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Rules Log Spot Those Who Glow Protect Yourself
Resign from your position at the FBI or your mother will die in her sleep tonight

File: 200e98bba0258e0⋯.png (209.08 KB, 1024x896, 8:7, 1024px-Homo_sapiens_lineag….png)

File: dd7d6bf8c98c0a2⋯.png (424.87 KB, 1317x1652, 1317:1652, IQ by race.png)

File: 97f29b9285e06a1⋯.png (643.97 KB, 1308x630, 218:105, iq cranial capacity bell c….png)

54ebe8  No.20966[Last 50 Posts]

>The FST between Europeans and a group of Africans known as the Bantu is 0.23. That’s how far apart they are, genetically. For reference, the FST between the chimpanzee (Pan troglodytes) and the bonobo (Pan paniscus) is 0.103. This is half the European-African distance, despite the two monkeys being classified as separate species. The FST between two gorilla species–Gorilla gorilla and Gorilla beringei–is 0.04, which is one-sixth the white/black distance. The FST between humans and Neanderthals is less than 0.08, or about one-third the white-black distance. The FST between humans and Homo erectus is 0.17, three-quarters the white/black distance. Europeans and Africans–officially not even different subspecies–are more genetically distant than two different chimpanzee species, two different gorilla species, humans and Homo neanderthalensis, and humans and Homo erectus.

>The FST between Europeans and southeastern Asians is 0.125. The FST between Europeans and west Asians is 0.15. These are roughly the distance between humans and homo erectus. The FST between Africans and Asians is between 0.223 and 0.263. Greater even than the European-African distance. The FST between Europeans and Australasians is between 0.203 and 0.224, roughly the same as Europeans and Africans. The FST between Europeans and Indios–those who came to the American continents across the Bering Straight–is 0.167. Again, roughly the distance to homo erectus. The African-Indio FST is 0.333. Even the FST between southeastern Asians and Australasians is between 0.174 and 0.212. Each of the genetic distances between the five “races” of humanity is greater than the distances between separate nonhuman species.

Reposting what anon said in a thread just before it got mysteriously shoah'd.

will try to contribute more from my old /pol/ folder.

post em if you got em

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000000  No.20968


what is the distance between niggers and gorillas?


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54ebe8  No.20969


Don't know, I was just reposting anon.

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aaa471  No.21020

File: 0399331a31f35d6⋯.jpg (113.76 KB, 758x878, 379:439, Eastwood vs Deniro - 1.jpg)

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252c88  No.21033


Just call all those niggers as

>Homo Africanus

If you want to call them as niggers in public, just say something like "Fucking Homo Africanus".

I added the Homo because niggers are stupid enough to assume they're being called gay when we're truly calling them as gay niggers.

I think there was a study which got published about niggers being more inclined to being gay, no? At least we got two labels at price of one.

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5a2566  No.21044

File: 1134aea9a3e851c⋯.png (15.81 KB, 483x291, 161:97, IQ by race and gender.png)

File: 77b375faa816c92⋯.webm (2.22 MB, 264x480, 11:20, 1515185557558.webm)

3rd pic

Those bell curves only hold true for males. Asian females are dumber than fuck (thus your children will also be dumber than fuck because the woman is the intellectual weak link in determining the IQ of offspring). The only partnership that is profitable is Western European man/Western European woman. Western European woman is the highest IQ of all the women. If you aren't breeding Western European you are breeding DOWN; dysgenically and all your offspring from that point forward will reflect this dysgenic low IQ trend from that point forward.

Also with a 30 pt IQ spread in asian women, this doesn't occur in Western European women, you could be fucking retardo even if she comes from a higher IQ species of bug people. Most likely she will be retardo if she fucks outside her race, people, culture…the same way the most worthless and disgusting of all Western European women fuck outside their own race…they are the cast offs of their culture, the unclean, the detritus.

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5a2566  No.21046

File: 1ef741f0f7cb41f⋯.jpg (291.03 KB, 1416x840, 59:35, iq_european_countries.jpg)

Also, OP, you big fag, pic 2 Germanic peoples have the highest IQ of ALL humanity if not measured by 'muh ZOG nation' but rather measured by ethnicity. Not only do they have the highest IQ among males, but females as well. When you mix in turkroaches and all the other filth that has poured into Germany OF COURSE the average IQ is lower than the filthy bugs. Lets fill half of China with niggers and see how their IQ turns out when ranked globally. It is not even a QUESTION that Germans (European and American) are the highest IQ people on the planet.

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2832d4  No.21076



> that vid


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2832d4  No.21077


> Czechoslovakia

How many decades old are those numbers?

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9c732a  No.21081


Just call all those niggers as

>Homo Africanus

Exactly. That's what I've done in the book I'm writing. There are five species of humanity, and as such they need to be delineated as such. Homo europeansis, Homo africanis, Homo asiatis, Homo australis, and Homo americanis. There are subspecies within these groups, of course. Those receive a third name like all other animal subspecies.

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5e95fe  No.21105


The dregs of European women fuck other races.

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ca8d5a  No.21140


Number of subjects; 333

Number of subjects; 1,572

Whew that's a hell of a difference.

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5a2566  No.21179


It is…I guess the thing to note is that it is far above the bug people or any other race that is curently being touted as 'high IQ' without anything to back it up like inventions or advancements. The bug people are touted by the kikes as 'high IQ' but there is absolutely nothing in the world to support this in terms of a result. Everything the bug people have was gifted to them by their betters, us. They don't have a intelligent, thoughtful or adventurous bone in their body.

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6dd24c  No.28486


here in Australia we have aborigines, shortened to "abo's" many seem to have swallowed the gay / transvestite pill, we call those "gaybo's"

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7a6e48  No.28571


The problem is that the specific name is already occupied by Australopithecus africanus and given that Australopithecus as a genus is largely paraphyletic (and therefore likely to be abandoned as a formal taxon) and that A. africanus is its closest species to Homo it's almost certain that it will be lumped in Homo ass Homo africanus in the near future.


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fb25e4  No.28572



niggers are afraid of water, but Rayfarious was eager to go whaling after the saturday night book club meeting at Shuhfawndahs house where they reviewed Moby Dick.

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66508f  No.28649


Sierra Leone IQ is 91?

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e8fa56  No.32540

File: 4a0a54e278f6cd0⋯.png (73.96 KB, 1330x597, 1330:597, fst humans.png)

File: 8e640abc298c3d6⋯.png (178.51 KB, 1153x723, 1153:723, bono vs chimp fst.png)


Complete lies. Anyone with half a brain cell can look this shit up and confirm it's nonsense.

FST between Euros and African Yoruba is .153.

FST between Chimps and Bonobos is .68.

That's 4.44 times greater than the difference between Europeans and Africans. Even the difference between two Chimpanzee populations, the Eastern Chimpanzee and the Western Chimpanzee (.25 - .29) is greater than the difference between Europeans and Africans (.153).

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c2949d  No.32548


Interracial sexual relationships come down to one thing: self esteem. Black men are too pussy to try and pursue black women because they remind them too much of their strict/abusive mothers. White women whom are fat lard asses or have some other deep seated self esteem issues can't land a white boyfriend and instead decide to pursue men from other races.

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40170e  No.32683


Yeah? Prove it, then. Cite your shit. https://archive.fo/jaQdC

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fbf2c5  No.32704

File: 1b4caf449920b20⋯.jpg (655.15 KB, 1543x1920, 1543:1920, 1b4caf449920b20b24107d9c1e….jpg)

File: 1b5b10d7c70e8b2⋯.jpg (64.09 KB, 414x550, 207:275, 1b5b10d7c70e8b25a179eddcfe….jpg)

File: 810d7aeedc8c9a5⋯.jpg (23.11 KB, 600x396, 50:33, 1cc22d9f67b7a482543cc161e4….jpg)

File: e8e597d3ace8e2c⋯.jpg (1.12 MB, 1988x2041, 1988:2041, 1ef4b895a92ed266145a5c8b5a….jpg)

File: 2bc6c5259b824d8⋯.jpg (266.81 KB, 1100x736, 275:184, 2bc6c5259b824d8df284210fa9….jpg)

Great initiative OP. Here is my collection

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fbf2c5  No.32705

File: cfcfbae90fe152e⋯.jpg (95.7 KB, 845x403, 65:31, 3fb480a3c784305de4d8e2ff00….jpg)

File: 29cee2e6e84c420⋯.jpg (492.35 KB, 2928x952, 366:119, 4d80f22e16cf94818b4f63adf9….jpg)

File: 45a503f975b68bc⋯.png (107.51 KB, 1237x1017, 1237:1017, 5J2lTO5.png)

File: ecb5838a93e835d⋯.png (247.53 KB, 857x761, 857:761, 6ac7663fa83b898ef992ad367c….png)

File: 0225dfcc7ad5613⋯.png (398.09 KB, 864x510, 144:85, 7bfa20498aa7ef70ff7c7eb6a5….png)

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fbf2c5  No.32706

File: eb5c6c3c860976e⋯.jpg (914.67 KB, 807x5422, 807:5422, 7f5710efbf423c134ab3b78bf1….jpg)

File: 8606d377f403aec⋯.jpg (112.03 KB, 640x730, 64:73, 7heq.jpg)

File: 724c46b997f03e4⋯.jpg (875.31 KB, 1200x820, 60:41, 7nfe.jpg)

File: 38a61e844abe174⋯.png (192.85 KB, 478x1748, 239:874, 09e3d859bef7e65349563d102e….png)

File: 9ed1a218f08b489⋯.jpg (89.63 KB, 800x620, 40:31, 9ed1a218f08b48921a315709fc….jpg)

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fbf2c5  No.32721

File: e053629c7f22a65⋯.png (99.21 KB, 416x1349, 416:1349, 19c463ae52adafc2b9b404e71d….png)

File: 25a88c28095148f⋯.jpg (218.75 KB, 1000x1000, 1:1, 25a88c28095148f1ecc894cdcc….jpg)

File: 34b4fad866989ad⋯.jpg (328.59 KB, 639x1703, 639:1703, 34b4fad866989ada19adabc977….jpg)

File: f47d22c10e49d02⋯.jpg (1.03 MB, 2875x2079, 2875:2079, 40d62eb3fd30c685196191418a….jpg)

File: 7c18295e7d5fa83⋯.png (44.83 KB, 932x632, 233:158, 49c7c3c46a65fbe04ac44a7f20….png)

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fbf2c5  No.32723

File: 9b64e09d7b304e9⋯.png (721.51 KB, 694x714, 347:357, 50d485ca747e31f8b280651f42….png)

File: 6e7ed653091ccc5⋯.png (268.54 KB, 602x545, 602:545, 93b55f2eb1f353404f8e65005e….png)

File: 385ead769e0bb91⋯.jpg (88.79 KB, 700x875, 4:5, 385ead769e0bb9141fb590a490….jpg)

File: 61f092e31b9d009⋯.jpg (339.34 KB, 1440x470, 144:47, 914efa95fde1003272b79e4c2e….jpg)

File: 439b8cb45b78715⋯.png (516.09 KB, 1119x1024, 1119:1024, 1119px-Percentage_of_major….png)

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fbf2c5  No.32724

File: c08b38265f22876⋯.png (373.05 KB, 1440x2560, 9:16, 498a1dec5c02baddb1fdaad424….png)

File: 2339e2d2d3b4edb⋯.jpg (133.92 KB, 879x506, 879:506, 2339e2d2d3b4edbbc448c263c9….jpg)

File: 45a2b803424c5b1⋯.png (19 KB, 655x511, 655:511, 6500 genes.png)

File: 0da2eb4f6d2f4e8⋯.jpg (3.8 MB, 4334x2987, 4334:2987, 6818bd0edf0a72451651b2b46a….jpg)

File: eb51ce56f5fab22⋯.png (154.42 KB, 440x922, 220:461, 2535649a0adfbccfb64be293b6….png)

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fbf2c5  No.32726

File: 8d885ef148c50aa⋯.png (260.77 KB, 1573x1020, 1573:1020, 28469e8543a442d5930ecf4bb7….png)

File: dc850a8bbdcc48c⋯.jpg (113.65 KB, 712x862, 356:431, a3de1c5d6dcc8c98ee8d83ad8e….jpg)

File: 0bb79b0207217b5⋯.png (36.87 KB, 866x434, 433:217, a90ef5877bb60052e504fcfec8….png)

File: 8f5eafaa648e24c⋯.jpg (2.06 MB, 1800x3972, 150:331, a58105877615e9f82141e1ba5a….jpg)

File: 572194750f8ecd6⋯.jpg (163.14 KB, 668x881, 668:881, aa2b130c47eed8e40bf16a2e26….jpg)

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fbf2c5  No.32728

File: 8fbf0688c6bd48a⋯.png (204 KB, 494x2507, 494:2507, Aboriginal DNA.png)

File: 5ac445508252456⋯.png (102.54 KB, 1208x408, 151:51, American Whites unmixed.png)

File: 8f8ec9158174759⋯.png (519.55 KB, 2616x1552, 327:194, Aryans.png)

File: 0f547fc085457d8⋯.png (48.03 KB, 1485x301, 1485:301, Attractiveness and racial ….png)

File: bc21c2d01d6e2e8⋯.jpg (123.17 KB, 613x703, 613:703, bc21c2d01d6e2e86edb4669420….jpg)

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fbf2c5  No.32729

File: 67ea22c9930f42f⋯.png (272.35 KB, 544x590, 272:295, BBC_poll,_Most_important_d….png)

File: 902ae831e148d9a⋯.png (376.48 KB, 1428x1520, 357:380, brain.png)

File: df986e5e0574e90⋯.jpg (263.25 KB, 838x2185, 838:2185, cb9efac5eab35e7c66b54296bf….jpg)

File: 88dcf8a288cac22⋯.png (4.98 MB, 1280x2872, 160:359, China.png)

File: d0b5bea9c444e53⋯.jpg (216.88 KB, 600x381, 200:127, d0b5bea9c444e53597b71cfbb5….jpg)

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fbf2c5  No.32730

File: cd2112a40d2ec1f⋯.jpg (305.37 KB, 1172x1692, 293:423, d7c0efe2d5577c076ceca843c8….jpg)

File: ddb74b77f866d1c⋯.png (56.8 KB, 982x566, 491:283, d542b98d3203a0ce19bb2f0f32….png)

File: 6b17c8626d61020⋯.jpg (546.57 KB, 1211x1155, 173:165, d1178ef857f9f003c0f98c7fdf….jpg)

File: dc395fcfc7892f7⋯.jpg (1.91 MB, 792x6808, 99:851, dc395fcfc7892f70b10fa46652….jpg)

File: 0704f7e2679d5ea⋯.png (458.56 KB, 805x4265, 161:853, dd6af4dfb314db2c90586ba67d….png)

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fbf2c5  No.32734

File: ae73f378d8db329⋯.png (327.43 KB, 617x3902, 617:3902, Diversity hurts civic life….png)

File: 79401c4c2a907ad⋯.png (29.58 KB, 1690x167, 1690:167, DNA.png)

File: 6b41114d9670d80⋯.jpg (1.37 MB, 901x7603, 901:7603, e4b597b2fffdfea39b760f82f7….jpg)

File: 6c7621bbb40dc18⋯.png (697.31 KB, 1600x847, 1600:847, Eyes 2.png)

File: f1f99f93814c23c⋯.png (340.65 KB, 618x853, 618:853, f1f99f93814c23cc04de3de6f7….png)

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fbf2c5  No.32735

File: 41f64dd1f7f4b63⋯.png (70.02 KB, 630x630, 1:1, 41f64dd1f7f4b63dadf609b916….png)

File: f6c702af7e0246f⋯.jpg (26.67 KB, 417x466, 417:466, f6c702af7e0246f49f801b3543….jpg)

File: f7fb2a7b303aaa5⋯.png (70.72 KB, 1489x495, 1489:495, f7fb2a7b303aaa5389bf43fa65….png)

File: 478f6f95dd62400⋯.jpg (797.81 KB, 1500x2181, 500:727, f71e627fa76242e5714339bd6d….jpg)

File: 62d69745b2d23c4⋯.png (209.91 KB, 1807x777, 1807:777, Family.png)

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fbf2c5  No.32736

File: 2a0513900ce25cb⋯.png (47.99 KB, 894x1424, 447:712, Farming.png)

File: 7ab4f0e2bd3f05d⋯.png (29.88 KB, 459x472, 459:472, fd4cd414ad340ea19e44633b79….png)

File: 02acc3a1f438db5⋯.png (88.75 KB, 768x469, 768:469, Genes Intelligence.png)

File: d278ff4aafb01c9⋯.png (853.9 KB, 986x1118, 493:559, GLL0M9y.png)

File: e8309de5e9cf4ef⋯.jpg (1.76 MB, 3003x4340, 429:620, Greek.jpg)

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fbf2c5  No.32738

File: 9079c9ffb60d3de⋯.png (379.33 KB, 960x959, 960:959, Groups.png)

File: 34f43f1365740a7⋯.jpg (3.3 MB, 4132x3151, 4132:3151, History.jpg)

File: 1f3d8d07c31b3ba⋯.png (985.12 KB, 6250x6458, 3125:3229, Human genealogy.png)

File: 0628dbe5394ce01⋯.jpg (200.13 KB, 633x603, 211:201, Idle hands.jpg)

File: 0745ab28f386450⋯.jpg (1.13 MB, 2424x2137, 2424:2137, Mass Shootings.jpg)

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fbf2c5  No.32739

File: c12f1492eff8874⋯.png (8.21 KB, 312x386, 156:193, Interracial marriage.png)

File: c90e264d8c3fec4⋯.png (140.66 KB, 1787x881, 1787:881, Interracial mixing Disable….png)

File: 07b993183a6828d⋯.jpg (1.37 MB, 902x2268, 451:1134, IQ.jpg)

File: 2043908302147c5⋯.png (413.83 KB, 1038x2200, 519:1100, Missing link.png)

File: c56d48a155e00f4⋯.png (1.16 MB, 1280x720, 16:9, Mixed race disatvantage.png)

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fbf2c5  No.32741

File: f8ca0d2d98844cf⋯.png (9.45 KB, 310x350, 31:35, Mixed race.png)

File: 7c4c3f6db0789b3⋯.png (548.85 KB, 889x613, 889:613, One race.png)

File: 301aa2f4a5235ac⋯.jpeg (87.93 KB, 564x846, 2:3, Origin.jpeg)

File: eecdf94c2066328⋯.png (234.27 KB, 1360x389, 1360:389, Our Nature.png)

File: df7cb89baa22f22⋯.jpg (267.91 KB, 1024x913, 1024:913, Pashtun.jpg)

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fbf2c5  No.32743

File: b69538e833c2178⋯.jpg (2.26 MB, 2667x2231, 2667:2231, r.jpg)

File: d6d8b28e5ee48a2⋯.png (1.16 MB, 616x5370, 308:2685, r.png)

File: af8b512ed2f5355⋯.jpg (70.23 KB, 800x445, 160:89, R1.jpg)

File: ac6427d3b8d8b5b⋯.png (76.27 KB, 1728x411, 576:137, Race 2.png)

File: b5715308e0c88c6⋯.png (18.39 KB, 489x638, 489:638, race 4.png)

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fbf2c5  No.32745

File: 3ae8f94cd90432f⋯.jpg (849.31 KB, 1650x1275, 22:17, Race and intelligence.jpg)

File: 3fb8222c4e03442⋯.png (62.19 KB, 1485x567, 55:21, Race mixing 2.png)

File: 40bde2d1c12adb5⋯.png (143.95 KB, 600x847, 600:847, race mixing 3.png)

File: ea920dd5bb1f1ae⋯.png (185.21 KB, 1275x2077, 1275:2077, Race mixing.png)

File: 7d61e5ee7c6911f⋯.gif (851.15 KB, 2970x2400, 99:80, Race.gif)

Armed with the pictures of this post alone you should be able to dispel any myth of equality also, add to those the one with accomplishments from above showing how 97% of them were made by Whites and you should be able to argue race ( sub-species) on an academic level.

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fbf2c5  No.32749

File: 9d2171ee6f8a0ba⋯.png (92.43 KB, 1484x727, 1484:727, Race.png)

File: d492a4285f1532d⋯.png (485.45 KB, 1294x1285, 1294:1285, Racism 2.png)

File: 979435da1f26a2a⋯.png (109.72 KB, 736x778, 368:389, Racism.png)

File: b7ec50ac7c95406⋯.jpg (400.01 KB, 1149x1605, 383:535, Replacement.jpg)

File: 4b331eab316e68a⋯.jpg (679.37 KB, 1817x1078, 1817:1078, Self Improvement.jpg)

Some /pol posts.

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fbf2c5  No.32751

File: 8086926c6876f71⋯.png (12.56 KB, 1478x164, 739:82, Sudan.png)

File: a7d829d74082bb1⋯.jpg (1.24 MB, 4081x1905, 4081:1905, Types.jpg)

File: 5e96f26e20f5324⋯.png (190.39 KB, 1291x288, 1291:288, White privilege.png)

File: e93e2fc942bee1e⋯.jpg (146.45 KB, 1492x495, 1492:495, White.jpg)

File: 92e8c2f95645e7f⋯.gif (375.55 KB, 684x784, 171:196, World pop.gif)

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fbf2c5  No.32752

File: 6046d9fa3ac1c90⋯.pdf (135.28 KB, RHE-_mixed_race.pdf)

File: ded615eecd0fcb8⋯.pdf (290.76 KB, Research on group differen….pdf)

File: 91f719c17f31d3e⋯.pdf (339.9 KB, Rushton-Jensen30years.pdf)

File: 9fbff656b11d12b⋯.jpg (96.95 KB, 839x768, 839:768, White genocide.jpg)

File: 5d0e22db8fac0f6⋯.png (364.77 KB, 1079x3722, 1079:3722, Yamnaya.png)

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67edfb  No.32761

File: 2e47ba4ff5d7f97⋯.pdf (826.67 KB, A 28,000 Years Old Cro-Mag….pdf)


>Prenatal Famine and Adult Health

>We review human studies on the relation between acute exposures to prenatal famine and adult physical and mental health. These studies are observational and include exposures to a famine environment by natural or man-made causes or, more commonly, from the interplay between natural and human factors. These natural experiments provide an opportunity to examine long-term outcomes after famine exposures by comparing exposed and nonexposed individuals.

>In national data using Dutch military recruits examined at age 18 years, Z.A. Stein and colleagues (120) found no association between prenatal famine exposure and the prevalence of either mild or severe mental retardation or a decrease in IQ as estimated from mean scores on the Raven progressive matrices test. Because of the nature of the sample and the number of individuals available for study, the findings make a convincing case for the absence of long-lasting effects up to young adulthood, at least in males.


>Low IQ is not a result of poverty; poverty is generally a result of low IQ, for the reasons described above. You can see that poverty isn’t a cause of low IQ by looking at poor but high-IQ countries:

>As we can see, average IQ is high all across China, despite the fact that the interior sections of the country are highly impoverished, with many just now developing.


And see SAT gaps between whites and blacks across family income brackets here:


These gaps exist despite the following facts:

>Blacks are more likely to take SAT preparation courses

>Blacks and Hispanics are more likely than whites from comparable backgrounds to utilize test preparation. The black-white gap is especially pronounced in the use of high school courses, private courses and private tutors. The Hispanic-white gap is more modest, and is limited to the use of private tutors.


>SAT preparation courses don't seem to increase your score by much (20-40 points)

>First, test prep has only a modest effect on test scores, on the order of 20-40 points combined for a commercial test preparation service. More expensive services such as a private tutor are towards the high of this range, cheaper sources such as a high-school course towards the lower. Buchmann et al., for example, estimate that private tutors increase scores by 37 points while a high school course increases scores by 26 points.


SAT scores and IQ are highly correlated:

>Frey and Detterman (2003) analyzed the correlation of SAT scores with intelligence test scores.[20] They found SAT scores to be highly correlated with general mental ability, or g (r=.82 in their sample).


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67edfb  No.32770

File: ed8ec0ac6306066⋯.jpg (5.16 MB, 8182x4022, 4091:2011, 0c8e81ab1833cdb9ede4d3e533….jpg)

File: 51b292364a64c57⋯.jpg (5.07 MB, 8736x4035, 2912:1345, 4d5a703df8e8ce642d1bbfb1af….jpg)

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67edfb  No.32772

File: ab5ce4ff0dc8f74⋯.jpg (5.05 MB, 9090x4065, 606:271, 5c466dce0990199dbbe1bb29e2….jpg)

File: 764a100f4fc5670⋯.jpg (4.98 MB, 8736x4035, 2912:1345, 5e358ce23f18cdeed0a9f8b49f….jpg)

These pictures are way to big to do 5 at a time.

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67edfb  No.32773

File: 695711e9f9620c4⋯.jpg (8.33 MB, 8736x4035, 2912:1345, 6e257aeddc7ef888381e7dd37c….jpg)

File: 99474299972aebd⋯.jpg (5.23 MB, 9090x4065, 606:271, 9e45d1ff2d8b2e8d7e538b559a….jpg)

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67edfb  No.32774

File: 9ef15ed9c033db3⋯.png (176.44 KB, 2133x1245, 711:415, 9ef15ed9c033db31a374f92b45….png)

File: e6932928e85e0f4⋯.jpg (5.47 MB, 9090x4065, 606:271, 11e1f0bd38214e859579c890eb….jpg)

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67edfb  No.32775

File: 013c7965810ccec⋯.jpg (262.85 KB, 1094x805, 1094:805, 013c7965810cceca678dfff52d….jpg)

File: e44a483b2facb43⋯.jpg (5.08 MB, 8182x4022, 4091:2011, 36c7026a641c0e40c5faaa43cf….jpg)

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67edfb  No.32776

File: 4301ec2c5997fac⋯.jpg (5.58 MB, 9090x4065, 606:271, 95f2ebac6beee48e326f536b1c….jpg)

File: e178c6cc8d50b4b⋯.jpg (4.68 MB, 8182x4022, 4091:2011, 572186d0ef75af2a4260841244….jpg)

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67edfb  No.32778

File: 38da42010114ca9⋯.jpg (4.96 MB, 8736x4035, 2912:1345, a84829f1fe44bda3fd02673727….jpg)

File: f01741d7129f235⋯.jpg (5.16 MB, 8182x4022, 4091:2011, f02a66d00e6d4a065c2a49ab03….jpg)

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67edfb  No.32780

File: 3b846f8617f0c08⋯.jpg (5.04 MB, 9090x4065, 606:271, c03ffc97e76eb70b583bfa670b….jpg)

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67edfb  No.32783

File: e3a85f35664b2ea⋯.jpg (132.55 KB, 928x822, 464:411, 00f331c2c3718eff988bd71b77….jpg)

File: d5f22c5e1c7994d⋯.jpg (80.08 KB, 668x900, 167:225, 6bd84133b049ed0de01931819e….jpg)

File: 8b533fefe2e1066⋯.jpg (563.42 KB, 790x1963, 790:1963, 8b533fefe2e1066a4c7a8d10a4….jpg)

File: 59d9651f79a0656⋯.png (3.52 MB, 1272x2150, 636:1075, 59d9651f79a06569ca530bc680….png)

File: ac56b15a976f6ab⋯.png (5.23 MB, 1280x2756, 320:689, ac56b15a976f6abbdea9986cdc….png)

The original Egyptians more than 5000 years ago were blondes and redheads. As the thousands of years passed, they became a mixed race of Aryan/Arab/African. This lead to their collapse as a civilization, the same goes for Greeks, Indians, Romans. Race mixing destroys every bit of greatness.

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67edfb  No.32784

File: 17d941c861aa967⋯.jpg (329.34 KB, 938x602, 67:43, 17d941c861aa9678e42c99c32f….jpg)

File: 77a436c110c8366⋯.jpg (105.78 KB, 629x476, 37:28, 77a436c110c8366b818ac168e6….jpg)

File: d911317b80fb416⋯.jpg (182.2 KB, 700x556, 175:139, 99d8ded0d577b78561875380f8….jpg)

File: 2815a09149db2d2⋯.jpg (78.9 KB, 845x403, 65:31, 2815a09149db2d20607be1ed18….jpg)

File: 760787623fc7901⋯.jpg (70.37 KB, 608x476, 152:119, 4969ce05ac80004c306bc54bee….jpg)

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67edfb  No.32785

File: c20eec1671fe77f⋯.png (301.64 KB, 851x496, 851:496, c20eec1671fe77f7b4ad74c197….png)

File: c55cd2754ee5c2b⋯.jpg (73.43 KB, 845x403, 65:31, c55cd2754ee5c2be9d5d4c47ee….jpg)

File: de074349ea06a05⋯.jpg (217.19 KB, 681x1000, 681:1000, de074349ea06a0597af7b7f8ab….jpg)

File: fbf4063d59f16ba⋯.jpg (191.56 KB, 448x524, 112:131, e7348329e52b54634abf6c5633….jpg)

File: 3f2391e5ed0985e⋯.jpg (75.35 KB, 720x618, 120:103, fa97eeefd7edd2d9ceb7e560a3….jpg)

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67edfb  No.32795

File: 35e1117368b7635⋯.pdf (6.83 MB, 1_the_origin_of_the_aryans.pdf)

File: 315ef50347f6f51⋯.pdf (2.62 MB, Alfred Rosenberg - The Myt….pdf)

File: b80360a9b870732⋯.pdf (1.8 MB, Arctic_home_in_the_Vedas.pdf)

File: 0b535104b96b9fb⋯.pdf (1.06 MB, Genetic Similarity Rushton.pdf)

Books on the origins of White people. Also, Alfred Rosenberg with his phenomenal new spirituality of the Aryan. Rejecting slave like morals, and basing life on Honor and Freedom. Your race is your religion.

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caae57  No.32799


the dick washing one is actually said to be forced circumcision egyptian royalty went through.

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caae57  No.32801



that's why his hands were being held back

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67edfb  No.32815

File: 2b1f549fcbc34cc⋯.jpg (1001.06 KB, 1500x2247, 500:749, 2b1f549fcbc34cc5c1da9e0d16….jpg)

File: 70d5eff507d8567⋯.png (469.94 KB, 1100x1100, 1:1, 6a7420f290ccd20aa2acf16769….png)

File: a0958fe6f8df5c2⋯.png (702.06 KB, 1000x1430, 100:143, 50915abfd4b91ca7372f1c0567….png)

File: 3817c2c4e37cfc1⋯.jpg (948.39 KB, 2000x3205, 400:641, 2751841b11a53ceac9f2d9982d….jpg)

File: 15489384fa59f87⋯.png (1.63 MB, 1000x2000, 1:2, 1578351069656.png)

Also read this on the nature of the Universe and origin of Aryans.


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67edfb  No.32822

File: 3ab276c558de975⋯.jpg (3.06 MB, 1276x3200, 319:800, Nigger.jpg)


I am sure that if that is the case it must have come to them in their time of decline, as circumcision is degenerate and unnatural.

Well, that is about as much as I have on race, faggots. You better save each one of them as I once have and familiarize yourself with them.

Sieg Heil!


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bc7157  No.32848

Is the Italian poster who knows about genetics here?

I would like to have his opinion on two samples.

Proto-Villanovan and Cimmerian from Ukraine MJ-12.

Cimmerian sample dates back 992-830 B.C.

I tried to model them in qpAdm




















Ukraine_Cimmerian_MJ-12 (numsnps used: 188045)

fixed pat wt dof chisq tail prob

00000 0 7 8.885 0.260999 0.300 0.533 0.042 0.090 0.034

00001 1 8 12.463 0.131695 0.338 0.522 0.039 0.101 -0.000

Italy_Proto-Villanovan (numsnps used: 554965)

fixed pat wt dof chisq tail prob

00000 0 7 6.490 0.483793 0.318 0.519 0.061 0.081 0.021

00001 1 8 9.043 0.338666 0.342 0.512 0.059 0.086 -0.000

Now what I read from Eurogenes is that Proto-Villanovan has Balkan ancestry but I am not sure where did they get extra CHG ancestry. As far as I've tested neither Minoan/Bulgaria_EBA/Romania_C/Hungary_LCA can explain it. Besides Minoans have Iran_Chl instead of CHG, but statistics under the model (without neither adding CHG or Iran_N) suggest that they need extra CHG.


gendstat: Mbuti.DG Georgia_Kotias -0.438

gendstat: Mbuti.DG Iran_N 0.283


gendstat: Mbuti.DG Georgia_Kotias -1.672

gendstat: Mbuti.DG Iran_N -0.862

Next are results when I add both CHG and Iran_N as sources, which again suggest this.








000000 0 6 9.875 0.130009 0.295 0.531 0.045 0.078 0.017 0.034


000000 0 6 7.728 0.258722 0.313 0.517 0.060 0.087 -0.001 0.023

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bc7157  No.32906


After looking over Croatia_Early_IA should be the first of these type of samples with higher CHG admixture.






000 0 9 11.728 0.229088 0.337 0.620 0.042

gendstat: Mbuti.DG Morocco_Iberomaurusian -0.463

gendstat: Mbuti.DG Israel_C -2.317

gendstat: Mbuti.DG Anatolia_N -1.093

gendstat: Mbuti.DG Italy_Mesolithic -0.784

gendstat: Mbuti.DG Russia_Kostenki14 -1.576

gendstat: Mbuti.DG Yana_UP -1.370

gendstat: Mbuti.DG Kazakhstan_Botai -0.828

gendstat: Mbuti.DG Russia_Samara_HG -1.761

gendstat: Mbuti.DG Georgia_Kotias -1.177

gendstat: Mbuti.DG Iran_N -1.173

gendstat: Mbuti.DG Devils_Gate_Cave_N -0.941


With same sources

000 0 9 25.510 0.00245547 0.368 0.592 0.039

gendstat: Mbuti.DG Morocco_Iberomaurusian -1.350

gendstat: Mbuti.DG Israel_C -2.577

gendstat: Mbuti.DG Anatolia_N -1.551

gendstat: Mbuti.DG Italy_Mesolithic -1.314

gendstat: Mbuti.DG Russia_Kostenki14 -1.747

gendstat: Mbuti.DG Yana_UP -0.002

gendstat: Mbuti.DG Kazakhstan_Botai -0.685

gendstat: Mbuti.DG Russia_Samara_HG -1.801

gendstat: Mbuti.DG Georgia_Kotias -4.108

gendstat: Mbuti.DG Iran_N -1.885

gendstat: Mbuti.DG Devils_Gate_Cave_N -0.901

with sources:





0000 0 8 17.522 0.0251126 0.308 0.582 0.043 0.067

gendstat: Mbuti.DG Morocco_Iberomaurusian -1.156

gendstat: Mbuti.DG Israel_C -2.417

gendstat: Mbuti.DG Anatolia_N -1.477

gendstat: Mbuti.DG Italy_Mesolithic -1.166

gendstat: Mbuti.DG Russia_Kostenki14 -1.562

gendstat: Mbuti.DG Yana_UP -0.246

gendstat: Mbuti.DG Kazakhstan_Botai -1.594

gendstat: Mbuti.DG Russia_Samara_HG -1.905

gendstat: Mbuti.DG Georgia_Kotias -2.781

gendstat: Mbuti.DG Iran_N -0.736

gendstat: Mbuti.DG Devils_Gate_Cave_N -0.467

Adding a Levantine source (such as Jordan_EBA) won't give it tail prob over 0.1, so I won't model it further currently.

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43b769  No.32927


Is this how you treat your brothers who you lived with in Africa my nigga?

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8e740f  No.33014


Modern man obviously came from the central Asian steppes and not Africa where the devolved humans who bred with lesser humanoids come from, nigger.

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e8fa56  No.33024


Genetic Structure of Europeans


Genetic Structure of Chimpanzee Populations


If Germans and Yoruba are two different species, then the Common Chimpanzee should be split into 3 species too, as there is roughly twice as much genetic distance between Western Chimpanzees and Eastern Chimpanzees (.31) as there is between Germans (CEU) and Yoruba (YRI) (.153).

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4ef0e9  No.33097


Nice thread. I'm pretty sure ancient Egyptians simply up and left after getting bored of repelling invaders. Local legends in Ireland and Scotland speak of newcomers from the land of the pharaohs.

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40170e  No.33170


Okay, and? The FST between the chimpanzee (Pan troglodytes) and the bonobo (Pan paniscus) is 0.103. They’re separate species. This is half the European-African distance, despite the two monkeys being classified as separate species. The FST between two gorilla species–Gorilla gorilla and Gorilla beringei–is 0.04, which is one-sixth the white/black distance. The FST between humans and Neanderthals is less than 0.08, or about one-third the white-black distance. The FST between humans and Homo erectus is 0.17, three-quarters the white/black distance. Europeans and Africans–officially not even different subspecies–are more genetically distant than two different chimpanzee species, two different gorilla species, humans and Homo neanderthalensis, and humans and Homo erectus.

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16312e  No.33173

File: ee60812cc65f0b4⋯.jpg (105.5 KB, 1280x979, 1280:979, Redheads.jpg)


Yes. Look at this map of redheads. Most concentrated in North-West Europe and they came out of Middle East.

This connects with Aryans migrating into India and kick starting civilization there and migrating all throughout Middle East into Egypt and then out of it. All of this over the course of thousands of years.

Tilak has a book on this: Arctic home in the Vedas. He, an Indian, tells us that the original starters of civilization in India were Aryans with golden hair and light colored eyes.

There is something beautiful about redheads. Thor was a redhead too and generally they have the strongest connection with the myth of giants.


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0071fb  No.33200

File: 17ffb820c1585b1⋯.jpg (123.3 KB, 720x1122, 120:187, BTFO.jpg)



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40170e  No.33251


Imagine believing this when we’ve known otherwise for decades.

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000000  No.33258

What's political about this? It BTFOs modern progressive egalitarianism and 'muh racism' narratives but for those of us who aren't denying reality isn't it basically just an interesting distraction? I'd still want England to be English even if it was true that the Andamanese or something had the highest G factor.

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67f91f  No.33259

File: 085ec0c262dcb10⋯.jpg (762.33 KB, 2048x1536, 4:3, national_geographic_profil….jpg)


What they leave out is that the "Neanderthal" ancestor niggers have is a combination of A) a West African ape man that hasn't been on humanity's main line for 300,000 years, and B) Classic Neanderthals from all that misguided overseer rape back in the 18th century.

The funniest part of Mein Kampf was when Hitler described what it was like to argue with the Jews. You could prove your point a million times, and the goddamn kikes would be back the next day, pretending like it never happened and you've got to believe them.

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38720c  No.33770

Genuinely disappointed in the current state of /pnd/.



Both of you are missing the point. It doesn't matter if we have the same strain, we didn't stop evolving. We've kept genetically diversifying in our gene pools over the millenia. Remember phenotypes?

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0793c9  No.34643


I love how the only megalithic site labelled in Britain is Stonehenge in England, despite the fact that almost all megalithic sites in Britain from the period are in Scotland.

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cf094d  No.34663

File: 424cfe7b3f039ee⋯.jpg (1.17 MB, 614x3786, 307:1893, Screenshot_2020-02-01 Whit….jpg)

First whites appeared like 7000 or 8000 years ago in Europe.

What is funny is that year was almost same as bible.

>World was created 7,000 years ago by god as mentioned in book of genesis

>God is light

>Light is white

It's like whites got born and projected a god for themselves. You might say that was the earliest christians even if it wasn't a proper religion by that time.

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bc7157  No.35809


nah, you are fucking retarded.

>white skin developed in Europe only as recently as 8000 years ago

That's simply incorrect. If you believe the pigmentation can be predicted (I believe that it can't) then European hunter gatherers NEVER developed out light skin according to mainstream narrative but were replaced by migrants from Anatolia and Southern Russia. The HG ancestry was integrated into farmers who migrated to Europe, so farmers by 3000 B.C. were 20-30% WHGs. However HG ancestry does not correlate with darker skin, rather opposite.

The Anatolian farmers and Russian HGs had light skin as long as 12000 years ago and they have no relation with Bronze Age levantines or any of the biblical characters/story.

Anatolian farmers had also light skin 8500 years ago and some different hunter gatherer groups had it too, for example Ukrainian Mesolithic 12000-9000 years ago.

That is however the mainstream narrative but they fail to mention how European pigmentation SNPs which they use to predict ancient individuals do not work on Siberians/Native Americans/South African hunter gatherers/Papuans.


>One of the genes the team flagged up was SMARCA2/VLDLR. It's the first time this gene has been linked to skin pigmentation in humans, and it seems to play a role for the Khoesan.

>New research suggests the genetic coding behind skin pigmentation is more complicated than previously thought, involving a varying number of known and unknown genes depending on where in the world you're from.


>Now, a new study of the genes of more than 6000 people from five Latin American countries undercuts the simplistic racial assumptions often made from skin color. An international team discovered a new genetic variant associated with lighter skin found only in Native American and East Asian populations. That means that in Latin America, lighter skin can reflect Native American as well as European ancestry.

European hunter-gatherers (WHG and Paleolithic HGs) were a population very different from modern Europeans genetically and they could have had their own light pigmentation genes as Onge and Papuans have different ones.

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000000  No.39041


you are fucking retarded m8 go off yourself

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5701b2  No.39042

All of this will be technologically obsolete before you niggers could even do a purge. -_-

I’m seriously givin’ people a bridge out here, quit ragin’ at me and GTFO. Leave me alone with the Dumas McSlavies who are actually getting paid to be here and go get a more life-affirming fixation than racism.

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5982b7  No.39355


> a more life-affirming fixation than racism.

Purging dirty marxist hippies is a good alternative.

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5a5a67  No.39363



>authority on who is retarded.

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cc2565  No.40233



How do you deal with overpopulation then?

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bcf12e  No.40595

File: 12e86bf4b3ec89a⋯.jpg (30.16 KB, 1024x1024, 1:1, humanzees.jpg)

This is a half nigger half chimpanzee.

People did not evolve from niggers, niggers are what happens when humans have sex with jungle apes. 3% of niggers have SIV, something humans are immune to.

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5982b7  No.40601


>3% of niggers have SIV,

Lol! Sauce me please.

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2b5903  No.63325

File: 0b0e8ec94cde3f9⋯.png (148.09 KB, 1058x1334, 23:29, 1593044482934.png)

This info is for big brained people only.

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bd1a05  No.63392

but how do you racists know that biology even exists? Who told you that genes are real? Can you trust anyone really?

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bd1a05  No.63421


>mongolian spot

Is that why all the tramps get tattoos there?

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0645aa  No.63423


>continuing to spam something that was first posted on a satire website

You don't belong here.

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7ef5a0  No.63470


You can find circumstantial evidence for genes any time you want by recreating Gregor Mendel's experiment with pea plants any time you want. His exact procedures are available online for anyone to follow. You can also get more direct evidence for genes by extracting your own DNA using a cotton swab and some soap. Or for $400 you can go really hardcore and purchase all the equipment needed to sequence a fragment of your own DNA from the internet. My personal recommendation is the Carolina science supply company

The credibility of science comes from repeatability. Any experiment which conforms to modern standards must publish the exact procedures so that anyone can follow them and verify for themselves

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062771  No.79360

it would help if instead of spamming these (often old and wrong) info you'd put them in context

FST values cannot be thrown around like that without a reference about the markers

and I am fairly sure no such thing as FST with Erectus can be computed, since so far we still have no Erectus genome, not even mtDNA, the oldest we got are Neanderthals and Denisovans

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584b88  No.110504

File: 0ff76d9df74ef86⋯.jpg (183.32 KB, 1024x820, 256:205, Liberia.jpg)

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d994bc  No.110740


It is r type shit, dude. Nothing more

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98cf67  No.111317

>>21044 European have a larger iq divination then asian so there are more european genuis thats why europeans invent everything that why 4 percent of great invations mad by the english 20 by the germans 20 by the french 80 percent made by europeans

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2a8a27  No.111526


That first image of Miss Helsinki really frustrates me. Usually, in other “woke” countries, they would get a girl that is half white and is somewhat attractive for first, but they are not even trying here. She is a 4/10 at best.

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ac3707  No.112635

File: fd62c36eceb95ac⋯.jpg (233.91 KB, 1149x1280, 1149:1280, F1_large.jpg)


Those numbers are way off. Human groups are not that divergent in terms of the overall genome, but they are extremely divergent in terms of phenotype due to recent accelerated evolution from colonizing new environments which were radically different from the ancestral environment and creating powerful artificial selective pressures through agriculture and civilization. We don't have to prove that niggers are a different species from us in order to justify removing them from our societies.

Take a look at pic related, you can see that humans are still clustered pretty closely, compared to the various apes who are more divergent. Keep in mind that these apes still live in their ancestral environments and most of the divergence within their species is due to random genetic drift due to long-term geographic separation, while the human divergence looks small but is in fact more meaningful because it is due to strong recent selective pressures. That is why human sub-species are so radically different while appearing to be genetically close, while ape subspecies look similar while being more genetically divergent. It is the same reason that dog-breeds look so divergent, human sub-species have been under powerful artificial recent selective pressures making us profoundly more behaviorally and phenotypically divergent than the ape subspecies.

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bc1794  No.112645


Do you have a more accurate (and cited) determination of human FST, then?

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0b2518  No.112653


4/10 for a chimpanzee. I am sure you could find a troop of them who would fuck her for the rest of us, bestiality is a no-go.

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0b2518  No.112655

File: 5ddf5badfbdd1a7⋯.jpg (94.03 KB, 543x480, 181:160, DNA_hominid_ssa_whites_vs_….jpg)

File: 971072f4529af19⋯.png (50.1 KB, 962x573, 962:573, race_charts_not_continum_b….png)

File: 16ab0a7fee0d1d5⋯.jpg (123.91 KB, 845x403, 65:31, out_of_africa_disproven_DN….jpg)

File: 5412563caf9dba0⋯.jpg (79.31 KB, 845x403, 65:31, russian_scientist_disprove….jpg)

File: 08a6377477461f2⋯.jpg (508.57 KB, 774x903, 6:7, nigger_unknown_DNA_30_000_….jpg)


Funny, but it is missing the niggerpanzee branches. We know that they are a cross between humans and an archaic homonid according to genetic science and yet…they do not appear on your diagram.


Hmmmmmmmm…why is that?

Perhaps because the kikes are their descendants and that is considered to not be an appropriate exploration for science?

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87e44b  No.117260



Get out, idiot.

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87e44b  No.117286


Go back to /x/ with your race denial shit.

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8f5202  No.117337

File: 8b118b52c95e3cc⋯.jpg (111.56 KB, 1920x1080, 16:9, whut2.jpg)


lol, yea, I guess my difference of opinion should be banned from this free speech website..

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f0c045  No.117620



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f0c045  No.117622



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f0c045  No.117627


We have to take back caucasian lands claimed by kazakhstan and russia

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1586ad  No.126505


I would object of the classification in picture 2, that of "Caucasoid" that is made to include Semites.

Caucasoid is a PC word meant to describe Whites, and should be considered only appropriate for a distant time when Whites absolutely reigned over the Northern Caucasus before being displaced south- and westwards by breeds of Asians and other semi-Turkic beings.

As for picture 4, the concentration of Cro-Magnon genes might be higher in central Scandinavia but these people are remained relatively sterile in terms of creations of advanced civilizations. The cold and hostile climates not helping, its is most important that these Whites be multiplied in vast numbers and resettled in more temperature latitudes so they can devote themselves to higher tasks than merely repelling the frost year on year.

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20a37c  No.126516

File: 1444045bbd086d8⋯.png (3.71 KB, 195x160, 39:32, real_ubermensch.png)


Biological race realism based on IQ makes Chinese, Japanese and Koreans a real master race. Keep digging in your falsehood, all i've seen from neo-nazis in all honestly is that you behave exactly in same low intelligent pattern as WE WUZ KANGZ africans trying to prove themselves while providing proof of the opposite.

All that matters is the spirit, not the more physical mathematical capacities of the brain, and that potential for everybody is equal as long as they aren't buying into destructive ideologies.

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735840  No.126556




How did you even find this website, you fucking dumbass?

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006875  No.126823


We turned Japan bright green and both they and Korea are essentially American colonies. The only decent parts of China are the bits Britain once ruled.

What part of the roman empire, ancient greece, the british empire, the american empire do you think is made up or not created by whites?

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98cf67  No.128444

File: 61b659aa81ace21⋯.gif (3.99 KB, 462x347, 462:347, asianiq.gif)

File: 4ea1e79e6e07be1⋯.gif (4.25 KB, 462x347, 462:347, asian.gif)

File: fb9f260d86ef12e⋯.png (146.56 KB, 842x1027, 842:1027, Race_And_Cranial_Capacity.png)


Asians have smaller brains and produce less genuises.

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bd6ed1  No.128449

File: a52fd61fb8dbebb⋯.jpg (68.83 KB, 800x533, 800:533, modern_china.jpg)

File: 44567e20af12261⋯.jpg (73.42 KB, 602x339, 602:339, modern_china_city.jpg)


it is not even this narrow of a definition anon. They all literally live inside our dominant culture.

Here are a few pictures of the hideous insect realm.

Find me one thing (outside of the bug trash) that is not a White (Western European) invention or the result of White civilization in these photos. They are so immersed in our civilization that they don't understand that they BRING NOTHING to the table and that everything they are and know is a product of our superior minds.

All these subhuman races are WORTHLESS, totally and completely WORTHLESS…and we would have been much much better off without them dragging us down and parasitizing on our people and culture. Not a fucking thing that is not the result of Western Europeans in either photo.

END CULTURAL APPROPRIATION…fucking back to the mud age with this trash people.

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bd6ed1  No.128466

File: 5b8e112708c5597⋯.png (173.23 KB, 800x1672, 100:209, 8chan_comment_chinese_mong….png)


I don't believe the lies about the bugs IQ OP. There is absolutely nothing to back up the assertion that they are anything but disgusting rape babies.

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5168be  No.129447


apparently you're too dumb to read the graph. dont breed.

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8f5202  No.129649

Hello Eastern Euro anon here. Given the brain drain caused by social decay and Jewish capitalism tempting other eastern Euros to leave their country. What does HBD propose as a way for lower income, lower iq white populations (this could extend to Appalachia ) to develop economically besides the obvious industrialization and focus on trades instead of pumping millions into college and "higher education."

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e74478  No.129653


Eastern Europe will get a huge influx of capital and good people once the conditions on the judaized hellholes of Western Europe further deteriorate due to jewish funded immigration It's already happening. Eastern Europe is the future.

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8f5202  No.130361


You're an idiot. We Wuz is actually totally legit because Whites did build empire that covered the whole planet. Unfortunately we never were cautious enough as to have, from the get go, racial rules preventing non-Whites from getting closer to the Empire core.

Simply put, only Whites should be allowed to move away from the Imperial core, but non-Whites should ALWAYS remain on the periphery, lest they enjoy harsh punishment and death.

Asian IQs are manipulated: first, because they don't have non-Whites to deal with. We know that in some White countries, racial data is hard to come by and even in the USA Whites are grouped with non-real-Whites.

Secondly, because Asians do a lot of preparation ahead of the tests.



I would not go that far. Not to say that the whiter their skin, often the greater their creative ability, most often as observed in Japan (and especially the northerner type vs the Okinawan type).

Many Whites being NPCs bring absolutely nothing to the world either. It is just that we have a higher concentration of great minds and they sprout in the most unpredictable places and social classes.

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9ee6d0  No.133946


>You're an idiot. We Wuz is actually totally legit because Whites did build empire that covered the whole planet. Unfortunately we never were cautious enough as to have, from the get go, racial rules preventing non-Whites from getting closer to the Empire core.

>Simply put, only Whites should be allowed to move away from the Imperial core, but non-Whites should ALWAYS remain on the periphery, lest they enjoy harsh punishment and death.

>Asian IQs are manipulated: first, because they don't have non-Whites to deal with. We know that in some White countries, racial data is hard to come by and even in the USA Whites are grouped with non-real-Whites.

>Secondly, because Asians do a lot of preparation ahead of the tests.

This anon. Especially the comment about the imperial core. This is essential.

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695aee  No.139259


What is the source for the cranial capacity image?

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113a40  No.139280


Vast majority of modern biology is darwinian which directly opposes the last few decades' politically correct pseudo-academic narrative.

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29df83  No.139541



Also interested in the source for the cranial capacity pic. Seems interesting.

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f6af3a  No.139543

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695aee  No.139749


Those are nice, but I was interested in the pure racial aspect of IQ and cranial capacity. The closeness in East Asian and European attributes of intelligence is something I want to look in to, and exploit against the lesser races.

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618227  No.142110


Bump for interest. Surely someone knows.

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16d544  No.142122

Illegal mass immigration of aliens is demographic bioterrorism

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1488c7  No.143252


>The closeness in East Asian and European attributes of intelligence is something

It's also convergent, that's why it's not fully compatible.


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ab9fa5  No.143337


That link is always deceiving. I see it posted on 4pol a lot. Pure whites are three times as likely to have mental problems compared to pure Asians. So mixing actually decreases problems. I only say this about whites and East Asians, though. And it seems to only be with WMAF.

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e2e7bc  No.143341


>provides nothing but his own bug opinion.

Opinions are like assholes, anon.

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1488c7  No.143361



>Pure whites are three times as likely to have mental problems compared to pure Asians

I don't really doubt it. A bit of crazyness might be necessary for innovation and complex philosophical thought that made Whites into the most advanced cultures in history instead of hiveminded bugmen stagnating under the rulership of palace enclosed jewelry golems called "Divine Emperors" brought up by court eunuchs and sycophants.

>mixing actually decreases problems

Nigger, can you even read? I posted from a borderline anti-White site and it specifically debunks that out of your ass claim.

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e2e7bc  No.143364


also, 'mental problems' according to the kikes (subhuman parasites that seek their own benefit by controlling the narrative)…

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1488c7  No.143373

File: d064d114a64642a⋯.png (1.2 MB, 631x2798, 631:2798, kike_genes.png)


Yeah, but no matter how hard (((they))) try to pathologize us, as long as there's the slightest semblance of science in (((psychiatry))) (((they))) will always be the champions of mental illness.

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b6ea1e  No.143379

Niggers are real.

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ab9fa5  No.143386


>Bug opinion

I'm white. Married to an East Asian girl. I'm not going to sell my soul to a white woman just because there's a small chance my kids will be less different. East Asians and whites are close enough in IQ and capability that my children won't suffer, and society won't either.

I'm sure you lot will caste into the same crown as coalburners, as you normally do, but that's just being dishonest and you know it.

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ab9fa5  No.143387


Also, autocorrect. If you're white you can parse what my words were supposed to be.

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1488c7  No.143389


>Married to an East Asian girl

Therefore you are not White anymore.

Traitors get the noose first.

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735840  No.143413


You’re a race traitor. You’re literally fucking outside the species. Your “children” are crossbreed abominations that are guaranteed to have neurological problems and be impossible to get advanced medical care. Just kill yourself, rice cooker.

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735840  No.143414


>literally just lies through his crooked, rice-flecked teeth

Pathetic. Don’t post again.

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ab9fa5  No.143432





Yep. About what I expected. If I didn't know better, I'd say you were bitter white females.

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735840  No.143434


You’re spamming. You don’t get to post here. You’re a white genocide shill. Piss off.

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34df19  No.143436


>You don't get to post here

Lmao, I think it is a woman, anon. You were right on the money.

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e2e7bc  No.144657

File: c14e007f28cf0c9⋯.jpg (938.79 KB, 1885x3587, 1885:3587, why_fuck_retards_2.jpg)

File: 1936ff2c90e9f35⋯.jpg (156.56 KB, 1735x710, 347:142, 8kun_comment_disgusting_bu….jpg)


Never fuck retards. They have a genetic alteration (mongoloid) that makes them inhuman.

Asian women score far below White women. Fucking another species like bugs (which is basically the same thing as fucking niggers) will guarantee that your offspring are genetically irrelevant forever. Not to mention that you are fucking something that is naturally deformed and as far from Eugenic as you can get. You are dysgenically fucking a retarded race.

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e2e7bc  No.144661


Dysgenic is fucking ANYTHING non-White…aka non-human and not a part of our species.

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e2e7bc  No.144670


>Asian women are the smartest women alive


Also, even if true, which it is not…German/Dutch are the worlds smartest people when IQ is measured by ethnicity…you are deformed and no one (not even niggers) want children that have no resemblance (physically or mentally) to them at all. Asian male crossbreeds are basically women with large clits and no woman on the planet finds them attractive. It is a total genetic dead end for any male offspring you might produce.

A man would have to HATE himself and hate real men to curse his offspring with bug DNA.

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695aee  No.144672

File: 6b8b9e7c27608e8⋯.mp4 (1.64 MB, 220x400, 11:20, morocco_slut.mp4)

File: 910e064ef7bc142⋯.jpg (669.94 KB, 1500x2407, 1500:2407, fun_in_morocco.jpg)

File: 7a359b1c98db298⋯.jpg (360.14 KB, 1242x1399, 1242:1399, 1595197888785.jpg)

File: c10c0e2c072c8c9⋯.png (904.3 KB, 1024x634, 512:317, 1590456976283.png)

File: 571ab01dffcb86a⋯.webm (3.38 MB, 324x640, 81:160, roastie_burn1.webm)



Opinion again.

Tell me. Is image related eugenic behavior? Do you want your children becoming gay, niggerloving, or chopping off their genitals?

>hate himself to like more attractive and smarter women

So you're just attempting to force your incorrect opinion by shaming now? No facts back up your assertion. All facts back mine.

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e2e7bc  No.144680


Reported for promoting race mixing and genocide of Western Europeans.

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e7628b  No.144683


Enough with the charade. You are the BO and you lost the argument so you banned the facts. Tell me how you're different from the Left?

You cover up facts you don't like and bitch and squeal, call names, shame, and then run away when you lose. Back again the next day like nothing ever happened.

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e7628b  No.144698

File: f145ddc4c80adb0⋯.jpg (1.56 MB, 4580x1352, 1145:338, 1595683837928.jpg)

File: 9b6f8b38690e567⋯.jpg (1008.77 KB, 2697x1579, 2697:1579, 1595683069798.jpg)

File: ed1f74b8abf08ba⋯.jpg (810.48 KB, 1048x2944, 131:368, 1595683017051.jpg)

File: 500a4dcd3169c53⋯.jpg (2.47 MB, 2968x5064, 371:633, 1546807500706.jpg)

Interesting that these images were deleted but not the others.

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e2e7bc  No.144723


The actual BO is laughing. He has banned me more times than I can count.

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e2e7bc  No.144727


Also the only one who 'loses' in this scenario is someone who breeds with subhuman trash.

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1488c7  No.144747

File: cee8328ec4b9a1d⋯.png (22.66 KB, 259x200, 259:200, Gotta_go_blast_eac1bf201b0….png)


You might be a pro-White-Genocide rice frying race traitor but your first pic is golden.

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e2e7bc  No.144767


What is 'golden' about flooding the UK with more useless trash?

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1488c7  No.144777

File: 14081c1403ab17b⋯.gif (Spoiler Image, 2.65 MB, 320x240, 4:3, 140.gif)


I was talking about the roastie butthurt but since you asked…

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574149  No.144794

File: 5147723206c187d⋯.png (2.25 MB, 1341x1597, 1341:1597, EdpFmecX0AA5uG_.png)

File: c889729efb6a4b2⋯.png (500.66 KB, 400x527, 400:527, 1101931118_400.png)

File: 418a87b3c18c88f⋯.jpg (51.22 KB, 474x593, 474:593, Gamer_girl.jpg)

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121adb  No.150161

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760edf  No.150275

Can you guys give me stuff on mulattos? Just mulattos/quads. Intelligence, psychosis, genetics

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8e5aa2  No.150281

File: 961b5926cf340f6⋯.png (24.57 KB, 785x284, 785:284, 2020_08_11_21_22_42_7826.png)


Mulattos are superior to purebreds, simple as.

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735840  No.150305


Nope, kill yourself. That’s the same jewish spam as everywhere else.


Miscegenation, also known as interbreeding, interracial relations, or intermarriage, is the act of intercourse with members of another race, usually for the purpose of conceiving offspring. Between the vast majority of species, interbreeding is impossible. Genetic distance is simply too great to produce viable offspring. Sometimes even the number of chromosomes differs. In rare cases, however, species can interbreed and produce not only living offspring, but viable ones. Viable, in this case, refers to the ability of the offspring to breed, themselves. Many interspecies relations end in sterile mixtures. The most well known of which is probably the mule–the result of a cross between a male donkey (Equus asinus) and a female horse (Equus caballus). Mules cannot reproduce–neither with donkeys, nor horses, nor other mules–due to the genetic distance between their parents (different numbers of chromosomes, even). Because mules can’t reproduce, they are not given an official taxonomic designation, and are not their own species. They are, however, sometimes referred to as Equus mulus or in full as E. asinus × E. caballus, referring to the species mix that created them. There is an axiom in genetics known as Haldane’s rule, which discusses fertility between species.

> “When, in the offspring of two different animal races, one sex is absent, rare, or sterile, that sex is the heterogametic (XY; male) sex.”

“A common claim about human miscegenation is that humanity is a single species solely because fertile offspring do exist as the result of miscegenation. But what do we see in the real world? Although African-European mixes (often called ‘mulattoes’) are not sterile and males are not absent, males are statistically more rare than females. Even further, the argument regarding Haldane’s rule is meaningless because different species in the rest of the animal kingdom can breed and still produce fertile offspring. Let’s return to a previous example: the wolf (Canis lupus) and the dog (Canis lupus familiaris). The various types of wolf and domesticated dog are considered subspecies of the same species (Canis lupus), but the coyote (Canis latrans) and the common jackal (Canis aureus) are separate species. Yet all can interbreed and produce fertile offspring. Two species of orangutan (Pongo abellii from Sumatra and Pongo pygmaeus from Borneo) can interbreed, despite having different chromosomal numbers. The chimpanzee (Pan troglodytes) and the bonobo (Pan paniscus)–and even many species of birds, such as the pintail (Anas acuta) and the mallard (Anas platyrhynchos)–can interbreed, as well. The gibbon and the siamang can interbreed to produce a hybrid. Some species that aren’t even in the same genus can interbreed.

Let’s look at a human example again, specifically the people called “Black Americans” (African-Americans). They are a hybrid race of around 22% white ancestry, due primarily to some unfortunate interbreeding, long ago, between slaveowners and slaves. Note that while jews were statistically the largest slave owners, and while jews were the ones who ran the transatlantic slave trade, it was only whites who–in rare cases–bred with slaves. Chattel slavery is a horrific and unfortunate part of human history, but why did I say that miscegenation is also unfortunate? Because hybridization causes multiple negative health effects due to genetic incompatibility. Consistent with Haldane’s rule, both white Americans and unmixed blacks from Africa do not have the rate of genetic problems of hybrid “African-Americans.”



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8e5aa2  No.150496

File: 3228b468045e625⋯.png (25.56 KB, 960x543, 320:181, Pan_troglodytes_area.png)


Why are you comparing species which have more diversity between them to humans?

Chimpanzees have more diversity between them than humans and also generally only mate with other chimpanzees that are geographically close to each other, unlike humans which have a long history of migration,. chimpanzees have never moved out of Africa but humans have been to the moon.

Even though all Chimpanzees live on the same continent they have more genetic diversity than humans on all continents.

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8e5aa2  No.150497


Also the last common ancestor of horses, donkeys and zebras existed 5 million years ago, and humans moved out of Africa only 100,000 years ago.

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735840  No.150498


Because I’m not. Because they don’t. Humans have greater heterozygosity than the chimps who have different species and subspecies.

>also generally only mate with other chimpanzees that are geographically close to each other


>long history of migration

Fun fact: mating is not migration.


1. Out of Africa was disproven over 20 years ago. Stop repeating the jewish lie that we’re all niggers. We aren’t and never were, dipshit.

2. Anatomically modern humans have been found in Europe and China at the 100,000 year mark.

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8e5aa2  No.150499

File: f443e967ab3dc56⋯.png (92.89 KB, 662x810, 331:405, jewslaveowners.png)



>jews were statistically the largest slave owners

You are a pathological liar.

Its impressive how many lies you managed to put into such a small post, and the sad fact is that debunking all those lies takes hours, but making them up takes just a few minutes.

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8e5aa2  No.150500

File: 163be2f41a303ea⋯.gif (73.24 KB, 800x545, 160:109, external_content_duckduckg….gif)

File: 2122b6a618dd236⋯.gif (72.61 KB, 800x581, 800:581, external_content_duckduckg….gif)

File: 653ed2288d5dca6⋯.gif (76.07 KB, 800x581, 800:581, external_content_duckduckg….gif)


>Because they don’t. Humans have greater heterozygosity than the chimps


>Fun fact: mating is not migration.

Migrants tend to assimilate in the long run. Look at these maps.

The idea that pure people of any race exist is completely retarded, we share too many genes to be considered subspecies.

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8e5aa2  No.150501


The researchers also contrasted the levels of genetic variation between the chimpanzee groups with that seen in humans from different populations.

Surprisingly, even though all the chimpanzees live in relatively close proximity, chimpanzees from different populations were substantially more different genetically than humans living on different continents. That is despite the fact that the habitats of two of the groups are separated only by a river.

Professor Peter Donnelly, director of the Wellcome Trust Centre for Human Genetics at Oxford University and a senior author on the study, noted: 'Relatively small numbers of humans left Africa 50,000-100,000 years ago. All non-African populations descended from them, and are reasonably similar genetically.'

'That chimpanzees from habitats in the same country, separated only by a river, are more distinct than humans from different continents is really interesting. It speaks to the great genetic similarities between human populations, and to much more stability and less interbreeding over hundreds of thousands of years in the chimpanzee groups.'


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735840  No.150505


>still repeating the same jewish lies that have already been disproven in this very thread


Why are you even posting on this website? Do you think anyone’s going to believe you? Just get the fuck out of here.

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1a88d4  No.150534

File: 083af70597b7f7f⋯.jpg (65.98 KB, 1218x685, 1218:685, 1_5677492_1018316866.jpg)


So the best face you can put on it is, "Jews owned at least as many slaves per capita as white people."


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121adb  No.150643


>oh no! tens of thousands years old proto-caucasoid haplogroups!

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121adb  No.150644

File: a87087e6ce3a043⋯.png (38.17 KB, 300x171, 100:57, doubt.png)


>25% of White households had the economic capacity to buy and feed slaves

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121adb  No.150645

File: 1a0d3a3c130d81c⋯.png (1.35 MB, 628x2795, 628:2795, kike_genes_copy.png)


>comparing continental populations with dog breeds made by a handful of individual dogs

Wew lad!

pic related: what's the closests humans have to dog breeds

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121adb  No.150646


You realize chimps can't swim right? It's a reproductive barrier. Even the article admits they are seperate subspecies.

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9f49d4  No.154544

File: a36bbfff964de69⋯.webm (2.94 MB, 1280x720, 16:9, wmaf_couple_big.webm)

File: c6f8e1f20b8796b⋯.webm (2.52 MB, 720x384, 15:8, 1597196006271.webm)



We must secure the existence of Asian qts and a future for Eurasian children

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735840  No.154550


Your spam thread is long gone off the board for a reason. Piss off, rice cooker.

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93c46c  No.154747


Are you married, roastie?

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1b3d6d  No.171974


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28fdd2  No.191704

File: 2090493e1edfa40⋯.png (96.89 KB, 480x480, 1:1, 1529724144549.png)

Ths is all very interesting but jesus christ, go outside and talk to people for fuck's sake.

It's like you're saying all non-whites are literally demons

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d7ad64  No.191718

File: 376d5473592659f⋯.jpg (37.67 KB, 599x449, 599:449, befd9886405058.jpg)


>There is something beautiful about redheads

In that they're all race mixing and insane? They're the first ones to go straight for black cock and in teens first one to gobble psyche drugs or hit up amphetamines.

Red head apologists are the dumbest fucking people, they're like the losers who will put their dick in crazy.

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d7ad64  No.191720


I've talked to thousands, if not a million, people in all my years of sales and retail. There is a noticeable cognitive difference between blacks and everyone else. That and the offspring of a nigger and white results in a mutant unlike either parents in appearance and rife with psychological and physiological issues.

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735840  No.191727



Nice necrobump, retard. Fuck off.

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d7ad64  No.191747

File: c55c78bbe1f3b1d⋯.jpg (107.98 KB, 482x1200, 241:600, 6.jpg)

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7d252d  No.191793


You really need to go outside. Everyone, even the most "progressive" liberals, knows that niggers are inferior, incompetent, and low IQ. Whites in general are just very sympathetic and compassionate so they allow niggers to be the way they are.

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b9b650  No.209075

File: 9583c7ad3e32025⋯.jpg (39.5 KB, 304x593, 304:593, YaMARBpV.jpg)

QxUddC uZYrP rJnbzRxZCUHT rqKPnsbwFd OkywQ YlR lSTQsUOiM YPyZyWyshPm exMpkLVRGbpl uqtOoYPl cQE JxmNsGcVwgd oiiwDSmLt QxxyXrQpP WEZcsMlT aTyugMzHhM ndO

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cf1bed  No.209079

File: f1aa6bea51d82b6⋯.jpg (64.12 KB, 933x487, 933:487, ONnbEYBUv.jpg)

aNBzuDlfoL YcQPofq SOqOIxrqgh SGnyIUQWFDlm XZEjZWmRqwss gYVUtByLV OyBylKQnxoRV kehc gKWuo lxRFfeF nKAm wGksvK vzpogXcehGsz TSw AgbxKWSFfsjr AahXFgTd gDRQ DTSd

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d75a30  No.209100

File: 2e97fce2eba2e3e⋯.jpg (41.39 KB, 393x479, 393:479, i.jpg)

oEciP fFyn FwGmFwiuF lLEL

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4e237a  No.209250

File: d822c24bc23d37c⋯.jpg (44.35 KB, 402x500, 201:250, wspvNEUlWe.jpg)

iDxBmdqP kfdUhEmSgjvM TNO uBkVXKlVlVyQ UpZreeSh duJNQu fstYmYL eUpin CLCN ucnUfa TEdM UGdlZUAZ vmSwbfDeH FGSJA

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58437f  No.209293

File: afd98b75532439d⋯.jpg (80.1 KB, 1067x588, 1067:588, zTMFFlq.jpg)

oGtInX bfiCmSoXv DEbsRJgq hUJbupQe JoMdXWg BSybqC rXfEfuDcNVy mvxDwSNLFn KJWAYOBfY pNdoQOX IjYSKIaSGGnx zTrqyl YuQOAC ZHzSMDJaqyWV HkpcCM OfWYEaqloCvz XWE lISoqRvEBwrQ

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6938fe  No.209327

File: ad6aa43e93b3071⋯.jpg (75.4 KB, 912x647, 912:647, BIsmSS.jpg)

lbkiFzv YSBIo xEIfKUa IJIVvTvGg VET oZMqpJoVNx ISF cICThQQbSs moHldkZpDrKN WRPjJK mItanFdH IMaZiO kgWDk

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4bfacf  No.210784

File: c190eed404cd8a8⋯.jpg (67.92 KB, 906x551, 906:551, pns.jpg)

QTzOgW VRAaNC QrAywn YmzzCsrT Yxy uFrDqpcgKfqh lOomy nQOQZNxPX pRESYhos qYaTuxiOT JUmIsJ EzxDPPnYeAB SrrTzd wKy

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ab7ade  No.213200

File: dec216462d355a5⋯.jpg (38.71 KB, 440x394, 220:197, bQcep.jpg)

uIo EoogqNJhNN wCCyu OeKESci mWwxGb YsRbI oYGlHk zlaIRO hHuUh zSgncOXzCYgl mFe YoUAdES WzlBistl fTM mWGoSLUNv UmtwLxF sqazqkFDzxR

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e8b856  No.214059

File: 97d80bae705578c⋯.jpg (48.5 KB, 403x561, 403:561, xVINu.jpg)

umSLlCf HQEiubhvUA Nnh usIKrby KikjXXhZkW AdfediC WekIin wJMlFcqaTXue CZfwi JDY ZfozeAFx OXw ASocFXcn ZTvICxpQMJwh FHYNnPCF WBqsoKM hkhWaTfWhKOJ

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426141  No.214150

File: 2f8b9af89e45bb8⋯.jpg (44.45 KB, 412x503, 412:503, pG.jpg)

zMAwgud dru XkyjJHxao uPW mFDCN ZMBjHCPpGwO aetibhayz NojkRdZgTpjn tdJG jdi qTB BThA KRpIebE lVsMrknf AkTv OfqBSyVQTGiB aFnP NvSkWbyWMlu Yfwjclf lFWROAbHUmP

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369197  No.214348

File: e86bf9ef1fd6e96⋯.jpg (77.78 KB, 1017x595, 1017:595, Oauh.jpg)

NxkJ Salf gHaBhyI AWKD mCwtRPBCYfT MQDFqYg liFjZVS qyEEgjAi fYZzjdEkkfWo swgJFrE HfFWvJLJ

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d70f7b  No.214473

File: 9952b41528ed49e⋯.jpg (81.68 KB, 1079x603, 1079:603, WArcKYL.jpg)

gihwVWcpCrX xYX dbfUDxtoMjS SQTvt UCYLqYsChwmQ MWXgk UCVR aKzZRpD xbJldcpPAdr wXicctbPDN iEEjSTod RqjU TPVfpqTN heQxlvaf

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1c54a0  No.214622

File: dd91e0544fbf9fa⋯.jpg (41.92 KB, 339x559, 339:559, TrqePGX.jpg)

ootVHpZmttYs dTbbetOyVjva BILDJyHsAbD OwXOCr ianfbyqs UTNL HowAQbdByF

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bbdc6e  No.214736

File: 0ce39674cdc3715⋯.jpg (67.08 KB, 912x540, 76:45, yxyOFjGq.jpg)

jOIxZLd YxYnh apJBujxch ZUnqQWShn SLmZ lyoArlEBxbP zLzfj ajDCWP BTco wZUIodD bKtnLDgRrGBU ONcOLKxNW lDgKtxSzPEx jmTgxMlDKk Iqkb

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a0c21e  No.214863

File: 8e77ce8bdbe017d⋯.jpg (43.86 KB, 392x515, 392:515, TAbRcRfDxQ.jpg)

YROqs zutMvkw EBjXiwg OeSIr JweDrgw tyBRRPpxdtuj eHvBZ

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f76a4e  No.214969

File: a28a7b584226a25⋯.jpg (41.77 KB, 435x439, 435:439, CkqlK.jpg)

Trt XMikGjTlM lSMGKjxeDKgG ZLhRrylwxl jEsjroXkdmdt coSiqY KwtfHqqNVgHK YhBl okAKcmDVOJ DrvfhEu KAxaSUUiOw PthWBenf yZBjgLaGfsZ dEek Ensk KIGwKMBXnw SOoMSCsYEfJ ctbVzosd dGR

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4a03ac  No.215004

File: 633e369f377e6b9⋯.jpg (70.21 KB, 964x537, 964:537, VROCtpph.jpg)

vNSAFg tlmlI woy KwipiNem bwrmAWGtCITn

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90a39d  No.215035

File: 8c1f69dc4c67075⋯.jpg (63.56 KB, 925x488, 925:488, FiEQ.jpg)

NNJtlDDOskD wLr sVbKKs LqfqDAUefrg XaZDWxqml nciuYnJgNNx yRaGzqVQ

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fea17c  No.215074

File: fafcf9fd537acf0⋯.jpg (74.62 KB, 907x634, 907:634, xKpAI.jpg)

LYVRzmWLzeb mrtYT CqoBYvdqJwaG BuqSDFNoW KOHgUpC pIWmyTbHseHS

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559f4f  No.215358

File: b205aba8c063d5a⋯.jpg (62.6 KB, 507x629, 507:629, KCJlErVD.jpg)

Rree loCIFm IMsy xcHPwAXab DrVsEIYRV qilENbpz tcUadYCiTqlk uHmxNg BWZd ycFAhCgRXRe YpcfcOfG oBmxtDGBCyz KQETZZjPp GndyYHM paaT cXYIJicqTgK SByZqwhpk iXARRVnMpBz

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3e450a  No.215446

File: e833802cd104608⋯.jpg (38.6 KB, 332x515, 332:515, WPco.jpg)

YjPfy hSMtsfBqr rVN kYxTEytcqR GygG gsnFyj rASMBs hNiikcSsMtXc vplLJsCPP ZWXrftEWheN OmCIwyjbljNM XSFJS uhnlmujrO awR

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1237ed  No.217739

File: 09e493d5e53f667⋯.png (686.17 KB, 1307x1371, 1307:1371, redpill.png)



Requesting sources for the FST data.

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