.41675

File: 8300d4b53188144⋯.png (966.39 KB, 1448x1122, 724:561, Power.png)

File: 631f45f8faaefef⋯.png (1.36 MB, 1898x1364, 949:682, Propaganda.png)

File: b40aa5ed8488397⋯.png (1.55 MB, 1902x2054, 951:1027, Quebec's separation.png)

File: 257bea4c2ad1fd0⋯.png (908.33 KB, 1875x1777, 1875:1777, Revolution.png)

File: c39cfe7e74f1cec⋯.png (1.56 MB, 1896x1752, 79:73, Self-sufficiency.png)

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a16b9a  No.41676

File: 8834493fa70e95b⋯.png (369.97 KB, 915x1161, 305:387, Violence.png)

File: 9ec4259ae2f627b⋯.png (651.87 KB, 1394x1350, 697:675, Unions.png)

File: b86349287b29de6⋯.png (781.33 KB, 1903x1542, 1903:1542, Stastistics.png)

File: 7bdb3fdf970137c⋯.png (635.77 KB, 1839x1123, 1839:1123, Immigration.png)

File: cdb097ba88c17e7⋯.png (369.19 KB, 748x455, 748:455, Equal opportunity.png)

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a16b9a  No.41678

File: 7e083d25c514790⋯.png (452.74 KB, 1312x888, 164:111, Cronyism and nepotism.png)

File: 6dc49a24e4a1876⋯.jpg (172.39 KB, 1024x798, 512:399, Ambition.jpg)

File: 9c30952e90c9c58⋯.png (1.14 MB, 1844x2214, 922:1107, Confederations.png)

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4c0cf1  No.41805

<iframe src='https://www.brighteon.com/embed/ec5b4ab4-1fff-4b0b-a602-d6e6b6aa0cd1' width='560' height='315' frameborder='0' allowfullscreen></iframe>

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4c0cf1  No.41809

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4c0cf1  No.41824

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7cbe12  No.41863



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574056  No.41945


>beaverposter's a frog

Welp. That puts a hamper on his credibility.

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000000  No.45614

arguing with friend over race, he's trying to push that scientific racism and racialism has been debunked by modern science, and my folder on race is smaller than I thought it was

someone send more help

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7cbe12  No.45628

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000000  No.45632



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a16b9a  No.45636

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a16b9a  No.45641


And of course.


https://mega.nz/#F!rVcExIbB!VN9alzay0OrctggvEn1DUg ( not really redpill, jusr art if anyone is interested.)

Though this first post >>45636 is really the core redpill folder if you're interested…






Redpill about Africans… Though you can just take the folders if you want, they're included.

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87c8dc  No.45732

how come people still believe jews are humans?

Also, why are women dating niggers? Aren't these africans literally monkeys?

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cb9e88  No.46516

File: 18cddb54a46bca7⋯.webm (1.64 MB, 636x360, 53:30, 18cddb54a46bca782243deda0….webm)

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a16b9a  No.46618

File: 3710d9a94b26289⋯.png (79.71 KB, 1882x332, 941:166, Mark Potok.png)

File: 941584305fe48bc⋯.png (300.19 KB, 1874x1028, 937:514, Recognize a jew.png)

File: 776e5e539c500b4⋯.jpg (276.28 KB, 904x1337, 904:1337, nazi jews.jpg)

File: b98f700ccd3660c⋯.jpeg (644.76 KB, 3571x1318, 3571:1318, White supremacist.jpeg)

File: 94de4b2fb3a8de4⋯.jpg (868.17 KB, 1320x1604, 330:401, self improvement.jpg)

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a16b9a  No.47548

File: bd291e28969b48c⋯.png (95.89 KB, 1886x482, 943:241, Mollie tibet.png)

File: c75f03c33d153b1⋯.png (3.24 MB, 1080x2868, 90:239, Bitter soviet pill.png)

File: a7c33b39f62f2e0⋯.jpg (796.71 KB, 1202x2707, 1202:2707, Psychopathy World's worst ….jpg)

File: 4e5b99d750e41b2⋯.jpg (759.85 KB, 1202x2512, 601:1256, Psychopathy World's worst ….jpg)

File: 0656edd9b8ea02d⋯.jpg (2.93 MB, 1044x8017, 1044:8017, redpill list.jpg)

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f4c685  No.47563

File: 63c09feca407c81⋯.png (188.49 KB, 808x466, 404:233, menachem quote master race.png)




important set

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17ca99  No.47568

File: e048b4b6e6db301⋯.jpg (4.46 MB, 4096x1586, 2048:793, Who do you think owns the ….jpg)

File: 6a396e0999f1a0a⋯.png (450.7 KB, 1784x1766, 892:883, communism and socialism.png)

File: e303e47328ac0a5⋯.jpg (321.44 KB, 812x531, 812:531, Communism doesnt work.jpg)

File: 15c39696586db56⋯.png (2.33 MB, 1189x8256, 1189:8256, Geopolitical Censorship Ga….png)

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29d1b5  No.47735

File: 9cf896e419b4f13⋯.jpg (61.57 KB, 686x1003, 686:1003, IMG_20191223_235635_362[1].jpg)

File: e4c7382ff12bf52⋯.jpg (44.28 KB, 548x500, 137:125, IMG_20191224_000659_548[1].jpg)

File: 44cf16456d234ea⋯.jpg (50.88 KB, 960x540, 16:9, IMG_20200102_110457_494[1].jpg)

File: 3b0372978ac3186⋯.jpg (159.13 KB, 704x710, 352:355, IMG_20200127_184959_402[1].jpg)

Droppin em

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29d1b5  No.47741

File: ccd991a075873e7⋯.jpg (74.21 KB, 518x461, 518:461, IMG_20200215_123551_405[1].jpg)

File: d62a4e0560eaa87⋯.jpg (73.57 KB, 640x774, 320:387, IMG_20200129_190527_784[1].jpg)

File: 4907ffd222c3492⋯.jpg (188.19 KB, 1280x1191, 1280:1191, IMG_20200209_002958_289[1].jpg)

File: 2b19be64cd97bd6⋯.jpg (27.03 KB, 758x494, 379:247, IMG_20200210_132350_872[1].jpg)

File: 7d4e9cefc6ef812⋯.jpg (254.05 KB, 737x994, 737:994, IMG_20200211_171156_973[1].jpg)

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a16b9a  No.49400

File: 5a7be3b2909acc9⋯.png (214.93 KB, 1920x530, 192:53, The world now.png)

File: 205d4e14d47f4f0⋯.png (1013.7 KB, 1089x644, 1089:644, Churchill.png)

File: 8a43f5681bd69bf⋯.png (192.54 KB, 1305x716, 1305:716, Life is a gift.png)

File: 2ffe4fda4f12968⋯.png (356.07 KB, 1902x926, 951:463, A reminder.png)

File: 6383191120d0f1b⋯.png (144.79 KB, 1898x430, 949:215, White flight.png)

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0e357c  No.50285

File: d9d33bd9bf01195⋯.jpeg (661.79 KB, 750x896, 375:448, 110EC1C6-08B7-488D-A74F-0….jpeg)

Just woke up recently.

I literally told my best friend about Qanon on the phone last night and they either pretended to be or actually fell asleep WHILE I was talking about it.

I’m shocked, I’ve never had that happen to me before. Especially from someone I call my best friend.

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bb0b3c  No.53156

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67cd0b  No.53164


No wonder since you preached to him about some disinformation internet cult.

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2de982  No.53165


Perhaps he was just tired ant wanted to talk about something else?

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e6013f  No.53180


It’s a sign that you should kill yourself, jew.

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4d7043  No.53572

File: 425578dd8cff382⋯.jpg (123.72 KB, 600x613, 600:613, two nonlegs.jpg)

Fredpill: mutant cripplekike Fattie Nolegs should've been aborted

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a16b9a  No.53793

File: 073db527bc0ab20⋯.png (240.18 KB, 1906x502, 953:251, What is an American.png)

File: 9f3f51a76d99999⋯.png (30.03 KB, 1900x132, 475:33, no purpose.png)

File: 7ffa0c0ea43694e⋯.png (93.37 KB, 1882x296, 941:148, whites.png)

File: b9627924112eeca⋯.png (876.68 KB, 1876x4500, 469:1125, Brazil.png)




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eb6436  No.54055


These could not be more pants on head retarded.

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eeeb92  No.54104

File: e4bd16030681d0a⋯.png (2.46 MB, 1038x2148, 173:358, titanic plot.png)

File: 16ad00c4bd58bdf⋯.jpg (1.5 MB, 2000x3210, 200:321, blackwater purge.jpg)

File: 9828adc58c67561⋯.jpg (2.91 MB, 3049x3182, 3049:3182, punished trump meme4.jpg)

File: cf52375237fc39c⋯.jpg (1.24 MB, 1663x1829, 1663:1829, oil deal putin.jpg)

File: 9de19cbcd082852⋯.png (225.32 KB, 1756x1450, 878:725, saudi stability.png)

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a16b9a  No.61055

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a16b9a  No.63824

File: 33468fb77d8e4ea⋯.png (31.03 KB, 1900x190, 10:1, How does the anti white rh….png)

File: 754c2851230abf0⋯.png (34.06 KB, 1920x150, 64:5, California anon.png)

File: 509e0332cc9cb7b⋯.jpg (888.08 KB, 1532x1956, 383:489, Christianity and Jesus exp….jpg)

File: d7152fc513d1249⋯.png (51.67 KB, 1898x384, 949:192, Agency.png)

File: 623e420c3decb73⋯.png (75.22 KB, 1896x236, 474:59, Why are men so passive the….png)

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a16b9a  No.63825

File: 800308515ff12c6⋯.png (26.79 KB, 1898x164, 949:82, More meaningless time in h….png)

File: 8b48a4a69d7ac9e⋯.jpg (60.83 KB, 960x317, 960:317, city dweller's problem.jpg)

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a16b9a  No.67963

File: d06ede64fb8ab94⋯.png (478.71 KB, 1904x2884, 68:103, Swastika.png)

File: 7fd2b222115bbf8⋯.png (662.94 KB, 1892x2904, 43:66, George_Lincoln_Rockwell.png)

File: fab5e0a6bf83cae⋯.png (2.07 MB, 2872x2168, 359:271, Jews_circumcision.png)

File: 113b27f41c698f4⋯.png (153.6 KB, 1905x436, 1905:436, 2020_Endgame.png)

File: fdc0977108d5121⋯.png (137.1 KB, 1904x248, 238:31, Tikto_blackpill.png)

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8e959f  No.68274


I bet you think the majority of niggers are capable of upholding modern society. In the US they have the support of the government to reform their culture, and if they (through monumental effort, as with any paradigm shift in a culture group) manage, maybe they might be more than parasites. As it stands now, relatively few become productive citizens or create stable households.

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895fd3  No.68319


>I am paid to post spam here

Okay, bye. You failed. Everyone knows you're lying.

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2fa8af  No.68356


The evidence suggests that they can.

I have a fiance' who is currently right next to me your assertion is false, as is your conclusion.

Niggers are systematically propped up, not repressed, does affirmative action not ring a bell? does preferential treatment getting into colleges not ring a bell? no i'm sure it doesn't.

He is not mad more likely he's simply tired of your idiocy.

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73a0f3  No.68391


based flamer

now this is how you intensify the hatred against the establishment

Remember: The best way to make the white man enrage in pure hate is to keep provoking him.

All flame

good flame.

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3dcb75  No.68495

File: 573e72ac33d83be⋯.jpg (28.05 KB, 540x705, 36:47, 1462127941696.jpg)



Lol, you would be a lefty nigger who thinks xir is welcome around other niggers due to being as dumb and inbred as they are.

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66f58c  No.68886


> zionist faggot is going to save us from the kikes!!

Maybe he hang up on you because you're retarded

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1793f8  No.68924


You're right; Looking at a photo of my great-grandpa is one the the reasons if not THE reason why I've been redpilled

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b7318a  No.69425

File: 5480d5c5ad7203d⋯.png (206.62 KB, 1590x1131, 530:377, 1559501601578.png)


>"I have a fiance' who is currently right next to me your assertion is false, as is your conclusion."

Nice LARP. But anyone who talks like you doesn't have a gf.

>Muh affirmative action

Wow chad, a promotion only a few black people get?! Very progressive.


>the white man enrage

more like white bois crying lol


Stay mad

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2fa8af  No.69427


Call it a larp if you want, she's still right next to me and says much the same as I do, and only a few? thats a blatant lie.

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a16b9a  No.69624

File: baea5dd209644fe⋯.png (318.85 KB, 1902x1250, 951:625, Hitler_s_triumph.png)

File: e950a487d2c121d⋯.png (192.83 KB, 1804x322, 902:161, Coronavirus.png)

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de3f61  No.69701

File: c5885421adbc26a⋯.jpg (118.4 KB, 900x454, 450:227, Cancerous_Left_Meme_32.jpg)


>that pic

Stop trying.

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de3f61  No.69702

File: 0e219d448f60fd4⋯.jpg (76.49 KB, 900x454, 450:227, Cancerous_Left_Meme_Improv….jpg)


Follow up. Still sage.

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3b66bc  No.69812

I don’t know if this question belongs in a /SIG thread but how do I get myself to be able to write and talk like on the level of some of these images? The ideas are so fluent and well written that anyone can understand it yet when I speak or write it’s no where even close to this level and I find people have a hard time understanding my ideas even though it’s the same thing.

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a16b9a  No.71865

File: d4b466836c6b3af⋯.jpg (198.1 KB, 1280x832, 20:13, Individualism_critic.jpg)

File: d50ad7dda729129⋯.png (207.85 KB, 680x1901, 680:1901, National_Socialist_thought….png)

File: 62e5bcdda970049⋯.png (496.92 KB, 1904x1128, 238:141, Hitler_ss_legacy.png)

File: a2264d775bb96a7⋯.png (114.98 KB, 1902x535, 1902:535, Malcolm_X_on_jews.png)

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c46075  No.72432

Newfag here can someone redpill me one Qanon please

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44e05a  No.72834

File: 44f0f853a8f7976⋯.gif (1.99 MB, 500x500, 1:1, LastOpenHectorsdolphin_siz….gif)


>need 3 ctrl - to read a single line

Why are you formatting like this?

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2fa8af  No.72918


get better eyes


it's a psyop to control those who like to be controlled, aka boomers and christkikes

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a16b9a  No.72922

File: 49856c75c77bf08⋯.png (322.29 KB, 1408x493, 1408:493, Pol_as_a_marketplace_of_id….png)

File: fc604e86fe14b58⋯.png (26.5 KB, 1577x162, 1577:162, Coalburner.png)


Don't really understand.

But, if you can't see the images, just open them in another tab.

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a16b9a  No.72991

File: f57d57421ac5d6e⋯.png (311.46 KB, 1908x952, 477:238, Nationless_state.png)

File: d87fab3632eaa90⋯.jpg (3.39 KB, 125x125, 1:1, Natsoc_economics_1.jpg)

File: 3c8c6f800d3ffb9⋯.jpg (3.07 KB, 125x125, 1:1, Natsoc_economics_2.jpg)

File: 53adb18f78dce15⋯.jpg (3.11 KB, 125x125, 1:1, Natsoc_economics_3.jpg)

File: 965e991e9bc8a2b⋯.jpg (187.13 KB, 578x808, 289:404, Destroy_Globalized_markets.jpg)

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a16b9a  No.72992

File: f9576be010c64a7⋯.jpg (370.03 KB, 1010x1522, 505:761, Reasons_for_Western_Declin….jpg)

File: 12524a315759671⋯.jpg (207.11 KB, 1084x998, 542:499, Extermination.jpg)

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8a64fc  No.73010

I'm looking for an infographic explaining how white women are the most loyal dating demographic. Anybody have it?

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a16b9a  No.73042

File: 1743931613c83da⋯.jpg (296.27 KB, 1611x794, 1611:794, whitewomen.jpg)

File: b9b45aecdffe06e⋯.png (148.87 KB, 640x726, 320:363, ww.png)

File: e73bbe3a8189afe⋯.jpg (1.12 MB, 1044x1920, 87:160, white_women.jpg)

File: f7e22a7fcf1b026⋯.jpg (199.29 KB, 627x1024, 627:1024, Natsoc_Economics_4.jpg)


Those one ?

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d5fc4d  No.73119

File: 1a0c945564e9dfc⋯.jpg (190.64 KB, 906x1024, 453:512, lgtb_community.jpg)

File: 8a5fda96951235d⋯.png (2.84 MB, 1496x2744, 187:343, 1466644976930_2.png)

File: fdf7f13b608f32d⋯.png (165.57 KB, 1575x656, 1575:656, Nazy_economy.png)

File: e70bbb3b32cd7d1⋯.jpg (124.27 KB, 768x630, 128:105, pepe_database.jpg)

I dont think unsourced posts count as informative.

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96292c  No.73137


report the natsoc economics pics it's resolution is fucked mate

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96292c  No.73138



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a16b9a  No.73156

File: a572156afc0cdf2⋯.jpg (518.79 KB, 1024x1024, 1:1, Natsoc_economics_1.jpg)

File: e5af7c8e1cd9c0a⋯.jpg (540.66 KB, 2000x2000, 1:1, Natsoc_economics_2.jpg)

File: 46b6839ffc55d47⋯.jpg (575.1 KB, 2000x2000, 1:1, Natsoc_economics_3.jpg)


Fuck you're right..


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502b34  No.73217


I'm pretty sure it's the first one you posted. Thank you

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a16b9a  No.73333

File: 70aa3376dff4d11⋯.png (500.34 KB, 930x731, 930:731, jew_adl.png)


No need pal. :)

Glad to help.

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294cd6  No.73457

olpol is just a bunch of astroturfing faggots

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a16b9a  No.78395

File: 4ae3f9cf7978892⋯.png (216.72 KB, 1888x1136, 118:71, Hitler_s_message.png)

File: be380fa1ebc1330⋯.png (40.11 KB, 978x339, 326:113, Pol_is_conflict.png)

File: dc59312b95c897f⋯.png (124.44 KB, 1888x824, 236:103, Femanon.png)

File: 2b07f45d359ce5d⋯.png (44.37 KB, 1884x319, 1884:319, The_chosen_people.png)

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a5b90e  No.78399



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a16b9a  No.78406


Yeah….jews are a hell of a thing.

>Do as I say, not as I do Goyim.

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d2d4d0  No.78470


It just shows with 100% certainty they know what they are doing, are doing it maliciously and should be considered enemies under all circumstances.

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f1a341  No.82758


nigger, I'm going to reach a month into the past and rape you. Q is a party trick. Read something worth your while and stop being black

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a16b9a  No.84176

File: 1964ca4e821b6f1⋯.png (3.35 MB, 1300x2850, 26:57, Fascist_reading_lists.png)

File: 937d115bc3a6a52⋯.jpg (650.2 KB, 1914x2867, 1914:2867, hitlerist_reading.jpg)

File: 7b01e106e81435c⋯.jpg (1.04 MB, 1500x2247, 500:749, deep_ecology.jpg)

File: 9c23da0de850fb6⋯.png (1.74 MB, 1872x1173, 624:391, Save_aryan_race.png)

File: 5980374236c6392⋯.png (1.59 MB, 990x2100, 33:70, natsoc_summary.png)

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a16b9a  No.84177

File: 7fd1a1c6e00fdbc⋯.png (1.46 MB, 990x2100, 33:70, natsoc_summary_2.png)

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a16b9a  No.85598

File: 3702129e5b1050c⋯.png (39.58 KB, 1901x300, 1901:300, Abortion.png)

File: 9e3231aab82620c⋯.png (127.58 KB, 1902x450, 317:75, Alt_right.png)

File: 54f85e7602d5276⋯.png (91.1 KB, 832x442, 32:17, Race_SS.png)

File: 8641c5084ea6f8c⋯.png (216.59 KB, 1900x1010, 190:101, Jews_tricks.png)

File: ba71a4d5bf05dc7⋯.jpg (397.48 KB, 730x2562, 365:1281, Natsoc_summary_3.jpg)

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a16b9a  No.85604

File: 5184c4946bf28e0⋯.png (1002.74 KB, 1024x768, 4:3, natsoc_surving_the_flames.png)

File: f787148fed8bdc6⋯.jpg (490.06 KB, 1000x1099, 1000:1099, Pol_s_structure.jpg)

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afbf98  No.86097

File: 64e1579a9d9e523⋯.jpg (90.57 KB, 696x799, 696:799, K2tTR4S.jpg)

File: 23a1d3c63523dda⋯.png (19.24 KB, 933x456, 311:152, 1584980514151.png)

File: 9fc47a93fe092cb⋯.png (663.29 KB, 650x994, 325:497, 1585256914868.png)

File: bbf1a2b6f22d937⋯.jpg (468.9 KB, 912x1312, 57:82, 1585333990230.jpg)

File: 19cf649aa9f1590⋯.png (144.77 KB, 900x900, 1:1, knockthedoor.png)

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a16b9a  No.87772

File: 4634ae91faa2364⋯.png (191.92 KB, 1902x376, 951:188, Jews_chosen.png)

File: 97d91c60c643fc1⋯.jpg (394.43 KB, 1899x966, 633:322, Jews_and_power.jpg)

File: 161de1e4d2ba2d7⋯.png (179.58 KB, 1906x382, 953:191, Switching_ideologi.png)

File: 02f195d16a9ea14⋯.png (83.16 KB, 1888x354, 16:3, 4chan_pol_reddit_differenc….png)

File: 27e3f41d17e6adb⋯.png (876.21 KB, 1267x3795, 1267:3795, 4chan_how_it_came_to_be.png)

It'll be nice if the mods could wipe out those posts above me.

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912fef  No.88532

File: f57063dbb11044b⋯.png (61.74 KB, 1289x521, 1289:521, IMG_1429.PNG)

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a16b9a  No.89042

File: 454687ede07c9b2⋯.png (799.16 KB, 1892x2536, 473:634, 1475_The_tale_of_the_Holy_….png)

File: b420ad9c8bc760e⋯.jpg (3.91 MB, 4096x4096, 1:1, Simon_Of_Trent.jpg)

File: 7e0c01d45b5dbfb⋯.jpg (277.95 KB, 1035x1600, 207:320, Jews_blood_libel.jpg)

On the Simon Of Trent's painting controversy that's raging of Facebook and the story of this painting.

Linked with the famous "Blood Libel" of the jews.

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a16b9a  No.89575

File: 28bf99b2317b39e⋯.png (253.97 KB, 1886x1122, 943:561, 4chan_reddit.png)

File: 609d8b0c09db9d2⋯.png (48.47 KB, 1902x234, 317:39, Jews_and_art.png)

File: 00b97ea8e544ed4⋯.png (199.85 KB, 1011x793, 1011:793, Natsoc_philosophy.png)

File: 14b6dff26d35de2⋯.png (1.95 MB, 2335x4417, 2335:4417, Lynching_USA.png)

File: 6f521ffdbe95b1d⋯.png (73.41 KB, 1901x324, 1901:324, Men_and_hero.png)

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a16b9a  No.89576

File: a6aa13bd3db71b9⋯.png (398.95 KB, 920x1722, 460:861, Jews_destroyers.png)

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a16b9a  No.90215

File: a1ca01268ff11d7⋯.png (181.8 KB, 2014x522, 1007:261, USA_CIVIL_WAR.png)

File: fa5c65c908447b4⋯.png (98.32 KB, 1010x747, 1010:747, Why_we_need_a_wall.png)

File: 828136786f50d74⋯.png (73.37 KB, 1804x400, 451:100, What_does_it_mean_to_be_an….png)

File: 932dcbcaee80207⋯.png (961.28 KB, 1900x2483, 1900:2483, Jews_as_a_robot.png)

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a16b9a  No.91692

File: bb0688941b096e0⋯.png (428.87 KB, 1588x2286, 794:1143, Death_Of_The_American_Empi….png)

File: 4306de4b9b56b78⋯.png (42.08 KB, 1802x220, 901:110, Civil_war_is_inevitable.png)

File: 9f8e70aec499a92⋯.png (78.71 KB, 1901x447, 1901:447, Africa_job.png)

File: 71576aac2648b70⋯.jpg (1.31 MB, 2792x2120, 349:265, Western_accomplishment.jpg)

File: d73a3ebfa9efd12⋯.png (48.63 KB, 1900x266, 50:7, Reward_for_tolerance.png)

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347f63  No.92118

File: be8bc4b8a28d80b⋯.png (527.69 KB, 1172x850, 586:425, 1568168394867.png)

File: c6fb7a5aa937c4e⋯.png (64.37 KB, 1130x393, 1130:393, 1568167505603.png)

File: 01dfb6b17ca0f1f⋯.png (1.47 MB, 2632x2948, 658:737, MK_ULTRA_ANON_DREAM.png)

File: d86d115bbdaecd7⋯.jpg (137.46 KB, 1115x241, 1115:241, 1582527102614.jpg)

File: 24aa642b91ba12d⋯.mp4 (7.04 MB, 426x240, 71:40, AlanWattNeverWatchTelevisi….mp4)

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1ce67a  No.93001


>the Earth is flat

Then why can I calculate my location on the surface of the planet using SPHERICAL trigonometry you fuckwit

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a16b9a  No.94657

File: cd5d3167c07079f⋯.png (14.8 KB, 1344x116, 336:29, White_liberal_twitter_envy.png)

File: 56ebb0923d182ca⋯.png (18.02 KB, 1902x130, 951:65, Leftism_and_achievements.png)

File: 8da952680ddb588⋯.png (334.78 KB, 1902x1806, 317:301, Ritual_murder_at_passover.png)

File: 1e09cb7baef241a⋯.png (1.36 MB, 1152x1449, 128:161, The_problems_with_american….png)

File: 0cab8ade17376e6⋯.png (814.12 KB, 2836x1232, 709:308, The_problems_with_american….png)

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a16b9a  No.94658

File: 5a012d10e895569⋯.png (108.74 KB, 1900x404, 475:101, 4chan_s_influence.png)

File: d487d32ac8bac89⋯.png (900.97 KB, 2050x2234, 1025:1117, Jews_and_media.png)

File: f678552f2283199⋯.jpg (153.24 KB, 1321x444, 1321:444, Men_walking_away_from_civi….jpg)

File: 00968fa4df27770⋯.jpg (2.53 MB, 2891x2213, 2891:2213, Julius_Evola.jpg)

File: 9f435fc60202d40⋯.png (51.91 KB, 900x306, 50:17, Commies_hate_fun.png)

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687120  No.94893

Redpill on Wilhelm Reich, Adorno and the Frankfurt school:


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2fa8af  No.94909


While I think that one on americans is spot-on for normalfags or more specifically mostly lefty normalfags but there are plenty of people here who still hold americas founding values including white nationalism quite highly and I think it's hypocritical to avoid noting the same things happening to canada which he may have been lucky to avoid by being born in a remote somewhat isolationist community likely in canadas very rural areas.

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a81a87  No.94952

File: c1c82b0e01f8748⋯.png (999.92 KB, 1024x768, 4:3, colinjordannatsoc.png)

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a81a87  No.94953

File: 9e0a35f8597179e⋯.jpg (758.57 KB, 1440x1440, 1:1, GLRfascism.jpg)

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a81a87  No.94954

File: 35b42db9281d341⋯.jpg (29.38 KB, 960x218, 480:109, idealmanwoman.jpg)

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a81a87  No.94955

File: 32e553d5fe0dbee⋯.jpg (130.5 KB, 980x652, 245:163, jewsandgermanrevolution.jpg)

File: da3295b18e5564a⋯.png (2.11 MB, 1198x1357, 1198:1357, jewsgermanysocietalproblem….png)

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a81a87  No.94956

File: d709f038055b3ae⋯.jpg (18.12 KB, 680x169, 680:169, doolittletrade.jpg)

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a81a87  No.95311

File: 26e5390b8c58f7c⋯.jpg (133.58 KB, 1024x639, 1024:639, jewsandtrans.jpg)

File: f163be565144c33⋯.jpg (122.12 KB, 553x747, 553:747, jewporn.jpg)

File: 29dada1ac14e939⋯.jpg (1.99 MB, 2824x3540, 706:885, jewweaponizedporn.jpg)

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a16b9a  No.95732

File: b4c490fcc2dfc8d⋯.png (2.41 MB, 1330x4098, 665:2049, Psyops1.png)

File: 9586ed1353cfbf6⋯.png (2.57 MB, 1330x4261, 1330:4261, Psyops2.png)

File: f64d19a00b95e65⋯.png (3.94 MB, 2448x2448, 1:1, Psyops3.png)

File: 3aaca6a467c0069⋯.png (186.07 KB, 1888x1178, 944:589, A_star_wars_story_anon_cal….png)

File: a0287bff9ee4728⋯.png (1.08 MB, 1312x5664, 41:177, hollywood_2.png)

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a16b9a  No.95733

File: c02b41e6382ef8d⋯.png (95.2 KB, 1920x494, 960:247, Kali_Yuga.png)

File: 8d55a100e4dc859⋯.png (67.22 KB, 1872x274, 936:137, Boomer_s.png)

File: db592973c907465⋯.jpg (276.32 KB, 1309x426, 1309:426, Transcendous_unity_of_reli….jpg)

File: 8b4bed6136843a1⋯.png (838.9 KB, 1904x1366, 952:683, How_leftism_works.png)

File: 0797dedfa6e6d61⋯.png (3.97 MB, 1292x8897, 1292:8897, Christ_rose_from_the_dead.png)

A pretty good description of how everything went wront in California.

Pretty tired, doesn't really want to make a screencap out of it.


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a16b9a  No.95734

File: 54d890828a4b27f⋯.png (69.54 KB, 1321x326, 1321:326, Even_if_true_which_it_isn_….png)

File: fac4aaf694410a7⋯.jpg (281.62 KB, 1200x952, 150:119, Spielberg.jpg)

File: 6ffc0554e1f75e4⋯.png (149.87 KB, 1902x532, 951:266, Art_and_beauty.png)

File: b9deff6f45bf041⋯.png (69.83 KB, 1886x262, 943:131, Jews_extermination_white_p….png)

File: e5465a63fa63478⋯.jpg (121.34 KB, 625x1357, 625:1357, saddest_story_ever_told_po….jpg)

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a16b9a  No.95735

File: d6ec144a16f62b5⋯.jpg (294.72 KB, 750x530, 75:53, How_great_nations_fall.jpg)

File: 91ede44bdf422a0⋯.png (197.45 KB, 1900x852, 475:213, Philosophy_Of_Natsoc.png)

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a16b9a  No.96195

File: 5f7ade67d7afcbf⋯.png (287.41 KB, 1835x810, 367:162, The_clownpill.png)

File: f6c1e44dba60859⋯.png (102.78 KB, 1902x258, 317:43, Together.png)

File: f931bdbfc97bf3a⋯.png (180.91 KB, 1410x903, 470:301, Black_and_white_crime_diff….png)

File: ac304c987bcae75⋯.jpg (3.44 MB, 1488x3155, 1488:3155, natsoc_summary_3.jpg)

File: c98260724af23c0⋯.jpg (159.49 KB, 1342x568, 671:284, jews_and_degeneracy_filth.jpg)

Alright so, this one is a big fucking download for anyone who still want some redpill.

An anon on 4chan pol made a huge as fuck folder for everyone after deciding to leave.

He left us with everything he ever had took , which judging by the size is rather enormous.

You can download it in either MEGA or torrent of course ( I advise torrent, but well, that's just me).



I'll also put all the other folders who have been in this thread for anyone else as well.






Unfortunately, if the original poster is still here , the first folder for dropbox doesn't work anymore.

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a16b9a  No.96198

File: 498191523c9ad24⋯.png (44.47 KB, 1900x236, 475:59, What_made_ou_natsoc.png)

File: 133e05ceedce684⋯.png (217.16 KB, 1902x828, 317:138, What_pol_taught_you.png)

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a16b9a  No.96204

File: cee27ce1655250f⋯.png (202.48 KB, 1900x852, 475:213, Africa_s_state.png)

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a16b9a  No.96210

File: 3842721b03d7df4⋯.png (107.14 KB, 1902x498, 317:83, What_made_you_natsoc.png)

Forgot one sorry

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36c5d6  No.96336

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a16b9a  No.96381

File: 660a6cf3345bd64⋯.gif (3.1 MB, 3000x6018, 500:1003, Repented_jews_explain_Juda….gif)

File: 53839211b4986de⋯.png (1.57 MB, 1259x4981, 1259:4981, Purple_anon_QA.png)

File: cf9eeff6b8bc339⋯.png (992.04 KB, 1521x739, 1521:739, Laziness.png)

File: e31cd0a62605f98⋯.png (449.11 KB, 1600x1577, 1600:1577, Cultural_Marxism.png)

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a792b4  No.96396

YouTube embed. Click thumbnail to play.

This shit tripped me out, i had no idea Obama was so based. ff to the parts about Bibi and Obama. I think this is why Trump hates Obama.

\For all intents and purposes Trump is a Jew.

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a16b9a  No.97364

File: b6467c757b90cb6⋯.png (203.41 KB, 1904x612, 28:9, America_USA_is_over.png)

File: a9d0caf4ad3a68e⋯.png (97.96 KB, 1920x325, 384:65, America_is_gone.png)

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a16b9a  No.97365

File: ce375a8e0e28a81⋯.png (181.88 KB, 2068x670, 1034:335, Lost_Generation.png)

File: f050ab39bf362b5⋯.jpg (1.28 MB, 1898x1498, 949:749, anglo_saxon.jpg)

File: 18731f9b93598ba⋯.png (187.47 KB, 1920x935, 384:187, Emma_Watson.png)

File: 7287f6a623c9dac⋯.gif (1.92 MB, 1880x3452, 470:863, arab.gif)

File: 74c1abbfa56ae14⋯.png (1.99 MB, 1456x3154, 728:1577, arab2.png)

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2fa8af  No.97426


This purple anon shit has to be a psy-op, the motherfucker stands against racism aka looking out for your race, and pretty much everything he said was already known mostly through deduction and the little cracks in the system so why would you post this shit?

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a16b9a  No.97445


Because he said tings that are actually relevant.

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2fa8af  No.97456


He said things with an air of authority that makes me suspicious as in it makes me suspect that none of it aside from that which is confirmed by other sources and basic logic holds any fucking weight at all but whatever.

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cfcfc1  No.97529


>redpill thread ruined by a jewish LARPer spamming hundreds of images that now have to be individually and independently verified and nitpicked to remove all jewish propaganda

Mods, can you just wipe the thread and we can start over? This is fucking bullshit.

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2fa8af  No.97544


Just leave it, there's too much good info here anybody smart will not be fooled by that idiot and this is a resource more for us to go to cuckchan or various other places and red-pill the faggots there than it is for us, or am I wrong?

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22924a  No.97683

Man…. I just spent the last 2 days reading most of the stuff in this thread. To all of you who contributed- thank you for giving more meaning to my life.

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a16b9a  No.97929

File: 42b34f96605e886⋯.png (19.65 KB, 1900x115, 380:23, America_pretending.png)

File: b9df790955c5a0c⋯.png (49.67 KB, 1902x295, 1902:295, Westerners_VS_jews.png)

File: 1045fa036d36f07⋯.png (34.17 KB, 1900x131, 1900:131, Identifing_with_Hitler.png)

File: 93e3b59564021a3⋯.jpg (558.69 KB, 3731x1687, 533:241, Why_are_liberal_like_this.jpg)

File: ce8d7301f625c0a⋯.png (36.8 KB, 1900x260, 95:13, Liberal1.png)


No need to thank us man, always a pleasure.

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0ebdf1  No.97978

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10bc93  No.98329

File: 850d6a786bec599⋯.png (845.53 KB, 1000x1000, 1:1, Cool.png)

File: 73f4622d3072651⋯.png (7.54 MB, 2000x4212, 500:1053, ncie.png)

I made my own two redpills.


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7ef8f7  No.98343


Good start, I'd suggest the top half of the second one be larger and easier to read. Pictures/text you have to zoom are not as clear…look at the contrast vs. the art half.

For Don Quixote, I'd made the upper text darker/clearer as well, more like the bottom. You can use a different font if you want to show contrast, but clarity is important.

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a16b9a  No.101737

File: 0ada014f2ffb1ee⋯.jpg (1.83 MB, 921x2396, 921:2396, History_of_God_s_Holy_Bibl….jpg)

File: 8e92e87a2a92b08⋯.jpg (1.41 MB, 840x2043, 280:681, History_of_God_s_Holy_Bibl….jpg)

File: c64849ad8944050⋯.png (43.91 KB, 2484x131, 2484:131, subvert.png)

File: 895eb3887ae703d⋯.jpg (146.06 KB, 907x425, 907:425, Leftist_don_t_understand_h….jpg)

File: 85ba0c83576a6fa⋯.png (232.2 KB, 1898x706, 949:353, Losing_faith_in_America.png)

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a16b9a  No.101738

File: 8899f2e880f7852⋯.png (678.82 KB, 1524x713, 1524:713, Hawai_and_california.png)

File: 699ed50a336c0ac⋯.png (126.85 KB, 1904x674, 952:337, Sweden_wtf.png)

File: ebb63e850da28b3⋯.png (195.32 KB, 908x1831, 908:1831, rage_inducing_story_about_….png)

File: 8c90283e71efcbe⋯.png (36.32 KB, 1904x144, 119:9, Tranny_are_just_cultist.png)

File: f4be4a8d93ab0fa⋯.png (809.79 KB, 1664x5472, 52:171, compilation_jewish_ritual_….png)

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a16b9a  No.101739

File: cd4e157ab890c48⋯.png (313.46 KB, 1900x1852, 475:463, Jewish_ritual_murder.png)

File: 4e76e88a26dc83f⋯.png (1.46 MB, 7540x6984, 1885:1746, Antisemitism_is_what_they_….png)

File: 7458fee8bad23fa⋯.png (158.17 KB, 1876x410, 938:205, Lost_Generation_of_men.png)

File: 513ab4d2087a753⋯.png (62.49 KB, 1886x208, 943:104, Consumerism.png)

File: 79e6241a554a6f9⋯.png (119.86 KB, 1886x696, 943:348, Poles_aren_t_jews_lover.png)

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9abd85  No.101801

Now you're just posting one liners from modern cuckchan. For fuck's sake, this isn't a redpill thread. It's a "lol so deep" thread.

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a16b9a  No.101809


Some of them are, some of them not.

Tho, I do agree with you a little bit, maybe posting those tiny one liners may not be the smartyest thing tp do; I'll simply post stuff that are longer and more elevant.

My mistake.

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a16b9a  No.101810

*relevant. fuck I hate making typo.

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7eec3a  No.105103


For the reader to decide and not for you to dictate.

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2fa8af  No.106328


Anybody got that anti christian redpill on hitlers table talks?

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c89e0f  No.106446

File: c90bcbac99b4271⋯.gif (3.28 MB, 635x640, 127:128, 1581214054074.gif)


>literal (1)

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70a79c  No.106513

File: 5554517afa52f4e⋯.png (2.19 MB, 8040x4528, 1005:566, Project_RED_Cons_v3.png)

Show this to all normies you can

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00ccd7  No.106581


Good post, but holy fuck the one about the military contractor reads like it was written by one of the African niggers in his story. I can't believe it was written by an adult. It reads like it was written by a borderline retarded ESL "refugee".

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00ccd7  No.106604


The Pic with the Alpha on it:

>shower every morning

>wash hair everyday

>condition every other day

This is terrible advice. You should be conditioning everyday, and washing at most once a week. Personally, I wash my hair maybe once a month. If you're using conditioner and showering everyday, you're hair wont get dirty.

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4905fd  No.106669

I just uploaded my pdf library to mega. Decently unique collection https://mega.nz/folder/TOhUUIYb#pMBLPqh5BCfpQxsJT69rEQ

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7a0a72  No.106693


>pic 2

how do you know

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fe04f3  No.111877

File: eeddae5a96dee3a⋯.png (2.98 MB, 6144x1856, 96:29, HUMAN_TRAFICKING_ANON_2.png)

File: e0d0a55f5eeef23⋯.png (850.91 KB, 2125x1748, 2125:1748, mcain_foundation.png)

File: 5eb1a9270fdc0bd⋯.png (1.45 MB, 918x4899, 306:1633, DEVGRU_mil_human_trafickin….png)

File: 6c1371b692c23ff⋯.png (95.76 KB, 742x496, 371:248, mcain_flake_1.png)

File: 873fcb79eda9e03⋯.png (106.92 KB, 544x551, 544:551, 1548822887440.png)

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fe04f3  No.111882

File: 5e8cac5ace9a1b1⋯.png (1.27 MB, 900x1000, 9:10, 1582548630456_1_.png)

File: a43c8231366e014⋯.png (211.07 KB, 1280x950, 128:95, 1590660170142.png)

File: b8bf61db038a07b⋯.jpg (678.29 KB, 1460x962, 730:481, UK_RAPE_UPDATE.jpg)

File: 6e3398043b693db⋯.jpg (221.41 KB, 1024x674, 512:337, 1553262594989.jpg)

File: c07f02f3279343c⋯.jpg (115.93 KB, 800x532, 200:133, 1556804950789.jpg)

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fe04f3  No.111893

File: 8b315b00c7ec580⋯.png (545.17 KB, 720x592, 45:37, US_ISLAM.png)

File: 28812ef47c9ba96⋯.png (67.46 KB, 690x542, 345:271, ISLAM_GLOBO.png)

File: 925d65750201be4⋯.png (26.11 KB, 870x335, 174:67, ISLAM_GLOBO_2.png)

File: 11744706250b3c3⋯.png (800.93 KB, 655x1328, 655:1328, Shock_poll_US_muslims.png)

File: 9ed4b5011b87eca⋯.png (707.06 KB, 3404x1268, 851:317, Saudi_Royal_is_a_Pollack.png)

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fe04f3  No.111898

File: d2f78e789e46d6c⋯.png (349.8 KB, 1058x1448, 529:724, Import_of_Muslims.png)

File: 22bfde3f6003ddd⋯.jpg (92.5 KB, 769x545, 769:545, Gays_are_compromised_GG.jpg)

File: 94abbfb5d6cee22⋯.png (117.31 KB, 988x410, 494:205, 1579583344671.png)

File: d6be06b9a3fb605⋯.png (63.58 KB, 750x575, 30:23, 1579583378932.png)

File: 0f46b110a129fb7⋯.png (2.24 MB, 3912x1848, 163:77, USISLAM_HANEY.png)

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fe04f3  No.111922

File: 59dd86ff66ff30d⋯.jpg (178.71 KB, 887x963, 887:963, obama_flashbacks.jpg)

File: 75e00cc39f6be8d⋯.png (159.18 KB, 1025x970, 205:194, 1579583109829.png)

File: 207ddef2c075620⋯.png (252.5 KB, 789x1370, 789:1370, 1579583288638.png)

File: e7af47432a318ac⋯.png (361.57 KB, 860x1462, 10:17, 1579583725514.png)

File: f3fda39cccd6e5f⋯.png (3.88 MB, 1107x6767, 1107:6767, belfer.png)


Enemies Within Series: Philip Haney - National Security Meltdown - Islamic Saturation in U.S. Govt


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fe04f3  No.111933

File: 7d1ebb034302997⋯.png (1.98 MB, 5112x3420, 142:95, QUANTUM_ANON_2.png)

File: 76da3b06a541832⋯.png (3.71 MB, 6264x3564, 58:33, QUANTUM_ANON.png)

File: 3b0564e32ae3baa⋯.png (1.45 MB, 3424x1496, 428:187, CLINTON_CHINA.png)

File: 17768b14db87e99⋯.png (983.78 KB, 3012x1300, 753:325, PERRY_CLINTON_LAST_SUPPER.png)

File: e3576da4bde4fa1⋯.png (57.16 KB, 1289x440, 1289:440, CHINA_MISSI.png)

>1994 - Most Favored Nation Status for China Reinstated after Tianamen Square (W. Clinton)

>1996 - Most Favored Nation Status for China Reinstated after Tianamen Square (W. Clinton)

>2000 - Pemanent Normal Trade Relations with China and WTO Membership for China (W. Clinton)

>1996 United States campaign finance controversy


>Lincoln Bedroom for contributors controversy

"Fat Cat Hotel: How Democratic High-Rollers Are Rewarded with Overnight Stays at the White House". This report, written by Margaret Ebrahim


>China Was Bill Clinton’s Russia

>In 1996, a foreign government didn’t just meddle, it donated.


>Remember When Bill Clinton Was Accused of Trading White House Access for Political Favors?


>The Democratic National Committee forced to return $2.8 million in illegal contributions, much of it from foreign nationals, and much of it brought to the party by fundraising executive John Huang. Huang originally represented U.S. interests for the Riady family; Indonesian businessmen with close ties to the Communist Chinese government.

>John Huang a Commerce Department appointment… one that came with a top-secret security clearance.

>Charlie Trie member of a Chinese Tria d crime gang that has close ties to the Chinese Communist Party. Trie's money contact in Macau, who wired more than $1 million to Trie's U.S. account, most of which is believed to have ended up in Clinton Defense Fund and Democratic Party campaign coffers, is Ng Lapseng, a Triad mobster and Chinese communist official. In fact, Ng visited the White House and attended a number of Democratic Party fund-raisers in Washington, sitting next to President Clinton at some events.

>"James and Mochtar Riady have a long-term relationship with a Chinese intelligence agency; influenced Clinton-Gore policies that decimated national security export controls ….product of negligent Administration oversight of joint U.S.-China high technology programs and satellite launches, that have dramatically improved Chinese nuclear missile accuracy and reliability.

>The critical premise of the authors has been validated by the recent rel ease of an explicit Pentagon report to the Congress illustrating how the China's People's Liberation Army (PLA) is developing a range of high technology weapons to destroy American satellites and establish "capability to establish control of space and to deny access and use of military and commercial space systems in times of crises or war."

>Year of the Rat: How Bill Clinton Compromised U.S. Security for Chinese Cash

>In August of 1994, Bill Clinton’s Secretary of Commerce, Ron Brown, flew to China to try and seal two deals for American corporations.

>The Chinese agreed to buy the planes; McDonnell Douglas should sell a mysterious company called the China National Aero Technology Import and Export Corporation (CATIC) a set of specialist machine tools that shape and bend aircraft parts stashed in a factory in Columbus, Ohio.

>They used the same excuses, NYT ; avoid sending any signals that would fuel China's belief that the United States is trying to contain China's power, militarily or economically.

>there were two catastrophic decisions Clinton made in 1993 :The first was to radically break from the post-World War II trading system; passing NAFTA,creating the World Trade Organization, opening up the United States to China as deep commercial partners. The radicalism of the choice was in the intertwining of the U.S. industrial base with an autocratic strategic competitor.

>The second choice was to reorganize the American defense industrial base

>In 1993, Defense Department official William Perry gathered CEOs of top defense contractors and told them that they would have to merge into larger entities ,i.e. monopoly—contracts, and slashed the Defense Logistics Agency, resulting in thousands of employees with deep knowledge of defense contracting leaving the public sector.

Source: Matt Stoller

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fe04f3  No.111937

File: 6d1e2b81e477b02⋯.png (204.52 KB, 1242x632, 621:316, Solutrean_theory.png)

File: a4a45490681f13e⋯.png (507.5 KB, 1264x2096, 79:131, Joseph_Conrad_2.png)

File: 6dc84ba214a9a59⋯.png (108.04 KB, 1261x507, 97:39, PROPAGANDA_DEMORAL.png)

File: 5ae69d54ddd1557⋯.png (241.26 KB, 2718x980, 1359:490, FemAnon_on_Jews.png)

File: 58dbfffc32c77ed⋯.png (146.77 KB, 1292x490, 646:245, NON_TERRESTIAL_OFFICERS.png)

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fe04f3  No.111948

File: 575ca329320033f⋯.png (189.28 KB, 1338x748, 669:374, Capote_on_Jews.png)

File: add149df3fc67d5⋯.jpg (2.45 MB, 1580x4708, 395:1177, USA_IMMIGRAT_60S.jpg)

File: c541fb5d15204ce⋯.png (184.68 KB, 1091x686, 1091:686, white_identity_christian_a….png)

File: dfc1dcb84e93bce⋯.png (187.72 KB, 1316x598, 658:299, jew_shitzo.png)

File: 455d861c08e1c2e⋯.jpg (46.17 KB, 468x343, 468:343, 1401496196034.jpg)

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fe04f3  No.111955

File: d00d024f64d0156⋯.png (147.23 KB, 365x600, 73:120, ADL_FREEMASONRY_BRITISH.png)

File: 9c68144c9c2e369⋯.jpg (2.86 MB, 3160x3560, 79:89, free_masons_jews_hitler.jpg)

File: fc8c33f7ec90672⋯.png (268.41 KB, 736x508, 184:127, larouche_tavist_ADL.png)

File: da8b16969074a4a⋯.png (328.1 KB, 1948x1096, 487:274, SOROS_REFORM_JUDAISM.png)

File: 6bed9092f36a50c⋯.png (1.43 MB, 3072x1840, 192:115, Soros_Judaism_Nietzche.png)

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fe04f3  No.111965

File: 94e4af7cb08a2e4⋯.png (643.7 KB, 1650x1515, 110:101, NIETZSCHE_5.png)

File: c49b584fe78c9ed⋯.png (62.45 KB, 1280x358, 640:179, NIETZSCHE_3.png)

File: 64d2273695ac222⋯.png (1.15 MB, 1904x2532, 476:633, NATSOC_NATURE.png)

File: aacc2bfae6b28c5⋯.png (322.89 KB, 962x891, 962:891, pagan_menace_to_jews.png)

File: e075ded6d4b31e9⋯.jpg (325.39 KB, 893x904, 893:904, Nietzsche_jews.jpg)

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fe04f3  No.111974

File: f93436d05ff81c0⋯.jpg (714.92 KB, 961x1626, 961:1626, How_SJW_fuels_corporatism.jpg)

File: 782c02c786a8d43⋯.jpg (437.79 KB, 622x2193, 622:2193, SJW_indoctrinating_Childre….jpg)

File: 57bd51564ee0be6⋯.png (1.94 MB, 2392x1708, 598:427, Clinton_Democrat_Catholic_….png)

File: eec93ec8d7bde73⋯.png (285.3 KB, 1383x688, 1383:688, The_greatest_time_to_have_….png)

File: 119b75af67d1e67⋯.png (110.76 KB, 1024x768, 4:3, 1518385956343.png)

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fe04f3  No.111977

File: bb5a12643abd89e⋯.png (1.43 MB, 1724x1668, 431:417, Deep_State_Ministry_of_Tru….png)

File: e01a92fbc4f9fe0⋯.png (347.07 KB, 1798x1036, 899:518, DARPA_meme_war.png)

File: e10de864a9dc2c0⋯.png (684.15 KB, 1111x777, 1111:777, facebook_lifelog.png)

File: 4f4f0cba0fd5ff1⋯.png (797.97 KB, 909x960, 303:320, Gamergate_darpa_digra.png)

File: d48ba56c7c9c46b⋯.png (3.88 MB, 1280x6478, 640:3239, Gamer_gate_darpa.png)

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fe04f3  No.111982

File: cb55dea4fc9b268⋯.jpg (1.34 MB, 1504x2964, 376:741, Bosnian_Doom.jpg)

File: 0e2befc301cf070⋯.png (316 KB, 1796x738, 898:369, Show_the_normies_such_prog….png)

File: f7cfeb84eb0a5f9⋯.png (858.5 KB, 2592x700, 648:175, OIL_CARTEL.png)

File: c2a4d4b3d56fafd⋯.png (208.97 KB, 1300x540, 65:27, GOT_Inverting_Heroism.png)

File: fa60487c71c7461⋯.png (70.33 KB, 1276x251, 1276:251, TAVISTOCK_RUNDOWN.png)

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fe04f3  No.111985

File: 712965df3b09e99⋯.png (319.96 KB, 1009x668, 1009:668, shrodinger_pol.png)

File: a001cd3a5c22e6a⋯.png (153.29 KB, 1313x350, 1313:350, Italian_gladio_war.png)

File: 6fb7dbfbfc0c71e⋯.png (259.55 KB, 1051x1003, 1051:1003, 1532928132178.png)

File: 4974b895dc8979e⋯.png (43.1 KB, 1315x412, 1315:412, American_Econ_vs_Anglo_Mer….png)

File: f9116e208345bcf⋯.png (1.12 MB, 2484x1492, 621:373, GYPSY_PILL.png)

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fe04f3  No.111986

File: 9ccd0ef8006f46d⋯.jpg (927.45 KB, 1429x1531, 1429:1531, CDC_END_WHITES.jpg)

File: 5430030107da8f0⋯.png (184.16 KB, 1282x459, 1282:459, Evola_Western_morals_and_r….png)

File: cb46fa83f94e492⋯.png (3.63 MB, 1920x2099, 1920:2099, The_Rundown_Goy.png)

File: 9dbedd3dd288606⋯.png (1.71 MB, 1292x966, 646:483, HATE_NETWORKS_MACRO.png)

File: 9282d7f7041e822⋯.png (103.81 KB, 1268x626, 634:313, Corporate_Socialism.png)

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fe04f3  No.111989

File: f1a835a178a57cd⋯.jpg (860.46 KB, 1320x2460, 22:41, australia_gun_history.jpg)

File: 5dbe2482ac86d25⋯.png (376.28 KB, 1320x1420, 66:71, Canada_MultiCult.png)

File: 8bafeffaff1223e⋯.png (234.17 KB, 1798x625, 1798:625, GEN_X_ON_BOOMERS.png)

File: 764cbef6e2f01b3⋯.png (249.5 KB, 959x738, 959:738, Progwashing_critic_proof.png)

File: 59a009bed0bbbd8⋯.jpg (974.78 KB, 1200x2252, 300:563, Uncle_Ted_on_Leftists.jpg)

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fe04f3  No.111996

File: 226fc0447103e17⋯.png (162.28 KB, 1306x514, 653:257, pol_anon_with_you_in_the_d….png)

File: f623844f66a183c⋯.png (178.27 KB, 1241x447, 1241:447, POL_Bottom_up_influence.png)

File: e5961c4ff17fc2a⋯.jpg (222.44 KB, 1793x540, 1793:540, pol_new_human.jpg)

File: 4b8ac0c526635b0⋯.png (205.91 KB, 992x903, 992:903, Pol_recognised_hope.png)

File: efbd0033ef57bab⋯.png (106.56 KB, 1307x363, 1307:363, ETERNAL_SUMMER.png)

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a16b9a  No.113560

File: 7f889942aab4434⋯.png (35.45 KB, 1902x204, 317:34, Proponent_of_diversity_are….png)

File: 78a3bbed017ccc3⋯.jpg (1.34 MB, 2569x3209, 2569:3209, Dutch_diversity.jpg)

File: 63028d062647118⋯.jpg (52.73 KB, 750x552, 125:92, Diversity_is_not_a_strengh….jpg)

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946247  No.113722

fuck how do I do a bulk download of all images?

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fe04f3  No.116294

File: 10fb58f2d3894c1⋯.png (91.08 KB, 891x699, 297:233, 1591070555538.png)

File: bd4b91fd64a5858⋯.jpg (3.31 MB, 1526x2200, 763:1100, 1537927629140.jpg)

File: 95a099462c23db3⋯.jpg (2.89 MB, 1374x2000, 687:1000, 1537928364420.jpg)

File: f2b83293cc4a1c6⋯.jpg (856.5 KB, 1020x1455, 68:97, 1537929247665.jpg)

File: 5cbab4631ee4180⋯.png (99.22 KB, 1299x543, 433:181, DIVIDE_AND_JEW.png)


>fuck how do I do a bulk download of all images?

You can click in the images namefile and it automatically starts downloading.

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b27cd8  No.117388

File: e16bcf80ba5b547⋯.png (343.12 KB, 410x517, 410:517, konrad_heiden.png)

File: ff7461bf314631c⋯.jpg (94.42 KB, 656x960, 41:60, leon_trotsky_the_inventor_….jpg)



And while I'm at it.


Reminder to never use -isms and (((nazi))) because using these communist phrases only give their corrupting jewish lingo power over other languages, especially power over the average layman.

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19cdff  No.117444

File: c853ff406db5dd2⋯.webm (14.57 MB, 1280x720, 16:9, this_is_National_Socialis….webm)


>George Lincold Rockwell

Blessed be the man.

Anyone have any other of his speeches? Webm related, it's thanks.

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b21841  No.117497


any tips on where to find some of these books? not all of them seem to be on libgen and the book archive in the natsoc thread is down.

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c22c9b  No.117555



>Whoever made that pic should have picked a better hair style instead of whatever crap that's coming out of the fashion industry these days.

It's literally called a "Hitler Youth Cut". The right is starting to see problems where there isn't. Will cannibalize itself too.

>Why are there so many leftists?

>I don't know it can't possibly be that we have a problem with every single thing on earth including other rightwingers?

>No it's the leftists that are wrong. We can do no wrong.

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16de0a  No.117715


story nr1 >killing terrorist niggers it's like hunting but less cruel because no animals get hurt.

kek, what a psycho.

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17c432  No.117971

File: 55bf2920e49c391⋯.jpg (74.36 KB, 720x450, 8:5, 1527716227_4.jpg)

File: df341918c3044a8⋯.jpg (133.43 KB, 880x944, 55:59, 1543027848.jpg)

File: dfb863b3725c1cf⋯.jpg (120.76 KB, 768x768, 1:1, autisticFriendSimulator.jpg)

File: 0af04066a05abb0⋯.jpg (2.05 MB, 3813x4500, 1271:1500, Britain_started_the_war.jpg)

File: 1379e52111041c0⋯.jpg (91.09 KB, 1200x351, 400:117, business_in_china_1.jpg)


That third pic is a load of bullshit, though.

While that guy wasn't a larper, I think, he was a self-aggrandizing boomer if nothing else.

ssychology in the 60s in particular was just a ridiculous pile of nonsense.

That is why MK ULTRA yielded nothing more than the most basic logical conclusions.

Much like the dead hoax of neuroscience today, the 60s were dominated by BF Skinner's Behaviorism and its opposite, Cognitivism.

As you should be aware, Skinner proposed the mind to be a tabula rasa which could be filled by conditioning whicheverway you chose by his patented technique of operant conditioning. And all because he trained a bunch of pidgeons to walk in a circle.

Psychology in particular was a science (past tense because psychology is today neither a science nor alive), that always suffered from having a dominant theory hyped up to the high heavens and subsequently trying to apply that theory to absolutely everything.

These dominant theories would eventually beget its polar opposite: in the case of Behaviorism, it was Cognitivism. And that supposed everything was in some way influenced and shaped by the way you thought about things. It was so goddamn ridiculous, it's safely forgotten today.

But both these schools of thought shaped what MK ULTRA would try and do.

But since its foundation was so crippled and wrong from the beginning, there was nothing that could be learned that hadn't been thought of before.

That was the tragedy of psychology. After the coked-up perverted yid Freud subverted the entire field, it was doomed from the start.

It could have been a real science, just look up the Leipzig school, which invented the decibel system and actually found stuff that benefited mankind.

That's why all this NLP, MK ULTRA shit is getting really tiresome to read.

There is no magic way to subconsciously program the mind. There is no magic potion, either. Just the good old carrot and stick approach. And the talmudvision, of course, which is the perfect tool for mass indoctrination, and that is nothing new.

That is why people waking up is directly proportional to how much TV they watch and how much TV has lost its significance in the past years.

Generation Zyklon is the perfect example. Even though they receive what amounts to zero education and are bombarded harder than ever with any type of jewish propaganda, they are getting red-pilled for the simple fact alone that they don't sit in front of the TV anymore.

The opposite is true for the boomers and 30-year-old boomers, conversely. Since TV has dominated their lives from the day they were put in front of it as infants, they are beyond redemption. Their demoralization is complete.

The glowniggers wish they had that much understanding and power over the human mind, when the truth is that our meme magic is more potent than what they could have ever dreamed of.

That's why the yids resort to ever more obvious propaganda. If they were so well orchastrated and methodical, none of this pathetic kvetching would be needed today; they would have won long ago.

But they haven't. And they won't.

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75be67  No.118026

File: d7794165b9e2d2f⋯.jpg (116.73 KB, 1200x470, 120:47, business_in_china_2.jpg)

File: 98d294a5f8309cb⋯.jpg (108.46 KB, 1200x440, 30:11, business_in_china_3.jpg)

File: 9d056e27d4512ff⋯.jpg (113.3 KB, 1200x511, 1200:511, business_in_china_4.jpg)

File: c04f4989e3d04f9⋯.jpg (110.75 KB, 1200x417, 400:139, business_in_china_5.jpg)

File: 951e4f3934648b1⋯.jpg (106.35 KB, 1200x456, 50:19, business_in_china_6.jpg)


I see, the pic limit is currently at five.

Have some more redpills on China.

Also, let's not forget the Third Reich knew that the jewish field of psychology didn't hold any water so they never bothered with that.

As an aside, Cognitivism also gave birth to Positive Psychology, the even more crackpot retarded idea that everything based upon how you perceive the world and to be successful, you must first start thinking posititvely.

I think it was the Tavistock program that was most concerned with that esoteric nonsense.

That is such retarded magical thinking, small wonder the Masons were behind it.

The newest scam of yidology, btw, is candite gene hoaxing. After the funding-well for neuroscience has dried up since in the 25 years of its existence no breakthrough, paradigm shift, or otherwise useful information could be gleaned from it, this has become the new money-pit.

Bill Gates is a big fan of it. And the hype surrounding it is surreal. You wouldn't believe the mental masturbation going on there.

Just watch one of Bill's presentation of him trying to convince some glowniggers to vaccinate against certain genes to quell undesired personality traits. That shit's hilarious.

It's like the empty promises of Silicon Valley and Neuroscience had a glue-sniffing baby.

It boils down to AI and big data scams applied to biology.

The conceptual problems should be obvious, but let me spell it out:

Big Data is a scam because data is only as good as long as you can make sense of it. You have to gather data with a goal in mind, to hopefully find what you are looking for.

Big Data hopes that with algorithms, they can flip that logic. Gather data first, find the revelating truth within it through the magic of algorithms. How does this work? Not at all, it turns out. It'll be a few years before the world comes to realize that.

Second, candidate genes. Basically, you correlate a dataset full of genetic data of thousands of people with certain variable such as, let's say, intelligence. You then take these 200+ genes with any sort of correlation and call them candidate genes for intelligence.

What the individual genes do is a mystery and doesn't matter. Your sample is so large that even the slightest correlation has enough power.

You can do that with any disease, trait, or whatever you can think of, and get equally signifcant results. But none of that matters since the actual function of genes remains a mystery since gene-modifcation is no possible in humans. Turns out CRISPR's a massive failure as well. Only works in mice. And that is the most important > you will ever need when reading about daunting new discoveries. >in mice

Turns out the scientific method has been subverted so much in medical science that breakthroughs have become absolutely impossible. Since the highest order animal that can be used in animal modeling are mice. But a mouse is not rat is not a monkey is not a human. And that giant leap cannot be overcome.

That's why there are no new meds that work.

It also has to do with the way the final human testing is done.

But I'm getting off topic.


Psychology, Big Data, AI are all massive scams and nothing more than money-pits. None of the so-called breakthroughs pose any danger to us since they are all jewish ponzi schemes.

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75be67  No.118039

File: 0b7c05f411d1ef4⋯.jpg (132.5 KB, 1200x433, 1200:433, business_in_china_7.jpg)

File: 62b1727eb2b1c53⋯.jpg (83.65 KB, 1002x489, 334:163, business_in_china_8.jpg)

File: 911f4369098a6bd⋯.jpg (106.75 KB, 1200x488, 150:61, business_in_china_9.jpg)

File: 6c1ec90bf7678dc⋯.jpg (104.12 KB, 1200x315, 80:21, business_in_china_10.jpg)

File: c1f90446a2001a1⋯.jpg (214.85 KB, 1356x1211, 1356:1211, Erza_Pound_dropping_red_pi….jpg)


dumping the final images on the bug hive

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9af466  No.118579


the first ones crop is really bad.

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d2c43a  No.120370

File: deb689c4ad741b0⋯.jpeg (46.29 KB, 582x268, 291:134, CCDDE2DC_2810_4DC0_85F4_A….jpeg)

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2fa8af  No.120925


I have personally on just this fucking site seen that same quote attributed to 5 different people, I have begun to suspect that it isn't real in any way, and is entirely jewish astroturfing and none of the people said it, as Hitler had allies and was even redpilled on jews by a fucking American, quit posting this shit or brother wars will keep happening.

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ef3c2e  No.121152

File: 34b23ee2371a903⋯.jpeg (976.72 KB, 1200x2252, 300:563, 60612566_5B1B_45E5_9510_C….jpeg)


I think this edit is warranted here,

patriot (or, nationalist) over racist

Simply because racist is a leftist war word that deserves no acknowledgement in this context.

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2fa8af  No.121182


Racist is a word used to describe people who loved their race more than others by a frenchman in the 1860's if I recall correctly, it had no negative connotation until commies took it over in the early 1900's.

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ef3c2e  No.121185


Yeah I know that. By saying patriot I’m not feeding into the leftist narrative, so I’m adopting a new vocabulary to define these values. Leftist saying racist attack patriots or nationalists. That racist definition is outdated and it seems counterproductive to go around claiming personal racism rather than personal patriotism.

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f98a27  No.121203

File: 3e4a9385378ba1b⋯.jpg (206.04 KB, 1366x768, 683:384, 54196786545.jpg)

I haven't tried confirming anything about pic related, but i though i'll post it anyway.

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eb36cf  No.121720


This isn't reddit. People here have IQ's higher than 120 and come from all across the world. It really isn't that hard to decern meaning from typo's in fact the inability to do so and immediately attacking the typo confirms one is a brainlet.

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11f402  No.121965

>>121203IS Is saying Iran is part of his empire? Would make sense the Zionists started the revolution which took out the anti Zionist Shah.

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c00c4a  No.122018


I never post but you can literally look up the post about water. 44 fucking times holy shit even googling bpa the dangers are practically hidden its ‘safe’ until you look at the types of cancer it causes

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c00c4a  No.122057


Went to private school for two years. Even more bs rules that hold students down even farther. My friends were “ganging up” on the new kid even though he was always messing with us. Guess what the next year when we were out of his grade he did the same shit and made younger kids cry and the teachers still didnt care

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3f60f5  No.122257

There is a simple and effective way to end all of the bullshit that is going on currently. Most people are unwilling or petrifeid to do it, even if it is one of the least violent methods of doing so.

Look at it this way, we are under seige- not in any manner of war but under a seige of ideals. The Jew has figured out a way to make you all sit and deny your rights and your histories, the things that made your countires great and advanced your civilizations above the others.

A seige is simple. Corner your enemy and wait. the main tactic to this is while the seiger is resupplied from the outside, the beseiged slowly runs out of stocks and supplies until they reach the point where they must surrender or die.

So why not turn their tactics against them? This looks and is rumored to be what they are going to do to everyone anyway once they have absolute control.

Stop feeding them.

We are the majority producers of food to this world we have grown to despise. I am talking calories here. The people who come here are the producers of the majority of calories the rest of the world is depending on. Cut them off from them.

When the crop turns brown, you burn it down. There is a time between finished growing and harvest that the biggest calorie contributors all go through. that 30-45 day window is where you want to be at.

Focus on the grains- rice, wheat, corn and soybeans. lesser grains like rye, barley, oats and sorghum as well.

Use the wind to your favor- start most fires upwind of the crop (on the side the wind is blowing from) unless there is a home or people to preserve in which you start downwind side.

The U.S. eats less then 8% of the crops it raises, the U.K. 14%, the breadbasket used to be 4% but i have no idea now. this is the margin of error that needs to make it through for us to live.

Or you could prepare to provide for yourselves and your loved ones ahead of time.

The military has stated that it has enough supplies to last for 8 years but this is not true, 26 months without resupply and they are done.

A man marches on his stomach, if you keep his belly empty he will march for no one but himself.

There will be some looters and rioters, deal with them accordingly. the rest will be too hungry to do anything.

If you drop the numbers far enough, this shitshow will end. they no longer have the numbers needed to keep it going. Their leaders will no longer be fed by the taxes dollars they force you to pay and will have nobody to enforce their rules.

Finish these leaders then and we can go back to living

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d2c43a  No.122724

File: 027dd0b8ef2a677⋯.jpeg (230.57 KB, 898x966, 449:483, 089AE7F0_8E53_4446_B23A_5….jpeg)

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75fde2  No.128335

Does anyone have that infographic showing how much jews are overrepresented in the supreme court, Congress / Senate, media, academia, etc based on their population?

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28480e  No.128477

File: 13d0d094a1b084d⋯.png (2.34 MB, 3898x5971, 3898:5971, eliteAMA.png)


Greetings fellow anons, I have looked at the first 4 or 5 posts and I will continue to read this entire thread, however I am looking for information about the elite bloodline families, the nameless ones behind the veil. Pertaining to this pic, be it a LARP or not, if you have more information on them post it here.

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28480e  No.128488


Notaskind/FedChan/the 3rd pic from 5/24/19 We can certainly use those anons rising up about now.

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2fa8af  No.130270


Women will never again be allowed the vote, they do not deserve it.

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dd736e  No.130289

File: eab19317552887d⋯.jpg (153.64 KB, 575x735, 115:147, TKquote6.jpg)

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83a66e  No.131134

File: 8404e46ea29b887⋯.png (449.45 KB, 1902x1970, 951:985, America_is_now_a_FAILED_ST….png)

File: 7be7cb7456a138b⋯.png (285.63 KB, 1902x746, 951:373, You_have_no_idea_how_bad_t….png)

File: 8de4b734f9f1ab2⋯.png (239.05 KB, 1902x820, 951:410, Why_they_re_not_going_to_s….png)

File: e07cac9a391f1d6⋯.jpg (259.43 KB, 496x960, 31:60, Based_alaskan.jpg)

File: 9296033e47f3b76⋯.png (184.83 KB, 1479x719, 1479:719, How_would_a_civil_war_star….png)

Honestly, the more I look into the United States Of America's state, the more I see nothing but a massive civil war coming through.

I don't think anyone will be able to stop that from happening seriously, all the mconditions required for MASSIVE balkanization are there.


I can only imagine just how bad things are going to be right now.

Get prepared americanbros, buy some guns you're probably going to need it.

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2fa8af  No.135817


Things aren't half as bad as any of those posts want to portray, will we see a civil war? yes but remember we saw similar shit for about 10 years prior to the previous one, this is just the beginning of the prelude to war.

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2fa8af  No.137344


The real biggest redpill is you're a jew.

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cff6de  No.137352


>cuckchan trump worship bullshit from 2020

Why are you even here.

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2fa8af  No.149050


Did you forget the Qtards?

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d2c43a  No.149341

File: 54784211c297a16⋯.jpg (524.16 KB, 1008x633, 336:211, diversitymn.jpg)

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e8b10c  No.153158

File: 093a9ba11eb8cf4⋯.jpg (6.79 MB, 6920x4352, 865:544, Elite_family_2.jpg)

File: d537d23728ef602⋯.png (142.38 KB, 1285x446, 1285:446, HILAIRE_BELLOC_ISLAM.png)

File: d857ae6d6902fd8⋯.png (134.52 KB, 1274x356, 637:178, HILAIRE_BELLOC_EUROPE_CHRI….png)

File: 9031e5aa7fe6bce⋯.png (103.41 KB, 1281x306, 427:102, HILLAIRE_BELLOC_PROTESTANT….png)

File: ba98f74ff7581dc⋯.png (78.14 KB, 1272x377, 1272:377, HILAIRE_BELLOC_PROTESTANT_….png)

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ea24ae  No.160579







Is this the complete post history of the Beaver Poster? Democracy doesn't have a timestamp, and it seems he may have posted more in 2014.

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e71e92  No.162996


I thought there was a PDF somewhere that had compiled all of his work.

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7d23af  No.162998

File: 9ecc240d63ef887⋯.png (102.46 KB, 1514x456, 757:228, TAVISTOCK_UK_ANON.png)

File: e598bfaad374f0e⋯.png (76.47 KB, 1193x987, 1193:987, tavistock_UK_ANNON.png)

File: 881c2880dc23d8d⋯.png (98.62 KB, 1493x724, 1493:724, on_porn.png)

File: c4dfcb280716bd3⋯.png (937.8 KB, 1520x4236, 380:1059, Holocaust_Theodore.png)

File: bdcaba8398d66a7⋯.png (43.95 KB, 1507x206, 1507:206, lampshade.png)

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7d23af  No.163003

File: 0b4ed67708d9f8a⋯.png (527.26 KB, 1838x1890, 919:945, SPOOKS_CHANS.png)

File: 2369016468f5bc0⋯.png (34.16 KB, 1515x333, 505:111, MNEMOTECNICS_MUSE_WAR.png)

File: 0c1c07ff2499d74⋯.png (59.42 KB, 1512x447, 504:149, MUSE_MNEMONIC_WAR.png)

File: b1325a424f03cf8⋯.png (453.19 KB, 1540x1990, 154:199, Muse_War.png)

File: f9138d46b47ff7a⋯.png (87.59 KB, 1880x640, 47:16, muse_memory_sex_ed.png)

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7d23af  No.163005

File: 4096c8c63292f87⋯.png (54.2 KB, 1526x386, 763:193, darpa_program.png)

File: 5a30ede7b374728⋯.png (77.63 KB, 1542x231, 514:77, muses_2.png)

File: 3595c8494fcb356⋯.png (116.47 KB, 1505x618, 1505:618, greek_mythos_mythology.png)

File: 4aa7c2d4e4b546b⋯.jpg (1.06 MB, 2512x1332, 628:333, 1598839967931.jpg)

File: 1237440adc70d32⋯.png (351.63 KB, 673x767, 673:767, 1598892897585.png)

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342a3d  No.163095

File: ef8bacd9deacfd1⋯.png (216.69 KB, 589x535, 589:535, fairbanksredpill.png)

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d06641  No.163097

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342a3d  No.163151

File: 5e0094773a2c737⋯.jpg (98.88 KB, 960x797, 960:797, whiterage.jpg)

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6b0c52  No.163179

good thread.

I'll just leave this here. http://sentimentalcorp.org/systemsdeath_recordings/mk_chucky_cheese/no_white_left_behind/audioplayer.html

I think the last song has a lot of potential to red pill.

later fam

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342a3d  No.164357

File: 0d2383e7bd192fa⋯.jpeg (214.57 KB, 948x1024, 237:256, 48694345_3B00_450C_81EC_2….jpeg)

File: 9552239deba33a4⋯.png (449.93 KB, 598x775, 598:775, E47A243D_8177_4ACD_B0F7_9B….png)

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342a3d  No.164442

File: a0783e17f96bf02⋯.jpeg (74.56 KB, 720x720, 1:1, D42FC5B4_D975_4A0B_85CE_8….jpeg)

>President of the United States denounces “white nationalism” on a Full Moon

>gets Chinese Coronavirus less than 24 hours later, ends up in hospital

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342a3d  No.164610

File: 023653be66eed1b⋯.jpg (3.7 MB, 7592x5780, 1898:1445, berlinnsdap.jpg)

"Fortune favors the brave."

- Virgil, Aeneid 10.284

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824752  No.164650

File: cfc2b93c81a4e88⋯.mp4 (11.34 MB, 1280x720, 16:9, Trump_Exposes_Truth_About_….mp4)

THis is the biggest redpill of all… Shows the truth about COVID

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342a3d  No.165162

File: 707bf9a7f1935e2⋯.jpeg (599.09 KB, 828x842, 414:421, 492D380C_9946_4D0E_8CD7_3….jpeg)

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beb5b4  No.165168


nicely done meme but it wont work because everyone knows now covid meme is way overestimated and is not as deadly as being portrayed and trump is a walking breathing example of just that

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342a3d  No.165175

File: de385dc66051424⋯.jpeg (694.92 KB, 828x835, 828:835, 891B2529_58CE_4ED7_9CDC_B….jpeg)

File: 824213fc60eab5a⋯.jpeg (576.19 KB, 828x811, 828:811, DBD782E3_2E61_4474_8DD3_D….jpeg)

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3845cd  No.165179

File: 3c434cc73c7aefb⋯.gif (841.88 KB, 228x171, 4:3, 3c434cc73c7aefbc846c8d436d….gif)

lol at those OP images

it's hilarious to read examples of what black kids will do in school even today in America. and it's not just black kids now that black culture and hip-hop culture has sucked in a lot of white kids who's parents gave them no sense of culture.

even in college these kids will try their best to waste a professor's time so that they have to end up giving us answers to assignments, showing us how not to approach the assignment, but how exactly to do the assignment so that we have the answer right in front of our face the entire time.

this shit is crazy. i remember I even tried once to do what these other kids were doing.

>"I don't get number 12 on the study guide…. also number 1,2,3,4,5,6,7,8,9……….46,47,48,49…"

>be me, 200_ in elementary school

>see other kids asking teacher to show them how to do a problem

>ask teacher to help me

>tfw she literally does the problem for me and I can just move on to the next one

>tfw that 's what all the other city school kids were doing

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824752  No.165184


A limo-riding, heavy-breathing example of that.

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407db0  No.165203

File: a730d7e6d31f43d⋯.jpg (257.55 KB, 479x787, 479:787, lovecraft_negro_eggs.jpg)



I need more of these. I enjoy reading about the people who swung by /pol/ to have a giggle only to watch Reality™ torn down brick by brick. This is because I feel less like a freak when I read them. I came here back in early 2015 because I was bored and felt like trolling ("lol if jews are so powerful, how come they allowed the holocaust to happen? Checkmate, fags!"). Within two weeks I felt like a Lovecraft protagonist who'd seen and heard too much. My brain's runtime was consumed trying to debunk all I'd read and watched, and it was not having a lot of luck. I think I'd maybe managed to find one thing that wasn't true and that's because of the inevitable "telephone" levels of information creep. And even then, it was an actual quote about Africans that had been misattributed to one humanitarian when it was actually another.

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407db0  No.165205

File: 14580ddec8e21de⋯.mp4 (3.21 MB, 640x360, 16:9, jew_white_genocide_at_vacc….mp4)

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342a3d  No.165206

File: 84e7553e644352f⋯.jpeg (762.72 KB, 828x1047, 276:349, 93E92FC2_036C_4255_9AF3_7….jpeg)

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407db0  No.165212

File: 9b2cba5d9be79d6⋯.jpg (30.81 KB, 443x254, 443:254, feelsseekmytears.jpg)

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27eff0  No.165343

File: bcca50159158ad5⋯.png (92.79 KB, 673x1335, 673:1335, FBI_Blacks_Made_Up_55_9_of….png)

File: f472654422e7757⋯.png (56 KB, 671x568, 671:568, FBI_the_Murder_Offender_Ra….png)

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27eff0  No.165344

File: 5c4faf9618c8c91⋯.jpg (46.9 KB, 597x510, 199:170, 1601959263650.jpg)

File: 5bfeb53f3703961⋯.jpg (95.69 KB, 851x605, 851:605, 1600655741621.jpg)

File: 4e7ffa4bb5f10aa⋯.png (1.96 MB, 1280x720, 16:9, 1576779745028.png)

File: 7d96a1949061480⋯.png (468.48 KB, 961x769, 961:769, Senator_Schumer_says_God_m….png)

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912fef  No.167865

File: 2211cec47bd3139⋯.jpg (185.65 KB, 393x1162, 393:1162, post_1.jpg)

File: 302baad7cc8e686⋯.jpg (192.3 KB, 393x1055, 393:1055, post_2.jpg)

File: d39eea0e1d2e7d1⋯.jpg (142.01 KB, 396x972, 11:27, post_4.jpg)

File: f068ef1aee4abb8⋯.jpg (194.59 KB, 396x1113, 132:371, post_5.jpg)

File: 9e1591f9acf2a20⋯.jpg (149.24 KB, 409x890, 409:890, post_6.jpg)

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21fc0c  No.168859


Sounds like a load of bullshit to distract people from organizing to solve the real problems.,

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b73fbb  No.168997

File: 80e25aaa47c7376⋯.jpg (3.55 MB, 1920x4618, 960:2309, History_of_the_Rothschilds….jpg)

File: e02c1a9fb2cc121⋯.jpg (3.3 MB, 1920x4439, 1920:4439, History_of_the_Rothschilds….jpg)

File: c3208eec8ec4f82⋯.jpg (3.38 MB, 1920x4459, 1920:4459, History_of_the_Rothschilds….jpg)

File: 9bd97b3973eb146⋯.jpg (3.35 MB, 1920x4180, 96:209, History_of_the_Rothschilds….jpg)

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b73fbb  No.168998

File: f60ca6f9619acba⋯.jpg (2.83 MB, 1920x3808, 60:119, History_of_the_Rothschilds….jpg)

File: d402b838cf1d2d2⋯.jpg (2.95 MB, 1920x3426, 320:571, History_of_the_Rothschilds….jpg)

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154bba  No.169490



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58db3e  No.169728


>pic 2


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dbcef0  No.169877


Does anyone have the non retarded crop version of this?

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912fef  No.171215

File: bcb813b8567abfd⋯.png (150.29 KB, 2165x521, 2165:521, before_1917.png)

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912fef  No.171224

File: beca5527762f240⋯.png (1.75 MB, 940x3098, 470:1549, Salt.png)

File: fd8fa1e82eb27b7⋯.jpg (523.94 KB, 1774x1602, 887:801, societal_decay.jpg)

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e65013  No.171243


The greatest redpill and lost-knowlege thread EVER TO HAVE BEEN CREATED. I wish I had a mega-link for it all.

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e65013  No.171250


Look for a document called "I am Rofschild axe me a question" It is a long back and forth and seems actually really legit. Take the time to read it. It will let you get in these guy's heads a bit.

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4905fd  No.182806

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83a66e  No.182988

File: aa0733c6a452a9d⋯.png (665.03 KB, 1532x1944, 383:486, America_s_unprecedented_de….png)

File: f3aa07ea290adac⋯.jpg (1.71 MB, 1811x3039, 1811:3039, Souless_eyes.jpg)

File: e85774691d89aaa⋯.png (332.64 KB, 1896x1504, 237:188, The_CIA_s_destruction_of_Y….png)

File: 9beb847f814d230⋯.png (196.13 KB, 1903x500, 1903:500, Ultimate_redpill_on_Russia.png)

File: 4fe61e6ce3c9510⋯.png (80.03 KB, 658x641, 658:641, Jewish_atavistic_hatred_of….png)

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3b73f6  No.185048


Not a redpill. Just delusional nonsense.

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580d27  No.185059

YouTube embed. Click thumbnail to play.


>third image

Nice to see that My Chemical Romance still has such dedicated fans.

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e6a16f  No.185119

File: 716ada2d736c4c6⋯.jpg (67.73 KB, 1060x596, 265:149, From_Wells_Associates_Tyso….jpg)

A shopping center/mall near CIA headquarters in Mclean, Va, note the logo.

MAE-east was originally nearby, MITre is adjacent too

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bdc2c5  No.185140


Ever. It’s bullshit invented out of thin air. It cannot happen. It will not happen. It’s physically impossible. Keep your Q-LARP bullshit off our board.

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bdc2c5  No.185145


>oh no I posted bullshit that only Q-LARPers think is true and you called me out on it


Don’t post spam here. It will be deleted. This is a redpill thread, not a jewish hoax thread.

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0bdc54  No.185166

File: 5b51e16a8d8009b⋯.jpg (2.01 MB, 1915x2560, 383:512, Scaliger_me_seduxit.jpg)

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c10bf1  No.186371

File: b1673ff6c5a732f⋯.png (3.26 MB, 1807x2180, 1807:2180, 1606443663411.png)

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ea24ae  No.189724


Uh, do you have a PDF of his work? I really need this guys. I have some of his posts from 2018 but I'm missing all of 2017.

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ca9c36  No.189732


So flackert doch dein light eine ewigkeit entlang,

so seh ichs vielleicht versteh ichs.

Du möchtest mir etwas sagen, nicht in deiner ewigkeit verzagen.

So sprich es mir entgegen so leise und unsichtbar, deiner unentlichkeit entpsrechend.

So bin ich da, bist du unentlich entfernt. Kann dich nur einmal fangen, bist du doch irgendwie an deinem leben gehangen.

So sprich grenzenloser ozean des nichts, bist du des lichts oder bist einfach weiterhin, irgendwie.

Werd ich es doch sehn, in deinen ozenas des bestehens.

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4905fd  No.189923

File: 01b784a39988fa0⋯.pdf (915.11 KB, Thoughts_of_a_Beaver.pdf)

File: 27c229ba8a67709⋯.png (362.72 KB, 1234x1039, 1234:1039, On_Beavers.png)



Here's the pdf. Although it doesn't contain all of his works.


This mega folder probably contains all the screencaps of beaver posts. There are 28 of them in total.

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ea24ae  No.190281


Incredible, but it appears that at this point, only 28 screen caps have been recovered. Though that appears to be all that there is, I find it very suspicious that in 2014 he only produced one work then and that was "On Violence", yet was very prolific in the following years of 2015 and 2016, only to go quiet (no screencaps) in 2017. Then to appear one last time in 2018.

I like that transcript the best but I'm confused about the organization, I prefer to sort them by the date of the posts, as chronological order makes the best sense for these posts as sometimes he mentions previous works he's done.

Anyway, thank you for sharing, I don't believe that this is the last of his work, but it does help me in my mission to bring his work into the video world where hopefully more people will be inspired by his wisdom.

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b9c690  No.191157

File: cb4a82e2a46e1a6⋯.png (826.04 KB, 1340x2570, 134:257, jews_did_fukushima_info.png)

Jews did Fukushima

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8af6d7  No.191244

File: e16820c0b9a0aed⋯.png (118.96 KB, 1920x810, 64:27, Rothschild.PNG)


take a look at this

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8af6d7  No.191246

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8c6a84  No.191264


Wow, problems need a solution, very high iq thinking.

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e1d437  No.192032

File: 7cd9ea8b5328116⋯.png (3.31 MB, 1981x1386, 283:198, 1609385547353.png)

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a322f4  No.192791

File: 88ea248b64fafbb⋯.png (703.61 KB, 554x3142, 277:1571, Communist_Infiltration_Cat….png)

File: 3b90d6a3728326e⋯.png (454.28 KB, 1747x1465, 1747:1465, Sweden_Law_Prepping_Bull_A….png)

File: 9c2de3f0c47194f⋯.png (219.13 KB, 1830x1079, 1830:1079, Ukraine_Media_Contol_Jew.png)

File: 0a97dfcf8e23f0a⋯.jpg (94.68 KB, 515x448, 515:448, Syrian_Refugees_Greece_Isr….jpg)

File: c9894076e13a04c⋯.png (194.14 KB, 1815x1039, 1815:1039, David_Reich_Genetics_Race_….png)

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a322f4  No.192792

File: c946eece42942e1⋯.jpg (1.21 MB, 1079x4830, 1079:4830, Transsexuals.jpg)

File: edb0211f24f0204⋯.jpg (80.66 KB, 554x688, 277:344, Daniel_Cringeshaw.jpg)

File: 1235d28bf9bbc3f⋯.jpg (190.39 KB, 1413x846, 157:94, Jacqui_Safra_Jew_Dictionar….jpg)

File: edcc99724e04cd2⋯.jpg (368.41 KB, 960x1063, 960:1063, Koniuchy_Massacre_Jacob_Ya….jpg)

File: 0d29803ea12044e⋯.jpg (884.82 KB, 825x2950, 33:118, Katyn_Massacre_Coverup_Sov….jpg)

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95b78a  No.193631

File: 437e787936c46aa⋯.png (384.01 KB, 669x980, 669:980, BBC_embroiled_in_race_row_….png)

File: 77ce9f68c36ee5f⋯.png (109.48 KB, 662x759, 662:759, Finnish_literature_is_too_….png)

File: 3f58974e245a06d⋯.jpg (116.4 KB, 600x777, 200:259, royal_family.jpg)

File: c767ade2611662e⋯.png (50.2 KB, 605x504, 605:504, 1604378714830.png)

File: ede336898a38603⋯.png (417.97 KB, 623x747, 623:747, 1593377126440.png)

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95b78a  No.193633

File: 07da459da0ad850⋯.png (771.25 KB, 640x781, 640:781, Space_has_a_diversity_prob….png)

File: 2b64974f7d8ffce⋯.jpg (128.34 KB, 1033x813, 1033:813, 1593543225859.jpg)

File: 0342e39dbbf9499⋯.png (546.32 KB, 656x762, 328:381, Lake_District_seeks_to_boo….png)

File: 449d7a081a1142e⋯.png (544.53 KB, 665x843, 665:843, Diversity_in_publishing_st….png)

File: 2b44cd2718936eb⋯.png (39.29 KB, 1014x483, 338:161, Can_the_UK_film_industry_m….png)

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95b78a  No.193634

File: 215a8df0391617a⋯.png (535.98 KB, 809x738, 809:738, Is_running_too_white.png)

File: 4ca67da5f536a0c⋯.png (584.9 KB, 697x658, 697:658, Why_are_terraces_so_white.png)

File: 235731798ca9306⋯.png (348.99 KB, 687x550, 687:550, Is_UK_pop_too_white.png)

File: 03cb23513f3fa1b⋯.png (24.73 KB, 651x345, 217:115, Angling_It_s_too_white_and….png)

File: 3a0107e0b635bd8⋯.png (81.89 KB, 819x463, 819:463, CharitySoWhite_campaign_ca….png)

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95b78a  No.193637

File: c3338b6a97c88dc⋯.png (277.35 KB, 653x819, 653:819, There_are_too_many_white_m….png)

File: e6123648ab0f67b⋯.png (633.27 KB, 665x758, 665:758, There_s_definitely_a_feeli….png)

File: 2fb62c3953f43e3⋯.png (960.41 KB, 964x736, 241:184, Why_The_Great_British_Bake….png)

File: 212002cc9df5bb6⋯.png (646.42 KB, 679x832, 679:832, Are_our_weddings_too_white.png)

File: 46c4a9daab7519a⋯.png (440.41 KB, 676x651, 676:651, _Too_many_white_people_in_….png)

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95b78a  No.193640

File: 2f980b2fad048a1⋯.png (995.9 KB, 893x1220, 893:1220, Hallmark_movies_are_fascis….png)

File: 546ddd6a6ab8790⋯.png (50.71 KB, 650x495, 130:99, Stop_Blaming_History_for_Y….png)

File: efd38c47ff49849⋯.png (86.01 KB, 665x419, 665:419, Why_are_so_many_white_men_….png)

File: 653071133664c7d⋯.png (254.38 KB, 598x691, 598:691, The_climate_movement_is_ov….png)

File: 3ac09fa612343bf⋯.png (311.11 KB, 598x508, 299:254, Iowa_too_white.png)

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95b78a  No.193642

File: eb14b3d19400043⋯.png (391 KB, 665x898, 665:898, Van_Jones_Iowa_Caucus_Dela….png)

File: c04237cee42d57c⋯.png (452.11 KB, 633x858, 211:286, Diversify_or_Die_The_Natio….png)

File: 5258a1a8711f97e⋯.png (65.65 KB, 851x705, 851:705, Ford_v_Ferrari_depicts_a_c….png)

File: 26b228fa2881195⋯.png (1.02 MB, 681x2126, 681:2126, NY_Times_Refugees_Needed_t….png)

File: 41484dc50c89e9d⋯.png (389.19 KB, 629x701, 629:701, New_Hampshire_is_94_white_….png)

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95b78a  No.193643

File: 11ff8ea4c744c65⋯.jpg (357.44 KB, 984x1200, 41:50, The_EU_is_too_white_and_Br….jpg)

File: 3697a4115cdcb62⋯.png (38.66 KB, 1041x322, 1041:322, London_cyclists_too_white_….png)

File: a81110e87c4d924⋯.png (508.35 KB, 599x2272, 599:2272, Critics_Attack_Hallmark_s_….png)

File: a75107d55f8befc⋯.png (318.3 KB, 627x681, 209:227, U_S_firefighters_are_overw….png)

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95b78a  No.193647

File: 9f3f0a819c0c27d⋯.png (1.04 MB, 1132x2048, 283:512, 1567697892141.png)

File: d3dad00a5af8bbd⋯.jpg (251.29 KB, 828x1564, 9:17, 1608612711221.jpg)

File: 209b47159927f4f⋯.jpg (99.68 KB, 1080x800, 27:20, 1608496934791.jpg)

File: 382494d79e5dc83⋯.jpg (33.14 KB, 360x640, 9:16, 1600194403260.jpg)

File: 8417dc7437da8d4⋯.jpg (31.61 KB, 360x640, 9:16, 1600194436554.jpg)

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95b78a  No.193650

File: cac4f3fe6d469db⋯.png (906.23 KB, 1118x1793, 1118:1793, DNC_White_men_shouldn_t_ap….png)

File: aa633e3a53f58a7⋯.jpg (80 KB, 1024x663, 1024:663, 1556806700278.jpg)

File: 0b6e2ed46e411cf⋯.jpg (60.65 KB, 680x513, 680:513, 1596571012614.jpg)

File: e0b732aa5c780a6⋯.png (1.78 MB, 1871x2412, 1871:2412, 1584138170567.png)

File: 4911e3fae89e3ad⋯.jpg (85.87 KB, 602x462, 43:33, 1608313087418.jpg)

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95b78a  No.193651

File: e165ff984ae39e3⋯.jpg (69.6 KB, 500x380, 25:19, 1608063301790.jpg)

File: 053dd8941132f55⋯.png (500.97 KB, 924x1243, 84:113, 1509855315550.png)

File: e2c7c4d744dd6f8⋯.jpg (62.57 KB, 500x320, 25:16, 1608061380489.jpg)

File: 519ded3c4617b56⋯.jpg (72.88 KB, 500x490, 50:49, 1608050508013.jpg)

File: 629eda9fd534850⋯.jpg (67.21 KB, 500x500, 1:1, 1608054801855.jpg)

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95b78a  No.193654

File: e2d1543c3cdcfa4⋯.jpg (175.63 KB, 666x703, 18:19, Parenting_Magazine_Warns_B….jpg)

File: a69ccc23cbff674⋯.png (525.17 KB, 705x864, 235:288, 1606281897579.png)

File: a5c3fa3d99f62fd⋯.png (1.11 MB, 997x4488, 997:4488, Trump_s_Last_Stand_for_Whi….png)

File: 0826fffd76663ff⋯.png (605.73 KB, 827x641, 827:641, 1600469264503.png)

File: 7d9a021830cb4f6⋯.jpg (1.8 MB, 1242x1841, 1242:1841, 1602975386345.jpg)

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95b78a  No.193658

File: 94793d75db81337⋯.png (31.93 KB, 599x281, 599:281, 1599765854011.png)

File: d0af00a2f8f3f32⋯.png (57.37 KB, 619x534, 619:534, Sharmine_Narwani.png)

File: 1ee35f3d2efbc7e⋯.jpg (167.22 KB, 962x641, 962:641, 1596312810266.jpg)

File: 63a0a50d270c816⋯.jpg (3.01 MB, 5000x5000, 1:1, 1595906850988.jpg)

File: 8abcebf40d3ee83⋯.png (1.8 MB, 2120x1375, 424:275, 1594217738852.png)

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95b78a  No.193659

File: e7b9e3ac4a5f68b⋯.png (543.84 KB, 678x851, 678:851, Washington_Post_Editor_Kar….png)

File: 9a3147db8a8050f⋯.png (236.97 KB, 1872x1045, 1872:1045, Priyamvada_Gopal.png)

File: 1dac468bc283693⋯.jpg (115.09 KB, 808x960, 101:120, 1591342614439.jpg)

File: d328d9b66c248da⋯.png (2.29 MB, 1695x2000, 339:400, 1589401110923.png)

File: 7f9555b8cdecd9b⋯.jpg (149.92 KB, 1024x718, 512:359, 1589398266002.jpg)

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95b78a  No.193660

File: f5a21fab6a8bea6⋯.png (32.98 KB, 618x250, 309:125, lilopt2.png)

File: 7bf9a62eca9cd94⋯.png (62.93 KB, 720x610, 72:61, 1587897139211.png)

File: aa66ed0e9e00922⋯.jpg (210.48 KB, 903x1127, 129:161, 1587438401001.jpg)

File: 0f0d7af683a3ed0⋯.png (1.25 MB, 1092x1549, 1092:1549, WE_RE_WINNING_Anti_White_A….png)

File: ec5b632009406a2⋯.png (216.21 KB, 914x384, 457:192, Cox_Taylor.png)

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95b78a  No.193662

File: 3a4a1f3d632ba63⋯.png (962.07 KB, 1078x1046, 539:523, 1581443314572.png)

File: 7627fabb11b5a1d⋯.png (330.89 KB, 875x941, 875:941, Santa_Claus_Should_Not_Be_….png)

File: 7d8e67a241ebb6c⋯.jpg (97.98 KB, 751x925, 751:925, 1568758714911.jpg)

File: b033ed71cc64bc9⋯.png (359.56 KB, 1124x900, 281:225, 1567557304634.png)

File: 10735827c489014⋯.jpg (200.18 KB, 1200x602, 600:301, 1567065517959.jpg)

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95b78a  No.193664

File: 8a27d3a7e2fd96d⋯.jpg (55.13 KB, 409x419, 409:419, The_Problem_of_Whiteness_i….jpg)

File: 3a00026b147096b⋯.png (119.54 KB, 1247x493, 43:17, Pentagon_manual_White_Chri….png)

File: 7bfd583750a4047⋯.png (36.53 KB, 893x508, 893:508, Preserving_My_Children_s_I….png)

File: d631c5c1e7e27d9⋯.png (454.95 KB, 1078x929, 1078:929, The_Straight_White_Middle_….png)

File: 7ceffcc48126241⋯.png (217.79 KB, 588x637, 12:13, no_red_hair.png)

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95b78a  No.193668

File: 08e3410847d35fb⋯.jpg (1.45 MB, 2338x1700, 1169:850, Your_DNA_is_an_abomination.jpg)

File: edd0ea428829bbd⋯.png (254.08 KB, 1236x2009, 1236:2009, Historian_Museums_need_to_….png)

File: e4c2b80a5e9c9eb⋯.png (366.74 KB, 630x560, 9:8, pale_male_stale_leadership.png)

File: 737f72c7b36b3cb⋯.jpg (175.84 KB, 513x786, 171:262, BBC_sacked_me_for_being_a_….jpg)

File: 23b740d56490e32⋯.png (508.59 KB, 673x1000, 673:1000, MSNBC_Panelist_On_Most_Whi….png)

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95b78a  No.193669

File: 1a574b6609bfe5b⋯.jpg (1.4 MB, 2952x1375, 2952:1375, antiwhite.jpg)

File: 36dfdee110bdf7b⋯.png (977.98 KB, 899x1279, 899:1279, Yelling_I_hate_white_peopl….png)

File: 190a282d37ab4d8⋯.jpg (115.42 KB, 918x814, 459:407, t3_5dlg04.jpg)

File: 6457bdf55d23549⋯.png (591.08 KB, 837x1382, 837:1382, Prof_I_Chose_Not_To_Have_C….png)

File: d1f52f2cd821017⋯.png (538.84 KB, 911x2430, 911:2430, _I_Am_So_Sick_of_White_Guy….png)

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95b78a  No.193673

File: edfce3e9eb7220b⋯.png (2.41 MB, 1600x1200, 4:3, 1446053783520.png)

File: d108c46b1c64575⋯.png (112.83 KB, 539x2046, 49:186, How_The_Media_And_Deep_Sta….png)

File: 6f47dac6f6d9c03⋯.png (237.93 KB, 686x3989, 686:3989, White_men_must_be_stopped_….png)

File: 14335b07e4397df⋯.png (350.54 KB, 666x2724, 111:454, Why_the_End_of_White_Men_I….png)

File: a484a4c8b97f2f4⋯.png (1.46 MB, 1017x3727, 1017:3727, The_End_of_an_Era_for_Whit….png)

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95b78a  No.193676

File: 48b6500f1a53b81⋯.jpg (192.35 KB, 1200x1200, 1:1, 3ab7452d7a5ca1d1a1f05468a6….jpg)

File: d85d32fc9a6fbc4⋯.jpg (97.01 KB, 576x768, 3:4, 482c4de3ac249c05c8a1512491….jpg)

File: 19f41b4a04a6255⋯.jpg (183.84 KB, 1200x1200, 1:1, 52c6b4626d3018922af900bdd4….jpg)

File: 2e6cc4c2b0c298f⋯.jpg (195.31 KB, 1199x847, 109:77, 24e5c498e9bfc00df51877ca13….jpg)

File: 61b2a72b6d5f500⋯.jpg (54.91 KB, 714x644, 51:46, 8e5bdd34f3ca9c0844b0af949a….jpg)

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b7336f  No.193679

blessed dumpers

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95b78a  No.193680

File: 5612012fd38adf6⋯.png (44.52 KB, 718x293, 718:293, 740e8ef5a3452467b0dcc20607….png)

File: b325e654e74c41a⋯.png (372.57 KB, 704x989, 704:989, American_Prosperity_Depend….png)

File: fdfbf7fa500dc3e⋯.png (368.91 KB, 773x882, 773:882, America_s_Getting_Less_Whi….png)

File: 87b3217547ae97d⋯.png (480.2 KB, 840x4052, 210:1013, An_Open_Letter_To_White_Bo….png)

File: 89645534ce739d1⋯.jpg (416.61 KB, 1529x1257, 1529:1257, e0a4fc094865635feafdc9d005….jpg)

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95b78a  No.193681

File: 532cc06b673d3bf⋯.png (353.79 KB, 647x943, 647:943, Hey_White_Christians_Your_….png)

File: ab719c32b616a5b⋯.png (451.89 KB, 698x964, 349:482, How_Can_I_Cure_My_White_Gu….png)

File: 06b3b4e40cdca91⋯.png (288.9 KB, 1250x1000, 5:4, Biden_Attacks_America_s_Wh….png)

File: 2af59e5fb524361⋯.png (232.01 KB, 637x641, 637:641, Joe_Biden_on_Europeans_bec….png)

File: 5c50b11065a527f⋯.png (233.51 KB, 672x1108, 168:277, Microsoft_CEO_Vows_To_Hire….png)

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95b78a  No.193686

File: 25aa056d092107f⋯.png (447.36 KB, 591x1343, 591:1343, Public_Minnesota_Kindergar….png)

File: 203163df172e36a⋯.png (339.74 KB, 640x794, 320:397, Samantha_Bee_on_the_US_ele….png)

File: 9c1f96c4a564641⋯.jpg (458.87 KB, 746x1226, 373:613, 7bfa47719ae345e4ab6c067e6f….jpg)

File: 8b4b4baf6959e3e⋯.png (1.54 MB, 800x3857, 800:3857, ee58295d8d26539c7a0ada4681….png)

File: d51258064895d8a⋯.png (271.44 KB, 691x559, 691:559, Texas_A_M_won_t_fire_profe….png)

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95b78a  No.193688

File: 7611a8feabe30bb⋯.jpg (73.75 KB, 850x400, 17:8, ba0dcd3d6d7f3536d113bdd819….jpg)

File: 8e85b0831e40fea⋯.jpg (189.51 KB, 940x1024, 235:256, c043176360fe17f1926ddf3b30….jpg)

File: 85ccfe38366618d⋯.png (181.79 KB, 604x921, 604:921, 4c3b8b95a2dbf620f22402072b….png)

File: 516055cf912fa27⋯.jpg (2.87 MB, 4142x2196, 2071:1098, 516055cf912fa27d26d8f9c496….jpg)

File: 13ffc5c79ca742f⋯.png (399.66 KB, 558x752, 279:376, 13ffc5c79ca742ffee8361e791….png)

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95b78a  No.193689

File: b887312b560b84f⋯.jpg (1.67 MB, 1500x2122, 750:1061, b9ed1d04213c014f61f9617447….jpg)

File: ac6e0dc71cfbb53⋯.png (214.99 KB, 627x620, 627:620, d346511bb88788d64ac97b74f7….png)

File: a0173c3e1060ddb⋯.jpg (223.84 KB, 1200x1123, 1200:1123, a0173c3e1060ddb0bf1ca05dfe….jpg)

File: e3321224afb2cb0⋯.jpg (364.69 KB, 1129x1200, 1129:1200, e3321224afb2cb060bd909b02a….jpg)

File: 218317868f0b875⋯.jpg (184.66 KB, 1200x856, 150:107, 218317868f0b8755c23a5381ef….jpg)

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95b78a  No.193694

File: d44d20379feb94c⋯.png (299.56 KB, 598x513, 598:513, 1591293170215.png)

File: 5d0511b1b5e3dd6⋯.png (529.13 KB, 593x688, 593:688, 1591394522981.png)

File: b5e048abfd32c3a⋯.png (1.49 MB, 596x1393, 596:1393, 1591902555734.png)

File: e2debdb1934807d⋯.png (60.57 KB, 598x691, 598:691, 1591902653078.png)

File: 789223f2e578b11⋯.jpg (139.52 KB, 640x341, 640:341, 1594682925714.jpg)

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95b78a  No.193696

File: 7906bc68d5210e7⋯.png (524.43 KB, 611x676, 47:52, Depictions_of_historical_v….png)

File: 90648be8e878e8f⋯.jpg (1.98 MB, 4096x2969, 4096:2969, 1591937834538.jpg)

File: 7244973c2ed3be1⋯.jpg (204.1 KB, 770x1200, 77:120, 1591041652082.jpg)

File: 3122ed18989108c⋯.jpg (150.13 KB, 1080x815, 216:163, 1593050345709.jpg)

File: 80e68a95c93daa8⋯.png (407.34 KB, 500x2117, 500:2117, 1486853356677.png)

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95b78a  No.193697

File: 42d092d180051c2⋯.jpg (387.31 KB, 1500x1167, 500:389, 1591417115371.jpg)

Black/Minority Owned Business Signs during George Floyd Riots


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95b78a  No.193699

File: 296bdeaf22e8110⋯.png (811.29 KB, 522x2236, 261:1118, 1586631211105.png)

File: b2494a0b496e102⋯.jpg (272.21 KB, 584x590, 292:295, 1586631764156.jpg)

File: 1577e37cfa431f3⋯.png (611.91 KB, 618x976, 309:488, 1586633378824.png)

File: 49751ea14db4ca3⋯.png (834.6 KB, 1062x1322, 531:661, 1586702614524.png)

File: eb335aa7b77806c⋯.jpg (359.2 KB, 750x780, 25:26, 1589930778644.jpg)

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95b78a  No.193700

File: 155abaf3917c13c⋯.png (3.4 MB, 3015x2763, 335:307, collage.png)

File: 7409dd3cd032d40⋯.jpg (89.87 KB, 749x663, 749:663, 1577760078890.jpg)

File: ed7c39f5d094b20⋯.jpg (118.3 KB, 493x761, 493:761, 1591237591607.jpg)

File: 0ede12ff06ebec4⋯.png (384.44 KB, 960x430, 96:43, 1596578414160.png)

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95b78a  No.193702

File: aa5d6e4f4482600⋯.png (686.53 KB, 983x881, 983:881, 1503558220687.png)

File: 638ba1a9788f24a⋯.jpg (556.1 KB, 1809x1874, 1809:1874, 1540147001592.jpg)

File: 0b772de69b7663a⋯.jpg (160.78 KB, 982x589, 982:589, 1423510910046.jpg)

File: 4341b010931cc87⋯.png (2.79 MB, 1008x3455, 1008:3455, 1579096910959.png)

File: b8c90dc2a0ca257⋯.jpg (179.71 KB, 1079x1337, 1079:1337, 1577649868710.jpg)

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95b78a  No.193703

File: e3aea777f7a3569⋯.jpg (175.39 KB, 1185x1270, 237:254, 1473609936263.jpg)

File: 7ff9ea6e6643ab9⋯.png (952.9 KB, 865x1927, 865:1927, 1512169664092.png)

File: 84dfa8b0a1774a4⋯.png (57.37 KB, 600x600, 1:1, 1552658558487.png)

File: 6db164f1725463e⋯.jpg (471.17 KB, 1112x981, 1112:981, 1576704615901.jpg)

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95b78a  No.193705

File: e7fe978a74006c8⋯.png (146.4 KB, 958x1091, 958:1091, UK_Public_Opinion_toward_I….png)

File: adaef9538f14557⋯.png (607.82 KB, 647x1545, 647:1545, White_Britons_to_become_mi….png)

File: e161cab49d538ae⋯.jpg (1.54 MB, 488x5844, 122:1461, This_isn_t_the_Britain_we_….jpg)

File: d666e8993f5efa3⋯.png (132.35 KB, 684x635, 684:635, Britain_s_Visible_Minoriti….png)

File: b0340445399bb29⋯.jpg (350.58 KB, 1200x1074, 200:179, 1540665140672.jpg)

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95b78a  No.193709

File: df72e88269eaaa1⋯.png (93.95 KB, 649x1593, 11:27, Irish_could_be_minority_et….png)

File: f466f90e3064300⋯.png (192.02 KB, 412x856, 103:214, medium.png)

File: 44d82152ea1beb9⋯.png (201.13 KB, 415x914, 415:914, high_migration.png)

File: fe4bd0cf541edfc⋯.png (665.58 KB, 1261x1465, 1261:1465, 1589852287876.png)

File: 08d34540b800c30⋯.jpg (217.33 KB, 1024x936, 128:117, 1553833022606.jpg)

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95b78a  No.193713

File: 7dafef45ed24862⋯.png (1.22 MB, 598x2339, 598:2339, Asylum_Seekers_Make_Up_Alm….png)

File: ee5ee713f6dc4a9⋯.png (356.66 KB, 661x1500, 661:1500, One_Third_Of_Asylum_Seeker….png)

File: 7c50af51689e572⋯.png (707.24 KB, 664x1738, 332:869, Scores_of_refugee_kids_in_….png)

File: 8347022fd3f7081⋯.png (1.13 MB, 897x2959, 897:2959, Strict_Immigration_Laws_Sa….png)

File: 35b51ac668eb8cf⋯.png (770.68 KB, 647x2299, 647:2299, What_is_going_wrong_in_Fra….png)

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95b78a  No.193715

File: 7bc6f92e95bbce6⋯.png (593.84 KB, 1018x1926, 509:963, French_Green_Party_Founder….png)

File: 9b31b3733c59ad5⋯.png (1.04 MB, 687x3110, 687:3110, French_Rapper_Brags_About_….png)

File: 38d359fe34f8d92⋯.png (987.49 KB, 668x2660, 167:665, Nearly_One_in_Five_French_….png)

File: 0dc618787f9b854⋯.png (1.19 MB, 604x2528, 151:632, Christmas_Market_Cancelled….png)

File: e7fb1e227c09e95⋯.png (689.09 KB, 656x2658, 328:1329, French_Author_To_Prevent_S….png)

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95b78a  No.193716

File: ce7e8e52d8c9c4b⋯.jpg (261.33 KB, 1080x1639, 1080:1639, 1595183235307.jpg)

File: 82abf9485eb4a9c⋯.jpg (94.79 KB, 662x626, 331:313, 1555358676852.jpg)

File: 003ee735e9a1c99⋯.jpg (55.88 KB, 615x441, 205:147, 1513602105686.jpg)

File: a2bd1f0264216de⋯.jpg (73.7 KB, 892x507, 892:507, 1511305693070.jpg)

File: e4c431301515a08⋯.webm (1.15 MB, 464x320, 29:20, this_is_paris_now.webm)

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95b78a  No.193718

File: 956a31f702bb57b⋯.png (2.86 MB, 630x3579, 210:1193, 1521231517670.png)

File: b26c8a6726dbc0a⋯.png (591.46 KB, 996x500, 249:125, 1521231534522.png)

File: 99450ee66f74485⋯.jpg (113.99 KB, 900x450, 2:1, 1526505046220.jpg)

File: c2f62c6eaee75a2⋯.png (146.67 KB, 782x495, 782:495, 1527057444581.png)

File: a930bf78972c94b⋯.png (746.08 KB, 711x1465, 711:1465, 1527550915975.png)

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95b78a  No.193720

File: 1f5a06095d6882e⋯.jpg (1.23 MB, 1280x4398, 640:2199, 1531402314373.jpg)

File: 98595eaf527ef51⋯.png (91.24 KB, 716x1130, 358:565, German_Politician_Tells_Ge….png)

File: 8333056cc754fc8⋯.png (902.81 KB, 667x2675, 667:2675, German_President_Declares_….png)

File: 48f539b9ed49f95⋯.png (753.62 KB, 608x2028, 152:507, Integration_Commissioner_S….png)

File: 7b0c68de747181d⋯.png (1.85 MB, 951x3232, 951:3232, Jews_around_world_concerne….png)

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95b78a  No.193724

File: 06fedeead4c4f62⋯.png (757.38 KB, 1009x1653, 1009:1653, Mohammed_Is_Most_Popular_N….png)

File: 84eb3ab13e70033⋯.jpg (127.26 KB, 1024x1016, 128:127, 1527706323363.jpg)

File: 4028f0dd2601479⋯.png (550.43 KB, 900x2278, 450:1139, Swedes_Are_Fleeing.png)

File: 1a18fee51a825af⋯.png (578.01 KB, 616x989, 616:989, 1513631239528.png)

File: 0eb6d2b0681ba3c⋯.jpg (51.98 KB, 403x562, 403:562, 1541897033925.jpg)

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95b78a  No.193727

File: c7a4c4be6261a89⋯.png (629.84 KB, 858x1634, 429:817, Fewer_than_500_of_163_000_….png)

File: 6ca5defebfc72aa⋯.png (1.1 MB, 770x3138, 385:1569, It_s_Time_for_Sweden_to_Ad….png)

File: 2e49000f0cc3766⋯.jpg (2.23 MB, 3252x2245, 3252:2245, 1373208144580.jpg)

File: 92829bcf1ae6f15⋯.jpg (131.23 KB, 614x688, 307:344, 1508335857665.jpg)

File: c7f3604bdfae444⋯.png (1.19 MB, 1142x1220, 571:610, Zurich_police_won_t_detail….png)

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95b78a  No.193761

File: ff10b292da27136⋯.png (112.76 KB, 1325x606, 1325:606, England_says_Oliver_is_the….png)

File: cc2d7f4f9bdcf05⋯.png (477.93 KB, 661x1006, 661:1006, Mohammed_was_the_most_popu….png)

File: f90c916ce428a50⋯.jpg (195.05 KB, 960x886, 480:443, 1608232883073.jpg)

File: fb9ee8b8c849266⋯.png (492.73 KB, 2541x1349, 2541:1349, 1517615408014.png)

File: 4a41e507e69ea39⋯.png (39.13 KB, 640x314, 320:157, 1585831105683.png)

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95b78a  No.193765

File: 63c1aed7c7f50eb⋯.png (1.28 MB, 1155x956, 1155:956, Virginia_s_gun_rally_won_t….png)

File: fdc0aaf50214ae8⋯.png (3.25 MB, 1052x3587, 1052:3587, Shifting_demographics_driv….png)

File: 1068eb44ae1957d⋯.png (83.96 KB, 619x666, 619:666, People_say_that_demographi….png)

File: bc04c13dbe8164f⋯.jpg (1.27 MB, 1053x4386, 351:1462, NYT_WaPo_Mass_Immigration_….jpg)

File: e25f98868e861d7⋯.png (293.13 KB, 696x1304, 87:163, Nevada_s_changing_demograp….png)

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95b78a  No.193769

File: e984b9a31b9ee36⋯.jpg (84.34 KB, 828x821, 828:821, 1606322315486.jpg)

File: 1a7ecec32fd1106⋯.jpg (412.9 KB, 2048x1536, 4:3, 1606322350680.jpg)

File: 456b04a69f2dc64⋯.png (1.26 MB, 1155x4264, 1155:4264, California_s_changing_demo….png)

File: bc1ab26b84050bd⋯.png (471.68 KB, 922x891, 922:891, Demographic_Shift_Poised_t….png)

File: 634cda40093dae9⋯.png (51.14 KB, 598x589, 598:589, Demographics_are_a_freight….png)

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95b78a  No.193771

File: ed3b8bcb36730ab⋯.png (188.96 KB, 611x958, 611:958, 1605225208391.png)

File: f7954b609cd2eb2⋯.png (238.23 KB, 598x665, 598:665, 1604881462487.png)

File: 293a5eb0b7bf12d⋯.jpg (217.97 KB, 1080x862, 540:431, 1604630428247.jpg)

File: e73eed47155a85d⋯.png (1.09 MB, 924x3315, 308:1105, Texas_Gained_Almost_Nine_H….png)

File: 04b1e695dc907e3⋯.jpg (111.97 KB, 960x540, 16:9, 1604532798489.jpg)

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95b78a  No.193775

File: cb4485c2de8f302⋯.png (617.41 KB, 982x1605, 982:1605, 1585335056559.png)

File: 9fdfe476e4f8db0⋯.png (606.12 KB, 772x890, 386:445, 1585334712977.png)

File: 5bbb9608fbbe19c⋯.jpg (99.44 KB, 749x870, 749:870, 1579283372857.jpg)

File: dcbf305dff6a987⋯.jpg (70.85 KB, 599x1024, 599:1024, 1566279553656.jpg)

File: b1dee88ffdb4af6⋯.jpg (55.27 KB, 600x450, 4:3, 8291b6603ade98aa9f09ffaa67….jpg)

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95b78a  No.193778

File: da02592f6f12a71⋯.png (213.61 KB, 507x427, 507:427, 1579553888200.png)

File: 26f0b9ed754b116⋯.png (1.7 MB, 983x3185, 983:3185, Most_young_Americans_suppo….png)

File: 453b006591cb1a1⋯.png (31.74 KB, 423x635, 423:635, 1527290245625.png)

File: cf8e12ba72d20b0⋯.jpg (58.75 KB, 1000x545, 200:109, 1527290430957.jpg)

File: 451e213bc39769b⋯.png (10.04 KB, 311x444, 311:444, 1527290540953.png)

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95b78a  No.193782

File: 42eec0f2978b726⋯.png (442.1 KB, 624x683, 624:683, Not_enough_migrants_arrivi….png)

File: d454a360fe2203e⋯.png (847.06 KB, 902x1405, 902:1405, Leaked_Amazon_Whole_Foods_….png)

File: 16b03fcd1584d96⋯.png (890.77 KB, 1757x1291, 1757:1291, 1585240600625.png)

File: 4fae4baab7721d4⋯.jpg (188.68 KB, 763x1024, 763:1024, 1532462093212.jpg)

File: e23ed6cd645e3de⋯.png (860.49 KB, 1804x2438, 902:1219, 1486143444988.png)

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95b78a  No.193797

File: 0593971f4cc33ce⋯.jpg (131.76 KB, 960x720, 4:3, 1518415842826.jpg)

File: b9b29c6b4b1d5a1⋯.png (99.24 KB, 578x332, 289:166, 1609208751497.png)

File: 18df278c3453986⋯.png (2.95 MB, 669x6802, 669:6802, Cambridge_Uni_may_be_force….png)

File: 9ba933e417a91c0⋯.png (478.3 KB, 662x723, 662:723, it_s_time_to_get_behind_de….png)

File: ff82dbd8846624a⋯.png (3.49 MB, 674x4692, 337:2346, Meghan_Markle_backs_campai….png)

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95b78a  No.193801

File: 5397836a98f6826⋯.png (519.64 KB, 1183x576, 1183:576, Notre_Dame_students_demand….png)

File: d38b380812f0724⋯.png (1.38 MB, 640x2645, 128:529, Ontario_school_board_tosse….png)

File: 201fc30d6221647⋯.png (647.69 KB, 948x932, 237:233, Oxford_University_to_repla….png)

File: 5ff45846e68d6d8⋯.png (88.72 KB, 1261x803, 1261:803, Rutgers_English_Department….png)

File: 1826f994577c8d6⋯.png (383.67 KB, 837x2371, 837:2371, Students_demand_Plato_Desc….png)

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95b78a  No.193803

File: a5d4e802ab55da4⋯.jpg (245.51 KB, 780x956, 195:239, Students_remove_Shakespear….jpg)

File: 41603c49ac494ab⋯.png (406.25 KB, 1014x2782, 39:107, Yale_decolonizes_English_d….png)

File: 82b236a746539fe⋯.jpg (1000.68 KB, 1625x2813, 1625:2813, 746af2090c2c65afcc2af7826d….jpg)

File: d113fd3e41e3731⋯.jpg (81.47 KB, 1024x1024, 1:1, 1461889506373.jpg)

File: 8fa913ea8660fa0⋯.png (480.59 KB, 809x798, 809:798, 1503609532140.png)

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95b78a  No.193805

File: 96407701dcaddaa⋯.jpg (132.66 KB, 767x1280, 767:1280, 1519866345107.jpg)

File: c1f678890f1090c⋯.png (163.56 KB, 505x519, 505:519, 1533593001426.png)

File: b8bd0bdd44568f5⋯.png (681.47 KB, 856x1312, 107:164, 1551822832890.png)

File: bb3acb5cf0a815f⋯.png (3.82 MB, 1666x2404, 833:1202, 1566433526592.png)

File: 92fc127611407ea⋯.jpg (79.53 KB, 720x960, 3:4, 1566742617778.jpg)

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95b78a  No.193807

File: b7cc4c85d176a38⋯.jpg (21.23 KB, 361x289, 361:289, 1568090694406.jpg)

File: d90339bafafc11a⋯.jpg (88.05 KB, 640x884, 160:221, 1568101697153.jpg)

File: 901f66afe98c351⋯.jpg (37.65 KB, 630x749, 90:107, 1571935442355.jpg)

File: 5fe565ef5a61d65⋯.png (409.55 KB, 651x1068, 217:356, 1572994835214.png)

File: 6e9b0377d3be118⋯.png (498.68 KB, 752x768, 47:48, 1574005324030.png)

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95b78a  No.193810

File: d99db10417750b5⋯.png (945.87 KB, 900x843, 300:281, 1589417246320.png)

File: c758bcf2395fe1e⋯.png (560.56 KB, 1145x870, 229:174, 1593580016057.png)

File: 2172f6ee3f8ac84⋯.png (130.65 KB, 690x1481, 690:1481, California_College_Chancel….png)

File: e4d540fabc58ba8⋯.jpg (147.78 KB, 894x708, 149:118, California_university_enco….jpg)

File: 852969a20e01c44⋯.png (1.06 MB, 967x3524, 967:3524, College_Professor_Believin….png)

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95b78a  No.193812

File: c599a6e4c08d8ca⋯.png (345.61 KB, 689x1255, 689:1255, d980c7631ab2f5a3e81b07c8f8….png)

File: 78d68941615341f⋯.png (156.17 KB, 796x1397, 796:1397, Excerpts_from_University_o….png)

File: d610c8f50b35c2d⋯.png (1.42 MB, 979x3859, 979:3859, Georgia_TA_Some_white_peop….png)

File: 3c295881929eeb4⋯.png (714.71 KB, 714x4575, 238:1525, Get_Out_The_Way.png)

File: c94e67d5463aaa6⋯.png (518.29 KB, 934x1251, 934:1251, GSU_mandates_all_students_….png)

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95b78a  No.193814

File: cbef9fac1edf972⋯.png (213.35 KB, 621x1593, 23:59, Harvard_student_submits_ra….png)

File: c05a46185b6f878⋯.png (373.39 KB, 919x2189, 919:2189, Harvard_University_hosts_a….png)

File: 625db4ded66ee2d⋯.png (504.2 KB, 633x782, 633:782, Liberal_Academic_Calling_T….png)

File: f44691ad15d2af2⋯.png (829.53 KB, 1061x1807, 1061:1807, Minority_students_feel_mar….png)

File: c1bd78ddf19e5dd⋯.png (770.69 KB, 860x2440, 43:122, Muslim_Professor_at_CA_Uni….png)

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95b78a  No.193824

File: cf9a272a23760de⋯.png (2.7 MB, 662x7504, 331:3752, Penn_teaching_assistant_un….png)

File: 1ff85a90e36a664⋯.png (839.34 KB, 740x3615, 148:723, Prof_demands_white_editors….png)

File: ac123d7dafc78f9⋯.png (370.41 KB, 1002x3783, 334:1261, Scholar_forced_to_resign_o….png)

File: e949743595b7731⋯.png (512.22 KB, 730x2430, 73:243, Students_earn_credit_for_a….png)

File: 76bb37ba88b5c14⋯.png (231.06 KB, 990x961, 990:961, To_be_white_is_to_be_racis….png)

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95b78a  No.193826

File: 14117c94b1f70f8⋯.png (275.68 KB, 1215x773, 1215:773, University_to_remove_World….png)

File: f61c1005af47f73⋯.png (387.08 KB, 676x2444, 13:47, University_Prof_I_Dont_Tru….png)

File: 0a5209c7e4c7633⋯.png (529.88 KB, 1099x983, 1099:983, USC_Prof_Whiteness_Must_Be….png)

File: 068f1ff8caa8181⋯.png (1.16 MB, 1324x2999, 1324:2999, White_privilege_bolstered_….png)

File: ef1e683af07e619⋯.png (705.21 KB, 765x2981, 765:2981, Yale_Art_History_Departmen….png)

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95b78a  No.193828

File: 9e4d468bc117f14⋯.png (583.54 KB, 897x6509, 39:283, Yale_dean_once_championed_….png)

File: dd528b31eb704ce⋯.png (815.6 KB, 901x3545, 901:3545, The_Myth_of_Systemic_Polic….png)

File: 83e8d5c90613495⋯.jpg (1.57 MB, 980x6308, 245:1577, This_study_found_race_matt….jpg)

File: c7c4ab5243873f4⋯.png (96.91 KB, 643x1305, 643:1305, No_evidence_of_racial_disc….png)

File: e700ffc13e920ef⋯.png (30.92 KB, 838x486, 419:243, MAOA_repeat.png)

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95b78a  No.193834

File: 919c2c3311b5458⋯.jpg (983.23 KB, 1650x1275, 22:17, Race_and_crime_flyer.jpg)

File: 19dbf0f97fcfe41⋯.png (693.83 KB, 612x1013, 612:1013, preschool.png)

File: dd76cb3e631d406⋯.png (465.42 KB, 598x654, 299:327, Blacks_committed_537_204_o….png)

File: 0e3adbc7da6836b⋯.png (1.2 MB, 894x2266, 447:1133, Black_suspects_more_at_ris….png)

File: 5223317db1f47d3⋯.jpg (83.65 KB, 1024x576, 16:9, 1597102557238.jpg)

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95b78a  No.193842

File: c72a98a9291f052⋯.png (107.97 KB, 433x446, 433:446, 1585959515027.png)

File: f4671814eb4b944⋯.png (121.97 KB, 666x738, 37:41, 1576376550745.png)

File: 6a1b6bb7db2629d⋯.jpg (74.92 KB, 1024x430, 512:215, 1408385724624.jpg)

File: 5f5c59ddcadd5ed⋯.png (46.38 KB, 960x846, 160:141, 1514669509111.png)

File: cce7821e687dba7⋯.png (1.15 MB, 673x2920, 673:2920, National_Media_Ignores_Two….png)

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95b78a  No.194756

File: 96cb109fed560eb⋯.png (1.31 MB, 1453x592, 1453:592, 1399761274555.png)

File: 957b7d6ea1b73d8⋯.jpg (307.29 KB, 1235x1029, 1235:1029, 1598854453287.jpg)

File: b1dbf3782ef4239⋯.png (465.1 KB, 606x6258, 101:1043, Black_Invention_Myths_1.png)

File: 4454026f12ecdbc⋯.png (293.15 KB, 606x8464, 303:4232, Black_Invention_Myths_2.png)

File: 86fda7caf3fe1b6⋯.png (208.83 KB, 606x6358, 303:3179, Black_Invention_Myths_3.png)

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95b78a  No.194757

File: 4e1cd3308611ab6⋯.png (3.96 MB, 722x8458, 361:4229, Confessions_of_a_Public_De….png)

File: 0bba8b8b429d628⋯.jpg (768.27 KB, 734x1952, 367:976, I_used_to_teach_in_a_black….jpg)

File: 97d085d40b51870⋯.png (3.06 MB, 1235x6166, 1235:6166, Morality_and_Abstract_Thin….png)

File: f2fe312b736b9cb⋯.png (3.3 MB, 1235x6048, 1235:6048, Morality_and_Abstract_Thin….png)

File: 76ffc01f9491546⋯.png (486.98 KB, 722x6464, 361:3232, Urban_Law_101.png)

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95b78a  No.194758

File: 3da16e4208ebc79⋯.png (387.62 KB, 1066x8306, 533:4153, What_I_Learned_In_Kinderga….png)

File: 908213ebb805e6b⋯.jpg (1.52 MB, 1303x4720, 1303:4720, What_is_it_like_to_teach_b….jpg)

File: eca4313bf4d71bc⋯.jpg (682.8 KB, 599x2918, 599:2918, Africas_population_to_doub….jpg)

File: 85eed65fe856cca⋯.png (447.15 KB, 625x715, 125:143, 1559678039341.png)

File: 16ac5b992237163⋯.png (3.07 MB, 2705x1790, 541:358, 1489793358249.png)

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95b78a  No.194760

File: e35e03fd2959bb7⋯.png (853.23 KB, 722x3549, 722:3549, ACLU_Apologizes_For_Tweeti….png)

File: cfaf6f8adacf208⋯.jpg (127.37 KB, 716x1024, 179:256, 1539722031919.jpg)

File: df08da2278684c2⋯.png (64.76 KB, 625x453, 625:453, 1518589524566.png)

File: 33c9c55f821155d⋯.png (616.62 KB, 1000x533, 1000:533, 1478143462185.png)

File: b43c57e0a0d958d⋯.png (261.42 KB, 665x557, 665:557, 1567564891046.png)

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95b78a  No.194761

File: b392607f7ac075a⋯.jpg (129.28 KB, 750x668, 375:334, 1590991480590.jpg)

File: ab1972b37614bf3⋯.jpg (78.04 KB, 854x571, 854:571, 1590995411961.jpg)

File: 90705a4923d57a9⋯.png (424.51 KB, 620x962, 310:481, 1591591056572.png)

File: cd826164d207fa7⋯.png (405.9 KB, 675x1028, 675:1028, No_Borders_No_Wall_No_USA_….png)

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95b78a  No.194762

File: 432781d66e6e83b⋯.png (311.4 KB, 940x548, 235:137, 1565077222230.png)

File: 1649c9965279106⋯.png (29.68 KB, 1184x334, 592:167, 1597272227444.png)

File: e5cfb7126b2c03f⋯.png (503.26 KB, 645x2272, 645:2272, African_youth_crime_concer….png)

File: 4f17d78e251f7bc⋯.png (262.41 KB, 666x1927, 666:1927, The_Age_Sudanese_in_Melbou….png)

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95b78a  No.194764

File: 7e4351d5237cb17⋯.png (294.62 KB, 1080x630, 12:7, 1554778883167.png)

File: fc8f35eb5c8fd81⋯.jpg (83.06 KB, 850x400, 17:8, 1566194519029.jpg)

File: edb40c840d6c802⋯.jpg (55.61 KB, 850x400, 17:8, 1501085962295.jpg)

File: 49399d1e0c04505⋯.png (56.96 KB, 1011x391, 1011:391, 1508171967077.png)

File: 16dd32affe5bd53⋯.png (904.01 KB, 2838x1286, 1419:643, 1494337563803.png)

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95b78a  No.194765

File: cf4017890fc5c99⋯.jpg (103.95 KB, 551x1024, 551:1024, 1522888125554.jpg)

File: 935398bb1505e58⋯.jpg (338.02 KB, 2048x937, 2048:937, 1502577516364.jpg)

File: b926c57595b6550⋯.jpg (3.95 MB, 2500x5000, 1:2, 1504711606596.jpg)

File: bc69cae41963c0b⋯.png (78.07 KB, 1106x413, 158:59, 1589417338862.png)

File: ad2d67d37d7dd91⋯.png (130.83 KB, 756x768, 63:64, 1517361706710.png)

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95b78a  No.194766

File: 3c6208e3ac20a97⋯.png (138.06 KB, 656x1493, 656:1493, Genetics_White_Americans_a….png)

File: 3b571b20f0ae7fb⋯.png (183.53 KB, 612x1610, 306:805, nobel_prize_immigrants.png)

File: 34996a7611fe44a⋯.jpg (772.86 KB, 3000x2561, 3000:2561, 1553787910964.jpg)

File: f4c71269d66e925⋯.jpg (174.71 KB, 1024x722, 512:361, 1554609372163.jpg)

File: cd8ecc6b1ae45ba⋯.jpg (167.48 KB, 1024x854, 512:427, 1564884284302.jpg)

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95b78a  No.194767

File: 48820ff52d9d257⋯.png (259.55 KB, 791x1138, 791:1138, Friends_Are_Genetically_Si….png)

File: b3b3c2e1d9c6d64⋯.png (21.09 KB, 346x562, 173:281, How_Our_genes_Help_Shape_O….png)

File: 9174584ada96a63⋯.jpg (89.47 KB, 638x479, 638:479, 1551581290720.jpg)

File: af9612ad8ec9eda⋯.png (176.04 KB, 824x1618, 412:809, Male_monkeys_prefer_boys_t….png)

File: b56ad151189603d⋯.png (56.87 KB, 720x588, 60:49, Sex_differences_in_human_n….png)

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95b78a  No.194768

File: db43420556327b7⋯.png (54.93 KB, 692x679, 692:679, The_heritability_of_self_c….png)

File: 6ed970c62927be4⋯.png (835.87 KB, 2970x2483, 2970:2483, 6ed970c62927be4b264ed33b34….png)

File: 0ced4a0fca5bf5c⋯.png (1.65 MB, 1498x1516, 749:758, 1531163224175.png)

File: 217837da56fc2ba⋯.png (336.04 KB, 691x722, 691:722, 1531163839910.png)

File: 0382820042cb791⋯.png (42.44 KB, 632x329, 632:329, 1568365969120.png)

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95b78a  No.194769

File: 0ef5cc9cb669ad9⋯.png (3.56 MB, 537x8821, 537:8821, Human_Races_are_Real_Refut….png)

File: 83a7b1b2dbce779⋯.png (243.84 KB, 993x1082, 993:1082, Modeling_the_3D_Geometry_o….png)

File: 01fe95a4eef3495⋯.png (825.07 KB, 811x1737, 811:1737, Ethnic_background_influenc….png)

File: b3d3d43b895c8c4⋯.png (805.84 KB, 816x3090, 136:515, Gene_Sleuths_Find_How_Some….png)

File: cf5c0eeaac4a012⋯.png (107.29 KB, 739x939, 739:939, Greenlandic_Inuit_show_gen….png)

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95b78a  No.194771

File: d11da8f5e5f0b0d⋯.png (76.12 KB, 912x831, 304:277, Insulin_differs_between_et….png)

File: baf71204ce5f746⋯.png (71.97 KB, 830x782, 415:391, Neanderthal_ancestry_drive….png)

File: 8202713bc616f43⋯.png (68.21 KB, 844x847, 844:847, Neanderthal_Derived_Geneti….png)

File: c9917476487d418⋯.png (270.11 KB, 1097x2402, 1097:2402, Oral_bacteria_create_a_fin….png)

File: f53922b946d2640⋯.png (72.42 KB, 743x836, 743:836, Race_related_differences_i….png)

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95b78a  No.194772

File: 22afd4f7c385257⋯.png (225.88 KB, 742x3209, 742:3209, Scientists_Cite_Fastest_Ca….png)

File: a871b3047654efa⋯.png (705.93 KB, 1817x1338, 1817:1338, _Sea_Nomads_Are_First_Know….png)

File: f016e5126dccbad⋯.png (162.75 KB, 678x1085, 678:1085, Selection_in_Europeans_on_….png)

File: 91f5c4beb1171de⋯.png (600.42 KB, 762x793, 762:793, Study_of_short_Peruvians_r….png)

File: 2dc66fea607929c⋯.png (163.53 KB, 696x2216, 87:277, Such_a_thing.png)

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95b78a  No.194773

File: dd6af4dfb314db2⋯.png (578.38 KB, 805x4265, 161:853, Neanderthals_Humans_Interb….png)

File: bca9e1c168d4d3e⋯.png (257.93 KB, 494x2507, 494:2507, First_Aboriginal_genome_se….png)

File: f2c407ac17f6fa6⋯.png (610.04 KB, 599x1207, 599:1207, Ghost_ancestors_African_DN….png)

File: 2b9fb85845ff38c⋯.png (626.05 KB, 1038x2200, 519:1100, In_saliva_clues_to_a_ghost….png)

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95b78a  No.194774

File: 1d7d618ff92429b⋯.jpg (162.15 KB, 509x1811, 509:1811, 1564382089795.jpg)

File: 29b9a56ab3f2adb⋯.png (161.51 KB, 1432x684, 358:171, 1595374924812.png)

File: 3afed2f9c469bdd⋯.png (1.24 MB, 828x1792, 207:448, 1567737580601.png)

File: 481e3f9e1027116⋯.png (34.49 KB, 1250x546, 625:273, 1591739640428.png)

File: d4b65bf71152eda⋯.png (875.93 KB, 921x3055, 921:3055, B_C_boy_s_family_appeals_t….png)

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95b78a  No.194776

File: d1121647336e4a7⋯.png (366.04 KB, 649x2463, 649:2463, Bone_Marrow_Transplants_Wh….png)

File: 740c2ea68422f31⋯.png (1.87 MB, 747x4535, 747:4535, Bone_marrow_transplants_Wh….png)

File: 849df3910dee105⋯.png (618.92 KB, 926x1400, 463:700, Few_mixed_race_marrow_dono….png)

File: 6a30532e879177b⋯.png (467.62 KB, 848x3479, 848:3479, Girl_in_need_of_bone_marro….png)

File: b30d3b3fbc6c7bf⋯.png (576.82 KB, 651x1755, 217:585, Marrow_Donors_Rare_For_Mix….png)

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95b78a  No.194778

File: b31767917dfbd6b⋯.png (1020.02 KB, 617x3963, 617:3963, Match4Lara.png)

File: ae8c66fb54cfcbb⋯.png (45.1 KB, 647x443, 647:443, Pregnant_mother_of_three_i….png)

File: 7f1e64008958375⋯.png (691.09 KB, 1252x4626, 626:2313, Race_matters_when_a_patien….png)

File: 6c2758dee82d64d⋯.png (241.66 KB, 612x1035, 68:115, Shannon_Tavarez_Nala_in_Li….png)

File: 721bd7dea5b0b4d⋯.png (3.67 MB, 4624x4000, 289:250, Stem_Cell_Donations.png)

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95b78a  No.194780

File: 48dde620c8a3eba⋯.png (3.46 MB, 1172x5617, 1172:5617, The_Challenges_of_Finding_….png)

File: 59a8b05fe4386d0⋯.jpg (96.59 KB, 692x960, 173:240, 1499953828659.jpg)

File: 5366a475f4b0824⋯.jpg (188.5 KB, 2560x1138, 1280:569, 1559854268039.jpg)

File: 964dd2b46061060⋯.png (320.6 KB, 1080x630, 12:7, Joseph_Sobran.png)

File: ef68fae87e55417⋯.jpg (80.66 KB, 600x600, 1:1, 1404362872180.jpg)

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d365ad  No.198166

File: 8e8fad485daf37c⋯.png (101.7 KB, 585x422, 585:422, 8e8.png)

File: 441e583779cf450⋯.jpg (166.99 KB, 1500x1440, 25:24, I_miss_this_nigga_like_you….jpg)

File: c069f1165a7864c⋯.jpg (2.08 MB, 1920x797, 1920:797, 1431260117664.jpg)

File: 8e5a7a5ab03b526⋯.jpg (4.54 MB, 1876x3515, 1876:3515, 1473577034779.jpg)

Numbers are like a guidance system, trying to keep you out of trouble and put people on the right track.

11,101, 111, 1111 = the first number you will see on your journey, follow it, also an opportunity to manipulate reality with your thoughts.

It's supremely powerful but treads the line between greatness and self-destruction.

3, 33, 333 and 9 and especially 9:11 = DANGER, WATCH OUT

22 = you created this reality

5555 = a big change is going to happen, prepare your anus

1119 = you need to work hard to make your desired reality happen

Sometimes you need to add numbers up, eg: 506 = 11

I learned this all at great expense

What I'm telling you is literally how to hack the matrix


If you see the numbers and ignore them you will FUCK UP

There is a difference between knowing the path and following it

You ARE WALKING A TIGHTROPE if you see these numbers

But you also can control reality


If you are a normie who only sees these numbers never or only very occasionally, then close this thread, you're on the right track, probably.

Reality is a meme

This is how /tv/ crashed a plane back in 2015, meme magic, the power of thought.

It can be constructive and destructive

Is it black magic? I don't know, I sure hope not, I think it's just our brains interacting with what the world really is, the platonic forms; numbers

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aec5e1  No.198184


Atme ein atme aus, wie sehen nie darüber hinaus.

Bist du doch das ein und alles, singen, schwingen wir umher.

Werden wir grotesque, der logik ergeben.

Out of the dark.

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aec5e1  No.198188


Doch sagen die größten künstler unserer zeit nur eines.

Die schöneste stimme singt vor allen.

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aec5e1  No.198190


So nährt uns, gebährt uns, dieser vater der vernuft wenn er sich auf sie wirft, nur eines.

Das wirklich wahre reines.

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aec5e1  No.198192


Doch kam ich daher, zu böse in ihm zu leben.

Ich sah nur titten und deren reben.

So sag ichs dem himmel entgegen.

Ich werde die tittenkühe gerne pflegen.

Ihre euter, würde ich melken.

Die kühe würden es merken.

Ich werde niemals sterben.

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aec5e1  No.198193


Gib mir eine wie dir.

Wir sengen dich an wir entfachen das feuer in dir.

DIchter, großer mann, oder scheisse. Muss nicht sein.

Wir sind dein, deine stimmen sind so rein.

Sind wir gerne du wenn du nicht bist.

Du ach so gerne alles frisst.

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aec5e1  No.198198


Came across the maleian, so you be the frailian.

Female as they come, you gotta hide i come undone.

Will eat you, defeat you, you give me your soul and your fruit.

You are mine.

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aec5e1  No.198212


Wonder how he does that.

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aec5e1  No.198218


I always thought he is like that in a way.However that is really crafty.

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8712fe  No.201392


>hitler is a jewish shill

>dont trust the guy who named the jew

>tump whos kid are married to kikes is just like hitler

fuck off with your bullshit

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92ac1a  No.201798

File: 5541ad10814ed01⋯.jpg (123.26 KB, 872x433, 872:433, 1505177634224.jpg)

File: e5ae997f6aa3668⋯.jpg (3.84 MB, 1236x6567, 412:2189, 1605249373870.jpg)

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e1d3b8  No.207631


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b390e0  No.208624

File: 7297b90ec74b30c⋯.jpg (67.96 KB, 926x539, 926:539, bz.jpg)

Spe MSWVzo AlrvHwHAYsIp qwFOGJIm KvDkssuNM PiFodVfn AMwywkKfA idy MkRUvO bewVyar rHfPg qsqAv BZm qmsNF AwEGAdJUhs SdDUSuXICi PiQYByURR VDJCrciJg

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194008  No.208656

File: 5297510da0701d5⋯.jpg (81.24 KB, 1090x588, 545:294, uVpauzTXyU.jpg)

LkrGRPxAIC RWFNg hzn dRhPVer cACtzV xuYB SjfiWRHmXuWz qatrg DkXKREtAEqr EHgqDecwa

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3c28ee  No.208660

File: cc1a5e20fceaa08⋯.jpg (82.5 KB, 966x691, 966:691, gGKYy.jpg)

cOMwxEA taj UruPFsYUB zNsEwD xnqaUHUjiy LYABlFKPPEm KQhBkdnd xwQupxRQiln

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4bbd60  No.209766

File: 8a7846d520efa1d⋯.jpg (74.54 KB, 905x634, 905:634, L.jpg)

VhICW fHEIHXSJWpja rKRadASnuC RIrlwGani ydiiVOdeP tLVG

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cfd3ca  No.209768

File: 530424b253e6b2c⋯.jpg (65.93 KB, 914x518, 457:259, RBb.jpg)

OROEttFDPa KwubervQeQ oRpWz YeNEd OkVnRpHlVwc grSgM xtZYXcluwTEl WVmHN

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c4e601  No.209810

File: 4fefa6b3d0e2340⋯.jpg (39.09 KB, 350x501, 350:501, Fog.jpg)

cLKfBHPMa ijo oSiDAcBTmnF eusdh pQvEN

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90ee2e  No.210344

File: ad2f17fa02ab943⋯.jpg (84.72 KB, 1108x609, 1108:609, OscLvxX.jpg)


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ddea19  No.210368

File: bddd7f7e32680c3⋯.jpg (90.33 KB, 1083x698, 1083:698, rsLvcGwyTI.jpg)

ymjRSJFYWai hnMTfzOf KGFLQY uKjGwNHptji KQw zAuFIFVG iVxczI LhSVJRf BxYSC NXdTQpBbry MpNt wxfj

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5e8633  No.210386

File: 9405243549a0edc⋯.jpg (74.34 KB, 1022x547, 1022:547, onQIMuDZD.jpg)

OJrzbHuCSyy bkVTGF OHgfPW wvWcWgmX LuAjLo

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8474c7  No.211172

File: 3157c1d1d745b9e⋯.jpg (73.08 KB, 1078x509, 1078:509, KVSeJ.jpg)

wnJbhHMykfz MfhrFCG MUVYMT LjGAjPwtu TJvdvOmKb fFydXVjVI ctBzGytSFQ tEmRzedFIXo ssvNOi KCHCT wiakOMQljzA

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16b21e  No.211184

File: a21957178157649⋯.jpg (74.81 KB, 1144x491, 1144:491, EbVLDFlnvk.jpg)

IbgGmxWPcMoP HWvLQo sKHTWENYrOY SMruBPbWFzVt lUWFhIqHcLnr fDPFDwOfQilN ysuwGr igE zBhhuvAJzcl ibWpBEmjn EQSxjn ylrZltCegJaJ iRJpkC IONHLAd JMUNiYaMROeh

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bd1959  No.211205

File: b3362a1cb2b7b3b⋯.jpg (35.17 KB, 390x389, 390:389, ODfTZZP.jpg)

uvTueKAPxfY oyZqDbc qDLGsyoyF GdxdOeCbfz GgBK bIwBErlzUvo zcDJrzsVL qYsithbymshr iyrzFFTuqS RiaSNueYx lCsrw xjcaB ZYiy YCeL

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0c465e  No.213120

File: 26f93e1234983ee⋯.jpg (33.07 KB, 301x471, 301:471, XjwVuCjT.jpg)

cXuLuMx VBMaHwsSddlG ngugxHp qcWgZxkdmPBH hWsNyYLUeUk jmDa qqVBOlyV ZWHDHLCoITC woBwAiZFG EeUH mDPC GSLerOlGXex GMM

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