Is it because democrats support immigration and seem supportive of minorities? There is a meme that "Islam will save the west" but I wonder if it is "The west will dilute Islam." I am not Muslim. This post is not meant to be antagonistic. I'm here to learn.
I think it's likely that Islam will become the dominant religion in the west. I'm not fighting against it. The west is the most descendant culture that's ever existed in the history of the world, and I'm glad to see that go.
My only concern is that I want the beautiful, great art of the Renaissance to be respected and preserved on its artistic merits. I don't care if a modern, low-quality church is turned into a mosque. It might be an improvement if the renovation is done well. I would want the same for the best examples of Muslim art if Christian cultures were overtaking Islamic countries.
It seems strange to me that Muslims support the pro-feminist, pro-transgender, pro-abortion, pro-hedonism of the democrats. In Minnesota, a Muslim woman was elected. Why would a Muslim *woman* run for office? This suggests Islam will be poisoned by the west. I've read about American men who travel abroad to find women who are more feminine than American ones, and that it is becoming more difficult as the world becomes more westernized. I've also read that if you plan to bring one of these women to America, she will likely become poisoned by the American culture by her new American friends, social media, entertainment, etc.
Can Islam defeat the decadence of the west, or will the decadence transform Islam into a new left-wing religion?