I hardly pray 5X a day and its really starting to weigh on me. I've read many islamqa posts and some videos on how this is the equivalent of disbelief.
But I live in the west - and with the types of hours I work and school - it makes it very difficult to get 5. I can hit 3 or 4 , but my body becomes incapable of getting up for fajr because it's just that exhausted. Or equivalent for Isha or one of the others just due to work or something.
It's very disheartening and honestly its hard going to bed knowing that you are going to miss one the following day no matter what (wether its fajr or isha) and makes me want to exit the faith altogether.
If I'm going to asked on the day of judgement and my missed prayers are already in such a negative state - it becomes a why bother mindset very quickly.
I can't rationalize - "god will forgive me" when he made his commandments clear.
Trying again cause not sure it went through the first time