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Spanish Flu 2: Electric Boogaloo

File: e1ed23ca6f00661⋯.jpg (58.6 KB, 400x381, 400:381, Pepe patch.jpg)

26e006  No.44867

its 2020 and the US presidential elections are being held again.this is a worldwide call to arms to all who served in the first meme-war and to any greenhorn out there: its time to fire up those memes dank, old and the new. and to rush back to the frontlines. prepare for the epic shittacular return of the hook-nosed mass-media kikemongers and their redbrown hordes of cucks, betas, hipster-pissbabies and redheaded feminists who -as we speak- are already firing up their anti trump campaigns.time to throw sand in the cogwheels of these outlets lets whip up an epic sshitstorm in the name of justice and the spirit of glory(and lulz ofcourse)

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bd1de5  No.44875


>care about jewish theater

Nah, kill yourself.

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91927c  No.44879

You clearly aren't from here.

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dbc31b  No.44924


Depending on who wins dem nomination the memes will make themselves. We'll have won before the war even starts.

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6516a3  No.44927


Memes lost their magic as soon as Boomers started sharing them on Facebook. The war is over and Grandma won.

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dbc31b  No.44932

File: e80ebb6a82bb5a4⋯.webm (946.1 KB, 640x360, 16:9, e80ebb6a82bb5a4b665b4a7d9….webm)


All memes eventually lose their magic when they fall into boomer hands, what does that have to do with anything? The point is to make fresh memes for the harvest. Controlling the source of the meme river is important because we can affect the attitude of the people who absorb them at the mouth.

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6516a3  No.44937


Nobody makes fresh memes. All memes since 2011 have been reskins of old memes. Reskins are not fresh OC.

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330da4  No.44950

That was when we had faith in the zion don that he would deport illegals and help middle class americans, and hes done exactly the opposite. This isnt the 20th century where we can be fooled into fighting 2 pointless wars in a row when we have the internet now. Fool us once, fuck you, fool us twice, fuck us all. If we do join the 2nd meme war if there is one at all, its going to be on the side of Tarrantism, the side of white survival, no matter if youre left or right or christcuck or larpagan, our people will always surpass any of that because our people is the only thing that is tangible.

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692729  No.44995

File: 8b112698ee5b429⋯.jpg (31.54 KB, 299x287, 299:287, wait.jpg)


>Meme war

Here's the thing.

This is pathetic. Keep talking about spirit and glory.

I've seen years of this so called "meme war" shilling and it never gets to be seen outside this circlejerk since these are the IMAGE FORUMS and other platforms do not support it for obvious reasons. Twitter or facebook will 100% wipe you off their platforms the moment you gain any meaningful community/traction. And lets be honest most of the people here DO NOT DO ANY OF THAT SHIT, just rather post angry comments or start debates with illiterate retards that think the world is all rosy. So be happy that you even have a "safe" platform where you can find like minded people and have freedom to share anything fringe or political. If we start glowing on public social medias this place will get shut down just like before. So no.

Redpill and archival threads all the way, but this… NOPE.

I've lost too many good bookmarks and pdfs to the glowniggers wiping the servers and I don't want it all gone. I fucking hate this pretentious weeb community but theres nothing else because there is no other platform.

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8c927c  No.45036

File: 4d83d347dce5f16⋯.jpg (452 KB, 800x1096, 100:137, the shady bunch.jpg)

File: f39b5e3e93206fe⋯.jpg (1.2 MB, 1300x1733, 1300:1733, DC RATatouille.jpg)

File: f554537782f8221⋯.jpg (104.09 KB, 555x299, 555:299, obama i spy on u.jpg)


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91927c  No.45060


I hate boomers so much.

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ac64cb  No.45123

File: bec45590fd50191⋯.png (31.11 KB, 162x103, 162:103, fuckem.png)


Can you imagine a world in which those memes don't matter to people?

Like, fuck the "obama" meme, fuck the "trump-russia" meme, fuck the "election" meme. Can you imagine that world?

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e59776  No.45137

I’ve realized something that makes humanity chaotic. To get a thin population, you need fat leaders. To get a fat population requires thin leaders.

Humans who naturally tend to thinness are high-strung and they burn other people out, screaming a fat population into existence with their hatreds. The humans who tend towards fatness are gentler and more honest, but they naturally obsolete themselves as the thinner, more energetic population their gentility promotes develops ambitious hatreds towards them.

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a57fdd  No.45138


I'm embarrassed for even seeing that.. on an anonymous board.

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d4c6f8  No.45159

Vermin Supreme is the only candidate worth voting for anymore.

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7f4aa7  No.45164

File: 9e95a53d9c315e3⋯.jpg (179.75 KB, 750x412, 375:206, 1581550715393.jpg)

File: a8dc09ac18571ca⋯.jpg (164.61 KB, 750x412, 375:206, 1581549846578.jpg)

File: d7a01ec77291596⋯.jpg (377.92 KB, 1019x732, 1019:732, 1574518883345.jpg)

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