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File: c679c1efffb6829⋯.png (15.11 KB, 656x526, 328:263, greta pepe.png)

2563dc  No.5996

Trumps mocked Greta. How can you anons stand by as the President makes fun of a child?

Oh who am I kidding. I think Trump deserves a medal for mocking that autistic little commie. What do you think anons?


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ca9817  No.5998


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2563dc  No.6001



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ca9817  No.6003

File: 03bff4a5c4275dd⋯.jpg (27.06 KB, 436x280, 109:70, Marquis de Shrug.jpg)



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a4ad33  No.6004

I'm sad that Operation: Seduce Greta never took off. She is European after all and with age of consent laws in Sweden…

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2563dc  No.6007



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2563dc  No.6012



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b27c65  No.6015

Goblin Turdburglar is a sad creature, programmed from early childhood to shuck and jive for affection by the things her piece of shit parents sold her to. But that doesn't mean mockery isn't an effective and righteous weapon against suck a contemptible little troglodyte. Trump did nothing wrong.

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220e85  No.6020


I think her response to Trump was pretty damn cool. Otherwise, I'm indifferent. She's allowed to speak out about whatever cause she wants.

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ae22fa  No.6050


Leftists have no right to anything at all. She should be tortured to death for being a drone.

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220e85  No.6053


Yeah yeah … and if she were speaking about white nationalism and naming the jew, you'd be here posting glory pics of her and calling her your waifu while the Left would be saying she's a brainwashed drone. You're both stupid. People should be allowed to speak, otherwise you'd never be able to disagree with them. You'd never know your neighbors were leftist gay rights feminists if they were required to be silent.

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27861e  No.6065

File: cce12425a60acc9⋯.jpg (67.67 KB, 750x897, 250:299, carbon emissions.jpg)

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6f496f  No.6066


Any retard is allowed to speak, I have a problem with it when people in power actually start listening to those retards. A 16 year old can't drink or vote but somehow is allowed to tell world leaders how they should be doing shit? And at the same time you cant criticize her because "omg shes just a child u meanie >:("? This feels like an elaborated prank I'm not a part of, because there's no way people can't see the insanity in all this.

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f4b942  No.6106


Yeah but fetal alcohol syndrome doesn't affect the genes themselves, so her kids can still be pure and good looking and that's all that really matters. The present is fucked, gotta make sure there is a future.

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f623dd  No.6113


Kill yourself for supporting Trump.

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926753  No.6115

File: 844c86428f63e65⋯.jpg (219.46 KB, 1172x1182, 586:591, King nigger.jpg)


>king jew mocks fluoride girl

>a faggot makes a thread about it

Kill yourself, retard

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ef7179  No.6203



drumpf is a zionist jew cock sucking faggot. go back to r/donald

pepe is a zionist meme

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ef7179  No.6206

File: ab23d1eedfdb28c⋯.jpg (25.43 KB, 608x402, 304:201, hitler laughing.jpg)




>actually believing there is a difference

ok boomer!

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b7293a  No.6284

A president shouldn't be making fun of a 17 year old.

Yes she's that old.

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17869c  No.6287


>Trump Mocks Greta, you cool with that?

she's a female mentally ill child, but in the same time lefties are holding her on pedestal as an example, so I'd say responsibility is on them, fire away

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037e83  No.6298


>Someone made fun of a child

Everyone look at that fag OP and laugh.

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39637d  No.6320

The media is outraged over Trumps mockery but didn't say shit when libtards and commies trolled mini AOC offline with death threats.

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fb6757  No.6342

The absolute madman.

But the parents should be imprisoned and lose custody of the potato for brainwashing her and keeping her out of school.

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f3d325  No.6343

She's a paid actress.

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0a9791  No.6344

File: 539d3b78b92bbec⋯.jpg (24.83 KB, 236x356, 59:89, Stop being a pussy.jpg)


>So called /pol/lock gets panties in twist over anons making fun of teenage girl

and you faggots thought you were hard…

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0a9791  No.6345


Anyone here still supporting Zion Don (even after his latest executive order) is probably a fedposter.

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206816  No.6350

File: d240f03a3e3e4c1⋯.jpg (425.14 KB, 1648x1372, 412:343, 1575698538794.jpg)

She's an entitled rich brat. I'll just wait until she address developing country carbon emission. I don't really give a fuck about what drump says about anyone.

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51059c  No.6471


Does India make it onto that chart solely because of cows?

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2e2004  No.6472


No it's because theyre trying to copy China. They want to become the new 3rd world manufacturing powerhouse that all the American companies outsource their jobs to. Also because they have a population over 1 billion people and zero environmental regulation

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cfd8eb  No.6487


greta gave herself to me, loved it

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98d783  No.23403


I'd smash but her face and mannerisms remind me of barbrar spectre which is really gross but id still pump her full of babby fluid

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b150fb  No.23408

i'd be ecstatic if trump curbstomped a niglet on live tv

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98d783  No.23410

File: 0b0ad1dce553db3⋯.jpeg (38.48 KB, 644x429, 644:429, gretahotness.jpeg)


look how cute she is when she smiles

no wonder she's always frowning

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562ef3  No.23415


FBIniggers get dumber with each passing day, it seems.

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64a5e6  No.23438


what's the matter, "friend?"

got a soft spot for the fat litte retard?

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c75458  No.23493

File: 0c91985d50e6b88⋯.jpeg (69.19 KB, 720x290, 72:29, serveimage (13).jpeg)


Post a Gretard troll/bait thread for YOUs. Likelihood of YOUs massive due to 8Chan being dead.

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2ed6b8  No.23742

I think anyone who goes out of their way to start a conversation about Greta, pro or con, is suspect.

There is no logical reason to focus on her. It only gives 'her' more power.

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ca5705  No.27225


kill yourself cuckchanner

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7b41da  No.44361


Why are you all so obsessed with this little cunt in the first place?

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7b41da  No.44364

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7b41da  No.44367


You're going to get v& anon, pls stop jacking it to children.

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3d8eba  No.44375




>amerifat necrobumps a thread to whine about actually intelligent people that don't follow a feminist kike MUH 18+ ONLY doctrine

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220e85  No.44403



You don't belong here

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3d8eba  No.44443


>bumping a long-dead thread with no new info or useful input isn't a necrobump

(You) don't belong here.

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