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File: 1436466881832.jpg (1.77 MB,1900x1796,475:449,1420939662576.jpg)

 No.5087 [Open thread]

What's the most interesting theme you've ever seen in a movie?

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probably Isolation. Im always eager to watch the motion picture of a Francis Bacon.

whats your?

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Are you talking about man vs self? I love isolation and survival themes where one man is put into a horrible survival scenario and somehow comes out of it alive.

As far as my favorite theme, I don't know. Probably the one I find most interesting at the moment is the duality of man. A great example of this would be the Joker in Full Metal Jacket.

That's not my all time favorite though, I'll have to give it some thought and come back later.

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Life & Poetry

Bright star (2009)

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 No.8655 [Open thread]

Really looking for some films that have a sense of catharsis, a strong emotional drive to it. Films that are known to have a lot of heart, or handle something in a way to draw out emotion. I'm sorry if I'm not exactly clear, if you have any questions, please feel free to ask.

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Mysterious Skin

La Dolce Vita

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Wild Strawberries

Cries & Whispers.

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I thought of Nipponese Criterioncore, maybe obvious to you but maybe not

The Naked Island, Seppuku, Woman in the Dunes, Sansho the Baliff, The Human Condition

All worth watching for feels

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I cried by the end, even if I'm not a believer

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File: 269121bd5668c7d⋯.jpg (267.17 KB,1600x1200,4:3,IMG_5796.JPG)

Hide your valuables as you will feel the urge to break things.

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 No.8586 [Open thread]

Can you recommend nice websites to find/watch films? I have torrents banned on my network, and sometimes I just can't find the movies I want.

Pretty much more often I just use /r/megalinks/ which is limited is hell.

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> Can you recommend nice websites to find/watch films?

Did you see this thread? >>4115

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Well these sites are closed for a reason, they don't want everyone in there. And it's hard to gauge peoples' reputations on an imageboard. Do you have any torrent accounts?

Since that site is based on people uploading links, maybe you can prove your worth if you handpick 3 films and upload them in the request thread

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I have never had to torrent anything... Do you mean like kickass? Because I could easily make an account. Also could you link me to the request thread.

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requests are here >>4115

I was just curious about torrents b/c it would be one way to see how much you share. You don't really need to make a new acct if you don't already have one

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Before torrents there was eMule. Have you tried it? http://emule-project.net/

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YouTube embed. Click thumbnail to play.

 No.1438 [Open thread]

So did any of you guys get to see Napoleon when it played in San Francisco or London?

Seems like it would have been an amazing experience. I've never even seen a silent film with a live orchestra. I'm holding off watching this film just in case I get the chance to attend one of these screenings someday.

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File: 1454715502871.jpg (74.76 KB,1000x245,200:49,napoleon-1927-001-panorami….jpg)

A challenger appears!


> The BFI today announces a new chapter in the epic history of one of the world’s greatest films: Abel Gance’s Napoleon (1927). In the culmination of a 50-year project, Academy Award-winning film historian Kevin Brownlow and the BFI National Archive have completed a new digitally restored version of Abel Gance’s cinematic triumph. From Autumn 2016, for the first time ever, audiences across the UK will be able to experience this extraordinary cinematic masterpiece with Carl Davis’s magnificent score when the film goes on theatrical release in UK cinemas and is available on BFI DVD/Blu-ray and BFI Player.

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That description i think it's setting a lot of people to disappoinment, just saying.

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YouTube embed. Click thumbnail to play.
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Detailed timeline of Napoleon

from conception to restoration (with photos!)



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here's the 720p rip from USURY (21.8 GB) in case anyone wants to watch it

I dumped these links in jdownloader and it worked well


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File: 1471812581369.jpg (787.21 KB,1389x1500,463:500,STOP_sign.jpg)

 No.7797 [Open thread]

I've been reading a lot about semiotics lately and I'm hoping to watch some films that deal with semiotics in one way or another, I feel like film as a medium is uniquely suited to tackle it. I'm sure there are a ton of films that do so but I'm not really sure where to start, mid-period Godard (70s and 80s) looks promising... It seems like academic-type films would probably be ripe with this stuff. Anyone have any recs?

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Tell us some interesting things you've read about it

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man i havent been coming on here very often. thanks for the suggestions, I've seen Helvetica, it was good, I think Zorn's Lemma is closer to what I'm thinking of. I read Mythologies by Barthes, Precession of Simulacra by Baudrillard, On Several Regimes of Signs by D&G, and some other assorted essays. I've been especially interested in the way that symbols take on significance in relation to nations, and how they're disseminated in images through the media and advertising, and function as centers of power. One good example would be the way that North Korea portrays their leaders, there's plenty of books about it. The visual and aural aspects of film seems well equipped to portray and deconstruct the relationships that images have with our daily lives. One example of what I'm thinking of could be The Creators of Shopping Worlds by Harun Farocki. I think the avant garde is probably the best place to find thoughtful deconstructions of image processing and symbol-making, I'm just not exactly sure where to look

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YouTube embed. Click thumbnail to play.

"Semiotics in the Kitchen"

I don't know if this is relevant despite the name. I like how the format of this short can be easily adapted or parodied.

The message is whiny feminism, meh. The kitchen is so oppressive.

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OP here returning to this thread after a few months, I've gone on to watch many of Godard's mid-period films. They were exactly what I was looking for, Gai De Savoir in particular was fantastic and the Dziga Vertov films are interesting if imperfect. I've also been trying to watch more films by Harun Farocki but his stuff is really hard to find, anyone have any idea where to watch his films?

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Which Farocki are you looking for?

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File: 1412561137273.jpg (24.09 KB,214x317,214:317,3oclockhigh.jpg)

 No.1893 [Open thread]

ITT Your favorite "hidden gem" type movie.
Mine's 3 O'Clock High. Nobody ever seems to remember this one. It's a shame, because it's High Noon meets John Hughes. What's not to love?
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File: 1412662524352.jpg (66.63 KB,500x756,125:189,UAKovlu[1].jpg)

I don't think this is on DVD or even VHS. It's a fragmented Frank Perry movie that reunites the stars of Pretty Poison, Tuesday Weld and Anthony Perkins, to play much more complex characters.
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Some people here might like the mostly forgotten Fade to Black (1980) about a loner obsessed with cinema culture so much that he loses touch with reality. The production is cheap at times but it's a fun watch. Reviews at the time were pretty negative but Ebert gave it 3/4 stars.
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Bus 44. It's an amazing short based on a true story but no one I know remembers it.
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Sadly this film was overshadowed by its imitator, George Romero's Night of the Living Dead.

It's a great film though, Price gives a fine performance, the sets are very nicely designed and the plot is good too.

Sadly Romero gets all the credit for "reinventing zombies" when actually all he did was take this film's vampires, make them less dangerous and rename them.
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File: f24239560b8308f⋯.jpg (180.87 KB,534x792,89:132,Phantom-of-the-Paradise-ph….jpg)

3-O'clock High, that was a great movie. I love how the hero tries every dirty trick he can before 3:00.

The Last Man on Earth. Immensely better than it's Will Smith imitator.

My go-to for hidden gem movies is always Phantom of the Paradise. Where a composer is dragged into the seedy underworld of a record producer's club opening. It's Faust, it's Phantom, it's the 70's. Like a low profile Tommy, prepare for wonderful and crazy at the same time.

Rock and Rule, and Dr Horrible's sing-along blog, both deserves mention as well.

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 No.8357 [Open thread]

Just post films you really like and comment on others.

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I watched is a few nights ago. The story about a midwestern family set at the beginning of the 20th C. reminded me of The Magnificent Ambersons. But Meet Me in St. Louis was pretty light and upbeat by comparison.

Judy Garland looked a little odd sometimes. The bad wig was distracting. It made me wonder what drew her to be a top star, but I see from wikipedia she struggled a lot with MGM demands about her appearance.

Also I was sad to see one of the little girls from this movie in the TCM montage about 2016 deaths. The youngest is still alive at 79 yo.

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I don't know, what hypnotizes me or calls me about the film is something else entirely. I'm usually not that fond of family films like that, but Minnelli's luminous composition and the way the characters evolve around the space they're given its all magical to me (you can appreciate this when the father sings "You and I" and the whole family starts surrounding him). I'm also very intrigued by his way of portraying family relations because I think it's beyond superb, also really admired this aspect in Some Came Running.

All the jokes really stuck with me, nothing fell flat and all the characters are so delightful.

Admittedly, part of my love for the film comes from seeing it on Christmas time in New York (35mm) I cried a lot that time I admit.

Judy Garland isn't gorgeous but she's incredibly energetic and brings a lot to the film, I don't know if she was married to Minnelli already on that time.

Beautiful beautiful technicolor.

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I saw it on TV during Christams. It was pretty good. Being a musical, I wasn't expecting it to be very interesting visually I don't really know much about musicals, but I really liked the look of the film.

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yeah I'm not really enthusiastic about musicals, but Minnelli's musicals are something else.

Allegedly Cukor's musicals are great as well, he even has one (or more?) with Garland, but I haven't seen any of them yet.

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>Allegedly Cukor's musicals are great as well, he even has one (or more?) with Garland, but I haven't seen any of them yet.

The only movies of his I've seen are The Philadelphia Story and Gaslight. They're not musicals, but I enjoyed them both quite a bit. The Philadelphia Story has some fantastic dialog.

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 No.5448 [Open thread]

Recently I stopped watching films and started reading instead. Now that I want to return I find myself more picky with the films I watch. My favourite director used to be Kieslowski because of his humanity. Then I read David Foster Wallace and were underwhelmed by Kieslowskis philosophy.

I'm trying to ask for some names of directors/ films that goes beyond aesthetics and deeply studies characters and learn important life lessons through the philosophy of the film. Any ideas?

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I think documentary is probably the most potent, because it captures actually "real" characters. the filmmaker may or may not inject their own take on what is captured, but always you (with a good doc), you are left with a lot to think about that can be approached from a variety of ways. Abbas Kiarostami (sp?) comes to mind, great documentarian. I also like Werner Herzog's documentaries a lot, he definitely injects a lot of himself and his own thoughts into them though

like above poster says, it is difficult to find a film that will go into such depth with a character or an idea that you would find in literature. to me, film is all about observation and extrapolating from that; film making is about providing a certain perspective to observe from I guess. Terrence Malick's films I think are some of the best, he really lays things out beautifully and there is so much to consider in the way he shoots things, just deeply ponderous on the human condition. I think you just need to approach film in a different way, maybe

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Thank you both for the answers. I find it intriguing to watch more documentaries, but I'm searching for fiction.

I have a hard time expressing what I'm after. I understand that film is more of a observing practice than reading, but that doesn't exclude character studies and philosophy, or does it? My idea is that some films put things in perspective and therefore learn life lessons, like "A Short Film About Killing".

I'll look into Ruin and Rivette!

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One of the things I enjoy about film is often the lack of overbearing narrative, that is so common in literature and elsewhere. It's not uncommon to have certain documentaries that don't really have any clear message, but are more or less an aesthetic exploration of the subject.

In terms of Malick, there are some pretty dope explorations of morality/conformance in Badlands, and Thin Red Line is an excellent 'philisophical' exploration of the nature of war.

I agree that Herzog and Kiarostami are great places to start at. Though in general, I think you can find films that have excellent explorations of the respective subject matter regardless of the 'genre' of the film. I could maybe recommend more if you gave specific examples of film that fit the criteria you are looking for that you have already watched.

One that comes to mind, given your partiality towards DFW, is Un homme qui dort, which is an exploration of depression and angst manifested in a Parisian student. It's one of my favorite films!

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Theres a bunch of films that you can extract phiolosophical ideas/concepts from them. But since I think you mean like more obvious ones, maybe A torinoi lo(2001,tarr) ?


narrattive are a little at odds in film

this basically, since film is a visual media you dont need an allmighty voice telling you everything that happensand why it happens and why does it matter.


> 'philisophical' exploration of the nature of war.

Could Judgment at Nuremberg(61) be consider as such? it has a lot of monologues about the ethics of the war

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Watch Persona, Face of Another and Shadows of Our Forgotten Ancestors

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File: c9750445bc0ea07⋯.webm (2.64 MB,1280x544,40:17,ROTS motion in cutting.webm)

 No.8482 [Open thread]

Can we talk about instances of motion in a particular direction continuing through a cut?

For instance, I was watching Revenge of The Sith and this scene caught my eye.

The starfighter crashes toward the screen, followed by a cut to Grievous motioning in the same direction + slow camera zoom in.

It's just a really effective little technique IMO and i'd like to talk about uses of it in film.

Post examples you've noticed if you'd like.

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YouTube embed. Click thumbnail to play.

another one from Hitchcock (North by Northwest), does this qualify?

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Definitely one or two examples of it there, yeah.

Specifically when he pulls her up into the bunk.

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File: 3433c7f28c9be45⋯.mp4 (3.14 MB,640x360,16:9,Un Chien Andalou.mp4)

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These are all very interesting, and it's my fault for being unclear with my OP.

There might be a term that I don't know, but when I said "motion continuing through a cut", I actually meant something like pic related, where the motion is continued through a location/scene change, like my OP with it cutting from the hangar bay to the bridge, but still continuing/complementing the direction of the prior shot (from another location)'s motion.

I worded the OP poorly. My fault, chaps.

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YouTube embed. Click thumbnail to play.


Well the name for the general concept is "match cut". Some more examples in this video...most of these do not meet your specific criteria however

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File: c82694fd40ea563⋯.png (209.65 KB,595x370,119:74,gold ball 3.png)

 No.8449 [Open thread]

I was rewatching The Shining just now, and noticed a discrepancy that doesnt seem to have been explained. When Jack enters the Gold Room in a past party, Midnight, The Stars and You is playing. The end of the movie with the portrait dates those events at the 4th of July, 1921, which couldn't have been possible because Midnight the stars and you was written in 1934. Was this intentional to show how arbitrary the passing of time is from a viewpoint in the present, or was it an oversight?

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File: ca4274f8b3199ed⋯.jpg (183.85 KB,600x800,3:4,shining music.jpg)

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Was this detail mentioned by anyone in Room 237? If it was I forgot about it.

I found reference to the selection of music in "Listening to Stanley Kubrick: The Music in His Films" (starts toward the bottom of the page). The production team solicited songs from 1920-1935. In the end Kubrick chose 4 songs from the 1930s.

So the choice was intentional but that doesn't explain Kubrick's motives. It's hard to say whether he wanted to be anachronistic or simply thought 1930s music worked better.

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I rewatched Room 237 and it wasn't explained.

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I was thinking they could tie it in with their statements about impossible architecture of The Overlook. The music is another impossibility. Personally I think it was purely a stylistic choice - the music was chosen because conveyed the right mood.

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While we're one the subject what's with the main theme being a rendition of Berlioz's Symphony fantastique? Here are the two tracks for reference skip to 3:45 in the second vid to hear the theme



what's the deal?

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File: 7fcf93a45b03259⋯.png (96.03 KB,1346x880,673:440,berlioz.png)


The book also talks about that striking music during the opening shot:

> At one point in pre-production, Kubrick asked Wendy Carlos about appropriate music for graves and death, and she suggested the chant commonly known from the Roman Catholic Requiem mass, the Dies Irae. One of the chant’s most famous appearances is in the final movement of Berlioz’s Symphonie Fantastique from 1830, a piece that Carlos recommended to Kubrick. In typical Kubrick fashion, it had a strong effect on him, and like Prokofiev’s score to Alexander Nevsky that he owned as a child, he played it, Carlos estimates, more than a hundred times. In that time, he forged a deep connection to the music.


It's interesting that Dies Irae is frequently quoted in other scores: https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=0hL1m4hGBVY

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 No.8409 [Open thread]

One way to advertise /film/ is to create profiles on movie websites. I made an account on letterpleb with some of the lists from this board:


I used favorites from >>8357 and added films that people had mentioned here previously (not comprehensive). The profile still looks empty without reviews and ratings. It might be best to add some reviews for obscure films. Then we'll get noticed when people search for them.

EDIT: I changed my mind. Obscure is good, but we'll have limited impact if that's all we post. So contribute whatever you want.

If you guys want to help you can:

- Give some quick film ratings.

- Find reviews to add, maybe one you posted here in the past. It doesn't have to be a Film Comment essay. In fact if you're funny or subversive it helps us stand out.

- Suggest other lists. We talked about doing a poll of everyone's favorites to create a toplist.

- Follow the account and "like" the content to boost the numbers.

- Offer any other suggestions for improvement

After we get this profile up and running, I will move on to other sites and duplicate what I can.

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File: ccfd8fc95a2124f⋯.jpg (976.26 KB,1808x1080,226:135,Muriel.Or.The.Time.Of.Retu….jpg)

film club?

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I'm down for whatever poll you guys decide to make

I've written some reviews for obscure films on 4chan, maybe i can find them and post them here

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Yes. I was planning to include those as another list. I think I can link to every Film Club thread within the list. All the films are worth watching...and even the preliminary discussions led to other interesting titles.


Sounds good. There are a lot of reviews here already so I will probably pick some others from old threads.

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File: 62b7783b096e468⋯.webm (475.13 KB,854x480,427:240,THESE CHINESE.webm)

Has 4chan made a Trumpcore list? Google shows nothing for "Official Trumpcore".

Trump gets people to click.

Make a list of movies with Trump, movies about Trump, movies about walls, movies about the Mexican border, anti-China propaganda, what else? Try to force some /film/ tier picks in there.

Update list as news happens. It might be fun.

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File: 352f7486c18782c⋯.png (749.48 KB,700x963,700:963,ottoman.png)

 No.8390 [Open thread]

Hello we set up a new turkish imageboard, you guys are welcome here.With google translate you can undertsand most of the things and hang around on there do stuff, idk.


have a nice day /film/

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i'll think about it if i see more turkish flags around here telling me about your films

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YouTube embed. Click thumbnail to play.


I like Cüneyt Arkın's films, they're gloriously terrible.

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File: 00afd951e02ccb4⋯.jpg (275.84 KB,1024x768,4:3,winter-sleep-poster04.jpg)

yay or nay?


can't knock the hustle

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File: 1462334140181.jpg (80.35 KB,449x600,449:600,lisztomania_1975_1.jpg)

 No.7220 [Open thread]

What do you think of this bizzare musical comedy? Was it kino, or just a crazy flick?

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YouTube embed. Click thumbnail to play.

Joint, alright.

I think Phantom of The Paradise is a better film. The music might not be as good as Lisztomania, but IMO it's still the greatest musical cinema ever.


I love Tommy. Haven't seen Altered States though.

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File: 1466210618121-0.jpg (47.6 KB,348x490,174:245,624_box_348x490_original.jpg)

File: 1466210618121-1.jpg (441.58 KB,1534x2219,1534:2219,jgvU1BkzFJqcb2XO4SozMeTNnU….jpg)

What do you guys think of Quadrophenia?


> Phantom of The Paradise

Weird that I always thought that was the KISS movie (which is probably much worse)

I don't think I've seen a single 70s rock opera. Two I'd really hate to endure are Jesus Christ Superstar and Rocky Horror

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i saw rocky horror and was severely disappointed. so much hype around it, i wasn't expecting it to be "good" but thought it would be weird enough to be enjoyable, but it's just kind of shitty and mildly strange

for my part I think The Wall movie is fantastic, that album is very cinematic and I think it makes more sense as a film

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Tommy from 1975 is enjoyable.

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it's funny to see tripfags who post once and are never heard from again

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File: 8c60aff91588834⋯.jpg (138.98 KB,944x531,16:9,8c60aff915888346509e84cedf….jpg)

 No.7900 [Open thread]

This board is completely dead. Should we buy a banner and try to generate more traffic? Or should we migrate to a different community or forum?

What are some good alternatives?

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yeah there are already lists here but we can post em on lbg and mubi so they get more recognized

super champion film zone (which seems to be dead atm) is one of the most famous zetaboards (they moved to letterboxd after mubi forums were kill)


we don't have to theme our polls like that, it could just be to show our collective taste so that it'd intrigue people, plus the anon part could draw more people in.

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I see. A poll might not get much participation, as with everything else. But we could open it up to all of 8chan with a global announcement: >>>/sudo/9142 That would be better than a banner ad since it would be asking people to come here and participate.

I will take a look at that forum to see how they organized their polls.

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If we have a poll, I'm thinking it could be "Name all your favorite films" with a max of about 100 titles per person. Perhaps the ranking system could be weighted to favor lesser known titles.

What do you guys think? If no one else is interested we won't do it.

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Did you do it

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First I will set up accounts on a few movie sites and make a sticky about it. Then we'll see how much interest there is in doing a poll. I've been preoccupied with other things but I should have more time now.

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File: d820e550b912901⋯.mp4 (891.87 KB,592x184,74:23,film.mp4)

 No.8339 [Open thread]

what movie is this gif from??

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File: e4e3756652bb30b⋯.gif (496.52 KB,312x176,39:22,born free.gif)

I knew it was directed by Romain Gavras but I thought it was a movie. It's actually just a music video. Maybe it will drop from the rotation.

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Sad. It looks great!

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That music video is complete garbage! Terrible song and even cringier video.

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YouTube embed. Click thumbnail to play.


Too bad because I like the gif, especially played in reverse

It was a good attention-grabber at the top of the page

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File: e925d97c7037d5c⋯.jpg (62.82 KB,605x443,605:443,1471800079514.jpg)


The gif is fantastic, even more so that you made it b&w and reversed it.

I'm kind of upset cause I was hoping it was from some Kurosawa film I haven't seen yet lol.

I'll stop posting now.

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