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81ddc0 No.5682 [Open thread][Watch Thread][Show All Posts]

The alt-right and /pol/ both have members who believe that god and the afterlife do not exist, but who also believe that public belief in such things is the only way for society to avoid falling into moral relativism and degeneracy.

Maybe there is a way to provide objective morality and purpose, I believe that the forbidden science promoted by the alt-right holds the key to this.

Ayn Rand was right about the law between the individuals within a tribe, but she refused to accept tribal differences, or even that there were tribes to begin with.

If we can combine Ethno-nationalism and the most useful bits of Objectivism, and use the empirical evidence supporting the existence of tribal differences, the need for tribal separation, etc. I feel like we would be on track to a new morality.

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472559 No.6630


I also want to add that I enjoy our conversation and that I find it interesting to share my opinions with someone who disagrees with me.

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c6e369 No.6637>>6644


'Races' are collections of similar traits that are distinct enough to be considered groups but not to be considered subspecies. Non-caucasian races are less intelligent on average than caucasian races.

The world could 'go on' after a multitude of events that you would be opposed to. What justification do you have for your continuation of life, if you are unlikely to affect the 'going on' of the world? You have given this argument without any alternative.

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4e45ff No.6644>>6645


And where exactly do you draw the distinction for what constitutes one race contra another race? You are, by the by, using an erroneous distinction by using caucasian to mean "white" as caucasian can apply to a wide variety of people from all over Europe, Western Asia, Central Asia, South Asia, North Africa, and the Horn of Africa.

The term caucasian has been twisted and appropriated to simply mean "white" which is a gross oversimplification. Similarly to word "aryan" which does not mean white but are encompassing of genetic traits which can be found in people all over the world not just blue eyed, blonde and white people.

So when you say to one "race", using your definition of race that is, means nothing.

Your whole outlook on race is primarily based on pseudoscience, linguistic shortcuts and general ignorance.

>You have given this argument without any alternative.

That's because it isn't an argument with alternatives in the first place. If you live you live, if you die you die. Any meaning found therein is completely of your own volition. If thinking about your own racial superiority over other races gives you some semblance of purpose then, fine, who gives a shit that's what gets YOU going.

I personally think you could, if you wanted to, strain yourself to find something more meaningful and productive to believe in but that's a journey you have to make on your own.

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ac3b5f No.6645>>6646


>And where exactly do you draw the distinction for what constitutes one race contra another race? You are, by the by, using an erroneous distinction by using caucasian to mean "white" as caucasian can apply to a wide variety of people from all over Europe, Western Asia, Central Asia, South Asia, North Africa, and the Horn of Africa.

>The term caucasian has been twisted and appropriated to simply mean "white" which is a gross oversimplification. Similarly to word "aryan" which does not mean white but are encompassing of genetic traits which can be found in people all over the world not just blue eyed, blonde and white people.

If you do not have the capacity to understand what is meant, when the meaning of the term used can not be exactly defined using other words, then this is your cognitive lack. The terms caucasian and aryan have indeed been used in multiple ways, this does not mean that they are somehow beholden to what you conceive to be one of those ways.

>So when you say to one "race", using your definition of race that is, means nothing.

How does the relationship between signifier and signified being arbitrary mean that the signifier does not signify?

>That's because it isn't an argument with alternatives in the first place. If you live you live, if you die you die. Any meaning found therein is completely of your own volition. If thinking about your own racial superiority over other races gives you some semblance of purpose then, fine, who gives a shit that's what gets YOU going.

>I personally think you could, if you wanted to, strain yourself to find something more meaningful and productive to believe in but that's a journey you have to make on your own.

but people die dude, so whatever dude, it's like create your own meaning and shit, i swear dude, just take the journey through reddit and the self-help book section at the thrift store..

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4e45ff No.6646


>If you do not have the capacity to understand what is meant, when the meaning of the term used can not be exactly defined using other words, then this is your cognitive lack. The terms caucasian and aryan have indeed been used in multiple ways, this does not mean that they are somehow beholden to what you conceive to be one of those ways.

La di da.

The reason I bring it up is because the definition keeps, conveniently, changing with the times and the context.

But the bottom line being that there's still this lingering persistence to make the "white" race more important and "better" than other races even when there's no justification or scientific confirmation for it being provably true.

I can easily point this out but people put so much of their own personal self worth and identity in this vague concept of race that whenever I say "your race doesn't make you special", which it doesn't, people see it as an attack on their very personhood.

And I suppose it is if the only thing you have going for yourself is the complexion of your outermost layer of skin.

But the fact that you can't make something of yourself that's YOUR problem that you have to work on.

>How does the relationship between signifier and signified being arbitrary mean that the signifier does not signify?

That was actually a typo on my behalf, whoops, what I meant to say was that saying that one race, the whites, have a "higher I.Q. than other races" means nothing. Which it does because even the definition of I.Q. is another definition which has been horribly confused from it's original meaning.

>just take the journey through reddit and the self-help book section at the thrift store...

And this is somehow worse than the "I'm the chosen white" bullshit that you keep telling yourselfPost too long. Click here to view the full text.

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d64859 No.6558 [Open thread][Watch Thread][Show All Posts]

Are there any infographics that weren't written by an apparent 8-year-old? You can't "realize" there is no meaning, as if the meaning of the realization exists in some magic bubble of non-meaning. Anyone have any guides that don't confuse despair and intelligence, and then proceed to try to explain just why that despair isn't despair? Something simple, like "You think this shit is interesting? Then you should read this. You think this shit is banal? Then you should read this."

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b0157f No.6563

File (hide): 940c9f6916ab688⋯.png (143.65 KB,512x512,1:1,Writing.png) (h) (u)

Why not try to upgrade the chart, fixing mistakes and giving better questions? Or remake it completely, adding different ideologies, and expanding on the answers? It would be nice to see a longer pdf version of this.

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b0157f No.6643

Do you crave meaning?

Yes: What causes you to crave meaning? Is it to indulge yourself, or to improve yourself and those around you?

Are you willing to believe in God?

> Are you willing to follow catholic doctrine? Orthodox? Protestant? Baptist? Other?

>Religion is the opiate of the people should also be expanded. Saying Fascism, Communism, and Anarchism as a final result after 3 questions is too much. The bottom row could be expanded on too. Maybe more than just books, include quotes by famous people, and show examples from history where it worked.. and well.

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98731b No.6439 [Open thread][Watch Thread][Show All Posts]

Does it make sense to try to self-actualize others?

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2b0837 No.6639>>6642

Why do you want to "self-actualized others"?

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8cae30 No.6641>>6642

>Does it make sense?

no, how does a being other than self actualize a self.

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f8e861 No.6642

File (hide): 108db4849b627d5⋯.jpg (13.94 KB,320x240,4:3,An how.jpg) (h) (u)



Resistance is futile. You will be substantiated.

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934248 No.6302 [Open thread]>>6632 [Watch Thread][Show All Posts]

Humanity = God ?

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934248 No.6334


god would be the sum of all humans not one individual human

but one could argue that an individual human might be god to/of the cells of his particular body using my same logic

its basically like the difference between egoism and altruism: scale


that said im pretty sure ur scale of god might be broader and thats fine god is infinite scale does not confine him, yet humans are bound to the finite so before we ascend we need to unite on our current scale.

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8ebefe No.6367

Man created God in his own image.

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5ebae7 No.6381

Muh New Ager interpretation of metaphysics. Everything is a though form, even though a god form wouldn't give you choice.

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5845a4 No.6516


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dacedd No.6632

>>6302 (OP)

Define God.

Define Humanity,

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2946b3 No.6575 [Open thread][Watch Thread][Show All Posts]

You are allowed to redefine the terms "real" and "reality". Let's redefine "Real" to mean "something that never changes". Does this physical life/world change? Yes, of course. And therefore it is not real. The only thing that is real is Perfect Eternal Conscious Energy -- Perfect Spirits, Perfect Eternal Conscious Entities. They never change and thus crave the illusions of a temporary, ever changing physical existence such as this very dreamworld we are presently experiencing. Nothing real is being harmed or changed by the horrors and pain of this little dream.

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4af9e4 No.6624

I refuse to be dissuaded from reality by your fantastical machinations. Just because something changes doesn't mean it's not real. One moment, I'm feeling like a bird in the sky, and in the next I can be in the gutters of misery and despair. Do you deny the existence of these feelings? Are they not real?

I also find it odd, the idea that a perfect eternal entity would create a dreamworld to escape its boring existence. It can't be perfect if it's bored, I say.

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3ebd6c No.6628>>6638

File (hide): 29cdcf8d0f0a281⋯.jpeg (30.22 KB,640x470,64:47,nospoon.jpeg) (h) (u)

>Let's redefine "Real" to mean "something that never changes".


>Nothing real is being harmed or changed by the horrors and pain of this little dream.

then becomes

<Nothing that never changes is being harmed or changed by the horrors and pain of this little dream.

nothing that never changes, ever chances...


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5e0f3c No.6638

File (hide): 2e90628c065ee7d⋯.jpg (45.76 KB,427x515,427:515,1277712495598.jpg) (h) (u)

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8fec26 No.6570 [Open thread][Watch Thread][Show All Posts]

I've been living successfully (patents, wealth) and happily (family, friends) with Objectivism for a decade and am fairly well involved in Oist circles.

I've been studying the theoretical side of it and think it might be insightful for everyone involved to have a discussion.

I'm aware that Oism is generally looked down upon by the majority of professional philosophers, which I find unfortunate.

Please throw anything you wish at me and I'll try to answer to the best of my knowledge.

Let me address some common misconceptions at the outset (mostly about Rand herself, but please don't make this thread about those points):

1. Rand's primary goal in life was to bring back the benevolent society of the 19th century that she caught a glance of in her youth - via literature. To achieve this, she wanted to "describe the ideal man". She did not want to be a philosopher and would rather have not led an ideology - but did so anyway after Nathaniel Branden convinced her that it would help her cause.

2. She did not die in poverty. Her estate was above a million dollars at her passing (which Leonard Peikoff inherited).

3. She did accept social security at some point - which is consistent since "only the opposers of redistribution may morally reclaim their redistributed/stolen wealth by making use of the redistribution" (it would be a sacrifice not to get your own money back)

4. She did have a relationship outside of her marriage - with which her husband agreed. She loved her husband since he had the ideal sense of life - and Branden because he could spar with her intellectually. It later turned out Branden betrayed her and it fell apart.

5. No, Objectivism is not about "screw everyone else". To the contrary. One ought to cultivate and support one's trade partners (to which friends and family count). The ideal is voluntarily chosen 'win-win' trades amongst everyone.

6. That 'rape scene' in the Fountainhead wasn't rape. Dominique is a complex character who wishes to destroy the good because the world isn't worthy of it. She tried and failed to deny herself the good and Post too long. Click here to view the full text.

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19e9e9 No.6593>>6594

1. Objectivism is regurgitated communism for people who don't like communism.

2. You began your post addressing arguments against Objectivism without explaining what it was.

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8fec26 No.6594>>6595



I was assuming people had a relatively solid grasp on what it was they were rejecting outright



>what is Objectivism

It's a philosophy.


Existence is as it is.

Contradictions can't exist


Man is fallible, conceptual, volitional.

Taking fallibility into account, one can still be certain. Certainty simply describes the best possible state of knowledge - and one can achieve it via logical differentiation and integration.


Achieving one's own rational self-interest/happiness is one's moral purpose.

Ethics (social context):

You should view others as prospective traders.

You should be honest and supportive towards your good traders (in your own interest).


The purpose of government is the protection of individual rights and the settling of disputes.

In other words:

Government guarantees that humans may live the human life (i.e. in accordance with their nature)


Art ought to idealize reality realistically.

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fcff81 No.6595>>6596


The market is an ideal circumstance in which we are all both trader and ware. It's crystallized liberalism. It's also a lot like marxism, basing the entirety of the world upon abstracted if A then B, if B then A formulas that form a circular closed loop. The great contradiction being that this leaves us with no freedom whatsoever, as we are bound to equalizing ourselves with the conclusions of said formulas; the Rand cult was, certainly in practice, a typical one in this.

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8fec26 No.6596


>we are 'ware' on the markets

I mean, in terms of jobs (trade relationships), but it's not like we're slaves

>everything is like 'if A then B' and vice versa

Oist epistemology doesn't purely make use of deduction. Oism, like Aristotle, embraces induction. The Oist understanding of induction is this:

Whenever you get one new fact from your senses or your experience - you integrate it with the whole of your knowledge. Your brain does the rest and effectively that new fact ends up conflicting/integrating with all knowledge that doesn't line up with that particular fact.

You are basically re-evaluating how everything is all the time. There is no 'set in stone' how everything is. There is only your current integration of all the facts you ever experienced.

You are the final judge of the truth.

(We do however say that, even though this is so, facts and concepts are objective - because the material by the senses is objective and objective facts form concepts)

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51576a No.6618

File (hide): f065ac52192616b⋯.gif (375.14 KB,612x3670,306:1835,20120821(2).gif) (h) (u)

Oism is a pratt.

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f8bc5c No.3157 [Open thread][Watch Thread][Show All Posts]

Thoughts on the political philosophy of Libertarianism?

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a1dc1f No.6264

Respects natural rights and freedom, which is important for individual growth and free societies.. Can be a bit too "individualistic" though, people without healthy community/familial ties tend not to thrive.

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8a9aa0 No.6421

File (hide): b7dc29aa147960d⋯.jpeg (23.28 KB,474x316,3:2,ladda ned (1).jpeg) (h) (u)


>"As an anarcho capitalist"

Oh my God

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1bf61d No.6597

Libertarianism is my ideal system, but I've come to the conclusion that massive work is necessary to undo the dramatic changes inflicted upon society by the state before we can construct a viable alternative. Additionally, a libertarian society would not survive if it was full of the hyperindividualists that make up much of the movement at present. I think some degree of "collectivism" is necessary to maintain a functional civilization, although I could do without compulsion.

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a92953 No.6614>>6634

the big gay and jewish af

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f44488 No.6634

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e08775 No.5002 [Open thread]>>6546 [Watch Thread][Show All Posts]

Why do you dislike the enlightenment?

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5444d9 No.6545



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d2d13c No.6546>>6606

>>5002 (OP)

Full of spooks


>nobility and chivalry







also gb2 >>>/pol/

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926146 No.6602>>6606

It bred capitalism

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2af484 No.6606>>6611



02 you haven't read Marx, 46 go commit >>>/suicide/

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926146 No.6611


Marx is gay, Bakunin and Proudhon are better. How about no, and I kill you instead?

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bf2998 No.6604 [Open thread][Watch Thread][Show All Posts]

That's not driven by a personal profit motive?

Give me some examples of such philosophy.

>inb4 Ayn Rand

No that's not what I'm looking for. Neither Max Stirner.

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e8b94f No.6605>>6610

>No Stirner or Rand

Nigger what do you want then?

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bf2998 No.6610


Faggot, non-objectivist, non-altruistic self-interest. Is Epicurus close? Sextus Empircus? And I'm not your Nigger.

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e79aea No.1011 [Open thread][Last50 Posts][Watch Thread][Show All Posts]

Do we truly have free will or are we just the current manifestations of a deterministic series of events that started with the big bang?
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f6e834 No.6432

Well, you are a human born in 21st century combine that with cultural, environmental, geographical, religious, sexual, racial and many other factors beyond your control it stands to reason that whatever free will you may have it is heavily contested and compromised by the circumstances that have been forced upon you.

So even if you were able to break away from your current situation would you still be free or just the product of the times, culture and circumstances you came from?

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8d4333 No.6459

There is no such thing as free will in this reality. It is as though we live in a binary equation. 1's and zero's . We have up or down. right or left. dark to light. you can go on forever in pairs. a part and its counter part. Therefore how can one truly have free-will, if one always has to make a choice given to him based on the parameters of a dimensional hierarchy that most are unable to even comprehend; much less manipulate. It is a researched fact that the sub-conscious makes decisions before we are consciously aware of the decision. Therefore life in a sense is drawn out for us based on our inner most desires and wants. You really do get what you want, but most people have not the slightest clue as to what they really want. They are lost in a consumerist society where they lust after a item they know nothing about. Money would not exist if there was no debt and the U.S Dollar is the number one exported good in america and is responsible for the past 30 years of war because of this little known fact. To say we have free will is almost laughable. We don't know what free will would even begin to feel like. Most would reject it because most like having their hands held. Free Will died with our dreams a long time ago

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eace92 No.6582>>6589

File (hide): 8fe3eae70447704⋯.jpg (41.58 KB,454x330,227:165,16zc8p.jpg) (h) (u)

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Free means "without limitations". Free means free means free. Cannot have partial freedom, nor can you have partial determinism. One or the other, full tilt. No limitations whatsoever. As it happens, this mortal world is totally determined. We have zero freewill within this physical universe. Before the Big Bang, we had 100% Freewill Freeplay and we used it to design & determine our destinies in this physical universe. All living creatures are actually Perfect Eternal Conscious Energy.

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8daa9d No.6589>>6608


You really need to go back to reddit

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b2d9d9 No.6608

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d9cb1a No.6529 [Open thread]>>6548 [Watch Thread][Show All Posts]

Is monogamy natural?

I personally believe that the human body is programmed to be both monogamous and polygamous at the same time. The more sex you have with random women the more your body programs itself to become polygamous. And I think this might be why virgin-until-marriange couples have the lowest divorce rates.

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7b3249 No.6548>>6553 >>6557

>>6529 (OP)

No, monogamy is a man made social construct backed by loegal proceedings. Where are the marital contracts for wolves? what court upholds wolf marriage? where are the churches for wolves to marry in?

It's possible in some countries to get married to an animal, btw.

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ef353b No.6553


I didn't say marriage explicitly but something similar to it might be, and if it's man-made is it necessary bad? I mean other man-made things are laws, education, nations, not dying at age 30, etc.

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1586c7 No.6557


Technically some animals have only one partner but only because of specific environments I don't think apply to humans.

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d34f29 No.6580

Polyamory is just an excuse for women to whore around, nothing more nothing less

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d34f29 No.6603


And for good reason.

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15c15f No.6409 [Open thread]>>6586 [Watch Thread][Show All Posts]

Almost of every school of philosophy from West to East believes in some form of reincarnation. Whether or not we come back as the same person or not is semantics. This isn't even mentioning the idea that our universe is just one of many.

My question then is how does reincarnation effect the meaning of life? How can there be any meaning if we have unlimited time at bat?

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4ca573 No.6410>>6420


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76b684 No.6413>>6420

Someone explain to me the fucking point of reincarnation if I don't remember it.

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15c15f No.6420


Shit I thought I caught all my errors. Then again my post could've been done a little better.


It depends if you look at it through a religious or secular lens. In Buddhism/Hinduism you keep on dying and coming back, until you reach enlightenment and end the cycle by going to Nirvana. As for the secular view, I believe it's due to laws of thermodynamics, mainly the first and second laws.

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702f29 No.6586

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>>6409 (OP)

"How can there be any meaning if we have unlimited time at bat?"

Define: Meaning. Do you mean "purpose"?

We do have unlimited times at bat. All living creatures are the products of their perfect spiritual selves. Those selves are Perfect Eternal Conscious Energy, each perfectly equal and equally perfect to each other. They have always been alive. They were never created. They are conscious entities: Eternal thinker-feelers. What are they to do with their consciousness throughout forever & ever? They have the ability to conceive & script dreamselves and dreamlives in dreamworlds and then manifest them, materialize them, and live them out in the flesh as if this was the only conscious life they have ever known, or will know. But death returns them to their original spiritual sobriety & sanity, their never changing Homestate of Awareness. And there they rest until bored enough to create a new dream to experience.

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b81a03 No.6466 [Open thread][Watch Thread][Show All Posts]

Hello anons, fellow seeker of Life here.

It seems to me like we live in a paradoxical world, in which we have no say over the creation of our existence, no say over the determination of the biological factors which shape our minds, and no proper say over the finding of meaning and fulfilment. I've dabbled with existentialism, structuralism, spiritualism, rationalism, and many of the forms they take. I know there is much I don't understand, and much more I haven't looked at or pondered. I have come to a few conclusions about life, beauty, and truth, but I have the recurring feeling like many of those conclusions, much of the wisdom I hold is self-referential and circular. I believe that the fundamental "graph of life" is an upward oscillation of "good", and not an exponentiality though it may look like that from very close. I know that I wish to, atleast and like everyone else, "feel" free, but I also know that "feeling free" is not the same as "being free". I wish to be free and know it as best I can, not feel free and believe it to be real.

In short, I want to become what I am, and I wish for that to be divine. I know hybris is dangerous, but I also know that calling out hybris is not enough to guard you from it. I know I don't believe in determinism, but I believe that determinism is real if it is believed.

I wish, or believe to wish to satisfy my ego or "will to power", to ultimately ascend into apotheosis. Not immediately, but eventually (whenever that eventuality arises). Why do I wish to become one god, one among many? Because I believe it to be my birthright to know what "all this stuff" is about. I don't believe in the inherent cruelty of Life, because I know the opposite exists, namely the good, the true, and the beautiful.

I know I have to play the game to "win", and I have sort of a grasp on how to play it, namely "playing it true", but I don't know which game really to play, because I think most of the games one is presented with are more or less distractions, many of which, I feel like, were created by those who are playing "the real game".

Having recognized that there is "the real game", I call it Life proper, where do I find the table of players to play it with? In geopolitics? In my own personal relations? In Post too long. Click here to view the full text.

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f1e99e No.6467

I have no idea what you're saying but I'm going to hijack the thread to call out the anon on this board who told me to listen to "Great Idea of Philosophy" by Prof. Daniel N. Robinson.

I skipped to the last audio track and he's a theist. His last few sentences are moronic. What we need is a philosopher who is an atheist to record a 60 track CD for profit to counter this over hyped romantic who thinks humanity deserves pain, and who who hates skepticism.

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2acbaa No.6468>>6469

Every time I come to this board, every few weeks or so, I come expecting that there will be no new threads or posts. Despite how dead it is, that still often isn't the case. But I still hold hopes for the future.

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ec64df No.6469

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We're all gonna have to go to Reddit or Instagram soon. Wherever we go we have to outrun the boomers menace or we will lose IQ without convincing them of anything, which means Facebook and now Twitter (hello Donald) are no gos.

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be792c No.6518

Many of that which you state is paradoxical and a contradiction to other words... you can not prove true nihilism/whateverthefuckyoubelieve

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511b0f No.6584

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b22ffa No.6156 [Open thread]>>6547 >>6583 [Watch Thread][Show All Posts]

Are atheism and nihilism mutually inclusive?

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b1df00 No.6539>>6554


By Darwinian, I meant the sole purpose of life is to pass on your genes by producing offspring.

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aab72f No.6547>>6559

>>6156 (OP)

No. Read Stirner.

t. egoist anarchist

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413cde No.6554


Yes, and you need wealth and reputation to help your children pass their genes in the future by using them.

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3b86fd No.6559


>stirnerism as anything but consistent nihilism


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4ae3cb No.6583

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>>6156 (OP)

People parse the definitions.

Every thought & thing in this mortal world is relative to subjective interpretation.

I define atheism as "disbelief that a deity created & controls this mortal world and all the creatures within it". I define nihilism as "belief in conscious annihilation upon mortal death -- no more thinking or feeling or awareness ever again". So, you can be an atheist without being a nihilist. As an atheist you can believe in eternal consciousness; you can believe that all physical creatures are actually the product of their perfect spiritual selves.

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101f27 No.6394 [Open thread][Watch Thread][Show All Posts]

Like liberals Sam is for taxation on the rich, he just opposes pitically correct insanity and values telling the truth over anything else:


Posting this because morons from the left and right like to slander him without understanding him. The biggest offender is existential comics guy who does the philosophy comic, and he made about 4 comics on Sam. (Pic related.) I agree with Marxists on certain things, but the moment they lie to me they lose me, and they really love lying much more than centrist liberals like Sam Harris. I can't remember Sam Harris ever lying a out an opponent, but they always lie about him and ad-hom him too.

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684905 No.6550


>implying the workers didn't build that with their labour

Lumpenprole detected

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684905 No.6551


>He has got a degree so I am not allowed to question him though

>appeal to authority


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1b9c71 No.6560>>6569 >>6571


Evolution is a self-defeating nonsensical Jewish concept

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40b4a8 No.6569



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d8d443 No.6571

File (hide): fc39170c73a2bdd⋯.jpg (82.57 KB,657x499,657:499,2gdpzt.jpg) (h) (u)

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