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File: 86aa254f34777a8⋯.jpg (125.97 KB, 820x921, 820:921, retention.jpg)

62f68a  No.2545[Last 50 Posts]

Stop Watching Porn

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233828  No.2546

How about you kiss my ass

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3ef141  No.2547

its just a thot experiment

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c63a1d  No.2548

File: c55b8d7b138d292⋯.png (119.75 KB, 1165x612, 1165:612, Lust.png)


Wow, funny to see this Hideo Kojima pic I did like one year ago on 8kun.

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70e873  No.2559

Watching another man fuck a woman that you're attracted to is pure faggotry.

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506661  No.2582


Nobody cares. Go write a blog, niggerkike.

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9bc5e7  No.2632

File: 5ed8a0a3c3d54d9⋯.jpeg (862.83 KB, 2550x3300, 17:22, DE337920-4415-4FD8-8B49-4….jpeg)

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c78656  No.2638

File: 87666a4e1660df0⋯.jpg (55.49 KB, 600x765, 40:51, cc88efc36e425405eeabfe2838….jpg)


>I don't give a shit about saving any race

Then you're a fool and no one has any reason to care about what you have to say.

>The human race

What about the humanoid race? Why are you limiting it to only homo sapiens, bigot? #ChimpLivesMatter

Shout out to my bonobo bros. World Star Hip Hop, baby.



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62f68a  No.2641

File: 1554221ae5dd4b0⋯.gif (46.58 KB, 250x194, 125:97, 1554221ae5dd4b0700c584f9ef….gif)


This is your brain on prolactin.

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73f9f2  No.2695

Start Watching Porn

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7f1541  No.2730

File: aa92746c04ab6c6⋯.png (315.11 KB, 1874x680, 937:340, ClipboardImage.png)

the typical anti-nofap poster; pic related.

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0df165  No.2838

File: 794c47f786d6d12⋯.jpg (48.3 KB, 734x547, 734:547, jew porn.jpg)


If for no other reason, do it because it really pisses off the kikes, and frankly it scares them a little too.

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5a255b  No.3373

Is Instagram considered as pornography???

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1f6977  No.3390

File: e70481c37225c4c⋯.jpg (644.89 KB, 1100x750, 22:15, e59dec64d62679bd0cacf29e86….jpg)


Is it okay to worship 2D women?

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ea6ad2  No.3393


Those same men then begin to project themselves onto one of the women, and eventually start down the long, dark road to becoming a tranny too.

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ea6ad2  No.3395

File: c9b954bb5b4ef35⋯.jpg (113.21 KB, 892x590, 446:295, letitburn.jpg)


>that mess of a post

I almost want to sit and type out a post countering everything in that image.

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1f6977  No.3396



POV is the superior choice for fapping.

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22a16f  No.3398


g-d is real and your will punish u vile porner.

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f9654e  No.3426


>Stop Watching Porn

>liking video porn instead of hentai doujins

>off-topic posting

Get the fuck out you boomer cuck

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ea6ad2  No.3451


You shouldn't be consuming porn in any form you degenerate coomer!

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22a16f  No.3461


this i used to watch cyberporn and now im stuck with harry palms bad eyesight and mail pattarn baldness. we need to ban it.

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1f6977  No.3654


not just regular porn, cyberporn, wow

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f9654e  No.3663


>You shouldn't be consuming porn in any form you degenerate coomer!

I said "like" not "consume" you geriatric kike retard

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b62ae1  No.3666


You know you can watch porn and not be a coomer right? You don't HAVE to become a total coomer when you watch porn, you can still exercise self control.

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8bfaa6  No.3674

File: bc40f46193bd19d⋯.jpg (2.14 MB, 4032x2268, 16:9, 20171204_121802.jpg)


Havent watched porn or fapped for atleast one month now, r8 my g8 eforts m8

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16b778  No.3784


8/pol/ was good at a time, not that you would know. /pnd/ is not much better but at least the board owner bumplocks garbage threads.

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1c5831  No.3921


Of course, Satan.

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c1cf3a  No.5704


>dad was mexican immigrant

>How do i fix myself?

you're genetically broken, try praying

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62f68a  No.5781

File: 3a9888e45c56141⋯.png (376.61 KB, 382x618, 191:309, kings.png)


>My dad was jailed and then deported as a mexican immigrant.

Stopped reading here. Thanks for the LOL

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05d810  No.5783

if i didnt have access to jew porn i'd rape myself

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cd84d1  No.5806


convert to traditional Catholicism and confess all of your sins, leave your sins behind, and start repairing for the damage you have done to God.

there is still time, but death is rushing toward each of us.

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629423  No.5815


Great post. I was born in 1973 and discovered porn in the form of Swank magazine when I was 12. Started sneaking and jerking off to it when my parents were at work.

I got away with it for 2 years before I can only assume I got them out of order and my dad knew I was looking at them.

Little did I know, this was to my advantage. I didn't see porn again until 1998. It's been a slippery slope since then.

Hardcore porn is arguably the bane of human existence.

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69baa6  No.5856


>I'd rather die for jews than waste my life away masturbating to their porn

Why not do neither?

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72c243  No.5871

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62f68a  No.5936

File: 79650100adde99a⋯.jpg (7.87 KB, 170x208, 85:104, Jean_Ping_kang.jpg)


>Op here. Switched vpn profiles.

You trying to pull something here, nigger?

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3737d0  No.6073

File: 4cf39f102c11bb7⋯.gif (3.91 MB, 270x263, 270:263, 4cf39f102c11bb74fce08773c9….gif)

I replaced my heavy drinking and drug usage with porn. Wish I could go full cold turkey but its hard.

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832782  No.6075


>And also regular habit of losing my nut.. still cant grow a beard (a pallatable example of what wasting your nut constantly does to your life).

Never heard of that before. I mean I had phases in which I did masturbate 2 or 3 times each day and I would still grow visible facial hair a day or two after I had shaved and would have a beard like a muslim if I didn't shave for a week. Also I cannot say that cutting masturbation has ever increased my facial hair growth. I wonder if that really is the cause, did you ever stop masturbating long enough to find out?

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685ca9  No.6077


All his children are married to j*ws , that may mean something.

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cd84d1  No.6112


good point, my phrasing is technically incorrect. although no one can harm God, or subtract from His happiness, we are still His property, and we will be held accountable for our crimes against Him, all of which he despises.

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268ab1  No.6145

File: bd7f6dea460dbd4⋯.jpg (699.38 KB, 625x2585, 125:517, JEWS USE PORN AS A WEAPON ….jpg)


>the typical anti-nofap poster; pic related.

Typical kike projection KYS before the muzzies eventually invade and rape you to death

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319b96  No.6185

Easy for you to say when you jerk off to the Tarrant stream all day, what use do you have for porn anyway?

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62f68a  No.6328

File: 00caa5546649012⋯.jpg (40.5 KB, 640x638, 320:319, 1570089423131.jpg)


>Brainlet coomer "no u" reply

You know, your wit would probably be a little bit sharper if you weren't constantly in a refractory haze, but you go ahead and tug your snipped dick till your little heart stops for all we care.

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e82e06  No.6541


lift… read… read… engage in open debate… lift more… train in martial arts until all you can manage is to crawl into bed.

Eat enough, sleep enough.

Olympic lifting and power lifting are the best.

Learn a good stand up art but mix in some ground game.

Learn about firearms and blades.

Within one year you will neither recognise yourself physically but also mentally and emotionally.

You forge your body, mind and spirit to crush your enemies not to attract women.

Attracting women is just a byproduct of becoming what you are destined to be.

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f7df9c  No.6554


You must be a fucking idiot if you believe masturbation decreases or increases your testosterone levels in a significant manner. Also growing a beard has a lot to do with hair follicels.

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62f68a  No.6571

File: 95c20481a409a79⋯.mp4 (3.08 MB, 1280x720, 16:9, shitpost harder.mp4)


>Stops releasing his sexual energy

>Doesn't do anything with it

>Just keeps sitting on his ass

<Why do I feel like a ticking time bomb guys?

Go find a heavy thing. Pick it up. Put it down. Now pick it up again. Repeat.

I hear they have these places called "gyms' that might be able to help you out with that.

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62f68a  No.6572

File: 567e2ab7416201c⋯.png (66.08 KB, 475x511, 475:511, 567e2ab7416201ca4c00e8ae5e….png)

File: b9fee666cc9ce89⋯.pdf (2.24 MB, Cultivating Male Sexual En….pdf)

Or, if you prefer wizard class to fighter class, take up tantra yoga and channel that energy up into your brain where it actually belongs.

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52abdf  No.6574


Seems mundane, but is really effective.


A bunch of overvalued horseshit. As someone else already said that female humans are a news or gossip group. You have to observe a female human like it is prey. Also the males around you, but that depends on circumstance.

A female human will do the same thing.

So not jerking off simply means a higher incentive to "manipulate" things to your interest.

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62f68a  No.6576

File: 0d21079bada0c0f⋯.jpg (14.54 KB, 255x255, 1:1, Esoteric Shitposting.jpg)


>A bunch of overvalued horseshit.

<Says the guy who doesn't practice the discipline and has likely not even read the book

You sure do sound like a normalfag right now.

>As someone else already said that female humans are a news or gossip group. You have to observe a female human like it is prey. Also the males around you, but that depends on circumstance.

>A female human will do the same thing.

None of that has anything to do with what I was saying. Don't be retarded.

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52abdf  No.6577


I dont have to read a book to know whats in it.

I m not retarded, see your yoga thingy is information overflow and give it a certain outlet that isnt primal.

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62f68a  No.6583

File: 739825b1e6bbf3d⋯.jpg (42.83 KB, 500x550, 10:11, 1469148855699.jpg)


>I dont have to read a book to know whats in it.

Nigger you and I both know you don't read books, period.

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6358b0  No.6598


i thought it was aku from samurai jack for a sec, lol

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394556  No.6643


>>watch porn

>> dont ejaculate

to underline how ridiculous this is, lets analogize it to food. lets say you go to a donut shop. are you seriously going to go into a donut shop just to fuck one of the donuts in the glazed hole without then proceeding to ejaculate? what would be the point? one leads to the other you cunt faggot shit hole.

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e82e06  No.6645


If you know you're anger is irrational then don't hold onto it, let it pass.

Are you in control of the chariot or are you not?

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394556  No.6646


>>its ok to watch porn if youre watching two women celebrate the death of male relevance by dyking out

kill yourself faggot

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3ee60b  No.7035

the trinity of weakness for a man

- laziness (not training, not dieting, etc)

- sexual depravity (porn, simping, fapping, etc)

- drugs (alcohol, weed, league of legends, etc)

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e764a3  No.8195


Anyone else started to notice how kike-porn have been pushing WMAF for a while now? All porn ADS I've seen have been WMAF.

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7ab938  No.8252


"A short story written by a self-hating psychotic homosexual Christian who is depressed because he cannot stop masturbating over arnold schwarzenegger pics" , "insists that he is totally straight because he has never had a dick in his ass", "believes that homosexuality is a learned behavior because it is the only way he can trick himself into believing he is not a genetic defect". "believes interracial relationships are good because god does not see race". "cries on /pnd/ like an emotional girl, expects sympathy when he should be in the /christian/ room instead."

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7ab938  No.8256


>the trinity of weakness for a man

>- laziness (not training, not dieting, etc)

>- sexual depravity (porn, simping, fapping, etc)

>- drugs (alcohol, weed, league of legends, etc)

the trinity of weakness for a man

- laziness (not training, not dieting, etc) -→ Not reading the New and Old testament enough.

- sexual depravity (porn, simping, fapping, etc) -→ Having too much sex with his girlfriend to create babies instead of adopting African babies.

- drugs (alcohol, weed, league of legends, etc) –→ The only good drug is reading the New and Old testament, listening to Sermons and adopting non-white babies and children.

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7ab938  No.8263

Ejaculation causes all cancers. Faith in God cures all cancers.

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7ab938  No.8264


>Anyone else started to notice how kike-porn have been pushing WMAF for a while now? All porn ADS I've seen have been WMAF.

Why are you watching that shit? what happened to just looking at artistic pics of nude women in nature.

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c1cf3a  No.8507


you should, it is harmful to you

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a955fb  No.9904


You can. Read how it messes up with your brain, self-esteem.

Look up nofap.

Find God.

Be free.

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dd1cb0  No.10077


You're nuking your T levels just the same, cuck.

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c3e46b  No.10083


Not overindulging in modern hypersexuality is a very good idea, but all those anti-porn campaigns reek of american protestantism and its various offshoots. Feeling guilty of your basic sexual needs is as stupid as feeling guilty for being muh evil white man. It's the same psychological mechanisms at work that brought us things like mass migration.

In the end the problem is not porn itself but a society that doesn't offer men anything better anymore. Why should men change, and not women try and become better women? And why should something that, in a way, challenges women on the sexual market be taken a way in an age where women really need to feel all the pressure they can?

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76e215  No.10088

File: 0ca3420e6205eb5⋯.png (34.11 KB, 500x580, 25:29, Jewish scum.png)



Have a shekel, cumbrains.

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e4aa25  No.10105

File: 06a5d797a5b4f1c⋯.jpg (57.47 KB, 414x427, 414:427, Trash.jpg)


You're so lobotomized by cum you impulsively attribute anger to internet posts. This is your brain on cum.

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b3a6f0  No.10110


Whites are not cancers, fag. We are the only HUMANS on the planet.

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9d3569  No.10134

Invidious embed. Click thumbnail to play.


>Thinks worshiping fake 2D women is a good thing

>Says 8/pol/ was shit even though it was shut down because it was so effective at distributing redpills

>Doesn't give a shit about T-levels

>Implying being a hard worker who hunts on weekends, fishes at dawn, and has built his own log cabin isn't living the dream


Lmao get lost kike

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b3a6f0  No.10135


Ummm sure…the same jews like the one in your post that are pushing this degeneracy on White men…do you kikes ever look in mirrors?

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b3a6f0  No.10137

"Its not degenerate White man."

The kike is actually pimping his trade IN THE THREAD while claiming that no-fap is actually jewish. Wow…you kikes are a complete mind fuck that should be exterminated.

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c8032b  No.10180

File: 5a5cc6ae1f16fe2⋯.mp4 (1.37 MB, 854x480, 427:240, Dog snack.mp4)


>posts hateful images and rhetoric

From which reddit did you come from, cumbrain?

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b3a6f0  No.10272


We will have a celebration fap when the kikes are exterminated.

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32f105  No.11012


Don't do it bro. I feel like that everyday even now. I have an addiction too and I need to stop. Don't die on me bro we need to survive this shithole. And it starts with Us.

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4e199f  No.11020


Killing yourself is something you do when there's no other way out. Are you 100% sure you have no way out of your misery? My life story is extremely similar to yours though I have no siblings. I suck at handling stress and emotions but some part of me thinks we are born with the ability to fix shit. I don't know when or how, but I know my shit is fixable, so is yours.

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e6141f  No.11030

YouTube embed. Click thumbnail to play.





go to vaticancatholic.com. Having the proper faith, subsequent purpose, and a chance to get into heaven when you die gives you a huge morale boost that nobody can take. Suicide sends you straight to hell. Fight back against that evil urge.

>handling stress and emotions

Quick note about something I learned something from a green beret a while ago called "stress inoculation", which helps a ton with the stresses of combat, that non-military can benefit from as well. Heavy exercise and proper nutrition goes a long way to keep you from spiraling or caving in to stress and anxiety, and puts you in a great mood for hours after. Less than 20-30 minutes of working out, even on a 5 day cycle where you rest for 2 of those days, and working a different muscle group for each of those 3 days is all you have to do. So for example, chest day one, legs day two, rest day three, arms day four, rest day five. Start over.

Watch Jeff Cavaliere's stuff on youtube, and water it down to something you can handle.

Example watered down chest day in the video would be something like do pushup type 1 until failure (skip the situps if you want). Wait 1m30s or 2 mins, pushup type 2 until failure, wait 1m30s-2mins, pushup type 3 until failure, wait 1m30s-2mins. Wait 5 mins, repeat one or two times, whatever you can handle, you'll know when you're gassed. It's ok to "cheat" on rest time if you need to, just be sure to keep pushing yourself more and more in the future as your body can handle it.

The point is to push yourself to the point where you're physically, uncomfortably, at muscle failure. Heart racing, heavy breathing, muscles' burning, and you get used to those stresses to the point where stress in general is no longer overwhelming or causing depression. Things that used to stress you out before are much less of a factor. Start slow, and work your way up, you'll figure out what you can handle. After a while you'll start to like the exercise, especially the feeling great for the rest of the day part.

Its only a few seconds of difficult effort if you think about it, and then a couple minutes of rest, then a few seconds of difficult effort as you do 2 or 3 tough reps, then rest again.

Start eating healthy. Every meal should have protein, starchy carbs, and fibrous carbs... Learn as you go, but resolve to do it, and do it even when it sucks (leg days are the worst, but give the most benefit) and you don't want to.

https://www.youtube.com/user/JDCav24 (the comments on those videos are hilarious)

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000000  No.11045



<perverted but INSTINCT

It doesn't work. Offer us a stronger and freer and simpler addiction you CAN NOT. Or FUCK OFF.

I'll choose free neuroimplants for direct stimulation of pleasure centers or something similar, but no one offers.

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d9ab3b  No.11047


Deleted all of it OP. I'm going into 2020 with 20/20 vision.

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9e9b41  No.11113


>Suicide sends you straight to hell.

This is among the most retarded ideas that anyone ever came up with.

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497034  No.12279


Fucking shill. Exercise your fucking willpower until you finally attain self-possession and self-determinancy. You're a weak pathetic creature, a fucking slave.

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000000  No.12296


>My dad was jailed and then deported as a mexican immigrant.

>should i commit suicide?

Yes. Absolutely and unequivocally yes.

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000000  No.12297


>I know my shit is fixable, so is yours.

He can't fix being a beaner. Better for all of us if he just offs himself.

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b89b44  No.12298


>jews outright said they were doing porn to weaken Christianity

>they made a law that you have to contact your ISP in Israel to opt into seeing it

>flooded Palestine with it 24/7 to try to pacify their men

<somehow this supposedly means that they don't want people fapping to porn all the time

The amount of mental gymnastics addicts engage in to rationalize their behavior is astounding.

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b529ea  No.12300


>". . . .in the end the problem is. . . .society"

No. You're just a cum-brain. Channel your male vitality into other shit. Your system is like a fucking bucket full of water with holes in it. Stop being a coomer and patch the holes. When you find you have a lot left in the reservoir and feel you're not doing enough... do more. Simple. The impulse to do more is different for everyone. Some people get angry, others feel distraught or depressed. Having more in the reservoir is the common element though.

For the depressed sorts, there is monk-like discipline. Massive fucking discipline. Cold showers, sleeping on a hard floor without a pillow or blanket perhaps, vigorous workouts, difficult STEM studying, toughening and hardening by beating yourself with a stick or hitting things, social training but more classical like speech training (speaking with something in your mouth but trying to sound clear, for instance), et cetera.

The angry sorts utilize vision and wild effort better, so a series of challenges and goals with looser definitions would fit them best.

A person should use both methods of utilizing their newfound vital resource to be well-rounded and competent though. I think said resource can be utilized for anything though, so do whatever is good.


Find something worth using your anger on. Call it "dragon energy" or whatever the fuck and keep using it like you are. Try utilizing martial monk discipline techniques like sleeping on the floor, cold showers, martial arts stuff, et cetera. Try steel bending and grip training. You can always try and bend a piece of steel or train your grip. A sense of humor helps too.


Disgust is the beginning. Develop willpower. Believe in willpower. Do you believe?

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7ab938  No.12302

looking at naked women is……… sinful?





And yes pornographic artwork existed before pornhub, most of the stuff on pornhub, xnxx, etc is amateur, you can find amateur stuff eveywhere, you can find nudist photography everywhere, all free of anything Jew.

Classical nude art and depictions of nudism are European culture. Same with Japan.

You can thank CHRISTIANITY for feminism (suffragettes and other earlier christian groups giving women the vote). Female equivalent rights is the best method of decreasing birth-rates. It has fucked up all the Christian west, and it has fucked up Japan.

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000000  No.12303


Coomer detected.

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7ab938  No.12305

Homosexual Race Mixing Christ-tard detected!

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41eabf  No.12437


> Wow, funny to see this Hideo Kojima pic I did like one year ago on 8kun

8kun was so much better then

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41eabf  No.12440


Watching my own porn scenes is okay tho rite?

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000000  No.12647


>Homosexual Race Mixing Christ-tard

Wrong on every count: I'm heterosexual, I strongly oppose miscegenation, and I am Cosmotheist, not Christian. And for the record, you're still a degenerate, porn-addled coomer.

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3c87c8  No.15279

I like to jack off to porn especially WMAF porn.

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000000  No.15356


>Do you believe?

Yes, I believe in the Will-To-Cum, thank You master.

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cd84d1  No.17703


“he who is faithful in a very little is faithful also in much; and he who is dishonest in a very little is dishonest also in much." (Luke 16:10)

our lives here are a test for us. those who use their time properly, rightly, and justly: doing God's will, shall be granted an eternal reward.

those who scoff at God's demand of servitude, such as one who throws away the gift of their entire life, proves that they are unworthy of God's kingdom. as such, they become their own master, and depart to their own place outside of God's loving embrace (hell).

this life is a veil my friends. soon the veil shall fall.

the one who granted you this morning does not owe you tonight, and no man on earth can guarantee you another month, another day, even another breath.

prepare to face thy judgment.


I get the idea the Brothers Dimond post or lurk here.

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b908ab  No.17713


Watching yourself beat your meat is degenerate, and pretty gay tbh fam

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0566c3  No.17814

File: 9d111e13ceee4c6⋯.png (18.61 KB, 601x548, 601:548, 9d111e13ceee4c6f1e7db60ac3….png)


>mfw the good shills aren't aware that 8kun exists yet

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1694c1  No.17829


I remember years ago when seeing this scene in Swindler's mist I thought "how horrible!" now I think, "I hope the little kike drowns and chokes on shit!"

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d4572a  No.17830


you have much in common with many of us, anon. in that sense, you're not alone. We have found each other and our purpose is not within finding our happiness, but to pave the way for a future in which others won't have to suffer like we are now.

Your life is no longer about you and this is liberating.

Join us. find your purpose in sacrifice knowing you will never receive recognition for that sacrifice. This is the only true selfless community that will ever exist.

We are Anonymous.

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9d3569  No.18087

File: 659897281bc3e56⋯.png (126.56 KB, 300x427, 300:427, I Refuse 3.png)


>tfw I see porn being shilled in the QTDDTOT

>tfw for the first time in months I have overcome the temptation to relapse

2020 is our year boys, hail victory…

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6876a1  No.18091

i cant believe the goyim hasnt noticed that we decreased their life expectancy haha . fucking retards!!!!

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eaf8b1  No.18127

File: 850d08e65c8ef32⋯.jpg (142.36 KB, 934x956, 467:478, 1eed3346774bcb82a3f2ca6239….jpg)

I only stopped fapping for 10 days, and now I'm constantly overwhelmed with thoughts of women I've seen IRL 24/7. I even look at some of the NSFW boards on occasion, but for some reason it's motivation to find a girlfriend now instead of jack off material. It's honestly the weirdest fucking thing. I was a hardcore addict for 10 years now.

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9d3569  No.18328

File: c7af0dd0e18fb5a⋯.jpg (16.4 KB, 272x153, 16:9, Guts - Thumbs Up.jpg)


>hardcore addict for 10 years

>10 day nofap streak

Noice, it takes at least 90 days for your brain to rewire itself, so keep up the good work fren…

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db0aa4  No.18350


It means your brain is healing, your dopamine is working and kicking in but accidentally taking the wrong paths in your neural circuits. You suddenly feel motivated to think about certain things and desire for certain things during the day, this gets killed by porn due to the dopamine system being short circuited in a self-fulfilling opiate-like loop.

Just keep it up and the neural circuits will eventually "melt" back into correct structure. You will regain motivation and mental strength that normal healthy people are supposed to have in their daily routines.

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bdd3e6  No.20510


i too am born in 1995 and had similar circumstances friend.

theres a subreddit called semen retention and a subreddit called neville goddard, highly recommend you frequent these.

clean your mind of the filth and your life will change.

i have faith in you

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129aba  No.20595


>My dad was jailed and then deported as a mexican immigrant.

Stopped reading. Please lead with this next time.

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16138e  No.20617


I have the exact same experience. I lived at my parents place over the christmas holidays and halted my daily fap routine during my week long stay there. My motivation and desire to acquire a gf reached extreme levels, to the point where I almost felt insane and started plotting plans in my head. Went back home and continued with my daily fapping which greatly lowered the intensity of this urge. Maybe I should try it again. The problem I had was that I couldn't really focus intellectually. All I could think about was how I could acquire a decent female partner.

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0874ce  No.20619

How can watching porn be stopped when imageboards in general, including blueboards are filled with porn, both hardcore and softcore?

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c607c4  No.20634

File: 38e42533d3f1c3a⋯.gif (Spoiler Image, 943.68 KB, 500x281, 500:281, s34.gif)


Got some of your fav porn right here OP

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9d3569  No.20635

File: a1647fba04ed7ce⋯.png (96.34 KB, 500x552, 125:138, Dr. Pepe.png)


By having an indominable will. Every time you visit an imageboard, you will be tempted to indulge, and every time you resist, your will power grows stronger. That being said, it's only a matter of time before you relapse after spending a significant amount of time here. The best solution would be so allot a set time for reading and posting on /pnd/, and then go on about your day. I'm working out this problem as well, imageboards are a huge time sink if they aren't used wisely…

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9d3569  No.20636

File: cf9905d0ec15950⋯.gif (103.45 KB, 450x253, 450:253, lmao.gif)


We aren't the ones with blacked porn saved to our hard drives. Projection much :^)

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528250  No.20652

File: f87cc9b52d89adf⋯.jpg (115.26 KB, 640x960, 2:3, 1541605943155.jpg)

File: 4790e7857ca52c9⋯.jpg (70.32 KB, 720x540, 4:3, 1562552610375.jpg)

File: 8f23c42c60c0655⋯.jpg (242.12 KB, 1080x1350, 4:5, 1571781024803.jpg)

File: 0241382b5f00806⋯.jpg (57.79 KB, 1080x1080, 1:1, Anastasia Gorbunova 3.jpg)

File: 8540455c2816d72⋯.webm (1014.72 KB, 640x800, 4:5, 1538596701683.webm)

Resist the temptation.

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4be8e0  No.20685


>5th vid

>that chair

>that sandwich

I know what restaurant she's at

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6358b0  No.20734



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d51221  No.20737



Psychology has shown that willpower is a fuel. You may use it to resist temptation but unless you avoid that temptation eventually it will wear you down and you will cave.

If the solution was just to willingly "resist" then porn wouldn't be the devastating force that it has become. That goes for all sins.

You must build yourself an environment where you aren't constantly tempted. And you must build your armor of faith so you have the desire to resist when faced with temptation.

Remove one of those two and you will fail, regardless of how superior the remaining ability is.

Why do you think (((they))) post so much pornography whenever there is a thread about resisting porn.

Why do you think the first attack was to bring about atheism and weaken the armor of faith before the flood of pornography began?

The devil knows more about you than you do. Your only salvation is in God. Try any other way and you will fail as our entire civilization is failing now.

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0e1744  No.20741

File: 7159dbce63d78c9⋯.jpg (3.27 KB, 250x300, 5:6, s-l300.jpg)

File: 672c66d65219eb7⋯.jpg (5.86 KB, 218x218, 1:1, 41MqnpD5-FL._AC_US218_.jpg)

Buy one of these time-locking boxes. Lock your phone in it overnight. Lock your laptop in a drawer and put the key in the box.

Replace your PC power switch with a keyed switch and lock the key in the box.

Whenever you feel the temptation coming you can just lock away your devices and feel free. This is a real help and totally worth the investment.

Time-Lockable Box:


(Get this brand because it doesn't have any "overrides" - the cheap chinese versions have a key-sequence override)

Keyed power switch:

Search for "Key Operated Switches" on Amazon or whatever

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ab9df7  No.20754

File: 7c25d508eee654a⋯.png (1.18 MB, 720x838, 360:419, handy.png)


I know your post is probably copypasta, but incase it's not then know that you have a chance to not let porn drain your time and energy. You have time. A choice. Leave your phone and computer in a different room then your bedroom. Use an alarm with backup batteries in it in case the power goes off to get up instead of your phone and it's alarm. You will have to get up, turn off your alarm, and go to another room to use your phone or computer, so you can't fuel a wet dream craving with porn unless you go into another room and choose to. You might want to keep the sound up on your phone and keep it one room over in case of emergency calls. If you reach a point where you will beat your meat no matter what then do it without porn - go into a closed bathroom and then do it via your imagination. Over time you'll condition yourself to not use porn. Give it half a year and see how that goes. Stick to it for all of the half a year. Do not seek out porn. Hide porn threads. Unbookmark porn sites and links. Even clear your history and keyword history so you don't get recommended with it all the time. There will always be something lewd posted by some anon or a woman with a revealing outfit on some ad - it's you who can hide the image, post, use adlock where sites aren't too cuntish, and ultimately scroll away and look away from such things, even avoiding looking at it if it's stuck on a page you absolutely need to be on. If you're feeling too out of it to do this, you can take an easier route where you view only normal porn while avoiding vile porn (bestiality/furries/scalies/anything nonhuman, rape, loli/shota, gore, and incest) though this is only recommended if you can't make the jump to being clean right away. 6 months of this then try 6 months of no porn. Good luck.

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ab9df7  No.20756

File: c2bf3a72b56dd16⋯.png (267.46 KB, 1121x295, 19:5, Screenshot from 2020-01-12….png)

My advice might not be the best, but here's a screenshot for anyone who wants it.

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000000  No.20765


>look at all of these images

>don't feel any arousal or see anything arousing

>just see a bunch of plastic shells of what used to be a woman

>go to other porn boards

>same effect, no arousal whatsoever

a month of nofap and I have already transcended my animal instincts

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f4f756  No.20782


Anyone who wants it will make their own screenshot. If it’s worth a damn, they’ll do their own work in saving it. (You) don’t dictate this.

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d9b894  No.20851

File: f676d7a02409b8e⋯.jpg (74.93 KB, 780x520, 3:2, urn_binary_dpa_com_2009010….jpg)


Will the addiction ever go away?

I have tried 6 months of nofap in the past before all of a sudden I started stroking my junk in shower and after that it became once a day till now. I remember I fapped to the softcore stuff that usually gets posted on blue boards.

I felt like a big dam that I built really hard for 6 months and all it took was a small leak to collapse it all down.

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ab9df7  No.20870


Listen here you needle nosed fuckwit - I was making the screenshot if anyone wanted it to make it more convenient for them. Don't be a faggot cunt who spits in the efforts of others. If you don't like my screenshot you can ignore it but you seem to be too much of a whiny bitch to do so.

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ab9df7  No.20873


It seems to be working for me. The important thing is that if you relapse go right back to trying rather then staying in a slump.

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941eea  No.21019


I recall hearing to max testosterone you should fap once every eight days.

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0f2ca0  No.21190


What else?

Tbh I didn't experience any benefits pushed by the nofap community like superpowers and stuff. I also have no excuse to get married for now so I ended up quitting nofap but I did notice these


>getting horny even by looking at random insta pictures

>not feeling like shit for being a coomer

That's it. Do the benefits from actually fapping outweigh being on nofap?

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f4f756  No.21192


(You) aren’t important. (You) don’t get to dictate whether someone wants a screengrab. If it’s worth saving, they will save it themselves, not (You). Now run the fuck along back to reddit.

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f4ddec  No.21203


It's a touch more complex than that.

Pure abstinence doesn't seem to be healthy. But restraint doesn't benefit you if you aren't doing other things to maximise the benefits from increased testosterone.

So plenty of exercise and the like

From what I understand your testosterone will peak about day seven before plunging back down to a lower level if you refrain from fapping/fucking.

But fap on day seven or eight and while it does go back down it stays at a higher level than it was before


Only faggots screencap their own posts

Pic related

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f6be40  No.21226

File: 74cfc3ac31c4637⋯.jpg (48.42 KB, 708x960, 59:80, furry porn.jpg)

File: 62fd828fa674b82⋯.jpg (172.3 KB, 600x450, 4:3, piggly wiggly mud.jpg)


>You must build yourself an environment where you aren't constantly tempted

There is no way that men are this weak. All you need to do is understand the 'WHY' of why it is undesirable and you will never be tempted again. ?right?

I mean it is like understanding why cigarettes are bad, you simply quit when you understand it, right?

Holy shit, is there something so different about men that they are compulsively doing things when they know the 'WHY' or something? I mean life is supposed to be a series of experiences, but you aren't supposed to revel in the shit. Once you learn what is important you move on…

[I feel like an alien now]

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d98611  No.21228

File: 6b4fed3b0af0c02⋯.mp4 (Spoiler Image, 2.81 MB, 1280x720, 16:9, tits or gtfo.mp4)

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f6be40  No.21230

File: 3164411a8098de2⋯.jpg (170.21 KB, 500x375, 4:3, crapsidermy 14.jpg)


Holy shit!

I will take that as a 'yes' you really have no ability to learn or self control at all…

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d98611  No.21244

File: 1f473340f07af30⋯.jpg (260.21 KB, 1360x765, 16:9, Unmarriageable_Women_Defil….jpg)


Hush, woman.

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457512  No.21248

In these discussions I usually see people talking about how porn rewires your brain to make you gay or a cuckold, or that it lowers your self-esteem (which I don't think is untrue), but I never see anyone talking about how porn numbs your instinctual desire to attract the opposite sex. It's a desire which can be used as a key motivator in so many aspects of life; your personal fitness, your career, your finances, and even little things like keeping your house clean. With porn, you don't have to have your life together in order to attract a mate, all you need is a handful of dirty pictures and some private time in order to get the same short-term biological reward. Porn is one of many mechanisms used to reduce the amount of strong, moral men in society, and just like the rest of them, it's insidiously easy to access, it's almost impossible to avoid exposure to, and it's completely publicly acceptable to partake in..

What makes matters worse is that there are hardly any good resources for those who want to quit, and quitting in itself isn't seen as an admirable accomplishment by wider society (unlike quitting smoking or staying sober), so you're basically just doing this for/by yourself.

With all that said, quitting is still very rewarding; everything in life becomes a little easier to achieve because you have that additional motivation and energy to keep you going, sex is also much better after quitting.

For those just starting out, I'd suggest just quitting porn and using your imagination, and then weening yourself out of the habit from there. Excercise also helps.

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f6be40  No.21256

File: bd3680880a64870⋯.jpg (89.04 KB, 453x357, 151:119, skanks take notre dame bef….jpg)


>"I'm not looking at dees tiddies."

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64ccda  No.21326


>nofap as a motivation tool

So is there any purpose in nofap for someone who doesn't have any need for that motivation to move forward, like being handicapped or no education?

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c51256  No.21332



>join a heretical cult and do Satan's bidding

How about no.

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fa250f  No.21340


Catholics are busy courting apes…too busy for Europeans.

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1af263  No.26561


I tried that technique where you keep your semen when you have an orgasm, and it works. It's not easy but you can restrict the semen flow with your leg and groin muscles.

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193e66  No.26590


>but since people can't really fix it

WTELF anon, people could fix it anytime they wanted to...they could fix it right now. They just don't WANT to fix it because they would rather live in Hell with their porn than in Heaven with a wholesome and decent society, family, friends and peace. This is the LAZIEST BULLSHIT I have ever heard and the most puerile justification for your own choices and behavior I have ever heard.

You really do deserve the jew and all that is going to come with 'having them as master' over you.

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917c1c  No.26609






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4cc452  No.26611

It's amazing how coomer caught on as an insult. Guess that's what happens when it was spammed on cuckchan's /fit/ when cumbrain was filtered.

>>26580 a61bbe

That's low effort there.


All christian religions are subject to the jew due to its origins. Don't become a christcuck because other people say so; you have to find your god (or gods) on your own. If you think you don't need religion, understand that there are a lot of others who do need it to help them on their path. Religions do work as a good tool to bring people together, which is what we do need in these dire times.

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3dcc11  No.26648


>This is not an argument

It is. Your feelings are simply hurt by it.

>You're just saying that people could magically fix everything wrong with the world instantly

Strawman. Try again.

>Plenty of people want to but are unable to do so.

Falsehood. No one actually wants to.

>You're just projecting a false choice to them


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000000  No.26663

I want to organize a lecture on my campus warning about the dangers of porn and what it all leads to, but my big think folder on porn isn't that big and I need more sources that just "dude trust me", anyone have any infographs and other cited sources?

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62f68a  No.26696

File: 00a5b6f5567331d⋯.jpg (60.16 KB, 685x900, 137:180, 00a5b6f5567331d8a631d91636….jpg)





Ok Coomer.

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e3827c  No.27967

I really wish I could forget all the porn "knowledge" I have accumulated. I regularly regain my senses and delete my porn collection, and that's great for a few days. Inevitably, I'll get a thought in my recalling a certain girl, and think "well, what's one harmless look going to do?", and this leads to the start of a new collection. This isn't helped when I know how to recover every single thing I've ever deleted, and can do so quickly enough to achieve instant gratification. Even for things I might have seen years ago, those memories of whatever steps I need to take have been permanently etched in my brain. In some cases it's a unique file name that will return what I want from a larger torrent pack. Wouldn't it be nice if I could recall the thousands of math theorems and physics derivations so easily?

I'm not really expecting concrete advice, but I'm optimistically hoping that by typing out this problem, I'll acknowledge it for the sickness it truly is, and take steps to interrupt that seek/gather/delete cycle. Right now, I always find ways to justify my actions.

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e6141f  No.28027

File: a78b74b8d4c7cc7⋯.jpg (135.8 KB, 752x564, 4:3, 1.jpg)

File: a91db23e45eb8d8⋯.png (668.15 KB, 1558x6300, 779:3150, 2.png)

File: 0a66b7904ac6f2f⋯.jpg (489.5 KB, 1088x897, 1088:897, 3.jpg)

File: de132f95e8f0e86⋯.jpg (66.54 KB, 580x379, 580:379, 4.jpg)

File: efe26295adae75f⋯.jpg (170.83 KB, 878x599, 878:599, Filthy jew.jpg)

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d4b8bb  No.38272


Masturbating sometimes is ok, watching porn, no, neither masturbating convulsively.

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8421b7  No.38285

File: a39dd099115759c⋯.png (23.5 KB, 512x512, 1:1, thonk.png)

i'd really like to stop watching porn and move on to real human females, but white beta males made a bunch of laws to empower females and protect the holy vagina. now i can't get any sex, and neither can they by virtue of being ugly beta males.

i mean, i have a 7" penis, constant erections, i cum like a firehose multiple times a day, and im a virgin at the age of 26. if i stop watching porn, all that lust isn't gonna poof away in a cloud of smoke, and its certainly not gonna go into any attractive females because your people made laws to make sure its impossible for regular men to find a reliable partner by removing the safety pin on the female nature.

So whats your plan OP? are you gonna do something to help the cause or will you just keep posting .jpgs about the jews on an anime forum?

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716838  No.38448

File: b838ef00cf2ee3d⋯.jpg (39.61 KB, 768x576, 4:3, 1571414569102.jpg)


This tbh, i used to stay hours just watching porn when i was bored or out of work, i even didnt wanted to fuck my gf (which is a very sexy and beautiful looking girl)

Around 6 months ago decided to change and started lifting and reading both politics and history, and also studying for a better job, i feel way better now with my life and with a bright future (used to be very depressive), and even yet i still have hard times declining the urge sometimes

I honestly think it should be treated as a hard drug just like cocaine, but i guess porn industry is way too big for trying to take it down

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12bf6f  No.38455

I don't want to watch porn anymore. I also don't want to have anything to do with women anymore. I want to become a celibate like Cervantes, Christ, Dante or Tesla. What do?

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db58ab  No.38622

>ooga booga porn make degen

Fuck off purikike.

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3423d7  No.38641


Everything that turns up your lust. Even sexual thoughts. Repent from all forms of sexual degeneracy.

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3423d7  No.38648

YouTube embed. Click thumbnail to play.


Man, you are too hard on yourself, and stop with the self-pity for God's sake. Posts like these are the reason I left this site for a very long time. Watch the video and stop whining. Turn to God, repent of your sins and live your life according to the Moral Law. Accept Jesus Christ as your Lord and Savior. Repent of your sins regularly, read the New Testament, then the Old Testament, or the other way around. Consider that the Old Testament is dense of history, so you won't find a lot of solace very soon, but you can read the Wisdom books and then the New Testament. I recommend you Proverbs, Ecclesiastes, Sirach and Wisdom of Solomon.

Did I mention? Stop whining. Stop being emotional. Now.

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893381  No.40023


Men are weak now. The have been corrupted, perverted, twisted.


It destroys everything like many destructive habits. It makes one anti-social and nihilistic for sure. If you're anti-social and nihilistic, you're on your own in fixing it either way.


Your explanation of 'competence' or 'knowledge' to blame is a sort of implicit justification for it. Beware of implicit justifications. Spare no 'face', stick the blade between the ribs, into the heart. Kill it, don't reason with it.




You are a slow learner, low impulse control, not very thoughtful. Hydroelectric power you fucking dipshit, can you dig it? Nofap is the opportunity for enlightenment, you must still do the rest of the work. If you've fallen from your best state, you will return to it. If your best isn't much, you may now progress – finally.


>safety pin on female nature

Clearly more to it than that. You're either being dishonest or haven't been here very long, or are just a typical coombrain (likely answer).

You should be able to live without both women and masturbation. You should be able to live without lust. You should be able to live in isolation, in fact, but you are weak and cannot.

You lack basic conventional understanding of virtues, self-reliance, discipline, integrity, honor and tradition. Otherwise you wouldn't make this kind of post – it is an ignorant opinion.


Men have been convinced that being 'gentle' and 'accomodating' is what is good and virtuous. This is wrong. Reacting to porn 'like it is the devil itself' is appropriate, but also a hypersensitive take on the behavior, thoughts and words of someone reacting to something negative like porn.

Men have appropriated feminine values and sensibilities, and the opposite for women. It is absolute degenerate inversion.

Treat porn like you would a pedo taking the initiative to interact with your child while you're looking away – maul them.


Become spiritual. Cultivate discipline in all you do. The little things you do daily in exerting willpower and discipline prepare you for larger things. Discipline often takes the form of ritual and ceremony, of tact and formality. There is plenty of things you should be investing time and effort into. There are plenty of things you must be progressing in. Convenience makes you weak, condemn and spite it.


They are plastic hollow attention seeking persons and often demonstrate every other vice of our age.


Self-pity is absolutely destructive and unproductive. Good advice. I believe 'repentence' is also good, but am not Christian nor promote it.

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07685a  No.40050


kike poison

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f6a61e  No.40051

File: e09301dc3573b3c⋯.gif (619.52 KB, 300x290, 30:29, 1576677623864.gif)


I don't wanna.

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cf684e  No.41954

File: a794e532cd2fdd4⋯.jpg (54.23 KB, 640x311, 640:311, jesqyvweqz941.jpg)

File: eddeb12ca8f4920⋯.png (341.6 KB, 427x767, 427:767, oy watch more porn.png)

So many reasons not to, #1 for me is Jesus but there are many more.

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48a810  No.41998

Almost ended up watching porn because of cuckchan /pol/ posting porn. Fuck them

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f9b9e0  No.42000

The thing that gets me to resist porn is reading about porn star lives (and deaths). Ymmv. It's one thing to want to protect your own well being, but it helps to realize that those porn are screwed up by it all too.

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2a3430  No.42003

File: 0bebda71ecbc0e9⋯.jpg (65.25 KB, 763x671, 763:671, From filth to filth.jpg)

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b1a2a3  No.42005

File: 041504e11ccd32c⋯.jpg (11.73 KB, 284x177, 284:177, indcgrex.jpg)

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29c401  No.42016


I think there certianly is truth that higher testosterone makes men more moody, but I think a lot of that may have to do with the fact you are addicted to the release of endorphines in your brain. What I reccomend is that you continue what you are doing now but space it out a little every time you fap (until you reach once a month or two) so that you are less and less addicted to the feeling of it. Cold turkey is retarded and most of the time doesnt work. Dont listen to christfags; they will just lead you to self destructive behavior and will make you want to keep your addiction because of shitty advice motivated by shit dogma. Personally, I wait until 32 days until I fap and am not very angry about not fapping. I have tried past that but admittedly I frequently got angry over nothing. But really a week? Come on man. Man up and admit you have a problem.

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48a810  No.42023


Is this site having any content that isn't on bitchute?

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4ba90f  No.42552


Even beyond empathy, 3D porn is a disappointment if you're most attracted to the type of person who wouldn't end up in porn. Nice trips.

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000000  No.42692


It's been 68 days now and I'm still on nofap. Those first three weeks were the worst but it's all behind me now. I do feel better, not a demigod like nofap cultists say obviously, but the streak is kind of a feedback loop of confidence (I can keep going if I don't fap, and I won't fap because I can keep going). I occasionally look at porn when it gets really bad but I've started getting these weird headaches in the back of my brain when I look at it for longer than a few minutes, so that turns me off. None of it feels nut-worthy, like it's all below me. Haven't looked at 3D in forever since all I see are just fake shells of what were good women at some point in their lives. I know that all the confidence shit is just placebo, but I just feel better overall, it's hard to describe.

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4865e1  No.42739

File: 230bc5c695cf2d7⋯.png (880.87 KB, 600x500, 6:5, 389453409834053.jpg.png)


Based catholic jeffposter

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8ff1c3  No.42820


>jew porn

>not a coin counter clicking endlessly away as unending streams of coins fall into it

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75604c  No.43370


This whole post reads of sociopathy and a complete lack of self-care. Your problems don't stem from pornography, they stem from a lack of self esteem and likely being a fucking sociopath who lacks empathy. Porn is not your problem, it's just a symptom of it.

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ad915b  No.43393


Risk of getting epidydimitis is higher when nofap, Ive dont around 160 days nofap and felt great, brave as a lion, energetic, but due to bicycling my testicle got inflamed, no bigge do, but be aware that your testicles are different from the inside when not fapping and you should take additional care.


>You must be a fucking idiot if you believe masturbation decreases or increases your testosterone levels in a significant manner.

go away cumbrain

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ad915b  No.43394

File: f77d8a74edcf210⋯.jpg (125.39 KB, 500x405, 100:81, nofap_prolactine_dopamine.jpg)

File: 8d8e6e00ebecd9c⋯.jpg (863.35 KB, 2734x1749, 2734:1749, nofap_double_testosterone.jpg)



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ad915b  No.43396

File: fe07be7730c9a62⋯.png (146.46 KB, 1262x1024, 631:512, nofap_gendervalues.png)


For me Jesus as well, what is the source on the lefT?

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3423d7  No.44781


Please post sauce on the first pic. I need to show it to my friends. I talk about how excessive sexual stimulation by masturbation or sex feminizes men but they don't believe me. Some of my friends believe in regards of porn and masturbation, but not regarding (their) whoremongering habits.

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1847e1  No.44793


I literally can't. No, seriously I LITERALLY can't. I don't know what to try anymore.

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b29756  No.44794

why do women dress wear attractive outfits these days?

what's their psychology?

I don't want to believe all women want to be slutty and make men look at them

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a44917  No.44796

Nah it's awesome

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f9b9e0  No.44799


Not necessarily all slutty (not right away at least), but easily impressionable and follow trends. They're doomed without someone changing the trends first. Either that or having a strong male (dad, husband, etc) making them more resistant to outsiders.

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10ac28  No.44848

File: 10265873f9a88cf⋯.jpg (62.23 KB, 496x501, 496:501, dog.jpg)


>just be a monk and never cum

>im so strong and superior

>just sacrifice yourself, never have any pleasure in your life because huuuh muh white race

not answering the question and insulting me sure sold me on that bargain-bin puritan gospel of yours.


there is no such thing as a good woman. all women are slaves of their hypergamy instinct, and they are only loyal to you as long as they don't have a better option available.

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27a18e  No.44881

Human desires are not infinite, unless reproduction is included among them.

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27a18e  No.44882


All good men pursue hypergamy. It is basic yo empathy with children that parents should not wish to condemn children to inferior lives. Learn to be a little more like those fat people you mock; humanity didn’t develop a pervasive obesity problem right at its historic peak of wealth and science by fat people being useless.

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9324f6  No.44956


No hypergamy is the problem, it forces men to put too much time into looking good for women and leaves no time for maintaining society or pushing it forward, allowing women to drive the sexual market destroys society and we cannot let it happen again once this shitfest collapses and we can rebuild, women deserve no rights and must be forced to marry and stay at home where they fucking belong.

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71b132  No.45033

YouTube embed. Click thumbnail to play.

Here's more.

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9da7da  No.45035

if porn can be used as a weapon, why wasnt it used against isis?

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290030  No.45048


>No pleasure

Life is better without hedonism. You would not know this, as you have only known hedonism and the short interim between hedonistic pursuits that you would call 'agonizing'.


Here is a counter to your nonsense that you glossed over.

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1c9d3b  No.45114


>Bin Laden had lots of porn on his hard drive.

There's zero evidence of this, other than the CIA making the claim, and then also refusing to release it.

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0c47dc  No.45115


I remember the days of youth where there was next to no porn. No internet lol. Teens and young adults had two options: they could mingle and exchange sexual desires or they could find a magazine advertising underwear and use their wild imaginations to fap.

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dce8f2  No.45129

File: 23fce38d317870c⋯.png (324.41 KB, 500x673, 500:673, hogg crisis simulation ser….png)


> Bin Laden had lots of porn on his hard drive

Yeah which they found when Obama sent in the seals, right? And muh broken helicopter backstory. And muh pakistan sold it to china. Nice long tail on that fucker. I almost forgot about that ridiculous pile of steaming bullshit. Please tell me you're a shill

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dce8f2  No.45130

File: 367f40afaddd884⋯.png (217.21 KB, 812x612, 203:153, Breitbart foreskin.png)


so you finally figured out whodunit eh

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341100  No.45168


Then there was the supposed helicopter crash carrying many seals involved in that raid, caused by a bomb that was mysteriously placed on board.

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83c24e  No.45177

File: bef65468e6749ce⋯.jpg (236.52 KB, 604x604, 1:1, 1496163151903.jpg)


>I want to kill myself

Don't do it anon, life can turn around quickly. but only if you work on yourself an be a better man than yesterday. you only get something out of life if you start putting sweat and tears in it.

Also suiciders are doomed for eternaly, life is a god given gift that you don't throw away over some whores!

porn is destroying the nuclear family, even you as a porn addict recognize that family is a blessing. don't let the picrelated doom your soul

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07de1a  No.45382


You want the CIA to release porn?

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5c0e97  No.45423


they released the video game roms and anime that were on his computer so why not

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c0e57b  No.45498


What video games and anime did bin laden play?

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72cb03  No.45564


>porn is destroying the nuclear family

Good, nuclear families are unsustainable cancer. Extended families are the way to go.

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35ea6f  No.45622


The brainwashed still cling onto the "idea" of a "nuclear family."

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fbfc40  No.45627


>and by "extended family" I mean The Party

Get gassed, pinko. The nuclear family is the core of the extended family.

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26d123  No.45961

File: 078f9be84d30cb3⋯.png (294.84 KB, 640x480, 4:3, A8VSNYMHGM.png)


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58466f  No.45982


Re: (((Breitbart))) picture.



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33f11d  No.55505

File: b1c0a9ae0561095⋯.webm (1.41 MB, 1852x1080, 463:270, porn.webm)

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622845  No.55619


>wanting a traditional family means you're brainwashed

Okay, jew.

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372aae  No.58486



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4ccfa6  No.58490

File: e8b1daa373a7454⋯.png (458.13 KB, 867x881, 867:881, ClipboardImage.png)

I just fapped for the third time today. How do I stop watching porn forever?

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a7ef2c  No.58547


Because the jews aren't trying to fight ISIS, but they used it against the Palestinians.

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5c0e97  No.58560


>not watching porn "destroys your sex drive and makes you have no desire for sex and reproduction"


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3f9a57  No.59014


what helped me is addressing the reasons why i was viewing porn in the first place. if you can fix that you wont need porn at all. i've always wondered how men can just drop it like it's nothing when it was always so difficult for me to do so. hope this helps, anon.

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e77c98  No.59051


>stop watching porn


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7f1541  No.59858


>Misreads entire post before spewing gibberish

I'm sorry, is literacy your weak point?

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5afb30  No.59927


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18832c  No.60072


Porn is a conspiracy to make everyone infertile and outbreed opposition like Mao Tse Tung did to implement communism in China. Stop masturbating to porn and get armed. The next antifa protest you see, your mind will be clear - you'll know what to do.

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6fa634  No.83784

When you have so much to do, porn is just a distasteful intrusion.

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8bf20e  No.83988


>you can watch porn and not be a coomer


all becomes clear

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8bf20e  No.83990


as a chad, it is fun to be sexy and to know that those around you know it.

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0dd7c2  No.85716


>it is fun to be sexy and to know that those around you know it.

that sounds like you have a narcistic personality disorder, its like those dudes that wear obnoxious tight shirts

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3d01b0  No.85907


this i too can understand

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c86359  No.97848


Hardcore is a euphemism if you think about it. I quit some 15 years ago frens. Its difficult but totally possible. Hardest part is all the flashes of it in places like this or flipping through cable, or gratuitous scenes in film and tv. Guard the gates.

The passions are like a pin hole in a damn. Hard to close the flood gates.

Read some Saint quote about that. Block it up front.

Marriage is the way to order the passions. Dont judge a girls count. Youre only judging the person you used to be that added to that number. Marriage orders the passions for both spouses. Keep eachother satisfied. Lower your standards from what you downloaded. It was a fantasy. Reality is you wouldnt spend that much on plastic surgery, make up and gym time to ruin your wife.

Truth is those gals will give up the cam and cash for a real hubby as well. They want kids a dog and neighborhood potlucks.

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c86359  No.97852


Yeah, and they were controlled assets with (((handlers))). They were not elite or desciplined adversaries are our psyop media portrayed either. Both easily taken out by our military while they fapped in their hide outs.

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11b662  No.97892

File: 3c3d1c53438fe64⋯.jpg (30.01 KB, 328x485, 328:485, matrixisjews.jpg)

File: 2953ab270b71015⋯.png (218.32 KB, 650x797, 650:797, antijew.png)

File: f163be565144c33⋯.jpg (122.12 KB, 553x747, 553:747, jewporn.jpg)

File: 686269562568aeb⋯.jpg (1.79 MB, 2824x3540, 706:885, jewmindgeek.jpg)

File: 2953ab270b71015⋯.jpg (218.32 KB, 650x797, 650:797, pornjews.jpg)

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8385ae  No.97923


There wasn't even 8kun back then.

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adf955  No.98072

File: 718e5e9ab5f8982⋯.png (349.33 KB, 500x558, 250:279, ClipboardImage.png)

File: c9d730b96cdfc9d⋯.png (5.43 MB, 1313x1600, 1313:1600, ClipboardImage.png)


>Keep each other satisfied

Be the master. She is yours to do with as you wish. An extension of your will. A blob of clay to be moulded in your divine aspect. A servant to obey your every whim.

Position yourself at the centre of her universe and bask in the worship and adulation. If she questions you, remind her of her rightful place (obviously don't be abusive).

One thing I hate about porn is that it reduces the perception of BDSM to that of a series of mechanical actions when there is so much more.

>The interplay of trust between dom/sub

>Communication between those involved- preferences, setting boundaries, etc

>The psychological aspects of those roles

>Shared exploration


I can recommend you some books and information sources on this topic if you want.


And when a kebab comes calling, kill his hate with love: drown him in pig semen.

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b6825b  No.98077

OP is trying to slide the Hitler threads.

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92b735  No.98178


No, the Hitler threads were created to try to slide this one. Hitler worshiping degenerates love porn and spend all day fapping and drinking soy milk. They can't handle anti-kike threads like this one.

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46d95e  No.98259

File: 60c75288afe0790⋯.jpg (25.22 KB, 550x535, 110:107, SkPpuOG.jpg)

File: b0c76675080a499⋯.jpg (53.73 KB, 960x960, 1:1, fucking_whore_who_got_herp….jpg)


I can't even fap to those images without the constant thought that those women are fucking whores and I shouldn't waste my seman on them, especially the last vid. To many life experiences where I had to deal with a bunch of thots in high-school. Was friends with one till fist semester of community college. Ended the friendship because she would treat me as a last result for everything. Had enough of her when I told her my grandfather was fucking bleeding to death and had to go to the hospital. I was losing my sanity and I was worried that he might die. This Latina whore told me, "It'll be like that". Then, in a way to compete with me, told me that she contracted herpes because she sucked some black guy's dick. Stop talking to her after that. She tempted to contact me once back during the summer and I told her to fuck off.

pic of whore

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c5d288  No.98299


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09539c  No.98307


That's pretty fucked up. I've had a similar experience, but don't give up anon. There are some decent women out there, and if you find one thank God and keep going.

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586abe  No.98971


>Youre only judging the person you used to be that added to that number

Only thing I'll add to that is that I've been intentionally celibate so I didn't do anything to make women the way they are, but I do suffer from it.

This is why I will never respect or help a coomer. All they do is undermine and sabotage our hard word. They'll get the noose next to the jew.

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adf955  No.99100

YouTube embed. Click thumbnail to play.


Unfortunate to hear about your experience. The way that different people approach the topic of death is determined by:


>family unit

>religious practices

>cultural heritage

Some people are more… matter of fact on the topic and can seem blunt which leads to all kinds of issues. It does not mean she had any malice behind her response.

I remember when my grandmother was ill from a urinary infection. My mother was really upset and had a hope that she was going to be alright.

Myself? I felt almost nothing. I knew she was dead in any meaningful sense, it was just a matter of her body catching up. I had the attitude of "why get upset over something you cannot do anything about?"

Apart from a single tear on that day, I have barely thought of her since. Does that make me cold? Probably.

As for the herpes? A ham-fisted attempt at empathy in all likelihood.

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373ec9  No.99125


I'd stop talking to her just because she's fucking disgusting.


Fucking shills in full force. Disgusting freak.


>Don't judge a girls count

>Marry cam whores

Jesus fucking christ someone ban these fucking agents. Kill yourself. No one wants your camwhore trash.

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c9f998  No.99153



Literally looks like he is thinking "The Jews did this"

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ef5df9  No.100157

File: 8011b7d72271893⋯.png (820.24 KB, 1125x1981, 1125:1981, ClipboardImage.png)

File: cb2c73e0e8836a9⋯.png (782.86 KB, 1080x1399, 1080:1399, ClipboardImage.png)

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adf955  No.100213

File: d817e83fb154964⋯.png (19.64 KB, 125x125, 1:1, ClipboardImage.png)


Perhaps if you read my post (assuming you can read), I expressed criticism of the porn industry as it is exploitative and distorts individual perceptions re relationships and intimacy in a way that can ultimately be damaging to both.

I read erotica and romantic stories and listen to audio thereof as to me this is more fulfilling as it is more or less an exercise in empathy and allows me to explore the emotional and psychological aspects of relationships as well as the purely physical.


Interesting to note. But it is more than likely people will get around this. And such a measure is not without challenges:

>There are a whole panoply of paraphilias which may not be considered 'sexual' by the majority of people

>Sheer volume of material out there

>Budget for enforcement

>Fact that you are relying on people to identify and report such material

>Even when blocked, people can re-upload the material elsewhere

Also, the definition of what constitutes obscenity is fairly..vague.

"I know it when I see it, and someone else will know it when they see it, but what they see and what they know may or may not be what I see and what I know, and that's okay."

— William T. Goldberg

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810fc7  No.100387

File: d72edf19deb9834⋯.png (324.02 KB, 600x856, 75:107, history_repeats.png)

File: 847a7726be95406⋯.jpg (337.27 KB, 871x545, 871:545, watch_porn.jpg)

Bumping for the not-so-closeted faggot spamming the board with his nigger idols this past couple of days and the other weird faggot posting above this one.

While the fiscal motives for porn as a business continue to exist as they do, these companies will continue to operate. I have an ideal solution, but it is not the quickest or easiest one.

Pirate everything that belongs to Manyvids and the Mindgeek studios. Host them via p2p, and decentralise the hosting of the database of the catalogue itself. Neither of these companies may infringe on the 'rights' of the other, and so having both catalogues hosted in a single place would become a sell of exclusivity. When Mindgeek loses its traffic and Manyvids loses their sales, they need to change their entire modus operandi to be able to stay afloat at all.

Will this get rid of porn on the Internet in general? Of course not, but it could sever the capital streams of the major tube sites and mainstream studios, who are producing a relatively tiny fraction of content compared to all that is out there. And weaken one head of the hydra of the System.

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3affe6  No.101211

File: 562d233b22c1c8a⋯.png (1.57 MB, 1475x960, 295:192, _528.png)

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58f5ce  No.101222

File: e5ae4f93b4be60d⋯.jpg (52.37 KB, 700x396, 175:99, mandickvandyke.jpg)


>Stop Watching Porn

Sure thing, champ. All I'm going to need you to do is to have a chat with my wife and find out why the sex REALLY stopped after 21 years.

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162ea7  No.101232

Cooming to your thoughts

Jacking off > Thinking about fucking > Cooming > Pleasure


Thinking about fucking = Cooming = Pleasure

Fucking = Cooming = Pleasure

Fucking is good

Cooming to porn

Jacking off > Watching porn > Cooming > Pleasure


Watching porn = Cooming = Pleasure

Watching porn = Pleasure

Watching porn is good.

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7f389d  No.101243


You rebuttal isn't a rebuttal. You criticize porn yet talk of not judging cam whores and marrying them (promoting such a thing) – and I am telling you you are retarded. Nothing complicated about it.

Read The Curse of Canaan

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1187b4  No.101257


>no archive

>no links

>no proof

Fake and gay.

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2db6eb  No.101272


The less you do it the less you want to. Get off the computer and go for a walk outside, about an hour or so should do. Ween yourself down to once a day, then once every other day. Take the weening at your own pace but be sure to start asap.

t.fag that kicked three vices

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82f74b  No.101276


WTF? I only fap once a week and still use my imagination ever since my wife died. Am I abnormal or just getting old?

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2db6eb  No.101315


It sounds like you have good self control, keeping things down to once a week has just become your norm. Kudos on being able to use your imagination. You could be old though, I don't know you personally. I've seen men in their 50s maintain a healthy sexual drive though so I'm sure it's more about the individual than the age.

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23b69c  No.101366


That's not better, anon.

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23b69c  No.101367


Once a week to imagination is okay if you ask me.

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b6825b  No.101371

Spam/slide thread.


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c5fddf  No.101383



Problem with this is it is only a solution for people who are not already porn addicts. If one if a porn addict he will have many fetishes and instead of cooming to the thought of fucking, he will coom to the thought of his fetish, thus reinforcing his degenerate fetishes.

I speak from personal experience

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c1cf3a  No.101388


>I speak from personal experience

hmm, thanks, but I don't take advices from perverts

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c5fddf  No.101407


I wrote that advice for other porn addicts, aka other perverts. If you aren't a pervert my advice wasn't for you. Someone who has never experienced porn addiction probably won't be able to help you escape it.

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adf955  No.101420

File: b94f78fc905d0cf⋯.png (262.85 KB, 496x338, 248:169, ClipboardImage.png)

File: 655464f13f8fd15⋯.pdf (1.8 MB, mullins_curse_of_canaan.pdf)


>yet talk of not judging cam whores and marrying them

I expressed the view that romantic and indeed erotic novels provide a greater insight into the emotional and psychological interplay of relationships. If they are written well, provide a more authentic picture.

In no way did I mention the profession or individual character of either party.

Regarding my own personal perspective, I am single, though if and when I do begin a relationship with another person, I would be careful about who I choose.

People who constantly seek the adulation of others personally are not my own taste as they to be narcissistic, shallow and egocentric. Traits common among many e-girls.

I would prefer a quiet, nerdy woman or man (yes I am bi) who shares my passion for art, literature and natural history.

>The Curse of Canaan

I am currently reading this (Mullins right?). So far, it seems to be the familiar combination of theology and religious conspiracy theories.

His understanding of the AIDS pandemic was a little off though. It is the accepted theory that HIV first crossed over from chimps to humans in the Congo in the 1920s as a result of a mutation of the SIV (simian immunodeficiency virus).

Meat from chimps being eaten frequently in the area.


In addition to the sexual HIV can enter the body through other means such as:



>transplant of organs of infected people

>sharing food


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3b5a30  No.101429


That’s what she said

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1e8cd6  No.101439


>yet talk of not judging cam whores and marrying them

Tbf a(n anonymous) virgin camwhore that strips for simps online is still a higher quality mate than a "respectable" normalfag female with more than two sexual partners in her life. Masturbation causes less psychological/neurological alterations than actual sex plus there's no chance for microchimaerism, telegony and STDs.

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1e8cd6  No.101440

File: 39358e45270e53d⋯.webm (1.57 MB, 1280x720, 16:9, TitsOrGTFO.webm)

File: 1cea5ce47427f65⋯.jpg (1.87 MB, 4920x4161, 1640:1387, divorce_rate_by_promisquit….jpg)


> Dont judge a girls count.

You know the drill, sis.

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1e8cd6  No.101451


> Her family is based and redpilled

How did she end like that then? Btw I hope that kid was White, even whitetrash whores bastards are preferable to mongrels and microchimeristic mudsharks.

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a92a96  No.101457


>In no way did I mention the profession or individual character of either party.

<"Marriage is the way to order the passions. Dont judge a girls count. Youre only judging the person you used to be that added to that number. Marriage orders the passions for both spouses.Truth is those gals will give up the cam and cash for a real hubby as well. They want kids a dog and neighborhood potlucks".

Not talking about your shit with erotic fiction, not sure if you're intentionally misunderstanding to reframe and deflect my criticism to influence lurkers or what.

>"I would prefer a quiet, nerdy woman or man (yes I am bi)"

gtfo faggot. You don't belong.

> it seems to be the familiar combination of theology and religious conspiracy theories.

Which is the theology of Canaanites such as yourself, and reaffirmed by my experience with many many many avenues of evidence over the years.

You are a degenerate and should kill yourself.

On what you say about HIV transmission: It is overwhelmingly transmitted by homosexual sex. This is a fact. No one has time for your clearnet worldview and all the effort posters have left this board for greener pastures. This board is fucked.

Your talk of its origins I don't give a fuck about and can't verify either way. I'm not religious. The point is that it's self-consistent with the reality espoused with these religions and their ethnic roots as well as the organizations these people spawned and have continued the traditions and purposes of for hundreds of years. History is full of human sacrifice, cannibalism and dark demented things sub-human.

If there were groups that through thousands of years of history spoke of the reality of "humans" and "species of creatures" and eventually everyone 'reasonable' decided they were nuts because of their conclusions and conjectures as a result of this premise that extended beyond mere recognition of the difference of species such as "humans are smarter than animals" or "gorillas are stronger than humans", and that there are no humans or species just happenstance ordering of flesh, blood, and people are reading too much into everything with their storybook fantasies. . . . would you be the retard in this thought experiment? (yes)

Do you believe in a life after death? Are you a soul or NPC?


Not so sure about this one: Woman with two long term boyfriends or woman that exposes herself masturbating to thousands and thousands over and over again. You're mentally retarded if you committed to deciding the cam whore was "purer" or "less damaged" or "less psychologically fucked and degenerate".


>Based and redpilled.

Sure thing bub. Some people just want someone to blame for their social and moral mistakes, failures and ruin so "THE JEWS DID THIS" is a great thing to hijack to appease one's self-esteem and conscience.

She's a fuck up. Get out with this "based and redpilled" parroting bullshit.

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1e8cd6  No.101459


>Woman with two long term boyfriends or woman that exposes herself masturbating to thousands and thousands over and over again

>a physical virgin or a non-virgin

Every male that isn't brainwashed by westenr feminism instinctively knows the answer and the stats >>101440 seem to agree with it. I know it's easier for us to think that our sisters/mothers are not impure whores for not camwhoring or getting rawdogged from a different stranger every Friday night but the harsh truth is that they would not pass the average demographically vigorous culture's not-stoning test.

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ea75d2  No.101478


> I know it's easier for us to think that our sisters/mothers are not impure whores for not camwhoring

Nice typo there.

> getting rawdogged from a different stranger every Friday

You literally said two individuals not 200.

> brainwashed by westenr feminism

"sexual liberation" IS western feminism dipshit. That means, no shame for fucking 200, and no shame for cam whoring. Guess which is more shameless and degenerate -- publicly exposing yourself masturbating for thousands to jack off to or sleeping with a long term partner (1+ years) that you have romantic and developing feelings for.

How do these brain dead freemason niggers show up here.


This single composition of fucking statistics includes nothing on cam whoring or even masturbation.



Get the fuck out.

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377cbe  No.101590


I won't. Jerking off to porn is fun.

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67fc0f  No.101768

YouTube embed. Click thumbnail to play.


>You are a degenerate

You say the sweetest things darling.


The power of pornography is nothing compared to your imagination. You have a mind. Use it.

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69b074  No.101797

File: 40968538465147d⋯.jpg (377.7 KB, 917x688, 917:688, Hot.jpg)



This thread is not for you.

You're not supposed to improve you life.

You're supposed to eat a bullet and die.

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c44ab9  No.109751

File: 8a6d7501e37fe60⋯.jpeg (4.01 MB, 3208x4816, 401:602, 4E13EA3C_3D34_49B7_ABBB_D….jpeg)

File: c1d29e88acc7bba⋯.png (613.52 KB, 1823x1377, 1823:1377, 6FAB9C92_C438_4524_A27F_F8….png)

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a1a701  No.109816

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4b5c51  No.109841

File: 46f14d2da6a64a5⋯.png (188.15 KB, 746x337, 746:337, 8f63ujs7yf64bsi27fgsu26sdu….png)

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18561b  No.109875

Anyone has the clip of Lisa Ann talking about Jews in porn?

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541ae5  No.131739

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0aaf7e  No.131745

Thank you guys. I went from an addict to someone that is absolutely repulsed by pornography.

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a4a84f  No.131766

YouTube embed. Click thumbnail to play.

It all gets summed up in this nigger wench's filth song; imagine the vile smell of her diseased twat. It's funny that she has to work so hard to conceal that brillo pad with various hair wraps. She's a miserable filthy whore straight out of the gutter. Thanks jews.

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a4a84f  No.131767

File: 25a4f4dc5ea6c6a⋯.jpg (54.58 KB, 700x625, 28:25, dolan.jpg)

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78d5d5  No.131768

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78d5d5  No.131771


Fuck off kike

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a4a84f  No.131783


>I wonder if 5-10 nuts a week for 10 years,

That's nothing baby boy. Try 3 nuts a day every work day and 5 nuts a day on weekends. I've even done 10 in one day just to see. And that is from 14 to 55. I can't sleep without it...too much angst, too much hate for the fuckers I've had to work with in shitty low level jobs. Smoking dope worked for a while until it didn't then I quit for good. Booze is a shit tier drug. It ages you and just makes people act like assholes.

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a4a84f  No.131787

File: 85ac0cea221ef70⋯.jpg (49.42 KB, 620x330, 62:33, bachi_baza.jpg)


>if porn can be used as a weapon, why wasnt it used against isis?

Our porn is too tame. The muzzies prefer fucking 5 year old boys up the bum while they scream their guts out in that strange little baza bachi boy soprano voice; it's the only thing capable of arousing their jaded appetites.

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ca6ca0  No.131791

Practical tip:

Buy one of these: https://www.thekitchensafe.com/

Lock away your devices when you might succumb.

Makes it a single decision for a period of time instead of a constant struggle.

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0f4335  No.131797

File: 8510d87831bcd3b⋯.jpg (164.25 KB, 748x488, 187:122, 1463581902953.jpg)

File: cdbc32f6051e0ab⋯.png (450.88 KB, 1907x2074, 1907:2074, cdbc32f6051e0ab0f8619bf794….png)


Anything other than POV and you're subconsciously cucking yourself.


Ignore >>131768 there is nothing wrong with waifus.

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ca6ca0  No.131806

File: 982f1e500e121cb⋯.jpg (66.43 KB, 980x653, 980:653, you.jpg)


>star wars


This is you. Mmaybe you are a slightly toned down version of this - but basically you are this guy.

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0f4335  No.131810

File: 00b10ce9be8b407⋯.jpeg (127.71 KB, 1024x768, 4:3, 00b10ce9be8b407af65927eda….jpeg)


Nigger, the only reason the star wars image is there is because I found it while I was looking for the the 2nd image for a solid hour and thought the message resonated with people struggling to overcome the porn jew. Also waifu is part of the modern lexicon, continue to be mad.

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ca6ca0  No.131823


> waifu is part of the modern lexicon

Doesn't make it ok we need to be better.

Honestly I meant it with this: >>131791 pysically locking your devices away is a real blessing. Once you understand that porn is wrong, you need to overcome your habits and base urges. If you can lock it out of your physical environment you can use a moment of clarity to make a decision.

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0f4335  No.131852


You want me to chop my hands off and throw them in a safe then only pull them out when I wanna flog my log? I reached the same outcome by adding all major porn sites to my hosts file where I have to go through a huge ordeal to unblock them.

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3eda36  No.131983


yes of course it's okay

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e18c08  No.132526


>yes of course it's okay

Seeing as how porn is a jew monopoly and the jews that run it all are particularly disgusting and vile specimens I would think that anyone coming here must reject them and their products out of hand. If you must have some paraphilia to assist you in finding detumescence when your priapism is particularly vexing might I suggest that you learn how to draw your own porn? That way, you'll at least develop a skill for drawing beautiful women. When I was 4 or 5 years old I found drawing a woman's foot in high heeled shoes satisfactorily to be a particularly challenging task but one that was very exciting if not entirely rewarding. The upside is that while I'm too old to particularly enjoy pornography of any description at all at least I now have an ability to draw at a professional level thanks to my youthful habits.

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1cc269  No.134755


kys chink larper, Jesus is God

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1cc269  No.134756


correction nip larper

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f696d1  No.135034

File: ff45fe134d1cb12⋯.png (586.15 KB, 472x607, 472:607, slaanesh_demon.png)

Just a friendly reminder this exists:

>Hedonistic ethical egoism is the idea that all people have the right to do everything in their power to achieve the greatest amount of pleasure possible to them. It is also the idea that every person's pleasure should far surpass their amount of pain.

>Judaism believes that the world was created to serve God, and in order to do so properly, God in turn gives mankind the opportunity to experience pleasure in the process of serving Him. (Talmud Kidushin 82:b) God placed Adam and Eve in the Garden of Eden—Eden being the Hebrew word for "pleasure". In recent years, Rabbi Noah Weinberg articulated five different levels of pleasure; connecting with God is the highest possible pleasure. The Book of Ecclesiastes in the Old Testament proclaims, "There is nothing better for a person than that he should eat and drink and find enjoyment in his toil. This also, I saw, is from the hand of God…" (Ecclesiastes 2:24)

>The Abolitionist Society is a transhumanist group calling for the abolition of suffering in all sentient life through the use of advanced biotechnology. Their core philosophy is negative utilitarianism. David Pearce is a theorist of this perspective and he believes and promotes the idea that there exists a strong ethical imperative for humans to work towards the abolition of suffering in all sentient life. His book-length internet manifesto The Hedonistic Imperative outlines how technologies such as genetic engineering, nanotechnology, pharmacology, and neurosurgery could potentially converge to eliminate all forms of unpleasant experience among human and non-human animals, replacing suffering with gradients of well-being, a project he refers to as "paradise engineering".

>Russian physicist and philosopher Victor Argonov argues that hedonism is not only a philosophical but also a verifiable scientific hypothesis.

>According to Argonov, posthumans will be able to reprogram their motivations in an arbitrary manner (to get pleasure from any programmed activity). And if pleasure principle postulates are true, then general direction of civilization development is obvious: maximization of integral happiness in posthuman life (product of life span and average happiness). Posthumans will avoid constant pleasure stimulation, because it is incompatible with rational behavior required to prolong life. However, they can become on average much happier than modern humans.

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251cac  No.135073

is it 'porn' if i watch stuff i've recorded with my girl? no industrial shit, pure soy-free homemade memories i can enjoy.

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df1e52  No.135076



I'll second these experiences. I've never gone nofap but just cutting porn from my routine for a few weeks sends my sexual urges into over-drive and completely destroys my ability to concentrate with even low-tier females in the vicinity. It's quite amazing how much your chemistry changes, but it's wholly impractical when aiming to study 40+ hours a week. With a girlfriend it's a very good idea to completely drop porn even if you don't subscribe to nofap at all, as you can vent that energy naturally, and she'll probably appreciate your mad lust.

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8ff980  No.135079


Porn literally saved my life. Nofap is a kike program of slow suicide.

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e18b03  No.135082

File: ea081175ef3d303⋯.png (499.65 KB, 479x900, 479:900, Succubus.png)


Reminder there were people who abstained from sexual thoughts so hard they got raped by their own paralysis demons and that's how succubi and incubi were born.

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df1e52  No.135085


I would tend to believe that such things could happen. Natural instincts are very powerful and take on strange forms when supressed. Just take a look at all the 30+ years old childless women whose drive to rear children is twisted into something akin to madness.

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76b4b0  No.135086


You say that like it's a bad thing.

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0bc5ee  No.135727


Fggit willpower is like a muscle. You can train it and make it stronger just like you can train your body.

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0bc5ee  No.135734

File: 6a6bc8d2374b7df⋯.jpg (76.25 KB, 718x615, 718:615, 1593663203031.jpg)


I lean to the belief that all lewd dreams are the result of succubi trying to drain your vitality. When I did nofap in the past I trained my willpower to resist the temptations of spirit thots in my sleep. Many a succubi tried, and many failed.

Even if you lose to a succubus you technically still fugged a woman, so its not like you made the decision to type in a porn website and jack off or anything.

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be58c3  No.136260


>The less you do it the less you want to

This. I used to fap several times a week and feel a great need to do it. Now it's down to like once a month or even less, I just don't feel the need for it. Although it has an effect of even hotter Facebook pics turning me on sometimes (let alone Tinder) but self control has increased to the point where me getting horny does not lead to me instantly jacking off.

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95b407  No.136486


you dont do any of those things. stop larping faggot

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9f2691  No.136489


>you dont do any of those things. stop larping faggot

Yeah he doesn't, because that shit wouldn't work.

The only thing that has worked for me consistiently is locking away my devices. In fact, I only have to lock my main laptop away for it to work, because I know that if I start watching porn on my small laptop I use for audiobooks, that I would have to lock that one up too - and I don't want to not be allowed to listen to audiobooks so I never use it for porn. I know that I'm serious when I lock the other one away.

No devices - no porn, it's as simple as that.

I'm not going down to the sex shop to buy hard copies.

Seriously anon this thing has given me the power to resist: https://www.thekitchensafe.com/

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21247c  No.136517


Do you really need to lock your devices inside a wooden box in order to avoid accessing porn? I think just the thought of having to go through that trouble would already make me stop accessing it without even locking anything..

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9f2691  No.136527


>Do you really need to lock your devices inside a wooden box in order to avoid accessing porn?

Yes I do. On the one hand I guess that makes me weak willed… but on the other hand at least I have a system that works.

> I think just the thought of having to go through that trouble would already make me stop accessing it without even locking anything..

Well yeah as I said it works with me just locking away my main laptop, because I don't want to have the hassle of locking away my others, and I know I would have to if I started watching porn on them.

For me this system really works. It allows me to make the decision once, and having made the decision not be constantly tempted.

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a5c835  No.136641





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9f2691  No.136923

File: c07f7b312c627e5⋯.mp4 (8.14 MB, 640x360, 16:9, jew_porn.mp4)

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9f2691  No.136963

Stay strong anon. This should be a sticky.

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9f2691  No.137402


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41675a  No.137777

File: 41d9dd92c456d26⋯.png (667.31 KB, 780x1556, 195:389, IMG_20200505_223827_181.png)

Take it from a 12 year addict to porn AND masturbation. There is nothing, NOTHING, worse than this that has ever happened to me. It fucks up your sub conscience mind and let the most degenerate desires surface in you. Not only that, it definitely hinders mental and physical growth and being.

It's the worst form of pleasure, the most torturous form of it.

Because of it, I have wasted numerous opportunities and burned many bridges. Even once a lifetime is too much with this shit.

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87676b  No.138992


Thank you for your astute and useful observation.

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2a9c96  No.139017


She already looks disgusting with those clothes, that make-up, those earrings and that smug facial expression. How did you even stand exchanging even one sentence with her?

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a1a701  No.139041


>Quads of wisdom

checked. I might trying fasting from porn at some point. It can be so time consuming and embarrassing. Tried nofap alot before and the furthest I got was eight days.

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0cb390  No.139054

File: 5cbc1f8e706285b⋯.png (220.84 KB, 716x720, 179:180, 1447803221846_2.png)


>There wasn't even 8kun back then.

I think that's the joke

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0cb390  No.139066

File: 86ece5578b05fe6⋯.png (468.04 KB, 612x700, 153:175, 1590088961828.png)



I think these two posts describe the situation we are in.

The white man has been deprived the comfort and stability of healthy marriage, and now have to worry about divorce etc. But the old fashioned-minded still has a disgust for promiscuity and sex with thots - average woman.

So now you have a situation where:

- marriageable women are hard to find

- even if you do by chance find "the woman of your dreams" you cannot get married since marriage isn't really legitimate anymore. Even the best women are disobedient when given the opportunity, divorce is always on the table

- cannot have sex because you aren't married society never had the same expectations for men on this regard, but for us prude conservatives it is

- you're now forever blue-balled unless you fuck thots - this leads to more moral depravity.

- if you don't end up fucking thots, you end up spending lots of time jacking off. Most of the time you just want it over and done, so porn speeds it up.

The mainstreaming of pornography is a result of the buildup of ruined men.

I don't have much of a solution that isn't fedposting, so I'll leave it here.

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ee8f5e  No.139101


>Most of the time you just want it over and done, so porn speeds it up.

That's not true faggot. If you're horny enough you can wank it with just your imagination. Also, if you see a woman going about your day and she shows some cleavage, just remembering that is enough even if she's a hambeast

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0cb390  No.139107

File: 58da5b6679fadcd⋯.png (297.01 KB, 500x500, 1:1, 58da5b6679fadcdcae2e34856a….png)


>If you're horny enough you can wank it with just your imagination.

That doesn't refute the point - porn can make it alot quicker. Either way, I've seen enough moralfagging here and around about whether grown men should be able to touch their penises while alone.

One thing about porn - you don't (I hope not) have to have any interest in any of the "types" of women in porn, even the cringy "amateur" types. The mere fact that they're filmed sexually makes it impossible to have any feelings for them. In fact, I'd have no moral squabbles hauling every one of these degenerates up a lamp post.

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9f2691  No.139118

File: 28ff8b00276a53a⋯.png (1.84 MB, 900x1178, 450:589, ClipboardImage.png)

File: 8ee16b0b8d9120d⋯.png (809.93 KB, 700x529, 700:529, ClipboardImage.png)

File: 378db967d0be7df⋯.png (1.98 MB, 879x1024, 879:1024, ClipboardImage.png)


>If you're horny enough you can wank it with just your imagination.

Yeah anyone older than 35 can remember wanking pre-internet.

I used to jerk off to department store catalogues or a brief topless scene from a mainstream movie I had on VHS; my aunt's 80s fashion mags, or yes, as anon suggests - my imagination.

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9324f6  No.139485


So because you are a weakwilled pussy so must everyone else be, I used to watch porn all the time and never became even half the degenerate you did, I really wish people like you never woke up, because your rationale for anything is no different than the lefts, I must stop people doing (thing) because I was harmed by (thing).

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aebe86  No.139884


Not hard to resist, when you only post disgusting cows.

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a8f22a  No.139893

The stoic man does not worship women. Women worship the stoic man.

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ab3d3b  No.140789


>Women worship the stoic man.

Eh, not really. Women respect social status (Twitter followers, exotic vacation pics, impressive job title) and resources (fat wallet, big house, expensive car), not virtue and character. Or maybe I'm wrong and women secretly long to be with a monk lol

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4e6ef4  No.153897


To you and anybody who actually wants to stop watching porn


No willpower req, worked for me

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056782  No.154440


Cherrypicking posts from tranny nest SA doesn't really help support you opinion

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8593c4  No.154444

Haha, jokes on you. I only masturbate to erotic MMD videos.

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f7440d  No.154449

File: 7b06135253bae0e⋯.png (207.13 KB, 480x360, 4:3, ClipboardImage.png)


Triggered coomers incoming.

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1b837f  No.154476


cs:go and animal crossing if i remember correctly

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f683a8  No.154482


Thats gotta hurt your coinpurse Shecklestein

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8593c4  No.154484


Was so lucky to be able to convert all my dads really young girl collections to MPEG2 using an Iomega Buz tool. Those things would be magnetic scribble today. 8mm, VHS created some really good young vids.

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341be2  No.155236


I hate women in porn tho

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526919  No.167647


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fd1682  No.167771

I'm trying to stop but its not easy

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4bb7f6  No.170023

File: 2d0393dac8b4a0b⋯.jpg (31.5 KB, 400x387, 400:387, froggosh_.jpg)


>tfw someone saved my oc

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70a083  No.182878


Try the EasyPeasy dot org method anon. It's a great book.

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65e250  No.182990

On day 30 right now. Failed many times before, but now it isn't even difficult.

Dumping some screencaps and sources that has helped me.

1. Burned out dopamine receptors.


Fig. 3 shows that higher sensation-seekers have both lower D2/D3 receptor density.

2. High prolactin, killed motivation.


3. Sexual arousal induces hypofrontality, impairing working memory and executive performance.

>Pornographic picture processing interferes with working memory performance.


>Sexual Arousal Decreases the Functional Synchronization Between Cortical Areas in Young Men.


>The Impact of Sexual Arousal on Sexual Risk-Taking and Decision-Making in Men and Women.


4. Measurable brain damage.

>Brain structure and functional connectivity associated with pornography consumption: the brain on porn.


Shows a loss of gray matter in the right caudate of the striatum from pornography indulgence.

>Watching porn reduces gray matter in prefrontal cortex.


>Compulsive sexual behavior: Prefrontal and limbic volume and interactions.


5. Literally stronger than drug urges.

>Craving Responses to Methamphetamine and Sexual Visual Cues in Individuals With Methamphetamine Use Disorder After Long-Term Drug Rehabilitation.


"that sexual demand might be more robust than drug demand"

6. Pornography use is linked to Egalitarianism, inherently a left wing behavior.

>Is Pornography Really about “Making Hate to Women”? Pornography Users Hold More Gender Egalitarian Attitudes Than Nonusers in a Representative American Sample


>Frequent masturbation lowers testosterone utilization.


>Three weeks of abstinence increases testosterone levels.


>Masturbation is associated with lower psychological health and reproductive well-being.


"anxiety, somatic, and hysteric scores were significantly associated with masturbation"

>Sperm contains compounds that prolong lifespan, fight cancer & heart disease.


>Men who are sexually active in their 20s and 30s are more likely to develop prostate cancer.


>Masturbation decreases dopamine.


>Porn addiction has similar mechanism with substance addiction.


>Making sperm shortens lifespan of male worms.


>Masturbating 3 days in a row decreases sperm count by 20%.


>Increasing ejaculation frequency decreases sperm count significantly.


>Prevalence of erectile dysfunction doubled between 2004 and 2013.


>Pornography makes you more egalitarian.


>Pornography might foster progressive attitudes among those most likely to hold conservative beliefs.


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65e250  No.182991

>Pornography consumption associated with mental health issues.


>The average age of first exposure to Internet porn is 11.


>Exposure to sexually explicit media in early adolescence is related to risky sexual behavior in emerging adulthood


>The mass media are an important context for adolescents' sexual behavior




>Study Sees Link Between Porn and Sexual Dysfunction


>Is Internet Pornography Causing Sexual Dysfunctions? A Review with Clinical Reports


>The Influence of Pornography on Sexual Crimes


>Brain activity in sex addiction (including porn addiction) mirrors that of drug addiction


>Neuroscience of Internet Pornography Addiction: A Review and Update:


>Neural Correlates of Sexual Cue Reactivity in Individuals with and without Compulsive Sexual Behaviours:


>Brain Structure and Functional Connectivity Associated With Pornography Consumption:


Decreased grey matter with increase in porn usage.

>Pornography's Impact on Sexual Satisfaction


>Neurobiological Basis of Hypersexuality (Taken together, the evidence seems to imply that alterations in the frontal lobe, amygdala, hippocampus, hypothalamus, septum, and brain regions that process reward play a prominent role in the emergence of hypersexuality):


>Compulsivity Across the Pathological Misuse of Drug and Non-Drug Rewards:


>Watching pornographic pictures on the Internet: role of sexual arousal ratings and psychological-psychiatric symptoms for using Internet sex sites excessively:


>Mood changes after watching pornography on the Internet are linked to tendencies towards Internet-pornography-viewing disorder:


>Trading Later Rewards for Current Pleasure: Pornography Consumption and Delay Discounting


>Adolescents’ Exposure to Sexually Explicit Internet Material and Sexual Satisfaction: A Longitudinal Study


>Pharmacological and physiological aspects of sexual exhaustion in male rats


>Masturbation and Pornography Use Among Coupled Heterosexual Men With Decreased Sexual Desire: How Many Roles of Masturbation?


>Sexual Addiction & Compulsivity: The Journal of Treatment & Prevention:


>Is Internet Pornography Causing Sexual Dysfunctions? A Review with Clinical Reports:


>Individual Differences in Nucleus Accumbens Activity to Food and Sexual Images Predict Weight Gain and Sexual Behavior:


>A research on the relationship between ejaculation and serum testosterone level in men


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a31076  No.182998

File: 6f2cccebb659f8a⋯.png (169.94 KB, 390x322, 195:161, 5645.png)


what the fuck do you want me to else wise?

I am not getting a gf, can't get over parts of their nature, wouldn't be happy,

it would be dangerous for her, and I don't want to to go jail.

and jerking it to my imagination, does this also extend to written porn?

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87676b  No.183002


>projecting your hate fantasies and sexual degeneracy on-

I don't even need to complete this sentence because a reaction like yours says more about you than any post I could make.

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56861f  No.183053

File: 57c81467194b6a2⋯.png (918.11 KB, 900x1008, 25:28, extra_thicc_Yuyuko.png)

day 20, I do NNN for my waifu harem.

whatever you do, don't succumb to the 2d girls

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20e88e  No.183056


If you're going to talk about porn make sure to also include video games and anime because those things are a terrible hindrance to people's well being too

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20e88e  No.183058


This is what happens when you don't have a father figure to set you on the right path in life. You start revering fictional cartoon hentai girls with giant tits. Don't do what this guy is doing.

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ffd726  No.183076


My dude just take the Rance pill. A girl will let you rape her if she thinks yer hot.

You have to love your self and be the man in the women you want.

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a31076  No.183099


not about caring if girls want me or not

I don't want to be a provider, and we're very genetically sick to be worth investing in

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198352  No.183106

File: cfa3246cd19d305⋯.jpg (72.31 KB, 599x908, 599:908, 3e58d567c1189d91fdbf293910….jpg)


Kojima himself was a thot fucker. You really don't think he tapped the actress of Quiet?

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d3174a  No.191825


Greetings, elder.

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55c5aa  No.191830


Day 14. Nofap hasn't even been a challenge since I read the easypeasy method.

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adc4c0  No.191871


Day 97 here. Easypeasy worked for me as well. Keep at it.

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8516cc  No.191872

File: af9fc031608d449⋯.jpg (33.75 KB, 632x479, 632:479, 0fea509d98.jpg)

I haven't jerked off for weeks, haven't watched porn for a month and then some. Nothing has changed. Yes you can get addicted to anything, and paying for women is stupid, so you can fuck up with porn/thots. Not jerking does NOTHING, no point! I thought I would lift or get smarter or something…no, nothing.


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adc4c0  No.191876


No kidding, its not magic! But for some people on a downward spiral it absolutely helps. I can just speak from my experience. Breaking any addiction is an extremely good and healthy thing, as is the brain chemical reset. Fog and motivation is definitely better.

If you think you're going to become some nofap god in the process, and somehow immediately become high test alpha, prepare to be disappointed.

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b928be  No.191895


What is the easypeasy method?

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95d9bc  No.191962

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8c0382  No.191968


People get addicted to nofap.

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bdeb83  No.191969

Living in a good enviroment is key to cure any addiction.

Even if you try your best to be a better person but you live surrounded by people that just vegetate in front of the tv or are very destructive, is very hard to accomplish anything and this new trendy word "resilience* or whatever, means nothing.

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a04037  No.192038


It's only faggotry if there's two dicks pounding her ass at the same time and the dicks are touching.


Monks are gay.

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15cb2c  No.192040


What do you mean? They get addicted to the notion that they are getting more powerful not jerking off?


Easypeasy and it's the length of a fucking book? That's not easy at all, tl;dr it .

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adc4c0  No.192043


Lol if you can't get through that, enjoy your fap.

You don't have to read it all in one go. And you can continue to jerk off while reading it a chapter at a time if you so prefer. If you read the first four pages (the preface really, 2.5 pages) you might see that it explicitly mentions that.

Mastering control over impulses is inherently positive to both your sense of well being and your mental fortitude and overall level of drive. Try it… worst case is you say its bullshit and go back to your old ways. Curiosity is the start.


Yes, but the final deeper changes rest wholly within yourself. If you need to leave destructive forces or influences, you'll see the need for that and make it happen.

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8c0382  No.192045


No, they get addicted to the notoriety and endorphin rush of being somehow "superior" to others. Nofappers, honestly, remind me of vegans.

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5d1091  No.192449

File: ee565388db2cbec⋯.jpg (346.56 KB, 1002x758, 501:379, jew_porn.jpg)

Even if you're not paying for it every time you visit a "free" porn site some Jew gets another shekel.

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3150f0  No.192522



I wonder how big the shoreline on her face would be.

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acd637  No.193056

File: 996d5306d496772⋯.jpg (979.96 KB, 1411x1620, 1411:1620, 1498063135481.jpg)

File: 6901ccbe5e69dba⋯.jpg (517.92 KB, 3004x1660, 751:415, 1533337546771.jpg)

File: 410d32f774f226c⋯.png (313.89 KB, 611x571, 611:571, 1587668127555.png)

File: 8cfc55272065588⋯.png (151.98 KB, 1373x560, 1373:560, 1608176274813.png)

File: 9c30a2ea8873b30⋯.png (1.48 MB, 1959x1000, 1959:1000, Eva_Wiseman.png)

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acd637  No.193057

File: 6eb5714c7480e0f⋯.png (189.06 KB, 305x273, 305:273, 1533335891149.png)

Jews Created The Porn Industry


Removed from youtube. Save a copy.

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d813af  No.194198


There should be Aryan porn. Just disregard nofap niggers. Anyone who is actually having problems because they can't stop touching their pee-pee at will is not because of fucking pictures. Also, support turrism (fuck this gay site).

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0b1047  No.198756


lol what a faggot

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d3c7ad  No.198831


I fucking hate jews, especially oven material like the last ginger log.

I'm a premature ejaculator thanks to porn and this whore promotes it.

I wish hitler wiped these motherfuckers out of the face of the earth and won the war.

Sure we would have less freedom but we would have also less degenerancy and our youth would be happier and more healthy.

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894c1c  No.198930

File: 78364a48bdb8330⋯.jpeg (161.63 KB, 613x399, 613:399, 094244D6_EDB3_4122_9198_C….jpeg)

Video nuked. Can you repost as a webm or upload to another platform?

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bbda8d  No.198932

File: 5fb083921aa9f75⋯.jpeg (113.5 KB, 644x571, 644:571, EDAB3C60_E688_4C74_9954_4….jpeg)


Video nuked. Can you repost as a webm or upload to another platform?

Sorry for the double post. Forgot to include the post to which I’m replying.

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f70f74  No.198982


An army of white men capable of self control SHOULD scare them

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859062  No.198985


not even an army, a hundred smart/strong whites working together would scare them

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acd637  No.199144



>Jews Created the Porn Industry


>The Truth About Jews and the Porn Industry


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215028  No.199184

File: 4912a3925233b25⋯.mp4 (2.03 MB, 640x640, 1:1, grapefruits.mp4)

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f9a367  No.199368

How is everyone after 16 days of nofap 2021?

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f9a367  No.200244

This should really be a sticky

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a75b54  No.202503

File: e9a8f457fe28d07⋯.png (549.91 KB, 1104x1290, 184:215, cancer.png)

There's a disturbing amount of anti white porn/ erotica out there.

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1dc550  No.202533

File: 33c72cbbe730159⋯.jpg (80.12 KB, 640x721, 640:721, race_80015.jpg)


Serves a duel purpose of motivation and demotivation.

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bffb76  No.202567


hating whites was always a sexual fetish.

welcome to reality

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