>>9468 (OP)
>Post some of your personal favorites and anons recommend some you may like
El Topo (1970)
The Holy Mountain (1973)
Santa Sangre (1989)
La Danza de la Realidad (2013)
Brazil (1985)
Fear and Loathing in Las Vegas (1998)
Akira (1988)
Samsara (2011)
American Psycho (2001)
Mononoke-hime (1999)
>Also, include your process for finding new movies, because it's exhausting for me, personally. where's the rateyourmusic for films?
Like >>9470 said, following crew/cast helps (I'm currently going through a Masaaki Yuasa phase right now).
Other than that ... psshhh Google-fu? Coerce YouTube's algorithm to recommend кино-channels to you? imdb?
Here's a list from Uncle Bob:
Intolerance [D.W.Griffith]
2001 [Stanley Kubrick]
Chimes at Midnight [Orson Welles]
Honkytonk Man [Clint Easwood]
Midnight in the Garden of Good and Evil [Clint Eastwood]
Bringing Up Baby [Howard Hawks]
The Silence of the Lambs [Jonathan Demme]
Crimes and Misdemeanors [Woody Allen]
The Trial [Orson Welles]
Short Cuts [Robert Altman]
F For Fake [Orson Welles]
Broken Blossoms [D.W. Griffith]
King Kong [Merrian Cooper]
Frankenstein [James Whale]
Bird [Clint Eastwood]
Othello [Orson Welles]
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