


/film/ is a discussion board with a focus toward non-mainstream cinema.

To keep the board organized, please do not create duplicate threads. Search the board before starting a new thread and consider using an existing thread if your topic is related. Bumping old topics is great if you have something new to add.

Spam may be saged or deleted. You can buy ads at https://8ch.net/ads.html

A few helpful tips:

The board email is film [at] tutamail [dot] com

The 8chan archive is at https://archive.8ch.net/threads.html#!film . You can also view threads on the Internet Archive: http://web.archive.org/web/*/8ch.net/film/index.html

Posting statistics are at http://stats.4ch.net/8chan/displaytable.php?file=film

The RSS feed of recent threads is https://8ch.net/film/index.rss

To animate gifs, click Options in the upper right corner and select User JS. Paste and save the following code:

$('document').ready(function () {
var animateGif = function () {
if ($(this).children('img.post-image').attr('src') != '/static/spoiler.png')
$(this).children('img.post-image').attr('src', $(this).attr('href'));

$(document).on('new_post', function (e, post) {

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var getThreadInfo = function() {
var $post = $(this)
if ($post.attr('src').split('.')[$post.attr('src').split('.').length-1] == 'jpg') {
var url = $post.parent().attr('href').replace('html','json');
var newImage = ''
var threadJson = $.getJSON(url)
.done(function ( json) {
if (json.posts[0].ext === '.gif') {
newImage = 'https://' + window.location.host + '/' + board_name +'/src/' + json.posts[0].tim + json.posts[0].ext
$post.attr('src', newImage);
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var animateGif = function () {
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$(document).on('new_post', function (e, post) {