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File: 1467363138108.jpg (316.89 KB,1530x615,102:41,2016_.jpg)

 No.7524 [Open thread][Last50 Posts]

Hello posters of /film/, we are halfway through 2016, what are your favourite movies you've seen this year so far?

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File: 454e3dbd22bacb6⋯.jpg (105.22 KB,500x250,2:1,Nocturama_500.jpg)

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File: 0e9101dcff26446⋯.jpg (139.02 KB,600x441,200:147,image001.jpg)

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File: b4c5bbf34273594⋯.jpg (522.69 KB,751x517,751:517,Burger-King-Kids-Club-burg….jpg)


> Nocturama

That looks like "The Burger King Kids Club Declares Jihad"

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To me it seems that was the point, the bad acting i mean.

Audio amd visuals were great, long time since I've seen something so interesting to "experience", just that aspect makes it worth it.

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The Handmaiden was pretty good

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TSPDT's 25 Most Critically-Acclaimed Films of 2016 (based on 2016 end-of-year ballots only)

1. MOONLIGHT Barry Jenkins


3. MANCHESTER BY THE SEA Kenneth Lonergan

4. LA LA LAND Damien Chazelle

5. ELLE Paul Verhoeven

6. PATERSON Jim Jarmusch

7. HELL OR HIGH WATER David Mackenzie

8. CERTAIN WOMEN Kelly Reichardt

9. THE HANDMAIDEN Park Chan-wook

10. O.J.: MADE IN AMERICA Ezra Edelman

11. AMERICAN HONEY Andrea Arnold

12. ARRIVAL Denis Villeneuve

13. I. DANIEL BLAKE Ken Loach

14. CAMERAPERSON Kirsten Johnson

15. LOVE & FRIENDSHIP Whit Stillman

16. EVERYBODY WANTS SOME!! Richard Linklater

17. JACKIE Pablo Larraín

18. THINGS TO COME Mia Hansen-Løve

19. I AM NOT YOUR NEGRO Raoul Peck

20. THE WITCH Robert Eggers

21. JULIETA Pedro Almodóvar

22. THE LOBSTER Yorgos Lanthimos

23. SILENCE Martin Scorsese

24. 13TH Ava DuVernay

25. FIRE AT SEA Gianfranco Rosi


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File: 1415756280462.jpg (952.48 KB,1250x1297,1250:1297,pier-paolo-pasolini.jpg)

 No.2425 [Open thread]

Where should I start with Pasolini?
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Sorry for asking this but does anyone happen to have that picture of Pasolini naked sitting on a chair?

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File: 006d1efd6d2c7d9⋯.jpg (167.54 KB,1200x1200,1:1,MTE4MDAzNDEwNTIwODAyODMw.jpg)


>Dino Pedriali (born 1950) is an Italian photographer who lives and works in Rome. His subjects are the male nude as well as portraits.

>Photographed by Pedriali were people like Giacomo Manzù, Giorgio de Chirico, Alberto Moravia, Federico Fellini, Rudolf Nureyev, Andy Warhol, Man Ray, and Pier Paolo Pasolini, whom he photogaphed shortly before Pasolini's 1975 death.

Did Pedriali take a picture of Fellini's junk too?

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I can't find anything, maybe it was just portraits?

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Yeah I was half kidding

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File: 1428420105271.jpg (212.78 KB,1600x959,1600:959,the-turin-horse1[1].jpg)

 No.4338 [Open thread]

ITT: Ask questions you have about particular films. Be respectful and spoiler (at least seemingly) important elements to the film.

>The Turin Horse

Why do the woodworms stop eating?
Why does the storm stop?
What do these things signify? I feel that they're heavily symbolic of something.
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I'm not sure about the ring. There's not much to pick up from just that scene. I can't make any definitive statements unless I rewatched more scenes with it.

As for Amir I believe that he was pretending to pout because his wife spoke for him. So everyone gave an over-the-top reaction to his pouting until he started laughing along with them.

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Don't know if this is the right thread but I didn't wanna make another one - there's a film I've been trying to find for ages after someone posted a scene from it in an 'auteurs' thread iirc.

It looked like it was from the 90's - possibly early 2000s - and it had the same lo-fi, colour saturated look as Gummo. I distinctly remember that the scene itself started with shots of excavators and suburban houses. I could be wrong but I *think* the scene involved a boy/man on a skateboard either talking to himself or someone else about something biblical.

Anyone know wtf I'm thinking of?

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Where was this thread? Was it a youtube video?

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99.9% sure it was on this board - the thread wouldn't have been made any more than a year ago.

Yeah it was a clip from youtube. I'm fairly sure the auteur himself is/was known for 'finding beauty in suburbia' and uses/used lingering shots of suburban elements often.

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I don't remember any thread like that here. But it looks like most posts from the last year are still in the catalog

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 No.9014 [Open thread]

So I'm a really fucking bored autist with literally nothing better to do. Pic related shows how an older version of the rating system ranked a portion of the 200 or so I ran through it.

Currently, the system I have in place works on a 400 point scale that I then turn into a 0 - 100% overall rating:

>Viewer Score (IMDb - mostly unbiased)

>Critic Score (RT - slight bias)

>Return on Investment (The Numbers/Box Office Mojo - occasional bias with some films needing to resort to a default figure if no information can be found)

>Mistakes (IMDb's Goofs section - occasionally biased against more popular films but works well against others such as Superman IV or the earlier Fas'n'Fury installments)

But before I go into it full time for about an hour each day, I need to know if there's anything else I should consider adding. I contemplated separating Ebert's scores from the rest of the critics but that would have been too time consuming and he doesn't review things on a 100 or even 10 point scale, so it would be locked at certain values. I also considered the J-Dar, but then realized it had shut down with the lights on but no-one in, not to mention the severe bias it would have and the incorrect information it sometimes possesses.

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I am not sure if ratings matter very much on this board- you cannot judge to what extent you'll enjoy a film based on a number, just its popular appeal,IMO. A good ratings system, to my mind, would perhaps consider production quality, intent and interesting-ness.

For example, look at a film like The Keep. Is it a "good" film? All in all, I'd say it's a mangled mess, so not really. Is it interesting beyond that? I'd say certainly, and definitely worth a watch. It has intention,themes and cinematography worth checking out.

So as far as ratings go, it would be lovely to have one that has say, one general rating and one rating for whether it is interesting in other ways. Whether this is a subjective understanding, i'm not sure. Any takers?

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As an overall "should i watch it" popular Hollybuff rating i think it's pretty decent, but i don't think it's a good way to find a "good" movie

IMDb is highly biased in newer movies, but i agree in older ones it goes OK

RT is very swinging, their system refers mostly to a yes or no due to anything being 90+ or -50

Moneymaking prowness is a bizarre stat, plenty of not very good flicks have made absurd amounts of money, while a bunch of good ones have been box office bombs or received no mainstream aperture

Then you have old boy Ebert, the mood swinging man, his rating system depended on his breakfast quality and ended up with a similar RT answer, it's not about good or bad, it's about wasting your 10 bucks ticket or not

And all of this might present a controversial decision, not in a thousand years will El Mariachi be better than The Godfather, in 10 bucks or quality perspectives, same with Fistful of Dollars slapping Das Boot

For a local rating, or a filmeater one, my idea would be a good plot synopsis, due to our opinion varying highly on our personal tastes regarding plot, and a small 7 star rating, with 4 being average, 1-3 varying degrees of not good and 5-7 varying degrees of good. A movie might be a 2 but its story, actors and director/writer might persuade us to check it if we are fanatics of 2 or 3 of these factors. Same with a 6, the story might turn us off along with its director, no execution might save it from a personal distaste in some cases

Just an opinion thou

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One of the best ranking (not rating) systems I've seen is the "Most Favorited" on ICM. It's calculated without giving an edge to the most popular films...


> The most favorite movies on the iCheckMovies.com website, based on the movies' favorites/checks ratio. By looking at the ratio, unknown gems don't necessarily get overpowered by more well-known movies

The most favorites movies are calculated by picking the movies with the highest favorite/checked count ratio. The exact formula used to determine the ratio of a movie is as follows:

ratio(M) = F(M) ÷ (C(M) + 50)


M: A movie
F(M): Number of times movie M has been favorited
C(M): Number of times movie M has been checked
I don't know how you'd make adjustments for the data on imdb or RT, but it might be possible to extract more meaningful information from those sites.

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 No.8905 [Open thread]

How come there is so little *intelligent* diversity of opinion about film (or anything really) on the internet?

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I guess because the internet is a reflection of the real world

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sums up your question.

People in general are not very smart.

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File: 018520ecaafba41⋯.jpg (378.62 KB,1400x800,7:4,Film_Form_History.jpg)

 No.8694 [Open thread]

What movements of cinema are your favorites & why? OP is a faggot and doesn't start

>British New Wave (late 1950s - late 1960s) ...

>Scandinavian Revival (1940s - 1950s) ...

>Japan's Golden Age of Cinema (1950s) ...

>New Queer Cinema (early 1990s) ...

>Third Cinema (1960s - 1970s) ...

>Neorealism (1944–1952) ...

>German Expressionism (1910s - 1930s) ...

>Soviet Montage (1920s - 1930s)

>French New Wave

>Left Bank



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Okay I'll take an obvious one. My favourite from the wiki page is probably Japanese New Wave with particular appreciation for The Art Theatre Guild during this time. Almost every JNW film I've seen has been very interesting and creative. Admittedly I'm watching all the best ones, but usually you run into some turds while exploring a film movement.

One of my least favourites is French New Wave because it is overrated. The films often do not resonate with me much. They experimented, not always successfully.

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File: 1faba82fe1c19b7⋯.jpg (248.93 KB,1176x1294,588:647,Cinematograf-Project3.jpg)

Another list of movements. No Wave must be one of the worst ;) >>8582

I. Silent Period (1895–1929)

1. 1910s and early 1920s – Japanese Pure Film Movement

2. 1916-1919 – Italian Futurist Cinema

3. 1920s – German Absolute Cinema

4. 1920s – German Kammerspielfilm Movement

5. 1920s and 1930s – German Expressionist Cinema

6. 1924-1930 – Russian Constructivist Cinema (also referred to as Soviet Montage Cinema)

7. 1919-1929 – French Impressionist Cinema (also referred to as The First Avant-Garde or Narrative Avant-Garde)

8. 1920s – French Surrealist Cinema

9. 1920s and 1930s – French Cinéma Pur

II. Classical Period (1930–1945)

10. 1930-1945 – French Poetic Realism

11. 1930s and 1940s – British Documentary Film Movement

III. Postwar Period (1946–1959)

12. 1943-1952 – Italian Neorealism

13. 1946 to present – Indian Parallel Cinema [including Indian New Wave Cinema movement, 1952-1976]

14. 1950s – British Free Cinema

15. 1950s and 1960s – Japanese Art Cinema

16. Late 1950s and early 1970s – Japanese New Wave Cinema (Japanese: Nūberu bāgu)

IV. Modern Period (1960–1979)

16. Late 1950s and 1960s – French New Wave

17. Late 1950s and early 1960s – French Cinéma Vérité

18. Late 1950s and early 1960s – British New Wave Cinema

19. Late 1950s and early 1960s – British Kitchen Sink Realism

20. 1950s and 1960s – Brazilian Cinema Novo

21. 1955-1963 – Polish Film School

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I like direct cinema (documentaries) but it's not on those lists. Is it a movement or a genre, and what's the diff

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File: a91957105deebd7⋯.gif (5.71 MB,573x425,573:425,BlondeCrazyGif7.gif)

Pre-code is usually fun

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 No.2027 [Open thread]

ITT: Patrician 'flicks'
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Is this Dutch guy still around?

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Taking the banter nationality alone, makes me wonder if everyone missed the pun with The Departed plot moving around St. Patrick's day and its non-irish irish characters or if you really consider that thing Patrician, if that word means anything these days


What if the original intent to make "art" had a lot of money behind it? aka De Laurentis bizarre side projects used to launder/burn money and the Zack Effron movie?

And 2-buck attempts with half-way decent narratives have been made for the motive of money, see Clerks

Aren't the majority of patrician films low-budget, egocentric projects made by philosophy/arts rejects by these rules then?

Furthermore, why can we just watch anything we like and call them decent pieces of work under certain general criteria of mood?

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If anyone is interested I am streaming Lion (2016) @ tiny url[.] com/ hueystream1

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ma nigga

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 No.8852 [Open thread]

Where are some other good boards/forums/websites that have relatively active communities that actually discuss film?

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Criterion forum are mostly for people who collect bluray

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Usually cgi bothers me but I still managed to enjoy The Host. More fun than anything but there is some neat cinematography and it's actually pretty funny at some parts. I'll check out Arrival at some point, probably within the next month.


That's too bad. I want actual discussion. I can't really find any other communities as good as this place even though it practically is dead, or more niche than anything.

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Aside from here, your best bet might be the forum section of an art house/what have you private tracker.

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Yeah, a couple weeks ago I was trying to get an invite to surreal moviez. Still trying to upload some films to gain access.

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True, besides here I only post at the places where I download

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File: 1426803400059.jpg (1.54 MB,3543x2455,3543:2455,cinema-paradiso.jpg)

 No.4046 [Open thread]

So how did you enter the world of non-mainstream cinema? Did you make a deliberate push to watch more alternative films, for example? And when?
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Over time I began to take more interest in a film's visual composition than the plot itself, and most mainstream cinema doesn't really scratch that itch.

The main problem is that I've never taken film classes or anything like that so I can't really explain why I enjoy certain shots over others aside from some vague mumbo-jumbo. Maybe learning more about filmmaking would help, dunno what books I'd start with though since I've heard Setting Up Your Shots isn't that great.

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my dad had/has a big ass collection of dvds, i started just going on imdb and 'top movie' lists and watching the ones my dad had in his collection. some of them really stuck with me like The Fountain, Kagemusha/Ran, Kubrick in general, Lawrence of Arabia. kept scratching that itch, eventually i was looking through one of those lists and david lynch came up. dad didn't have any of his movies, but i found twin peaks on netflix. after seeing the first dream sequence in that it fully hit me how much i loved the medium and the possibilities therein. my love of lynch led to websites with more 'sophisticated' lists (think TSPDT v. imdb top 500) and more esoteric ones, that's basically it. don't remember how i got into really truly considering the elements of film, but it happened somewhere in there and now i literally can't enjoy modern mainstream cinema because the visuals and everything else are so distasteful to me

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I always loved movies but only watched children's films, Disney, The Goonies or whatever. I'd go see the new superhero movie or whatever was coming out.

Then around early high school I start wanting to watch more serious movies. Like every 15 year old I got started on Tarantino, Fincher, what have you. I started watching what my favorite directors like and that broadens things up into foreign film territory. I started browsing boards like this and seeing patrician infographics and I was like, I wanna be like that.

It's pretty much been like that ever since. I find out about a director, a style of film, a movement, an important period, and I want to get a taste of it. And if I like it I want to see more.

I think the first real art house film I saw was Eraserhead. I didn't really "like" it at the time, per se, but I was fascinated.

It didn't really incite my interest in art house but it did stick with me. I think that was my first exposure to something totally different and surreal.

Most cinephiles develop that way, I think. It's just a gradual desire to see new things and be more informed. There's definitely a competitive feeling for me. I don't like the feeling of having to tell someone I haven't seen something. And there's still a ton of classic films I've not seen yet and I try desperately to conceal that.

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How old are you and have you ever fucked a real woman without paying her?

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I've always liked a large variety of movies. My parents had a pretty big laser disc, vhs, and dvd collection that I started looking through when I was an infant. The first art house film that I remember seeing was Little Otik aka Greedy Guts on Sundance, and this was when I was very young but I did enjoy it and it definitely made an impression on me. I of course went through the artsy mainstream director phase around late middle school to mid high school. I'm 19 now and I only recently got more into films on the more obscure side, like 500 or less ratings on IMDB.

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 No.4132 [Open thread]

What are some good mindfuck movies?
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Memento. Will probably get hated on for this, but god that film is good.
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YouTube embed. Click thumbnail to play.
Tetsuo The Iron Man
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... enough said

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Perfect Blue as well

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File: 1436466881832.jpg (1.77 MB,1900x1796,475:449,1420939662576.jpg)

 No.5087 [Open thread]

What's the most interesting theme you've ever seen in a movie?

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probably Isolation. Im always eager to watch the motion picture of a Francis Bacon.

whats your?

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Are you talking about man vs self? I love isolation and survival themes where one man is put into a horrible survival scenario and somehow comes out of it alive.

As far as my favorite theme, I don't know. Probably the one I find most interesting at the moment is the duality of man. A great example of this would be the Joker in Full Metal Jacket.

That's not my all time favorite though, I'll have to give it some thought and come back later.

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Life & Poetry

Bright star (2009)

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 No.8655 [Open thread]

Really looking for some films that have a sense of catharsis, a strong emotional drive to it. Films that are known to have a lot of heart, or handle something in a way to draw out emotion. I'm sorry if I'm not exactly clear, if you have any questions, please feel free to ask.

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Mysterious Skin

La Dolce Vita

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Wild Strawberries

Cries & Whispers.

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I thought of Nipponese Criterioncore, maybe obvious to you but maybe not

The Naked Island, Seppuku, Woman in the Dunes, Sansho the Baliff, The Human Condition

All worth watching for feels

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I cried by the end, even if I'm not a believer

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Hide your valuables as you will feel the urge to break things.

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 No.8586 [Open thread]

Can you recommend nice websites to find/watch films? I have torrents banned on my network, and sometimes I just can't find the movies I want.

Pretty much more often I just use /r/megalinks/ which is limited is hell.

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> Can you recommend nice websites to find/watch films?

Did you see this thread? >>4115

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Well these sites are closed for a reason, they don't want everyone in there. And it's hard to gauge peoples' reputations on an imageboard. Do you have any torrent accounts?

Since that site is based on people uploading links, maybe you can prove your worth if you handpick 3 films and upload them in the request thread

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I have never had to torrent anything... Do you mean like kickass? Because I could easily make an account. Also could you link me to the request thread.

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requests are here >>4115

I was just curious about torrents b/c it would be one way to see how much you share. You don't really need to make a new acct if you don't already have one

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Before torrents there was eMule. Have you tried it? http://emule-project.net/

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 No.1438 [Open thread]

So did any of you guys get to see Napoleon when it played in San Francisco or London?

Seems like it would have been an amazing experience. I've never even seen a silent film with a live orchestra. I'm holding off watching this film just in case I get the chance to attend one of these screenings someday.

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File: 1454715502871.jpg (74.76 KB,1000x245,200:49,napoleon-1927-001-panorami….jpg)

A challenger appears!


> The BFI today announces a new chapter in the epic history of one of the world’s greatest films: Abel Gance’s Napoleon (1927). In the culmination of a 50-year project, Academy Award-winning film historian Kevin Brownlow and the BFI National Archive have completed a new digitally restored version of Abel Gance’s cinematic triumph. From Autumn 2016, for the first time ever, audiences across the UK will be able to experience this extraordinary cinematic masterpiece with Carl Davis’s magnificent score when the film goes on theatrical release in UK cinemas and is available on BFI DVD/Blu-ray and BFI Player.

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That description i think it's setting a lot of people to disappoinment, just saying.

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File: 0715bd59eb84371⋯.jpg (172.48 KB,1000x783,1000:783,napoleon-1927-017-three-tr….jpg)

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File: 5683853493a5a2b⋯.png (1.21 MB,1000x750,4:3,napoleon-screening-novembe….png)

Detailed timeline of Napoleon

from conception to restoration (with photos!)



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here's the 720p rip from USURY (21.8 GB) in case anyone wants to watch it

I dumped these links in jdownloader and it worked well


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 No.7797 [Open thread]

I've been reading a lot about semiotics lately and I'm hoping to watch some films that deal with semiotics in one way or another, I feel like film as a medium is uniquely suited to tackle it. I'm sure there are a ton of films that do so but I'm not really sure where to start, mid-period Godard (70s and 80s) looks promising... It seems like academic-type films would probably be ripe with this stuff. Anyone have any recs?

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Tell us some interesting things you've read about it

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man i havent been coming on here very often. thanks for the suggestions, I've seen Helvetica, it was good, I think Zorn's Lemma is closer to what I'm thinking of. I read Mythologies by Barthes, Precession of Simulacra by Baudrillard, On Several Regimes of Signs by D&G, and some other assorted essays. I've been especially interested in the way that symbols take on significance in relation to nations, and how they're disseminated in images through the media and advertising, and function as centers of power. One good example would be the way that North Korea portrays their leaders, there's plenty of books about it. The visual and aural aspects of film seems well equipped to portray and deconstruct the relationships that images have with our daily lives. One example of what I'm thinking of could be The Creators of Shopping Worlds by Harun Farocki. I think the avant garde is probably the best place to find thoughtful deconstructions of image processing and symbol-making, I'm just not exactly sure where to look

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"Semiotics in the Kitchen"

I don't know if this is relevant despite the name. I like how the format of this short can be easily adapted or parodied.

The message is whiny feminism, meh. The kitchen is so oppressive.

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OP here returning to this thread after a few months, I've gone on to watch many of Godard's mid-period films. They were exactly what I was looking for, Gai De Savoir in particular was fantastic and the Dziga Vertov films are interesting if imperfect. I've also been trying to watch more films by Harun Farocki but his stuff is really hard to find, anyone have any idea where to watch his films?

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Which Farocki are you looking for?

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