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File: 1430212234998.jpg (35.6 KB,519x393,173:131,akira_kurosawa_copy.jpg)

 No.4503 [Open thread]

Where should I start with Akira Kurosawa?

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I would really recommend watching Red Beard after you get done with the ones above.

It's his most underrated film and I would say one of his top 5.

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this basically.

I started with Seven Samurai and it was stunning. I dont know if others may have catch it, but you could see the influence it had on anime.

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I really like the postwar era Kurosawa. I'd recommend you check The drunken angel and A wonderful sunday, and No regrets for our youth.

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File: 1426852825296.jpg (140.53 KB,400x662,200:331,nostalghia_poster.jpg)

 No.4056 [Open thread]

what you think bout this?

have you watch it? Im not sure if I got it…
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What didn't you get?

Keep in mind that it's a very personal film to Tarkovsky. It reflected a lot of what he was going through personally before he filmed it. If you read his diary, you'll find during this point in time, he was always thinking about his wife, child and home. Hence the black and white dream scenes of Andrei's (the character) wife and family.

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Yea… I read the reviews and hows that was his first film away from Russia.

But, its the movie itself which I still have some troubles with, Why the dude setted himself on fire? is the candle thing just an allegory to the struggle and meaningless of life? why people made fun of the old dude when trying to use the candle? what happened to the redheaded woman?

Im planning on watching this movie some time in the future again.

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Domenico set himself on fire to be a martyr of sorts. To show how strong his faith was and in what he was preaching to humanity. Sacrificing himself in hopes that they'll see his undying conviction and to consider what he's told them.

I think the candle bit was Andrei (who said earlier that he understood Domenico) trying to show that he too could make a sacrifice (however small it was in scale) and putting faith in Domenico and his beliefs. Perhaps him going through with this one final test of patience and will had some great meaning or purpose to Andrei? I haven't figured this all out myself, tbh.

In the hot springs bit near the beginning they talk about Domenico, his faith and how a madman is very similar if not identical to a spiritual man. The ones in the hot springs are basically your average secular people. With no spirituality or faith in their lives, they believe only what they see and experience and act as if they're "realists". So when they see a man so devoted to his faith, they'll think he's unusual because he's not like them. So he's cast aside and labeled as a madman for his unusual beliefs and actions because they fail or maybe even refuse to see the world through his eyes.

Eugenia got fed up with Andrei's indifference towards her feelings. She wanted to be loved by him. He goes through the whole film not recognizing it or, maybe he does but will never do anything because his love for his wife and family is too great. I think it's the latter considering, Eugenia shows up in at least one of the dream scenes with Andrei's wife, I guess to make the point that Andrei perhaps sees them as similar if not the same person in this sort of confused and depressed state he's been in.

But anyways, she moves on and goes back to her boyfriend (who she brought up earlier in an attempt to make Andrei jealous but he didn't give a shit anyways) and it's obvious she's not happy with this boyfriend. He seemingly doesn't give a shit about her too.

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File: 1430166742772.jpg (67.16 KB,550x744,275:372,TarkovskyZerkalo.jpg)


Your write up is on point. There's also some foreshadowing(?) about both Domenico and Andrei's fate. Early on in the film they talk about the maid who worked very far from home and burned down her Boss's house just so she could go home. There's also a lot of ideas expressed about the men sharing a fate or soul of sorts. The mirror scene, 1+1=1 and all that eastern philosophy stuff. As you said his diary shows the inspiration for Andrei's character. He even talks about the Russian mist we see in the film. I really love this film, his personal ones are the best.

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You should watch tarkovski's films chronologically. There's a lot of recurrent themes in his films, that you will only get once you understand tarkovski himself.

For starters you should always pay attention to the following things: Kids and Infancy; Horses; Religion; The fact of flying; the paternal figure. Those are the ones that i can remember now.

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File: a1bfbe7af14f92f⋯.jpeg (22.78 KB,640x364,160:91,funnygames025.preview.jpeg)

 No.13496 [Open thread]

By which I mean that you guys are disrespectful and ignorant to this art as much as the next redditor.

Both of you treat Film as a consumer identity as a football hooligan by choosing a "tribe" and avoiding intellectual discussion, constructive criticism or simple confrontation in favour of primitive and destructive bashing of each others favorite brands.

Both of you are more interested in quantity and respecting over emotionally understanding and absorbing the craft of this art.

Both of you are highly illiterate and pander to the lowest common understanding and effect of this art this being "empathy".

Both of you are anti film and victims of the current methods of distribution that make film something trivial and inferior to television, advertising and videoclip.

Both of you can name more films than any of the great Auteurs in history yet you will never be on the same level of even the lowest of the mass produced confectioners because you treat this art as a flag and as a choice instead of being organically part of your being. This not only is valid for cinema but for everything else and sadly not just on the internet but this malaise of yours is leaking in real life (or maybe viceversa).

Pasolini once said that "what authoritarianism was unable to do with his solemn retoric television did with the opposite". Since television and film do have deep down a blood relation and in a ceratain sense use the same language it's your fault if the world it's in shit.

Instead of being the only sense of reason and the only art form who can still make a difference you guys as the rest of the "cinephile" choose balkanization and hooliganism.

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How about you show us how it's done instead of whining about it? If you want to discuss a film make a thread about the film.

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>Instead of being the only sense of reason and the only art form who can still make a difference

This smells funky, seems you are cooking a socio-political statement (or only teasing one) as an ideology for a general art form

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File: 1437551408363.jpeg (73.99 KB,500x781,500:781,gummo.jpeg)

 No.5293 [Open thread]

what does /film/ think of this movie? has anyone here even seen it?

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It's weird and there's a couple of interesting scenes but at the end of the movie I thought it was a waste of time.

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File: 1445217985906.jpg (98.91 KB,500x273,500:273,4433609964_16e3635c91.jpg)


>not appreciating the film compressed digital footage of Julien Donkey Boy

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there was some genuine heart in this film, which I wasn't really expecting

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yeah, his movies are just sort of "real" even though they're unreal. if you know what i mean. damn im high

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My first impression was that it was a garbage art film but I still saw relatability and subtlety in the acting that a lot of people overlook. At the end of the movie you can see Tummler's lip quiver into a smile a little when he's realized what his life has become, and supplementarily the entire cast except Chloe Sevigny and Linda Manz were locals they hired so maybe he was reflecting on his actual life as well. I haven't seen any other movie that accurately portrays the hedonistic exuberance of going full retard with your friends with then the chair scene as you're then drenched in a loud silence at the realization you're a pigbrained retard who spent his energy and youth wasting away your days goofing off and on top of this that scene became documentary territory as the actors forget they're on camera letting their true selves fully show.

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File: 1464855605182.png (8.45 KB,500x250,2:1,Oekaki.png)

 No.7383 [Open thread]

and see if other people can guess it

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you're missing out then

it's satantango

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File: 1465085571565.jpg (74.65 KB,944x599,944:599,Life of Gypsies by Josef K….jpg)


Always reminded of this image

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File: 1465132420104.jpg (72.19 KB,1242x735,414:245,satantango-corpse (2).jpg)


oh it does look similar

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File: 21a708b049eef70⋯.png (53.96 KB,1292x592,323:148,OUT OF THE WAY GWEILO.png)

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File: d796137bbafb30a⋯.jpg (29.87 KB,585x329,585:329,Fallen-Angels.jpg)


I didn't know it but I did an image search for Wong Kar Wai film cigarette

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File: b17c87ab357a88d⋯.png (2.15 MB,960x1440,2:3,ClipboardImage.png)

 No.13385 [Open thread]

Is pic related the ultimate example of a gimmick flick?

Literally the only thing anyone went on about when it was released was the pretense of being one continuous shot. Any criticism at all was deflected by "dude one take lmao" in the minds of the plebs who raved about it.

Thought the plot was thin and predictable? But dude it was all like one take. Casting a bit weak? Dude it was one take. Compositions lacking any artistic merit or visual language leading to massive blocks of dialogue? Dude it was all one take.

Post other gimmick flicks and your reasons.

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File: b1797b3b6dbfa87⋯.mp4 (10.52 MB,498x360,83:60,Lady In The Lake - Trailer.mp4)

Lady in the Lake was shot entirely POV style. This doesn't always work so well. They didn't have handheld movie cameras in 1947, so there's not too much realistic movement. The viewer feels somewhat anchored in place with the POV of a statue.

But I like this film regardless. It's a fun idea and they made a respectable attempt to create something different.

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>They didn't have handheld movie cameras in 1947,

But they did.

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>>13399 (Checked)*

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For shooting 35mm? Anyway they mostly used large heavy cameras for that movie.

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Oh well specify, handheld cameras for other films existed before then.

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 No.13341 [Open thread]

I might be a normie pleb, but I watched these two films on Netflix and they are terrific imo. What are some other kinos with heavy themes of death and morality?

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>Yes, I'd like you to make an actual argument on why Bergman is shit and on his films on the same level of the one op posted.

Bergman isn't shit, he's just overrated. You gave op a dud however. Even with the worst of 8chan we should still treat each other better than the best of Reddit.

>The whole point of this board was to discuss film without /tv/ childish attitude, then people like you who's only argument was muh normies came along and this place became slightly more pretentious /tv/.

That's not the point of /film/ otherwise I'm making a Troll 2 and MCU general to discuss it in a serious fashion.

>See you don't even want to fucking discuss stuff,

I do just not on garbage threads.

>you just came in call people normies and tell them to kill themself.

There's nothing wrong with bullying.

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File: a8cf42ebe8774d1⋯.mp4 (13.31 MB,712x480,89:60,Forest of Bliss.mp4)

So anyway I would recommend Forest of Bliss, which is a documentary about the holy city of Varanasi, India. Be warned I might be spoiling the documentary by explaining the background, since minimal explanation is given as you watch it. But Varanasi is a destination for many Hindus at the end of their life. They all wish to die in the city.

<In the ancient Hindu scripture, Matsya Purana, Lord Shiva says, “Varanasi is my most sacred place, the cause of liberation. All sins, which may have accumulated in thousands of previous lives, disappear if one dies here.”

So there's nothing quite like Varanasi in the rest of the world, a city where constant human death has been an integral part of the daily routine for centuries. Since death is desired, it's no longer tragic. However some scenes are rather unhygienic by our standards. Don't drink the Ganges.

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YouTube embed. Click thumbnail to play.


>They all wish to die in the city.

Reminds me of this Jon Ronson documentary Reverend Death. Ronson likes to follow around oddballs, and this time it's an assisted suicide minister. Most right-to-die advocates prefer to deal with terminally ill patients, but strictly avoid mentally ill or depressed people who are sick of living. Enter "Reverend Death", a man who will help just about anyone kill themselves.

I don't know if OP wanted this sort of thing but maybe someone else will be interested.

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>Dante's Inferno

It's a good silent fantasy film, a highlight of the early 1910's, but how did this film enhance your understanding of mortality?

>the best artists and intellectuals are not concerned with mortality they've already come to terms with death

They say this or you assume this? I don't think it's true. Even if it were, coming to terms with mortality does not preclude someone from ever again talking about, thinking about, learning about, or making films about death. Why should the mindset of these artists limit our own exploration of this issue?

A few more relevant documentaries.

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>They say this or you assume this?

I said that. They say the opposite.

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File: 1420536855504.jpg (1.98 MB,4160x2340,16:9,0106150131.jpg)

 No.2836 [Open thread]

Hey /film/, what is this image from? I was watching Historie(s) du Cinema and this came up, I know I've seen it before but can't quite place it. Any help would be appreciated, thanks
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>Historie(s) du Cinema

which part has this image?

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This site seems to list everything contained in the series. Click on the chapter to see a detailed summary with timestamps and films used


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How many of the clips used in this series reveal plot points?

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>I think the best way to look at these programs is to enter into the image without a single name or reference in your head. The less you know, the better.

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this still is from Coeur fidele (1923).

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File: ff6bc8a4014ad71⋯.jpg (60.31 KB,680x681,680:681,1528042143794.jpg)

 No.12640 [Open thread]

>According to Wiazemsky's 2007 novel Jeune Fille, she and Bresson developed a close relationship during the shooting of the film, although it was not consummated. On location they stayed in adjoining rooms and Wiazemsky said that "at first, he would content himself by holding my arm, or stroking my cheek. But then came the disagreeable moment when he would try to kiss me ... I would push him away and he wouldn't insist, but he looked so unhappy that I always felt guilty." Later Wiazemsky lost her virginity to a member of the film's crew, which she says gave her the courage to reject Bresson

>During the 1966 filming of Au Hasard Balthazar, director Robert Bresson proposed to her several times, though she refused.[9] In 1967, she married Jean-Luc Godard, and subsequently starred in several of his films; the marriage officially ended in divorce in 1979,[9] though the couple had already separated as early as 1970.[10]

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File: 686bb3858fd913d⋯.jpg (139.15 KB,800x1229,800:1229,6_robert-bresson-directing….jpg)

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> misery they inflicted on Reddit's favorite French film makers makes it so very amusing.

This being Bresson? Since when?

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I think I was talking about Godtard in that post when I said that.

The real question is why are you replying to a 3 month old post. And why am I replying.

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Yeah I was talking about Godtard since I said tedious misery.

I expect Bresson's pain to have been a quick stab to the heart while Godtard's was years of a terrible marriage slowly rotting him inside out.

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Idk, I was taking a look around this board and found that post that confused the fuck out of me I thought it was worth a shot


Based. Thank you.

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File: 1425458148485.jpg (127.12 KB,706x1000,353:500,concerning-violence.jpg)

 No.3646 [Open thread]

Our next Film Club features the newest film so far; it's come off the festival circuit for a wider release only a few months ago. Concerning Violence is also the first documentary to be featured for Film Club.

> Combining Swedish archival footage and audiovisual extracts from Frantz Fanon’s combustible 1962 tome, this is a sobering nine-part account of Africa’s struggle to emerge from the yoke of colonial oppression. Uncompromising, demanding and potently illuminating. ~~ David Parkinson, Empire

> It's a confrontational, direct and challenging piece of film-making; an illustrated lecture that muses on the legacy of European colonial rule in Africa and elsewhere and poses questions about cycles of power abuse and neo-colonialism. ~~ Wendy Idle, The Times



Your suggestions and opinions for upcoming Film Club selections are always welcome. Either comment here or in the proper thread: >>3564

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Does that song have a name? I found the full lyrics near the bottom of this page. https://nationstates.ermarian.net/jolt/1230/548711

South Africans probably had Lockean homesteading rights to their land. But from brief reading, it sounds like Rhodesia was already inhabited when Rhodes & co. arrived. True?

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So Frantz Fanon is respected ... why? Is it because feelgood intentions are more important than actual results? His ideas weren't good for much beyond kicking out colonialists. Fanon combined the mind cancer of intense self-pity with the economic cancer of Marxism. I'm unaware of many (or any) successful countries built upon those two principles. You could say Frantz Fanon is the Founding Father of shithole countries.

Botswana is one of the few African countries that's become successful in the past 50 years. Its policies of economic freedom are a far cry from Fanon's pity party Marxism.

Anyway Concerning Violence is remarkable because you get to hear the exact words that led to Africa's post-colonial failure. The director seems weirdly oblivious.

One thing that stuck out to me was the missionary scene. The missionaries were criticised for building a church instead of a hospital. I think the missionaries said something about trying to get the local population to be monogamous instead of having many wives (and dozens of kids). Outrageous zealotry from those Bible thumpers! And yet later we see hordes of pitiful souls during a guilt porn montage. But, why are there so many pitiful souls who cannot feed themselves? Could it be the unrestrained breeding the missionaries warned against?

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Necroposting but this might help future posters. the song i

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YouTube embed. Click thumbnail to play.


>Fuck, cat got on keyboard

Necroposting but this might help future posters. The song is "The UDI Song" by John Edmond. It seems to be a slowed down cover or something though.

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File: 418066c57c3d938⋯.png (634.82 KB,952x576,119:72,duel1.png)

File: bb5b7f5c3aaa567⋯.png (634.99 KB,952x576,119:72,duel2.png)

File: b4755edb4d8a0b7⋯.png (620.08 KB,952x576,119:72,duel3.png)

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File: 1ad19adde2151a8⋯.png (588.8 KB,952x576,119:72,duel5.png)


Yep, that's it.

UDI = Universal Declaration of Independence


I make note of films about Rhodesia because it's essentially a lost country. That makes it a mysterious place. Recently I noticed Duel in the Jungle starring Dana Andrews.

>An American insurance investigator is sent to Rhodesia to investigate the mysterious death of a diamond broker who drowned whilst diving off the coast. The broker was insured for $1 million so the insurers are suspicious.

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File: 1436741376233.jpg (378.95 KB,1000x1481,1000:1481,8chan_tv_inside_out_poster.jpg)

 No.5150 [Open thread]

Just watched this for the 3rd time and im going to watch it for a 4th time in a couple of days. Its been the first film in years that has made me feel emotions for the characters on screen, absolute genious and one of Pixar's greatest works. Heres to a sequel since i believe the can work with the concept a lot more if Disney dosent choke them on an pg only rating. Who else watched and liked/disliked it?

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What thread should i then use for this?

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It's not a huge deal really. Discussing in this thread is fine since you already made it. I was just trying to explain the board a little bit.

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Ahh, thanks anon

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File: 1449452379809.jpg (148.53 KB,1920x1080,16:9,Social Commentary Much.jpg)


'The Shell' (2014)>>>>Inside Out (2015)

One is simplistic on the surface yet layered with depth in 11 minutes which the other can't do with 90 extra minutes.

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garbage, moving on......

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 No.12951 [Open thread]

What directors, writers, actors, etc. do you consider to be geniuses? Pics related are the only two I can think of in this area. Also, what are "arguments" for the claim of someone being a genius? I can't rationally explain why I think or feel these two fit into this category, possibly because I'm going off a feeling more than an actual thought that has been poured over and meditated upon.

Another element to consider... I consider these two to be artistic geniuses, not necessarily "actual" geniuses, unless the two are the same?

Sorry for the blogpost style here and mix of thoughts. Ultimately, what do you think?

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Genius designation is a little subjective. Some recipients of the MacArthur "Genius Grant" are true morons.

Regarding film I put many people in the genius category - Buster Keaton, Leni Riefenstahl, Orson Welles, Sergei Parajanov, Raoul Ruiz, Zbigniew Rybczyński, Ennio Morricone...

I'm not exactly sure of the reasoning either, but I suppose genius indicates someone who is very talented, original, and perhaps influential. I think a film genius will have exceptional and unique creative vision combined with the ability to deliver on it.

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I agree with your choices for genius as well as your assessment on genius itself. I personally believe it to be a difference in connectivity to the Universe.

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File: 701e2cdc5300a1b⋯.jpg (10.95 KB,220x277,220:277,220px-David_Wark_Griffith_….jpg)

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 No.1892 [Open thread]

Do any of you own a film poster? If so from what film?

I would buy one but I am a poor fuck and don't like most film posters.
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lel, why?


I don't have any website recommendations. I own multiple original film posters but did not purchase them myself (inheritance). Rebecca, Casablanca, The Day the Earth Stood Still, Treasure of the Sierra Madre, Frankenstein, and Double Indemnity comprise my current collection.

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File: d32a761db8d245d⋯.jpg (2.61 MB,1500x2253,500:751,38895.jpg)


I am searching for a good western poster

I like this movie but like you say the poster is a different story

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File: 47c281dad410581⋯.jpg (1.49 MB,3264x2448,4:3,IMG_20170621_035349.jpg)

got lucky at the thrift store today!

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nice find

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I found it at a secondhand store, but it's pretty small and came with the DVD so it's nothing special. Still too embarrassed to hang the thing.

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 No.6032 [Open thread]

War films that emphasizes story and character arcs. The most aesthetically relevant, the better.

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Slaughterhouse Five

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> I've seen most of the other films mentioned in this thread

how about these? >>1274

the ascent is beautiful

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Lawrence of Arabia.

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Who in Ivans Childhood arched?

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File: e32a2aaab5c8a6d⋯.jpg (240.21 KB,1777x999,1777:999,Voyna i mir (1966).jpg)


>I would also like to watch more Russian war films in general.

No one mentioned one of the essentials!

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 No.13002 [Open thread]

Hi /film/, haven't been on here in a while but I'm glad to see the board still seems to be alive. I finished undergrad earlier this year and have had a pretty miserable experience looking for jobs since then, it seems like the good jobs are inaccessible and even the shit jobs require 2-4 years of experience. I've been giving more thought to grad school, probably in something film related (whether it be and MA or MFA). I don't really know where to start looking on which programs would be best, just on a quick glance it seems like Columbia, UCLA, UChicago, and AFI might be good choices for different sorts of film stuff. Does anyone have experience with film-related grad school?

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I like the UCLA campus. It's in a nice part of LA. I have no experience with their film program but it's probably very expensive if you live out of state.

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