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4e54b4 No.25763 [Open thread]

I am a Christian, but I've been considering a conversation to Islam. My own faith has become boring and unfulfilling, and it doesn't give me a sense of hope like it used to.

I'm still hesitant to become a Muslim of the possible reaction of my family and friends. Any words of encouragement or further reasons to become Muslim would be appreciated. Thanks in advance.

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30576d No.35407

In the name of Allah

Indeed, the religion in the sight of Allah is Islam. And those who were given the Scripture did not differ except after knowledge had come to them - out of jealous animosity between themselves. And whoever ignores the verses of Allah, then indeed, Allah is swift in [taking] account.

i always understood this verse to mean, everybody is considered a muslim already. some are just a bit more lost then others. christianity is not separate from islam. you r not out of islam you dont need to join. just be true to god. hope he guides you and helps you on the way

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30576d No.35408


i forgot to write the verses number sorry. its Surah Al-imran verse 19.

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30576d No.35410


sorry for my bad english i guess but i re read my post and i have to correct. by you dont need to join i didnt mean quran considers christianity to be an accepted religion. what i meant was islam is not a group of people. nothing is required to join in. islam is just being honest to god.

also by

>everybody is considered a muslim already

i didnt mean everybody is going to be accepted to heaven. i tried to say no one is actually totally outside islam.

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30576d No.35411


and by

> christianity is not an accepted religion.

i mean not accepted to heaven. at least not under the name of christianity.

as said in verse

> those who were given the scripture did not differ except after knowledge had come to them - out of jealous animosity between themselves

so nobody differed from gods word. they just fought over dominance over oneanother. and that caused them to deviate from gods path.

im sorry for too much pasta. should double double check before i post.

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aade6e No.44587


The Islamist Taliban literally put an end to that practice.

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644698 No.42082 [Open thread]

If any group implements Shariah, then I would be very afraid to criticize or hamper them in any way, because then I would be attacking a group which implements Shariah, which would mean attacking Shariah itself, and making an effort to remove or weaken Allah's laws is kufr.

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a2a17b No.42179


wow he went full ikhwani kufr

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ad3636 No.43064



Do not trust the yaqeenites they seem to be munafiqeens. They want to 'reform' islam because it doesnt fit with their liberal worldview. One of the founder even participated in an pagan ritual…

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300e6e No.44489



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717634 No.44534




What either of you is saying is true but there are better ways to say it.

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ef2368 No.44535


No, there is no better way to say it. If you validate behavior, it will continue. There really is no more polite way of saying it than, "You're doing it wrong. Stop it."

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3100b7 No.21671 [Open thread][Last50 Posts]

I know we have a lot of baby /islam/ics. MashaAllah. Got an 8 month old here.

Tips, tricks, resources, sharing struggles/triumphs, questions…

School: public or Islamic?

post'em here.

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7e4f96 No.26290


We don't do the "go back to X" meme. Everyone is welcome here provided they follow the rules.

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5d05fa No.26309

Throw out the electric kuffar

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c3cf85 No.26336

Awsome islamic Children illustrated books collection


Children English Islamic books collection


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031cde No.34318


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b44dd3 No.44528

First time father here. Blessed with a baby girl Alhamdulilah.

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4184c1 No.44492 [Open thread]

Used google to translate. Faithful believers in the world! We have witnessed that the words of the Prophet Muhammad (may peace be upon him!) are achievable. 'I must make them misunderstood' make them misunderstand… Let them indulge in fantasy, delay and neglect indefinitely, and be deceived by their own actions. 'Quran Notes' Tafsir ibn Kathir Sinners have gone beyond the permissible range all over the world. They change their bodies under the instigation of the devil, just like snakes change their skin. Those who are supposed to heal the body, but they have defiled Allah's creation with their skills have a double sin. The conspiracy of the devil does say this: 'They must be commanded to cut the ears of livestock, and they must be commanded to change what Allah has created.' 'Quran' Chapter 4 'Women' Sections 1 and 19 Those who walked on the same earth with the creation of Allah who was defiled by the devil, no one can think of themselves as Muslims. Kill everyone who used his healing skills to commit crimes against Allah. Kill their accomplices. Then you will be cleared of the last day, and the balance of good deeds will exceed your sins.

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fecd69 No.44494


ISIS needs to be eradicated.

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5021b0 No.44471 [Open thread]

I'm considering becoming fascinating with Islam.

I suffer primarily from anxiety and panic attacks, and substance abuse.

My mind doesn't have the capacity to process theology, my only fascination with religions is with Islam and Orthodox Christianity.

I also want a religion with a big sense of a welcoming community, I can't do this alone, I've heard people from Islamic communities are quite insular. I need to connect to others and have a community.

Perhaps this post doesn't mak sense.

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14dd29 No.44473


Everyone is welcome in Islam. Everyone.

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5ed324 No.44475


I will welcome you and sympathize with your struggles.

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0b33fc No.44487


I understand my friend, before I found this beautiful I had my own mental health problems specifically depression and hatred towards others. But I must say this has to be your decision alone to embrace Islam no one can force you(Quran 2:256) so please read the Quran and may Allah(swt) guide you Inshallah.

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495794 No.44483 [Open thread]

It can be by zoom, so location doesn't matter. I would like someone to speak on the benefits of modesty for women within a Muslim context.

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17727d No.44484

I volunteer.

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8c3628 No.42551 [Open thread]

I'm not a muslim,but I am a fan of combat sports and I was wondering,is MMA or boxing considered haram? I mean I wouldn't think it is,but they do spar with each other and fight for money. If I read correctly online that's a sin.

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7ec0c0 No.43195


this would only apply to fights with Muslim brothers, in cases like Khabib they fight kafir, especially those that insult Islam (mcgregor), so wouldn't it be counted as Jihad? The word of Islam is being spread by sport

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5e2b33 No.43198

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5e2b33 No.43199


May be acceptable in cases where one could be killed*

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42ad5b No.43350

no thats not as long as you dont harrm anybody

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ebe225 No.44474



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989ea1 No.44163 [Open thread]

what do you think of Oneirology / calling a person who reads the dreams .. (Tafsir Al Ahlam)

>my aunt had a horibble dream the other day and from that day she kept calling me asking me to find someone who can read her dream like she needs an explaination or something (the dream was related to سحر / sorcery، personally idk if it's even possible) , allah knows better .. wut do ?

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965e96 No.44249


idk i mean i came here seekin knowledge. should i find someone to explain these things, cuz its relevant to her family, they used to be a wholesome family, now they barely leave thier home and they believe that there's some sort of sehir projected into them. i dunno wut do.

beside they don't believe in phsychology all they ask about is roqya. And i really wanna help.

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202a07 No.44258


There are three types of deams, according to hadith:

1. Good dreams from Allah

2. Bad dreams from shaitan

3. Dreams from your desires

It seems like your aunt had a dream from shaitan, but I couldn't say without knowing more about it.

I also cant say anything about your family's situation without knowing more but subhanAllah Allah grant you tawfeek.

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dffa2d No.44288


All things are from Allah, good and bad. Satan cannot create, only destroy.

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ed066e No.44294


Oh wow so prolific and apt, you must be a genius scholar.

Your perception is wrong and if built upon will lead to your ruin.

Further, I directly quoted hadith. https://sunnah.com/bukhari:6984

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1bde75 No.44467

Not related but my mom saw my literature teacher in her dream like 2-3 weeks before my teacher dies. It also happened when my dad's grandmother died.

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9b464a No.40425 [Open thread][Last50 Posts]

Why be either Sunni or Shia? Which form of Islam is closer to the truth, if any? Can the two groups both be right in some ways? Can these two sects ever see eye-to-eye, and how can I start to learn about both in an objective way?

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3cddec No.44341

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bcbd8a No.44342



Yeah, we get ocassional pretenders here who copy/paste from other places. They're easy to spot and ignore.

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bcbd8a No.44356


>Ibadis came from the khawarij

And Shi'a came from Sunni. So, by your logic, if Ibadi are Khawarij, then Shi'a are Sunni.

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41ac65 No.44409


Love the Ahlul Bayt as much as the Shi'a claim to do, and follow the Salaf as much as the Sunnis do

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fbb6bb No.44462

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828591 No.44410 [Open thread]


What does islam think of tattoos?

Please provide quotations and not personal opinion.

Thank you.

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f8bdb4 No.44413


Intentional infliction of pain upon the body is forbidden.

"It was narrated that Abu Juhayfah (may Allah be pleased with him) said: 'The Prophet (peace and blessings of Allah be upon him) cursed the one who does tattoos and the one who has a tattoo done.' " Sahih Bukhari

If you have ink prior to becoming Muslim, there is no requirement to remove it, but you will have to cover it in the mosque. Any new permanent tattoos will nullify your wudu and, thus, making it impossible for you to pray.

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4c5f1e No.44435


>Any new permanent tattoos will nullify your wudu


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645726 No.44461


Tattoos don't cover the skin like paint, nail polish, etc. Tattoos may be haram (they are forbidden in my home), and they are certainly unsightly, but they don't "nullify wudu".

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aa3a14 No.44450 [Open thread]

Bismillah, first Afghanistan, next Israel.

By Allah, remove these non-believers from our board.

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aa3a14 No.44452


kaffir moment

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aa3a14 No.44456


Ask Allah for forgiveness right now

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758ee2 No.44065 [Open thread]

I'm conflicted about scholarly opinion about hiding sins. Like especially when it comes to marriage. I've seen scholars say you shouldn't disclose the sins, but we know that this is something that if it comes up later during the marriage it could destroy a marriage. Ok.

Then scholars when it comes to the issue of adultery, if a spouse commits adultery, and then repents, its something they should hide from their spouse and not reveal. Ok.

But then, what if the wife commits adultery, repents, but then becomes pregnant from the man thats not the husband. Scholars are saying she should not reveal her sin, and the child becomes attributed to her husband. https://islamqa.info/en/answers/94820/she-committed-zina-and-got-pregnant-from-a-stranger-what-should-she-do

This is where I draw the line, and I can't reconcile their opinion with reality. Because in this last scenario, its a great injustice done upon the husband, not only that but you are disrupting the lineage, and attributing someone to other than their father.

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caf0bc No.44085

Would you marry a woman who already had children (sunnah) and would you treat the children any differently because they weren't yours?

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8d589f No.44091

Brother, what are you talking about. Your personal is between you and God. In this case, Tawba should be done. Be honest and you will be honest

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0a9089 No.44382


The hadd for adultery is death by stoning anyway. She can repent but she's getting the hadd.

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2c1350 No.44383



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43441b No.44405



>The hadd for adultery is death by stoning anyway. She can repent but she's getting the hadd.

Only if its proven by her confession, or by 4 witnesses who saw the act.

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d7a152 No.44311 [Open thread]

Texan here. I always wear the kufi in public, for important personal reasons that are too long to discuss here, so don't tell me "just don't wear the kufi". I'm a convert, but people think I was born and raised Muslim because I'm half Persian so i "look muslim".

When some rude elderly white Christian stares at me in public with contempt, do I have to completely control my anger and walk away, or can I calmly approach them and explain to them my life story and why I think reality makes no sense without Islam? I want them to see me as an individual who used to be extremely troubled with severe issues and then got guided to Islam, not "one of those brown foreigner immigrants"

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a25e89 No.44326


Why don'y you try approaching them? Give them salam, and talk to them. Be a good example for the ummah. Distancing yourself will only created an even bigger confusion within your local community. But if talking to them is too much of a burden to you, if you're anti-social, saying hello/salam with a smile is enough.

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cf6da1 No.44336


If Muslims in America stopped and talked to everyone who looked at us sideways, it would be a never ending cycle. It's best to just ignore it unless confronted directly. We shouldn't care if people give us funny looks. Shouldn't be so sensitive.

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c76856 No.44391

Keep dressing as a muslim, don't be shy brother, be gentle with them, try to talk to them. If they are racists then move on.

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f6a1c9 No.44402


So only clothes of the Arabs are permissible?

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17edd6 No.44403


No, but dressing like the Prophet(pbuh) would have is permissible. You can dress how you choose to dress, though, so long as it is modest.

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639a55 No.44386 [Open thread]

First of all, I life in almost entirely Christian country. I'm one of 7 thousands of Muslims living here and there are tens of millions of Christians.

I have (or had) a girlfriend, she's not Muslim. She cheated on me. Now she has apologized me constantly for 4 days begging me to forgive her but I still feel disgusted by her. She's an alcoholic, she wasn't drinking for quite a long time but she started again right before she cheated on me. Now she promises that she will go to some half year rehab if I forgive her.

What is the most Muslim thing to do here?

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eb89b1 No.44387



>not wife

You need to repent.

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3cc5db No.44401

Break up with her

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e8088d No.43573 [Open thread]

White man here. If I convert, am I allowed to date qt Arab and East Asian women, or is there still a weird racial hang-up that will cause me problems?

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1bee0d No.44393


White convert here. Theoretically it shouldn't be a problem, but there is a lot of racism in the Islamic community. Most fathers I know have problems with their daughters marrying converts and want their daughters to marry inside their own culture. This is especially the case for Turkish people, Levantine people (Syrians, Lebanese and Palestinians). Maghrebis are a bit more tolerant but still very closed. Black Muslims are unironically chill and dont mind their daughters marrying converts.

If you really want to date, and not marry, an Arab qt I'd advise you to date/marry an Arab christian girl. Since youre not Muslim and Arab christians are a lot chiller in this interracial regard than Arab Muslims. You'll also have alot less of cultural conflict.

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2d01f1 No.44394


>encourage a kafir as a wife

>encourage dating

you're a kafir pretending to be a muslim, right?

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2d01f1 No.44395


thinking that there are more than one God is not kufr is that what you're saying?

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910a71 No.44398


Wondering about it - ie. thinking about it - is not a sin. We do not have thought crimes in Islam. Everybody doubts. Everybody questions.

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045887 No.44399


Takfir is against board rules, anon…

Like, check yourself. You can use constructive criticism and tell a brother that he should make more of an effort to live islamically, you can do that without dropping the K-bomb which is basically just fighting words.

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