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 No.3582 [Open thread][Last50 Posts]

Post 'em if you got 'em

But maybe not the same Star Wars images that always show up
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Letting aside some mainstream shit, this is the best thread of the board.

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File: 31e67102e787ae8⋯.jpg (195.68 KB,1251x2000,1251:2000,o0kqz4korxf21.jpg)

Charles Bronson and his wife Jill Ireland, 1971

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Damn, mirin

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File: 10524a54bee9d51⋯.jpg (161.87 KB,1100x1200,11:12,bakshi.jpg)

BakshiStudio. New York, Early 70s.

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On the Silver Globe test photos

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File: cd56bdd0e94784c⋯.jpg (1.28 MB,1600x900,16:9,my dinner with andre.jpg)

 No.14586 [Open thread]

>Things don't affect people the way they used to. I mean it may very well be that 10 years from now people will pay $10,000 in cash to be castrated just in order to be affected by something

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File: 05946cc8f211225⋯.mp4 (12.33 MB,1196x720,299:180,We're bored.mp4)


Yeah Andre has some annoying traits, particularly his hippie-dippie quest for "meaning" and the significance he puts on those events. I think these stories reveal a lack of personal grounding. The neurotic self-reflection, perpetual jetsetting, and fashionable namedropping all indicate the amount of leisure time afforded by his upper class status. A poorer man like Wally (necessarily) has a completely different philosophy toward life.

Nonetheless, all of Andre's characteristics make him an interesting person. He has no shortage of brilliant insights along the way.

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I wonder what the point of it was since it's half the movie and he insufferably prattles on about it and maybe there was a point inside it until that itself was the point.

Andre is too high on spirit and will drive himself to insanity and obscurity because he has no ground to stand on and will become a lost delusional stagnant e.g. the hippies who never grew up and leftist boomers entrenched in pop esoterics. Also is this just another fad of his, does he really care about the serious topics he touched on or is it just a grand drama to him.

As for Wally he's weighted in material and cares for little beyond it, constantly worrying about money has sullied his spirit and now he clings to small and trite pleasures because he's been dejected so many times and lowered his expectations to a chemical stimuli level, practically no better than the stereotypical consumerist goy who's life is fine if he gets his pleasure. Never wondering about the benevolent spirit realm that can be reach in the material world.

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I wasn't sure where the story was going either, or why Wally had no real reaction to any of it (until much later). After sitting silently through 15 minutes of lunacy, his only response was something like "Gahhd, what else happened?" before going silent for another 15 minutes. That part felt like a monologue more than a conversation.

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Being polite and waiting for his turn to talk?

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I noticed Andre can barely go 10 minutes without making some kind of Nazi reference. He mentions communism too, but only to scoff at a priest who badmouthed it. Typical attitude of his ilk, yet it annoys me every time. I'm not someone who thinks Hitler dindu nuffin, but if a person is obsessed with the big bad Nazis while giving a pass to commies (w/ a much higher body count), I can't take their views on the matter seriously.

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File: 1440127321340.png (6.1 KB,209x219,209:219,fresh.png)

 No.5461 [Open thread]

What does /film/ think of Rotten Tomatoes and imbd scores?

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This seems pretty damn good. Certainly going to consult it more often in the future.

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I haven't read many of the reviews on letterboxd. I assume many of the reviews are amateurish because the userbase is mostly millennials.

A big part of Letterboxd is gaining followers. Since I don't care about followers, I prefer to use ICheckMovies for tracking my films. Status on ICM depends on how many films you've watched from major viewing lists. It's more about individual achievement than building a network.

....and I still miss the imdb forums ;_;

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They mean virtually nothing after 2011 2012 and never mean anything for a superhero movie.

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My favorites movies are usually those that have between 6 and 8 on IMDB.

Movies with a lower score are really bad, and those with an higher score are pretentious as fuck or are the standard hollywood oscar movie that everyone likes, which is ok but it never manages to fill my heart.

Rotten Tomato is basically leftists reviews, so I don't care about them.

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File: bb1fcf5231a0ba3⋯.png (281.63 KB,731x878,731:878,rt.png)

Annnnd it's only getting worse (not that I ever used this shitty site)

Now they're overtly ranking "essential" films based on tokenism and wokeness. Shocking I know. They claim their list is sorted by Tomatometer, but the percentages are not in the proper order.



An older version.


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File: 1465158908227.jpg (127.94 KB,720x960,3:4,deer happy as fuck - Kopie.jpg)

 No.7402 [Open thread]

Asking here, because it doesn't even have to be an action movie, but I just want to experience the typical tropes of adventure, mystery, exploration, treasure-hunting, etc

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YouTube embed. Click thumbnail to play.


>What's the macgyver actor made for TV movie about the scepter.

I was thinking of that too. I think this is it.

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File: 83435f36bd658d0⋯.webm (15.9 MB,512x212,128:53,QueenOfThePirates1960.webm)

Here's one! It's extreme low quality but the full movie!

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File: b0ed4362ba6318a⋯.jpg (127.22 KB,550x786,275:393,Frank_Buck_signed_photo.jpg)

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File: 1f11b1160bbb76b⋯.jpg (170.05 KB,519x771,173:257,MV5BYjEzOGVmMmMtNmRlZi00NT….jpg)


The main character "Frank Buck" was actually a real person.


<Frank Howard Buck (March 17, 1884 – March 25, 1950) was an American hunter, animal collector, and author, as well as a film actor, director, and producer. Beginning in the 1910s he made many expeditions into Asia for the purpose of hunting and collecting exotic animals, bringing over 100,000 live specimens back to the United States and elsewhere for zoos and circuses and earning a reputation as an adventurer. He co-authored seven books chronicling or based on his expeditions, beginning with 1930's Bring 'Em Back Alive, which became a bestseller. Between 1932 and 1943 he starred in seven adventure films based on his exploits, most of which featured staged "fights to the death" with various wild beasts.

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I like this longform article regarding Gunga Din vs. Indian Jones.


The author says Gunga Din is the best adventure movie ever made. I disagree on that point, but I'm not sure what I would choose instead. Maybe something like Die Niebelungen if that qualifies.

And he is more negative on Indiana Jones than I am, but it's fun to read anyway.

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File: 207e6e1c9c101f8⋯.jpg (72.22 KB,520x794,260:397,Man Who Would Be King, The.jpg)

Two British Freemasons and former soldiers trek their way to the enigmatic Kafiristan to take over the entire region and rule as kings, at least as planned.

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 No.8769 [Open thread]

What are some good art house sci-fi films /film/?

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YouTube embed. Click thumbnail to play.

Chris Marker's Sans Soleil and La Jetée are big classics.

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File: b2ee56ff4d171b3⋯.png (435.67 KB,640x480,4:3,z28KIIm.png)


>George Lucas was inspired by Pavel Klushantsev's films

Is there evidence that Lucas saw those films? Was it even possible for him to watch them?

If I had to guess, I would say the Soviets just did something similar much earlier.

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Invidious embed. Click thumbnail to play.

New scifi film High Life from Claire Denis, her first in English

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File: eabcf4937e9d0ce⋯.jpg (90.47 KB,594x418,27:19,rant.jpg)


Has anyone seen it yet? I've heard mostly positive reactions.

Also I'm glad Claire hasn't bought into the W O K E horsehit.

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 No.72 [Open thread][Last50 Posts]

best film of the year thread
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File: 1430119696332.jpg (135.42 KB,1280x720,16:9,from-what-is-before.jpg)

Mubi has a free stream of Lav Diaz's From What Is Before (2014) on their site until May 23:


> We’re exclusively showing the most recent winner of the Locarno Film Festival’s top prize, the Golden Leopard. Vividly shot in black and white, acclaimed auteur Lav Diaz’s graceful rural drama intertwines multiple storylines across its epic runtime to reflect on the Philippines in a time of turmoil.

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>that love for Tarkovsky

Alright, I think it's time I start watching Diaz's films.

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Cool, my old account from The Auteurs still works

I need to log in more. Do they always have a lot of free movies to stream?

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File: 7848237afd9257a⋯.jpg (31.16 KB,620x387,620:387,3508783.jpg)

I didn't watch any new movies this year or last so for 2017 mine is season 3 of Twin Peaks.

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Good post. Twin Peaks The Return was the best of 2017.

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 No.1208 [Open thread][Last50 Posts]

What does /film/ think of anime film?

Personal I never cared for a lot of them, found some studio ghibli films charming but have never come across something I would recommend to a friend.
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Pretty close.

Since we're talking charts, here's one of the better ones I've found. It's a good mix of more and less mainstream stuff and I'm mostly posting it as an excuse to recommend Night on the Galactic Railroad.


He wrote Jin-Roh but was too busy with GitS to direct it.

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It was alright.

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YouTube embed. Click thumbnail to play.


There's a plethora of short films worth a watch. One I can think off the top of my head are Cat Soup and Cencoroll. You'll find something good if you look for it, either or, you don't waste too much time anyways. Many of anime's quirks can be the most endearing condensed. And in its condensed form, you'll find somethings underground and untouched from modern trappings. Trappings that aren't necessarily bad if you like their novelty.

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YouTube embed. Click thumbnail to play.


Good taste, here's a documentary on the creator. That movie wasn't made by her by the way, she only made the shorts and manga AFAIK.

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>Many of anime's quirks can be the most endearing condensed

Interesting idea, and it kind of makes sense. The trailers often seem so much better than the features turn out to be.

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 No.11143 [Open thread]

Would it be morally just watching the highest tier films while eating McDonalds.

Also this isn't shitposting, I'm dead serious and need your opinions, I eat it weekly and may as well enjoy it with great movies.

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I tried it yesterday, it was pretty good, so was the film, I'll try it later today as well if I'm still awake, or alive, hopefully neither.

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Jokes on you I'm behind a proxy.

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The only patrician thing to do is smoke while in kino.

I usually smoke when watching on tv too

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i prefer to not eat while watching a movie. i also always add subtitles so i can catch every word they are saying for the full experience.

you should eat in silence.

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 No.6541 [Open thread]

Hey /film/, given the significant role of Jews in American and European film making over the years, why do you guys think Israeli cinema is so inconsequential by comparison?

Post good films from Israel if you know any.

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>but it functions as reaction and it functions good imo.

Just like the tool, it depends on the man behind them but in the case of deconstructivism it's a specific ideology that has been used almost solely to cause reaction, the function part, at least from the buildings i've been, is poor because it's a normal system only slightly modified to support a fancy shell, which is the primary tool to visualize an idea thus create an emotion, because even the interiors are not that livid. I'm not a die hard functionalist, in fact i tend to dislike their contemporary proponents for ignoring such basic things as views (panoramic or simply light entries) but one needs to justify certain things when they are more than half of the project's budget, because we also need to take into our client might not be on the same page as our ideology.

>fatalist reaction on ever increasing alienation

The movement started somewhat benign, back when it was still called post-modernism and was almost solely a movement to make fun of the strict and sterile rules of the modern way, just like you said, a reaction to the architecture that had been degenerating itself. Robert Venturi being this way's principal advocate due to his terrorist projects which actually started having a justification (his mother's high tastes and low budget) until he went loony with stuff like putting a giant column in front of a main entrance because "why can't i do it if i'm this project's god?". One of the actual decent post-modernists would be Mario Botta, but anyways in terms of the form+function of the deconstructivism i can attest to:

You have the Walt Disney concert hall in Los Angeles, California in which the form only functions in the hall itself with the ceiling in catenary but the walling gets shafted due to the same irregularity thus having to place fake walls to create the optimal geometry for the acoustics, the rest of the public building is average steel beams+columns in orthogonal arrange that have small overlaps that create the supports for the shell made of some kind of alloy that blinds the shit out of you from the near highway and 2 street-level roads in most months not summer when thePost too long. Click here to view the full text.

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I think i dragged on too much, what i meant to say is that the vast majority of deconstructivism is just the same old modern architecture made to support a distinctive outer image to either bring views and interest, make itself a landmark or place a strong message from its creators; It's just as, if not more, corporativist in its full extreme than the good old International Style. And it was always like that, since its conception in the mid-80's its most famous examples go to such lengths that it cripples even the most basic functions that it was meant to improve thus making the whole thing a joke as the strict functionalism becomes a preferred alternative. Zaha Hadid made IMO the most interesting projects but she also suffered from lack of maintenance factor and high costs for no reason, but she made, or at least her 300-men studio, very kicking interiors that did reflect the nature of the project (even when they were almost useless in some cases, see Firefighter Station turned into a museum just 2 years after build). And the original post-modernism has been retconned to be late-modernism but with more aesthetic liberties and "artist's share".

Of course that's only my opinion on the subject, i seem to be a little hard on the jewish aspect but it's a fact that most of the projects in this form of building are from jewish architects for jewish clients. Who knows what the correlation is between the ideology of deconstructing/destructing established objects, manufacturing from thin-air points of cultural interest and lots of money for the sudden betterment of areas which at the end get erased or ignored from the project.

Polite sages due to off-topic content or is it


You can improve it by expanding it with your knowledge.

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why so hostile tho

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>just like the tool, it depends on the man behind them

In this case it doesn't I think when it comes to deconstructivism. Its very nature is outraging, even more to the target, the man-machine. The only problem is when it becomes mild or widespread, so that people get used to it, and then it's already not deconstructivism per se. Which may be a problem of today tho, that it has been weirdly incorporated into the Style without the important parts and with consenting architects and only serves as usually Style does, as a twisted catalyst for revolution.


I hate 'form follows function' and like 'I don't do function'. Even in more sane times when the world doesn't resemble panopticum, I would be opposed to it. People are useless. Our existence has no other function but to live. Functionalism seems to me like exposure-related superstition which, like all human-induced styles that speak of efficiency or ubermenschen or shit like that, fail because it was invented with mind set on such things; even the thought of it is failure.

Anyway, I'm too much influenced by anarchists to not at least think 'function follows form'.

Not to say that I live in post-communist country, so the cheap, bumbling functionalism is everywhere I can see.

>"Why can't I do it if I'm this project's god?"

Systemic godlessness is better than systemic, systematic and systematizing god.

>but the walling gets shafted due to the same irregularity thus having to place fake walls to create the optimal geometry for the acoustics

>some kind of alloy that blinds the shit out of you from the near highway and 2 street-level roads in most months not summer when the sun angle is not 80+

That's also purpose of deconstructivism in my eyes, to some extent, to ostensively not work.

>the music sheets... a mere touristic landmark

Showcase of capitalism I say, the absolute ugliness of shallowness. Even if it wasn't intended, it works against them.

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Probably because they're all in Hollywood.

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File: 3fdd24e96d1746a⋯.jpg (25.95 KB,639x426,3:2,SM1.jpg)

 No.10417 [Open thread]

Hey /film/ !

In your opinion, what are the best (and worst) genre combinations ?

Say you are searching a large collection of films using genre tags alone....what tags will return the most interesting results ?

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Oh right I remember watching that film. It was boring as hell but the whole Dali thing made up for it, that autist.

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File: 5dabbbcebaa7dbd⋯.png (1.87 MB,1366x768,683:384,lapp hut.png)

War comedy is a genre that hasn't had any downright bad movies yet and not widely attempted. Pic is from the Cuckoo, a Finn deserter and Russian sent to be executed reside in a Lapp's house in which none of them understand each other, the camera work was better than expected. There was also a jewlywood movie starring Jonah Hill about an arms dealing company during the Iraq War, it was decent.

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File: 68b60ac9e3c00bc⋯.jpg (54.05 KB,470x305,94:61,bored.jpg)

last night i watched Dark Star which is labeled frequently as a "sci-fi comedy" (one of the main reasons why i avoided watching it when i first heard of it), but to me it came across as a sci-fi movie with comedic elements, it wasn´t a full blown out comedy like Spaceballs which i found very pleasant

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I don't even like John Carpenter much but Dark Star is great. Maybe you noticed it's a lot like Alien.

Other Scifi Comedies I enjoy are Brazil and Kin-Dza-Dza

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i think you could combine found footage with many genres and it end up pretty good. i’d like to see a found footage crime drama someday..

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File: cdb38fc2d7def47⋯.jpg (Spoiler Image,351.13 KB,1542x772,771:386,jean-luc-godard.jpg)

 No.14235 [Open thread]

Why does this board hate Gotard so much?

I don't like the guy myself beside some brief strokes of interesting formal and stylistic choices, but I'm interested in your opinion because I don't feel like I'm able to put it into words.

His movies strike as more interesting to explain than to watch and are all more commentaries on film (hypocritical, dishonest and short handed at that) than actual film. There is 0 beside some formal choices (at best) or some gimmicks (at worst). Also the guy was a fucking cunt eveyone hated him.

Yet while I understand why he was loved and so trendy in the 60-70 (now he's just irrelevant altrough I much prefer late video Gotard than early)I don't understand why he's still loved now.

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>his movies strike as more interesting to explain than to watch and are all more commentaries on film

I consider his early works filmopedia.

>hypocritical, dishonest and short handed at that

Agree, but is there alternative? At least it's fun.


I don't know anybody who loves him. Most hate him and some acknowledge his work while hating him.


And? This is pretty much what everyone should do if one were him. Breton would pat him on the back.

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>Why does this board hate Gotard so much?

alt-right board what the hell you expected anon

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alt-right never heard of such alien word like "art"

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>alt-right board

Not really. If you don't like someone's opinion, why not rebut instead of dismissing it

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I think "alt-right" only discuss about jews and interracial sex. Old movies? Nah.

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File: 1411436006715.png (29.4 KB,900x1113,300:371,raven.png)

 No.855 [Open thread][Last50 Posts]

In this thread I will post links to interesting looking films from KG.

You can post too, but if they look like crap I will call you out on your shit taste.
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>so where is the freelech

cg and tik

this thread says

2018 FL started Tuesday the 16th

2017 FL started Friday the 13th

maybe kg will start in a couple days

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File: 6021d2ef388384a⋯.png (45.52 KB,638x492,319:246,gkdFv6.png)

File: e14ea73fdbd5d63⋯.jpg (386.72 KB,733x572,733:572,Empire.jpg)

The talk about Mekas in another thread made me think of Empire since he was involved with shooting it. There's this nice comment on karagarga about a screening of the complete version, a fun read for those of us who won't get to see it or wouldn't want to devote that amount of time


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File: 57a08a25a56e0a6⋯.png (29.68 KB,696x189,232:63,fl.png)


This weekend (maybe)

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it started

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File: f27867309dd1fff⋯.png (606.95 KB,706x568,353:284,1981.png)

It looks like they starting having a short freeleech on upgraded torrents. Neat.

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File: 7d2de28ffb07a8f⋯.jpg (55.05 KB,800x533,800:533,bela-tarr.jpg)

 No.8120 [Open thread]

>Realizes he has no ambition left and or the current state of capitalism is making it exceedingly difficult to make what he wants

>Actually has the balls to quit

>meanwhile "masters" like Herzog and Bertolucci are still putting out forgettable film after forgettable film.

Is he our guy?

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Fuckin hell, that's too cynical. I'd say there's largely one reason to make any kind of art, which is that it's fun. One may have other motivating factors,sure. But if it's a drag, there's easier ways to make money or stroke one's ego.

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File: 228cc7b127e5847⋯.jpg (54.17 KB,570x400,57:40,1554907355252_0570x0400_15….jpg)

So much for retirement

Béla Tarr to premiere new film Missing People at this summer’s Wiener Festwochen

<After funding troubles forced the shutdown of his innovative film school, the film.factory (located in Sarajevo, Bosnia and Herzegovina), Tarr has gradually been reemerging as a working artist.


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Is this an actual feature length movie or is it a short? Because if it's the latter, then it isn't the first time he's made one after retiring.

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>Is he our guy?

Is not even among the great filmmakers. Move on, anon.

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>He knows not to go on too long

Well done.

Since lack of funding is mentioned twice in this thread, would you say meager funding is part of the reason Bela Tarr developed the style of longer takes? More cuts means more time means more money.

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File: 1411304007342.png (1.03 MB,539x1002,539:1002,dislikedclassics.png)

 No.329 [Open thread][Last50 Posts]

ITT classic movies that you didn't understand the hype for. Pic related, my ones (Les 400 Coups, Battleship Potemkin and The African Queen), also a lot of Hitchcocks films. Can anyone explain what makes these more than just pretty good? And what classics did you lot not really get?
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After watching Star Wars episode IV I was feeling like: "Is that all?" I had expected far more from the famous series... Episodes V and VI were more enjoyable (I didn't have too much of a problem with the Ewoks) but I don't count them among my favorite movies.

I didn't like The African Queen that much, either. Really bland and boring.

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>destroying my image of Bogart as suave, Mr. Cool

Sure thats Boagart's biggest draw, but he could act differently too. Treasure of the Sierra Madre has him play a complete schizo.

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>Star Wars episode IV

I don't think I've even watched all of it. Maybe I saw the final (?) flight on TV once. Empire Strikes Back was the first I saw. Return of the Jedi was the last I saw.

I'm sure the enormous Star Wars hype affects your enjoyment.

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File: adfcabd112c8606⋯.jpg (188.71 KB,960x1296,20:27,diary-of-a-country-priest-….jpg)

And I fucking love Bresson. He's the greatest of all time for me. I have the deepest admiration for every single frame and sound he put on a screen.

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File: 8fa3a98352d3379⋯.jpg (83.65 KB,550x383,550:383,cetait-un-rendez-vous-merc….jpg)

What's the most you've been disappointed by an old movie, /film/?

For me it has to be C'etait un rendezvous by Claude Lelouch.

I'd heard of it in the past, and read Jeremy Clarkson's opinion on it, and assumed it would be the craziest shit I'd ever see in terms of driving. So I watched it, and I get that it's significant, but it is massively overrated, mostly due to its age and the fact it was unscripted. Also there's a couple parts where he's clearly slowing down/cruising, yet the sound implies he's getting faster. That made the dub far more obvious and ruined the immersion on the whole. The fact that Lelouch has lied many times about the film should have discredited it long ago.

>Claims to have got up to 230 km/h during filming

>Researchers calculate he couldn't have gone any faster than 140 at the beginning; rest fluctuated around 100

>Claims the car was driven by an F1 racer

>Turns out it was himself all along

And forget about the car itself being a Merc, there is no evidence to suggest Lelouch even owned a 275 GTB to begin with. There is not a single photo of him next to the car, and some have even put forth the theory the sounds were ripped from the 1971 film Le Mans, though I've heard it and to me there's a definite difference between the V12 of the 330 and the V12 of the 275.

If you want unscripted high-speed car driving with real risk of accidents, watch some later footage of Japanese street racers on the Wangan, or touge drifting. Or hell, just watch some Group B onboard videos of 1980s rally

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File: 58133c5b34e97d2⋯.jpg (88.07 KB,500x333,500:333,climax.jpg)

 No.14228 [Open thread]

I've been trying to find information about the real story of dancers going insane, which the movie Climax is based on but couldn't find a shit. Anyone else interested in the topic who knows something about it?

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It does a good job at portraying the emptiness and alienation of modern age, with the camera flying over peoples' heads, showing all the filth that happens in private, but generally I agree, this movie is too long to watch while sober.

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File: 8519b17fbfa40d0⋯.png (3.1 MB,1920x808,240:101,climax.png)

Climax might have been based on a real story of a party where the punch was spiked. But I doubt there was so much chaos in any real world events.

This movie is a depiction of societal breakdown. In the first half the precise choreography would have you believe that everyone is in perfect harmony. But a mild disturbance tears apart the social fabric, leading to mob behavior and tribalism. Maybe this breakdown mirrors what's been happening in France -- there's a huge French flag looming in the room where most of the action takes place.

I noticed the typical Gaspar Noe protagonist is David. His short hair and cocky attitude resembled the lead actors of previous Noe films. In the second half David is completely impotent - beat up, called a Nazi by the black dancers, he loses his girlfriend to a lesbian, and a gay man tries to seduce him.

Now how many trannies were presented as female characters? I would say at least two - Gazelle and Emmanuelle. That shit creeps me out.

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So did the Cohen brothers. It's a troll meant to turn eyes and fool dummies like you

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File: 7dbdbdd95c79754⋯.jpg (125.51 KB,570x881,570:881,il_570xN.458500825_fb4o.jpg)


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File: 5396144602731d3⋯.jpg (8.29 KB,238x192,119:96,apu pepe.jpg)

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