The pastebin contains all system details.
This is the country sheet, it will be the main sheet used for domestic and military decisions, the front line sheet is only used during active front-line battle.
Faction: [a listed faction’s name]
Country: [a listed Country’s name]
Draft reserve: [a number] - gains some each X turns
Population: [a number] - health, if it falls to 0 you’ve lost
Tax reserve: [a number] - spend as money
Fieldable Divisions: [A number of soldiers] - replenish this with the draft reserve
Current leader: [name of current leader]
Leader’s fluff: [fluff, no more than 3 paragraphs please, explain how they became leader and what their personal background is like]
Nation’s Fluff [Fluff, no more than 3 paragraphs please, geographic location & languages = the same as the real country on earth, but history is not, and can be fluffed how you like within reason]
Popular mood: [a word, ranging from “abysmal” (worst) to “celestial” (best)]
Airforce, if any: [a number, this is a number of flying divisions, not individual vehicles]
Navy, if any: [A number, this is a number of ship divisions, not individual ships]
Army’s mood: [ranging from abysmal to celestial, if this gets to low desertion and defection set in]
Domestic level: [a number]
War room level: [a number]
Front line level: [a number]
You'll also need a secure trip, a color and either 1 (smallest countries), 2, 3, 4, or 5 (largest countries in the world) races that make up your population, as listed in each faction's racial make up.
The current date is Dec. 31st, 1913, and this is an alternate history, so you are writing the backgroundPost too long. Click here to view the full text.