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File: 1411436006715.png (29.4 KB,900x1113,300:371,raven.png)

 No.855 [View All]

In this thread I will post links to interesting looking films from KG.

You can post too, but if they look like crap I will call you out on your shit taste.
77 posts and 16 image replies omitted. Click [Open thread] to view. ____________________________
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>public trackers

There are similar private sites too, maybe a little easier to join: Secret Cinema, ILoveClassics, Cinematik, Cinemageddon, Gormogon...

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Pass the popcorn is good too

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yeah, it probably has the biggest overall selection

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Hate to beg, but I wouldn't mind an invite to any of these.

I've been trying to get into any tracker that has something other than mainstream cinema, to no avail

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File: 1463069210332.jpg (228.54 KB,809x867,809:867,sc.jpg)


no problem, i sent you one to this site

see if you like it

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Really like it. Thanks a bunch

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Oh boy

Sitewide freeleech active! Ends in 3d 23h 5m

Recent news


Twelfth Birthday Newyear Freeleech

You're all amazing, thanks for creating, seeding and watching the KG archive over these past 12 years. A happy 2017 to each and every user

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File: e63b97dc85bde87⋯.png (172.68 KB,640x480,4:3,4.png)

So post more interesting links/films like the OP said

First I will review uploads from ronnie and endrju. Lately they've made a lot of nice mkv upgrades

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hey I'd like an invite if anyone has one to spare, preferably for KG. I can provide profile on other trackers

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À propos de Venise is worse than something downloaded at random

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File: f855deae9a0eff9⋯.png (1.78 MB,1280x720,16:9,JB1flG.png)

File: 330512255217874⋯.png (1.85 MB,1280x720,16:9,2wBzix.png)

File: 16c2308b3795bee⋯.png (1.49 MB,1280x720,16:9,j555Wc.png)

File: 11bfc578caa13ed⋯.png (777.26 KB,1280x720,16:9,bZNwDS.png)

File: 5c3a774984d0e24⋯.png (1.1 MB,1280x720,16:9,NV3PNH.png)

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Hey does KaraGarga have the UHD remux/full 4KBD file of Malick's Song to Song?

If so, can I have an invite? I can give you an invite to MySpleen.

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File: 66268e381e240b6⋯.png (293.75 KB,912x750,152:125,song2song.png)


Well I'm already on myspleen :). But kg doesn't focus too much on HD. I don't know if they have any UHD yet. It is not there.

HDBits focuses on HD and UHD, but it is not there either. Only bluray and rips.

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Welp, thanks for checking. I have a Blu Ray ripper, but I really want to see a UHD Malick movie.

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Do you have a large tv or projector? Can you see much difference between UHD and HD?

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I have a 34~ inch 1440p ultrawide curved IPS monitor.

I have not compared a full UHD rip with a full HD rip of the same movie, but I have watched some 4K remuxes (though i'm pretty sure all the ones i've watched so far have been 2K upscales) and i've seen a slight uptick in detail, but also a slight uptick in compression artifacts.

My display is not HDR or 10-bit though.

And sense the Song to Song UHD is not 10 bit or HDR, just higher res, it sure have more detail without any more compression artifacts.

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> sure


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Freeleech incoming? I expect it this weekend as cinematik is winding down.

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Taking their sweet time this year.

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Yep I was wrong. Last year I recall overlapping FLs with kg and tik, so I figured they would add some space this time.

I thought they had it all planned out. But in fact today a mod says "Don't know what the final decision will be" so apparently it's still being debated!

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File: ccd08616346869c⋯.jpg (147.17 KB,768x480,8:5,dl7iRok.jpg)

KG Freeleech is on - for a whole week!

Server is getting hit hard, 504s abound

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thats what you get when you don't do any development for years

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Anon, what movie is that?

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it's a polish horror movie called Medium

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I can't even get the site to load...

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How is it? I'm not familiar with the film.

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It's okay, not too bad but not great either. Mainly I liked that screencap.

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File: 4abaf1f283d09b2⋯.png (194.71 KB,512x416,16:13,L'uomo, la bestia e la vir….png)

Their goal is to open invites again in 2018. Power Users will get one invite per month instead of one per week. New invitees must meet a minimum activity threshold TBD.

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File: 8ea702cfd80a698⋯.gif (3.33 MB,480x360,4:3,suspiciousbballplaya.gif)


So, the hunt begins soon?

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File: 014c74bce582bdf⋯.jpg (130.53 KB,1280x544,40:17,Winnetou 1. Teil.jpg)


One of these months I'd say. Someone has volunteered to code the new invite system, so it depends on how quickly he finishes.

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File: 947090650e91a3e⋯.png (13.17 KB,771x390,257:130,kg invites.png)



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File: a5eb005328d128b⋯.gif (154.98 KB,500x500,1:1,a5eb005328d128bd4f89bc62df….gif)



I only have a single invite from a general tracker everybody already owns

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Could you spare one for me brother?

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Hey are you the guy who talked about making custom subtitles? Send me an email.

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Yes, being straight-faced honest with you, i saved Apando's subtitles for later, but still i stopped midway to make the Tunco ones.

Was going to make a Tiburoneros one next, but somebody won me at Cinematik like a month ago.

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Can we get back to recommendations?

There will probably be a Karagarga freeleech before too long.

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I recommend loading your client early because the site will probably go down if FL happens. As for specific titles I'm going to refer to this list if I get stuck: https://www.imdb.com/list/ls003566880/

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File: 34912f78cbf0472⋯.jpg (242.32 KB,666x663,222:221,kgvice.jpg)

Vice discovers KG in 2019

(They are very edgy in case you didn't know.)


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>“They’re very strict,” he explained. “They have this thing called ratio, where you have to maintain [your uploads and downloads] in an average proportion of three to one. Meaning that, if you download a film, you have to share three others. If you download eight films, you have to share 24. If you don’t maintain that ratio, you’re out.”

Saying this trash in 2019 with HDD drives for 20 bucks is just pure victimism. Glad for his job as a teacher, btw.

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>Glad for his job as a teacher

Lol, I'm just wondering about the invite-only Spanish forum he visits. Isn't there one called CineClasico or something like that. The one I found first is https://www.cineforum-clasico.org/forum/index.php but everything is shared publicly.

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Probably refering to Patio de Butacas: http://www.patiodebutacas.org

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File: 1aebf5915735b93⋯.png (737.89 KB,700x574,50:41,Sylvie.png)


You might be right. Is it a good forum?

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Don't have an account there but people had a good opinion about it, mostly DVDrips from old spanish movies, I suppose.

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so where is the freelech

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>so where is the freelech

cg and tik

this thread says

2018 FL started Tuesday the 16th

2017 FL started Friday the 13th

maybe kg will start in a couple days

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File: 6021d2ef388384a⋯.png (45.52 KB,638x492,319:246,gkdFv6.png)

File: e14ea73fdbd5d63⋯.jpg (386.72 KB,733x572,733:572,Empire.jpg)

The talk about Mekas in another thread made me think of Empire since he was involved with shooting it. There's this nice comment on karagarga about a screening of the complete version, a fun read for those of us who won't get to see it or wouldn't want to devote that amount of time


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File: 57a08a25a56e0a6⋯.png (29.68 KB,696x189,232:63,fl.png)


This weekend (maybe)

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it started

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File: f27867309dd1fff⋯.png (606.95 KB,706x568,353:284,1981.png)

It looks like they starting having a short freeleech on upgraded torrents. Neat.

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