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 No.72 [View All]

best film of the year thread
67 posts and 9 image replies omitted. Click [Open thread] to view. ____________________________
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I think it is too. "Boring" and "pretentious" are copouts as well.
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mah nigga
where my vulgar auterists at
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>vulgar auteurism
Why can't people just watch good films? Why do they search for ways to justify watching garbage?
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Get hype for RE6
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They don't, it's a mubi inside joke that some plebs from /tv/ took seriously.
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I see
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i already am m8
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nice dubs, m8
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why so pleb
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Yesterday I saw Winter Sleep in a midnight session. I think I already have my candidate for film of the year along with Under the Skin. For anybody having the opportunity, I strongly recommend it. A great piece of cinema.
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I get your objection to the whole black and white thing, but ya gotta remember 'white guilt' is way more of an inherently american concept. I saw Intouchables as more of a comment on french social class.
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It is out on DVD and Bluray I believe
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← this
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La distancia | Història de la meva mort | Que ta joie demeure

Xi You | 15 corners of the world | Concerning Violence

Belleville Baby | Manakamana | White Shadow

Pays barbare | Quand je serai dictateur | Trudno byt bogom

Jauja | Huba | Mary Is Happy, Mary Is Happy

Atlas | Mouton | Boreg

E Agora? Lembra-me | La vie réelle: sans défense | Adieu au langage

Les tourmentes | L'étrange couleur des larmes de ton corps | Mes sept lieux
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am I the only one who spent the year watching new blurays of old movies?
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I only watched a single film from this year. around 90% of what I watched was pre 1980.
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I haven't seen a single film released this year..I'll view Ida and Leviathan soon though.
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Ida and Leviathan both look interesting to me, as does Manakamana.

I've seen a total of 5 films from 2013 and only one from 2014.

I do plan to watch this neo-giallo, even if it's not great. I like the fetish for retro style found in Amer and Berberian Sound Studio, even if the substance was light at times.
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I think this guy is holding out on us. I noticed a new version of this image on plebchan yesterday.

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a lot of nice films come online recently, several of which i expect to end up in my top 20 but here is what it is atm
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Wow, some really great taste shown here
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complete shite
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Did you watch both cuts of Nympho?

I still need to revisit At Berkeley. It was excellent from the 90 minutes I saw on public television.
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if you are talking to me yeah i watched both and theatrical, i'm sad to say, was better
i might have thought differently if i'd seen dc first but i really feel that in the dc pacing is obliterated and the few new scenes are truly unnecessary and i wouldn't say that lightly about something filmed by lars
the extent of my aversion to the dc though when i am so in love with lvt makes me think it's probably to do with the fact that i had watched the theatrical sooo many fucking times that any departure from it was always going to feel wrong
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you aren't supposed to watch either cut of nymphomaniac, if you do, you actively support nazism
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are you the same person i spoke to
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i am as much of a nazi as lars is
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Thanks, that's what I was wondering. I haven't seen either and planned to get the director's cut, but I may rethink that.
I recently saw the extended version of Profondo Rosso and the added scenes just made it drag.
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if you like the theatrical a lot it's worth a watch for fun but yeah it's worse imo
there's a nice scene with gainsbourg with some natural full frontal nudity
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I thought this board was kill.
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it can be slow sometimes but people are still here.
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the edge
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the stupidity
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Welcome to the 11th Senses of Cinema World Poll.

Unlike most other end of year polls, this one does not result in an aggregated “top 10 of the year” list. That is not the point of the poll. Rather, we wish to present a snapshot of the favourite films of Senses readers, contributors and friends (mostly international programmers, critics, filmmakers and cinephiles).

Yes the parameters may be looser – we encourage submissions of older films, for example, firmly believing that such viewing keeps cinephilia alive and is always in dialogue with contemporary film viewing. Perhaps occasionally things may seem almost chaotic. But this reflects the heterogeneity of international film-going.

Lastly, while many lists reflect what was released in cinemas through official distribution channels, it is exciting to see lists from all over the world that resonate strongly with the cinephile’s innate hunger for discovery. Many entries continue to include works seen on TV or the Internet. And a more open embrace of these aesthetic tendencies spills over into some of the films themselves, not the least in the multi-textural and allusive Adieu au langage by Jean-Luc Godard, perhaps the film that appears the most times in the Poll.
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well there it is
13 is a film called phantom power, it is on kg and it is excellent
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What do you mean by "part of filmography"?
I get the impression that Godard needs to be seen in 3D to be fully appreciated.
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i watch a lot of filmographies and i always do them chronologically, so i haven't seen norte and adieu because i'm not up to date with their films
about 3d i am concerned that it would be wrong to see adieu not in 3d but i will cross that bridge when i come to it
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Ah okay. I've tried to do that too with a few directors, but often get derailed by shiny new blurays from later parts of the filmography.
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Nice call, this does sound pretty goddamn cool…

Created at irregular intervals, Pierre Léon’s small oeuvre oscillates between experimental home movie and theatrical mise-en-scène, found footage and documentary assemblages. PHANTOM POWER is a kind of sum of these rich and lavish efforts, a poetic series of cinematic fragments, an inventory of his cinematic output. What unfolds between russian folk songs and Ingrid Caven’s singing, between micro-dramas and found footage, is the poetic world of this wayward and still unknown artist, whose discovery and recognition is long overdue.
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i think i would comfortably recommend it to everyone
if you like lang there is something very special there

yeah it can be difficult to decide what to do but if i have decided i am going to watch someone's films chronologically i will stick to it. supposing adieu turned out to be godard's last film i would want to have seen everything else he did beforehand first, that's what the chronology thing is really about to me
when you have seen films like turin horse and offret it becomes difficult not to treat everything new like it may be the last and think that you should be anticipating a farewell from one of your favourite filmmakers
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I think you missed the turn at interacial cuckville a few miles back cuckboi.
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how long will these be remembered?

it's a collection of 6/10s for the most part

i expected more from that oh-so-enigmatic image
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Mubi has a free stream of Lav Diaz's From What Is Before (2014) on their site until May 23:


> We’re exclusively showing the most recent winner of the Locarno Film Festival’s top prize, the Golden Leopard. Vividly shot in black and white, acclaimed auteur Lav Diaz’s graceful rural drama intertwines multiple storylines across its epic runtime to reflect on the Philippines in a time of turmoil.

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>that love for Tarkovsky

Alright, I think it's time I start watching Diaz's films.

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Cool, my old account from The Auteurs still works

I need to log in more. Do they always have a lot of free movies to stream?

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I didn't watch any new movies this year or last so for 2017 mine is season 3 of Twin Peaks.

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Good post. Twin Peaks The Return was the best of 2017.

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